What request is needed for the practice of Reiki. Technique for working on relationships. Be warm to all living things

Of all the methods you can use to heal yourself - Reiki is the simplest and most effective... Reiki is always at your disposal, you always perceive it and no additional aids for self-medication. You don't have to wait until you get sick to heal yourself. After receiving, you can do sessions for yourself daily, thereby preventing the occurrence of diseases and problems. You will contribute to your spiritual and spiritual growth, and your whole life will gradually come out on new level.

Knowledge of Reiki is not theoretical, but practical, when we talk about knowledge, it is necessary to understand that it cannot be found in books, received at school or in others educational institutions... After all, after receiving any theoretical knowledge, they become useful to us only after we apply them in practice. For example, you may know that there is sugar, but never taste it and have no idea about its taste. You can read about electricity, but never use electrical appliances. After all, you can also hear a lot about Reiki - but you never know what it is.

Let's talk about what is often called "Mystical knowledge"- but it's really just practice. Only by gaining experience, having gone through certain experiences, feelings, can we reflect on what our experience means. No matter how we explain it, it doesn't matter - if we got it, we could do it feel- we already have knowledge, and this is the main thing. If we draw an analogy in the situation with sugar, then, knowing its sweet taste, you can call it any word - “sweet”, “bitter” or “salty”. This is not so important when we already know that this is the taste of sugar.

What is a Reiki session?

Let's get started let's study the session for ourselves because if you do not understand what to do with yourself, then you will hardly be able to do it with someone else. The first touch should be palm to other palm. The palms should be collected without spreading fingers, but at the same time soft. Listen to your feelings, ideally you should hear silence inside yourself for a moment, but with all this, you do not need to concentrate too much and strain. You should relax, if you relaxed correctly, then a stream of feelings, memories, any involuntary thoughts may arise. Do not let this confuse you - this is how it should be. At this moment, you can say any prayer, at your discretion, or it will just be the thought that you want to do Reiki.

Reiki energy works very wisely- it gives not what we want at the moment (because we usually want with the mind, not divine intuition), otherwise we need it at the moment. This is its transformative effect.

When working with Reiki energy, you need to remember that it is enough just to relax and not interfere. In order to explain how healing works in this way, Hawayo Takata said: “It’s not I who fly, but God through my hands.”

A separate issue is a matter of time. Very often they ask - how much to hold hands? The answer can be as follows - you have to keep them as long as necessary, you just need to feel it. Nobody but you can know exactly when you will feel that you have had enough. Usually the harmonization process lasts about three minutes in each position. To do this, you can use special music notes that help mark three-minute intervals. This kind of music is often called “Reiki music”.

During Reiki healing, it is very important to see the health, not the illness of a person. The more you fixate on the disease, the more difficult it will be to treat it. In the event that you forget about the disease, then it go faster and easier. How the healing process takes place - you enter the serene bliss of the Reiki experience, and your patient can follow you there. But if you persist in worry, pain, anxiety and insecurity, the patient may become weighed down by your presence.

The unification of your energy with the energy of the patient happens automatically, thanks to the touch of the hands, so you just have to stay in Reiki and keep so good condition as far as possible for you. With time, you will learn to feel the patient more accurately and faster, and you will also enter the Reiki state easily and quickly. then the healing time will be shortened and the efficiency will increase.

In all cases, when you do Reiki, there is a practical meaning - this is helping yourself, or treating another person, or improving (healing) some object, device, plant, animal. In Reiki practice, you do not differentiate between "living" and "not living". The point is that all objects, as well as all beings, are in a sense alive. It will be difficult to understand if you have never felt it. But Reiki practice can teach you this understanding and many other wonderful things.

Of course, if you don't practice, you will not learn anything. After all, you can dream as much as you like that you are becoming more spiritual, but nothing will change from some dreams, but on the other hand, you can practice without any dreams, approaching this very pragmatically. Then in due time, you will understand everything yourself. So, the main thing is practice.

Reiki - what does it give to each person?

Reiki itself is very powerful energy practice. Moreover, the exceptional value of the Usui system lies in the fact that it is a unique method of working with our Ego, that is, with pride, with “feeling self-importance”. In Reiki you will learn, practice, and then say: “I am not treating, but God's Power heals through my hands. I myself can’t do anything at all! ” And you will be absolutely right.

The main thing in Reiki is the everyday reality of our life, this is the miracle that is always nearby - therefore it is not visible. Reiki is not so much energy, but how much energy quality, what kind of energy it is.

It is impossible to make a mistake when working with Reiki. Reiki cannot harm. Because the work is not done by the healer. When working with Reiki, if the healer makes a mistake, the energy will ignore it and go where it is needed.

Reiki can also be explained as the meaning of every person's life. After all, everything that gives our existence the fullness of life cannot be expressed in simple words. For each person, this is something different, something that allows you to see every moment unique, something that makes the world so beautiful, something that for each of us is a sensation, turning to which we feel fullness or emptiness, we feel authenticity or falsity, Darkness or Light. In general, Reiki is a way that allows you to effectively, safely and without getting tired to harmonize yourself and other people, giving an impulse to change.

Your personal practice will never be exhausted - it will only get deeper every year. And healing itself is available from the very first minutes after the Initiation - everyone can easily be convinced of this. And this is a real miracle.

Stay in the magic

My friends, when you start to practice yourself, your life is gradually transformed. First, you are surprised to discover the beauty of the world, the space around you, then your heart opens towards life. You start to love people, just because they exist, to enjoy the little things, before you did not notice anything, but now you find so much joy around. And the most interesting thing is that you catch yourself smiling all the time, Love just flows from you, flows like a river, the lightness is such, you seem to soar above life.

And when this feeling comes to you, it is impossible to forget it. We want to stay in it forever, but for this we need practice to remove all our existing blocks, all the accumulated negative, everything that prevents us from opening our heart and being ourselves. Just to be, to be what we are, to be different and to be in Love, is without judgment. This can be compared to a flight, it may be trivial, but for sure - freedom, joy, euphoria, happiness, infinity and you dissolve in this….

In addition, you can help loved ones. It's like being creative - you create your life and you can help those who have a desire to change their lives. Don't you become Wizards by doing so?

It is a very healthy feeling to be not a victim of circumstances and life, but a Creator and a Wizard, i.e. Master or Mistress of your destiny. The more you practice, the more you will become confident in your abilities, because you will see the results of Reiki work. And gradually you will form your Space of life, your health, this will be your happy reality, your dimension. And when you are filled, you will begin to share with others, you cannot keep it in yourself, from you, as from the Source of Light, everyone who will be near will light up. And they will carry your Light on. This process is beautiful and endless, like the Universe ... ..

My friends, I suggest you open this World of Wonders, discover the World of Reiki, practice for the Good.

With sincere love

Reiki is a Japanese healing and at the same time spiritual practice, which is not a religion. Self-development and self-knowledge, healing and healing, harmony and balance, strength and mind, energy and spirit - this is far from full list components that can be used to characterize the Reiki system.

In Japanese, Reiki is two hieroglyphs, where "rei" stands for cosmic, universal, universal, and "ki" stands for life energy, or vital energy. Full value Reiki is the “universal life energy”.

What is Reiki Technique?

Reiki energy helps to tune the Body and Spirit to harmonious high vibrations and, with constant practice, heal various diseases. Also, with the help of Reiki, you can cleanse your life from negative events by attracting the ones you need, and ultimately find the life you would like.

How does this work in esoteric healing? Through remote work with photos using the imposition of hands, working with symbols and images, working with a phantom. Hands and visualization serve as those powerful tools through which the universal life energy is transmitted through the Healer to the person.

The Reiki technique has been around for over a century and there is some evidence that Reiki healing has been used since ancient Japan.

The founder of the "school of reiki" is a Buddhist monk and philosopher from Japan - Mikao Usui. The founding date is considered to be 1922. During the crisis period of his life, Mikao Usui set off on a long journey in search of true knowledge. This pilgrimage ended in one of the temples on Mount Kurama, sacred for Buddhists. There, a philosopher-monk engaged in deep meditation, through which he came to the realization of "Reiki".

Chujiro Hayashi is the last student of Mikao Usui. By profession - a doctor. He somewhat modified the practice of Reiki by conducting healing sessions among his patients. He also belongs to the development of hand positions during recovery.

For humans, the Reiki technique works on 4 levels: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. This means that a person practicing Reiki or undergoing a course of treatment with a Reiki Master receives healing at the level of all the listed bodies. The level of depth of cognition and mastering of the Reiki system consists of 3 stages.

Stage 1

  • Acquaintance with the history of occurrence, energy of Reiki and its practical application;
  • Connection to the Universal Knowledge and the Universal flow of vital energy;
  • Work on the inner "I";
  • Self-healing practice training;
  • Teaching healing practices for working with water, plants and animals;
  • The basics of telecommuting;
  • Working with the first character

Stage 2

  • Qualitative expansion of one's own capabilities and deep work with energies;
  • Cleaning the premises;
  • Ability to improve relationships;
  • Quality improvement in life;
  • Healing practices training;
  • Learning to work with three symbols and the ability to apply them;

Stage 3

  • Ability to increase and decrease energy flow;
  • Familiarization with the symbols of the Master;
  • Advanced healing practices
  • Ability to work with space and time and change them on the Life Line in the past, present and future

There is also a 4th level of cognition of the Reiki system. This is the stage of a Reiki Master and Teacher, it is available for those who have successfully mastered and practice the first three stages for a long time.

Practical Application of Reiki Technique

Despite the fact that in Russia Reiki began to be practiced relatively recently, today it is very popular. It is deep, yet understandable and efficient technique... In Reiki healing, the laying on of hands, including from a photo, affects people with the help of the universal life energy of the Universe. Such esoteric healing helps to get rid of not only various "phobias", but also to remove blocks in energy channels, to clear the field of negative entities, to improve health by filling a person with Light. The body regenerates gently day after day. At the level of subconsciousness, emotions, tension is relieved, as a result of which the energy is aligned and the Body comes to balance, diseases disappear. Thus, Reiki treatment takes place.

Nowadays, many scold traditional medicine... However, not everything is so simple here. Not only traditional, but also esoteric medicine is not able to help a person if he does not want to help himself. To change the attitude to oneself, to the world around, to people, to change the worldview is the first thing that needs to be done by a seriously ill person.

Sometime there comes such a moment that a person firmly decides for himself - I want to be healthy. It was then that the practice of Reiki and other spiritual and healing practices provides the most effective assistance.

For kids of different ages Reiki energy is useful in that it protects their field from diseases, and in case of illness, the child quickly recovers. Also, children under the influence of reiki energy learn better school curriculum, and in general the learning process is much easier for them than for other children, plus Reiki helps to develop latent abilities.

As for the elderly, Reiki can prolong their life.

Reiki practice gives people a huge energy boost, as well as unlimited possibilities. Permanent job with reiki, allows you to gently enter the state of meditation. A person begins to consciously work on himself and learn the world, which means he confidently follows his path. A person develops intuition, the inner world comes to a harmonious state, deep knowledge and wisdom are acquired.

Reiki is carried into the human body by hand. Hands are an instrument of the Soul, a conductor of the healing energy of the Universe. Reiki practitioners say that hands are a tool for transmitting Divine Power. The hands are connected with the human heart, and the heart is considered the receiving center, to which the higher vibrations are directed. That is, the heart receives the "cosmic fire", and the hands conduct the "cosmic fire" going from the center to the person being healed.

Reiki, Hand Healing: A healer practicing Reiki needs to know how to hold his hands correctly during a healing session. In Reiki practice, the hands are most often placed with the palms down, with the fingers folded together and slightly extended. The healing energy "ki" flows in a stream to the center of the palms and to the fingertips, so these parts of the hands will be the most sensitive. Often on sore spot it is impossible to put both hands. Then one hand should be placed in the place of the request, and the other on the head. To activate the energy and it began to move, both hands must be on the body of the person to be healed, or at a sufficiently close distance from the body.

The universal life energy of Reiki is felt as pleasant warmth, and in some cases even heat, in the palms of the hands, feet and even throughout the body. Sometimes sensations can be in the form of slight tingling or vibrations. Then comes a vivid feeling of lightness and joy, peace and tranquility. At this moment, a person relaxes well both at the level of the body and at the level of the mind. When a Reiki session lasts an hour, the healer may fall asleep, and upon awakening, he will feel energized and deeply rested. It happens that a person does not experience any sensations at the time of the session. This is considered the norm, while the Reiki energy also has its healing effect. The effectiveness of the treatment does not depend on the sensations.

The healer usually begins a Reiki session with a scan, or diagnostics, it can be remote, from a photo, or personal, at a reception. In Japanese, this is called "byosen", where the syllable "byo" denotes a disease, and the syllable "sen" denotes a line. For this, if the session is conducted in person, the healer folds his hands at the level of his heart chakra and asks that the Reiki energy flow through him, which he then directs to those places of the healed person's body that need to be healed. If the healer suddenly feels that his hands need to be placed on a certain part of the client's body, then this feeling must be followed. Sometimes it happens that the places requiring the influence of healing energy are not defined. The healer then scans the front and back of the body. He slowly leads his hands along them, starting from the head to the feet. When the healer's hands are over the place of the healed person's body that needs Reiki energy, he can feel warmth in his palms, a slight tingling sensation, or complete confidence that this is the right place.

When the healer touches the part of the body of the person being healed that has given the signal, a rather unpleasant sensation often arises in the hands, and it can rise almost to the shoulder. If the healer removes the hands, then these sensations return back to the palms and from there they exit through the fingertips. After that, the healer proceeds to a new stage of treatment. Thus, scanning and healing with the energy of the hands takes place.

During practice, exposure universal energy Reiki does not happen through mental work. And here there is absolutely no need to direct the flow with mental efforts or mentally regulate it. It is enough just to find the area on the patient's body that is needed for energy transfer, and the energy will go there on its own. If a person does not have enough energy, then it is replenished. And if there is enough energy, then it is evenly redistributed throughout the body. The human body can take only the amount of energy that it needs at this stage.

If a person is simultaneously treated with traditional methods. In this case, the energy of the reiki will not be a hindrance. On the contrary, Reiki will remove the side effect and balance the effect of the medications taken.

Thus, hand healing is the main tool for transferring Reiki energy from healer to the healed person.

Over the years, many people develop or have a variety of phobias (fears) that interfere with life, oppress and which are difficult to overcome. It is they who become the cause of a variety of failures in our life. And sometimes even a professional psychotherapist is not able to rid the patient of his phobias. but practical use Reiki may well get rid of these troubles in a fairly short time. To get rid of fears, you can independently apply the following Reiki practice:

Need to know:

  • Each individual fear must be worked out separately.
  • Before starting this practice, you need to analyze your state and answer yourself to such a question - what sensations, in what place of the body arise, and what feelings do you experience when this emotion takes possession of you (perhaps these are sensations of cold, warmth, heat , a feeling that goose bumps, nausea, weakness, dizziness, etc. are running through the body).
  • Ask yourself, what does the body want to do with this sensation and feeling?
  • Release this feeling and sensation into the Light and thank the Creator for it! Say it helped you a lot, but now you want to let it go! Inhale and exhale! Stay in this Light for a few minutes with a feeling of Gratitude!
  • Now ask yourself a question, now how do you feel? Do you feel it? If everything is gone, great, you have worked through this moment, if it remains, repeat it.
  • If you have undertaken to work through a certain fear, do not stop your work halfway, not for a single day, bring this work to the end, until the moment there is no unpleasant sensation in the body and the charge goes away. If for some reason you had to stop practicing even for one day, you must start counting from the very beginning.

Reiki Session for Healing:

If you missed at least one day of working with fears, you need to start everything from the beginning and count from the first day.

For those who wish to improve their health using Reiki practice, magician and esoteric healer Elena Svetlaya conducts remote sessions and leads counseling. Elena Svetlaya in healing uses an integrated approach - BODY-SOUL-SPIRIT, as to a single human system and translates through harmonization and attunement to higher vibrations, including through changes in approaches to nutrition and lifestyle. As a result, the disease recedes. At the same time, everyone can learn various techniques of self-healing and spiritual harmonization. Psychic abilities and practical experience allow the clairvoyant to provide people with all-round help.

Clairvoyant magician Elena Svetlaya conducts remote diagnostics and healing from a distance and from a photograph. In the center of Success of Elena Svetlaya, you can carry out diagnostics energy field, clear the field of negativity, restore the field, harmonize energy flows, conduct various effective White rituals to improve health, order protective amulets (evil eye, damage), money amulets, health amulets and other services. Details can be found on the page.

You can read more about Elena Svetlaya's professional specialization.

For the spiritual, energetic and physical healing of people in the "Elena Svetlaya Success Center" a unique Service No. 7 has been developed - esoteric healing.

Service No. 7 - Elena Svetloy's author's methodology, which includes: distance meditations, conjured products and objects, various effective rituals on the magic altar with healing stones and charmed candles, must-have dietary recommendations, and more. At the same time, a person receives additional energy that the body needs for self-healing and self-healing. From the first sessions, the human biofield is significantly enhanced, and after passing from one to three courses and following all the recommendations, as practice shows, most diseases recede. Elena Svetlaya's technique helps a person in need of healing to reach the higher vibrations of Soul and Body necessary for this.

To make an appointment for a consultation, you can contact Elena Svetlaya by writing a request for email [email protected] site, with the subject of the letter "Healing Reiki" or by clicking on the button at the bottom of the article "Sign up for a consultation." Price Services No. 7 are negotiated individually, depending on the problem and the depth of development!

With hope and faith in the best,
Your Elena Svetlaya

Newcomers to Reiki and already practicing Reiki students ask us the same questions from year to year: “What should those who have just started practicing Reiki do? Is there a work plan or program: Reiki for beginners? What is the best self-development strategy for beginners? ”And so on.

We really hope that these small steps will serve as a great boost to get you started with your practice. Of course, over time, all beginners in Reiki gain their own personal experience, but for a start, of course, it is best to listen to the advice and recommendations of experienced Masters with many years of experience. For a building to be strong, it is necessary to create a solid foundation, so the article “” will serve as a foundation and a starting point for you, which will pave the way for self-improvement in working with the energy of Reiki.

At first glance, practicing Reiki seems very a simple matter... May be so. We started our journey back in 2006, when there was practically no information about Reiki in general, and even more so, as a Reiki practice for beginners. We had to gain experience from different people, which ultimately shaped our personal direction, our personal path of development. We will try to present you the most simple step-by-step plan for successful Reiki practice.

  1. Don't be afraid, or just don't worry today.... Until you are able to understand and realize the full power of Reiki, you will be overcome by doubts and various fears. Sometimes people close to you, after reading various tales about the practice of Reiki (link to the article The Reiki Sect), can also inspire doubts in you. All this is not true. Your desire is what really matters. Follow the chosen path.
  2. Find your path, define goals. The path from point A to point B can be completely different for each of you. Only for this reason, before starting the practice, decide on the goals of your path. For someone, the goal may be getting rid of diseases, for someone realizing his destiny, and for someone the goal will be mastering Reiki as a full-fledged profession. We are all different and each of us has our own view of the world. This is the only reason why a simple and understandable goal will make it easier for you to choose your own path of development in Reiki.
  3. Believe in yourself and your strength. Always believe yourself and believe your choice. Don't let fears from the past manifest in the present, otherwise you will have no future. Believe with all your heart, believe that you can achieve your goals despite fear and uncertainty.
  4. Internal work on yourself. Face yourself. Before you start working with other people, do the work with yourself. Is a master who always works on himself and his own perfection. Never stop there. Instead of rushing from technique to technique, from one teacher to another, ask yourself the question: “What do I still don’t know about Reiki Practice? What area of ​​Reiki is still hidden from my view? " Answer these questions for yourself. Keep moving forward!
  5. Time for self-development. In one of our articles: “”, we have already told you that you should definitely allocate time for self-development. This is an important part of the practice. Record the time for yourself in your diary, and practice Reiki every day. Be sure to read the article: ""
  6. Learn to read the signs. Our environment is a mirror of ourselves. To understand this better, it would be appropriate to say that like attracts like. The ability to see and understand the signs helps us take a deeper look at our inner problems and work with them in detail.
  7. Reiki brings change. When you start practicing Reiki, changes inevitably begin to occur in your life. Everything that happens is always aimed at your good, even if there is a negative moment in what is happening. Learn to accept and allow any changes in your life. Think of everything as lessons to be learned and for which you will have to take an exam. If the situation repeats itself, it means that the lesson has not been learned, the exam has not been passed.
  8. Fear of being wrong most often impedes action. But fear is an emotion and sometimes it really is stronger than action. Only by starting to act, there will be no trace of fear and doubt. Don't be afraid to be wrong. Be grateful for the mistakes you made and keep going towards your goal.
  9. Remember the reward. If you have set goals, then you know exactly what gift awaits you as a result of daily practice. More often than not, remind yourself of the result you want to achieve. It doesn't matter what industry you work in. Do not lose sight of the skill or several skills that you will develop in yourself during the practice.
  10. Our teacher Energy Reiki, just like life is for grown-up children. When you take the first steps in learning Reiki practice as a beginner, your teacher, the Reiki Master, will play a big role for you. The wizard will just lay the foundation in you, share with you the tools and experience. Further, you, like a fluttering chick, must gain experience on your own. Listen to Reiki, let the Reiki Energy guide you along the path of self-improvement. By moving from status, beginner to practice, and then becoming a Reiki Master, Reiki Energy itself will become your teacher.

Reiki is a wonderful system, plunging into which you encounter ancient healing practices that have been used by people for many millennia. Remember, if you hit or something hurt you, you put your hands on this place, and the pain subsides. Remember when your child fell and got hurt, you put your hands on the bruised place and the pain goes away. You intuitively do what Teacher Mikao Usui brought into a working system of healing the body in the Reiki system. Why Reiki, how it differs from other similar systems of the peoples of the East. The revolutionary nature of this system is that there is initiation(connection with Rei-ki - the energy of life, energy, where you connect with the power of the Earth and Heaven) and here the healer does not need to accumulate energy for a long time to work, it does not require a long special training and knowledge of anatomy or the Wu-Xing system.

The founder of this method, Mikao Usui, thought out in detail the scheme of laying on of hands in the order in which the Reiki energy will work out the problems in the energy of your physical body... Already at the initial stage, using Reiki practices, you will receive positive results: sleep will improve, mood swings will go away, fatigue will decrease. Fulfilling the five principles of Reiki, which, if you look closely, are broadcast by all religions of the world, you will harmonize your events in life. After completing the Reiki training and having received initiation, following the worked out scheme, at the first stage you will be able to simply carry out the recommended techniques and techniques. You will use the energy of the Universe not only for your own healing and putting in order the health of your loved ones, but also for harmonizing relationships and life situations.

This harmonization will benefit all parties involved in an event and people will be grateful that everything was resolved in the best way for them. After all, this energy is aimed at harmonizing you with the rhythms of the universe, bearing the divine principle. Reiki is a method of healing everything that your eyes may fall on, with which you constantly encounter in everyday life. As a Reiki guide, you fill your life with the energy of Higher, more subtle vibrations and Divine Love. Accepting the Love sent to us from the Highest Source, connecting oneself with the rhythm and consciousness of the Universe, getting rid of low-vibration energies that destroy not only subtle fields, but also the physical body. You work on yourself so that you can then transfer energy into the world as the Teacher received it. It is also an opportunity to feel the flow of energy in your body, to develop intuition and fine sensitivity of the hands at the initial stage, and later on others. psychic abilities... You will feel the flow of energy in the human body, the configuration of his field, negative penetrations into his fields, see the aura and much more.

Reiki is an amazing energy that comes to us from the Higher spheres of the Universe. She has her own consciousness and knows exactly where to move and what to do. It is multidimensional and removes the causes of problems at all possible levels - body, mind or soul. (Richard Rivard) Steps in Reiki exist for the gradual development of mastery in this system. You cannot immediately disassemble all the blockages in the energy structure of a person, this is done in layers so that the body gets used to the changes. Even in the teachings of Feng Shui, it is not recommended to rearrange the entire apartment at once, too big changes in life will begin and not everyone can adequately respond to them. Severe stress is harmful to any system.

Reiki (Reiki) practices

Our center works “ Reiki club”, Where in the classroom additional techniques, the Wu-Xing system is explained, the work is given
with sound vibrations - kotodams or Buddhist mantras, work with affirmations, classical and additional symbols. Acquaintance with the metaphysics of the Sonten direction, which was practiced by the monk of the temples of Mount Kurama.

This enhances the ability of students and masters to achieve concrete results in realizing their own goals, fighting specific ailments and mastering the steps of Reiki. This increases the toolbox and opportunity creative approach to the solution of the problem. The energy of Reiki, in combination with healing practices and work with karma, give excellent results. At the seminars, you come across new concepts for yourself - kotodams, mudras, creation of states.

Club Topics

Zero level (for everyone)

« Open Reiki lesson» s knowledge of the system, for those who want to get to know it better and start practicing it

"Circle of Reiki"Collective wellness session, club assistance in working out problems

Reiki Stage 1

"Reiki - work with energy meridians in the light of Wu Xing theory " - acquaintance with the basics of oriental healing techniques, their principles and the possibility of using.

"Meditative practices in the Reiki system. Visualization and concentration" - the ability to meditate and concentrate, one of the foundations of the Reiki system. The absence of these practices will make further promotion ineffective.

"Reiki and sound vibrations, work with kotodams and healing sounds" Kotodama is where the Reiki symbols subsequently came from, it is the spiritual basis of the system.

"Additional Healing Techniques"- they will increase the effectiveness of your Reiki sessions.

"Breathing practices, cleansing and energy recruitment techniques." - own energy fulfillment, energy strength, the fact of increasing opportunities in any area of ​​life

Reiki Secrets (what Hawayo Takata did not teach, but was used by Mikao Usui)

Reiki 2 tbsp

"Reiki and Japanese Yamabushi Traditions"Energy practices of "mountain manahs" used in Reiki practices

"Meditative Reiki Practices for Dealing with Negative Emotional Blocks and Childhood Fears" - energy blockages, this is what interferes with the flow of energy, creates diseases and does not allow to adequately perceive life situations parting with them, we change our lives for the better

"Reiki Symbols - Working with Situations of the Past and Creating the Future" - expanding the possibilities of working with Reiki symbols, correct setting of programs

"Solving financial problems through the Reiki system" ... Part 1 and 2 - consideration of psychological and energy problems that hinder the flow of energy of money and their study

« Energy protections in the Reiki system ". - the ability to protect oneself from energy influences different types

"Kinesiology to Help Reiki Practitioners" - schemes of projections of organs onto the muscle frame, removal of muscle blockages, restoration of energy flow, blood flow, nerve impulses.

The easiest way to bathe yourself in Reiki is to cleanse your body and activate your energy.


Get into a standing or sitting position, whichever is more comfortable for you (further explanations refer to the standing position).

Close or half-close your eyes. Breathe slowly and naturally without any conscious control.

Make Gassho. Raise your arms as high as possible, keeping them apart. Imagine that you are receiving a whole shower of Reiki vibrations from the very source of the universe.

Stay in this flow for a while.

When you feel that washing with energy is enough, then lower your hands in front of you, palms towards you. Reiki radiates from the hands. Simultaneously with the Reiki shower, you remove all excess energy down and it leaves through your legs.

Do this exercise several times.

Do Gassho and finish. Shake your wrists well. Comments: As you do this exercise, Reiki energy will fill every part and every cell of your body. In particular, you will notice that Reiki is radiating from your eyes, hands and mouth.

* Gassho - used in meditation, cleansing energy practices, during prayer, reading mantras, before and after Reiki sessions. The Gassho tradition has been known since ancient times. Gasse is an expression of respect for the Higher Powers. Humility of pride, attitude to the reception of energy and information. Position: fold your hands in front of your chest, palms facing each other, close your fingers.

Hikari no kokyu-ho

Hikari no Kokyu-ho means the technique of breathing light. It helps to cope with stress and cleanses the mind and body.


1. Take a position: standing or sitting - whichever is more comfortable for you (further explanations refer to the sitting position on the chair.

2. Close or half-close your eyes. Breathe slowly, but without any strain. Generally, inhale and exhale through your nose. But if it is more convenient for you to exhale through your mouth, then this is permissible. It is important to breathe naturally.

3. Do Gassho and calm the mind.

4. Raise your arms as high as possible and feel the Reiki vibrations fill your entire body.

5. Slowly lower your hands to your knees. The palms are facing up, as if you are holding eggs in your hands. The arms are relaxed.

6. Place your mind in Tanden and listen to your breathing.
Remember where your attention is directed, there is an increased flow of energy!

7. As you inhale, imagine how pure white-gold Reiki light enters in a steady stream into the parietal part of the head (the area of ​​the "Crown" chakra) and fills the entire head.
In this case, you can feel the expansion of the head.

Then, gradually along the Hara line, it descends into Tanden (3-5 centimeters below the navel).
From there, energy goes to all organs and cells of your body.

Feel the healing effects of Reiki on your body.

8. As you exhale, imagine that the light that has filled your entire body seeps out through the skin, becoming a part of your aura, and then goes into infinity.
At the same time, gently release any of your tensions (blocks).

9. Breathe like this for a while.

10. Hands in Gassho. We express our gratitude to the Highest, Reiki and ourselves for cleansing.

When finished, shake your wrists well.

Purification of the aura:

Purification of the aura is carried out before and after the Reiki healing session. Before the session: cleansing the aura removes the excess and brings the energy of the aura into balance.

The patient can lie on a table or mat, or sit on the floor or chair, so that he is comfortable.

Do Gassho and induce the sensation of Reiki (this can be done by stretching your arms up and allowing the Reiki light to enter).

Stroke the air over the entire body (at the level of about 10 centimeters) with both hands or one. Stroking is done with one continuous movement from the head to the feet or from the left side of the body to the right.

If you are using one hand, work on one side of the body first, then walk around the patient and work on the other side. Comments: Thus, the energy of the aura is consistent with the energy of Reiki flowing from the palms of the hands. This removes stagnant, excess energy.

KENYOKU - dry shower

The Japanese word for kenyoku means dry shower. Kenyoku cleanses body and soul. Amplifies your energy and helps you disconnect from clients, situations, thoughts and emotions. Kenyoku brings you back to the present moment.

This original technique Mikao Usui is performed whenever you come home - to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of the day, before each healing session, energy exercise, at the end of a healing session - to disconnect from the patient. In Reiki practice, we use three variations of this technique. Differences in the performance of the technique are only in the second paragraph.

Technique execution:

The technique is performed either by contact, or the hand is held at a distance of ten centimeters from the body. In this case, you can be in a sitting, standing or lying position.

First option.

1. Place the open palm of your right hand on your left shoulder. The fingertips are opposite the top of the shoulder, where the collarbone meets the shoulder. Draw your open palm in a straight line across the sternum to the top of your right thigh.

Repeat this process with right side using your left hand. Repeat this process again on the left side.

2. Place your right hand on top of your left shoulder. Run your open palm down the outside with your straight left hand, all the way to your fingertips.

Repeat this process with your right hand. (Some Reiki schools suggest doing this again with the left hand.)

Second option.

1. As in option 1.

2. Carry out cleansing movements with the open palm of one hand from the open palm of the other hand.

The third option.

1. As in option 1.

2. Carry out scrubbing movements with the open palm of one hand on the inside of the other hand, from the shoulder to the fingertips.

Inner Child Meditation

This meditation can be used by those who are not initiated into Reiki. However, it will give the most striking result to dedicated ones.

Initiation into Reiki connects us to the Source and attunes us to the vibrations of Love to accelerate our inner growth. With the help of Reiki, we acquire the ability not only of our bodily healing, but actively and consciously come into contact with parts of our personality to which we, as a rule, do not have access.

Reiki brings us directly to our sensitive points, confronts us with all sorts of problems, and we are no longer able to turn away and pretend not to notice it. We must consciously recognize our Shadow (not accepted by us traits of character, thoughts, emotions, etc.) and in trust in Reiki enter it.

The universal energy will bring to the surface deeply hidden feelings of fear, anger and long-forgotten emotional experiences. The sooner we accept these repressed parts of our being without judgment and judgment, the faster we can integrate our Shadow and move forward towards Integrity.

Inner child, Inner woman Inner man are parts of our personality. The prerequisites for achieving Wholeness are healing and embracing these parts of our personality. It is important to overcome duality, that is, to achieve a balance between the feminine and masculine principles in us. We cannot achieve Integrity without healing our Inner child without creating harmony, balance between the feminine and masculine principles in us.

Reiki and the Inner Child

Blocks that hinder us in the present were often formed in our childhood. Through Reiki, we can come into direct contact with our Inner Child. We are given an excellent opportunity to return to our childhood experiences, to feel certain situations, talk to our child and resolve our childhood conflicts and traumas.

How to get in touch with your Inner Child

You lie or sit comfortably in a chair, your back is straight, your feet are on the floor, you close your eyes and completely relax.

You are in contact with Reiki, thank the energy. Ask Reiki to help you connect with your Inner Child. Now put your trust in Reiki and calmly wait for contact to be established.

Perhaps you will receive an image of a little girl or boy that you were in childhood, or something abstract. Accept openly any spontaneous manifestation Your Inner Child. This little creature is a part of you and can sometimes feel lonely and abandoned.

Surround this image with Reiki energy. By sending him Love and Light (that is, Reiki), you heal him, and gradually he becomes strong, creative, spontaneous, playful, loving and ready to help you.

In this way, you yourself are able to transform everything that prevents you (an adult) from being strong, creative, spontaneous, playful, loving and ready to help others.

Gradually, you will begin to more and more accept yourself as the person you really are, and you will begin to love yourself.

Reiki boxing. Working with situations

To treat one patient or a group of patients of any size, you can use a Reiki-box (box). To do this, a list of patients is written, where their surnames, names and settlements where they live are indicated, the dates from which and by which the treatment will be carried out are indicated and this list is placed in an envelope. A request for healing of people listed in Reiki-boxing is added to the appeal (it is not necessary to name them). The healer writes with his hand or mentally Reiki symbols over this envelope and holds his hands on the envelope or places the envelope between his palms for 20-30 minutes. If you carry out the process of treatment in transport, the envelope may remain in a briefcase, which lies on your knees and over which, imperceptibly for others, Reiki symbols are written by hand, or the healer imagines Reiki symbols above it. The session ends by writing the Cho-Ku-Rei symbol over the envelope and thanks. The duration of treatment, as with other methods of treatment, can be very different. After the last patient listed in Reiki Boxing is healed, the envelope and the notes that were in it are burned.

Working for the situation.

In Reiki Boxing, you can put a note asking for help in solving any problem. The abundance of the Universe knows no boundaries, it has everything for those who ask and are ready to accept. Just don't ask for anything, trying to take what you want from others. Reiki Earth, pacification of the elements, improvement of the ecological situation. Our planet suffers greatly from the impact on it of negative thoughts and emotions of people, from the irrational production activities of mankind. Reiki specialists can provide essential assistance to the Earth, and it can be healed. A Reiki session on the planet can be carried out by picking up any spherical object or imagining that we are holding a small globe of the Earth in our hands. You can conduct Reiki sessions by imagining a map of a continent, region, or settlement. One Reiki healer can balance the evil thoughts and actions of thousands of people. Do Reiki for territories and people involved in social and military conflicts, and for all participants in these conflicts, for example, hostages and terrorists who have captured them. So, Reiki will help to defuse difficult situations. We are in this world at the beginning of a new era. At this time, the elements are unbalanced. Hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, social conflicts are becoming more frequent and more destructive. Therefore, the work of Reiki specialists is becoming more and more necessary and important. They do a lot to prevent and minimize the consequences of these phenomena and can do more. By changing the world of their emotions and thoughts, each person contributes to the salvation and prosperity of our World, and Reiki specialists have much more of this opportunity.

Protection from external influences using Reiki symbols:

Often people believe that they are energetically influenced by underachters. We know that according to the law “What is inside and outside,” we attracted all these influences to ourselves. But we cannot always immediately change so as to stop generating negativity in ourselves and, accordingly, attract negativity from the outside. Therefore, Reiki's help will not be superfluous in this problem.
Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands up with palms open to the sky gain Reiki energy, then transfer them opposite the Tanden center and fill it with Reiki energy - then draw the 1st symbol on ourselves and scroll this image around ourselves while moving it away from the body outward - forming a wall around itself composed of a rotating 1st symbol

Reiki - candles:

To work with Reiki, you can use charged candles: hold 3, 5 or 7 candles in your hands, directing Reiki at them and drawing 1,2 and 3 symbols. Then put them on a tray (it is good if the tray is filled with stones such as jasper, quartz, etc., peeled and pre-charged with Reiki), the candles are placed so as to form equilateral figures (triangle, pentagon, or heptagon), paper with written wishes or names of patients. Repeat the procedure at least 4 times, 4 days in a row.

Charging the dollar for "breeding"

a) Invite Reiki energy.
b) Place the $ 1 bill on the left palm with the pyramid side up
c) Draw 1 symbol with the right hand above the bill, pronounce the name of the symbol 3 times and cover it with the right hand. We place the hands with the bill at the level of the third chakra. We say the program three times: "Reiki energy clears this bill of negative influences, energies, emotions and fills it with Divine energy."
d) Sequentially draw over the bill with the right hand the symbols: 1, 3, 2 + 1, 1, pronouncing their names three times. We cover the bill with our right hand and place our hands near the third chakra
e) We say the program three times: "This bill attracts to [full name and surname] $ 1000 (state your amount within reasonable limits) monthly"
f) Give thanks and release Reiki.

Do this work four days in a row, then put the dollar in the free compartment of your wallet. The charge is repeated once every 3 months until the desired effect is achieved.

Help with emotional crises:

On the 4th and 5th chakras the 1st and 2nd symbols. On the back aspect of the 5th chakra, the 3rd symbol
On the 4th and 5th chakras, do Reiki for 5-10 minutes

Additional Healing Positions:

Diabetes mellitus - all positions + back and front pancreas + outside elbows.

Radiculitis - one hand on the lower back, the other on the leg, where there is more pain, then the other leg.

Hands - cervical spine, sore arm + second arm.

Multiple sclerosis - crown chakra, pay attention to its boundaries

Breasts - stand to the right of the patient, right hand- on the sternum at the level of the nipple, covering the half of the breast, the left hand - from the back at the level of the heart chakra. The left hand is in the same place, the right hand is in armpit... Repeat 1 position. The left hand is in the armpit, the right hand is on the sternum and repeat 1 pos. Enter on the left. Front - left, back - right hand. The left hand is in the armpit, the right hand is on the back, repeat 1 pos. From the left side. The left one is on the sternum, the right one is in the underside. Repeat 1 pos.

Activation of the meridians in case of fatigue - a point on the palm below the knee joint on the side.

Ears - left hand on the left behind the ear region, with the right hand grab the patient's left hand. With the right hand on the right behind the ear region, with the left hand take the patient by the right hand.

Cleansing the Mental Body and Mind - Place your hands on the heads of the humerus with your fingers in the direction of your hands. Say: free yourself from the thoughts that are limiting you, free yourself from all the old programs. Gradually, the patient's hands will become heavy. After that, work in the patient's aura in the direction of his hands until the weight disappears in the patient's hands. After completing this work, say out loud the positive affirmation discussed with the patient in advance.

Diseases of the skeletal system - the right arm is between the 7th cervical and 1 thoracic vertebrae, the left arm is under the left armpit.

Spinal Disorders, Energy Balancing - Right hand on the back of the neck, left hand on the sacrum.

Diseases of the genitals - put your hands on inner surfaces shins just below knee joints(pregnant women are not allowed!)

Kidney disease - right hand on the area of ​​the left kidney, left hand on the right kidney.

Lungs - right hand - on the forehead, left - on the back of the head. Then - hands are placed on the area 2 of the intercostal space on both sides by 3 cm to the sides of the sternum.

Obesity - balancing the 2nd and 5th chakras, then positions as in lung disease.

Heart - right hand - on the thenar of the patient's left hand, left hand - on the right shoulder. Then move the left hand to the lion. Patient's shoulder.

Cysts - the inner ankle of the right foot.

Ptosis of organs - put the tip of the middle finger of the left hand in the chest fossa and pull it towards you. With the right hand, slowly pull along the aura from the bottom up to the head at a distance of 15 cm from the body. Do this repeatedly in threes at different distances from the body. Then move your finger under the sternum, pressing lightly. At the same time, with the right hand, make the same movement in the center of the body in the aura. Further, without interrupting contact, go to the left side by putting middle finger right hand into the chest fossa. Repeat the pull-up on the patient's left side, then ground him.

Relief of pressure - quick session + waving gesture along the back down from the crown chakra or quick session + stroke with palms along the sides of the neck with fingers downward stroking motion.

Stress relief - neck over collarbones; on the back under the shoulder blades.

Losing weight - a treatment session + on places with excess fat say “I easily lose excess weight + on the crown of my head:“ all my bodies are perfect from the point of view of the Higher Mind ”.

Energy recharge (space plug) - one hand on the forehead, the other on the back of the head; the heart is in the Hara region; both hands are on the heart.

A situation with a negative habit.

A habit is a mechanical, routine, ordinary action or behavior, a repetition of an action. It is necessary to distinguish between habit and dependence. The periodic change of some habits opens up the opportunity for us to see what is happening with different eyes and from a completely different angle of view.

Imagine a picture of a person with his negative habit between his palms and send Reiki there (you can write on paper). Use signs Distant (3), Emotional-mental (2) (many times), affirmation, Symbol of Power (1) ..

You can carry out the treatment several times, carefully observing any changes.

Method 2.
It is possible to get rid of the negative habit and use the affirmation to remove the negative habit with contact or remote treatment at the crown chakra. 2 ... 2, affirm., Full name, 1.

Crystal cure ‘without me’ ’.

Sometimes there is a situation when the treatment needs to be continued, but physical ability no. Then the mineral kingdom comes to the rescue.
Take a crystal, charge it without naming a person. Give an affirmation. Put the photo on the crystal. Treat photo on crystal 3,2,1 characters, full name, affirms. Then put a photo on the table with a crystal on it. The crystal heals for 2-3 days. When the crystal is finished, give thanks to the energy, the crystal. Clean the crystal with 2 and 1 marks.

Emotional body treatment.

Used to transmute unwanted emotions.

Activate palms with 1 sign.
Place your left hand on the solar plexus, draw or visualize symbol 2 above the patient.
Place your right hand on the patient's right shoulder and place Reiki on the patient's shoulder several times. minutes.
Cleanse the aura in the throat chakra area with your right hand.
Take the patient's right hand with your right hand, and your left hand rests on his solar plexus. Draw out the patient's emotions through his right hand.
Place your right hand on the patient's left shoulder. Give Reiki in this position several. minutes.
Check the aura above the throat chakra and, if necessary, clear it again.
Move the right hand crosswise from bottom to top over the entire body of the patient.
With both hands, cleanse the solar plexus chakra, taking out emotions and giving them to the Light.
During the treatment, many second symbols may be needed - listen to your intuition.
Fill your solar plexus area with blue light.
Cleanse the patient's throat chakra again.
Thank Reiki.

Who is open to sharing?
These are people who have rejection, condemnation, hatred, pride and FEAR, FEAR, FEAR in the field of consciousness! With their stupidity, ignorance, stubbornness, people break their aura, and through these breaks low-vibration entities enter.
And no one can help an "infected" person until the person himself realizes he will not change. Another person can only temporarily alleviate the fate of the "infected", give him information and techniques about healing. The next step is to take full responsibility for the healing and walk the path of healing.
If a person is highly spiritual, open, sincere, lives in joy and love, he is protected from the introduction of low-vibration essences.
After initiation into Reiki, a person is protected from negativity for several days, and the vaccination is in progress. Then he goes out into the world. And here you have to work on yourself.
You need to cleanse, open the chakras, work on your emotions, on your consciousness. Reiki will not work on its own. The work of your soul, your consciousness, your intuition is necessary.
The entities will whisper in your ear a sweet fairy tale about a white fluffy bull. Don't give in to them. The choice always remains with the person. We make choices every day. It's nobody's fault. You and only you give birth to low-vibration entities. You either live with them, or part.

How can you recognize a sharing (without a session)?
1. Moving eyes.
2. Interrupts constantly.
3. Does not hear what they say to him.
4. Always right.
5. Eyes with limp, lack of clarity.
6. Aggression.
7. Doesn't remember what he is talking about.
8. I am physically nauseous next to him. It is you who hear the astral-mental plane of a person.

How can you recognize if you are sharing (without a session)?
To all of the above, constant weakness, de-energization, a feeling as if a veil in my eyes, frequent dizziness and a feeling as if I was being manipulated.

How can you recognize a sharing during a session?
1. Grimaces.
2. Swings or bends.
3. May shake as if in a fever.
4. Unreasonable laughter.
5. Can cry or squeak pitifully, can make different sounds: grunt, bark, etc.
6. You may feel nausea in your solar plexus.
7. Strong vibrations can appear in the hands, hands can become sticky, wet, and something under the hands can move.

(* continued) You should know that nothing in itself is bad or evil. An entity can be destructive only because it is alien to a given world, dimension, body, or time. But there are places that are her home. And if we help her find her home, the entity will willingly go there.

Therefore, instead of perceiving the invading entities as forces of evil that need to be hated and expelled to the edge of the universe, to the underworld, one can consider them as lost travelers, souls, entities from other worlds.
They will be grateful if we can help them return home.
Whatever energy invades our space, we need to treat it with compassion. When we think that we need to "get rid of" something, we proceed from dislike, anger, and fear, and frighten the entity with this attitude. We must give love to the low vibration essence. In a state of fear, she will not enter into dialogue. The entity senses when it is being attacked and, like a frightened child, can hide in a secluded corner that it has created for itself in your body or field. The entity will not dare to go where destruction awaits it. The more we don’t love something, the more energy we give to it. And the more difficult it is to get rid of it.
The practice of withdrawing entities.
Prerequisite: there must be no feeling of fear. Fear can be filled, replaced with love, the place of fear can be filled with Divine Light.
Session with yourself.
Enter the Reiki channel, invoke Your Higher I AM Presence (In the name of I AM THAT I AM, I invite my I AM Presence, a particle of God in me, to be with me throughout the session and today. I ask you, my I I AM Presence, take under your direct control all my actions, deeds, words, feelings and thoughts. I ask you, my powerful I AM Presence, to act through me throughout the session, today, to lead my life).
Set and pronounce the program: all the entities that have settled in my astral-mental plane, accept help in complete harmonization, fill with my love and go to your space and time, where you will be in complete harmony with the universe.
And do yourself a session, as your master taught you, as you want at the moment. Use the Reiki symbols that come to mind. You will be guided by your Higher Self. Throughout the session and during the entire time of work to withdraw the essence (s) from your field, from your body, you need to lead the Essence, communicate with it.
For example, you say, referring to the entity: “Now space is open, come out, do not be afraid. You can go to your home. I fill you with Light, Love, you are already uncomfortable in my field, in my body. You have grown up and you can live separately from me. Go to your space and time, where you will be in harmony with the Universe. Do not be afraid, look here is your universe, it is good here ”!
It is as if the birth of your child, created by you, is taking place! When you feel that something starts to separate from you, help him go in love, even if you have a feeling of disgust. After all, this separates a part of yourself, which is already alien to you, and which has already served you.
A memory may flood. You can realize what situation gave birth to this entity. Ask everyone who was involved in this situation for forgiveness and forgive everyone.
Cosmic essences infuse a person in order to be filled with love. Having received what they expected, i.e. love and light they leave the field, the human body, go into their plans. A swelling, rash, growth, etc. may occur at the site of an entity's attachment, a cough, stuttering, anger for no reason may occur.
When the essence leaves, it is necessary to fill the place where the essence resides with light, the energy of Reiki.


Reiki's protective circle is needed to protect against negative impact and avoidance of negative situations (if applicable).
1) For staging protective circle invoke the energy of Reiki, according to our level.
2) "I ask the energy of Reiki, Teachers and Guides of Reiki and all Higher Forces to protect and fence me (or name ...) at the right time from any harm that may be done to me (or name), willingly or unwillingly."
3) We visualize around us an oval of milky-golden color, which originates at the feet of the feet and ends slightly above the crown chakra.
4) Imagine that we are thoroughly saturated with the energy of the circle.
5) “I thank the Reiki energy, Teachers, Reiki Guides and all Higher Forces for helping and ask you to protect me (or my name) for …… (period of time)
The guard circle is set.

A technique that helps to feel (increase) the flow of Reiki.

(For those people who have problems with feeling the flow of Reiki energy)
1. Accept comfortable position lying, hands along the body.
2. Relax and let go of all thoughts, that is, enter the state of emptiness.
3. Imagine that one energy brush (a round brush that is used to household needs). These brushes gently enter the chakras of your palms and slowly rotate (clockwise), pass through the channel of the hands to the heart chakra. And from the heart chakra along the spine they pass to the channel of the legs, leaving through the chakras located on the feet. After the brushes have come out of the feet, dispose of them, that is, imagine that you are burning them, for example, in some kind of super-energy furnace, and instead of smoke, clean and transparent air comes out of the tube. Focus on your images here. In principle, instead of brushes, you may have other energy tools, it all depends on your creative imagination .... *
This meditation removes blocks in energy channels and helps you to strengthen your feelings while working with Reiki energy, or to increase the flow of Reiki.
After this meditation, do the following.

1. Invite Reiki.
2. Put your hands together with your palms and begin to rub vigorously against each other until your hands become hot (thus, the energy centers are activated), then put your hands on any part of your body, for example, on your stomach, after a while you feel the warmth that comes from the palms of your hands. This is Reiki.

This warmth is felt through and without clothing. Then you can do yourself a Reiki session. And if there is no desire, be sure to thank Reiki and either close the channel or leave it open. For example, "Thank you Reiki for your healing energy and I ask you to leave the channel open."


1. Make an arbitrary list of your experiences, actions, thoughts, write them down in words: for example,

every morning I wake up with the thought of my son, who ...

I constantly expect tricks from my boss;

I am oppressed by the thought of the hopelessness of my future;

I would like to come to terms with this ... but I do not find the strength to take the first step;

I am hurt by the thought that everything I did for a loved one made no sense;

I would like to be financially independent, but I do not know how to do it;

I see myself as young and attractive;

I am loved and appreciated for who I am;

I want to meet a close-minded person;

I hate the habit of currying favor with a strong and arrogant person, because I give in to aggression ...

2. Then make a list of emotions that you often experience: guilt in front of (or for something), resentment, jealousy, anger, gullibility; character traits that you consider undesirable, interfering: rigidity, uncompromising, absent-mindedness, etc.

3. During meditative drawing, observe your feelings, associations (what chain of memories was pulled along by this or that emotion, thought, trait, experience), write them down. Then you can return to them and draw separately. You may be returning to the starting point of the unwanted behavior (childhood fear that must be forgiven).

Meditative drawing can be spontaneous. As soon as you experience or remember an insult, resentment, anger, start drawing as soon as possible. Take a felt-tip pen, inhale, exhale, tanden - and spontaneous movements on a piece of paper.

If you gave yourself the task of sketching your resentment, you will inevitably have to distract yourself and focus on the movements of your fingers, as a result of which energy is taken away from the resentment. Meditation frees the soul from dirty energy.

If you are drawing a symptom (back pain, anxiety in the soul, etc.), then when looking at the drawing, you may suddenly reveal some kind of emotion or thought.

How many grievances, so many sessions of meditative drawing can be. “Resentment against your son, friend, daughter, spouse, boss, life, yourself ...” Each time, write down your thoughts, symptoms in the body, feelings, associations, so that you can work them out later too. Drawing will allow you to discover and heal negative emotions in a matter of hours. It is advisable to work through all the main grievances in order to remember the harmful train of thought that is characteristic of you when experiencing a certain emotion, in order to then extinguish it and get rid of it.

All sheets of MR, heal Reiki. At the same time, you will experience certain sensations that will allow you to know yourself better and heal.

from the book - Sokolova A. L. "Reiki System Usui Reiki Ryoho


As we already know, we have an emotional body in which our emotions originate. We are emotional beings and throughout our lives we experience a diverse range of feelings from the highest feeling love to the destructive feeling of hatred. Emotions accompany us constantly, through them we learn the world and myself. They have a huge energy potential.
According to the Tibetan Book of the Dead, our emotions determine not only the quality of our life, but also the quality of our transition to another world, as well as the quality of our new birth. As stated above, six basic emotions define the world of our next birth. And it is especially important to realize that emotions have a huge impact on our existence in the three posthumous Bardos. If we can distance ourselves from our emotions and maintain mental stability, then we experience intermediate realities in a sublime state. Otherwise, they begin to manipulate us, and we fall into the abyss of suffering.

During our lifetime, we can learn to manage and transform our emotions and integrate the huge energy charge that these emotions carry in ourselves.

Let's look at how the energy of emotions works, using the example of very strong emotional feelings- hatred, resentment, envy, anger and aggression, which carry a destructive aspect.
As a rule, we fall into strong negative emotional states if what is happening does not coincide with our ideas. And we try, through the flurry of our emotions, which we spontaneously and thoughtlessly rain down on others, to manipulate and control other people. In addition, if we release these feelings on another person, then by doing so we destroy him.
If we suppress anger or aggression, that is, literally push them into ourselves, then they destroy us from the inside. In both cases, we behave destructively, destroying either ourselves or those around us.

Emotions carry the pole (positive or negative) that we put in them. If you learn to reverse the polarity of your emotions, that is, change the charge from minus to plus, then you can master the art of managing emotions. With the help of Reiki, we can easily learn to transform our emotions, thus freeing ourselves from unproductive emotionality.

The most efficient and effective method: at the slightest sign of occurrence negative emotions immediately place your hands on your stomach or solar plexus and make contact with Reiki.

The first step towards mastering the transformation of emotions is not to identify with your emotions, that is, to learn to look and observe them as if from the outside. Thus, we are already depriving them of their power over us.

This is best achieved by not suppressing or experiencing emotions. When we control or suppress our emotions, we freeze and become passive-aggressive, as a result, we can become mentally ill. The subconscious experience of emotions only adds fuel to the fire of emotionality and limits us.
Instead, we can consciously know all our emotions, fully feel them, go through them. Due to the fact that we fully and freely feel our emotions, we accept them and thus neutralize the fetters by which they bind our consciousness. We become aware of the danger underlying these emotions. We understand that as soon as we identify with them, they immediately draw us into a continuous circle of suffering. As a result of the process of becoming aware of our emotions, we stop identifying with our emotions.

We begin to realize that others are not the real cause of our aggression and anger. The reason lies only in us, in the inconsistency of our ideas with reality. Thanks to our willingness to feel our emotions, the desire to pour them on others gradually disappears.
By the way, as soon as we stop projecting our aggression onto others, we will immediately stop attracting people who release their aggression on us.

The second step is to dissolve emotions in the energy and Light of Reiki, which reverses the polarity and releases the energy associated with emotions.

And the third, extremely important, step is the integration of the released huge charge of energy into our system. As a result, we transform the destructive energy of anger or aggression into constructive energy for spiritual growth.

If we constantly practice the technique of transforming the energy of our emotions, then after a while it will be enough just to put our hands on our stomach - and the energy will immediately begin to automatically reverse its polarity.

Liza Kashlinskaya "Life and Death with Reiki"

Exercise # 1 - Morning

While still lying in bed, we open our eyes on the sly.

Stretch tightly, so that the whole body shudders to the last bone.

We look around - if you are familiar with the situation, then you are in your bedroom, and not in paradise.

We fold our hands into a prayer position and thank God for the new day, for this morning, for the air you breathe, for the sky above your head, for the sun that gives warmth, and for the whole world around you.

Then, without opening our hands, we turn to our Higher Self as follows:
“I ask my Higher Self to send Reiki energy to purify me from shortcomings and all negative manifestations that are in me. I sincerely wish to be brighter and better. "

We leave our hands in this position until you feel the flow of energy.

As soon as the flow has weakened or stopped altogether - thank Reiki (just say "Thank you Reiki") and end the session.

Some people do not immediately feel the energy flow when working with Reiki, but this does not mean that it is not there. Sensitivity comes with time.

Exercise number 2 - the day to come

It is very important to set the mood for the day ahead. As the saying goes, as you tune in, you will spend the day.

Take three deep breaths in and out.


Close your eyes and imagine what is pouring on you sunlight... You feel its warmth and you feel joyful.

Smile and hold your smile for as long as possible.

Fold your hands in prayer position and
“I ask my Higher Self to energize today with the energy of Reiki for my benefit and the benefit of my family and friends. May the energy of reiki protect us today, and give us many positive emotions "

Crystal ball techniques (holograms).

Situation Harmonization Technique /
Invite Reiki to work with the situation
Imagine and feel the Crystal ball between the hands, in which there is a hologram of the Situation.
Give Reiki to the Crystal Ball with a request to harmonize the situation and facilitate it optimal development(or permission) "for the good and the highest good of all its participants"
When the Reiki flow is over, release the ball and gratefully end the session /
Remote work in patient healing.

* Ask Reiki for help.

* Spread your arms in a semicircle, as if creating a sphere or a ball mentally. Let's call the ball Reiki.

* Place HS symbols on the Reiki ball.

* Now imagine your patient in this Reiki ball by saying his first and last name three times.

* Place the HS + CR symbols on the patient mentally or with the tip of the nose, saying each symbol three times.

* Continuing to hold the Reiki ball with the patient in our hands, we put the CR symbol several times, reciting the mantra of the symbol three times each time.

* We hold the Reiki ball with the patient for at least 15 minutes, and if the flow continues after 15 minutes, we continue to hold the Reiki ball. You will feel through your hands and the sixth chakra the changes that will begin to take place in your patient. Perhaps a change in the patient's image will begin, perhaps the color in the Reiki ball will begin to change, some sensations in the hands will begin to change, perhaps even movement and changes will begin in your body. Hold your hands until there is a flow of Reiki and until there is a clear feeling that enough is enough. You can at this moment talk with the patient in the ball, ask questions about his problem and well-being, ask how many sessions he needs to heal. At this moment, the Higher Self of a person is talking to you, which knows exactly what he, the patient, needs.

* When the Reiki flow ends, we put the SHK + CR symbols on the Reiki ball with the patient mentally or with the tip of the nose, repeating their mantra three times, and continue to hold our hands until the Reiki flow stops completely. At the same time, the emotional and physical state of the patient is harmonized. Ask mentally, referring to the patient in the Reiki ball, how many sessions still need to be done with him.

* When the flow of Reiki stops, imagine the Reiki ball with the patient closing in the petals of fire or any flower. As if "blow off" it from your hands into space and imagine it flying away into the distance.

* Thank Reiki by putting your hands together in front of your chest, thank the patient and yourself. At this point, the session can be considered complete.

* Continue for as many remote healing sessions as you hear in the Reiki ball.

* Remote Reiki sessions are much more powerful than contact sessions - 5 minutes of remote healing is approximately equal to one hour of contact healing.

* Remote sessions are good to do when you are limited in time, when your patients are in another city, when you do not have the opportunity to work in contact.

Japanese technique for developing hand radiation intensity.

(For Reiki practitioners)

The Japanese technique for developing the radiation intensity of the hands is carried out as follows:

Sit on a chair while the spine should be straight, raise your arms vertically up at chest level with your elbows connected, then close your palms in the position of the praying mudra.

Direct your mental (psychic) ​​energy and attention in the palm of your hand without interruption for 40-60 minutes.

It is necessary to do this once, no matter how tiring, and then an automatic concentration of energy arises for the whole life.

Ananda Yoga Technique

1. Become straight, tilt your head and focus on your hands. Energy flows from above, flowing down the hands. Then we raise our hands, pretending that they are batteries and three hands. Sprinkle energy from the sixth energy center into our hands with the power of thought.

Then the whole cycle is repeated.

2. Feet shoulder-width apart, palms in front of you, Absorb the energy into the fingers, exhale the energy into the palm. Further:

- inhale through the fingers - exhale into the forearm;

- inhale through the fingers - exhale into the shoulders;

- inhale through the fingers - exhale into the face;

- inhale through the fingers - exhale into the neck;

- inhale through the fingers - exhale in the sixth energy center;

- inhale through the fingers - exhale into the seventh energy center;

- inhale through the fingers - exhale into the back of the head;

- inhale through the fingers - exhale into the fifth energy center;

- inhale through the fingers - exhale into the fourth energy center;

- inhale through the fingers - exhale into the third energy center;

- inhale through the fingers - exhale into the second energy center;

- inhale through the fingers - exhale into the first energy center;

inhalation through the neck - exhale into all internal organs.

The described exercises aim to maintain a constant working regime of the hands, although some elements, with a certain improvement, can be used in the therapeutic and diagnostic work of the healer. Many elements can be used both preparatory before the main work, and increasing the working tone.

When I wake up in the morning, I sit down and look at the glass of water. For about 30 seconds, I express my gratitude to the water with the words: "Thank you and ask for a good day." Then I drink half of the water. Then I think what I need to do today. Imagining the successful completion of each task, I say to the water, "Thank you, everything went well." And I drink the rest of the water. I get up and go to the toilet. When I’m recovered, I thank the flushing water in the toilet.

Simple, right? It’s so simple that it’s hard to believe that THIS can work. But this technique is actually extremely powerful. Psychologists consider it one of the most brilliant techniques, and all ingenious is simple. Yes, psychologists, even in ancient times, conspiracies on water have come down to our days. So, everything is new, well-forgotten packaging. Our body is 78% water, and our genetic, subconscious memory knows that all living things come from water.

Chakras on the fingers

The Indian-Tibetan system describes the energies of the seven main chakras, which are fixed on the fingers and toes.
Using this knowledge, you can give Reiki to a person when you have little time or in urgent cases.
The center of the palm is the 7th and 1st chakras (Sahasrara and Muladhara). You have to start from here. Either place two fingers in the center of the palm, as Usui did, or hold your palms under the patient's palms.

Ring finger - Ajna (6).

Index finger - Vishuddha (5).

Little finger - Anahata (4).

Middle finger - Manipura (3).

Thumb - Svadhisthana (2).

After the first position, wrap your hand around the desired finger (with the right hand on one hand of the patient, with the left on the other). Go through all fingers and finish again with the center of the palm.
This technique also works with the chakras, as does the "full" session on them.

Crystal construction:

Transparent quartz is used (multiplies energy and is capable of programming). You can use this circle to heal yourself and others, to enhance the energy of your goals. You can hold a box with your or other people's photos, with a note of intent Crystal formation is used in the treatment of a particularly dear person or in an emergency when you need to give energy constantly. Crystal construction is a structure of charged and activated crystals used to transfer energy to our intentions. After the crystals are charged, they will continue to give energy your intentions, even when you are at work. The power of this healing energy will be inferior in intensity to your energy, so the crystals must be charged constantly.

To create your personal structure, you will need 8 crystals. Wash the crystals and soak in salt sea water for 24 hours, say a prayer asking you to be cleansed in the name of your high spiritual goals.
Prepare a place for crystals. (Home altar, desk, shelf). Remove crystals from salt water, rinse with running water, wipe dry. Activate crystals: channel the Energy of your hands and heart chakra into crystals and ask them to help you with healing. Before charging you can draw the CHO KU REI sign on your palms. You can say a prayer (you can use any text) * I dedicate these crystals to a good purpose. From this moment I pledge to use their energy for the good of all living things. In the name of I AM THAT I AM, I ask Reiki to activate energy in these crystals so that their power serves a common purpose. *
After you have charged the crystals, take one of the most active (it is the largest). This will be the main energy crystal. Place 6 crystals in a circle (diameter 12 ") at equal distances from each other, pointed end in. Place the last crystal in the center by directing its tip to any other crystal. The stones cannot be moved (their energetic relationship is broken). The main crystal will support the energy of the entire structure. You first charge the Main crystal, then with its help the entire structure. Take the Main crystal and direct it to the Central crystal. Imagine how Reiki energy comes out of the hand and is amplified with the help of this crystal.
Do at least 30 seconds. Go to the next crystal in any direction: clockwise or counterclockwise. After charging one crystal, return to the central one and charge it again. So you establish a connection between the outer crystals and the central one. Return to the last charged crystal, charge it again and move on to the next one, charge it and go back to the center crystal and so on.
Or in numerical order: 1-2-3-1-3-4-1-4-5-1-5-6-1-6-7-1. This way you charge the entire grate. Do it every day. If time is short , just hold your hands over the structure, draw CHO KU REI and give Reiki.
You can place your box in the center of the structure and place the center crystal inside the box.
(from Chetan Chhugani's book * A Practical Approach to Reiki *)

Seven Exercises to Stimulate Internal and External Organs:
Ancient eastern (and western) and modern medicine believes that there are biological points on the outside of the ears that stimulate our internal and external organs: the inner side of the ears activates the work of the internal organs, and the outer side of the external.
The massage, despite the fact that it is very simple, is fantastically effective - the eyes seem to brighten, and the brain works better.
1. Sit in a chair, sofa, or chair (where there is room). Then, with the tips of the fingers of both hands, simultaneously begin to knead the edges of the ears - from the lobe to the tragus (apex) in the following order: fold - from bottom to top; two - from top to bottom; three - from bottom to top and so on 12 times.
2. Without taking your fingers off your ears, start pulling the tragus up the count: one-two-three, then again: one-two-three. Do this four times (for a total of 12 pulls on the top of the ears).
3. Then do the same with the earlobes: pull them down simultaneously from both sides in a count: one-two-three (total number of movements 12). In the east, it is believed that the longer the earlobe, the longer a person lives.
4. Place your fingers behind your ears and with quick movements (at the same time) press your ears so that they cover the ear opening. Do the same by counting: one-two-three ..
The total number is 12 times.
5. With the index fingers of both hands, massage the ears from the inside (12 times).
6. Index fingers both hands are inserted into the ear opening, where you rotate them, as if screwing into the middle of the ear, in succession: one, two, three ... (the number of revolutions is 12 times).
7. Last exercise: also insert the thumbs of both hands into the ear holes and simultaneously rotate in the same way as in the sixth exercise.
That's all: a lot has been written, but everything is done very quickly in 2-3 minutes. The feeling of clarity in the head and vigor in the body is as if after a cold shower.
This complex is so simple that it can be done at any time of the day and anywhere - to relieve fatigue, restore strength, and clarify the eyes (and brains).
do in the flow of Reiki!

Reiki for every day:

First stage:

1. We fold our hands, ask Reiki to heal the whole coming day (day) as it is more convenient for you.
2. Further, feeling the warmth between the hands, we open them and imagine that there is a crystal ball (of any size) between them and in this ball is your coming day.
3. Imagine the most favorable scenario for the development of events. If you do not know what is ahead of you. Imagine a lot of smiling people, a lot of joy, happiness, in general, any maximally good event.
4. Fill this event until you feel that the energy from your hands has stopped flowing, or within 15-30 minutes.
5. Next, fold your hands, thank Reiki for the work.

And we boldly get down to our daily business.

Second stage:

1. We put on the object (any) 3 symbol ХШЗ. (3 times)
2. We say: This is my coming day.
3. We put 2 SHK symbol (3 times)
4. We say: My coming day was absolutely harmonized and healed.
5. We put 1 CHKR symbol. (3 times)

We begin to warm up the subject. Or a visual object.

10-15 minutes.

This work can be done in advance. Let's say in the evening. You can work out your upcoming day at any time convenient for you.

From the second stage, you can cover large time frames for this work from a week to a month and a year.

A state of gratitude.

If this technique is practiced daily, for example, before bedtime, it should lead to the fact that more pleasant events for you will occur in your life.

The order of execution is as follows. You need to write on a piece of paper all the gifts for today. By gifts, I mean all positive events: good weather outside the window, a souvenir presented by a friend who returned from a trip, a salary issued, a signed contract, and so on. Ideally, there should be more than 15 points. So many are in order to remember not only big gifts, but also small ones.

After making such a list, select from them those that you want them to be repeated. And with each of them, in turn, you need to do the Thanksgiving procedure.

Thanksgiving has three parts. You are sitting with your hands on your knees, palms up. First, imagine that you have a sphere in your hands, and in this sphere there is a person through whom the gift came to you. It can be a community of people (for example, a gift came via the Internet, it is not known from whom, then you represent a community of people that make up the Internet) or your Higher Self (if you made a gift to yourself).

Mentally thank this person (s) in as much detail and sincerely as possible, "sending" him (them) a feeling of gratitude.

The second stage is the thanksgiving of the Universe (the Absolute, God, who likes which name better). Improvise, but don't forget two things. Firstly, say that you like this gift, and secondly, that you want to receive it also in what specific quantity.

The third step is to thank yourself for seeing and accepting this gift. At the same time, put your hands from your knees on your heart.

For those with Reiki, turn on the flow in stages 1 and 3. Who does not have, you can ignore it.

Repeat the sequence of these three steps for each gift on the list that you want to see again in your life.


It is used to implement intentions.

Invoke Reiki for ......... (your intention)
1. On a white, unlined sheet of paper, on the sand, draw an equilateral triangle using imaginary lines on a table or on the floor.
2. Above the top apex of the triangle, write "The Greater Good of All."
3. Under the lower left corner of the triangle, write the first and last name of the person for whom this triangle is being built. If the triangle is made for yourself, write "I" or your first and last name.
4. Under the lower right corner, write your request or wish, formulated according to special rules.
For example: You want to find yourself Good work... Instead of the phrase "A place in such and such a company, which is located on such and such a street, with such and such a salary," it is better to write: "An interesting, highly paid promising job in good location with a harmonious schedule ", i.e. you need to write fairly general wording, but at the same time list as many required positive aspects of the future desired work as possible.
Formulating the request too concretely, there is a limitation of the possibilities of the Universe.
The request must be formulated in the present tense, as already resolved.

Attention! Before doing the Reiki Triangle, it is very important to realize whether you are ready for any outcome of the situation. If you do not feel ready, it is better to refuse to work with a triangle, because the result may not meet your expectations.
After all the corners are signed, enclose the triangle in a circle. The circle is integrity, perfection, completeness.

Performing the "Reiki Triangle" technique

1. Invite Reiki, ask her to help resolve this situation in the name of the Greater Good.
2. Draw the symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen in the upper corner of the triangle and say its name 3 times.
3. In the lower left corner of the triangle, draw the symbol of Cho Ku Rei, say its name 3 times.
4. In the lower right corner of the triangle, depict the symbol Sei He Ki, say its name 3 times.

Draw the symbols inside the triangle, either at once completely representing their image, or by drawing sequentially - with a writing object (when performed on paper, sand), with a palm, a ray from the third eye.

5. Give reiki for 5 minutes - in the upper (Supreme Good of All), lower left (Surname, Name of the person for whom the triangle is being made, or "I", if done for oneself), lower right corner, and in the center of the triangle (Positive resolution of the situation) ..

6. Then fold a piece of paper with a triangle and burn it, and spread the ashes downwind - as a sign of letting go of the situation and releasing your order Into the Universe.
Perform this action with the thought that the cosmic forces are already in motion and are aimed at re-creating a positive resolution of your request. Thank Reiki for this and forget, let go of what you asked the Higher Forces, while maintaining the firm belief that your wish is already being fulfilled.

You may have different sensations observing when performing a triangle. Gather your own experience, develop your own statistics, system of signs.
Observe how you will see the flows as you give the slats to the corners of the triangle. This is often seen as the rise of white pillars of energy from the bottom up. When working on the center of the triangle, you can see a large diameter white pillar that includes all three pillars from the corners.

There may be situations where the energy is not flowing. This can be seen with the eyes, felt with the hands and can even be expressed in unpleasant sensations of the physical body - nausea, cough, etc. This is a sign that working on a given situation is unacceptable - either at this time, or with this formulation, or, in principle, the goal is unattainable. You need to change the wording or work at a different time, reflecting on the internal reasons - why this is happening.

Relationship Technique

a) Work on the relationship with the person with whom you want to part ways harmoniously.
You lie down or sit comfortably on a chair, your back is straight, your feet are parallel to the floor, you close your eyes and completely relax. You come into contact with Reiki, you give thanks to the energy. You visualize balloon on a cord, filled with white shining Light (i.e. Reiki), in which you imagine in detail the image of a person with whom you want to part. You draw the 3rd character on this person, pronounce his name and surname 3 times. Then you give the 2nd character and fix it with the 1st character. You ask Reiki to pour Light and energy into your relationship and ask to help You. Ask for forgiveness this person for everything that

You have done it knowingly or unknowingly. Repeat your request until you feel a positive response. Then forgive this person everything that he, knowingly or unknowingly, has caused you. Repeat your forgiveness until you feel a positive impulse. Give Reiki to the ball until you feel that the energy is no longer flowing. Cut the ball's cord and imagine how it flies off into infinity. Now put your trust in Reiki and finally thank Reiki again.

Work on breaking up with this person as long as you need to. Until you feel that you are parting with him in love and harmony.

b) Work on the relationship with the person with whom you want to harmonize your relationship.
You lie down or sit comfortably on a chair, your back is straight, your feet are parallel to the floor, you close your eyes and completely relax. You come into contact with Reiki, you give thanks to the energy. You visualize a ball filled with white shining Light (Reiki), in which you imagine in detail the image of a person with whom you want to sort things out. You draw the 3rd character on this person, pronounce his name and surname 3 times. Then you give the 2nd character and fix it with the 1st character. You ask Reiki to pour Light and energy into your relationship and ask to help You. Ask this person for forgiveness for everything that you knowingly or unknowingly caused him. Repeat your request until you feel a positive response. Then forgive this person everything that he, knowingly or unknowingly, has caused you. Repeat your forgiveness until you feel a positive impulse. Give Reiki to the ball until you feel that the energy is no longer flowing. Now put your trust in Reiki and finally thank Reiki again.

Work on the relationship as long as it takes. Until you feel that they begin to resolve positively

Child treatment

Place your hands on the child's body - either on the back, or one hand above the Crown chakra and the other above the Solar Plexus chakra.
Ask Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary to help you conduct a healing session for your child
Ask your child's guardian angel to protect him during a healing session
Reach out to your child's Higher Self and ask permission to conduct a healing session for him.
Refer to your Higher Self:
“I ask my Higher Self to allow me to conduct a healing Reiki session for my child, for healing *** (tell the cause of the disease). I ask the Reiki energy to relieve my child *** (inform about the disease itself, for example - temperature). Healing energy flows through me and heals my son (daughter) from an illness, cleanses him and restores his energy. May the healing energy heal my child just as Jesus healed the sick and the weak. "
Thank Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary for their help
Thank your child's guardian angel for protecting
Thank Reiki and end the session

1) when conducting a remote healing session, fold your hands into a prayer position
2) if you work with several types of Reiki methods or others energy systems healing then try to choose the right energies to work with children. For example, the Blue Moon of Isis helps well with temperature, since it is cold energy, from of various kinds pains - golden and violet energies. General cleansing, evil eye, and everything negative - white energies and rays. Etc.
3) I know that it is always difficult for a mother to heal her own child. I am much better at healing other people's children than my own. Simply because feelings interfere with the sobriety of the mind and you always want an instant result. But that's not how it works. It is absolutely imperative to let go of all desires and feelings at the time of the healing session and relax as much as possible. He will be full of confidence that the healing energy will do its job and the child will become much better. No anxiety and shuddering in the soul - this blocks the flow of energy.
4) If you have the opportunity, I advise you to consult with a more experienced Reiki practitioner or an experienced healer to get additional direction for your energy work.

Reiki in the workplace

When you come to work, you always want the shift to pass without any special incidents, and so that time runs quickly. And so that the boss does not stand over the soul and does not look with a suspicious look, forcing him to tremble and expect some kind of trick. The best thing is to send Reiki to yourself and your boss for a good working day.

Set yourself up in a place at work where no one will disturb you for a few minutes. You can be in your office, but there is always a danger that in the most inappropriate moment Someone will ask you something. The best thing is to retreat to the restroom.
Take three deep breaths in and out. Straighten your shoulders. Feel that you are knee-deep in the sea.
Close your eyes and smile at yourself - you are good. And everyone around you is doing well too. Hold this thought for a while.
Refer to your Higher Self:
“I ask my higher self to send the energy of Reiki on my workday today, let the energy of Reiki charge it with light and love. Let light and love illuminate my employees, my boss, and his boss so that we can all work out today's shift safely. "
Thank Reiki and end the session

Reiki and relationships with people

If you have relationship problems with children, parents, friends, or the saleswoman at a nearby store, you can improve and even normalize them. To do this, you need to work on the cause of the relationship that does not work out. Try to reflect on a relationship situation with a specific person. Try to remember when it started and why. Send Reiki Energy to Heal the Initial Chain Reaction and to Mitigate past events and also send reiki energy to normalize your relationship.

Reiki and universal love

Like everything Divine, Reiki also has high-frequency vibrations of universal love. You are walking down the street and you just want all the passers-by to have a good mood - send them Reiki. Your beloved is late at work, and may be late for the dinner that you have prepared for him - send Reiki so that there are no traffic jams and other obstacles on his way to you. A neighbor's dog got sick - send her Reiki for recovery. By sending the healing energy of light and love, you pass it through yourself, and you yourself, from time to time, become cleaner and more spiritual, healthier and happier. Over time, you will begin to notice that you already react differently to small stimuli, and you no longer treat large ones as harshly as before. Tolerance towards people will increase in you, you will want to receive and give more positive, and it will be more difficult for you to be near the sources of negativity. Your whole essence will be drawn to further progress in spiritual development. Remember, Reiki is not a book that you can put in a closet and forget about its existence. This ancient knowledge, since the time of Jesus Christ, is the gift of the Lord for all of us. Use it for the benefit of your family and for yourself in your Everyday life, and you will change it so much that at some point you will understand that happiness is in your hands.

Reiki in the bedroom

Highly important aspect a person's life is a dream. During sleep, the physical body and mind are resting and gaining strength, and your spiritual essence is relaxed. A good dream is the key to a good life. In your bedroom, you can charge both the room itself and individual interior items, such as a blanket, pillows, and even a mattress on which you sleep. Here's an example of working with reiki energy in a bedroom:
Charging the bedroom

Stand in the middle of the room.
Fold your hands in a prayer position.
Contact your Higher Self with a request:
“I ask my Higher Self to charge this abode with the energy of Reiki, and fill it with light and love for the benefit of all who find night peace here. May our sleep be sound and healthy, and may our souls rest during our sleep. "
Thank Reiki and end the session

Note - for charging individual items place your hands over the desired object.

Pet Reiki Treatment:

A pet treatment session is not the same as it is with humans. Most animals do not have the patience to remain stationary for as long as it takes to full session Reiki. In addition, they are able to perceive energy much easier and faster. One position can take only thirty seconds. When a pet is doing well, it may give up energy entirely - it will simply leave. When an animal is sick, it usually accepts it. To transmit Reiki in such cases, place your hands on the pet's body where necessary, or on the area of ​​pain. Keep your hands and Reiki will go where this energy is needed. A very small animal, such as a lizard or bird, can be held in your hands with your palms. When an animal is in pain for sure, it will inform you about it and become very restless or it needs more, it will return after leaving for a few minutes and can return many more times. Repeat this session for as long as the animal asks; a pet close to death will often reject this energy. Pets can stray from it for other reasons as well. Cats are especially sensitive to Reiki energy, but they have special attitude To her. Cats think they invented it and want to keep it. They may not be particularly happy to share it with the person.

Japanese technique for developing hand radiation intensity:

(for Reiki practitioners)

It is carried out as follows:

Sit on a chair while the spine should be straight, raise your arms vertically up at chest level with your elbows joined, then close your palms in the position of the praying mudra.
Directly direct your mental (psychic) ​​energy and attention in the palm of your hand for 40-60 minutes without interruption.
It is necessary to do this once, no matter how tiring, and then an automatic concentration of energy arises for the whole life!

Reiki and overweight:

This Reiki technique will help normalize your weight and improve your well-being!

1) Invite Reiki energy according to your level.
Additionally, ask the Archangels for help;
-Archangel Hanil to activate the Turquoise Beam (relieves fatigue, improves condition with weight problems, diabetes, dizziness, nervous disorders)
-Archangel Jophiel -Activate the Yellow Ray (removes cillulite, removes toxins)
-Archangel Kamael Activate the Pink Ray (heals any part of the body (which I do not accept) or consider it ugly, relieves physical stress)
you can also turn to Archangel Raphael for help (heals attachments to unhealthy food and bad habits)
"I declare my intention to take food with Gratitude and pleasure to normalize metabolic processes in the body and reduce weight to () kg without any disturbances and dystrophic changes."
Then direct the flow of Reiki energy to whatever you put into your mouth. Remember Reiki energy flows where it is needed!
At the end of the attunement, thank the Reiki Energy, your Angels and Archangels.
Before ending the session, ask Reiki to keep the flow of energy for some time - for example, throughout the day, or for 24 hours or 21 days.


Technique for the Second or Workshop stage trad. Reiki

Sometimes you need to work quietly.
Summon Reiki. Bend your fingers over the center of your palm, imagine the ball of the situation in your hand. Activate the symbol of power, or master symbol if you are using it, intending to concentrate energy in the palm of your hand. You can feel warmth, expansion, pressure, full of energy. You can raise your hand to your lips or to the third eye and then whisper the mantra of the symbol of power (or Master symbol).
Activate the remote symbol in the same way. Name the situation or person three times. Sometimes it seems that the work is more effective if you periodically repeat the name of the problem.
When finished, straighten your fingers and release the ball of energy as usual.

Healing Technique bad habits with the help of Reiki energy:

If you are working with yourself, write an affirmation for yourself in separate sheet paper. If you are working with a patient, help him or her write an affirmation and write it down. Remember to keep affirmations short, precise, and positive. It should be composed in the present tense and in the words of the person who uses it and in his native language. Also remember that it shouldn't be limiting in anything.
Example of affirmations: "I acquire only good habits and get rid of all bad habits." I quit smoking easily and confidently. " etc

Instructions for implementation:

1) Put your non-dominant hand (for example, your left hand if your working arm right) on the patient's forehead (or on his own forehead) and the dominant hand on the back of the head. Hold your hands (sending Reiki energy) for about three minutes while you intensively repeat the compiled affirmation in your mind. Then stop thinking about the affirmation, remove the non-dominant hand from the forehead, and simply give Reiki to the patient with the dominant hand at the back of the head.

2) Gasse (both hands are folded in the form of a prayer appeal in the solar plexus region) - 2-3 minutes. Dr. Mikao Usui allegedly used the five principles of Reiki and the verses of Emperor Meiji in this technique. Instead of affirmations, he repeated the principles by touching the patient's forehead and back of the head.

Scanning technique:

Put your hands together in gassho in front of your chest. Ask the Reiki energy to flow through you and direct you to the part of the body that needs healing. If the hands immediately "went" to some part of the body, follow this sensation. If not, place your dominant hand on the patient's crown chakra and tune in to him. If you still do not feel the direction of the energy, scan the patient's body from the front and back, slowly moving your arms from top to bottom, at some distance from the surface.

You may feel a tingling sensation in your hands. It can be a feeling of warmth, attraction, pressure, or a deep knowledge that you have found the right place on your body. You can "see" or "hear" right choice... When you touch parts of your body that have declared themselves, you may experience unpleasant pain in your arms that can go up to your elbows or even your shoulders. Instead of removing your hands to avoid discomfort, keep holding them. Wait for this sensation to leave your hands through your fingertips. Then move them to a different position.

As Mrs. Koyama said, this unpleasant sensation occurs when positive energy Reiki is directed to a negatively charged area of ​​the body and produces a sensation called hibiki (resonance).
What you experience as a besen varies depending on the type and stage of the disease and on specific people... These can be sensations of movement, throbbing, tingling, throbbing pain, coldness, heat, etc. With the help of hibiki (resonance), you can judge the disease, its stage and how many times it is necessary to work with it.
Since each person has their own ailments (even if they are not aware of them), the bysen is always present. Therefore, if you are careful enough in identifying the boshen, then this gives the opportunity to heal the disease before it actually manifests itself. Bysen can also be detected in people who have been told that they have completely recovered from some kind of disease. If, in the process of influencing Reiki in such cases, you get rid of the bysen and stop feeling it, then you have prevented re-development illness.

Bysen can manifest itself in the problem area as well as in other places.

For example, a hyseng for stomach ailments often appears in the forehead, liver problems in the eyes, etc. The ability to sense the besen differs from person to person at first, but as you practice treating other people, everyone can develop this ability. The main thing is not to rush with this process. Give yourself time to get used to the sensation not only in your hands, but also in the way that you think about these sensations. Use your intuition as a guide.

Every Reiki master in his practice from time to time faces a problem when the Reiki sessions go well, but the person is not healed. There can be many moments here: a person's Higher Self does not want healing due to the fact that the disease is a karmic working off, or the Higher Self expects that a person realizes what his disease is in its true form, that it is not just a disease, but the baggage of one of the past incarnations and as soon as a person realizes this and can relive that past event, the disease will pass very quickly.

But it also happens differently when a Reiki master needs to become a larger channel of Reiki energy than he can at the moment, for example: the master has the third stage of initiation into Reiki, but having the fourth he could help a lot more. What should the master do in this situation?

There is a very old belief that a Reiki master is just a channel for the healing energy of Reiki. Yes, this was the case in the old energy, when the master called on the Reiki energy to pass through it and become its channels for the duration of the healing session, but being in the new energies of the universe, we all become Co-creators and therefore partners.

In the new energetic conditions Reiki masters can be not only channels but also active co-creators of human healing can be partners of the healing energy of Reiki.

But this is not usually the case for some of the masters. Yes, exactly so, these are new horizons of relations with the universe in the new world.

Dear friends, I invite you to become Co-creators of healing and active partners in the healing energy of Reiki.

For this, within the framework of this publication, I offer you a practice called "Consciousness Connection". Every Reiki master knows that Reiki energy is a feminine energy and it has its own consciousness. In order to use this practice, the master needs to connect every cell of his body and consciousness with the energy of the Reiki channel into one whole.
And so, bringing to your attention the practice.


Consciousness connection

Dear Reiki masters, first you need to relax and take 3-4 deep and smooth inhalation and exhalation in order for the mind to come to a state of concentration and calmness. After that, we close our eyes and imagine a large column of emerald light in front of us, this is the channel of the healing energy of Reiki. After that, you need to mentally imagine that you are entering this wonderful channel of healing energy.

After entering, perhaps you will feel how the soft and gentle healing energy of Reiki passes through you, passes through every cell of the body. At this stage of work, we continue visualization during inhalation and exhalation, imagine that together with the air we inhale the healing energy of the Reiki channel. After a few minutes, we visualize how we dissolve and connect with the Reiki channels into a single whole. When you succeed, you will feel a deep sense of calmness and peace, as well as you will feel a deep connection between every cell of your body and the Reiki channel.

As soon as it was possible to carry out such a deep synchronization with the channels, you can finish this practice of "Consciousness Connection". Again, make 3-4 deep and smooth breaths and exhalations and gradually open your eyes.

As you work with this practice of Connecting consciousness, the connection will become stronger and stronger. And having gained a certain amount of experience, you will be able to enter the state of deep connection of the Connection of consciousness in just a few seconds, before starting a healing session for a person or conducting self-healing.

Reiki for the car:

Your car needs Reiki too! He is pleased that he is loved, cared for and harmonized! Harmonized car, rarely breaks down and does not fail in difficult situations on the road! Proven !!

So the ways of harmonization:
1.Take a photo of your car and take Reiki photos. (Put your hands and lead the stream). For those who are at the 2nd step or workshop, apply symbols on the photo (with chalk for example). Ideally, this might not be just a photo of the car, but you are inside or next to the car.
2. Put your hands on the steering wheel - in traffic jams, it feels very nice. Immediately there is something to do .. You can project the symbols of the 2nd stage into the salon, the third in the middle and the first in the corners. By the way, about traffic jams, they will become much less if you harmonize your road in advance ...
3. Harmonization "into a ball". Imagine a ball of light and call it "harmonizing my car." Do Reiki Sharu until you feel sufficient and light. Then the ball must be symbolically deflated and the situation released.
4. Reiki, like any other subtle information, is well retained by crystals. You can load the pebble you like and put it in the car. It needs to be cleaned and recharged periodically.
5. You can charge Reiki with a glass of water and spray it in the cabin.
6. You can buy an air purifier that attaches to a ventilation grill. This bubble can be done with Reiki for 5-10 minutes, and then used as directed. In this case, the bubble becomes a store of Reiki energy - a positive charge is kept there for a long time and harmonizes everyone and everything that is in the field of its interaction!

Nice and easy, dear to you !!!

How to make remote Reiki sessions more interesting and effective:

First option: get a box for remote sessions! put there photographs of those people to whom you want to send Reiki or descriptions of situations. The box is convenient for those who heal many people every day. It can be made very beautiful - for example, draw Reiki symbols or a bright ornament on it! If you put quartz or amethyst inside, then the effect of the sessions can be enhanced! (This technique can be started from the 1st step, although it will work better on the 2nd specially designed for remote work)

Option two: Keep a notebook where you write down patient names and situations for harmonization. You can also paste photos. and then do Reiki on this notebook - all your patients will receive a remote session. This method has one significant advantage, compared to a notepad box, you can carry it with you and do Reiki for it several times during the day!


The golden light of abundance and prosperity, emanating from the sun, washes all my bodies with its flow, washing out all blocks, negative experiences, etc. for money and abundance right now! Everything that prevented you from trusting the Universe, the world, vows of poverty, etc.

“I am open to the cosmic source of abundance. I easily and freely accept money that comes in an inexhaustible stream to me from all sides. My income is growing every day. I enjoy the abundance of life and I am grateful for it. Divine abundance is manifested by the inexhaustible flow of money in my life. Thank you, good luck! Thank you, strength! Thank you love! "


Reiki for dishes

With the help of Reiki, you can energize any object, such as crystals, precious stones, jewelry, dishes from which we eat and drink, etc. This will have a beneficial effect on our well-being and health.

It is best to give Reiki energy to any object when we are in a state of harmony. To do this, you need to pick up the object in your hands or put them on it and hold it for as long as the Reiki energy flows. You can also influence kitchen appliances, cars and other equipment.

Purification of an object, goods, products from "negative" energy in Reiki:

As you know, any item, goods, products for some time lie on the store shelves, which are taken by hand (and often with a glance) "clogging" with negative energy, and in fact information about diseases and much more. Once you've made your purchases in the store and brought them home, you can do an easy practice to cleanse them:

Extinguish the Reiki energy.
Create an intention - to cleanse the negativity of the thing you need.
Keep your palms open upward, over an object (product, food, etc.) and fill them with Reiki energy.
As soon as your palms are full, turn them over and drain the energy into the object. Shake every last drop from your hands.
Finally, thank Reiki.

Approx. draw symbols according to your level of Reiki, for some objects this procedure can be repeated several times until you feel that the object is cleansed!

Restoration of sight in Reiki:

Invite Reiki energy and create intention:

“I invite Reiki energy to restore my vision, and I ask Reiki to restore the elasticity of the muscles and ligaments of the eyes, the retina, restore the correct shape of my eyeball. Here and Now my vision is restored, 100%. I see clearly and clearly! "

Draw symbols according to your grade.

Hand positions (for any eye diseases)

Front of the body
Lower abdomen (for women)
Eyes (fingers slightly pressed without pressure)
-inner corner of the eye
- eyeballs
-the outer corner of the eye
Back of the head
(author's technique Natalia Vesna)

Reiki technique "Harmonization of the day":

This technique is good to do in the morning right after waking up or before going to bed.

Invite Reiki energy, draw symbols according to your step.

Create an intention: “I ask Reiki to fill with love, light, joy all my coming day and everything that you want to fill it with - good mood, health, successful negotiations, necessary events and meetings, you can also ask for the harmonization of all situations that are relevant for the coming day. "

Visualize a ball or sphere in your hands - place your intention inside the ball - hold the ball between your hands and fill it with Reiki energy until it appears
quite a clear feeling of a harmonious inner state.

Finish as follows: Take the ball in your palm, lift it, with the words: "I envelop you with love and light and let go" on the word "release" blow up into space with the thought "For the Greater Good"

Thank Reiki and wish yourself the best, harmonious and wonderful day :)

Reiki for cleansing and healing indoor air:

Reiki energy is able to cleanse the air from toxic substances that can come in abundance in our apartments, they are emitted by plastic objects, household chemical connectors (varnishes, adhesives, detergents), in addition to the "fresh air" that comes from the windows, household dust accumulates in the room , animal dander, viruses and much more.

Do this technique daily and the results will not be long in coming!

Invite Reiki energy.
Formulate the intention “I ask Reiki to purify and heal the air in this room from all toxic substances, dust, home wool. animals (if any) from harmful microorganisms, viruses, etc.
Send Reiki with both hands to the corners of the room, to the walls, floor, ceiling. Draw symbols according to your grade.
Plug in and visualize a color of gold or purple, and see how it fills and cleans the room.
Thank Reiki and end the session.


Clairaudience is the ability to perceive subtle-material vibrations through the organs of hearing. This is our ability to clearly hear the messages of the Higher Forces!
Clairaudience is less common than clairvoyance, and even clairvoyants may lack this skill.
This simple technique will help you develop your channel of clairaudience and make your "inner ear" more sensitive to the messages of your Guides, Angels and everyone who helps you from a higher plane:

1. Invoke the Reiki energy according to your degree.
2. Emphasize the intention: "I ask the Reiki energy to clear my inner ears, from any blockages, noises and obstacles, and I ask to activate my inner hearing so that I can clearly hear and receive the information I need from the subtle plane. Thank you!
3. Place your hands in the area of ​​your physical ears.
4. Say affirmations during the session "I clearly hear!"
5. End the session with Gratitude!


Invite Reiki energy according to your level and state your intention:
“I invite the energy of Reiki, the energy of Light and Love to rejuvenate my facial skin and strengthen the muscles of my face, to improve the condition of the complexion, the condition of the skin around the eyes and the eyes themselves, and I ask you to fill my face and facial cells vitality, light and youth. Thanks to! "

Stand up straight, or sit with your back straight, rub the palms of your hands intensively, raise your hands with your palms up and mentally imagine how the vital energy of Reiki flows into them. Arrive in this state until you feel sufficient warmth in your hands.
Then you can move on to the exercises:

Bring your palms filled with energy to your face and make 24 circular movements up, to the sides, down. In this case, the right hand moves up-right-down, and the left-up-left-down. The touch is very gentle and light.

Place your hands on the crown of your head and use the pads of your fingers to make a few circular motions on your head.

Put your thumbs on your cheekbones, and put your index and middle fingers together, describing circles around the eyes: a large circle - up the nose, left (left hand) - right (right hand) along the eyebrows, down, inward, up again, and transition to a small circle - right along the upper eyelid, go around the corners of the eyes and along the lower eyelid very close to the eyelashes, and the transition to a large circle - only 22 circles, moreover, very gently.

Close your eyes with slightly concave (like a bowl) palms so that their middle is in front of your eyes. Wait a few seconds, feeling the energy from the palms of your eyes. Then make 12 eye movements vertically (up and down counts as one), horizontally, diagonally and circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise. Then place the bases of the palms on the eye sockets and do not press very hard on the eyes 12 times.

Place your index and middle fingers on the sides near the wings of the nose, and lightly lift up the sides of the nose to the bridge of the nose. Above the bridge of the nose, above the eyebrows, the fingers each diverge in their own direction (left hand, right hand to the right) and slightly lower to the temples. Then do the same, but the fingers rise above the brow line and slide over the forehead. And so we continue until you reach the hair roots.

Place your palms on your temples near the outer corners of your eyes. Stroke the temples with that part of the palm that is adjacent to the thumb from the corners of the eyes to the temples. 16 times.

Place all fingers on your cheeks with your fingertips toward your eyes and stroke your cheeks from the middle of your face to the edges, moving down to your chin, then up again. There are 8 such cycles - up and down.

Place your index and middle fingers above your upper lip, and your ring and little fingers below your lower lip so that your lips are between your fingers. Now move your fingers to your ears, as if drawing a smile. Do this 22 times.
This completes the massage! Give thanks and release the Reiki energy!
(author's technique Natalia Vesna)

A simple and very effective technique in Reiki to rejuvenate the whole body:

1. Invoke the Reiki energy according to your degree.

2. Create an intention: "I declare my intention to awaken the forces of my body to restore and normalize metabolic processes and rejuvenate it up to _____ years."
After that, the flow of energy will begin. Do not forget about the confidence in the fulfillment of what you want here and now!
Give Reiki to everything that surrounds only you - water, air, food, objects, situations, and the final result that you keep in mind during the execution of the technique.

Remember - energy always flows where it is needed and in the amount that is needed. You will receive Reiki, healing and rejuvenation. Don't forget to thank Reiki after you finish attunement.


This is a simple but very effective technique for harmonizing relationships with loved ones, relatives, friends, partners, colleagues, etc.!

To successfully complete this technique, you need to make it clear for yourself that everything that you will do, you will do only for yourself, despite the fact that it is possible that the person with whom you want to build a harmonious relationship has caused you a lot of pain, trouble, or causes irritation ... any disharmonious relationship burdens, takes a lot of energy and ultimately destroys you. Keep one thought in your head "It is important for me to establish harmony within myself and build a harmonious relationship with myself!"

This technique came to me in co-creation with the subtle Reiki conductors, but it can also be performed by those who do not have settings in this system.

1. Create a calm environment for yourself so that no one bothers you for 15-20 minutes, you can turn on pleasant music. Relax.
2. If you are in Reiki, invite the Reiki energy according to your level, invite your higher self and the higher self of a person (say his name and surname) to help conduct a session of harmonizing relationships with him.
3. Close your eyes. Take 3 deep breaths in and out, imagine in front of your inner gaze the face of the person with whom you are harmonizing the relationship and whatever it is, start smiling at him, at first you may need efforts in any case continue, smile physically (lips ), then start smiling at him with your eyes, send him a smile from your Heart, smile at him with your whole body, until you feel or see his smile in return!
4. In conclusion, see yourself in your Heart, smiling, joyful and happy because you have the best possible, most harmonious relationship with this person!
4. Then, place your new state in the Golden Sphere (create a golden ball of light around you and in the image of a person) and release it.
5. Thank yourself, Reiki and everyone you invited to help with the session.

Do this technique until, when you meet or remember this person, you have a smile on your lips, in your eyes and in your Heart!)
(author's technique Natalia Vesna)


This beautiful and very effective Reiki meditation is designed to help you quickly and gracefully get out of any difficult situation!

● Create for yourself favorable atmosphere and prepare for meditation.

● Become aware of the most important problem for you at the moment that worries you or the goal that you want to achieve.

● Invite Reiki energy according to your step to help you conduct the meditation as it is harmonious for you.

● Imagine in front of your inner gaze an image symbolizing for you a problem, an unresolved situation or a goal you want to achieve .. It can be anything: a stone, an animal, a tree, a person, etc.
● Imagine that there are several roads in front of you, ascending to the top of a high mountain. And at the very top, you discern an image that symbolizes your goal, as a solution to your problem.
● Ask Reiki energy to show you the best, easiest and fastest way to your goal, rely on your inner feelings, trust the wisdom of Reiki, and start walking, see how the Golden Light removes all obstacles on your way.
● During the passage of the path, you can see, hear, feel the presence of various images that will try to take you out of the way and prevent you from reaching the top. Realize them as your inner reasons why it was difficult for you to achieve your goal. Send the Golden Light of Reiki to whatever comes your way and keep moving until you reach the top!
● Once at the top of the mountain, feel how you feel close to the goal you have achieved, give free rein to your feelings of Joy and Happiness! Stay in this state for so long that a new image of yourself appears in your consciousness, a person who is easy, fast and without obstacles achieves its goals!
● Place your new image in the Golden Sphere and release it.
● Thank yourself, Reiki, and everyone you invited to help guide the meditation.
(author's technique © Natalia Vesna)


The term "thymus", or thymus, comes from the Greek word Thymos, which means "vitality." The thymus gland is an essential organ for supporting our immune system, which is located in the center of the rib cage behind the upper sternum.

This simple technique will allow you to effectively stimulate your inner vitality through the impact on the thymus gland. This method works well with Reiki and if desired, you can include it in your daily healing sessions:

● Invite Reiki energy according to your step.

● While in the flow of Reiki, start tapping the thymus gland with your fingertips or a loosely clenched fist 10-20 times, choosing a rhythm that is pleasant for you (friction has the opposite, weakening effect), while breathing slowly and deeply.
By stimulating the thymus in this way, it begins to produce more T cells, which raises energy, reduces tension, increases strength and vitality.

If you regularly strengthen the thymus gland in the morning - (or you can safely do this several times during the day) - you will soon feel much more energetic and stronger.
Despite the seeming insignificance of this procedure, its positive impact is great!


Reiki sessions, to restore the vitality of hair, to prevent hair loss and preserve youth and beauty !:

● Invite Reiki energy according to your step.

● Create an intent:
“I ask Reiki energy, the energy of Light and Love, to nourish and fill every cell of my hair, as well as the cells of my scalp, to heal and restore their vitality, so that my hair grows freely and luxuriantly, and I also ask to strengthen the hair roots , restore their natural shine, beauty and splendor! Thanks to!"

● AFFIRMATION: Reiki energy softly and harmoniously fills my hair with beauty, shine, strength, health. I have gorgeous hair. For my highest good and the highest good of the Universe!

● Begin the head massage by rubbing your forehead and temples with light circular motions with your fingers for 2-3 minutes.

● Tilt your head down slightly, and begin to massage the back of the neck, where hair begins to grow, gradually move over the entire head. 5-7 minutes

● Finish the massage with a light pull on the hair: take small strands of hair at the base of hair growth with the fingers of both hands, and gently pull back 5-10 times. And so on all over the head. It shouldn't cause you pain or other discomfort. 2-3 minutes

Hand positions for hair restoration and strengthening:
1.all positions at the back of the head
2. Whiskey.
3. The area of ​​the heart chakra.
5.Lower abdomen.
6. Kidneys and adrenal glands.
Keep your hands in each position for 3-5 minutes.

In addition to the sessions, you can energize Reiki (to restore and strengthen your hair) - shampoo, balm, hair masks and other hair care cosmetics that you regularly use.

Do these sessions in courses of 10 sessions - once every three months and your hair will only delight you!
(author's technique © Natalia Vesna)


Supports the balance of all organs and body systems
Promotes healing from disease
Prevention of diseases

Reiki Meditation "Microcosmic Orbit" is based on the Chinese system of meridians, which are channels (vessels) that conduct energy through the human body.

Internal energy circulates in an "orbit" (Small Heavenly Circle) formed by two main wonderful meridians (there are eight of them):

- The posterior median (control channel), which goes from the perineum to the head;
- Antero-median (Conception canal), which runs from the head to the perineum.

During meditation, the Reiki energy fills the Control and Conception channels. Then Reiki is directed along the meredians of the organs to all the main organs of the body, renewing and replenishing their energy reserves.


1. Sit on a straight-backed chair with your feet flat on the floor. Lower your arms along your torso, palms up.
Calm your mind and breathing.
Turn to your Higher Self, Higher Forces with a request to help you conduct Reiki meditation fully and in the best possible way for you.

2. Open the flow of Reiki using symbols and intent. Feel the downward flow of Reiki energy, feel how pure bright light gradually fills your entire inner space.

3. Pay your attention to the navel area. Imagine a cavity in the navel, a reservoir filled with your personal strength. Try to feel her energy. Now channel the Reiki energy into this reservoir and feel an increase in your inner strength... Watch your emotional state change.

4. Use your imagination to direct the energy from the reservoir in the navel down to the perineum and then up the back to the tailbone.

5. When you feel the energy flowing along this path, imagine how it rises up to the junction of the ribs with the spine, and then how the energy continues its path straight up to the base of the skull.

6. As the energy flows through the base of the skull, press your tongue towards the sky. Then visualize the energy reaching the top of your head. Now focus your attention on the point between the eyebrows and send energy from the crown of the head down through the point between the eyebrows.

7. Let the energy pass between the eyebrows, then through the palate and tongue to the throat, and then into the heart. Conduct the flow of energy below into the solar plexus and then into the umbilical region. Repeat the entire cycle as many times as you like.

8. After finishing your meditation, take root in the belief that your organs are healthy and filled with new life-giving power. Carry out grounding.

10. Thank Reiki and the Higher Forces for their help!

Practice this meditation constantly so that the energy circulates freely throughout your body.


This simple technique is aimed at improving the physical body or emotional state with the help of your own photo!

So you need your photo in the nursery or adolescence... In the photo, you should be captured in a happy and healthy moment, i.e. there is a smile on your face, there is a positive background around, you were healthy during the filming. The photo must be in color!


Place the photo in front of you at a level just below the eyes (so that your eyes do not strain).

1. You invite Reiki energy (Gassho position), according to your level, stay in the channel for some time.

2. Relax your eyes and defocus them (Gyoshi-Ho technique - eye treatment) - look as if through a photograph.

3. Look at the photograph and allow this image to enter you. Fill with her energy (youth, health, happiness, well-being). After a while, you will begin to become aware of a very subtle form of breathing, which is carried out with the help of the eyes and which is associated with your usual inhalation and exhalation.

You will feel a circle of energy created between you and your photo. For those, who

Do the session for 15 minutes.

The session can be supplemented with a glass of water. Pour water into a clear glass or crystal glass. Place it between yourself and the photo (it doesn't matter which photo is above). At the moment of eye contact with the photograph, hold the glass between your palms (the glass is on the table, do not lift it). Reiki will fill and structure the water with the energy of health that you exchange with a photo!

Drink water after the session (or during the day)!


This technique is best done in the morning, right after waking up (when the brain is still tuned to alpha waves).


Mentally or aloud state the Intention:
“I invite the Divine Reiki energy, the Great Reiki Masters, its subtle guides, my Higher Self, to conduct a session on the transformation of blocks in my body at all levels, in all realities here and now! Also invite Archangel Uriel (for clarity).

Next, ask the Reiki energy to show you the image and place of your blocks in the body in an understandable and accessible way for you.
For this with closed eyes on the inner screen, imagine a silhouette of a person on which, after your request, images of your blocks may appear or bodily sensations may arise (watch the process, feel - everything is very individual)
Blocks can look like dark lumps, or like rectangles on organs or body parts, or in some other way.
Next, start the transformation process - from bottom to top! For example, a block was found on the feet. Ask questions: What is this block? What is it connected with? Wait for an answer. For example, it may be associated with a fear of moving forward. Direct the Reiki energy into this area, you can additionally invoke the Violet Flame of Saint Germain (Flame of Transformation), see, feel how the Reiki energy and the flame envelop the feet and transform the block. At this time, you can say the affirmations FOR WHAT you want to replace the energy of fear, for example, with CONFIDENCE in yourself and in the future. After that, you can see light spot or some other new image in the area of ​​the feet, then go to the next block.
Continue moving from top to bottom through your body and work through each block in the same way.
To transform all the existing blocks in the body, you may need several sessions.
In conclusion, be sure to thank the Reiki energy and everyone you invited to conduct this technique!


Get into a comfortable position and relax.
Invite Reiki energy (according to your step).

Imagine that you are on the banks of a quiet river. There is cold mountain air, you can hear birds singing. You are alone in this beautiful and quiet landscape. No one but you knows about this secret place. The soothing sounds of a waterfall fill the air with tranquility.
The river water is clearer than tears. You easily saw your face in the reflection of the water ...
Send your reflection, yourself, the energy of Reiki, the energy of Love and healing Light!

Say the affirmation mentally or aloud several times:

“Reiki energy fills and heals me at all levels, in all realities, in all dimensions here and now! My body is freed from stress and tension, my body and soul are filled with calmness, harmony, love and joy of life! "

Take a few breaths in and out. Breathe easily and freely. On the count of three breaths, imagining how you breathe in calmness, Reiki energy, love. Then hold your breath, also counting to three. Then exhale for a count of three, visualizing how you release tension and fatigue. (or other, such as hatred, unpleasant conversation, etc.) Breathe in this way for 5-10 minutes.

This meditation is good to do in the evening before going to bed to give yourself the maximum relaxation, relieve stress and fatigue after a working day!

Natalia Vesna ©

Charging water, creams and other items

To “charge” water, cream, any other liquid, substance or object, you need to induce a sensation of energy flow emanating from the palms and fingertips, similar to the one you used in the non-contact massage.

To "charge" water, a man must hold a glass in the palm of his left hand, and with his right hand he must emit an energy flow. To do this, first, the rolls of the right hand are brought into a bundle and the water is irradiated with the tips of the fingers at the shortest possible distance. This must be done for at least 1 minute, then "charging" is carried out with an open palm at a distance of 5 centimeters. After 3-5 minutes. the right hand rises up to 20 centimeters from the surface of the water, the fingers are brought into a bundle, the irradiation of the water continues with the fingertips for 1-3 minutes. and in this position, the fingers are brought back to the surface of the water. The whole cycle is repeated three times.

"Charging" items for their use in treatment should be done with a positive emotional mood for good, for getting rid of diseases.

It is considered that a man "charges" with a positive beginning with his right hand, and if he does it with his left hand, he "charges" with a negative beginning. In women, the opposite is true: the right hand is negative, the left is positive.

If a person is left-handed, then the polarity of his hands is reversed.

In this method, the main thing is unshakable faith in healing.
(Potemkina Olga "Reiki: The Miracle of Touch")

Why is it important to give sessions to other people?

When you have worked on yourself enough and understood how Reiki works, you can begin to heal other people. The practice of passing on Reiki sessions to other people is very important. First, you move to a qualitatively new level of transmission and perception of Reiki energy. Secondly, your channels expand even more and the bandwidth increases, while what you are treating a patient is automatically treated by you. In other words, by healing others, you heal yourself. Thirdly, with the energy of Reiki comes more information, which is assimilated by you on an intuitive level, thereby, your understanding of Reiki becomes more global. Well, and the last thing - it reflects very well on your karma. All this effectively prepares you for the next initiations in Reiki, and also, this practice is necessary in order to become a real Master and Teacher of Reiki!

Reiki technique "Filling with love in the womb"

This is a very enjoyable and powerful exercise. It heals and harmonizes the period intrauterine development human and spreads up to the present day.

Anyone can do this exercise. blood relatives(even to those who left) without their consent, as a Gift of love!

For all others, consent is required.

The exercise is very enjoyable, it brings calmness, harmony to the soul, a sense of integrity and confidence. Many panic fears and anxieties are healed.


1. Retire, turn off mobile devices.
2. Invoke the Reiki energy.
3. Activate the symbols according to the steps (3-1-2-1)
4. Express your intention:
“I ask Reiki energy to fill with Reiki energy and unconditional love the period from the moment of conception to the present day ……………… .. (name, surname, date of birth or location of a person)
Heal and harmonize all aspects of this person's life, from the moment of conception to the present day. Thanks to!

5. Imagine that you have a sphere between your palms, you can see the baby's fetus, its development and from the moment of birth the flow of energy until today. Observe how the energy fills the entire sphere and everything that is around.

6. Send energy as much as you want (10-15 minutes is enough)

7. Give thanks, energy and release.

If you do it for yourself, then ask to fill, for example, your entire family, for example, 7 generations. The energy will be very powerful. You'll like it.

Get ready, your relationship with your family will improve!

Practice for cleaning the premises.

This practice can be carried out from stage 1.
Sit in lotus position in the room, invoke the Reiki energy and say the intention:
“I ask the Divine energy of Reiki and Spiritual Guides to cleanse the space of negative programs, energetic essences.
I ask you to fill the space with light and love. I ask you to carry out the work in the most harmonious way and for the Highest Good of the entire Universe. "
Then place your hands on your knees, palms up, close your eyes and allow the energy to flow out through your palms and fill your space. Tune in to the process and you can see with your mind's eye how your room is filled with light.

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