Should I apologize to the guy. Beautiful apologies in verse and prose. Here are some examples of "correct" SMS

If the fault is on my side, just forgive me if it’s my fault, hear your rude laugh, I want to see your gaze again

And open the door before me. If you can, forgive me But you didn't want to be separated, believe me! Yes, I was wrong then ...

Forget what we said, come back to me

Let's put up, How I miss you, I remember all this, as now, I filled my heart with my love, That you warmed my soul, I am grateful to you for that,

just write, my joy, forgive me, I was wrong,

Find the right moment

Many women are interested in when and how to apologize to a guy so that it’s not too late. Sometimes it’s better to do it right after your mistake, and sometimes it’s better to wait. On the one hand, your harshness can be softened with a quick “sorry” and passionate kiss... But it so happens that offended person it takes a while to cool down before he can listen to your apology.

  • Tears. Women's tears have a very strong effect on a man. But you cannot allow yourself to cry very often, a puffy nose and red eyes do not adorn anyone, and you can gain the glory of a crazy hysterical woman from whom you want to run away as quickly as possible. This is not what you want to achieve, is it? A couple of tears will work best for a guy in a particularly difficult situation.
  • Embrace. If you see that your boyfriend is already ready to forgive you for your offense, but for now something is bothering him, but you just need to come closer to him and hug him tightly. Touching will help mitigate circumstances, even very major quarrel... Just show your loved one that they are truly dear to you.
  • Sex. One of the "heavy artillery" methods. It almost always helps just flawlessly. After good sex you need to whisper in your beloved's ear that you are very happy with the reconciliation. But if you use this method too often, then you run the risk of provoking new conflicts, as your chosen one will increasingly seek the thrill of rough sex after reconciliation.
  • If your loved one is very angry with you, does not want to see you, and does not even answer calls and SMS with an attempt to explain something, then you can try to write him a letter where you will tell about everything that worries you. This method is also preferable if you are afraid of a personal conversation, or if you are so anxious that you cannot say a word when you meet.

    First, let yourself cool down a bit before writing your letter. Leave all emotions behind, you have already thrown them out enough during a quarrel. Think about what you will write about and what you shouldn't write about.

    So let's take a look at how to apologize to a guy in your own words.

    Apologize in the eyes in your own words - the hardest part. In your own words, this does not mean that you simply, without preparation, without thinking about anything, went to him and said everything.

    You need to think it over, at least roughly know what to say, how he is likely to react. Develop a strategy. You can make up at home rough plan what, how and when to say, but I assure you eighty-five percent that everything will not go as you planned.

  • Look into his eyes, then he will feel that you are speaking sincerely;
  • Tell only the truth, this will make it easier and better for you and him;
  • Promise him only what you can fulfill;
  • Try not to raise your voice at him, it will only make matters worse;
  • Don't blame him for anything. What he, in your opinion, did wrong, you will say quietly, without scandal, when you make up. It will be better this way;
  • Listen and memorize everything he says;
  • If you disagree with him, say it openly, he should know your opinion... But remember the previous tip;
  • Such phrases as "Forgive me", "Sorry", "I was wrong", "Do not be offended", "Do not sulk" said in the right moment and not constantly, but once or twice, have a positive effect on the guy's mood. If you, with the eyes of a cat from "Shrek", tell him one of these phrases, then he will understand that he won, he is right.
  • Accept my forgiveness! I have no more strength without you! My dear, you understand me! It's hard for me without your love,

    I was guilty, I stumbled, I will not shout anymore! I want to promise you,

    I'm mad at you ..

    If you decide to apologize to him via SMS, then you must also adhere to some kind of tactics.

    • Write SMS not often, you can every three to four hours. Don't bother him;
    • Write sincerely because you want to make up, and not just "hush up" this quarrel;
    • Do not repeat the same thing several times in SMS. He'll just get tired of reading;
    • If he does not react in any way, it means that either you are doing something wrong or he expects certain words from you;
    • Think about what you would like to read in such a situation;
    • Do not try to put a lot of these annoying parentheses, they do not convey any emotions. You yourself understand that when you put ")" it does not mean that you are really smiling;
    • Do not make excuses, do not write "I did this because", it will not lead to anything good. By this you do not admit mistakes, but shield yourself;
    • Try to convince him your SMS, in the fact that relationships are dear to you, that for the sake of them you will change;
    • Do not think that after the first SMS, he will write that everything is fine and that he has forgiven you;
    • If you want to get an answer after your message, at the end write "Are you ready to forgive me?"

    Here are some examples of "correct" SMS:

  • Please excuse me for hurting me once. Believe me, I'm not out of malice, let me be with you again!
  • My heart is unbearably bad, I admit that I behaved cruelly. I beg you, I'm sorry, don't hold me angry!
  • Please excuse me. Please don't leave me. You are my air, my light, I have no life without you!
  • You apologized to him, realized your mistake, and that's it, let him now think about accepting the apology or not. Do not beg for forgiveness, otherwise you spoil him !! ! and don't worry)

    Sometimes there are such unpleasant situations that even the most loving and closest people quarrel.

    And after a quarrel, they have no idea how to apologize to their wife, husband or other dear person.

    Sometimes it is even difficult for people to find warm and suitable words to apologize. And they continue to feel guilty before another person, not daring to take the first step towards reconciliation.

    Sometimes a request for forgiveness and an apology come from the person who is not to blame, because he wants to quickly improve the relationship and just make up. And this is also correct, because only a strong-willed and reasonable person can ask for an apology without guilt.

    If you are guilty and want to ask for forgiveness through phone messages, you definitely need to be aware of a few small but important rules.

    Whether you are a man or a woman, it makes no difference. Remember only that before asking for forgiveness, you definitely need to calm down, cool down, realize your mistake and sincerely wish to improve relations.

    After that, it is better to wait some more time (at least a couple of days) so that the offended person can calm down and calmly accept your desire to make peace. You can be sure that almost immediately after a serious quarrel, the woman or man whom you offended will not even listen to you.

    Forgiveness through phone messages

    Before starting to apologize, every woman who is guilty, as well as every guilty man must be aware of the basic minor nuances in order to apologize correctly. They must not only be remembered, but also adhered to:

    • SMS to a girl, beloved boyfriend, husband or wife do not need to be sent too often... One message for a maximum of 3-4 hours will be enough so as not to bother a person. If there is no response after several messages sent, then either wait a while or try another way to apologize.
    • Do not duplicate text in subsequent messages.
    • What if there is no answer? If the person to whom you are apologizing does not answer, then you should go for a more serious apology than just sending an SMS.
    • Select the SMS text based on what you yourself would like to read from your beloved as a request for forgiveness.
    • Don't overuse emoticons and parentheses... After all, they still will not be able to naturally, accurately and correctly convey the depth of your emotions to their loved one.
    • Explain to your loved one or loved one that you are sincerely apologizing and asking for forgiveness. It is better not to use the phrase "I did this because ...". This applies to situations where the girl is right (or the guy is right).
    • Do not think that immediately after the first text message, the person is able to forgive you.... After several messages, you can send the last one with the phrase "Are you ready to forgive me?" Usually such a phrase allows you to get an answer immediately.

    What can you write in a message to your husband?

    If a woman is to blame, then she can apologize to her spouse using the following SMS:

    • I really want to see you, look into your beloved and beautiful eyes, so that you can see that I am very sorry about our quarrel and sincerely wish to make peace with you and be as loved as before. I was wrong.
    • Quarrels make people understand and decide how important and dear they are to each other. After this quarrel, I realized that you are the most precious treasure in life. And I apologize to you because I want us to be happy again.
    • Before you I want to apologize for the fact that tears flowed from your beautiful and beloved eyes. I want to take the first step towards reconciliation. Sorry...

    Remember that asking for an apology, even if the man is to blame, can be truly brave and clever woman... But in this case, you can correctly apologize only for raising the tone in a conversation, casually thrown offensive phrases or expressions. But no more than that.

    How to ask your beloved for forgiveness?

    Female a very sensitive and touchy creature that needs warm and gentle words.

    Therefore, if a man is to blame, he can unusually apologize to his beloved with the help of these SMS:

    • I understand that it is very difficult for me to forgive. I can imagine how angry you are with me right now. And you are absolutely right - I went too far. I apologize to you! I love you so much!
    • Please forgive me! I can't even imagine how much pain I caused you ... I apologize from you.
    • I really miss the happy sparkle of your eyes, which disappeared after our quarrel with you. I want you to light me up with your smile again, and your eyes were the happiest. Forgive me…

    By the way, if you add a meeting of your beloved with flowers and a gift to these messages, the chances of an early reconciliation will greatly increase! For a woman, first of all, it is important to be sure that you love her and sincerely regret the quarrel.

    Joking messages

    Also, when a man is wrong or a woman is wrong, but the quarrel was not so serious, you can apologize in a joking manner. This will only allow you to thoroughly defuse the situation and get forgiveness faster.

    Not sure how beautiful it is to apologize through phone messages so that your loved one likes it? Read on:

    1. Thumb and pinky on mine right leg still shudder convulsively from the overwhelming shame that I could do this to you today! Even in the mirror, instead of reflecting myself, I see a donkey with incredibly huge ears. I promise not to offend you like that anymore, I'm sorry ...
    2. I miss you very much, because now I can’t take out the garbage on my own, put things in order and vacuum the apartment. Forgive me…
    3. I can't sleep, think, work, drink or eat, all my RAM is occupied by files only about you, and the rest of the programs are completely frozen. Forgive me, otherwise I will need a complete reboot.

    It is not at all necessary to ask for an apology by only sending an SMS to your husband or wife. Together you can, for example, bury the ax of war (your quarrel) in the courtyard in a playful manner.

    Romantic apology

    Do not be naive to assume that men are absolutely not romantic. They love everyone romantic surprises and gifts are no less than women.

    Therefore, a woman can safely write an SMS with the text like "You are my prince, whom I have waited so long and patiently, and now I cannot understand how I could offend you like that." There can be an unlimited number of options for such SMS, which depends only on your imagination and the seriousness of your quarrel.

    In a quarrel and scandal, one cannot be guilty, therefore, each of those who quarreled must necessarily analyze the situation, draw conclusions and apologize so that old grievances are not the cause of long quarrels. A woman may not be right, or maybe a man spoke too rudely during a quarrel?

    Unspoken rules on how to ask for forgiveness

    If you decide to apologize to your loved one via SMS, then try not to use phrases in the text like “I am guilty (a), but ...” Such phrases can cross out all apologies, so forget about such expressions.

    • To apologize to your beloved boyfriend or precious girl were sincere, in the SMS message write the words that come from your heart. The recipient will surely feel the warmth of words that you put into the content of the SMS.
    • It is not at all necessary to ask for an apology in verse or prose, because standard templates or verses written by another person will not convey correctly and accurately the sincerity that you will put into an SMS message when you write an apology yourself.

    • It is not recommended to write too long sms with apologies, because only summary your mistakes will help the person who took offense at you to see that you are really repentant. And do not try to focus on your partner's shortcomings or others that are not the most best sides character. Your SMS text should not only be short, but also open and sincere.
    • When a man is to blame, he should not criticize a girl for throwing tantrums or shedding tears. Because almost all women and girls can cry and get nervous during fights. And that's okay.

    Writing an SMS with an apology to your husband or beloved wife is the easiest way to make peace. We picked up the text, put a sad smile and that's it, sit and wait for an answer.

    But a person, while reading a message, does not see the expression on your face and the shine of your eyes, which is very important factor with an apology. Make an appointment with your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, in calm atmosphere explain why you did this and say that you really miss this person and regret the quarrel that happened.

    If a person values ​​you and loves you madly, then in return he will also apologize and gladly go towards reconciliation. Author: Ekaterina Maiko

    Each of us sometimes makes mistakes, takes out anger at a loved one, or does not act towards him. the best way... To ask for forgiveness on time and correctly means to give up your pride for the sake of loved one and relationships. How to apologize to a guy so that he forgives? How to do this so that he does not harbor resentment?

    It is very difficult to pick up the right words... It is even harder to approach an offended person. What if he rejects the apology and the relationship collapses completely? To prevent this from happening, you need to ask for forgiveness in a timely manner, and most importantly, sincerely, if you really are to blame. How to properly apologize to a guy will be discussed in the article.

    You can never ask for forgiveness if the girl is not to blame

    Highly important rule in relationships - do not apologize if you are not guilty. There are people who take offense for a reason and without it. They use their partner's guilt to blackmail and manipulate.

    For example, a guy doesn't like that his girlfriend uses makeup, puts on too much short skirts, cuts her hair short. He constantly takes offense at this, arranges scenes. Thus, a young man manipulates a girl, the more he is allowed to do this, the more often he will do this.

    You only need to apologize when there is really guilt.

    Apology and excuse are different things.

    So, to apologize is to admit that you were wrong, to take responsibility for the act you did. it difficult step, but it needs to be done. How to apologize to a guy? The easiest way is to say that you are aware of your guilt, you understand that you should not have done this. And no excuses, because they will cross out everything said and question the sincerity of the words.

    Another rule is not to blame your partner. If you need to apologize, for example, for raising your voice to him or speaking rudely, then you do not need to say that the reason for such an act is his behavior. Shifting the blame will further exacerbate the conflict. We need to decide for ourselves - do we apologize or deal with his behavior?

    Right moment

    You need to act according to the situation. Sometimes it's worth apologizing in the midst of a conflict. For example, she said too much, harshly, rudely, plus accused of all mortal sins - it is better to apologize right away, especially if the quarrel was on a domestic issue.

    But how to apologize to a guy if the conflict was serious, misunderstandings and resentments arose? In this case, it is better to cool down, come to your senses and figure everything out. But it is worth remembering that the longer you delay with an apology, the stronger the resentment will be.

    If a girl does not apologize for her mistake long time, the guy begins to write off her behavior, which offended him, not on a mistake, but on bad temper... That is, he thinks that if a girl does not apologize for a long time, it is because she does not feel guilty, which means that this is her characteristic behavior.

    A few days - maximum term to say sorry and end the conflict. If the guilt is mutual, then it is also better to be the first to start a conversation and sort out the relationship, so as not to aggravate the already difficult situation.

    What words cannot be pronounced

    How to apologize to a guy so that he does not accuse him of insincerity? There are a few words that will nullify all efforts. This "if" and "but", when they are used in an excuseful speech, the whole meaning is reversed.

    For example: "Sorry for being late, I didn't do it on purpose" and "I'm sorry if my lateness offended you." That is, the second option actually sounds like this: "I'm not sorry", and even in this phrase, the responsibility is shifted onto the guy himself: "My lateness also offended you."

    Looking for a reason

    First you need to understand yourself and answer the question: why did you do this? Is the problem in the relationship, in the situation, or in you? When the reason is found out, you need to work with it.

    For example, conflicts are constantly occurring over money. We need to find out what exactly annoys a man in a girl’s behavior. If a guy is unhappy with excessive spending, it is worth observing himself, agreeing with him on the issue of budget and expenses. and seek a compromise.

    Don't expect instant forgiveness. Especially if the offense is serious and the guy is very offended. It takes time for emotions to cool down, for memories to subside.

    How to apologize to a guy if you are very guilty? Where to start a conversation?

    In this case, the speech should be structured in such a way that words of regret about what happened, remorse are present in it, and you also need to voice your desire to preserve your relationship. For example: “Thank you for agreeing to listen to me”, “I am guilty”, “I understand you,” “I don’t know how I would behave in your place,” “I want to keep our relationship and am ready to wait as long as necessary so that you forgive me. "

    Just because a guy accepts an apology doesn't mean that he has unconditionally forgiven. For a while, he will still be angry, watching the girl's attitude towards himself. Resentment does not go away instantly, it takes time for everything to fall into place.

    What not to do when apologizing

    Sobbing, hysterics, tears, pleading and over-dramatizing the situation will not help. Even if emotions are overwhelming, there is no need to demonstrate them. A man will regard this as a woman's desire to put pressure on him.

    You can try to do something, that is, apologize with an action. Show your loved one that he is valuable and important, that he is dear.

    So what actions can you take?

    Ways to apologize

    All apologies are subdivided by psychologists into correspondence and full-time. They advise looking in the eyes to apologize.

    Consider how to apologize to a guy in your own words and looking straight in the eyes. This is the most difficult way... Therefore, you should not ask for forgiveness without prior preparation.

    Here are some tips on what to do and how to behave when you apologize:

    1. Look at him only in the eyes - this will indicate sincerity.
    2. Tell only the truth.
    3. Promise only what can be done.
    4. Do not raise your voice to the guy.
    5. Don't blame him for anything.
    6. Hear and memorize everything he says;
    7. If you have a disagreement, find it out right away.
    8. You need to behave calmly and with restraint.
    9. If there is fault, admit it.

    There is no universal advice on how to apologize to a guy, what to do and how to behave. It all depends on the person and on the situation, as well as on the degree of guilt, and on how much both value the relationship.

    There are more easy way how to apologize to the guy - in SMS. But you can write messages only when petty quarrels... Most usual option is to write words (poetry, prose) and insert a sad smiley at the end. Here are some tips on how to apologize via SMS:

    • write messages infrequently (after 3-4 hours);
    • do not bother a man;
    • write sincerely;
    • do not repeat the same thing in SMS, otherwise the guy will get tired of reading;
    • if he does not answer, then either something is wrong, or he is waiting for some certain actions or words;
    • at the end of the correspondence, ask: “Are you ready to forgive me?”;
    • wait patiently for an answer.

    The apology must come from the heart and be sincere. Don't be too zealous with emoticons or postcards. And the main rule - when apologizing, do not make excuses and do not shift the blame.

    Apology with a twist, or How to apologize to a guy beautifully

    Apologies can be unusual, extraordinary. To impress a guy and be forgiven, it’s worth using a little imagination and courage.

    Here are some examples creative approach to the apology process:

    • cake with with romantic words;
    • apology banner;
    • a box with wishes (but you should immediately set a limit, for example, no more than 5 wishes per day);
    • romantic horse ride, evening, picnic;
    • a gift or surprise with humor (for example, earplugs, let them cover their ears during quarrels);
    • unusual gift- a site on Mars or a star with the name of a loved one, the certificate must be placed on the wall;
    • romantic gift- T-shirt with a joint photo and nice words.

    And you can also give a picture embroidered with your own hands, a man-made tree - a symbol of love (if a man is interested in such things), a puppy or a kitten (if, of course, a loved one loves animals).

    Is it worth asking for forgiveness?

    Before apologizing to a guy, you should think about whether you need to do this at all.

    The situation should be analyzed, maybe the guy is manipulating. Sometimes, pretending to be offended, a young man is simply trying to achieve something from the girl. If you come to the conclusion that this is exactly your case, then you should not follow the man's lead. It is better not to apologize and not to take any steps towards reconciliation, let him think and decide for himself what is more important for him - to keep the relationship or achieve his goal.

    If the quarrel was due to the fact that the guy and the girl do not have the same opinion on some issue, an apology is also inappropriate. If a woman just thinks differently than a man, this is not a reason to feel guilty. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. In such a situation, it is better to just try to find a compromise.

    In the case when a young man stands his ground, once and for all it is necessary to decide what is more important for the woman herself: so that the man reckons with her views or relationships? If a guy doesn't want to give in, chances are he will always be. This is his character.


    There is nothing worse than broken hearts... Therefore, if the girl is to blame, it is imperative to apologize to the guy. After forgiveness, you need to start life with blank slate and try not to repeat such mistakes in the future in order to maintain a relationship with a loved one.

    It is useful for any girl to learn the art of asking for forgiveness, because this skill is not given to everyone. You can be offended and want to wait for the guy to take the first step, but it is better to admit mistakes and express them in correct form... There are different ways to apologize depending on the severity of the situation.

    How to ask a guy for forgiveness in your own words

    Any apologies to a guy are worn in person and correspondence communication, but it is better to ask for forgiveness directly from the person. Pick up correct words tricky to talk, so it's worth knowing some tricks:

    • when talking, it is better to look in the eyes so that the conversation with the guy turns out to be sincere;
    • you should only speak the truth, so as not to aggravate the situation;
    • if promises are required, then you do not need to mindlessly agree to everything proposed - you should only promise what the girl can fulfill;
    • it is not worth raising your voice in an apology and blaming the guy additionally, his wrong actions can be quietly discussed after the reconciliation;
    • the best phrases for reconciliation will become “forgive me”, “sorry”, “I was wrong”;
    • if the situation is simple, then the phrases "do not sulk", "do not be offended" are suitable;
    • the phrase should be accompanied by a hug and a kiss.

    Apologies to the guy by SMS

    In the modern age of the development of the Internet, the easiest way is to apologize in absentia to a guy. This can be done using SMS messages from the desired text and an emoticon. When writing SMS, factors are taken into account:

    • periodicity - do not bother the guy, it is better to be content with 1 SMS in 3-4 hours;
    • write sincerely and varied - SMS should not be repeated;
    • in the absence of an answer, it is better to change tactics, come up with a desired and working text;
    • do not abuse emoticons and parentheses;
    • do not make excuses, do not shield yourself;
    • mention in SMS that relationships are important and expensive to such an extent that the girl is ready to change;
    • ask the final question about the young person's willingness to forgive;
    • there is original texts SMS with apologies - it is better to use them when you need to apologize for a minor offense - in a serious situation they will not take action;
    • you do not need to be led, to allow yourself to be manipulated, knocking out recognition;
    • if opinions do not coincide, you will have to choose between relations and irreconcilability.

    How beautiful it is to apologize to a guy

    If the act is serious, then you should think about how to beautifully apologize. Men feel when a girl shows sincere emotions, so they are ready to forgive for actions that show diligence and perseverance. Romantic apologies, original tricks, a few more female tricks... It will be useful for any girl to know the techniques of an apology, possible methods reconciliation.

    Romantic apologies to your beloved

    You should show imagination in the question of how to romantically apologize to a guy, because deep down, young people recognize this feeling, appreciate it when they do something with love for them. There are several ideas for reconciliation:

    • order a banner with apologies, hang it at the entrance to the house or in a prominent place;
    • give a box of wishes decorated with hearts that can be fulfilled at regular intervals;
    • invite for a walk in the park, organize a picnic.

    How to ask a guy for forgiveness in an original way

    In addition to romance, guys understand practicality and originality, so it's worth trying to apologize like this:

    • to cook delicious dinner from the dishes that he likes;
    • let the feelings of resentment subside - when separation forget about communication for a week, and with a joint one - talk only about everyday issues;
    • original earplugs, an ax of war, a certificate for visiting the spa for two, or even a personalized star are suitable as a gift.

    How to ask your beloved boyfriend for forgiveness

    Women have 3 tricks that they must use correctly in order to apologize to a guy in case problem situations... It is important to apply them in dosage in order to make up correctly:

    • tears - show them only when it is unbearably difficult, otherwise weakness will irritate the young man;
    • affection - if a guy showed gentleness during a conversation, then you can caress him, stroke him, hug him;
    • sex - they do not need to solve every quarrel and resentment for them, because it will become a habit.

    It's right to apologize - fine art... Do not shout at him, so as not to cause anger and irritation. You can write instead beautiful letter, in which it is easy to apologize without blaming and indicating the shortcomings of a loved one. It is better to write a letter short, do not indicate bad points in it and plead guilty with reservations. It would be ideal to write down plans for the future and indicate that a girl cannot imagine her life without a man.

    For jealousy

    Girls are jealous of young people with or without reason, but if they are offended, then you can apologize with your actions. Most efficient way- conversation, hugs and kiss. It should be recognized that this will not happen again, to point out the value of the relationship. For young people living together, you can come up with the option of washing the car, buying tasty food and drinks. You can do a striptease or read poetry.

    How to apologize to a guy if you screwed up a lot

    Serious misconduct (cheating, flirting with another) should have a base underneath, which is needed in order to competently apologize. First you need to understand why this happened, and why the girl did this. If it was by chance and the girl is ready to continue the relationship, then it is worth considering the words and asking for forgiveness. You need to achieve the location of the guy, ask your friends to accidentally set up a meeting and find the strength for a conversation. In a conversation, you need to sincerely confess your love, ask for forgiveness for your offense.

    Apologies for lying

    Lying is not the most beautiful act for a girl, so you need to be able to apologize for him. To a young man I will like the following ideas:

    • bake a cake on which to ask for forgiveness or reconciliation, invite for tea and talk;
    • make an original T-shirt with a joint photo and words of reconciliation;
    • send a bouquet with a note as an apology;
    • send email with apologies in prose or poetry;
    • write a letter by hand, send it by mail or courier, attach flowers there;
    • sending out croissants with coffee in a package is suitable, where a sticker will be glued with a request for reconciliation;
    • let the houses go paper airplane, present a kitten or puppy with a bow on the neck and a touching apology.

    How to apologize to a guy for his behavior

    If face-to-face conversation is difficult, then they will do social networks... You can apologize like this:

    • send private electronic postcard with words;
    • put in your status beautiful poems as an apology;
    • write a post on the topic of error, admission of guilt;
    • make a virtual meeting, transferring it to a real one;
    • apologize in the general chat.

    Each of us sometimes makes mistakes, sometimes takes anger out on his loved one or does not behave with him in the best way. To be able to ask for forgiveness on time and correctly means to be able to give up pride and feelings self-worth for the sake of their relationship and partner. How to apologize to a guy so that he sincerely forgives you, does not harbor resentment and does not remember you about your action in the future?

    Sometimes a girl finds it difficult to find the right words. Or she does not know at all how to approach the person offended by her, she is afraid that he will reject her and the relationship will be completely destroyed. To prevent this from happening - apologize in a timely manner, sincerely and for the cause. What exactly I mean - read the article.

    Never just apologize

    It is very important not to apologize without guilt. There are guys (and girls, in general, too) who tend to sulk about and without reason. Use someone else's guilt as an excuse to emotional blackmail... There are some really serious offenses, and there is something that your boyfriend would like to correct in you.

    For example, he doesn't like you using makeup. And every time he takes offense at you, as soon as you put on your lips. Or that you hang out with your girlfriends. Or that you attend theater courses. In general, any of your behavior, which causes his displeasure, becomes the cause of mortal resentment.

    You need to apologize with a clear understanding of what is your fault, what agreements or promises you violated, why he was offended. An apology is worth something only if it is unconditionally sincere, your conviction of your own guilt and your willingness to admit it.

    Apologizing and making excuses are two different things.

    Apologizing means taking responsibility for the act you did. Admit that you were wrong in saying or doing what you apologize for. Apologizing to the guy, say that you are aware of your guilt and understand that you should not have done what you did. Seeking excuses for your behavior means crossing out everything said in an apology speech.

    If you want to apologize, for example, for shouting and acting intemperate towards a guy, you shouldn't say that the reason for this was his own behavior. This will only provoke new wave his irritation. Do you want to apologize or deal with his behavior? Do not mix everything together, this is a subject for two different discussions.

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    Choose the right moment to apologize

    Of course, you need to act according to the situation. Sometimes you can apologize at the time of the conflict and thereby close it. Did she speak too much, spoke harshly, and even blamed her for all mortal sins? You can apologize right away, you should not develop the conflict further, especially if the reason is trivial, for example, everyday.

    Sometimes, when it comes to a serious conflict, misunderstanding, deep hurt, it is worth taking time out before apologizing. You need to cool down and sort things out. Yes, and it does not bother him to give the opportunity to come to his senses. But you should not drag it out too much, the longer you drag out with an apology, the more resentment and disappointment in you grows in him.

    The psychology of resentment in such cases is usually as follows - if you do not apologize for your mistake quickly, then the guy will automatically treat it like characteristic feature your character, not as a behavioral error. That is, he will think that since you do not feel guilty, then this is a normal behavior characteristic of you.

    So if you don't want your oversight to lead to the emergence of a wrong opinion of you - apologize without delay. A couple of days is the maximum period to find an opportunity to talk and try to make amends. If the fault is mutual, it is also better to initiate debriefing first. In order not to accumulate mutual irritation and not to drag out a difficult situation. Remember - the longer you wait, the more difficult it is to maintain warmth and trust in each other, and the more difficult it will be to forgive later.

    What words should not be used when apologizing correctly to a guy

    How to apologize to a guy so as not to arouse suspicion of insincerity, even more distrust and a new round of resentment? There are two words that will negate all your efforts. These are the words "but" and "if" in the context of "however." Because when you use them in an apology, you turn it around.

    Compare: “Forgive me for being late, I’m such a mess” and “I’m sorry if my lateness offended you” or “Forgive me for being late, it took me a long time, however, to get here”

    When you use the second and third options, you are actually saying "I'm not sorry at all." You shift the responsibility to your boyfriend (look, my lateness offended him), to the transport situation in the city, in general, to anyone, just not yourself.

    The guy will think (and justifiably) that your apology is a lie and an attempt to manipulate him. That you do not realize your guilt for what happened and do not attach any importance to it at all. So forget about the words "but" and "if." And don't try to apologize if you don't feel what you're sorry for. Nothing good will come of such an apology anyway.

    Explain your behavior to yourself and your boyfriend

    Answer yourself first to the question - why did you do this or behave this way all the time? Is the problem in you, in the situation that both of you or you are in? Find the reasons why you cannot respect your boyfriend, if, for example, you are rude all the time or cannot fulfill his simple requests, and work with these reasons.

    For example, you fight all the time about money. Explain what annoys you about his behavior on this matter. If he is unhappy with your spending, watch yourself, try to reach agreements on the budget with him and keep them. Apologize for not being restrained because of this, show your willingness to listen and find a compromise.

    Don't expect instant forgiveness

    Especially if the guilt is strong, the offense is serious, and the guy is really hurt and confused. It takes time to digest what happened, so that emotions cool down, memories of what happened to settle down.

    Talk to him, thank him for listening to you. Tell him that you understand him, that he has a reason to be upset and angry. And that you will wait for the moment when he changes his mind and forgives you.

    Remember the main thing - your behavior means a lot to a man, but if there is no harmony at the level of signs, then the relationship will be very tense. It is highly desirable to find out the exact compatibility of your particular zodiac sign with a man's sign. This can be done by clicking on the button just below: