How beautiful it is to invite a girl to date. How to invite a girl to date - women's advice. How beautiful to invite a girl to meet on VKontakte

Young people should be more than just male deedsbut also talk to women pleasant words... Everyone wants to hear compliments in their address, it is especially impressive when they are not made with trivial, hackneyed phrases. When the text is of the same type and unoriginal, it becomes boring and uninteresting. Most ladies have the impression that this is a standard set of compliments that is dedicated to all the chosen ones in a row. In order not to provoke indifference in response, you need to look for suitable expressions for your companion.

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Beautiful design

To effect from pleasant phrases was the most effective, it is necessary to show originality and correctly present them in a beautiful setting, at a well-chosen moment. Anything that sounds original and out of pattern always makes the most impression and is etched into the memory for a long time.

If you invite a girl to meet beautifully and romantically, she is unlikely to resist such a gentleman. There are some simple advicehow to present everything competently and be on top:

  • You need to look according to the setting in which the proposal will be made. Pick up clothes, look neat and smell good.
  • You can't come to a girl empty-handed. Be sure to cook little surprise... Not necessarily expensive, let it be a simple, pretty trinket, keychain, or delicious cake.
  • It is worth choosing secluded places and creating an intimate one, romantic setting... You can beautifully decorate the meeting place in advance.
  • You can add a calm sound design. Subdued, sensual music without words in the background will ask romantic mood both and will help the guy tune in to the right words.

Additional surroundings will depend on the imagination and the meaning of those words with which the guy wants to conquer his girlfriend. It is advisable to choose not too pretentious and ornate expressions. Simple phrases spoken with a soul will produce much better the right impression and help you get things done.

What should be said

When the exciting moment comes to invite a girl to date, most guys start to get lost and embarrassed to say certain words. To find a relationship, you need to start somewhere. And the very first thing a man will have to do is to think over the phrases that he will say during the confession. It is important to remember that speech should be beautiful and intelligent. It is advisable to come up with the text out of your head and speak sincerely, in your own words. But if you do not have enough experience or ingenuity, you can use similar examples of phrases:

  • “Since I saw you, I cannot breathe calmly. I’m out of breath. My vital oxygen is you. Let's meet".
  • “I had a wonderful dream that in the distance, in fairy forest a beautiful fairy flashed before me. When I rode closer on my horse, I saw that it was you. I fell in love with your beauty and tenderness. Let's be together and build a beautiful house on the edge of the forest and live happily ever after. "
  • “I've been watching you for a long time, and I like you. I so want to spend more time with you. How do you look at dating? "
  • “We have known each other for a long time, I want to admit that I like you more than just a friend. Let's try a different level of relationship and start dating. "
  • “I love it so much that I'm on fire, you put out my fire. Save urgently, everything is gone. Without you, I will turn to ashes. Let's be together. "
  • “We met recently, but I realized that I want more than just friends. Let's be a couple. "
  • “Every day before going to bed, I see your beautiful image and I hear the scent of your perfume. I would like to make you coffee in the morning and wake you up tender kiss... Will you agree to be my girlfriend? "
  • “I wish everyone to be as lucky in life as I was when I met you. Now I won't let you go anywhere. Be my soulmate. "
  • “My gray days are filled with bright colorswhen I saw your sweet smile in the crowd. How I wish you would smile at me every day as my beloved woman. Be my life companion. "

The proposal to be a couple in verse always sounds original. If you decide to rhyme the lines for your beloved yourself, you need to follow a few rules:

  • it is desirable to use the name of the beloved in the text;
  • there must be admiration in the words;
  • pronounce phrases with convincing intonation;
  • you can not use repetitive words and speculate on feelings;
  • it is necessary to check the text for errors before sending to the chosen one.

There are several ways to present love creativity:

  • personally read;
  • read over the phone;
  • send a message on social networks or to the phone;
  • make an audio recording and turn it on in an unusual place.

Several verse options:

  • “When you walk by, I tremble and grow cold with beauty and charm. I want to give the whole world to you alone and constantly. And get the stars from the sky, and walk under the moonlight at night, ride a boat along the river. Always, everywhere accompany, love, appreciate and understand. "
  • “I'm terribly excited, like a kid. I want to charm you, I want to be with you forever and conquer you every day. "

There are many ways to express yourself, but you always need to remember that all actions and words must be from pure heart... To be more confident in a conversation, you can practice in front of the mirror and speak the text in advance.

Who is the proposal addressed to?

There are different stages relationship between the opposite sex. Before taking active action, you should assess the degree of risk. In order to choose the most profitable tactics, it is necessary to analyze who the man has for the object of his desire. The most common situations are as follows:

Relationship levelExplanation
The young man is in love, but the girl does not likeHopefully beautiful proposal being a couple will melt the ice in a girl's heart, but this is an unlikely option. If there is no mutual sympathy, it is very difficult and time-consuming to achieve location. As a rule, a refusal always sounds, despite all the efforts of a man. No phrase will change her mind if she doesn't see him as a possible partner in the relationship. She might just be uncomfortable with confessing and upset her friend. But strong pressure on her will still force her to say a categorical "no" to the gentleman
Close girlfriendIf feelings arose for close friend, finding words and proposing a relationship will be easier. The man has already got used to his girlfriend, studied her character and knows what phrases will affect her. Here the course of events can go in two directions. First, she never considered him as her soul mate, but she will be pleased with the attention. Most often, the answer will look like a compliment addressed to him and a desire to leave everything as it is, so as not to spoil friendly relations... The second option is when she thinks about it and she herself becomes interested in translating the relationship into a new format
Mutual sympathyWhen several meetings have already taken place, and the relationship itself is gaining a natural turn, an unsuccessfully chosen phrase can ruin everything. Therefore, it should not be said at all if both behave like an already established couple. Efforts should be directed towards organizing romantic dates and give beautiful, sensual compliments

You should always consider the actual relationship with the girl before moving on to action. If a decision has already been made to change the format of communication, you should be determined and find out everything at once.

In what conditions to offer to meet

So that the girl does not refuse immediately, it is advisable to find a good moment and calm atmosphere... You should not start love conversations when she is upset about something or she has a lot of grief. She will not have time love meetings... Better to wait for a quieter time when she has good mood. You can lead to a conversation about relationships in various beautiful settings, for example:

  • on a walk in a park or square;
  • on the seashore, river or lake;
  • on a beautiful bridge;
  • a sincere picnic in nature;
  • near street animators or musicians;
  • under the starry sky;
  • in the mountains.

The main thing is that the area is colorful and memorable, and there is not a soul nearby. If you are friends for a long time, it will be easier to pick up the key. But do not put pressure on the girl when the offer catches her by surprise. You need to give time to think about what has been said, so there is a better chance of getting agreement.

How to organize an offer

You can express your desire to start dating in different ways. Each method should be selected individually, depending on the circumstances and character of the beloved. There are several options to invite a girl to date:

WayHow to use
Tell directlyTo do this, you can use a joint walk in the park, organize romantic evening, retire in some beautiful place and say very warm words with a proposal to be together
Write a letterWrite a note, SMS, personal message on social networks or more in the classic way - write a letter. Moreover, it is not necessary to send it by mail, you can simply put it in an envelope and leave it in mailbox or ask to transfer someone. You can write graffiti under her window or lay out words with burning candles on the asphalt at night and call the girl to the window
SingIf a guy has good voice and knows how to play musical instruments, the most original thing will be to compose a song and devote it to your sympathy. And after the execution, offer to meet.

The result depends on the man's fantasy and the lady's sympathy for him. If her heart is occupied by another, she, of course, will appreciate all her efforts and she will be pleased, but the answer will not be what she wants. You should not lose your face and switch to swearing and rudeness in case of refusal. If the idea is successful, enjoy the relationship and catch every happy moment spent together.

Imagine. You talk to a girl and you like her. At some point, you realize that you want a relationship with her. However, for this relationship to begin, it takes some starting point. Should invite a girl to date.

But how to do it correctly and beautifully? After all, you have witnessed more than once, and perhaps already learned from your own experience, that at this moment the girls often merge and the guy is left with nothing. Why is this happening? Let's figure it out.

How does a relationship start?

If a guy and a girl like each other, then their communication at a certain moment turns into a horizontal plane, and then into a relationship. Often the moment when a couple passes unnoticed. She likes him, and she likes him. They have sex, and they understand each other perfectly.

When you ask the question “How to invite a girl to date?”, The situation is radically different. This means that, firstly, you don't know the girl well enough. Either. Otherwise, she would have gone on a date with you and your communication would have developed and continued further.

How to romantically invite a girl to date

Let's say you're doing great with your girlfriend, and you know you're attracted to her. And you have a desire to beautifully, in a romantic setting, invite her to meet. Then this a good idea... Moreover, girls love romance and new, unexpected and pleasant emotions.

In this case, you can arrange unusual date... For instance, romantic dinner rooftop overlooking the evening city. Or a boat trip. In such an environment, one can say sincere and nice words about your feelings for her. The main thing is not to worry at this moment, but to be as calm as possible. But at the same time, enthusiastic. If a girl is not indifferent to you, she will 100% appreciate this act and agree to the "official" offer to meet.

How NOT to offer to date

The best option is not to rush. Instead of a question - the topic of this article, for a start, try to establish close communication With girl. After the first intimacy, most ladies already believe that the relationship has already begun. Some may ask themselves and clarify what exactly is going on between you.

If you like a girl, you had nothing with her, and you come up, offer to date - with a 99% probability she will refuse you. And why should she agree when she practically does not know you.

In any case, you should already feel that your girlfriend really likes you, and she wants to spend more time with you. Otherwise, suggesting to meet is not worth it.

If a girl says she will think

Most likely it is a polite refusal. Simply put, it drains you. After all, if she really likes you, then she will never say what she thinks, but will answer in the affirmative.

In this situation, do not let the lady fool you and feed you breakfast. If you can see that she leads aloof and indefinitely, I would advise you to stop trying to achieve her. You will waste a lot of time, effort and money.

There are so many girls who will immediately appreciate you and you will quickly develop a relationship. Don't get hung up on one if you don't get along with it. Remember that there are no irreplaceable people.

No need to offer to meet in VK correspondence

If you are asking yourself this question, there are two possibilities. Or you are afraid of the girl and hesitate to communicate with her. Or she is far from you (in another city or country). In either case, it is better not to ask about this in VK correspondence. These things are always done live. You should not write to a girl on VK about your feelings. In the event that you want to express them, you definitely need to do it on a date. When you look a girl in the eye. It will evoke completely different emotions in her. And you understand better her response.

What to do if the girl SAMA offered to date

Well, it's as easy as shelling pears. Or you like her. In this case, you agree and ask her out on a date. Or you don't like her. In this case, you do not need to tell her directly about it. Adopt the same female technique: tell me what you think. And in the future, react sluggishly to her attempts to communicate with you. If she doesn't understand the hints, only then can she. Say you don't want a relationship.

This is, in fact, all.

Now you know how you can beautifully invite a girl to date and what you need to do so that she does not refuse. And is it worth doing it at all 🙂. Good luck!


If you feel like a girl quivering feelings and want to start with her more serious, and most importantly strong relationships, then first of all it is necessary to choose for such an important recognition the most appropriate place and time. It is strongly not recommended to voice your intentions after two or three meetings, because despite the fact that women are perceptive natures, even for their subtle instincts, this is too short a time to tune in to young man seriously. And if it happens that the girl is ready for a close relationship after the first date, then the guy should think about her reliability. Choose a place for such an intimate conversation where there is an opportunity to retire, so that the girl can feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible.

To show the romantic notes of your soul, invite a lady to a cozy restaurant or cafe. Such a welcoming environment will melt girlish heart and will play in your favor. Most perfect option - a separate booth, dinner surrounded by candles and the sounds of lyric music. And to consolidate the effect completely, do it while dancing with the girl.

Another the right way conquer woman's heart - bouquet beautiful flowers... Send your darling home such a gift, complete with a letter of offer. It will be very good if you write it or, on the contrary, dilute it so serious confession humor. In addition, you can give some cute present - a soft toy, a pendant or a basket of sweets. As soft toys a teddy bear or a hare works very well.

If you do not know about the hobbies of the object of your sympathy, then the surest way to find out about them is to ask your friends. They will happily lay out all necessary information, which will help to do original proposal... For example, if a girl is not indifferent to animals, then invite her to the zoo, followed by a picnic in nature. In such romantic atmosphere there will definitely be a moment to confess their true feelings.

If financial opportunities allow, then invite your adored object on an interesting trip. This can be an excursion to natural attractions or an acquaintance with unusual architectural monuments. A change of environment, gorgeous scenery and a leisurely stroll will be the perfect backdrop for a proposal.


Prepare for the conversation in advance. Find the words that you would like to say to her. There is no need to prepare a long speech, because at the most crucial moment you can fade away, and everything will fly out of your head. Just say that you like her, you would like to see her more often and communicate with her. Ask permission to hold it, and make an appointment for the next meeting.

To interest the one you like, carefully monitor your appearance and manners. After all, few people want to communicate in a dirty T-shirt and unkempt hair. Do not use harsh expressions in your speech, do not swear in front of her, and do not use jargon.

Don't be too intrusive. Before proposing to date, observe a little how she treats you. If she likes you, she often looks in your direction, listens carefully, does not shy away from you when you approach. If the girl demonstratively you, at the slightest opportunity, moves away and walks away, does not listen to what you are talking about, maybe you should not try to impose on her with your relationship?

Not all guys have the most serious intentions, can easily and simply decide to move to a new stage of the relationship. This is due, as a rule, to the fear of being rejected.

However, you still have to make an offer to a lovely young lady, otherwise you risk losing her, because there will be a more confident and quick-witted guy who does not hesitate, but does.

How to invite a girl to date? How to behave if the young lady refuses or considers your offer inappropriate? A few rules will help you prepare for such a serious step.

The phrase "dating a girl" suggests the presence of certain relationshipsbased on mutual sympathy or love. At the age of 12 or 13, such relationships usually look like this - walking together, visiting cafes, cinemas and discos.

Older couples move on to a more intimate level.

However, the proposal to date does not mean only kisses and caresses. You, as a guy, are required to comply with certain obligations:

  • protect your girlfriend;
  • to take her side in quarrels, conflicts and disputes with other people;
  • stand up for her honor if someone began to insult her.

In addition, you will have to meet and see off your girlfriend to study, training.

How do I prepare for an offer?

Since such an event is considered a rather serious step, it is not only possible, but also necessary to plan. To prepare for an offer, review the following guidelines.

  1. Try to make sure you make the right choice. Some young people offer to meet the girls they like after the first spark that ran between them. To be sure of the right thing to do, make sure of the sincerity of your own feelings.
  2. Try to "feel the waters." Not to be afraid possible failure, you can clarify how the girl treats you. Making sure that she has warm feelings to you, proceed directly to the proposal itself.
  3. Find the most suitable method. Perhaps all unusual ways to make a girl an offer to meet have already been invented. But this does not mean at all that you cannot use the traditional way... There are many options, and each of them has both pros and cons.
  4. Think over the plan of the event. By choosing the most suitable optionhow to invite a girl to date, make a plan. Such a serious approach is necessary to make it easier for you to start a casual conversation and finally make an offer.
  5. Realize your vision. After making sure of the correctness of the choice, clarifying whether the girl has reciprocal feelings, having thought over the plan of the event, you must immediately begin to act. The previous points should not take too long, as you can simply miss out on your love.

If the girl refused to meet, you should not get angry, take revenge or beg. If she refused, it means that there is some reason.

If she's not ready for a relationship yet, wait a little and then try again. If she doesn't like you, she will have to look for another object for love.

What is the right way to invite a girl to date? Basic ways

The chances of a positive answer will increase significantly if you make the right proposal to the girl to date. This can be done in several ways, which we will talk about in more detail.

Method number 1. Vk (Vkontakte)

The simplest and, at the same time, controversial method is to say about your sympathy on the Internet. Vk is the most popular domestic social network, therefore, most likely, your chosen one has her own page in her. A message in VK is perfect if you are 12, 13 years old or a little older.

It is better for young men 18-19 years old to offer to meet in person, but you should not reject this method either.

First of all, you should come up with beautiful phrases for the proposal. Of course, you can tell the girl that you like her and that you would like to date her.

However, in order to strike a young lady in the very heart, try to pick up something more original. For example, send a collage of her and your photos, videos or music.

The most daring approach (which can both work and lead to failure) - without the girl's consent, change your status to "I'm dating ... (insert the young lady's nickname here)".

Method number 2. For schoolchildren

At this age, everything is both simple and difficult. At the age of 12-13, adolescents are still just forming ideas about falling in love, romantic relationships.

Besides, the guys in this difficult period often feel embarrassed and afraid of public refusal (of course, these feelings can be found both at 15 and at 20).

For a classmate to guess about your tender feelings, proceed as follows:

  • write her a confession in verse;
  • write funny and pleasant SMS;
  • send gifts to VK;
  • accompany her home;
  • invite to walk with your friends in your company;
  • protect from any offenders.

Perhaps she will understand what you like, and without these beautiful phrases... After all, the main thing is not words, but masculine attitude!

Method number 3. Romantic

What is the best way to tell a girl that you like her and make her an offer to date? Try to show your imagination, remember or find out what she likes the most. Perhaps it will look romantic:

  • recognition in verse (it is better if it is your own creation);
  • beautiful phrases on the asphalt in front of her window;
  • performance of a serenade under the balcony;
  • recognition after a romantic trip;
  • a plush toy, when pressed, an offer to meet is distributed;
  • important words spoken after arranged dinner by candlelight.

Remember! Not every girl is romantic. Some young people are quite down-to-earth and do not dream of royal men on white horses.

To understand whether your darling likes romance, take a look at her VK page, try to get to know her girlfriends and ask them.

Method number 4. Original

If you are interested in how to offer a girl to date in an original way, and even so that your "queen of the heart" will forever remember this nice moment, it is important to show imagination and not be afraid to experiment.

  1. Try making your own craft. For example, write down the traits and qualities in the album for which you like her. For each reason, choose a girlish photo with characteristic emotions. At the end of the album, you can depict your proposal.
  2. Flashmob - fashion promotion, looking quite unusual and beautiful. Engage your buddies or ask for help strangersexplaining the reason to them. For example, a girl goes out onto the balcony, and the "assistants" release upward air balloonsfrom which the sentence is composed. Or, for example, ask your VK subscribers to send her a message that you want to meet with her.
  3. Quest is a popular event today. Why not use it in a quality that is convenient for you. Arrange a similar game for the girl, during which she will visit certain places and find clues in them that will indicate where to go next. The final - you with a bouquet of roses and a nice offer.

Others original ways can be found on the Internet or brainstorm with friends who will suggest the most unusual and tempting proposal method.

Method number 5. Telephone

This method is considered the least effective, since you will not be able to see the face of your chosen one and show your joy if the girl agrees.

If, nevertheless, you want to make an offer by phone or SMS, you must:

  • speak clearly, with tenderness in your voice;
  • pause to wait for her response;
  • do not interrupt, even if her answer upset you;
  • send intriguing SMS, in which you admit warm feelings;
  • nevertheless, pronounce important words in person, and in SMS only hint about a serious conversation.

What is the best way to invite a young lady to date? Much depends on psychological characteristics, age (12, 13 or 20 years old) girls and gentleman. In addition, it is important to find the perfect place and time for recognition, so that no one can interfere with you, or, on the contrary, people can help you in the implementation of your plans.

Remember one thing: if you think the chosen one is the girl of your dreams, feel free to start the proposal!

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on raising babies. I use the experience gained, including in the creation of articles of a psychological orientation. Of course, in no way do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers to deal with any difficulties.

How to invite a girl to date? This is the question that all guys invariably ask when they have problems or insecurities when dealing with girls. Also excitement how to do it the best way, characteristic of selflessly in love guys who want to get a guaranteed positive answer from the girl. The guy tries to make a beautiful proposal so that the girl appreciates how interested he is in her, how he loves her and how courteous he is to her.

How beautiful to invite a girl to date?

Let's consider three cases. The first is when a guy is pretty, but she doesn't like him very much, or she doesn't realize that she doesn't like it at all. In these situations, when the first impression is ruined or the previous communication did not work out - the guy can hope that the first phrase with the proposal to meet now will change something, he makes a bet on this phrase. It is worth taking a sober look here. Practice shows that an uninterested darling will not change the relationship even when asked to become a couple. Such a proposal would even constitute pressure on her, imposing moral obligations on her. It may be pleasant for her only to communicate only as acquaintances, not closer, and it is inconvenient to refuse the fact that the guy is pinning his hopes on her. Here the girl will refuse, no matter how gorgeous a phrase or deed the guy may come up with.

The second situation is already better - when the guy and the young lady are already friends. Often, girls keep guys in so-called orbit around them, in the friend zone. The guy pays attention to the beloved, looks after, maybe gives flowers, but at the same time the girl is not ready to go further towards rapprochement. By inviting a girl to date, the guy is likely to hear what a good, sweet person he is, but they should remain friends. She does not consider the guy as a man, a possible partner for love and relationships, maybe even has another object of her sighs. The guy's attention is still pleasant, and he becomes only a friend, remains in orbit. For a guy, it often looks like a transitional stage to a relationship. He is convinced that his chosen one has not yet considered him, did not understand how good he is, and, continuing to communicate in the format of friends, she will understand this and start dating him.

The third situation is when a guy is nice to a girl, and she is to him. A number of dates have already taken place, possibly kisses, while the guy is not in a hurry with actions, he is thinking about how to properly invite the girl to meet. However, you can look at it differently here. Why is it necessary to voice the proposal to meet if the guy and the girl are already a couple in fact? If you can see that they are attracted to each other. All that remains is not to spoil anything, and just an unsuccessfully sounded proposal to meet can turn out to be such a curiosity. After all, when relations naturally develop, flow in the right direction, there is no need to add such officialdom to them. A guy can even make some kind of rearrangement in his head - instead of thinking about how to properly invite a girl to meet, set a goal to lead a series have a nice datewho will decide on their own about starting a relationship, adding intimacy and strengthening communication. The fact that lovers have become a couple will become clear to them and to those around them, when there is already a series of meetings that gradually turned into dating, they constantly spend time together, go to the movies, come together to meet friends, meet new people, or even with parents.

However, if you still wish to make such an offer, we will analyze the ways how to do it beautifully.

The shortest way is to just go up to the girl and prove yourself, calmly, it is easy to say that you like her and offer to communicate. And then get closer to her - hug, try to kiss, not be afraid to be active. After all, a super technician or one hundred percent correct actions that must be done in order for a girl to fall in love, in fact, does not exist. Nothing can replace the natural presentation of oneself, one's pleasure from communication. You yourself are the main component of a relationship, and a beautiful proposal can only complement an already established pleasant image.

When you are successful in communication in general, then it will be easier for you to offer to meet that very only girl. Such characteristics of a guy as confidence, dominance, knowledge of what he himself wants, responsibility, the ability to evoke and switch emotions - in general, form a general picture, which causes attraction in the girl.

It would be a mistake to start doing too much for the girl or load her with gifts, only so that she finally changes to mercy and pay attention. A beautiful offer should not be a bribery, a cost disproportionate to your current relationship. The main thing is that the guy should bet on himself. If there is a feeling that you are not enough, you need to take care of yourself, become interesting to yourself first, raise your self-esteem. But do not try to start as if to pay the girl extra, compensating for your shortcomings with gifts and excessive servility. The most that a guy can give is emotions, and they are by no means proportional to the high cost of the gift.

How to evoke the emotions of a girl? The most important thing here is to test them yourself and be able to convey them. To trigger an emotion, you need to feel it or come up with some non-standard action that will launch it. Therefore, it is important to understand which proposal to meet will be beautiful for the girl herself, will cause her emotions. Understanding what the girl likes, what is happening in her head, in her soul is the key not only to a successful start of a relationship, but also to their harmonious development... Otherwise, the fact that the guy may seem beautiful and cost a lot of effort, the girl may not cause emotions, but, on the contrary, a simple act may amaze her.

When a guy himself feels an emotion, fully experiences it - he infects it and the girl. Therefore, it is so important to enjoy yourself, to be calm and relaxed at the moment of the proposal. There is a guy who is worried, experiencing negativity - no matter how beautiful the proposal he has prepared, the girl will also experience negative emotions.

How to invite a girl to meet on VK?

How to invite a girl to meet on VK? It could be like additional opportunity, a convenient channel for verbalizing your sympathy, and your main way of communication.

If you communicate in reality as friends or just acquaintances, you can make an appointment with her through the social network. Moreover, for him there may be some kind of business reason, and the date will look like an ordinary meeting for study, work or interests with friends. At such a meeting, you can once again understand for yourself whether you like the girl so much that you now want to become a couple. And then think about how to invite a girl to meet on VKontakte in the best way, the way she likes it. After a date, even after a couple of days, in a calm, comfortable environment for everyone, you can continue communication by voicing your proposal in writing.

Gone are the days of standard sentences, formulaic joking or romantic messages... Therefore, let your message be author's, simple and sincere - this is exactly what a girl who is not indifferent to you will appreciate. Tell her that even though you know each other very recently, you are thrilled to meet her. That you are not going to look for some poetry on the Internet, but speak from the heart, as you reach for her, every day, literally thinking about meeting. And when you see, they are immensely happy. You can thank her for just being there and ask if she will be with you. For a girl who wants to date you, this will become best recognitionopen, sincere and sincere. Your emotions will not go unanswered.

However, you may want to be original or even impress the girl. Perhaps she loves surprises, or you think that with a spectacular invitation, you are guaranteed to win her and her friends' favor. Then use one of the means of social networks, of which, fortunately, there are many! You can record audio or video for her, make a mini-quest or a game, connect her friends, even making a flash mob! Such vivid confessions will remain for a long time in your emotions and even longer - in your memory and in your notes. Perhaps even in her old years she will remember this romantic moment.

It even happens that you have not communicated with the girl in reality, but so far only on the social network, but have already managed to get to know each other well, you are sure that you want to continue your relationship. Here it is worthwhile to carefully weigh everything once again, suggesting that you first meet and talk. If you are kilometers apart and there is no way to meet now, while you are sure that you have met your soul mate - Chat via video link, get to know each other even better, discuss the possibilities of a relationship at a distance, and only then proceed to the proposal.

How to invite a girl to date so that she doesn't refuse?

A guy who is worried that a girl may refuse, or even, perhaps, who has already received a refusal from this or another girl, can be advised not to worry because, having studied the psychology of girls, he will be able to with high probability achieve almost anything. If a guy really wants to build a relationship with his chosen girl, he can do it when he does not give up, stopping efforts. Even if the girl initially refuses, does not take it seriously, does not want to hear about the relationship. The only question is the number of trials, which is not a problem for a purposeful young man, who does not react to refusal, but continues courtship and self-expression.

Girls really like it when they are sought, and they may even specifically refuse at first in order to further inflame the guy or weed out insecure boyfriends. When a guy actively pursues a girl, it causes her powerful emotions, and here it is no longer so important, positive or negative. In any case, at this stage, she already begins to become attached to the guy.

If you are experiencing an insurmountable rejection - use this psychological trick, as decreasing the importance of the object. Imagine a girl you really like, without such a good make-up, in ordinary clothes, without status accessories and a retinue of friends, doing ordinary household chores - debunk her almost magical image.

Breaking it apart, synergistically composing together great picturethat has such power over you, you will see in front of you an ordinary personhaving the same fears and.

The offer to meet for you will not be so scary, and even sound much more natural, respectively, with great chances of success. The girl will like the way you communicate with her on equal terms, and do not fawn in front of her, like the rest of the failed boyfriends. In an extreme situation of fear of rejection, it is even worthwhile to turn to the roots of this fear with the help of a psychologist - it will be found that the situation is not at all connected with the girl, but with personal destructive attitudes.

To overcome the fear of rejection, a guy needs to increase his own value, get evidence of success in relationships with girls. When you come up and you are denied, you get back evidence, confirmation of your failure. Instead of confidence, the idea is developed that, despite the fact that I good guy, girls don't like me.

You need to have something in your experience that will confirm your high self-worth, strong, which no one can take away. Based on your personal successes, knowing that the girl has something to love you for, you propose. Know your worth, find what exactly you respect yourself for, even to the point of writing down your merits on paper. Focus on positive aspectswhat they were in life. You will remember the girls you met, who you liked without noticing it. Ask your friends what attractive strengths they know about you. You will discover many new things for yourself, and this will add points to your confidence.

How to invite a girl to date in an original way?

You want to do unusual proposal? Today you have a lot of opportunities before you. If before there was even an inscription on the asphalt, today there are many means to express your feelings in an original, memorable way. Even professional agencies can help you make your dreams come true, they will quietly do most of the work, while you will be provided with the role of the main character.

You can organize the offer near the girl's house, which will enhance the effect thanks to the delight of relatives and neighbors. It can be an inscription made of candles or flowers, a serenade in your own performance in a comic amateurish style, or even with an invited accompaniment. Do you want to connect your friends to this? You can do a flash mob at her house or, if the girl loves riddles, even a quest with a twisted plot, created especially for her. Already this girl will definitely not forget!

Also, all technical and media tools will help you. You can shoot a video message for a girl or even just a cycle of photos with recognition, sing and present the girl with a song on the social network. You can even remain incognito if you are worried about the girl's reaction or do not know if she is free.

If you are looking for how to invite a girl to date phrases, then original and at the same time in an efficient way getting closer will be an appeal to emotions, and not dry reasoning or a formal proposal. Having become interested in how movie characters do it, you will see that an experienced boyfriend can simply note the beauty of the moon while walking, but do it in such a way that the girl feels close to him, the desire to be with him, his ability to feel the beautiful and emotional sensitivity, which will automatically arrange it will be replaced by a positive answer to a question that has not yet been asked.

How to invite a girl to date phrases sometimes some guys still prefer to voice such as “let's switch to“ we ”,“ let's become a couple ”,“ will you be mine? ” They are also valid, mainly for young girls or waiting to hear an invitation to start a relationship.

Let's give an example of a specific scenario for creative proposal meet. The guy had scheduled a meeting with the young lady for the transfer of books on the embankment and came in a suit with a tie and a boutonniere, which immediately alerted the girl, arousing her curiosity and perplexity. Without explaining anything, he hands her a player with headphones and asks to listen to music, turns on a romantic track and takes out a stack of prepared sheets from the books, on which he wrote a confession and an invitation to meet with his own hands, each word separately on a sheet and with design. It looked cute, especially against the backdrop of his serious suit. At the end, he wrote that if she refused, he would jump. If he agrees - too! And without waiting for her answer, literally without giving her her senses, he jumped into the water in a suit and swam away. He turned around, only having swum a little, and waited for an answer from the girl. Needless to say, the answer was yes.

In this example, the guy demonstrated self-confidence, willingness to act, creativity, ability to plan, control himself, create something with his own hands, not be afraid to be funny. After a positive answer, he swam out, with an imperturbable face tucked in a wet tie and in boots, full of water went for flowers and sweets hidden right there in the bushes. So original and brave guy the girl cannot fail to highlight, discarding the courtship of the rest of the men.

Another example scenario might look like this. The guy calls or sends the darling a message with an appointment for certain time at the appointed place, being sure for sure that she will come. However, he himself does not appear at the appointed time, the girl waits, looks out at him and, already almost desperate, notices a poster with instructions to follow the white rabbit. Of this strange person in a suit of a rabbit nearby she had noticed for a long time, and now she ran after him. But the rabbit runs away and gets into the car at the end. The car drives away literally in front of the girl's nose, but she sees on the asphalt on the spot where the car was parked, an inscription with the name of a cafe familiar to both of them. The girl hurries there, and behind the glass of the cafe she sees a sign "closed", which is being turned over before her eyes, on the other side - an arrow. She follows in the direction indicated by the clues posted on the walls of the streets, and comes to beautiful place in the park, where a boyfriend in love awaits her with confession. The girl experienced an emotional uplift and by completing the quest automatically proved her interest and desire to continue the relationship.