Classic edged pedicure. Classic pedicure: what is it. How to do a pedicure - a classic step-by-step technique

Classic pedicure is the most popular and easiest hygienic way to care for the feet. It becomes especially popular in summer period. But it is worth recalling that pedicure is contraindicated for any diseases of the nails and feet. If microcracks appear between the fingers, you need to contact a specialist - a dermatologist.

What is a pedicure

Currently, modern beauty salons offer many technologies for the treatment of skin and toenails: french pedicure, machine, European (not edged), etc. But the most popular and favorite for everyone is the classic pedicure method.

By doing classical method the cuticle is carefully trimmed from the nail plate, calluses, corns are removed, deformed and ingrown nails are brought into proper shape. With this procedure, to the usual manicure set special files with a coarse abrasive or pumice are added to remove keratinized skin from the heels and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers.

The technology of high-quality edged pedicure keeps some secrets that few people know, but it is these little nuances that facilitate and speed up the process.

Technique for trimmed pedicure

The process of performing classic nail care consists of several stages. Each stage is important in the processing of the legs and requires mandatory implementation.

Few people know that before starting work, it is first necessary to apply special cream with acids, which will help soften dead, rough skin on the legs. This procedure will help reduce the time of the pedicure by several times. It is also recommended to carry out bad condition foot skin.

At the second stage of the classic pedicure, work is done with the nails. The main thing at this stage is that the correction of the shape and length nail plate produced strictly dry. Only in this way the master can see the real picture of the position and length of the cuticle and will not harm it when working directly with the nails.

The third stage is the steaming of the feet. IN hot water if necessary or desired, you can add various antiseptic or wound healing agents, as well as various herbal infusions for better softening of the skin of the legs. This stage lasts at least thirty minutes, only in this case, working with dead skin will be easy, and the effect of the pedicure procedure will be durable.

The fourth step in the foot care process is brushing. Upper layer rough skin from the heels and other parts of the foot is removed with a pumice stone or files with a coarse abrasive coating. Then proceed to the processing of the cuticle and skin around the nails of the toes. With the help of wooden sticks with a pointed end, the cuticle is moved to the maximum distance from the nail plate, and then with the help of nippers and nail scissors, the cuticle and other skin growths around the nail are removed.

On last step classic edged pedicure, feet are washed clean water, after which the feet are lubricated with a light nourishing lotion to moisturize the skin, and useful emollient oils are rubbed into the skin around the nails.

Approximately the entire procedure of trimmed pedicure takes about an hour. And to keep your feet in constant great shape, you need to do a pedicure every 3-4 weeks.

Is it worth doing a classic manicure

Like any care method, a classic pedicure has its pros and cons, after analyzing which you can decide whether it is suitable this method or not. There are a lot of advantages to a trimmed pedicure. It is a high quality treatment of the skin around the nails. The use of tools makes it possible to perfect cleaning and remove even the smallest burrs. Steaming legs in baths with various means allows not only to soften the skin, but also it has medicinal properties that will provide beneficial effect on the skin of the feet. This manicure technology requires a relatively small amount of time for the procedure. The effect of a classic pedicure will be noticeable even more for a long time if done in accordance with accepted methods.

Experts say that this method has almost no drawbacks. All the disadvantages of a trimmed pedicure come only from the inability or inattention of the master. His unprofessional actions may lead to high degree the likelihood of injury. If instruments have not been sterilized and disinfected, there is a risk of infection with fungus and different kind infections. Poor quality pedicure will lose its appearance very quickly.

Under no circumstances should a razor blade or razor be used to remove dead skin from the feet during the trimming pedicure procedure.

First, it is very dangerous, and there are very high probability causing various injuries, and secondly, the cut skin regenerates several times faster, so the skin growth will soon return again.

Hello, Dear friends, Lena Zhabinskaya is with you again.

The sight of beautiful and well-groomed legs attracts and fascinates both sexes. But while some only dream of it, others successfully achieve it, not only within the walls of expensive salons, but also at home.

Moreover, the procedure that provides high-quality foot care - pedicure, has a lot of varieties with their own characteristics and contraindications, among which anyone can choose the perfect one for themselves. We'll talk about them today. So, the types of pedicure and their main differences.

I already wrote about what a pedicure is and. So now let's get straight to the point.

Modern cosmetology offers girls several types professional pedicure. Each of them involves the use of a certain set of tools and tools that allow you to achieve your goal - to finally see your nails and feet clean, healthy and beautiful.

At the same time, each type of pedicure has its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as contraindications. To know about them means to protect yourself in the pursuit of beauty. Always remember this and then the procedures you performed will always bring you pleasure and positive emotions.

What are the types of pedicure?

  • Classic or edged.
  • European, or dry, unedged.
  • Hardware.
  • Combined.
  • SPA - pedicure.
  • Fish.
  • Japanese.

Interestingly, this list changes all the time. After all, women strive for perfection, and modern cosmetology helps them to achieve it.

Classic pedicure

Perhaps its features are familiar to all of us from childhood. The process of its implementation includes several stages:

  1. steaming the legs in the bath;
  2. foot treatment with pumice, exfoliating agents;
  3. giving nails desired shape;
  4. cuticle removal.

And all this is fast, easy and accessible to everyone. That is why they often go to salons for a classic pedicure, even more often they do it at home, not even suspecting that simplicity and speed have serious drawbacks.

What is the danger of this type of pedicure? Lots of moments here:

  • The possibility of infection with fungal and other diseases. And all due to the fact that water is used in its implementation, or rather a bath with it. Lack of regular disinfection, and frequent use hydromassage devices at times increases the likelihood of getting many ailments as a bonus to a pedicure. IN best case everything can be limited to itching, burning on the skin, curvature of the nail plates.
  • The risk of contracting more serious illnesses such as AIDS or hepatitis. It rises due to cuticle cutting and possible injury. skin from the use of sharp instruments. Moreover, salon masters do not have sufficient funds to perform the same disinfection that is done within the walls of surgical or dental offices.
  • Overzealous. This is the only way to call excessive cutting of the stratum corneum of the foot, which is carried out when performing a classic pedicure. As a result, the treated areas may cause discomfort, pain, or simply enhance the skin regeneration process. In other words, it will grow on them with renewed vigor, forcing its owner to turn to the procedure again and again.


All of the above shortcomings forced the masters to look for a way out of this situation, which later turned out to be a European pedicure.

What he really is? In general, the same technique that is used for edging, but without the use of baths with water and sharp dangerous tools.

Includes European pedicure the following steps:

  1. safe removal of the cuticle using special tools that soften it and allow you to gently move it to the edges of the plate. Their regular use helps subsequently slow down its growth;
  2. giving the nails the desired shape through the use of tweezers and scissors;
  3. removal of rough skin of the foot with scrapers and graters.

Meanwhile, with all its advantages, the European pedicure also has one significant drawback - the slowness in the process of giving a well-groomed look to the nails. In order to achieve it, sometimes it is necessary to perform at least 6 procedures. You can find out more from our article.


Behind the respectable name of this pedicure hides simple technique its implementation using a special device.

The whole principle of its work is built around the rotation of cutters - special rough nozzles. They clean off dead skin cells, remove the cuticle, and polish the nail, and, if necessary, give it the desired shape.

The use of special tools that previously “dissolve” the stratum corneum, as well as a variety of nozzles, allows you to perform all the necessary manipulations without the risk of injury and infection of the skin.

In addition, her gentle and well-groomed appearance in the case of modern hardware pedicure lasts much longer. But you will have to pay extra for all this - the cost of such a pedicure is justified above the cost of the others mentioned.

SPA - pedicure

A unique option that not only gives beauty and well-groomed feet, but also helps to relax.

It is based on the use of special cosmetics With essential oils, plant extracts, therapeutic mud, thermal waters, which soften and exfoliate the skin, relieve fatigue, rejuvenate and heal.

However, with all its advantages, this type of pedicure also has its drawbacks - it is not suitable for people with problem feet, including fungal infection or ingrown nails, and also has a high cost.


The name itself tells about the technique of its implementation. It consists in the use of edged classic pedicure for nail care and hardware - for foot skin care. However, this is not a panacea.

Often, these procedures, if necessary, are supplemented by others, for example, peeling. Most often, acid is used when the foot is processed. glycolic acid and wrapped in a film and a towel on certain time. After its expiration, the coarsened zones are cleaned with pumice stone, and a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.

It's incredibly simple and effective procedure, which leaves behind young and healthy skin of the feet, but has one drawback - within 5 days after its implementation, the treated skin can peel off in layers, therefore it needs protection in the form of ordinary socks. Moreover, the sight is not very pleasant.


It's comparatively new technology performing a pedicure, all the subtleties of which are beautifully illustrated in the photo. Exotic came to us from Asia.

To perform the procedure, the client's feet are disinfected, after which she lowers them into the aquarium, in which all the work of the file, pumice stone, brush and scrub is performed by fish with the wonderful name Garra rufa. Dead skin particles are an integral part of their diet.

Moreover, in addition to the exfoliating effect, this procedure also has another one - it regenerates tissues due to substances contained in the saliva of fish. In other words, all old wounds and cuts after it heal many times faster.

Does it have its drawbacks? Unfortunately yes. And they are not limited to the high cost of the type of pedicure itself. In some countries, it is officially banned due to the ability of fish to carry infection.


An original technique that includes elements of SPA, unedged pedicure and massage. Rejuvenates and revitalizes through the use of products made from natural ingredients, however, is overpriced.

It was Lena Zhabinskaya, bye-bye.

Foot care should be an essential part of your beauty ritual. And this applies not only to the warm season, when boots are replaced by open sandals exposing heels and toes. Many girls claim that they do not have the time and money to visit beauty salons. It is for such cases that a classic pedicure is perfect, which does not require any special costs. You can do it both at professionals and at home.

A classic pedicure (as, in principle, a manicure) is usually classified into edged and unedged (European). The main difference is in the cuticle removal technology. The European version is considered more modern and safer, but every woman chooses for herself more suitable way depending on the requirements and condition of the skin.

Features of a pedicure

What is a classic edged pedicure? This cosmetic procedure, which includes the reduction of the keratinized layer of the skin of the legs and nail care using special cutting tools. This is precisely the reason why more and more people begin to give preference to European manicure and pedicure: with it, the skin is not injured and there is no risk of any infections.

However, if you do everything right, observe hygiene and technology during the procedure at home, then the chance of harming the body will be minimal.

The following are the main points regarding security:

  1. all instruments (tweezers, files, bath) must be disinfected before each procedure;
  2. if skin damage occurs during a pedicure or manicure, then the cut site must be treated with a special disinfectant, for example, hydrogen peroxide;
  3. no need to use brute force when carrying out manipulations, all movements should be smooth, but confident.

If the choice fell not on the European, but on the edged pedicure, then it is important to consider that all actions should be correctly carried out on pre-steamed skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

Thus, it is possible to identify the main positive and negative sides such a procedure as a classic pedicure. Pros:

  • can be done at home without any special material costs;
  • allows you to quickly bring your legs into good condition;
  • contributes to the effect thin skin» on the feet;
  • successfully removes calluses and corns.
  • there is a risk of injury, cuts;
  • steaming feet in water promotes the spread of fungus;
  • there is a chance to get an infection that can enter the body through open wounds.

Of course, as already mentioned, all possible shortcomings of the procedure disappear if security measures are observed. If there are fears and self-doubt, then you can either trust the professionals, or choose a manicure that does not involve cutting either the skin or the cuticle, due to which it is considered softer.

Necessary tools and procedure steps

So, if you decide to carry out the procedure at home, then you need to prepare a set of tools and devices with which a trimmed pedicure will be performed. It includes:

  1. a bath of water, in which you can add salt, herbs, a disinfectant;
  2. towel;
  3. scissors for manicure;
  4. nail polish remover;
  5. orange sticks, cuticle tweezers;
  6. cuticle softener;
  7. nailfile;
  8. pumice stone for feet, scrapers, special nail files for feet;
  9. moisturizing cream.

You should consider edged pedicure and its technology in stages, as well as its main differences from the European version. As already mentioned, you can do it at home.

  1. First you need to steam the skin of the feet. To do this, you can use the usual warm water, and with additives, for example, with sea salt or chamomile. Optimum temperature water - 38°C- 40°C. Keep your feet in the bath for about 10 minutes, this time will be enough for the skin to become soft. Now you need to gently pat your feet dry with a towel.
  2. After that, it is necessary to wipe off the remnants of varnish from the nails, if any. You can do this before steaming, this moment is not essential, but softened varnish will be removed more easily. Next, trim the nails, giving them necessary form. You don't need to round them too much to avoid ingrown.
  3. Can be applied additional remedy to soften the skin. This stage not mandatory, but may be required if the dermis is too rough and present a large number of growths.
  4. Then we proceed to remove the keratinized layer from the heels and fingers: using a pumice stone or a special file, you need to carefully clean off the dead skin, smoothly moving from the center of the area to its edge. You can periodically wipe your feet with a damp towel to excess skin did not interfere with manipulation.
  5. A few words need to be said about how to properly treat the skin around the nail. The cuticle can be further softened with special means, then move orange stick. After that, tweezers are used to remove excess skin. Just at this moment, the edged pedicure is fundamentally different from the European one, which requires only pushing back, but not cutting the cuticle.

Cut very carefully. You should not rush, as only smooth movements will avoid cuts. It should be noted that the cuticle, which is not trimmed, grows more slowly and becomes softer over time. However, it will take several treatments to make it look good. A trimmed pedicure allows you to achieve an instant result, but you will have to carry out such a procedure more often.

6.Now you can file your nails and polish their surface. This should be done only when the legs are completely dry, so as not to injure the nail plate. We apply cuticle oil, moisturizer on the heels and carry out a light massage.

Thus, we can say that doing a classic pedicure at home is not at all difficult. The most important thing is to approach the procedure seriously and not rush. It is necessary to adhere to all stages and perform them correctly, according to all recommendations. Regular care behind the skin of the feet will allow you to put on any shoes without hesitation and show bare feet on the beach.

  1. The client's feet are processed with a grater (the master processes the client's heel and foot from keratinized skin with a grater);

From 1400 RUB

Now you can’t do without beautiful and well-groomed legs! Pedicure is an essential part of taking care of yourself.

Now in the beauty salon you can choose a lot of pedicure options, but they are all divided into two types: unedged (European) or edged. 2018 classic edged manicure is the most popular, as evidenced by numerous reviews. IN this case the cuticle is very carefully removed with tweezers, and the heels and toe area are carefully processed with special files.

Inexpensive this procedure in Moscow can be performed in the network of manicure and pedicure studios "Nigotok".

Performing a classic pedicure in the salon

In the studios "Nigotok" only professionals work in their field. Performing a classic pedicure can only be performed by a professional, as the procedure can be traumatic. Each master in our salons undergoes regular re-certification and advanced training. We also carefully monitor the cleanliness and sterility of the procedures. The tools used in the work are subjected to multi-phase processing. Our clients can be sure of the quality of the services provided in all the "Nigotok" studios.

How does it happen and what does the classic pedicure procedure include?

  1. The hands of the master are treated with an antiseptic. Gloves are put on and treated again with the drug;
  2. The client's feet are treated with an antiseptic;
  3. The shape of the nail plate is given;
  4. Remover is applied to the cuticle and side rollers (means for softening the cuticle);
  5. The client's feet are soaked in the bath (maceration);
  6. A pedicure of the 1st leg is performed: the cuticle is pushed back with a scraper, the side rollers and the cuticle are cut with nippers;
  7. The client's feet are processed with a grater (the master processes the client's heel and foot from keratinized skin with a grater);
  8. Pedicure of the 2nd leg: the cuticle is pushed back with a scraper, the side rollers and the cuticle are cut with nippers;
  9. The client's feet are processed with a grater (the master processes the client's heel and foot from keratinized skin with a grater);
  10. A drop of oil is applied to the back of the leg and cuticle and rubbed in;
  11. The cream is applied to the client's feet with rubbing movements and the cream is distributed and a mini-massage is performed.

Choose any of the 15 Nail Studios and come for the beauty of your legs!

* Removal of corns, treatment of corns and cracks is an additional service and is carried out at the request of the client.

* The price at a certain point may differ. More detailed information can be found in the application "Nail" or in the form of an appointment online.

Classic cut or wet pedicure is the most common nail care procedure in our country due to its availability. The age of the procedure is more than a hundred years old, the history began with this type of pedicure professional care behind your feet.

During the procedure, piercing and cutting instruments are used: scissors, tweezers, etc., which is why classic pedicure called cut.


  • Classic pedicure able to put in order any, even the most neglected legs (in this case edged pedicure- the only option).
  • Makes legs not only beautiful, but also healthy.
  • A large selection of foot baths allows you to deal with various shortcomings and problems.
  • Edged pedicuregood preparation legs to other procedures (from to).
  • Many people enjoy the “thin skin” feeling they get after removing dead skin on their feet.

Preparing for a pedicure


  • There is a possibility of cut and/or infection.
  • Trimming dead skin with a razor stimulates its further growth.
  • There is a possibility of infection (water is a breeding ground for fungi).

The first and third shortcomings are easily eliminated if the case is taken experienced master. So don't try to do edged pedicure on your own or contact a non-professional.

Foot bath

Tools used in the process must be disinfected and stored in a sterile atmosphere (for example, in a UV cabinet).


Edged pedicure technique strongly reminiscent of:

  • The old varnish coating (if any) is removed from the nails.
  • Softening and steaming hygienic foot bath with sea ​​salt or medicinal herbs. Steaming takes 10 to 20 minutes.

Cuticle cutting

  • The temperature of the water at the same time depends on the characteristics of the body: hot baths are contraindicated for heart disease, hypertension, and pregnancy (you must tell the master about your features).
  • Correction of the length and shape of the nail plate with scissors, tweezers and files.
  • Grinding of the nail plate to eliminate microcracks.
  • Accurate removal of bulges on the heels and corns with a special razor, pedicure rasp or "harsh" pumice.
  • Removing .

Correction of the nail plate

  • The cuticle is pushed back with an orange stick and trimmed with scissors.
  • Burr removal.
  • Softening and moisturizing the skin on the feet with creams.
  • Light therapeutic and relaxing foot massage (optional).
  • Degreasing the nail plate and applying a therapeutic or decorative varnish coating(at the request of the client).
  • Some steps in the procedure may be interchanged or omitted.

Average wet pedicure takes 40 minutes to an hour.

Removal of corns

There are several types of foot baths:

  • detergents
  • Improves blood circulation (with nettle, chestnut extract, arnica)
  • Antifungal and antiseptic (with essential oils, borax, triclosan)
  • Keratolytics (with sulfur, citric or salicylic acid)
  • Wound healing and promoting healing of microcracks (with plantain, chamomile, calendula)

Ready pedicure


Nail design

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