Regressive hypnosis and reincarnation. Let's take a look at the past, shall we? Memories of past lives under hypnosis

There are many stories about hypnosis and its effect on the human psyche. There are also many descriptions of combat hypnosis, which is successfully used by the special services of all countries. But quite often, hypnosis is remembered in connection with the reincarnation of a person. Let's take a look at some of the most famous stories, which are cited by supporters of reincarnation as evidence of the reincarnation of a person and the possibility of the existence of the next life.

There are many such stories about hypnosis and reincarnation. They can be treated differently - skeptically, cautiously, you can simply dismiss them, but it cannot be denied that they arouse our interest in their unusualness and mystery. Reincarnation gives us a chance at immortality.

In 1824, a 9-year-old boy named Katsugoro, the son of a wealthy Japanese peasant, told his older sister that he was absolutely certain that he remembered his past life. This case is one of the first to be officially recorded from the words of eyewitnesses, witnesses and carefully documented. It is more often brought up by people who claim that reincarnation is real. Physicians, historians, police and even local healers worked with Katsugoro for a long time and carefully. The boy conquered everyone with his vivid and picturesque memories of a previous life in great detail and a mass of small details that could not be known to a child of such a young age.

First of all, Katsugoro said that in his former life he was the son of another peasant and lived in a completely different village, located on the island of Okinawa. In adulthood, he became seriously ill and died of smallpox in 1810.

Little Katsugoro was cross-examined by the police under the direct supervision of a psychologist and doctors. The boy told investigators about more than 50 different stories and cases from the life of the village from the island of Okinawa. In addition, the boy revealed the secrets of his previous family, which could only be known by a person close and trusted of the same family. At the same time, it should be noted that Katsugoro himself never left his village and did not visit the Okinawa islands.

The boy's memories of own funeral which he described in great detail. The boy called the exact date own death and date of burial. The investigators checked and compared all the facts about which he told them. All of them have been validated. Worth noting: Katsugoro gave the investigators the home names of his former relatives, as well as the nicknames of pets: dogs, cats, cows. In Britain, they often recall the story that took place with the intelligent swimming instructor Graham Huxtable and the psychotherapist-hypnotist Aymoll Bloksham, which took place in the second half of the 20th century. In any case, the British consider this story, if not proof of reincarnation, then proof of the possibility of flight and travel of the human soul through time.

One day, Graham Huxtable volunteered to participate in a hypnosis session that psychotherapist Eymoll Bloxham conducted at the University of Cornwall (Wells. Immersed in hypnosis, Huxtable not only began to remember his previous life, but, as it seemed to numerous witnesses of the experiment from among scientists, he moved into the body a certain man named Ben. Even with a superficial test, it turned out that Mr. Ben lived in the 18th century. He served as one of the gunners on the royal military frigate. Reincarnated as the cheerful and brave gunner Ben, Huxtable, under hypnosis, began to speak in a marine vocabulary, which was dominated by obscene expressions and purely military orders of a maritime orientation.At the same time, the professors of the university, recording the entire session on a video camera, very quickly recognized that Mr. Ben's vocabulary fully corresponded to the language of the commoner of the British Isles of the 18th century. audio recording, considered that Mr. Ben's speech was fully consistent with the vocabulary, vocabulary and slang of sailors of the 18th century, which are not used today. Judging from Huxtable's speeches, he, during the experiment, got on board the frigate at the moment when the sailors were fighting with some enemy. According to Huxtail's cries and groans, he was wounded in the left leg in this fight.

Some difficulties arose in the psychologist Bloksham in bringing the patient out of trance into living reality. Ben didn't want to “get out of the fight and leave his battle number in the guns. When the hypnosis finally ceased its influence on the patient, the first thing Huxtable reported was that his leg was numb. Huxtable was later allowed to watch and listen to a recording of his session. He was shocked and claimed he didn't remember anything.

Therefore, over time, hypnosis can either prove or disprove claims that a person can be reincarnated.

edited news Core - 21-02-2011, 20:40

Hypnosis despite centuries of history its use, still cannot be called a fully studied phenomenon. The development of science step by step made it possible to unravel its mysteries. With the advent of electroencephalographs and magnetic resonance imaging, scientists have received tools to monitor the work of individual parts of the brain. It became possible to compare his work in the state of wakefulness, ordinary sleep and hypnotic trance. But questions still remain. Some of them relate to hypnosis in past lives.

Hypnologists also call regressive hypnosis in past lives. In the process of hypnosis, the object of influence makes a journey into its past, before the moment of birth. Sometimes regressive hypnosis allows you to independently recall your past lives. This topic causes a lot of controversy, countless arguments are given. The existence of this phenomenon has not been proven by science, but it has not been refuted either.

Supporters of the theories of reincarnation, the immortality of the soul, cite numerous testimonies, when people in an altered state of consciousness amazed with the amazing accuracy and detail of their memories of past incarnations. Their opponents point out that neither the rebirth of the soul nor the very fact of its existence has been confirmed by science. Another argument concerns the fact that one cannot exclude the influence on a person's detailed memories of a past life of his previous experience - acquaintance with historical and artistic works, documentaries.

Proponents of the scientific approach emphasize that the apparent past lives recalled under hypnosis may be a combination of personality traits of the object of suggestion and the product of fantasies based on printed and cinematic sources. There is an opinion that the patient says what, as it seems to him, the specialist would like to hear, feels a kind of desire to please

Other experts consider regressive hypnosis from the point of view of the paranormal. These include clairvoyance, telepathy, out-of-body forms of existence and, finally, the phenomenon of reincarnation. There is a possibility that under the influence regressive hypnosis in past lives, his subject loses the ability to see the line between all of these sources. All the information at his disposal is combined and given out during the session in the form of a convincing whole.

By the way, despite the lack of consensus on hypnosis in past lives, it is not only curious from the point of view of personal experience. also has a powerful therapeutic effect.

Hypnotherapists know that people who believe in reincarnation and past incarnations can easily visualize past life information and images of previous incarnations during a regressive hypnosis session. It will be much more difficult for convinced materialists to do this. Although there is evidence that in a state of trance they are also able to see what they cannot explain in any way after leaving it. But such a mindset often devalues ​​what they see, and it is rarely possible to effectively use the acquired information.

With the help of hypnotherapy, you can get information about the source of "memories" of previous incarnations. First, the object of study in a state of hypnotic trance gives a description of the events of his past life. Then, being in a waking state, he gets acquainted with his stories told in. After this, a re-immersion into a trance occurs, and the hypnotherapist requests a source of information that has become the basis of memories. Very often, this technique allows you to rationally explain the most incredible memories of past incarnations.

Memories of past lives under hypnosis

When recalling their past lives under regressive hypnosis, hypnotherapist clients often tell exciting stories, bizarre and even intimate details about them. A person is able to see himself in any time period - in ancient times, in the Middle Ages. The geography is also varied. Often people see their past incarnation in a place completely unrelated to their real life, never visited by them. There is evidence that clients even spoke in a language they did not know.

Occupations or professions are also often unexpected. A man who has nothing to do with the sea sees himself as a member of the crew on a medieval warship, uses vocabulary and terms that are typical for that era. Recalls the smallest details of ship life of those times. Or, for example, a woman may see herself as a priestess of an ancient Greek temple or even a knight participating in a tournament in medieval England.

Sessions of immersion in the memory of past lives

Regressive hypnosis is considered to be labor-intensive methods. A typical hypnotic session rarely lasts more than an hour and a half. For a session of regressive hypnosis into a past incarnation, three to five hours are required, but even this is not enough. The time of the hypnosis session is determined individual characteristics client, his ability to plunge into a state of deep trance. This state is necessary because it opens the way to memories, access to which in normal conditions limited or completely absent.

Immersion in hypnosis should be gradual. follows the emotion, finds out why it has arisen, and tries to remove it. Instead of an emotion, the practitioner may use bodily sensation or some kind of sensation to achieve the same goals. life event, which is significant for the regression object. The duration of the session is determined by the depth of immersion and the number of situations passed, the time spent in them.

The client's impressions of such a deep hypnosis into past lives are very individual. Some clearly see themselves in a past incarnation, associate with it. Such a complete immersion makes it possible to feel smells, sounds, bodily contacts. They come up with answers to questions that have tormented them for a long time. Someone sees the images distantly, as if on a screen. Sometimes it is possible to save only fragments of memories, like dreams.

At the end of the session, clients try to realize how real what they have just experienced is, especially if these experiences were vivid and convincing. Or is it more of a figment of the imagination. But when it comes to memory, it is very subjective. Here it is worth talking more about trusting yourself. It is more important to realize how the lived emotional experience, which, perhaps, still tangibly affects existence, can be made to work to correct the current situation.

The experience in the state of regressive hypnosis is the product of the unconscious individual. Of decisive importance is not the question, is it a real event or an encrypted metaphorical message from the subconscious to consciousness. The importance lies in the potential with which this message is endowed. Realizing this potential and releasing it, you can open the way for a breakthrough in life, use it as a resource for solving complex problems. psychological problems. The information obtained can be used for further analysis and productive psychotherapy.

How regressive hypnosis solves people's problems

The examples of how people under deep hypnosis remember past lives and thus get rid of problems in the present are really impressive. Such an experience seems fascinating to many clients, but it has a powerful healing effect on the body and soul.

The young man was not satisfied with the work, did not see prospects. He had a great desire to reveal his potential, but did not see the means for this. During a hypnotic regression session, he observed how in a past incarnation he was in the retinue of a high-ranking nobleman, but was sentenced to death penalty and executed. The reason was a personal conflict with the master.

The study of memories made it clear that this man builds working relationships according to the same pattern. They were so complicated that they threatened to be fired. Seeing himself from the side, the client was able to understand what he was doing wrong. In agreement with the subconscious, a scheme was developed for correcting his behavior in relations with the leader.

A middle-aged lady, wife and mother of two children, did not feel like a woman, her personal life did not go well. Hypnotic regression revealed that she had lived her past incarnation as a male. She became more aware of her habits and behaviors. But more importantly, the woman received a positive impetus and a resource to change her behavior, to take steps to make her appearance, manners, and actions more feminine. This significantly changed her general mood and personal relationships.

The young woman could not fix it in any way, learn to trust the partner who is nearby. The session of regressive hypnosis through the unconscious recalled important aspects of interaction with this man in the past, which were largely unfinished. Their relationship at that time had a parent-child character. They demanded an end and then a new development in the current situation.

By the time she emerged from hypnosis, the client had formed a pattern for building a relationship with her partner, and this was accompanied by great relief. After some time, the relationship ended, but without pain and regrets.

An example from the practice of an American hypnotherapist. The man had serious psychological clamps that prevented normal sexual activity. In a state of hypnosis, he saw himself as a Catholic priest in Italy several centuries ago. The professionalism of the hypnotherapist helped the patient to restore a detailed picture of this incarnation and free himself from the prohibitions present there. For several sessions, the clamps were removed, the man got the opportunity to feel complete.

These examples are a good illustration of the fact that by looking into the past with the help of regressive hypnosis, one can understand what exactly needs to be changed in the current activity. So unique personal experience will help to achieve the expected changes, relieve the level of tension.

Benefits of psychotherapy under hypnosis

Psychotherapeutic help is needed for a person who realizes that he is not able to cope with problems on his own. It can be negative emotions, psychosomatic illnesses, addictions, phobias, depressions. The patient may be tormented by the burden of past experiences or rejection of the current situation. If there is an understanding of the problems, but attempts to cope on their own do not give a result, qualified help is needed.

It makes it possible to reach the subconscious and start working with the cause that causes difficulties in a person, reducing the quality of life. emotion or physical sensation pave the way to this true cause, the source of its occurrence. If the traumatic experience was childhood and hidden deep in the subconscious, hypnosis allows you to immerse yourself in this period, bypassing the many layers of later memories. A conscious search for early childhood traumatic experiences takes much longer or does not work at all.

Hypnotic regression has no limits. People under the influence of regressive hypnosis plunge into past lives or spaces between lives and find the root of the problems there. Such a deep immersion often leads to transformations of consciousness that open up new possibilities for a person, give an understanding of oneself.

Although changes are observed after the first session, it is recommended to go through at least three. As a supplement, the processing of the information extracted by regressive hypnosis ends in the course of individual psychological counseling or group therapy with the help of harmonious integration and re-experiencing.

You can experience the transformative impact of regressive hypnosis through an online session. During such a session, special techniques of immersion in a past life are used. So that such an immersion is not limited to viewing distant memories, those that will be useful are highlighted. The main goal is to identify true reason what is a hindrance in the present, but lies in the past. frees up internal resources and creates additional opportunities for further development problem situations on one's own.

You can learn more about regressive hypnosis on the channel of psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valeryevich Baturin.

concept regressive hypnosis or hypnotic regression not so long ago it came into use and gained mass use in the practice of psychologists, and even more so of the broad masses of those interested in this method of hypnosis. Existence itself is not only a concept, but regressive hypnosis as such, appeared in ancient times when a person first consciously introduced himself into a state of deep trance, and then conducted this experiment on a fellow tribesman.

Indian yogis have long been known to be able to control the functions of their body up to a complete cardiac arrest, “turning off” pain receptors, and stopping bleeding. These abilities are achieved with the help of another type of influence - self-hypnosis, which is one of the main components of hypnosis in general.

Starting to talk about regressive hypnosis First of all, it is necessary to find out what hypnosis is and what regression is. Hypnosis at its core is a state of deep sleep, when the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person turns off, and goes into complete submission. external influence and control of the hypnotist (while being in active physical wakefulness). Regression is a return to the past that has already been passed, hence the concept of regressive hypnosis is a departure into the past of a person in a state of deep, “superficial” sleep. Initially, the methods of regressive hypnosis were used to treat mental disorders caused by a person experienced in the past by stressful, tragic, as well as physical injuries that led to a failure in work. nervous system.

The hypnologist, having introduced the client into, "takes away" his memory at the time when this failure occurred, finds out the specific cause of this failure and "reprograms" the client's subconscious, "erasing" the feeling of fear, depression, shock from his memory. As a result, returning to real world, a person no longer feels the echoes of what he experienced, forgets them, or treats them quite calmly, as in a normal, standard situation.

Recently, although this statement is not true - in history, and in ancient history, the moments of the return of a person to past lives, or incarnations, under the influence of priests or sorcerers are mentioned. By the way, their methods of influence are no different from modern ones. Except perhaps the word forms with which the priests accompanied their manipulations. They (word forms) corresponded to their era and concepts.

Recently regressive hypnosis returned its historical foundations, and anyone who wants to know who he was and where he lived in the past, or the life before, can with the help of a specialist hypnologist who has the ability and is fluent in this type of hypnotic influence. However, with the advent of the concept regressive hypnosis and the publication of the results of its practical application, among curious observers, the question arose - is this not a show? Does it exist and reincarnation how is it at all?

And here the opinions of experts differ sharply. One, skeptical side argues that the possibility of reincarnation, or reincarnation, is the product of a rampant fantasy of hypnotists with a sharp religious bias, and their version is built solely on the basis of religious literature. Their opponents, who devoted many years to research and practical experience, for their part, give a set real evidence confirming not only the possibility existence of reincarnation, but also specific facts, by the way, documented. These disputes have not subsided for many years, and will not subside as long as humanity exists, because it is natural for any person to doubt.

But it's far from the only one controversial issue, which strains the situation in the world of psychologists and psychics. - Why is this necessary, because the violation of the mental state of a person is caused by his current life, real events that happened to him in his current incarnation, and in no way what happened to him a hundred or two hundred years ago does not affect his current state. To this question, skeptics have one, concrete and indisputable answer - this is a waste of time, since reincarnation does not exist in principle, then doing this is a waste of time and effort.

Psychics and hypnologists, who recognize the transfer of information and "archives" of memory not only at the gene level, but also in an intangible, spiritual way, as it is commonly called "karmically", believe that with the help of regressive hypnosis it is possible to save a person from many mental disorders caused precisely by tragic events experienced in past lives. Or, for example, get rid of the current obsessive fears, which are a consequence tragic death in the past.

For centuries, people have been trying to solve the question: did we live before? Maybe our life today is just a link in an endless chain of previous lives? Is it possible that our spiritual energy completely disappears after our death, and we ourselves, our intellectual content, each time start again from scratch?

Religion has always been interested in these questions in the first place. There are entire nations who believe in the transmigration of souls. Millions of Hindus believe that when we die, we are somewhere reborn in an endless cycle of deaths and births. They are even sure that human life can move into the life of an animal and even an insect. Moreover, if you led an unworthy life, the more unpleasant the creature will be, in the guise of which you will again appear before people.

This transmigration of souls received scientific name"reincarnation" and is being investigated today in all areas of medicine - from psychology to conventional therapy. The great Vernadsky, building his "noosphere", came close to this problem, because the energy sphere around the planet is a kind of accumulation of the former spiritual energies of myriads of people who inhabited the Earth. But back to our problem...

Have pieces of memory been preserved somewhere in the recesses of our consciousness, one way or another confirming the existence of a chain of previous lives? Yes, science answers. The mysterious archive of the subconscious is filled to the limit with such "memories" accumulated over the millennia of the existence of changing spiritual energies.

Here is what the famous researcher Joseph Campbell says about this: “Reincarnation shows that you are something more than you are used to thinking, and there are unknown depths in your being that have yet to be known and thereby expand the possibilities of consciousness, embrace what is not part of your idea of ​​yourself. Your life is much wider and deeper than you think. Your life is only a small part of what you carry in yourself. And when you once manage to comprehend it, you will suddenly understand the essence all religious teachings.

How can one touch this deep archive of memory accumulated in the subconscious?

It turns out that you can get to the subconscious with the help of hypnosis. By introducing a person into a hypnotic state, it is possible to cause the process of regression - the return of memory to a past life.

Hypnotic sleep differs from ordinary dreaming - it is an intermediate state of consciousness between wakefulness and sleep. In this state of half-sleep-half-wakefulness, the consciousness of a person works most sharply, providing him with new mental solutions.

The famous inventor Thomas Edison is said to have used self-hypnosis when faced with a problem he could not currently solve. He retired to his office, sat in easy chair and started dozing. It was in a state of half-asleep that the necessary decision came to him. And in order not to fall into a normal sleep, the inventor even came up with a clever trick. He took in each hand glass ball and put two metal plates at the bottom. Falling asleep, he dropped a ball from his hand, which fell with a clang on a metal plate and woke up Edison. As a rule, the inventor woke up with a ready-made solution.

The mental pictures, hallucinations that appear during hypnotic sleep are different from ordinary dreams. The famous Raymond Moody, being a psychotherapist and hypnotist at the same time, conducting experiments on 200 patients, claims that only 10% of the subjects did not see any pictures in a state of regression. The rest, as a rule, saw pictures of the past. The hypnotist only very tactfully, as a psychotherapist, helped them with his questions to expand and deepen big picture regression. He, as it were, led the subject in the image, and did not tell him the plot of the picture being viewed. Moody himself for a long time considered these pictures an ordinary dream, not paying much attention to them. But while working on the problem that made him famous, the topic "Life after Life", he encountered among the many hundreds of letters he received describing in a number of cases regression. And this made Raymond Moody take a new attitude to the phenomenon, which seemed to him natural. However, this problem finally attracted the attention of Moody when, already being a world-famous psychotherapist, he met Diana Denhol, a professional hypnologist. She introduced Moody into a state of regression, as a result of which he recalled nine episodes of his past life from his memory. Let's give the floor to the researcher himself.

Nine previous lives

My lectures on near-death experiences have always raised questions about other paranormal phenomena. When it came time for the listeners to ask questions, they were mainly interested in UFOs, physical manifestations of the power of thought (for example, bending an iron rod with mental effort), past life regression. All these questions not only did not concern the area of ​​my research, but simply baffled me. After all, none of them has anything to do with "experiences on the verge of death."

Let me remind you that "death experiences" are deep spiritual experiences that spontaneously occur to some people at the time of death. Usually they are accompanied by the following phenomena: exit from the body, a feeling of rapid movement through the tunnel towards a bright light, a meeting with long-dead relatives at the opposite end of the tunnel and a look back at one's lived life, which appears before him as if captured on film. Experiences "on the verge of death" have nothing to do with paranormal phenomena, which the audience asked me about after the lectures. Among the phenomena of interest to the audience was regression into past lives.

I have always assumed that this journey into the past is nothing but a fantasy of the subject, a figment of his imagination. I thought it was a dream, or unusual way fulfillment of dreams. I was sure that most people who successfully went through the process of regression saw themselves in the role of an outstanding or extraordinary person, for example, an Egyptian pharaoh. When asked about past lives, I found it difficult to hide my disbelief. That's what I thought, too, until I met Diane Denhall, a magnetic personality and psychiatrist who could easily convince people. She used hypnosis in her practice - initially to help people quit smoking, lose weight, and even find lost items. “But sometimes something unusual happened,” she told me. From time to time, some patients talked about their experiences from a past life. This in most cases happened when she led people back through life so that they could relive some traumatic events that they had already forgotten - this process is known as "regression therapy in early periods life". This method helped to find the source of fears or neuroses that bothered patients in the present. The task was to lead a person back through life, "removing" its layer by layer, in order to discover the cause of mental trauma, similar to how an archaeologist cleans one layer after another, each deposited over a period of time to excavate the ruins of the archaeological site, but sometimes, in some surprising way, the patients traveled much further back in time than was possible. place, time, and as if they see everything happening with their own eyes. Such cases repeatedly met in the practice of Diana Denhol during the hypnotic regression. At first, these experiences of patients frightened her, she looked for her mistakes in hypnotherapy or thought that she had dealing with a patient suffering from a split personality.But when such cases were repeated again and again That is, she realized that these experiences can be used to treat the patient. By researching the phenomenon, she eventually learned to evoke past life memories in people who consented to it. She now regularly uses regression in her practice, which brings the patient right to the core of the problem, often significantly reducing the duration of treatment.

I have always believed that each of us is the subject of an experiment for himself, and therefore I wanted to experience past life regression myself. I communicated my desire to Diana, and she generously invited me to begin the experiment that same day after dinner. She seated me in an easy chair and gradually, with great skill, introduced me into the deepest trance. Then she told me that I was in a trance state for about an hour. I kept in mind that I was Raymond Moody and that I was under the supervision of a skilled psychotherapist. In this trance, I visited nine stages of the development of civilization and saw myself and the world in different incarnations. And to this day, I don't know what they meant, or if they meant anything at all. I know only one thing for sure - it was an amazing feeling, more like reality than a dream. The colors were the same as they are in reality, the actions developed in accordance with the internal logic of events, and not the way I "wanted". I didn't think, "Now this is going to happen." Or: "The plot should develop in such and such a way." These real lives evolved on their own, like the plot of a movie on a screen. I will now describe, in chronological order, the lives I went through with the help of Diana Denhall.

Life is first. In the jungle.

In the first version, I was a primitive man - some kind of prehistoric kind of man. An absolutely self-confident creature that lived in trees. So, I comfortably existed among the branches and leaves and was much more human than you might expect. I was by no means an ape. I did not live alone, but in a group of beings like me. We lived together in nest-like structures. During the construction of these "houses" we helped each other and did our best to make sure that we could walk to each other, for which we built reliable flooring. We did this not only for safety, we realized that it was better and more convenient for us to live in a group. Probably, we have already decently climbed the ladder of evolution. We communicated with each other, directly expressing our emotions. Instead of speech, we were forced to use gestures, with which we showed what we feel and what we need. I remember that we ate fruit. I can clearly see how I am eating some fruit unknown to me now. It is juicy, it has a lot of small red seeds. Everything was so real that it seemed to me as if I was eating this fruit right in the hypnosis session. I even felt the juice running down my chin as I chewed.

Second life. Primitive Africa.

In this life I saw myself as a boy of twelve living in a community in a tropical prehistoric forest, a place of unfamiliar, alien beauty. Judging by the fact that we were all black, I assumed that this was happening in Africa. At the beginning of this hypnotic adventure, I saw myself in the forest, on the shore of a calm lake. I looked at something in the white clean sand. A sparse tropical forest arose around the village, thickening on the surrounding hills. The huts we lived in were built on thick piles, their floors raised about sixty centimeters above the ground. The walls of the houses were woven of straw, and inside there was only one, but a large quadrangular room. I knew that my father was fishing with everyone in one of the fishing boats, and my mother was busy with something nearby on the shore. I didn't see them, I just knew they were close and I felt safe.

Third life. The master shipbuilder rolls over in the boat.

In the next episode, I saw myself as a muscular old man. I had Blue eyes and a long silver beard. Despite my old age, I still worked in the workshop where boats were built. The workshop was a long building overlooking a large river, and from the side of the river it was completely open. The room was stacked with planks and thick, heavy logs. Primitive tools hung on the walls and lay in disarray on the floor. Apparently I lived out my last days. My three-year-old shy granddaughter was with me. I told her what each tool was for, and showed her how to work them on a freshly finished boat, and she peeked fearfully over the side of the boat. That day I took my granddaughter and went boating with her. We were enjoying the calm flow of the river, when suddenly high waves rose and capsized our boat. My granddaughter and I were blown away by water in different sides. I fought the current, trying my best to grab my granddaughter, but the elements were faster and stronger than me. In powerless despair, watching the baby drown, and I stopped fighting for my own life. I remember drowning with guilt. After all, it was I who started the walk in which my beloved granddaughter found her death.

Fourth life. Terrible mammoth hunter.

In my next life, I was with people who, with desperate passion, hunted the shaggy mammoth. I usually did not notice any particular gluttony in myself, but at that moment no smaller game would have satisfied my appetite. In a state of hypnosis, I nevertheless noticed that all of us were by no means well-fed and we really needed food. Animal skins were thrown over us, and in such a way that they covered only the shoulders and chest. They did little to protect us from the cold and hardly covered our genitals at all. But this did not bother us at all - when we fought with a mammoth, we forgot about the cold and decency. There were six of us in a small gorge, we threw stones and sticks at a powerful animal. The mammoth managed to grab one of my tribesmen with its trunk and crush his skull with one precise and strong movement. The rest were horrified.

Fifth life. A grandiose building of the past.

Fortunately, I moved on. This time I found myself in the midst of a huge construction site, in which masses of people were occupied, in the historical setting of the beginning of civilization. In this dream, I was not a king, or even a monk, but just one of the workers. I think that we were building an aqueduct or a road network, but I'm not sure about it, because from where I was, you could not see the whole panorama of the construction. We workers lived in rows of white stone houses with grass growing between them. I lived with my wife, it seemed to me that I had lived here for many years, because the place was very familiar. In our room there was an elevation on which we lay. I was very hungry, and my wife was literally dying of malnutrition. She lay quietly, emaciated, emaciated, and waited for her life to die out. She had jet-black hair and prominent cheekbones. I felt that we lived a good life together, but malnutrition dulled our feelings.

Life six. Thrown to be eaten by lions.

Finally, I ended up in a civilization that I could recognize - in Ancient Rome. Unfortunately, I was neither an emperor nor an aristocrat. I sat in the lion's pit and waited for the lion to bite my hand off for fun. I watched myself from the side. I had long fiery red hair and a mustache. I was very thin and only wore short leather pants. I knew my origin - I was from the area that is now called Germany, where I was captured by the Roman legionnaires in one of their military campaigns. The Romans used me as a bearer of plundered riches. Having delivered their cargo to Rome, I had to die for their amusement. I saw myself looking up at the people who surrounded the pit. I must have asked them for mercy, because a hungry lion was waiting outside the door next to me. I felt his power and heard the roar he let out in anticipation of a meal. I knew that it was impossible to escape, but when they opened the door to the lion, the instinct of self-preservation made me look for a way out. I heard the bars being lifted and I saw the lion heading towards me. I tried to defend myself by raising my hands, but the lion rushed at me without even noticing them. To the delight of the audience, who squealed with delight, the animal knocked me down and pinned me to the ground. The last thing I remember is how I am lying between the lion's paws, and the lion is going to crush my skull with his mighty jaws.

Seventh life. Refinement to the end.

My next life was that of an aristocrat, and again in Ancient Rome. I lived in beautiful, spacious rooms, filled with pleasant twilight light, spreading a yellowish glow around me. I was reclining in a white toga on a couch shaped like a modern chaise longue. I was about forty years old, I had the belly and smooth skin of a man who had never done heavy lifting. physical labor. I remember the feeling of satisfaction with which I lay and looked at my son. He was about fifteen, with wavy, dark, short hair that beautifully framed his frightened face. "Father, why are these people rushing to us?" he asked me. "My son," I answered. "We have soldiers for that." "But, dad, there are a lot of them," he objected. He was so frightened that I decided to get up, more out of curiosity, to see what he was talking about. I went out onto the balcony and saw a handful of Roman soldiers trying to stop a huge excited crowd. I immediately realized that my son's fear was not causeless. Looking at my son, I realized that the sudden fright could be read on my face. These were the last scenes from that life. From what I felt when I saw the crowd, that was the end of it.

Eighth life. Death in the desert.

My next life took me to a mountainous area somewhere in the deserts of the Middle East. I was a merchant. I had a house on a hill, and at the foot of that hill was my shop. I bought and sold jewelry there. I sat there all day and valued gold, silver and precious stones. But my house was my pride. It was a fine red-brick building with a covered gallery where cool evening hours. The back wall of the house rested on a rock - it did not have a backyard. The windows of all the rooms overlooked the facade, they opened a view of the distant mountains and river valleys, which seemed something especially amazing among the desert landscape. One day, returning home, I noticed that the house was unusually quiet. I entered the house and began to move from one empty room to another. I was getting scared. Finally I entered our bedroom and found my wife and three of our children murdered there. I do not know exactly how they were killed, but judging by the amount of blood, they were stabbed with knives.

Life Nine. Chinese artist.

In my last life I was an artist, and a woman at that. The first thing I remember is myself at the age of six and my younger brother. Our parents took us for a walk to the majestic waterfall. The path led us to granite rocks, from the cracks in which water was breaking through, feeding the waterfalls. We froze in place and watched as the water cascaded and then collapsed into a deep crevice. It was a short passage. The next one related to the moment of my death. I became poor and lived in a small house built on the backs of rich houses. It was a very comfortable accommodation. On that last day of my life, I was lying in bed and sleeping when a young man entered the house and strangled me. Just. He didn't take anything from my things. He wanted something that had no value to him - my life.

Here's how it was. Nine lifetimes, and in one hour my opinion about past life regression completely changed. Diana Denhall gently brought me out of my hypnotic trance. I realized that regression is not a dream or a dream. I learned a lot from these visions. When I saw them, I remembered rather than invented. But there was something in them that is not in ordinary memories. Namely, in a state of regression, I could see myself from different points of view. I spent several terrible moments in the lion's mouth outside of myself, watching events from the side. But at the same time I remained there, in the hole. The same thing happened when I was a shipbuilder. For some time I watched myself as I was making a boat, from the side, the next moment, for no reason, without controlling the situation, I again found myself in the body of an old man and saw the world through the eyes of an old master. The shifting point of view was something mysterious. But everything else was just as mysterious.

Where did the "visions" come from?

When all this happened, I was not at all interested in history. Why did I go through different historical periods, some of which I recognized and others not? Were they genuine, or did I somehow cause them to appear in my own mind? My own regressions haunted me as well. I did not expect to see myself in a past life, entering a state of hypnosis. Even assuming that I would see something, I did not expect that I could not explain it. But those nine lives that surfaced in my memory under the influence of hypnosis surprised me greatly. Most of them took place in times that I have never read or seen films about. And in each of them I was ordinary person, nothing out of the ordinary. This completely shattered my theory that in a past life everyone sees himself as Cleopatra or another brilliant historical figure. The regression gave rise to a host of new questions that needed to be answered. My curiosity was aroused. I was ready to dive into past life research.

A few days after the regression, I admitted that this phenomenon was a mystery to me and the only way to solve this mystery I saw in the organization scientific research, in which the regressions would be divided into separate elements and each of them was carefully analyzed.

I wrote down a few questions, hoping that researching regressions would help answer them. Here they are:

  • Can past life regression therapy affect painful states of mind or body? Today, the connection between the body and the soul is of great interest, but a negligible number of scientists are investigating the impact of regression on the course of diseases. I was especially interested in its effect on various phobias - fears that cannot be explained by anything. I knew firsthand that with the help of regression, you can find the cause of these fears and help a person overcome them. Now I wanted to investigate this question myself.
  • How can these unusual journeys be explained? How to interpret them if a person does not believe in the existence of reincarnation? At that time I did not know how to answer these questions. I started writing down possible explanations.
  • How to explain the mysterious visions that visit a person in regression? I did not consider them to be rigorous proof of the existence of reincarnation (and many people who have come into contact with the phenomenon of past life regression considered them proof), but I had to admit that some of the cases known to me are not easily explained otherwise.
  • Can people themselves, without the help of a hypnotherapist, open channels leading to past lives? I wanted to know if self-hypnosis can induce past life regression in the same way that hypnotherapy can.

Is reincarnation proven?

Raymond Moody began serious research into regression while teaching psychology at West Georgia State College in Carroll Town. it educational institution in opposition to many other American institutions great attention devoted to the study of parapsychological phenomena. This situation allowed Moody to create a group of experimental students in the amount of 50 people. It is not superfluous to recall that, while studying the problem of "Life after life" in the seventies, the researcher used the materials of two hundred patients who had come out of death. But these were, of course, isolated cases. During regression, Moody conducted experiments with simultaneous hypnotic influence on the team. In this case of group hypnosis, the pictures visible to the subjects were less bright, as if blurred. There were also unexpected results, sometimes two patients saw the same picture. Sometimes someone asked after waking up to return him to the past world, he was so interested in it.

Moody installed another one interesting feature. It turns out that a hypnotic session can be replaced by an ancient and already forgotten way self-hypnosis: continuous gazing into a crystal ball. Putting the ball on black velvet, in the dark, only by the light of one candle at a distance of 60 cm, you need to completely relax. Persistently peering into the depths of the ball, a person gradually falls into a state of a kind of self-hypnosis. Images from the subconscious begin to float before his eyes. Moody states that this method is also acceptable for experiments with collectives. In extreme cases, the crystal ball can be replaced with a round carafe of water and even a mirror.

“Having carried out my own experiments,” says Moody, “I established that the visions in the crystal ball were not fiction, but fact ... They were clearly projected in the crystal ball, moreover, they were color and three-dimensional, like images in holographic television.” Whatever method the regression was evoked: hypnosis, peering into the ball, or simply self-hypnosis, under all conditions, the researcher was able to identify a number of features during regression, related to all in their generality:

  • Visuality of events from a past life - all subjects visually see pictures of regression, less often hear or smell. Pictures are brighter than ordinary dreams.
  • Events during regression occur according to their own laws, which the subject cannot influence - basically he is a contemplator, and not an active participant in the events.
  • The regression patterns are somewhat familiar. A peculiar recognition process takes place with the subject - he has the feeling that what he sees, does, he has already seen and done once.
  • The subject gets used to someone's image, despite the fact that all the circumstances do not match: neither gender, nor time, nor the environment.
  • Having settled into a personality, the subject experiences the feelings of the one in whom he incarnated. Feelings can be very strong, so that the hypnotist sometimes has to reassure the patient, convincing him that all this is happening in the distant past.
  • Observed events can be perceived in two ways: from the point of view of third-party observation or a direct participant in the events.
  • The events that the subject sees often reflect the problems of his current life. Naturally, they are refracted historically in time and depend on the environment where they occur.
  • The process of regression can often serve to improve the state of mind of the subject. As a result of this, a person feels relief and purification - emotions accumulated in the past find a way out.
  • In rare cases, subjects feel noticeable improvements after regression. physical condition. It proves inseparable bond body and spirit.
  • Each time subsequent introductions of the patient into a state of regression occur more and more easily.
  • Most past lives are the lives of ordinary people, not prominent figures in history.

All these points, common to many regression processes, speak of the stability of the phenomenon itself. Naturally get up main question: Is regression really a past life memory? Absolutely and categorically answering this question at the current level of research - yes, this is so - is impossible. However, the same Moody gives several convincing examples when an equal sign can be put between regression and reincarnation. Here are the examples.

Dr. Paul Hansen of Colorado saw himself in regression as a French noble named Antoine de Poirot, living on his estate near Vichy with his wife and two children. It was, as memory suggests, in 1600. “In the most memorable scene, my wife and I rode on horseback to our castle,” Hansen recalls. “I remember it well: my wife was in bright red velvet dress and sat in a side saddle." Later, Hansen visited France. According to the known date, name and place of action, he, according to documents preserved from past centuries, and then from the records of the parish priest, learned about the birth of Antoine de Poirot. This completely coincides with the regression of the American.

In another case, the well-known tragedy that took place in 1846 in the Rocky Mountains is told. A large group of settlers was caught in late autumn by snow drifts. The height of the snow reached four meters. Women and children, dying of hunger, were forced to resort to cannibalism... Of the 77 people of the Donner detachment, only 47 survived, mostly women and children. A German woman came to Dr. Dick Sutfeng today, who was being treated for overeating. During the act of regression, under hypnosis, she saw in every detail the terrible pictures of cannibalism on a snow-covered pass. - I was a ten-year-old girl at the time, and I remember how we ate grandpa. It was scary, but my mother told me: “That’s how it should be, that’s how grandfather wanted ...” It turned out that the German woman came to the USA in 1953, did not know anything, and could not know anything about the tragedy that broke out a hundred years ago in the Rocky Mountains . But what is striking: the description of the tragedy from the patient's story completely coincided with the historical fact. The question involuntarily arises: is her illness - chronic overeating - not a "memory" of the monstrous days of hunger in a past life?

It is said that a fairly well-known American artist came to a psychotherapist and underwent a regression. However, after returning under hypnosis to a past life, he suddenly spoke in French. The doctor asked him to translate the speech into English language. An American with a clear French accent did it. It turned out that in the past he lived in old Paris, where he was a mediocre musician who composed popular songs. The most mysterious thing was that the psychotherapist found in the music library the name of a French composer and a description of his life, which coincided with the story of an American artist. Doesn't this confirm reincarnation?

Even stranger is Moody's account of one of his subjects. In a state of regression, he called himself Mark Twain. “I have never read either his works or his biography,” said the subject after the session. But in his practical life he was permeated in every detail with the features of a great writer. He loved humor, like Twain. He liked to sit on the porch in a rocking chair, talking to his neighbors like Twain. He decided to buy a farm in Virginia and build an octagonal workshop on the hill - the same one Twain once worked on his estate in Connecticut, He tried to write humorous stories, one of which described Siamese twins. It is amazing that Mark Twain has such a story. Since childhood, the patient had a keen interest in astronomy, in particular Halley's comet. The passion for this science is also known in Twain, who also studied this particular comet. Until now, this amazing case remains a mystery.

Reincarnation? Coincidence? Do all these short stories serve as proof of the transmigration of souls. What else? .. But these are isolated cases that have received verification, and then only because we met with people who are quite famous. One has to think that there are not enough examples to draw final conclusions. One thing remains - to continue to study the mysterious phenomena of reincarnation. However, it is safe to say: regression cures the sick!

Once upon a time, medicine did not connect the state of the patient's spirit with the disease of the body. These views are now a thing of the past. It has been proven that regression, which certainly affects the spiritual state of a person, successfully heals him. First of all, various phobias - a violation of the nervous system, obsessions, depression. In many cases, asthma, arthritis are also cured...

Today, many psychotherapists use regression. Well-known psychotherapist Helen Wambech provides interesting data from this area. 26 specialists reported data on the results of work with 18463 patients. Of this number of psychotherapists, 24 were involved in the treatment physical illness. In 63% of patients, elimination of at least one symptom of the disease was observed after treatment. Interestingly, of this number of those cured, 60% improved their health, because they experienced their own death in the past, for 40% the improvement was due to other experiences.

What's the matter here? Raymond Moody tries to answer this question. He says: "I don't know exactly why past life regression works only for certain diseases, but it reminds me of Einstein's words, said many years ago: "Perhaps there are radiations about which we still know nothing. Remember how you laughed at electric shock and invisible waves? The science of man is still in diapers."

And what, in this case, to say about reincarnation - a phenomenon even more profound? Here Moody's position seems to be more flexible. Reincarnation, he concludes his book, "is so attractive that it can cause unhealthy mental experiences. We must not forget that reincarnation, if it exists, may be completely different from what we imagine it to be, and even completely incomprehensible to our consciousness.

I was asked recently: "If there was a court session at which it was necessary to decide whether reincarnation exists or not, what would the jury decide?" I think he would rule in favor of reincarnation. Most people are too overwhelmed by their past lives to be able to explain it any other way. For me, past life experiences have changed the structure of my faith. These experiences I no longer consider "strange". I consider them normal and can happen to anyone in a state of hypnosis. The least that can be said about them is that these discoveries come from the depths of the subconscious. The biggest thing is that they prove the existence of life before life."

Cicero once said: “The proof that people knew a lot of things before they were born is the fact that even as small children they grasp any information very quickly. Apparently, they perceive all this not for the first time, but remember from their past. ”And indeed, probably, almost all people who came to some locality or city for the first time suddenly had the feeling that they were already here have been and have seen it all. Or suddenly fragments of some memories, sensations come up that you can’t put in order and “remember to the end”. Some do not leave the feeling that they lived in a different place and at a different time. When a person begins to worry more and more about such a “memory”, it can eventually lead to painful condition. Naturally, he tries to find some explanation for this and, in order to get rid of the obsessive sensation, turns to hypnotists. The problem of accumulating impressions during life or "remembering" experiences in another existence is not new. It has existed for a long time, and specialists dealing with this problem solve it with the help of hypnotic sleep, during which a person “remembers” a past life (hypnosis is an artificially induced state of sleep in a person, which does not cover the entire brain, but only its parts, which allows contact with the hypnotized).
Therapeutic hypnosis
The method of therapeutic hypnosis makes it possible to very quickly access the subconscious. After all, hypnosis is a kind of sleep, during which a good hypnotist is able to make the patient remember in detail the events that he does not remember at all. Many probably imagine how a session of therapeutic hypnosis takes place. The patient sits on a chair, and the hypnotist invites him to relax, calm down, close his eyes and listen only to his voice, after which he introduces the patient into a deep hypnotic sleep. A person who is relaxed and detached from everyday worries, the hypnotist tries to return him to the past, and often to his former life.
What can be seen in a state of hypnosis
Hypnosis on given time is one of the few research methods in reincarnation. Scientists trying to find proof of the existence of the transmigration of souls and using this method have achieved the greatest results in this area. Being in a state of hypnosis, a person “moves into himself” through time, begins to speak in an unfamiliar language, gives a lot of signs, details, events that you can know about only by really living at that time and in that place. The most interesting thing is when people answered hypnotist in a language they did not know, from which, in the waking state, they could not remember a word. And the experts involved in experimental work, established that this dialect really existed, but several hundred years ago. The experiments were carried out mainly with adults who fragmentarily remember their previous life. But the most compelling was the evidence obtained during the work of children. Especially when children of four or five years old began to talk about a past life, they mentioned their names, by which they were called then, places of residence, under what circumstances they died. They talked about their friends and relatives. Once, 15-year-old American teenager George Field was brought to the hypnotist Loring Williams. Williams introduced the boy into a state of hypnotic sleep and gradually returned him not only to the moment of birth, but also further, almost a hundred plus years ago. The teenager identified himself as Jonathan Powell and said he was born in 1832. He lives near the town of Jefferson, located in North Carolina. During the Civil War of North and South in 1863, he was shot in the stomach by soldiers. During the session, George reported the details of events along the way, describing the places he had been to and which could not be invented, but only known. The session was repeated in the presence of a historian studying this area, and the boy, representing himself as a peasant, accurately named all the fathers of the city by name, described in detail their houses. But it was not possible to document the words of a teenager about the existence of Jonathan Powell, since registration of births and deaths in this area began to be carried out only from 1912. But indirect evidence still managed to establish. So, for example, the peasant's grandmother was called Mary Powell, and in one of the documents of 1803 it was confirmed that she bought in this area land plot. Loring Williams published the results of his experiments. After a while, George Field received a letter from a woman. She informed him that her maiden name was Powell and that she is the great-niece of Jonathan Powell. The woman told in great detail about the life of her great-uncle, who was really killed by the Yankees. Not less than unusual case described in Jan Kyrier's book No One Dies Forever. One physician living in Philadelphia used hypnosis quite often as a treatment method. And then one day his wife fell ill, he also prescribed a series of therapeutic hypnotic sessions for her. Noticing how easily she was hypnotized, he decided to return her to the past. And suddenly the woman spoke in a low male voice with a Scandinavian accent. She claimed to be a man and his name was Jensen Jacobi, and continued to answer Courier's follow-up questions in Scandinavian. For the next hypnosis session, the doctor invited several specialists in the group of Scandinavian languages, among whom was the famous Swedish scientist Niels Salin, the former director of the American-Swedish Historical Museum in Philadelphia. He concluded that the woman in the image of Jacobi spoke in obsolete Swedish, but fully understood the questions that were asked of her in modern Swedish. The pioneers in the field of reincarnation are Sorwald Deslefsen and the American psychologist Helen Bombach. They did a lot of similar experiments, collected and processed a huge amount of the results. Ian Stevenson, a professor at the University of Virginia, did similar work. The theme of reincarnation gained particular popularity in the late 50s of the last century. Such interest was aroused after the Pueblo businessman published Dr. Moray Bernstein's account of his hypnosis sessions with a housewife, Virginia Teage. The book was called The Quest for Bridley Murphy. The woman under hypnosis remembered her previous reincarnation and that in her former life she was Bridley Murphy's Irish girlfriend. book in as soon as possible became a national bestseller and held the top spot for several weeks. The Search for Bridley Murphy gained almost the same popularity in England. The American Society for Psychical Research in their writings called Volume 26 "Twenty Cases of Alleged Reincarnation." All cases were described by Ian Stevenson, MD. All cases included in the book were selected from 200 similar cases and carefully investigated by the Society. Some are similar. For example, one tells how a child at the age of 2-4 years began to remember events, cases and people from a past life. Parents, interested in his stories, decided to check their veracity and turned to one hypnotist for help. After that it turned out: everything they heard from the child completely coincided with what had happened before. Another case occurred with Shanti Davy and is described in the article "More Unusual Than Science" by author Frank Edward. The woman was born in 1926 in the city of Delhi. At the age of 7, she told her parents that in her former life she lived in the city of Matra and her name was Lugi. Parents did not believe her stories, but still turned to the hypnotist. Whereupon Shanti described in great detail her former life, her marriage and her two children; told that she died when she gave birth to the third. This story was soon forgotten, but in 1935 a man accidentally came to their house on business and, seeing the girl, began to claim that he was her husband's cousin and also lives in the city of Matra. When he was still a child, his cousin lost his wife, Lugi. They decided to check this circumstance and brought Ludja's husband to the house, without saying anything about it to Shanti. But the girl instantly recognized her "husband" and threw herself on his neck. She was brought to Matra, and here she correctly guessed the names of the streets along which she was led, recognized people and spoke with the relatives of the deceased Luja in the local dialect. Moreover, the girl even eyes closed could guide the stroller around the city and recognize local sights. She immediately recognized her two older children. In 1956, professional hypnotist Henry Bliss of Torquay, Texas, conducted a hypnosis session with his housewife, whom he had been trying to stop smoking for a long time. He even recorded some sessions on a long-playing record. When listening to them, it becomes clear that the hypnotist, after Naomi Henry (that was the name of the housewife) fell asleep, tried first to return her to childhood, and then to past lives. After a series of sessions, it turned out that Naomi in a past life was an Irish woman named Marie Cohen and said something about 1790. After that, the hypnotist tried to return the woman to her wedding and it turned out that Marie did not want to get married, but her mother insisted, because she did not want to have an unmarried daughter. The girl died from the fact that her husband severely beat her and even broke her leg. Henry Bliss brought her back several years after her death and Naomi's breathing stopped and her heart stopped beating for five seconds.
The woman then described her reincarnation as Clarissa Helliver, born in 1880. She worked as a nanny and died of an enlarged goiter and put her number on the grave. Thus, the conclusion is that deep hypnosis is a valuable tool for exploring previous reincarnations. One day a patient came to Dr. Branen Weiss for a session of therapeutic hypnosis. Being in a state of deep sleep, she told what happened to her about 4000 years ago. For the doctor, this was a real shock. It was after this incident that he, who never believed in the transmigration of souls, began to study in detail this question. As a result of his work, he came to the conclusion that reincarnation does exist. A native of New England, Katherine was undergoing treatment with Brian, aimed at suppressing the girl's various fears and depression. Traditional Methods health restoration did not bring the desired results, since there was no noticeable improvement. Then Dr. Weiss decided to use hypnosis. Having immersed the patient in a state of deep sleep, the doctor asked her to mentally return to the times when her phobias appeared. The doctor's surprise knew no bounds when the young woman began to talk about her life in the past. It turned out that 4000 years ago she was a resident of some Middle Eastern country and died as a result of a severe flood. Thanks to these data, the doctor discovered the alleged reason for the presence of a rabies complex in the girl's psychology. During the hypnotic dream, Katherine also revealed that several hundred years after her previous incarnation, she ended up in Greece. The patient especially emphasized that at that time she was acquainted with Brian Weiss, who was none other than her teacher! After the first treatment session, the girl's condition improved significantly: the fear of choking, which haunted her all her life, disappeared, her general mental state almost returned to normal. The fact that the patient's story about her reincarnation was very complete and had a large number of specific details that are difficult to describe as the fruit of a sick fantasy made the doctor believe in the real existence of this phenomenon in life. It should be noted that all the data received from Catherine was carefully checked and proved to be accurate. During one of the sessions, the girl began to tell the psychiatrist in detail about his personal life. It turned out that she was aware of not only well-known, but also purely personal facts of the biography of Branen Weiss. For example, Katherine knew about the baby of a doctor who died a few years ago of rare disease hearts. The detailed awareness of the girl in this matter was a real shock for Weiss. He was deeply convinced that the patient could not have access to this kind of information, since she worked in the hospital as an ordinary laboratory assistant, and not as a private detective. The "memories" of the girl during the treatment with hypnotic sleep radically changed the worldview of not only the doctor himself, but also Katherine. Ever since such a unusual discovery, more than 20 years have passed. More than 2,000 patients visited Weiss' office. The doctor understood much better the mechanism of the manifestation of human memories related to past incarnations, and what is behind this process. It should be noted that for an inexplicable reason, only 60-70% of people can remember their past life. For some, the behavior in these moments is emotionally colored, while others lead the story in more restrained tones. Sometimes it is very difficult for a specialist to understand at what moment a person's imagination, fantasy plays, and at what moment it is real memory that manifests itself. However, there are cases in history when a doctor could say with firmness that a person actually remembers a past life. Some patients during hypnotic sleep began to speak in an unfamiliar language. real life foreign language, others - told such details from the history of mankind that they simply could not know. One of Dr. Weiss's patients easily read the number on the uniform of the prisoner, whom he thought he was in a past life. When the psychiatrist checked the information received, it turned out that such a person really existed. The doctor, in a state of hypnosis, also recalled some moments from his previous incarnations. He found that around 1000 BC. e. lived in Babylon and was a clergyman. However, the fact that he often used his position for own benefit, upset him uncomfortably. In his next life, Weiss was also a priest, but he preached the faith already in Scotland. Branen died at the hands of the Inquisitors. After analyzing the information, the doctor came to the conclusion that a painful death in one life was nothing more than a retribution for Babylonian sins in another. There is another way of manifesting certain abilities that a person possessed before reincarnation. For example, some people easily managed to navigate in an unfamiliar city, building, room. There is a case when a man found a secret room in a church, the door of which was walled up 300 years ago. In this way, the legacy from the former life in the form of skills and talents pass into the present life. Having spent a large research work, Dr. Weiss concluded that the facts and events from former lives somehow connected with the connection to the "collective unconscious". Many well-known creative people have this ability. Some scientists believe that it was thanks to her that Thomas Edison made most of his discoveries. He introduced himself into a state of trance, sitting in a special chair, under one of the handles of which was a metal bowler hat. During the session, he squeezed several bearings in his hand. When Edison fell into a hypnotic sleep, the hand relaxed, unclenched, and the bearings fell down. As a result, he woke up, finding himself in a state of trance. It was at this moment that he comprehended the highest wisdom. It was well known to the literary world that Taylor Caldwell was writing global historical works with little to no prior research or research.
The very famous English psychiatrist Arthur Guirdham, long the chief psychiatric consultant in Bath, believes in reincarnation. In one of his works, he talks about a patient who has extraordinary knowledge of medieval Europe. Her stories during the hypnotic session were even confirmed by two professors in this subject. The patient was a member of the Catharist sect and without pre-training demonstrated rituals and ceremonies in some detail. It was completely excluded that she received her knowledge from books on Catharism at this time. The woman saw herself as a priest wearing a dark blue cassock. Subsequently, it was established that they really wore clothes of this color.