What is better dyufaston or morning. Duphaston or Utrozhestan when planning pregnancy: which is better. Comparative characteristics of Utrozhestan and Dyufaston

Pregnancy is a complex and serious process, the secrets of which science has not yet figured out. Very rarely, bearing goes smoothly, sometimes a woman is faced with the question of taking medicines... Let's compare two drugs that Russian doctors actively prescribe to women with suspected miscarriage - Dyufaston and Utrozhestan. What are the similarities and differences in the composition, indications and contraindications, side effects and application features, price.

The significance of progesterone in a woman's body and a comparison of the basic characteristics of drugs

Progesterone is a female sex steroid hormone involved in the processes of menstruation, pregnancy and embryonic development person. It is also produced in small volumes in men. The amount of the hormone in the blood of women is determined by the phase of the cycle. Before the onset of menstruation, the lowest progesterone indicator is observed, from the first day of bleeding, its volume increases and reaches highest point at the time of ovulation. If fertilization has occurred, then the corpus luteum continues to produce the hormone incrementally until the placenta is formed. In the absence of conception, progesterone gradually decreases until the next onset of menstruation.

The female hormone has a multifaceted effect on internal systems... One of its main functions is to prepare the mother's body for conception, which is expressed in the following actions:

  • thickens the wall of the uterus, due to which the fertilized egg is successfully implanted;
  • increases the size of the uterus;
  • relaxes the muscles of the uterus to prevent embryo rejection;
  • provides a supply of adipose tissue in a woman;
  • slightly suppresses the mother's immunity;
  • participates in the accumulation of fluid in the tissues;
  • prepares muscles and ligaments for childbirth;
  • activates the lactation process after childbirth, etc.

Progesterone has an effect not only on reproductive health the female body, but also on other processes:

  • slows down the metabolism;
  • relaxes the muscles of the digestive tract;
  • regulates blood sugar levels;
  • affects the condition of the skin and hair;
  • increases blood pressure;
  • affects libido;
  • regulates the functioning of the nervous system, etc.

Progesterone has a significant effect on the female body. This hormone is responsible for normal functioning reproductive system and also affects overall well-being, appearance, psycho-emotional state girls.

Table: comparison of drugs Duphaston and Utrozhestan

Basic substancedydrogesterone (synthetic progesterone)progesterone (natural micronized)
  1. Progesterone deficiency.
  2. Endometriosis
  3. Luteal forms of infertility.
  4. Habitual and threatening miscarriage against the background of established progesterone deficiency.
  5. Premenstrual syndrome.
  6. Dysmenorrhea.
  7. Irregular menstruation.
  8. Secondary amenorrhea.
  9. Uterine bleeding.
  1. Threatened abortion or warning habitual abortion due to progesterone deficiency.
  2. Luteal forms of infertility.
  3. Premenstrual syndrome.
  4. Crashes menstrual cycle.
  5. Mastopathy.
  6. Premenopause.
  7. Menopause.
  1. Hypersensitivity to the constituents of the drug.
  2. Lactation phase.
  1. Sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  2. Thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolic disorders.
  3. Vaginal bleeding of unknown origin.
  4. Incomplete abortion.
  5. Porphyria.
  6. Identified or suspected malignant tumors mammary glands and genitals.
  7. Severe liver disease.
  8. Breastfeeding stage;
  9. Children under 18 years of age (efficacy and safety have not been established).
  10. II and III trimesters of pregnancy.
  11. Hypertension.
  12. Diabetes.
  13. Bronchial asthma.
Side effects
  1. Hemolytic anemia.
  2. Hypersensitivity reactions.
  3. Headache / migraine.
  4. Minor liver dysfunctions.
  5. Breakthrough bleeding, which can be prevented by increasing the dose of the drug.
  6. Hypersensitivity of the mammary glands.
  7. Skin rash, itching, urticaria, Quincke's edema.
  8. Peripheral edema.
  1. Menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea, acyclic bleeding, mastodynia.
  2. Depression.
  3. Headache, drowsiness, transient dizziness.
  4. Bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, nausea.
  5. Cholestatic jaundice.
  6. Hives.
  7. Itching, acne, chloasma.
Application featuresOrally, according to an individual treatment regimenOrally, vaginally according to an individual treatment regimen
Price, rub500–600 400–500
Release formPillsCapsules
  1. It is better absorbed by the body.
  2. Less unwanted manifestations.
  3. Does not cause drowsiness, lethargy, weakness.
Two forms of use
MinusesHigh price
  1. The frequency of side effects is more noticeable.
  2. High price.
  3. Pronounced sedative effect.

Both drugs from one price category identical in indications and adverse reactions. Among the contraindications, Utrozhestan is in the lead, as it has a more impressive list. Drowsiness and dizziness when using Utrozhestan usually occur 1-3 hours after administration. These unpleasant effects are reduced by reducing the dose, taking a capsule before bedtime or switching to the vaginal route of administration. Duphaston wins over soft impact and does not have a depressing effect on the central nervous system, but involves only oral use.

Which of the medicines is suitable for a woman in each specific situation, it is up to the attending physician to decide. The manufacturer recommends taking Utrozhestan carefully during II and III trimesters, and Duphaston is usually discharged before the middle of the second trimester. During lactation, both drugs are not recommended, since they penetrate into breast milk... Due to the sedative effect of Utrozhestan, it is prohibited to use it, if necessary, to drive a car and work with precise and dangerous mechanisms. Duphaston has no such limitation.

Photo gallery: forms of release of drugs Dyufaston and Utrozhestan

Capsules Utozhestan in a dosage of 200 mg can be used both orally and intravaginally Duphaston tablets have a dosage of 10 mg Utrozhestan capsules are also available in a dosage of 100 mg

Opinions of doctors about progesterone drugs

The opinion of doctors about medicines in most cases, contradictory different reasons... This statement fully applies to Dyufaston and Utrozhestan. The medical community can be roughly divided into supporters and opponents of these hormonal medications. Russian doctors in general are very supportive of the synthetic steroid and prescribe it even when there is no particular need for it, considering that there is never a lot of progesterone. But official instruction notes that taking the hormone is justified in case of its confirmed deficiency in the body.

Western progressive doctors, led by scientific medicine, believe that drugs such as Duphaston and Utrozhestan can be attributed to a time bomb. The essence of the point of view of foreign doctors is not based on a complete denial of the use of progesterone in treatment, but on its very careful prescription only in proven necessary situations.

This position is based on the latest scientific data, clinical studies in the field of the effects of progesterone on the body of a woman and a fetus. In particular, it is known that the hormone contributes to the development of various defects in the child, and in the mother it can cause the risk of breast cancer, genital organs and other serious diseases.

Progesterone is recognized as a carcinogen and is included in the list of substances involved in the onset of cancer, forcing to treat the appointment of this hormone not blindly, but with a view into the woman's future - how rationally it is to prescribe it now, if later, after many years, a woman may face serious consequences of this destination.

obstetrician-gynecologist E. P Berezovskaya


The tendency of Russian doctors to prescribe without exception, and even just in case, to take Duphaston or is simply amazing. And women are so intimidated by threats, miscarriages, that they are ready to use any pills, just to keep the pregnancy. Is the placebo effect working? Complex issue... There are many grateful reviews of girls on the network who believe that they carried the child with the help of these drugs. My third pregnancy also took place under Dufaston, and before that ended in miscarriage due to hormone withdrawal, and, possibly, thanks to him. Progressive doctors believe that Duphaston does not affect the preservation of the fetus. One gets the impression that, by some terrible coincidence, modern Russian women volunteered to conduct clinical studies on the effects of synthetic progesterone on the body. How such a massive experience will end will be analyzed by the next generations. I think we need to be very careful in making important decisions about our health and the health of our own children. If there is not enough knowledge in the medical field, then you can acquire it and / or consult with authority figures in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.

So, which is better: Dyufaston or Utrozhestan

Dyufaston and Utrozhestan are hormonal drugs that theoretically have a similar effect on the body, but in practice the first medication is easier to tolerate than the second. And it is also impossible to predict how a woman will react to the introduction of foreign progesterone and what the result of such a reception will be. Clear differences can be traced in the composition, adverse reactions, methods of use, contraindications. Both medicines are produced by foreign companies.

An interesting fact is that in the Netherlands - the country of origin of Duphaston, as well as in a number of other European countries, this medication is prohibited on sale.

When planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to take progesterone only in cases of a lack of its production by the body, and this requires additional research... In preparation for gestation, hormonal agents are taken in courses from 14 to 25 days of the cycle or other schemes. If conception occurred with the help of IVF, then the corpus luteum is absent, and domestic doctors in mandatory a hormonal drug is prescribed until the formation of the placenta.

During pregnancy, the appointment of Duphaston or Utrozhestan requires clear indications for that. An important condition the use of hormones during gestation is their continuous intake until the phase of development of the placenta - 16-18 weeks. Skipping a pill can result in a spontaneous miscarriage.

On own experience had to be convinced of the danger of a sharp interruption in the reception of Dufaston. The gynecologist prescribed the drug based on the results of an ultrasound scan at 4-5 weeks, which spoke of the lack of work of the corpus luteum. A blood test for progesterone was not performed. I took the pills for a month, I did not find any side effects. When the next package was over, somehow it was not possible to immediately buy the next one. Literally in 1-2 days for a period of 8-9 weeks profuse bleeding... The child could not be saved. The gynecologist concluded that this pregnancy was held only on Duphaston. Then I had nothing to argue. After a painstaking study of the issue, I believe that Dufaston could well become a provocateur of the failure of gestation.

Is the simultaneous use of Duphaston and Utrozhestan possible

Hormonal drugs are classified as serious drugs. It is unlikely that situations are possible when it is necessary to simultaneously take two similar drugs. In medical practice, there are cases of alternate administration of Duphaston and Utrozhestan, when one of the medicines produced strong side effects.

Not all women manage to successfully get pregnant and bear a child. Due to the restructuring of the body future mother dangers lie in wait for it from all sides. Highly frequent complications are miscarriages. The reason spontaneous abortion most often is low level progesterone. If a threat of bearing a child is detected during pregnancy, hormonal drugs duphaston or morning are prescribed, which replenish the missing hormone in the female body.


To fully understand the mechanism of action of both drugs, the concept of progesterone should be considered in more detail. This hormone is a steroid produced in the female body. It is most actively produced by the placenta during pregnancy.

Progesterone is the main hormone of the corpus luteum of the ovaries. The substance is actively produced in the second half of the cycle. This is necessary for the normal anchorage of the fertilized egg on the endometrium. In the absence of fertilization, the amount of progesterone begins to decline.

In case of fertilization, the hormone is produced corpus luteum vigorously for some time, until the placenta begins to synthesize it on its own. A low amount of progesterone is a common cause of infertility in women. Therefore, first of all, ladies who want to get pregnant should monitor the level of this hormone.

Features of medicines

Both hormonal drugs have an identical composition, but their main difference is as follows:

  • Utrozhestan is made on the basis of a natural substance.
  • Duphaston is a synthetic agent.

The drugs are different similar action on the woman's body, and their main task is to maintain pregnancy and treat infertility or other diseases caused by hormonal imbalance... But in order to understand that better duphaston or you should consider each drug separately.

Hormonal drugs are prescribed after the examination and testing for the level of progesterone in the blood. After all, violations are not always the cause of infertility or miscarriages. hormonal background... Independent use of these medicines is strictly prohibited.


The drug is made exclusively from plant materials, therefore the progesterone molecules in this medicine absolutely identical natural substance produced in the female body. Utrozhestan is produced in two forms:

  • capsules intended for oral administration,
  • suppositories used for intravaginal use.

The effectiveness of the preparation has been proven when high level male sex hormones and hormonal infertility... The drug promotes fertilization, so it can be used to plan pregnancy. Also, the drug is prescribed in other cases, namely:

  • danger spontaneous interruption pregnancy,
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle,
  • mild mastopathy,
  • chronic miscarriage,
  • high levels of male hormones in the body,
  • IVF procedure,
  • endometriosis,
  • uterine fibroids and other gynecological pathologies.

Utrozhestan has quite a few contraindications. It is they who do not allow us to assert that this drug better than its synthetic counterpart.

The medication is not used for the following factors:

  • internal bleeding
  • incomplete abortion,
  • cerebral hemorrhage,
  • increased content of porphins in the blood,
  • intolerance to one or more of the ingredients of the medicine.

With extreme caution, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • with hepatic and renal failure,
  • with cardiovascular diseases,
  • with varicose veins.

In addition, improper use can cause various side effects - headaches, bleeding in the middle of the cycle, and bowel disruption.

Duphaston was developed by the pharmaceutical industry earlier than morning... Therefore, the experience of using the drug is longer. The altered "synthetic" configuration of the hormone leads to the fact that the drug is rapidly absorbed when taken internally. In addition to the fact that the drug is widely used to exclude spontaneous abortion, it is used:

  • in preparation for in vitro fertilization,
  • for replacement therapy after surgical castration and during menopause,
  • with various pathologies of the menstrual cycle,
  • in the presence of endometriosis,
  • at uterine bleeding in case of violations in the work of the organs of the reproductive system.

Recent studies have shown that dyufaston reduces the likelihood of premature birth in women at risk. In this case, the drug is allowed to be taken constantly during pregnancy, since it does not have negative impact on the fetus. But due to the fact that the drug penetrates into breast milk, it must be canceled after childbirth.

Duphaston has practically no contraindications. The drug is not prescribed for serious pathologies liver, intolerance to any component, as well as with such rare diseases like the Dabin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes. Uncontrolled drug intake provokes the development of side effects in the form of headaches, allergic reactions

Which drug to give preference

The question of which drug is better cannot be answered unequivocally. When appointing both morning and dyufaston, the doctor must take into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the purpose of using the medicine. Both drugs do not affect body weight, since they do not lead to fluid retention in the body. This is very important factor for a woman carrying a child. Medicines do not affect lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, that is, they do not provoke disruptions in metabolic processes. It is also very important that the drugs do not raise blood pressure.

But at the same time, most doctors agree that duphaston is safer during pregnancy, since it has fewer side effects. Unlike a crop, it does not summon:

  • drowsiness,
  • lethargy
  • rapid fatigability,
  • a tendency to depression.

Duphaston has no toxic effect on the liver, highly effective in IVF. The drug is considered safe, which has been confirmed by long-term studies.

Utrozhestan is a new hormonal drug and its effect on the fetus has not been sufficiently studied, therefore, in some European countries it is not prescribed for women carrying a child. Although a significant advantage this tool is its release as an intra vaginal suppositories, which is very important for maintaining pregnancy in the first trimester against the background of a possible severe toxicosis.

One of the advantages of pregnancy is that it has a calming effect, which allows you to get rid of various subconscious fears during pregnancy. Drowsiness and apathy, which can occur as by-effect after taking the morning, passes within a couple of hours. But it is during this period that you should be especially careful about your actions, for example, it is better not to drive a car.

In addition, this drug gives good result when using it for the treatment of hyperandrogenism.

On later dates when the placenta of the fetus is fully formed and begins to produce itself required amount progesterone, as a rule, the cancellation of previously prescribed hormonal agents in order to prevent miscarriage. But if the threat of spontaneous abortion remains, you can continue to drink duphaston. Due to the increased risk of liver dysfunctions, uterus is not prescribed during this period.

Hormonal drugs can be used to plan the birth of a child. They contribute to the fact that the likelihood of fertilization increases significantly during the period of taking medications. But at the same time, duphaston, unlike morning, can be taken more long time... In addition, recent studies have shown a positive immune interaction between the expectant mother and the embryo when taking duphaston.

During the period of bearing a child or to stabilize the hormonal background, both hormonal preparations are prescribed by the doctor according to a special scheme and in an individual dosage. At the same time, independently without prior agreement with the doctor, it is impossible to draw conclusions that it is necessary to replace the prescribed medicine with an analogue. This can provoke a miscarriage or lead to hormonal disruption, which is very dangerous for the health of a woman in general. Refusal from the drug and replacing it with another is carried out gradually according to the scheme under the supervision of a doctor.

Unfortunately, no woman is insured against problems with conceiving a baby and its subsequent bearing: the ecological situation, lifestyle, many various diseases, genetic predisposition - these and other factors literally pursue modern man, not the best way reflecting on the state of his health and different areas life activity and.

But you should not despair: the pharmaceutical industry offers a lot of tools that allow you to effectively deal with the problems of conception and gestation. Among all existing drugs some of the most popular are Dufaston and Utrazhestan.

In general, both of these funds have almost identical composition and purpose: each of them is an analogue of natural progesterone and both are intended to compensate for its deficiency in the female body.

Progesterone has critical importance for woman. With its lack in the body, conception may either not occur at all, or further pregnancy will be extremely difficult with high probability miscarriage.

The main difference between the considered agents lies in their composition: Duphaston is a completely artificial drug, while Utrozhestan is made on the basis of natural progesterone.

Next, you are invited to familiarize yourself with the comparative characteristics of the funds in question. You will learn about the key differences between the two, how each drug is used, and other relevant information.

For greater ease of perception, the comparison of drugs is presented in the form of a table.

Table. Comparison of Utrozhestan and Duphaston

Comparison parameterDuphastonUtrozhestan
NaturalnessIt is a completely synthetic drug. The structures of Duphaston and natural progesterone are somewhat different.It is a plant-based micronized natural progesterone. The structure is identical to natural progesterone.
Clinical trialsThe drug began to be produced earlier, went through more research and is generally more studied.It is less studied in comparison with its analogue, but, provided that it is correctly used after the mandatory preliminary agreement with a doctor, it is completely safe for the female body.
The likelihood of side effectsExtremely low.Side effects are possible in the form of general malaise, a state of fatigue, lethargy, and drowsiness.
Release formOral capsules only.In addition to capsules, it is also available in the form of suppositories for vaginal administration. For women in " interesting position»This is a great advantage, especially in the presence of toxicosis.
Moreover, in the case of using vaginal suppositories, the drug is absorbed faster by the body, and the likelihood of side effects is significantly reduced.

As you can see, in some ways Duphaston is better, but in some moments Utrozhestan confidently pulls ahead, and it is extremely difficult to single out a single leader. Here the choice will be individual for each patient, and in order to come to an objective correct decision, need to learn more additional information, which you are invited to do next.

Which is better: comparing drugs

As noted, in matters of quality, one should, first of all, focus on the individual characteristics of a particular patient. In general, in the absence of contraindications for both drugs, you can take either of them, of course, after consulting a doctor. Along with this, if questions of naturalness are fundamental for you, Utrozhestan will be a preferable choice.

If we approach the consideration of the issue from the side of the likelihood of side effects, the drug Utrozhestan noticeably loses in this regard. If Dufaston, in the overwhelming majority of cases, absolutely no negative reactions does not cause, then Utrozhestan can make you weak, lethargic, drowsy, etc.

The use of Duphaston during pregnancy has been considered for years. Utrozhestan, as noted, is a younger drug and not as well studied as its "competitor". Along with this, in terms of ease of use, Utrozhestan, which, in addition to tablets, is produced in the form of capsules for intravaginal use, noticeably breaks ahead.

An additional point in the offset of Utrozhestan adds the property of the latter to the antiandrogenic effect on the body, i.e. it allows you to fight excessive amounts of male hormones. Additionally, the drug helps to normalize the patient's psychoemotional background, which is a great advantage during pregnancy.

Summarizing the above information, we can cite a number of points according to which Dufaston noticeably wins over Utrozhestan.

First, it does not cause side effects such as drowsiness, weakness, fatigue, etc.

Secondly, it significantly reduces the likelihood of miscarriage, the appearance of placental insufficiency, and premature birth.

Thirdly, the safety of Dufaston's use has been confirmed by many qualified studies.

Fourthly, the drug has no tendency to have a toxic effect on the patient's liver.

The main advantages of Utrozhestan over the "competitor" are the following provisions:

About the interchangeability of drugs

Many women are interested not only in which of the considered drugs is more preferable for use, but also in the possibility of interchangeability of the mentioned funds. For example, some pregnant women may simply not be suitable for Utrozhestan, others have the opportunity free receipt Dyufaston according to the appropriate recipe, the third have their own reasons.

Doctors, answering the girls' question about the possibility of replacing one drug with another, give a positive verdict. Of course, each specific case, at the same time, requires an individual assessment and consideration, taking into account all kinds of contraindications, side effects and other similar moments.

In general, both drugs do an excellent job of performing all the tasks assigned to them when prescribing to pregnant patients:

  • compensate for the deficiency of progesterone in the female body;
  • normalize the tone of the uterus and generally maintain it in a normal state for the fetus;
  • reduce the likelihood of miscarriage, etc.

Utrozhestan is usually discharged during the first trimester, less often during the second. You can start taking the drug only after a preliminary consultation with a doctor, constantly monitoring the changes in your condition. If the first negative manifestations occur, it is necessary to stop therapy and immediately report the incident to the attending specialist.

Let's admit as taking Utrozhestan instead of Duphaston, and vice versa, but after the obligatory preliminary consultation with a doctor. The order of the transition from one agent to another and the optimal dosages should also be determined by a specialist.

Monitor the condition of your body, follow the doctor's recommendations and be healthy!

Women's health directly depends on hormonal levels. Progesterone plays an important role. This name was given to an important hormone of the female body. But sometimes women are faced with its disadvantage, resulting in failures. When doctors detect a progesterone deficiency, they prescribe special hormonal medications. And gained particular popularity. It is worth figuring out what the difference is.

The importance of progesterone

Before you understand the effect of the drug Utrozhestan or Duphaston, it is worth understanding why progesterone is needed. This hormone is important if pregnancy is planned. It prepares the endometrium of the uterus to receive a fertilized egg. The hormone protects the female body from complications and the threat of miscarriage.

But there are situations when progesterone is not enough. This can lead to infertility of the woman or termination of pregnancy. For this reason, all women during the planning of conception need to pass an analysis that will determine the hormone deficiency.

Features of drugs

If you do not delve into the properties, composition and features of the preparations, it may seem that they do not differ. But this is far from the case. When choosing Duphaston or Utrozhestan during pregnancy, you should familiarize yourself with each remedy.

The second drug contains natural progesterone. Its structure is completely identical to the natural hormone. Therefore, Utrozhenstan is often compared with natural progesterone. This remedy is prescribed in such situations:

  • If a woman is diagnosed with infertility, since hormonal levels have been disturbed
  • When there is a risk of miscarriage, or the patient has already experienced incomplete bearing of the fetus
  • If the menstrual cycle is regularly lost
  • If male hormones have increased
  • When uterine fibroids appeared, mastopathy.

If a woman uses Duphaston, she should know that its main active ingredient is not natural progesterone, but its analogue, which is called dydrogesterone. Despite this, it practically repeats the structure of a natural hormone. The medicine has helped many women while planning a baby. The main thing is that the remedy does not provoke the occurrence of side effects, which can be considered a big plus.

The drug is prescribed in such cases:

  • When a woman plans in vitro fertilization
  • When there is a risk of fetal loss
  • When the menstrual cycle gets lost
  • With endometriosis.

Of course, the question is brewing which is better than Dyufaston or Utrozhestan. To answer it, it is necessary to compare both drugs.

Comparative characteristics of drugs

Many people wondered how Duphaston differs from Utrozhestan. These drugs have some differences.

Release form

Available only in capsule form. They are intended for oral use.


This product is sold in capsule form. But, besides this, when planning pregnancy, Utrozhestan is also produced in the form of candles. This is a huge plus for those women who are carrying a fetus and are going through a period of toxicosis. If in such a situation you use suppositories that are immersed in the vagina, then the fastest absorption of the drug will occur, and the risk of side effects is reduced.


Dyufaston is fully synthetic. If you compare the structure of the drug with natural progesterone, then you can see more than one difference.

When a woman uses Utrozhestan, she can be sure that she is using a natural remedy.


The drug appeared earlier than Utrozhestan. It has been tested and studied many times. Experts have done a lot of research.

This remedy has been studied less. But scientists have proven that it will not harm female body if you follow the rules of application.

The occurrence of side effects

They rarely appear.

Sometimes women complain of malaise, the appearance of fatigue, drowsiness.

Which is better to choose

If you use such a remedy, a woman does not run the risk of facing unpleasant consequences. The fact is that the medicine does not provoke side effects, which is why Duphaston is good when planning a child.

Given this comparison, the following advantages of Dufaston can be distinguished:

  • If in vitro fertilization is planned, this remedy is considered the best
  • The drug does not harm the fetus, protects a pregnant woman from premature birth
  • After using the medicine, acne does not appear, unwanted hairs and other traits prone to a man
  • In addition, the drug does not impair liver function.

To understand which is better to choose, Dyufaston or Utrozhestan when planning a child, you need to understand the benefits of the second remedy.

Here is a list of its advantages:

  • The medicine does not provoke the appearance of extra pounds, does not disrupt material exchange, does not increase blood pressure
  • The product can be used vaginally
  • Has a natural composition
  • Shows good action with an excess of male hormones
  • Does not harm the unborn child, does not disrupt his development.

Utrozhestan and Dyufaston differ from each other. Each tool has its own benefits. But it is impossible to determine that better than Utrozhestan or Duphaston. Taking into account the individual characteristics of a woman, her situation, health, the doctor is determined with the drug. But this best medicines when planning a child. The choice of the remedy should be entrusted to the doctor.

One of the female sex hormones is progesterone. It is synthesized by the ovaries, the adrenal cortex, and when pregnancy occurs - by the placenta. The value of this steroid hormone can hardly be overestimated. Without it, a normal menstrual cycle, conception and pregnancy are impossible. In addition, it affects the psycho-emotional background, mammary glands, skin, hair, subcutaneous fat.

Lack of hormone leads to problems in the functioning of many systems. You can compensate for the deficiency of progesterone by taking medications... The most popular are Dyufaston and Utrozhestan. Patients often face a dilemma: What more effective than Dufaston or Utrozhestan? Of course, the doctor should make the choice, but any woman wants to understand what are the advantages and disadvantages of each drug. Let's try to understand this issue.

The role of progesterone in the body

Dyufaston and Utrozhestan are analogs of progesterone and fully possess the properties of this hormone. The effectiveness of both drugs is high. Which one to give preference depends on the specific clinical situation and individual characteristics patients. In order to figure out which is more effective than Duphaston or Utrozhestan in each specific case, you need to know the functions of progesterone.

Progesterone in the second half of the menstrual cycle ensures the readiness of the inner lining of the uterus for the attachment of a fertilized egg. Further bearing is also impossible without enough a hormone, the concentration of which is steadily increasing throughout pregnancy and decreases only a few days before childbirth. The suppression of the contractile activity of the uterus, the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation are all his merit.

But to solve the problem of progesterone deficiency, choosing which is more effective than Dufaston or Utrozhestan, is necessary not only during pregnancy. This is relevant in different periods a woman's life, since a hormone deficiency causes:

  • excessive proliferation of the uterine lining;
  • the formation of breast cysts;
  • emotional instability;
  • insufficient transformation of adipose tissue with the release of energy;
  • violation of water-salt metabolism;
  • decreased control over the state of bone tissue;
  • failure of blood pressure regulation.

What is more effective than Duphaston or Utrozhestan during pregnancy?

The method of making preparations is of primary importance in assessing the effectiveness of Duphaston or Utrozhestan.

  • Duphaston- a product of artificial synthesis,
  • a Utrozhestan is a complete analogue of a natural hormone and is made from plant materials.

But, despite the origin, both drugs guarantee the necessary pharmacological effect. Only Utrozhestan exactly copies natural progesterone, which means that, in addition to affecting the genital area, it affects nervous system, metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, excretion of nitrogenous products through the kidneys. And Dufaston, due to its synthetic origin, does not possess these properties. He does not provoke emotional instability, drowsiness and an increase in subcutaneous fat.

When carrying a fetus, both drugs are prescribed. In the period up to 12-16 weeks, preference is given to Utrozhestan, and in the next two trimesters - to Duphaston, since it does not provoke bile stagnation. It is convenient to compensate for the lack of progesterone in the first third of pregnancy by Utrozhestan also due to the fact that it has universal shape release - capsules that can be used both for oral administration and inserted into the vagina.

What is more effective than Duphaston or Utrozhestan for gynecological pathology?

In addition to solving problems with conceiving and maintaining pregnancy, both drugs are widely used to correct progesterone deficiency that occurs when:

  • malfunctions of the menstrual cycle;
  • various forms of endometriosis;
  • premenstrual disorders;
  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

In addition, Utrozhestan is used for fibrous and cystic formations of the mammary glands, the pathological course of menopause, but not in isolation, but in combination with estrogens.