How to hint a guy what to give me. Effective ways to unobtrusively hint a man for a gift

All women love gifts. However modern men somehow forgot about it. And here the question arises sharply for women, how to breed a man for money. If they themselves do not understand, then you need to take the reins of government into your own hands. Why don't men give gifts with or without a reason? How do you know you got a miser? How can you hint that you would not mind receiving some cute gift?

Why does a man not give gifts to his woman

First, you can really get caught greedy man. How many cases are known when a fairly wealthy husband invested all his money in a business, but at the same time saved as much as possible in other things. That is why their families lived more than modestly. So did the great Rockefeller, who did not give money for pocket money to his children and even regulated the amount eaten by the family.

Of course, his wife was not spoiled by presents. There are many such examples. If already on the first dates you notice that a man does not give gifts and is greedy, beware. Most likely, he will not improve, and after you get married, he will save every penny in the same way, when it is needed and not needed.

A man may simply not understand that you want to receive a gift, or forget about some event in honor of which he should have presented a surprise. Keep in mind that men are still different from women, and they cannot constantly keep some events in their heads. It is not surprising that a man may lose sight of the fact that today he was supposed to present a gift to his lady of the heart.

A man may have problems with money, and this fact must also be taken into account when puzzling over the fact that a man does not give you gifts. In today's age of instability, it is not surprising that at some point a person may find himself in a difficult situation. financial position and you must also understand and accept given fact. Do not demand gifts from your fan if you know that now he is trying to save money.

Why does the beloved man not give gifts

Often in the process of a relationship, girls ask themselves the question “Why doesn’t my man give me gifts?”. Your violent fantasy immediately offers a bunch of answer options: “he doesn’t appreciate me” or “I somehow behave in a wrong way.” This option is possible: you are already with him, so you can stop the period of sweets and flowers. After all, you are not going anywhere from it. Or maybe he's just greedy? Whatever the answer, there are ways to get a man to give gifts again.

What is needed for this?

  • First of all, as the Americans call it, wishlist or, in our opinion, a list of desired presents;
  • A clever trick is a gift for a beloved man.

Please note that gifts are by no means a way of showing higher love, this is just a sign of his attention to you, so do not panic if the "stream" of gifts suddenly stops;

If a man is interested in what to give you, speak accurately and specifically about the desired present, avoid long and ambiguous phrases. So you protect yourself from unpleasant disappointments if suddenly your partner misunderstands you;

Do not use the phrase "you must." Men do not tolerate a commanding tone. Otherwise, you run the risk of being left without gifts at all. Be smart - take a gentle approach;

Sometimes a man does not give gifts because he does not know how. Be an example for your loved one: for example, turn on your imagination and choose a gift for him that will definitely please him. You should not be sophisticated and come up with expensive presents for a wealthy man - buy a nice little thing that will touch him to the core;

Make subtle hints to a man for gifts. Perfect this art. From time to time, share information with a man about those cute little things that you saw in stores and would like to purchase. Outline their virtues and say that sooner or later you will have such a thing;

Specifically, but very gently, talk about the stores where all this is sold, because a man may not remember the name of the boutiques. Remember that in some cases a man does not give gifts because he is afraid to buy something wrong;

If all of the above did not work and the man still does not give you gifts, be straightforward with him. Perhaps your man simply does not know what to give you, and he is racking his brains over it;

If a loved one does not tolerate such unambiguity and wants to retain the right to choose, write a wishlist for him, indicating in it a few specific things that you would like to have;

Let's say your man doesn't give you gifts because he can't afford them. It doesn't matter, you can talk to him about pleasant little things - soft toys, vases, a cup, etc. If such conversations made your lover disappear from view, it means that he was simply greedy for money;

Be grateful and rejoice even in the most simple gifts your man.

So, you have decided to force a man to give you gifts. Then the first thing to remember is that you are self-sufficient and self-confident. Only such a woman can understand how to cheat a man for money. The male sex loves strong and self-aware women.

Immediately determine whether this subject is worthy of your attention and efforts. There are such instances who, because of their wealth, think that they are a priceless treasure and treasure, for which a woman should run and be immensely grateful for the attention to her. Immediately leaves this type. They are goons by nature and you are unlikely to get anything from him.

Initially, let the man know that you are completely independent and can pay for your lunch at the restaurant, the thing you like, etc. If you have chosen a worthy option, then you will have to condescendingly agree to his requests for payment for lunch.

This will be the first thing that will hurt him and in the future will help to get a man to give gifts. You are independent, which means you do not need it. Rich men don't like this. They are used to buying everything on their own. You will obviously interest him, because you do not give in to a quick conquest.

Your task is to make him seek and care for you as long as possible. Then you can get your man to give gifts and get a lot of everything you want. Besides, be sure that no wealthy man will let go of what he was sweating and shelling out for.

Why does a man not give gifts? What to do? If literally on the first dates you liked the little thing in trading floor then don't you dare ask. It is best to first unobtrusively pay no attention, and then begin to consider. Ask a lot of questions to the seller, and then leave without buying it. He will definitely ask you why you didn’t buy it, to which you must answer that you are used to spending money only on necessary and important things. In this case, your trinket is provided for you.

In order to get a man to give gifts, do not forget that he does not need cheap stuff. Always know your worth, look worthy in any situation. He should like your company and self-confidence. A rich man should not suspect that you cannot live without him.

He must always want to be around. Accept his gifts not enthusiastically, but as if he gave you a ballpoint pen. He will always want to give something more expensive next time. He will not sleep at night and break his head over your dream, which is located in an unknown jewelry boutique.

And yet, sometimes you just want to get a surprise. Why does a man not give gifts to a woman when she wants it? It’s just that the latter cannot correctly hint that they really wanted something nice to be done for them.

You can get a man to give gifts by saying it directly and even discussing the gift itself. You can also just smile mysteriously and say that you haven’t received gifts for a long time, and therefore, you would be happy with some nice present. Be sure that a man will definitely want to please you and buy a gift that you will be satisfied with!

We hope that your boyfriend will give you gifts all the time!

Detailed information and instructions on how to make a man give gifts and give money to a woman.

We offer everything sorority detailed instructions about how you can get gifts and money from a man for personal needs. This is not extortion or blackmail in any way, just female tricks, which you did not know about, but you will definitely learn from the article.

To begin with, we ask everyone who will begin to erect ethical and moral standards in response to step aside. Since men do not always behave with dignity in relation to the weaker sex.

But a woman often wants to get a certain amount for shopping or visiting a salon. Some simply live off male generosity. But if a man does not really want to part with banknotes, what should he do so that he does it voluntarily and easily?

To begin with, let's figure out what is the reason for a woman to receive material benefits:

  • Shaky or difficult financial
  • This is how a woman defines increased male attention for herself.
  • It could be revenge for a failed relationship
  • Desire to feel your own superiority on the strong floor
  • Desire for self-affirmation

If you have found out the reason, then first of all you should understand that you do not need to beg for money, or complain to a man that you are broke. No, the process should be approached creatively and understand what the feeling is. dignity.

For a man, it will naturally be more profitable if you beg and complain, so he can pay off with a smaller amount. But to conquer independent woman more difficult, but every man is a predator and getting hard-to-reach prey is much more interesting.

You should also be clearly aware that not all men are generous just like that, they can ask for something in return. And here it is no longer necessary to talk about principles. But also do not immediately agree to what is required, be cunning and promise a reward for a reward, but a little later. So a man will want to bring the desired moment closer by all means.

Also remember that pickup school also trains men, so make sure that in the pursuit of material wealth You yourself are not prey. After all, women love with their ears, and men can speak beautifully. And so, before you have time to look back, you yourself will give all the values ​​\u200b\u200bto the “poor beloved”

We have studied the general information, now it is necessary to prepare the battlefield. Men with money are divided into two categories:

  • The first believe that women are with them only because of the money. If you have such a partner, then first you need to convince him and make sure that your feelings are completely sincere. That's why you should not ask or even demand money from him immediately. Be smart and don't ask for anything modest girls such specimens themselves want to bestow
  • Others believe that they are just golden kings and all women just dream of being with them. For such instances, you should be fully equipped - you will have to spend on your own appearance , imagine that you are wealthy and absolutely not interested in a man. For a gold tycoon, this will be a novelty and, you can be sure, he will rush to seek you

Let the man buy everything for you

Let's now step by step analyze the main nuances of behavior that are determined by many psychologists so that a man forks out financially:

  • Show him that you don't need his money. Here you can be like self-sufficient woman, and a modest simpleton, it's up to you
  • At the next stage, when you see that a man is in love, you can slowly begin to shake out his reserves. It can be a banal trip to a restaurant. When you see that he is very busy, say that you need to buy something urgently. Then the man will most likely just count out a certain amount, so that he is left alone.
  • But the main thing to remember is know the measure. You do not need to demand money from him, but casually mention this or that desire

Show a man that you are a self-sufficient woman

These tips act on wealthy adequate men who will act as a hunter and fulfill your desires in every possible way. But insolvent specimens will immediately declare your venality and pout their lips. So watch carefully who is in front of you.

Video: How to breed a man for money?

How to breed a guy for money?

Dilute young man money follows with special cunning, so that the guy thinks that this is completely his initiative. If you have plans for a comfortable pastime, then you should follow these rules:

  • Approach the question creatively, accept financial support is not always. Sometimes give the impression that you do not need it, or do not want to take money from a guy. This will lead the young man to interesting position and he will ask you in every possible way
  • the Forbidden fruit is sweet- do not settle for men's tricks, do not be easily accessible. If the guy offers you a cup of coffee, say that you have another meeting today. And if a guy previously easily managed to take possession of a girl, then you will radically differ from a series of his girlfriends. Such a girl will want to take possession at any cost.
  • Do not give a guy a hot night of love after the first material gift, no, everything will not work out so easily. Start with a cup of coffee, a trip to a restaurant (for which, by the way, you may need a new dress and shoes - a subtle hint to a young man). So during courtship, the guy will spend more money on you
  • If you decide to go shopping together, then first choose things that you yourself have enough money for. And when a young man offers to pay off - strongly resist. Maybe he will succumb and will not pay, then at least you will have the opportunity to buy the chosen one. But in most cases, guys still show firmness and buy everything for their beloved.
  • After the first meeting, do not take a guy to a boutique for a fur coat. But before a birthday or Valentine's Day, March 8, and any other important holiday You can walk past a jewelry store and look languidly at a ring or chain. A smart young man will understand everything without words

Create all the conditions for the guy to give you gifts and money

We are offering to you optimal instruction and behaviors developed by psychologists. You will learn what you need to do to receive a gift from a man:

  • Take a man with you to the store, there subtly hint to him at something very desirable, but so far unattainable. He must buy it either immediately or surprise him in a few days.
  • Write down the things you want and "accidentally" put the list in front of the man. If he buys, but let's say the wrong color, you have 2 more weeks to return the goods. But men don't have to talk about it. So you will have money on hand for other needs.
  • Jokingly ask a man if you have moved to the level of relationship when you have the opportunity to use his card. Only a true miser will refuse you this.
  • Give a man romantic evening and amazing night. Only a true dunce will not thank you with a nice gift in return. And do not consider it immoral, a man will do it from pure heart. And you, too, did not try in vain
  • Hint to the man about the upcoming holiday and that you would like to update. After a trip to the store, thank him with a delicious romantic dinner.
  • Give him something nice you can buy it or make your own. For example, knit a sweater, be sure the man will want to thank you in return
  • Throw him in in social networks link to the item you like. Say you want to buy it. A man will definitely offer you a gift. Or he will tell you to order, and he will pay
  • You can admiringly tell what a cool fur coat, chain, car the guy bought to your girlfriend. Your man will try to be no worse. But still look at the well-being of a man, because if he does not earn a month and for 4 wheels, then he is unlikely to buy you a whole car. With such words you can only offend him.
  • Men are especially generous with gifts. on payday. Use these tips and attach your wishes for this day
  • Of course, you will become the queen of gifts in Birthday. Ask for anything you want (again, within reason)
  • Admire Success Your man, mark a successful deal with him or new project. For such an occasion, why not buy a present for your beloved woman.

But we urge you to remember that men are not only a bag of money, but also a person who needs care and love. sincere attitude and the feelings will surely be rewarded.

Video: How to breed a man for gifts?

How to promote a lover for money?

“If a woman has a head on her shoulders, then she has a lover,” says one of the jokes. And if your man does not give gifts, then how can you hint to him that this is wrong and change the situation?

Remember that if your relationship with your lover lasts no more than 2-3 months, then you do not need to ask him for anything expensive. Otherwise, the relationship can end very quickly. He will consider that you want to sit on his neck and, since nothing particularly binds you, he will simply leave.

A lover will gladly give you gifts with the right approach.

If the relationship is already more than six months old, then you can promote your lover for a gift using the following methods:

  • hints, but be prepared for the fact that men do not always understand subtle hints. And if you say on the phone that you want a sweet, then instead of an invitation to coffee and cakes, you can get a package of caramels. Therefore, speak more precise desires, and indeed hints are one of the most ineffective ways of promotion.
  • Give in to envy- this is especially true if the lover is married. Hint that you would like the same fur coat as your wife, because he loves you more. If the lover is not married, then fit description gifts to a colleague or girlfriend from a boyfriend. From self-esteem, you are unlikely to hear a refusal
  • Cry. With lovers it works, just do not go too far. Most of all, this is suitable for a married gentleman. I wish he bought you a new phone so that you can look at his photo more often. After all, you are so bored, and on this gadget the photos are so fuzzy. What if he leaves on a business trip or vacation with his wife, but what about you without new earrings in full combat readiness
  • Squeeze out of it Promise about the purchase, and then put pressure on these words. After all, men do not throw words into the wind
  • "Accidentally" send a social media message to a friend with a photo desired gift. But the message was somehow “accidentally” sent to him. And you didn't want that at all, did you? A man must respond in the right way

Finally, remember that if you were given the wrong thing, in no case show a disappointed physiognomy, otherwise you will beat off the man’s desire to give you gifts for a long time. And do not get angry or pout if there is still no gift, because this way he will think that your goal is only to receive benefits. Be smarter and know how to wait and then all your wishes will come true!

How to ask money from a man, guy?

A conversation between two blondes:
- You know, I managed to breed mine for a new one. mink coat donated today!
- Awesome!!!
- And yesterday he gave me an expensive diamond necklace!
- Awesome!!!
- And this week - a new sports car!
- Awesome!!!
- What's new with you?
- Yes, I just finished attending courtesy classes. There they taught me instead of “It’s good to pour!” say "Awesome!!!"

Remember when your beloved man last gave you valuable gift? For a birthday? On the eighth of March? Or maybe for the past New Year? Surely among you there will be those to whom nothing special happened during these holidays. And all because some men either do not realize that we need attention in the form of nice presents Or they just don't want to spend. So you have to, like that blonde from a joke, invent generous presents from your loved one and puzzle over how to breed him for an amazing purchase. But you really want to feel loved, surrounded by attention, care and receiving good gifts. What to do, how to push a man to necessary actions and promote a really necessary, valuable gift?

Is it ethical to breed men for gifts

Surely many women, and even more so men, after reading the title of the article, will frown with displeasure and say: they say, fu, how ugly, is it possible to “breed” the person you love for some kind of gifts? Indeed, is the concept of pure, mutual love with the requirement of material confirmation of the partner's feelings? Or the idea to "divorce" a man for gifts comes to the minds of narrow-minded, selfish women, who in life only need to rake in the heat with the wrong hands?

Let's put it this way: if you and your man have been together for a long time and there is no doubt about the reciprocity of feelings, then little tricks that contribute to receiving a long-awaited gift will not bring anything negative to your relationship. Since childhood, we all love to be adored and pampered, and wonderful presents from the hands of men just make us a little bit happier. And if for some reason husbands or boyfriends are in no hurry to please us with gifts, then why not push them a little to the decision we need and not promote them for a good present?

Of course, there are many such girls around who make acquaintances with men solely for the purpose of acquiring something very necessary and valuable for themselves at their expense. As a rule, their relationship does not last very long, and they flutter from man to man, slowly acquiring everything necessary for a comfortable life. Such ladies are most often called "bitches" - and this is not the most offensive definition. Their goal is not at all mutual, deep love, but the opportunity to breed for material values, to peel like sticky. For them, such articles, in principle, are not needed: the ability to extract money from men is in their blood.

We are talking about a completely different relationship between a man and a woman. Mutual understanding, respect, dedication - these are the principles that allow couples to be truly happy. Living with a beloved man, we often direct his thoughts and actions in the right side– whether it be a career, management healthy lifestyle life or behavior at home. No wonder they say that a man is a head, and a woman is a neck. And what is unethical, bad in suggesting to your partner the idea that it is finally time to please you with a good gift? He himself will be glad to see how your eyes burn with happiness.

Only, unfortunately, there is a type of men on whom light hints and soft wishes do not work. Or they understand everything perfectly, but for some personal reasons they do not want to give anything either before or even after the wedding. Why is this happening, what is the reason for such a “tightness” of a seemingly positive young man from all sides? And most importantly, how to deal with it?

Why men are in no hurry to give gifts

The main reason that a man is in no hurry to fork out for an expensive gift is confidence in the mercantile desires of his woman. And he thinks something like this: they say, today I will give a ring, tomorrow boots, and then she will get used to it and will demand a car-apartment-voucher from me almost every day! And he can think so even in those cases, if for a while cohabitation(or just meetings) you have never hinted at something more material than flowers and a card for Christmas. Men are scared to death that they will sit on their necks, that in the end they will turn out to be a laughingstock among their friends and relatives (they probably have examples similar situations among friends are available).

Sometimes the man's mother is to blame for the unwillingness to give something valuable for her other half. As soon as her beloved child began to meet with representatives of the opposite sex, she inspired him day and night with a “golden” thought: don’t follow her lead, don’t let yourself be twisted into ropes! So he doesn’t allow it: he is suspicious of every request to buy something, and a real expensive present for a beloved woman is completely taboo (he’s not some kind of henpecked, thank God, my mother explained everything!). It is not at all easy to promote such a man, because the mother’s opinion is much more important for him than your arguments.

But still, it often happens that men do not give gifts for more prosaic reasons. Sometimes they just don't realize that we need something other than hugs and confessions. eternal love. Many are so sure that life with them is already the height of happiness for any woman, and all sorts of presents there are completely useless. In any case, it is much easier to negotiate with such men and make it clear that there is something Evening Dress Oh, how necessary for the next holiday!

And then, the male mindset is quite different from the female. The fact that he again did not give you anything may not be a sign that he does not love or appreciate you. It's just that guys are often not able to delve into various subtleties and nuances, noticing what you love and what you need. They didn’t say directly, they say, dear, they urgently need a fur coat - they were left without a gift. And they don't usually like to go shopping. Unlike us women, they go there with the clear purpose of acquiring a specific item. They go there three or four times a year. And where else can a wonderful idea come to give your wife a gift, if not in a store?

That is why we, women, have to take the initiative in our own hands in order to teach a man to do worthwhile gifts. Call it what you want: promote, persuade, demand, breed. The main thing is that he himself does not notice how he fulfilled your desire and gave what you have been dreaming of for so long!

How to spin a man for gifts

All men are different, each of them requires a different approach. For example, if your loved one is a romantic, and, moreover, not stingy, then it’s enough to hint to him a couple of times what kind of little thing you expect to receive as a present in the near future. The following tactic is also perfect for such men: you need to properly praise your loved one, or a friend who has just been given something valuable. “Oh, how wonderfully dressed she is! And Seryozhka, her husband, what a fine fellow, loves spoiling her: he knows that she deserves such gifts. How happy I am for them! ”, - something like that. On the one hand, you didn’t ask for anything, on the other hand, you gave the partner the idea that a man who pampers his girlfriend with gifts is worthy of admiration. At least from your side - for sure!

And it happens that a man is quite tight-fisted, and does not like to part with money so easily. In this case, forget the word "I want", it should be replaced with a more compelling "must"! Convince such a guy of the need for another pair of expensive winter boots, explain that this is not a whim - but a vital necessity: a girl of your status cannot walk in the same shoes all winter, you are simply not used to this!

In general, asking such a man for money for pleasant trifles- it's a bad thing, it's better to buy them yourself. But it is he, the man who counts every penny, who is quite capable of making you really expensive, and most importantly, the right gift! It could be a dishwasher new computer or even a car. For him, the main thing is to see the 100% result of his work. And what could be more effective than a thing that you enjoy using every day and without the existence of which you can no longer imagine your life? So calculate the type of your man and act without a miss!

But there are also women who, wanting to receive an expensive gift, are terribly embarrassed to accept it: they blush, are embarrassed, and refuse. If you belong to this category of shy women, then immediately throw this model of behavior out of your head. A man may decide that you don’t like it at all when you are given something, and decides not to “steam” anymore, looking for surprises for you. If you, asking for a gift or accepting it, experience an incomprehensible feeling of guilt, then you will never feel for yourself what male generosity means. Why should you blame yourself for taking a man for a gift, if you yourself are happy to do everything possible and impossible for him? Reciprocity is perfect normal phenomenon in any relationship!

Another good opportunity to breed a loved one for a gift is to show by example what generosity means not only spiritual, but also material. Give him a really necessary, valuable thing - this will show you how nice it is to receive gifts. But if he decides in response to present you with a worthless trinket, try to hide your disappointment and “rejoice” at the present, otherwise the desire to give you something will disappear by itself. It didn't work this time, it will work next time.

On the other hand, ostentatious joy from cheap, unnecessary gifts can become a "double-edged sword": a man can just get used to the fact that you are satisfied and such trifles. Having received a trifle, you can sigh sadly and say, they say, are you really rich enough to give money for such low quality? Hint that you deserve much more than the cheap ones Chinese fakes and low-grade gizmos that you can’t wear after the first wash.

Another problem with women who are left without gifts is that they never tell men that they are waiting for a present. Most of us grew up at a time when decent girl did not dare to ask for anything material, it was considered shameful and even vulgar. However, now you can forget about this morality: what's wrong with expecting nice presents from your loved one? You yourself are happy to give him lovely gifts So why be ashamed of requests of this kind? In the end, a man is not a psychic (as a rule), and he cannot guess what you need now. Tell him about it, and that's it! But you need to do it wisely, and not beg for the thing you like, shedding tears.

In general, never put pressure on pity, do not persuade and do not beg for a present: this Right way to failure. This is no longer promotion for a gift, but humiliation. You must make it clear that you yourself are able to acquire the right thing, just from the hands of a loved one, such a purchase will be much more pleasant. Do not let him understand that you are in financial difficulties, that you are paying off a huge loan and are not able to buy something for yourself. Perhaps he really will feel sorry for you, but, alas, you won’t have to count on a valuable gift. All he wants to do for you in such a situation is to present small trinkets that should (in his opinion) make you puppyish. You haven't tasted anything sweeter than a carrot for a hundred years, remember?

Please note: small handouts for the poor and beggars, luxurious - for self-sufficient, self-confident women. So even if you are not rich, never complain or whine - this will not add to your pluses. It’s better to let him see you more often in prestigious stores and decent establishments (yes, yes, occasionally you can afford it!) - then give you ballpoint pens and toy mice bought in the underpass will somehow be out of hand. Try to put yourself in such a way that he considers it an honor to present you expensive gifts. And believe me, this behavior will benefit you in all areas of life - learn to love yourself.

As soon as you learn to feel self-sufficient, develop a sense of inner prosperity, everything will immediately fall into place. Men will begin to give expensive gifts, work will bring more income, and the attitude of others around you will change in better side. So value yourself, and it will become easier than ever to divorce a man into material proof of his love. Good luck!

I almost always know what I want to get for the holiday. But education does not allow you to make specific orders to your loved one. As for hints, sometimes they give an unpredictable effect! So, instead of a certificate to the store silver jewelry, I receive a necklace from seashells. Instead of perfume - a set essential oils for a bath. And when I hinted at the cashmere tippet, he gave me a soft toy horse. And a gift horse, as you know ...

This year I decided to take pleasant surprises for the coming year in own hands. If you are also not always lucky with gifts, let's study practice tactics together and evaluate each of the methods ( to do this, pay attention to the asterisks under each item).

How psychologists ask for gifts

If you are waiting for the “right” gift from a man, you can use the advice of psychologists. They highlight several rules:

1 . It is important to choose right moment. Do not distract at work with a call and do not make a request to a hungry man.

2 . Speak directly and without hints. It is advisable to name the exact parameters, address, size, color, or date and time.

3 . The request must be within your man's means.

4 . Know how to enjoy gifts, do not criticize them.

How do Americans ask for gifts?

It was from the USA that such a thing as wishlist came to us.

You can make a list or anti-list of gifts and show it to your man or send it by mail. You can add links to the product description to the wishlist, specify estimated price and attach a photo. Think well and do not stop at two or three points - let the man have a choice. It is good that the element of surprise remains, because you do not know what kind of gift you will get.

A similar option is a wish card. Take a stack of magazines and cut out the pictures you like. And then make a collage.

How to ask for gifts from the wives of millionaires

One of the very wealthy wives told me that she never asks for gifts. She takes money from her businesslike and always busy husband and buys herself what she likes. Then it packs beautifully, and the only thing left for the spouse is to present the purchase.

How to ask for gifts of the heroine of films

If we recall the films and series beloved by women all over the planet: Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sex in big city”,“ Gentlemen Prefer Blondes ”,“ Pretty Woman ”, then all the heroines love stories boldly expressed their desires aloud. And most often they brought a man (accidentally or by cunning) to his favorite shop windows. Near beautiful little things, one could sigh or say that she could not afford all this, but the result was the same: the men could not resist.

How cats ask for gifts

Cats don't need jewelry, clothes, or a new car. They ask for attention and food. Who would refuse such cute fluffy creatures!

Click on the photo and it will enlarge


Almost every couple has a candy-bouquet period. The beginning of a relationship is the most romantic time, which many carry with warmth throughout their lives. Flowers, cute trinkets, gifts that bring the hero of the occasion into wild delight ... However, it also happens that women think about how to make a man give gifts. It is clear that this is not about any man (neighbor, colleague, boss), but about YOUR man. Does your lover show you signs of attention less and less? Or your newly born relationship is difficult to name candy-bouquet period due to the lack of flowers, sweets and gifts? Let's try to figure out why men do not show signs of attention that women so expect from them - they do not give gifts.

Men's opinion about surprises and gifts

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Why does the husband not give gifts?

Gifts are a way to communicate. We sometimes do not even think about how many ways of communication exist. It's not just about talking or talking on the phone. Looks, gestures and facial expressions, secret signs, known only to two, gifts - all these are also ways to convey your thoughts and feelings and provoke a response from the object of sympathy. Remember how touching SMS messages fly at the very beginning of a relationship, like “S Good morning darling! ”, with what pleasure souvenirs are given and received, as only one glance speaks eloquently. What's next? And then the reaction to gifts slowly changes. After all, being a bride, we appreciate any gift from the groom. When we become a wife, we ask: “how much does it cost?” or “why should I do this?”, or even “and what should I do with this nonsense?”. It is not enough to say that the donor will be upset. Most likely, it will simply be destroyed. Destroyed as a donor. IN best case on the next holiday he will say: "Take the money and buy whatever you want." And at worst: “Flowers? Why do you need them? Now the guests will give!”.

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How to get your husband to give gifts?

The answer is simple: you need to learn how to receive gifts. Well, tell me, will your husband still have a desire to give something after your “it's so expensive”? For some reason, one woman's husband gives new year's eve jewelry while the other spouse buys shower gel, slippers or a recipe book? And the point here is not in the income of the husband, but in the perception of the woman. The ability to receive gifts is very important, and the availability of gifts directly depends on it.

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What can I give you, my dear man?

In order to receive a coveted gift, it is not at all necessary to beg from your missus: “Give me something.” Do not humiliate yourself with such requests, but accept any gift as if you are doing a favor to the one who gave it to you. And remember: if you want to be given something specific, the easiest way to get what you want is to say so. It's better to hint. For example, you “accidentally” ended up with your husband in jewelry store. We saw wonderful earrings. Admire this thing. And don't come back to this question again. Further, psychologists advise to portray thoughtfulness and sadness. And soon your attentive husband will anxiously ask what happened and why you are so upset. It turns out that those earrings are what you need to feel harmony. It would be enough. On next holiday(and, perhaps, for no reason) you will definitely get this decoration.

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Thank you for everything...

Gratitude for gifts is a topic for a separate discussion. There are women who, having received an expensive gift, are immediately embarrassed: “Why, because this is such expensive thing! If you regularly react to gifts in this way, then for the New Year you will not be given not only slippers, but also a keychain. Gratitude should be generous! Thank your beloved man for every little thing, after receiving the gift, show an extraordinary uplift in mood. And don't forget about gratitude in bed. Psychologists say that the connection between a good gift and good sex quickly fixed in the subconscious of any person. And what effect does it have? That's right, you will receive gifts again and again!

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you deserve it

You don't have to be embarrassed if they do good gift or invited to a good restaurant. Do not be shy. After all, you deserve the most the best gift. Agree, it's absurd to come with wealthy man to a restaurant and order a glass of water. Help yourself if you are treated, accept gifts if you are given them. Do not show that you can be content with little. You deserve all this and more. Men simply adore women who allow them to look generous, wealthy.

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Ah, what a bouquet!

You should not constantly demonstrate to a man your independence and independence. Some women, for example, buy their own flowers, hoping that he will draw the appropriate conclusions and start giving you bouquets. Do you know how to get a man to make gifts and give flowers? Through repetition! Of course, you don’t need to repeat “well, give me flowers.” Passing by a flower stall, exclaim: "What a beautiful bouquet!". And move on, do not ask to buy, but rather become thoughtful and a little sad. The next time you find yourself in a place where they sell flowers, be sure to repeat the exercise. And do it until you win. Psychologists say that sooner or later a man will understand that a woman needs to give bouquets.

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But what about return gifts?

If a man gave you something, you should not immediately make a return gesture. When you immediately give a gift, you show the man that you are on an equal footing with him. And you are not equal. A man should feel like a warrior who is ready to throw half his kingdom at your feet, and a woman is a fragile, gentle and very romantic creature. Are you unhappy with this turn of events? This means that you do not need to know how to make a man give gifts - after all, you can buy everything yourself. But remember that in doing so you are depriving yourself of positive emotions, and they are known to give health and youth.

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Receptions and ways to get gifts

Some men are ready to spend the last money on a gift, just to please their chosen one. Others think about tomorrow and are sure that there is no need to spend money on trinkets. Both of these ideas have their advantages and disadvantages. But the best option there will still be a search for the golden mean. The character of the woman also matters. One believes that best friends girls are diamonds", the second is sure that it is better than a food processor and dishwasher there can be no gifts, only a trip to Paris for the third, and the fourth will be sincerely happy with the cookbook. The most important rule: never demand from a man what he cannot give.

Another thing is if a man has the opportunity to give, but has no desire, because he is sure that squandering will not lead to good. There are several ways to re-educate even the most avid "economist".

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The first way: a subtle hint

In no case should you demand attention and gifts from a man, assertiveness in this case is doomed to failure. But he needs to say something about the gift. After all, he does not read your thoughts, and will not be able to find out your desires if you carefully hide them. Try to hint that you would like to receive such and such a thing. A shrewd man will take the hint, and the gift will not be long in coming. But there are those who do not understand subtle hints. In this case, speak directly about your desires.

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Method two: envy

If your chosen one is a rather self-confident person, and some even consider him narcissistic (you know that he loves you), you can try to influence him with envy. For such a man, it is important that everything with him was not only not worse than that of others, but better. He will not let your words pass by your ears about what a wonderful fur coat her husband bought for your friend. You will have an even better fur coat, and you will definitely tell him that everyone was just jealous - they admired his generosity so much. If your self-confident man does not want to give gifts, tell him that everyone around him judges a man by his woman.

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The third way: directness

Many men do not like hints, but prefer the girl to directly tell them what she would like to receive as a gift. Already even a lot of jokes on this topic have come up with. “Darling, give me something so big, red, cozy so that I go out into the yard and exclaim: wow, Lexus!”. At the same time, remember that you need to talk about your desires on time. Every woman knows when it is better to talk with her chosen one about gifts. Yes, men know. Definitely, you should not pester with requests in the middle of the working day, you run the risk of being refused, perhaps even in a rude manner. By the way, the vast majority of men are people of their word. If he promised to give, he will definitely give.

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Fourth way: we need it!

Another way to make a man give gifts is to associate his desires not with the word “I want”, but with the word “must”. For example: "We need to go on vacation, a change of scenery always has a positive effect on family relationships / shattered nerves / physical health." Or: “Honey, I need to buy new car, the old one constantly lets me down, I'm already afraid to ride it. Let a man think he's buying useful thing"for the home, for the family." What do you want? The main thing is that the result pleases :).

Very important: when you receive a gift, enjoy it, even if you don't like it. If a man sees your disappointment, the desire to make you gifts will be gone for a long time, if not forever. You don't know how much time he spent, how carefully he chose, how worried he was when you unpacked. And do not demand gifts often, then they will turn into something ordinary. A gift should be a holiday!