What to play at home with a child 5 years old. Development of coordination of movements and the muscular system of the legs, increased activity. Outdoor games for children

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As practice confirms, the simplest, most accessible and reliable way bring something new to the kids and spark interest in the world around them - games.

It is during the games that kids successfully master the skills of decision-making in a non-standard situation, learn to concentrate, communicate, and develop creatively.

And all this without unnecessary financial costs and worries in an attempt to get the child to learn something.

What games to play with the child so that he develops diversifiedly? What is better to play at home, what - on the street? Read more about games and their effect on babies later in the article.

You will need:

What a 5-year-old child should be able to do

Be able to focus on one lesson for at least 10-15 minutes.

  • Find differences in pictures, objects;
  • Collect constructor, puzzles;
  • Choose an extra item from a set of items;

Draw pictures within the outline, draw in cells.

  • Keep balance, navigate in space, confidently climb vertical stairs;
  • Sculpt figures from plasticine.

Home games

When on the street bad weather or in the evening, at home you can play creative and educational games. They will help develop imagination, attention and memory, which is incredibly important.

"Magic blots"

It is better for parents to prepare in advance:

  1. Take paints (watercolor, gouache) or ink, drop them onto a sheet of paper, and then fold it in half.
  2. Thus, there will be a large blot in the center of the leaf. Make several of these blanks.
  3. Now you can start playing. Show your baby your blots and ask what they look like.

It helps children develop imagination and creative thinking... How more options what your art looks like, the child will name, so much the better.


Invite your toddler to create a comic strip or picture story.

  1. You can start by trying to draw together a sequence of events on paper.
  2. For example, in the first picture there is a full bowl of milk, in the second there is a cat, in the third there is an animal near the vessel, in the fourth there is an empty plate.
  3. The second variation of this game - you draw the first and last picture (in our example, a full and empty plate), and your little artist must figure out what happened in the interval between these two images and draw it.

This game will help your toddler develop imagination and better understand cause and effect relationships.


You can put on a whole show with your child.

To do this, you need characters (toys, dolls, images cut out of cardboard) and a script. The result of such entertainment is a good mood and a performance that can be shown to friends. And they, in turn, may also want to join the art and take part in a future performance!

"Fish, bird, beast"

Multiple people involved (involve the whole family).

  1. The leader points to each participant and alternately says "fish", "bird", "beast", "fish", "bird" ... At some point, the leader stops at one of the players and that one, depending on which word it was uttered when pointed to, must name the type of beast, bird or fish.
  2. If the player does not orientate himself or has chosen an animal that has already been named, he is eliminated. The goal is to hold out as long as possible. Game categories can be changed to taste. For example: "Vegetable, fruit, berry", "Tree, bush, flower", "Book, cartoon, picture".

Outdoor games for children

If you go out with your baby for a walk, make sure that you can play outdoor games that are not available in a confined space. Be sure to take a ball, skipping rope or other sports equipment with you outside that can be used by children on the playground in one way or another.


Activity in outdoor games develops coordination, physical fitness and the endurance of children. You can connect both boys and girls to such games - everyone will be interesting and fun.


Ball game.

  • The host calls the object and throws the ball to the player;
  • If the named item can be eaten, you need to catch the ball, if not, beat it off.

The game makes the kids a wave positive emotions and fits of laughter when someone “eats” (catches) an inedible object.

"Hares and hunters"

Children are divided into two teams.

  1. Some - hares - stand in the center of the circle, along the edges of which the rest of the guys - hunters - stand.
  2. The goal of the hunters is to hit the hares with the ball and "catch" them. The goal of the hares is to hold out as long as possible and not get caught.


Chosen "blind man's buff", which is blindfolded. He must catch up with the rest of the players who are running away from him.

It is best to limit the space to a small field or area so that the participants are within the reach of the blind man's buff. So that "blind man's buff" does not collide with anything, let the players warn their friend with the word "Fire!" In moments of danger. Players can run, crawl, bend over, but stay within the specified limits. When "blind man's buff" has caught someone, he must recognize him by touch. If he succeeds, the caught becomes the next "blind man's buff".

brain teaser

Games like this develop thinking. They are most often verbal, which makes them easy to use on the go.


The child thinks of an object and must, without naming it, explain it so that the other participants understand what it is about. The person who guesses the guess is next. The game helps to expand the vocabulary of the kid, teaches you to explain your thoughts in an accessible way, investing new meaning into everyday things.

"The words"

One of the participants chooses the letter with which the words should begin. The one who no longer knows the right words loses.

The available words can be narrowed down to categories. For example, name only:

  • Animals whose names begin with "k" (cat, whale, rabbit, chicken);
  • Plants with the letter "l" (flax, lily, linden, lotus).


You can play both at home and outdoors.


The presenter chooses a player who becomes his "shadow". He must repeat all his body movements after the driver. If within a certain time the "shadow" has never made a mistake, she becomes the leader and chooses the next player who will repeat after her.


The host names one of the seasons. Then he begins to enumerate the phenomena, events, objects characteristic of the season. Will sometimes call the wrong things. Players should watch carefully and clap their hands if they hear something that doesn't fit the description.

"Window dressing"

  1. The presenter quietly says a word to one of the participants so that no one can hear him.
  2. The player to whom it was named must silently show the other players this object. It can be an animal, a profession, whatever.
  3. Who guessed it becomes the next one to show the word, and the previous player guesses it.


  1. One of the players, while others cannot see, hides a toy or other object in the room or within the specified space.
  2. After that, everyone else should start looking.
  3. As the players search, the host gives hints: "cold"- an object on the other side, "warmly"- moving in the right direction,
    "hot"- the toy is very close.

In the life of every parent there are times when the baby is not able to entertain himself on his own, so everyone possible ways clings to an adult, catches his attention, whines and interferes with studying important matters... In his opinion, adult affairs are such boring! After all, it is much more interesting to play, watch cartoons and read books. Oh, these kids! So you have to put off things and figure out what to play with the children so that the apartment does not turn into the ruins of the count, and the cat is not found in a state suspended by the tail on a clothesline. Therefore, below are some ideas for game parenting.

All life is a game!

How quickly we forget that we ourselves were once children! The school system is gradually flushing out of the head the craving for fun children's games, offering inadequate substitutions: success, recognition, good grades, a worthy future. But if you leave the game in your life, you will easily be able to preserve the entire palette of colors, which allows you to draw inspiration even when there is no strength, when there is endless rain outside the window, and in the country there is a protracted crisis. Fortunately, with the birth of our own children, we are given a second chance to remember small child inside yourself and let him play a little ...

Games for two year olds

You can also play with a small newborn bag. Children of any age eagerly respond to game messages from the outside. But the most interesting for adults are children after two years. Everyone already understands, they are open to everything new and are so cute in their desire to copy the behavior of adults. Playing with a 2-year-old child is not difficult at all. It is enough to put a constructor in front of him and show how the parts are connected, remaining close to him, in order to positively evaluate the first creative results of the work of little fingers. You can offer role-playing games for acquaintance with certain professions or home-made simulators for the study of basic shapes, colors, sizes.

Games with children three years old

A wonderful age for the disclosure of children's independence! What to play with a child 3 years old? He himself will show you and tell you what is interesting to him at the moment. It can be sculpting from plasticine every night with the goal of independently creating "Lightning McQueen" according to dad's example. Or role play in Kindergarten uk when all the toys are in mandatory must be fed, potted and stowed in the appropriate corners of the nursery. The main thing is not to interfere and, following the advice of Yu. Gippenreiter, help when asked.

Games with four year olds

What to play with children when they are already four? You can offer to make a plasticine labyrinth yourself and immediately try it out. To do this, you need to stock up on a cover from cardboard box, plasticine, a small iron machine and a magnet. The walls of the labyrinth are drawn on the lid, then plasticine walls are built along the outlined lines. The machine is put at the beginning, and a magnet is attached to the bottom of the lid, moving which, you need to take the machine out of the predicament.

Five-year games

It will not be difficult to play with a 5-year-old child if you know and support your child's hobbies. Is the kid an athlete? Then he needs to organize a platform from available means to exit physical activity... If a child - creative person then you should experiment with different materials and technicians, offering paints, clay, scissors, sewing. For example, five-year-old children are already able to cut and compose multi-layered paper 3D pictures, panoramas or scenes with moving elements, where smoke is coming out of a steam locomotive's chimney, and hungry chicks protrude from the nest towards their mother.

Six-year-old games

To play with a child of 6 years old, it is better to focus on his hobbies. Games with them can also be in the nature of preparation for school: simple tasks, the first books for self-reading, the first rhyming. The main thing is that children like these games and do not discourage them natural desire learn and learn new things.

Games at home

Bad weather outside the window or not in the mood for street fees? You can always find entertaining activities within four walls. Parents can arrange brainstorm in search of ideas on what to play with the children at home. Surely you will have to choose at least three games that will captivate not only the younger family members, but also adults.

1. It is worth cooking with your child. If he is still small, then let him help mom cut fruit salad. A couple of drops of yogurt - and the whole family can taste the baby's first dish. If the child has already grown out of a routine workout fine motor skills, then you should organize a joint preparation of some baked goods, which, again, will be pleasant to taste over a cup of tea. By the way, these can be curly cookies, for example, in the form of letters and numbers, which the preschooler will gladly fashion himself.

2. You can organize a homemade twister by drawing colorful circles on a roll of old wallpaper. Or build from stools, a table, sofa cushions, buttons scattered on the floor and a sleeping cat. Whoever goes through all the obstacles cleanly and quietly, without waking the animal, will receive a prize candy.

3. Beautiful time to create a home puppet theater or shadow theater. After all, you have to make a screen, come up with a plot, and cut / glue / sew characters. And then long winter evenings arrange performances for family viewing.

Outdoor games in spring

The awakening of nature, puddles and drops, the singing of birds - the most inspiring environment for children's harmless pranks. But what you can play with children:

1. It is imperative to make a small boat out of the shell walnut by equipping it with a paper sail on a match attached with plasticine. And it's better to make a boat trip for mom and dad. Then put on high rubber boots and set sail on the longest puddle with rapids and unexpected turns channel. You can also practice breathing, helping the boat.

2. Early spring ideal for churning icicles. Only safe material should be chosen as "bullets", for example, small buttons or boxes from kinder surprises. You can throw it with your hands or use a simple slingshot. Whose asset will have the most knocked down icicles is a fine fellow.

3. You can keep a calendar of the awakening of nature, every day to note how much the snow has melted and the trees have turned green. You can keep a weather diary with your child using the icons "sunny", "cloudy", "rain", " strong wind" etc.

Street summer games

But in the summer there is no question at all about having a child! You don't even need to take any gadgets with you: crayons, a spatula with a bucket for sand, a rope, a ball, but it's more interesting with them.

1. You can draw small circles and walk along them, as if on a road. Some circles can have a meaning, for example, you need to jump on the ones shaded with red chalk, and clap your hands on those shaded with blue. You can throw stones in circles on the asphalt, trying to hit the bull's-eye.

2. Fantasy game "The sea is worried once". So children will learn to feel the peculiarities of things, phenomena and living beings, depicting them according to dominant signs. For example, how to freeze like a tree or a monkey? Very soon, adults will be learning acting from their children.

3. Must visit all playgrounds in the vicinity, learn to climb trees and swim in local rivers. Summer was given to us in order to gain points in the immune basket of both a child and an adult.

Autumn can be playful too!

What to play with children in the fall, when there is slush and sheer "Sentiment"? Creativity to the point will quickly transfer minor notes of mood to a more cheerful level. The main thing is to look for a game element in everything and compose interesting backstories. For example, like this:

1. You can offer the child that he himself chose the direction of the walk and the way to the house. Or use the trick of avid travelers: stock up on small white pebbles and leave one on the road, so that you can return to them later. You can draw a map of your trip, and even bury the treasure in order to find it in the spring.

2. Be sure to collect your treasury natural materials, then from them it will be possible to come up with crafts in kindergarten or just to decorate your home.

3. It's time to make bird feeders and put treats there in winter. Dad should be involved in the manufacturing process, because the poultry kitchen should be strong and "survive" the winter cold without any problems.

Winter is just for games

What games can you play with children in winter? snow fights from behind the snowy walls and arranging round dances of snowmen.

1. You can try to walk trail to trail. Have the child step on the footprints left by an adult. At the same time, an adult can fool around and experiment with the width of the step, then the seed is like a midget, then measuring the path with leaps and bounds. And it is not necessary to make the track even, no one forbids wagging, circling and jumping: the more extraordinary the path, the more fun the game.

2. Slides! On the pope and on dad, on the ice, on sleds, squatting. Everything possible options going down must be tried.

Calm games before bed

Completion game day full of impressions and pleasant emotions, should be entertaining too. Only evening games are aimed not at the development of the child and knowledge of the world, but at the pacification of the baby. Routine repetitive quiet conversations about the events of the day that has come to an end, dreamy expectations from the day to come, a pleasant fairy tale before bed - all this sets the child up for a calm wave. So, what to play with children before bedtime:

2. You can put the toys back into place to the music, even at speed, but with the obligatory stops: stop - froze and catch their breath, and then again for cleaning. Try to fold some toy differently, maybe the new place will be better than the previous one?

3. An adult can start telling a story, but the kid will continue. What interesting directorial findings can be gleaned from this joint fantasy work!

I would like to wish the readers to make the game a part of their life, but not the game that psychologists write about in treatises on manipulation and techniques for managing people, but the nursery, which makes the world a little more fun, a little more interesting and a couple of percent more magical.

Game "Stringing".

Target: develop fine motor skills.

pasta of various shapes, painted by children, fishing line, berries, buttons, paper rings.

Description: the teacher invites the child to participate in the fair. To do this, you need to make beads, bracelets, photo frames using game material.

Game "Color it right".

Goals: develop fine motor skills; learn to hatch objects with an inclination to the right, left, straight, lines parallel to each other.

: pencils, contour images of various objects.

Description: children are invited to take part in the competition for the best hatcher. The teacher distributes contour images of objects, explaining the principle of hatching (lines parallel to each other, tilted to the right (left, straight).

Game "Paper crafts".

Goals: develop fine motor skills, form the ability to fold a sheet in different directions.

Game material and visual aids: paper.

Description: suggest the game "Paper Toy Store". Then show samples of paper figures that children can make (garrison cap, jackdaw, boat, pigeon).

Game "Shadow Theater".

Target: develop fine motor skills.

Game material and visual aids: screen (light wall), table lamp, lantern.

Description: before the game, it is necessary to darken the room, the light source should illuminate the screen at a distance of 4-5 m. Between the screen and the light source, hand movements are made, from which a shadow falls on the illuminated screen. The placement of hands between the wall and the light source depends on the strength of the latter, on average it is 1-2 m from the screen. Children are invited to use their hands to create shadow figures (bird, dog, lion, eagle, fish, snake, goose, hare, cat). Shadow theater "actors" can accompany their actions short dialogues acting out the scenes.

Game "What is not Cinderella?"

Target: develop fine motor skills.

Game material and visual aids: groats (rice, buckwheat).

Description: the teacher complains to the child that a little trouble has happened to him, two types of cereals (rice and buckwheat) have mixed up, and there is not enough time to sort it out. Therefore, we need his help: put the cereals in different banks.

Game "The letter grows".

Target: develop fine motor skills.

Game material and visual aids: sheet of paper, pencil.

Description: the child receives a sheet of paper, in opposite ends of which letters are drawn - one is very small, the other is very large. Invite the child to depict the process of increasing or decreasing letters, that is, next to the small one, draw a larger letter, the next one even more, etc. Draw the child's attention to the fact that the letter should grow little by little, thus bringing the letter to the size indicated on the opposite end of the sheet ...

Games aimed at developing fine motor skills in older preschoolers

City trip game.

Target: develop attention, observation.

Game material and visual aids: pictures with images of city residents (mothers with children, schoolchildren, grandmother with a basket, students), people different professions(drivers, postmen, builders, painters), modes of transport (bus, trolleybus, tram, bicycle), buildings, city decorations (post office, shop (dishware, bookstore), fountain, square, sculpture).

Description: pictures are laid out in different places rooms. With the help of a counting board, children are divided into 4 groups of 2-3 people. These are "travelers". Each group is given a task: one - to see who lives in the city, to collect pictures of people; another - what people ride, collect pictures of vehicles; the third - pictures on which various work of people is reproduced; fourth - to examine and select pictures with drawings of beautiful buildings of the city, its decorations. At the signal of the driver, the "travelers" walk around the room and select the pictures they need, the rest are waiting for their return, watching them. Returning to their seats, the "travelers" put pictures on the stands. The members of each group tell why they took these particular pictures. The group wins, the players of which were not mistaken and put their pictures correctly.

Game "What has changed?"

Target: develop attention.

Game material and visual aids: from 3 to 7 toys.

Description: the teacher places toys in front of the children, gives a signal to close their eyes, and removes one toy. Opening their eyes, children have to guess which toy is hidden.

The game "Be attentive!"

Target: develop active attention.

Description: children walk in a circle. Then the facilitator says a word, and the children should begin to do specific action: in the word "zaichik" - to jump, in the word "horses" - to hit with a "hoof" (foot) on the floor, "crayfish" - to move back, "birds" - to run, arms outstretched to the sides, "stork" - to stand on one leg ...

The game "Listen to the clap!"

Target: develop active attention.

Description: children go in a circle. With one clap, they should stop and take the stork pose (stand on one leg, the other tucked in, arms out to the sides), two claps - the frog pose (squat down), and three claps - resume walking.

Game "Four Elements".

Target: to develop attention associated with the coordination of the auditory and motor analyzers.

Description: the players sit in a circle. If the presenter says the word "earth", everyone should put their hands down, if the word "water" - stretch your arms forward, the word "air" - raise your arms up, the word "fire" - rotate your hands in the wrist and radial joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.

Game "Draw a figure".

Target: develop memory.

Game material and visual aids: paper, colored pencils, 5-6 geometric shapes.

Description: children are shown 5-6 geometric shapes, then they are asked to draw the ones they remember on paper. More difficult option- ask to draw figures, taking into account their size and color. The winner is the one who reproduces all the figures faster and more accurately.

Game "Forest, sea".

Target: develop attention.

Game material and visual aids: ball.

Description: Throw a ball to a child, naming an area where animals live (forest, desert, sea, etc.). Returning the ball, the child must name the animal in the area.

Game "Color it right".

Target: develop attention.

Game material and visual aids: paper, red, blue and green pencils.

Description: Write letters and numbers in large print alternating with each other. Invite the child to circle all letters in red and all numbers in blue. To complicate the task, suggest all vowels to circle with a red pencil, all consonants - in blue, numbers - in green.

Game "I will show, and you guess."

Target: develop attention.

Game material and visual aids: toys.

Description: invite the child to take turns depicting any actions by which one of these toys can be recognized. For example, they asked a teddy bear. It is necessary to walk around the room, imitating the club-toed gait of a bear, to show how the animal sleeps and "sucks" its paw.

Games aimed at developing logic in older preschoolers

Find the options game.

Target: develop logical thinking, ingenuity.

Game material and visual aids: cards with the image of 6 circles.

Description: give the child a card with the image of 6 circles, offer to paint them in such a way that the filled and unpainted figures are equal. Then review and calculate all the shading options. You can also hold a competition: who will find the largest number solutions.

Game "Magicians".

Target: develop thinking, imagination. Game material and visual aids: sheets with the image of geometric shapes.

Description: children are given sheets of geometric shapes. On their basis, it is necessary to create more complex drawing... For example: rectangle - window, aquarium, house; circle - ball, snowman, wheel, apple. The game can be played in the form of a competition: who will come up with and draw more pictures using one geometric shape. The winner is awarded a symbolic prize.

Game "Collect a flower".

Target: to develop thinking, the ability to analyze, synthesize.

Game material and visual aids: cards depicting objects related to the same concept (clothing, animals, insects, etc.).

Description: each child is given a round card - the middle of the future flower (one - a dress, the second - an elephant, the third - a bee, etc.). Then the game is played in the same way as in the lotto: the presenter distributes cards with the image of various objects. Each participant must collect a flower from the cards, on the petals of which are depicted objects related to the same concept (clothing, insect, etc.).

Game "Logic endings".

Target: develop logical thinking, imagination, the ability to analyze.

Description: children are encouraged to complete sentences:

The lemon is sour, and the sugar ... (sweet).

You walk with your feet, and you throw ... (with your hands).

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair ... (below the table).

If two are more than one, then one ... (less than two).

If Sasha left the house before Seryozha, then Seryozha ... (left after Sasha).

If the river is deeper than the brook, then the brook ... (shallower than the river).

If sister older than brother, then brother ... (younger than sister).

If right hand right, then left ... (left).

Boys grow up and become men, and girls ... (women).

Game "Ornament".

Target: develop logical thinking, the ability to analyze.

Game material and visual aids: 4-5 groups of geometric shapes (triangles, squares, rectangles, etc.), cut from colored cardboard (figures of one group are subdivided into subgroups that differ in color and size).

Description: invite the child to consider how on the playing field (a sheet of cardboard) you can create ornaments from geometric shapes. Then lay out the ornament (according to the sample, according to your own intention, under dictation), in terms of such concepts as "right", "left", "above", "below".

The game "Useful - harmful".

Target: develop thinking, imagination, the ability to analyze.

Description: consider an object or phenomenon, noting its positive and negative sides, for example: if it rains, this is good, because the plants drink water and grow better, but if it rains for too long, this is bad, because the roots of plants can rot from too much moisture.

Game "What am I thinking?".

Target: develop thinking.

Game material and visual aids: 10 laps different color and size.

Description: lay out 10 circles of different colors and sizes in front of the child, invite the child to show the circle that the teacher thought. Explain the rules of the game: guessing, you can ask questions, only with words more or less. For example:

Is this circle bigger than red? (Yes.)

Is it bigger than blue? (Yes.)

More yellow? (No.)

Is it a green circle? (Yes.)

Game "Plant flowers".

Target: develop thinking.

Game material and visual aids: 40 cards with pictures of flowers with different form petals, size, core color.

Description: invite the child to "plant flowers in flower beds": on a round flower bed, all flowers with round petals, on a square - flowers with a yellow core, on a rectangular - all large flowers.

Questions: what flowers were left without a flower bed? Which ones can grow in two or three flower beds?

Game "Group by Features".

Target: to consolidate the ability to use generalizing concepts, expressing them in words.

Game material and visual aids: cards depicting objects (orange, carrot, tomato, apple, chicken, sun).

Description: lay out cards with a picture in front of the child different subjects, which can be combined into several groups according to any characteristic. For example: orange, carrot, tomato, apple - food; orange, apple - fruit; carrots, tomatoes - vegetables; orange, tomato, apple, ball, sun - round; orange, carrot - orange; sun, chicken - yellow.

The game "Remember faster".


Description: invite the child to quickly recall and name three objects round shape, three wooden objects, four pets, etc.

The game "Everything that flies".

Target: develop logical thinking.

Game material and visual aids: several pictures with various subjects.

Description: invite the child to select the proposed pictures according to the named criterion. For example: everything is round or everything is warm, or everything is animated that can fly, etc.

The game "What is made of".

Goals: develop logical thinking; to consolidate the ability to determine what material an object is made of.

Description: the teacher names some material, and the child must list everything that can be done from it. For example: tree. (You can make paper, boards, furniture, toys, dishes, pencils from it.)

Game "What happens ...".

Target: develop logical thinking.

Description: invite the child to take turns asking each other questions of the following order:

What's Big? (House, car, joy, fear, etc.)

What is narrow? (Path, mite, face, street, etc.)

What is low (high)?

What is red (white, yellow)?

What's long (short)?

Games aimed at developing speech in preschoolers of the older group

Game "Finish the sentence".

Target: develop the ability to use complex sentences in speech.

Description: invite children to complete sentences:

Mom put the bread ... where? (To the bread bin.)

Brother poured sugar ... where? (To the sugar bowl.)

Grandma made a delicious salad and put it ... where? (Into the salad bowl.)

Dad brought candy and put them ... where? (To the candy bowl.)

Marina didn't go to school today because ... (got sick).

We turned on the heaters because ... (it got cold).

I don't want to sleep because ... (it's still early).

We will go to the forest tomorrow if ... (the weather is fine).

Mom went to the market to ... (buy groceries).

The cat climbed a tree to ... (escape from the dog).

Game "Mode of the day".

Goals: to activate the speech of children; enrich vocabulary.

Game material and visual aids: 8-10 plot (schematic) pictures depicting regime moments.

Description: offer to consider the pictures, and then arrange them in a certain sequence and explain.

Game "Who is the treat?"

Target: develop the ability to use difficult forms nouns in speech.

Game material and visual aids: pictures with the image of a bear, birds, horse, fox, lynx, giraffe, elephant.

Description: the teacher says that there are gifts for the animals in the basket, but he is afraid to confuse what to whom. Asks for help. Suggest pictures of a bear, birds (geese, chickens, swans), a horse, a wolf, a fox, a lynx, a monkey, a kangaroo, a giraffe, an elephant.

Questions: Who is honey? Who is the grain? Who is meat? Fruit for whom?

Game "Name three words."

Target: activate the dictionary.

Description: children stand in a line. Each participant is asked a question in turn. It is necessary, taking three steps forward, to give three words-answers with each step, without slowing down the pace of walking.

What can you buy? (Dress, suit, pants.)

Game "Who wants to become what?"

Target: develop the ability to use difficult forms of the verb in speech.

Game material and visual aids: plot pictures depicting labor actions.

Description: children are offered plot pictures depicting labor actions. What are the boys doing? (The boys want to make a mock-up of an airplane.) What do they want to become? (They want to become pilots.) Children are encouraged to come up with a sentence with the word "want" or "want".

Game "Zoo".

Target: develop coherent speech.

Game material and visual aids: pictures with animals, game clock.

Description: children sit in a circle, receiving a picture, without showing them to each other. Everyone should describe their animal, without naming it, according to the following plan:

1. Appearance.

2. What he eats.

A "game clock" is used for the game. First, twist the arrow. To whom she points, he begins the story. Then, by rotating the arrow, it is determined who should guess the described animal.

Game "Compare objects".

Goals: develop observation skills; expand the dictionary at the expense of the names of parts and parts of objects, their qualities.

Game material and visual aids: things (toys) that are the same in name, but differ in some signs or details, for example: two buckets, two aprons, two shirts, two spoons, etc.

Description: the teacher reports that they brought a parcel to the kindergarten: "What is this?" He takes out things: “Now we will take a closer look at them. I will talk about one thing, and some of you - about another. We will tell you in turn. "

For example:

I have a smart apron.

I have a work apron.

He white with red polka dots.

And mine is dark blue.

Mine is adorned with lace frills.

And mine - with a red ribbon.

This apron has two pockets on the sides.

And this one has one big one on the chest.

These pockets have a pattern of flowers.

And on this are the tools.

This apron is used for setting the table.

And this one is worn for work in the workshop.

Game "Who was who or what was what."

Goals: activate the dictionary; to expand knowledge about the world around.

Description: who or what was the chicken before? (An egg.) And a horse (foal), a frog (a tadpole), a butterfly (a caterpillar), boots (with skin), a shirt (with cloth), a fish (with eggs), a wardrobe (with a board), bread (flour), a bicycle (with iron), sweater (wool), etc.?

Game "Name as many items as possible."

Goals: activate the dictionary; develop attention.

Description: children stand in a row, they are asked to take turns calling the objects that surround them. The one who called the word takes a step forward. The winner is the one who correctly and clearly pronounced the words and named more objects without repeating themselves.

Game "Pick a Rhyme".

Target: develop phonemic hearing.

Description: the teacher explains that all the words sound different, but some of them sound similar. Offers help to find a word.

There was a bug along the road

I sang a song in the grass ... (cricket).

You can use any verses or individual rhymes.

Game "Name the parts of the object."

Goals: enrich the dictionary; develop the ability to relate the subject and its parts.

Game material and visual aids: pictures depicting a house, a truck, a tree, a bird.

Description: the teacher shows pictures:

1st option: children take turns calling parts of objects.

2nd option: each child receives a drawing and names all the parts himself.

Literacy games for older preschoolers

Game "Find out who makes what sounds?"

Target: develop auditory perception.

Game material and visual aids: a set of subject pictures (beetle, snake, saw, pump, wind, mosquito, dog, steam locomotive).

Description: the teacher shows the picture, the children name the object depicted on it. To the question "How does the saw ring, the beetle buzzes, etc." the child responds, and all children reproduce this sound.

Target: develop auditory perception.

Description: the leader turns his back to the children, and they all read a poem in chorus, the last line of which is pronounced by one of the children at the direction of the teacher. If the driver guesses him, specified child becomes the driving one.

Sample material:

We will play a little, as you listen, we will find out.

Try, guess who called you, find out. (The name of the driver.)

A cuckoo flew into our garden and sings.

And you, (driver's name), do not yawn, who kukuet, guess!

The rooster sat on the fence, shouted to the whole yard.

Listen, (driver's name), don't yawn, who is the rooster with us, find out!


Guess the sound game.

Target: work out the clarity of articulation.

Description: the presenter makes a sound to himself, clearly articulating. Children, by the movement of the presenter's lips, guess the sound and pronounce it aloud. The one who guessed it first becomes the leader.

Game "Who has a good hearing?"

Target: to develop phonemic hearing, the ability to hear the sound in the word.

Game material and visual aids: a set of subject pictures.

Description: the teacher shows the picture, names it. Children clap their hands if they hear the sound under study in the name. At later stages, the teacher can silently show the picture, and the child pronounces the name of the picture to himself and reacts in the same way. The teacher marks those who correctly identified the sound and those who could not find it and complete the task.

Game "Who lives in the house?"

Target: develop the ability to determine the presence of sound in a word.

Game material and visual aids: a house with windows and a pocket for laying out pictures, a set of subject pictures.

Description: the teacher explains that only animals (birds, pets) live in the house, in the names of which there is, for example, the sound [л]. We need to place these animals in the house. Children name all the animals depicted in the pictures and choose among them those with the sound [l] or [l "] in their names. Each correctly selected picture is evaluated by a game chip.

Sample material: hedgehog, wolf, bear, fox, hare, elk, elephant, rhino, zebra, camel, lynx.

Game "Who is more?"

Target: to develop the ability to hear the sound in the word and relate it to the letter.

Game material and visual aids: a set of letters already known to children, object pictures.

Description: each child is given a card with one of the letters known to the children. The teacher shows the picture, the children name the depicted object. Chips are received by the one who hears the sound corresponding to his letter. The player with the most chips wins.

Game "Vertolina".

Target: develop the ability to find words starting with a given sound.

Game material and visual aids: two plywood disks superimposed on each other (the lower disk is fixed, letters are written on it; the upper disk rotates, a narrow, letter-wide, sector is cut in it); chips.

Description: children take turns spinning the disc. The child must name the word for the letter on which the slot-sector stops. The one who completed the task correctly receives a token. At the end of the game, the number of chips is counted and the winner is determined.

Game "Logo".

Target: develop the ability to highlight the first sound in a syllable, correlate it with the letter.

Game material and visual aids: a large loto card, divided into four squares (three of them have images of objects, one empty square) and cover cards with the studied letters for each child; for the presenter, a set of separate small cards with images of the same objects.

Description: presenter takes from the set top picture and asks who has this item. A child who has this picture on the lotto card names the object and the first sound in the word, and then covers the picture with a card of the corresponding letter. The winner is the one who first closed all the pictures on the lotto card.

Sample material: stork, duck, donkey, tail, catfish. rose, lamp, etc.

Game "Chain".

Target: develop the ability to highlight the first and last sound in a word.

Description: one of the children calls a word, the one sitting next to him picks up a new word, where the initial sound will be the last sound of the previous word. Continues next child row, etc. The task of the row: not to break the chain. The game can be played as a competition. The winner will be the row that pulled the chain the longest.

Game "Where is the sound hidden?"

Target: develop the ability to establish the place of sound in a word.

Game material and visual aids: the teacher has a set of subject pictures; each child has a card divided into three squares and a colored token (red with a vowel sound, blue with a consonant).

Description: the teacher shows the picture, names the object depicted on it. Children repeat the word and indicate the place of the studied sound in the word, covering one of the three squares on the card with a chip, depending on where the sound is located: at the beginning, middle or end of the word. Those who place the chip correctly on the card win.

Game "Where is our home?"

Target: develop the ability to determine the number of sounds in a word.

Game material and visual aids: a set of subject pictures, three houses with pockets and a number on each (3, 4, or 5).

Description: children are divided into two teams. The child takes a picture, names the object depicted on it, counts the number of sounds in the spoken word and inserts the picture into a pocket with a number corresponding to the number of sounds in the word. Representatives of each team come out in turn. If they are wrong, they are corrected by the children of the other team. For each correct answer, a point is awarded, the winner is the row whose players score the most points. The same game can be played individually.

Sample material: ball, ball, catfish, duck, fly, crane, doll, mouse, bag.

The game "Wonderful bag".


Game material and visual aids: a bag of variegated fabric with various items, the names of which are two or three syllables.

Description: children come to the table in order, take out an object from the bag, name it. The word is repeated syllables. The child names the number of syllables in the word.

Game "Telegraph".

Target: develop the ability to divide words into syllables.

Description: the teacher says: “Guys, now we are going to play telegraph. I will name the words, and you will transmit them one by one by telegraph to another city. " The teacher pronounces the first word by syllable and accompanies each syllable with claps. Then he calls the word, and the called child independently pronounces it syllables, accompanied by claps. If the child has completed the task incorrectly, the telegraph breaks down: all children begin to clap their hands on the sly, the damaged telegraph can be repaired, that is, pronounce the word correctly in syllables and clap it off.

Math games for older children

The game "Be attentive."

Target: to consolidate the ability to distinguish objects by color.

Game material and visual aids: flat images of objects of different colors: red tomato, orange carrot, green tree, blue ball, purple dress.

Description: Children stand in a semicircle in front of a board with flat objects. The teacher, naming the object and its color, raises his hands up. Children do the same. If the color is incorrectly named by the teacher, children should not raise their hands up. The one who raised his hands loses the fant. When playing forfeits, children can be offered tasks: name several red objects, say what color the objects are on the top shelf of the cabinet, etc.

Game "Compare and Fill".

Goals: develop the ability to carry out visual-mental analysis; to consolidate the idea of ​​geometric shapes.

Game material and visual aids: a set of geometric shapes.

Description: two are playing. Each of the players must carefully examine his plate with images of geometric figures, find a pattern in their arrangement, and then fill in the empty cells with a question mark, putting the desired figure in them. The winner is the one who correctly and quickly copes with the task. The game can be repeated by arranging the shapes and question marks in a different way.

Game "Fill in the empty cells".

Goals: to consolidate the idea of ​​geometric shapes; develop the ability to compare and compare two groups of figures, find distinctive features.

Game material and visual aids: geometric figures(circles, squares, triangles) in three colors.

Description: two are playing. Each player must study the arrangement of the figures in the table, paying attention not only to their shape, but also to the color, find a pattern in their arrangement and fill in the empty cells with question marks. The winner is the one who correctly and quickly copes with the task. Then the players can exchange signs. You can repeat the game by placing the figures and question marks in a different way in the table.

The game "Wonderful glass".

Target: learn to determine the place of a given subject in a number series.

Game material and visual aids: 10 yoghurt cups, small toy that fits in a cup.

Description: stick a number on each glass, choose a driver, he must turn away. During this time, hide a toy under one of the cups. The driver turns and guesses under which glass the toy is hidden. He asks: “Under the first glass? Sixth? " And so on, until he guesses. You can answer with prompts: "No, more", "No, less."

Game "Party at the Zoo".

Target: teach to compare the number and quantity of objects.

Game material and visual aids: Stuffed Toys, counting sticks(buttons).

Description: Place animal toys in front of the child. Offer them to "feed". The teacher calls the number, and the child puts the required number of sticks (buttons) in front of each toy.

Game "Length".

Target: to consolidate the concepts of "length", "width", "height".

Game material and visual aids: strips of paper.

Description: the teacher thinks of an object (for example, a wardrobe) and makes a narrow paper strip equal to its width. To find the answer, the child will need to compare the width of different objects in the room with the length of the strip. Then you can guess another object by measuring its height, and the next one by measuring its length.

Game "Go through the gate."

Game material and visual aids: cards, "gate" with the image of numbers.

Description: children are given cards with a different number of circles. To go through the "gate", everyone needs to find a pair, that is, a child, the number of circles of which, together with the circles on his own card, will give the number shown on the "gate".

Game "Conversation of numbers".

Target: fix up and down counting.

Game material and visual aids: cards with numbers.

Description: children - "numbers" receive cards and stand one after another in order. "Number 4" says to "number 5": "I am one less than you." What did “number 5” answer to “number 4”? And what did the "number 6" say?

The game "Don't yawn!"

Goals: to consolidate the knowledge of counting from 1 to 10, the ability to read and write numbers.

Game material and visual aids: number cards, forfeits.

Description: children are given cards with numbers from 0 to 10. The teacher tells a fairy tale in which they meet different numbers... When mentioning the number that corresponds to the number on the card, the child must pick it up. Whoever did not have time to quickly perform this action, he loses (he must give up the forfeit). At the end of the game, a “redemption” of forfeits is carried out (solve a problem, a joke problem, guess a riddle, etc.).

For children, acquaintance with the world around them happens better if classes are clothed in a playful form. Each age category must match their games aimed at learning specific skills. Children 4, 5, 6 years old are trying to prepare for the upcoming study at school, and also strive to develop logical thinking and creative abilities in them.

For a child, life outside the game is inconceivable. And it doesn't matter if she is mobile or calm, verbal or plot-role. The kid creates a play space for himself through his imagination. It does not matter whether he plays himself or in a team. So kids at home may have the same needs for play as kindergarten kids.

For the baby to develop, he does not need an experienced methodologist who will plan everything in advance. Benefits for children game perception life is precisely in spontaneity, which stimulates the development of creativity, imagination and independence.

The role of play for a child

Pets often get used to playing alone, and parents should not take this as an empty pastime. If the toddler asks to play with him, you should immediately accept the offer, since the baby thus introduces adults into the world of his fantasies (that is, he has confidence).

It is not necessary to prepare for games with your child - his imagination will tell the course of events. But still, there are techniques that recommend using special educational and educational games for children 5 years old, which can be used at home.

Entertaining activities

Entertaining games in nature

The development of children goes on every minute, and this behavior of the people around him, the phenomena occurring around him, the objects that the baby sees, as well as nature, affect this. All these elements can be used in games with a child.

  • Walking in nature - good reason have fun with the baby in outdoor games.
  • While traveling in transport, you can come up with a word game.
  • Children are very fond of playing in the houses, thereby imitating family relationships.
  • For a 5-year-old, classes for the development of memory will already be interesting, logical thinking, auditory and visual perception.
  • By this age, the child is more easily given games for the development of speech and learning to read, as well as mathematics.

Any kind of play is perceived positively by children - whether it is work at the table on paper or moving on the street, role-playing or educational. Kids experience special pleasure if all family members are involved in the gameplay.

Outdoor games for children 5 years old at home

Under outdoor games do not only mean catching up or playing with the ball. Most of them are of a developmental nature, not only for physical body, but they are also a good opportunity to develop the baby spiritually. In such games, a competitive spirit is desirable, so children should play either with their peers or with their parents (brothers, sisters).

The peculiarity of mobile activities is that they involve the development of various, sometimes unpredictable, situations, thereby helping the baby to accept correct decisions... They teach such games and coordination of movements, as well as the ability to adhere to the rules established in advance.

How to play with your child

For a toddler who goes fifth age year, it's already boring to play yourself. They play with their parents with particular enthusiasm. Therefore, it is worth turning joint walks into fun entertainment.

Outdoor games with children

  • At this age, babies are already capable of long journeys on foot. Therefore, you can organize a small outing to the river or to a distant park, choosing an interesting route.
  • Arrange entertaining game in pathfinders or scouts, looking for each other for the bushes and trees.
  • Even the "hunt" for twigs and leaves for the future herbarium will turn into an entertaining fun fun that lifts the mood.
  • Do not forget to bring a ball to nature and teach your kid to play with it. He should toss the ball up, then clap his hands and try to catch it right away. This will help in developing coordination and attention.

Educational games for children 5 years old at home

For children at the age of 5, not only outdoor fun is interesting - they will be happy to do it at home, sitting at the table. For this, you can prepare special manuals, or you can use the toys that the child has.

Educational games for children

  • You can teach the basics of mathematics by arranging an entertaining calculation in order.
  • also in game form teach the child the concepts of "more, less, equally, one, several, many."
  • You should purchase a digital lotto to start introducing your toddler to the numbers and their composition.
  • Likewise, you can play words if you buy the appropriate set that allows you to learn the letters.
  • If the kid has learned to play tic-tac-toe, you can improve this fun by making it three-dimensional, then offering him the Japanese version - renju.
  • Games in "sea battle", "dots", "corridors" - all these activities on paper teach the kid perseverance, attentiveness, give a charge of excitement.

You can endlessly list the fun at the table with which it is easy to captivate a five-year-old toddler at home. But so that he does not get bored, sedentary fun should be interspersed with role-playing games, going to have fun with the baby cars or dolls. The more imagination a kinder has, the more interesting it will be to play with him, because everything can turn into a real theatrical action.

When we play with our children, we not only try to teach them many life skills, but also mentally draw closer to them, thus winning their trust and love.

Educational games for children 5 years old

Games for the development of children are quite a popular activity, since any parent wants his child to receive all the best, learn and develop. Often, children go not only to school or preparatory classes, but also to different centers, clubs and electives, where they learn a lot and learn. At the age of 5-6 years, children perceive information best if it is presented in the form of a game, while it should not be very long and protracted.

Flash drives of this section are perfect for both useful pastime and for getting Have a good mood... Children aged 5-6 are already quite independent, many are learning to read and write, very useful leisure there will be a combination of a fun and developmental process. Parents will be able to choose a suitable flash drive for their baby, thanks to which they can develop with logic tasks, train qualities such as memory, attention, and also practice reading and counting.

Here users can find the best virtual entertainment for kids. preschool age... Flash drives are aimed at development, while they are all very exciting and bright, which attracts the attention of the children. Such games will help to master a certain program and it will be very effective, as they are able to captivate boys and girls. Parents can take part in activities with their children in order to provide guidance or guidance at some point. In order to start the gameplay, you just need to decide on a flash drive and click on it, usually you only need a mouse to control.

Among the assortment you can find various logic puzzles, puzzles, simulators. Learning can even take place with the help of games such as racing or adventure games. Do not forget about the development of the creative side, drawing and coloring can help in this. In addition to the classic colorings, you can do drawing and by numbers, where each color is responsible for a certain fragment.

Also, the guys can play in the company of friends, among the developing flash drives there are such as checkers and even music quizzes. For example, an excerpt from a cartoon will sound in the Guess the melody application for children, and the guys will have to guess from which one. Thus, you can study musical instruments, a guitar, flute or drum will sound in the game, and the participants guess which instrument it is.

Many applications contain characters from popular cartoons that children love so much, among them there may be Fixies and Smeshariki, Luntik, Dasha the traveler, Winx fairies, Naruto, Ben 10 and many others. These heroes will help children study certain subjects, develop useful qualities and skills. In addition, many flash drives help to understand such phenomena as friendship and caring for others.

The presented mini-games, which are aimed at developing attention and memory, will help children to improve many qualities, especially to concentrate on the presented task. Almost all children's flash drives are designed with a specific meaning so that they have a beneficial effect on development. Carried away by different puzzles logical tasks, with puzzles, simulators of constructors, the guys acquire not only useful qualities, but also help to understand what lies ahead for success long way and hard work. Users will be able to find games that develop perseverance and attention in children, which will be very useful for school. It is quite difficult for a child to sit for 45 minutes of a lesson, so this quality needs to be developed, and the applications in the heading are so interesting that even the most active kid will be able to concentrate and sit quietly.