Make wedding anniversary 1 year. Wedding anniversary cake. Explanation of the name "chintz wedding"

1 year of marriage is print wedding. The anniversary of the holiday got its name thanks to the tradition of giving "chintz for diapers" to young spouses on this day.

What are the traditions of a chintz wedding, what is worth giving for the anniversary of marriage and how to spend 1 year of the wedding - everything is in detail in our article.

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Psychological features of the period

A print wedding is celebrated a year after the wedding.

Everyone knows that chintz is a very thin fabric, most often painted in bright colors. 1 year after the wedding, married life is very similar to chintz. Love is still as hot and bright as on the day of the wedding, but the relationship is very fragile and can collapse at any moment.

During this period, the couple has already managed to learn the complexities and delights of married life, but they are still considered newlyweds.

There is an opinion that before the celebration of 1 year of marriage after the wedding, the spouses pass probation. Young people get to know each other better, now they have to reckon with the interests of their partner, the spouses understand that in disputable situations it is sometimes better to give in, but there are also moments when it is necessary to support each other. In the first year of marriage, the newlyweds learn to put into practice the promises that they made to each other a year ago.

What to give for a print wedding

Traditional gifts for 1 year wedding

The traditional gifts for a calico wedding were considered to be a chintz dress for the bride, and a chintz shirt or chintz trousers for the groom.

The most important gift was a dress given to the young wife by her mother-in-law.

It is customary for guests to give the young thematic gifts made of chintz or cotton: these can be towels, bed linen, pillows, tablecloths, napkins, curtains, a blanket under which you can hide together on cold winter evenings.

On a cotton anniversary, you can give almost any clothes. At the same time, if the date fell in the summer, then the thing can even be bought from the fabric that is relevant today. In this case, the main criteria for choosing a product will be the density of the fabric and its color. It is best to stop at opaque plain things: T-shirt, short-sleeved shirt, shorts, tunic.

Original gifts for a print wedding

If you want your gift to be not only necessary, but also original, you will have to include a little imagination and imagination.

Consider options for how you can make a creative gift out of ordinary things.

01. Pillows non-standard shape (in the form of hearts, crescent, sun, lips, etc.) or pillows with unusual embroidery (these can be the names of lovers or funny inscriptions).

You can sew pillows or embroider a picture and an inscription yourself. This will only add warmth to your gift.

02. Fashionable apron. It's enough now big choice original aprons for the kitchen: there are cute options with teddy bears, sexy ones with a picture revealing outfit, delicious with photos of juicy fruits and romantic with embroidery and lace.

Most great option- give 2 aprons: separately for husband and wife. For example, an apron for Prince and Princess, Shrek and Fiona, Masha and the Bear, or two bright aprons with a trendy print

03. Paintings. Depending on the style of the room, you can choose any pattern, embroidery on the picture, or even a portrait of the young. It is now possible to make a portrait from a photograph. This will save the young from long posing and allow you to make an unexpected surprise.

04. Embroidery kit, and to it - fabric, threads and, possibly, practical advice to work. By spending a little more time on such a gift, you will be sure that the spouses will receive something truly original and unique from you.

Gifts for each other for the wedding year

Husband gift:

hand-embroidered cotton scarf can be a great declaration of love on your joint holiday. This is a great occasion to show yourself as a skilled hostess and craftswoman.

knitted bright scarf or sweater with a trendy pattern- if you are endowed with such skills, do not miss the opportunity to please your spouse with a warm, sincere thing. Nothing warms like clothes made by the hands of a beloved woman.

If needlework is not your forte, it is quite possible to buy ready-made things or order them in a special atelier. To make the product unique, you can add a twist that would emphasize the individuality of your loved one.

T-shirt with a funny or romantic slogan will not leave your spouse indifferent. But you should not print your photo on a T-shirt, as practice shows, men almost never wear such things.

soft home bathrobe and fluffy bath towel. Men appreciate cozy things. Especially this gift will come in handy if you celebrate the first wedding anniversary in a bath or sauna.

Gift for wife:

beautiful underwear No girl can resist such a gift.

cute cotton pajamas or homemade set. There are never many of them. The main thing is not to miss the size. This is a wonderful gift for a tender, fragile girl, which you are ready to take care of all your life.

sweets originally wrapped in a cotton handkerchief or sweets tied with cotton ribbon. Most girls have a sweet tooth. Give your wife her favorite candy.

needlework master class. A master class on felting from wool or, for example, on sewing cloth toys - tildes, will perfectly fit into the theme of a chintz wedding. And tildes themselves can also be a good gift: both adults and children love them equally. Besides, this lovely decoration interior.

Traditions of celebrating the first wedding anniversary

Many traditions of the 1st wedding year are already forgotten or not used, but there are those that are performed to this day.

It has always been customary to invite guests for a wedding anniversary of 1 year. Since earlier clothes were not sold in stores, but were sewn on their own, the hostess for the holiday chintz anniversary weddings, she embroidered festive dresses for her husband and for herself. The woman had to spend the whole day in a cotton dress, which could not be removed until sunset. In addition, the hostess was obliged to embroider the tablecloth, which was used to cover the festive table.

Ritual "tying knots"

On the day of the first year of the wedding, the spouses give each other cotton handkerchiefs. They must be tied in a knot. This symbolizes the desire of the spouses to keep on long years my love.

Tying a knot on a handkerchief, a husband or wife made promises to each other that their love had not cooled down after a year, and they were ready to carry this feeling through their whole lives, being faithful to their companion. This rite was a kind of oath of love and fidelity, but only this oath was given a year after the wedding and was a confirmation of the feelings of a married couple who had lived one year in marriage.

After the knots were tied, and the oaths and promises were pronounced, it was necessary to say ritual words, which, according to the ancestors, had the power of a spell. The spouses, facing each other and holding each other's hands, had to say in unison following words:
As the knots tied by us are strong, so are our words. Like the wind, a reveler in a field will wake up a cornfield, so joy and happiness will come with us forever.
After the ceremony was completely completed, the handkerchiefs with knots tied to them were hidden in a secret place and kept there for the rest of their lives.

In Russia, it was believed that the family would live happily ever after if the rite of knots was performed correctly.

Chintz wedding: how to celebrate?

Holiday for two

Always a win-win romantic dinner. Buy a new tablecloth and napkins, set the table beautifully. Order food from a restaurant or cook together. Don't forget to come up with a couple of romantic toasts. Give each other symbolic gifts. And after dinner, continue the holiday in the bedroom on new bedding.

Another option for a bright anniversary celebration for two is to go on a small trip for a few days in romantic place. If the sea is still nearby, you can have a picnic on the embankment or dinner on a yacht.

Wedding year at home with friends

If guests are invited to your holiday, be sure to take care of the surroundings.

Table on the first day wedding anniversary covered with a white chintz tablecloth with a bright ornament, served with chintz napkins and decorated with flowers. Ordinary buttons can become a touching highlight. The young wife, sewing them to the tablecloth, sentences each compliment to her husband. At the celebration, guests can be told about this little ritual.

Morning holiday great to start with joint culinary creativity. Bake two cookies according to a signature recipe. In some cookies, you can add a nut or raisins - for the luck of whoever gets it. It is important that at the celebration the spouses themselves eat everything to the end - so they do not lose their happiness.

Young husband and wife have to dress festive clothes, preferably from chintz.

So that the holiday does not turn into an ordinary feast, you need to think about entertainment program. Well, if you have a toastmaster - the solution of this problem is automatically shifted to his (her) shoulders. Just warn that wedding contests should not be repeated (when looking at the script, just cross out the ones that you already had at the banquet a year ago). And ask him to adapt the available entertainment as much as possible according to the theme of your holiday.

If you are celebrating a print wedding at home, entertaining guests becomes your concern. Don't plan many contests. It will be enough, for example, to conduct a quiz with tricky questions on the theme of your last year's wedding and a couple of simple outdoor games.

Prepare symbolic gifts for guests for participating in competitions.

In addition to various competitions, do not forget to hold a "chintz photo shoot". To do this, you can specially invite a photographer for 1-2 hours. This time will be enough to take pictures of you and all the guests at the press wall and take creative photos against the backdrop of festive decorations. Moreover, shooting can be included both in the restaurant and home version of the banquet.

Perform the ceremony of tying knots. At the end of the celebration, treat guests to a jointly prepared pie.

At the end of the evening, Chinese sky lanterns can be launched. If you celebrate at home in a very narrow circle loved ones, you can buy flashlights in the number of invited guests. And then run them all at the same time. It will be a beautiful and touching finale for your creative party.

Print wedding in a restaurant

It is most convenient to celebrate a holiday in a restaurant. No need to think about preparing treats, washing dishes and cleaning up after the holiday.

You can invite as many guests as your budget allows, not the number of seats in your apartment. You can invite a toastmaster to the restaurant and together with him write a script for a chintz wedding, as well as a DJ. And hold a second wedding, only with a specific theme.

Printed wedding in a country house

Country house - a great option for any holiday. Especially, print wedding. You have the opportunity to bring the holiday atmosphere as close as possible to the traditional one, especially if it is a real village house located in a residential village. AT this case You can decorate not only the interior of the house, but also the area around the house.

Guests can be offered to dress in Russian or Ukrainian style. Depending on the chosen dress code, a wedding anniversary party can turn into a magnificent celebration with bagels, a samovar and an accordion, or with Ukrainian borscht, dumplings, hopak and embroidered shirts.

Whichever option you choose for the celebration, remember the main thing: the heroes of the occasion are you and your feelings for each other.

Creative holiday to you and Have a good mood on the day of the cotton wedding!

Each anniversary of living together can rightfully be called a celebration. The couple were able to live together for another year and become closer and dearer to each other. But the most important of all can be called a cotton wedding - a holiday that marks the first year lived together.

Print wedding - how old is it?

What is a calico wedding, how old is it and what is given on this date, every newlywed should know. This wedding marks their first year together. This period is considered the most difficult for a young family, since at this time the spouses have to get to know each other the most and get used to it. For this reason, the first family holiday was called calico. As chintz is thin and fragile, so the young family in this period is fragile and unreliable.

Some etymologists claim that the name of the chintz wedding has other roots. Young spouses during this period want to enjoy physical intimacy with each other, so they spend most of their time in bed covered with cotton sheets. Gradually physical proximity stop taking so much important place in the lives of young spouses, and other needs and desires will come to the fore.

Print wedding gift ideas

Do not worry about what to give for a print wedding. A young family still has many needs and needs, so choosing a gift will not be difficult. According to customs, items made from chintz or other fabric are given to a calico wedding. This custom comes from those times when there were no contraceptives and young people had a baby in the first year of marriage. For this reason, on the anniversary they gave chintz for diapers for a newborn. Now newlyweds rarely have a baby in the first year, but the custom of giving calico has remained.

What to give friends for a print wedding?

A gift for a print wedding is selected taking into account the nature of the couple and the ceremony of the celebration. If you follow the traditions, then the best gift would be such things:

  • double;
  • a set of elegant fabric napkins for decorating furniture;
  • sofa cushions or cushions for car interiors;
  • picture on canvas. The ideal option it will be if the picture shows a photo of a couple;
  • two bathrobes;
  • beautiful plaid;
  • themed set of bath towels.

What to give your husband for a cotton wedding?

It is not so easy for a wife with a year of experience to choose a gift for her husband for a print wedding. I want the gift to be pleasant, useful and in line with traditions. To do this, you can choose any item from the list of what is given for a chintz wedding, and add a little imagination and humor to it:

  • T-shirt, pajamas or bathrobe with a love inscription;
  • bath towel with love inscription;
  • warm blanket;
  • a cup and a plate with wishes printed on them or a marital photo.

What to give your wife for a print wedding?

Women are gentle and romantic creatures. It is not so important that a man chooses from the list of what can be presented for a chintz wedding, the main thing is that the gift be presented with love and tenderness. A romantic atmosphere, flowers and a gift in a beautiful package, accompanied by words of love, can inspire a lady and make her happy. by the most suitable gifts wife for a cotton wedding will be:

  • set underwear or a certificate to the store for its purchase;
  • beautiful nightdress, negligee;
  • a box of chocolates wrapped in a cotton scarf or tied with a scarf;
  • jewelry in fabric packaging;
  • soft toy.

What to give for a print wedding to children?

A chintz wedding gift for children can be either practical or symbolic. Due to the fact that the newlyweds have few things, choosing a gift for them is easy. The list of gifts for a print wedding includes such things:

  • a pair of T-shirts with slogans like: best husband- best wife
  • a pair of bathrobes;
  • a pair of quality bath towels with thematic inscriptions;
  • bedding set;
  • elegant tablecloth or napkins for furniture;

Ideas for a print wedding

There is various ways how to celebrate a print wedding, but you should choose from them taking into account the preferences of the couple. Here are popular ideas for a print wedding:

  1. A visit to the sauna or spa. Here you can relax and get a range of pleasant services.
  2. Tour travel. AT common days there is not enough time for travel and sightseeing. Why not do it on such a solemn day?
  3. Trip to the recreation center. Rest in the bosom of nature and help make the day unforgettable.
  4. Thematic event. If you plan to spend this day with guests, then you can do theme party. To do this, all guests should be notified in advance so that they pick up the appropriate outfit.
  5. Amusement park. Two young people are still full of excitement and enthusiasm. A visit to an amusement and amusement park will recharge them positive energy for a long time.

How to arrange a print wedding?

Along with the question of how to celebrate a print wedding, there is also the problem of decorating the premises in which the event will be held. As mentioned above, the main material of this day is chintz. For this reason, a calico, or gauze, wedding should be filled with fabrics, soft toys, napkins and other fabric items. It is customary to decorate a room or place for relaxation and a picnic with ribbons, bows, cloth napkins, soft rugs, pillows, and blankets. The decor details used should speak of softness, tenderness, and comfort.

Menu for a print wedding

Holding a print wedding, like any other event, is impossible without a delicious dinner. However, unlike other anniversaries of living together, the menu of a chintz wedding should be simple and modest. The first year lived symbolizes the beginning, which should be reflected in the menu. The young hostess is still inexperienced, therefore, when choosing dishes, preference should be given to those that do not require much time and culinary skills to cook.

  1. Traditionally, dishes are prepared, consisting of three or four components.
  2. Salads and side dishes should be as simple as possible.
  3. Unpretentious sandwiches, sliced ​​cheeses and sausages, baked chicken - everything should reflect the simplicity of the first year of life.
  4. Crown wedding table is a cake decorated with figurines of the bride and groom. Unlike other dishes, the cake should be bright and interesting - this is a symbol of future life together.

Rituals for a cotton wedding

All rituals for a chintz wedding are associated with chintz. This fabric, symbolizing the fragility of the young family union, is present in every rite of this day. Interesting and important rituals of a chintz wedding are:

  1. The print wedding is celebrated at home, where guests are invited.
  2. The wife puts on a cotton dress, which she must wear until the evening.
  3. Young spouses give each other cotton handkerchiefs. They tie a knot on each handkerchief and pronounce an oath of fidelity and love at the same time. This rite symbolizes the desire of the spouses to be eternally bound to each other by marriage.
  4. The dining table is covered with a chintz tablecloth. In addition, chintz should be present in the decor in the form of ribbons, napkins, artificial flowers.

Chintz wedding - signs

All signs for a calico wedding are associated with the well-being of the family and the strength of the union. A chintz wedding is a holiday that suggests that family life is just beginning, and only together can spouses overcome all difficulties and troubles. To understand what awaits the spouses next, the signs of a chintz wedding will help:

  1. If on this day the spouses woke up at the same time, it means that the family will soon be replenished.
  2. If a stranger came to the house that day, one of the spouses will be unfaithful. If a woman came - to the infidelity of her husband, if a man - to the infidelity of his wife.
  3. Wrinkled linen, clothes, tablecloth - to family quarrels.
  4. You can’t give pants or socks, because, according to the sign, this is a step towards parting.
  5. Good and loving relationships between spouses on this day - family life will be pleasant and long. A quarrel or conflict relationship - to a quarrelsome life and parting.
  6. If a man was the first to enter the house from the guests - to money, if a woman - to imminent birth firstborn.

print wedding- 1 year

There are many wedding anniversaries. And one of them is a print wedding. A chintz wedding is considered a year of marriage. Such an anniversary is also called a cotton or gauze wedding. This anniversary was given such a name as a sign that in a year the marriage is not yet strong enough and is similar to gauze or chintz.

paper wedding- 2 years

Two years of marriage together are already behind us, which means that the anniversary has come, namely the paper wedding. A marriage that lasted 2 years is called paper wedding because such short term does not yet speak of a strong alliance, is subject to change and can break as quickly as paper.

leather wedding- 3 years

Several steps have already been taken in married life, the relationship has become strong. Such conclusions can be drawn about the anniversary of three years of marriage, the name of which is " leather wedding". She marks 3 years of marriage. As for the name, it speaks for itself. Leather is a durable material. This means that the relationship is already more or less solid.

linen wedding- 4 years

A linen wedding is 4 years of marriage. Also, 4 years is also called a rope wedding. This is not considered an anniversary in the classical sense, but has the status of an anniversary. For 4 years, the husband and wife have already become accustomed and are like intertwining ropes or flax fibers. It's not so easy to separate them.

wooden wedding- 5 years

A wooden wedding or the fifth anniversary of marriage is a small anniversary for spouses. We can say that this is the first anniversary of marriage, which must be celebrated. If previous anniversaries before wooden wedding, were the first steps of living together, then this is reliable evidence of the strength of family ties. Even the name of the anniversary speaks for itself.

cast iron wedding- 6 years

The sixth anniversary suggests that it is time to strengthen your home. This is the first anniversary after the fifth anniversary, and this suggests that the first crises may appear in marriage. Therefore, this anniversary was called the “cast-iron wedding”. In fact, cast iron is not the strongest material, but on the contrary, it is very fragile and can crack at any time.


Zinc wedding- 6.5 years

Each of the wedding anniversaries is a new stage of development family relations, which has its own characteristics. Each anniversary and each anniversary is marked by one or another material that could most accurately describe family life on this stage. Life in marriage, this short period of time is called a zinc wedding.

copper wedding- 7 years

The marriage, which lasted 7 years, was called the "copper wedding". It is not for nothing that such a metal as copper was chosen for the name. It should be noted that copper is not only a durable metal, but also valuable. This suggests that seven year marriage represents not only strength, but also considerable value for its participants.

Tin wedding- 8 years

Eight years of marriage is already a long period of time. The symbol of this anniversary is tin, hence the name “tin wedding”. On the eighth anniversary of marriage, or on tin wedding, the life of the spouses should settle down completely, they should completely get used to each other, raise children and move on.

faience wedding- 9 years

Nine years of marriage is called " faience wedding". Why is this, because faience is a very fragile material? The explanation is simple. It is believed that some critical moments that should be experienced, so marriage can easily crack like faience. There is also an opinion that for 9 years of marriage, spouses live in abundance.

Tin wedding- 10 years

Tin wedding - a decade of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is tin, which in turn is a symbol of flexibility. This suggests that the spouses have “grown” to each other and adjusted to the characteristics of each other, they seem to bend under each other. So, we can say that their marriage has become flexible. Also, this anniversary is also called the pink wedding.

steel wedding- 11 years

Eleven years of marriage is called a steel wedding. The relationship is already fully established and has become hard as steel. Steel, the symbol of a steel wedding, is a very beautiful and mirror metal. Family life should be the same for 11 years of marriage: strong and mirror-clean. At this point, the family should already have two children and their own home.

nickel wedding- 12 years

Having lived together for 12 years, the couple celebrate the Nickel wedding. It is believed that with its name this anniversary reminds the husband and wife that they must not forget the importance of maintaining cleanliness and radiance in the family. Thus, the newlyweds are hinted that the main guarantee of family happiness is fidelity and care for each other.


nickel wedding- 12.5 years

Nickel wedding is the anniversary of 12.5 years of marriage. Since the anniversary is not round, it is celebrated in the family circle. Guests are required to donate nickel-plated crockery and kitchen utensils. Only in this case, the dishes are presented unpolished in order for the spouses to do it on their own.

Lace wedding- 13 years old

Lace wedding This is thirteen years of marriage. The symbol of a lace wedding is lace, which indicates that the 13th year of married life should be especially valued for marriage, because it is as thin as lace. A lace wedding is also called a lily of the valley. Therefore, guests should give not only lace, but also white flowers.

agate wedding- 14 years

If the marriage has lasted for 14 years, then he is not afraid of anything. Joint life in marriage, which lasted 14 years, is called an agate wedding. Agate is a symbol of well-being, health and prosperity. Marriage that lasted until agate wedding, can be called prosperous and strong. Such a marriage is not afraid of any obstacles.

crystal wedding- 15 years

Crystal wedding comes on the 15th year of marriage. Crystal, which symbolizes this anniversary, is a very strong material, and besides, it is still sonorous and clear. The same can be noted about married life at the age of 15: the relationship of the spouses is strong and clean, time-tested.

Topaz wedding- 16 years

A topaz wedding is a kind of anniversary of living together, celebrated 16 years after legal marriage. Having lived such a solid period, the spouses have already learned to be one, but at the same time, romantic relationships are still fresh between them and the former passion has not faded away. Topaz - semiprecious stone, symbolizing the transition from soft to strong.

pink wedding- 17 years

In the entire history of family life, the newlyweds will celebrate two Pink weddings. The first, also called tin, exactly 10 years from the date of marriage. And the second beautiful and tender pink wedding according to folk traditions, spouses celebrate after 17 years from the date of the creation of the family.

Turquoise wedding- 18 years

A turquoise wedding is the eighteenth anniversary of marriage. By this time, the crisis situations, if there were any in the family, are over, and dawn is coming. The children have matured enough, which means that the problems have become much less. Turquoise is a symbol of happiness and victory. The relationship of the spouses turquoise wedding should sparkle with new light.

pomegranate wedding- 19 years

Having lived in love and harmony for 19 years, the couple celebrate the Pomegranate wedding, named after the stone, symbolizing fertility and abundance. Over the years, the spouses should already have many children and the house is a full bowl. With all this, husband and wife remain tender to each other and maintain that romantic mood who accompanied them at the beginning of family life.

porcelain wedding- 20 years

Porcelain wedding is 20 summer anniversary married life. The symbol of the anniversary is porcelain, which is a thin, light and elegant material. Another characteristic of porcelain is its fragility. Therefore, a twenty-year marriage should be taken seriously, because if the spouses are not careful, it can break.

Opal wedding- 21 years old

The spouses celebrate the opal wedding exactly 21 years after marriage. Interestingly, according to popular belief, opal is considered a stone that causes a repulsive feeling towards the person who gave it. However, it is from this mineral that spouses should present products to each other as a gift.

bronze wedding- 22

The bronze wedding is celebrated 22 years after the wedding. With its name, this anniversary symbolizes the strength and flexibility of relationships and the beginning of a stage towards a new development of the family. It is believed that by this time the husband and wife should be able to easily adapt to each other, while remaining one.

Beryl wedding- 23 years old

Few people know that after 23 years from the date of marriage, it is customary to celebrate Beryl wedding. Beryl is considered a stone of peace of mind, the keeper of the hearth, a symbol of love, prosperity and prosperity. Beryl is found in nature in various colors and shades. The term of 23 years is one of the turning points in family life.

satin wedding- 24 years

Satin wedding married couple celebrates exactly 24 years from the date of marriage. Satin is a light and smooth fabric, and this is exactly what family relationships should be like after such a long period of living together. It is believed that all the difficulties are already behind, the children have grown up, life is arranged - all that remains is to enjoy what has been achieved and maintain the fire of love for later life.

silver wedding- 25 years

A silver wedding is a whole 25 years of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is silver, which in turn is a precious metal. A twenty-five-year marriage is also a jewel in some way. Spouses who have lived together for a whole quarter of a century will never part, their love has been tempered over the years, they appreciate, respect and love each other.

jade wedding- 26 years

Exactly one year after the loud Silver Jubilee, the couple celebrate jade wedding. The name of the anniversary was not accidental. Jade is known for its strength, which is difficult to break both physically and chemically.

mahogany wedding- 27 years

The people call the 27th anniversary of family life the Mahogany Wedding, symbolizing nobility, wisdom, endurance, strength and strength of relationships. This anniversary is usually celebrated in a narrow circle, surrounded by children and grandchildren. To please each other, spouses can exchange symbolic gifts.

nickel wedding- 28 years

Exactly 28 years after marriage couples celebrate Nickel wedding. There is a belief that with its name this anniversary reminds spouses with experience that life needs to be filled with radiance even after many years of marriage.

Velvet wedding- 29 years

According to folk traditions, a velvet wedding is usually celebrated on the 29th anniversary of marriage. The unusual name symbolizes the warmth, tenderness and softness of the relationship between husband and wife. Celebrate luxury wedding spouses are recommended in the restaurant. A woman should wear a velor dress, and a husband can confine himself to a velvet bow tie.

pearl wedding- 30 years

Pearl wedding - thirty years of marriage. Pearls are a symbol of chastity, love, purity and fertility. Therefore, it is assumed that for 30 years of marriage, spouses should already have grandchildren. Relatives, friends, children and grandchildren can be invited guests for the wedding anniversary.

Dark (sunny) wedding- 31 year

A swarthy (or sunny) wedding is celebrated by a married couple 31 years after the marriage. The name of the anniversary symbolizes warmth and light in a relationship. Of course, for such a solid period of time, the spouses have already become close people to each other and no minor troubles can prevent them from building their family happiness further.

Stone (strawberry) wedding- 33 years

The symbolic anniversary of family life - 33 years, is called stone wedding. The name speaks for itself - by this time the relationship should become strong and reliable. Interestingly, the same anniversary is called the Strawberry Wedding, probably for the reason that the husband and wife are intertwined with each other, like strawberry bushes.

Amber wedding- 34 years

After 34 years from the date of the creation of the family, the couple celebrate the Amber wedding. The anniversary got its warm name for a reason. It is known that amber, before becoming beautiful stone, goes a long and tedious way, transforming from a viscous resin into a valuable mineral. So the relationship between husband and wife in 34 years turns from soft to strong.

Linen (coral) wedding- 35 years

A linen wedding is a thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. This anniversary is also called the coral wedding. The canvas symbolizes strength. As for the coral, it is a plant that tends to grow rapidly and form coral reefs. Therefore, on coral wedding the newlyweds should already have a huge family, with many grandchildren.

Muslin wedding- 37 years

Muslin wedding comes to the newlyweds exactly after 37 years of marriage. Muslin is an expensive fabric, the production of which in ancient times required a lot of time, effort and patience. For so long term husband and wife must create a strong and high-quality family in which love, respect and mutual understanding reign. It is not necessary to lavishly celebrate this interim date.


aluminum wedding- 37.5 years

Oddly enough, but the non-circular date of 37.5 years of family life also has its own name. On this day, an aluminum wedding is celebrated, named after a strong but flexible metal. Having lived such a solid period, the spouses must learn to put up with each other's minor shortcomings, respect the dignity and be able to find a way out of any situation with the inherent ease of aluminum.

Spouses have the opportunity to celebrate a mercury wedding, having lived together for 38 years. It is known that mercury is a liquid metal that can easily change its shape. So spouses with solid experience are given a chance to take a fresh look at their relationship and start a life dedicated to each other. This intermediate anniversary is celebrated in a narrow family circle.

Crepe wedding- 39 years

A crepe wedding is not an anniversary, but an important anniversary in the life of a family. This anniversary owes its name to a durable material, the threads of which are tightly intertwined with each other. So it is in the family - in the 39th year of their life together, the husband and wife are a single canvas, which is very difficult to break.

ruby wedding- 40 years

A ruby ​​wedding is considered 40 years of marriage. Symbol ruby wedding- ruby, which is a stone of love, fire and an ever-burning feeling that will never fade away, as it has already been tested by time. Another explanation for this jubilee symbol is that the ruby ​​is the color of blood.

Mother-of-pearl wedding- 42 years

According to folk customs, after 42 years from the date of marriage, the mother-of-pearl wedding is celebrated in the family. superstitious people always attributed to mother-of-pearl magical qualities, it is believed that he is able to strengthen the relationship between husband and wife and bring happiness to the house. According to tradition, on the 42nd anniversary of marriage, a loving husband should present his wife with a necklace of 42 pearls.

flannel wedding- 43 years

Having lived in marital status 43 years old, the couple celebrate the Flannel wedding. The people called this anniversary so in honor of the soft and warm fabric that can protect and keep warm in cold weather. Following folk traditions, the spouses should give each other flannel products. It can be pajamas, nightgowns, shirts, bathrobes.

Topaz wedding- 44 years old

44 years after marriage, the couple will celebrate topaz wedding- the anniversary, named after the purest gem, known not only for its transparency and beauty, but also for its strength. It is believed that family relations by this time should be strong and transparent, without offense, quarrels and intrigues.

Sapphire wedding- 45 years

A sapphire wedding marks forty-five years of marriage. The couple has proven their love and devotion over time. The symbol of this anniversary is sapphire, which is a stone of love that protects from evil. Like this stone, spouses should protect and protect each other. Sapphire is also a stone of renewal and kindness. Relations with him will become as if new, fresh.

lavender wedding- 46 years old

A lavender wedding is celebrated by spouses who have lived together for 46 years. At this age, there is no longer passion and fuss, but there is calmness, mutual understanding, respect and tenderness. The lavender anniversary does not have to be celebrated magnificently, it is enough to invite your beloved children and grandchildren to the house. There should be a tablecloth on the table blue tint and blue utensils.

cashmere wedding- 47 years old

Exactly 47 years from the date of registration legal marriage husband and wife to celebrate cashmere wedding. The anniversary got its name for a reason - warm and pleasant to the touch natural cashmere is unique in that it does not cause allergies. Similarly, spouses who have lived together for many years cannot annoy each other.

amethyst wedding- 48 years old

An amethyst wedding is celebrated by spouses who managed to live together for 48 years. Amethyst symbolizes the transparency and purity of relationships, without which it is difficult to live such a long period of time. Over the years, husband and wife have learned to support each other and become real halves of a single whole.

Cedar wedding- 49 years old

Exactly one year before the Golden Jubilee, the husband and wife celebrate the Cedar wedding. Having lived in love and harmony for 49 years, the couple demonstrate to others their ability to adapt to each other and solve complex problems together. The anniversary got its name from the hardy and noble cedar - a tree that lives for several hundred years.

golden wedding- 50 years

The golden wedding is the fiftieth anniversary of marriage. The symbol of this anniversary is one of the most valuable and expensive metals - gold. Gold represents something that has been achieved through hard work. A fifty-year marriage is a great value that has been formed over the years through hard work. People who have lived together for half a century have proven mutual love, respect, trust and devotion.

Behind a whole year of family life, filled with bright events and experience in overcoming the first difficulties. The newly-made husband and wife are still called newlyweds, and the feelings did not have time to be overshadowed by routine and monotony. Two loving hearts turned into a family, in the history of which a lot of events happened in 12 months. The honeymoon and the first joint holidays, the first quarrel and the birth of a child - every day was a new and not always easy test. A print wedding is a celebration where there is no place for strictness and official moments, its character should be remembered, give everyone fun and light.

How to celebrate a print wedding

The first year of marriage is compared with fragile material - chintz. The couple is just starting to get used to each other, their connection cannot be called strong. Not the easiest period ends with an anniversary, which is fraught with interesting rituals and traditions.

  • 12 months after the creation of the family, a bottle of champagne prepared on the day of the wedding is opened.
  • The main decorations at a chintz wedding are fabric attributes. On scarves, the couple ties knots, pronounces the following words: “As a tied knot is strong, so let our words be strong. As tirelessly the wind frolics in the field, so may happiness always be in our house. The nodes are placed diagonally. A similar ritual was created to strengthen marriage bonds and preserve romantic feelings. The first year after a cotton wedding is a test for a newly-made family, after which lovers can consciously swear devotion to each other.
  • In ancient times, girls picked up beautiful chintz outfits for their anniversary, often creating unique dresses with their own hands. The tablecloth was also selected from chintz, with bright themed decorations.

  • Previously, a chintz dress was an obligatory gift from the mother-in-law, which symbolized harmony and success in the relationship of the young.

Chintz wedding: congratulations and gifts

When going to a celebration with children, friends, they pick up a memorable gift. It has long been customary to present textile elements for the 1st wedding year. Beautiful plaid, luxurious curtains for the living room, a set of towels or a set of bed linen - a modern assortment allows you to choose a practical and original gift.

You can also make napkins or pillowcases with your own hands, embroider the initials of the owners of the house on them.

Clothing for the young is another answer to the traditional question "What to give for a printed wedding anniversary?". For a man they pick up a shirt, T-shirt or shorts, for a girl - Nice dress or an apron.
Creative individuals can create a gift with their own hands. Graceful embroidered picture or a watercolor drawing on the fabric will be a worthy decoration of the family nest. Compose poems in honor of a young family or talk beautifully about a couple in prose - such a gift will be the most memorable moment of the celebration.

Today it is not necessary to give a gift that is in any way related to calico, you can buy the right thing and wrap it in cloth. It can be small household appliances or a set of dishes, a vase or a bottle of good wine. There are practically no restrictions, the only taboo is toys. Since ancient times, such a gift has been inappropriate for couples expecting a family replenishment soon.

Parents often present sliders and diapers as a gift to a print wedding, subtly hinting at procreation. Spouses give each other handkerchiefs or articles of clothing. A napkin for a gift to her husband, embroidered by the hands of his wife, looks amazing.

The original congratulations will be a song written and sung for the second half. Friends can prepare an unforgettable surprise and create a celebration scenario with vows, games and competitions.

Paired presents are also popular, symbolizing the love of two people. Two halves of one heart, cute trinkets, the meaning of which is clear only for the young, photo frames and photo albums - by connecting an unlimited imagination, you can create a unique and memorable gift.


Leave pleasant impression congratulations in verse will help about yourself.

You can beautifully present congratulations in your own words, express best wishes in prose.

Print wedding - a whole year spent together - this is the most wonderful period and the most difficult! Congratulations on such a high achievement - the first real frontier of your life together! We wish that there were a lot of such years, but they were all happy, clean and beautiful! Loyalty to you in love, patience in everyday life, happiness and joy in the soul, affection and tenderness in the heart! Support and help, excellent understanding and endless beautiful love!
Congratulations guys on your first year of married life. You managed to overcome this stage and prove that important step was done wrong. YOU are a wonderful couple happy family, true love and support for each other. I wish you prosperity and peace, bright hopes and great opportunities in life.

Congratulate friends and relatives will help short sms congratulations.

A year has passed since the wedding.
He had a lot of worries
Rubbing, habituation,
Quarrels, remorse, torment.

We were able to overcome everything!
So you can keep going!
Congratulations on your first year!
I wish you happiness in marriage!
Beautiful words without regret
On this day and at this hour
Happy first anniversary
We want to congratulate you!

Your print wedding
Let it bring joy!
We wish you more
Move forward together!

Briefly and accurately express your thoughts about the past tense will help statuses about the first anniversary. Funny or serious, funny or romantic - you can talk about your feelings in different ways.

Together 1 year, 365 days, 8760 hours, 525600 minutes and 31536000 seconds…
The wedding ring is put on ring finger right hand because it is the only finger that has a wreath leading directly to the heart. You have been in my heart for a year now.
There are no secrets to a happy family life. Rather, there is. One. Love.
Happy in marriage is when you look at the passing beautiful woman and you think - damn it, a cool fur coat, you need to buy one for your wife!

Preparations for a print wedding: how to decorate a celebration

The first stage is the choice of a place for the holiday. A cozy home environment or a country cottage is ideal. In the warm season, you can arrange a holiday on fresh air However, do not forget about decorations.

In preparation for the celebration of the chintz anniversary, you need to use attributes that will leave no doubt about the nature of the celebration. You can decorate the room with ribbons and bows, colored buttons and fabrics, balls and small soft toys. Handkerchiefs and bows are placed on multi-colored ribbons and decorate the walls in the room or the trees in the yard with them. You can also make colorful flags, hang garlands on doors or curtains.

On one wall, you can arrange a collage of fabrics, combine bright velvet, chiffon, silk and cotton. Such a solution allows you to show the most extraordinary fantasies. pleasant surprise there will be small souvenirs for guests. You can sew compact cakes or balls, embroider wishes on handkerchiefs. Simple balls can be supplemented original skirts or tailcoats sewn from light fabric, for example, from chiffon.

You can make a tablecloth the "Queen" of the evening. The attribute symbolizes the hospitality of the owners, brings health and happiness to the house. Beads, buttons, ribbons, rhinestones and beads are suitable as decorations.

What to put on the holiday table

For a print wedding, you should not choose gourmet dishes, you can limit yourself to traditional treats.

  • Sandwiches. A simple appetizer will attract attention with an original approach to decorating it. You can also prepare snacks in tartlets or on toast, put your favorite treat on the table.

  • Salads. Fresh vegetables will be a wonderful addition to meat dishes, and fruit salads can be prepared for younger guests.

  • So that guests do not leave hungry, you can cook a traditional family meat dish. Appetizing pies will also not be superfluous.
  • Cake is the king of celebration. You can make a dessert with your own hands or order a unique masterpiece with a thematic design.

The main thing in holding a print wedding is to create a positive atmosphere filled with fun and ringing laughter!

How to entertain guests: contests

An interesting program, in which guests and young people will take part, will surely be remembered by everyone and will brighten up the evening with bright notes. To make the holiday perfect, you can connect specialists. The photographer will take high-quality pictures of touching moments, the presenter will think over the script and take some of the worries off the shoulders of the husband and wife. You can also enlist the support of a florist who will competently decorate the interior and images of the couple.

Interesting ideas and games for the anniversary:

  • Competition "Chintz tape". 2 girls and 2 guys are invited to participate, each pair is given a ribbon. The young man holds one end of the calico with his teeth, the other remains in the hands of the girl. At the command of the leader, the woman runs around the man, wrapping him and herself. The winner is the pair that completes the task faster.
  • Game "Guess the leg". The girls stand behind the screen, take turns showing one leg to the men. Cavaliers must guess their lady by the leg.
  • Pair competition "Wedding incidents". The host chooses 2 couples, gives them pictures with drawn ridiculous situations that occur at the wedding. Funny dances, unsuccessful bouquet throwing and other fun moments will need to be played in front of the guests. A couple that will show better situation, will be the winner.
  • "Who is bigger?" - an auction game in which you need to name things from chintz that are necessary in the household. The one who names the object last wins.

You can also turn it into a game to come up with the name of the unborn child, give compliments and hold a competition for the best dance.
To encourage the winners, prepare small themed souvenirs for memory.

Psychologists unanimously recognize the first year of marriage as one of the most difficult and “crisis” periods of marriage.

The most important date: the first wedding anniversary

The first, or chintz, is an important milestone in the relationship of young spouses. Psychologists unanimously recognize the first year of marriage as one of the most difficult and “crisis” periods of marriage, the husband and wife get used to each other, learn to treat the other with understanding, quarrel and reconcile.

That is why the first anniversary is called chintz, because chintz is one of the most fragile fabrics. According to another version, chintz is a simple “everyday” fabric, but its colors are usually variegated, like the boring first months of marriage.

The first wedding anniversary should definitely be celebrated. It is this day that will lay your first family tradition celebrations, and how everything goes, all subsequent anniversaries largely depend. As usual, the first wedding anniversary is celebrated with close relatives and friends. With guests, the “first-year” spouses exchange chintz handkerchiefs and arrange a ritual of “tying knots”, tying the other half to themselves even more firmly.

This is done as follows: the young take a scarf and connect the ends diagonally, tying knots on them. At the same time, it is necessary to say: "As these knots are strong, so are our feelings and words." After that, the spouses themselves and their guests sit down at the table, and one of the two bottles of champagne tied together by ribbons, which have been hidden since the wedding day, is necessarily opened at the table; the second is cherished until the birth of the first-born in the family.

On this day, bed linen should be expected from relatives as a gift; another name for the first anniversary is gauze, and it means a hint at the too violent activity of a young couple on the marital bed, as a result of which the sheets are rubbed to the state of gauze in a year. They also give other home textiles or special heart-shaped pillows sewn from chintz.

Also on the first wedding anniversary, some couples get married. Even if you are not yet ready for such a serious step, you can still go to church together and light candles for each other's health. The first wedding anniversary, as a rule, is celebrated especially magnificently by those couples in the strength of family ties and the seriousness of whose relationship there were doubts. In other words, the first wedding anniversary turns for some into a demonstration of the “longevity” of the union. Celebrities often sin with this, making a PR occasion out of a family holiday.

For example, Heidi Klum and her husband, the singer Seal, every year on May 11th arrange a full-fledged wedding party, each time adopting one or another original wedding ceremony. But Ksenia Borodina, the host of Doma2, who was expelled from the daytime air, and her husband did not arrange a magnificent celebration on the first anniversary of their wedding; however, two months before that day, Ksenia became a mother, so it’s not a fact that, behind the parental chores, the couple even remembered what day it was today.

If you do not have time or mood to start a noisy celebration - it's okay. The first wedding anniversary is a reason to rejoice, first of all, for the spouses, so it will be enough to arrange a holiday for two on this day, go out to dinner and be sure to exchange gifts.

Printed wedding script

The first anniversary of marriage, according to folk tradition, is associated with chintz - a bright, but thin and fragile material, since this is precisely the relationship of the spouses at this stage of their life together. Impressions are still vivid, love is strong and fresh, but any quarrel or disagreement threatens to develop into a break and alienation.

For implementation, the following are required: extras (from among the guests) - from 5 to 10; the place is a cafe, a restaurant, a large room in the apartment is also suitable: the host is a witness, a witness (from those who were at the wedding) or just an active person with a cheerful character.

Part one (indoor)

A couple enters the hall where the guests have gathered. Today they have the first anniversary of marriage, called chintz, because, like chintz, the relationship of the spouses is full bright colors, but still fragile. Therefore, according to tradition, the young wife is wearing a bright chintz sundress, and the husband, wanting to please his wife, put on her gift in honor of the celebration - a beautiful chintz shirt.

The festive table is set embroidered tablecloth. If the hostess is a craftswoman, embroidery can be the work of her hands. The host and hostess stand at the head of the table. While the rest of the guests are sitting, the host rises from the table.

Before we start our celebration, I want to remind you all of one beautiful and romantic ceremony. This is a kind of oath of allegiance, which, after a year of living together, our ancestors brought to each other.

I ask *** and *** (the names of the “calico” young people) to stand here, in the center, facing each other. You probably already know that for a cotton wedding, a husband and wife should give each other a cotton handkerchief. I think now is the right moment. (The spouses exchange handkerchief gifts.) And on the handkerchiefs presented to each other, tie a knot. It will be a symbol that your love will last for many, many years.

Now join hands and repeat after me the words of the oath: “As the knots tied by us are strong, so are our words. As the wind-reveler wakes up the field in the field, so joy and happiness will be with us forever.

Spouses repeat the words after the leader.

The handkerchiefs that you gave each other will keep your love. Now they need to be hidden in a secret place and kept until the end of your life. But...

Everything in our life is fleeting,
You change the chintz to linen.
We wish you to live carefree,
As varied as a chameleon.
And this sonorous noise of glasses
For you guys, in your honor,
We will drink to the bottom for this date,
After all, to live life is not to cross a field!
So that your life is bright as day
And happy and clear.
Well, in a word, so that she was
Cheerful, joyful, beautiful.
Was full of spring dreams
Bloomed like the morning dawn
I propose this toast
For you, for your happiness.
And again, like a year ago,
I want to say: “Bitter! Bitterly!"


The spouses kiss, the guests count the duration of the kiss, and then present the husband and wife with "chintz". Gifts, according to tradition, should be made of chintz.

If the spouses are going (or really want) to have a child, usually the mother of the young wife ( close girlfriend, mother-in-law, husband himself) present her with cotton diapers as a wish for an upcoming pregnancy, or successful resolution from the burden. In addition, it is customary to give tablecloths, bed linen or chintz clothes.

The process of giving is accompanied by wishes - toasts.

Friends and relatives:

Happy anniversary, young people!
Today is a celebration in honor of you!
Friends, acquaintances, relatives
You are warmly congratulated!
We wish you great love!
And personal happiness forever!
Let it bloom in spring May
Life without obstacles and obstacles!

In a life where many tears and doubts
Only the one who knows how to love is happy
You can live without wealth and money,
But without love it is impossible to live!
Today you can not be sad and gloomy!
To hell with separation, betrayal and evil!
When she came out (points to his wife) for him (to her husband),
Was she the luckiest then?

While some guests are busy making speeches, congratulations, wishes, toasts in honor of the young, others, waiting for their turn, support the anniversaries with tasting drinks and dishes.

A chintz handkerchief ... Such a seemingly simple and ordinary thing, but how much it carries a secret meaning. It turns out that this little rag can be the key to future happiness.

And who doesn't want to be happy? So let's follow the example of *** and *** (the names of the spouses) - let's practice a little bit in tying knots!

The game starts at "Handkerchief"

You need to prepare in advance a beautiful neckerchief, preferably from chintz. Everyone should stand in a circle. One person goes to the middle of the circle and puts a handkerchief around his neck. And not just throws on a handkerchief, but ties it with a bow. This is a prerequisite.

The music turns on and the person begins to dance in the middle of the circle. Having made several spectacular steps, the player must pass his handkerchief to someone from the circle. In this case, the handkerchief must be tied in a knot, and the person must be kissed. Now the new "carrier" of the handkerchief comes to the middle of the circle.

You can dance and show off in the spotlight as much as your soul asks. The only thing to remember is that at the most unexpected moment, the music turns off, and the one who remains in the circle must loudly shout out everyone's favorite “ku-ka-re-ku!”.

So we all practiced knitting knots. Perhaps now it will be easier for all of us to bind ourselves to happiness ... And in anticipation of our own happiness, I propose to drink for the happiness of our hosts. What do you think, from what cup do we drink, drink, and can't get drunk in any way?.. From the cup of love. So let's drink to love!

The guests drink, have a snack, at this time the host can relax a bit and think about future congratulations, toasts and ways to entertain everyone present. But the pause does not last very long.

Of course, we all already know each other, we have known each other for more than a year, like our dear hosts, and yet ... it won’t hurt us to get to know each other better. For example, let's pay attention to the color of our clothes. So who's in red today? These people are joyful, beautiful, independent, they appreciate the fullness of life. Always ready for love, I mean, for great feeling. They prefer to spend holidays and vacations in the south.

Who is in clothes white color? often naive, honest people, with a spotless reputation, kind and decent. They prefer to rest among the snowy plains and polar bears.

The black color of the clothes indicates that we have talented people who are able to bewitch absolutely everyone. They love black caviar and black coffee. Sexually attractive, prolific in everything! They like to relax in the country with lovers.

clothing of blue color guarantees their owners a noble origin, romance. These are faithful, glorious people, they literally worry about everything and everyone. They love to relax everywhere, just to fly by plane or sail on a ship.

The green color of the dress indicates that these are people overwhelmed with hope and dreams. Always fresh and attractive. For recreation, they prefer the nearby forest.

Who came in clothes yellow color? These people are pleasant, warm, romantic, but ... insidious. From jewelry prefer gold. Strive to occupy a place in the upper class. They like to relax on the Golden Sands. They like to listen to Sting's "Fields of gold", they like to be called "Gold". So we have become a little closer and more understandable to each other!

And in order to still check how much we all know each other, I offer several tests. And again, our hosts, “one-year-old” spouses, will show us an example!

Games begin in which you need to guess the person. For disguise, a sheet is best suited (again, in tribute to tradition, from chintz), and you will also need two “atlantes” that can hold the “sky” over the heads of the participants throughout the game.

"Oh, those legs!"

The ladies are hiding behind the sheet. The men turn away for a while. Ladies stick out from under the "curtain" by agreement the left or right leg (you can wear shoes or without them, you can go up to the ankle or to the knee, the main thing is that skirts are not visible). Then the representatives of the stronger sex take turns trying to guess which woman owns which leg.

“I recognize a sweetheart by the palm of his hand ...”

The men are hiding behind the covers. The ladies withdraw for a while to give them a chance to prepare. During this time, gentlemen expose their hands from behind the coverlet (it is more convenient to do this at the bottom edge of the fabric, near the floor, so that the shoulder is not visible). The task of the lady is to guess the strong male hand his cavalier.

"Mirror Kiss"

Ladies put thicker lipstick on their lips, go to the mirror and leave bright prints on it. Further, gentlemen approach the mirror and try to figure out women's kisses.

Men who have shown maximum ingenuity are awarded the right to an extraordinary slow dance.

How thin is chintz and fragile linen,
And this anniversary symbolizes one thing.
Your relationship is not so strong
And the boulders of life are rolling towards you.
But if you're friends
Give each other a shoulder
No need for outside help
You will be completely happy!

The guests drink to make this wish come true, there is a short pause again, during which all the owners bad habits time to leave the premises and come back.

Future groom:

“Remember, the decision to get married was your last independent decision.
- Carry your wife in your arms, and she will sit on your neck herself.
- You should help your wife on March 8, but on the rest of the days you do everything yourself.
- When walking with your wife, do not look to the left, as you may not notice that she is looking to the right.
- The first word of the baby should be "mother" so that he does not disturb his father's sleep.
- When you get up in the morning, kiss your wife, maybe you will be the first.
- Love and respect your wife, but do not allow her to be the mistress of the house, be the master yourself, so that, escaping from the wrath of your wife, sitting under the table, you can say to everyone: “I am the master of the house! Wherever I want, I sit there!
- In time honeymoon do not waste time in vain, do not read poetry to your wife, it is better to read her the book “On Tasty and Healthy Food”.
- Have time to speak today, soon you will only listen.
Don't overuse excuses for being delayed from work. Fantasize, think, create...
- Do not forget the name of the witness, in which case she will feed you.

Future bride:

- If the husband came home late, give him the opportunity to tell what you have known for a long time.
- AT money matters observe a strict division of labor. Leave the important and honorable right to earn money to your husband. And take on the difficult, difficult task of spending them. You have to give in at least something.
- It is strictly forbidden to tease and call your husband the names of the inhabitants of the zoo!
- Never argue with your husband, but start crying right away.
- If the husband begins to linger at work, change the husband's profession.
- Love and take care of your husband and his nervous system, never tell him the true value of the purchases.
- Tape all his pre-wedding promises, and when he gets sad, this tape will make him laugh to tears.
- Do not forget the name of the witness, he can help you with the housework when your husband is late at work. Maybe I mixed up that when I poured invaluable experience into verbal form ... But even if so, do not be angry with me, because my intentions were the same - to amuse all our honest company!

While reading the tips, guests can not only listen carefully to the host and take note of the invaluable experience, but also engage in their immediate duties - tasting dishes and drinks on the table. The tasting continues even after the reading - you need to give the presenter a rest.

Leading(after rest):
And now I propose to test your imagination. Here, for example, what associations do you have, well, for example, when it comes to Philip Kirkorov? But today we will not discuss pop stars, but will pay all attention to those present here. So, I propose to ask me any associative questions about who I have now thought of. I promise to answer sincerely and honestly!

An example of questions and answers to associations can be the following dialogue:

1. What vegetable or fruit is this person associated with?
- With kiwi.

2. What type of footwear does this person associate with?
- With hussar boots with spurs.

3. What color is this person associated with?
- With green.

4. What type or brand of car is this person associated with?
- With a limousine.

5. What animal is this person associated with?
- With a tiger.

6. What kind of music is this person associated with?
- Popular.

7. What mood is this person associated with?
- With joyful.

After such answers, everyone understands that we are talking about someone perky, with a good-natured character and a broad soul. The guests look around in bewilderment: “Who could it be?”. And then suddenly someone's voice is heard, calling the name of the "calico" husband. The facilitator says: "That's the right answer!".

Love leads through the desert
And through the mountain ranges
And in the wind she does not get cold,
And not afraid of heights.
For the fact that we care about blood,
My toast, of course, is to love!

After the last wish, the guests are invited to continue the celebration in the fresh air.

Part two (on the street)

Often the wedding anniversary does not fall on the warm season. But even in this case, there are recipes for how not to sit out the whole holiday in a hot room, methodically pouring another portion of alcohol into yourself. You can, for example, admire the snow ...

Leading(after everyone is in the yard):
Look around! Isn't it beautiful: the snow seems to wink at us with its stars, as if inviting us to have fun ... I invite you too! Which of you sculpted a snowman in childhood?

And who knows the difference between a snowman and a snowman? I'm listening to options! And now we have two teams (those present are divided into teams), one of which will sculpt a snowman, and the other a snowman. And we'll see which team is faster and better at it.

The game evaluates not only the speed of execution, but also the quality, as well as "compliance with generally accepted standards", that is, that the snowman and snowman actually showed signs of gender. The winning team gets prizes. After this game, an arbitrary program (for example, a walk) may well begin, followed by a return to the table.