Wild look, ridiculous manners: Russians abroad. Our men are the best in the world! Guys! The main idea is like this

I wrote Muzhiki in the light of high meaning. Not just men, but MEN! From the word courageous, they are persistent, bold and confident, rude and gentle, chopping the truth in the eyes, but also sympathetic, able to love and knowing what friendship means!

Don't believe me? Here is the opinion of a woman, albeit a journalist from another country. A country where all men serve in the military. She knows what the army is, because everyone serves there, including women.

Israeli journalist Marco: "Russians are an extended version of Chuck Norris" Israeli journalist Nava Marko is convinced that Russian men are real alpha males. After a trip to Russia, the woman spoke about several things that Israelis should learn from the Russians.

According to the journalist, Russians are real patriots of their country.

“There is something sexy in a man who tries for society and the country in which he lives and protects her good name. I personally can't stand people who devote 100% of their time to anti-Israeli propaganda instead of spending that time correcting the situation. This is not the case in Russia."

Marco told how she was impressed by the ability of Russians to drink. She has no idea in her homeland what and how to drink. In Russia, the culture of drinking alcohol is sacred.

“The drinking culture there is as sacred as a cow to Indians, chicken nuggets to Americans, and parks to Tel Avivians. They understand it better than anyone, and have the appropriate respect for it.

According to the Israeli woman, she was pleasantly surprised by the politeness and courtesy of Russian men. She said that all the men she met constantly said “thank you”, “ good morning" and please".

“Every time I needed help, they made every effort to give it to me,” the journalist wrote.

Then Nava told her readers about the brutality and masculinity of Russian men. According to her, she has never met such self-confident men anywhere in the world. They say that in Russia every second man is an athlete, and any kind of sport is welcome there, whether it is “ ballroom dancing, ballet or even ice skating." She also added that Russian men take care of themselves and their health, and there are no vegetarians among them.

In conclusion, the journalist wrote: “Russians are an extended version of Chuck Norris. They ski in shorts, walk barefoot in the snow and don't believe there is the best medicine than vodka.

The material was prepared by Oksana Volgina

At the same time, information flashes that it was our men who got into the top 3 as the most ugly. Do you know why?

Russian men, along with the Poles and the British, are among the three ugliest men in the world. This conclusion was reached after studying the statistics of the dating site BeautifulPeople.com, better known as the "Beautiful People Club".

To become a member of a dating site, you need the approval of the girls who make a verdict by looking at the picture and a short description. Residents of Russia, Poland and the UK were in the minority, of which only nine percent were admitted to BeautifulPeople.com.

By the very handsome men were residents of Sweden, Brazil and Denmark.

Yes, all because our men are not daffodils. They do not run around the sites and do not expose their photos, admiring themselves. They are doing business! BUSINESS! It is in Europe that they drool over themselves, but they cannot stand up for a woman, even when she is being raped before his eyes! So let them admire their daffodils. And do not evaluate our men, we ourselves APPRECIATE them!!! We will scold with the last words, but also love!

Here's another opinion.

And here's another opinion.

“Marrying a foreigner” is an old story. The dream of Soviet young ladies. It is difficult to reproach women for wanting to break out of the USSR. But now the XXI century, and the scheme is still the same. Though, probably, with other preconditions. Girls are no longer so naive as to trade a career, an apartment and personal freedom in Russia for the uncertainty of a married life in another country. But something does not suit them in Russian men.

Russian man - what is he?

If, for example, we recall literary images, then the picture comes out boring. Prince Myshkin, Rodion Raskolnikov - who would want to have an affair with them? Pierre Bezukhov is also not a particularly sexy character. Andrei Bolkonsky, of course, is better, but there is still nothing but sheer mental anguish and fatal delusions. It seems to be quite attractive and secular hero - Eugene Onegin. But he is also a whiner and a sufferer. The same applies to Pechorin. For some reason, the fashionable Russian literary type is a person with pronounced anhedonism. It concerns everyone. The only pleasant hero is Vronsky, and even then he was very unlucky.

It turns out that the Russian hero, the Russian man as an image is completely unattractive.

And the heroines of our authors are all nasty. Or stupid, or predatory, or arrogant. Darlings and Jumpers. Apotheosis - crazy Nastasya Fillipovna. Russian men, by the way, in general should be afraid of women and completely go into homosexuality, because the best that Russian literature promises them is death.

Everything is already clear about the relations of the sexes in our gloomy northern country. Since childhood, we read all this - and feel our doom. And then we open Oscar Wilde - and we meet his witty, light, romantic heroes. Not to mention love classics like Bronte or Austin - that Mr. Rochester, that Mr. Darcy still excite women.

Another snag is that we have not studied the work of Russian women writers. It's not like they didn't exist before. But from the school curriculum, besides the poetesses of the Silver Age, who remembers the women authors? And the most interesting male images were invented by women: back in the 19th century, writers made up men for themselves (and for all of us). Even Hatcliff from Wuthering Heights, with his brutality, is even more pleasant than the bore Pechorin.

And girls from childhood get used to the fact that a Russian man is a dull character, disappointed in women. An excellent message for the future cloudless happiness.

Soviet literature and Soviet cinema also did not come up with a single worthy dream male image. I don’t even want to talk about Lukashin from The Irony of Fate - the first thing he was torn apart by women of the new generation. No one wants more than the Lukashins, who live with their mother. The poor fellow from the "Autumn Marathon" is also not an object of desire. More or less pleasant is Gosha from Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears, but, to be honest, he is also not at all sexy. A Soviet man through the eyes of an artist is a poor fellow (if you do not take into account the positive images of the heroes of socialist labor).

Why are they so? Directors and screenwriters, after all, for the most part, were men themselves. Apparently, they wanted to talk about some of their problems - and thanks to this they made up losers and martyrs.

Against this background, it is not surprising that the simple movie "Midshipmen, forward!" (based on a novel by a woman, Nina Sorotokina, and directed by a woman, Svetlana Druzhinina) was so popular. Especially for girls. At least there are heroes - funny and desperate guys who fall in love with someone all the time.

Therefore, probably, the Russian girl has the idea that the nearest worthy men are in Britain or America. Such men with whom it will be fun and who are not afraid of women.

Of course, this is an illusion.

I have acquaintances who seem to be reasonable women who want to "marry a Jew." Because there is a myth that the Jews - wonderful husbands. (Here the whole community laughs loudly.) Such female legends are a search for the promised land, where there are no scandals, humiliation or poverty.

I'm not saying that everyone should immediately breed leavened patriotism and meet only with citizens of the Russian Federation in the fifth generation. But the images of sufferers, klutzes or tyrants should still be a thing of the past, because in reality Russian men are different. They, too, have changed over the new history, they are well-groomed and less tense, although anxiety, of course, is still a characteristic national quality. It's just that no one has yet written a decent book about them, where they would be shown not as murderous philosophers who are interested in women only if they have an ax in their head, but as people with whom we would like to be in the same bed.

And she's right. The rights are that it’s enough to procrastinate the image of the oppressed, rushing about and offended mumbling! Only a woman can make a man mumble. A man can only be brought up by a man. Therefore, do not growl at me to single mothers. You will bring up, of course, but this is one-sidedness, but the development of a versatile child is necessary. Something took me to the wrong place. But this is a digression.

Here is better read what foreigners say about us.

"What are they, Russians?"

All Russia in questions and answers foreign Internet users

- What are they, Russians? If in general?

I am originally from England, but spent some time in Russia. Since I came from a country where everyone is polite, Russians at first seemed rude to me - they did not stand in line, did not say thank you and please, did not give me change in my hands (but instead put it on a small saucer), did not answer the question "what time is it now?" But really it's just cultural differences, and when you get to know Russians better, you realize that they are the warmest and friendliest people on earth.

It seems to me that basically they are not materialistic and very simple. They like to communicate: in England people go to a pub to get drunk, and in Russia to chat with friends, knock over a couple of glasses and eat a little (food, by the way, helps to absorb alcohol, so, unlike the British, Russians do not turn into disgusting miserable drunkards).

Russians can be very stubborn (don't get into an argument with a Russian!). When I studied there, I often met Russians who always wanted to teach an Englishman how to drink vodka properly (you need to drink a little, then eat dried meat, pickled cucumber or silotka).

Russians are very educated, they know a lot about science and culture, and they are also patriots and proud of their country.

It is generally accepted that Russian women are the most beautiful in the world. It's not like that: Russian women seem like that because they put in a lot of effort to look like that. It seems that in Russia a woman will not leave the house until she is convinced that she looks stunning. And since in Russia people walk a lot (people have fewer cars than in the West; and even if there is a car, the parking lot is 30 minutes from right place), Russians are thinner. (byfilski666)

Russian men are gentlemen. They ALWAYS pay at the restaurant, open and hold the door, give flowers, escort home

- What things should not be done in Russia?

Never tell a Russian that America won World War II. Russians, despite the fact that they are not very happy with their country, become very patriotic if there is a foreigner nearby. Therefore, remember: Russia is the best in everything (or at least not worse). (byNoName)

Don't shout "Slavaameriku" in the club. And don't slow down at the subway doors. (by Squeaky P)

- What can be said about Russian men?

Most of them are more educated than Americans, Canadians and Europeans. They know a lot of things and therefore prefer to meet with smart girls. Russian men are gentlemen. They ALWAYS pay at the restaurant, open and hold the door, carry bags, give you a hand when you go down the stairs or get out of the car, give you flowers and cute birthday presents, walk you home. In my opinion, to summarize, Russian men are some of the best in the world. They are attached to their mothers (I think this is even a good thing, because it is different from the "mommy syndrome" of Italian guys).

Now a little about the shortcomings. About 80 percent of Russian men have lovers on the side, and this is not a myth. V this case their advantage is that, unlike many other men who hide it, Russians honestly admit it. Still often Russian guys, especially from poor families, can hit their girlfriend. But about cases domestic violence don't even report it to the police. (by Katie)

To summarize, all Russian men I know are very well educated, have a good sense of humor. And they are all a bit macho. By the way, speaking of machos, I heard that Russian men are sexist and treat women badly, and Russian culture is very patriarchal. But I didn't face it.

As for the minuses of Russian men ... It seems to me that at the first meeting they seem a little intimidating. But perhaps it seems to me as an American - I'm used to friendly and smiling faces. (by Rozmin)

Russians even abroad like to hang out with other Russians. They are not easy to approach, but after a while this armor can be cracked.

Why are Russians so rude?

In Russian culture, friendship and openness to strangers (even Russians) is something difficult to accomplish. V English language we have the word friend, which means that we know someone very well, and the word acquaintance, if we know a person superficially. There are many such words in Russian - dryug, znakomi, neznakomi and so on. This I mean that in the West we can easily call someone a "friend" (friend), although in fact we do not consider a person really a Friend. In Russia, people are more distant from a person until they really know him well.

For example, when I was in Russia, it was difficult for me to become friends with other men, because in their understanding, male friends are those with whom they went to school or served in the army, or work colleagues. If you are not one of them, it will not be easy for you to become a friend of a Russian.

Russian culture, as well as Russian society, has been separated from other cultures for a long time. During Soviet times, communicating with a foreigner could lead to surveillance by the KGB. And only in last years the attitude towards foreigners in Russia has changed, but a certain distance still sits in people's heads.

Russians even abroad like to hang out with other Russians. They are not easy to approach, but after a while this armor can be cracked. You just need to understand that our cultures are different and try to understand each other. (by Alejandro J)

- How would you describe Russia in one word?

Dangerous (by NONAME)

Huge (Aidazzle)

Putin (Curious George)

Mysterious (Misanthropist)

Mafia (JorgeS)

Threatening (CC)

Arrogant (Allura1114)

Wide (Michael)

Comrade (Cruz)

Cold (Jan Luv)

In Russia, you will have to face some communication problems, as Russians like to pretend that they do not understand English

- Is it dangerous to be a tourist in Russia?

It pisses me off so much when the North American authorities print all sorts of safety booklets. It is much safer to come to Russia than to most American cities. Yes, in Russia you will have to deal with intrusive taxi drivers and some communication problems (as Russians like to pretend they don't understand English), but otherwise everything will be fine. Mexico, for example, is much more dangerous. (byBojanJankovic)

Russia is not a third world country. Of course, it's not dangerous there. (by Emily)

I lived in Russia for 6.5 years because my parents were missionaries. And nothing has ever happened to me. The worst thing that can happen is that someone can steal something from you. (bydbnow88)

- What do Russians look like?

Google "Russian soldiers" and you will see what typical Russian men look like now. Russians are slightly different from North Americans: they have a different forehead shape - they have more pronounced brow ridges (like primitive people). All Russian men have big hands, wide rib cage and big belly. (byMADMADMAN)

I would say that white Russian people look exactly like white Americans. (byPaul)

- What do you know about Russia?

Vodka, babushkas, pies. Fur hats and hot girls. Cold and bombs. And spies. Mafia. Crazy dictators. Putin and his tiger. And all my Russian friends are very fond of parties. (byjen415)

So even over the hill they begin to understand that we have a harsh country. This means that men should not be soft-bodied. And now I will tell my opinion, even if it is not welcomed by everyone!

Our men are really the coolest! I say this not on emotions and not for the sake of a red word. Don't believe? See:

1. They will never exchange us (Russian women) for anyone. Ours went to the west best men and our worst women. Those men today earn a lot there, BUT! Almost 90% of them live with Russian women. Which they either brought with them, or chose from those grains that are there. I don't get it sometimes! They can afford any American model appearance but choose us.

2. The myth about the angelic beauty of a Russian woman was created by a Russian man at the moment when “we” trampled them into the mud, they praised us. And it really is a myth! Yes, because of the genetic material, “horror stories” are born much less often in our country, but the most beautiful ones are 100% a myth. And which they still support.

3. No man in the world will take care of you like this in candy-bouquet period and for a long time after, like a Russian man. "Romantic" Italians can nervously smoke on the sidelines ... Plus, our men very often have good feeling humor. And this is sometimes such a valuable quality.

4. They are inclined to exploits for us. Especially those who are inspired by a woman for it (but alas, there are those who use it). You probably all know that our men are generous with gifts and desires, even to the detriment of themselves. This is a very rare occurrence. In the West, everyone pays for their Wishlist on their own. Especially on initial stage acquaintance.

5. Our men don't look at us as second class people. Against! They really consider us full-fledged people, capable of making some decisions and almost always listen, consult on some important issues. family matters. At the same time - they appreciate us as women! An amazing alloy, inaccessible to any other nation. We do not obey our husbands, as they do muslim wives. But at the same time they value us as the weaker sex.

Our women are perfect! On the one hand, men try to appear good in our eyes, and on the other hand, they know how to negotiate with us. But the funny thing is that most of us do not understand this. Because we can't compare. And when we can, then it's already too late.

But that's not all! I want to ask you. Those who have something to argue (I think there are). If you are not satisfied with our men, why this is how you raise them? THIS IS A PARADOX! Women essentially blame themselves for not being able to raise their sons the way they would like to see their man. After all, most children are raised by women. Aren't you ashamed women?

I'm not talking specifically to someone addressing here, but thinking out loud! Tell me, ladies: aren't you already sick of yourself and your jumps? Well, how much can you? We really need to change before it's too late. Because it's overkill. It's time to stop, look around, think. Well, look at all this from the side. Appreciate what is happening - it's a terrible situation! Now we have a chance to do something, as the younger generation has grown up, who are now 30+ years old. These are the baby boomers of the 80s. They are the last wave that can really change the country. If not, then there is only darkness.

Finally, we must help each other. After all, we all really want this. Start changing together. Then the men will meet halfway, and we ourselves will become even better in their eyes.

For men, I only have 2 complaints:

1. Finish already with drinking, partying. It's time to get well.
2. Be a little more responsible and you won't get a price.

I didn't write out of malice. Not because I want to throw mud at someone, but because the time has come to take stock, draw conclusions and change. To us all. And love our men! Love to you and happiness. Everyone!

Tomorrow will be a holiday. And I am glad that it is dedicated to ALL men. The holiday should be not only for women. Our men should also have a holiday. I said a lot and chaotically, but I think that everything is clear.

Russian tourists are welcome in many countries, but there are places where Russians are especially loved. From Serbia, where Russians are called brothers, to India, where thousands of Russians leave every year.


Relations between Russia and Serbia have a long history, during which they have been repeatedly tested for strength. Although sometimes it was not so smooth. However, during periods of major upheaval - the expansion of the Ottoman Empire, the First and Second World Wars, the Yugoslav crisis of the 1990s - Russia has always come to the aid of a small Balkan country, or at least expressed its full support.

Public opinion polls conducted in Serbia in 2010 showed that Serbs have a much better attitude towards Russians than towards their European neighbors, despite the fact that there is also a certain negativity among the Serbian elite, associated mostly with inflated expectations of support from side of Russia.

Now about 2.5 thousand Russians live in Serbia, some Serbian universities have a department of the Russian language.

Since 2009, a visa-free regime has been in effect between Russia and Serbia, and several tens of thousands of Russians come to the Balkan country every year. However, the attitude of Serbs towards Russians is best described by a poster in the center of Novi Sad, on which it is written in Russian: “Thank you, Russia!”.


The connection between Greece and Russia has always been close, as it was based on similar spiritual and cultural values. The desire to preserve traditions is evidenced by the numerous visits of Russian leaders to Greece.

In particular, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov took part in the events dedicated to the 185th anniversary of the independence of Greece after its liberation from the Ottoman yoke. This is a memorable event in which Russia also played a role.

Russians in Greece are loved and always welcome. Greece in Lately is one of the priority holiday destinations for Russian tourists, which was largely facilitated by the simplification of the visa regime between the two countries.

Statistics show that over the past three years the flow of Russian tourists to Hellas has more than tripled.

In 2013, the number of tourists from Russia amounted to 1 million 352 thousand people. A Russian tourist spends on average about 1,000 euros in Greece, while tourists from other countries usually leave no more than 700 euros here.

The Greek Ambassador to the Russian Federation Danai-Magdalini Kumanaku, when asked about stereotypes regarding Russians, answered that "in Greece there is a positive attitude towards Russia." Repatriates from the USSR, who are well integrated into Greek society, act as a kind of bridge in the relationship between Greeks and Russians.


After the collapse of the USSR, Russia inherited close friendly and partnership relations with India. Many Russians willingly move to this Asian country, where they live very comfortably.

The warm attitude of the Indians to the Russians is largely due to the all-round assistance that the Soviet Union provided to India. Russian entrepreneur Anna Tikhaya-Tishchenko notes that “it is surprisingly pleasant to be Russians in India”, also due to the similarity of the mentality of the two peoples.


Cuba has not yet forgotten the enormous financial, economic, military and political support provided by the Soviet Union. Even when Russia ceased to provide assistance to the island of Liberty in the early 1990s and embarked on the path of normalizing relations with the United States, the Cubans essentially did not change their attitude towards the Russians.

It should be noted that quite recently, despite the difficult economic situation in the country, the Cuban authorities decided to allocate money for the construction of an Orthodox church in Havana. Cubans still carefully look after the Memorial dedicated to Soviet soldiers-internationalists.

Russian tourists are always welcome guests at Cuban resorts.

It cannot be said that they are loved there more than others, but they are always welcome. Particularly warm relations, according to vacationers from Russia, are in the Cuban province, which is not so spoiled by money.


In Soviet times, Nicaragua was the second most important strategic partner of our state after Cuba among the countries of Latin America. Large financial injections into the economy of Nicaragua provided significant support to the developing state. Russia also forgave almost all the debt to the Latin American country - the total amount of amnestied funds amounted to almost $6 billion.

Nicaraguans never forget the gratuitous assistance that our country has provided and continues to provide.

To this, the leadership of the country, represented by President Daniel Ortega, responds to Russia with unconditional support in the international political arena. Thus, Nicaragua became the first country after Russia to recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Confirmation of the strong traditions of friendship between the two countries can be seen on the streets of Managua. "Russia - Nicaragua" - such an inscription adorns buses plying around the capital.


Russian-Venezuelan relations received a good impetus for their development as early as 1857, when Russian empire recognized the independence of the Republic of Venezuela. In 2008, after a visit to Venezuela by President Dmitry Medvedev, there was a new leap in relations between the two countries, followed by an Agreement on the waiver of visa formalities between Moscow and Caracas.

There are few Russians in Venezuela. Mostly they are tourists. Often, as the Russian guests note, if the interlocutor likes a Venezuelan, he will show the way, give the necessary information, and possibly feed him.

The best gratitude for the hospitable host will be a small souvenir in the form of a T-shirt or cap with the inscription "Russia".

The President of the Caribbean Dream Group, Mikhail Kranchev, who lives on Margarita Island, confirms good attitude Venezuelans to Russians. Kranchev notes that even during the presidency of Hugo Chavez, Venezuelans liked to repeat that "our presidents are friends."


Russia has long-standing and strong relationship with Syria. Almost from the moment the Syrian Arab Republic was founded, the Soviet Union provided it with diplomatic and military support in the confrontation with Israel.

In 1971, the logistics unit of the USSR Navy was founded in the Mediterranean port of Tartus. Soviet firearms, cars, tanks, planes, missiles were supplied to Syria.

Thus, Syria became the most loyal state to the Soviet Union in the Middle East.

Syria was unable to pay off Soviet Union for the supplied weapons, so by 1992 its debt to Russia exceeded $13.4 billion.

Part of the Syrian debt, $9.8 billion out of $13.4 billion, was written off in 2005. To pay off the remaining amount, a number of agreements were signed between Moscow and Damascus in the field of construction, oil and gas. Syria also pledged to purchase Russian weapons and modernize armored vehicles supplied in Soviet times.


Turkey loves Russian tourists. Perhaps this is historical memory. Despite the fact that Russia often fought with the Ottoman Empire, after the revolution, relations between Soviet Russia and the Turkish Republic changed. The USSR greatly helped Turkey in its formation. He supplied food and weapons.

The Soviet government helped Ankara in the construction of two gunpowder factories, supplying them with equipment and raw materials.

Frunze allocated 100,000 rubles to the authorities of Trabzon to organize orphanage, and Aralov transferred 20 thousand lira to the Turkish army for the purchase of camp printing houses and film installations.

The Lausanne International Conference on Turkey, held from November 1922 to July 1923, led to the declaration of Turkey independent state Mustafa Ataturk became president. All foreign troops were withdrawn from the territory of the country.

During the conference, the Entente retained the straits of Turkey. When the Montreux Convention was signed in 1936, where the USSR was already a full member, and Turkey was a very strong state, the Turks returned sovereignty over the straits.

Already married abroad

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Instead of an editorial preface Among the topics that cause the greatest excitement among readers of the heading "Man and Woman", there is also this: "Who is better - our men or foreign ones." Those who have purely theoretical experience in this area are especially excited. Opinions are polar. "All Russians are unshaven and unkind." Or "foreigners are all homosexuals and misers." Tatyana Ogneva, our sexual observer, closely followed the discussions, and last Saturday - congratulations! - took and married an Italian. A week in her new capacity gave her enough material to speculate on given topic professionally. Personal experience - No, no, to meet with a foreigner - no way! I only care about Russian men! - my friend Zhenya still remembers these words of mine. And mockingly laughs. I always thought that you should marry only a Russian and give birth only in your own country. And she is the opposite. Russian macho point blank did not see. But as some fashionable Australian she comes across in a Moscow club or a Swede-German-Englishman is blown to her feet by the wind, well, that’s all, enthusiasm pours. And they are educated, and refined, and they open the car door, and beautiful words, even in their gibberish, but they mutter non-stop. And the Russians, they say, are all completely uncouth dorks. I had my own arguments. First. It is always easier to communicate in your own language. Second. Well, something, but the education of Russian men is much higher than any average European. Once a foreign top manager, half French, tried to look after me, so he did not know who George Sand was! He thought it was a man. Well, how could I meet him after that? Third. If for many foreigners it is normal to share the bill in a restaurant, then for any Russian man this is bad manners. (So ​​our readers are discussing this) In addition, relations with Russians are always somehow sharper and more unpredictable. A Japanese friend once said: "I want to fall in love with a Russian man." They asked her in chorus: “Why is this all of a sudden?” And she is quite serious with a tear in her voice: “To suffer!” And just the other day I married an Italian, whom I met at a friend's wedding. Everyone says that we look alike. We understand each other without words, and thoughts often coincide. Apparently, that's why my Italian is still far from the original. He does not know who George Sand and Angelina Jolie are, but for some reason this only touches me. And Zhenya's friend fell in love with the Russian most jealous and now ran away from him to Goa in search of the meaning of life. Now to the point. 1 Who is more romantic? We are still surprised that in American films, the characters now and then say "I love you" instead of "see you." We don't talk too much about feelings. Guess it yourself. "I love you, fool!" - that's how the first time my husband confessed his love to me, when he drank properly, and I was going to leave him! - says Anna on the site kp.ru. “My husband, only when he became an ex, six months later said that he always loved me, that he misses our joint awakenings ... But if I decide to return to him, then this conversation did not happen! Funny!" Marina writes. And I don’t even know what is more romantic - a man who hides his feelings to the last, and then pours them out in one stream, or the one that the word “beloved” turns into your middle name? Russian women lack compliments and expression of feelings. And Russian guys are afraid that she will be arrogant. As a result, from a lack of emotions, she is easily blown away by some talkative Turk. A Russian love is hidden deep in his soul, and he is silent about it, and a foreigner talks about any of his emotions with enthusiasm. Here, perhaps, a draw.

2 Who helps more in everyday life? Most of all, readers are not satisfied with the attitude to everyday life in Russian men. rare man does not consider it shameful to wash dishes or cook dinner. Vacuumed - accomplished a feat. The owner came from work - and on the sofa, and the wife has to serve food, then clean everything up and redo a lot of things. A couple of months ago, we wrote as many as two articles on this topic, so it turned out to be discussed. The men complained that the women went wrong, so their mothers were killed in the kitchen and did not pee. And women do not want to be like mothers - slaves. So far, a Russian husband who, along with his wife, leads a life is a rarity. And abroad, this has long been the norm. “Now the German husband is busy in the kitchen, preparing meat. By the way, this is our standard situation, because from Friday to Sunday I don’t do anything special at home, and my husband, who has days off, tries,” says the Guest. Here victory for foreigners. 3 Who is sexier and more beautiful? We once wrote about the results of a foreign study, according to which Russian men took the "honorable" 10th place in the list of the worst lovers. And do you know why? For unshaven. No, but have you seen these European machos shaved to the waist on the beaches? Yes, Western beauties are more careful about their appearance, and some have a larger wardrobe than women. And often competently cover up flaws in appearance with good clothes. But the fact that “there” all men are like a selection is a myth. Men are the same everywhere. And many Russian women who have gone to live in another country with Russian husbands say that against their background, the locals pale. In our country, some men are generally afraid to dress stylishly so as not to be branded as homosexuals. And yet, for example, now I am expecting my first child, no matter how much I love my Italian husband, I want our child in many ways to resemble my Siberian grandfather on my mother's side. That's really where sexuality and beauty in pure form! In general, we won. 4 Who and how relates to adultery?- Now the situation is such that, even if you do not change, you must at least pretend that you have a mistress. And you're not a man! - told me a friend. - Because all the friends around brag about the details of their personal lives on the side. And the letters in our section “Keyhole” are all about betrayal and about who to choose - a wife or a mistress! And of course, older women are especially dissatisfied with the attitude of men. In this sense, foreigners more adequately perceive traces of time on female face, do not blame his wife for wrinkles and cellulite. Those whom Russian women marry often attract precisely respectful attitude to family and wife. Of course, among them there are fornicators, but still, it seems to me, much less often. If you are already married, then all ties on the side are torn completely. Here the score is in favor of foreigners. 5 Attitude towards money Most women are unanimous in their opinion that Russian men are superior here. There are, of course, misers, but the general trend is still old-fashioned and courageous. If you're with a man, be calm, basically he pays for everything. And the wife chooses whether to work or not. He, the head of the family, must plow and carry a penny into the house. Another issue is that the economic situation in the country is not easy, just like in the rest of the world. But only in Russia, men give pay to their wives and report on income. And if he earns well, then he makes gifts on a grand scale. “I hastily married an Englishman. And only later it turned out that he assumed that we would manage the budget together, on an equal footing. I explained to him that no, dear, I am a Russian woman and that is not accepted here. Behind me - the house-economy and future children, behind you - earnings. If you don't like it, okay, a beautiful Russian woman will return to her homeland. He understood everything and accepted it, ”writes reader Elena. And again we are ahead.

Or maybe it's not always about the men? Of course, when a beautiful love story happens, it doesn't matter with whom it is - with a Russian or a foreigner. But what is clearly noticeable: for many women, the phrase, they say, men were transferred to Russia, is just an excuse. And often they do not marry a man, but a country. Under the pretext that in Russia everyone drinks without exception, they beat their wives, and so on. Sick people are everywhere, and women who are psychologically sharpened to search for outcasts, wherever they look, in any country in the world they find amazing specimens. And then they write stories, they say, "all the British are pigs, because I got a pig", "all the French are traitors, because mine is cheating." V formal logic this is called a generalization error. At true love no geography. Here's a Muscovite friend of mine went to Turkey for a vacation, met a Canadian citizen on the beach, and... the day before yesterday they celebrated three years since their wedding. The most wonderful couple! They live in Moscow with the baby and sometimes go to Canada to visit her parents. And for her, for sure, now the best men in the world are Russians. P.S. I've only been married for a week, but we already love each other more than a year. And it never even crossed my mind to compare: how would a Russian man behave in the place of my Roberto. I'm just not up to it. I'm happy. READING FORUM "He will stop a galloping horse, but does not want to pay for himself in a restaurant" KP wrote about how the appearance and behavior of Russian women are assessed in the foreign press. This article caused a heated discussion among readers on our website (see “A look from abroad on Russian women: they walk on the ice in high heels, rarely cry and never pay for themselves”, “KP” dated February 19 this year and site kp.ru). MALE LOOK Igor: Guys, don't believe the beauties, I screwed up with my wife like that! When I got married, I also thought that I was beautiful. Broke off. In the morning he gets up without make-up - swollen, slit-eyes, unkempt moth. Scary! True, then he covers up the bruises, mascara, lipstick, trinkets - and wow. So our beauties have made themselves, and colorless physiques are often hidden under a layer of cosmetics. Cucumber: Russian women are beautiful devoted girlfriends who are ready to share with their man all his difficulties and always support and give energy to move forward. This is the best that is in Russia. Cherry: I believe that it is high time for women to pay for themselves, regardless of nationality. The custom of paying for a woman came from the times when women did not work, but only took care of the house and, naturally, could not pay for themselves. Now the situation has changed dramatically. If two adults and independent people go to a restaurant, then why should a man pay for a woman? A real man and a favorite of women: Personally, I love it when women pay for me. I don't understand why you have to pay for a lady. This is unprofitable and uninteresting. You stop a galloping horse, but you don’t want to pay for yourself in a restaurant. Shameless. K.Matroskin: What else distinguishes our women is that they are more inclined to listen to their husbands and partners. An American woman is more independent, often earns at times more husband and often a big boss at work. From such it is difficult to expect that in the evening she will listen to her husband - school teacher. If you ask a foreigner who has dealt with Russian girls, then the first thing they call is not beauty, but just character. Urus: Specificity Russian women that some of them are not self-sufficient. And as a result, the woman is not self-confident. Therefore, she is more ready to adapt to her partner than he is to her. Yes, and she often has fewer requirements. This is very attractive for many men. Leonid, Canada: The fact is that it’s not nice for good, but good for nice. It's old folk wisdom. And there is. And they love not for a manicure, but just love, and that's it. They accept it as it is. Russian women compare favorably with others in many ways. For example, modesty, education, reliability, tender attitude to loved ones and children, the ability not to bother with material problems. These best qualities are revealed only with loved ones. If you want to have such a girlfriend - be on the level yourself. And an ordinary fool gets an ordinary washcloth. Good Critic: Our women abroad are not used to paying for themselves. They are used to paying with themselves. I always wondered who and when inspired our ladies that men are so primitive and so obsessed with sex that, having slept with him, you can get anything from him? WOMAN'S LOOK Lara: Girls! Let's be honest - we are all so stunning and beautiful for one simple reason: many Russian men are just awful, so we have to always be on the alert, always at the parade - what if love! And any foreigner is a chance to change the drinking Nikolai-manager from bad skin and endless requests for a positive, optimistic Nick, next to whom we can also feel loved, protected and beautiful even without stilettos, miniskirts and make-up, like at the Oscars. Sofia: I envy the Americans. Thick, without makeup, in pajamas and flip flops, they will calmly and confidently go grocery shopping or for a walk. Always sincerely, friendly and joyfully praise my figure, my smooth skin and heels. No matter how long I live among you Americans, I can’t become so relaxed and self-confident and not think about the opinions of others about my appearance. I don't know how to get rid of my rotten Russian mentality and start enjoying life? Lola: Both the clothes and the behavior of Russian women both in Russia and abroad are determined by socio-economic factors. First of all, the fact that there are much fewer men in Russia. In Russia, unlike other countries, getting married is equated with a feat - well, how in the West to make a career and become an executive director, for example. Therefore, for most Russian women, all actions are aimed at one thing - to find and tie a man to themselves. Therefore, war paint and heels are always worn, even in inappropriate situations - what if a peasant turns up? Dayana: A man will pay a penny, and then problems with him for a ruble. The fact is that from now on he begins to consider himself the master of the situation. I remember how one weirdo on the first date bought me a hundred grams of soy bars and immediately put his hand on my waist. It's scary to think what he would count on if he gave me a chocolate bar! Annette: I work in London, in my office English women dress in scary boots, wear coats made of plastic drape. And they wonder why they sit in the girls, and the Russians take away their suitors. Maria: As the head of one of the international marriage agencies said: "For a foreigner, a Russian wife is an opportunity to buy a new car at the price of a used one." From Germany: I have been living in Stuttgart for 10 years. Our girls and women on the street can be seen from afar. There is even a saying among our compatriots: "I SEE you speak Russian."

Very, very much has been written about how foreign men treat Russian women, and almost nothing about how foreign women treat us Russian men.

Little of. A myth has been created around the attitude towards our ladies that, they say, everyone loves Russian women, that they are valued for their modesty, diligence, patience, etc.


I have not met a single foreigner who, having been in the husbands of some of our "indiscriminate" Nastenka, would then speak positively about this Nastenka, i.e. without the viper hiss and the local mat.

There are exceptions, of course, but rarely. It's only at first everything is like in the movie:
- Is it warm teebye, girl?.. Is it warm teebye, red?..
- Yes, it's warm, father, it's warm, Morozushko ...

And the eyes are so kind, clean, honest, incomprehensible. Like a Teletubby, or rather, a Teletubby.

Well - Morozushko swam like an ice cream in the oven. And then our good-eyed, a year later, grab this American or German Frost by the scrotum (she pulled out his beard before) - and go to court, sue his house and half of his fortune. And he will judge. Our inexpressible. Teletubbies are good. The clear-eyed deadly tooth.
Then, leaving Morozushka in his Berlin Detroit, he will return to his homeland. He will take a walk with his school friend Stasik. With institute friend Maksik. With her first husband Tolik. WITH best friend first husband Maratik. And again - shast under the Christmas tree. Wait for the next French or Japanese Frost, so that he can beat off some castle on the Loire River or an island from the Sikasima archipelago.


She, of course, and a galloping horse, and a burning hut. But - if she needs it. And if you do not need - a horse for sausage, and a hut for an office. Of course, I exaggerate, but not much.

You know, for example, that one of our girls married a Swiss man who was 84, then - for his son, who is 50, and then - for a twenty-five-year-old grandson. And all three sued everything. That is, literally. She left all three like mountain goats, without pants, to walk through the alpine meadows.

Another - got into the harem to some kind of sheikh. Lived for a year. Tired. I asked the sheikh to go home. The sheikh did not let go. Then she strangled him with her breast and fled. History is nowhere more real. Now he lives somewhere near Arkhangelsk, a milkmaid. Only our Nastenka can strangle a man with her breast.

So it turns out that at first foreigners think well about Russian women, and then - let's put it mildly - they find out the truth.

It is quite different with us men.

At first, foreigners do not think about us in any way or think badly. But then...

What are we Russian men, in their poor understanding? We drink. We don't wash. We have a mysterious unpredictable soul. We are mafia. We are bearded bears. We walk in winter hats, with balalaikas, knocking icicles off birch trees with our heads, etc.

A drunk, smelly, unpredictable bearded bear in a hat, with a balalaika and with a machine gun. Having read moreover Dostoevsky and therefore even more unpredictable.
A survey of foreign women who did not have a long direct contact with Russians, on the subject of what concept they associate with the phrase "Russian man", gave approximately the following results:

. ≈ 25% - drunkenness, vodka
. ≈ 25% - mafia
. ≈ 25% - bear
. ≈ 25% - beard, hat
By the way, a similar survey among our girls (what do you associate with the phrase "foreign man"?), True, who had contacts with foreigners (almost all of ours already had contacts with foreigners), gave results of a different kind:
. ≈ 25% - money, wealth ("must take it!")
. ≈ 25% - stupidity ("brains like a woodpecker")
. ≈ 25% - greed ("for a roll of toilet paper you will strangle yourself")
. ≈ 25% - boring ("flies howl, dogs drown themselves and camels drink too much")

So, returning to the attitude of foreign women to the Russians. It's the opposite here. Those who haven't seen us think we're bad. But those who, so to speak, have dealt with us, all almost unanimously say: Russian men are very good. Honestly.

The main idea is like this

In many reviews, the same idea can be traced: Russian men are dim on the outside, but bright on the inside.

Here, for example, from the essay of a Chinese student (I reproduce it in its entirety, with errors):

“Russian men are positive. They don’t immediately catch the eye, but then I understand: a good person, kind. interesting brain and a warm soul."

Those. warm.

The Japanese writes:

"I like Russian men. They are not greedy, they read a lot, they love holidays. They have a strong character. Germans are taller, Americans have fatter, richer bodies, but Russian souls are cooler."

You see: they are "fatter and richer", and we are "cooler souls". I mean, soul. It's not about the cases.


"The Russian man is a good person. He is not only interested in money, he has an interesting spiritual world."

Everything is right. Of course, we are “interested” in money (try not to “be interested” in it today!), but as for spirituality - this goodness, as they say, is higher than the top of our head.


"The external data of Russian men is not always enticing. Not new clothes, they do not always shave the bottom of their faces, they do not comb their hair, they do not always wash their shoes. But if you do not pay attention to this circumstance, you can see the internal enticing qualities of Russian men. They are kind, generous, cheerful , not boring, real friends, and always give help when there is a problem."
Well done girl. She explained everything in detail about us, "non-boring men." Even a tear breaks through. So a stingy male tear rolls onto the unshaven "bottom of the face."

Here is the Spanish one:

"A spanish man hot body and a cold soul, in a Russian man, in principle, everything is hot, above all, the inner world.

Yes, our "inner world" is hot, I know from my own experience.


"Despite drinking vodka and not being friends with the bath, the Russian male mentality has a lot of positives."

Thanks for that too.


"Russians drink beer in the morning. How does it work then? These are bad things. But nevertheless, a Russian man kind heart. These are good things."

Oh you sweetie. You know everything: where are the "good deeds", where are the "bad deeds". Is it a beer to drink in the morning - "bad deeds"? It's just normal. Here in the morning to blow half a liter of vodka - then there will be business. And about the heart - right. Got to the point.


And about our girls, of course, I overdid it. They are good too. Only with us, not with them. So they, the men there, need to, let them not lay eyes on someone else's, bastards. But there is something to put on, to be honest. Our girls, if you look carefully, are beautiful, kind, loyal and smart. And outside. And inside.

And our, Russian men, dim appearance is a trick. So that all sorts of Honduras do not worry.

The craze for foreigners has become quite common for our compatriots. And not just a hobby, but sincere desire marry a native non-Russian. Allegedly, our men are immoral, stupid and incapable of anything alcoholics, and over the hill there are many beautiful and smart, wealthy and educated representatives strong half.

Is it really? Are Europeans or Americans waiting for Russian young ladies in their countries with open arms? And what is the true position of Russian women abroad? This will be discussed further.

For several years now, I have been watching with my own eyes how my friends and acquaintances marry foreigners and with satisfied mines wind off to more affluent and developed countries. One moved to Amsterdam, another to London, a third to Hamburg, and so on. Everyone seems to be happy with their personal life, but at the same time they sometimes show homesickness, for certain traditions that have been ingrained in the subcortex since childhood. Not everyone and not always manages to keep a beautiful face when bad game. And it's completely understandable why.

Here, of course, it should be said about what a Russian girl, in principle, tends to expect from any man.

Firstly, it money . Any domestic young lady, ideally, assumes that the husband is given for that, in order to provide for the family. Bring a salary home, pay all expenses, make sure to earn more than a wife. In a word, he must - feed, water, clothe, resolve issues with housing and other things.

Secondly, our ladies for the norm consider peculiar courtship from a man. For example, an abundance of gifts with or without a reason, flowers, jewelry, going to restaurants and movies at the expense of the strong half - Right way for a woman to pay attention to him. How else, without courtship and a “candy” period, to get married? It is necessary that the guy prove that he is worthy of the beautiful Russian beauty. Rogue people are the lot of stupid, unlucky ladies, give the beauties the sky in diamonds.

Thirdly, Russian man must also be economic , in the sense that making repairs at home and nailing shelves, repairing taps and changing sockets is not the responsibility of plumbers and other craftsmen at all, but the direct prerogative of the husband. Otherwise - “what the hell are you a man if you don’t know how to hammer a nail ?!”

And fourthly , did you know that the most common word used by our woman after the expression " a real man is the word "should"? So here it is in Russia, in the female sense, a man simply simply must, and constantly and for everything.

Well, now let's imagine a Russian a la princess with imperial manners in prim Europe or in an exaggerated democratic States. Where reigns justice, unknown to Russia, and to the same extent, equality unknown to our land.

Tatyana Kosova, accountant, USA: « In families in America, often everyone has their own account and often the husband and wife are dumped and pay expenses together. Sometimes the husband, if the wife is with a child, sometimes the wife pays everything or almost everything, and the husband sits with the children, or vice versa. Everything is individual. Moreover, a man can give you a ring for 4 thousand dollars and at the same time say that you have not paid 1.3 bills for electricity and rent.

Men in America are afraid to get married, because wives (especially if there are children) will sue during a divorce, as a rule, more than a half. And still pay alimony for his wife until her death or a new marriage. The truth is and vice versa, when a husband demands alimony from his wife during a divorce(he is a pensioner, and she works) and it is highly likely that he will receive them, although it all depends on the lawyer and the financial capabilities of his wife. Most of the relationships here are partnerships.

Overseas grooms don't really fit in with our usual female "must". However, this does not change the situation. The girls, as they went into exile thanks to their husbands who did not speak Russian, are leaving. Whether really in modern Russia worthy muzhiks were transferred, whether Russian ladies tend to over-idealize foreigners falling into an active desire for permanent resettlement? The question remains open.

At first, while the euphoria from everything unknown reigns, the young ladies do not even notice some in the future very important nuances and arrive in complete delight with the features of a foreign husband. But having settled down in the new territory, they begin to meet "icebergs" of misunderstanding in the form of: paying for everything in half, carrying a bag of groceries home by yourself, opening the door at the entrance to the cafe, if you are with the groom - by yourself, and in general, go faster, work and pay husband's debts for a rented house.

: “In Germany, everything is the other way around than in Russia. Here ideally. everyone pays for himself , a woman is independent and she also makes all decisions. My opinion - emancipated that no one will open the door in front of you and they won’t help you lift a heavy suitcase . I also think that this doesn’t make it easier for men, they don’t know how to behave and to what extent they can remain “men” in general.

Those who are wealthier - another thing - more self-confident, do not squander money, of course, like Russians, in order to impress a girl, but everywhere they pay for her. However, even there is an article in the law that after parting, you can demand gifts back . Therefore, many Russian girls, first with our compatriots, meet until they stumble upon such wealthy, and then it begins: “I want this and that,” Dom Perignen seemed to rinse their brains. For a bag from Prada "Ready for just about anything. Probably the same as in Russia. I think each of them dreams of such a life, not working and walking around beauty salons and shops.

As you can see, European men seem to appreciate our women, but at the same time they are diligently trying not to infringe on them in anything. Equality same.

The key snag lies in the mentality .

Overseas representatives of the stronger sex with mother's milk absorb completely different traditions, a different attitude to life, people, feelings, and so on. They have a slightly different model of perception of the world than the Russians. Therefore, maybe it’s not worth blaming negligent foreigners for inattention or prudence at all?

: "The first thing I noticed in marriages between Russian women and foreign husbands, the husband is much older than wife and as a rule, he did not have a career or money problems. Or is he in such a situation that a local woman with good education won't go for him. Let's say he doesn't have a home, no permanent job, lower education than his wife, health problems. Until our girl understands what kind of “bouquet of adventures” awaits her, a lot of time can pass. Then either she leaves her husband and looks for a new, more worthy one, or leaves back for Russia. But usually Russian wives take responsibility for a man and stay.

Often men call themselves brides for a couple of months for sex. My husband's colleague, here in England, once asked if it was difficult for a Russian woman to get a fiancé visa in England? The husband said that at first, they would probably give it for two months, and then it would be necessary to renew it, and it would take time. The husband also told a colleague that this hard to live in two countries. For what the Englishman replied that his “wife” would be enough for him for two months, and no more is needed. That is, a girl will give all the best for 2 months in the hope of marriage - in vain.

Still, the thoughtfulness characteristic of foreigners confirms the fact that, it is unlikely that a Russian maiden soul will be able to go abroad with its charter. Therefore, if a young lady decides to move to Europe or to some America for permanent residence, then it is necessary to prepare for the most unexpected, and perhaps not always pleasant.

It is likely that a foreign husband will turn out to be a man ten years older than the domestic beauty, who actively travels the world before they met, and now decides to settle forever in some miserable and deserted town in Finland, where they barbecue once a year for Christmas. Naturally, for the dimensionless spiritual world of a Russian woman, a dull foreign province and the absence of relatives, even with great love to her husband, can turn at some point into a self-constructed hell. Especially if a woman is not fond of embroidering deer on sheets or some other decorative art that ennobles the house.

Tatyana Kosova, accountant, USA: « Longing and sadness for the homeland - was and is sometimes. For example, I miss St. Petersburg and the big city. Because in America if you have children, then you live, as a rule, in a small town or in a village where there is good school, ecology, beautiful houses and clean. But no big city, beautiful, with its rhythm. In the States, only a few can afford to live in New York and take a child to a private and expensive school.”

Elnara Shafigullina, opera singer, Holland: "What I miss here is heartfelt conversations, I miss them. And according to Russian openness in emotions.

However, clean air, tidy streets, healthy food and other amenities typical of developed countries will remind our emigrant more than once that life over the hill is not so bad.. In addition to everything, polar Russian men moral values ​​of foreigners turn out to be not as utopian as one might think at first.

Natalia Vinokurova, designer, England: « The British help their wives around the house as equals, do a lot of work with children and love them. Seeing daddy with three children while mom is in a cafe or relaxing is all the time. The local men are quite economic and seasoned, almost never raise their voices, an exquisite manner of communication. Even a person who has bad job, low position and without education will always eat with a fork and knife, like children from 3 years old, and behave like a count. Concerning financial matters between an Englishman and a foreign wife, then in England, as a rule, the husbands allocate the budget to the wives, and the main expenses are either in half or to a greater extent by the man.

Elnara Shafigullina, opera singer, Holland: « Dutch men take 50% minimum to take care of children and household chores. On the playgrounds there are no less men than women (in Russia, dads go out and generally take care of children not often). Dinner can be prepared by both a woman and a man, tidy up the house too, and it doesn’t matter WHO IS MORE TIRED. Dutch men do not beat their wives in the face, which is also not a minus and they do not really like to go “to the left”. They are basically do not like constant changes in the main - family life and therefore often live long with one partner, no matter what happens in the family. There are fewer divorces here.. For Russians, on the contrary, as soon as the family becomes uncomfortable, we look for warmth on the side.

Victoria Schmelter, journalist, Germany: “What’s good here is the attitude towards relationships. If together, then together, not like ours: “I went to the left - well done, man!” Women are more respected here, they are not so female attention spoiled like Russian men, German women, after all, are not all beauties.

As for the relationship foreign society to our girls, then, unfortunately, there are certain unpleasant moments here. For example, the British sincerely dislike foreigners lingering in their country, especially those who are trying to take a position in society on an equal footing with local residents. Here we can draw an analogy with how we treat, say, migrants from Tajikistan or Azerbaijan. Approximately the same opinion and the British about the "come in large numbers" of Russian virgins.

Natalia Vinokurova, designer, England: « I like the English in general. They have a sense of justice, mutual assistance, respect for a woman. But they still have imperial habits - like the fact that they all have “blue blood” and once the whole world belonged to them. And this is felt especially in small towns, when you work, and even at a decent job. They cannot survive this, because many people have the idea that foreigners should wash the floors.. It's only better in big cities.

That is, they have such a psychology, when you feel bad, they will always help and regret it, but if you want to learn and work at a decent job, then many cannot objectively assess it - like you are rushing for power, but the British should not be there!

In general, we can say that a Russian girl abroad, even married to a foreigner, at least one, will not be easy. You will have to learn the language, confirm your education or get it again, depending on your ambitions and your existing specialty, and most importantly, you will need to format yourself completely for new laws, taxes, rules, orders, traditions, humor, history, and so on.

Returning to the examples of my acquaintances who left for different time v different countries, and married with local men, I want to say that they all experienced some degree of cultural shock, adaptation, periods of indignation regarding unusual rules, as well as moments of happiness regarding some foundations that are not typical for Russia, but were once desired in it. but none of them intends to return to live in their homeland, but at the same time, each of them endlessly misses Russia.

All this reminds me of the story of a provincial who moved and fell in love with the capital, found a job in a new city and loved one, friends and favorite places, but left there, on the periphery of all relatives, childhood friends, a favorite bench in the yard and a bunch of pleasant and not very memories that just scratch the heart with a claw. And it is clear that he will never return to his small shell, a modest town, but those who remain will call him all the time. Though the point of no return is long gone.

As for our women and their genuine interest in foreign marriages, emigration and other consequences, then everything indicates that Russian girls are in demand among both Europeans and Americans. This means that marrying a German or a Dutchman if you wish is not a problem. The sad thing about this story is that the reason for the wholesale female emigration from Russia is the lack, or simply the failure of Russian men.

Practically not a single educated urban resident of Moscow or St. Petersburg wants to spend her life on a factory drunkard and a brawler, with dirty nails and a steady fumes on Fridays. That is why ladies either quickly take over the local rich, or independently create an independent business and entertain themselves with rare holiday romances, or they go abroad, having first sought out overseas old farts through online dating.

Missed with a selection of sultry foreigners our compatriots at the moment when they begin to naively believe that all "natives" are equally rich, educated and interesting.

Therefore, in order not to end up in a failed emigration, it is best to initially look at the prospects of living abroad, try on the customs and philosophy of the country to which you are about to break loose, and also inadvertently find out some details about future husband- health status, education, position at work, availability of housing and debt levels.

Perhaps, from the point of view of an ordinary Russian woman, such an approach to relations with a man looks somewhat cynical, but it is much better to warn yourself against a defective foreigner than to pay off his debts to the bank until the end of his days or pay him alimony after a divorce, because he is already a pensioner.