Where to celebrate the anniversary of the relationship. Bright ideas and traditions for those who want to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Years - agate wedding

Another anniversary weddings - significant event, an occasion to repeat the words of love again and remember pleasant moments held together. Preparation for it should begin in advance. And, of course, decide on a place to celebrate. There are a great many options for celebrating an anniversary, as well as the occasions themselves. But the most important thing in the celebration is the very desire to celebrate, renew feelings, tell native person about love for him and to thank for reciprocity.

Romantic ways to celebrate your wedding anniversary
  1. Romantic dinner. It can take place in a restaurant, at home, on the roof of a building, in nature in the form of a picnic. Or maybe in a simple pizzeria, because the main thing is the feeling with which you go there and the pleasure of each other's company. If you are preparing dinner at home, then stock up on romantic attributes: numerous hearts, candles, flowers will help the evening to be remembered for a long time.
  2. Time in nature. It can be a walk in the park, admiring the sunset, spending time on a beautiful pond or a boat trip.
  3. Our smaller friends. Communication with animals will fill your souls with touching and gentle feelings. Swimming with dolphins, horseback riding or just feeding ducks will add some romance to your day.
  4. Refresh your memory. Arrange a viewing of photos and videos from the wedding.
  5. Walking tour of places of interest. Visit places where significant events took place for you: the first time they held hands, the first kiss, the first declaration of love. Give the same flowers that you gave on the first date.
  6. "Children's rest". Go to the amusement park, visit the water park, go to the circus, ride the children's railway. Remember your childhood, surrender to feelings and emotions. Enjoy moments like a few years ago. Laugh, fool around, let cotton candy and ice cream get your hands and face dirty. Having fun together will bring you even closer.
Methods requiring capital investment
  1. Photoshoot. Arrange a romantic photo session, print photos, decorate your bedroom with them, then every day you will wake up and admire your happy smiles imprinted on them.
  2. Wedding. If there is a desire and funds allow, you can repeat wedding ceremony again in some other country or in an exotic setting.
  3. Honeymoon. Give yourself another break. Relax on the soft sand by the sea, or go mountain climbing or skiing, depending on the season of your wedding anniversary.
Unique ways to celebrate your wedding anniversary
  1. Kayaking.
  2. Skydiving. It is believed that the fear experienced together strengthens the relationship and sharpens feelings.
  3. Tourist trip. Go hiking with just the two of you, it will give you more time to connect with each other and strengthen your feelings.
  4. Massage. Have a “lazy” day, visit the sauna together and go for a massage. You will relax and enjoy communication with each other.
And remember that the main thing is not how you celebrate the anniversary? and not even whether you remember her at all, the main thing is love. Existing, continuing and strengthening in marriage. Give it to your loved ones every day, not just on your wedding anniversary!

Whether you and your spouse are romantic or practical, deciding how to celebrate your wedding anniversary is both exciting and fun, and maybe even a little scary because you want everything to be perfect. Whether you choose a quiet celebration with each other or a big one with the whole family, remember that your anniversary is a celebration of your love for each other. Below are some unique ideas as well as traditional methods.


cute and romantic

    Go to the wishing well. Collect some coins and head to the local wishing well for a picnic. Each of you can take a handful of coins and start throwing them into the well, making a wish with each. You can also make secret wishes, but say at least a few of them out loud.

    Go abroad. There is a reason why so many people want to go abroad to celebrate their wedding anniversary. There are many wonderful places in the world, and if you explore them together, it will bring you closer and give you memories for a lifetime.

    • You can see the Love Castle Bridge in Cologne, dine in the Rodin Gardens in Paris, watch the sunset over the ocean in Thailand, or sit under cherry blossoms in Tokyo.
  1. Create your own outdoor cinema. If you or some of your friends have a large enough yard, get a projector and a relatively small screen (you can easily rent it from office food companies, since such screens are used at meetings and conferences). Set it up in your backyard and drive your car. Take food, popcorn and candles with you. You can also invite other couples or family members to join you if there is enough space.

    Upgrade your rings. Make a physical expression of how your love has improved over time by updating your wedding rings. Choose new rings together. You can even try to do something with the original ones. Either tie them with ribbon and frame them, or have them melted down by a jeweler and used to create new custom rings.

    Write letters to each other. Remind yourself of the past years by writing letters to each other. Try to write a letter every day about one year of your life. life together up to the anniversary date, and then exchange them. You can write about all your memories, how they make you feel, the little things you appreciate, and anything else that seems relevant.

    Pass on the memories. Consider creating an album of memories that you will pass on to your children and grandchildren. Create an album that tells the story of how you met, fell in love, what trials you went through together and what joys you shared. You can attach letters or notes from practical advice about how to live happily in marriage and cope with obstacles.

    Calm and quiet

    1. Color the pottery. You can paint gifts for each other in your own home ceramics studio. You can paint plates that you can then hang on the walls, or coffee cups that you will use every day. It's a nice, quiet way to spend time together and be creative with something you can use. long years. You don't have to be a Picasso: you can just completely cover the cup with a certain color, and not draw a specific pattern, you can also take a cup with a print or stencil, so that the activity is available at any level of visual skills.

      Plant something. Plant a tree or other long-lived plant together. You can plant it in your yard, in a place that has for you special meaning, or in the local forest. Plant a red tree, it is the tallest living organism. What a wonderful testimony of your love!

      • Check with your local park agency to see if your plant is invasive. You may even be allowed to plant it in a public park.
    2. go collect fresh berries. Go to the nearest forest and pick berries. There you can enjoy the silence or talk about your shared memories.

      • When you collect enough berries, you can bake a pie together. Enjoy an ice cream pie while watching a movie or sitting by the fireplace.
    3. Create a gift box. Give each other boxes of small gifts. These gifts should remind you of your partner and your relationship with him. It must be some kind summary how you perceive your relationship, so think about it well and make every effort. Use whatever comes to mind when thinking about important points your relationship or what you love about your partner.

      • You can put in a box a rubber duck as a reminder of how you proposed to her by the pond in a local park, a coffee cup with an imprint of a work of art as a reminder of the museum where he took you on your first date, or a small cocktail umbrella as a reminder of that occasion. when you got caught in the rain together and took shelter under a canopy.
    4. Write each other books. Write a short book that expresses your attitudes and feelings. You can include any materials that you consider necessary and appropriate. You can create books by hand by filling out a blank notebook, or you can find a local or online publisher and print the actual book.

      • Fill the book with poems that remind you of your partner, pictures of you or places you've been together, letters you've sent or that describe your feelings about your marriage, a message to your past self about how much it will mean to him. your partner, or future self about your hopes for the future.


    1. Choose a keepsake. You can simply choose a gift that has great value for both of you. Another option is to follow traditional gifts for specific anniversaries, such as buying silver, gold, and so on. In addition, it is possible to agree on joint gift, for example, about a major acquisition that both of you want. good example maybe a new TV. If you would like to purchase traditional gifts, here is the list:

      • 5th anniversary: ​​tree
      • 10th: tin
      • 15th: crystal
      • 20th: porcelain
      • 25th: silver
      • 30th: pearl
      • 40th: ruby
      • 50th: gold
      • 60th: diamond.
    2. Renew your vows. You can repeat your vows to each other by having an intimate candlelight dinner or a big celebration. The big ceremony will be especially good option for couples who didn't have money for big wedding when they got married.

      Watch the wedding video. Another popular way to spend your anniversary is to watch it together. wedding video. This will allow you to laugh at what was so stressful and terrible at the time, while also reminding you of your feelings associated with this act of love. You can watch alone or with others.

      Experience it all again. Another popular way to celebrate your wedding anniversary is to have dinner at the location where your wedding reception was held. It will remind you of everything that happened in that wonderful evening. You can call in advance and ask the kitchen staff if it is possible to recreate the dinner from the same dishes that were at your reception if they are not already on the menu.

      Take a trip. Cruises are a popular way to celebrate an anniversary. They take away the stress of traveling abroad and give you the opportunity to simply enjoy each other's presence in a relaxing environment.

If after an annual period of time between a man and a woman it has been preserved, it is safe to say: this couple has stocked up with patience and love for many years. Psychologists say: “The anniversary of a relationship at 1 year is a certain feature of the crisis, a milestone when lovers have already learned about each other not only positive features character, but also experienced negative points in life".

One year of relationship is the first joint holiday symbolizing love. For strong feelings, psychologists advise celebrating “personal” holidays together. An original evening romantic gifts leave impressions for a lifetime. How to celebrate the anniversary of a relationship, what to present as a present - eternal question almost all lovers.

How to arrange a holiday: ideas for the anniversary of the relationship

  1. What time will the holiday take place: if it is a weekday, it is reasonable to celebrate the anniversary in the evening. If the holiday fell on Saturday or Sunday, you can devote time to each other from the very morning.
  2. Who is present at the anniversary: ​​the issue of the presence of relatives, friends, acquaintances is being decided. If a couple in love decides to invite a company, it is recommended to prepare a script for the holiday.
  3. Financial issue: affordable cash to buy gifts, hold a holiday with the help of a host.

If the holiday starts in the morning

It is assumed that lovers lead a joint lifestyle. While the girl is sleeping, it is recommended that the man run for a bouquet of flowers to the flower shop. At this time, a woman can also make a surprise to her soul mate: prepare an express breakfast in the form of "love" sandwiches and coffee. How to quickly prepare breakfast for your beloved man while he runs for flowers:

For love sandwiches you will need:

  1. 2 slices of loaf (cut the bread obliquely)
  2. Mayonnaise
  3. Ketchup
  4. Green pea
  5. 50 g ham
  6. Cheese (grated with garlic)
  • Put the pieces of a loaf in a toaster (fry in a pan until golden brown).
  • Lubricate the surface of the sandwiches with mayonnaise.
  • Sprinkle the surface with grated cheese and garlic.
  • Squeeze ketchup onto heart-shaped sandwiches.
  • Insert green pea in the middle of the hearts (where the eyes should be).
  • Cut out the nose and lips from the ham with a knife; attach to hearts.

Put sandwiches on a plate, decorate with herbs. .

After breakfast, you can take a walk in the park: memories of the first kisses, impressions from the first meeting will awaken the nostalgic feelings of lovers. Lunch can be spent at a table in a cafe, a restaurant serving gourmet dishes. It is recommended to capture the anniversary day in photographs. To do this, you can use the services of a professional photographer or on your own by asking passers-by to press the shutter button of the camera.

An evening for lovers should be special. To do this, it is recommended to buy wax candles on the eve of the celebration, aromatic incense, Red roses. Add bubbles to the bath rose petals. It is recommended to take a bath together in a romantic setting. Pleasant calm music will serve as an addition.

If guests came to the holiday

Friends, acquaintances, close people will rush to congratulate the lovers on the anniversary of the relationship. If the arrival of guests is planned, it is recommended to think over the scenario of the holiday the day before. It can be a joint trip to nature with a guitar and barbecue; going to the theater, cinema, historical museum; .

Can be arranged on the roof of the house (in summer time). To avoid overlays, it is recommended to stock up on the keys to the attic in advance (exit to the roof); bring a small table, chairs. The dishes can be used disposable. Decorate the venue with inflatable hearts, balloons and ribbons.

Lovers alone

If a man and a woman want to stay together for an anniversary, you can holiday recreate the full picture of the first acquaintance: first touches, kisses. It is important to remember all the details of the situation, time and place. You can first discuss this option, or you can make a surprise to your loved one, for example, call, arrange a meeting (where an acquaintance once happened). A man to come with flowers and a gift. The girl should also give her beloved a present.

air love

The day of the anniversary of the relationship will be unforgettable if the guy and the girl arrange "airy" love for each other. For example: both lovers inflate air balloons; A piece of paper is attached to each thread. kind word, wish. At the same time, the lovers are in different rooms. After all the wishes are written and attached, the balloons are connected together. After a romantic dinner, you can catch balloons, read notes with congratulations. In the evening, the couple launches Chinese lanterns into the sky to make their wishes come true.

What to give a boyfriend for an anniversary

  • He looks at the watch given by the girl;
  • Wear a tie on the day of the celebration;
  • Will wear a bracelet, chain or;

1. Practical gift

  • Leather belt for trousers.
  • Wallet.
  • The book is a case for a mobile phone.
  • If a strong halfbusiness man, office sets, laptop accessories are suitable as a gift.

2. Gifts - hobbies

In a year, a woman learns all the hobbies of her man. This can be used to select a presentation.

  • For the fisherman: spinning; glitter set.
  • For the motorist: latest model navigator, illuminated alloy wheels.
  • For an athlete: dumbbells; skateboard, rollers.

3. Gift - extreme

  • Skydiving ticket;
  • Quad bike ride;
  • Participation in a motorcycle race;
  • Horse ride.

4. Gift - surprise

A man appreciates the attention given to him by his beloved woman. On the anniversary, you can pleasantly surprise your chosen one.

  • A hearty candlelit dinner in a romantic setting (pre-prepare a table for two in the kitchen; turn on calm music; light aroma candles arranged in the shape of a heart).
  • Give a certificate for a relaxing massage session.
  • Order Arabic dancers at home.

Anniversary gift for girlfriend

The male half of humanity on the eve of the celebration, with all the variety of recommendations: “What gift to give to your beloved?” Still can't decide on a present. In order to make a choice, you need to know the nature of the beloved, her priorities, virtues, desires.

The main gift for the anniversary of a relationship is a bouquet of flowers. If a man is at an impasse with the choice of a secondary surprise, you can use the list of standard offerings:

  • Chocolate candies;
  • Champagne;
  • Plush heart;
  • Soft toy;
  • Photo album.

Standard gift set- confidence in positive emotions girls. If a man takes time classic gifts can be diversified with a list of more expensive presents.

  • Necklace, inlaid precious stones;
  • (ring, earrings) made of precious metals;
  • Guipure linen for sleep;
  • Certificate for the purchase of expensive cosmetics from leading manufacturers;
  • Visiting a beauty salon;
  • Clothing accessories (clutch, neckerchief).

Hobby Gifts

During the period of joint meetings (residence), a man should know about. As a present, a gift that is closely related to the girl's hobby is suitable:

  1. Canvas and paint set;
  2. Bicycle, skateboard;
  3. Aquarium with fish;
  4. Kitten, puppy;

If a girl drives a car, you can please her by buying wheels for the car, seat covers, and making an airbrush drawing on the hood of the car in the cabin.

Gift - surprise

A girl will never forget the anniversary of a relationship if she is given a pleasant surprise.

  • By the arrival of your beloved from work, decorate the path to the entrance with rose petals, helium balloons in the form of a huge heart.
  • Flash mob: call a girl on cellular telephone, make an appointment in the city center. Before the arrival of the beloved, agree with friends, passers-by: as soon as the girl appears, dance a fun dance.
  • Original congratulations: call the radio station, read a poem, a declaration of love and put on your soulmate's favorite song.

Folk signs for the anniversary of the relationship

Men and women are divided into believers and non-believers in folk omens. For those who care to know what beliefs the ancestors observed in old days on the anniversary of the relationship, there is whole list accept.

  • Lips itch in the morning on the anniversary of the acquaintance - the next year will pass passionately and passionately.
  • If a woman dropped an apple on the table - wait for the firstborn.
  • In the case when a man and a woman live separately, but meet, the man on the anniversary of the relationship should be the first to come to his beloved. Before pressing the doorbell, the guy should touch the hand closest to his heart to the left door frame.
  • The ancestors recommend going for a walk across the threshold on the anniversary hand in hand - to a long life together without betrayal.
  • If during cooking gala dinner the guy or girl broke the dishes, you need to join hands and step over the pieces together.
  • Often the year of a relationship falls on summer period. The couple will be rich if they get caught in the pouring rain.
  • To next year joint relations was not boring, it is not recommended to return from a walk the same way that the couple left the house.
  • Belief says: you can not buy on the anniversary of the relationship new shoes- in next year lovers may part.
  • If a girl speaks on the anniversary of wedding dress She will cheat on her lover. You can not try on a holiday White dress in the shop.

  • For the holiday, young men like to give girls Jewelry. If a young lady dropped a gift on the floor, the couple will break up in three years.
  • The holiday usually ends joint adoption baths by candlelight with a glass of champagne. You can not drain the water before the steam comes out of the tub.
  • On the Internet you can find a lot of information about knitted things as a gift to beloved men. It is not recommended to give sweaters, hats, mittens and scarves knitted by yourself. The lover will entangle with another woman. If there is a need for warm clothes, it is recommended to buy a gift in the store.
  • On the anniversary of the relationship, hair and nails are not cut after sunset.
  • If on the anniversary of one of the lovers found in his first gray hair - to long relationship no change.

According to the observations of the ancestors, there is a belief: when on the anniversary of a relationship one of the couple looks back while walking, that person has cooled down to the other, there is only physical attraction.

The first year of marriage is considered the most difficult and as colorful as chintz. Hence the name of the first anniversary family life- calico wedding.

In order for the celebration to be fun, and life together to develop successfully, folk rumor tells you to carefully follow the signs.

How to celebrate an anniversary

A few days before the celebration of the cotton anniversary, young people are advised to partially or completely update the interior in the house.

For example, replace the curtains or blinds on the windows, buy a new bedspread for the matrimonial bed, sew pillowcases for pillows, cover the table with a new cotton tablecloth.

In the place of celebration and / or in the room of the young, you can stretch a rope and hang a lot of chintz handkerchiefs on it.

And one of the walls - to decorate with a poster with joint photographs from the wedding and illustrating the first year of marriage.

Ribbons are narrower - to give out to guests who come to celebrate the holiday with the young spouses.

On the day of the celebration, ribbons can be tied as bracelets on the wrists, pinned to blouses, shirts, jackets or jackets of guests. Together with the ribbons, guests who have dropped in on the celebration should be given decorative pins. It will be great if their tips are crowned with tiny hearts.

When joint photos are taken at the end of the celebration, multi-colored ribbons will become cute and bright spot on photos.

In order not to spend a lot of time on ribbons, the fabric can be cut into long strips and burned on all sides with matches or a lighter. It will look bright and vintage.

Celebrate your wedding anniversary with family and friends. On the print wedding be sure to call witnesses. According to the scenario, the celebration should resemble the second day of the wedding.

Husband and wife should dress up in the morning in chintz clothes. And be sure to tie knots on a chintz handkerchief diagonally in two opposite corners. With this ritual, the spouses promise to be faithful to each other until death.

After the newlyweds have tied the knots of fidelity, they need to, looking into each other's eyes, swear an oath: “As the knots tied by us are strong, so are our words. As the wind-reveler wakes up the field in the field, so joy and happiness will be with us forever.

After that, the handkerchief is hidden in a secluded place and kept until the golden wedding. The oath becomes invalid only after the death of one of the spouses.

And then bake a cake or cookies together so that their life in all subsequent years remains sweet as a muffin.

To festive table the young wife must cook something with her own hands.

For example, cookies in the form of buttons or a cake in the form of a needlework box will look original.

On this day, a young husband must certainly give his wife a special bouquet. For example, buds can be made from ribbons and buttons, and stems and leaves from colored foil.

A bouquet for a young wife can also be made from paper or beads. At the same time, it is not necessary to suffer the spouse himself, he can order original bouquet from craftsmen.

In the afternoon, the couple can go to a restaurant or go to barbecue with family and friends.

Lovers will have to eat on this day “from the belly” and will certainly eat up everything that will fall on their plates.

Unless, of course, they do not want to lose love and happiness. This is a sign, therefore, on the day of the celebration of the calico anniversary, it is better to forget about figures and diets.

A table in a restaurant or a stump in the forest during barbecues must be covered with a white cotton tablecloth.

On this day, young people should be surrounded by many things made of chintz.

In the middle or on top of the tablecloth, you can lay out a white cotton towel and arrange a competition for sewing multi-colored buttons to it.

This responsible mission is assigned to the young wife.

Sewing on each button, the wife should compliment her husband to remind everyone why she married him, choosing among other suitors.

Can arrange fun competition on the habits of young spouses.

For example, make humorous cards with questions and answer options, and invite the spouses to guess what their significant other will choose.

It will be useful on this day for a couple in love to take turns practicing swaddling a baby; you can swaddle a doll.

To find out who will be born to a young couple, if there are no children yet, it is proposed to tell fortunes. Relatives, relatives and friends are thrown into a bag of thick fabric various items pink and blue color. After that, the newlyweds are invited to take them in turn to get them.

If a couple in love comes across more blue objects, this is for a boy, if pink - for a girl.

To make the relationship brighter and the marriage stronger, it is recommended that young spouses conduct a joint washing ceremony.

Parents pour water into the basin, in which the newlyweds put their rings. A spell is pronounced: “Two rings shine in the water, two faces will be washed, forever together to the end, and the chintz will confirm the words. Amen".

After that, the husband and wife take turns washing their faces with water from the basin and wiping their faces with a calico or cotton towel.

Before the guests disperse, it is imperative to arrange a “chintz photo shoot”.

In the evening, at the end of the celebration of the cotton anniversary, the young spouses are encouraged to drink together a bottle of champagne, which has been left for this occasion since the day of the marriage.

And, of course, spend a stormy night so that all subsequent nights are just as passionate and sweet.

And underwear - certainly in gauze!

A chintz wedding is often referred to as a gauze wedding. This human rumor hints that in the first year after the wedding, a couple in love spends most of their time in bed. That's why bed sheets quickly turns into gauze - it becomes thin, unable to withstand the heat of passion.

In the first year, young spouses get to know each other well, not only in bed, but also in everyday life. Discover for themselves bad habits each other and learn to tolerate them. Romance is replaced by the commonness of relationships - "calico simplicity".

In spite of strong feelings that husband and wife feel for each other, in the first year of marriage, their relationship cannot be called strong or stable. They are more like chintz - one of the most fragile fabrics. Anyone who wants to wear clothes from it should take care.

The first year of marriage is considered probationary period for a loving couple. The cotton jubilee is celebrated only by those who managed to heroically endure the test of each other's characters, common life and minor troubles.

What do you give for an anniversary?

On the day of the anniversary, a young couple is given gifts that, according to signs, should strengthen their relationship.

  • Parents of young spouses give rompers and diapers for a print wedding so that the young couple quickly acquire offspring.
  • For the same reason, newlyweds are forbidden to give toys, even plush or knitted ones. It is believed that they will prevent the young from quickly and successfully continuing the race.
  • Husband and wife give each other handkerchiefs made of silk or chintz.
  • The mother-in-law should present the son-in-law with a shirt or trousers made of calico, so that he would bring every penny to the family and be skilled.
  • And the mother-in-law gives a young wife a chintz dress on this day so that easy and simple relationships are preserved in the family.
  • In order for the house of a young couple to be a full cup, and their life together to be bright and colorful, the guests give them jewelry made of colorful semi-precious stones.

On the print anniversary At weddings, it is customary to give a lot of colorful, bright and unusual things.
You can donate items made of chintz or cotton for the home - sheets, curtains, napkins, towels. Wonderful suitable knitted a blanket under which young spouses will be warm and cozy together on cold winter evenings.

At the same time, all gifts that will be presented must have an even number and a positive meaning, so that the young will be paired with each other for the rest of their lives. For example, you can give an even number of cotton napkins, but not knives or paintings with sad landscapes or lonely people.

Or you have already known each other for many years, you meet and spend the day in the same bed every day, you know all the flaws and virtues, all the habits and desires of your partner, you get bored because the monotony kills romance in a relationship.

And tomorrow an amazing event awaits you - for example, you want to celebrate a wedding anniversary or 5 years of marriage, but there are no ideas. And in general, probably, you should not wait for some special reason to please your loved one.

In general, in our wide world There are many couples who have their own unique situations. Reasons don't play now important role. Let's better think about how to revive relationships and make a significant date for you unforgettable?

There are many options for creating romance on an important day for both of you. Here are some interesting ideas.

Remember what your partner mentioned in recent times, or what you dreamed about as a child, and make this dream a reality! What was inaccessible in childhood may well turn out to be a nice trifle that does not require large expenses now. You can, for example, arrange a horseback ride, ride a carousel, eat cotton candy, go to the circus. A child lives in each of us, and perhaps he will be very happy if he receives a toy as a gift. railway or a dollhouse.

Arrange romantic evening on the eve of the weekend, but do it in an unusual way. Let a messenger deliver an invitation to dinner to your loved one at work, which will indicate that by the end of the working day a car will pick up your soul mate. With the same messenger, send Evening Dress or a suit, but add something as a gift from yourself, for example, beautiful earrings or cufflinks. Let the taxi driver (or your friend) at the appointed time pick up your soul mate and take your beloved little man to a quiet secluded place somewhere on the outskirts of the city or outside the city. And there will be waiting for a path strewn with rose petals, a fire and delicious dinner cooked on charcoal. If you take care of the presence of a hammock and a blanket, then you and your loved one will be able to meet the dawn.

If you decide to play strip cards, it will also undoubtedly add "drive" to your relationship. Can create romantic setting and wear something sexy, or you can do everything spontaneously without special preparations. But if, taking off each item, you arrange a mini-performance (do you understand what it is about?), then an interesting continuation of the evening is guaranteed for you.

You can also have a picnic on the rooftop. You can find out on which roof it will not be a problem to climb on the forum of your city. Bring a blanket, champagne (or mulled wine if it's a bit chilly outside), you can light candles though night city beautiful in and of itself.

A great way to capture an important date and yourself will be professional photo shoot in a studio. Take care of the recording on a specific day and time in advance. An experienced photographer will take unique photographs, which will then be transferred to your family archive. You will remember this day fondly. By the way, do not tell your partner about the photo shoot, let it be for him pleasant surprise. Think about your looks and prepare your clothes and make-up for the shoot. Let it be something extraordinary and non-standard for you, so that the photos turn out to be lively and funny.

Please note that any extreme ways forwardings usually go with a bang. If skating, rollerblading or skateboarding seems to be something amazing and outlandish for you, then it's time to try to do just that with your loved one! Just put on knee pads, sleeves and a helmet, so that later you don’t have to continue your important date in the traumatology department. And take a camera with you to have time to shoot all your falls and pirouettes in the air.

Make surprises for each other, celebrate festively important dates, bring romance - this is what helps keep relationships in balance, helps to cherish each other. Relationships must be worked on, otherwise they will wither and cease to be of special value to you or your loved one.

Love and appreciate each other!