Is it possible to harm the baby in the womb. Is it possible to harm the baby in the womb? High temperature and the age of the embryo

When the birth of a baby is a welcome event for the whole family, expectant mothers are very afraid that pregnancy complications can overshadow this expectation.

In most cases, it does without complications, and even if they appear, if you assess the scale of the problem in time and prescribe the necessary therapy, you can save your health.

Occurs up to 20 weeks. Stillbirth refers to the death of a fetus after 20 weeks. If we talk about dry statistics, then about 20% of pregnant women at least once during the first 20 weeks experience contractions of the uterine muscles or bleeding that threaten. Approximately half of these complications are resolved by spontaneous abortion. Most of them happen during the first three months of pregnancy.


In anticipation spontaneous abortion observed bloody issues smearing character brown or reddish, sometimes more abundant. The uterus is contracting, contractions are intensifying. fertilized egg can come out partially or completely. Ultrasound done on early stage started spontaneous interruption, will allow you to find out the fetus died or not. Together with concomitant examination it will help determine if the uterus has cleared.

Ectopic pregnancy

It is dangerous for a woman's health in that the embryo develops outside the uterus. It can occur as a result of obstruction and due to the fact that the egg does not move.

At risk are women who:

  • suffered diseases of the uterine tubes;
  • have experienced an ectopic pregnancy;
  • were treated with diethylstilbestrol.

The risk of pregnancy outside the uterus increases if there is an IUD in it.

Such an anomaly poses a threat to the health and even life of a pregnant woman. The fetus must be eliminated in such a case without delay.


The appearance of daubing and pain, with a delay in regulation. Upon death of the embryo early term the uterine tube remains intact. If the fetus grows in it, then this leads to bleeding due to rupture of the tube. With moderate bleeding, there are pain in a duet with pressure below abdominal cavity. this is due to the fact that blood accumulates in it.

At heavy bleeding BP may drop sharply.

Skin rashes

Complications that darken the period of pregnancy can also appear in the form of horse rashes. Some of the rashes can appear in a woman only during the bearing of the baby. Among them is herpes in the form of an itchy rash. It is bubbles that are filled with liquid. A rash of this nature is not provoked by the herpes virus, but is rather an autoimmune reaction. First, it covers the face, and then, it spreads further, sometimes encircling. Often, a biopsy is done to make a diagnosis. laboratory research and then selects a safe therapy for future mother.

"Urticaria" - an unexplained red rash that resembles hives. It may itch so much that it will interfere with sleep. Often after birth clearance or application special cream she quickly disappears.

Rh factor conflict

The incompatibility of the mother's Rh factor with the blood of the fetus can lead to the production of antibodies that fight the fetal red blood cells. They destroy some of the cells, leading to the fact that the newborn baby develops anemia. During the first pregnancy, the sensitivity to the conflict of Rh factors in the mother is minimal, with subsequent pregnancies, the sensitivity increases. For the purpose of prevention, a preliminary study is carried out to determine the compatibility of the blood of future parents. Subsequently, the woman may be prescribed injections to avoid complications in the future.


Often the cause of its development is a lack of iron in the body of the mother. in rare cases, it can be the result of a lack folic acid. A blood test is done to determine if anemia is present. If the complication is caused by iron deficiency, drugs are prescribed to replenish its reserves that will not harm the fetus. In the second case, folic acid is often prescribed.


Another possible complication is placental abruption, which occurs before due date. It may peel off completely or only partially. At risk are pregnant women with high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and arthritis.

Detachment can manifest itself in the form of bleeding, in particular internal. The brightness of the symptoms depends on the intensity of the exfoliation, it can be blood loss, as with menstruation, sudden pain, pain. You can confirm or refute the alleged diagnosis using ultrasound. This complication carries a great threat, therefore, when the diagnosis is confirmed, the pregnant woman is immediately hospitalized.


Gusts to vomit can be a common manifestation of toxicosis. But if observed frequent vomiting, you must immediately take measures to prevent dehydration. It is difficult to unequivocally determine the cause of this complication. Psychological stress can provoke a state. If the expectant mother is sick in the morning, but she continues to gain weight and does not suffer from dehydration, then we are talking about indomitable vomiting in that case it doesn't work. In case of severe vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor. You may need hospitalization. With proper therapy, the condition returns to normal within a few days.

Your most important job is to protect your child from dangerous toxins, chemicals, junk food, and your own bad habits. But what exactly is the danger? In addition to the main factors such as drugs, alcohol and smoking, we will discuss some more:

Airport Screening Devices. They are safe for pregnant women. And do not let them confuse you on your romantic journey, in which some important event may occur.

Caffeine. It's a good idea to cut down on the amount of coffee you drink in the morning. Don't forget: caffeine is found in coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate. One or two cups won't hurt. Consume no more than 300 mg of caffeine per day, and everything will be fine with your fetus. A 220 ml cup of coffee contains about 95 mg of caffeine, and even more in a cup of good quality strong coffee.

Cheese. Not all cheeses are potentially dangerous, but soft, unpasteurized cheeses can contain bacteria. Avoid brie, stilton, camembert, roquefort, feta and the like.

Chlorine. Chemicals in swimming pools are considered safe. Swimming on your back, relaxed, is so nice, especially when you are already “heavily” pregnant and everything hurts and ache. Swimming is very beneficial for relaxing leg muscles and preventing varicose veins.

Shortcrust pastry and cake mixes. raw eggs in dough and mixtures may contain salmonella bacteria. If you want to indulge in cookies and muffins, make sure they are well baked.

Electric blankets, hot tubs and saunas. During the first trimester, a woman's body temperature should not exceed 38 °C. If it exceeds this mark for at least ten minutes, the risk of miscarriage or injury neural tube fetus is very high. Heated blankets are generally safe, but if you're worried, cover up with a regular blanket or have your partner keep you warm.

Fish. Long-lived predatory fish in the diet is harmful to nervous system fetus, because it may contain a large number of methylmercury and polychlorinated biphenyl. Avoid lofolatilus, shark, grouper (sea bass), marlin, swordfish and king mackerel. Good news: Canned tuna in moderation is perfectly safe.

Vapors of paints and cleaning agents. FROM medical point water-based vision and oil paints safe. The expectant mother may well paint the nursery herself. If you feel faint, go to the Fresh air. Use natural cleaning products to protect your body from chemicals.

Coloring, permanent waving, straightening or hot hair restoration. Chemical substances hair care products are considered safe, but to be sure, you can wait with this until the end of the first trimester. Previously, hazardous formaldehyde was used in such procedures. Just make sure it's not in use. Pregnancy is not a reason to stop caring for your hair!

Waxing. This procedure is safe (and may even be necessary to combat active growth hair).

herbal teas. There is no evidence that the use of tea and herbs in small quantities may lead to poor pregnancy outcomes. Some teas even help with feeling unwell(raspberries and ginger - for toxicosis, chamomile - for digestive disorders, lemon balm - for insomnia and anxiety). Consult with your physician.

Horseback riding, skiing and basketball. We advise you to avoid any kind of activity in which you can fall and hit.

Hot dogs and sausages. These products may contain listeriosis bacteria. They can be eaten in moderation and proper cooking. If you're craving a turkey sandwich, buy fresh meat from a trusted supermarket. Steak tartare and other raw meat dishes can contain bacteria. It is better to exclude them from the diet.

Lead. Lead easily enters the placenta from the mother's blood. Avoid contact with lead-based paint, building materials, and plumbing. If you need to repair something, call the master.

Microwaves. AT modern models there is protection from radiation, and they are considered safe.

Pedicure and foot massage. Getting a pedicure is possible and even necessary to feel beautiful, but make sure that your pedicurist uses sterile tools. Despite rumors, there is no medical evidence that foot massage can lead to preterm labor. If you feel unwell, stop the master, drink water and rest. If nausea persists, see a doctor immediately.

Pesticides. Let your garden grow weeds, let the ants and moths be comfortable in your house and sweaters, let the Japanese beetles gnaw at all your rose bushes. All insecticides, herbicides and fungicides are harmful to the fetus. Do not use them during pregnancy!

reptiles. Salmonella bacteria can be transmitted through the faeces of turtles, snakes and lizards, so avoid contact with these animals or wash your hands thoroughly after touching them.

Skin care. Before use cosmetic product check out its ingredients. Eliminate creams and lotions containing vitamin A derivatives, especially anti-aging ones. Accutane, a vitamin A drug used to treat acne, is especially dangerous to the fetus. Don't apply it. Unfortunately, now that your skin looks no better than that of a pizza-eating teenager, there's nothing you can do about it. It's time to put on a T-shirt that says "Baby on Board!" with a big arrow pointing down and drawing attention away from your face.

Solarium. Ultraviolet radiation is quite safe for a growing baby. But why do you need this tan if you already shine with joy?

tattoos. Big risk infections. With the tattoo "Mommy", which you always wanted to prick so much, you will have to wait a little.

Teeth whitening. Laser and conventional whitening is quite safe. (White teeth draw attention away from your growing tummy, thereby reducing the risk of being touched by strangers. See p. 116.)

Display terminals. The monitor's electromagnetic radiation is considered harmless.

x-ray radiation. A little radiation is not harmful.

Yoga. Ideal sets of exercises designed specifically for pregnant women. However, Bikram yoga, which is practiced in a room with a temperature of 40 ° C, is potentially dangerous for the fetus, especially in the first trimester.

Gynecologist's consultation. Treat yourself to a pedicure if you really want to. Do not worry, because of the foot massage, you will not get to the hospital ahead of time. If foot stimulation were indeed the cause of premature birth, then humanity would have died out long ago, because we constantly have to walk!

Diseases of the expectant mother can have a direct impact on the health and development of the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women give increased attention state of your body.

Most dangerous period is the first trimester. At this time, the fetus undergoes most at risk. Therefore, many parents prefer to keep pregnancy a secret for the first 3 months. After the first trimester, the child is no longer so vulnerable, but some diseases still threaten his development and even life.

Prevention and vaccination

Most often, pregnant women are concerned about infections that they have never encountered before. Vaccination is one way to prevent various diseases and may help prevent certain diseases.

Regular monitoring by a doctor, timely tests and following his recommendations are a guarantee of reducing the risk of spontaneous abortion and infection of the fetus during pregnancy.

18 most dangerous diseases for a pregnant woman

1. Urinary tract infections

The most common urinary tract infections during pregnancy are cystitis and thrush. They pose the greatest danger on the first and last trimester pregnancy. On the recent weeks these diseases can lead to premature birth.

2. Gestational diabetes

This is the name of the increase in blood glucose levels in a pregnant woman. It is caused by insufficient production of insulin by the pancreas. Gestational diabetes does not threaten the child. However, it can lead to the development of other types of diabetes in the expectant mother if appropriate measures are not taken.

3. Syphilis

One of the most easily transmitted diseases to the fetus. It can lead to miscarriage and birth dead child. The most common treatment is with penicillin.

4. Anemia

A common problem among pregnant women. Fortunately, it can be easily eliminated with diet, rich in iron. It is also possible to prescribe vitamins.

5. Measles

The consequences of getting pregnant with measles can be premature birth, spontaneous abortion or development chronic diseases lungs. To avoid this, you need to get vaccinated against measles.

6. Genital herpes and chickenpox

These diseases are dangerous for both the child and the unborn fetus. Possibly cataracts, underdevelopment tissues and organs, microcephaly and bone defects. These consequences are most likely if a woman falls ill in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.

If infection occurs a month before delivery, a caesarean section is prescribed to minimize the risk of infection of the child.

7. Rubella

Unfortunately, there is no therapy for this disease. Regular follow-up with a doctor is necessary in order to identify possible malformations in time, including blindness, microcephaly, cardiovascular diseases and deafness.

8. Inflammation of the gums

Even ordinary gum disease can harm the fetus or lead to premature birth.

9. Vaginitis

The symptoms of this disease are discharge and strong smell, but it does not apply to sexually transmitted. We are talking about a violation in the flora of the vagina, which can be triggered by ordinary stress or another factor that has weakened the protective functions of the body.

10. Cytomegalovirus

This infection affects the blood, so the likelihood of passing the virus to the child is high. There is antiviral therapy, but it is better to prevent infection of the expectant mother by avoiding undercooked meat and unwashed fruits and vegetables.

11. Toxoplasmosis

To avoid this disease, meat should be subjected to heat treatment, vegetables and fruits should be washed thoroughly. In addition, if there are animals in the house, especially cats, contact with their feces should be minimized. Ask other household members to change your pet's sandbox.

12. HIV

In some cases, a mother can choose a traditional birth without fear of infecting the baby. After giving birth, the baby is bathed to reduce the risk of infection through the blood, and drug therapy to prevent transmission of the virus. Breastfeeding is excluded as the virus can be transmitted through mother's milk.

13. Hepatitis B

About half of infected mothers pass on the hepatitis B virus to their children. But regular monitoring by a doctor and following all his recommendations will help to avoid this. Even before birth, immunoglobulin therapy is carried out, and after the birth of the child, it is vaccinated as soon as possible to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus.

14. Hepatitis C

The main problem is that this virus is in short time leads to cirrhosis of the liver and chronic hepatitis. With hepatitis C breast-feeding also not recommended.

15. Sexually transmitted diseases

The most common diseases in pregnant women are sexually transmitted diseases. There are antibiotics and antiviral agents which are assigned in this case.

16. Pneumonia

One of the most dangerous diseases for both mother and child. The condition itself is difficult to treat, and pregnancy exacerbates the condition. A pregnant woman, due to the general weakening of the body, is more inclined to develop this complication in the case of a common cold or flu.

17. Chikungunya

In our latitudes, this disease has never been widespread, in contrast to warmer countries. However, do not forget about it if you plan to travel. Chikungunya is carried by mosquitoes, one bite of which can infect a pregnant woman. Although spontaneous miscarriages are quite rare in pregnant women with chikungunya, however, both the expectant mother and the child should visit the doctor regularly after birth to minimize the risk of infection of the child.

It is still unknown how the virus works, but the risk of developing microcephaly is very high. It is transmitted in the same way as chikungunya, through mosquito bites, and in last years reached epidemic proportions in some southern countries. So, if you are planning a visit to exotic lands, it is better to clarify the epidemiological situation in this country.

Watch the video and learn more about infections during pregnancy.

Naturally, in sexual life spouses who are going to become parents, their own characteristics appear. Most spouses ask questions about the possibility of having sex during pregnancy, about possible contraindications etc. Today we will look at some exciting questions relating to sexual relations during pregnancy.

Is sex possible during pregnancy?
Yes, it's possible. When pregnancy occurs, a woman's body undergoes significant changes in the physiological, psychological and emotional sphere. All these changes are a natural process, so a woman during pregnancy must live full life, given some new features of her condition. Refusing sexual relations during pregnancy means violating natural process. Scientific research showed that prolonged abstinence from sex leads to the fact that in future mother accumulate negative emotions, which may adversely affect marital relations because the risk of alienation between spouses is very high.

In addition, there are very frequent cases when sexual attraction with renewed vigor wakes up in a woman during pregnancy. This condition becomes predominant, the woman begins to get nervous, fight with herself, is constantly in an excited state, which can harm the fetus much more than the state after sexual contact. Therefore, at normal course pregnancy, without any complications, you can have sex from the very beginning until delivery. But if there is any concern, the difficulty is best to seek the advice of a doctor. Women who have sex during pregnancy may experience more intense orgasms and greater enjoyment, which is associated with physiological features body during pregnancy. Naturally, sex should be done with great care using sparing positions (for example, on the side). Sexual contacts can be continued even for last dates pregnancy, but already with the use of alternative forms of sex, such as petting and oral sex. The most important rule that a spouse should be guided by is that sexual contact should be carried out only if the pregnant woman wants it. If she has no desire, then the spouse should not force or persuade her.

What are the medical contraindications for sex during pregnancy?
Restrictions on sexual relations may be, from a medical point of view, in the following cases:

  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • miscarriage, or miscarriages that occurred during the threat of interruption;
  • premature birth (in history);
  • leakage amniotic fluid when the risk of infection is very high;
  • presentation or low attachment placenta;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • bleeding or discharge from the vagina;
  • one of the spouses has signs of a genital tract infection.
It should be noted that refraining from sexual contact it should also be on the days when menstruation was supposed to occur in the absence of pregnancy, since it is on these days that the risk of miscarriage increases significantly, since the woman's body is used to regular emptying of the uterus.

Can they sexual relations harm the fetus?
Sex during pregnancy cannot harm the baby in any way, because it is under reliable protection the thick muscular wall of the uterus, the amniotic sac, and the so-called mucous plug, which tightly closes the cervix. Sometimes after an orgasm, you can notice the movement of the child, but this is not evidence that he is in pain or any discomfort. Fetal movement can be caused by a simple contraction of the uterus. In addition, as recent studies have shown, all words of love and various expressions of feelings of parents during sex are perceived by the child (since he begins to hear from the fifth month of intrauterine development) as a kind of signal in the mind that he will be born desired and loved. Moreover, the pleasure hormones produced in the body of the expectant mother at the time of orgasm also have a positive effect on the child, as well as on his mother, giving pleasure.

How does a woman's sexual desire change during pregnancy?
It should be noted that a clear answer to this question no. Everything is purely individual. For many women in a position, sexual desire rises sharply and the couple does not have problems of an intimate nature at all. However, some women's sexual desire may decrease or disappear altogether, which is usually associated with some problems during pregnancy. AT this case you need to ask your wife if sex is possible between you in this moment. In addition, it is imperative that both spouses undergo an examination for the presence of unwanted microbes in the genital tract, which will help reduce the risk of infectious complications in women during pregnancy, since during such a period protective function the flora of the woman's vagina is sharply reduced. Therefore, during sex during the entire pregnancy, it is recommended that you always use condoms along with special lubricants. It must be remembered that the pregnancy proceeds normally, without any complications and problems (toxicosis), and the couple has sex, then the main thing in the relationship should be caring for each other and self-sacrifice.

Now about the unpleasant moments.
During the second trimester, new data may be revealed that contribute to the partial or complete rejection of sexual relations. This may include the threat of miscarriage or wrong position placenta. Therefore, it is best to consult a gynecologist about the possibility of further sexual relations.

By the end of the second trimester there are active movements the fetus and its movement inside the uterus. Naturally, many spouses begin to worry about the possibility mechanical damage fetus and infection.

In the third trimester, a large belly makes a woman feel unattractive, swelling, increased blood pressure and many other things also affect the decline in the sexual life of spouses. Big belly future mom gives some inconvenience during intercourse. Postures during sex should be gentle, should exclude the load of a woman, any pressure on the stomach, a direct blow to the penis uterus. AT given period Pregnancy is best preferred alternative species sex (petting, oral sex, cunnilingus and many others).

Another problem of the third trimester is hypersensitivity cervix to mechanical influences. The loosened mucosa during penetrations of the penis easily shrinks, and the blood supply to the uterus can provoke "smearing" after sex. In this case, it is necessary to go for a consultation with a gynecologist. If the reason for smearing lies in a slight damage to the surface of the uterine cervix, then there is nothing to worry about.

Finally, all the worries and worries before the birth of a child also contribute to the decline in sexual relations. And it's natural.

2-3 weeks before the expected date of birth, it is necessary to completely abandon sex, as this can cause contractions due to the hormone oxytocin secreted by a woman during sexual arousal, which contributes to the contraction of the uterus, which can serve as an impetus for premature birth.

During pregnancy, it is very important to keep harmonious relationship in family. Be sure to be sympathetic to the desires of your soulmate and attentive to yourself. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because sexual relations during pregnancy are not mandatory, there are many more ways to show mutual love!