What gestures should one-year-old children show. Development of speech. Mom's Experience of a Special Child

    Under influence pointing gesture in older children, objects tend not only to replace the things they mean, but also to point to them.

    Take the child's first pointing gesture. The gesture is nothing more than a failed grasping movement. The child reaches out to a distant object, cannot reach it, the hand remains outstretched towards the object. Before us is a pointing gesture in the objective sense of the word. The child's movement is not a grasping movement, but a pointing movement. It cannot affect the subject. It can only affect the people around you. It is not objectively an action aimed at external world, but is already a means of social impact on the people around. But this is the situation only from the objective point of view. The child himself strives for the subject. His hand, outstretched in the air, maintains its position only thanks to the hypnotizing power of the object. This stage in the development of the pointing gesture can be called the stage of the gesture in itself. Then the following happens. The mother gives the child an object; for her, earlier than for the child, the unsuccessful grasping movement turns into a pointing gesture. Due to the fact that she understands it this way, this movement and objectively more and more turns into a pointing gesture in the real sense of the word. This stage can be called a pointing gesture for others. Only significantly later action becomes a pointing gesture for oneself, that is, an action conscious and meaningful by the child himself.

    Our studies have convinced us that the primary function of a word in a child is to indicate a certain object, and therefore we understand these multiple concepts as a verbal pointing gesture of the child, which he attaches each time to a specific instance of a particular thing. Just as with the help of a pointing gesture one can draw attention each time only to some specific, one object, with the help of an early word the child always means a specific instance of some general group. Pedology of a teenager Selected chapters / Vygotsky L.S. Collected works: in 6 volumes. T 4. M .: Pedagogy, 1982. pp. 5-242

    The only way to communicate without generalization is an indicative (pointing) gesture that precedes speech.

    Considering the meaning children's word at this age, you can see that behind the meaning of the children's word there is a generalized perception, that is, the structure of the group of objects to which the given object belongs (as opposed to the pointing gesture, which refers to any or almost any object). Early childhood / Vygotsky L.S. Collected works: in 6 volumes. T 4. M .: Pedagogy, 1982. pp. 340-367

    At first, a pointing gesture is simply a failed grasping movement directed at an object and indicating an upcoming action. The child tries to grab an object that is too far apart, his hands, stretched out to the object, remain hanging in the air, his fingers make pointing movements. This situation is the starting point for further development... Here, for the first time, a pointing movement arises, which we have the right to conventionally call a pointing gesture in ourselves. Here there is a child's movement, objectively indicating an object, and nothing more. When a mother comes to the aid of a child and interprets his movement as an indication, the situation changes significantly. The pointing gesture becomes a gesture for others. In response to the child's unsuccessful grasping movement, a reaction arises not from the object, but from the other person. The original meaning in the failed grasping movement is thus brought in by others. And only later, on the basis that the unsuccessful grasping movement is already associated by the child with the entire objective situation, he himself begins to regard this movement as an indication. The history of the development of higher mental functions / Vygotsky L.S. Collected works: in 6 volumes. T3. M .: Pedagogy, 1982; ss. 143-144

    Unsuccessful grasping, which dies off in an animal, as if it did not reach the goal, in a person thanks to social environment begins to perform new function and is, in essence, the true source of all his cultural forms of behavior. The history of the development of higher mental functions / Vygotsky L.S. Collected works: in 6 volumes. T3. M .: Pedagogy, 1982; ss. 5-328

    Fact: communication and generalization do not coincide in a child: therefore, communication is here directly. Average - pointing gesture. A gesture is a sign that can mean everything. Law: what is the form of communication, so is the generalization. "Communication and generalization are intrinsically linked." The problem of consciousness / Vygotsky L.S. Collected works: in 6 volumes. T1. Questions of theory and history of psychology. M .: Pedagogika, 1982.488 p .; ss. 156-167

    Observations on children of the earliest age have shown us that the primary function of the word used by the child really boils down to indicating, to isolating the given object from the entire situation perceived by the child. Accompanying the first children's words with very expressive gestures and a number of control observations convince us of this. Tool and sign in the development of a child / Vygotsky L.S. Collected works: in 6 volumes. Vol. 6. Scientific heritage. M .: Pedagogika, 1984 .-- 400 p .; ss. 40-41

    Stern rejects this genetic, therefore, the only possible with scientific point the way of explaining how the intention, the meaningfulness of speech arises in the development process, as a "focus on a known meaning" arises from the direction of the indicating sign (gesture, the first word) to some object, ultimately, therefore, from the affective focus on the object ...

    The most common way in such cases is that the chimpanzee starts the movement or action that he wants to make or to which he wants to induce another animal (pushing another animal and the initial walking movements when the chimpanzee calls him to go with him; grasping movements when the monkey wants to get bananas from another, etc.). All these are gestures directly related to the action itself. In general, these observations fully confirm the idea of ​​W. Wundt that pointing gestures, which constitute the most primitive stage in development human language, are not yet found in animals, while in monkeys this gesture is at a transitional stage between grasping and pointing movements. In any case, we tend to see in this transitional gesture a genetically very important step from purely emotional speech to the objective. Thinking and speech / Vygotsky L.S. Collected works: in 6 volumes. T2. Problems general psychology... M .: Pedagogika, 1982.504 p .; ss. 5-361

    V a similar situation The "affective-volutive" focus on the subject (to use Meiman's language) is still absolutely inseparable from the "intentional orientation" of speech toward a certain meaning: both are still fused in an undivided unity, and the only correct translation baby mom and in general, the first children's words are a pointing gesture, the equivalent of which they initially are a conditional substitute. Thinking and speech / Vygotsky L.S. Collected works: in 6 volumes. T2. Problems of general psychology. M .: Pedagogika, 1982.504 p .; ss. 5-361

    Likewise, laughter, babbling, showing, gestures in the very first months of a child's life act as means social contact. Thinking and speech / Vygotsky L.S. Collected works: in 6 volumes. T2. Problems of general psychology. M .: Pedagogika, 1982.504 p .; ss. 5-361

    Let's say frankly that in the experimental moment, in the role of a gesture that draws the child's attention to something, we see - the first and most basic - natural conditions for the emergence arbitrary attention. The history of the development of higher mental functions / Vygotsky L.S. Collected works: in 6 volumes. T3. M .: Pedagogy, 1982; ss. 5-328

Gesture and play

    All symbolic visual activity full of such pointing gestures. So, a stick becomes a riding horse for a child, because it can be placed between the legs, the gesture can be applied to it, which will indicate that the stick is in in this case denotes a horse. Thus, from this point of view, children's symbolic play can be understood as a very complex system of speech with the help of gestures that convey and indicate the meaning of individual toys. The history of the development of higher mental functions / Vygotsky L.S. Collected works: in 6 volumes. T3. M .: Pedagogy, 1982; ss. 5-328

    ... children's symbolic play, from this point of view, can be understood as a very complex system of speech with the help of gestures that convey and indicate the meaning of individual toys. Only on the basis of pointing gestures does the toy itself gradually acquire its meaning, just like drawing, supported at first by a gesture, becomes an independent sign. Only from this point of view is it possible to scientifically explain two facts that still do not have a proper theoretical explanation. The first fact: in a game for a child, everything can be everything. This can be explained by the fact that the object itself acquires the function and meaning of a sign only through a gesture that endows it with this meaning. Hence, it is clear that meaning lies in the gesture, not in the object. That is why it is relatively indifferent with what kind of object the child will deal with in this case. The subject must necessarily be the point of application of the corresponding symbolic gesture. The second fact: very early in the games of 4-5-year-old children comes verbal symbol... Children agree among themselves: "This will be a house, this is a plate," etc. At about the same age, an extremely rich speech connection arises, interpreting, explaining and communicating the meaning to each individual movement, object and deed. The child not only gestures, but also talks, explains the game to himself, organizes one whole and, as it were, clearly confirms the idea that original forms games are really nothing more than an initial gesture, like speech using signs. Already in play we find a moment leading to the emancipation of an object as a sign and gesture. Thanks to long-term use, the meaning of the gesture is transferred to objects that, during the game, even without appropriate gestures, begin to depict well-known conditional items and relationships. The history of the development of higher mental functions / Vygotsky L.S. Collected works: in 6 volumes. T3. M .: Pedagogy, 1982; ss. 5-328

Gesture and pictographic writing, drawing

    It is the gesture that is the initial visual sign, in which the future oak, the child's future letter, is already contained, as in a seed. A gesture is a letter in the air, and a written sign is very often just a fixed gesture. Very often, Wundt believes, a pictorial gesture simply means the reproduction of a graphic sign. In other cases, on the contrary, the sign is the fixation and reinforcement of the gesture. Thus, the pictorial writing of the Indians each time replaces the line connecting the points, which is indicated by the movement of the hand or index finger. The index line, turning into a pictographic letter, means, as it were, a fixed movement of the index finger. The history of the development of higher mental functions / Vygotsky L.S. Collected works: in 6 volumes. T3. M .: Pedagogy, 1982; ss. 5-328

    Now we would like to outline two points that genetically link a gesture with a written sign. The first point is the scribbles made by the child. The child, as we have repeatedly observed during the experiments, when drawing, very often turns to dramatization, showing with a gesture what he should depict, and the trace left by a pencil only complements what is depicted through the gesture. ... So, a child who needs to depict a run begins to show this movement with his fingers, and he considers the individual lines and dots on paper as an image of a run. When he wants to draw a jump, his hand begins to make a movement that depicts jumping, and traces of this movement remain on the paper. We tend to consider the first drawings of children, their scribbles are more likely to be a gesture than drawing in the real sense of the word. We are inclined to reduce to the same phenomenon the experimentally verified fact that a child, when drawing complex objects, conveys not their parts, but general qualities (the impression of roundness, etc.). When a child shows with his hand a cylindrical jar in the form of a closed curve, then by the same token he, as it were, depicts something round…. The second moment, which forms the genetic link between gesture and written speech, leads us to the child's play. As you know, in the game, some objects very easily mean others, replace them, become their signs. It is also known that the similarity that exists between the toy and the object it denotes is not important here. The most important is its functional use, the ability to perform a depicting gesture with its help. The history of the development of higher mental functions / Vygotsky L.S. Collected works: in 6 volumes. T3. M .: Pedagogy, 1982; ss. 5-328

    Stern made a remarkable observation indicating a distant relationship between drawing and gesture. A 4-year-old boy sometimes attached importance to the image of his hand movements. It was a few months after the scribbling was replaced by the usual helpless drawing. For example, once the sting of a mosquito was symbolized as if by a stabbing movement of the hand, the point of a pencil. Another time, the child wanted to show in a drawing how it gets dark when the curtains are closed, and he drew an energetic line from top to bottom on the board, as if he were lowering a window shade. Moreover, the drawn movement did not mean a cord, but expressed precisely the movement when the curtains were pulled back. The history of the development of higher mental functions / Vygotsky L.S. Collected works: in 6 volumes. T3. M .: Pedagogy, 1982; ss. 5-328

The famous orator of antiquity, Demosthenes, when asked what is needed for a good orator, answered: "Gestures, gestures and gestures."

Gestures are a non-verbal means of communication. They accompany the sounding speech, clarify what was said, give expressiveness and emotionality to the performance. Gestures can replace a verbal statement: nodding the head means agreement, turning the head left and right - disagreeing, waving a hand - saying goodbye.

By their nature and by the fact that they denote what function they perform, gestures are divided into indicative, pictorial, symbolic, emotional, rhythmic and mechanical.

Indicative gestures most often clarify demonstrative pronouns that, that, that, that, there, here, there, here, here. For example: “bring (pointing) that chair”, “open (pointing) this window”, “take (pointing) that book and put it on this (pointing) shelf”. Without a pointing gesture, such requests cannot be fulfilled. If there is no gesture, then the one to whom the request is made will certainly ask: "Which chair to bring?", "Which window should I open?", "Which book should I put on which shelf?" Some people abuse pointing gestures, often in conversation they point a finger at what they are talking about: “What (pointing gesture) beautiful house built "; "It will rain, (pointing gesture) clouds in the sky." Such use of the gesture indicates a person's lack of education. It is considered especially indecent when they turn to someone with a question or request and point a finger at him. For example: "You (pointing gesture), boy, move to the first row"; "Do you (pointing) do not know where the nearest pharmacy is?"

Pictorial the gesture shows the size, size, shape of what is being discussed; depicts how an action should be performed. For instance: I'm out of(depicted brushing teeth). So, we are talking about toothpaste. What is a spiral staircase, you ask? She is like this(a rotational movement is made with the right hand vertically). Of course, you can say: "A staircase that runs in a spiral, spiral shape." But the gesture is clearer, as if it depicts an object, shows it.

Figurative gestures appear in the following cases: if there are not enough words to convey a description of an object, a person's state; if words alone are not enough for some reason ( increased emotionality speaker, lack of control of himself, uncertainty that the addressee understands everything); if it is necessary to enhance the impression and influence the listener additionally and visually.

Symbolic gestures are conditional. It's theirs distinctive feature... If a pictorial gesture is associated with specific features, then the gesture-symbol is associated with abstraction. Its content is understandable only to some people or a specific group. This is a greeting, goodbye, affirmation, denial, a call for silence. So, when Russians meet, they shake hands, and if they are separated by a distance, they join their palms and shake them; the man can lift or take off his hat and tilt his head slightly. The actors, having finished their performance, bow or, pressing their hand (s) to their chest, bow low. Such gestures symbolize cordial attitude, gratitude, love of the actor to the audience.

Our speech can be emotional. Excitement, joy, delight, hatred, grief, annoyance, bewilderment, confusion, confusion - all this manifests itself not only in the choice of words, in intonation, but also in gestures. Gestures that convey a variety of feelings are called emotional. Some of them are fixed in stable combinations: hit (slap) yourself on the forehead(annoyance) shrug(bewilderment) point to the door(offense).

Rhythmic gestures are associated with the rhythm of speech. They emphasize the logical stress, slowing down and speeding up of speech, something that intonation usually conveys. For example, saying the proverb "You can't keep up with your tongue barefoot", many make frequent vertical movements with the edge of the palm right hand, reminiscent of cabbage chopping. A different rhythm is required by the proverb "He gives the word to the word crutch." It is accompanied by a smooth, somewhat slow movement of the right hand to the right side.

Among the gestures are such, which make an unfavorable impression on the audience. So, some have the habit of rubbing the tip of their nose from time to time, pulling their ear, straightening their tie, twirling a button. These gestures are called mechanical. They distract listeners from the content of the speech, interfere with its perception, annoy and even irritate.



Now let's talk about gestures as a means of communication for young children. Any parent has repeatedly observed how Small child, not knowing the words, with facial expressions, gestures, looks and sounds, communicates his desires and needs. The child in communication uses the so-called proto-language - the primary language. The components of this language are innate and very rarely invented by the child himself.

Among the first gestures in children at the age of five to seven months, gestures-requests are noted: stretching the hand with the palm up in the sense of “give”. At about ten months, this movement in most children is accompanied by flexion-extension of the fingers, stretching out both hands to the adult - “take”. At the age of about seven months, all children have a pointing gesture with the hand forward in the meaning of “give”, and after a month or two, and forefinger, as a rule, in response to an adult's request to show this or that object.

To get attention, babies at the age of six to eight months can raise their hand, wave their hand, swing only a brush. With a disapproving assessment, the kids turn away.

By the age of nine months, gestures of greeting and goodbye appear, initially they are performed by babies at the request of adults: “My little one, wave your hand to grandmother goodbye”; "Honey, say hello to mom." Babies also use prohibitive gestures (energetically waving one or two hands from the elbow from left to right or up and down), play (“okay”), disapproving gestures in the sense of “I don’t want to” (pushing away and waving off the hand), a gesture of request (“I want to hands ”), gestures to attract attention (for example, a toddler throws toys out of bed and waits for an adult to come up to pick them up and talk to him).

In one-year-old children, first negative head nods appear and only later - affirmative. The number of other gestures is increasing: fear, joy, regret, distrust, surprise (“disappeared”), greetings (“shake the handle”), distrust, disapproval, playful (for example, “goat-goat”).

By the age of fourteen months, at the request of an adult, the baby shows his age with his finger, and the size of the object with his hands. There are gestures of uncertainty, meditation, pity (stroking, hugging a toy or a person), an interrogative nod of the head. Children begin with gestures to depict their condition (the tummy hurts, the head hurts) or the missing objects (the missing bear cub, the runaway kitten). By the age of seventeen, the first gestures of threat, reminiscences, teasing gestures (where there are older children in the family), imitation of action are noted. Gestures can already turn into simple gestural sentences: the child, for example, can stretch his arms up (“take”), and then point towards the next room (“carry there”).

Of course, in the development of each child, the timing of the appearance of this or that gesture, the total number of gestures and the frequency of their use may vary. However, all children have the same sequence of gestures, namely, first, self-expression gestures, then impact gestures, and only after that, information transfer gestures.

How older child, those are a lot of gestures he owns. Gradually, children's gestures are being refined and approaching a socially fixed standard. However, the technique of performing a gesture by a child largely depends on who he communicates with in this moment... When communicating with loved ones and relatives, gestures are freer, with a greater range of motion, with unfamiliar and strangers- more constrained, with a smaller range of motion.

Sometimes in children there is such a phenomenon as the disappearance of certain gestures. A new gesture appears, and then disappears for several days, or even months. For example, at fourteen months, the gesture “give” (flexion-extension of the palm) may appear, then disappear for two months and manifest itself in an emotionally significant situation for the child. But more often than not, individual gestures are simply replaced by a word (for example, the child says to his mother: “Salt!” Instead of rubbing his fingers over a bowl of soup) or another gesture (instead of pointing with the whole brush, the child differentially points with his index finger; later, the parents will convince the child that it is uncivilized to do so).

In most cases, gestures help the child to express his desires and influence the adult faster and more accurately than words. The kid rubs his eyes with his fists or shrugs off an unloved dish - what could be more eloquent!

It has long been noticed that a child begins to understand gestures before words. The adult shakes his head as a sign of disapproval - the baby quickly and correctly reacts: he stops tormenting the cat, unwinding a ball of wool, trying to get out of the playpen, etc. The grandmother can jokingly shake her grandson with her finger, and then give the candy, while dad first shake and then spank him for a broken vase, for example. The kid is at a loss, he does not understand the meaning of the gesture. And it happens the other way around, especially in the case of prohibitions. The child perfectly understands the meaning of the gesture, but pretends not to understand. It's great to splash in puddles, so that the spray scatters in all directions, and dad is shaking his fist. The child pretends not to notice or understand.

When communicating with young children, it is advisable not to use only one gesture, but to combine them with speech. Speech, supported by the expressiveness of the gesture, is understood better than words... Saying to a child: “Come to me” is one thing, but reinforcing the call with a beckoning gesture or opening your arms wide is already an emotional call that will not leave a child indifferent.

The child's understanding of the functions and meaning of the gesture occurs not only under the influence of the objective situation, but also under the influence of the adults around the child. At first, the child will simply copy them, and only as consciousness and thinking develop will he fully master their meaning. This is why it is so important correct examples the use of certain gestures.

A small child first addresses a memorable gesture to one adult, more often to a mother, and then to other people. A good illustration of this idea is the use of the goodbye gesture. First, a small child waves his hand to his mother when parting, then to family members and a favorite toy, and later to all people leaving.

Without communication with adults, the child cannot master gestures, since he first copies the gestures of adults, then repeats them himself many times and observes how adults repeat them, and only after that the meaning of the gestures becomes clear in the child's mind. The first use of a gesture by a child occurs after a direct display and verbal indication of its implementation or as an imitation of what he saw. Although there are also typical childish gestures that no one taught children: a gesture of disapproval (horizontal swaying of both hands), requests (flexion-extension of the palm in the sense of “give”), joy and excitement (light, frequent tapping of the fists on the thighs), teasing (unfolded palm thumb put to the nose, fingers swing up and down), etc.

Up to a year and a half, gestures and facial expressions are the main means of communication for a child, after that it begins to grow intensively vocabulary, and the frequency of the use of gestures is reduced.

(early signs of autism, a selection from the forum)

Autism has already been called the disease of the 21st century. More and more children are born with autism spectrum disorders. Of course, all parents think that this is a rather rare deviation, and can manifest itself in others, but not in their family. This is the defense mechanism of the psyche, called the reaction of rejection or departure from reality. In fact special child can appear in any family.

Here's what the statistics say

Back in 2000, it was believed that the prevalence of this disease is 5-26 cases per 10,000 child population. In 2005, for 250-300 newborns, on average, there was one case of autism: this is more often than deafness and blindness combined, Down syndrome, diabetes or cancer childhood... According to the Centers for Disease Control (USA), the incidence of ASD is 1 in 161 newborns, which is similar to the data The World Organization autism: in 2008, 1 case per 150 children. In ten years, the number of children with this diagnosis has increased tenfold. It is believed that the upward trend in morbidity will continue in the future. Today, Autism Speaks is reporting autism prevalence in 1 in 88 children (1 in 54 boys, and 1 in 252 girls).

Autism is considered incurable, but it can be compensated for so much that “otherness” will not prevent the child from living in our not very tolerant society, and the sooner the rehabilitation process begins, the more chances of success. In some cases early diagnosis autism could be carried out already before 1-1.5 years ... And, unfortunately, it is the parents who must ring all the bells, since the official diagnosis, as a rule, appears too late (although, of course, it is better late than never, and you can’t give up at any age).

Sensory skills / cognitive processes:

  • Lack of interest in toys (toys can replace household items, very often they are ropes, wires, etc.).

- Indeed, if I played with ordinary toys, I played in a very peculiar way. For example, all cars immediately tore off wheels and other parts. Throwing against the wall or knocking against each other. But newspapers or wrapping paper could rustle for a long time. He carried the ropes across the floor or carried them in his teeth. Later he began to entangle the whole apartment with threads.

  • A kind of games (playing with an element of a toy; lining up objects in a row or along the perimeter, not because it is so conceived in story game, but just like that).

- All chess was always displayed around the perimeter of the table. It was addicting game and practiced every day.

  • Inadequate response to sensory inputs (touch, light, sounds, smells).

- In the maternity hospital, the doctor told me that my son shouted down ALL children in children's department and jerked SO that professional nurses could not swaddle properly: the handles were almost sticking out ...The child has hypersensitivity... It didn't work out to swaddle him tightly: he screamed and twirled until the diapers loosened up ... At 3 weeks we had already switched to sliders and blouses. (Further, the description of staying in the family house is still replete with phrases: he burst into tears again, cried for 2 hours in a row, cried until he turned blue, cried so terribly ...)

- Timka likes to look at something, bent over, at an angle (I thought she was studying this way). Timka is fascinated by the play of light. Reflection of the sun from early childhood for us it was an unearthly pleasure. In this I saw only advantages - such an interest in light and shadow - maybe he will be a photographer?

- When I heardrepetitive or unusual sounds, almost hysterical laughter began ... But to calm music or even just to the sounds of a piano, on the contrary, he froze and did not even move.

  • Selectivity in food (up to a complete refusal to eat, and not sometimes, because the appetite is sick or not, but constantly).

- My child did not eat. He ate extremely badly. Poorly added. We also tried the mixture, the mixture refused to eat at all. Further, there were also problems with food. If I was typing in a search engine, it was "the child does not eat." So who would have known that this happens at all! Moms who have the same problem need to type "food selectivity". At first, they began to introduce vegetables. I did not eat. Nothing! Not with a spoon, not with a finger, not with music, not with games. I had a lot of time, energy too, enough money. I tackled the problem with enthusiasm. I tried different fruits and vegetables. Different temperatures. Different consistencies. Different manufacturers- I did it myself and tried ready-made purees. It turned out that we eat only an apple and a banana. Then porridge. The same way. Cottage cheese and kefir came up. Then the meat. The same way. in general, we have earned ourselves by these searches almost complete avoidance of food by the child. The nanny did better. Having come to us at 1.3, she was very afraid that he would not eat from her, and began the first week with one cottage cheese and kefir (which she ate with pleasure). And very gradually expanded the menu to porridge (several types), cottage cheese, apples, banana, chicken and soup. This is what we eat to this day. They began to eat sweets only recently (and they were offered almost always - of course, it was scary that the child did not eat or ask for sweets). In general, with us, the child did not eat from a spoon at all. Only in slices when I was already able to eat the slices.

- The child ate only one bottle. WITH hard work liquidated the maternity hospital bottle with a terrible nipple, which, I confess, had to be stolen from them, since the child refused to take anything else in his mouth ... But until the end he sucked only one Avent's nipple. Also persistently, as later I ate only crushed potatoes with pickled cucumber.

- And I also had to steal nipples from the hospital, tk. mine, too, always yelled, yelled everywhere, yelled so that they did not want to write us out ...


  • Lack of visual contact (it is very difficult to catch a glance, does not look into the eyes for a long time).

- The child should fix his gaze on objects as early as 1 month, and most importantly CAM. When I noticed that this was not the case at the proper age, I spent the whole month with the child with a rattle in my hands. By the age of 2 months, they learned to follow her. And for us this game was a great achievement. Later, exactly the same first rattle was used to learn to "look into the eyes". That "suffers eye contact", the thought did not arise.

- Judging by myself, young mothers often do not think too much (or do not know) that babies (up to a year) are inherent in gaze eye to eye is common. I now notice this on other people's babies, you immediately feel - contact child, goggles eyes inseparably, watching you. I remember mine - I never stared at people, the look "into space" is so serious. It seemed to me then that all around stupid babies were staring at their uncles and aunts, and my pensive one was just.

- Indeed, children look into the eyes for a long time. The son did not look for a long time. But he did. Therefore, I could never say "does not look in the eyes". Now I still show my husband how the children look - for a long time, inseparably. Timka looked quickly, but did not look away. He seemed to be uninterested. "Has the right to be interested in what he likes" - I thought. I also thought that my son was just better developed - he does not stare with an incomprehensible smile at his aunts and uncles, but he himself quickly looks at everything, and understands everything at once. If only I knew that the lack of a glance would lead to so many problems!

  • Lack of response to sounds and voice at times.

- Our pediatrician suspected deafness at the age of 3 months ... I tried to attract his attention: she gagged, clapped her hands - no reaction! I just lay there, huddled in a ball, and stared at one point. But the child wakes up from every sound - hearing loss is excluded.

- Also with the name - other children respond to the name, but I see that they shouted in the yard: "Katya" - the girl turned around immediately, and you can even call my son with bells, he will not turn around anywhere - not on the street, not at home, never ....

- Such posture and facial expressions are often in an auto-like state: the shoulders are raised, the neck is tucked in, the arms are pressed to the chest.

  • Lack of imitation, spontaneous development (does not repeat movements, sounds after adults).

- We went to developing classes for a year and a half. And ... Timka did not repeat the movement. Didn't listen to instructions. It looked like this - at first all the children could not repeat anything. Then slowly, albeit clumsily, the handles were lifted, twisted, walked in a circle. Tim sat on the sidelines and did nothing. Or ran away.

- Oneither learn only what they need and are interested in, and since their interests are very narrow and limited, this is not enough for life. For about a month I just taught to clap your hands for me! The son did not understand at all and did not want to do anything.

- Everything should be taught, sometimes even what should be at the level of reflexes. And if you don’t make every effort to learn, he himself will never learn.

Health / Physical Development / Behavior

  • Inadequate reaction to what is happening (fearfulness, impressionability, or vice versa, laughing in an inappropriate situation, unwillingness to change activities).

- My categorically did not like to walk, on the street all the time yelled. Compared with the younger one, junior months at 8 he already helped dress (well, not always, but at good mood), and the elder always yelled. Later I realized that the elder simply did not want changes and that's it. Even now he rarely goes anywhere calmly.

- On the street - with hysteria, from the street - with hysteria. In the bath - screaming, from the bath - as well. Further, the components can be changed.

  • Obsessive movements, autostimulation (hand rotation, pouring / pouring something, rocking / whirling, chaotic running).

-Of the most early signs ours had stimulation from 6 months somewhere: auditory - shouted at different voices very shrill - he liked; visual - for hours looking at pouring water, spinning wheels, lights; tactile, vestibular - circled, hung upside down.

- HHe began to whirl and run in a round dance around something.Vfrom they are early indications ....

- I ran at the speed of light almost all the time, not reacting to anything and crashing into everything that came my way. There was a feeling that the child did not see and did not hear the surrounding reality.

- I loved to throw stones. It was impossible to distract from this occupation. Take away too, only with a terrible hysteria. And so day after day.

  • Sleep disturbances that are not amenable to drug treatment.

- I cried often and a lot, did not sleep much and often.

- During the day, if you slept, then for 15-20 minutes. I slept for 5-6 hours at night with 5-6 breaks. Visits to neuropathologists were of little help; often the response to treatment was reversed.

Speech / Communication

  • Violation of communication (lack of a pointing gesture, does not fulfill requests).

- For so long I could not understand what we have no POINTING GESTURE ! The child does not point a finger! Once I was taught that it is indecent to point the finger, and I was even glad that the child did not have this bad habit... V best case, he pointed with his whole brush or took my hand in his and led to the object he wanted.

  • Lack of speech or speech development (sometimes even ahead of peers) and gradual regression.

- VThe clergy asked me what time the babbling began. Babbling? What it is? "Well, - they say, when the child repeats syllables, mutters." I got scared ... We never had babbling. It only appeared recently. And so, immediately there was the word "mom". After some time, "pa" appeared, then "baba", then "uncle", "kar" - a boat - everything was in place, out of great need (when something was really needed), and a bunch of sounds that I I learned to distinguish - ts-train, s-bus, aaa-water, a-dog ... And then the sounds disappeared, and somehow "mom" used it less and less often. And I kept reading the advice: "My child did not speak until two years old, and then it burst out." "We sent the child to the kindergarten, and then he started talking - give yours yours too!" "Don't worry, the boys talk later." "Now a lot of kids start talking later." There is no worse advice than this. By the way, I once asked my mother, who said that as soon as she sent her daughter to kindergarten, she spoke, and before that she was silent. For the sake of interest, I asked: “How is it - was silent? There were no words, sounds, gestures at all? " “No,” my mother answered, “she spoke 30 words, simple phrases, it just didn't work out a connected dialogue.” This is what is often hidden behind the words "Before kindergarten, until two years old, etc., the child was silent, and then he spoke."

Diary quote:

1.5 months

You already have a very rich vocabulary. Favorite words "Ku" and "Gu". It is them that you pronounce somehow with special tenderness. During periods of joyful excitement, "Ay" and "Ogu" sound. "Go" and "Gee" also slipped. And when you push the bottle out of your mouth, you get "Ha".

2.5 months

Our speech has become more diverse and expressive. The intonation changes. "Words" are already becoming two-syllable, like "kigu".

3 months

We had guests, everyone, of course, really wanted to hear you speak, but you were silent all day, like a partisan.

3.5 months

You continue to be silent. Maybe the neck hurts, but you don't say a "word" ... Of course, you cry and hum, but that's all.

4.5 months

You finally started talking again. True, so far only "Ogu", but we are already glad of that.

(This was our first regression in speech development... He fell silent that day when strangers appeared in the house. Perhaps a coincidence, but the fact remains. At 4.5 months, the child again began to quickly type, first syllables, then words. The last record of new words was at 14 months. By that time, there were 15-16 words in our dictionary. And then the speech began to disappear again. There were only 4 words left, which he uttered extremely rarely, only when HIM needed it. And later he began to form "his" language).

This is certainly not complete list but the most common FIRST manifestations. Over time, symptoms worsen and new ones appear, such as auto-aggression, rituals ...

- From the years 1.5 started stereotyped actions and routes ... At first, the routes followed the same path. Then certain rituals had to be done. Stop on the bridge and walk again. At the well, say "water". At one of the windows (if there was no cat there), say "no kitty!". When leaving the bath, be sure to look in the mirror, take out a flower, put it in a vase, kiss yourself in the mirror ... etc. There were also actions - opening and closing doors. Those. I could stand at the sliding doors for half an hour, and Tim ran back and forth, and so every time I entered the store. Or turn the microwave on and off for an hour. Or they poured tea: pour water into a kettle, boil it, pour it into a mug, make tea, pour sugar, interfere, pour everything out, and ... again, about an hour. Once my husband asked me: "Why does he need to come up and touch his hand at one of the entrances?" I cheerfully replied: "These are obsessive actions. He compensates for his anxiety. He already understands that he is not speaking, and he worries about it." No, I felt that it was all wrong.

“Something is wrong with my child,” - this is how mothers formulate their first complaints, whose children are subsequently diagnosed with autism. At first, it is very difficult to formulate what exactly worries in the child's behavior. Mom is very tired, both physically and psychologically, trying to find an answer from the pediatrician, but, as a rule, she leaves with nothing - the child is healthy. Familiar with the children also assure that there is nothing to worry about.

- In general, the first bell that rang - it's very hard for me ! I couldn't believe it, but it was very hard for me. All the girlfriends seem to have a hard time in the worst case for the first six months, and then life gets better. And I thought that I was so weak, clumsy, that I couldn't do anything. And it’s too much for me. For others, it’s hard for the first 3 months, then just pacified mothers with children. And I have solid stress, solid nerves. And outwardly, it seems, like everyone else, for very quickly I learned to catch the state, and to alleviate it. But this tension ... When she explained to her husband about our disease, she said: "Well, we always had a hard time with him." And he: "Yes, everything with us is the same as with others - well, he is capricious, but he will stop." And this was achieved by the fact that I did not lead to "whims". But it was exhausting.

- How to understand the norm or not? You see, the main idea here is to convey that you need to worry when not one or two items come up, but at least 2 in each group. Yes, of course, all children love to throw stones, BUT not for 2 hours in a row! And they are not taken away from the stones with a terrible hysteria, right? Yes, many children run away from their parents, but not every child will go a mile without even looking back, whether he is alone or not, do you feel the difference? I remember how I started telling my friends about our behavior, I was also often told that their children behave the same way ... "So what, running all the time, is it good for the boy?" And the fact that when he runs, he can do ANYTHING, for example, "run out" from the balcony of the 7th floor, this no longer interested ... Some of those acquaintances understood what was being discussed only when they were with the child at least a few hours in a row ...

- Moms who will read this topic. If suddenly you recognized your children, suddenly you were alarmed by only one moment - read, find out, consult with doctors! If you know only one authenk, you know only one authenk. Autism is very diverse. Your local doctor will not give you any diagnosis. Go to different specialists... If you feel "something is wrong with the child!" - bypass everyone! Time is what can help! We started working when the child was already three years old. Start early. There are more chances. Don't be afraid to see the problem. Better to keep an eye out.

- Autism in such early age really very hard to grasp. Many people still do not believe me that something is wrong with my son. Well, of course, they see him for an hour a day in the yard, and I am with him around the clock and what sometimes looks like a funny prank for them (well, you think, does not respond when mom calls - just indulges, you think, does not say "MOM" - there is simply no need, you probably spoil him a lot; think, bitten - all the kids bite) for me it is already opening up as a developmental disorder.

- And yet, it seems to me, the Outyat look is special. Before, apart from mine, I did not know other children with such a diagnosis. Now we go to class, and I see this a common feature... They very rarely look like that - a very attentive, deep look, some difficult one, they seem to look deep into you

Do not be alarmed if a couple of features are characteristic of your child. To suspect autism, disorders must be present in ALL FOUR groups, and in order to confirm or exclude a diagnosis, it is imperative to contact specialists who are competent in this matter.

List of doctors and centers in Novosibirsk, which Sibmams recommend to confirm or exclude autism:

Pay attention to the interlocutor during the conversation. How often does he gesture to accompany his speech? How emotionally does he do it? What actions do your fingers slip?

Many people use their hands during a conversation to make their speech more emotional. Sometimes, with the help of finger gestures, you can understand what mood a person is in or what he really wants to convey to the interlocutor.

Raised palm up

In most countries, a raised palm indicates a stop signal. This application is used in the course of a conversation to stop the interlocutor.

The second designation is "greeting" or "goodbye", when on a short time the palm is raised up. But among the peoples of Greece, this is an insulting gesture, after which a conflict will immediately follow.

Connecting the fingertips of both hands

When the interlocutor puts his fingertips together, you can immediately understand that he is filled with calmness and confidence in himself and his knowledge. Such people are stingy with emotions and are very balanced.

Also, the gesture denotes a moment of reflection and decision-making. In this interpretation, it was used several hundred years ago in judicial sessions.

Crossed index and middle fingers

In many Western countries for good luck. In Russia, two designations correspond to this gesture: for good luck and as the cancellation of one's words. When a person makes any promise that he is not going to hold back or his speech is unreliable, then he keeps crossed fingers behind his back in order to "take away all responsibility" for what was said.

But in the Vatican, showing this gesture to the interlocutor, a person insults him, since in this country such a plexus of fingers means female genital organs.

Forefinger calling gesture

On the territory of Russia, as well as in many European and Western countries, an extended and curving index finger is called to someone, but it is considered a "slang" symbol and is not used in cultural communication. In Asian countries, this gesture is prohibited. In the Philippines, dogs are called in this way, so its use in relation to a person is humiliating and insulting.


Such a sign in different countries interpreted in its own way. So, among the inhabitants of Russia this is an expression of refusal, and in a rude form. And for the Brazilians - on the contrary, a symbol of goodwill, which they want good health and good luck. Therefore, in this country it is used quite often.

Middle finger

This gesture in most civilized countries is obscene, offensive. It symbolizes the male genital organs, and in this designation middle finger used in the days of the ancient Romans.


When all fingers on one or both hands are pressed to the palm, that is, clenched in, it denotes a person's hostile attitude.

The emergence of finger gestures

Using the fingers during colloquial speech or apart from it, it began its existence many centuries ago, even during the formation of civilization. Gestures have been used especially often in religions.

For Christians, finger movements, folding them into various plexuses were used during the reading of prayers, worship.

For Muslims, each phalanx of the fingers, as well as the palm, are endowed with a letter of the alphabet.

In France, when various secret societies were organized, members of these societies communicated with finger and hand gestures. Moreover, the gestures were known only to them and were secret.

V Chinese medicine with the help of fingers, the treatment of the whole organism was carried out, pressing on special points. Therefore, in Asian countries, hands are also a symbol of health, and gesticulations with their help are prohibited.

Over time, the use of fingers as a way of communication has become ingrained in public life and began to be supplemented with new symbols, to change its meaning. Now most people use this method of communication, sometimes unconsciously, expressing their emotional outburst.

For people with disabilities it the only way interaction with the outside world. Hence, finger gestures cannot be ignored when communicating.