Is it possible to give your energy. How to protect yourself from wasting energy when communicating? rises in vitality

Everyone likes to feel comfortable and confident when communicating with people.

How to line up harmonious relationship in communication and protect yourself from energy losses when communicating with people unpleasant to us?

According to the classification of Grigory Kapitsa, there are various energy types of people, as well as their behavior and ways of protecting themselves during interaction.

-- "Energy leeches" -
Most often, these are the people with whom a person is forced to communicate constantly: colleagues, acquaintances and even relatives. Leeches exist only because there is always a donor for them. They try to always be close to "stick".

Spiritual self-improvement. Rejection of everything negative, the ability to forgive. Since a person who has not managed to get rid of resentment loses energy, protective forces, his field shell is “loosened” and he becomes accessible to energy-informational influence. His energy "goes to the side." Do not allow this!

-- "Energy Sticks" -
When meeting, without waiting for questions, they begin to splash out a stream of negative energy, laying out all the ins and outs. They do not take energy directly, like "leeches". Invading the living space of a person, they try to stay there for a long time, strive to be always there, call, write letters, constantly remind themselves of themselves, ask for advice, endlessly talk about themselves. And then they will try to accuse you that it happened because of your advice. Avoiding contact with them can be difficult.

Ways to protect and how not to become one of them, this is -
Stop attempts to get closer so that later you don’t have to suffer from “unnecessary friendships”, try not to give advice and talk less about yourself. Protect yourself!

-- "Energy Samoyeds" -
"Samoyeds" can "fixate" on certain experiences. Having experienced once negative event, constantly "chew" the details of what happened. They become isolated and deliberately refuse to communicate with other people. They create negative energy in themselves and then inflate it to enormous proportions. And they cannot intelligently redistribute the energy within themselves.

Ways to protect and how not to become one of them, this is -
Bioenergetic exchange with clean sources energy, with nature. Walks in the forest (trees that take and give energy), water procedures, communication with pets, physical and energy practices.

-- "Energy pacifiers" -
“Energy dummies” have practically no energy-information exchange, they do not want to share energy and do not know where to get it. And they replenish it mainly by eating, or contemplating the things that belong to them. But every person, at least once in his life, had moments of emptiness in his soul, when the strength was gone, he didn’t want anything, he didn’t want to sleep, he didn’t want to eat and he didn’t want to move. The main thing is not to fall into it consciously.

Ways to protect and how not to become one of them, this is -
Here you need someone to "shake" such a person, call for him, "throw" interesting idea and strength to return. And if there is no such person, recognize and classify similar condition at home. And this is already half the solution to the problem, if you understand what is happening. Relax, gain strength and consciously get out of this state.

-- “Energy intermediaries” –
"Transfer" from them negative energy happens because they have a very good energy-information exchange. They are able to receive energy, but are weak to withstand negative influences. For example, a person told about some unseemly act, energetically “shifting” a part of his oppressive guilt onto a friend. And he, having received this energy information, realizing that he cannot cope with it himself, they pass it on to someone else.
Also, a person cannot remain silent for a long time about some pleasant event, significant energetically, which is difficult to cope with.
Many people are, to one degree or another, "energy intermediaries."

Ways to protect and how not to become one of them, this is -
Here, ways to utilize negative energy come to the fore. And the conscious redistribution and energy-information exchange of positive energy with the external environment.

-- "Energy filters" -
Most often, due to circumstances, "filters" become "energy mediators", capable of passing through themselves a huge amount of both negative and positive energy. Often these are employees of various social services and similar professions who have to delve into various situations.
The received information is processed and returned in a processed form to its source. The initial energy carries a different charge, due to the fact that the negative remained on the “filter” and positive energy was added. "Energy filters" often find themselves in stressful situations.

Ways to protect and how not to become one of them, this is -
The first is to understand that not everyone is capable of becoming filters (changing jobs, etc.).
It is necessary to develop immunity to the spread of "energy sediment" through their energy channels.
Constant purification is necessary, since spontaneous splashing of negativity on others is very dangerous. Any filter becomes clogged in a person, even resistant to external influences, there is a limit.
Emergency cleansing method cold water, drink hot sweet tea, “talk” with trees that consume energy (poplar, spruce, willow, aspen, etc.)

-- "Energy confusion" -
Where are we losing energy? This is unproductive communication and "empty" TV shows, magazines, chatter, books that do not provide any food for thought, but only take time and energy. This also includes laziness (not to be confused with the need for rest).
Representatives of this energy type sometimes act as a donor, sometimes as an acceptor, depending on whom they “run into”. They are usually curious. And they themselves "run into" trouble, asking "unnecessary" questions, causing anger, bewilderment.

Ways to protect and how not to become one of them, this is -
Obviously, the first thing to do is to stop wasting energy in a waste of time. And start taking actions that have a goal and give results.

-- "Energy absorbers" -
Both donors and acceptors can act in this role. These are very sensitive people, with accelerated energy-information exchange. Lovers to get into someone else's life, to influence someone else's bioenergetics, with a desire to help. There are two categories of this type.
The first type is people who try not to miss a drop of any energy, either negative or positive. Easily and strongly offended, quickly forget insults, etc. Another category - loses mass positive energy, takes on a lot of negative. Actively delving into the problems of people, aligning other people's biofields - their accelerated exchange turns against them.

Ways to protect and how not to become one of them, this is -
Classify this type of energy and remember that it is possible to influence someone else's bioenergy only for the purpose of self-defense. Manipulations, sooner or later, turn against the person himself, and then it will not seem enough. Since it is difficult to save a person from the constant absorption of negative energy, attracted by the principle of similarity.

-- « energy walls» -
Often such people are called "impenetrable", troubles simply bounce off them. These people "reflect" trouble. The problem is that the rebounded negative energy does not always get to the one who directed it. And to the one who was nearby, it is dangerous to be friends with them.

Ways to protect and how not to become one of them, this is -
Classify the situation and keep it under control, do not fall under the crossfire. And in order not to become like that - not to fence off from the world, from nature, to balance your energy exchange.

-- “Energy mirrors” –
Positive and negative energy directed to the person "mirror" returns to the one who directed it. This property certain people, taught us to use this technique consciously to protect against directed flows of negative energy.
But with people "mirrors" is not so simple. They have all the information leaves its mark and tends to accumulate. By the way “mirrors” treat us, one can judge what we are.

Ways to protect and how not to become one of them, this is -
Classify the situation and keep it under control. And in order not to become like that - do not fence yourself off from the world, from nature, constantly cleanse yourself energetically, balance your energy exchange.

Well, in general, to understand that we live in a world of free will, no one will take anything away from you until we agree with this.

In order for any defense to work, you just need to remain calm.

And the basic rule is how not to become an acceptor- never allow negative emotions manage you.
And if you are still devastated by the energy-information interaction, you need to return your strength as soon as possible. Accept cold and hot shower, imagining that, together with water, all negative energy is washed away from you.

Technique– Removal of the communication channel that arose during the energy-information interaction of the individual
Calm down, relax, you can close your eyes.
Imagine a communication channel in the form of two tubes. According to one, the energy "leaves" from you to the acceptor, according to the other - from it to you. Mentally cut both channels with the edge of your palm (mental scissors, etc.). Close your two ends on yourself and mentally enter into your body. Drop the other ends towards the imaginary acceptor.

This will remove the energy bond with the acceptor and stop the loss of energy.

Wash with cold water up to the elbow of the hand. And sit quietly to balance.

Have a drink hot tea and go for a walk in a nearby park.

How to close the energy on yourself from the negative:

  1. Stand facing the window, stretch your arms forward parallel to the floor, palms up;
  2. Close your eyes, stand for a little while until it starts to shake;
  3. Then lower your palms to your feet (it will turn out in the middle between the knees) - stand for a little while;
  4. Sit on the edge of a chair (stool), put your left hand on your waist, raise your right hand with an open palm up, above your head, look at the palm and bring it closer to your face (with practice, she begins to approach). When the hand falls on the face, hold the hand down to the chest (as it turns out - this is the heart chakra).

After that, when leaving the house, look in the mirror, smile, mentally throw a white veil over yourself, and during the day correct it in the neck area, as if pulling it towards you. And you can go to work, etc.

If disputes, troubles should happen to some person, you need to do points 1, 2 and 3, and then stay standing, left hand put on the waist (you get a triangle), close your eyes, imagine this person in front of you, right hand swipe around the face a couple of times in left side, keeping his image, mentally saying at the same time: “So that I don’t see (a) and hear (a)”, and throw it into a triangle from my hand - repeat 3 times.

This works even with a scandal with her husband, relatives. When training, 5 minutes is enough. You can even do it at work. They went out somewhere, imagined a chair, as if they sat down and did everything. In case of trouble at work with superiors, colleagues, do all this (point 4 is optional) and approaching the office, it does not hurt to say to yourself:

- “It was not I who drew the circle around me, but my Mother of God,” or
“I am going to court, they are carrying a coffin towards me. Ahead is a lock of 12 keys, 12 locks. So close him (NAME), Lord, lips, teeth. Amen" - 3 times.


Yogi teaching about PRANA. Prana is the general name for several types of energy hidden in all animate and inanimate objects. It is especially strongly released in living beings in times of danger, it is a stimulus for activity, this energy creates, protects and destroys. Prana pervades the entire universe. Usually PRANA is translated as "breath", but this is only one of its manifestations in the human body, PRANA means "breath, life, strength, energy." In other cultures, these energies are called Qi, KI, CHI, life energy, life force.

One of the types of YOGA - Pranayama - is a conscious extension of inhalation, breath holding and exhalation. Inhalation is an act of obtaining primordial energy, breath holding is an act of conservation of this energy. With exhalation, Prana is distributed to the organs, the delay after exhalation is an act of calming and appeasement. Pranayama classes require mandatory control on the part of a qualified mentor, you should not do it yourself.

PRANOTHERAPY is not PRANAYAMA, it does not require a long training and is available to anyone for self-mastery. PRANOTHERAPY is based on the practice of collecting subtle energy through the chakras, using the VISUALIZATION method, synchronized with breathing. The rhythm of breathing is chosen arbitrarily. Any exercise begins with a full exhalation, you should breathe through your nose, unless otherwise specified.

CHAKRAS. The word "chakra" means "wheel". These are the energy centers of the human etheric body. Through the chakras, the energy exchange of a person with the outside world and with other people is carried out. There are seven main chakras.

1. MULADHARA chakra (root) - located at the base of the spine, its color is red, responsible for the large intestine, male genital organs.

  1. SVADHISTHANA chakra (sexual) - located between the pubis and the navel, its color is orange, is responsible for the female genital organs, kidneys, bladder.
  2. MANIPKRA chakra (solar) - located above the navel (solar plexus), its color is yellow, responsible for the small intestine, liver, stomach, pancreas.
  3. ANAHATA chakra (heart) - located in the region of the heart, its color is green, it is responsible for the heart, lungs, thymus gland.
  4. VISHUDHA chakra (throat) - located at the level of the larynx, its color is blue, it is responsible for the thyroid gland.
  5. AJNA chakra (frontal, "third eye") - located in the middle of the forehead, its color is blue, is responsible for the brain, pituitary gland.
  6. SAHASRARA chakra (crown, crown) - located on the top of the head, its color is purple, is responsible for the epiphysis (pineal gland).

VISUALIZATION. Visualization is imagination, fantasizing of mental (mental) images.

Pranotherapy is a breathing-visual exercise aimed at coordinating energy flows in physical body and subtle human bodies. Pranotherapy is the oldest exercise known from Tibet to Egypt, and they were practiced not only by priests in temples, but also simple people. These exercises have been forgotten, but they must be reintroduced into everyday practice, since now the concentration of prana, or life energy in the bodies of people, has been reduced, and it is necessary to use it more intensively. When a person begins to consciously increase the amount of prana, he has additional strength, immunity is strengthened, and chronic diseases recede.

Anyone who successfully does energy breathing should feel the change pretty soon. The inclusion of all body systems into action gradually causes a person to feel a connection with the World, with nature, with other people. The mood becomes more stable, even, emotions are deeper, and at the same time restrained. A person does not experience sudden outbursts of emotions. The mental body is built up in a denser form, concentrated, occupying a smaller spatial volume. This contributes more intensive exchange energy and information m information structures of the Universe. Health is getting stronger chronic diseases retreat, acute diseases ends with recovery and the state of a balanced system sets in. This stage can take quite a long time. The main thing is to start without delay. To make your organisms more resistant to changes in the world around you, so that you live in full force on all planes of being, it is vital for you to learn how to fill " life force»- prana. Healthy children do not experience energy hunger, they are overflowing with energy. And people of middle and old age are already losing the ability to absorb prana from the outside world, or rather, this ability is significantly reduced. I hope we will be able to convince you of the need for energy exercises. So that you feel how the strength and ability to physical activity, test yourself this way: walk up the stairs, counting the steps. Notice when you start to feel short of breath. After a while, when you get back to normal, do energy breathing 7-10 times with filling the organs with prana chest that is, dissolve the ball of prana in the chest cavity. After that, go up the stairs again, counting the steps, shortness of breath will come later, you will clearly see this.

Energy breathing will give you health and strength, balance and restraint, clarity of thought. This is especially true for older people.

Technique "Central Streams"

Two streams of energy pass through the human energy body, which flow in opposite directions - one up and the other down. One stream comes from the Earth, and the second - from Space. It is these two streams that form the entire energy of a person. The bottom-up stream is about two fingers ahead of the spine in men and four fingers in women. The flow coming from the Cosmos, from top to bottom, is located almost close to the spine. This technique is to consciously feel and strengthen these flows with the power of thought to energize. To do this, stand up straight, or sitting in the floor lotus position. Begin to feel how a stream of light pure energy descends from above from the center of the Universe into your head and into your body. Pass this stream behind your back through you and let it flow to the center of the Earth. Now feel the pure powerful energy. Let it freely enter your energy body, through your legs, pass it behind your back along the spine and let it go up through the back of the head and arms. Having created and vividly felt these two flows, do this exercise for 20-30 minutes, driving them through yourself.

Energy breathing.

Lie down or sit down in the floor lotus position, make the “Entrance”. Feel that the whole space around you is filled with light and pure energy. There is a lot of this energy, it is easy to feel it, it is all around. Having achieved a clear feeling of energy around, begin to breathe slowly, smoothly, deeply and rhythmically. As you inhale, slowly draw energy into yourself, evenly, with your whole body. Hold your breath for a while, distributing the energy throughout the body, assimilating it, and then slowly exhale it from yourself, also with the whole body. Merge with the pure energy of space.

Energy breathing

Accept any comfortable position. Close your eyes. Start inhaling, imagining that life energy (prana) enters through a huge funnel that goes to infinity, into your mid-eyebrow (Ajna chakra), passes through your head to the back of your head. As you pass the energy through your head, concentrate it into a channel no thicker than five centimeters in diameter. Don't let the energy touch your ears. Accumulate energy in the back of the head in the form of a ball, ten centimeters in diameter. While holding your breath, concentrate on this ball. Exhaling, direct the energy in a thin stream down the spine to the coccyx (Muladhara Chakra). Try to feel every centimeter of the spine passed by the energy. Concentrate energy in the coccyx.
Take the next breath, imagining that the air enters a huge funnel that goes to infinity in front of you, into your tailbone (funnel at the level of the Muladhara Chakra). While holding your breath, concentrate on the energy in the coccyx. Exhaling, direct the prana up the spine to the back of the head, accumulating energy in this place. The following breaths alternate with each other.

Energy breathing

Assume the semi-lotus seated position. Close your eyes. As you exhale, start inhaling. Imagine a huge funnel going to infinity above your head. The base of the funnel rests on the crown and descends down the spine into the coccyx. Inhaling, direct the energy down the spine to the Muladhara Chakra. Imagine and feel that the world energy above your head is smoothly flowing into your funnel. Breathe in as thinly as possible to feel the flow of energy. While holding your breath, concentrate on the coccyx, trying to feel the energy in it as clearly as possible. Exhaling, direct the flow of energy up the spine to the Sahasrara Chakra. The time after which you can get tangible results from these pranayamas directly depends on the time of execution, and the regularity of classes. By doing breathing meditation for several hours in a row, you can achieve the results of many months of practice.

Master these pranayamas and do them twice a day for several months: thirty minutes in the morning and forty-five minutes in the evening. With the help of them, you can clear and expand the central energy channel "sushumna", which is located in spinal column, get rid of many diseases, gain strong energy, calmness, peace, as well as experience various mystical experiences, develop energy sensitivity. Pranayamas can be alternated. For example: twenty minutes one pranayama, then twenty minutes another pranayama, if you decide to alternate pranayamas, then do half the time one pranayama, and half the time the other pranayama. Do not forget that each pranayama should last at least twenty minutes.

Give, you will receive more - this is the Cosmic Law

If people like each other, then an intense energy exchange takes place between them.

At the same time, both experience the pleasure of communication. During the communication of two people, channels are formed between their auras, through which flow in both directions energy flows. The streams can be of any color and take on any shape (they can be seen with extrasensory perception abilities).

Energy channels connect the auras of partners through the corresponding chakras, depending on the type of communication:

Muladhara (base chakra) - relatives.

Svadhisthana (sexual chakra) - lovers, married couple, fun friends, relatives.

Manipura (navel chakra) - relatives, employees, subordinates, bosses, friends in sports and those with whom you enter into competition.

Anahata (heart chakra) - objects of emotional interaction, these are the people we love.

Vishuddha (throat chakra) - like-minded people, colleagues...

Ajna (frontal chakra) - hypnotic channels, mind reading, telepathic, intuitive connection with another person.

Sahasrara (crown chakra) - connection through worldview, faith.

The more enthusiastic partners are with each other, the stronger and more active channels are formed. In the course of becoming close trusting relationship all chakras are gradually connected by channels.
It is in this way that strong relationships arise that are not subject to either distance or time. For example, a mother always feels her child, no matter where he is, and no matter how many years have passed since their last meeting.

It also happens that when meeting an old acquaintance after many years, a person feels as if they parted only yesterday. Channels can be saved very for a long time- years, decades and pass from incarnation to incarnation. That is, channels connect not only bodies, but also souls.

Healthy relationships form bright, clear, pulsating channels. In such relationships there is trust, intimacy, sincerity and there is enough room for personal freedom. There is an equal exchange of energy, without distortions.

If the relationship is unhealthy, that is, one partner depends on the other, then the channels are heavy, stagnant, dull. Such relationships deprive of freedom, often come down to mutual irritation and anger. If one of the partners wants to completely control the other, the channels can wrap around the aura from all sides.

When relationships gradually die, the channels become thinner and weaker. Over time, the energy stops running through these channels, communication stops, people become strangers. If people part, but the channels are still preserved, then they continue to reach out to each other. It also happens when one partner cuts off communication channels and closes off from further interaction, while the other partner is still attached to him and tries in every possible way to break through energy protection to rebuild relationships.

In the process of forcible rupture of channels, parting is very painful. It takes many months or years to recover from this. Much here depends on how ready a person is to accept the free will of another and free himself from dependence developed over a long time.

Energy channels are formed even in the process of communication on the Internet.

Most of the channels built in everyday communication eventually disappear without a trace. In the case of close relationships, the channels remain for a very long time, even after parting, some channels remain.

Particularly strong channels arise during sexual and family ties.

Each time you have sexual contact with a new partner, new channels are formed along the sex chakra, connecting people throughout years and even for the rest of your life. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether the sexual partners managed to find out each other's names - the channel in the case of sexual contact is formed and lasts a very long time. And if there is a channel, then there is also the circulation of energy through it. And what quality the energy comes in is already difficult to say, it depends on the characteristics of the field of another person.

In people who live nearby for a long time, energy fields (auras) adjust to each other and work in unison. intimate relationship require field synchronization. Often we notice that people who live together for a long time become similar to each other even outwardly.

If the characteristics of the auras of two individuals differ greatly, then it will be difficult for them to communicate. When energy flows alien to it invade the field, a reaction of repulsion, fear, disgust appears. "He makes me sick."

When a person does not want to communicate with someone, he closes his energy field, and all energy flows emanating from another person are reflected. In this case, the other person gets the impression that he is not heard, as if he is talking to the wall.

Everyone has the right to join or not to join energy interaction with the world around him, but it is impossible to completely abandon these contacts. People are accustomed to dividing the world into "bad" and "good", attracting the good and repelling the bad. What can you do - these are the properties of our dual world. But times are changing and now the world is striving for unity, merging all sides, facets of the world into one whole.

To accept and be aware of all the vibrations of space, not sharing them, but observing and feeling the meaning of interactions. We must respect the right of individuality and the acquisition different experiences in each of the people.

I am free to the extent that I recognize the freedom of the people around me. Including the freedom to make mistakes!


A person is constantly exposed to the mental influence of the people around him. Some deliberately direct their influence, others involuntarily. Part of the suggestions that affect us are useful, necessary, they must be perceived consciously. But some people around us can constantly spread thoughts of fear, despair, helplessness, etc. Therefore, it is not surprising that sometimes we experience these feelings, not realizing that their source lies in the influence of others.
A person who is aware of his “I” can, with a simple exercise, surround himself with an energy shell that will reliably protect against the harmful mental influence of others. Moreover, the realization of one's "I" and a few minutes of daily reflection on this will in itself create a protective shell with such vitality that it will repel all hostile thoughts. Understanding one's "I" is a ray-shield and the most real method self-defense.
For those who have not yet realized their "I", for the implementation of mental protection (in the event of depression, bad mood), it is recommended to do the following:
- stand straight, shoulders back, raise your head, look boldly and fearlessly forward;
confidently say to yourself the words: “I deny bad influence persons, circumstances and assert my superiority over this influence.
Creates stronger psychic protection next trick(most effective for people who are aware of their "I"):
- stand up straight and breathe rhythmically (preferably in front of an open window) for 2-3 minutes;
- while inhaling, we mentally imagine how prana accumulates in the solar plexus;
- and on exhalation, we mentally see how the threads of prana coming out of the respiratory organs, coil by coil, envelop our body, creating a cocoon that protects from external mental influences and energy shocks.
Therapeutic effect:
- protects against depression, bad mood, health disorders;
- fatigue is removed;

- rises vitality;

- the body heals (after the introduction of protection).


Kiss with loved ones as much as possible, especially with people of the opposite sex. Scientific research showed that kissing - good remedy recovery of the body.

Therapeutic effect:

Improves performance endocrine system improves blood composition, metabolism;
- increases vitality.


Plants and trees have energy fields that a person can use by taking energy from them..

The ancient Celts were well versed in the art of receiving energy from trees, and Tibetan yogis are fluent in it to this day. The Celts honored trees and each newborn child was assigned a tree with which his fate was associated. The tree was supposed to protect him from diseases, provide assistance by transferring vital energy, protect him from dangerous events and vicissitudes of fate. According to the Druids, a person and a tree are part of nature, which means that a person, physically and spiritually prepared, can receive energy from a tree. The spiritual attitude lies in the fact that we should know what we expect from our tree - whether we want to lower or increase our energy potential.

Some types of plants have the ability not to give energy, but, on the contrary, pull it out of the human biofield. When a person needs to get rid of negative energy, improve or purify his energy channels and qualitatively change the state of your biofield, you should turn to trees that absorb energy, such as aspen, poplar, horse chestnut, willow, spruce, bird cherry, juniper. All these trees are vampires».

Aspen absorbs, that is, takes away negative (black) energy. Before it, you should fully open up and with each exhalation, forcefully free yourself from unnecessary energy. Since ancient times, it has been believed that best method fighting werewolves, vampires, dark astral forces - Aspen stake. This tree has the ability to divert cold and black energy into the earth and water, as if decomposing it, and return a pure and free state to a person. With the help of aspen, you can really get rid of the influence energy vampirism in the office, the work team, in transport and in other in public places where you are. Jewelry in the form of bracelets and rings made of aspen can also help. If you lean against a tree, aspen will soothe a sore spot.
Planochka from aspen helps with headaches, acts better medicine. But if aspen helps a person, then it has a detrimental effect on microbes. Aspen is bypassed by pests. It was not in vain that in the old days church domes were covered with aspen shingles.

Juniper, although a shrub, and not a tree, it has a fairly strong cleansing potential, directed generally not at people, but at the objects that surround them. Juniper leaves can purify your aura, house or apartment if you fumigate it with room smoke.

At poplars energy is even, clear, confidently regulating efforts in the required direction. Helps mental correction. A large energy activity of the tree is manifested from 15 to 18 hours. Poplar energy is best directed locally to places where inflammation is felt, headache or pain in the joints, applying tablets to these places.

Planks from chestnut with a high effect is used for polyarthritis.

Willow has a soft, soothing, relaxing energy, well contributes to mental and nervous relaxation, relieving headaches. Willow is most active from 18:00 to 21:00. From the appropriate tree, you can make your own boards with a thickness of 10-20 mm and a length of 50-80 mm. They are applied to the sore spot every other day for 20-30 minutes.

How to identify a plant that can help you energetically?

Trees have the most energy in the morning, after sunrise, when the first rays touch the upper branches. The tree from which we want to receive energy must be of the correct form and healthy. A tree has the greatest energy, around which there are no other trees at a distance of 6 meters.

- Do not contact any tree, but choose a large branched tree and go around it 2-3 m.

Then listen to yourself. If you feel sympathy and goodwill towards this tree, you can safely count on the fact that the tree will help you energetically.

- From a distance of 3 m, slowly approach the tree until you feel it most strongly.

- Standing near the tree, send as if your whole body to the trunk and crown and merge with the tree.

- Feel the roots of the tree, the movement of juices from the ground up the trunk and their spreading over the leaves of the crown.

Then feel how the energy of the Cosmos descends through the air down and rushes along the leaves to the trunk into the roots underground. This is how the cycle of energy between Heaven and Earth takes place.

After that, connect yourself to this exchange, identifying yourself with the tree, and experience the movement of ascending and descending energy in yourself.

- Feel how the leaves on the tree stroke your hair, feel the crown with the top of your head.

When leaving, do not forget to thank the tree, stroke it with your hand, feel tenderness for it, as for your child.

If we are tired, depressed, sick (except inflammatory processes) and want to gain energy, then we approach and stand at the south side of the tree. First, we touch it with our forehead, hug it with our palms at head height, ask the tree for help and lean against it with our whole body.

If we are too excited, nervous, marked inflammatory diseases, then we approach the tree from the north side. We stand with our backs to him with our hands down, touching the trunk with our palms.

If we want to improve our energy state, we hug the tree from any side. Feelings while receiving energy from a tree are different: as if something is swimming through the body, a slight pleasant dizziness, weak cooling, a feeling of warmth. You can feel a pleasant lightness in the body, drowsiness or a feeling unusual strength. Each person feels differently. There are people who don't feel anything. However, after standing by the tree for some time, each one is filled with energy. You should not be upset if the first time someone cannot find contact with the tree. You should go to the tree only with pure thoughts.

The strongest nourishing abilities are oak, maple, pine, acacia, birch, viburnum.

Of all the trees, the greatest nourishing energy is in oak. When approaching an oak tree, you may experience a feeling of fear and at the same time an attraction to a tree that has strong energy giving strength and clarity of thought. Our ancestors said: whoever wants to think seriously, let him stand by the oak. Those who are charged with energy from the oak feel the clarity of thought. He seems to fly, his legs go by themselves. Feel free to approach the tree, and it will share “white” energy with you.

Pine fills the human body with powerful and impulsive energy. It is best to feed on pine at the beginning of the fateful moments of your life. Pine energy improves tone, immunity, is an antidepressant. Pine can take away your frustration, doubts and annoyance, which, like scale, settle on you daily, interfere with clarity of thought and spirit. Pine is a merciful tree, which should be approached with an open mind. But not everyone has the same effect on pine energy. People with a sick heart, with migraine attacks, it is better not to walk in a pine forest. Communicate with the tree should be no later than 21 hours.
If for some reason pine does not suit you, go to maple.

Maple suitable for people of any character, transfers its charge, eases the course of the disease, and even cures it altogether. Maple accepts all our emotional breakdowns, realizing that they are not addressed to him, but in return gives strength, calmness and balance. It is very useful to drink maple juice.

Birch exudes a soft, calm energy that flows in a strong continuous stream. Not every person can get help from her, but only the one who loves her, believes her and treats her with kindness. To such people she is generous and gives her energy more than normal. Whoever the birch loves, he will always be healthy around her. The energy of birch helps to heal both bodily and mental wounds. The birch has the highest energy activity - from 5 to 9 in the morning. It is very useful to drink birch sap.

Acacia is a universal donor, her bioenergy is useful to everyone, especially women.

viburnum its energy is close to acacia, but its reserves are much lower.

Nurturing trees should be dealt with personally and alone, with kindness in the heart and pure soul . Only in this case you will replenish your energy.

Less effect comes from contact with indoor plants. But they are always with you, so contact them more often.

Contact Method.

- Find the optimal distance and, without touching, stroke the plant with your hand;

- then stand up straight and feel how energy center(chakra) the plant sends out a wave;

- energize the plant and don't forget to thank it.

Energy contact with the plant allows you to mentally cleanse yourself (get rid of the consequences of minor squabbles, worries, experiences).

The same effect has contact with pets especially dogs and cats.

You need to feel sympathy and goodwill towards them., then they will be able to energetically nourish you and thereby remove the mental and physical fatigue, increase the tone of the body (dogs and cats are not afraid energy losses, because they know how to restore them quickly enough).

Therapeutic effect:

- the nervous system heals;

- the mental state is harmonized;

- the level of negative experiences decreases;

- fatigue is removed;

- increased tone.

Your energy - how to give and receive correctly

Do you know which one is the most sure sign that a person's energy balance is disturbed - this is depression, excess weight, depressed mood, fatigue, illness.
All these signs indicate that a person gives his energy, but does not replenish its supply.
Internal sources of energy are not open, and there is no replenishment from outside.

Speaking about the loss of energy, more often it means its exchange, the result of which is not considered successful. Any system tends to balance and, in case of any deviation from it, tries to immediately restore it. When it decreases in one place, or at one level, respectively, it arrives in another.

When you do something that you don't like, a huge part of your energy is spent not on the task itself, but on overcoming the reluctance to do it, on fighting with yourself. Often this comes from a lack of understanding of one's desires, a lack of goals. When you want something you don't know, you get it. It is very important to determine your goal of life, which will be to your liking.

Mental presence in the past takes energy from the present, leaving it in what has already passed. Some live all the time in the past, the past, experiencing it, suffering because of it, or wanting to return. In order for the past to cease to have such a painful influence on the present, it is enough to mentally replay it once, rewrite the disturbing situation and let it go.

A lot of energy is wasted when we try to reshape the people around us in accordance with our principles and expectations. It seems that only those around you are to blame for everything and that it is easier to change others than yourself, but these beliefs are from a series of self-deception.

Many people have symptoms strong energy and any person who is near the carrier of such energy is able to feel them. They are also manifested in the character traits and behavior of such people, they are characterized by charisma, purposefulness, self-confidence, high spirituality, and many others. etc., which indicates their high energy potential. Energy potential that a person possesses is his ability to produce own energy, accumulate and assimilate it from the outside, as well as rationally use it. Using energy for good, a person receives a double charge back, which means he accumulates strength.

Producing negative emotions, performing negative actions,
a person loses strength, and hence health.

Also in life there is a big bias, when a person in most cases only gives. People who only know how to give were raised by parents who only know how to take. When they are given something (attention, gifts), they feel that they did not deserve it and experience guilt. These people have not learned to rejoice, therefore it is impossible to love them, because it is impossible to please them. because of constant feeling guilt, it is easier for them to be lonely, so they avoid serious intimacy.

Unfortunately, relationships in many families develop in such a way that it is easier for parents to give something material (money, gifts, proper food, entertainment, take out to resorts). But when you need to give something emotional (care, comfort, general laughter, sympathy, support, understanding), big question– are parents able to give it, and do children want to take it?

Parents don’t give because they “didn’t deserve it”, and children don’t take it, because later they will have to pay an exorbitant price for this by subordination, consent, and the shift of their interests. It’s easier to say “I don’t need anything from you!”

From childhood, we are taught that the ability to share is the key to the love of others and success in life. We believe in this so much that then we spend our whole lives trying to convince ourselves that the ability to give is much more important than the ability to receive. All those who teach us to give and share are in fact the receiving party. And you watch those who teach to give and share. Do they themselves give something strongly, just like that, disinterestedly? All our lives we've been brainwashed that good man is the one who gives more. What to give and share is the duty of every decent person, but to receive and strive to receive is shameful.

So, if you want to receive love and happiness, then in order to achieve this, you must first of all remove the mental block - the subconscious belief that receiving and earning big money, gifts is bad, shameful and indecent.

Hoping for prosperity, but at the same time being ashamed to receive, is the same as inviting a welcome guest to your place, locking the doors in front of his very nose with all the locks, and then wondering and grieving why he did not come.

Taking is a wonderful skill that needs to be given a place in our lives. And if you find that this skill is weak or not at all, then a very useful step that you can now take for yourself is to allow it to be!

Recently, I was approached by a young man who is dating a girl and is thinking of making a decision. That is, legalize your relationship with her.

The question was this: is it worth it or not to get married now or wait?

Unexpected, right? You can say: if you want, get married, but if there are doubts, then maybe it’s not worth it?

But we went the other way: we looked at him and her matrix.

The result was announced: do not rush.

According to her matrix, she turned out to be much lower in energy than him and a hidden despot, that is, simply, an energy vampire.

It will roll up scandals, tantrums from scratch are possible. Then, he will quickly calm down and say: are you still angry? That is, he will quickly forget his claims, although in a quarrel he will recall what happened before our era and that you are to blame for the fact that the Earth is spinning in the wrong direction.

Of course, I exaggerate, but often a vampire manifests itself in this way: he needs to take a certain part of the energy from you in order to feed himself, and when there is enough energy, then peace comes in his body (read - in the brain). And the person from whom this energy came becomes irritable, lethargic, without strength.

How to identify a vampire and how to protect yourself?

  1. If a person is unpleasant to you, causes rejection in you, you should not hang around with him. You run into him at work - stay away from him and do not take his statements in your direction as the last truth. When talking to him, cross your arms over your chest - close. You can put a fiddle in your pocket or behind your back. Your brain will hold on to what you SHOULD be doing and the vampire's words won't be as dangerous to you.
  2. Do not be a vest either at work or at home, because vampires often wind up side by side. We bring them home ourselves. And to work with a vest means to collect all the negativity that a person will dump on you. You will get sick, and the released person will feel much better and, next time, will look for you to dump the negativity.
  3. Does your neighbor with her problems constantly come running to you and cry? Put the scissors point forward from the door under the rug, floorboard, porch and she will forget the way to your house.
  4. Vampires love emotional people. You, spilling your emotions, give food to those who want to profit from your energy.
  5. They don't pick on dull, whiny, emotionally weak people: nothing to profit from.
  6. Do not lisp with vampire children, do not follow their lead. Otherwise, you will get it when they grow up: who can’t drink blood from them, if not from their beloved parents.
  7. Don't hang out with what you think is a vampire: the disease is contagious. Experiencing a constant decline in strength, you yourself will look for someone from whom you can feed on energy. The body will accept this as the norm and you will gradually move into the category of vampires.

If everything is clear, take care of yourself.

In contact with


How to let go former partners? Stop "feeding" them with your energy! It turns out that every woman is born with certain energy capabilities. It depends on them how men will perceive it.

Sometimes this is very noticeable - for example, it happens that for not very beautiful girl many guys look after at once, not noticing the beauties. Often this is due to the fact that the object of their admiration has a lot of female energy and the opposite sex feels it.

What is female energy for?

As long as the girl keeps her innocence, her energy is not spent. But it is to the first man that she gives her part. How much a man receives this energy depends on his success. A couple is two people, but he is responsible for prosperity, and she is responsible for the atmosphere.

It is the female energy that gives him the strength to achieve something, move forward and conquer peaks. It does not always work out that the first lover becomes a husband. Then both the second and the next get part of the energy. But this resource is replenished, the woman restores her reserves, but for 7 years after sexual contact she continues to give part of the energy to her lover.

If a girl had many lovers, they all “feed” on her feminine energy. And it's not bad at all, it doesn't affect her. Only a real man, who is next to a woman, gets not 100% of the magical charge, but a little less, which means that his performance drops.

How do men feel feminine energy?

Firstly, many men dream of being the first. Deprivation of virginity is a sacrament that many want to experience. And not just to experience some new sensations. They instinctively understand that they can receive a large "charge" of much needed energy.

Secondly, men often tend to look after several ladies at the same time. And after all, this is also a way to use several sources at once, which has a very good effect on the well-being of a man. For example, a married young man gets a mistress, he receives the necessary impulses from both his wife and the one who spends time with him, which means that he can be doubly effective at work.

How to stop "feeding" the former?

You can make a rite with which to remove the connection with former men, which means stop giving them what should rightfully belong to only one - the beloved. The rite takes only a few minutes. It requires only time and attention, but the result will be noticeable immediately. How?

Yes, it's just that men feel when they lose their nourishment. On the same evening or within a short time, your exes may start calling you. Someone will call you on a date, someone will write that they cannot forget you.

Of course, you should not meet with them, but this will give a sign that the method works. And after a couple of weeks, the rite should be repeated so that there is no situation that someone has not disconnected.

How to "let go" of former partners?

It is easy to carry out the ceremony, you just need to be alone with yourself and spend some time pronouncing certain words. This ritual is not related to magic or religion, but is psychological trick, which allows you to "remove" all unnecessary bindings.

You can also read about this in one of Larisa Renard's books on women's practices. Stand in front of the window. If possible, light a candle. It's a way to tune in to the process. And in silence, start imagining your men in turn. Everyone needs to sincerely say certain words:

“I thank you for being in my life. I'm glad we got to meet. I forgive you all the insults that were between us. I release you. I loved you the best I could. I wish you happiness".

At this time, you need to imagine that a transparent flagellum connects you in the lower abdomen. It is attached just below the navel of one and the other. It is necessary to speak words and hands as if to cut this cord. Send your piece to yourself, and his - to him. And then imagine how the man turns around and leaves.

You need to do a similar manipulation with each partner. It's a way to "stop feeding" all the exes. But be prepared that some, and possibly all, of the former will try to seek a meeting with you.

As the developer of this method assures, the rite is absolutely safe. It can be done several times if you think it's necessary. It also helps in cases where you cannot forget a person. And it does not require any magical rites or referrals to psychics.

But there is one BUT: you need to speak words sincerely . Forgiveness and gratitude are great power but they must come from the heart. If you say it from pure heart does not work out, resentment in the heart remains, just repeat this process several times.

A woman is a source of valuable energy for a man. It depends on the companion whether her husband will be a millionaire or a janitor. The more female energy, the richer the family and the more productive the man. And although every woman comes with her own potential, the reserves can always be increased, which means that you get a lot more in marriage.

The first type is the innate supply of sexual energy.

A certain amount of it is passed on to us at birth from our parents. This energy reserve is limited and is not replenished during life. It is a pity that we use it thoughtlessly, wasting energy anywhere.

The second type is the energy acquired during life.

Other type sexual energy- this is what we accumulate and acquire ourselves. This number may change.

But not all people, unfortunately, know how to properly replenish their vitality.

Often, along with the acquisition of energy, there are huge leaks of it. Moreover, we ourselves are to blame for this, since we ourselves allow them out of ignorance, unwillingness to change something, and many other reasons. That's why…

The accumulation of energy in most cases does not block its leakage!!!

Usually we are not at all interested in what will happen to us when the energy runs out completely ...

And that's what will happen, people just die and that's it.

Therefore, do not allow energy leaks, learn to transform and replenish its reserves - this will prolong your life and make it brighter and richer.

Where does our life energy flow, and why are we to blame for this?

You will be surprised, but... For the most part, we don't even spend it on sex.

I will list Top 10 Reasons , when we lose energy. This will help you stop the leak and start accumulating it.

1. Don't look back.

For the most part, people do it all the time. Do not remember anything - neither good nor bad. It forces you to go back to where you have been before. It takes a lot of energy for each such memory. And even more of it leaves if you experience some emotions, especially negative ones.

Don't tell others sad stories own life. So, you only give energy. Stop yourself every time you notice that you are talking about the past again.

It is not simple. But over time, you will succeed. Perhaps some people will not understand you and even stop communicating with you. Don't give up, you don't need empty talk and gossip.

Over time, as you get used to discussing the past, you will notice that you no longer think about it. This will be your victory and the beginning of a new life, a person who looks only forward ...

2. Assess the situation you are in.

Adequately means looking at it from the outside, and not from the position of what you like or dislike about it.

Yes, you can avoid negative consequences assessments of people and their actions towards you.

After all, conflicts usually arise:

  • When you are all planned but something didn't go as expected. Something went wrong, the situation got out of control, and you start to get nervous. Frantically strive to fix everything, look for the culprits of the failure, or blame yourself for everything. Do you understand how much energy is spent on these actions?
  • When people do things they shouldn't do according to your ideas about life. For example, a person is not punctual - while you are never late and are very proud of it.

Of course, such a character trait annoys you greatly, you begin to teach him the mind, losing wherein your energy. What for? After all, you are not even sure that you will achieve the goal ...

Be simple. There is always a choice. Let the other person be who they want to be. Decide for yourself how important it is in your life. Then everything will fall into place. And, perhaps, the non-punctuality of this person will cease to be so annoying for you compared to his other qualities of character.

Expressing claims to others, you constantly lose energy. Eliminating this habit, you will stop the leakage of energy from this side, which means you can use it for more important things for you.

3. Stop pushing ahead towards your goals.

Our goals and our desires greatly drain us in terms of energy if we begin to dream too much about their fulfillment, and also put more effort into it than is required.

We set deadlines for ourselves and often do not meet them. The bar and possibilities are greatly overestimated. And as a result, in order to succeed in something and prove something to someone, we get out inside out. But there is no result. And a huge amount of energy is wasted.

If at the same time you begin to experience negative feelings in the form of: anger, envy, resentment, etc. This means only one thing - you do not accept life as it is.

Experiencing such feelings, you sign your own impotence and lose energy - instead of looking for the cause of what is happening and steps to overcome it.

And even if, as a result of your searches, you find that your desire, in this moment impossible - humble yourself and accept it as an irrefutable fact.

Give up the goal in favor of your peace of mind and the preservation of your vitality. After all, if you don’t do this voluntarily, but fall into self-mutilation, depression will haunt you for the next days.

remember, that Bad mood always occurs when not enough sexual energy.

4. Don't talk too much.

Talking also consumes a lot of energy. Therefore, it is desirable to speak less and to the point.

Keep quiet when you have nothing to say. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing energy and at the same time being branded as a talker, as you will not be able to impress the interlocutor with a speech devoid of feelings.

When a person has a certain amount sexual energy, even a couple of words spoken by him are remembered for a long time and sink into the heart.

And vice versa, when there is little energy, it is not interesting to listen to him, he cannot present information that is exciting and beautiful.

5. Never complain or blame anyone for your troubles.

A person begins to complain at a lack vital energy.

Yes, he takes responsibility for himself and his life- on other people.

Both sides lose in this process:

  • As a whining narrator. Complaining, you spend the lion's share of sexual energy. After all, you need to re-experience the situation you are talking about. In order to survive, the body begins to suck in energy from the outside. You turn into a vampire.
  • So if you fall under the arm as a listener Never feel sorry for those who tell you heartbreaking stories. Otherwise, you will lose energy. And people feel it at the subconscious level. Usually, they prefer not to communicate with eternally whining subjects.

Stop whenever you notice yourself starting to behave in this way.

I will say the same about judging and discussing other people.

Don't gossip, don't waste your vitality.

6. Don't make unnecessary moves.

Energy is spent on any word and action. Therefore, if you are already nervous, do not aggravate the situation.

Don't waste it on nervously tapping your pencil on the table, or pacing from corner to corner. Additional actions lead to an additional drain of vital energy, remember this.

The same applies to other unnecessary, useless movements: do not chew gum, do not click seeds from nothing to do, do not drag a cigarette into your mouth, do not wave your arms ... All this leads to energy leakage, no matter how strange it may sound.

7. Women.

Increased attention to one's appearance, as well as thoughts about it, cosmetics and makeup - take a large number of sexual energy. As well as taking care of your hair closely, twisting curls around your finger, or constantly smoothing your hair, especially during a conversation.

You are much more beautiful than you think. natural attraction women depends only on the amount of energy, and not at all from powder and lipstick.

Most of the energy a woman loses during menstruation, be careful during this period. Rest and lead a calm lifestyle, as at this time a woman becomes weaker, more touchy or, conversely, more aggressive - all these are signs of a loss of energy.

Try not to use unconscious words and expressions, as well as obscene statements in your life. All this takes energy. Everything that we say out of habit should also be excluded from our lives. No hmmm and hmmm, extra "yeah" and the like. Nothing that distracts us and our interlocutor from the purpose of the conversation.

9. Don't make faces.

Don't squint or smirk, don't squint, don't squint, don't look meaningfully up when you're thinking, don't frown or giggle off topic. It also takes energy.

Be yourself and express what you think and feel at this moment, without confusing the interlocutor with your grimaces ... Do not wear masks, give vent to your feelings, express on your face only what you really feel. Everything else is an additional effort that entails an unreasonable waste of energy.

10. Control your sexual relationships.

Be wary of having sex with casual partners. So, you risk not only catching some kind of infection, but also spending your life force. In such relationships, there is no full-fledged exchange of energy, which is necessary for both a man and a woman. But the loss is significant.

Usually, both partners, having received a physical discharge, simply throw off their energy for nothing. After all, it is not for nothing that people feel devastated and used after such sex.

You should not have sex under compulsion, for fear that your partner will leave you. Or sleep with those who do not reciprocate your feelings.

After all, the main rule of sex is an EQUIVALENT exchange of energy. Otherwise, you will simply lose it.

Try eliminating these 10 things from your life and see what happens. How much lighter and freer you will become. There will be new opportunities and forces for their implementation. Life will acquire a completely different quality and bright colors.

in the comments below.

Konstantin Dovlatov.