Electrophoresis in cosmetology indications and contraindications. Electrophoresis. Iontophoresis. Ion enrichment on a new generation Japanese apparatus. Types of electrodes for electrophoresis

Electrophoresis - medical procedure, one of the main areas of physiotherapy.

The medical effect is achieved through the simultaneous action of weak currents and pharmaceuticals.

What is it, what is medicinal electrophoresis for, what is the principle of action, the benefits and harms of the procedure, and what are the indications and contraindications for this technique - we will tell you about this in our article.

The cathode (negative electrode) expands the blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the endocrine glands, and accelerates the metabolic processes in cells.

The anode (positive electrode) helps to activate the lymph flow, remove toxins from the body, and also reduces pain sensitivity. In addition to the most common, percutaneous technique, in medicine, the cavity and interstitial method of drug administration through a galvanic current is also used.

The essence of the method

An electrophoresis session is carried out by the hardware method, the technique is as follows - opposite-pole electrodes with tissue pads impregnated with medicines are fixed on the body parts.

Under the action of galvanization, the ions of the pharmaceutical solution penetrate the skin (approximately to a depth of 1.5 cm), accumulating in the cells and in the intercellular space.

The current strength, exposure time and concentration of the therapeutic solution are prescribed individually - taking into account the nature of the disease, age, sensitivity skin. When in contact with the plates through which the current passes, the patient does not experience pain.

There is a barely perceptible burning or tingling in the areas where the electrodes are fixed. Maybe appearance of a lung metallic taste in the mouth. The duration of the session is 10-20 minutes. The number of treatment sessions is from 5 to 20.

Therapeutic effect

Electrophoresis is prescribed after completing a therapeutic course or surgical intervention. The ability to restore the natural structure of tissues is actively used in gynecology (elimination of adhesions in the fallopian tubes), otolaryngology (treatment of chronic sinusitis and otitis), dermatology (skin defects).

Electrophoresis is used in pediatrics (in the treatment of hypertension in infancy), in neurology (removal of inflammation in the area strangulated hernia), in traumatology and other areas of medicine.

When exposed to the body, the following positive effects have been proven:

  • slowing down inflammatory processes;
  • decrease in the intensity of pain (with infringement of the facial nerve);
  • elimination of excessive muscle tension;
  • acceleration of recovery processes (tissue regeneration);
  • calming effect;
  • improvement of microcirculation in subcutaneous tissues.

Impact in cosmetology

Upon contact of the skin with opposite electrodes, electromagnetic fields are formed that stimulate the formation of new ions in the lymph and intercellular space. Electrode plates are fixed on skin areas where there are sebaceous and sweat glands– effective absorption takes place in this area medicines.

Several processes occur simultaneously under the cathode and anode:

  • electrodiffusion;
  • polarization;
  • electroosmosis.

As a result of the biochemical effect on nerve endings, a response of the body occurs - pores open, capillary vessels expand, blood flow increases, metabolic processes are activated (the resorptive effect lasts from 3 to 20 days).

In cosmetology practice, various electrolytes are used that have a healing, healing, regenerating effect (the sign of the electrode from which the agent should be injected under the skin is marked on branded packages).

According to their purpose, preparations for electrophoresis can be anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating (non-surgical lifting), nourishing, moisturizing.

In medical cosmetology, drugs such as hyaluronic acid, collagen gels, masks based on placental composition, salicylic acid, nicotinic acid, antiseptic emulsions, lidase.

With the help of electrophoresis (an alternative name for the procedure is iontophoresis), dissolved extracts from medicinal plant materials, vitamins, and active microelements are injected under the skin.

What problems does it help solve?

Elimination of cosmetic defects

On the face and neck - the skin is sensitive and thin. From a deep abrasion, a red scar remains, which brightens after a few years, but never completely disappears. People who are prone to keloid scarring leave a bumpy scar that indelibly spoils their appearance.

Partially (and in some cases completely) the defect can be eliminated with the help of drug iontophoresis. During treatment sessions, drugs are used that actively destroy the layers of scar tissue (lidase, fermenkol).

A new generation drug is longidase, which has antioxidant, immunostimulating and antiseptic properties. Penetrating under the influence galvanic current under the skin, the medicine restores the structure of the epidermis, restoring natural elasticity to the tissues. Unlike lidase, the new agent does not cause allergic reactions.

Postoperative period

Scar marks remain on the face after surgical operations(especially noticeable defects in the eyes, cheekbones, eyelids). It is impossible to eliminate a visually noticeable pathology with the help of traditional medicines, but when using electrophoresis, it is possible to achieve the maximum cosmetic effect. For galvanic administration, the subcutaneous drug collalisin is used, which has the following types impacts:

  • destroys the tissue of keloid scars;
  • resolves defective skin changes on the eyelids;
  • breaks down scar tissue in the retina.

Electrophoresis with collalisin is prescribed for injuries in the eye area, healed lesions of the mucous membrane.

The procedure is carried out with great care (the first dosage is the minimum) in order to prevent burn tissue inflammation.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the procedure include:

  • non-injection method of drug administration;
  • the therapeutic activity of drugs is enhanced by galvanic current;
  • immediate effect on the site of inflammation;
  • lack of discomfort;
  • prolonged therapeutic effect.

The main disadvantage is the limited use (not all drugs can be administered by electrophoresis).

Inability to create high concentration drugs and determine the degree of its accumulation in the body are also disadvantages medical technique electrophoresis.

Who can

Electrophoresis is used in medical cosmetology practice for the following purposes:

  • to restore elasticity and rejuvenate the skin;
  • to smooth wrinkles;
  • to eliminate puffiness (bags under the eyes);
  • for the cleaning skin pores from pollution.

Indications for the application of the electrophoresis procedure are the presence of defects:

  • dry, aging skin of the face and décolleté;
  • acne, blackheads;
  • small wrinkles, nasolabial folds;
  • sagging skin in the cheeks and chin.

Electrophoresis is one of the main methods used in integrated program oily treatment acne. Desincrustation (removal of comedones) - galvanization using an alkaline solution, which is introduced from a negatively charged pole.

Since iontophoresis radically improves blood circulation in peripheral vessels and has an anti-inflammatory effect, after a few sessions the skin becomes even matte shade, segments with " oily sheen"and peeling.

Before carrying out the electrophoresis procedure, it is necessary to make sure that the patient is not allergic to the drug and that he tolerates the effects of galvanic current well.

When to Refrain

Contraindications for the appointment of electrophoresis are:

  • neoplasms of a malignant nature;
  • purulent infections;
  • viral diseases;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • dermatitis in the stage of inflammation;
  • increased body temperature;
  • kidney failure;
  • the presence of metal dental crowns;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • mental illness.

How is the session

The session is held in the following sequence:

The procedure takes 3-4 minutes, the frequency is 1 time in 2 weeks. The course of treatment is 6 procedures. Re-treatment- 2 months later.

And the rejuvenation procedure goes like this:

  1. The cosmetologist impregnates tissue pads with a nutrient or treatment solution and applies them to the skin (under the electrodes).
  2. After turning on the device, the ions of the active substance penetrate deep under the skin. By moving the electrodes in a sliding motion, the beautician sequentially treats the face and neck areas. An iontophoresis session lasts 7-8 minutes.
  3. After the session, a nourishing mask is applied for 10 minutes.

Assign from 6 to 10 procedures.

Electrophoresis refers to highly effective physiotherapy procedures. Achieved medical (or cosmetic) result is supported long time after undergoing physical therapy.

It is important that sessions run qualified specialists, possessing practical experience in their own direction, well-versed functionality medical equipment. During the procedure, the specialist must continuously monitor the patient's condition.

A good doctor prescribes sessions only after receiving reliable evidence that absolute contraindications for the procedure are not available.

Sessions are canceled when severe skin irritation appears, when the state of health worsens, caused by exposure to current or the prescribed medication.

In general, the procedure is well tolerated by patients, regardless of age and severity of the disease. In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to punctually follow the recommendations of the attending physician, also undergo full course prescribed procedures.

Watch a video on how electrophoresis is done for facial skin:

If the doctor has prescribed procedures, in no case do not skip or postpone their time without good reason. Try to fulfill all the appointments of a specialist. After an electrophoresis session, you can not take a bath, sunbathe, visit a solarium or a fitness room.

On the day of the session, you should also not use additional cosmetical tools. If you are taking medication, be sure to tell the cosmetologist about it - this is important!

Requirements for medicinal products

Electrophoresis is one of the ways to introduce medicines into the body. Most "pure" (i.e. one-component) pharmaceuticals administered by injection can be administered through the skin. These are drugs penicillin series(antiseptics), vitamins, chemical elements (potassium, copper, calcium, zinc).

In cosmetology medicine, using the capabilities of innovative equipment, specialists conduct iontophoresis sessions with multicomponent substances.

Regardless of which drug will be used during the session, it is necessary to follow the requirements for the preparation of formulations. As solvents are used:

  • distilled water;
  • medical ethyl alcohol;
  • dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • buffer compounds.

The electrodes during one treatment course do not change places. The effectiveness of the absorption of the drug depends on the condition of the skin, age, type of solvent, drug concentration, types of medical equipment, current strength, session time.

Combination with other cosmetic procedures

Electrophoresis goes well with thalassotherapy, therapeutic massage, mud therapy and. It is possible to carry out RF-lifting of the body (), as well as RF-lifting of the face (photo before and after). A day later (it is not recommended to do it on the same day) after an electrophoresis session, to enhance the effect, you can use ultraphonophoresis, with a mineral complex and lymphatic drainage.

doctor develops individual program skin care, taking into account the condition of the skin, age, tolerance of medicinal components, requirements for an aesthetic effect.

Since iontophoresis in combination with other cosmetic procedures radically improves blood circulation in the peripheral vessels and has an anti-inflammatory effect, after a few sessions the skin acquires an even matte shade, the areas with “oily sheen” and peeling disappear.


The average cost of a treatment session to remove acne is 1000 rubles. The cost of rejuvenation procedures depends on the status of the clinic, the equipment used for electrophoresis, the quality of the drugs used. The indicator ranges from 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

One of effective methods rejuvenation in hardware cosmetology is electrophoresis. There are devices for galvanic exposure in many salons and it will be useful to know what exactly happens to your skin at the time of exposure.

At the core medicinal electrophoresis lies the action of ionizing galvanic current and medicinal substances.

The essence of this procedure is reduced to the effect of galvanic current and the introduction through the skin, as a rule, of ampoule agents.
The injected ions in combination with direct current have a reflex and humoral effect on the body.

The resulting excitation is transmitted to the central nervous system and in higher vegetative centers.
The response may be local or generalized. Ions introduced into the skin have a humoral effect on the body.

In addition, the galvanic current itself creates a favorable background in tissues due to complex electrochemical changes. The ions introduced by electrophoresis give a high therapeutic effect.

Is very popular Darsonval- a medical device, the basis of which is pulsed alternating sinusoidal currents of high frequency and voltage, but of low strength. It promotes the expansion of arterial and venous vessels, increasing the permeability vascular walls, stimulation of metabolic processes, desensitization of motor nerves.

Substances injected into the skin break down into ions and are injected from one or another electrode of the same polarity. Ions and nutrients penetrate through the excretory ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands to a shallow depth, accumulate in the skin and form a depot, and then are washed out by the lymph, diffusing into deep-lying tissues and entering the general hemocirculation.
Indications: sluggish atonic, oily, dry skin, etc.
The gauze tape is impregnated with an ampoule preparation.
The client holds one electrode in his hand, and the skin is gently treated with the other for 10 minutes.

On each ampoule preparation, it is indicated from which electrode to inject it - positive or negative. Ions through the channels penetrate into the dermis.

The procedure is carried out until the drug is absorbed.
Water can serve as a solvent for some substances introduced by iontophoresis.
Nutrients and ampoules administered by iontophoresis penetrate to a depth of 1 cm or more.
It is customary to use 8% solutions nutrients. The current strength in this case can vary from 0.01 - 0.05 to 0.1 mA per 1 cm2.
It is possible to use an anti-wrinkle gel, which must also have a certain polarity. In this case, each wrinkle is treated with a finger electrode.

Cleaning with decontamination.
The use of galvanic current is also the basis of cleaning with disincrustation.
Through decontamination, deep cleansing pores with electric current.
Indications: oily skin with many comedones.

Under the influence of electric current, the skin loosens and waste products are pulled out of the pores or fats are emulsified with the formation of soap, which is removed from the skin through the excretory ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Under the influence of galvanic current, blood vessels expand, blood flow accelerates, the permeability of blood vessels and cell membranes increases, and cells are hydrated.

Usually, the customer holds the positive electrode in his hand, and the operation is carried out by the negative electrode, which is wetted special solution disinfectant. Areas being cleaned oily skin, forehead, nose, chin.

If the skin is very oily, it is processed within 2-3 minutes; if dry, sensitive, then within 1-2 minutes. The procedure is performed 1 time in 15 days.

The current strength increases smoothly from 0.6 to 1.5-4 mA to a subjective state of tingling in the skin.
After the cleaning is carried out vacuum procedure, it is desirable to make a soothing atrial healing mask according to skin type, and then a protective cream is applied.

All these procedures are carried out by a qualified cosmetologist with basic medical education, which can navigate the contraindications, which are not few for these procedures.

The Nu Skin company offers to use a device that is designed to home use. This became possible for several reasons.
1. The impact current is reduced by a thousand times, now its range is 0.9-1.3 μA. This current strength is quite comparable with the electrical processes that occur in the skin.
2. The built-in microprocessor determines the condition of the skin, its conductivity and regulates the current itself, and in the latest model, the exposure time, the exposure time. Fully automatic.
3. The active ingredients of the gels are free from all potential harmful substances and are hypoallergenic.
4. Four nozzles allow you to work with various types special gels and carry out cleansing and nourishing procedures for the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, work on cellulite, introduce corrective doses of collagen into deep folds and wrinkles, clean the peri-bulbous space on the scalp.

Today, anyone can purchase an electrophoresis device at a pharmacy or a specialized store. This device can be used at home. Therefore, these devices are often used to treat diseases that are associated with limited motor activity.

Electrophoresis is a combined method of treatment, a medicinal substance that is introduced into the body through current.

For electrophoresis, substances are used that dislocate into ions in solutions.

As solvents are used:

  1. distilled water.
  2. Saline With different meanings pH.
  3. For water-soluble substances it is advisable to use dimethyl sulfoxide (dimexide).

The permeability of the skin for medicinal substances decreases in the direction from the head to the feet:

  1. Maximum insight characterized by facial skin.
  2. the greatest insight skin of legs and feet.

It should be noted that the permeability of the mucous membranes during the galvanic introduction of substances is 2–2.5 times greater than the permeability of the skin. The penetration depth of substances during electrophoresis is approximately 1 cm. With age, skin turgor decreases, which leads to a decrease in the amount of drug introduced into the body.

The rather low permeability of the skin for medicinal substances leads to the fact that about half of the administration of drugs is retained in the skin and, creating a depot there, causes the effect of a "microdropper".

Electrophoresis is characterized by prolonged exposure to drugs. If, under the action of galvanic current, the aftereffect lasts up to 4 hours after the session, then antibiotics remain in the depot for up to 3 days.

Adrenaline and norepinephrine are excreted from the body within a week. A rather promising modification of drug electrophoresis is internal organ electrophoresis, in which the required medication is administered intravenously and during the period of its highest concentration in the blood, galvanization is carried out on the organ concerned.

Conducting at home

electrophoresis- carried out as medical institutions, as well as at home. All you need to do is follow the instructions for using the device. But the number and duration of sessions, as well as the drugs used, should be prescribed by the attending physician.

For the procedure, it is desirable to use the services of a doctor. This is especially important if you are this procedure first. The doctor will teach you proper use and also answer all your questions. Treatment devices are sold at specialized stores and pharmacies.

The procedure is absolutely painless for a person. It implies the introduction certain medicines into the mucosa.

In addition, therapy is carried out in two directions:

  1. Specially selected preparations.

This procedure does not age restrictions. However, children are usually treated at home.

Before carrying out this procedure, you need to consult a specialist or independently study the installation methods of all electrodes. The knowledge gained will save you from accidents. That is, it will ensure safety.

Your healthcare provider should determine:

  1. The duration of the procedure.
  2. Medicines used.
  3. Applied apparatus.

Indications and contraindications for use

Electrophoresis of medicinal substances is used to treat local and regional processes of a different nature:

  1. Inflammatory.
  2. Dystrophic.
  3. Allergic etc.

Electric current is successfully used for:

  1. Vertebrogenic diseases.
  2. Diseases of the central and peripheral system (encephalitis, myelitis, neuritis, pleiasitis, radiculitis).
  3. neuroses (neurasthenia).
  4. Bronchial asthma.
  5. muscle hypertonicity.
  6. Osteochondrosis.
  7. With the threat of miscarriage.
  8. For problems with conception.
  9. With kidney disease.
  10. chronic hepatitis.
  11. Cirrhosis of the liver.
  12. Liver damage.
  13. Dyskinesia of the gallbladder.

The electrophoresis procedure is safe and accessible to everyone.

However, there are diseases in which it is undesirable to use these devices:

  1. Malignant neoplasms.
  2. Various stages heart failure.
  3. Purulent formations on the skin.
  4. Various skin diseases(dermatitis, eczema and others).
  5. Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  6. Increased or decreased clotting blood.
  7. The procedure is prohibited with an increase in body temperature.
  8. In addition, electrophoresis devices cannot be used. if a person suffers from intolerance to electric current.
  9. If the patient has metal dentures, then the electrodes should not be applied to the face.

If you follow the recommendations of the doctor and follow the instructions of the special device, the procedure will bring positive result. In fact, using an electrophoresis device at home is in no way inferior to conducting a procedure in a hospital.

Advantages and solutions for electrophoresis

Main benefits of treatment:

  1. medicinal product comes in the form of ions (the most digestible form).
  2. Usage minimum dosages.
  3. There is no penetration substances into the bloodstream.
  4. The drug penetrates to the required place.
  5. Active substance accumulates in the right place.
  6. Injected drugs operate for a long time.
  7. Absence side effects as well as allergies.
  8. Positive influence electrical current to body tissue.
  9. Recovery processes go much faster.
  10. Low price.
  11. Painlessness.

The solution consists of clean water and medicines. During this procedure, medicines are used that can penetrate the outer covering of the body. The number and dosage of drugs is determined by the doctor.

Substances used for electrophoresis:

  • aloe;
  • vitamin B1;
  • lidocaine;
  • mumiyo;
  • pachycarpine;
  • trypsin;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • bromine;
  • gumizol;
  • panangin;
  • tannin;
  • atropine;
  • lidase;
  • copper sulfate;
  • platifillin;
  • eufillin;
  • baralgin;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • streptocide, etc.;

Effects and possible side effects

  1. Relaxation of smooth muscles that cover the organs.
  2. Normalization of work s internal organs.
  3. positive impact for pain syndrome.
  4. Increasing the speed of impact medicines.
  5. On certain period time blood vessels dilate.
  6. Restoration of functioning all metabolic processes in the body.

The procedure itself does not carry any danger. The devices are designed in such a way that they can be used ordinary people without special skills.

The only complication that may arise- This allergic reaction for the drug being used.

As a rule, this complication is manifested by such reactions of the body:

  • hives;
  • itchy rash;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • angioedema;

Device overview

Currently sold in stores a large number of various devices for physiotherapy.

The most popular devices are:

  • GR-2 (10,000 rubles);
  • AGN-32 (8500 rubles);
  • Flow-1 (11,000 rubles);
  • MedTeCo;
  • Potok-Br (10,800 rubles);
  • AGP-33 (5600 rubles);
  • Elfor (2100 rubles);

These devices are characterized by the following set of qualities:

  1. Standard sizes.
  2. Optimal performance.
  3. Easy to manage and service.
  4. Can be used at home.

What can replace electrophoresis at home?

Galvanization is alternative method physiotherapy. Contact application with medical and rehabilitation goal electric current (up to 50mA) and low (30-80 voltage) is called galvanization.

Effects of galvanization:

  1. Biophysical. Electric current enters the body through the glands. In the future, it spreads through the blood and lymphatic vessels. As a result of the action of the current, the electrolysis of water molecules and substances dissolved in it is carried out, which leads to a sharp increase in the amount free radicals and changes in pH and ionic conjuncture.
  2. Physiological. Changes in pH and ionic conjuncture, an increase in the number of free radicals lead to an acceleration of the flow rate:
    • Redox reactions.
    • Metabolic intensification.
    • tissue respiration.
    • Activation of enzyme systems.
    • Acceleration of the speed of nerve impulse conduction.

As a result of production biologically active substances, disclosure of reserve capillaries, increased vascular permeability, hyperemia is observed at the site of electrode application for up to 2 hours. In addition, galvanic current increases the threshold of excitability of nerve endings.

Galvanic current has:

  1. Absorbable.
  2. Anti-inflammatory.
  3. Regenerative and action.

In general, the effect of galvanic current on the body can be called biostimulating:

  1. Influence study galvanic current on the body and body systems showed that it stimulates the medulla oblongata, the reticular formation and the limbic system, thus enhancing the regulatory role of the central nervous system.
  2. It exhibits a mild bronchodilator effect and improves the function of external respiration.
  3. Besides, it leads to a decrease blood pressure, a decrease in heart rate, increased contractile function of the myocardium and improved coronary circulation.
  4. In the same time, it enhances the motor function of the stomach organs and normalizes the acidity of gastric contents.
  5. An important element of action on the body is the effect on endocrine system, in particular, has the ability to activate products.
  6. Galvanic current has certain immunomodulatory properties.
  7. Besides, it activates various systems.

Galvanic current is successfully used for:

  1. Vertebrogenic diseases.
  2. Diseases of the central and peripheral system(encephalitis, myelitis, neuritis, radiculitis).
  3. neuroses(neurasthenia), bronchial asthma.
  4. Diseases of the stomach which are characterized by impaired secretion and motility.
  5. Pancreatitis is also an indication for the use of galvanic current.

An important element of action is its ability to promote bone consolidation. In addition, it is successfully used for menopausal disorders in women.

The method that will be discussed is one of the oldest in physiotherapy. About 200 years ago, the Italian physicist A. Volta, satisfying his immense curiosity, created a continuous current generator. Luigi Galvani researched its effect first on frogs. Very soon galvanic current, as an undoubted "high tech" and newest word in science of the 19th century, began to be used in medicine. It turned out with good effect. And for about 100 years, galvanic current has been faithfully serving cosmetologists.

The use of galvanic current is quite diverse. IN modern cosmetology allocate following procedures: galvanization, iontophoresis, disincrustation and. Let's try to understand the terms.

The current used for procedures has traditional, well-established characteristics: (constant continuous, voltage 60-80 W., current strength up to 50 mA). Such a current is called galvanic. Because of this, the very impact on the body of such a current through various electrodes is called galvanization.

The introduction of various medicinal and cosmetic preparations using an electric current is called electrophoresis. Electrophoresis can be carried out using direct (galvanic) current, as well as using some types of pulsed currents.


In cosmetology, electrophoresis drugs are more commonly referred to as iontophoresis. The term is not entirely accurate, but already familiar.
Thus, technically, iontophoresis differs from galvanization only in the presence of a medicinal substance under the electrode.

Electrophoresis (iontophoresis) saponifying substances in combination with the action of the negative pole of the galvanic current is used in cosmetology for the saponification of comedones. The procedure is called deincrustation, or galvanic cleaning.

The ability of galvanic current to deliver medicinal substances deep into the skin is used in the procedure of ion mesotherapy, or ionotherapy. In fact, this is electrophoresis of medicinal substances using stationary electrodes. The procedure is performed without injections. Indications, therapeutic tactics and cocktail recipes correspond to the schemes adopted in mesotherapy, adjusted for the phoreticity of drugs.


  1. Galvanization = therapeutic effect direct current
  2. Iontophoresis \u003d galvanization + medicinal substance
  3. Ionic mesotherapy = iontophoresis with stationary electrodes
  4. Desincrustation = iontophoresis of saponifiers

The mechanism of action of the galvanization method

At the heart of the action of direct current is the process of electrolysis. Substances near the electrodes break down into ions. The ions move under the influence of current. Water molecules break down into H+ and OH- ions. Near the electrodes, ions interact with water, forming electrolysis products - acid and alkali.

Electrolysis products can cause chemical burns at the electrode site - alkaline burn under the cathode and acid burn under the anode. This is especially true for the stationary location of the electrodes. To avoid this, the electrode is separated from the skin with a hydrophilic pad. After the procedure, the gasket must be washed or changed.

A change in the concentration of ions leads to irritation of the skin receptors, with a slight burning sensation and tingling. The passage of current through tissues causes polarization - the accumulation of ions on biological membranes. At a certain concentration of ions, cells enter an excited (electrically active) state. Cellular and tissue metabolism, cell excitability change.

This increases the passive transport of large protein molecules and other substances that do not carry a charge (electrodiffusion), and hydrated ions (electroosmosis). This means an acceleration of cellular and intracellular renewal: fast delivery building material, nutrients and regulatory substances, as well as the timely removal of metabolic products from the cell.


Galvanization is carried out stationary, movable electrodes or using trays. To conduct current, saline or a conductive gel is used.

The choice of active electrode depends on the indication. Negative and positive electrode provide miscellaneous action on fabric:

Indications: all types of seborrhea, dry aging skin, acne scars.

How do substances penetrate the skin with the help of current?

  • Constant electricity causes the movement of ions.
  • With the help of direct current, it is possible to inject through the skin and mucous membranes, both small and larger. large particles drugs that carry an electrical charge.
  • The method of introducing medicinal ions through the skin and mucous membranes with the help of current is called electrophoresis (iontophoresis).
  • Charged particles are repelled from the electrode of the same name and go deep into the skin.
  • Thus, negatively charged ions are introduced from the negative electrode.
  • The highest mobility of medicinal substances dissolved in water.
  • Injected drug ions penetrate the epidermis and accumulate in upper layers dermis. During iontophoresis, substances go to a depth of up to 1.5 cm.
  • In the area of ​​influence after the procedure, a depot is formed, from which the drug penetrates into the cells gradually. The period of action of the medicinal substance is from 3 hours to 15-20 days.

Technical terms

  • For the procedure, two electrodes are always used - positive and negative.
  • The negative electrode is called the cathode. Usually all wires and connections from the negative pole are made in black.
  • The positive electrode is called the anode. It is marked in red.
  • The electrodes that are used in the procedure can be of different sizes. On a smaller electrode, the current density is higher and its effect is more pronounced. The smaller electrode is called active.
  • The active electrode affects the problem area.
  • Passive (indifferent) - an electrode of a larger area. It is usually held in the patient's hand or attached to the body.
  • A passive electrode can also carry a therapeutic load. Bipolar iontophoresis can be carried out - negatively charged ions will be absorbed from the negative electrode, and positively charged ions from the positive electrode, respectively.
  • If the electrodes are equal in area, more pronounced sensations occur under the negative electrode.
  • The polarity of a substance is the charge of its active particles. Ions of the same name are repelled from the electrode and go deep into the tissues. Therefore, negative ions are introduced from the negative electrode.

Types of electrodes for electrophoresis

  • For procedures, three main types of electrodes are used: labile, stationary and electrodes for galvanic baths.
  • Labile electrodes are used for sliding treatment of the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté. These are metal electrodes. different shapes. The form is selected for ease of use.
  • A conical electrode is usually used to work out the area around the eyes. Spherical or electrode roller - for cheeks, neck and decollete.
  • Labile electrodes must necessarily slide over the gel or aqueous solution. Drying the solution reduces the conductivity of the skin and unpleasant tingling appears.
  • Stationary electrodes are conductive plates that are fixed on the skin. Stationary electrodes are metal (lead or other metal plates), rubber (conductive latex), and graphite (disposable graphitized paper plates).
  • The stationary electrode is on the skin for 10-30 minutes. Therefore, under the electrode, there must be a gasket made of cloth or paper 0.5-1 cm thick. The gasket is moistened with water or saline. During iontophoresis, the pad is moistened with a solution of a medicinal substance.
  • The purpose of the pad is to improve current conduction and protect the skin from irritating substances that are produced on the electrodes.
  • The gasket must be washed or disinfected after each procedure. Easy to use disposable wipes.
  • Electrodes for galvanic baths are graphite plates that are placed in a container of water. In this case, all the water or solution behaves like an electrode. Absorption of medicinal substances into the skin comes from water.

Contraindications to galvanization

General for electrotherapy: oncological and pre-oncological diseases, febrile conditions, purulent processes, extensive violations of the integrity of the skin, systemic diseases skin, chronic heart and kidney failure, pregnancy, the presence of a pacemaker, individual current intolerance.

Specific (when working on the face): rashes, eczema, tooth sensitivity, dental cysts, diseases thyroid gland, cysts and tumor diseases of the breast.

Contraindications for iontophoresis

Contraindications to iontophoresis are all contraindications to galvanization plus intolerance to the injected substance.

More about the technique of iontophoresis and galvanization in cosmetology and about the substances that are used for this - in methodological guide"", in the book by N. Bakhovets on hardware facial cosmetology and ours.


electrophoresis is a process in which galvanic current is used to introduce substances dissolved in water into the upper layers of the skin. Electrophoresis was introduced into practice at the beginning of the 19th century by doctors, when for the first time medicinal substances in combination with direct current were used to influence the patient's body. The principle of operation is as follows: when the current passes through the solution, the particles receive a positive or negative charge, they become ions. In this case, the negative electrode repels from itself, and, therefore, sets in motion, negative ions, and the positive electrode repels from itself and sets in motion positive ions. And it is this movement of ions that promotes the transfer of the product through the skin. The effect of electrophoresis depends on the type of product used. Electrophoresis will have a moisturizing effect when used to introduce a moisturizing product into the body, an anti-seborrheic effect if the administered product has anti-seborrheic properties, a plumping effect if the administered product has a plumping effect, and so on.

It is believed that substances that collect near the anode produce an astringent effect on the skin, while those surrounding the cathode open the pores.

It is assumed that the use of galvanic current increases the volume of cells and improves their blood supply. Beauticians use various formulations to hydrate or "normalize" the skin for 3-12 minutes. Any substances that penetrate the skin using electrophoresis can only nourish its upper layers. In addition, positively or negatively charged particles and water quickly disappear at the end of the procedure. Therefore, the statement that frequent, regular and long-term treatment gives a lasting effect on the skin, unreasonably.

The electric current used for electrophoresis causes a variety of physicochemical, metabolic and cellular-tissue reactions in the body, against which the action of medicinal or nutrient substances administered by electrophoresis acquires a number of features and advantages compared to in the usual way administration/application of these drugs.

The following factors are of greatest practical importance in cosmetic electrophoresis:

More long-term action means and slower excretion of it from the body due to the formation in the skin of a depot of ions with pharmacological activity

The possibility of creating a high local concentration of the injected substance without saturating the blood and other body media with it

Less chance of adverse reactions

The introduction of a substance into the most active form- in the form of ions

Painless administration of funds and the absence of tissue deformation that occurs with other methods of pharmacotherapy due to the introduction of a solvent.

One of the varieties of cosmetic electrophoresis is stain removal. This is not a medical term, but in cosmetology it means the removal of plaque from the skin of the dich, in particular, surface fat and skin secretion products. The cleaning liquid in ampoules is placed in the electroplating apparatus. Salt solution (salt in water) is also believed to be effective.

This skin care method has contraindications.

areas of the skin that have acne, inflammation, wounds or other damage

Varicose formations

Body parts with metal prostheses

People with pacemakers

Hypersensitive areas.