The norm of specific gravity of urine is in the interval. Urine density. Deciphering the general analysis of urine. Breeding test

Specific gravity or the density of urine indicates the amount of substances that have been dissolved in it. The main and most common components of urine are salts and urea.

In some diseases in the urine can be detected glucose or proteins.

The density of urine determines the work of the kidneys, that is, their ability to excrete concentrated rather than dilute urine.

If normal indicators of specific gravity of urine are detected, they are compared with plain water. These data reflect the natural ability of the kidneys to excrete and concentrate urine and dilute it. This ability of this body is used for special tests during examinations. a large number of people.

Normal natural values ​​for the average specific gravity of urine output vary within 1.018–1.024. This may indicate a good concentration ability of organs, and also excludes the mandatory additional research this body using other special techniques.

If the indicators exceed the norm or vice versa - below it, this indicates about pathologies in the body.

When conducting general analysis urine, its specific gravity is one of the most important indicators that can demonstrate the work of the kidneys.

Specific gravity of urine in women and men

The specific gravity of urine in women and men can fluctuate from 1.010 to 1.028. These are the maximum and minimum thresholds at which the human body functions normally.

If the indicator is lower or higher than the norm, we can talk about violations in the body.

Rate in infants

In infants and children under one year of age, the specific gravity of urine varies from 1.016 to 1.018. This is the lowest specific gravity of urine, but it changes with age.

In children

In children after 10 years, the specific gravity of urine varies within from 1.011 to 1.025. But during the day he varies from 1.002 to 1.030 depending on the amount of water consumed.

Decreased specific gravity of urine

Urine is produced as a result of the concentration action of the kidneys in conjunction with antidiuretic hormone (ADH). It is the hormone that causes the body to absorb a large amount of water. This produces a certain amount of concentrated urine. If no ADH hormone, water is not absorbed and is excreted from the body in the form of diluted urine.

There are several reasons for the decrease in the specific gravity of urine:

  • too much fluid intake;
  • neurogenic diabetes;
  • nephrogenic diabetes.

When water is consumed more than necessary, the concentration of salts in the blood plasma decreases. This disease is called polydipsia. The body protects itself from this phenomenon by excreting a large volume of diluted urine. This disease is most often affected by women suffering from diseases associated with a weak psyche.

In neurogenic diabetes insipidus, there is underproduction normal amount antidiuretic hormone. The disease develops due to the fact that the kidneys cannot retain water in the body by increasing the concentration of urine.

At the same time, if the patient reduces the amount of water he drinks, then diuresis will not decrease, but serious and severe dehydration will develop. The density of the excreted urine will be reduced to 1.005 or less.

Not diabetes develops for several reasons:

  • idiopathic neurogenic diabetes insipidus;
  • head injuries caused by various injuries;
  • admission ethyl alcohol and transient polyuria.

If the problem develops as a result of idiopathic diabetes insipidus, disorders in the body can be detected with the help of concomitant neurological and endocrinological symptoms: cephalgia, hypopituitarism.

If the cause of the manifestation of diabetes is brain damage, then treatment of the damaged part is necessary.

If the problem was caused by the intake of ethyl alcohol and the resulting suppression of ADH production, then in this case, within an hour after drinking alcohol, the person shows diuresis. The volume of urine excreted will depend on the volume of alcohol consumed. But even with further alcohol intake, there is no steady urination.

Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus can also cause a decrease in specific gravity. This disease is characterized by a reduced concentration ability even in conditions of a normal ADH in the blood. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon.

These are people suffering from parenchymal kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, nephropathies, tubulointerstitial nephritis, glomerulonephritis) and chronic kidney failure.

Another reason may be different kind metabolic disorders. For example, Conn's syndrome. In this case, the density of urine produced varies from 1.003 to 1.012.

If the cause was hypoparathyroidism, then the weight of the excreted urine in this case decreases. up to 1.002. A characteristic phenomenon will be the excretion of cloudy urine white color due to the high content of calcium salts in it.

Rarely, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is congenital. The density of urine in this case decreases up to 1.005, even with the necessary fluid intake.


As the weight of urine increases, its specific gravity will depend directly on the particles it contains. It is the molecules of proteins and glucose that increase the specific gravity of urine.

If relative density urine exceeds 1.030, it can be assumed that the patient develops diabetes mellitus.

If urine density is 1.010

If the density of urine in a person is approximately in the range from 1,010, it is usually an indicator of a metabolic disorder caused by Conn's disease. At the same time, the patient's body also suffers from developing concomitant diseases, such as polyuria, arterial hypertension, muscle weakness, hypokalemia.

If the indicators are below this limit, then we can talk about developing hypostenuria or existing isosthenuria.

Specific gravity 1.015

If the specific gravity of urine in an adult exceeds the at 1.015 - this indicates hyperstenuria.

But, in some cases this indicator may be normal if the person has experienced strong enough physical exercise for a long time.

That is why doctors advise not to expose the body to overvoltage before taking tests.

If the value is 1.025

If the specific gravity of urine is in the area 1.025 and up This is indicative of severe hyperstenuria. But the same figures children aged 3 to 4 years are the norm.

In adults, hyperstenuria can occur in the following cases:

  • with glomerulonephritis;
  • with cardiovascular diseases;
  • with the introduction of mannitol or radiopaque substances into the body;
  • during the excretion of certain drugs from the body;
  • with toxicosis in pregnant women;
  • with proteinuria.

If the density is above 1.030 m/m

Increased urine density caused by diabetes often has indicators from 1,030 m/m and above.

Such an increase is caused by an increase in the specific gravity of urine due to trace elements dissolved in it: protein, glucose, and others. At the same time, the excreted amount of urine is slightly higher than normal, but polyuria is observed.

But, the same specific gravity of urine can be observed due to dehydration for 18 hours. In this case, such indications are not considered pathological.

Zimnitsky's test

Any measurement of the weight of urine is allowed to judge the implementation of the concentration function of the kidneys, but only approximately. A more reliable assessment of the state of this organ and the diagnosis can be made using the Zimnitsky test, which will help assess fluctuations in the specific gravity of urine during the day.

To pass the analysis, the patient must collect during the day 8 portions of urine, that is, every two to three hours it is required to empty bladder. In rare cases, the number of samples reaches 12.

The Zimnitsky test allows you to obtain a large amount of data on the excretory system.

A sample during analyzes to identify the average specific gravity of excreted urine allows not only to learn about its concentration, but also to obtain data on the degree of dilution by the kidneys of substances entering the body.

For analysis, each sample must be collected in sufficient quantity, but sometimes doctors have to be content with a few milliliters of fluid collected using a catheter. In this case, the analysis data are somewhat different from the standard ones.

Laboratory examination of urine, an integral part modern diagnostics. One of the varieties of such analyzes is the analysis of urine for its specific gravity. The deviation of this parameter from the norm can indicate the causes of a particular disease, which is extremely important in the diagnosis.

What is the specific gravity of urine?

The relative specific gravity of urine shows the saturation of suspended in it:

  • Urea;
  • uric acid;
  • Creatinine;
  • Potassium, sodium in the form of their salts.

The relative specific gravity of urine is directly related to the amount of urine excreted at a time and to the frequency of bladder emptying. Urine excreted frequently and in large portions low density conversely, small portions show high concentration. The relative specific concentration of urine is a reliable indicator of the health of the kidneys, or rather, their ability to concentrate. For example, the reasons for the decrease in the relative density of urine may lie in diseases that cause kidney failure, accompanied by a decrease in their filtering and absorption properties. This condition is called hypostenuria. If the concentration of urine is increased, they speak of hyperstenuria.

Normal urine density

Rules vary by gender and age category patient. For newborns, the normal density is 1008 - 1018 grams per liter of liquid, in children of two, three years old 1007 - 1017, children of four, twelve years old are considered healthy at 1012 - 1020 grams per liter.

For people middle age and adolescents aged 13 years and over, indicators of the normal specific gravity of urine fluctuate between 1010 and 1020 g / liter.

Deviations from these norms give rise to at least a consultative examination by an endocrinologist and a nephrologist to determine the cause.

Specific gravity above normal

Hyperstenuria - this is the name of this phenomenon, expressed by a significant excess of the permissible density of urine. It is diagnosed at a high specific gravity - above 1030 grams per liter of liquid. The reasons that cause it can be:

  • Diabetes;
  • Glomerulonephritis with nephrotic syndrome;
  • Dehydration due to diarrhea, vomiting, severe body heat or insufficient fluid intake;
  • Large doses of antibiotics and other medications;
  • Toxicosis, including toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • Inflammation genitourinary system.

Symptoms of hyperstenuria:

  • A sharp decrease in single portions of excreted urine;
  • Changing the shade of urine to the side dark tones, often interspersed with clots;
  • emergence pain in a stomach;
  • Chronic weakness and lethargy;
  • General swelling without visible localization.

Specific gravity is too low

The state of a noticeable decrease in the relative specific gravity of urine, in comparison with the norm, is called hypostenuria. With it, the specific gravity of urine is significantly less than the lower limit of the norm. The cause of this deviation may be excessive consumption of water, juices and any other liquids. Men, for example, often abuse beer, which may well affect the indicator of the relative specific concentration of urine in the direction of its strong decrease. If we talk about pathological processes that contribute to hypostenuria, then the following can be distinguished:

  • Diabetes (diabetes);
  • Regeneration of edematous infiltrates at the end of inflammatory processes;
  • A low-calorie diet with a lack of enzymes and vitamins, leading to a dystrophic condition;
  • Protracted pyelonephritis;
  • Chronic forms of renal failure;
  • Nephrosclerosis is a disease that provokes a change in the structural tissue of the kidneys (the formation of nodes);
  • Glomerulonephritis;
  • Interstitial nephritis;
  • Taking diuretics in violation of the doctor's recommendations;
  • Excessive drinking.

Both hyperstenuria and hypostenuria can cause serious Negative consequences therefore it is desirable to identify it at an early stage. These conditions are relatively easy to diagnose with a urine test. general method and according to the Zimnitsky scheme, therefore, people who are predisposed to such problems should be regularly examined.

What to do if the specific gravity of urine deviates from the norm?

It is desirable to treat such conditions in a hospital or at least under the constant supervision of a doctor - an endocrinologist, nephrologist or pediatrician. Patients with diabetes, at the slightest hint of a change in the density of urine, should take the advice of a doctor especially responsibly, since diabetes can provoke a rapid development of events and seriously complicate the cure. In this case, it is very important to diagnose the cause of the pathology on early stage development and immediately begin to eliminate it.

Fundamentally, the treatment of this disease does not differ from any other, since a thorough diagnosis reveals the cause, that is, a diseased organ that creates problems for the entire body, and allows you to subsequently prescribe a set of treatment tactics. Prescribed drugs should act, first of all, directly on the source of the problem and affect healthy organs as little as possible.

If the problem is in kidney failure, a mandatory factor in a successful cure is a sparing diet and healthy lifestyle life. The diet should be devoid of spicy, smoked, salted foods and contain as little as possible culinary spices. Giving up smoking and alcohol is not even discussed. Medical treatment, in case of its inevitability, should be carried out strictly according to the recommendations of the attending physician and under his constant supervision.

If the phenomenon of hypostenuria or hyperstenuria is observed in a patient in a chronic cycle, then such patients are registered with a doctor and require a systemic examination every three months with a mandatory urinalysis and, possibly, blood.

Quite often, hyperstenuria in diabetes mellitus is a side symptom of it. The peculiarity of this pathology is elevated level blood sugar, which leads to increased urination, and this, in turn, requires the consumption of more fluid to restore water balance. Ultimately, this can lead to disruption of the kidneys and the entire urinary system.

If the patient has diabetes mellitus, then the treatment is monitoring the state of blood sugar, regular examination by a nephrologist in compliance with all his recommendations. Unfortunately, the disease is chronic and incurable, so you can only control its course in order to avoid side effects in the form of a violation of the renal system.

The specific gravity of urine is defined as the ratio of its density to the density of plain distilled water. The density of urine is often not constant throughout the day, as it depends on the total amount of fluid consumed by the person, as well as the metabolic rate.

However, the relative gravity of urine can give physicians some indication of problems in the human body.

The specific gravity of urine is also called its relative density. These indicators indicate problems in the functioning of the kidneys, since it is these organs that are responsible for diluting and concentrating urine.

When the body performs its functions normally, the relative density varies depending on the amount of food taken, the volume of liquid.

Fluctuations in the specific gravity of urine are detected using several types of tests. The most commonly used methods are Zimnitsky test, a test with a dry diet and a test with a water load.

Only by evaluating the density of urine excreted during the collection of each of the samples can average data be derived that will help doctors understand the reasons for the decrease or increase in urine density.

Norm and deviations

The process of developing urine density usually consists of three stages. The first of them - filtration. Second stage - reabsorption. It implies a process that is the reverse of absorption. It occurs in the tubules of the nephron, into which urine enters.

Third stage - tubular secretion. During this process, toxic metabolic products are released from the blood under the influence of special enzymes.

Thus, substances that change its density enter the urine.

The specific gravity of urine varies depending on the total volume of substances that are dissolved in it. The higher the concentration of urine, the greater its density. The latter indicator is determined by salts, as well as protein, leukocytes, bilirubin and others.

IN different times days normal performance densities may vary from 1001 to 1040 g/l. In this case, only a doctor can calculate deviations by interviewing the patient and roughly finding out what is the reason for the increase or decrease in concentration.

If the analysis is carried out on the basis of a study of the morning portion of urine, then its normal density varies from 1015 to 1020 g/l. However, in the morning, urine can be very saturated, since no liquid enters the human body at night.

Deviations in the density of urine can be caused not only by features on the part of the human body. Quite often, the cause can be even simple seasonal changes. IN winter time the density of urine in a healthy person is usually lower, while in summer the density of urine is higher.

Specific gravity of urine 1010 g/l

The indicator of urine density in 1010 g / l is borderline. Quite often it is used as a guide.

If, upon receipt of test results, the density of urine does not exceed 1010 g/l, this may indicate hypostenuria.

If the density of urine over 1010 g/l, this speaks of hyperstenuria.

If the density of urine and the density of blood are the same- 1010 g / l, then the doctor may suspect isosthenuria.

Relative density in women

In women, unlike men, the density of urine is somewhat lower, but it can also fluctuate depending on individual features body during the day.

Normal indicators of urine density in women and girls from 12 years old vary from 1010 to 1025 g/l.

Any changes in urine density should be discussed with your doctor as they may be due to external factors rather than as a result of health problems.

In pregnant women

Pregnant women may experience an increase in urine density during toxicosis, when the body quickly loses fluid without having time to restore its balance. But a sharp decrease in density can also be noticeable, especially at those moments when the edema that developed during the previous day subsides by morning.

If future mother is not subject to toxicosis, usually the density of her urine can vary from 1010 to 1030 g/l. But this indicator is not a benchmark.

Normal indicators in a child up to a year

The density of urine in newborns is quite low. indicators are considered normal. from 1008 to 1018 g/l.

In six-month-old children, normal urine density values ​​are in the range from 1002 to 1004 g/l.

In children from six months to a year, indicators are considered normal from 1006 to 1010 g/l.

It can be quite difficult to obtain the required amount of urine, especially in children in early age. A minimum of 50 ml of urine is required to pass the test.

The density of urine in children at 2 years

At the age of 2-3 years in children, the boundaries of the normal density of urine shift slightly. That is, common to healthy child indicators are considered within from 1010 to 1017 g/l.

But it should be borne in mind that, as in adults, these indicators may change during the day, as well as when consuming a large or not enough liquids.

In children from 3 years

In children from 3 to 5 years, density is considered the norm. from 1010 to 1020 g/l.

A child from 7 to 8 has normal density indicators - from 1008 to 1022 g/l.

Closer to 12 years, and more precisely from 10 to 12 years, the density of the urine of a child approaches the normal values ​​for an adult. indicators are considered normal. from 1011 to 1025 g/l.

At the age of 12 years, the normal density of urine in a child becomes the same as in an adult, that is from 1010 to 1022 g/l.

If the density of urine is below normal

A decrease in urine density below normal in 1010 g / l indicates the following diseases:

  • diabetes insipidus;
  • kidney failure.

In some cases, this effect occurs when taking diuretics and drinking plenty of water. Usually, a decrease in the specific gravity of urine is called hypostenuria. This phenomenon implies a violation of the concentration function.

Hypostenuria can also occur in healthy people, after alimentary dystrophy or when edema subsides.

If the density is above normal

If the density of urine is higher than normal, that is, above the upper limit of 1030 g/l, there may be several reasons for this phenomenon.

First of all, it can be diseases such as:

  • diabetes;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • other diseases of the kidneys or urinary tract.

Often, the density of urine increases in cases where a person takes antibiotics or diuretics in large doses.

Also increased density urine is observed with low, insufficient fluid intake, with its abrupt loss, due to vomiting, diarrhea, or with profuse sweating.

An increase in urine density is called hyperstenuria.

Today, not a single examination of a patient is complete without passing laboratory tests, which include a general urine test. Despite its simplicity, it is very indicative not only for diseases of the genitourinary system, but also for other somatic disorders. The specific gravity of urine is considered one of the main functional indicators of the kidneys and allows you to evaluate their filtration function.

Urine formation

Urine in the human body is formed in two stages. The first of these, the formation of primary urine, occurs in the renal glomerulus, where blood passes through numerous capillaries. Since it is carried out under high pressure, then filtration occurs, separating blood cells and complex proteins that are retained by the walls of capillaries, from water and molecules of amino acids, sugars, fats and other waste products dissolved in it. Further, following the tubules of the nephron, the primary urine (from 150 to 180 liters can be formed per day) undergoes reabsorption, that is, under the action of osmotic pressure, the water is again absorbed by the walls of the tubules, and the useful material re-enter the body by diffusion. The remaining water with urea, ammonia, potassium, sodium, uric acid, chlorine and sulfates dissolved in it is secondary urine. It is she who enters the bladder through the collecting ducts, the system of small and large renal calyces, the renal pelvis and ureter, where it accumulates and then is excreted into the environment.

How is specific gravity determined?

To determine the density of urine in the laboratory, a special device is used - a urometer (hydrometer). For the examination, urine is poured into a wide cylinder, the resulting foam is removed with filter paper and the device is immersed in the liquid, trying not to touch the walls. After stopping the immersion of the urometer, it is slightly pressed from above and, when it stops oscillating, the position of the lower urine meniscus is noted on the scale of the device. This value will correspond to the specific gravity. When measuring, the laboratory assistant must also take into account the temperature in the office. The fact is that most urometers are calibrated to operate at a temperature of 15 °. This is due to the fact that when the temperature rises, the volume of urine increases, respectively, its concentration decreases. When decreasing, the process goes to reverse side. In order to remove this error? for every 3° above 15°, 0.001 is added to the value obtained, and, accordingly, for every 3° below, the same value is subtracted.

Normal specific gravity

The relative density index (this is another name for specific gravity) characterizes the ability of the kidney, depending on the needs of the body, to dilute or concentrate primary urine. Its value depends on the concentration of urea and salts dissolved in it. This value is not constant, and during the day its indicator can vary significantly under the influence of food, drinking regime, the processes of excretion of fluid with sweat and respiration. For adults, the specific gravity of urine will normally be 1.015-1.025. The density of urine in children is somewhat different from that of adults. The lowest numbers are recorded in newborns in the first days of life. For them, the specific gravity of urine can normally vary from 1.002 to 1.020. As the child grows, these figures begin to rise. So, for a five-year-old child, indicators from 1.012 to 1.020 are considered the norm, and the specific gravity of urine in children of 12 years old is almost the same as in adults. It is 1.011-1.025.

If the specific gravity of urine is low

Hypostenuria, or a decrease in specific gravity to 1.005-1.010, may indicate a decrease in the concentration ability of the kidneys. It is regulated by antidiuretic hormone, in the presence of which the process of water absorption is more active, and accordingly, a smaller amount of more concentrated urine is formed. And vice versa - in the absence of this hormone or a small amount of it, urine is formed in large volumes, which have a lower density. The reason that the specific gravity of urine is lowered may be the following conditions:

    diabetes insipidus;

    acute pathology of the renal tubules;

    chronic renal failure;

    polyuria (large amount of urine) due to plentiful drink, when taking diuretics or when resolving large exudates.

Why is the specific gravity decreasing?

It is customary to single out three main reasons leading to a pathological decrease in the specific gravity.

    Polydipsia - excessive water intake, which leads to a decrease in the concentration of salts in the blood plasma. In order to compensate for this process, the body increases the production and excretion of urine in large volumes, but with a reduced salt content. There is such a pathology as involuntary polydipsia, in which there is a low specific gravity of urine in women with an unstable psyche.

    Causes with extrarenal localization. These include neurogenic diabetes insipidus. In this case, the body loses the ability to produce antidiuretic hormone in required quantities and as a result, the kidneys lose their ability to concentrate urine and retain water. The specific gravity of urine may decrease to 1.005. The danger is that even with a decrease in water intake, the amount of urine does not decrease, which leads to dehydration. Damage to the hypothalamic-pituitary region due to trauma, infection, or surgery can be attributed to the same group of causes.

    Causes associated with kidney damage. Low specific gravity of urine often accompanies diseases such as pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. Other nephropathies with parenchymal lesions can be attributed to the same group of pathologies.

Hyperstenuria, or an increase in the specific gravity of urine, is usually seen with oliguria (decreased urine output). It can occur due to insufficient fluid intake or with large losses (vomiting, diarrhea), with an increase in edema. Also, an increased specific gravity can be observed in the following cases:

    in patients with glomerulonephritis or cardiovascular insufficiency;

    with intravenous administration of mannitol, radiopaque substances;

    when removing certain drugs;

    increased specific gravity of urine in women may be with toxicosis of pregnant women;

    on the background of proteinuria in nephrotic syndrome.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the increase in the density of urine in diabetes mellitus. In this case, it may exceed 1.030 against the background of an increased volume of urine (polyuria).

Functional trials

For determining functional state kidneys is not enough just to do a urine test. The specific gravity can change during the day, and in order to accurately determine how much the kidneys are able to excrete or concentrate substances, functional tests are carried out. Some of them are aimed at determining the state of the concentration function, others - excretory. It often happens that violations affect both of these processes.

Breeding test

The test is carried out subject to patient bed rest. After an overnight fast, the patient empties the bladder and drinks water at the rate of 20 milliliters per kilogram of his weight for 30 minutes. After all the liquid has been drunk and then at intervals of one hour 4 times, urine is collected. After each urination, the patient additionally drinks the same volume of liquid that was allocated. The selected samples are evaluated for quantity and specific gravity.

If in healthy people the specific gravity of urine (norm) in women and men should not fall below 1.015, then against the background water load the density can be 1.001-1.003, and after its cancellation it rises from 1.008 to 1.030. In addition, during the first two hours of the test, more than 50% of the liquid should stand out, and at its completion (after 4 hours) - more than 80%.

If the density exceeds 1.004, then we can talk about a violation of the dilution function.

concentration test

To conduct this examination, drink and liquid food are excluded from the patient's diet for a day and include food with a high protein content. If the patient suffers from severe thirst, it is allowed to drink in small portions, but not more than 400 ml per day. Every four hours, urine is collected, assessing its quantity and specific gravity. Normally, after 18 hours without fluid intake, the relative density should be 1.028-1.030. If the concentration does not exceed 1.017, then we can talk about a decrease in the concentration function of the kidneys. If the indicators are 1.010-1.012, then isosthenuria is diagnosed, that is, the complete loss of the kidney's ability to concentrate urine.

Zimnitsky's test

The Zimnitsky test allows you to simultaneously evaluate both the ability of the kidneys to concentrate and the ability to excrete urine and do this against the background of the usual drinking regimen. For its implementation, urine is collected in portions every 3 hours during the day. In total, 8 servings of urine are obtained per day, in each of which the amount and specific gravity are fixed. Based on the results, the ratio of night and day diuresis is determined (normally it should be 1:3) and the total amount of excreted fluid, which, along with monitoring the specific gravity in each portion, allows us to evaluate the work of the kidneys.

The specific gravity of urine (the norm for women and men is given above) is important indicator the ability of the kidneys to function normally, and any deviation makes it possible, with a high degree of probability, to identify the problem in time and take the necessary measures.

The specific gravity of urine in normal and pathological conditions

You were given the results of the research in the laboratory. What can a person who understands little about medicine feel when looking at these incomprehensible numbers? First of all, confusion. Of course, it is not very difficult to determine the increase or decrease in one or another indicator, because normal values listed on the same form. To interpret the obtained figures, certain knowledge is required. Take the well-known urine test. The first thing that attracts attention is the specific gravity of urine. What does this indicator say?

Urine specific gravity (also called urine relative gravity) measures the ability of the kidneys to concentrate substances in the urine to be removed from the body. These include, in particular, urea, urinary salts, uric acid and creatinine. The specific gravity of urine is normally in the range from 1012 to 1027, it is determined using a urometer. The measurement is carried out in the laboratory. IN Lately determination of the density of urine is carried out on special equipment using dry chemistry methods.

If fluid is excreted from the body more than usual, then the concentration of dissolved substances in the urine decreases. Consequently, the specific gravity of urine also decreases. This condition is called hypostenuria. It can be noted in healthy people who consume large amounts of fluid after taking diuretic foods (watermelons, melons). Lovers different diets a decrease in the indicator may appear (due to a lack of protein foods in the diet, especially during fasting).

At various diseases kidneys are impaired in their ability to concentrate in the urine various substances, so the decrease in specific gravity is not due to overuse fluids, and a violation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis, nephrosclerosis). Hypostenuria occurs in patients during the period of resorption of edema or effusions, when the fluid accumulated in the tissues quickly leaves the body. A decrease in the density of urine occurs while taking diuretic drugs. Monotonous specific gravity during the day should alert the doctor to pyelonephritis (especially in combination with nocturnal urination).

An increase in relative density above 1030 is called hyperstenuria. Similar state occurs in people with insufficient fluid intake. The specific gravity of urine, the norm of which is directly proportional to the drinking regimen of a person, can increase in the hot season, when a person sweats profusely, therefore, loses a lot of moisture. High numbers given laboratory indicator typical for workers in hot shops: cooks, blacksmiths, metallurgists.

Hyperstenuria also occurs with thickening of the blood, which occurs due to profuse vomiting or diarrhea. In patients with heart disease, there is an accumulation of fluid in the body, as a result of which diuresis decreases and the specific gravity of urine increases. In patients with diabetes mellitus, high specific gravity numbers are often detected in laboratories. IN this case this indicates a large amount of glucose in the urine.

The indicator also indirectly indicates how the patient adheres to the recommended drinking regimen. This is important for patients with kidney disease and urolithiasis.

A single change in the indicator is not decisive for making a diagnosis, since daily fluctuations in the specific gravity can range from 1004 to 1028, and this is normal.

Urine density. Deciphering the general analysis of urine

A person has to deal with various medical services. This may be a consultation with a medical specialist, a study of any biomaterials, an examination internal organs, reception of various medical preparations. A general urine test is taken by absolutely all people, it is prescribed to all people - from infants to pensioners. This is the most common and at the same time informative method for examining urine.

Urinalysis: what is this study?

The analysis data is an indicator of kidney function, therefore, at the slightest suspicion of their dysfunction, doctors prescribe this study. In addition, the results of the analysis may indicate other pathological processes in organism. This method can detect the malfunctioning of organs by determining general properties urine and microscopy of urinary sediment. The main parameters by which the doctor draws conclusions about the patient's condition are as follows:

  • urine color;
  • its transparency;
  • urine density;
  • the presence of protein;
  • acidity;
  • glucose indicators;
  • what is the patient's hemoglobin;
  • bilirubin;
  • ketone bodies;
  • urobilinogen;
  • nitrites;
  • the presence of salts in the urine;
  • epithelium;
  • the number of red blood cells;
  • leukocytes;
  • what bacteria are in the urine;
  • cylinders.

This study for patients with kidney pathologies is prescribed quite often to track the dynamics of changes in work. excretory system and effectiveness of the drugs used. Healthy man ideally, he should take this analysis 1-2 times a year for the timely detection of pathologies.

What are the rules for collecting analysis?

The study must be carried out with the utmost precision. It must be provided from the beginning of the urine collection to the final results. Before collecting urine, it is necessary to conduct hygiene of the relevant organs. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that various food jars or containers are not suitable for analysis. To collect biomaterial, a special container is needed, used only for these purposes. You can buy it at any pharmacy.

In the evening before taking the test, you need to limit the use of foods that can color urine: beets, carrots and others. In addition, you need to monitor the use of various medications the day before, as they can distort the results of the tests. During the period of menstruation, the results may also be untrue, so you need to wait until the end of this period.

Do not use in the evening before the analysis alcoholic drinks. The content of trace elements in the urine can change significantly.

What can be revealed by this analysis?

A general urine test is prescribed in order to determine the state of the body in case of suspicion of certain pathologies. This analysis is prescribed in the event of diseases of the urinary system, to determine the dynamics of the course of the disease and control it. Analysis helps prevent possible complications and also shows the effectiveness of the treatment. This study is also often used in examinations of people undergoing medical examinations.

Determination of urine density

The density of urine is the relative density ratio of two materials, one of which is considered as a reference. In this case, the sample is distilled water. The density of urine is usually variable. The reason is that the density changes during the day, this is due to the uneven output of metabolic products dissolved in the urine.

When filtering the blood, the kidneys form primary urine, most of which is reabsorbed and returned to the bloodstream. Based on the described process, the kidneys make a concentrate of secondary urine. The process described above is called the concentration function of the kidneys. If there is a violation of the latter, this will lead to a decrease in the relative density of urine. Diabetes insipidus, some variants of chronic nephritis and other diseases can become a violation of the concentration function.

If protein, sugar, leukocytes, erythrocytes and the like appear in the urine, this contributes to an increase in the density of urine. The relative density of urine, or rather, its average value depends on the age of the person. The concentration function of the kidneys also depends on age. Generally speaking, these two concepts are closely related.

Physiology of urine density

The density of urine, or rather, the process of its occurrence, consists of three stages. These are filtration, reabsorption and tubular secretion.

The first stage - filtration - occurs in the Malpighian body of the nephron. It is possible due to the high hydrostatic pressure in the glomerular capillaries, which is created due to the fact that the diameter of the afferent arteriole is larger than that of the efferent one.

The second stage is called reabsorption or, in other words, absorption in the opposite direction. It is carried out in the twisted and even tubules of the nephron, where, in fact, the primary urine enters.

The final, third stage of urination is tubular secretion. The cells of the renal tubules, together with special enzymes, carry out an active transfer from the blood capillaries into the lumen of the tubules of toxic metabolic products: urea, uric acid, creatine, creatinine and others.

The norm of the relative density of urine

The relative density of urine normally has a wide range. Moreover, the process of its formation will be determined by normally functioning kidneys. The relative density of urine tells a specialist a lot. The rate of this indicator will fluctuate during the day many times. This is due to the fact that from time to time a person takes various foods, drinks water and loses fluid through sweating, breathing and other functions. IN various conditions the kidneys excrete urine with relative density values: 1.001 - 1.040. It is believed that this density of urine is normal. If a healthy adult drinks enough water, then the relative density of urine, the norm of which is indicated above, in the morning can have the following indicators: 1.015 - 1.020. Morning urine can be very saturated, as no fluid enters the body at night.

The density of urine is normal if its color is straw-yellow, transparent and has a mild odor. Her reaction should range from 4 to 7.

Why is hyperstenuria dangerous?

If a person has an increased density of urine, this indicates that certain pathological processes are occurring in the body, which in a word are called "hyperstenuria". Such a disease will be manifested by an increase in edema, in particular, with acute glomerulonephritis or insufficient blood circulation in the kidneys. If there was a huge extrarenal fluid loss. This includes diarrhea, vomiting, large blood loss, burns over a large area, swelling, abdominal trauma, intestinal obstruction. Hyperstenuria will also be indicated by the appearance in the urine a large number glucose, protein, drugs and their metabolites. The cause of this disease is also toxicosis during pregnancy. If you passed a urine test, the specific gravity of which turned out to be high (more than 1030), this result will indicate hyperstenuria. Such results must be discussed with the doctor.

Great danger to human life high density does not carry urine. But it is of two types:

  1. Kidney disease, such as nephrotic syndrome.
  2. Absence of primary pathology of the kidneys (glucosuria, multiple myeloma, hypovolemic conditions in which water reabsorption in the tubules increases as compensation, and therefore urine concentration begins).

What does hypostenuria indicate?

Hypostenuria is the opposite of hyperstenuria. It is characterized reduced density urine. The cause is acute damage to the renal tubules, diabetes insipidus, permanent renal failure or malignant hypertension.

Hypostenuria indicates that there has been a violation of the concentration ability of the kidneys. And this, in turn, speaks of kidney failure. And if you have been diagnosed with this disease, it is advisable to immediately contact a nephrologist who will prescribe you the timely and necessary treatment.

Urine Density Norms for Children

As mentioned in this article above, urine density norms are different for each age. The urine analysis of an adult differs significantly from that of a child. It can vary in many ways, but its main difference is in the norms. The relative density of urine in a child must meet the following standards:

In a one-day-old baby, the norm is from 1.008 to 1.018;

If the baby is about six months old, for him the norm will be 1.002–1.004;

Between the ages of six months and one year, the normal relative gravity of urine is in the range of 1.006 to 1.010;

Between the ages of three and five, urine density limits will range from 1.010 to 1.020;

For children who are about 7-8 years old, 1.008–1.022 is considered the norm;

And those who are between 10 and 12 years old, their urine density should correspond to the norm of 1.011-1.025.

It can be very difficult for parents to collect urine from their child, especially if he is very small. But in order to determine the density of urine, at least 50 ml must be delivered to the laboratory where such an analysis is carried out.

General urine analysis: transcript

Identify many diseases and draw a conclusion about general condition a person's health is helped by urinalysis. The interpretation and results are communicated to the patient by the doctor. In this article, we will consider the most significant indicators.

Amount of urine

The first point from which the decoding of the general analysis of urine begins is its quantity. To determine the necessary indicators, you need only 100-200 ml of liquid. A larger number may affect the determination of the specific gravity. The total amount of urine (diuresis) per day should be 1-2 liters. That's about 7 urinations.


Pigments affect urinalysis. Decoding can indicate light or saturated yellow. Actually, this is the norm. Too much dark color means no fluid in the body. Urine may be red in color, indicating the presence of red blood cells in it. Green will indicate bilirubin. The color of the liquid also changes from certain drugs (pyramidone, naphthol, etc.) and food (beets, rhubarb, blueberries).


The described smell, along with other indicators, is taken into account by the doctor when making a diagnosis. Fresh morning urine should not smell harsh. The smell of fruits is in diabetes mellitus, ammonia - in the case of cystitis, putrefactive - in gangrenous processes. This indicator is also influenced by drugs and food that are used and taken by a person.


Transparency also establishes a urinalysis. Decoding involves the separation of the liquid into transparent (normal), translucent and cloudy (indicates the presence of epithelium, bacteria, erythrocytes, salts, leukocytes).

Reaction (PH)

You can prevent the formation of kidney stones if you pass a urine test on time. The main role in this case is played by RN. The norm should be 6.25-6.61. It is neutral, slightly acidic. An indicator lower than 4, in fact, leads to the appearance of stones.

Specific gravity

Using this indicator, one can suspect such terrible diseases as heart failure, glomerulonephritis, diabetes mellitus (if the specific gravity exceeds the norm), and pyelonephritis (if the norm is too low). Ideally, the indicator should be between 1012 and 1025. The data may change during the day.

red blood cells

Not everything is normal with human health if the presence of red blood cells showed a general urine test. Decryption should indicate their absence. Among the diseases in which red blood cells appear in the urine, there are tumors, stones in the ureters and kidneys, poisoning, lupus erythematosus, hypertonic disease and others.


The allowable number of leukocytes for men and women is different. So, for the first, it should be up to 3 in the paragraph, for the latter it is allowed up to 5 in the paragraph. Identification of their excessive number makes it possible to suspect inflammatory diseases urinary system.

A person has to deal with various medical services during his life. This may be a consultation with a medical specialist, the study of any biomaterials, an examination of internal organs, and the intake of various medications. A general urine test is taken by absolutely all people, it is prescribed to all people - from infants to pensioners. This is the most common and at the same time informative method for examining urine.

Urinalysis: what is this study?

The analysis data is an indicator of kidney function, therefore, at the slightest suspicion of their dysfunction, doctors prescribe this study. In addition, the results of the analysis may indicate other pathological processes in the body. This method can detect abnormal functioning of organs by determining the general properties of urine and microscopy of the urinary sediment. The main parameters by which the doctor draws conclusions about the patient's condition are as follows:

  • urine color;
  • its transparency;
  • urine density;
  • the presence of protein;
  • acidity;
  • glucose indicators;
  • what is the patient's hemoglobin;
  • bilirubin;
  • urobilinogen;
  • nitrites;
  • Availability ;
  • epithelium;
  • the number of red blood cells;
  • leukocytes;
  • what bacteria are in the urine;
  • cylinders.

This study for patients with kidney pathologies is prescribed quite often to monitor the dynamics of changes in the excretory system and the effectiveness of the medications used. A healthy person should ideally take this analysis 1-2 times a year for the timely detection of pathologies.

What are the rules for collecting analysis?

The study must be carried out with the utmost precision. It must be provided from the beginning of the urine collection to the final results. Before collecting urine, it is necessary to conduct hygiene of the relevant organs. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that various food jars or containers are not suitable for analysis. To collect biomaterial, a special container is needed, used only for these purposes. You can buy it at any pharmacy.

In the evening before taking the test, you need to limit the use of foods that can color urine: beets, carrots and others. In addition, you need to monitor the use of various medications the day before, as they can distort the results of the tests. During the period of menstruation, the results may also be untrue, so you need to wait until the end of this period.

You can not drink alcoholic beverages in the evening before the analysis. The content of trace elements in the urine can change significantly.

What can be revealed by this analysis?

A general urine test is prescribed in order to determine the state of the body in case of suspicion of certain pathologies. This analysis is prescribed in the event of diseases of the urinary system, to determine the dynamics of the course of the disease and control it. The analysis helps to prevent possible complications in time, and also shows the effectiveness of the treatment. This study is also often used in examinations of people undergoing medical examinations.

Determination of urine density

The density of urine is the relative density ratio of two materials, one of which is considered as a reference. In this case, the sample is distilled water. The density of urine is usually variable. The reason is that the density changes during the day, this is due to the uneven output of metabolic products dissolved in the urine.

When filtering the blood, the kidneys form primary urine, most of which is reabsorbed and returned to the bloodstream. Based on the described process, the kidneys make a concentrate of secondary urine. The process described above is called concentration. If there is a violation of the latter, this will lead to a decrease in the relative density of urine. Diabetes insipidus, some variants of chronic nephritis and other diseases can become a violation of the concentration function.

If protein, sugar, leukocytes, erythrocytes and the like appear in the urine, this contributes to an increase in the density of urine. The relative density of urine, or rather, its average value depends on the age of the person. The concentration function of the kidneys also depends on age. Generally speaking, these two concepts are closely related.

Physiology of urine density

The density of urine, or rather, the process of its occurrence, consists of three stages. These are filtration, reabsorption and tubular secretion.

The first stage - filtration - occurs in the Malpighian body of the nephron. It is possible due to the high hydrostatic pressure in the glomerular capillaries, which is created due to the fact that the diameter of the afferent arteriole is larger than that of the efferent one.

The second stage is called reabsorption or, in other words, absorption in the opposite direction. It is carried out in the twisted and even tubules of the nephron, where, in fact, the primary urine enters.

The final, third stage of urination is tubular secretion. The cells of the renal tubules, together with special enzymes, carry out an active transfer from the blood capillaries into the lumen of the tubules of toxic metabolic products: urea, uric acid, creatine, creatinine and others.

The norm of the relative density of urine

The relative density of urine normally has a wide range. Moreover, the process of its formation will be determined by normally functioning kidneys. The relative density of urine tells a specialist a lot. The rate of this indicator will fluctuate during the day many times. This is due to the fact that from time to time a person takes various foods, drinks water and loses fluid through sweating, breathing and other functions. Under various conditions, the kidneys excrete urine with a density of 1.001 - 1.040. It is believed that this density of urine is normal. If a healthy adult drinks enough water, then the relative density of urine, the norm of which is indicated above, in the morning can have the following indicators: 1.015 - 1.020. Morning urine can be very saturated, as no fluid enters the body at night.

The density of urine is normal if its color is straw-yellow, transparent and has a mild odor. Her reaction should range from 4 to 7.

Why is hyperstenuria dangerous?

If a person has an increased density of urine, this indicates that certain pathological processes are occurring in the body, which in a word are called "hyperstenuria". Such a disease will be manifested by an increase in edema, in particular, with acute glomerulonephritis or insufficient blood circulation in the kidneys. If there was a huge extrarenal fluid loss. This includes diarrhea, vomiting, large blood loss, burns over a large area, swelling, abdominal trauma, intestinal obstruction. Hyperstenuria will also be indicated by the appearance in the urine of a large amount of glucose, protein, drugs and their metabolites. The cause of this disease is also toxicosis during pregnancy. If you passed the analysis which turned out to be high (more than 1030), such a result will indicate hyperstenuria. Such results must be discussed with the doctor.

The high density of urine does not carry a great danger to human life. But it is of two types:

  1. Kidney disease, such as nephrotic syndrome.
  2. Absence of primary pathology of the kidneys (glucosuria, hypovolemic conditions in which the reabsorption of water in the tubules increases as compensation, and therefore urine concentration begins).

What does hypostenuria indicate?

Hypostenuria is the opposite of hyperstenuria. It is characterized by low urine density. The cause is acute damage to the renal tubules, diabetes insipidus, permanent renal failure or malignant hypertension.

Hypostenuria indicates that there has been a violation of the concentration ability of the kidneys. And this, in turn, speaks of kidney failure. And if you have been diagnosed with this disease, it is advisable to immediately contact a nephrologist who will prescribe you the timely and necessary treatment.

Urine Density Norms for Children

As mentioned in this article above, urine density norms are different for each age. The urine analysis of an adult differs significantly from that of a child. It can vary in many ways, but its main difference is in the norms. The relative density of urine in a child must meet the following standards:

In a one-day-old baby, the norm is from 1.008 to 1.018;

If the baby is about six months old, for him the norm will be 1.002-1.004;

Between the ages of six months and one year, the normal relative gravity of urine is in the range of 1.006 to 1.010;

Between the ages of three and five, urine density limits will range from 1.010 to 1.020;

For children who are about 7-8 years old, 1.008-1.022 is considered the norm;

And those who are between 10 and 12 years old, their urine density should correspond to the norm of 1.011-1.025.

It can be very difficult for parents to collect urine from their child, especially if he is very small. But in order to determine the density of urine, at least 50 ml must be delivered to the laboratory where such an analysis is carried out.