Girl in a male team psychology. Some clothes meet. Devotion and team

by Notes of wild mistress

For some reason it is believed that men work better and calmer. Is it so? Female psychology Differs from male - nothing can be done about it. How to behave and what to do to work in male collective became pleasant and productive? Let's try to consider several stereotypical opinions about this.

Opinion. Real men know that the woman is a weak creature, so they will insure the lady, serve the hand and behave like gentlemen.

Not. As soon as the woman falls into the men's team, it ceases to be a weak floor. No one will forgive you missing, wip tears, take into account bad state of health. Can be reduced, make a remark.

And the point is not in the solubility of men or their tactlessness, just these are the rules of the game in the male team. There is always a tough struggle, there are always winners and defeated, and the prize is money or success.

Output: A woman in a male team must be an equal player. Otherwise, it will lose. Therefore, the conclusion: become a team player.

Opinion. In the men's team, a woman is always under the scrutiny. Beautiful dresses And the decorations, makeup and spirits will provide her universal admiration and promotion.

No again. Men are passionate about work much more than you think, and will not pay attention than you smell. This is a feature male psychology - Do not notice trifles. Plus to this, constantly being the focus and experienceing about his external viewYou can get stress - psychologists say so.

And your clothes, all sorts of blouses with ruffles, dresses with ruffles and the more mini skirts, act on the subcortex of colleagues of the opposite sex annoying. Well, you look someone else's among men in the costumes.

therefore output: Dress properly.

Opinion. All men will care for you, and someone can offer your hand and heart.

Is not a fact. Men at work is more worried about your professional qualities, and only then they see a woman in you - on a lunch break or after the end of the working day. Yes, and look for the chosen one in the workplace - the case is unpromising. They are associated with strong bonds of the male fraternity.

Output: Become a professional. Do not be afraid to learn and improve the qualifications.

Opinion. A lady that fell into the male team must be forgotten that she is a woman, and communicate with men on an equal footing.

In vain. You can adopt their style of behavior, pump muscles, learn to speak bass, but "your" you will not become anyway. Men on subconscious level Feel that this style for you is someone else's. And beat your nerves. Male style behavior takes strength and looms nervous system. You threaten premature old age negative attitude from men and loneliness.

Output: It is better to be a great "actress" and use personal charm. None of the men sees him, but no one can resist.

Opinion. Men easily find mutual language and make friends.

Digging! Men are self-affirmation in work, but be friends not strongly. They are also very afraid of emotions - an indispensable attribute female friendship and conversations. In their environment there is an opinion that if a woman demonstrates emotions, she is hysterical.

In conversations with men, exclude from conversations about cooking about cooking, about your children, do not disassemble the personal life and behavior of employees, do not show interest in someone else's personal lifedo not report your diseases

Output: Show smaller stormy emotions, learn to hide them and do not load the interlocutor with your problems.

All this is nothing, believe me. If the opponent sees a similar reaction, then you have lost - such a male team rule. Moreover, this is not a reaction personally at you, but on you in your position. And do not keep offense in yourself for a long time, it is not accepted in the men's team. And it kills nerve cells And harms reputation.

Output: Reply to Grabian calmly, without leaving himself, parry very quiet, withstanding pauses. It helps.

Opinion. Men are absolutely not adapted to life.

They are not like that you think so in vain. Do not become a mother or mistress for them big House. They will not refuse and certainly take advantage of it.

Output: Take the courage and direct your instincts into another row.

Opinion. Men are people of business and will be grateful to you for your advice.

Never! Any tips who give men a woman are perceived by them as criticism.

Output: Need not to criticize, but praise!

Opinion. In the men's team it is difficult to take care. Men consider a woman the creature of the second variety.

Erroneous opinion. These men may be wonderful people and good colleagues for work. If you comply with the main rule: be normal man, know the rules of the game in the men's team and fulfill them, remaining a woman at the same time.

Male do not likeWhen a woman:

Loud and sliding laughs

Too much chatting

Thinks urchorized views

Long thinking before deciding

Puts his mistakes

Explains his failures in a quarry by male chauvinism.

Male like:

Healthy spirit of rivalry

Recognition of their genius

Ability to risk

Self confidence


As an unknown person said, but the brilliant author is "everything that men do is done for women." In this sense, a woman is a strong weapon both inside the collective and in working with external companies. But when the "strong floor" prevails, work for a woman can become a solid disappointment.

Women with Venus, and men from Mars

This principle works not only in personal relationships, but also in workers. What to do if the scales are omitted by "Martian"?

The male team characterizes power, competitiveness, hierarchy. In it, of course, there is a friendship place, but the main angle of the interaction of men is the focus on joint decisions of professional tasks. In a colleague, regardless of gender, appreciated primarily his professionalism, and then then personal qualities. In a female - a completely different situation. Work in the male team has both its advantages and disadvantages.

The presence of representatives of weak gender in the men's team is useful, so it tones the workers and raises productivity by 15%, according to American studies.

The difference in the male and women's team is to intensify the work of the hemispheres of the brain. The woman feels right hemispheres, it is stronger than the ability to creativity, more emotionality and attention to trifles, far from always needed in work, but at the same time there is a lot of perseverance and sequence. Men preferably think of the left hemisphere, there are more clarity, logicness and specific actions aimed at the result.

Charm, charm, charm - the main weapon of women. Pleasant appearance and ability to apply charm in time to make a woman in any situation. It is important to sue and properly enjoy the benefits of appearance, then the surrounding men will be softer in their behavior and consistently. But there is another option: men at work will see only a specialist at work, not paying attention to gender differences, And if you allow missing, build a "delicate lily flower", then, in the end, you will have to say goodbye to the place.

What could be difficult

The first difficulty is overestimated by leadership and colleagues in relation to a woman. The fact is that there is a stereotype, allegedly a woman can perform work more painstakingly, carefully and longer. In this case, both sexes can trust the execution different types Tasks, more loading "responsible" women. And beautiful gender as a standard of perseverance, attentiveness, punctuality may suffer from this injustice.

The second difficulty may be unjustified expectations of the women themselves. Since it is talking about a male team, now, on the eve of the holidays, women will demand special attention. If the relationship in the team is close to comrade - then it is good. If men are not very configured to sink a beautiful sex with flowers and gifts, the emphasis can shift towards the upsetting of relations in the team.

And the third difficulty may be male prejudices about the female carrying on working relationships. Many men think in accordance with the statement of Plato: "... By nature, both a woman and a man can take part in all matters, but a woman in all the gentleness of the man", so many achievements of women are underestimated or attributed to circumstances.


Special attention should be paid to the issue of appearance. How should a woman look like in a male team?

Must be observed classic Rule: Either neckline, or open legs, but not else together. It is important not to overdo it here, since the woman should remain self-respecting self-perfect sense of style. Preferred color gamma - Classic: black, white, blue. At the same time, on any part of the clothes or hairstyles, it is an accent in the form of a hairpin, brooches, even show their individuality.

Psychologists have long discovered that a woman, being under the close attention of others, is experiencing stress because of her desire to look better and better. However, the women's desire to dress as brighter can cause irritation from colleagues.

If you come to new teamwhere the male atmosphere reigns, try to add men's accessories and things to your wardrobe. After all, in trousers is more comfortable, and they will help you in opening time "Become your boyfriend."

What role to choose?

If a man chooses from two roles - lion or fox, then the woman will also be comfortable these roles.

The lion is afraid of trapping, and Lisa - wolves: therefore, it is necessary to be a similar fox to be able to bypass trapping, and lion to scare away wolves. " Lisa connects such qualities as the ability to lavish, to predict the course of events, hide its true goals, intentions, to be tricky, careful, be able to not get into the traded traps, confuse their traces, etc. Lions most often act straightforwardly, the method of force pressure - and most often fall into the trap. Their main principle is to crush the enemy at the crucial moment in the open battle. Perfect type - A person who has a crushing force and a lion firmness, dexterity and fox cunning.

The woman should be smart, turning into a cunning - and persistent, turning into a far-sighted one.

What rules need to master in the men's team?

1. Achieve the success of women who not only look good, but also do their job well.
2. Do not start office Romanovbecause they usually end with nothing or even bring harm to both participants.
3. Constantly study something new, useful for work.
4. You need to be ready for the fact that men do not like to admit their mistakes and to the latter wear the mask of a confident beggar to themselves, even when they are absolutely not confident in their power.
5. In the men's team there sustained rule: "To complain to colleagues - a sign of Lakalk."
6. The loyalty to both the entire team is valued and its group in it.
7. Keep feelings under control, do not rush hysterics in the workplace and fall into the euphoria from increased attention. Try to keep composure in any situation.

How can a gentle fish-woman, let it be difficult and large, intelligent and purposeful to survive among the sharks of men? How to join the male team and not be eaten? And also post a career in such a team, without turning my femininity? Below you can find the answer to all these questions!

Male team and its features

In the men's team, it is not accepted to talk a lot and discuss personal life. Intrigues and gossip at work men are not interesting. If they are gossipped, then in extreme cases, not long and outside the workplace. They are mainly interested in working moments, the result of their own works and career growth. This is their culture of behavior at work.

In the career, they are fundamental, think only about the case, destroy anyone who will be on their way. Only they know the situation in the office, even the authorities may not guessed about conflicts. And destroy enemies they are pretty dignity, beautiful, without meanness with their achievements, ideas, power of will, aggression (if it a real man). Thought straightforwardly, accustomed to solve problems, and not infinitely discuss them. In a word, natural aggression and strength is sublimated in a career and achievements. All this does not mean that men are evil or cruel. They just are so arranged. This is their psychology. The norms of behavior at work are clearly indicated.

The difference between the male team from female

Male I. female collectives noticeably different from each other. In the first case, employees are aimed at results, do not interfere with personal work. Love coarse jokes and "strong word". They say a little and favorite themes: World News, Football, Fishing, Games, Novelties, Cars. Tell to action without emotion. Such is the psychology of the male team. But the second type of the team is characterized as follows:

  • constant gossip;
  • intrigue;
  • slander;
  • hidden hatred to each other.

Congratulations: Finally, you found the work of your dreams! Career capabilities are not limited. Vacation is infinite. Salary - for all my life you will not spend. But there is one small detail: tomorrow you will be waiting for a completely male team. So completely that even cactus on the window is male. What now to do is to fall in? Or rejoice unexpected luck? And how fast can you make changes to the rules of the game? After all, a woman in the male team discovers a new, unfamiliar and unusual model of behavior of representatives of strong sex.

Where did I get?

What shocks straight from the threshold - high level Aggression. In the men's group, a clearly pronounced hierarchy is established: here are the leaders, there is the main mass, in the corner - outsiders. The struggle for the territory and status is continuous: sometimes open, sometimes subconsciously. Men tease each other, come together, will be tested for strength and readiness to protect their "possessions".
It introduces a misleading woman: trying to copy aggressive behaviorShe does not take into account the fact that men secretly understand the conditionality of the struggle, not allowing it to spread to working or personal relationships.

For them, competition and rivalry - the usual natural process, part of the game. Now they fiercely argue about who will get a comfortable chair or who will sit by the window - and a minute peacefully go to drink coffee. Woman taking external manifestation In the essence, it experiences cruel stress and declares military actions, thinking that he managed to have deadly enemies.

The second is connected with this. female mistake - the invasion of the boundaries of the space that men protect as their zone of influence. It includes material (computer, tools, parking place) and abstract (his part of the work, professional activity and qualifications). Now you understand why men are violently feminine councils Regarding what and how to do it at work? Or pointing orders on their table without permission?

And the third consequence: a woman in a male team would be better not to hurry to make friends, without sobering in the hierarchy of the group. Having rampartically taking into the outsiders, it takes part of disrespect or even contempt for them from the rest of the team. Who knows how it will affect the career growth?

And what to do with it?

In fact, nothing is terrible. Men perfectly understand that you are not obliged to follow these rules. However, immediately designate its zone of competence is useful: In the future, you will avoid persistent wishes to prepare coffee, unpredictable recommendations on the organization of the workflow and even eliminate the unpleasant harassment of concerned colleagues. Be prepared for the fact that men repeatedly try to check for strength your defense - but feel about it as an element of the game, and not the act of aggression.

At the same time, it is definitely necessary to go into deaf defense, think that you are surrounded by opponents, to communicate with colleagues dry, cold and exclusively in the case. Having pulled off from the team, thereby hinting to them that you are supposedly better, above and more intelligent than they. What do you think - how good will it be welcome? How fast will you find yourself in a full information vacuum? Most often in such a condescending behavior and caused the causes of male aggression to a woman in the team. Take an example with men: it is quite possible to be sociable and responsive, maintain communication and walk on joint surplus, without crossing the borders of personal space.

By the way, about personal: for men, work is a priority direction, so all the home problems, girlfriends and relatives should be left behind the threshold. Strongly not welcome:

  • hanging for hours on the phone, taking conversations with girlfriends on fashion news;
  • to make home to know every minute to find out what your child used for lunch and which estimates today brought;
  • leave workplace For personal deeds - especially for a visit to the hairdresser.

If your absence is caused really important reasons - You need to go to the doctor or take a child to him, a flood happened at home - at least pretend that you are upset by forced distractions from your favorite work: this you will earn an extra glasses. Free Tip: Any absence at work related to the repair or maintenance of the car is perceived by men benevolently.

Business lady

Having understood with the way the male team with the eyes of a woman looks like, we will try to form an image and a model of behavior that will be at least neutrally perceived by men and describe how to behave in a male team to win the place. The nuance is that if this image or model causes your internal protest, do not match your character - you will most likely stay in the men's team.

1. Some clothes meet

There is an opinion that for successful work, a woman in the men's team needs strict business style, minimum makeup and taboo on clothes bright flowers. This is true only half:

  • volosts in clothes are uniquely not recommended by novice, about professional qualities which the team has not yet drawn up submission;
  • your too open, tosing and bright clothes distracts men from their " sacred cow"- Work. Yes, they will manifest purely male interest, but the damage of your career and the image of the "frivolous vertihvostka" will repeat the possible benefits;
  • men can not be shocked. A lady who carefully kept business style, can stop the work of a whole company, suddenly appearing at work in mini and on the hairpins. Therefore, shorten the skirt and deepen the neckline for a centimeter per month - and after six months, freedom in choosing the outfits is provided to you;
  • some liberty in clothing is admissible for those women who have already shown their professional skills, earned the authority of employees high-class and know how to conquer respect for colleagues in other ways;
  • purely male accessory Or a detail of a costume (tie, jacket, strict trousers) show men that you "your" even when your rest is exclusively feminine.

2. Do you respect me?

Do you know what is the most useless? Require respect. Do not earn, do not earn, namely, to demand - on the basis of the fact that "I am here a woman, and you are men." Even worse - using this argument, trying to remake the male team for its female understanding: to prohibit it smoking, to express "from the soul" or discuss passing by the maternity. They still continue to do it - but in their circle, turning to you backs. Do you understand the danger?

Sometimes a woman in the male team is trying to become "his boyfriend": begins to smoke, speak of vulgarity and climb into a fight. Full members of the team of such ladies are not recognized, but they will lose the important part of themselves that makes them women.

From the point of view of men, there is no separation by sexual sign. Here, all on equal rights make a common cause and equally responsible for the result. Therefore, all the privileges are canceled, but women's methods Conflict resolution is not applicable. Cry, arrange hysterics or express emotions - right way Cause misunderstanding and rejection - after all, this is a clear demonstration of weakness and unpredictability. And weakness, as we already know, in conditions of constant male competition is unacceptable: this is not kindergarten, and serious work.

But at the same time, the reactions understandable to men to understandable situations will be encountered approvingly. No one will behave if you burn after conversation with, slamming on the table after the care of an unpleasant customer or make a characteristic hand gesture, enclosing a million contract.

In the team, you can earn respect for men in two ways: to become a master of your business and go to work with your head - or show yourself a strong person. If everything is clear with the skill, then the second suggests some work on himself. We are talking about things that require possession of the power of will and a certain courage: to play sports (especially extreme), start learning foreign languages, learn how to quickly and confidently drive a car. Add to this solid internal principles and as a reward will receive unchanging respect and admiration for the men's part of the team. Now you can remember about short skirts ...

3. Citizen Head

It is logical, if a woman who has shown himself with a class specialist will be appointed to a guiding position. Some tension will inevitably arise, but from respect for her authority, men will give a woman due: she honestly earned her award. In this case, the woman-manager in the men's team will feel at home: all ambitions, the inner hierarchy and mood of colleagues are well known.

It is much more difficult if the woman-boss will be invited "from the side." The likelihood that the team does not accept it - almost one hundred percent. After all, respect for men need to earn, remember? It will be very useful to immediately put subordinates about your high qualifications and past achievements - only by indirect ways, otherwise the men will accept this for boasting.

Reliable politics: show yourself a caring, but fair and demanding "mom." To send the destructive energy of men to outward, give them to understand that you are on the same side in a battle with competitors that in any controversial situations you will act on the side of the team. If you simultaneously confirm the cases that have previously launched rumors about your professional qualities - positive result It will not make himself wait.

Invalid policies: try to subordinate to men by authoritarianism, psychological pressure, threat of dismissal and scream. By the way, did you notice how many women managers choose this particular path? Men and so painfully carry strikes on pride, but get them from a woman ... the result is predictable: the war will be announced, the team will close, will deprive you to access relevant information, It will begin to sabotage your orders and at the first opportunity will frankly substitute.

4. Love is inadvertently granted ...

What about flirting and coquetry, is it permissible in the workplace? We answer: only in two cases. First, if you came to the men's team in search of a satellite of life and do not plan to remain here for a moment after a cherished ring sparkles on a ring.

Secondly, the liberty is permissible for a long-working woman who worked in the men's team who has deserved the authority and already established the boundaries permitted (remember about clothes - here is the same situation). Only then female coquetry filed in comic form, It is capable of brightening the harsh weekdays of a male team. However, it will not hurt to make sure that men understand the conventionality of this "performance" - and then it will take any kind of your flirt for a clean coin, will receive a refusal and starts to take revenge, spread unpleasant rumors for your back and cause other trouble.

If you are not sure of the presence of a sense of humor in the people around others - do not risk: any casual touch And hints can be interpreted wrong. In the speed of rumor and woven the male team will give odds to female, and if you are also a killer with the bosses ...

Service or Roman?

Statistics inexorab: marriage ends no more than 15% of service novels. But dismiss after the completion of relationships has to each second. Even if it does not reach the change of work, stormy feelings and workflow are mutually exclusive things and therefore the leadership is not approved.

Definitely does not stand in your department, everyone has in sight. Gossip, tips, even attempts to embroil you, will proceed not only from the rejected fans, but also from quite indifferent colleagues. Wrinky Roman with subordinates, you will never know how clean your intention is and what he tells to colleagues for your back. Wrinkle Roman with the boss, you will complete your specialist career - no one will never believe that you have achieved something alone. In the ideal service novel, partners are not related to the relations of the "head-subordinate" relations, are not direct colleagues and are not constantly from each other in sight.

What advantages can find a woman in a male team

We will be frank: coming to work in the men's team, you set yourself a difficult task. You can not lose vigilance for a minute, you can not show weakness or use the classic female Arsenal - how long can you withstand such stress? Fortunately, the views of men on this problem are much loyal than it seems - they will forgive many small mistakes, will again and again provide you with the opportunity to prove yourself. And further good news: Such voltage will soon pass. As soon as you deserve your confidence colleagues, it will not be one sturdy male shoulderand a dozen-other - and not only shoulders, but also consultants on issues with a car, repair, household appliances and computers.

You will learn how they do - quickly, decisively, without torment and doubt, instantly move from the state of rest to the boiler activity. You will begin to control the words and hold back the emotions, eliminate ambiguousness and convey information to the opponent briefly and understandable.

You will understand how to build not only at work, but also in life. Finally - a woman in a male team must constantly monitor himself, be in a tone. Lack of makeup or, old jeans and slippers Men may not notice. But you yourself will make yourself come in such a way to work, where even cactus - and that male floor?

At first glance, it may seem that a woman working in the men's team, the strong floor constantly protects, indulges compliments, chickens and cherishes. In fact, the ladies in this case live not so sweet.

What is the male team different from female?

In the first case, the relationship is consisted in a simpler and transparent scenario. Often, the ladies are identified with terrariums, since professional relationships of women are usually built on the background of bright expressed emotions - Causes of envy, gossip, hypocrisy, hidden hostility and confrontation.

About male teams do not say this. Although, and for them is characterized by its own specificity, which is not taken into account by women, planning to settle in the men's team. Therefore, the stereotype of fabulous work is quickly divided into reality, where representatives of the strong sex are not so miles and consistent with the only girl.

After the device for work, it faces some difficulties arising due to the need for adaptation in a new team. Therefore, we decided to acquaint you with tricks that will help you get in a male team, determine the optimal behavior strategy among men.

So, as a woman to present himself in the right light in front of the opposite colleagues? Here are some delous tips.

a number of rules will help you get born in the Musk team

How to tune in to work and behave with colleagues?

Get rid of illusions

Forget about the fact that men will handle you, as with a crystal vase, of course, it is not quite pessimistic to customize yourself. However, it is not necessary to wait for permanent signs of attention, help and aspiration. Men at work alone, and on a date, in the family are completely different. Here they, first of all, specialists and professionals, each of whom seeks to become a leader, asserted. Through career, they are trying to realize themselves and for this reason are always tense. Accordingly, they are considering a woman as a colleague and an employee and nothing more. Therefore, after organizing a job in the men's team, remove yourself from the illusion that someone will treat you as a facility of courtship and romantic feelings.

No flirting

Leave the coquetry and attempt to manipulate male colleagues. It does not work, and in the worst case causes frivolous jokes from men. Imagine how it can spoil you without that harsh working days. Take care of your reputation. Personal topics and requests, ambiguous replicas, as well as random touch - taboos. As life shows, service novels, as a rule, no good end.

Dress up correctly

At work at least inappropriate too fastened or extravagant outfits. Consider in what style your opposite colleagues are dressed. If among colleagues in priority strict costumes, then purchase yourself a similar shape if a free style prevails - then follow him and you. Unacceptable bright makeup, mini skirts, deep Decallet, too tight things, too sharp perfume. It is important not to stand out from the majority of employees, since otherwise the men will think that you are thus trying to attract attention. Of course, in enterprises where there is a dress code or a single form, the problem right choice Clothes is solved by itself.

Do not show your emotions

Men, compared to women, more stingy to express their emotions. Therefore, they will understand tears, complaints about home problems ... it usually concerns extreme situationsWhen you require maximum collens and rationality. Woman fighting in hysterics will never be perceived by representatives of strong sex as qualified specialist. It should be noted that the greatest emotionality of women usually show in response to rudeness and attempts to hurt them from the side of men. Of course, the whole blade is a thinner psychological device of the psyche of women. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to answer the offender. But it is still worth trying. If someone raised a voice on you or insulted, react as calmer as possible: Answer clearly and confidently. In no case do not show that it brought you out of emotional equilibrium.

at work, a man seeks to show himself in a professional plan, so a woman should not wait for any colleagues

Do not quarrel men and do not break them on the groupings.

Sometimes women in the men's team are trying to create a kind of coalition from the colleagues likers around themselves. The main purpose of this is to enlist some support in the team. After that, they, as a rule, allow an unforgivable error - set their surroundings against the rest. Of course without women's tricks It does not do. However, men in most cases such a plan are quickly revealed and all together are rapidly opposite. Restore the relationship at least with part of colleagues after this is very difficult.

Do not play mommy

A common strategy of the behavior of a woman in the men's team is the guardian of his colleagues. Trying to please them, the representatives of the weaker sex begin to pour colleagues daily with a variety of culinary delights. Even if several fans of your culinary masterpieces are removed, you will not become more than a colleague. IN best case You will be considered a good housewife.

Refuse attempts to make friends with colleagues

Of course, this does not mean that you need to walk the sullen and not talk to anyone. Just focus on friendly business relationship, not on the revelation of personal life and sincere conversations for a cup of coffee. It is not necessary to count on the fact that you will be gossipped, share secrets and discuss colleagues. In men's teams, this is not very loved.

Remember your the main objective - Give understanding to male colleagues that you are no less competent specialist than they are, and also worthy of respect. Most likely, you will have hardly, but, as you know, in this life everything is possible. Just set priorities correctly.