Toys for 2 year old children. Toys for outdoor fun. Rating of the best toys for toddlers

For 2 years, the baby accumulates so many toys that they sometimes cease to fit in baskets and boxes, and the child, meanwhile, ignores them and does not want to deal with them. How can parents make sense of the variety of products and buy for the baby really useful companions for development in daily entertainment?

Toys are not only soothing "helpers" for parents, they should be a real source of development for the baby

Features of the game of a child in 2-3 years

To determine what toys a child needs at 2-3 years old, one should understand the peculiarities of children of this age. Kids are now active and are not able to do one thing for a long time, but most of them have already developed certain preferences in their activities.

During this period, the games for the baby should be varied: develop, teach, entertain, physically engage him and gradually teach him to perseverance. Since speech is actively formed at 2-4 years old, some classes are devoted to the development of fine motor skills, while others are needed to develop self-service skills, to train coordination of movements.

The psychological development of children by the age of 2 reaches such a level when they begin to actively copy the actions of adults. During this period, objects for role-playing games.

What toys does a child need at this age?

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There are a lot of toys in stores for children 2-3 years old, and almost all of them are capable of developing and teaching a baby (we recommend reading :). Regardless of the purpose of the purchased product, it must have certain properties:

  1. Be safe. Toddlers under 3 years old still strive to put all accessible objects in their mouths, so the purchased product should not have loose or easily detached small parts.
  2. Be understandable. The crumb must himself or with a little help adults figure out how to play with a gift.
  3. Be interesting. When choosing a toy, it is important to rely not on someone else's experience, but on the knowledge of your child's hobbies. If a boy in this period like to copy mom - buy him a dish, doll or iron. The acquired "male" tanks and helicopters may not interest the baby at all now.
  4. Be of high quality. The color scheme of the toy, the material from which it is made, and the sounds made - all this should be pleasant and comfortable for the baby.

Based on the listed signs, you can easily choose a good toy for your baby. All games must be safe, fun and quality.

Educational toys for boys and girls

Educational wooden lacing toys

This category products is designed to educate kids necessary skills, develop their spatial thinking, fine motor skills, logic and eye. These toys can be roughly divided into two groups: some are role-playing, others develop kids, honing important movements.

  • Laces are inexpensive products that help develop an eye and fine motor skills in a baby, and contribute to the development of perseverance in children.
  • Inserted frames help to master the concept of size and shape, develop fine motor skills, coordination, eye and attention.

Wooden frame-insert "Geometric shapes"
  • Scene toys also teach kids. Dolls, strollers, kitchens and ironing boards, cars and suitcases with tools, doctor's kits - all this helps the child to integrate into the adult world and repeat the actions of others.
  • Constructors teach kids to create. They also help to form perseverance in children, use their imagination and logical thinking... Working with the details of the kit helps to develop fine motor skills.

Such toys require the active participation of adults in the classroom. By themselves, they will not develop your child, they are just a tool. You have to show the kid how to use objects correctly, and when he learns everything, he will be able to act independently.

Educational toys

Children in 2-3 years old love to play with plasticine

Modern parents it seems that the toys of this group are expensive products well-known firms. Really develop a child, with the right approach, may be products that are completely familiar to us, spending on which will hardly affect the family budget:

  1. Plasticine. Traditional material, designed to hone fine motor skills, when creative approach can be a great helper for the development of the baby. From plasticine, you can stick vegetables and fruits together with a crumb and play in the store, teaching him how to count. The soft material can be spread on a piece of cardboard, and then you can attach cereals to it, creating pictures. You can think of a great variety of games with plasticine - and all of them will become educational for the kid.
  2. Cubes. Wooden, plastic, foam rubber, with and without pictures - all of them, with the right approach, will become effective tool for the development of a child 2-3 years old. With their help, you can build towers, houses and garages, learn to distinguish between colors and sizes. Playing with cubes will teach the baby to be assiduous and diligent.
  3. Mosaic and puzzles. Having picked up a product, large parts of which are easily and effortlessly assembled into a single whole, you will help your baby learn to analyze and group objects. As you master simple products, the child can buy complicated options.

To ensure the harmonious development of the baby, it is not necessary to spend money on expensive goods. Simple and familiar to us from childhood, cubes, plasticine and mosaics will become an effective stimulator for the crumbs of the formation of the necessary skills.

Didactic toys

This type of product more than others requires the active participation of adults in the classroom. Target didactic toys- help the child to know the world, learn to compare, analyze and do the right choice... There are enough specialized products in this category on the store shelves: these are didactic cards with images and names, paired puzzle pictures, and cubes with illustrations on the edges that are put together.

Children's domino with pictures of plants, vegetables and fruits

Another product that can be classified as didactic toys for children is a variety of board games... Lotto and dominoes with images of animals, vegetables and fruits will be wonderful family fun and will contribute to the accumulation necessary knowledge and the concepts of the baby.

Musical toys

Despite the fact that many interactive toys and books publish many melodies, parents strive to acquire musical instruments for children - and for good reason. They develop not only musical ability but also fine motor skills, breathing and coordination.

Various musical toys contribute to the active development of the child.

For babies you can buy:

  • whistles;
  • pipes;
  • harmonicas;
  • diamonds;
  • ratchets;
  • maracas;
  • drum;
  • xylophone;
  • toy piano.

It is clear that these musical instruments will not be able to captivate the baby for a long time, but 5-10 minutes a day will be enough for him. Regular exercises with such toys will help the development of hearing and a sense of rhythm in the baby.

Toys for the active child

Kids 2-3 years old are constantly on the move, and their attention is rarely able to linger for a long time on one object. In an effort to accustom the baby to perseverance, do not forget about the need for dynamic games - in order to properly redirect the "extra" energy of hyperactive children, you should organize outdoor activities at home.

Pools with balls are in high demand for small children.

For this, the following are ideal:

  1. Ball games. If the space of the apartment allows you to organize playground for such activities, you can play mini-football with your baby or teach him how to throw the ball into a basketball basket fixed on a wall or door.
  2. Skittles. It is quite dynamic and gambling, which, with the right approach, will make hyperactive babies sweat. The bowling alley develops accuracy and trains the coordination of movements when placing equipment.
  3. Transport. Scooters and bicycles, on which the baby will learn to ride at home, will develop his balance and spend excess energy. Another acceptable option for active kids - a balance bike (we recommend to read :).
  4. Pool with balls. Budget and compact inflatable models filled with plastic balls will captivate your little one and his little guests for a long time.

Toys for active child are selected based on the temperament of the baby, his hobbies, as well as spatial capabilities.

If the area of ​​your house allows, you can equip a whole sports section with swings, rings, mats and trampolines.

Interactive toys

Modern interactive toys look interesting, but kids get bored pretty quickly, so try to choose only practical "smart" models. On store shelves, you can see:

  • a variety of pianos;
  • educational tablets;
  • toys that play different melodies when you press the buttons;
  • rugs and posters;
  • game centers with buttons.

The monotony of interactive toys, unfortunately, quickly bothers children, so they should be put away in the closet after the kid has played enough. After a week, they can be taken out again and given to the crumbs - the interest will temporarily increase again.

Rating of the best toys for toddlers

It is clear that such an abundance of toys is not only beyond the affordability of many families, but it will also become a kind of "theft" of imagination from kids. To avoid cluttering the apartment with unnecessary goods, it is better to limit their number.

Active kids almost never get tired of playing the ball

On the forums, mothers often discuss the problem of useful and useful toys for children 2-3 years old. Based on their practical experience you can determine the rating of the best of them:

  • Ball. It's really useful toy, with which you can come up with a lot of training and developmental activities.
  • Easel board. Double-sided models are very convenient, on one side of which you can draw with crayons, and on the other with markers.
  • Narrative games. It could be anything - Railway or a racing track for a boy, a kitchen or a doctor's kit for a girl, the main thing is that the kid can try on those "masks" of adults that he sees every day.
  • Comfort toy. Every day of the baby is full of new impressions, which are sometimes difficult for his psyche to cope with. So that the child falls asleep well and feels comfortable in stressful situation(at the doctor, in kindergarten visiting unfamiliar people) it is important to "make" a beloved friend for him.

Toy-comfort "Giraffe"
  • Modeling. Now it is important to develop perseverance and fine motor skills in the baby, plasticine and modern noveltykinetic sand... An optimal and pleasant to the touch replacement for them is salted dough (we recommend reading :).
  • Constructor. Girls and boys definitely need to learn how to create with their own hands: build towers from wooden cubes, buildings from plastic blocks, and also easily create incredible structures from magnetic frames.
  • Puzzles. The kid will be happy to collect pictures from large parts, and the feeling of success will stimulate the baby to conquer new "heights".

  • Car. Riding mini-vehicles, arranging races and walks for dolls is not necessarily strictly a "man's" occupation, girls also like such children's entertainment.
  • Creation. Plasticine and kinetic sand Finger paint with sets of brushes and safe paints, applications and mosaics - every child should have all this and develop his imagination, fine motor skills and perseverance.
  • Flashcards. These are realistic images (or better - photographs) of animals, vegetables and fruits, plants, buildings, clothing items and everything that developing kids need to know about the world around them.

This is the main list of really useful and fun objects that will help you harmonious development crumbs. In addition to the toys included in this list, parents should attend to the purchase of books for the child, - your joint activities instill in the child a love of reading.

It is difficult for inexperienced parents to determine which toys are interesting to a child at 2 years old to acquire skills in playing with peers, the development of logic and fine motor skills. From the outside, it seems that give a kid of this age anything, and he will play. For example, FAQ: "What to give a girl and a boy"? Again, you need to understand that any toys, first of all, should be of interest to a child of 2 years old... This is what my article is about.

I have met many families where the nursery is littered with toys that the baby seems to be playing, but this does not happen. This happens because all children are different, with different temperaments and the character traits already embedded in them. One toddler can play for hours with a constructor, puzzles, and the other is less assiduous, he is not able to sit quietly for a minute. Mini-basketball nets with balls, cars and various outdoor games.

There are toys for children 2-3 years old, which parents, older sisters, brothers should play with. These are educational games. There are also games with which you can develop in the toddler a certain model future behavior - educational games. What kind of toys are interesting for a child at 2 years old?

Educational games for children 2 years old at home

I want to immediately advise parents not to get hung up on "development" alone. A 2-3 year old toddler should have a variety of toys from the 3 categories listed below.
Developing (loto, puzzles, paints, mosaics)
Educational (lacing, strollers, kitchens, ironing boards)
For active games(balls, railways, parking lots, mini-bowling alleys)

Monotony can tire and provoke whims with a reluctance to continue playing with any kid, so the games of course need to be alternated.

What toys are interesting for a child 2 years old and older

In this section I will list you and show photos of toys for children 2-3 years old
1. Plasticine, dough
2. Cubes of different sizes
3. Mosaic options
4. Lotto and puzzles,
5. Fridge magnets with numbers, pictures
6. Educational music posters
7. Various talking toys, children's tablets, etc. (available in English)
8.paints, large coloring pages with stickers of your favorite cartoon characters
9. constructors with large parts, or "Lego", but under the supervision of adults
10.strollers, ironing boards, kitchens
11. Tool sets (for boys)
12. Skittles
13. Mini Basketball
14. Balls on suction cups with plates
15. Cardboard houses.
This is far from full list what toys children need at 2 years old.
First, educational toys will be described, then educational ones for active games.

photo of a house with numbers and magnets for children 2 years old


Plasticine and dough for children 2-3 years old for development

The choice of these materials should be very selective. Plasticine of "Soviet" quality is subsequently problematic to wash out from under the nails of children. Modern materials for children's creativity softer, more elastic and does not stain your hands.
Plasticine is a unique find. They can sculpt absolutely everything, from cats, and cars, ending with whole pictures. My daughter, for example, loves it very much when I sculpt "aunts" with her. Head, eyes, hairs, arms, legs, shoes, and certainly must be sissy, and of course a handbag. Do you understand what parents can do with ordinary plasticine? Roll sausages and make a rainbow, make not just a dog, but a spotted one of a certain breed. Plasticine is an ideal educational game for children 2 years old at home.

Let the crumb even just pinch it off - these will be the petals of the future flower. It seems to adults - nonsense, and the baby, kneading him in his hands, learns new things, his imagination and the first attempts to reproduce what he sees develops.
Regarding the test, for me personally, this is wonderful way take my daughter for an hour. Give the little one a piece of real kneaded dough (so that it doesn't stick to your hands) and let it swarm around, sculpt turtles, knead, grunt and try. We continue to list which toys are interesting for a 2-year-old child.

Dice games for kids

Cubes of different sizes and different materials work wonders in skillful hands parents. Large soft parolon cubes covered with fabric usually have drawings (girl, boy, circle, square) and can serve as the first teaching aids for the study of colors and shapes. Small children do not know how to catch a ball until a certain age, but such cubes can be thrown to them, learning how to catch and correctly place the handles.

Mosaic for children 3 years old

This is exactly what the manufacturers write, but it is quite possible to buy the first mosaic for a child somewhere in 2, 5 years. It is worth choosing large elements with large holes:
1. So that the baby does not swallow them
2. To make it easier to get into the hole
Attention! Giving such a game, or any other with small details, it is worth being in close proximity to the crumbs , to prevent point 1, although my daughter has not pulled anything in her mouth since about a year and a half.
Working with mosaics gives an idea that many things consist of smaller particles, develops such important character traits as perseverance and perseverance.

Educational games for kids puzzles and loto

This is exactly what gradually develops the ability to think, analyze, group and develop visual memory... There are enough developing puzzles on sale, but at this age I recommend buying large and very simple ones, so that when answering the question: "What toys are interesting for a child at 2 years old", you answered: "Funny and interesting." what do they get? Here are the jigsaw puzzles ideal for age 2 years.
You just need to pick up a couple, where, whose mother. When the little one has mastered pairing, it is enough to give, for example, a calf and ask where his mother is. To the found puzzle the little one answers: "Mother is a cow." Having mastered these very simple ones, you can acquire more complex and large ones. Change the focus, your child of animals has mastered, offer him a loto where you need to dock:
by colors
by figures
animals - birds
vegetables fruits
edible - not edible

Complicated puzzles can be considered a good option for developing games for children 2 years old at home. On these they paint on one side the animal itself with a letter, and on the other what it eats and where it lives. Seems simple? We take a cow. But the puzzle with a barn and hay is suitable only for her. The point is that there is a similar puzzle for a horse, it also has hay, but a stable with a corral instead of a barn. The chicken also lives in the barn, but eats corn and wheat.

Soft puzzles - rugs for children's rooms with the image of cartoon characters are very popular as a gift for a child.

Fridge magnets with numbers, pictures

Such magnets are not expensive, but they are very helpful for purposeful and persistent parents to teach their child as quickly as possible. Perfect option for a gift for no reason.

Educational music posters

They are usually sold in bookstores. This is a 100% hit when answering the question: "What toys are needed and interesting for children at 2 years old." Get ready for the fact that you have more than one such poster to buy. At the age of 2, my baby liked the poster with animals. There were functions:
A story about each animal (name, color, sound, where it lives)
Guess the animal (yellow, red, blue, red, Brown)
Guess which animal is making this sound?
Which animal lives on the farm?
Who lives in the lake?
Who lives in the jungle and savannah?
Poems about animals
Songs about animals
On the initial stage you will, of course, need to sit with your baby, play and press buttons. In a matter of days, your little one will understand what is what and will reap the mugs himself with might and main. Hearing the answer: "Well done, that's right," he will clap his hands and squeak with delight.
In order for educational posters to live up to their name, they need to be stored in a box and taken out periodically for 1-2 hours. Then the interest will not disappear. For children who are already 2, 5 years old, feel free to mount a poster with letters and numbers on the wall according to their height.

puzzles and other toys for children 2 years old

There are posters with geometric shapes Is a find. Thanks to such a poster, the child in game form recognizes both trapezoid and ellipse. There are drawn drawings consisting of multi-colored geometric shapes:
4.2 bridges (semicircle and trapezoid)
5. Machine
6.Washing machine
7 the helicopter
8 the boat
9 cow
Clicking on a shape tells about it:
Color (if the shape is the same color)
Which part of the drawing consists of which figure (for example, a house consists of several multi-colored figures)
What color is each element of the composite figurine.
Particularly advanced parents can buy such a development rug in English.

Various talking toys, children's tablets

This section includes all toys on which there are many buttons, starting from the piano (in the photo

photo of a musical piano, where the buttons with vegetables in English

such where vegetables are pronounced in English) and ending with toys, externally designed in the form of computers, tablets and other "stuffed with electronics" products. Usually this expensive toys that really contribute to the development of babies. What to look for when choosing an educational toy?

photos of children at play

1. For compliance with price and quality. There are phones in the form of a Masha doll (from the cartoon Masha and the Bear), but the price for such a toy is clearly too high. What functions are there? Sings 12 songs, says some Phrases Machines and that's it? The price is so high for the box and the Masha brand itself.
2. The toy should not excuse the "stink" of plastic or glue.
3. The presence of a volume control.
4. If it is a large, flat toy with speakers inside, shake it lightly to make sure the speakers are secure. Otherwise, such pleasure will quickly break down (just come off inside the speaker).

5. If you really pay for such a toy, then let it be stuffed as much as possible with the alphabet, rhymes, songs, short stories about animals. Don't just hit the duck and it will quack.
6. Ideally, these are equipped with voice recorders for 3-6 minutes. There are two options: either you dictate bedtime stories, or the child will dictate rhymes under your guidance, and you endlessly erase the notes.
What other toys are interesting for a child at 2 years old?

Paints, large coloring pages

Let the first pencils be soft, do not gouache paints in jars, but ordinary honey ones. Do not expect that in the beginning it will be really correctly colored drawings.

a photo of a child who draws

There will be kalyaki-malyaks, but this will always give you 10 minutes of peace of mind. It may seem pointless to adults, but there are benefits from coloring pages too. The baby begins to think about what color to take, that it is better to keep the pencils at an angle, not to press hard (yes, the baby needs to learn all this). If an example is attached to the coloring, then he learns to compare. The included stickers are great for developing fine motor skills. Children peel them off and stick them several times.

Constructors with large parts

All constructors can be classified as those that can be presented to a child for 2 years. One has only to decide on the number of parts and dimensions. When buying, pay attention that the parts are easily connected to each other. No matter how ridiculous it sounds, you shouldn't overpay for the packaging if there are 20-25 more details in the box for the price of the set in the box.
Ideal for dads to play with their sons and daughters.
Lego constructors of course more interesting topics that they offer immediately story game With additional elements(palm trees, shops, people, cars), but they are much more expensive. They can be safely attributed to the category of toys interesting to the child in 2-3 years ". The details there are extremely small, such a constructor can only be given to children who are more than 2, 5 years old and under the supervision of adults.


Naturally, educational toys also develop your treasure, but they are more educational.

Take the same lacing. They come in a variety of sizes and are sold in stores all over the place. They are required by teachers in kindergartens, so that the children train on them at first just to get into the holes, and then learn to lace up. It seems to be small things, but it develops perseverance, perseverance and teaches the necessary skills of adulthood.

Strollers, ironing boards, kitchens
for girls and similar "men's" sets. This is your signature exit. The parent not only shows by example what to do, but also explains how and for what.
-Now we will lay out the clothes and iron them so that the doll is neat. The folds look bad, we press the button of the steamer, like on my mother’s adult iron. Only the handle should not be brought to the steam, you can get burned.

Laying the doll in the stroller, sleep, tell me what sleep is for, gently cover the doll (so that it is warm and does not get sick). A similar situation with the toy kitchen, we fry the cutlets - we turn on the hood, but the chicken can be baked in the oven (this way it is more useful). We immediately wipe the hood, wash the dishes.

To educational toys for boys includes tool kits:
Constructors consisting of metal parts, where there are screwdrivers, screws, screws. The role of a builder under 3 years old is most often performed by dad, showing what and how. The sons are watching this process as if they were spellbound. Then the whole family can ride the assembled fancy car, put the little men on the plane and even catapult them.


It will be about toys that are played indoors, since the little ones are never bored on the street.


The very thing that a mobile baby needs. Line up, knock down, line up again. They are inexpensive, lightweight, made of plastic. Not traumatic. Solid pluses.

Mini basketball

The advantage is the price and the presence of velcro on the board with a basket. The downside is that few children of this age like to play such basketball alone, but if you screw the board with the basket for throws to the level of the kid's shoulders and while sitting, throw the ball into the basket together, there will be a full house of fun. In addition, the ball will bounce, and while the crumb will bring it to you, it will pretty much run up, spending the accumulated surplus energy.

Balls on suction cups with plates

The price here is also scanty, but you definitely need an adult to play games, at least an older brother or sister. Concave plastic plates covered with a rough cloth, a ball covered with suction cups sticks to them when thrown. The ball itself, if thrown with force, can injure. It is better to place the children a short distance from each other, this will reduce the power of the throw.

Halabuda cardboard houses

The hit of all time, but, alas, you cannot buy them in the store. We used a box from a water heater for this purpose. They cut out a window, a door. If desired and large sizes the box can be pasted over old cloth, even make curtains inside. I will dispel the myth of fragility. This chalabuda has been in our house for a month! This venture can be considered the winner when answering the question: "What toys are interesting to a child at 2 years old."

Photos with children are kindly provided by our readers and are their property, photos of toys are copyright and cannot be copied.

I hope that the article on what toys are needed for children at 2 years old and a little older turned out to be useful to you. Don't forget to share on social media. Networks and write comments.

"A game is a spark that kindles a spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity."

V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

- A child should have a lot of toys! - My mother said decisively, when the guests came to us, she brought another package of toys.

It's great when parents and grandparents love and delight the child and enjoy themselves choosing and buying gifts for the baby, but ... It is obvious that with the current abundance of educational toys, you can simply go broke by turning the nursery into a warehouse. And most importantly, buying a lot of toys thoughtlessly, it is easy to harm the baby. And therefore, when choosing toys, it is important, first of all, to take into account the skills and interests of the child, to think about what certain developmental aids can teach (with the help of adults) to the baby. Let's discuss which educational toys really should be at home for a child from 2 to 3 years old.

The main areas of development of a child from 2 to 3 years old

Each child has its own individual developmental rhythm, and therefore it is impossible to say unequivocally to which skills and at what level a particular child aged from two to three years is most sensitive (susceptible), especially since the sensitive periods have no clear boundaries. But psychologists identify the main areas of development and activities that are most characteristic of this age.

These areas include:

  • physical development, improvement motor abilities;
  • development of speech and communication skills, development of the emotional sphere;
  • development of the game as the main way of knowing the world;
  • development of imagination, fantasy and creativity;
  • cognitive development (memory, attention, thinking) and sensory development.

In addition, it is important to know that at the age of up to three years, the child's thinking is visual and effective and is aimed at identifying various properties real objects, their shapes, colors, sizes.

Below is an overview educational toys for a child from 2 to 3 years old that will help meet the child's developmental needs and the realization of cognitive interests.

Physical development toys:

  • Balls of different sizes and colors... They can be thrown to each other, rolled on the floor and down a slide, thrown at a target (in a box, for example), or hit the goal, kicked, catch up, squat behind the ball and pass to each other as part of the relay, clap your palm and hit the ground ...
  • Fitball can also be useful for gymnastics.
  • Swedish wall useful for moving up and down, you can also learn to hang on the bar.
  • Small pillows. In outdoor games, you can step over or jump over them, arrange an obstacle course.
  • Sports mat or soft mat. You can do fun exercises and exercises to combine movements and words, arrange imitation games (these games, in addition to developing coordination and gross motor skills, also work great for the development of speech and the emotional sphere).
  • Orthopedic or sensory mats indispensable for massage of small legs.
  • Bicycle, scooter, balance bike, sleigh, ski.

You can read about how to organize a home gym.

Toys for the development of imagination, spatial and constructive thinking, coordination of movements, gross motor skills

  • Constructors with details different sizes and shapes, cubes, Lego sets... You can build castles, towers, tunnels, garages, fences for different sites and roads, lay out figures of animals and people and so on ... Build together or ask your child to build a figure according to your model, gradually complicate the task, add a plot to the game, populate castles and houses little men and so on. How to build from with Lego constructor without instructions, you can read.
  • Clothespins... With the help of clothespins, you can create various images (rays of the sun, thorns of a hedgehog and the paws of animals), use them in creative pursuits.
  • Toy "Fishing" in her various. This is a multifunctional toy. And if you manage to interest the baby, then it will be possible to use it to develop memory, attention, mathematical representations, skills of playing by the rules or in a team (catching fish in turn).
  • Stencils(animals, vehicles, vegetables, fruits, geometric shapes, spirograph and so on).
  • Materials for creativity(, construction and so on).

Sensory development. Development of mathematical concepts, logic, thinking, attention, memory

What kind of educational toys do you use? Share your experience in the comments!


Our educational toys for children from 1 to 2 years old in a detailed review.

Starting from one year, the child actively masters the vertical life. That is why, along with intellectual toys, he now simply needs those that contribute to the development of physical activity. It is with them that the review will begin.

Locomotive toys

Household Skills Toys

Toys for the intellectual development of the child

As with a younger age, at 1-2 years old, it is important to take care of intellectual development child.

  1. Developing tables. We have chicco double-sided and elc with balls. We have been playing with chicco from 6 months to the present day.

  2. The first thing that should appear in the baby's play arsenal is the simplest puzzles from 2-4 pieces ... Ideally, if these are themed sets - flowers, vegetables and fruits, animals. So the child will learn not only to add pictures, but also understand the meaning of such a concept as "category".
    When the child learns to put together the simplest 2-piece puzzles, you can entrust him with choosing something more interesting in the store.
  3. Closer to the age of 2, the child begins to understand the charm of not only puzzles, but also cubes... He may try to add pictures, look for familiar letters, or simply build towers. It is ideal to have, as in the previous case, several thematic sets.
  4. In the playroom, of course, there should be a place cards and books ... Only if earlier it was possible to simply show objects to the baby, now you can switch to more complex, again thematically, sets - counting, clothes, who eats what, mothers and children, comparisons, and so on. When working with a child, it is important to "dose" the daily amount of information that he receives - every day, just showing everything and at once you are unlikely to achieve success.

  5. Fundamentally new toys that the kid has yet to master - a variety of lacing and figures that are put on laces. In stores, their choice is very large - from universal to thematic, designed for boys and girls.
  6. Seguin boards. In great detail in the material Seguin Plates: methodology and practical exercises at home.
  7. Sorter closer to 2 years of age for children become very interesting. The version of our sorter house Ks kids is suitable for children from 1 year old.
  8. All kinds of constructors and mosaics closer to 2 years.

  9. Mushrooms. Sorting, size, color, bigger-smaller, etc.
  10. Another great educational toy for a child of 1-2 years old is called "Magnetic stories" (although the box says 3+, but it is quite suitable for more younger age). It is a set of several picture-fields, a magnetic box into which they are inserted, and directly magnets. Using all this, you can create your own own stories- of course, the kid himself will not be able to do this right away, but after all, it is quite possible to help him. There are quite a few set options - there are thematic ones (for example, dedicated to the seasons), there are ones dedicated to some cartoons (for example, Masha and the Bear), there is a so-called starting one.

Creative toys

I am glad that the industry of children's products does not stand still. Today, adults can purchase toys designed taking into account the latest achievements of pedagogical and psychological science. Let's talk about how not to get lost in the variety of products and make a really correct and educational toy.

Features of the development of a child at the age of 3

Three years is the most important milestone in a child's life. During this period, the baby gradually realizes himself as a person. His favorite activities are beginning to appear, but he is still actively interested in literally everything in the world.

The three-year-olds have more or less successfully mastered basic skills (walking, talking, taking care of themselves), parents need to improve them. Despite the fact that children develop at their own pace, you can focus on general features characteristic of this particular age:

  • children are confident enough in control of their bodies;
  • fine motor skills become more perfect;
  • speech and communication skills are developing rapidly;
  • play becomes the main way of knowing the surrounding reality;
  • the child is already playing with his peers, and not next to them, as it was before;
  • imagination develops so that children can use substitute objects instead of toys;
  • visual-active thinking continues to improve, prerequisites are created for the development of logical thinking.

Three-year-olds are interested in technical innovations, constructors. Gender preferences are also emerging: boys prefer cars and robots, and girls prefer dolls, baby dolls, and soft plush toys.

Below we will look at the most suitable educational toys for children from 2 to 3 years old. These play devices will maximize the satisfaction of the child's cognitive needs.

Educational toys for 2 - 3 year olds

PurposeTypes of toys
Perfection fine motor skills and logicMosaic, pyramids, inserts, puzzles, lacing figures, cubes, constructors.
Role-playing gamesDolls and baby dolls, children's dishes, toy houses, sets "Hospital", "Shop", "Hairdresser", cars with a garage.
Interactive toysElectronic posters and books (voiced), special computers for children, developmental centers, interactive puppets.
Active games and entertainmentBicycles, balance bikes, roller skates, dance mats.
Creative pursuitsEasels, children's paints, felt-tip pens, albums, plasticine, musical toys
Walking toysSets for summer and winter outdoor games: sandbox set, watering cans, snow shovels.

Toys for the development of motor skills and logic

There are many options for such play devices, and they are made from various materials, there are different shapes and complexity. The most important condition- buy toys with large parts so that the child cannot swallow them while playing.

This is one of the oldest educational and educational toys for toddlers. early age... A set of such "bricks" helps children 2 - 3 years old to develop motor skills, imagination, attentiveness, as well as accuracy, because the cubes cannot be fastened together.

If there are special pictures on the edges, then the child, with the help of adults, is more likely to be able to learn letters and numbers. In addition, with the help of multi-colored cubes, you can memorize colors, and if toys are of different sizes, then the concept of "more or less".

Wooden cubes are considered most suitable for two- or three-year-old children, since this material is environmentally friendly and natural, and buildings will remain stable longer.

Most often, cubes are made from beech, linden and birch wood, then they are sanded and covered acrylic paint... By the way, on sale there are cubes not only of the usual shape, but also bars, trapezoids and triangles, which will help the kid feel like a real architect.


  • the development of many mental qualities;
  • the versatility of the toy;
  • the ability to use for several years;
  • naturalness of materials.


  • it is important to make sure that the child does not hit himself or other children with a cube, as sharp edges can cause injury.

Show how you can play with dice. Explain that any building can be built from these "bricks": a castle for a doll, a garage for a car, a fortress for soldiers. If the cubes are colored, name the shade of the cubes during the game. This will teach the kid to more likely correlate the name of the color with the objects.

When choosing a construction kit for a child 2 - 3 years old, you should mandatory pay attention to the elements. They must be large so that the baby can manipulate them with not yet very dexterous hands. The large size also eliminates the possibility of swallowing and choking the baby.

The constructor must be strong so that the child cannot break off the pieces. The brightness and versatility of the toy are also welcome in every possible way.

Many people at the word "designer" immediately recall the products of the LEGO company, which produces many of these toys.

The kit is suitable for small children Lego duplo"My first playhouse." This toy will help adults in the game process to teach the child to comply with the regime moments.

The toy boy and girl included in the set can brush their teeth, eat, play in the yard, ride a slide, lie down in a crib. Such elementary actions, played in a story-based role-playing game, are great for instilling hygiene skills.


  • development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements;
  • development of perception of flowers and shapes;
  • the formation of spatial orientation;
  • acquaintance of the child with the daily routine;
  • instilling hygiene skills in the baby.


  • except for a fairly high price, there are no shortcomings.

Play actions with the details of the constructor, first of all, develop fine motor skills, contribute to the coordination of movements of both hands. And this has a beneficial effect on the formation of speech skills, since the work of the fingers stimulates the speech-motor areas of the cerebral cortex.

RPG Sets

A two-year-old child is slowly becoming interested in role-playing games. Playing familiar scenes helps to develop the baby, allowing you to practice various skills, improving imagination, speech, communication skills and establishing social contacts with peers.

Three-year-olds actively copy various actions of parents and other adults, including those that they often encounter. For example, doctors and nurses.

The doctor's kit is a great developmental and educational toy that provides a lot of opportunities for three-year-old children. With the help of "medical instruments" they will be able to cure a doll, a teddy bear and even household members.

Such a toy can be played with peers, taking turns becoming a doctor or a patient. This allows you to more successfully develop intellectual and emotional sphere, imagination. Also, the child learns to sympathize with the "sick", which is very important for improving moral qualities.

Psychologists are convinced that the role-playing game of the doctor is a kind of therapeutic practice. A child who works out certain unpleasant medical manipulations in the game process gets rid of fears of doctors.


  • improves communication skills;
  • helps the child's socialization;
  • develops speech;
  • relieves of possible fears;
  • you can play in the company of peers.


  • absent.

The doctor's kit is a very useful toy, since playing plots and taking on a role encourages the child to take action, develops cognitive interest, teaches arbitrariness and prepares the baby first for preschool and then school education.

Another option for role-playing games is sets of children's plates and mugs. The kid will be able to brew and give delicious "tea" to his friend, doll or beloved mother. And if the doll suddenly "spills" tea, the child will wipe his face and then wash the cup. Doing so builds a habit of cleanliness.

Sets of toy fruits and vegetables, berries, other food products are also educational toys. With their help, the child learns to recognize their features, memorize names, learns shades, understands how various dishes are prepared.

Three-year-olds acquire knowledge through direct action with specific objects, observing the behavior of adults. That is why parents can observe how children drink imaginary tea from mugs, comb their hair with combs, etc.


  • the toy promotes the development of imagination;
  • helps to improve social and communication skills;
  • the child remembers the names of fruits / vegetables and colors;
  • develops speech.


  • there are no disadvantages.

All elements of such kits must be made from environmentally friendly, strong and safe materials. Also, before purchasing, you should make sure that the elements do not have small parts that the child can break off and swallow.

Interactive toys

Today's moms and dads have probably heard of such a concept as interactive toys. Interactivity is useful quality for a toy, allowing it to respond in real time to the actions of the child and teach him any skills.

Many interactive toys for children are currently being produced of different ages... Allocate the following types of such play devices:

  • phones, posters, laptops and other educational toys;
  • animals that are able to move, make different sounds;
  • dolls that repeat the facial expressions of babies.

A common version of interactive toys is sound posters. The principle of operation of this device is quite simple: the child clicks on a certain picture and hears the corresponding information (the name of the bird, the voice of the animal, etc.).

If you switch the toy to the test mode, then the child listens to the poster's question and independently searches desired picture... Such tasks are extremely interesting for three-year-old children, since the kids not only receive new knowledge, but also independently "extract" it.


  • attractive appearance;
  • interesting sound;
  • the opportunity to explore a variety of topics in an exciting way;
  • the ability to independently acquire knowledge.


  • the main emphasis is on the development of sound and visual perception;
  • the child's interest quickly passes.

Some children very quickly lose interest in such toys after learning their basic functions. Do babies need such sound posters? The question is controversial, but it is quite possible to diversify the design of the room with such objects.

Interactive doll "Baby Born"

This bobblehead is extremely reminiscent of a real newborn child both in external data, but also in actions. A toy baby behaves like a child: drinks from a bottle, eats porridge, cries, walks in a diaper, sleeps in a crib and bathes in a tub.

"Baby Born" responds vividly to the actions of the child. Some mothers are afraid to wet the toy, and in vain. Thanks to the mechanical control, it can be safely bathed in the bathroom.

In addition, the set, in addition to the doll itself, includes various accessories: a bottle, a pacifier, a mixture, a pot, a diaper, a spoon and a bracelet. Other accessories can be purchased separately: a bathtub and a snow-white interactive pony.


  • no rechargeable batteries required;
  • the ability to immerse the doll in water;
  • instills in the child the skills of independence and hygiene.


  • limited functionality;
  • heavy weight;
  • quite high cost.

Some experts are convinced that interactive play devices have a negative effect on the child's psyche. The main drawback, in their opinion, is that the toys are so independent that they deprive the child of imagination and initiative.

For example, you can't limit yourself to just sound posters if you want to teach your child to read. It is much more useful to read ordinary books for him, add words and cubes, study finger games and drawing. Everything should be in moderation.

Toys for active entertainment

Developing movable toys - required condition for development healthy child... Babies in 2 - 3 years old are distinguished by high activity and mobility. At this age, coordination becomes better, spatial orientation also improves.

While developing fine motor skills of fingers, in no case should we forget about improving large motor activity. Moreover, outdoor games give the child special pleasure.

An ideal toy for active exercise is an ordinary ball. This classic attribute of childhood is indispensable, since playing with it improves health in general, increases coordination, motor dexterity, eyes and quickness of reaction.

In order for children to roll, toss and kick the ball without any problems, it is necessary to carefully select it. To a small child buy a small ball that should not be too heavy and too hard.

According to pediatricians and psychologists, the ball is a universal simulator for all muscle groups and mental processes. With this play device, you can come up with a wide variety of entertainment. Also, ball games - a great opportunity chat with peers.


  • activation of physical development;
  • improving speech;
  • improved mood;
  • improving the coordination of movements, dexterity, dexterity;
  • improving fine motor skills;
  • low cost of toys.


  • Due to increased mobility, falls and injuries are possible, so it is important to closely monitor the baby.

The children's ball is a universal toy, inexpensive and loved by all children. A child will never get bored with such a game object, since you can come up with many different fun with it.

This is the first independent transport for little child... After all, if before he was taken in a wheelchair, now he himself will be able to move around and be less dependent on his parents.

In addition, buying a bicycle is a great opportunity to introduce your child to sports activities from an early age. Don't forget about the other benefits of this toy.


  • improvement of blood supply to organs and heart function;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • development of coordination of movements;
  • increased endurance;
  • improvement of the muscular apparatus;
  • increased vitality;
  • training of the vestibular apparatus;
  • prevention of visual disturbances;
  • cycling reduces the manifestations of hip dysplasia.


  • absent, except for a fairly high price for a truly high-quality model.

When choosing a tricycle, you need to take into account the age of the baby, its features, the weight of the toy itself. In addition, preference should be given not to cheap fakes, but to high-quality vehicles from well-known brands.

Toys for creativity

Creative skills are quite valuable skills at the present time, so you cannot do without their development. V two years of age the child begins to actively change the world for themselves, the task of mom and dad is to notice these initial impulses and support them.

The notes of creativity are manifested in each child in their own way: some children dance, others enthusiastically sculpt figures from plasticine, and still others play musical instruments. All these actions develop a variety of mental processes. What toys are suitable for creativity?

Play dough is ideal for three-year-olds, since both hands are involved in the process, the development of fingers and gross motor skills occurs. All this directly affects the development of the cerebral cortex.

In addition to improving motor skills, modeling contributes to the formation of purposefulness, accuracy, and attentiveness. Additionally, children will learn the features various subjects(their shape and color), training of visual perception takes place. And, of course, the baby also understands the feeling of beauty.

There are many types of plasticine on the market. Which one to choose is up to the parents. But it is better if the set contains various molds, knives, presses and other accessories. This will expand the kid's play repertoire.


  • development of fine motor skills;
  • a kind of therapy (helps to calm);
  • development of fantasy;
  • improving communication skills;
  • improving speech;
  • understanding the shape and size of objects.


Almost every child will like these small copies of a real piano. It's a lot of fun - pressing buttons, extracting various sounds from them.

Such musical instruments have a melody playback mode. And some models also boast microphones into which the child can hum songs.

Singing is a great developmental exercise. respiratory system... In addition, humming verses helps to develop memory and attention, strengthen the vocal apparatus, improve pronunciation, and improve the general well-being of the child.


  • development of ear for music;
  • improving speech skills;
  • improvement of the respiratory system;
  • training fine motor skills (when pressing the keys);
  • instilling musical taste.


  • such a toy can be quite expensive.
  • A 2-year-old can also become an avid "musician" if you buy a simpler instrument for him - for example, a drum. Such a seemingly elementary toy has many important advantages.

    So, with the help of parents, a two-year-old is actively beating the drum with sticks, which contributes to the development of hand coordination, auditory perception, and a sense of rhythm.

    The most essential such a toy is the development of hearing. The kid not only learns to hear, but also to listen, to focus on the sound, to determine its features. Such skills will definitely come in handy for the development of speech skills.


    • drum - the best way to get acquainted with music;
    • development of coordination of hand movements, ear for music;
    • improving the sense of rhythm;
    • low cost of toys;
    • formation of memory and attention.


    • the child may not calculate the strength and damage the instrument;
    • not all parents will be able to withstand the constant knocking.

    Go for a bright and attractive drum made of wood. This material is natural, strong enough, which is also important for the durability of the toy.

    Outdoor toys

    To make the walk fun and useful, you need to stock up on educational toys especially for the street. It could be a ball and tricycle, about whose positive qualities we have already talked about. However, do not forget about the most important "walking" toy - the sandbox set.

    An inexpensive and very useful toy, consisting of several accessories, allows the child to interact with the most accessible material for creativity - sand. Judge for yourself, dry sand is great for sifting and pouring, and wet sand is great for sculpting figures and castles.

    To create sand masterpieces, plastic spatulas, buckets, rakes, watering cans, forms, a strainer, and also trucks and excavators. With such tools, a child will be able to cope with any structure - from Easter cakes to huge palaces.


    • development of fine motor skills;
    • improving skills in handling objects;
    • development of communication and speech skills;
    • development of imagination;
    • relaxation of the muscles.


    • the sand in the yard is often dirty;
    • grains of sand can get into the eyes.

    Sandbox sets are universal toys that develop almost all psychological processes, so it is important to take care of purchasing this play set.

    As a conclusion

    A three-year-old child is distinguished by increased curiosity and literally absorbs all the surrounding information. That is why it is important to provide him with educational toys that will greatly simplify the acquisition of knowledge and useful skills.

    You can buy both modern interactive toys and classic, time-tested and previous generations. It is only important to observe simple rules:

  1. Useful play devices are distinguished by safety - high-quality and environmentally friendly materials, as well as the absence of small elements.
  2. The effectiveness of the classes will be higher if mom and dad begin to play with the child together, and not leave him alone with educational toys. It is also necessary to initially show the principle of operation of each play device.
  3. Toys should be periodically "hidden" from the child so that the interest in them does not disappear.

Thus, today in children's stores you can find many different educational toys. But it doesn't matter what you bought for your child - an electronic piano or a regular ball, an interactive tablet or a doll - the main thing is that such toys evoke extremely positive emotions.

And do not forget that most educational toys involve the presence of adults. Moreover, joint exercises will not only allow you to gain new knowledge, but will also help strengthen parent-child relationships.