Japanese shiatsu massage for face and body - technique of execution. Shiatsu acupressure massage. Japanese acupressure shiatsu massage for facial rejuvenation.

For a long time, the inhabitants of the East believed that the best healer for any person is his own hand.

It was this judgment that formed the basis of shiatsu massage, the birthplace of which became Japan.

The simple technique of its execution helps not only to eliminate headaches, improve sleep and emotional condition in general, but also contributes face rejuvenation and the fight against expression wrinkles.

Feature of technology

What is the technique of rejuvenating shiatsu acupressure? The meaning of this technique lies in the process of exposure to specific points with your fingertips, as a result of which there is revitalization energy flows hidden inside the body, aimed at its rejuvenation and recovery.

The difference between this technique and other types Japanese massage consists in the fact that the influence on the points occurs by pressure, not massaging.

Efficiency Shiatsu massage for the face can hardly be overestimated:

Besides improves the functioning of other systems and organs.

Layout of the "three king points"

There are three main points, influencing which with the pads of the fingers, you can prolong youth and beauty for many years.

Royal Point Tenyo... It is located between the jaw and the lateral neck muscle, at a distance of one and a half to two centimeters below the earlobe. When you press on it, painful sensations appear, which disappear after several acupressure procedures.

The impact on this point improves the complexion and helps to get rid of swelling of the face and neck.

Koreo Royal Point... It is located under the cheekbone perpendicular to the pupil. You can also find it out by painful sensations when pressed. The impact on this point helps to eliminate wrinkles and removes the sagging skin of the cheeks.

Sokkoku Royal Point... It is located at the height of two fingers from the top of the ear, in a small depression. With the help of this point, you can not only tighten the skin of the face, but also get rid of headaches.


How to do it yourself at home? The main element of the Shiatsu massage technique is pressure, which is carried out in three ways:

Not worth doing sharp movements... Not necessary "Scroll" the skin over the dots, as this can lead to even more wrinkles. When using both hands, it is important to ensure that the pressure is the same in both hands.

Shiatsu massage is best done in the morning after waking up. This procedure will take no more than fifteen minutes, but the effect will last for a whole day. Before starting the acupressure procedure, you should prepare a little:

  1. Cleanse your face with lotion.
  2. Heat your skin over steam bath five to seven minutes to relax muscles and blood vessels.
  3. Apply the cream to your face five minutes before the procedure.
  4. Light the aroma lamp, play calm music and relax.

How to do it?

The easiest to carry out at home and one of the most effective is massage, which affects the three "royal" points.

Technique its implementation is pretty straightforward:

  • find desired points thumbs;
  • smiling, take a deep breath through your nose;
  • exhaling through the mouth, press the point from bottom to top for about three seconds;
  • relax.

This massage should be done in three approaches for each point.

  • place the pads of your middle fingers on points that are in the distance one centimeter from the outer corner of the eye;
  • press on the point, direct the movement slightly up and to the side;
  • act on the points in about three seconds;
  • do three sets.
  • fit the pads of three fingers between the eyebrows;
  • press on the points, moving, as it were, a little in a circle;
  • do two sets of seven seconds.
  • press on the point with the pad of the middle finger above the upper lip;
  • hold for about seven seconds;
  • then, with the pads of your middle fingers, simultaneously press on the points in the corners of the lips;
  • after adding small massaging movements, hold for seven seconds.

You can learn how to get rid of the Demodex mite on the skin of your face from ours.


How effective is Japanese point gymnastics for the face against wrinkles? Performing acupressure at home requires at least a little skill. Learn this technique easy enough, receiving in return a beautiful and well-groomed skin.

Regular shiatsu massage treatments give colossal effect:

Before starting the shiatsu massage procedure, it will be useful to consult a doctor - dermatologist, in view of the existence of both general contraindications and possible individual intolerance.

Acupressure not worth doing in the following cases:

  • if there is a tendency to lower intracranial pressure;
  • during an exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • at viral diseases and feeling unwell generally;
  • if the skin has damage, inflammation or allergic reactions;
  • if there are manifestations of rosacea on the face.

Acupressure massage is a truly miraculous procedure that helps without any financial costs prolong the youth and beauty of your skin.

The main condition for its effectiveness is the regularity of its implementation.

Give yourself about twenty minutes every morning, and the result in the form tightened skin and beautiful color faces will not keep you waiting long.

Teaching rejuvenating acupressure facial shiatsu massage in this video:

In contact with

Shiatsu massage was developed in ancient Japan and was originally considered medical procedure for the treatment of certain diseases. In general, this is a kind of acupressure. Today, thanks to a more accurate knowledge of human anatomy and the improvement of the technique of this type of massage, shiatsu is a popular procedure that can restore youth to your face and body or stop it from fading. In this article, we will describe in detail the Japanese shiatsu massage and its effects on the body.

It is worth noting that several Japanese massage techniques are now widespread around the world: shiatsu, asahi and kobido. Today we will talk about the first one, because it suits almost everyone and has only a few minor contraindications:

  • tuberculosis;
  • postoperative recovery;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • capillarotoxicosis.

If the word "shiatsu" is translated literally, then it consists of two words at once: press and finger. The massage technique was originally developed by Japanese Tokujiro Namikoshi to treat arthritis and joint pain in his mother. Soon, shiatsu became wildly popular among the locals, and after a few decades it became known all over the world. Today you will not surprise anyone with a Shiatsu massage, but, nevertheless, in order to achieve positive result after the procedure, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the massage technique, because it involves a lot of nuances.

Studies have shown that with regular use of shiatsu acupressure:

  • metabolic processes in the body are activated;
  • the muscles of the treated areas are strengthened;
  • already existing wrinkles (both mimic and static) are smoothed;
  • the formation of new wrinkles is significantly slowed down;
  • the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated;
  • improves blood circulation and lymph flow.

In addition, reviews of shiatsu massage say that with regular sessions, the skin condition and secretion will normalize. sebum, which has a beneficial effect on the treatment of acne and teenage rashes.

It should be noted that Japanese shiatsu massage can be done both by professional massage therapists and independently. To do this, you just need to study the locations of the points for impact.

Japanese acupressure shiatsu massage. Preparation and general rules of massage

Preparing for the procedure involves following several rules that will help you relax and make the procedure even more enjoyable and effective. So:

  • Japanese Shiatsu massage is best done in the morning, when the body is as relaxed as possible, and the body has not started to active work all its processes;
  • before the procedure, it is necessary to treat the areas where the massage will be done. If it's a face, wash with a cosmetic cleanser and moisturize your face with cream. If the shiatsu massage will be performed on other parts of the body, then we advise you to take a hot shower and anoint the necessary areas of the skin. cosmetic milk for body;
  • if you are doing self-massage, then pre-warm your hands by rubbing them together;
  • immediately before starting the procedure, apply a hot compress based on plain warm water to the area of ​​the body where you will be doing the massage;
  • if you are doing shiatsu massage yourself, then pay attention to the pressure technique itself, the impact on each point should be at least 8 seconds;
  • massage should be done either with the thumbs of both hands, or with three at once - the middle, index and ring fingers;
  • you need to press hard on the points, but the main thing is not to be too zealous and make sure that only the fingertips act on the points;
  • the pressure force should be directed strictly perpendicular to the point on the skin;
  • make sure that the skin does not stretch when applied to it.

Shiatsu acupressure massage. Execution method

The main massage technology is reduced to the use of two techniques: pressing and stroking. Moreover, stroking takes 15% of the session time, and pressing - 85%.

Shiatsu acupressure for the face

Shiatsu massage technique is especially effective on the face. Many women have noticed that with regular point exposure to skin areas, the complexion noticeably improves, wrinkles are smoothed, and appears much less often. acne... Especially effective is a shiatsu massage for the face after 45 years. Let's figure out how to do it correctly.

  1. Let's start with the frontal area. Place the middle, index and ring fingers in the center of the forehead parallel to each other. The fingers should go from the hairline to the eyebrows. Press on these points and hold your fingers for 8 seconds. Then move from the center of the forehead closer to the temples, press and hold your fingers for another 8 seconds. Then move even closer to the temples, again repeat the point pressure procedure (point 1).
  2. Put three fingers on the brow line. Press and hold for 8 seconds. Repeat the same steps on the second eyebrow (points 2).
  3. Place your fingers between the eyebrows, press as hard as possible and hold for 9 seconds (points 5).
  4. Put the first working finger on a point near the outer corner of the eye, the middle one near the inner corner. Press and hold for a few seconds. Repeat the same on points near the other eye (points 3, 4).
  5. Press with three fingers on the upper eyelid just below the eyebrow growth line, hold the fingers on the points for 8 seconds (points 7).
  6. Place three fingers on the lower border of the eye socket, press and continue for 8 seconds (points 8).
  7. Use the pads of the thumbs to press on the parallel points at the wings of the nose (points 9).
  8. With the pad of the thumb, press the point on the hollow between the lips and nose for 8 seconds (point 10).
  9. Place the thumbs in the corners of the lips, press with the pads and hold for 8 seconds (points 11).
  10. Use your thumb to press on the point in the depression under lower lip(point 12).
  11. With your ring finger, middle and forefinger, press the points indicated in the figure under number 13, thumb position them parallel to them under the jaw (point 14).
  12. Press with your fingers on the parallel points on the neck, hold for 8 seconds (points 15).
  13. Press lightly on the jugular cavity (point 16).
  14. Press on the points located near the earlobes with three fingers, hold for 8 seconds (points 17).

Shiatsu point massage on the face.

Shiatsu acupressure massage for bust enlargement

Shiatsu massage has become the secret weapon of many girls who are dissatisfied with the size of their breasts. This is due to the fact that the massage technique has improved so much that today it can even increase the size of the mammary glands. This does not take much time, and the procedure itself is painless and even pleasant. The main thing is to learn the location of the desired points on the body.

How to increase your bust size with Japanese Shiatsu massage.

  1. Before massage, gently knead your breasts. This way you stimulate good blood flow in them. This action should take you about two minutes.
  2. Place the index, middle and ring fingers at the points between the third thoracic vertebra and the angles of the shoulder blades. Press on these areas with your fingertips and hold them for 10 seconds.
  3. Use the pad of your thumb to press down on a point in the hollow under the back of your head. Hold your finger for three sets of 8 seconds.
  4. Place three working fingers on the points that are between the breasts parallel to and below the jugular cavity, about 11 cm. Press on the points for 10 seconds.
  5. With your index, middle and ring fingers, slide from the base of your breast to the nipple and up from the nipple. Repeat this action for two minutes.
  6. Massage your breasts lightly again.

It costs about five times a day to carry out such a massage, then you can achieve desired result... Of course, your breasts will not increase dramatically, but they will become more toned, elastic and attractive.

Shiatsu acupressure for the back

Shiatsu massage is often used as a therapeutic therapy for back pain. The acupressure technique is especially effective in dealing with painful sensations or tiredness in lumbar... The main thing is to know the location of the points and press on them with your fingertips. Also, when massaging the back using the Shiatsu technique, you need to dose the pressure time. Start with five seconds of exposure to each point and extend this time to 8 seconds. You can find out the locations of the points using the diagram below.

Japanese shiatsu back massage will help you solve the following problems:

  • lumbar fatigue;
  • Difficulty or painful mobility of the shoulder area;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • stomach cramps;
  • loose stools;
  • poor functioning of the pancreas;
  • asthma attacks;
  • backache.

Shiatsu acupressure for feet

Japanese shiatsu massage very well relieves fatigue and heaviness in the legs. In general, it is enough to do acupressure on the feet, and you will relieve painful cramps in the legs. The most important thing in shiatsu foot massage is the impact on the desired points.

  • First, massage your leg with light strokes. Thanks to this action, you stimulate blood flow and make the procedure even more effective.
  • Apply acupressure to your toes. Place the middle, index and ring fingers of the hand on three main points: at the base of the finger, under the middle joint and at the base of the nail. Press down on the points and hold for 10 seconds. Use your other hand to support the instep of the foot. Repeat the process on all toes.

  • Press alternately on the points located along the center longitudinal line of the foot.
  • Within 10 seconds, act on the points of the inner and outside heels.

  • With three working fingers, lightly press down on the points located on the Achilles tendon.

  • Work pointwise on the outside of the foot. Here you need the action of four fingers of the hand. Make the first pressure near your toes and work your way up to the instep of the foot.

  • Use the pad of your thumb to alternately act on the points located on the outside of the lower leg. Move from foot to knee.

  • Work out the point on the back of the lower leg with a point effect. Move from foot to knee.
  • At the end of the massage, gently pinch the legs to tone the muscles, improve blood circulation and finally relieve fatigue.

Shiatsu massage. Video

Read in the article:

Japanese Shiatsu massage is one of the most the most effective ways impact on biologically active points, which appeared in the 1940s. in Japan, thanks to which you can get rid of stress and ailments.

In addition, Shiatsu massage is often used by women for cosmetological purposes: by pressing on certain points, you can tone the skin and slow down the appearance of age-related changes.

Japanese Shiatsu face massage: benefits and effects ^

The essence of Shiatsu massage is to simultaneously affect several vital points by simply pressing them with your fingers. The purpose of this massage is to restore the energy and emotional balance of a person during the session.

Benefits of Shiatsu Compared to Asahi Technique:

  • Point effect on the body. In Asahi, one exercise only affects the area on which it is performed;
  • Ease of execution technique. For Shiatsu massage, you can choose any point;
  • Fast and more lasting effect.

The benefits of Shiatsu massage are enormous:

  • It effectively eliminates the symptoms of diseases and ailments such as headache, sore throat, back, shoulders, stress, diarrhea, constipation;
  • During a Shiatsu session, the patient receives an unprecedented pacification: the nerves are calmed, the manifestations of neuroses are smoothed out.

There is only one drawback to Shiatsu: a very considerable cost of one session.

The technique of Japanese Shiatsu massage is quite simple even for home use and does not require special devices:

  • During the session, you need to press on the desired points thumb hands (in some cases 2,3,4 fingers and the whole palm are used);
  • The force of pressure on the points must correspond to the patient's condition and is calculated individually;
  • The pressure is directed perpendicular to the skin, and is done with the whole body, and not with one finger.

A lasting rejuvenating effect can be achieved with the help of the Japanese Shiatsu acupressure face massage. When carrying out it, you need to calculate the state of the subcutaneous fat layer - the thicker it is, the more you need to press on the points. The effect of this massage is amazing: wrinkles are smoothed out, the second chin is reduced, the shape of the face is corrected. Gymnastics of the Shiatsu face is best done before bedtime, when the skin is tired from the external negative impact, but also doing exercises in the morning will not be superfluous: with their help, you can get rid of swelling after sleep.

Indications for Shiatsu massage:

  • Almost all diseases of the nervous system (neuritis, sciatica, neuralgia, neurasthenia, migraine, enuresis, etc.);
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Respiratory diseases;
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (if surgery is not required);
  • Age-related skin changes.

Contraindications for Shiatsu massage:

  • Severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system requiring surgery;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Skin inflammation and allergies;
  • Acute stage of tuberculosis;
  • General serious condition;
  • Any neoplasms (malignant, benign);
  • Capillarotoxicosis;
  • Vascular diseases, the manifestation of which is the occurrence of hematomas.

How to do Japanese Shiatsu massage at home: video, exercises ^

It is necessary to choose points for massaging using the Shiatsu technique based on what place hurts or requires correction.

Preparation for Shiatsu massage consists of several stages:

  • Cleansing the skin with lotion or other cleanser, preferably herbal;
  • Then you should hold a hot compress for 2-3 minutes in order to warm up the skin - this will relieve muscle tension, expand blood vessels;
  • Relax as much as possible before starting the procedure.

Performing a Shiatsu massage at home will help correct the following cosmetic defects:

Elimination of wrinkles on the bridge of the nose with Shiatsu

  • You need to find in the middle of your forehead a point called "third eye", small in a circular motion press on it.
  • With three fingers (2,3,4), massage the point between the eyebrows for no more than 7 seconds, then you can repeat the exercise.
  • In addition to the cosmetic effect, with the help of such simple manipulations, you can stop nosebleeds, relieve flu symptoms, get rid of a runny nose and headache.

Eyelid rejuvenation with Shiatsu

  • With three fingers, find a point in the center of the eyebrow and press on it.
  • In some people, it may be near the end of the eyebrow.
  • To lift the drooping ends of the eyebrows, the movements should be directed slightly upward. Massage for no more than 7 seconds, then you can repeat;

Getting rid of crow's feet

  • Use your fingers to find points located from outer corners eyes 1 cm towards the temples.
  • Perform movements with pressure, direct slightly up and to the sides to the temples.

Shiatsu for removing edema from the eyelids

  • Find points at the inner corners of the eyes, press them with your fingers.
  • Massage the skin for 3 seconds, then repeat the exercise 2 more times without moving the skin to the side.

Firmer cheeks

  • There are points on the lower edges of the cheekbones that can be pressed to stimulate the cheek muscles.
  • You need to simultaneously press these points with three fingers of both hands, massage for no more than 7 seconds in 6 approaches.
  • Such manipulations will help to correct the shape of the cheeks and make them more elastic.

Shiatsu for adding beauty to the lips

  • Find the cavity above the upper lip with your fingers, massage it for 7 seconds.
  • Such massage can bring a person out of the state of fainting.
  • Wrinkles near the mouth can be removed by massaging the corners of the lips with the tips of the index and middle fingers.

Facial contour correction with Shiatsu

  • Press three fingers of both hands to both sides of the chin (2,3,4).
  • The thumb should press the jawbone from below, the entire group of fingers moves towards the temples.
  • You can massage these points for about 7 seconds.
  • For a facelift, the guiding movement of the fingers should be directed upwards, while the thumb remains fixed at one point.

Elimination of cosmetic defects on the neck

  • With three fingers of both hands, stimulate the lateral surfaces of the neck for 3 seconds, then repeat 2 more times.
  • In addition to eliminating wrinkles, with the help of such stimulations, you can get rid of some diseases of the respiratory system.

Reviews, results after massage Shiatsu (Shiatsu) ^

To achieve cosmetic effects, massaging points using the Shiatsu technique is carried out 8-10 times every day, and the entire course is no more than 20 days. For medicinal purposes, the course of Shiatsu procedures lasts 7-10 days, and the massage is done every other day.

The effect of Shiatsu massage, if performed correctly, is enough for 1 year, but after the last course procedure, you can do it 2-3 times a month for prevention. Special care skin care between sessions is not required.

The results of Japanese Shiatsu massage are remarkable:

  • Getting rid of diseases that can be treated by this method;
  • Long-lasting cosmetic effect: smoothing of wrinkles, nasolabial folds, correction of the shape of the face and chin.

People post various reviews about Japanese Shiatsu massage, here is just one of them:

Alexandra, 38 years old:

“I would never have believed that massage can eliminate wrinkles until my sister took me to a massage therapist. After the second session, I realized that it works wonders: after the Shiatsu massage, those who had bothered me disappeared somewhere. crow's feet"! During all sessions, I felt an unprecedented peace, which had a positive effect on nervous system- I became calmer, the headaches disappeared ”.

The Japanese physician Takuhiro Nakimoshi became famous for his manual method of acupressure massage with Shiatsu fingers: Japanese acupressure body massage. By pressing the fingers on the energy points, any kind of pain can be relieved. The birth of this technique was the doctor's observation of how a person who was hit or bruised reacted to it. He immediately begins to intensively rub the bruised area, thereby, as if forcing the body to activate and relieve the pain. Translated from Japanese, Shi means "fingers", atsu means "pressing."

Pressing is carried out perpendicular to the body. The lactic acid accumulated at the point changes to glycogen with regular pressure. Some points are repeatedly pressed until the stiffness of the tissues changes. This is the essence of Shiatsu point therapy. Due to the nature of the disease, the force of pressing and the technique change. This ensures that the person does not have unpleasant pain.

The purpose of the technique is to eliminate the cause of the disease. As a result of manipulations on tsubo (as the points are called), they wake up hidden opportunities human body, laid down by nature, and he begins an independent battle with the disease.

Bioenergy points

Point locations:

  • dimples on joints and bones;
  • tendons, arteries;
  • pulse.

By finger pressure on the points human body it is possible not only to cure the disease, but also to diagnose it, that is, to grope for those points that are not functioning correctly, therefore, indicate the presence of the disease.

Each point is special in color, temperature, softness. With frequent pressing on the painful point, its parameters change and gradually return to normal. Consequently, the zone for which this point is responsible begins to function normally.


A parameter such as stiffness can indicate the epicenter of stress in the body. The body expends a lot of energy to maintain the affected area in a tense state. The massage therapist relieves this tension by simply pressing the fingers and moves the energy towards the healing process. Massage is also used to relieve nervous tension, fatigue and anxiety.

So Shiatsu is not just an impact, but a change in the state of the body's active points.

Shiatsu makes the body mobile, developed, relieves muscle tension, calms the nerves, changes the appearance in general. In the process of massage, a person receives physical activity... This condition is close to that which occurs after sports.

The massage is capable of:

  • relieve headache;
  • promote good sleep;
  • relieve fatigue;
  • cure colds;
  • remove the nervous tic of the face;
  • improve vision;
  • improve complexion;
  • slow down the aging process of the skin.

There are three types of massage:

  1. professional;
  2. mutual massage;
  3. self-massage.

Diseases from which Shiatsu massage can relieve

  • cold;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis, sciatica;
  • scoliosis;
  • bronchitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • excess weight;
  • headache;
  • depression;
  • insomnia;
  • paralysis;
  • angina pectoris and a number of others.


If you have:

  • low intracranial pressure;
  • skin disease;
  • inflammatory diseases: herpes, dermatitis, etc.;
  • open wounds

then Shiatsu massage is contraindicated for you.

Consequence of pressure on points

  • To relieve tension in the arms and legs, it is necessary to press on the points located on the inside of the arms from the elbow to the wrist.
  • Enhancing vitality massage of the point located below the navel a few cm will help.
  • Massage the point under the knee fossa can help relieve anxiety.
  • For insomnia - earlobe massage.
  • Kneading movements of the center of the feet and palms, phalanges of the fingers will increase appetite.
  • Pressing on the chest area can help you quit your smoking habit.
  • You can relieve a headache by performing manipulations at the points at the temples and in the center of the bridge of the nose.
  • To relieve eye strain, massage the points in the inner corners of the eyes and at the base of the nose near the nostrils.
  • To relieve back pain, massage should be performed at the points in the center of the fossa below the knees.
  • Points in the middle of the forehead and chin are responsible for the symptoms of menopause. Therefore, you can ease your condition by pressing on them.

Technology for performing acupressure

The movements of the masseur should be clear, but unhurried. Do not twist your fingers so as not to stretch the skin. The pressure depends on the subcutaneous fat: the thicker the layer, the stronger the pressure. The two-handed massage should be done with the same intensity. If pain occurs, massage should be stopped. A general strengthening massage is carried out in the morning for fifteen minutes.

Preparatory activities for facial massage

  1. for a start, you must cleanse the skin with lotion or some other means;
  2. warm up the skin with a hot compress to open the pores;
  3. as a relaxing effect, you can put on relaxing music and light aroma candles;
  4. apply a moisturizer to the face before the massage.

The entire human body consists of twelve meridians, corresponding to twelve systems. Shiatsu therapy is not intended to replace medicine, but it can be a good help in acquiring harmony between a person and his body. Massage can only be done by a person who is in harmony with the world and with himself.

Belly massage.

Begin restorative massage follows from the abdomen, since it is he who is the focus of important organs. First you need to calm down and feel for the pulse, since the pulse is considered an important component of the human body that accompanies it throughout its life. Next, put your hand on your stomach and make circular massage movements. In the abdomen there is an energy point called qi kai, that is, life that spreads throughout the body. From the center of the palms should pass alternately to the areas of the pelvis, then back. After removing your hands from your abdomen, you need to feel the pulse again. You cannot break the connection between the massage therapist and the person to whom it is produced.

Back massage.

The back is the area that stores the memory of the body and even the experience of past generations. Shiatsu will keep your balance. The set of exercises for the back is a dynamic movement that requires the application of strength from the massage therapist. As a result of massage movements, the shoulder area is relaxed. And this is where tension builds up. The lower back is also subject to relaxation, therefore, the renal system is activated. However, all manipulations must be done carefully and carefully. First, the masseur makes contact with the left hand, then with the right. Left hand communicates with the human heart, and the right one - with the whole body. A few intense pressure is sufficient for communication. Further right hand moves from the lower back to the pelvis, and the left to the neck. Thus, you stretch the contact zone first from the left side, then from the right. Then the same thing, only diagonally. The spine is stretched. After that, the right hand continues to be on the pelvis, and you turn on the pressure, which is directed to the lower back through the left palm.

Foot massage.

There are bioenergetic points on the feet that are responsible for the work of vital systems. In order to restore life to tired legs, it is necessary to alternately press on each finger in the area of ​​the nail, and then with your thumb you need to press on a point in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe rise of the leg to such an extent that an imprint remains. There are four more important points in the center of the foot that require pressure points. There are also points on the Achilles tendon and on both sides of the heel.

Hand massage.

There are four energy points on each finger. Pressing on them should be done with the pad of the thumb of the other hand. After massaging all the fingers, you proceed to the points located on the inner side of the palm. They are located: the first - at the base of the middle finger, the second - in the center. The third is at a large base.

The Shiatsu technique differs from the Western one in that it involves releasing tension, establishing contact and pressure perpendicular to the body. It should be noted that Shiatsu is performed through clothing, not necessarily on the naked body.

Everyone knows the wonderful effect on the face of masks, creams, serums and lotions - they help the skin to remain beautiful at any age. But you can double your data efficiency cosmetics if you pamper your delicate skin therapeutic massage that has a beneficial effect. One of the most popular techniques is shiatsu acupressure. Under its influence, the human self-healing mechanisms are activated.

Japanese girls have smooth, even, like porcelain leather... They owe these qualities to shiatsu, which every Japanese woman should be able to do.

What is Shiatsu

This ancient procedure is a licensed medical therapy approved by the Japanese Ministry of Health. The Shiatsu massage technique works on the same principle as the Chinese acupuncture, as well as acupressure that is fashionable nowadays. They are all designed to achieve harmonization. vital energy, with the help of hands or special tools acting on special points. The name of the Japanese massage technique Shiatz translates as “finger pressure”: SHI (SI) = finger, ATSU (ACU) = pressure (fingers on energy points).

Shiatsu massage - pressing with fingers and palms on special points of the body, face to treat diseases and rejuvenate the body. This practice is based on the theory of qi circulation, it is believed that stagnation of energy in the body provokes various diseases... Massage helps remove blockages energy channels, adjust hormonal and psychological imbalance.

The Shiatsu manual suggests using the thumb, fingers, elbows, legs to massage, but no other tools are used to apply pressure to the skin. Modern science recognizes 692 active points on the human body, traditional acupressure proposes to affect 360, and in practice only 150 are used.

During cosmetic skin correction, they act on the energy points of the face, thus releasing the flow of energy. Thanks to which the skin is tightened, wrinkles and others disappear age changes... Shiatsu therapy is very pleasant, calming and relaxing.

The procedure in the beauty salon includes several stages, after which the client receives radiant skin and pleasant relaxation. When correcting the face with massage, an immediate effect is noticeable.

This procedure will not be difficult at home. You don't need to have medical education... The procedure includes:

  • basic makeup removal;
  • cleansing the skin with peeling using a light massage;
  • impact on shiatsu points;
  • applying an active serum enzyme to the face;
  • for the eye area, use a special collagen mask or any other.

Shiatsu: the perfect timing

The morning is considered the ideal time for a massage. You can apply for this service to professional master, but it is quite possible to learn how to do it yourself. If the procedure is performed in the morning, then the person receives a boost of energy for the whole day. Shiatsu improves tone and appearance skin, restores its elasticity, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, smoothes existing ones, removes puffiness, improves metabolism, blood circulation in the skin and muscles. And along with this, the functions of the reproductive, digestive, endocrine systems... And the headache recedes, if not forever, then for a long time.

How to do shiatsu for the face

After morning wash having given yourself a maximum of fifteen minutes of time, concentrate on internal sensations for simple gymnastics. When doing the massage, try not to displace or stretch the delicate skin of your face. Movements should be done very gently, lightly and slowly.

Acupressure massage is done in two ways: with hands, or with specially designed balls called ki-gong. They are pressed against the skin and rotated clockwise.

Below is shiatsu performed exclusively with the fingers.

  • the finger is perpendicular to the skin surface;
  • press hard on a special point;
  • hold the pressure for at least 7 seconds (unless another time is written in the exercise);
  • small circular movements are allowed without displacement of the skin.

For eyes

To make the eyes shine, the swelling of the eyelids disappears, and vision improves, for three seconds, gently press with your fingers on the inner corner of the eye. Perform 3 times.

In case of eye fatigue (reading, computer) or myopia, massage the middle point on the eyebrows.

To remove the "crow's feet" will help clicking on the points that are at a distance of a centimeter from the outside of the eye. Pressing is performed for 7 seconds, while directing the movement slightly up and towards the temples.

From wrinkles on the forehead

Press with the fingers on the points shown in the diagram, the pressure is directed towards the temples, after 7 seconds the fingers are rearranged a little further and so moving along the entire forehead to the temples. To reduce headache, carry out with all fingers from the middle of the forehead to the hairline.

For the mouth

To prevent the appearance of folds around the mouth: for half a minute, massage the skin of the corners of the lips with the tips of your fingers (thumb and forefinger). They start from the center under the lower lip and work their way up to the edges of the corners of the lips. Also, the point under the lower lip helps with paralysis of the facial nerve, toothache and facial swelling.

The point above the upper lip is used to prevent purse-string wrinkles. Put middle finger to a special point (see figure), index and nameless next to it on upper lip... Enough 5-6 clicks. Use a point in the nasolabial fold for fainting.

Tighten your cheeks

The figure shows the points running along the edge of the upper cheekbone. Press on all six at the same time and massage for 7 seconds.

Remove "flews", improve the oval of the face

The thumbs are placed under the jaw, the rest are at the points indicated in the figure, the fingers are squeezed for 7 seconds. Then they rearrange the composition a little further (be guided by the arrow in the figure), all repeat and move in this way until they reach the end lower jaw, about 4-5 approaches.

Above are basic exercises, which must be done every day in the morning, then the skin will remain fresh and radiant for a long time. After the massage, the cream is applied to the face according to the skin type.

From wrinkles on the bridge of the nose

Consider the drawing (the area is between the eyebrows), the most high point, this is the third eye, massage it in a circular motion. Helps with headaches, runny nose, flu, nosebleeds. The other three are for wrinkle removal. Massage them with the index, middle and ring finger 7 seconds, you can do several approaches.


The procedure has its own contraindications:

  1. Herpes and similar viral diseases.
  2. Couperosis, furunculosis, dermatitis, allergies.
  3. General poor health.
  4. Decreased intracranial pressure.
  5. Individual intolerance to this type of massage.

The secret to fast rejuvenation

The famous Japanese make-up artist, creator of Evangelist cosmetics, offers to combine lymphatic and acupressure massage. The specialist claims that this approach will help to quickly get rid of toxins, toxins, excess water in the body.

With the simultaneous implementation of two wellness techniques, the lymphatic and circulatory system, the metabolism returns to normal, therefore there is a rapid rejuvenation of the face.

First, lymphatic massage is performed, and then acupressure.


Stagnant lymph allows waste and toxins to enter the body. Massage improves the circulation of lymphatic fluid, removes congestion in the lymph nodes. By improving circulation lymphatic system easy to get rid of excess water in the body, cellulite, dull color face, dry skin, wrinkles and many other ailments. In addition, lymphatic massage improves metabolism, blood circulation in the body. To obtain the effect, you must follow the execution technique:

All exercises are carried out exactly along the lines indicated in the figure and exactly in the direction where the arrows show.

The procedure is performed with the whole hand, the exceptions are those places where it is not possible to do this.

The lymph is in between skin and muscles. Lightly stroking the face, we get a skin massage. Pressing hard - muscles. Therefore, the pressure on the skin should be medium.

The meaning of the Japanese procedure is to disperse the lymph to the lymph nodes, therefore, from the beginning to the end of each movement, the hands are not taken off the skin. Any manipulations on the lymph nodes come to an end (see figure).

Each movement is performed at least 3 times, if the face is started then 5.

  1. We smooth the forehead and drive the lymph to the ear (here is the lymph node), we do the same with the chin;
  2. from the nasolabial fold to the mouth, without taking off the hands, we lead to the ear;
  3. from the eyes through the lower cheekbone to the lymph node;
  4. from the outside of the eye, we draw a semicircle, moving along the lower cheekbone to the nose, along the eyebrow and to the lymph node.
  5. starting from the ear, we pass along the neck to the collarbone to the next lymph node.

With gentle finger pressure on special points under the skin, the water-salt metabolism improves. After their stimulation, muscle tension and fatigue disappear, lightness is felt, the skin is smoothed, and the oval of the face improves.

Focusing on the drawing, you must press your finger on special points, the time of one manipulation should not exceed 7 seconds. You can watch the technique using the example of a master class in the video: shiatsu acupressure for the eye area.