Causes of back pain in pregnant women. Back pain during pregnancy: when, why and what to do? Pain in men in the lumbar region

Pregnancy is a joyful and solemn event in the life of every woman. Therefore, throughout its entire length, future mom should monitor their condition and well-being. The woman's body is designed in such a way that it can give signals in advance related to fetal pathologies. You need to understand such signals and take timely measures to eliminate them.

Particular attention should be paid to the initial trimester of pregnancy. It lasts first 12 weeks... There is no woman who could boast that during her pregnancy, she would not experience unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations.

During the growth of the fetus, significant changes occur in the woman's body and pain in the back and lower back is the first sign of this. The displacement of the pelvic organs and the stretching of the muscle ligaments cause pulling pain in the lower back.

Low back pain during pregnancy

Pain in the back and lower back is common. This is due to the fact that during the period of fetal development, weight increases in future mother and the main load falls entirely on the spinal muscles. Only in isolated cases, back pain can indicate a threat of miscarriage or childbirth, earlier due date... If ? - read the answer to the question here.

There are quite a few reasons for the discomfort:

  • Fatigue of the muscles of the body region in the lumbar region;
  • Exacerbation of osteochondrosis;
  • Kidney disease;
  • Excess weight, giving a load to the lower back;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Inflammation of the muscles;
  • Risk of miscarriage;
  • Premature birth;
  • The onset of timely labor.

Pain as a sign of pregnancy

In addition to the first and all familiar signs of pregnancy, such as nausea or increased appetite, drowsiness, pain in the lumbar region is added to them.

Expressed in aching and pulling sensations, which arise from the fact that the woman's uterus quickly stretches, increases in size in order to developing fetus it was comfortable and cozy. In this regard, there is a stretching and change uterine ligaments, which cause various pains, covering not only the lumbar region, but also the abdomen.

According to observations, this kind of pain is mainly experienced by women giving birth for the first time. Who is not having the first birth, the uterus is already stretched, ready to perform the next generic processes and their lumbar region is already prepared and suffers much less.

Stories from our readers!
"I cured a sore back on my own. It's been 2 months since I forgot about back pain. Oh, how I suffered before, my back and knees hurt, in recent times I could not really walk normally ... How many times I went to clinics, but there only expensive pills and ointments were prescribed, from which there was no sense at all.

And now the 7th week has gone, as the joints of the back do not bother me at all, every other day I go to the dacha to work, and go 3 km from the bus, and so I walk easily! All thanks to this article. Anyone who has a backache should read it! "

Low back pain in early pregnancy

Lumbar pain on early stages pregnancies will be observed throughout the entire first trimester, giving the expectant mother additional discomfort.

Feelings of back pain are experienced by more than half of pregnant women and differ in intensity varying degrees... After giving birth to a large number women are observed and already have pain symptoms.

Causes of back pain:

  • Malfunctions in the spinal apparatus begin to progress(osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine, weakened development of the pelvic muscles);
  • The production of the "pregnant" hormone - progesterone increases leading to softening of discs and supporting ligaments;
  • At the very beginning of pregnancy, the immune system decreases., due to the fact that initially, the body perceives the fetus as a foreign organism that has penetrated inside. Therefore, diseases Bladder and the kidneys become the root cause of back pain;
  • Presence urolithiasis: while there is a sharp and sharp pain when urinating;
  • Often expectant mothers have pyelonephritis "pregnant", with an exacerbation of which the body temperature rises, edema occurs, the color of urine changes, as a result of which the tests give poor results.

Causes of back pain during pregnancy

There are many reasons for back and lower back pain:

  1. During pregnancy, the female body transfers the maximum part to the fetus. nutrients, including calcium. In the expectant mother, a lack of this element develops, in varying degrees, diseases of the spinal apparatus, which are expressed by severe pain.
  2. The body's production of relaxin helps to soften bone and cartilage tissue, as a result, the joints diverge, while increasing the mobility of the pelvis.
  3. Renal colic can also be one of the causes of pain. Kidney stones cause painful sensations during urination, causing severe pain. When a stone comes out, the ureter may be injured, which will further affect further state women.
  4. Pyelonephritis can provoke low back pain. Signs of the disease can be elevated temperature body, back swelling, pain, high blood pressure.
  5. Previous diseases of the spine can give complications during the period of bearing a child. Radiculitis, intervertebral hernia, scoliosis will cause increased stress on the spine and cause pain.
  6. The abdominal muscles are stretched, providing an area for growth. Therefore on back muscles an additional load is imposed, expressed in maintaining balance.
  7. A shift in the center of gravity of the body leads to a change in posture and when walking, the spine is very tense.
  8. Prolonged standing on your feet increases the load on the spine. In this case, pain is a defensive reaction that forces the body to change its position.

In addition to the above reasons, the following are also observed:

  • Walking in high heels;
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • Inconvenient and sedentary work;
  • Weakening of the back muscles associated with increased stress.

Back pain and crunching over time can lead to dire consequences- local or complete limitation of movements, up to disability.

People taught by bitter experience to heal the back and joints use natural remedy recommended by orthopedists ...

What should be done in case of painful sensations in the first place?

In order for back pain to make itself felt as little as possible, it is necessary to exclude provoking factors that cause discomfort:

  • Wear comfortable and not tight shoes;
  • Eating foods high in calcium(these include dairy products, from sour cream to cheese);
  • Don't try to lift weights. If you already need to do this, then you should first sit down, but tilting the body forward is not recommended;
  • Getting out of bed should also be correct: turn on your side, lower your feet to the floor and only after that, stand up. This will eliminate the stress on the back muscles;
  • For the seat, choose only chairs with a back. One should not descend "in a big way" even on upholstered furniture;
  • Wear a prenatal brace for support.

If, for all measures taken pain continues, then you should visit a gynecologist and go necessary examination having passed the tests. The causes of pain can be various diseases and it is desirable to identify them at the very beginning of pregnancy.

You can do uncomplicated physical exercises strengthening the back muscles, but only when there is no pain. Swimming or aerobics are very helpful.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed as calmly as possible, you need to carefully monitor your health and try to exclude some points:

  • Do not wear high-heeled shoes. This will provoke rapid fatigability and will increase back pain;
  • You do not need to spend the entire pregnancy lying down, you should take as many walks on foot in the fresh air as possible;
  • Do not lean forward to exclude the occurrence of lumbar pain;
  • Do not stay in one position for a long time sitting or standing, you need to change it periodically;
  • Do not lie or sleep on your back. This will lead to increased pain;
  • The most important thing is not to get nervous., this will affect the condition of the baby after his birth.

What kind of back pain can be in the first 12 weeks?

The most important period of pregnancy is the first trimester. It differs in the transience of the change of events associated with the development of the fetus. In this case, you need to know that physiological processes in the body can cause pulling and aching pain in the lower back and abdomen.

  • At 1-2 weeks there is a strengthening of the fertilized egg to the lining of the uterine cavity. This process is characterized by slight pain in the lower abdomen;
  • By 3 - 4 weeks the formation of the chorion occurs, the tissue from which the placenta will arise. This is characterized by the introduction of villi into the walls of the uterus with the formation of vessels, from which the blood system of the unborn baby will be formed. The process is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • 5 - 6 weeks biological protection of the fetus occurs, associated with an increase in blood flow to the uterus. The congestion of the vessels of the small pelvis is accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • From 7 to 8 weeks the hormone relaxin acts on the connective part of the joints and promotes their relaxation. This is another cause of pain syndromes;
  • 9-10 weeks muscle fibers of the uterus are actively growing. There is a thickening of the cardinal and sacro-uterine ligaments, they become very dense, the load on the ligamentous uterine apparatus increases. This is accompanied by pain in the tailbone;
  • 11 - 12 weeks the end of the first trimester of pregnancy occurs. By this time, the organ systems of the fetus are fully formed. During this period, spontaneous contraction of the uterus is possible, which can also lead to the above-described pain;
  • During pregnancy, there is an increased load on the kidneys., which already work in enhanced mode. An increase in the volume of circulating blood increases minute blood flow in the kidneys and the pelvic system expands. All changes lead to back and lower back pain.

Treating low back pain in early pregnancy

Traditional treatments

According to statistics, more than a half pregnant women suffer from constant pain in the lumbar region.

If preventive methods desired result did not bring, it is necessary to start direct treatment. It should take place under the obligatory supervision of the attending physician.

The use of drugs for any purpose can cause irreparable damage to the health of not only the mother, but also the unborn baby.

To reduce pain, you can start some exercises, it is better to start with minimal loads:

  • It is worth doing physiotherapy exercises(it includes yoga classes for pregnant women, different kinds physical activity);
  • Swimming is possible after consultation with a supervising obstetrician. Water has a relaxing effect on muscles and relieves pain;
  • You can make light self-massage by problem areas fingertips;
  • Apply a warm bath or shower if pain intensifies;
  • In the second and third semester, wear a bandage that supports the abdomen. When sleeping, put a pregnancy pillow under your belly;
  • During pregnancy, the contrast between the body's resistance and the waste of energy is important., so rest should be given Special attention. A good sleep should be a constant companion of expectant mothers.

As for the reception medications, then they should be taken under the strict supervision of a physician, especially if it is associated with kidney disease.

Unconventional treatments

  • Gruel from grated horseradish or radish helps a lot... In order not to be strong burning, it is recommended to add a little sour cream to the mixture;
  • A decoction of chamomile, thyme and St. John's wort helps a lot. Relieves pain, it is even recommended to do compresses with wraps at night;
  • Mix 50 grams of mustard with warm water until the consistency of sour cream is obtained... Apply the mixture to the sore spot for no more than 5 minutes, in order to avoid severe burning;
  • Pour the leaves of burdock with boiling water and put on the lower back;
  • Squeeze the garlic with lemon, soak a napkin with juice and apply to the sore spot... Carry out the procedures regularly;
  • The sour dough compress is effective. You need to wrap the lower back with a layer of fabric, put the dough on top. Apply a compress before bedtime;
  • Rubbing the sore spot with honey very well helps... Blood circulation and muscle tone returns to normal.

Methods alternative medicine tested by our ancestors and bring quick relief from the pain that has arisen. However, when using them, one must not forget that they can cause allergic reactions.

Strengthening the spine during pregnancy

Strengthening the muscles of the spine during pregnancy is primarily promoted by frequent walking... It tones the muscles of the legs, buttocks and back, eliminates the manifestation of varicose veins and the development of hemorrhoids.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 11 minutes


Even the happiest and long-awaited pregnancy sometimes clouded by back pain. Sometimes - immediately on early dates, sometimes - closer to childbirth, and some even - the whole period. It should be noted that almost all mothers complain about such pains (74% according to statistics), including those who are completely healthy and do not have problems with the spine.

What is the reason, and how can you help yourself?

The nature and main causes of back pain during early and late pregnancy

Unfortunately, it is impossible to say unequivocally why the back hurts. There can be many reasons for the occurrence - both the most primitive ( long term, load on the lower back), and indicating serious problems with health.

It is important to understand the nature of the pain, and not to miss the moment when you need to see a doctor.

  • "Pulls in the lower back." The uterus begins its active growth around the 16th week of pregnancy. Due to the increase, the nerve endings are compressed, as well as the blood vessels surrounding the spine, as a result of which this pulling pain occurs in the very bottom of the back.
  • Irregularly and not intensively "whines" in the lower back. Pain of this nature, subside after quiet rest in the supine position usually occurs after the 20th week. The reason is simple - a shift in the center of gravity in the enlarged tummy. The back in the lumbar region has to bend more and more, and as a result, the load is unevenly distributed to the spine. It is the lumbar region that takes on the lion's share of the load.
  • Long-term and frequent (persistent) pain localized in the sacrum region. They can appear even at night, dooming the expectant mother to insomnia, and rest simply does not give any relief. Under the influence of the released hormone relaxin, the pubic articulation is stretched and the joints of the pelvic / pelvic bones soften - the body prepares for early childbirth... That is, the pelvis "diverges", which in the right moment freely let the crumbs into the light. Immediately before childbirth, this hormone "helps" in opening the cervical pharynx.
  • Pain that begins after the 37th week at regular intervals. Do not be alarmed - this is. In addition, in the 3rd trimester, there is also the pressure of the baby's head on the mother's spine.
  • Exacerbation of pain if there have already been certain problems with the spine. For example, with bruises, injuries or chronic diseases musculoskeletal system... It will also make itself felt with pain and flat feet if the expectant mother continues to run on high heels or other shoes not intended to be worn during pregnancy.
  • Backache. Similar, more often one-sided and sudden, similar to "electric shock" pains can occur with osteochondrosis, with herniated intervertebral discs and radiculitis, with scoliosis and other diseases. May be accompanied by leg numbness or tingling sensation. Relief of pain occurs when holding the breath or stopping the movement with the body tilted forward.
  • Unilateral back pain. In this case, kidney problems may occur (concomitant / symptoms - colic, cloudy urine, sharp pain when urinating) or pinching of the nerve / root spinal cord... The 1st diagnosis is checked with the help of ultrasound and analyzes, the 2nd - with the help of MRI.
  • Low back pain with bloody discharge and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. These signs (approx. - in the 1st trimester) require urgent appeal to the doctor and talk most often about the threat of miscarriage. As for the 3rd trimester, such symptoms usually indicate an opening of the uterine pharynx.
  • Back pain can also be noted in the case of uterine tone. Naturally, you need to contact a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound scan.

Remember, consultation with a doctor is required if, in addition to back pain, you notice the following symptoms:

  • Pains that resemble labor pains.
  • Soreness when urinating.
  • Cloudy urine or a foamy head.
  • Sensation increased tone uterus (approx. - the tummy "swells and becomes hard like a ball", there is a strong tension in the abdomen).
  • Bloody issues.
  • Slight / significant temperature rise.

What should a pregnant woman do if her back hurts - how to relieve back pain?

For prolonged and severe pain with additional symptoms, of course, you should contact your gynecologist.

If the expectant mother is worried about the nature of the pain, one should not expect improvement, self-medicating, a timely visit to the doctor will save her and the future baby from danger.

In the absence of alarming symptoms, pain can be relieved on its own using the following means, rules and methods:

  • Pillow for pregnant women. If the pain is caused by the usual physiological changes inherent in expectant mothers, such a pillow will help to normalize sleep, support the mother's tummy and partially relieve the back, taking on its tension. Mom can choose any shape of the pillow, if necessary - in the form of a boomerang, just a roller, U-shaped, in the shape of the letter "C", "G", "U", etc. Note: a pillow in the shape of "C" after childbirth can be used as a temporary playpen, and the roller is an excellent device for eliminating leg fatigue.
  • ... It may come in handy after the 20th week. Purpose - to support the tummy and relieve stress from the spine. True, wearing it for more than 4 hours is not recommended, and, of course, you cannot sleep in it.
  • Swimming pool, yoga, water aerobics, etc. In general, such restorative procedures are extremely useful for the expectant mother. Especially the pool. In the absence of contraindications, do not waste time - help your body in such a difficult period.
  • Light massage. Do not rush to the first “manual” you come across. Remember that massage during this period, in the absence of proper qualifications from a "specialist", can significantly harm both mom and her baby. But a light massage from a professional with relevant experience is only welcome. It will help relax your back muscles and ease general state.
  • Posture, posture. You should definitely pay attention to how and where you sit most of the time. Do not overload the spine. The chair (chair) should be comfortable with an optimal height to support the back, and a stand will not interfere with the legs (by the way, it will be useful later for feeding the baby). It is also not recommended to cross your legs. Also, change your posture more often and remember to take breaks for light warm-ups or walking.
  • Fitball. Use the ball to unload your back muscles through the "unstable support". Sit on the ball with your legs slightly apart (choose comfortable posture!). then turn the body left / right 5-6 times. One more useful exercise- rolling from a sitting position to a lying on your back position. It stretches the spine, bends the back, and relaxes the muscles of the back. Naturally, the exercise should be performed only with the help and control of a spouse.
  • No weights! Ask your spouse and relatives if you need to lift, move, convey something. In case you had to lift something on your own, go down on one knee with your back straight, do not slouch, and lift the thing using the strength of your legs, and not an already overloaded back.
  • Watch your diet. Lack of calcium (its "washing out" during pregnancy) and minerals, as you know, can also be reflected in pain. Now more than ever, a balanced and correct diet is needed.
  • Choose the right shoes. Set aside stilettos, high heels, and tight ballerinas for a while in the closet. Now you need shoes with small heels and (highly recommended!) With orthopedic insoles, which reduce the load on the spine and protect the back from the development of osteochondrosis, etc.
  • Orthopedic mattress. Also extremely useful thing to recuperate overnight and at daytime rest... Do not spare money for such a mattress, it will greatly simplify your life. Match it with an orthopedic pillow.
  • Physical exercises. Talk to your doctor about what exercises will help relieve stress on your back and improve your overall condition. One of the most popular exercises during this period is the "kitty" back flexion in the "on all fours" position. By doing this exercise regularly, you will make the birth process easier for yourself.
  • Warm bath and contrast shower in the lumbar region. Do not overdo it with a contrast shower, and the bath water should be extremely warm.

Treatment of back pain in pregnant women - what can a doctor prescribe?

First of all, if you suspect the development of any disease (and not with pain characteristic of pregnancy), they seek advice from gynecologist and neurologist, orthopedist and surgeon, as well as a nephrologist .

According to the results of the examination, treatment is prescribed.

  • For painful sensations caused by renal spasms, no-shpu may be prescribed. Most drugs with the function of eliminating spasms and pain are known to be prohibited during pregnancy. The doctor prescribes treatment based on the overall picture illness and, naturally, possible harm for the fetus.
  • For lumbar pain with the presence bloody discharge there may be a threat of miscarriage. In this case, hospitalization, complete rest and bed rest. Of the drugs, as a rule, Magnesia, Dyufaston or Utrozhestan are prescribed , and other means to reduce the tone of the uterus and maintain pregnancy.
  • For pain associated with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, Menovazin may be prescribed. For example, in the form of an ointment or solution. This medication is considered to be very effective in the case of a pinched lumbar nerve. Note: warming ointments during pregnancy are prohibited! They can lead to miscarriage.

So that the back does not hurt during pregnancy - methods of pain prevention

To reduce the risk of pain and protect your body from overload, you need to take care of yourself in such a difficult period for a woman and, of course, follow certain rules:

  • The growing uterus tends to constrict the ureters, as a result of which urinary stagnation forms, and then there is a risk of developing pyelectasis and, as a result, pyelonephritis. Therefore it is recommended after the 20th week, stand on all fours twice a day to improve the flow of urine.
  • Beginning at 3-4 months, make yourself a habit of lying (with a special pillow under the tummy) with bent knees on the left side. That is, in the fetal position. As for the pose of the star (on the back) - forget about it until the very birth. In extreme cases - reclining and on a hard surface.
  • Don't jump out of bed. Go up by rolling. When lifting something off the floor, bend your knees first. You cannot lift things off the floor simply by leaning forward.
  • Eliminate all factors that provoke back pain and increase the load on the spine : Do not lift a weight, sleep in a comfortable bed, wear the right shoes, eat the right foods, sit on chairs with backs, etc.
  • Use prenatal band and

Back pain during pregnancy or any other discomfort is very common and should be expected in most cases. May occur at any stage of pregnancy; however, this most often occurs later, when the child reaches significant weight.

Back pain can disrupt daily life or interfere with good sleep. Good news is that you can take action to deal with it.

How common is back pain during pregnancy?

Back pain and lumbar pain during pregnancy are a large number women. Basically, seventy percent of the fairer sex who are expecting a baby suffer from this problem.

What causes back pain during an interesting position?

Back pain during pregnancy is associated with a number of factors. Some women develop lower back pain early in the pregnancy. Women who are overweight or have this problem before conception are more at risk of discomfort.

Here is a list of potential causes of back pain:

  • Increased Hormones - Hormones released during pregnancy act on the ligaments in the pelvic region and the joints become looser in preparation for birth. This shift in the joints and the weakening of the ligaments can affect the back.
  • Center of gravity - it will gradually move forward as the uterus and baby grow, causing the position to change.
  • Additional weight - developing pregnancy and the child creates additional weight that the back must support, but it does not always cope with it.
  • Position - Poor posture, excessive flexion can cause or exacerbate back pain.

How to prevent or reduce back pain during pregnancy?

Back pain during pregnancy cannot be completely prevented, but there are things a woman can do to reduce the severity or frequency of its occurrence.

Here are some steps you can take to reduce back pain:

1. Practice correct posture. As the child grows, the center of gravity shifts forward. To avoid falling forward, one must compensate for this by leaning back, which can strain the muscles in the lower back and contribute to back pain during pregnancy. These principles of good posture must be followed:

  • Walk straight.
  • Keep your chest high.
  • Keep your shoulders back and relaxed.
  • Do not bend your knees.
  • When the woman is standing, use a comfortable, wide position to better support.
  • Good posture also means sitting with care. You should always sit down on a chair that supports your back, or place a small pillow on your lower back instead of sitting on a stool.

2. The right shoes... Wear low-heeled shoes - not flat - with good arch support. Avoid high heels, which can further shift the balance of the body forward and lead to back problems.

3. Also consider wearing a belt for pregnant women. Although research into the effectiveness of such belts is limited, some women find them helpful.

4. Lift items correctly. Raising small item, squat and bend your legs. It's also important to know your limitations. If a woman needs to lift something, then it is better for her to turn to someone for help.

5. Sleep on your side. Sleep on your side, not on your back. Keep your knees bent. It is also possible to use pillows between bent knees, under the abdomen and behind the back.

6. Heat, cold. While evidence to support their effectiveness is limited, applying a heating pad or ice pack on your back may help.

Physical activity in daily life

How can you relieve pain?

To quickly relieve pain will help:

  1. Back massage. You can do it as yourself (knead yourself with both hands lower part back) and trust a massage specialist.
  2. Bandage. It helps support the abdomen, thereby reducing stress on the back.
  3. Pillow. Special cushions are placed under the stomach during sleep.
  4. Pool. If there is no threat of termination of pregnancy, then the expectant mother should pay attention to visiting the pool. It relaxes the back muscles, improves breathing, blood circulation and speeds up the metabolism.
  5. Medicines. This includes pills, gels, ointments for back pain during pregnancy.

Complementary treatments

Some studies show that acupuncture can reduce back pain during pregnancy. Chiropractic care will provide comfort for women. However, further research is needed. Considering complementary therapy, you need to discuss it with your doctor. Be sure to tell a chiropractor or acupuncturist about your situation.

Timely consultation with your doctor

If a woman has severe low back pain during pregnancy or back pain that lasts more than two weeks, she should talk to her doctor. He may recommend medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or other treatments.

Be aware that lower back pain during pregnancy can be a sign of premature birth or infection urinary tract... If a woman's discomfort in position is accompanied by vaginal bleeding, fever, or burning sensation during urination, she should immediately contact her doctor.

Yoga during pregnancy

If your back hurts during pregnancy, why not use another method? Most The best way both pain relief and prevention pain is yoga. Regular classes:

  1. Ease or completely eliminate back pain.
  2. Contribute to the prevention and reduction of edema (almost common companions of pregnancy).
  3. Prevent varicose veins vessels.
  4. Improves blood circulation.
  5. Maintain optimal body tone: gently strengthen the muscles of the pelvis, abdomen, back, improve the elasticity of the ligaments and muscle tissues. And this is preparing the body for the upcoming birth and facilitating postpartum recovery.
  6. Fill with a sense of vigor and strength.
  7. Optimizes the immune system.
  8. Protect against disease.

Will yoga help everyone?

It's important to know:

  • If the pregnant mother is not an experienced yoga practitioner, then you should refrain from classes until 12 weeks of pregnancy.
  • If the mother did yoga regularly for at least 1 year before pregnancy, then, despite the state of health, she can continue to practice (even in the first trimester), taking into account the peculiarities of the practice of the pregnant woman (certain exercises and techniques are excluded).

Yoga classes for pregnant women with different physical fitness fundamental differences do not have: the same restrictions and requirements. Mothers with better physical fitness can practice asanas for longer.

Before doing yoga, you should consult with the doctor who is registered with the pregnant woman. Today, experts are increasingly emphasizing the importance of yoga during pregnancy, because it will not only prevent back pain, but also improve the general condition of the body.

Yoga for back pain

Below are the best exercises which are used if the back is pulled during pregnancy:

  • The back is static. This pose uses the force of gravity, placing the hips and torso on the same plane. It helps relieve pain in the lower back. Lie on your back, relax your arms, lower them along the body and put your legs, bent at the knees, on a pillow or sofa so that your shins are parallel to the ground. The knees should form a 90-degree angle with the torso and the neck should be relaxed. Hold this pose for at least five minutes.
  • Outside the bridge. This exercise helps lengthen the muscles in your spine and hips. Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, place at a distance of about a palm to the buttocks. Place a pillow between your knees. Feet shoulder width apart. While lifting your hips up, pinch the pillow with your knees. Do not strain your neck. Hold for 15 seconds, relax and repeat this pose 3-4 more times.
  • Legs along the wall. To relax your shoulders, lie on your back against the wall and place a yoga block under your lower back. Raise your legs up so that your heels are against the wall. Keep your arms open and relaxed at your sides.
  • On shoulders. Similar to the previous pose, but remove the yoga block from under the back and rest your feet against the wall so that your hips rise to face level. The result is a straight line from knees to shoulders. This posture relieves the load on the body from the lower back.
  • Child's pose. Baby pose relaxes the sacrum and lower back by slowing down the heart rate. Place a roller or pillow between your knees and place them, toes touching each other. Sit with your hips on your feet and relax chest on the roller for support. Turn your head to one side and breathe deeply. Stay in this position for as long as it is comfortable, alternately changing the position of the head in the opposite direction.

Yoga for the prevention of back pain

If your back hurts in the early stages of pregnancy, and for prevention in general, you can following exercises:

  • "Hero". Sit on a pillow with knees connected and feet apart. Straighten your feet so that even the little toes touch the floor. Straighten and raise your arms, taking opposite elbows with your palms.
  • "Cat and Cow". This pose promotes bilateral flexion and extension of the spine, while gravity loads the shoulders and hip joints. Stand in a table position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. Inhale and look forward, exhale and lower your head.
  • Bending forward with touching toes. Connect your toes, heels apart, to relax your lower back. Bend forward with bent elbows. Reach for your toes.
  • Lunge forward. Lunge deeply forward with your left foot. The right hand touches the floor, the palm is turned back (thus the shoulders go back). The left hand reaches the floor above the knee. Top part the body rests on the knee, thus lengthening the spine. Repeat with the other leg.
  • Seated torso turn. This pose allows the thoracic (pectoral) muscles to be stretched by rotating the body. Straighten one leg and bend the other. The feet are directed forward and the knee is up. Turn towards the bent knee, hug it with the opposite hand. Place the other hand behind for balance.
  • "Pose of Wisdom". This exercise expands the lumbar spine and works out the full range of motion in hip joints... Sit down straight. Bend the left leg at the knee, the right leg stretched out in front of you. The foot of the left leg touches the knee right leg... Put right hand on the left knee, left hand behind, for balance. Twist the body to the left, while the head turns to the right. Repeat for the opposite side.

Before any treatment, be it a back massage or yoga, you need to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist.

The well-being of pregnant women is constantly changing. On some days, they are not worried about anything, and on others - pleasant thoughts about future motherhood are overshadowed by severe back pain.

The mother-to-be is in no hurry to take painkillers for fear of harming the baby's health.

But what to do when the back hurts badly during pregnancy, and there is no longer any strength and patience to endure this torment? Competent recommendations of specialists will help in this difficult situation.


Starting from 21-23 weeks of pregnancy, an actively growing fetus, reaching a weight of about 500 g, begins locomotor activity in the womb.

She feels these movements, rejoicing that the baby is developing as needed and everything is in order. The child's vestibular apparatus is forming, and every day the tremors become stronger and more frequent.

But the rapidly growing belly changes the center of gravity in the body of the expectant mother - it pulls the body down. The woman is forced to strain her back muscles in order to maintain a normal posture. This happens involuntarily.

The lumbar spine bends inward, the abdomen protrudes, and the chin tilts slightly forward. The tension of muscle fibers in the lumbar region often causes their spasm.

The situation is complicated if the girl was found to have or before pregnancy.

Due to the increase in weight, the compression on the intervertebral discs increases - pinching of the nerve roots passing near the spinal canal can occur. At the same time, my back hurts very much.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy in the body of the future mom is coming active production of the hormone relaxin.

It helps to stretch the ligaments pelvic floor, makes the joints "looser" so that the child can pass through the birth canal without injury or damage.

Even doing simple housework, a woman may feel that her back and stomach ache. This phenomenon is also not uncommon.

But if in a healthy woman these symptoms can report the first small contractions (in this way the body prepares the woman for the upcoming childbirth) and the tension of the back muscles, then in case of diseases internal organs abdominal cavity the situation is complicated by the fact that the growing fetus makes it difficult to carry out diagnostic examinations.

And yet, with such signs, a doctor should be consulted immediately, because not only the health, but also the life of the child depends on the mother's condition.

What can be done to reduce pain?

  1. Despite the fact that the girl constantly wants to eat something salty, spicy, sour, you need to monitor the diet, in which it is desirable to exclude foods that contribute to fluid retention in the body and contribute to weight gain. During pregnancy, it is worth giving preference to food rich in vitamins, calcium, potassium, magnesium and other minerals and at the same time having a low or medium calorie content.
  2. Even this difficult period girls want to stay attractive and beautiful, and some of them manage to walk in high heels. This creates a great strain on the muscles of the back, in addition to the fact that the woman "wears" the stomach, and it is easier to injure the joints of the legs when walking in such shoes. Therefore, it is advisable to wear high-quality orthopedic shoes, to use shoes with wide and low heels.
  3. It is forbidden long time stay in one static position. Even if a girl is sitting on a comfortable chair with an orthopedic back, several hours of such sitting can be felt with back pain, numbness and "goosebumps" in the legs. It is recommended to get up every half hour, move a little. It is not at all sharp movements, not tilting, but unhurried walking in place, movements with a small amplitude of the arms, etc.
  4. Despite the fact that during the night's rest with big belly you have to toss and turn for a long time to find a position in which your back does not ache - you need to sleep on a semi-rigid mattress, placing a small roller under your neck.

Depression is not uncommon during pregnancy. In addition to the fact that the female body constantly occurs physiological changes, a girl can experience negative emotions in relation to herself, feeling ugly, inadequate, unnecessary.