45th wedding anniversary what wedding what to give. Sapphire wedding (45 years old) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, sms. Memories as a gift

Celebrating each wedding year is a sweet tradition and each year is characterized by a symbol. And the longer the couple lives together, the stronger and more noble the symbol.

Spouses who have lived together for 45 years can celebrate their wedding day, which is called a sapphire wedding. Sapphire is exquisite and noble stone, it symbolizes purity, devoted love, the strength of relationships.

The couple have long proved their love and demonstrated their strong relationships... Now they just have to rejoice and live for each other. Such a wedding anniversary cannot but be a joyful occasion.

Sapphire wedding traditions

Over time, certain traditions of celebrating a sapphire wedding have been formed. Not to say that life together was easy, but nevertheless the married couple withstood all the tests sent by fate, and retained the kindest attitude.

45 years life together- the date is round, which means it is necessary to arrange a holiday and invite children, grandchildren, relatives and close friends to it.

It is good if the celebration will be attended by witnesses who were at the wedding 45 years ago. But a lot could have changed in 45 years, and if there is no way to invite witnesses, then you should not be upset. Still, the 45th anniversary should be known as a significant event.

Symbolic ceremonies can be repeated and rings exchanged. But only the rings should be new and of course with sapphires. Spouses have to take vows, as they did many years ago, only the words of the oath can be changed. Such an oath will be stronger, because the husband and wife already know each other well.

In India, sapphire is considered a symbol of purification, so spouses must undergo a purification ceremony. You can cleanse the body different ways: by visiting a sauna or bath or using medical nutrition.

This will help not only cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, but also the mind from negative thoughts... It is equally important to cleanse the souls and tell your soulmate about all your experiences and worries. This tradition helps to strengthen family relations and leaving them to a higher level.

How to celebrate a sapphire wedding

Forty-fifth wedding anniversary is a serious date, so it is better to approach its celebration carefully. It is better to celebrate such a date on a grand scale, so you need to start preparing for it in advance.

You need to choose the most suitable venue, the age of the couple should be taken into account.The couple, who have lived together for 45 years, is already middle-aged, so they should choose a cozy one, beautiful hall... Ideally, organize a sapphire wedding at the location where wedding celebration 45 years ago.

Spouses should adhere to a certain dress code, focusing on the symbol of the holiday. Clothes in blue and blue tones are best suited, because this is the color of the sapphire stone. But this means that the entire outfit should be of the same color; it is enough to add one element to your image that corresponds to the symbolism. For example, a wife can dress blue blouse, and the husband has a tie of that color.

To make it convenient for guests and spouses to have fun, it is necessary to rent a spacious banquet hall. The decoration of the hall also needs to be paid attention to, there should be a large number of sapphire shades.

Blue curtains, tablecloths, napkins will create the desired surroundings. You can put cutlery on the table with blue handles, napkins, arrange vases with blue flowers. A cake with the number 45 would be a great solution to highlight the anniversary.

The organization of the holiday should be well thought out so that guests and spouses are interested, and so that it remains in their memory for a long time. At the beginning of the holiday, much attention is paid to the heroes of the occasion, rituals and traditions.

They can exchange rings at this time, say an oath. After that, the heroes of the occasion can spin in a wedding waltz, discarding all the years they have lived and feeling young again.

After that, guests can present their gifts for the 45th wedding anniversary, say their congratulations on the sapphire wedding. The last part of the holiday is especially fun, as various contests, concerts with the participation of artists or the guests themselves are organized. It is advisable to invite a photographer to the holiday so that he takes interesting and sincere pictures. Guests and heroes of the occasion will remember this holiday by looking at these photos.

If the weather permits, then you can celebrate a sapphire wedding outdoors, somewhere in the forest, on the banks of the river. You just need to find a nice quiet place where you can not only sit, but also run. It is desirable to have a reservoir so that you can swim. Gatherings in nature with barbecue are always pleasant and leave good memories. But it needs careful organization to make guests feel comfortable.

Some couples do not want loud fun, despite the fact that 45 years of the wedding is a round date and prefer to celebrate their anniversary together. Therefore, if there is no desire to collect a huge number of guests and fuss, then it is better to spend the evening together somewhere in a cozy cafe. Better yet, go somewhere on vacation - in a sanatorium or a seaside resort.

What to give for a 45th wedding anniversary

If we proceed from the symbolism of the celebration, then you need to give gifts for a wedding made of sapphire. From this stone you can find a wide variety of jewelry, souvenirs, products.

A man can present his wife with any sapphire jewelry - earrings, ring, necklace. In addition, it will be possible to present a bouquet of blue flowers.

There are also sapphire jewelry for men - cufflinks. You can also present a sapphire lighter. If a man is indifferent to trinkets, then it is better to hand him any practical gifts for a sapphire wedding, such as a blue scarf, sweater or plaid. It will be better than a thing that the spouse will not use.

Sapphire products can be expensive, so you can give any gifts in blue tones... You can present everything that is useful to spouses in the house: household appliances, napkins, bedding, cutlery and other things.

Noble alcoholic drinks will also become nice gift, especially if it is cognac, aged for as many years as the couple lived together. Various sweets go well with alcohol, especially chocolates.

You can give anything, even impressions. If you do not know what to give for a wedding, feel free to present tickets to exhibitions, concerts, certificates for attending courses, if you know that this will please the spouses.

Congratulations to the sapphire wedding

Together with the original and the right gift guests select congratulations - words that touch the soul. But sometimes it happens that feelings are overwhelmed, and you want to express the full depth of your love and respect, but it is difficult to find words. It doesn't matter, you can use it already ready-made options congratulations that contain the right words.

You need to know that the forty-fifth anniversary cannot be ignored in any way. It deserves to have a lot of guests and a lot of fun to celebrate. In extreme cases, you can gather the whole family under one roof. Children can organize a holiday for their parent to respect them and express their love. They will surely be pleased to know that close people remember and care about them.

SMS - congratulations

It's your anniversary today.
Not just a date - forty-five!
What a wonderful picture -
You are the bride and groom again.

You are this sapphire wedding
Do not limit your age.
We wish you with all our hearts
Live to see the golden wedding!


We sincerely congratulate you on the 45th anniversary of your life together, on the Sapphire wedding. Sapphire is the personification of wisdom, depth and serenity - everything that comes only over the years. May your fruitful union, sealed by strong love, last as long. We wish you excellent health and simple human happiness.


Everything in the world is no coincidence
You together - forty-five!
Uncover your secret -
How to keep happiness?

We wish you peace
And happiness cannot be frightened away.
Let be bright color sapphire
Illuminates the way for you.


Tell someone, no one will believe
That it is possible to love so much
That each of you will entrust your life to another,
To live almost half a century side by side.

Children were raised, already grown-up grandchildren,
You always remain an example for them,
Perhaps for so long, without squabbling and boredom,
Love to keep in spite of the years.

After 45 years of marriage, the wedding anniversary is celebrated special holiday- a sapphire wedding. This name was given to the anniversary not by accident. Indeed, for as long as 45 years - almost half a century! - not every couple can maintain feelings of trust, love and affection. That is why the anniversary was named after the gem. As is known, different countries have their own names of commemorative wedding dates, but the name of the sapphire is called this anniversary not only in Russia, but also in the countries of Scandinavia, the USA, England and a number of others.

Sapphire and its Traditions

The jubilee got its name not only because such a long family life and the feelings that made it possible to live these years can be called a real treasure. Much has to do with the properties and characteristics of the stone itself.

Five years before this day, the spouses celebrate ruby wedding... Both of these stones are gemstones, but unlike the dark red ruby sapphire is blue and attracts with its beauty, purity and transparency... Likewise, the feelings of the heroes of the day - what purity they must have in order to allow two to live together like this long term! Relations are now also painted in a different color - light, heavenly. After this anniversary, the spouses are unlikely to be able to part, they will not even have such a thought. Used to be people believed that pure sapphire has the ability to open dungeons and release prisoners from prison. This is most likely not the case, but it is true that this beautiful stone has a very strong positive energy ... In addition, it can partially remove Negative consequences stress and cleanse. Sapphire also enables people who wear products with it, long time maintain keen eyesight, excellent hearing, clarity of spirit and greatly enhance intuition. At the age at which this holiday is usually celebrated, which is 65-70 years old, people really need such "support". The purity of mental thoughts associated with this stone adds strength and helps a person avoid many negative situations, including deception and lies. These properties are associated with traditional rites and customs that are present in abundance at the holiday.


A lot can be attributed to traditions, in particular, congratulations from children, relatives and colleagues, certain gifts that are customary to give to heroes of the day and which they present to each other, some rituals held on this day, the celebration itself.


The most important and necessary in the scenario of this holiday is considered to be the performance of the ritual of purification. This action can be understood and performed in different ways by everyone. There are no clear rules, so there are many options.

For example, joint visit of the spouses to the bath... At the same time, it does not matter at all which bath to go to - the national Russian or Turkish hammam. The result will be the same - by cleansing the body and relaxing, a person can also cleanse the soul. General cleansing you can start early enough to finish by that day. If the spouses are trying to eat right, then diet or medical fasting will also be a kind of cleansing... The third variation of this rite is the most common. It lies in the fact that jubilees right from the very morning appoint a kind of " Forgiveness Sunday» . It is known that the most difficult thing is to get rid of emotional, long-standing and almost forgotten grievances, which at the most inopportune moment for this can remind of themselves. Old worry and resentment can make life difficult for everyone around you. It is advisable to prepare for this "forgiven Sunday" in advance, because on this day, they not only forgive each other everything, but also ask for forgiveness for what was done earlier... It is even necessary to remember something for which he once already managed to justify himself to himself, some trifles like the absence of birthday greetings twenty-five years ago. This will certainly be pleasant to the other half. Despite how difficult it is sometimes to ask for forgiveness, it is definitely worth doing, because the symbol of this day is the sapphire, which personifies liberation and cleansing.

Another fairly common variant is closest to the definition of "rite". it absolution and cleansing through the church... Regardless of the religion in each temple, the priest can help with this. You just need to decide on such a difficult act and go to the temple. Blue and cyan are the colors of sky and water. One of the very important traditions on this day is decorating the premises where the holiday is held with blue accessories and decorating the same color with fabrics.


This day is worth spending with loved ones:

  • children, grandchildren, even, perhaps, already great-grandchildren;
  • other relatives with whom warm relations are invariably maintained;
  • close and beloved friends who for long joint years were there and participated in the life of the family.

The holiday will still turn out lush and crowded, because for such long term a married couple manages to acquire a lot of people who must be invited. Of course, this does not mean at all that only these three categories can be present at the celebration itself. At this age, a man and a woman may well still work. After this, colleagues at work will become even closer to the heroes of the day. The number of invitees may also depend on the status of the anniversaries themselves. Famous and respected people sometimes just have to invite very a large number of of people.

It is supposed to meet the guests of the heroes of the day, having on themselves some accessories or details of clothing of blue color... The "bride" can even wear blue dress and "groom" is a blue shirt.

Spouses gifts

One of the most important traditions for a couple associated with this anniversary is the process of presenting gifts to each other. Updated wedding rings solemnly put on by the spouses just before the start of the holiday, before the host starts seating the guests. The update is that the rings are decorated with sapphires. Therefore, it is worth taking care in advance to find necessary masters... As already mentioned, sapphire and jewelry with it bring warmth and purity to a relationship. In addition, the constant wearing of even a small sapphire improves health, vision with hearing and intuition, which is especially important at a not too young age.

How can you celebrate

On this day, from early morning, you need get rid of all negative thoughts, tune in to good and kind... Even if the husband and wife are sleeping in different rooms, it is advisable to meet this morning together, so that together in the evening with this day and say goodbye. The first half of the day is dedicated to the spouses only to each other- morning walk, a joint visit to the temple, the sacrament of absolution and forgiveness. It is better to spend the main part of the celebration not in a cramped apartment, but in a large room. Great if there is a summer residence and it is worth good weather, then there will definitely be enough room for all those invited. If not, then you can spend a holiday in banquet hall... It is advisable to invite a presenter. Firstly, he knows exactly how to cheer up the guests at the same time. of different ages... Secondly, the heroes themselves will probably find it difficult to spend the holiday on their own. Can be done a pleasant surprise to his guests, giving everyone who came blue flower... Doing this at the beginning or at the end of the celebration depends on how much time you plan to hold the banquet.

Anniversary Sapphire Wedding Gifts

We need to talk about gifts separately.

The main condition for a successful holiday on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of life together is tender and pure feelings carried by the husband and wife through the decades!

The forty-fifth anniversary of living together is an excellent date, the heroes of which have long proved to each other and those around them the sincerity of their feelings and the boundlessness of love and devotion. Surely this kind of love rightfully deserves sincere respect and the date is worthy to bear a name identical to the name of a noble precious stone - sapphire... About what kind of wedding 45 years of life together and what traditions this date is endowed with, we will be happy to share with our readers in our article.

To live in legal marriage side by side with a loved one in fidelity, it is necessary to be strong, loyal, wise, making concessions and a loving person... Without a set positive qualities it's hard to stay close to your partner for so many years. It is not for nothing that 45 years of marriage is called a sapphire wedding, since this particular jewel has long been considered the stone of wisdom. Our ancestors believed that the stone is endowed with a force that restrains the emotions of people who often prevent them from looking at the situation in the right way. The stone helped the owner to make the only correct and correct decision.

It is interesting that the predecessor of the date - the ruby ​​wedding - is 40 years old, the embodiment of which is a passionate and brightly scarlet stone. It is generally accepted that these five years are able to transfer a married couple to new level, slightly calming their ardor and bringing peace and tranquility into the life together. Just like a relationship, the stone changes its color from a passionate and aggressive red to a calm, pacifying and deep blue. Many will think that love itself cools down during this period of time, but no. The colors symbolize the transition of relations to a new level and a permanent strengthened status.

Celebration traditions

45 years of the wedding cannot be ignored. At the same time, you need to arrange a celebration based on the financial aspect. Not all spouses can afford a magnificent celebration in an expensive restaurant with numerous guests and a slide of champagne. But it is impossible not to celebrate the holiday at all. Such an anniversary is organized for narrow circle of people. Often these are the children and grandchildren of the heroes of the day, close relatives and faithful friends... It is rare to meet strangers on a wedding anniversary. All guests are very important and significant persons in the life of the "young". If parents do not have enough opportunities to organize a celebration in a restaurant or cafe, children should try to provide parents with such an opportunity. It's important to celebrate your forty-fifth anniversary with the same emotions you did on your wedding day, making sure the decision was made right.

Anniversaries and guests should dress in shades of blue, reminiscent of the color of the precious stone - sapphire. But you shouldn't stick to this particular style, shades of blue and sea wave will be beautifully combined. Moreover, not only the guests of the evening, but also the heroes of the occasion wear blue. Tablecloths, napkins, table setting elements, curtains in the hall and other accessories and decorations are also designed in a single palette.

Another one interesting tradition, which is not followed by all heroes of the day. If the groom put on a ring with a stone for the wedding, it is customary to change it along with the change. wedding anniversaries... So, for example, for a ruby ​​wedding precious stone the ring changes to a ruby, and to a sapphire, the ruby ​​is replaced by a noble sapphire. It should be noted that not all couples have engagement rings with stones, so tradition can be ignored in such cases.

Choosing a gift for a joint forty-fifth anniversary

Before proceeding with the choice perfect gift for the “newlyweds”, it is necessary to remember that the best gift associated with a specific date will be a present somehow associated with water. Of course, it is important to choose a thing that will delight both halves and bring beauty to their common life. For example, bathroom towels, or bath utensils. Beautiful and necessary bath accessories and other items. If the money and space of the room allows, you can give them a small fountain designed for a room or a beautiful aquarium with fish.

Gift options for a sapphire wedding

In connection with such an impressive date, the heroes of the occasion themselves must exchange rings with sapphires, as on the day when they swore oaths of love and fidelity to each other.

Children and close relatives of the heroes of the day can also give jewelry decorated with sapphires - bracelets, pendants, rings, earrings, hair accessories, beads, watches and other trinkets. After all, such significant date worthy of attention.

Guests can please the "newlyweds" pleasant and necessary for Everyday life gifts such as:

  • Set of dishes.
  • Plaid.
  • Curtains or tulles, curtains, covers for upholstered furniture.
  • A set of kitchen or bath towels.
  • Linens.
  • Two soft fluffy bathrobes and other pleasant things.

It is necessary to take into account the date and select a gift for the soul to match the sapphire color scheme.

The theme of water, associated with the depth and smoothness of relationships, the bottomlessness of love, can be supported by the following presentation options:

  • Bathroom furnishings - shower, jacuzzi, sink or bath. These are quite expensive gifts.
  • Hoses and other devices that help in watering a garden or plot will become budgetary.
  • Rubber boat for joint fishing or recreation on the lake.
  • Sun loungers for relaxing at the dacha by the pool and other gizmos that support the theme.

A real surprise for married couple the following unforgettable gifts and surprises:

  • Impeccably designed and inserted into beautiful frame a joint photo of the spouses radiating happiness and giving smiles. The frame can be decorated with sapphires or blue rhinestones.
  • Self-made portrait or caricature of "newlyweds".
  • Blue service made of porcelain, possibly decorated with a decorative coating with his own hand.
  • A rug or tablecloth for the table, embroidered with a pattern of blue threads or painted with wishes for the heroes of the day.
  • A voucher to a sanatorium, hot country or a treatment camp where husband and wife can walk to the river together, pick mushrooms and attend evening dances, holding hands and strengthening love away from their daily routines.
  • Subscription to the pool.
  • Healing mud, masks, clay with salt and minerals of the seas and other memorable items ..
  • Having presented the spouses with a ticket to a concert of their favorite orchestra or pop star, a restaurant or a theater, you can please them not only with a gift, but also with the opportunity to spend the evening together by going on a date.

Flowers will serve as a great gift. It can be chic bouquets blue roses, cornflowers or bells. A houseplant in a blue pot or blooming with blue flowers will also look worthy, for example: violet, gloxinia, crocus, phlox, hibiscus and others. The flower will not only decorate the room, but also remind of the person who gave the plant.

The main thing is not the cost of the gift, but that it should be presented with a soul and please the people who received it on the anniversary of the sapphire wedding. After all, only those people who have made every effort to decorate the life of a loved one can live 45 years in harmony and love, raise children and grandchildren. It is not enough just to be there, you need to support your soul mate in joy and sorrow, help to move forward when your hands are completely lowered. It is the strong and trusting couples who live with dignity. best years, increasing the length of time together, celebrating great wedding anniversaries.

After 45 years from the date of the wedding, the time comes when the anniversary of this event is celebrated - sapphire anniversary... It symbolizes a relationship that has been carried through many years of marriage and is as valuable as a stone. Comparing marriage to sapphire, one cannot fail to note the fact that it stands out for its sky-blue color.

Many experts wedding traditions Sapphire is considered a symbolic symbol of 45 years from the date of the wedding. Sapphire is a very colorful gemstone. In addition, it is a talisman that helps to overcome the consequences of stress. To summarize briefly, 45 years from the date of the wedding is a relationship that has all the virtues of a stone - the strength and "polished" of the union for so many years. Sapphire wedding- this is a confirmation that life is good, even though it is impossible to write a script of life in advance.

What to choose as a gift?

Traditionally, at the celebration of 45 years from the date of the wedding, the spouses must exchange rings with sapphires. Such a scenario of congratulations on the day when the sapphire wedding is celebrated was not invented by us and it is not for us to change. Although women are the main connoisseurs of stones (and especially sapphires), men are also not alien to the desire to own a jewel. In this regard, the tradition can be continued for the very celebration of the 45th anniversary - a sapphire wedding - a spouse can give his wife a sapphire jewelry, and she can give her cufflinks or a ring to her strong half.

Invited guests can also choose a variety of sapphire jewelry as a gift. It can be cufflinks, rings, bracelets, pendants, etc. But do not forget that sapphire is not a cheap gift at all, therefore it may not be entirely appropriate (if the spouses live modestly, for example). Also, as a gift, you can choose something with symbols for the day of 45 years from the date of the wedding in a blue gift box.

At the same time, do not forget that the scenario for celebrating a sapphire wedding and gifts are not as important as human relations. Beautiful words and gentle congratulations- these are those invisible sapphires that mean much more than shiny stones cut by a jeweler. What is a sapphire anniversary? Yes, here is the answer: pleasant to hearts heroes of the occasion!

Sapphire tones

For shades of blue, good a combination will do with white, gray, silver or gold tone. To highlight the theme of your anniversary, you should look at:

  • garlands and candlesticks;
  • sweets in blue wrappers;
  • blue glassware;
  • blue "sapphire" tablecloth;
  • ribbons and golden balls;
  • white dishes.

All of the above will easily highlight the theme of the sapphire festival.

People who have lived hand in hand for 45 years, as a rule, are given hyacinths or delphiniums, they come in charming blue shades. When will you decorate festive table and hall, it is worth using gerberas, sunflower flowers and other yellow plants that will contrast with the overall color tone.

What to wear for the anniversary

Guests at this holiday do not necessarily appear in blue costumes. You can accentuate with different accessories or jewelry - pins, cufflinks, or hair clips. Women are happy to put on jewelry in blue tones, and it will not necessarily be sapphires, jewelry is also allowed, only high-quality and beautiful.

If you nevertheless decide to wear a matching dress for your sapphire anniversary, then we advise you to complement it with a golden or silver cape, belt and shoes of the same color. The main advice: in no case try to outshine the hero of the occasion, this is unacceptable.

Men can choose for themselves a sapphire shirt, tie, vest or pocket square, which will go well with black or gray suit... All this will look great with gold or silver accessories.

Celebration traditions and congratulations

By existing traditions heroes of the occasion celebrate a sapphire wedding with only the closest and dearest people. But this should not limit you, and even more so, not allow you to invite everyone you want to see next to you on this solemn day to the celebration of the 45th anniversary of the sapphire wedding.

Be sure to invite wedding witnesses to your anniversary if they are still in good health and ready to voice their congratulations to you. It should be borne in mind that they should be honored no less than the spouses themselves. After all, the witnesses were direct eyewitnesses to the conclusion of a wonderful marriage, which has already turned 45 years from the date of the wedding. Almost all the toasts and wishes uttered at a sapphire wedding are a celebration of love, a tribute to the understanding of each other and the patience of the spouses.

It is very important to remember that whatever wedding is celebrated, the script should be selected only in accordance with the wishes of those for whom this anniversary has a very essential- for the spouses themselves. When 45 years of marriage are behind, the main gift will be the love of children and grandchildren, their attitude, their desire to be close. Give your love to those who have carried the flame of love through so many years, because no one, even the most expensive gift, can replace this.

Surprise for a couple

Every script for a good anniversary should have some kind of pleasant surprise in it. We offer to make a small video collection with significant events married couple... You can come up with a small mix of photographs and video greetings from the closest people. And you can also use photographs from the childhood of your spouse, take pictures from their own wedding, or interesting photos v family circle, on vacation and edit a small video to the favorite music of the heroes of the occasion.


Unfortunately, the years gone by cannot be returned,
But it's fun here tonight
Life generously hangs on your chest
Sapphire necklace.

For forty-five years lived together,
Sapphire is a worthy reward
He will protect you from diseases and troubles,
So that you live next to each other for a long time!

Your anniversary is so dignified and stately,
You will not find a friendlier family with fire,
Live together in joy, prosperity,
And enjoy every day!

Fanfare sounds festive today:
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

You've been together for forty-five years,
Your anniversary is colored blue.
That is the color of sapphire - a stone of kindness,
He will protect you from unnecessary fuss.

You cherish the precious stone
And we will always rejoice with you,
To the sparkle of sapphire in your eyes
Strong love saved over the years!

Sapphire - albeit expensive, but still - a stone
We'll spread our hands out of surprise,
Is it really the relationship that has become a stone?
Souls petrified with patience?

Well no! It means that love is strong
Not stone, but warm, tender.
Sapphire is deep in blue,
Love has been bestowed upon you forever!

The bride has a sapphire ring on her finger,
Adult children, adult grandchildren,
The house is filled with harmony and peace
There is no room in him for anger and boredom.

Guess what kind of anniversary?

And the bride is just as good
As I was at a wedding at my own,
And the groom is the company of the soul,
Cheers and pleases guests.

I want to raise a glass for the anniversary:
45 years of my friends' wedding!

We came to congratulate you
With your!
"Bitterly!" - for the forty-fifth time,
Is there anything more beautiful?

We started the feast again
As it once was.
Sapphire gem -
The symbol of this date!

The depth sparkles in it,
Wisdom in blue
He fills the hearts
Love with a gentle light!

Take care of your sapphire stone,
May he bring prosperity and peace!

Anniversary forty five years
They are magnified by the sapphire wedding.
Live without grief and troubles
Today we wish you peace!

Today we wish you happiness
And live without diseases
Do not know what bad weather is,
To live, not to grow old, but to love!

Sapphire like the sky in Indian summer
He brings you warmth of love,
We wish you forty-five years old,
So that the feeling does not fade away, does not pass!

What is the feast in honor of today?
In whose honor is the fun?
Destiny gives you a sapphire
In life, a necklace.

So exactly forty-five
Years lived together
Time will not return
Yes, you do.

Your unlimited patience
Your flawless love
Arouse admiration again
You deserve better words!

In a necklace from past years
You put a sapphire stone,
Live without troubles,
And wait for the golden anniversary!

In prose

My beloved, dear ones, I congratulate you on your sapphire wedding! Sapphire is a gem of amazing beauty and deep blue color. Your family relationships are just as beautiful and deep. They are filled with love, which for many years has been illuminating its own light and your children, and your grandchildren, and relatives, and loved ones, and faithful friends. We all came today to touch the amazing sapphire light of your inexhaustible love and loyalty. Just like 45 years ago, you are beautiful and radiant with happiness. And therefore, keep each other, because you are a single whole, a rare nugget of sapphire that cannot be split by anything.

Today is a very important day in the life of two wonderful people: your marriage is 45 years old. You have lived these years with dignity, showed us all how it is necessary to take care of each other in order to create and keep a family. You have always loved and respected each other. Over the years, as if good wine, your love has just gained strength. Sapphire is a stone that protects love from all evil. May he protect your marriage as you two protect and protect it. The same sapphire is a symbol of renewal and kindness. Therefore, I sincerely wish you that your feelings are renewed, that you accomplish what you have long dreamed of! Happy Anniversary!

The sapphire wedding that we are celebrating today is a symbol of your love, which has not faded over the years. So many years have passed since your wedding: ten, ten more, ten again and ten again, and then five more. This is so much that it is difficult to even count! And you are all just as happy together. This means that your marriage is, in fact, made in heaven! Today, there are rarely people who also know how to appreciate the one who is nearby, who is ready to share all the joys and sorrows of their half. Congratulations!

A whole 45 years have passed since that cherished moment when you were announced as husband and wife. For such long period different things happened in life, but of all problem situations you got out with your head held high, your love, support and care have stood the test. You have gained experience and wisdom, and the current date has become a special feature that separates your old life from the upcoming. Your family life- this is a real treasure, which is why the symbol of the 45th wedding anniversary is the sapphire. In some cultures, it is equated with calmness and confidence. So let him bring them into your life. Let him fill her with affection and love. Happy Holidays!

45 years is full life one man. Therefore, I admire you, because you were able to live together for such a long period, despite all the problems and contradictions. You are great, you are the standard real family who managed to save the flame of love until this date. The symbol of the present day is sapphire - a precious stone. It is as valuable as your senses, which have stood in the way of a lifetime. I wish you health and joy! Smile more and live the way your soul desires! Rejoice in the new day, and may it bring only good news!

Each family is a small state, where the husband is the president, and the wife is the minister of economy, health, order and economy. Your state of love, loyalty and kindness has existed for 45 years. I sincerely want to congratulate you two on his anniversary anniversary... Good for you! Happiness and many grandchildren, dear!

I am one of those who shouted "bitter" at your wedding, and then shared with you the joy of almost every anniversary. Let me rejoice for you on this significant day. I am amazed that even after 45 years, you love each other as much as you did on the distant day of your wedding. Sapphire - the symbol of this date - is called the stone of fidelity. It has a uniquely beautiful blue color, which is compared to the love of a married couple, it brings renewal to the family and protects it from all evil. The fact that you are celebrating today's date suggests that you are more than just husband and wife. You are close friends who bond strong love... I guess this is the secret have a good marriage... Happy wedding anniversary!

45 years of marriage is a huge time! And you spent this time together, hand in hand. All this time you have been faithful helpers for each other. So many different life situations you transferred together. You have shared one life in two, and this is worthy of respect. The symbol of this day is considered to be sapphire - a gem that is difficult to get and therefore very valuable. So is your marriage. Not everyone is able to live that long with the same person. Therefore, appreciate each other, and everything else will follow. After all, you already have the main thing - your love and mutual understanding.

May we not give you sapphire necklaces and rings today, but our congratulations, wishes and sincere joy that you are still together are as precious as this stone. Your eyes today sparkle with happiness cleaner than sapphire, and your eternal love- much more valuable than all the jewels in the world!

The sapphire wedding is celebrated after 45 years of marriage. At this age, a husband and wife have great wisdom, experience, they know how to appreciate every moment spent together.

The sapphire wedding is celebrated after 45 years of marriage. At this age, a husband and wife have great wisdom, experience, they know how to appreciate every moment spent together.

Anniversary symbol

Sapphire is a beautiful, hard stone. It symbolizes honesty, devotion. This mineral is even mentioned in the Bible. According to legend, the Ten Commandments were created on sapphire tables.

Sapphire possesses unique properties bestow wisdom on its owner, quiet life... It is not for nothing that this stone was chosen as a symbol of 45 years of a wedding. During this period, the relationship of the spouses is reliable. A marriage is strong, he is not afraid of any storms of life. Husband and wife completely trust each other. They protect health, feelings of the second half. Harmony, peace and tranquility reign between two relatives.

Wedding traditions for 45 years of marriage

The most interesting important tradition it is considered, of course, a wedding. Regardless social status, people have always strived for happiness. A wedding customs those who help to believe in him will live forever. The 45th anniversary of the wedding was not without such rituals.

  1. Purification. it main tradition anniversary. Cleansing is not just bodily, but, first of all, spiritual. In the old days, on the day of the anniversary with the sunrise, they went to the bathhouse. Today, such a tradition can be replaced by dipping in a pond or at least bathing in a spring.
  2. Forgiveness. This ritual can be called the cleansing of the soul. For 45 years, a lot has accumulated in my soul: old grievances, misunderstandings. On this day, everything negative must be released. Spouses from pure heart ask for forgiveness to each other and forgive.
  3. Rings. In a festive solemn atmosphere, a man and a woman exchange sapphire rings. At the same time, vows of loyalty and devotion are pronounced.

How to celebrate your 45th wedding anniversary?

The sapphire wedding is celebrated on a grand scale. Life is fragile. You shouldn't save on the holiday. Moreover, such a date! A grandiose holiday can be organized both in a family circle and by inviting friends, acquaintances, neighbors.

It is better to start preparing for the celebration in advance. This will allow you to calculate everything, avoid surprises. As for the location of the holiday, a cozy restaurant would be preferable. The guests are mostly elderly people, unnecessary noise, turmoil in this case is useless. The spouses at the event must wear blue clothes or at least have an accessory of this shade.

The venue of the celebration is made out in shades of blue... Tablecloths, napkins, a service, a vase, flowers - everything should match the shade of sapphire. With regards to festive dishes, then there are no restrictions. The main thing is that there is the wedding cake... He is a symbol of a long, sweet, happy life spouses.

What to give for a 45th wedding anniversary?

What is given for a sapphire wedding must certainly be associated with this stone. A good option will become souvenirs, jewelry with this stone. Expensive, big gifts chosen with taste will undoubtedly delight the heroes of the occasion. If it is not possible to purchase a product with this stone, it will be replaced stylish little thing blue tint.

Among other things, you can choose such things:

  • jewelry;
  • watch;
  • linens;
  • kitchen textiles;
  • plaid;
  • carpet;
  • picture;
  • table lamp;
  • mini fountain.

What to give your wife for your anniversary?

Usually for this anniversary, a man presents to his beloved wife small gift with sapphire. Perhaps this is not a cheap option, but is not a woman who has loved and supported such a gift for a sapphire wedding worthy of such a gift for so many years?

  1. The ring. Solid decoration wise woman... Sapphire ring is predominantly given to women old age having a huge life experience behind your shoulders.
  2. A bracelet. Blue sapphire goes well with white metal. Such a jewel emphasizes the elegance, delicate taste, and style of its mistress.
  3. Pendant. An unusual pendant in the form of a peacock feather with sapphire inlay will become wonderful gift for the 44th anniversary.
  4. Lamp. Nice decoration for the house there will be a bedside lamp in the form big crystal sapphire. Outgoing soft light makes the atmosphere in the bedroom unusual, mesmerizing.

What to give my husband for his anniversary?

Most of our lives have been lived together. The sapphire wedding has already "knocked". Perhaps not everything was as desired. But next to native person and I don't want to leave him without a gift on such a day.

  1. Watch. Original watch on hand with artificial sapphire crystal... Although the stone is not real, it is very durable and does not scratch. Of course, such a product is not cheap, but it looks very stylish.
  2. Lighter, mouthpiece. it good gift for a 45 year wedding for a smoker. Such gizmos can be picked up both with real stones and imitation. The second option is cheaper, but looks just as great.
  3. Belt. Such an accessory, trimmed with sapphire stones, is very original and unusual. You can only purchase a belt buckle with expensive inlay.
  4. Swiss knife. A similar present can also be selected taking into account the symbols of the holiday. For example, with a blue translucent handle, sapphire inserts

A sapphire wedding is a significant period of time in the life of two people. Time brought the spouses closer together, once passionate, passionate love grew into respect, understanding. But no matter how old it is wonderful age love, dream, enjoy life.