Cheerful costume for April 1st. April Fool's Day for Kindergarten. Preparation

April Fool's Day or April Fool's Day is a holiday known all over the world. On April 1, it is customary to joke and play pranks on others. On this fun day, mass drawings, street performances and flash mobs are often organized. If you are planning to attend a costume party or theme party, then be prepared to appear in a positive and extraordinary way. Your April 1st outfit can evoke different emotions: from good smile to hysterical laughter. In the online store "My Carnival" you can buy clown costumes, unusual humorous sets and matching accessories. There are current offers for children different ages which are suitable for holiday events and performances in kindergartens and schools. Many adult looks are universal, and you will also find separate models for men and women.

Clown costumes

The first person who comes to mind at the mention of laughter and fun is, of course, the clown. A real clown should be brightly dressed, have lush colored hair and a round red nose. Clown attire is usually a jumpsuit or jacket with a vest and trousers. Some options include a false nose and a traditional curly wig. The style and design of adult and children's costumes is approximately the same. For girls and women there are separate offers with dresses and skirts. Prints - peas, stripes and cages, pompoms, large buttons and bows are used as decor.

funny costumes

Do you want something really out of the ordinary? Then you need our grotesque humorous images. For example, on April Fool's Day, you can appear in the form of a billiard table. Or maybe you always wanted to play the role of a baby or a bottle of ketchup? These and many other incredible costumes will make your appearance at the party truly memorable. For children, you will also find original funny options. The “edible” theme is especially popular - costumes of hot dogs, donuts and pears.

funny accessories

The most common funny accessories are all kinds of hats. Hats in the form of food and household items, fake headbands with an arrow or a syringe in the head, multi-colored caps. Classic - ridiculously large glasses with a nose and mustache. Available also wide choose accessories for clowns - wigs, shoe covers and boots, makeup and red noses.

Number of participants
up to 20 people
3 to 6 years old
Holiday duration
2 hours
Assembly Hall(game) kindergarten
Holiday colors
all the colors of the rainbow
foam flowers, paper faces, Balloons, plush mice, natural flowers, glasses, fake cake
The specifics of the holiday in kindergarten is that entertainment program will have to be limited. Space (assembly hall or game room groups, unfortunately, are not designed for very energetic games and fun), time (no one canceled the daily routine for kids), ethics of behavior in a preschool institution (no one will allow children to make a lot of noise). Yes, and the name of the proposed treats will definitely need to be discussed with the garden doctor. Well, in the rest - the kindergarten April 1st is an absolutely unique occasion to show a flight of fancy!

How to prepare for April Fool's Day in kindergarten?


What do kids love the most? Of course, so that everything around looks bright and joyful! And, it is generally recognized that the abundance bright colors great mood booster!

Arrange on all free surfaces such original soft bouquets in toy buckets. The kids will be delighted with such boring toy flowers! Making them is very easy! Buy a couple of packs of different colors kitchen sponges, cut them into sticks - petals, tie the petals together with aluminum wire (or - strong thread) and attach to cocktail tubes! Flowers are ready!

If we already have April Fool's Day, then everyone around must be smiling! The sun on the wall, Masha's doll play corner even a glass of juice! How to do it? Cut out eyes and a large round nose from black cardboard and glue it to a half-liter plastic cup. Put a crumpled large one inside the glass. white napkin(to shade the face). But with the help of gouache and a brush, let the children draw a smile themselves!


You can decorate the room with simple clusters of balloons with painted smiling men, as well as with such spring compositions of balloons.

cute mice

Be that as it may, children are simply obliged to fool around on the first of April (even despite all the prohibitions of the administration). Hide cute little mice all over the playroom (under chairs, in toy dishes and drawers)! The kids will be waiting unexpected surprises and a lot of amazing emotions during the day!

Among other things, your room for the April Fool's holiday should also carry some logical load. For example, you can turn all objects and toys upside down. Toddlers will find this strange, and they will begin to ask: “Why?”.

And also, you can swap toys from different play areas (as a rule, there are several of them in a kindergarten - a store, a kitchen, a bedroom, a garage, etc.). For example, wrenches and cars fold into washing machine or a sink, and put the pots to sleep in a crib for a doll. Usually such a “layout” of children is very fun!


The place where the children are going to be treated to all kinds of April Fools' delicacies should also correspond to the theme of the holiday. Decorate the table with bright yellows and reds paper balls, lay a colorful tablecloth. Above the table, you can hang a banner "From the first of April", spelling it out, for example, on stars.

Peculiarities festive table will give unusual cups for juice, decorated with cute paper tendrils and extravagant April Fools' cocktail straws.

Several can be placed in the center of the table. flower arrangements. Only instead of vases, take large smiley tea cups, and add old grandmother's glasses with huge lenses to chrysanthemums and daisies! One hundred percent positive from the contemplation of such beauty, both for the little participants in the holiday and for your adult guests, will be guaranteed!

Treats are best served on paper, disposable plates in bright blue and white polka dots. Also, as a thank you for good behavior and activity during the holiday, and just in memory of wonderful day laughter, put each little joker on a plate of funny plastic round glasses with a huge nose and a cute bright cap.

And, of course, what April Fool's feast will do without a joke? Give the little mischief-makers a very "delicious", chocolate cardboard cake! Let it stand in front of them from the very beginning of the holiday, awakens appetite and curiosity. And when you finally allow you to cut off a piece of it at the end of the holiday - you get another, final draw!

How to make a fake cake

You will need:

Round box (from under a hat is best)

Confectionery glaze of different colors

Cream or spray cream

Wax paper

Set the box with a lid on wax paper so that the icing and cream don't get splattered all over the room. Paint the glaze all over the cardboard so that there is not a single "paper" place left. Special attention pay attention to the edges. Decorate the top of the box lid with plastic fruit.

The final touch to the picture of the April Fool's kindergarten absurdity is done! Now - it remains to wait for the arrival of your favorite pranksters! Now, together with their parents, they are probably puzzling over what outfit is best to choose for April Fool's Day!

Bright, cheerful, mischievous holiday - April 1st! This day - another reason laugh or just smile at others, arrange an interesting (but not offensive, not evil) prank and “fall for the bait” of jokers yourself.

It is not necessary to carefully prepare for it, the most funny ideas come by themselves to surprise and entertain. In addition, children are a real bulky bag with different ideas and games, you just need to want and support, and these entertaining thoughts will jump out of your kids, like a drum roll from under the sticks.

Toddlers don't have to explain everything. possible options the origin of the holiday, by the way, and call it better Happy Laughter or Humor than the Day of the one whose name the Country bears in Pinocchio. Just say it's a holiday of smiles and Have a good mood, because from a smile, as you know ...

Arrange a small family celebration or invite your child's friends over.

What can be done and what can be done?

1. An impromptu masquerade or Funny Fashion Day.

Try with the children to build costumes from improvised materials. Stock up on rolls of color toilet paper, packs of multi-colored sachets, garbage bags, adhesive tape, scissors. From all this you can make very beautiful and original outfits - bracelets, skirts, dresses, raincoats, wigs, etc.

Make costumes not only for children, be sure to decorate both mom and dad.

And then all together and take turns defiling, demonstrating the outfit.

2. "Colorful" transformation into someone.

With the help of face painting, ordinary finger or watercolor paints decorate each other's faces, turning them into charming faces of animals or fabulous creatures.

3. Have fun games.

"Speaker". Prepare lollipops (no, you will not eat them, at least not all of them). Learn a small tongue twister "Tryndichali tryndychihi - tryn, bryn, kryn, pryn."

The first stage - one candy in the mouth, we say a tongue twister. With each next step, add a piece of candy to your mouth. We speak and add sweets until the tongue twister can be more or less clearly said.

"On the track". Spread toilet paper on the floor, forming a path. Turn around your axis 4-5 times, and then walk along the path (when the children are spinning, parents are carefully watching so that they do not come across something hard / angular).

"Guess who!". Competition for ingenuity. Prepare sheets of white paper, A3. By counting, select the leader. Each of the players puts a sheet of paper against the wall, presses their cheek against it and circles their profile with a pen / pencil (you can help the kids). Drawing on reverse side sign. With the help of the presenter, who shows everyone the pictures, you should guess who owns which profile.

(The number of games to your taste, as well as their content. The main thing is together.)

4. Complete joke tasks.

"For 3 pieces!"

Give everyone present strips of paper cut in 2 places. Promise mountains of gold to someone who, holding the opposite ends of the strip, will tear it into 3 pieces (the answer is - but the mission is impossible!)

"Blow the ball."

inflate air balloons by the number of players. Put the balls on the floor at a distance of 2-3 steps from the players. Blindfold them and tell them that their task is to burst the balloon by stepping on it with their foot. One or two, let's get started! (secret - and the balls are secretly removed).

5. Prepare a gift for each other.

For example, flowers. Yes, not ordinary, but flowers from... (“wait for an answer in the next series ...” (c))

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Human life at all times has been full of stress, so people came up with holidays for themselves to fool around and have fun, and thus remove nervous tension and avoid depression. First of all, they include April Fool's Day or, as it is commonly called in our country, April 1. This holiday is accompanied by drawings and parties. To make it a success, you will need a costume for April 1, which you can make yourself.

A little about the history of the holiday

How and where April Fool's Day appeared is not known for certain. According to the most common version, it originated in Ancient Rome where it was called the Feast of Fools. In Russia, April Fool's Day became known through foreign ambassadors, who were also courtiers. As you know, the Russian tsar-reformer was very fond of jokes, so every year he himself came up with something unusual, which surprised his close associates and foreigners.

Before the advent of the printed press, pranks were not widespread. Everything changed when journalists began to deliberately launch April Fools' newspaper ducks, which caused a real stir. Later, television joined the pranks. For example, in 1957, the British were told about an unprecedented pasta harvest in Switzerland, and even showed a video report from the fields where the pasta was tied into sheaves. Oddly enough, there were many who believed this information and even ran to the shops to look for seedlings of this “plant”. Another famous one was born in Paris, when in the late 1980s, one of the French publications published an article about a plan to dismantle the Eiffel Tower and move it to Disneyland. This information caused a protest among the inhabitants of the French capital, who did not even suspect that they were being played.

Costumes for April 1

Carnival costumes for April Fool's Day should be original or, as they say today, cool. It is not necessary that they be too complex, since when creating them, the main thing is interesting idea, and the methods of its implementation are much less important. Everything can be used - from balloons to old CDs and candy wrappers. For example, the original can be made using a regular green swimmer's cap, sunglasses and rubber tubes, which should be cut into thin strips and secured with tape at the ears so that they hang down to the waist.

Ordinary foil can also be used. Together with CDs, it will help when creating from a cardboard box.

“Soap and washcloth”

If you are going to a party with your boyfriend or girlfriend, then it is best to make couples suit on April 1st. For example, it could be the “Soap and washcloth” option. For manufacturing, you need to glue a box of white cardboard with holes for arms and head. It will become the basis for a suit designed for a guy. For greater persuasiveness, it needs to be decorated by writing on the chest and back. capital letters“soap” and sticking pieces of bubble wrap in the corners packaging material to simulate foam. When the young man is equipped accordingly, you can proceed to the manufacture women's costume. This will require organza, which must be draped in small folds to get a dress that resembles a washcloth. On the side, you need to sew a thread of plastic round beads to it, which will depict a braid for hanging.


Another couples costume for April 1 will turn out if you take two identical black T-shirts and, laying them side by side, apply the image of the solved crossword puzzle on the chest with white paint. Each time you stand next to each other, the picture will add up, and you can read the words written horizontally.


If you have little time to prepare for holiday party, then you can offer a costume for April 1 in the form of a scarecrow. You will need a flannel and well-wrinkled hat, which will help create the image of the defender of the fields and gardens. On this costume, if you can call it that, can be considered complete. It remains only to do the appropriate makeup. To do this, you need to brightly make up the lips, draw a clown blush on the cheeks and depict the seams and patches on the nose and around the mouth with a black pencil.


A simple and funny costume on April 1 will turn out if you wrap yourself in bandages so as to become like a mummy. For greater naturalness, you can not wrap your chin and draw teeth on it with a black pencil. Since you're going to April Fool's Day, your "underworld dweller" can be anyone. For example, a mummy football player or a policeman will look funny.

"Toilet paper"

You need funny clothes for April 1st? Then make yourself a costume in the form of toilet paper. It is quite easy to make, and the effect will be simply incredible. At the very least, you will definitely find yourself in the center of everyone's attention. To create such a costume, you need to glue a pipe with a diameter of 30 cm from thick cardboard, in which you should make one large hole for the body and one more for the head. Moreover, they should be done with such an offset from the center that the left end of the cylinder is on the shoulder, and the right end ends 2-3 cm short of the elbow. Then two disks should be cut out of cardboard with a hole in the center into which the hand can freely pass , and close them, like covers, the ends of the pipe. Finally, you need to take a piece of white cloth, flannel is better, a width equal to the width of the “roll”, and a length that will correspond to twice the length of any of your T-shirts plus 15-20 cm. You need to fold it in half and cut a hole for the neck, stepping back from the left edge to the width of your shoulder. Then you should sew the suit on the sides so that 50 cm remains from the top fold to the beginning of the seam. At the end, you need to put on an impromptu shirt over the roll and get used to the idea that you will have to walk for some time with your arm outstretched.


If you are going to April Fool's Day with children, then the costumes for April 1 can be very different. For example, make a funny pasta outfit for your little one. This will require a large coil of white rope or which must be cut into segments of equal length. Then you should take some old overalls, better bright color, and sew “pasta” on it, folding them in half. Next, you'll need a baseball cap and a colander. The ropes should be sewn to the cap so as to hide its visor and get the effect of hanging pasta. To top it off, attach a colander to the baseball cap.

"Colored beans"

A funny food-themed costume will come out if you use a large plastic bag and a lot of colorful balloons. small size. In the bag, cut off the bottom corners so that you get holes for the legs. Then cut out circles for the hands, stepping back 50 cm from top edge package, which must be at least 140 cm long if the suit is intended for a person of average height. The “package” is printed with the name of the product, such as “Colored Beans”, and information about its weight, calories, protein, fat, carbohydrate, etc. Then 30-40 balloons are inflated different colors with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Insert arms and legs into the holes, put balls into this “package” and fix the package at the neck with tape and tape.

Now you know what costume you can come up with on April 1st to surprise other participants in the April Fool's Day party.

Leisure scenario for April Fool's Day for secondary children preschool age"Laughing is allowed"

Target: Creation festive atmosphere for children of middle preschool age.
- provide comfortable conditions and a cognitive situation for emotional realization;
- develop the skills of dance and game improvisation;
- to develop the skills of joint entry into the game situation;
- team building.
Characters: Scattered, parents and children.
Come here people
Both left and right
We celebrate Smile Day
Jokes and fun.
Come here people
And let's get acquainted.
May for many years
This day will be remembered.
Don't waste a minute
Laugh to tears.
In every joke, the share of jokes,
Everything else is serious.
we have a holiday of laughter here -
Jokes and fun are waiting for everyone!
Today it is allowed to grimace, joke, play, somersault.
Holiday of humor in the morning
Let's shout together: Ha-ha-ha!
We will open the holiday today
Wind and rain are not a hindrance to us,
After all, we have been waiting for a long time, we will not hide,
Our national day of laughter.
For a holiday, for general fun
We invited Laughter to visit,
Fun, fun and entertainment,
Joke and Humor for fun!
After all, today is April 1 - they don’t believe anyone! We will be embarrassed
Jump, run and play!

Shout "Mood"(Children answer each question in chorus.)
Guys, how are you feeling? (Wo!)
Is everyone of the same opinion? (All without exception!)
Shall we sing and dance? (Yes Yes Yes!)
Will we shed tears and lose heart? (Never!)

And then "Scattered" runs into the hall with a suitcase from which things stick out, he runs around the hall anxiously, he runs to cheerful, fervent music.
Absent-minded: What is it, what kind of jokes?
I'm on my second day!
but did not end up in Leningrad,
And I ended up in kindergarten! At this moment, the Distracted One's suitcase is unbuttoned and things, felt boots, a hat fall.
Vedas: You really are absent-minded, why did you take felt boots on the road, because it's spring on the street! But the hat is interesting. We are playing with the kids now.
Game "Hat"
But at that moment he remembered that he was in a hurry to Leningrad, waved his hand to the children and ran away.
But here again Absent-minded ran into us with one shoe on his foot, began to look for his shoe, trying it on, taking off the children's shoes. He took off a lot of shoes from the children, but then suddenly in the middle of the hall he saw his own and was very happy. And the children were invited to play the game "Who will find his shoe faster."

1. The game "Grandma-Ezhki" for adults.
They are divided into 2 teams, on a signal, they put on the skirt of the grandmother-hedgehog, runs to a certain place and returns back, passes the skirt to the next player. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Competition "Riddles for adults".
How many years do pigs live?
Answer: Pigs live until they are eaten.
If a tomato is a berry, can ketchup be called jam?
Answer: no, jam is added to tea, and ketchup is added to food.
If a penguin is a bird, why doesn't it fly?
Answer: because it floats.
If a woodpecker knocks on trees, why doesn't it hammer nails?
Answer: Because he gets insects.

And now our children will perform comic folklore!

A group of kids come out. They have "musical instruments": noisemakers, washboard, spoons, basin, bucket, kettle. The guys perform the melody "Oh, the box is full, full."

A joke is appreciated for a reason,
A good one is doubly so.
More, more every year
Laughter, jokes every day.

Two girls sing ditties.
1st girl.
No one is so offended
Like Vanyusha the orphan:
Swallowed live fish
Moves in the stomach.

2nd girl.
Vanya walks around the village,
Walks - smiles.
It turned out that the teeth were inserted:
The mouth does not close.

1st girl.
Nikita forgets everything
Even put on shoes
Nikita's mouth opens -
Forgets to close.

Goose pig...
not sponsor;
not a friend;
won't tie wings.
After the fight...
everyone runs to the mothers;
do not wave their fists;
no longer scared.
You can't pull it out without effort...
chewing gum from hair;
a fish from a pond;
candy from your pocket.
Free cheese is only...
in a mousetrap;
in a dirty puddle.
Measure seven times...
if there is nothing to do;
throw out once;
one cut off.
The further into the forest, the...
stuck harder;
want to eat more;
more wood.
Tie scarves on balloons. Who is faster? (The balls hang on a thread)

Game with children "I am not me."
Who among you does not know boredom?
Who is the master of all trades here?
Who takes care of the clothes?
Does he put it under the bed?
Who keeps things in order?
Tears and books and notebooks?
Which of you is an example to others?
Who is so good?
Go sunbathing in galoshes?
Which of you, tell me, brothers, forgets to wash?
Game "Monkeys".
Each line is accompanied by gestures, action.
Monkey: We are funny monkeys.
We laugh too loud
We clap our hands
And we stomp our feet.
We puff up the cheeks.
We jump on toes.
And we will even show tongues to each other.
Let's jump together to the ceiling.
Let's bring the finger to the temple.
Let's open up the ears, the ears on the top of the head.
Let's open our mouth wider.
We'll make all the grimaces.
How do I say the word "three" -
All freeze with grimaces!
One, two, three - freeze! (Children do.)

"Insidious" quiz "Yes and no."
Two adults are selected.
Give me an answer in rhyme - And say yes or no.
- Are there cities on the Moon?
- Do women have a beard?
- Candy holes in your teeth?
- Do you go to the dentist's office with a smile?
- In the rainbow there Blue colour?
- Will you throw a stone after the cat?
- Two - it's not a problem?
- Is borscht healthy food?

Will there be dawn in the evening?
- First graders 10 years old?
- Does the wolf live at the bottom of the pond?
- Is there an iceberg in the sea?
- Will you say, saying goodbye, to a friend "hello"?
- Do we need light in the evening?
- Do you sleep on the buffet?
- Are you always cheerful?

"Lottery Lottery"
1st caregiver picks up a hat, a cap or a small bag in which they lie lottery tickets. Children take turns pulling them out and sitting on chairs. The 2nd teacher takes the ticket he got from everyone and with a saying gives gifts to the children, for example:
Reach out rather hand- Get an onion head.
Your prize is quite rare - two paper napkins.
Your winnings are original a little - the baby's nipple went.
There is no better prize than a plastic bag.
Happiness fell into your hands - you got three potatoes.
Newspapers should be read to get all the news.
I know you love to write letters
Then get this notebook.
To save beautiful hairstyle, we gave you a comb.
You and such a companion will not disappear anywhere,
From any guests you will come home full - a spoon.
Children know everything in the world: best toy- it's a rattle.
We will give you not a flashlight, but an air white balloon.
Here is a gift and yours - a real pencil.
We give you not a candy wrapper, but beautiful bow.
Both girls and boys, we know, are very fond of bumps.
So you got a prize - here lies, my friend, rice.
Now I will deftly get a carrot for you.
For you, my friend, I have a piece of chalk.
You have a rare gift - three spruce branches.
The prize has been waiting for you for a long time - here is a paper plane.
Your most important gift is a paper boat.

Bubble Contest.
Competition "What I got, I put it on."