Gifts for the anniversary of the wedding 45 years. Sapphire Wedding (45 years old) - What a wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, sms. What to give a spouse to sapphire wedding

Not every married couple boasts a long marriage. Especially if we talk about 45 years life together. Only truly loving and patient people are able to preserve their love after so many years to celebrate the sapphire wedding.

What is the name of the anniversary?

The 45th anniversary of the wedding is called Sapphire, as Sapphire symbolizes the great strength of the spirit, perseverance and patience. On this day, it is customary to arrange a grand festival to please "newlyweds" and express their respect them. So many people have been talking about the fortress of the Union. People who managed to keep marriage even 45 years later, possess life wisdom and equilibrium that helps the spouses hand in hand to pass through any obstacles.

Sapphire has blue colourWhat is tranquility and peace. With it, it is possible to emphasize the reliability and durability of the Union, in which love and harmony reigns. Celebrating a sapphire wedding, spouses try to prove that even in old age you can save gentle and respectful relations And to stay relative to each other.

There is a tradition on which the husband and wife exchange rings with sapphire inserts among themselves. At this event, relatives and friends must be present, for which such a strong union is an example for imitation. After all, again told by the spouses of oath and exchange wedding rings Able to tighten any person.

Mark the sapphire wedding is taken with a scope. Of course, not every married couple at such a moonful age is able to organize a noisy banquet. In this case, the organization of the event should engage in children or grandchildren. The holiday needs to be made unforgettable, and therefore, in addition to the festive table, you can dilute the evening with contests or unexpected surprises.

To emphasize the importance of the event, place the room in which the banquet will be held, you need to blue Tones. Decorations can have a turquoise or blue color. Blue shades should meet everywhere: ranging from scenery and ending with dishes. For beauty, you can put a candle on the table or decorate the wall with balls.

The gradation of the event largely depends on the availability of money. In any case, for an elderly couple living together 45 happy years, It is important to arrange a holiday, albeit a small scale.

Ideas for gifts

A gift for a sapphire wedding should reflect respect and appreciation to "newlyweds". Therefore, it is important to pick up expensive and quality productscorresponding to the gradation of the event.


Parents can be given a ticket to the sanatorium. This gift will allow to correct the health of "newlyweds" and give them the opportunity to relax from everyday worries. If children are worried about parents, they can come together with them and settle in the next issue.

For Jubilees valuable gift will be appliances or electronics that they themselves can not buy. It can be a large TV, a gas stove, washing machine etc. You can please my mother bouquet blue roses and set jewelry With sapphire inserts. But the father can be presented golden ring With sapphima oscipe.

Spouses each other

To prevent original gift husband, spouse can buy wrist Watch with sapphire. If a man is not a watch lover and do not wear any jewelry, you can give it a product, decorated with blue inserts. It can be a set of tools, a cover for a rifle, a knife or rod. It all depends on the hobbies of the spouse.

Wife on the 45th anniversary of a shared life can be given a sapphire set of decorations. You can add a gift with a luxury bouquet of colors.


Friends on the anniversary of the wedding as a gift can be presented with high-quality expensive alcohol. If a married couple does not drink alcoholic beverages, you can give them a set consisting of fruits and berries. The optimal gift for the married couple on the 45th anniversary of the marriage will be furniture. It can be a new bed, dinner table and chairs wardrobe etc. Of course, it all depends on the financial capabilities of the donor, but it is important for such an event to acquire a valuable gift.

It is appropriate for the anniversary to give interior items. For example, a large portrait in a beautiful blue frame or blue curtains. Framed paintings can perform as a present, flower pots, outdoor vases or wall clock.

Older people appreciate stability and comfort, and therefore they can be presented tea-set or a festive tablecloth, looking at which the spouses will remember the donor. A gift can be a dishes that are necessary for any family. Almost any event can be given linens, blankets, pillows or towels. Such things are in demand by any person, regardless of his age.

If it is difficult to decide on the gift, you can always give an envelope with money. This will allow spouses to decide independently what to purchase. It will especially be appropriate if the couple has long been dreaming to invest cash In something really important.

Grandma and grandfather

To surprise grandparents and express your love through a gift, you can make a surprise with your own hands. Granddaughters can master the technology of soap or knitting, and the grandchildren are able to cut a gift from the tree. To emphasize the anniversary in the blue color, which will be present in products.

The material side of the gift is usually little interested in the elderly. Having lived together for 45 years, the spouses need more attention and love than in money. Therefore, most of all will be remembered by gifts made by their own hands. It may be a cake that his own baked grandchildren, or a large family portrait written by a talented relative.

You can please the jubilees with the help of poems and songs. They can be written independently if there are abilities. If desired, the lyrics can be ordered from the poet.

The more seriously the children and grandchildren treat the organization of the holiday, the more he will remember the elderly pair. Therefore, it is very important to thoroughly think about every detail and learn in advance about the wishes of the "newlyweds". Attention and love love will help to make a sapphire wedding unforgettable and give spouses to understand that they lived life not in vain.

What can not be given?

Each event has its own traditions and signs. This also applies to gifts that relatives and friends are presented at the 45th anniversary of living together. There are things that give such an event inappropriate for one reason or another.

  • Antiques- It is believed that such things are worn negative energyWhat can adversely affect the relationship of spouses. Husband and wife with such acquisition can stop understanding each other. It can lead to permanent quarrels And even divorce.
  • Glass- Some people it is associated with fragility and unreliability. With it, you can weaken the Union, which in the end can crash as easily as fragile glass beats.
  • Knife and forks It may cause quarrels and misfortunes in the family. Superstitious people A similar gift will take place, only having exchanged it on the monetary bill, which, in their opinion, will help to avoid negative consequences.
  • Bauble- In most cases, their purpose consists only in collecting dust, and therefore it is impossible to give them to such a grand event.
  • Empty vases or piggy banksthey personify emptiness and lack of money, and therefore it is possible to present them only in the filled state. Inside the products you can pour coins or candy.
  • Candlesmean the rapid melting of love in marriage. They can be used to decorate the room, but not as a gift.

Picking up a gift for the 45-year-old anniversary of the wedding, it is important to find really necessary thingthat in the future will find application. The anniversaries are unlikely to appreciate a gift in the form of a ticket to the sea, a subscription to a visit to the dance lessons or a certificate in a beauty salon. In the elderly, people need more peace and peace, and therefore the present must be appropriate.

Look even more about the Sapphire Wedding in the following video.

Sapphire Wedding - This is the anniversary of family life, which comes only spouses, who managed to preserve love and tenderness during this time. It is celebrated on the day of the 45th anniversary of living together. Congratulations on this date of the Spouse are taken in a circle of only the closest people. These are mainly, of course, children, grandchildren and close relatives and friends. Given the age of spouses, it is not surprising. After all, the most important priority for them is family and friendship, proven over the years.

What to give on the anniversary of the wedding of parents

Many children are preparing for this anniversary thoroughly and in advance think that to give parents to the sapphire wedding. The symbol of the sapphire wedding is considered not only this beautiful gemstone, but also other blue-color items, which personifies the calm and depth of the spouses. Therefore, even the interior in which the celebration is celebrated, is performed in blue tones: curtains, tablecloths on the tables, decor - everything is in blue colors. Centers Celebrations can also dress in blue clothing.

According to tradition, on the 45th anniversary of the marriage, it is customary to give:

  • jewelry with sapphire or other blue stones;
  • the clock with sapphires, which are considered a "unlucky" gift, will be very appropriate on this day;
  • any flowers of blue or blue;
  • decor and interior items made in blue gamma;
  • products related to hobbies and hobbies Celebrations perpetrators, of course, blue and blue shades.

What to give on the anniversary of the weddings of parents if children are limited in funds? To please the parents, it is not necessary to spend money on dear gifts on the anniversary of the wedding. They can be done with their own hands. Chief gift For them - attention and care of loved ones.

What to give to a sapphire wedding

Marriage in length in 45 years - achieving spouses, worthy of respect and honor. During this time, their love strengthened and gained stone strength. This is no longer dusty passionmarked with a ruby \u200b\u200bwedding that precedes sapphire and marks after 40 years legal marriage. Their love has become deep, as the bottomless water of the ocean. Therefore, a gift for the anniversary of the wedding should correspond to its name.

When choosing a gift, you should pay attention to the items, one or another water-related: bath and bathroom facilities, towels, aquarium (can be with fish) or fountain. You can also give vases, indoor plants. The donor fantasy is practically not limited, the underlying condition - gifts must correspond to the tastes of spouses, and the prevailing color should be the blue and its rich tint palette.

Wedding Sapphire Gift

During the celebration of the anniversary, the spouses make an interesting rite - "Update" wedding rings. They decorated their wedding rings with sapphires or exchange new. Sapphire symbolizes the ability to restrain emotions and wisdom, quality, thanks to which they came to this anniversary. Sapphire also protects against stresses that people should avoid in old age. What to give to the sapphire wedding of parents, relatives or friends? Beautiful gift There will be decorations with sapphires. A woman will fit earrings, necklace or bracelets, and men - cufflinks, weapons, lighter, key chain or tie clamp, encrusted with these precious stones.

Thus, the main thing is that it is necessary to consider when choosing a gift on the anniversary of the wedding, - it must symbolize the wisdom, the depth of their relationship and irrevomination marriage Union. And the prevailing color should be blue. But, choosing a gift, it is not necessary to rely on my own opinion, it is also not necessary to remember the tastes and desires of the anniversaries.

In this article:

Stones in our life occupy a special place, because they serve and support for the construction of the house, and a real decoration in precious products, they make talismans to protect the house, relationship and family focus. That is why a lot of wedding anniversary were named after some stones that magic power Move their strength and importance to family relationships.

What a wedding is celebrated in 45 years old and what stone it is dedicated, because this is a relationship with the years, which managed to go through all misunderstandings and difficulties, managed to protect their feelings, strengthen them and build a real family on the foundation. 45 years of living - this is a sapphire wedding, which is necessarily recommended to celebrate and on this day to remember all the happiest moments from family life. Why and what is the magic so a 45-year-old wedding anniversary?

Sapphire Wedding - Protection of the whole family and kind

At all times and the peoples of Sapphire was recognized as a stone-faithful family, love and a real defender from evil, envy and unkind eyes.

When the family celebrates a sapphire wedding, this is a direct confirmation that children and grandchildren in such a family will be happy that their parents have learned their relationships and their example to love and appreciate loved ones, taught to create, be kind and all-friendly.

It is precisely such qualities that the sapphire is endowed, and the name of the 45th anniversary of the wedding has already gone from it.

How to celebrate a sapphire wedding

The anniversary of the wedding is 45 years old it is desirable to celebrate in a circle of loved ones and relatives, it is necessary to invite friends, and it is also desirable that all children and grandchildren, and in the presence, and great-grandchildren, came to this celebration and held it fun and friendly in family circle.

It will be very relevant to invite their witnesses from the wedding, which, most likely, by this time, somehow threatened with sophisticated couple, for example, become a kummy or relationships faced in such a way that they can be safely considered with full-fledged family members.

The wedding anniversary of 45 years can be organized in the color of the stone of this wedding. It is bright turquoise, blue and sky blueAlso, many are associated with the hope and peace above their heads. Registration of the venue of the celebration is desirable to organize in this color, especially since in the nobility of the blue can not doubt for a minute. A cake decorated with white flowers and confectionery decorations will look just gorgeous on the wedding table.

Highchairs can be covered with white capes and tied with turquoise bows from the fate, and the table is covered with turquoise tablecloths and lay out the same color of the napkin. The dishes are also encouraged to pick up, especially since it looks very bohemogically and beautiful in such colors.

On this day, the spouses can exchange wedding rings with sapphires, which are a present evidence of the purity and loyalty of the relationship of spouses over the years.
45 wedding anniversary will become a real holiday and for newlyweds with experience, and for all their children, relatives and loved ones. The main thing is only just correctly organize and remember that at this stage of the relationship of impressions and memory are very important, so such moments need to be memorized in life, organize and enjoy them.

The celebration of each year of the wedding is a pretty tradition and every year is characterized by any symbol. And the longer the couple live together, the stronger and noble character.

Spouses who lived 45 years together, can celebrate marriage day, which is called a sapphire wedding. Sapphire - exquisite and noble stone, He symbolizes the purity, devoted love the strength of the relationship.

Spouses have long proved their love and demonstrated their strong relationships. Now they can only rejoice and live for each other. Such an anniversary of the wedding can not be a unjoyed event.

Traditions of sapphire wedding

For a long time, certain traditions of the celebration of the sapphire wedding were formed. Not to say that the joint life was light, but still a married couple withstood all the trials sent by the fate and retained the good attitude.

45 years of living - the date is round, which means it is necessary to arrange a holiday and invite children, grandchildren, relatives and close friends to him.

Well, if there will be witnesses on the holiday, which were at the wedding 45 years ago. But in 45 years it could change a lot and if there is no possibility to invite witnesses, it is not worth upset. Still, 45 anniversary should know a significant event.

Symbolic ceremonies can be repeated and exchanged rings. But only rings should be new and of course with sapphires. Spouses should pronounce oaths, as many years ago, only the words of the oath can be changed. Such an oath will be stronger, because the husband and wife already know each other well.

In India, the sapphire is considered a symbol of purification, so the spouses must pass the ceremony of purification. Clean the body can be different ways: visiting a sauna or bath or with the help of medicinal power.

This will help not only clean the body from slags and toxins, but also the mind from negative thoughts. It is equally important to clean the souls and tell your second half about all your experiences and anxieties. Such a tradition contributes to strengthening family relationships and get them on more high level.

How to celebrate a sapphire wedding

Forty fifth anniversary of the wedding - the date is serious, so it is better to come to her celebration thoroughly. This date is best noted with a scope, so you need to get ready for it in advance.

It is necessary to choose the most acceptable location, the age of the pair. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the pair, which lived together for 45 years, is already elderly, so they should be selected cozy, beautiful Hall. Ideally, organize a sapphire wedding in the place where it took wedding celebration 45 years ago.

Spouses should observe a certain dress code, focusing on the character of the holiday. It is best for clothes in blue and blue tones, because exactly such a color has a sapphire stone. But this means that the whole outfit should be one color, it is enough to make some one element corresponding to a symbolism in your image. For example, a wife can wear blue blouse, And the husband is a tie of this color.

To guests and spouses it is convenient to have fun, it is necessary to rent a spacious banqueting hall. The decoration of the hall also need to pay attention, there must be in large quantities There are sapphire shades.

Blue curtains, tablecloths, napkins will create the necessary entourage. Can be put on the table appliances with blue handles, Napkins, place vases with blue colors. The cake with the number 45 will be an excellent solution to allocate the anniversary.

The organization of the holiday should be well thought out so that guests and spouses are interested, and that he remains for a long time in their memory. At the beginning of the holiday, much attention is paid to the perpetrators of the celebration, rites and traditions.

They can exchange rings at this time, say oath. After that, the perpetrators of the celebration can turn in the wedding waltz, who threw all the years and felt young again.

After that, guests can hand their gifts for 45 years weddings, say their congratulations on a sapphire wedding. The last part of the holiday is particularly fun, as various contests are arranged, concerts with the participation of artists or the guests themselves. It is advisable to invite a photographer for a celebration to make interesting and mental pictures. Guests and culprits of the celebration will remember this holiday, looking at these photos.

If the weather allows, you can celebrate the sapphire wedding in the open air, somewhere in the forest, on the banks of the river. It is only necessary to find a good quiet place where you can not only sit, but also run. It is desirable to have a reservoir so that you can swim. Sitting on nature with kebabs are always pleasant and leave good memories. But here you need a thorough organization so that the guests feel comfortable.

Some couples do not want loud fun, despite the fact that 45 years of wedding is the date round and prefer to celebrate their anniversary together. Therefore, if there is no desire to collect a huge set of guests and fuss, then it is better to spend the evening somewhere in a cozy cafe. And it is better to go anywhere in a rest - in a sanatorium or to the sea resort.

What to give for 45 wedding anniversary

If you proceed from the symbolism of the celebration, then you need to give gifts for a wedding from sapphire. From this stone you can find a variety of decorations, souvenirs, products.

A man can present his wife any sapphire decoration - Earrings, Ring, Necklace. In addition, it will be possible to prevent a bouquet of blue colors.

For a man, there are also decorations from sapphire - cufflinks. You can also prevent the lighter decorated with sapphire. If a man is indifferent to baubles, it is better to give him any practical gifts On a sapphire wedding, such as a blue scarf, sweater or plaid. It will be better than the thing that the spouse will not use.

Sapphire products can cost expensive, so you can give any gifts in blue tones. You can present everything that comes with spouses in the house: household appliances, napkins, bedding, cutlery and other things.

Noble alcoholic beverages also become pleasant gift, especially if it's cognac, has been aged so many years old how many years spouses live together. Together with alcohol, various sweets are well, especially chocolate candies.

You can give anything, even impressions. If you do not know what to give to the wedding boldly present tickets to exhibitions, concerts, certificates for visiting courses, if you know that it will delight the spouses.

Congratulations on sapphire wedding

Together with the original and necessary gift Guests pick up congratulations - words affecting the soul. But sometimes it happens that feelings are overwhelmed, and I want to express the whole depth of your love and respect, but it's hard to pick up the words. It's not a trouble, you can take advantage ready options Congratulations that contain the right words.

You need to know that the forty fifth anniversary can not do without attention. It is worthy of collecting a lot of guests and celebrate fun. In the extreme case, you can collect on one roof the whole family. Children can organize a holiday to their parent to respect them and express their love. It will probably be nice to realize that close people remember them about them and care.

SMS - congratulations

You have an anniversary today.
Not just the date - forty five!
What a wonderful picture -
Bride with the bride you again.

You are this wedding from sapphire
Do not limit your age.
We sincerely wish you
Live to the wedding golden!


From the bottom of my heart we congratulate you on the 45th anniversary of living together, with a sapphire wedding. Sapphire - the personification of wisdom, depth and peace - all that comes only over the years. Let your fruitful union bonded by strong love lasts as much as much. We wish excellent health and simple human happiness.


Everything in the world is not by chance
You are together - forty five!
Open your secrecy -
How to keep happiness?

We wish you peace
And happiness do not sigh.
Let be bright color sapphire
You light the way.


Tell someone, no one will believe,
That it is possible to love so much
That each of you is a different confidence,
Almost that half a century is side to live.

Children raised, adult grandchildren,
An example for them should always be
Maybe so long, without squabbles and boredom,
Love save despite the year.

After 45 years from the date of the wedding, the time is coming when the anniversary of this event is celebrated - sapphire anniversary. It symbolizes the relationships swept after many years of marriage and which are as valuable as the stone. Comparing the sapphire marriage, it is impossible not to note the fact that it stands out by its heavenly blue color.

Many experts wedding traditions They consider the sign that the symbol of 45 years from the date of the wedding is sapphire. Sapphire is a very colorful gem. In addition, it is a talisman that helps overcome the consequences derived from stress. If you briefly summarize, then 45 years from the date of the wedding are the relationships that have all the advantages of the stone - the fortress and the "polishing" of the Union as so many years. A sapphire wedding is a confirmation that life has succeeded, even despite the impossibility of writing a scenario of life in advance.

What to choose as a gift?

Traditionally, at the celebration of 45 years from the date of the wedding date, the spouses are necessarily exchanged rings with sapphires. Such a scenario of congratulations on the day when a sapphire wedding is celebrated, we did not come up with us and not change us. Although women are also the main connoisseurs of stones (and especially sapphires), men are also not alien to the desire to have a jewel. In this regard, the tradition can also be continued on the very celebration of 45th anniversary - Sapphire Weddings - the spouse can give his wife a decoration with sapphire, and she cufflinks or a sprinkle with their strong halm.

Invited guests can also choose as a gift a variety of decorations with sapphires. It can be cufflinks, rings, and bracelets, and pendants and p. But do not forget that Sapphire is not at all cheap, because it may not be quite appropriate (if the spouses live modestly, for example). Also as a gift you can choose something with a symbolism of 45 years from the date of the wedding in a blue gift packaging.

However, do not forget that the scenario of the celebration of sapphire wedding and gifts are not as important as human relations. Beautiful words and gentle greetings - These are invisible sapphires, which mean much more than shiny stones treated with a jeweler. What is she, sappho anniversary? Yes, here is the answer: pleasant hearts Celebration culprits!

Design in Sapphire Tones

For blue shades OK suitable combination With white, gray, silver or gold tone. To focus on the subject of your anniversary, it is worth paying your eyes on:

  • garlands and candlesticks;
  • candy in blue wraps;
  • blue products made of glass;
  • blue "sapphire" tablecloth;
  • ribbons and golden balls;
  • white dishes.

All the above easily emphasizes the subject of the sapphire holiday.

People who have already lived hand in hand for 45 years old, as a rule, give hyacinths or dolphiniums, they are charming blue shades. When you decorate festive table And the hall is worth using gerbera, sunflower flowers and other yellow plants that will contrast with a total color tonality.

What to wear on the anniversary

Guests at this holiday do not necessarily appear in blue suits. You can make an emphasis using different accessories or jewelry - it can be pins, cufflinks or hairpins. Women gladly wear decorations in blue colors, and it is completely optional that will be sapphires, and jewelry is allowed, only high-quality and beautiful.

If you still decided to put the appropriate dress on the sapphire anniversary, then we advise you to add it a golden or silver cape, a belt and shoes of the same color. Chief Council: In no case, do not try to overshadow the culprit of the celebration, it is unacceptable.

Men can choose a sapphire shirt for themselves, tie, vest or pocket handkerchief, which will be well combined with black or gray suit. All this will be perfectly looking together with gold or silver accessories.

Traditions celebration and greetings

By existing traditions Celebration culprits celebrate a sapphire wedding in a circle of only the closest and most relatives. But it should not limit you, and even more so, do not allow you to invite to celebrate 45 anniversary of the sapphire wedding of everyone who you want to see next to this solemn day.

Be sure to invite witnesses from the wedding on the anniversary of the wedding, if they are still in good health and are ready to voice your greetings. It should be noted that they should be given to honor no less than the spouses themselves. After all, witnesses were direct eyewitnesses to the conclusion of a wonderful marriage, which was already knocking 45 years from the day of the wedding. Almost all uttered toasts and wishes at a sapphire wedding are honored with love, tribute to understand each other and patience of spouses.

It is very important to remember what kind of wedding would not be noted, the scenario should be seamless only in accordance with the wish of those for whom this anniversary has a very important - For the spouses themselves. When behind 45 years of collaboration, the chief gift will be the love of children and grandchildren, their attitude, their desire to be near. Give your love to those who carry the flame of love through so many years, because no even the most expensive gift will replace it.

Surprise for couples

Each scenario of a good anniversary must have some kind of a pleasant surprise. We offer to make a small video transaction, with meaningful events family couple. You can come up with a small mix of photographs and video spending from the closest people. And you can also take advantage of photos from childhood spouse and spouses, take pictures from their wedding or interesting photos In a family circle, on vacation and mounted a small roller for the favorite music of the celebration.


Unfortunately, the years have passed not to return,
But today the fun reigns here,
Generously life hanging on the chest
Sapphire Necklace.

For the forty-five leaving together,
Sapphire - a decent reward,
He will protect you from diseases and from troubles,
So that you lived for a long time with each other nearby!

Your anniversary is so grande
Family friendship do not get with fire,
Live together in joy, prosper
And enjoy every day!

Today fanfares are festive:
Congratulations to your wedding, anniversaries!

You are forty-five, you are forty-five,
Your anniversary is painted in blue.
Then the color of the sapphire is the stone of kindness,
He will protect you from unnecessary fuss.

You take care of the gem,
And we will always be happy with you,
Sapphire shine in your eyes
Strong love stored in the years!

Sapphire - let the road, but still - a stone
From surprising in controunded by hands,
Surely the stone became rest?
Patrassed souls from the patience?

Well no! It means that love is durable,
Not stone, and warmth, gentle.
Sapphire in blue deep
Love is given to you for the century!

In the bride on the finger ring with sapphire,
Adult children, adult grandchildren,
The house is filled with consent and peace,
There is no place in it for anger and boredom.

Guess what anniversary?

And the bride is as good
How was the wedding on my
And the groom - the company shower,
Having fun and pleases guests.

I want to raise a glass of anniversary:
45 years old wedding at my friends!

We came to congratulate you
With your!
"Bitterly!" - forty-fifth time
Is there something more?

Round the feast again
As it was once.
Gemstone Sapphire -
Symbol of this date!

It sparkles the depth,
Wisdom in blue,
He filled with hearts,
Love with tender light!

Take care of your Sapphire stone,
Let him bring prosperity and peace!

Anniversary forty five years
Master the wedding sapfirova.
Live without grief and troubles
Today we wish you the world we!

Today we wish we happiness,
And without illness to live
Not know what bad weather is
Live, not age, but love!

Sapphire like the sky in Indian summer
He carries you to love warmth,
We wish you in forty five years,
So that the feeling is not faded, did not pass!

In honor of what a day is today?
In honor of whom the fun?
Gives you the fate of sapphire
In life necklace.

So, exactly forty five
Years lived together
It's time to reverse,
Yes, you need.

Your limitless patience,
Your flawless love
Cause admiration again
You are worthy of the best words!

In a necklace from the lived years
You put a stone sapphire
Live further without troubles
And the golden jubilee wait!

In prose

My favorite, dear, congratulations to you with your sapphire wedding! Sapphire is a stone of amazing beauty and deep blue. Your family relationship is the same beautiful and deep. They are filled with love, which for many years already illuminates its light and your children, and your grandchildren, and relatives, and loved ones, and faithful friends. We all came to touch the amazing sapphire light of your inexhaustible love and loyalty. Like 45 years ago, you are beautiful and shining with happiness. And therefore keep each other, because you are a single whole, a rare sapphira nugget, who does not split anything.

Today there came a very important day in the life of two beautiful people: Your marriage turned 45 years old. You have lived these years with adequate, showed us everything you need to take care of each other to create and save the family. You have always loved and respected each other. Over the years, as if good wine, Your love just gained strength. Sapphire is a stone that protects love from all evil. Let him protect and your marriage, how to defend him and you choose two. The same sapphire is a symbol of renewal and kindness. Therefore, I sincerely wish you so that your feelings are updated to make you doing what I have long been dreamed of! Happy Anniversary!

Sapphire Wedding, which we celebrate today - the symbol of your love, not fading over the years. From the day of your wedding, so many years have passed: ten, ten more, again ten and again ten, and then five. It is so much that even count hard! And you are still happy together. This means that your marriage, in fact, is concluded in heaven! Today, people are rarely found, who are also able to appreciate the one who is near, who are willing to share all the joys and sadness of their halves. Congratulations!

From the very cherished moment, when you were announced by my husband and wife, the whole 45 years have passed. For such large period Miscellaneous happened in life, but problem situations You got out with a highly raised head, your love, support and care withstood all the trials. You have gained experience and wisdom, and the current date has become a special feature that separates your former life From the upcoming. Yours family life - This is a real treasure, precisely because the symbol of the 45th anniversary of the wedding is sapphire. In some cultures, he is identified with calm and confidence. So let him bring them to your life. Let him fill her caress and love. Happy holiday!

45 years old is full life one man. Therefore, I admire you, because you were able to live together such a long time, despite all the problems and contradictions. You are great, you are a standard of a real familywhich managed to protect the flame of love before this date. The symbol of this day is the sapphire - a gem. He is as valuable as your feelings, which resisted on the way in a loss of life. Health to you and joy! Smile more smile and live like that wishes your soul! Rejoice in a new day, and let him bring only good news!

Each family is a small state where the president is a husband, and the Minister of Economics, Health, order and farm is a wife. Your state of love, loyalty and kindness has existed for 45 years. I sincerely want to congratulate you two with his anniversary anniversary. Good for you! Happiness and many grandchildren, dear!

I am one of those who shouted "bitterly" at your wedding, and then divided the joy of almost every anniversary with you. Let me glad about you and in this significant day. I am amazed that even after 45 years, you also love each other much, as in the distant day of your wedding. Sapphire - a symbol of this date - refer to the string of loyalty. He has a uniquely beautiful blue color, which is compared with the love of married couple, it brings upgrades to the family and protects it from every evil. The fact that you celebrate the date today says that you are not just a husband and wife. You are close friends who bind strong love. Probably this is a secret successful marriage. Happy Wedding Anniversary!

45 years old marriage is a huge period! And you spent this time together, hand in hand. All this time you were loyal assistants For each other. So much different life situations You moved together. You divided one life for two, and it is worthy of respect. The symbol of this day is considered to be sapphire - a gem, which is hard to get and therefore it is very valuable. Like your marriage. Not everyone is able to live so long with the same person. Therefore, appreciate each other, and everything else is attached. After all, you already have the main thing - your love and mutual understanding.

Let today we do not give you sapphire necklaces and rings, but our congratulations, wishes and sincere joy from the fact that you are still together - as precious, like this stone. Your eyes today sparkle with happiness more than sapphire, and your eternal love - Much more valuable all jewels in the world!