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The duration of the menstrual cycle is individual for women and can range from 21 to 35 days, the normal duration is generally about 28 days. Each girl, woman has a special calendar, where they mark "red days" for a long time. Such scrupulousness is justified, because the delay in menstruation immediately becomes visible, even for several days.

It is not always "to blame" for this soon appearance of the baby, what then? Why is there a delay in menstruation besides pregnancy, how much can it not be dangerous?

The questions are very correct, because if the female body ceases to function normally, it means that this can be a harbinger of serious problems.

Why is there a delay of menstruation by 5, 7 days?

What to do if a delay in menstruation is a negative test? First of all, all women and girls are pregnant and do the test. If the result is negative, many are seized by panic, serious, serious illnesses are contemplated.

In fact, in reproductive age delay monthly cycle up to 7 days is not a pathology. The norm can be periodically violated under the influence of many physiological reasons.

A slight delay in menstruation, except for pregnancy - of course, there may be:

  • due to heredity, if there were similar violations in the family;
  • in the postpartum period;
  • after the abolition of contraceptive drugs;
  • when using hormones for emergency contraception;
  • in the premenopausal period;
  • with physical or mental fatigue;
  • during vacation when changing climatic conditions or time zone.

Cycle instability is normal during a girl's puberty. V adolescence there is no hormonal stability, therefore, after the first menstruation, a delay should not cause concern if there are no alarming symptoms and exclude pregnancy.

Various diseases of a non-hormonal nature and related to them drug treatment are also common reasons for the lack of "red calendar days" on the schedule. A one-time shift of several days is not dangerous.

What to do if the monthly delay is 10 days or more?

The absence of menstruation for 10-15 days should be alarming, since it may be the result of serious gynecological diseases. Very often the reason irregular cycle is an inflammatory process in the ovary (oophoritis), inflammation of the uterine appendages (adnexitis) or dysfunction of the ovaries (polycystic).

Cycle failure (or ovarian dysfunction) is also a symptom of diseases such as a cyst. corpus luteum, endometriosis (proliferation of cells of the mucous membrane of the uterus - endometrium), pituitary adenoma and tumor of the uterus (myoma). Another reason may be intrauterine adhesions.

A delay in menstruation (except pregnancy) for two weeks or more may occur:

Long delay in menstruation

A delay in menstruation after 40 is associated with malfunctioning of the ovaries. The termination of the menstrual cycle (amenorrhea) occurs during perimenopause - the period preceding the onset of menopause. At this stage, the ovaries reduce the production of hormones necessary for the maturation of the egg.

In this regard, the nature and duration of the discharge decreases - menstruation becomes irregular and stops. Perimenopause is typical for women 40–45 years old, but it can also occur at the age of thirty.

One of the reasons for the long absence of menstruation is the period breastfeeding... In a woman's body, during the entire lactation period, the level of prolactin, a hormone that blocks the maturation of eggs, increases significantly. The usual cycle is restored upon completion lactation period(6 months or more).

An important factor affecting the female body is body weight. With a long-term diet in the body, there is a deficiency of the necessary nutrients... As a result, metabolic processes are disturbed, leading to cycle instability. With severe exhaustion, menstruation stops altogether.

As you can see, the reasons for the delay in menstruation, other than pregnancy by more than 10 days, can be alarm signal... Do not postpone your visit to the gynecologist, even if it seems to you that everything is fine with you. Timely diagnosis and follow-up treatment will ensure fast recovery, happy life... Be healthy!

A delay in the menstrual cycle causes anxiety in women. If the pregnancy test shows negative result, experts recommend monitoring the state of health and finding out the factors of absence bleeding.

What is the rate of delayed menstruation if there is no pregnancy

Why there are no menstruation - the reasons, besides pregnancy, experts identify a variety of... First of all, menstrual irregularities are typical for young girls at the onset of the very first menstruation, as well as for mature women before menopause. In this case, the break between them can be up to 6 months.

Why are there no periods? Reasons other than pregnancy will be discussed below.

The first sexual intercourse also provokes cycle deviations, as it is stressful for the young body. Normally, the deviation is from 2 to 5 days.

V postpartum period the absence of menstruation is due to breastfeeding and can reach 3 years. After caesarean section menstruation should occur within 2-3 weeks after the operation, and the break between them cannot be more than 2 months.

If the female reproductive system malfunctions and deviates from the cycle for more than 14 days, gynecologists recommend an examination to establish provoking factors.

Gynecological reasons for the absence of menstruation

Various gynecological diseases can become the reasons for the failures of the condition under consideration. In this case, it is important to diagnose the disease in time and start treating it.

Causes Diseases
TumorsUterine fibroids, endometriosis, cyst formation, cancer, inflammation
Why does a woman have no menstruation long time causes other than pregnancy can be miscarriages or abortionsThey cause changes in the female body, damage the lining of the uterus
Reception hormonal agents or contraceptivesHormones bring the cycle back to normal. Their cancellation provokes disturbances in the functioning of the body and a delay in blood secretions.

Female menstruation is important tool to maintain the function of procreation. Any deviations from the norm require examination by a gynecologist in order to exclude any diseases, tumors and cancers.

Diseases of the female genital organs

The reason why there is no period in due days, in addition to pregnancy, diseases of the female genitourinary system can become.

Most of them are accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • lower abdominal pain;
  • pulling back pain;
  • swelling of the breast;
  • smearing vaginal discharge.

To determine the exact diagnosis, ultrasound is used - diagnostics, urine and blood tests, gynecological examination.

The main gynecological diseases that cause the absence of menstruation include:

Treatment is prescribed based on the examination and the diagnosis. For treatment inflammatory diseases medications are used, surgical ones are used to remove tumors.

Inflammatory processes

Inflammation of the internal genital organs is often the reason for the absence of menstruation. This is due to the fact that the work of the ovaries is disrupted, leading to poor functioning and ovulation of the corpus luteum.

The causes of inflammation are both colds and infectious diseases... In this case, the delay will be temporary and after recovery, the cycle will resume. In order not to face such problems, doctors recommend to monitor your health and conduct healthy image life.


Menopause is the process of ovarian extinction and is physiological process aging of the body. During this period, the production of hormones such as progesterone and estrogen, which are responsible for the menstrual cycle, stops.

Important to remember! During menopause, the structure of the genitals does not change, the endometrium remains the same.

Restructuring hormonal background does not happen immediately. The follicle-forming function gradually fades away, reducing the work of the corpus luteum. Menstruation becomes less frequent with each cycle, and the intervals between them are longer.

Oncological diseases

According to experts, the reason why a woman does not have periods and the cycle is broken, in addition to pregnancy, is cancer.

Cancer of the cervix can cause disruption in the functioning of the genitals. Microflora changes do critical days painful and intense. In this case, the interval between menstruation becomes irregular.

Note! If a woman observes for a long time that there is more discharge than usual, and their color turns brown, this may indicate the formation of a tumor.

Regular preventive examinations a gynecologist can prevent the formation of cervical cancer and other formations.

Non-gynecological reasons

A delay in the phenomenon in question in most cases indicates pregnancy. But if the test does not confirm this, then there was a failure and the cycle was broken. A sign of the absence of bleeding can be not only ailments and inflammations, but also malnutrition, stress, and poisoning.

Being overweight

Excess weight negatively affects the functioning of the female body... It leads to the fact that the hormonal background changes and the menstrual cycle gets lost. This is because the hormone estrogen, which is responsible for blood secretion, begins to be produced in the subcutaneous fat.

Interesting fact! In medicine, there is such a thing as "menstrual mass". It should be 47 kg in weight.

To get rid of excess weight, experts recommend taking vitamin and mineral complexes, as well as eating right. This will make it possible to establish hormonal levels and the menstrual cycle.


To say for sure whether menstrual irregularities are hereditary, doctors advise patients to check with their relatives if they have similar problems.

The hereditary factor may appear after nervous stress, previous illnesses or colds.

Taking medications

Some medications, such as antidepressants, diuretics, anabolic steroids and others, have such side effects, like delayed monthly discharge in women or their absence.

Be careful! To avoid the absence of menstruation, except for pregnancy, and not to understand the reasons why they are not there, before taking medicine, it is recommended to check with the doctor about the side effects of the drug.

A common factor in the problem under consideration is wrong reception contraception. Oral contraceptives affect hormonal levels, thereby disrupting the cycle.

Intoxication of the body

Why there are no periods - reasons other than pregnancyoften associated with poisoning chemicals ... Intoxication is caused by work in manufacturing enterprises harmful substances... Prolonged stay in such rooms affects the functioning of the body and causes a delay or absence of the phenomenon in question.

Stressful situations

Stressful conditions often provoke abnormalities in the body. and contribute to the development of a variety of ailments. Nervous tension may be related to work, study, family relationships. The body at this moment includes protective functions and disrupts the menstrual cycle.

A stressful situation for any organism is a small number of hours of sleep and overwork. If a woman cannot cope with stress or depression on her own, it is necessary to see a psychologist. Exercise also affects menstruation negatively.

It is scientifically proven that sports for women negatively affects the cycle and makes it irregular.

Climate change

Climate change is a stressful situation for a woman's body. The biological clock change, thereby provoking anomalies in menstrual cycle... This failure is temporary, and as soon as the body gets used to it, everything will return to its normal rhythm.

Stay in the sun and frequent hikes in a solarium, also adversely affect the work of the female reproductive system.

No menstruation without pregnancy: when to see a doctor urgently

Delaying monthly discharge on a regular basis is considered dangerous for women's health... It can be the cause of the development of serious ailments. If there is no bleeding for more than 10 days, doctors recommend a pregnancy test.

If the result is negative, donate blood for hCG hormone... In the case of an unconfirmed pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. Doctor will prescribe necessary examinations, to establish an accurate diagnosis, and also prescribe medication if necessary.

Disorders can be associated with the work of the endocrine system, genitals, or with the formation of tumors.

At each examination, specialists remind women to take responsibility for their health. Lack of menstruation, and as a result, various diseases, can lead to infertility. There are a lot of reasons why menstrual irregularities appear.

Important to remember that a gynecological examination is carried out every 6 months. This will eliminate infectious diseases, uterine cancer, as well as any abnormalities in the work of the genitals. Female body Is a complex system, and in case of any failures, it requires a thorough examination.

Why are there no periods? Reasons other than pregnancy in this helpful video:

The reason for the absence of menstruation:

This is a violation of menstrual function, which is characterized by the absence of bleeding for more than 35 days. A shift in the beginning of the menstrual cycle by 5 days or more is a sufficient reason to see a doctor. Delayed menstruation can be provoked physiological reasons and functional disorders... Of course in different periods a woman's life, she may experience a violation of the menstrual cycle. These include the formation of the cycle after the first menstruation, the reproductive period and premenopause. In other periods, a delay in menstruation may indicate a problem that can only be solved by consulting a doctor.

Menstrual cycle: characteristics and phases

The menstrual cycle means cyclical changes in the body of a woman (who is in reproductive age) aimed at the possibility of conception. In this case, the bleeding is the final stage menstruation, which indicates that during the period of the menstrual cycle, fertilization of the egg did not occur and the onset of pregnancy did not occur. The duration of the cycle is calculated individually for each woman, but normally it is 28 days. Depending on the various factors deviation from the norm can be plus or minus 7 days. Doctors consider the first day of menstruation to be the beginning of the cycle.

The first menstrual cycle, which occurs between the ages of 12 and 14, is important event during the period of a woman's sexual development. This is due to the fact that it indicates the body's ability to reproduce. In turn, the cessation of menstruation occurs at the age of 40 to 58 years, when the reproductive function fades away during menopause. During the menstrual cycle, processes occur in a woman's body associated with various changes in the ovaries and endometrium. Several phases are distinguished depending on these changes.

The first day of menstruation falls on the follicular phase of the ovary or the menstrual phase of the uterus, during which the dominant follicle matures. For 7 days of menstruation, the dominant follicle matures and secretes required amount estradiol. The development of this follicle is completed during ovulation, which is characterized by the release of luteinizing hormone. All these processes are necessary to rupture the follicle wall and release a mature egg. Time lapse between the end ovulatory phase, which lasts about 3 days, and the onset of the follicular phase is called the luteal phase, which lasts 13-14 days.

The bursting follicle forms during this phase the corpus luteum, which actively produces progesterone. Together with tarragon, progesterone prepares the uterus for egg implantation, as the uterine lining thickens. If fertilization is carried out during the menstrual cycle, there is a natural delay in menstruation. The delay of menstruation continues until childbirth. In the case when the egg has not been fertilized, the corpus luteum no longer produces progesterone, then decreases, after which the mucous layer of the uterus is rejected. Detachment of mucus leads to damage to the blood vessels, which is the cause of bleeding.

Delayed menstruation during pregnancy

Most probable cause delayed menstruation is the onset of pregnancy. The delay in menstruation can continue not only during pregnancy, but also after it. The reason for the delay in menstruation after childbirth may be an increase in the level of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation. But if a woman does not breastfeed, then the period of delay in menstruation will be minimal. On the contrary, if a woman is breastfeeding her baby, the delay in menstruation will last until the end of the lactation period. It should be remembered that for some women, even when they are breastfeeding a newborn, the delay in menstruation does not last more than 1.5-2 months.

A delay in menstruation is one of the main signs of pregnancy. If a woman does not start bleeding at the appointed time, and in the previous month she had unprotected sexual intercourse, then it is possible to determine whether the reason for the delay in menstruation is the onset of pregnancy using a special test. The purpose of pregnancy tests is to determine the level of a hormone in the urine, the production of which is activated 7 days after the fertilization of the egg. But reliable result can be obtained no earlier than 12-14 days after conception. If a woman is actively leading sex life, the risk of getting pregnant is quite high, even if she is using contraception. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor the course of the menstrual cycle.

Why are regular menstruation delays dangerous?

A disorder such as a delay in menstruation, the reasons for which can be very different, in itself is not dangerous condition... It is worth paying attention to a delay in menstruation, first of all, because it can be a symptom dangerous disease... Most diseases, one of the symptoms of which is menstrual irregularities, must be diagnosed in the early stages. Many women are interested in whether there can be a delay in menstruation with uterine fibroids. Indeed, a delay in menstruation is one of the symptoms of this tumor. However, uterine fibroids are generally characterized by such a state of health when menstruation becomes irregular, since menstruation delays alternate with bleeding.

It is also worth contacting a doctor if the cause of delayed bleeding is genital inflammation, endocrine or gynecological disease. For example, during inflammation of the ovaries, hormone synthesis is disrupted in them, which causes a delay in menstruation. In addition, it is worth noting that it is much more convenient for a woman to have a regular menstrual cycle. In this case, it will be easy for her to diagnose early stage the onset of pregnancy. A delay in menstruation is a signal that can indicate both conception and various diseases and deteriorating health. Therefore, it is extremely important not to miss this signal and respond to it in time. To do this, it is enough to go to the examination several times a year.

Reasons for delayed menstruation in addition to pregnancy

Pregnancy, although it is the most common reason delayed menstruation, but it is far from the only one. If there is a delay in menstruation, the test is negative, the cause of this problem may be hidden in various diseases of the genital organs or disorders. These may include mental illness and shock, obesity, vitamin deficiency, genetic diseases, urinary tract injuries and much more. For starters, it is worth noting that girls in the first two years after the onset of menstruation practically do not have constant menstruation. Therefore, a delay in menstruation and a violation of menstrual function in these years is natural state organism, which is caused by the instability of the hormonal background.

Many women are interested in why there is a delay in menstruation, except for the onset of pregnancy. One of the most common reasons for a delay in menstruation is stress and nervous strain. In addition to stress, a delay in menstruation can also be caused by lack of sleep and overwork. Problems with menstrual function can also be caused by extreme dieting. Wanting to get rid of extra pounds, many women torture their bodies with diets. Prolonged fasting, which leads to a sharp reduction in weight, is perceived by the woman's body as an extreme condition, therefore, in this case, not only a delay in menstruation is possible, but even their complete cessation.

It is also worth noting that in some situations, a woman may experience a shift in her period several times a year. Such a shift, which can happen once or more in a year, is the reason for contacting a gynecologist. Intoxication of the body can also provoke a delay in menstruation, which is a consequence of the use of alcohol, drugs, smoking or long-term work on chemical production... The occurrence of a delay in menstruation can also contribute to the intake of various medications, among which the most common are antidepressants, anabolic steroids, diuretics, anti-tuberculosis.

Menopause is a natural cause of delay and cessation of menstruation. But it is worth remembering that during this period the risk of unwanted conception is especially high, since the menstrual function is malfunctioning, and menstruation becomes irregular. In this regard, it is advisable to be examined by a doctor at least twice a year.

Many women also experience a delay in their periods in the spring, the reasons for which are obvious: acute shortage vitamins in the spring have a negative effect on immunity and metabolic processes. Against this background, the hormonal system also malfunctions, so a delay in menstruation in the spring is a common problem.

Gynecological causes of delayed menstruation

  1. Polycystic ovary disease. One of the most likely gynecological diseases of the genital organs, which negatively affects the menstrual cycle, is polycystic ovary disease. It is worth noting that this disease can occur when the functions of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid gland, adrenal glands and ovaries. In addition to problems with menstruation, signs of disorder are also seborrhea, excess weight, overgrowth hair.
  2. Cyst of the corpus luteum of the ovary. After ovulation, the corpus luteum is formed. If a hormonal disruption occurs immediately after it, the menstrual cycle malfunctions. For its restoration and resorption of the corpus luteum, the doctor usually prescribes a course of therapy.
  3. Inflammation of the genitals. Inflammation of the internal genital organs often leads to disruption of the processes of follicle maturation, ovulation and the functioning of the corpus luteum. The reason for the delay in menstruation in this case may be genital tumors, endometriosis, inflammation of the uterine appendages. All these conditions require urgent treatment as they can cause infertility. That is why experts advise women to undergo preventive examinations several times a year.
  4. Abortion. The delay in menstruation after an abortion is due to a hormonal disruption. In addition, as a result of curettage, the uterus is removed a large number of fabrics. Including that part of the uterus that grows during menstruation and is released during bleeding is damaged. It may take more than 40 days for tissue to heal. In any case, you should definitely consult a doctor who diagnoses the presence or absence of problems with menstrual function.
  5. Taking hormonal contraceptives. Since these drugs contain hormones, they are able to regulate the menstrual cycle. Moreover, menstrual function over time begins to obey the pill schedule. Therefore, if a woman stops taking pills, she may experience menstrual irregularities for several months. This is due primarily to a change in hormonal levels.

Diagnostics of the delay of menstruation

If you are experiencing a delay in your period, you should definitely take home test for pregnancy. Note that the test produces a false negative more often than a false positive. If the test is negative, the delay in menstruation could be caused by a medical condition. Therefore, in any case, you should see a doctor. In the clinic, the doctor will ultrasound diagnostics organs of the small pelvis to determine the onset of pregnancy, tumor lesions of the uterus or other reasons that caused a delay in menstruation and a deterioration in health. In addition, you will need to define hCG level in the blood, as well as the level of hormones of the ovaries, pituitary gland and other glands. To exclude a tumor of the ovaries or pituitary gland, you need to do an MRI and CT scan of the brain.

Depending on the results of the diagnosis, consultations of other doctors are appointed - a nutritionist, endocrinologist, psychotherapist. The delay in menstruation is quite rare natural process... Often, a delay in menstruation signals the onset of pregnancy or an illness, so it is advisable to diagnose its causes as early as possible. After a woman has noticed a delay in menstruation, she should immediately consult a doctor who can establish the causes of this problem. You can find out with your doctor why the test is negative, the delay in menstruation was caused by pregnancy or is a symptom of an illness.

The absence of monthly bleeding does not always indicate the presence of pregnancy in a woman. Often, such a violation is associated with diseases or external factors provoking deviations from the norm.

How many days normally can there be a delay without pregnancy

The menstrual cycle is the interval between two periods. The cycle time is different for each woman. Average, menstruation occurs every 28 days. For some women, the cycle is slightly shorter at 25-26 days, or slightly longer than 30-32 days. This is due to changes in the follicular phase.

Why the delay of menstruation, if not pregnant, you will learn from our article

With a delay in menstruation, there is a maximum permissible rate, which may not indicate the presence of malfunctions in the body, diseases of the genitourinary system or pregnancy. Delay no more than a week, without accompanying symptoms and feeling unwell, should not bother a woman, because often after this period, spotting appears.

The situation is different if a woman suffers from abdominal pain, weakness, poor health. This can be a signal from the body about the disease, so you should immediately contact a specialist.

After how many days of absence of menstruation start to worry

A delay in menstruation for more than 10 days should start to bother a woman... Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and general weakness are bad signs. There are many reasons for this phenomenon: it can speak of hormonal disruption ovarian dysfunction, nutritional problems, sudden weight loss or gain, emotional or physical stress, climate change.

This will help to prescribe the correct treatment and give the necessary recommendations.

note! A long delay in menstruation may not mean pregnancy, but such a phenomenon may well indicate a violation of the connection between the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland (it happens due to emotional overstrain if a woman is in a constant feeling of anxiety, physical or mental stress). This is why it is very important to learn how to relax.

The main reasons for a delay in menstruation without pregnancy

The reasons can be very different, ranging from climate change and ending with oncology, so you should not delay the trip to the gynecologist. The main reasons and associated problems discussed in the table.

Why is there a delay in menstruation if a woman is not pregnant? Delay Problems
Causes related to external factors or genetics. Usually do not require treatment and go away on their own, without damage to the bodyStress and depression, climate change, intoxication, heredity, medication
Causes associated with diseases and disorders of the body. Require immediate treatmentSclerocystic ovarian inflammation, polycystic ovarian disease, uterine myoma, gynecological inflammatory processes, oncology, obesity

Gynecological diseases

  1. Ovarian dysfunction- damage to both ovaries with a large number of small cysts, therefore, there is a delay in menstruation.

With this anomaly, the ovaries produce almost no hormones and do not release an egg in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The cervix remains dry due to the lack of secretion. If a woman wants to get pregnant, then polycystic ovary disease will be a big obstacle to achieving the goal, because the absence of ovulation reduces the likelihood of conception to zero.

Symptoms: lack of menstruation, discomfort in the lower back, pain in the lower abdomen, uterine bleeding.

Sclerocystic inflammation of the ovaries can be a consequence of psychological ( constant stress, depression) or physical (genital infection, termination of pregnancy) manifestations.

The main symptoms are the rare appearance of menstruation and pain in the groin area. Also, when examined by a gynecologist, an increase in the ovaries will be revealed. Their condition can change throughout the cycle.

  1. Myoma of the uterus- Inflammation of the appendages is often the cause of the disruption of the cycle, which is why there is a delay in menstruation.

A benign tumor of the uterus is most often accompanied by profuse bleeding, although sometimes it can lead to a delay. On this moment the reasons for the formation of fibroids have not been precisely identified, so that any woman is at risk, especially if she is pregnant, because pathology can provoke a miscarriage.

Symptoms: heavy or no menstruation, uterine bleeding, back pain.

Gynecological inflammatory processes

Most of these diseases are often caused by infections. that are sexually transmitted. For example, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, which enter a woman's body exclusively through sexual interaction with an infected person. They disrupt work internal organs, which causes the absence of bleeding.

It's important to know! Hypothermia is not the cause inflammatory processes, but only is a catalyst for the already existing inflammatory process and pathogens.

Symptoms: pain in the groin area, in the vagina, discharge with a specific odor.

Oncological diseases

The absence of menstruation in this case is associated with inhibition of hormone production processes and poor renewal of healthy cells. The main symptom of oncology is a sharp weight loss and depletion of the body.


If a woman is not pregnant, and the organs of the genitourinary system are in order, then why else may there be a delay in menstruation, - it's all about changing the activity of the gonads due to age.

Menopause is the period of extinction of the female reproductive function, which leads to the delay. Normally, menopause appears in women after 40-45 years and is a common occurrence that does not require immediate examination.

Also, the state under consideration arises due to surgical interventions in the pelvic organs, gynecological inflammatory processes, tumors, injuries.

Symptoms: Menopause, frequent urination, vaginal and skin dryness, hair loss, headaches, frequent sweating.

Interesting fact! The catalyst for the appearance of menopause is alcoholism and excess weight.

Stress and depression

Termination bloody discharge in this case it is associated with the shock of the hypothalamus, which gives commands hormonal system... There are no visible symptoms. A woman can lead a normal life and not experience much discomfort.

Overweight problems

Why is there a delay in menstruation if a woman is not pregnant? Gynecologists, if this question arises regularly, recommend paying attention to weight. Overweight can provoke a delay in the menstrual cycle.

The menstrual system is the most sensitive system in a woman's body. Even an increase in body weight of more than 15% of normal can lead to disturbances in blood flow.

Obesity can be accompanied by many other diseases that can affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle. So it's very important to find the main reason this phenomenon.

Intoxication of the body

The absence of menstruation may be due to the usual intoxication of the body. In this case, it will help Activated carbon and a lot of liquid. After cleansing the body, everything will return to its place.

Change of climatic conditions

The reproductive system is very sensitive therefore, with any change in humidity, regime or time zone, the functioning of the organs that secrete hormones slows down.

As a result, the onset of menstruation slows down a little.


You should ask your mother or grandmother if they have had regular monthly delays, because this can be inherited and there is nothing wrong with such delays.

Taking medications

Taking medications is often the reason for the lack of discharge and answers the question of why the monthly period is delayed if a woman is not pregnant.

  1. Medicines such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquilizers can greatly harm a woman's body. The fact is that these medicines are able to increase the level of prolactin in the blood, which leads to the release of milk from the nipples. High level the hormone prolactin makes it difficult for the pituitary gland to function normally. The menstrual cycle can return to normal after the medication is stopped.
  2. Another situation is developing when a woman has been using drugs for a long time, and then abruptly stopped drinking them. In this case, menstruation stops due to the hypothalamus, which must send commands to the ovaries. It may not function and remain locked. Then it is recommended to contact a gynecologist for further treatment.

Are constant delays in menstruation dangerous for a woman?

The danger lies not in the very absence of menstruation, but in the reason for the delay. If this phenomenon is associated with taking medications or mental stress, then it is enough to use hormones or go to a psychologist, but if the reason is hidden in oncology or gynecological diseases, then treatment should be started as soon as possible in order to avoid irreparable complications.

A delay in menstruation can be triggered by both minor events, for example, climate change, and serious illnesses (fibroids, cancer). The main thing is to consult a doctor in time and find out the reason, because timely diagnosis is the key to a healthy body.

Why the delay in menstruation, if not pregnant, the reasons in this useful video:

Periods are gone! 10 reasons. What to do:

The days of menstruation that have come on time indicate not only that the woman is not pregnant, but also about a clear and correct work body systems. A constant cycle indicates the absence of diseases that can be caused by both physical and psychological disruptions in the female body.

The main causes of delayed menstruation

The onset of pregnancy

In the presence of a permanent sexual partner, the first probable reason for the delay may be the onset of pregnancy. Delay no more than 3 days - normal phenomenon, in which it is too early to panic. More long absence"Red days" should push you to do a test to determine the fact of the onset of pregnancy or take a blood test for chorionic gonadotropin human (hCG).

Moreover, the second option is more reliable, since on early dates hormone concentration pregnancy hCG in the urine is minimal, and in the blood - sufficient for accurate diagnosis. There may be a situation where the test is negative and the blood test is positive. In this situation, you should rely on the analysis of hCG.

Gynecological abnormalities

In the event that a girl is not pregnant, and there is still no monthly period, one can reasonably assume the presence of a disease. Often, irregularities in the cycle are caused by ailments:

  • uterine myoma, which is benign tumor in the form of a ball of smooth muscle fibers. The main symptoms are a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, cramping, sometimes cutting pains;
  • salpingo-oophoritis (inflammation of the appendages). This disease is caused by falling into the fallopian tubes pathogenic microorganisms. The main symptoms include: general malaise (while the lower abdomen and lower back are very sore), an increase in body temperature, sometimes it is possible aching pains groin, white discharge;
  • polycystic ovary disease (hormonal disease), the main symptom of which is an irregular menstrual cycle. The delay in menstruation can be from 5 days to six months. Without timely treatment causes ovarian dysfunction (lack of ovulation), ultimately leading to infertility;
  • endomeritis (disease of the uterus, inflammation of its mucous membrane).

Periods may be absent certain time due to abortions, miscarriages and spiral removal. The body after such a shake-up needs at least a month to bring the cycle back to normal.

Hormonal birth control pills also affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle. As a rule, the frequency of the menstrual cycle coincides with the breaks in taking the pills. If you abandon them, there may be a delay in menstruation, since it usually takes about 6 months to restore hormonal levels.

During this period, a woman may notice brown discharge, which will not be a cause for concern, unless they appear constantly and are not accompanied by pain.

Other diseases

Delay can be triggered by diseases not related to gynecology, including:

  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (nodes in the thyroid gland);
  • severe infectious diseases (hepatitis, tuberculosis).

In addition to a delay in menstruation, which can be absent from 10 days to several years, these diseases can provoke additional symptoms.

Additional factors affecting the change in the menstrual cycle

Rapid weight loss

With a sharp weight loss, the body experiences stress and turns off reproductive function until a more favorable time. In this regard, menstruation stops or occurs at long intervals.

The critical weight for a woman is 45 kg, and if it does not reach the minimum mark, about regular menstruation and rapid conception you can forget. In this case, in order to restore the cycle, you need to start eating healthy and high-calorie.


Delay at overweight- a common phenomenon due to hormonal imbalance... In the excess fat layer, estrogen accumulates, which is responsible for the regular menstrual cycle, as a result of this, menstruation can not only be delayed, but also be absent altogether. By getting rid of excess fat accumulation, you can restore the cycle.


Often, periods are delayed due to the stress experienced. This is due to abnormalities in the functioning of the brain that cause stressful situations... The cerebral cortex and hypotolamus regulate the work of the uterus and ovaries, therefore, the delay is directly related to psychological state women.

Parts of the brain send a signal reproductive organs about unfavorable conditions for childbirth, as a result of which ovulation does not occur, and menstruation does not come. Severe stress can cause the absence of menstruation for several years.

Physical exercise

After exhausting physical exertion, there is also a delay. We are not talking about sports that are beneficial and necessary to maintain wellness... The reason may be sharp excessive "wear and tear" loads, when a woman, without proper preparation, exhausts her body, thereby causing disturbances in the reproductive system.

False pregnancy

This condition is often observed in women with panic fear of motherhood, or vice versa, who have been trying to conceive for a long time and unsuccessfully. Additional symptoms caused by psychological factor, in addition to the delay in menstruation, are: an increase in the mammary glands, abdomen, a feeling of the presence of toxicosis.


With a sharp change in climate, there may also be a delay in menstruation. The body reacts especially sharply to a long stay under the scorching sun. Can knock down the cycle frequent visits solarium. This is a temporary phenomenon and, as soon as the body has acclimatized, or the impact artificial sun will stop, the cycle will resume.

Bad habits

Chemical production, tobacco, alcohol, drugs - this is what a woman should avoid if possible if her plans include conceiving, bearing and having a child. All these factors have Negative influence and worsen performance reproductive system, in connection with which their effect can cause a delay in menstruation or their long absence.


Some medications affect the regularity of the cycle, they include: antidepressants, anabolic steroids, anti-tuberculosis, diuretics and other drugs. If a delay of more than a week has occurred after taking any medicinal product, it makes sense to discuss this with your doctor and find an alternative.


Women over the age of 45 may experience menstrual irregularities. As a rule, this is due to the extinction of reproductive function. The main symptoms of menopause, in addition to a delay or long breaks between periods, include: hot flashes, bad dream, mood swings and problems in the genitourinary system.

What to do if your period has not come?

  1. Take a blood test for hCG or do a pregnancy test.
  2. Analyze the events of the last two months preceding the delay. Perhaps there was a change in the climatic zone, intense stressful situations or other factors not related to physical health.
  3. If there is no period for more than a month, you need to urgently seek help from a doctor. He will carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures, based on the results of which he will prescribe treatment.

A delay in the menstrual cycle should by no means be left unattended: timely detection of its causes and their elimination can prevent serious reproductive disorders and, thereby, help a woman conceive and give birth to a healthy baby.