Wedding customs are modern. Magical rites, signs and rituals for the wedding. The meaning and mystery of marriage in Slavic

Folk omens, rituals and little everyday tricks for the wedding day, allowing you to keep family happiness for long years and protect your family life from ill-wishers.


Warn all relatives and future guests not to give piercing and cutting objects.
When you go to your future daughter-in-law to woo your son, let your son enter first.
He does not take off his hat in front of the matchmakers until they are seated at the table. If one of the wooers manages to take away a spoon from the bride's house, then the son will be the master in the house and his wife will never leave. Three months after their wedding, the spoon should be thrown into the house of the bride.
wedding dress, a ring and a veil should not be allowed to be measured either by girlfriends, or sisters, or anyone else. Otherwise, there will be quarrels in the family or the marriage will not take place at all.
Don't buy lace-up shoes. The bride should have shoes without laces.
You can’t let guests into the bedroom of the young before the wedding, and even more so show their bed.
Wedding towel, candles are not left in the church. Hiding at home - will definitely come in handy.
The bride's dress, veil, shoes and wedding rings should be under special supervision, as they can be easily damaged and even simply ruined by chance. The damage that came from the wedding is heavy and difficult to remove. Therefore, you need to take care of the bride's dress until the year of their life together.
The bride's dress can be white, beige, gold, golden, pink. The bride's dress should not be black, blue, light blue, red, green, gray. TO underwear the same applies.
The bride should not wear pearls and they are never given. Especially for a wedding.
The groom must wear a black suit. Allowed gray, white, gold. The same goes for shoes.


So that the mother-in-law does not harass
The young woman washes her face three evenings before the registry office or the wedding, wipes herself with a heaped towel. which he leaves with his parents, with him in new family does not take.
How dear I am to my mother and my father. How they held me in their arms, protected me more than the eye, did not give offense to anyone, so my mother-in-law would love me. I wouldn’t torment, I wouldn’t scold, I wouldn’t shrink from the world, I would regret and protect. My word is strong, tenacious to my cause. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

wedding blessing

So that the young do not quarrel, they speak on their cutlery before they sit down at the table: As the church is unshakable and indestructible, faith is strong, mead is sweet, so the slave (name) with the slave (name) were inseparable and unshakable. They couldn’t be without each other, they couldn’t live separately, not a day, not an hour from this time, from the wedding table, like me, a slave (the name of the master), I read the slander. Amen. Amen. Amen.
When buying an outfit for the bride, try to have the veil and dress bought on Wednesday, shoes on Friday. back from the apartment: My angel, golden crown. cover with a clean veil not for a month, not for a year, as long as the slave (name) lives. Amen. Amen. Amen.
So that the bride likes the bride
Splash cold water in your face with both hands and say: I am God's servant (name).
The sun is high and I am higher.
My brows are pitch, my curls are golden, my eyes are bright stars, my lips are red petals.
Whoever sees me will not offend me with a single word.
God help me! Mother of God, bless the marriage.

Marriage against the will of parents

In difficult cases, if parents do not bless those who love for marriage, there is a softening parental heart prayer.
Buy two candles, put one near the “Softening Hearts” icon, light the other at home and read the plot twelve times.
Angels of heaven, sing hallelujah! Hail, holy church, crowning marriage! God created people, God baptized them, God forgave them, God blessed them for marriage.
Remember, Lord, all the meekness of King David, so let my sisters, brothers, sons-in-law, all relatives, mother, father be meek, give blessings for marriage and a crown to the servants of God (names). Amen
Buying wedding rings
Without entering the house with rings, you need to say: On good life, for a faithful family. Amen.

On the wedding day Signs

The mother of the bride should not be present at the wedding.
A wreath with a veil is put on the head. There should be no flowers separately inserted into the hair, hats and tiaras.
The bride should put on the dress first of all, sticking her head through the neck. A friend with the same name does not dress up the bride.
The dress must have even number buttons, if any. The bride's underwear must be white.
If the bride's hem is cut off during the wedding, the bride herself does not hem it.
Young people are seated at the table on a shaggy fur coat or sheepskin coat, turned inside out with fur. To live richly.
The spoon that the groom ate at the wedding table is cleaned up until the fortieth day. On the fortieth day, they give her husband to eat it again. To live well and long together.
On the day of the wedding, it is good to plant a tree for the bride and groom. Plant so that they start. Leaving the church after the wedding, the bride distributes change in order to remove unnecessary troubles in her family life.
During the wedding, when the crowns are on the head or above the head, young people should not look into each other's eyes: there will be betrayals. Don't look at your candles either. Look at the father.
During the wedding, try to leave the doors you entered.
If all the pins from the bride's outfit were taken out by one woman, then every girl who received such a pin within one year will get married. If the pin is bent, will remain an old maid.
The girl who received from the bride a piece of cheese, cut off before leaving the table, will next bride among friends.
Matchmaking: 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th are lucky days. The wedding ring is not worn on the glove. A hat on the bride's wedding day is for divorce.
So that the son-in-law does not offend the daughter, the mother-in-law should (while they are going to the wedding) pin on her bra right chest a pin, and on the way back, pin it on the left chest. Upon arrival from the church, the mother pins this pin on the hem of her daughter. Do not remove the pin until the first wash.
They don’t take salt to matchmakers - their children will not live, they will disperse.
If the wife’s ring falls during the wedding, she will die first, if the husband’s ring falls, he is a short-lived tenant.
If at the wedding one of the young people first steps to the altar, he will be the head of everything.
If someone throws shoes of salt at the bride, first into the right, and then into the left, the young woman will cry with her husband all her life. According to custom, shoes are stolen at a wedding, be careful.
If the wedding car meets a funeral procession, you should think: Wreath to wreath strife. Amen.
If the candles go out during the wedding, the bride and groom should exchange candles, otherwise there will be no life.
When crowning your children, see that three of the same sex, that is, three men or women, do not stand behind them.
If a wedding tablecloth is laid three years in a row on the anniversary of the marriage, then the young will live to a ripe old age.
If the bride or groom drops something during the wedding, you cannot pick up this thing (flowers, gloves, etc.).
Try to avoid scandals during the wedding, so that you do not harm anyone, so that your car does not hit either a dog or a cat, and, of course, the dead are not commemorated at the wedding table.
The loaf with which the newlyweds are greeted, the guests do not eat. If it is very large and it is impossible to eat it right away, dry the crackers and eat it with soup. The loaf is eaten only by the bride and groom.


Very often, at the expense of your happiness, many seek to improve their unhappy family life. On the day of the wedding and during the wedding, such people swap your happiness and their grief. To prevent this, you should pin pins in invisible places to the bride and groom, saying the following on them: There is a throne, in front of him wedding table, young people sit at the table, do not drink, do not eat, but look at the icon. Mother of God, save, Mother of God, protect from all deeds and all trouble. Bless and save. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
On the day of the wedding, all households, starting with the mother, should greet the bride and groom in the morning. If there is no one but her, then the mother should say to her child three times (but not at once): “Hello, (name)!”. At the same time, the bride or groom should be silent in response. Then they give to eat a pancake, spoken from corruption: Mother of God, mother of all mothers, do not let people take happiness and share from the slave (name). In the name of the Father and the Son, manifest your will. Lock it with the key and take it. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Protect for the bride

The bride should wash her face with slandered beer.
“Like you, pure gold - silver, pure and decent; as on you, gold - silver. everyone covets, peers, old and young, married and single, old old women and young young women, beautiful girls and young fellows, so it would be for you, the servant of God (name), everyone would stare and look. You would seem to them gold - silver, they would look and look. And they didn't take their eyes off you." After the wedding, entering her husband’s house, the young woman says: “First, second, I’m going third, but not the last! All out, I have one house. ”To be the most beloved daughter-in-law.
If the young man goes to live in the bride's house, he, entering the hut after the wedding, says: "I'm going - the beast is lapist and proud, loud-mouthed, the wolf is toothy, I am the wolf, and you are my sheep."

wedding amulet

So that a bad person does not mess up at a wedding, because of which the whole life of the young can be ruined, they read from the very morning:
“God, God bless. I got up, blessed, I see an open field where a Christian wedding is being started, where they called me to this wedding. I will pray, I will submit to him, the most true Christ. With me, an aspen staff, an old amulet, I will eat prosvir, drink holy water, save a Christian wedding, let me go in fun and joy. No one could pinch to my wedding, have fun, no one would spoil it. I will close this wedding, no one would see it. Hours go, minutes fly, meet, God-given parents, with happiness, with joy, my wedding. Salt - evil, trouble - bad, and young people - good luck and a long life. Be, my words, strong and sculpting. From now on and forever and ever. Amen."
This slander is read by the eldest in the family.
So that the wedding is not spoiled
Before the guests arrive, talk about the poppy and sprinkle it at the doorstep. Then all bad wishes will be interrupted by your amulet.
They read like this: Which person vechet, who speaks evil, who thinks evil, interrupts my word.
As this sermak cannot be counted, so my amulet cannot be interfered with.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Whisper over bread and salt
As people love bread and salt, so a husband would love his wife. Just as you cannot replace salt with sugar, so a husband cannot change his wife either with a dark one, or with a light one, or with a full one, or with a thin one, or with a smart one, or with a stupid one, or with any other slave.
As people love bread and salt, so would a wife love her husband. Just as salt cannot be replaced by sugar, so a wife cannot be changed by her husband either with a dark one, or with a light one, or with a full one, or with a thin one, or with a smart one, or with a stupid one, or with any other slave. Amen.
They slander bread and salt and give it to the young during the wedding at the wedding table so that they love each other and there is no betrayal in the house.

wedding conspiracy

Read during the wedding so that the newlyweds never disperse and walk from each other. All the Saints of the slave ( male name) take by the hand, lead to the altar. At the crown of a slave (female name) stands, looks at the Saints. Lord, King of Heaven, crown with a holy crown a slave (name) with a slave (name) for all eternity, do not separate until death. Amen.

If the candle burned out during the wedding

If one of the spouses has a candle burned out during the wedding, you should make a vow to God and keep it all your life. For example, you will help someone all your life. You can sometimes buy toys in Orphanage or send at least some money to a nursing home.
the cinder of the candle is put into the water, after reading the plot, they wash their face with this water. Then the candle is removed.
They read like this:
God help me! The Lord has measured the age of every man.
Lord, help me, extend the age of the slave (name).
How did you not let Lazarus die.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Wedding toasts that lead to divorce

"Love her like your soul, and shake her like a neighbor's pear."
"Beat her more often, love will be sweeter."
If someone during the wedding, without hesitation, wished the young bad, you should do this:
First, immediately cut off a piece of bread, while saying:
As I cut off this piece of bread, So I remove your (name) promises.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Then, this piece of bread should be placed next to the one who wished the young bad.
But the simplest thing: you need to make a wedding amulet in advance. Read to yourself at the wedding table: My table is oak, The guests are tin, all the promises are evil glass.
As fragile glass breaks, breaks, So not a single evil word in a promise comes true.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Charm for the groom

Before the young man goes to the bride's house to take her to the wedding, the groom's mother must cross him and say:
Heavenly heights cannot be reached, Heavenly beauty cannot be taken away.
So no one will diminish my son
And nothing will add to him.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Charm for the bride

My daughter rides from yard to yard, God's shutter is on her hem.
No one will damage that shutter, No one will defeat my amulet.
My leg is left, her leg is right.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Read on the water and wash the bride with it before leaving the house for the wedding.

Words on church steps

Going to get married, step firmly on the entire sole of the steps of the stairs and say to yourself: I step on the first step - I step on my husband with me.
I step on the second step - I step in with my father-in-law.
I step on the third step - I step on my mother-in-law with me.
I step on the fourth step - I step on the trees with me.
I step on the fifth step - I take my sister-in-law with me.
As there are five fingers and one fist on my hand, so I will rule everything. Amen.

Love spell during the wedding

When “bitter” sounds for the third time at the table and the young people kiss, the bride should leave the table, touch the first corner with a ring worn on right hand, and say:
As you, the corner, are inseparable from the wall, so be the husband from his wife. Amen.
After the wedding, when leaving the church, tie it on a handkerchief and immediately untie the knot with the words: As I easily untie the knot, so I easily give birth in due time. Amen. If you do this, then no matter how many times a woman gives birth, all childbirth will be easy.
If the ring slipped or fell during registration or in church, you should say to yourself three times: “The ring is on me, the trouble is not with me. Amen".

After the wedding

Should not be given wedding photos all in a row. It is very easy to damage them.
Ask one of the parents to read the conspiracy for Easter during breakfast: The Easter egg lies quietly, so the young live in peace. The Easter egg is silent, so the young do not shout among themselves. Christ is risen, and peace and harmony to them. Amen.
The plot must be read before crossing. The eggs must be lit in the church. This is done so that you do not have quarrels.

Wedding customs change over the years. Every year, young people prefer to abandon some signs and rituals, or they remember their roots and add more and more nuances to the celebration. For example, the tradition of exchanging rings exists in almost every nation; it is not abandoned to this day. But the Christian custom of meeting the young with an icon is not honored by everyone even in our country, this personal choice bride and groom.

Wedding traditions and customs of the Russian people

Russian wedding celebration whole line various customs and customs. In ancient times, people sacredly honored and observed every ritual.

As now we have a toastmaster or leader, our ancestors also chose a person-leader. He was called a friend, later - a thousand. He followed the observance of all rituals, toasts, congratulations. Sometimes, as a ritual action, it was customary to scold a friend or a thousandth, and he had to adequately respond to this.

In past centuries, not a single marriage was concluded without matchmaking and matchmakers who resolved various issues. Now this is no longer, only if in a comic form. The bride and groom decide for themselves how worthy they are of each other and how the celebration will be held.

The tradition of the Russian wedding also included handshaking, which is now almost never seen. The parents of the young people gathered and, while drinking strong alcohol, discussed all the nuances of the wedding: where the young family will live, who pays for what, how to celebrate the wedding.

Of course, the loaf has not outlived itself to this day. Many people still bake wedding loaves, which the bride and groom should definitely try. Previously, this treat was baked for a huge number of people, so the diameter of the bread reached incredible sizes. Now this role is partially played by the cake.

There was also a rite of vaults in Rus', which was carried out even before the young people go down the aisle. This magical act was intended to unite the young family, to provide them with many years of living together. The groom was brought to the bride, their hands were joined, tied with a ribbon or a towel, and they were led in a circle a certain number of times.

The brides had to cry before the wedding, lament and sing special farewell songs, which said how they did not want to leave their father's house and how wonderful it was in girlhood. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether the girl likes this union or not. It was necessary to cry.

Wedding traditions in Russia: modernity

Not all wedding customs and traditions in Russia are strictly observed. Some have already become obsolete, others we have begun to borrow from other countries. The result is a whole complex of transformed rituals.

For example, the blessing of parents took root very firmly. Even if they decide to skip the morning blessing before the wedding, then at the banquet itself there will definitely be a toast from the parents, which will sound in the spirit of the blessing. parent word always honored, it was important for young people to know that this marriage was approved.

The comic ransom of the bride came to replace the real ransom, when the groom literally gave money to the girl's parents in order to marry her. Now this fun action is designed to amuse the guests, test the strength and ingenuity of the groom. All the money raised goes to the budget of the newborn family.

A trip to the registry office can hardly be called a tradition, it is rather a necessity that you need to go through in order to officially become husband and wife. Of course, earlier there were no registry offices in Rus', there was a wedding. Now some young people also prefer to get married so that their marriage is concluded before God.

Of course, it is customary to give wedding gifts. Previously, these were things necessary in the household. Now more often they give money to start a family life.

Wedding traditions in Russia include. In the distant past, dance had a magical meaning. Round dances were danced around the young, and they themselves circled in a certain direction. Thus, troubles and evil spirits were driven away. Nowadays, the dance of the young is part of the banquet, when the bride and groom show their choreographic capabilities to beautiful music, entertaining guests and showing love for each other. It can be waltz, tango or something else.

"Bitterly!" guests shout with a glass in their hand for a reason to make the newlyweds kiss. Previously, it was a sign that the glasses were not water, but really vodka, “bitter”.

Wedding loaf: traditions

Bread has always been especially revered in Rus'. And the wedding loaf was even called a talisman. It could be stored, taken with you on the road, protected from the evil eye.

Such a loaf was baked only by women who had light hand and strong marriage. Widows, divorced and childless were by no means allowed to this important matter.

The tradition has come down to us to meet the young with a loaf, and also to divide it in order to find out who will dominate in the house.

This round bread was necessarily decorated with various symbols: rings for strong marriage, ears of wheat for wealth, leaves and petals for healthy kids.

It had to be shared among all the guests. No one should leave a wedding without trying the loaf. A piece was also taken home and divided among the whole family, which did not have a chance to attend the wedding. Conspiracies were even committed against him, which were endowed with magical significance.

Modern newlyweds prefer to buy ready-made or order loaves. However, the most skillful bake them themselves, which is considered a special honor.

Wedding tradition: family hearth

This is a very exciting and beautiful rite that came to us from ancient times. Young people love it for its beauty and romance, but it also has a symbolic meaning.

The essence of this ritual is that the parents of the bride and groom light a candle and pass it on to the young, and at the same time say a parting word on how to keep comfort and warmth in the family.

Most often, modern newlyweds buy a special beautiful candle, usually red. And the parents light it with the fire of their candles to the beautiful words of the presenter. After this ceremony, the hearth remains with the newlyweds. They say that in hard times you can light it, and peace and tranquility will return to the family, and all troubles will pass by. It can be lit by both moms or dads, and all parents together.

Thus, not only the experience of older generations was passed on, but also two families, two clans were united. Lighting a candle, the parents accepted both spouses as their children and made a promise to love them and help with advice.

Armenian wedding traditions

Armenia, like any other country, has changed over time. Some customs faded into the background, while others remain unchanged to this day.

As in Rus', in Armenia, the wedding was necessarily preceded by matchmaking. Previously, the groom did not take part in it, only matchmakers came. Then it became customary to take the groom.

Matchmakers came after dark to hide from the eyes of neighbors. After all, a refusal could greatly reduce the rating of a failed husband. Men have always been considered the most important, so matchmakers have always been male. The father never betrayed his daughter the first time, it was considered a shame. As if the bride is defective in some way, so they want to give her away as soon as possible.

Refusing in person was not accepted. There were many allegories that meant either "We'll think about it, come back again" or "Our bride needs another groom."

Be sure to give a dowry for the bride. And the more dowry, the more enviable the bride. But this custom is outdated. Now, as a sign of respect, the groom's side says that no money is needed, they only want this girl to become a member of their family.

Armenian weddings were usually celebrated in late autumn or early winter. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, the crop has already been harvested, which means there is a lot of food. Secondly, the body after the summer is strengthened and full of strength, which means that children will be born strong and healthy.

The celebration is always magnificent, loud with countless guests. This is true to this day. All relatives are invited, even distant ones, so as not to offend anyone. Earlier guests convened with music, and the most respected residents invited with special honors.

Guests from the side of the future husband tried to give as much gold jewelry as possible. After all, this is how the well-being of the family should be shown.

Makars were necessarily present at the wedding - armed strong young guys who acted as bodyguards. They protected the entire procession and the groom in particular.

There was always plenty of food, and the dancing did not stop. The parties competed in what is more happy and cheerful. No one should be inferior in the dance to another.

Wedding traditions and customs in Belarus

The Belarusian wedding is similar to ours, primordially Russian. There was a matchmaking, and here the signs played such an important role that, having seen a black cat, the matchmakers could return. For matchmaking, they took gifts and treats with them to appease the bride's parents.

They married more often at the end of summer, at the beginning of autumn, when the harvest was over. But in mid-January, according to Belarusian customs, weddings are prohibited.

Before marriage, the future wife arranged a bachelorette party, where she said goodbye to her unmarried girlfriends. They wove wreaths. The bride should have the most magnificent, beautiful and tight wreath.

The young woman was dressed up in a strange house not far from the groom's house. It was considered very bad omen take a girl across the street on her wedding day. They put on her wedding dress, braided a tight braid. (or a scarf) was put on at the very last moment.

There was definitely a ransom, comic and cheerful with games and rhymes.

After the arrival of the groom, the hands of the future spouses were fastened with a handkerchief, they were circled several times around the table with a white tablecloth. After that, they helped themselves and went to the temple to get married.

After the wedding, the newly-made family had to go around seven bridges and visit the grave of their ancestors. These traditions are still alive today. The newlyweds try to visit seven bridges so that the groom carries the bride in his arms through each of them. Instead of the graves of ancestors, memorials, mass graves are often visited.

After the walk, everyone escorted the young people home. The threshold was a special place. He was often associated with death, so the husband had to carry his wife in his arms over the threshold, and the guests showered them with grain.

Already in the house, the veil was removed from the young wife, given to the older girlfriend, so that she would also get married soon. A simple scarf was put on the head of the newlywed, symbolizing the female share, the role in the family.

Many traditions have survived to this day, while others have been transformed. But ransom, loaf and bachelorette party always had and have great importance in the wedding ceremony.

Wedding ceremonies and traditions in Ukraine

Wedding Ukrainian traditions not much different from the native Russians. But they have more pagan nuances. We will consider only the most interesting and unusual Ukrainian rituals.

  • Theft of girls. During the dance, it was quite possible to steal a girl, even from rich family and then marry her, if she doesn't mind, of course. It took a lot of courage and dexterity from the guy to carry his prey as far as possible from home and hold it there for at least a day. If they find him early, don't take his head off. But after 24 hours, he was forgiven if the abducted woman did not want to marry him, or they married him if both agreed.
  • Girl's marriage. It was not forbidden for girls to marry the one they liked young man. She couldn't refuse. Such matchmaking was used only in very rare cases, if the girl was deceived by the guy. So she could protect herself.
  • Liberation through marriage. For a long time on Ukrainian soil, there was a custom not to execute a convict if some girl wished to become his wife. This also applied to convicted women. There is a belief that once a Cossack was taken to execution, a girl came out to meet him and wished to become his wife. But looking at her, the young man wished to be hanged rather than marry her.
  • Married always by seniority. In a family where there are several children of the same sex, the eldest always entered into marriage first and nothing else. Middle and junior had to wait their turn. After all, if a younger sister marries earlier, it will be an insult to the older one. She might not have been taken.
  • By pagan tradition, it was possible to get married in the spring, when nature blooms, and not only in the fall after the harvest.

  • The wedding twig, which denoted the beauty of the bride, can also be attributed to pagan symbols. She was baked in dough and put on festive table. After the celebration, all the girlfriends and friends broke off a piece from her.
  • Ukrainian weddings are always wide, noisy, they alcoholic drinks flow like a river. For this reason, even older children were not taken to such festivities.

Tatar wedding traditions

Tatar wedding celebrations differ from Russian ones for obvious reasons: Tatars are a Muslim people. However, we also have a lot in common. For example, matchmaking and.

One of the interesting Muslim customs is the rite of nikah. In fact, this is the same wedding. The mullah gives advice and guidance to the young, and blesses them. Until the nikah is completed, the groom should not be left alone with his chosen one.

The ransom from the Tatars is not a joke, but a real one, when the groom's family is given a dowry for a future wife. The toastmaster is also present at such weddings, but he is not hired, but the most cheerful and courageous among the guests is chosen. Currently, they still prefer to hire a host.

Of course, among festive dishes there should be traditional pilaf, and among the sweets, honey chak-chak.

There is also a special bridal house where the bridal bed is located. She was carefully covered. All the guests touched it and put coins on the saucer. After that, only the older women and the bride remained in this house. They taught the young woman how to meet her husband.

When all the festivities were completed, special contests and games were held in which the groom proved how strong and smart he was. Only after that did he get the right to stay alone with his newly-made wife.

On the day of the wedding, it is also customary to go to the bathhouse. The guests and the groom washed, after which the husband put on new clean clothes that the bride had sewn for him.

Like the lamentations of brides in Rus', Tatar people there are so-called "caresses". The young wife sat down with her back to the guests and sang songs about the heavy female lot. The guests came up, consoled her and stroked her back.

Previously, if the groom did not immediately give all the dowry, he helped to visit his wife no more than once a week until the full amount was paid. Modern wedding traditions Tatars do not assume such measures.

Wedding in India: Traditions

The Indian people, more than anyone else, honors their customs from ancient times. locals they try to observe all the rituals and ceremonies in order to provide young people with a long and happy life.

We used to think that the Indian celebration is songs and dances in the spirit of any films. This also has a place to be, but to a greater extent it is a spiritual sacrament. A rite called vivaha binds two families together, and also tightly weaves two souls for the next seven lives. That is why it is so important to follow it correctly.

The wedding is organized and paid for by the bride's parents. The young woman herself is dressed in a beautiful red sari and decorated in a special way. Color and cut festive clothes may vary depending on the region of India.

The bride can have only one hairstyle - tight long braid. Let your hair down in public Indian woman forbidden. Before the wedding, the girl's hair was thoroughly washed and smeared with precious oils. Then the braid was braided.

At future wife there is also a special make-up. This is a black eyeliner that makes the look more mysterious. A small red dot on the forehead, called a bindi, is wedding ring like the ring in the left nostril. This is a sign of a married woman.

An Indian wedding lasts 4-5 days. All this time, many different ceremonies are held, none of which can be missed.

One of the main qualities of the bride was considered (and is considered to this day) chastity. The woman was compared with the field, and the man with its owner. The first one to plow the field owns it by right, as well as everything that grows on it. Therefore, marriages with girls who lost their virginity were considered a meaningless exercise. It turns out that the groom stole the wife from someone else, this woman and all her children do not belong to him.

Now, as in many other countries, a young family leaves by car, but earlier the bride was taken away on a decorated elephant or horse, and all the guests saw them off with songs and dances.

Italian wedding: traditions

Italy is always unbridled fun, noisy games, dancing and an abundance of wine.

It is believed that the custom of carrying the bride in her arms over the threshold came from here. After all, if the bride stumbles on the threshold of the house, this predicts a lot of troubles and troubles.

In addition to the dance of the young, the bride still needs to dance separately, demonstrating her choreographic skills. She usually starts alone, and then guests join her, who simply cannot sit still.

The basic rule of Italian weddings is that everything should be fun. There are usually many guests, these are relatives, close and distant, friends, families of friends, friends of the family of friends, etc.

The Italians are also very responsible. Until now, for them it is not just a vacation. In order for the life of the young to be happy and rich, sweet, they are supposed to eat honey for the first two weeks after the wedding, which they do.

One of the interesting rituals is the sawing of a log by young spouses immediately after the wedding. And you have to cut it by hand. This symbolizes the strong union and cooperation of the newlyweds. It is worth adding that it is not customary for Italians to marry early. Marriage at the age of 30-35 is considered early.

Gypsy wedding: customs and traditions

Those associations that arise in you when presenting gypsy fun are the best fit for the definition of a wedding.

The gypsy people absolutely do not spare money and effort for the wedding, as it is considered the most important event in life. Therefore, no matter who gets married, everyone walks and treats all passers-by.

The wedding took place in an interesting way. Children could still be babies, and their parents had already agreed on a wedding. When the children reached certain age, the marriage arrangement was necessarily respected. You can even exchange brides if two families have a son and a daughter. In this case, a ransom is not necessary, as this is a mutually beneficial solution.

If a young man does not have money to ransom, or his beloved is intended for another, he could steal her.

At the celebration, the guests - men and women could not sit together, they were supposed to have different tables. The first wedding night should not take place after the feast, but during. The young were taken to the tent, where there should be no one but themselves. When the bride's shirt was taken out on a tray, a special fun began. Parents congratulated each other, were proud of their children.

If the bride was innocent, she was given expensive gifts. If not (which happened very rarely), her parents had to reimburse all the expenses for the wedding.

American wedding: traditions

We are all familiar with the customs of the American wedding celebration from films and TV shows. Not accepted in the US. If you arrange a celebration in accordance with all the rules, you will have to pay for the engagement, rehearsal, the wedding itself, as well as the buffet during the honeymoon.

From there came the custom to make an offer in an original and beautiful way, so that later you could tell your friends and girlfriends. Marriage is not necessary at all. Lovers decide everything themselves, and then only report this good news the rest. A rehearsal is not always necessary, but it is sometimes arranged to introduce the guests and create a favorable atmosphere.

Comic marriage registration ceremonies are not accepted in America. The more romance, the better. It is believed that guests should cry at the ceremony itself, and laugh at the banquet.

For married life to be successful, the bride must have something blue, something borrowed, and something new during the ceremony.

In the US, they get married in churches much more often than in our country, even if the couple is not very religious. After the ceremony, the groom carries the bride in his arms, they are showered with petals and rice.

Second wedding day: traditions

Not all newlyweds want to celebrate the second day. However, the wedding ceremony in Russian traditions suggests that the next day after the wedding there should be fun and a continuation of the banquet. Before the wedding walked for a week, now it is customary to celebrate only two days. This custom can be completely abandoned if the young so wish.

In Rus', the second day was obligatory. The newborn family received guests, treated them. The young wife demonstrated her skills as a housewife. Sometimes they jokingly interfered with her, scattered garbage, overturned buckets. And the first pancake was served with a surprise, vinegar or coal was mixed into it. A guest who ate such a pancake still had to praise the hostess and give her money for her troubles.

Of course, there were also mummers. Everyone had fun, came up with costumes, the funnier the better. They walked the streets, treated passers-by with vodka.

Such customs reign not only in Russia. So, for example, it is also customary for Dagestanis to invite relatives to the house on the second day and treat them. Young people continued to give gifts. And the young wife was obliged to dance with anyone who wanted to.

The Kazakhs, on the contrary, the newlyweds should visit all relatives, and they treated them and gave gifts.

There are separate tribes on the island of Borneo, where the second day is not so cheerful. They have Honeymoon is a severe test. Three days after the wedding, young people do not have the right to go to the toilet. To endure this, they have to eat and drink almost nothing. And only if both cope, they will be granted a happy and long life together.

As we can see, the wedding traditions of the peoples of the world differ from each other, but one thing is invariable: all the rites and rituals are designed to hold a young family together for many years.

Rida Khasanova August 30, 2018, 19:37

It is believed that the observance of some wedding signs is given warmth and happiness in family relationships. Age-old traditions are not subject to doubt and discussion, since they are transmitted from parents to children. It is often the closest relatives who are responsible for the customs without which wedding event turns out to be inadequate. Undoubtedly, many newlyweds have to find a compromise.

Photo of the wedding ceremony

modern wedding traditions

Traditional wedding ceremony in Russia starts with a meeting. It usually runs with . A pood of salt for a wedding for the young is prepared, as a rule, by the mother of the groom. Since Soviet times, champagne has been added to bread, although in some regions vodka is poured in the old fashioned way.

These traditions are very subjective depending on the values ​​of the family of the bride and groom.

Wedding rings were placed on a scarf, which was raised above the crown of the bride and groom. Such a wedding ceremony in Russian traditions meant the fulfillment of a love covenant in heaven, since the human head was associated with the heavenly world.

The newlyweds at the time of the marriage were surrounded by awe. According to the ideas of our ancestors, the creation of a family was the creation of a new world, where not two people unite, but the sun (groom) and the earth (bride).

Slavic wedding customs

Another Slavic wedding ritual in Rus' - ritual around the stove. When a young man brought his wife to his house, the first thing she did was to bow and pray to the hearth, since it was considered the heart of the dwelling.

Fellow villagers led round dances around the hut newlyweds throughout the wedding night. So people gave blessing to the new family. old superstitions and signs of happiness were clearly expressed in rich clothes. Red or gold belts at the wedding were a talisman. Later, after the holiday, if the husband was away, the wife girded herself with his wedding belt so as not to get sick.

Like the belt, the ring had the shape of a circle and signified the absence of a beginning and an end. Both were considered a symbol of fidelity, a girdle of evil, instincts or chaos.

Any Slavic amulets, including wedding ones, symbolized protection from evil.

Nowadays some pretty ancient customs still used by newlyweds. Eg, . This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation. The towel was necessarily inherited as a dowry or was sewn by the bride on her own and was used in the ancient rituals of the ancient Slavs, as it supposedly had healing powers.

In some provinces from the hut the groom unrolled a woven track to the bride's house. When they approached her in a wagon, she stepped only on it. This happened because their houses had images of two universes, and everything else - of the uncreated world.

Wedding in the old Slavonic style

Sometimes bonfires were laid out near the threshold. The groom and his friends jumped over the fire before going to the bride, being cleansed of everything so that the marriage takes place in innocence. Some of the customs and traditions of Russian weddings are still used in modern themed celebrations.

Wedding without traditions - interesting and unusual wedding ideas

The most popular ceremony is: the bride and groom sprinkle black and White sand from the vessels into one container, thereby promising each other that from now on they will be one and never be able to part. The pattern that is obtained by mixing sand different colors, always turns out to be individual, like the fate of people.

Sand ceremony at the wedding

The next touching ceremony begins with the fact that the newlyweds write before the wedding two letters to each other. Young people guess in them for the first 10 years married life. You can specify the following:

  • what common goals they share;
  • what feelings they experience on the night before the wedding;
  • how they are waiting for this day;
  • who will drink the most at the feast;
  • who will dance the most incendiary dance;
  • who will say the longest toast;
  • who will give the biggest bouquet;
  • what they swear to each other.

Besides, messages can be added:

  • attach additional letters to future children;
  • add drawings;
  • express feelings in verse.

The longer the letter gets, the more interesting it will be to read on the 10th wedding anniversary. Next, you need to purchase your favorite drink that will not deteriorate over such a period. It is placed in the box along with the letters. The joint of the lid is sealed with wax candles and, accordingly, with a seal.

wine ceremony

If it happens that the newlyweds in a few years will not be able to cope with any life situation, this box can be opened ahead of time. Taking out your favorite drink and remembering your feelings, build relationships. This idea It is called the ceremony of hammering the box and is even recommended by psychologists.

Hay or wood shavings, as well as ribbons, will make the box look sleeker. You can close it with a lock or nails.

beautiful wine ceremony at a wedding it is better to spend at the time of registration. So the marriage will be more complete. A time capsule can become a family heirloom, a reminder of this day, and a good piece of furniture.

How to make wedding ceremonies the most relevant

When compiling the guest list, the newlyweds often know which of them will come with a couple, and who is alone. The handover of the wedding baton is a favorite story. For successful competitions, you can count single girlfriends and friends, and then play their numbers at the auction.

In addition to the attribute of the bride, such as a garter, a piece of a tie is also thrown to the guests, acting as an anti-garter. The one who catches her, according to tradition, will not have time to marry in a year. Such a rite will be especially in demand among single men with good feeling humor.

From the first dance of the young do not refuse even in the absence of skills, because help can be obtained from a professional. The choreographer or director will add professional movements to amateur ones. A special entourage of the room is given by the team or bright props.

First a wedding dance young

Another option is to perform the song as a duet. The first wedding live video is not forbidden to be performed with a soundtrack. Guests are unlikely to expect this, so it is joyful to be surprised in any case.

What are the wedding customs for the parents of the bride and groom?

As already mentioned, parents can put a slingshot at the wedding, but there are a number of unifying ceremonies. The first thing the bride's parents should do is bless the marriage. To do this, the father leads the bride to the groom standing at the altar, and dances with her at the banquet.

parents at the wedding

Classic wedding traditions for the groom's parents include his dance with his native and godmother. Good idea- arrange these dances in one or more of the following ways:

  • slideshow of children's photos;
  • sparklers;
  • candles;
  • confetti.

The rite of interbreeding families is called ceremony family hearth , although all guests can participate in it

To do this, candles are distributed to all married people so that everyone can pass on a piece of their family hearth and warmth to the newlyweds. The newlyweds blow out the lights and make wishes in honor of the family's first birthday.

The last candles are given by parents, they seem to give. Since ancient times, only the mother of the bride participated in the ceremony. She passed the ember from her oven to her daughter so that she would cook dinner for the first time in the new house. In modern times, the mother of the groom also joins this.

Ignition of the family hearth

The participation of parents at the son's wedding mainly takes place in the banquet part of the event. In addition to the usual toasts with life stories they can sing, thereby fitting into the framework of a European wedding.

Thus, parents and guests express sadness about the passing of a bachelor. According to Russian traditions, invitees should meet the bride in the house of the bride or groom, and not at the restaurant. each family decides differently. You can listen to, or you can just from pure heart wish young Bon Voyage in a new family life.

Parents escorting the bride and groom

Asking the question of who should pay for the wedding according to tradition, one must turn to the Slavic dowry rule. Since the parents themselves agreed on the marriage, they paid for the festivities. Depending on the value acquired by the bride, the groom's parents were charged a fee. To date, in this issue everything is individual.

Traditions for the second and third wedding day

The second day of the wedding is usually spent in nature, in a cafe or sauna in the afternoon. The duration of rest is usually 6 hours, but this is not the limit. The scenario for this day is thought out in advance. small styling and themed actions decorate the continuation of the celebration in the best way.

Traditionally, the husband and wife cook pancakes at the wedding on the second day to sell them. It is believed that whoever eats the most will be lucky all year. You can replace them with a multi-level ready-made cake.

A wedding cake

If young people ride around the city that day, the tradition of blocking the road at a wedding obliges them to give delicious gifts. If you give a treat to those who could, then the couple will be able to pay off bad luck in this way. On the third day, the newlyweds open presents, view photos and send postcards to guests. Some go to the local bridge and hang as a symbol of eternal love.

Wedding traditions of the world

Any marriage involves marriage contract in which the rights and obligations of the newlyweds can be discussed

Oriental weddings begin with the conclusion of the testimony of the parents in the mosque, in order to give sacredness to the ceremony. IN Arab countries without this paper, young people are not even settled in the same room together.

After the business part, two people who create a family have long been obliged to give their consent aloud three times. In addition, if the newlyweds reveal insincere intentions about the wedding, their marriage is considered invalid.

Therefore, the strongest bonds, as a rule, are created in the east. But in Russian Federation the negotiated marriage contract has no legal force until it is registered in the registry office. Otherwise muslim wedding in Russia is no different from the traditional Islamic.

There are a lot of wedding traditions. There are even more variations. They make the wedding more solemn. But at the same time, more traditions make it harder to perceive, because in fact there is less time for communication, games and dances.

Another one interesting tradition is a union of young families. A video of the marriage ceremony at the wedding can be viewed here:

Wedding signs, traditions and customs

The wedding is one of the most important events in the life of not only the bride and groom, but also their families, relatives and close friends who are invited to this significant event. Of course, it is surrounded by a record number of superstitions, some of which have come to us from the depths of centuries and have more than one millennium of their history, while others are born right before our eyes, but still firmly occupy a place in the minds of those who have yet to play this amazing rite.

Looking back from ancient times to the present marriage and family relations in Rus', you can see that they have undergone significant changes. However, their basis is still the relationship between husband and wife, who after the wedding are separated from their parents and begin to live "their own house", which again goes back to the time of the late Stone Age, the Neolithic society, when there was a collapse of communal relations and a unit of society already considered a family living separately.

Here are just some of the signs associated with a honeymoon trip. Ever since the time when the main means of transportation was a horse, it was customary to ride in different carriages (carts, wagons) for both the groom and the bride. Nowadays, of course, cars are used for these purposes, but still the meaning remains the same - the bride and groom get to the registry office in different cars, and the bride goes with her girlfriends, and the groom with his friends.

Even before the bride is in the wedding car, the groom, again according to the existing custom, carries her in his arms to the car itself, although in Lately this ritual is observed less and less, mainly in Western Europe and the United States. According to the same customs, the path to the cars of the bride and groom is covered with rose petals so that their life together is as bright, beautiful and romantic as the petals of these flowers.

Where did the custom of decorating come from? wedding cars ribbons and flowers and what does it mean? Originally from Western Europe, this custom is a slightly modified, very ancient tradition the so-called "bride bows", which in its present form was most widespread in the 17th-19th centuries. The beautiful bride went to the church for the wedding, accompanied by several boys who carried sprigs of flowering rosemary, considered the flower of the bride, and narrow strips of ribbon, the so-called "bride bows", which were tied on her hands and were considered a guarantee of a happy family life. At the beginning of the 20th century, this custom began to be gradually forgotten, but the practice of decorating items related to the wedding remained, although the bows themselves first migrated to wedding carriages, and then to cars.

In Rus', there has long been a tradition to arrange wedding arrangements and celebrate weddings from the Feast of the Intercession (October 14) to Kuzmin's Day (November 14). Begging for a “second half”, girls and guys these days recalled all the famous love plots, which have a special power on the Veil. It was believed that the wedding ceremony is directly related to the worship of fire as a life-giving principle and the Sun as an image of heavenly fire that awakens the earth. On the last day of girlhood, the bride wept at the blazing hearth. Entering her husband's house, the bride went first of all to the hearth, specially kindled on that day.

Many other rituals and beliefs are connected with the wedding day. Although this holiday was considered joyful and solemn, the bride, from the moment the matchmaker appeared in the house until the very wedding in the church, according to custom, should not stop crying and lamenting about her fate, thereby showing respect to her parents and gratitude for the years of her life spent under stepfather blood. On the day of the matchmaking, the day of the next meeting is appointed, when the groom must come for an answer. The final agreement and the appointment of the wedding day were celebrated with a feast in the bride's house. By ancient tradition, the bride was symbolically “drank away”: the matchmakers and the bride’s parents drank for the contract on the future wedding, as a guarantee of the inviolability of which the groom took the bride’s handkerchief and ring before leaving.

And here is how our ancestors perceived the custom of breaking dishes at a wedding. The newlyweds break the first glass of champagne for happiness. The custom of breaking dishes for good luck during a wedding can be called international. On the second day of the wedding, clay pots began to be beaten in Russian villages. In addition, a broken pot was considered proof of the bride's chastity, but if the pot remained intact, the poor girl had a hard time. After all, it was very difficult to dissuade others that she was honest. And in general it was believed: the more fragments, the more happiness.

In some places in Europe, there was a custom according to which the parents of the bride after the wedding threw a dish of pies out of the upper window of the house. good sign it was considered if the dish was broken into a large number of fragments.

The custom of breaking dishes for happiness existed not only in Russia. So, in Yorkshire (England) there is still a tradition of breaking a dish. The dish itself is given into the hands of the groom, on it there are pieces of a wedding cake. The groom must throw this dish over the head of the bride onto the road. At this time, the kids should quickly grab the pieces of the pie. In the event that the dish does not break into small pieces, the groom's friend must trample it with his foot. The more broken pieces of the dish were, the more happiness, it was supposed, could be expected in the young.

The father and mother of the bride greet the young with bread and salt, lead them to the table and seat them on a fur coat turned inside out. It is believed that this brings wealth and prosperity to the house. During the entire feast, the newlyweds should not drink or eat, and the boyfriend and girlfriend of the bride and groom make sure that the young people sit closely pressed against each other (“so that the cat cannot run between them”). Guests feast until late in the evening, break dishes for good luck, praise the young. The traditional exclamation "Bitter!" associated with the custom of offering each of the guests a shot of vodka, after drinking which he must confirm that it was really vodka, shouting: “Bitter!

And here are some signs associated with marriage ceremonies and wedding celebrations.

wedding omens

■ When the newlyweds sit down at the wedding table, it is necessary that they sit on the same bench - then the family will be strong and well-coordinated, otherwise the marriage may be unsuccessful.

■ The newlyweds at the table, according to ancient customs, should be put on a fur coat turned upside down with wool, so that they live richly and with prosperity.

■ The bride and groom should always be close to each other and not allow anyone to stand between them, otherwise they will disperse. The person who appeared between them was a harbinger of misfortune in family life. And besides, it was believed that the one who becomes between the newlyweds will be the reason for their separation.

■ Do not invite all relatives - to sort things out. In principle, this sign can be treated with a certain amount of humor and not taken seriously, but it still does not hurt to think about it at your leisure.

■ The girl who catches the bouquet thrown by the bride will be the next to get married, and in next year. This sign is especially popular in recent decades, under the influence of American films.

■ Girlfriends should not wash the dishes after the wedding, otherwise there will be a quarrel with the newlyweds.

■ Many guests at the wedding - to the trouble. This sign can also be treated as a comic, folkloric one. It probably comes from the proverb "To marry the poor - the night is short."

■ A good treat at a wedding - to frequent guests in the house.

■ The bride and groom should not be photographed separately at the wedding - otherwise they will part.

■ Coins put into the glasses of the bride and groom during the wedding should be kept at home under the tablecloth, then the family will live richly.

■ If, returning from the registry office, the bride enters the house first, she will lead the family, if the groom, he will be the owner.

■ If at a wedding you tie two bottles of champagne with a ribbon and leave them instead of drinking them, the newlyweds will definitely celebrate their wedding anniversary and the birth of their first child.

■ If during the wedding jewelry fell from the bride - a bad omen.

■ If you give cutlery (especially with knives), give a coin - otherwise there will be contention.

■ The groom must not see the wedding dress before the wedding day and must not see the bride on the eve of the wedding.

■ Failure awaits the bride if, before the wedding, she sees herself in the mirror in full wedding dress.

■ If the bride's dress is torn at the wedding, then the mother-in-law will be angry.

■ Rain or snow on your wedding day - fortunately.

There are many signs regarding wedding candles. For example, it is believed that one of the newlyweds, whose wedding candle burns out earlier, will die first, and if it falls out of the hands, then this was completely considered not good. Also, the uneven burning of the wedding candle, which thus “worried” about the elders in the house, did not bode well.

If it rained on the wedding day, then this was considered an excellent omen, but it’s bad if the wedding was played in the winter and a snowstorm broke out - according to signs, all wealth was blown out of a young family.

If, after the wedding ceremony, the wedding procession went along a different road, then this was considered an excellent omen, since now the husband and wife will live new life and will not return to the former.

And what could be done if the girl did not want to marry the one whom she was expected to be her husband? Enterprising matchmakers tried at all costs to take possession of the girl’s old shoes and broom, since in this case she still had to marry, even against her desire, an unloved person.

Some of the signs associated with the wedding ceremony date back several centuries, and in this century they are also trying to observe, firmly believing in their effectiveness.

■ Before the wedding, the bride should cry a little - the marriage will be happy. It's best if these tears are from parting words parents, and not because of any overlays or problems.

■ When the bride goes to the church/registry office, the mother gives her daughter family heirloom: ring, cross, brooch, bracelet, etc., so that this thing is with her at the wedding, protecting her.

wedding candles the bride and groom should blow out at the same time - to a long life together.

■ After the wedding, the young should look in one mirror - to good luck, to a friendly and happy life.

Now it is fashionable to take loans for holding wedding celebrations, yes, this is understandable - after all, a great reason to have fun on a grand scale, and this event is remembered for some for a long time, and for others - for life. In general, I want the celebrations to take place on the the best level, so you have to borrow money, take loans ... But in the old days this was considered a bad sign, since according to legend, a family that celebrated a wedding with borrowed money would repay debts all its life and not have their own money.

Before sitting at the wedding table, the young should break the plate and step over the pieces together so as not to quarrel in marriage.

The bride cuts the wedding cake, the groom holds the knife. The groom puts a piece of cake with the main pattern on the plate of his betrothed, the bride presents the next piece to the groom, and then to the guests. This is a sign of mutual agreement and help to each other.

If three years in a row on the anniversary of the wedding to cover the table with a wedding tablecloth, then the young will live together until old age.

And of course, rare wedding even in our time, they do without the traditional wedding loaf, about which there are also many beliefs and superstitions. Symbol family happiness- a wedding loaf is baked by several women under the guidance of the godmother of the bride or groom. Widows, divorced or childless women are never invited to participate in this ritual: it was believed that their unfortunate fate could affect the future of a young family.

In general, there are a great many signs about weddings, not all of them portend good, but not all of them necessarily come true. If you believe in the power of love and do not pay attention to minor troubles during the wedding, then nothing bad will happen. The main thing is to always believe in good and look at everything with humor.

Recently, there has been an increase in interest in African culture and traditions. Some wedding planning firms even offer wedding venue services. african style. Exotic, isn't it? But perhaps it is worth knowing in advance about some of the signs and customs of a wedding in Africa. There are many of them, and we offer you some of them.

To begin with, it is important that upcoming wedding a snake crawled into the house where the young people will live - this is considered a good omen, a sign of prosperity and happiness in family life. The mistress of the house in this case offers the snake a bowl of fresh milk and asks to stay. And it is considered a completely different sign if the snake has tried the treat - to be happy in the house.

There is also a fairly common ban on intra-tribal love relationships; according to the beliefs of many tribes, this brings misfortune and misfortune to the whole tribe and, of course, to those man and woman who, contrary to tradition, fell in love with each other.

During the wedding ceremony itself, the owners of the house in which this action is played read spells and prayers for the well-being of the house, call on the spirits of the ancestors to be favorable to them, and also ask for prosperity, well-being and health for everyone. It is noteworthy that, similarly to the traditions of European ceremonial magic, Africans at the end of each prayer-spell say "So be it" in chorus.

The custom of jumping over a broom at a wedding is common not only at weddings of ancient and modern pagans, it is an indispensable attribute wedding ceremonies many African tribes. The bride and groom during the wedding must jump over the broom, which symbolizes the beginning of creating their own home.

A wedding is one of the most important events in every person's life. Over time, wedding traditions have changed, and the roots of certain rituals have been lost. However, some modern wedding ceremonies carry the power to truly unite two people into a happy family.

Since ancient times, great importance has been attached to wedding signs and traditions: a wedding was and is still considered an event that connects the hearts and souls of two people for the rest of their lives. Different countries have completely different traditions, which nevertheless have one goal: to emphasize the moment of reunion of two loving people and leave memories for a lifetime.

Wedding ceremonies of the world

Each country has its own customs, formed over several centuries and passed down from generation to generation. And although modern weddings are significantly different from ancient traditions, the roots wedding ceremonies remain unchanged.

For example, young people in India still do not get married until they make sure that their horoscopes are compatible. Checking the personal horoscopes of the bride and groom is a whole ritual: the family astrologer compares natal charts, starting with the most early years future spouses. If, according to the horoscope, the young people are suitable for each other, permission is given for marriage. If not, then the desire to start a family may be met with disapproval.

The very ceremony of marriage in India has the highest sacred meaning: Hindus believe that marriage binds two lovers not for one, but for seven whole lives. Needless to say, the choice of a spouse in this country is taken incredibly seriously?

This attitude is bearing fruit: the institution of marriage in India is extremely strong. Divorce is a phenomenon out of the ordinary and happens only in families of the so-called "lower" strata of society.

They get married in a similar way in China: the groom proposes, but things do not go any further until the horoscopes of the young people are checked for love compatibility. If, according to the horoscope, the couple matches each other, then the engagement is considered concluded, and a fortune teller comes to the bride's house to find out auspicious date future celebration. The wedding itself takes three or more days, and the bride must change at least three different dresses, transforming from unmarried girl into a family woman.

Wedding ceremonies in Russia

A wedding in our Motherland also involves a large number of traditions and ritual actions coming from antiquity. For example, the tradition of sprinkling millet on newlyweds and throwing small coins at their feet “for good luck” has existed for more than one century. wedding loaf turned into a big cake, which is cut by the young, so that the common economy is strong.

The tradition of having a hen and stag party exists in many countries, but it is in Russia that so much attention is paid to it. Farewell to single life - important attribute any wedding: we believe that only by saying goodbye to our single status in the circle of friends or girlfriends, we can start a new, happy family life.

The color of the bride's dress, her veil and the groom's suit have undergone significant changes: modern tradition to marry in a white dress has existed only since the time of Catherine II, who for the first time in history herself put on such wedding dress. Prior to this, brides' dresses were red: it was the color of blood that symbolized the girl's transition to the status of a married woman.

The groom's clothes also changed beyond recognition: strict black or white suit came into vogue not so long ago. In Rus', men celebrating a wedding traditionally dressed in a richly embroidered shirt, ports and a caftan. Over time, the costume changed and gradually came to modern version festive attire.

Another beautiful modern tradition unites all countries and times. When registering a marriage, the groom publicly kisses his bride, thereby declaring his rights to her and showing others that from that moment his heart, body and soul belong to only one woman - his young wife. Responding to a kiss, the bride says the same, confirming and strengthening the verbal oath.

The tradition of throwing the bride's bouquet during a festive banquet at a modern wedding is borrowed from European countries and completely new. Throwing a bouquet, the bride passes her status to another girl with the help of a random draw. It is believed that a friend who caught a bouquet has no right to refuse if she is soon made an offer: by rejecting it, she rejects Fate itself.

Breaking the dishes of the newlyweds is a recent custom: it is believed that in this way new family saves herself from the evil eye and curses, and also decisively shows that she is ready for a new life together. According to the fragments from the plates, they guess what gender the child will be: large fragments indicate a boy, and small fragments indicate a girl.

Although the modern wedding in Russia is very different from the wedding rites of the Slavs, the marriage has retained main point: connection of two loving friend friend of people for life and responsibility for decision. We wish you a happy family life, love and joy. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and