Makeup porcelain skin. Skin whitening - remember the direction of the massage lines. Skin whitening with rice mask

Residents of the Starna of the Rising Sun spend a lot of time every day caring for their skin. To do this, they have special rituals, including cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing. However, the beauty of the skin depends not only on caring for it, but also on the state of health. Therefore, Japanese women try to eat rationally, exercise and have a good rest. If you eat wrong, eating a lot of fatty, spicy and sweet foods, then your skin will never be the same. Japanese women. Therefore, first of all, change your eating style, accustom yourself to drinking green tea instead of black tea, replacing sugar with honey. Drink more clean water, which helps to cleanse the body and speed up metabolism. Cleanse your skin daily with alcohol-free products, never wash your face with soap and hot water, because from this the skin becomes only rougher and reddens. And, of course, take care of your skin according to ancient system, which Japanese women have been adhering to for thousands of years.
Wash your face every morning before applying makeup. oat milk. To do this, pour a tablespoon of oatmeal with a small amount of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Then squeeze out the swollen flakes and wash your face with milk, then rinse your face with cool water. Cereals you can not wring out, but use as a face mask. In ancient times, the Japanese used rice bran instead of soap, even now, most Japanese women adhere to this tradition and make scrubs and masks out of them. For cooking rice mask for an exfoliating effect, grind a few tablespoons of rice bran with a blender or coffee grinder. Use the resulting product every time after taking a bath or shower, applying to wet skin soft face and neck in a circular motion. Then simply rinse off with cool water and pat your skin dry. soft towel. To achieve the effect porcelain skin You can also use camellia oil. To do this, you will need a few dry petals of this fragrant flower and almond oil. Mix the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio; set for an hour or two water bath. Then refrigerate and strain. Apply the product to the skin before going to bed. Another miraculous recipe for Japanese women looks like this: for a miracle mask, thanks to which the skin begins to “glow” from the inside, you need to take ground germinated wheat grains, mix them with 1 tsp. honey, massage into the skin of the face and leave for 15 minutes. Then gently rinse with warm water. You need to make such a mask every other day, then the result will not keep you waiting. And finally, one more recipe called "Mask of the Empress". To prepare it, take 20 g beeswax, 25 g cocoa butter, 100 g apricot or peach oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of castor oil and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey Combine the components, melt in a water bath, let cool. Then add 1 lemon, grated with zest, and 2 egg yolks. Apply the mask on your face, rinse off with cold water after 20 minutes. However, remember that before applying the mask, the skin should be well cleaned of cosmetics, dust and dirt. It is advisable to steam the skin of the face so that the opened pores absorb as many useful microelements and minerals as possible.
In the event that you want to achieve the effect of "porcelain skin" instantly, use various cosmetics - foundation, powders, correctors. To prevent your skin from looking like "plastered", pay enough attention to blending cosmetics. Do not apply it in large doses, do everything consistently. When choosing foundation, give preference to lighter tones, remembering Golden Rule make-up artists; "a tone lighter - 10 years younger"!

The effect of "porcelain skin" - perfectly smooth, white, slightly illuminated by a pink blush - is the dream of every woman. You can see this effect not only in old paintings (the women depicted in them achieved the effect of white skin with the help of powder, rouge and lead white), but also in modern photographs.

Contouring and bronzing are giving way to draping and strobing, makeup techniques that emphasize natural radiance, white skin and blush. Sunburn obtained in a solarium or with the help of sunbathing, is no longer in fashion - it is considered harmful to the skin. Self-tanning is also not relevant - girls tend to demonstrate natural, aristocratic skin color.

Our material is devoted to how to make your skin porcelain: what should be done for this, how to care for it, how to paint, what products to choose.

Like Queen Elizabeth: what is porcelain skin?

Highly bright skin, not touched by either a tan or cosmetics - a rarity. Natural porcelain skin is found only in red-haired women and very fair blondes. The difference between this effect and just a light one is not tanned skin:

  • Evenness and smoothness, no enlarged pores;
  • Light, pastel blush;
  • Natural glow.

You can achieve the effect of porcelain skin with both properly selected care products and decorative ones.

A bit of history

For several centuries in a row, there was a fashion for a snow-white complexion, achieved due to the absence of tan and the use of special means decorative cosmetics. Pale skin was considered a sign of aristocratic origin, it was not for nothing that such ladies were called “white hands” and “blue blood” before (on white skin in the 18th century it was fashionable to designate blue veins with paint). Wealthy owners and owners of estates protected the face and body from sun rays to retain such privileges of his appearance.

White-skinned were representatives of all known dynasties. Looking at the portraits of Queen Elizabeth I, Victoria, Elizabeth II, Marie Antoinette, Elizabeth Petrovna, you can see how light their skin tone was.

Everything changed in the 20th century. Global fashion change due to social and political changes, I wave feminism, the opening of exotic territories on the globe changed the way they looked at skin color. Girls now tended to wear more revealing bathing suits, sunbathe, and use darker foundations to imitate exotic beauties.

Dresses and skirts got shorter every year. boom on beach fashion The 1960s and the invention of the bikini style made tan the most fashionable must-have among young people. Tan was essential attribute hippies and free-thinking people.

In the late 1970s and into the 1980s, aristocratic pallor returned to fashion, which was strongly influenced by the music industry of those years. The movement of the "new romantics", another change in the image of David Bowie, gothic music returned aristocratic pallor to the crest of a fashionable wave. Draping became fashionable - a special make-up method that consisted of creating snow-white skin and contouring with blush, due to which it was possible to achieve a porcelain effect.

The 1990s-2000s were triumphant decades of tanning - natural, obtained in the solarium, achieved with cosmetics and sprays. The darker the tan, the more woman in line with fashion trends.

Passion for this reached the point of absurdity. In Japan, there was a ganguro subculture - girls who tanned or used self-tanning before reaching dark brown shade, which in combination with white hair looked ridiculous. A conservative society was negative about such hobbies of youth. Americans and Russians did not lag behind in this - on the Internet there are many archival photos of "fashionistas" with unnatural dark color skin and bleached hair.

The 2010s were marked by minimalism, freedom from any conventions, and a desire for naturalness. Sunburn is now not condemned, but it is not considered trendy either - women must choose for themselves whether it is close to them or not. Doctors publish articles about the dangers of sunlight and the benefits of skin protection products. AT fashion magazines side by side with tanned girls in swimsuits under tropical palm trees advertising companies in the style of minimalism with white girls - Celine, Yves Saint Laurent, Chanel.

Porcelain skin is an attribute of many fashion shows. Due to light textural and tonal means make-up artists achieve smooth, light, as if illuminated from the inside, skin that looks like it has not an ounce of cosmetics on it.

Porcelain leather: a modern look and new technologies

The latest approach to care and makeup combines gentle methods to achieve results, moisturizing plus nutrition and sun protection.

Japanese and Korean manufacturers are at the forefront of the best cosmetics. Menard, Shiseido, Mishka are famous Asian brands that combine traditional recipes and high-tech approach. BB and CC creams are the know-how of Eastern manufacturers. Such products have many functions, combining toning, care, protection. Many creams not only contain a powerful SPF filter, but also whitening ingredients, because the skin of Asian women should be aristocratically pale.

You can achieve truly beautiful and aristocratic-looking skin if you build a competent care strategy.

  1. Purification must come first. The skin must be freed from excess fat produced by the glands, dust microparticles, clogged pores should be cleaned of impurities, make-up remover should be done. The main cleansers are gels, foams, tonics, lotions, micellar waters. There are products for cleansing persistent cosmetics, there are very gentle products designed for youthful skin. An additional plus would be if the cosmetics contain hyaluronic or retinolic acid, amino acids, peptides and lipids.
  2. Actually care is the most important component of preserving the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, as well as its delicate porcelain shade. Creams, lotions, serums, fluids should contain vitamin complexes, amino acids, plant extracts, micro-oils, glycerin and other nourishing and moisturizing ingredients. Skin whitening agents - acid complexes, parsley and rhubarb extracts, vitamin C.
  3. To protect the skin around the eyes, it is worth choosing special cream Designed for delicate and sensitive skin of the eyelids.
  4. Protection - the face should be protected from the sun's rays and their harmful effects. The cream should have an SPF filter, and it is better to wear a wide-brimmed hat on your head in summer.

Beautiful skin is the key to proper and competent care. The advice of experts in the field of cosmetology will help women make their skin truly porcelain, fresh, renewed and beautiful.

  1. You should choose cosmetics that mask redness, black dots, dark circles under the eyes and the slightest defects - the surface of the epidermis should be perfect. For this purpose, primers, correctors, special sticks that neutralize imperfections are suitable.
  2. During the day in hot weather, do not forget to use matting wipes that absorb excess moisture and sebum. Enjoy thermal water to freshen up - it does not wash off makeup, while giving comfort.
  3. Cleanse your skin twice a day - in the morning - from sweat and toxins released during the night, in the evening - from makeup and pollution. Do not forget about day and night creams that moisturize and nourish the skin.
  4. Pimples and comedones will interfere with the effect of porcelain skin, so you should get rid of them. Use a solution of boron soap, which will dry acne, or any ointment listed in. Solcoseryl ointment helps with post-acne.
  5. Once in 1-2 weeks spend, once a season - medium, 1-2 times a year - deep, promoting skin regeneration and its rapid renewal.
  6. Do not touch your face with dirty hands - this can cause infection or acne. Also, you can’t squeeze out acne yourself - it’s better to entrust it to a beautician, and cauterize rashes on the face with alcohol or drying agents.
  7. Wipe your face with an ice cube in the morning this procedure closes enlarged pores and refreshes the skin. Low temperature contributes to the regulation of sebum production.
  8. Don't forget about drinking mode- At least 1.8-2 liters of water should be consumed per day. This will keep your skin healthy and beautiful.
  9. Enjoy protective equipment not only in summer, but also in the colder season. The SPF of your moisturizer will protect against negative impact sun rays.
  10. If you like sunbathing, then do it between 9-10 am and 6-7 pm.
  11. To support the antioxidant processes in the body, start drinking white and green tea daily instead of black. Another alternative to these miracle drinks is herbal teas and decoctions. They have a beneficial effect on the skin, unlike black and flavored teas.
  12. Start monitoring your diet. Eating processed foods, fatty and spicy foods negatively affects your appearance. Fruits, vegetables, rich in fiber - the best way to beauty. Dairy products cure acne and make skin smooth. Honey will saturate the body with vitamins.
  13. Start your morning with a glass warm water with lemon juice or 1 tsp. honey, and then eat 1 serving of steamed oatmeal with apple and nuts - such a detox will quickly put the skin in order, make it renewed, smooth and radiant.
  14. Get enough sleep. An 8-hour sleep starting at 10-11 pm helps the body recover and slows down the aging process.

Face masks with whitening effect

Folk remedies help to make the face beautiful no less effectively than expensive funds. natural ingredients contain many vitamins and minerals, microelements, macroelements, lipids, amino acids, pectins, bioflavonoids, antioxidants necessary to create not just the effect of porcelain skin, but real whitening.

  1. Apple mask. The fruits of winter varieties, for example, Northern Sinap, are rubbed on a fine grater into a liquid gruel. To the resulting composition add a little lemon juice, put in several layers of gauze and cover her face with it. If necessary, you will need to add fresh composition under the cheesecloth so that the mixture does not dry out. After an hour, the mask can be washed off the face.
  2. Milk mask. Farm milk with a fat content of up to 10%, chilled in the refrigerator, is applied to cotton pad and wipe their faces. When it dries, apply another layer, and so on 10 times. The mask is left on the face for 30 minutes, then washed off.
  3. Creamy mask with essential oils. Farm cream is cooled, then mixed with a pinch of sugar, add 1-2 drops of your favorite to them. essential oil- anything but cinnamon. Moisten several layers of gauze with cream and put on the face. The duration of the composition is 30 minutes, after which the face is washed and wiped with tonic.
  4. Cucumber mask with parsley. The cucumber is rubbed on a grater, the excess juice is poured into a glass - it will still come in handy. Parsley is chopped in a blender at high speeds, cucumber pulp is added to it. The resulting mixture is rubbed on the face with a thick layer, left for 30 minutes. Then the vegetable mixture is washed off, the face is wiped with cucumber juice, left for another 30 minutes.
  5. Mask of parsley and curdled milk. Parsley is ground in a blender, mixed with fatty curdled milk and applied to the face. The duration of the mask is 20 minutes.
  6. Japanese rice mask. rice powder obtained in a coffee grinder or grinder from ordinary rice, pour kefir, milk or carbonated mineral water to get a mass with the consistency of sour cream. For density, you can add a little starch, and for moisturizing - glycerin (you can buy at a pharmacy). Finished mask use once a week, apply on the face for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with water and tonic.
  7. mask for problematic skin with boric acid and bodyaga. Mix the substances in a 1:1 ratio, add 1 drop of essential oil suitable for your skin type, and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Apply the composition to the entire face, except for the eyelids and nasolabial triangle. If there is tingling, no big deal. The mask is washed off after 20 minutes.
  8. Whitening nose mask. Grind 20 g of raw potatoes to make a liquid slurry, add a little lemon juice to it and apply on the skin of the nose. Use the mixture every day until the desired result is achieved.
  9. "Morning Oatmeal" After waking up and cleansing the face, a mixture of steamed oatmeal mixed with yogurt, 1/2 tsp is applied to the skin. sea ​​iodized salt and 1 tsp. parsley juice. The mask is kept on the face for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off. It is done once a week, the optimal time is on weekends.
  10. Citrus face mask. The pulp of orange, grapefruit and lemon is mixed, applied to the face until completely dry, then washed off with water.
  11. "Youth elixir". Sprouted sprouts of soy or wheat are crushed in a blender or coffee grinder, applied to the face, washed off with warm water after 30 minutes. Thanks to the antioxidants contained in the "children" of plants, the quality and appearance of the skin can be significantly improved.
  12. Banana and milk mask. Half fruit and 2 tbsp. l. the drink is ground in a blender, applied to the face and left for an hour. Then rinse with water and wipe the skin with tonic.
  13. Whitening treatment for severely tanned skin. mixed egg white, some shaving foam and 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide, applied to the face and left for 20 minutes. This product is especially suitable for oily and combination skin.

There are a couple of other old recipes:

  1. Mask with Japanese camellia oil. Mix rice powder with rice starch, add 1-2 drops of essential oil (for your skin type) and 1 tsp. Japanese camellia oil, mixed with a wooden stick, applied to the face before going to bed, then washed off with water.
  2. Dry buckwheat groats, crushed to a homogeneous state, are mixed in one bowl with water, applied to the face. Wash off after 30 minutes.

Make-up for owners of fair skin

  • The face is cleansed with a tonic or micellar water, wiped with an ice cube to reduce pores and moisturize the epidermis. A tinting primer-fluid is applied on top, correcting the imperfections of the dermis.
  • The face is covered with a thin layer of foundation cream of a light shade, suitable in texture: oily skin denser products with absorbents in the composition are suitable, while dry skin loves light fluid creams with a moisturizing effect.
  • T-zone should be treated with compact powder suitable shade. Use during the day only it, not foundation.
  • An alternative to powder and cream is a cushion that combines two products at once and is more economical and suitable for any skin type.
  • With a round wide brush, start light draping - face sculpting with blush. Choose softer and lighter shades. For those with warm color type fit peach tones, for cold - pink.
  • Highlight the eyes and eyebrows. Do not make your eyebrows too thick and wide or too thin - they should look harmonious on your face and match your hair color.
  • During the day, use nude, terracotta, orange tones lipsticks, in the evening - plum, dark cherry, red, scarlet. Lovers of experiments can try to combine a porcelain skin tone with the darkest and even black lipsticks.

Making skin porcelain, fresh, white and radiant is not so difficult if you follow the set of rules and actions prescribed in this article. Correct Mode day, nutrition, cosmetics and care will make the skin truly beautiful, like that of aristocrats.

AT last years there is more and more talk about the dangers of sunburn, which causes early skin aging. And indeed, it is. On the contrary, girls with porcelain skin look younger than their years. This can be said about almost all Japanese women, because they carefully monitor their appearance. Learn from the beauties of the country rising sun how to make your face perfect.

What is porcelain skin?

On the ideal face there are no pimples, redness, enlarged pores and other imperfections. In a word, it is perfect. The skin is matte, without tan. But this is not painful pallor. On the contrary, porcelain skin is characterized by radiance and brilliance, which make a woman a sophisticated beauty.

Many girls to reach similar effect, resort to the use of decorative cosmetics, applying several layers of masking agents on themselves. But because of this technique, the face will lose all its naturalness. There are several simple tips how to achieve porcelain skin at home.

Less makeup

Japanese women most often use decorative cosmetics only as an addition. With its help, they emphasize the merits and hide the flaws. How less makeup will be imposed, the more likely to save natural beauty. Any cosmetics clogs pores, so sooner or later you will have to eliminate the consequences. Most of all, this rule is observed by older women. Young Japanese women sometimes allow themselves to do spectacular makeup especially for the eyes. But in any case, they always carefully wash off all the cosmetics before going to bed.

Staged cleansing

Japanese women never allow themselves to sleep with makeup on their faces, even if there was very little of it. This simple rule allows you to make the skin porcelain, clean and fresh. If you ignore it, the epidermis will stop breathing and recover during the night's rest.

It is recommended to use a phased facial cleansing system. First you need to wash off makeup and dust with oil. The next step is to wash with a mild cleansing foam. And in the end, it remains only to lightly walk on the skin with a gentle scrub. It will remove dead cells, finally remove everything superfluous from the pores, allowing the skin to actively regenerate. Such a departure may take fifteen minutes, but this is completely normal.

Skin oiling

Asians in daily care behind the face necessarily include various cosmetic oils. They allow you to moisturize, nourish, smooth and make the skin porcelain. Argan, coconut, watermelon, apricot, corn and other oils are used depending on skin type. They can be applied under the cream, mixed with it, added to masks and other cosmetics.

Camellia oil deserves special attention. It is ideal for maintaining youth and beauty. it natural remedy Perfectly fights dry skin and wrinkles on the face. In addition, it can be used in parallel for hair and nail care.

Change of care products

Korean brands compare favorably with European and American brands in that they do not release the same product for decades. Every few seasons, something new appears on the beauty industry market.

Do not get attached to one of your favorite jars. Otherwise, the skin will get used to the product and become less receptive to the ingredients. Therefore, on the way to achieving porcelain skin, you should periodically change your care products.

Proper nutrition

Only healthy food can guarantee an improvement in the condition. skin. And the Japanese know firsthand about proper nutrition.

Be sure to include in your daily diet rice, foods rich in amino acids and reduce fat intake. You need to eat more seafood: fish, shellfish and algae. They are rich in substances that have a beneficial effect on skin health.

The right drinks will also help to make the face smooth and elastic. This is green and white tea. If possible, it is better to replace all other drinks with them. Also green tea successfully used to cleanse the skin externally.

New generation foundation

Instead of classic tonal means, Japanese women use progressive BB creams, and now they use CC creams. They contain many caring components and do not dry out the epidermis. Therefore, to achieve the effect of porcelain skin, it is better to give preference to hybrids of moisturizer and tone.

Proper application of cosmetics

Many in the old fashioned way rub their face care products in a circular motion. But this is fundamentally wrong. So the skin quickly stretches, becomes flabby, lethargic, and wrinkles appear soon. It is better to apply any cosmetics with light slaps. Due to this, the inflow of capillary blood increases and the processes of rejuvenation and recovery take place more intensively. It is preliminary recommended that you first warm up the care product in your hands and only then apply it to your face with patting movements.

Sun protection

Ultraviolet rays are the main enemies of porcelain skin color. Not only do they make the face dark, tanned, but the sun also contributes to the formation of wrinkles and rapid aging. Therefore, it is generally recommended to use creams only with a high SPF factor. And even better, in sunny weather, hide your face under a natural shadow, which can be created with an umbrella or a hat. It is not only useful, but also beautiful.

Facial massage

All Japanese women know how great strength is. therapeutic massage. It activates energy, increases muscle elasticity and increases blood flow. It is not necessary to contact specialists to undergo a facial massage session. You can do it yourself at home. The point is that it is important to follow the direction massage lines. From the cheeks to the ears, from the corners of the lips up to the temples, from the middle of the forehead to the sides, from the bottom of the chin to the cheekbones.

If you are thinking about how to achieve porcelain facial skin, then you should memorize these massage lines. On them, you need to apply decorative cosmetics, masks, remove makeup and do other procedures.

snail slime

Not so long ago, the most popular component of Korean creams has become. Sounds creepy, but do not be scared. This ingredient contains elastin, collagen and has excellent healing properties. This is what you need to get a porcelain face. Therefore, you need to safely and without hesitation buy products that have snail mucus in their composition.

Sheet masks

Japanese women constantly and with big love use sheet masks. They give the skin the necessary nutrition and make up for the lack of moisture. If we consider Russian products, then before buying it is better to read reviews about them. Porcelain leather can't be achieved with sheet masks if they are not of good quality. The material itself must be made of cotton, and nutrient must contain natural ingredients (snail mucus, aloe, milk proteins, clay, etc.).

Girls who have experienced masks made in Japan, Korea and China speak positively about them. Products based on green and white tea, bamboo juice, sea minerals perfectly even out skin tone, make it smooth, give a porcelain glow.

Mask "Pearl White"

To eliminate redness, inflammation, even out the tone and matte the skin, Japanese women traditionally use a special mask. It consists of egg yolk, acacia honey and water. Everything is mixed in equal proportions and applied to the face in an even thin layer. After twenty minutes, the mask is gently washed off with warm water. Already after the first application, the face becomes velvety, and its color becomes more delicate and uniform, like porcelain.

Home peeling

It can be said that asian girls obsessed with skin renewal and cleansing. Therefore, they do peels several times a week, regardless of skin type. At first glance, it may seem that very often. But in the end, after so many procedures, there will be dense, porcelain skin, without any flaws. Better give preference natural recipes, which are based on fruits or berries (strawberries, rose hips, pineapple, papaya, etc.). As the experience of many girls shows, oatmeal peeling also gives good results.

Emulsions and serums

Today, the market offers many products for facial rejuvenation. Definitely do not give up serums and emulsions. Moreover, they can and should be used every night before bed. Japanese women apply serum first, then cosmetic oil and in the end - night cream. Emulsions are best purchased based on natural ingredients: marine collagen, algae, goat milk or snail slime.

Patches under the eyes

A porcelain face will not look perfect if there are bruises and bags under the eyes. Therefore, the skin around the eyes should also be given attention. But regular creams not as effective as gel patches. They contain collagen, which eliminates bags, dark circles and smoothes wrinkles. Some patches do not need to be rinsed off, so they can be applied right before going out.

Now you know how to make skin porcelain and healthy without numerous layers of decorative cosmetics and expensive cosmetics. salon procedures, which often have very doubtful result. But do not forget that only comprehensive care and the regularity of procedures will make the face snow-white, clean and radiant. This is within the power of every girl, if she is not lazy.

Porcelain skin color is an indicator of careful appearance care. If earlier self-tanning and solariums were especially popular, today dramatic changes have taken place in the beauty industry. Many are interested in - what kind of porcelain skin is this? Impeccable, even color without transitions and flaws, distinguished by a special smoothness and velvety. Everyone can become the owner, you just need to use the natural secrets of beauty.

What is porcelain skin

A few years ago, bronze coating was the standard of beauty. Today, the favorite of all beauty trends is the face of natural, light shades. What color is porcelain? This is a snow-white, perfectly smooth dermis, without spots, pigmentation, and rosacea. Back in the 19th century, it was the pride of aristocrats, who carefully protected their faces from the touch of sunlight. Depending on the color type - winter, spring, summer, autumn, maybe with a warm peach shade, or contrast blue.

To achieve this result, facial care must be very thorough. It affects the whole lifestyle in general, applying a mask or cream is not enough. A huge plus of snow-white skin is its natural, natural appearance. And limiting exposure to ultraviolet rays allows you to solve another problem - age-related changes. The face will look younger, fresher, so this is the only way to avoid beauty injections, while maintaining the smoothness and elasticity of the epidermis.

How to make porcelain skin

Japanese women have made porcelain skin a real trend. No wonder, thanks to a whole care system, they stop the aging process. You can preserve freshness and youth without resorting to miraculous expensive creams and operations, it is enough to adhere to the basic recommendations.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the shampoos that you use. Frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts analyzed sulfate-free shampoos, where funds from Mulsan Сosmetic took the first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

  1. Exists special diet for porcelain skin, pumpkin, carrots, spinach are contraindicated, in small quantities seafood is allowed, as well as red fish, nuts and dried fruits, vegetable oils, the basis of the diet consists of cereals and lean meats, fresh herbs, vegetables, sweet and sour fruits, berries;
  2. Proper nutrition excludes the intake of carbonated drinks, alcohol, canned food, semi-finished products, coffee is allowed in small quantities, the dermis, like litmus paper, will tell everything about its owner;
  3. Water is the main element of the detox program, it quickly removes all toxins and oxidants, maintains firmness and elasticity;
  4. For any rashes that are regular, it is necessary to undergo a complete medical examination, the state of the epidermis is often affected by malfunctions of the digestive, endocrine, reproductive systems;
  5. A porcelain-white shade can only be obtained by carefully protecting the covers from sunlight. all year round, even in summer time it is recommended to be on the beach until ten in the afternoon and after five in the evening, while choosing according to the season protective cream with the appropriate SPF.

With the help of cosmetics, you can achieve an instant effect:

  • first you need to work with defects, remove dark circles, inflammation, appearing venous stars with a concealer;
  • then, with the help of a sponge, a make-up base is applied in a thin layer, it evens out the structure, hides wide pores, wrinkles;
  • the foundation is selected half a tone lighter, this will achieve the desired freshness, duplicates its color light matte powder, fixing the coating;
  • on the cheekbones with a voluminous brush, distribute blush, peach or with pink tint- depends on the color type of appearance;
  • when applying makeup, it is convenient to use a sponge or a brush, the main rule minimal amount each product, this will achieve a more natural result.

Homemade mask recipes for porcelain complexion

And how to make porcelain skin at home? Thanks to available recipes, it is easy to become the owner of a luxurious natural shade. Do-it-yourself masks will also help to cope with age-related changes, giving freshness and elasticity.

Whitening mask

A magic mask for porcelain skin will remove dead skin particles, improve oxygen respiration, and restore an even, smooth structure. An effective remedy for whitening pigmentation, helps to remove puffiness, the face is rested, shines with youth.



  • Art. spoon of white clay;
  • Art. a spoonful of sour cream;
  • a teaspoon of aloe vera.

Mix kaolin well with sour cream, squeeze the juice of the plant through a press. Before applying, steam the epidermis with a compress, only after distributing the composition. Enjoy the action for twenty minutes, then complete in the usual way. It is enough to repeat the whitening mask twice a week to maintain ideal skin condition.

Purifying mask

To brighten, rejuvenate, it is useful to use natural cosmetics. The recipe will provide cleansing of the skin, give elasticity, helps to reduce the number of wrinkles. At regular use, it will not be difficult to quickly achieve desired effect, it is easy to forget about rashes, dull color forever.


  • an aspirin tablet;
  • ascorutin tablet;
  • Art. a spoonful of yeast

Crush the tablets into powder, dilute the yeast in a separate bowl with warm green tea. Mix the ingredients, distribute the cosmetic gruel in a circular motion along the massage lines. Leave on for no more than eight/ten minutes. After the procedure, do not forget to apply a moisturizer, use a mask four / five times a month.

Moisturizing mask

To whiten the face, as well as restore elasticity, you should use homemade recipes. The amazing effect of active elements can be applied even to the eyelid area. And with the help of vegetable oils, it is easy to stop the aging process by saturating the cells with fatty acids.


  • a teaspoon of parsley juice;
  • cucumber;
  • Art. a spoonful of rice starch;
  • a teaspoon of coconut oil;
  • a teaspoon of wheat oil.

In a water bath, heat vegetable oils, remove from the stove, mix with starch, grated cucumber pulp. Add squeezed juice from parsley, then evenly distribute on peeled covers. It is recommended to keep the mask from twenty minutes to half an hour, remove the remnants with a damp sponge. Repeat three/four times a week in the afternoon.

Perfect skin care tips

Well-groomed snow-white skin looks amazing. But to get a lasting result, you need to follow the basic tips.

  1. Every day you need to provide, depending on the type of epidermis, cleansing, toning, moisturizing, it is desirable that cosmetic products were from the same series;
  2. Peelings and scrubs should be used no more than twice a month; for sensitive dermis, it is worth choosing sparing gommages;
  3. It is important not to forget about nutrition, otherwise the passion for cleansing and whitening procedures will lead to the appearance of premature wrinkles, dryness and skin sensitivity;
  4. Expensive sorbing agents are equally replaced by clay, soda, aspirin, lotions - decoctions of plantain, chamomile, sage;
  5. Camellia oil is an excellent alternative to night cream, it has a pronounced whitening and nourishing effect, while bold type, the remains need to get wet paper towel five minutes after application, for dry - wait until completely absorbed.


To get the perfect snow-white tone you need to carefully monitor your diet, take time cosmetic procedures. The only contraindications for whitening masks are thin capillaries, with manifestations of rosacea. In this case, flawless even color can be achieved with skillfully applied make-up.

Among girls, there are approximately the same number of fans and opponents of tanning. In recent years, much has been said about the fact that sunbathing is harmful; that this leads to early aging of the skin of the face. In fact, girls with the so-called porcelain skin tone look much younger than their years. For this reason alone, porcelain skin, like that of Japanese women, is gradually regaining its status as a beauty standard. How to make porcelain skin is our article.

What does porcelain skin look like?

Porcelain complexion is characterized by matte, total absence tan. We are not talking about unhealthy pallor. On the contrary, the main indicator of this type of skin is radiance, brilliance, sophisticated beauty. For many women the only way to achieve the effect of porcelain skin is the use of decorative cosmetics. But to acquire a natural shade of whiteness, it is enough to regularly carry out a number of simple procedures at home.

Whitening the skin of the face with folk remedies at home

Many women began to prefer expensive cosmetics freshly prepared masks, creams based on folk recipes. This is correct, since no one can guarantee the presence of components that are safe for the skin in the composition of ready-made creams. But, nevertheless, using folk methods, you should carefully approach the choice of ingredients, taking into account possible allergic reactions.

In order to even out the relief of the epidermis, whitening, a rice-based mask is effective. It's easy to prepare. Rice grains must be ground in a coffee grinder. It is enough to take about 100 grams of raw materials. In the resulting rice mixture, add two tbsp. tablespoons of warmed milk vegetable oil. For achievement maximum effect it is recommended to make a rice mask every other day. The compress is kept for about 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water. After gently blotting your face with a towel, it is important to moisturize the skin after the procedure. For this purpose, an ordinary children's or your usual cream is suitable.

Another recipe based on one of the most affordable products that almost every housewife has in the refrigerator is whitening with kefir and lemon juice. In 250 ml of kefir, add fresh squeezed lemon juice and a pinch of soda. Let the mixture steep for about two to three minutes.

Take gauze or a thin cloth, moisten it in a consistency, apply on the face for 10 minutes. For convenience, you can pre-make holes for the eyes and nose on a special “mask”. Instead of lemon juice, it is effective to periodically add fresh parsley juice. The frequency of procedures is twice a week.
We suggest trying face whitening with a mixture of vegetables. The presented recipe will help not only achieve the effect of porcelain skin, but also improve the shade of the skin, eliminate freckles, age spots.

Preparation of the mask: squeeze the juice from the parsley root, add carrot and cucumber juice. Mix everything thoroughly, beat lightly. As in the previous recipe, soak the pre-prepared gauze in the composition and gently apply a compress. Wash off with warm water after 10-15 minutes.
It is known that the key to a beautiful, well-groomed appearance- this is regular self-care, systematic beauty procedures, nutrition care, healthy way life.

Additional grooming measures to achieve porcelain skin

In order for the skin of the face to have a natural and healthy whiteness, exposure to masks is not enough. We must not forget to regularly cleanse the skin of the face and neck with scrubs of different composition. Scrubs are also available ready-made at any beauty store, but you can make your own at home. We offer two effective recipes.

  • Prepare a mixture of crushed apricot seeds, kefir, sea ​​buckthorn oil. Massage the face and neck with light, circular motions. Rinse with warm water and apply your usual moisturizer.
  • Mix equal amount edible salt(preferably large) and soda, a few drops of lemon, tomato juice. Massage into pre-cleansed skin, rinse with cool water.

Preparation of antiseptic and disinfectants at home

In the arsenal of every woman should be disinfecting tinctures that will be useful to fight or prevent inflammation. During cleaning of the skin, the pores are open and infection often occurs. We offer several simple recipes antiseptic lotions.

  1. Herbal lotion: to prepare the tincture, you will need to collect dry herbs of chamomile, sage, mint, calendula. Mix the raw materials and pour vodka (you will need at least 100 g). After four to five days, the tincture will be ready. It should be strained before use. It is important to keep the lotion in a dark place. Finished product keep in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.
  2. Cucumber lotion is the most common and very effective. take a cucumber medium size, wash it, do not remove the peel. Cut into circles and pour 100 g of vodka. After 7-10 days, the infusion will be ready.
  3. Lotion for sensitive skin. It is prepared without vodka. Take 50 g of fresh lemon juice, pour in slightly warmed honey and mint decoction. Shake the mixture thoroughly, leave for two hours. After this time, the lotion is ready for use.

Regular use of the recipes we offer will make your face healthy, smooth and porcelain. For the beauty of the face, it is important to take vitamins twice a year. For the skin, significant elements are C, D, E and A. The listed vitamins are also found in products. correct, balanced diet, rich in vital trace elements, will make you even younger and more beautiful.

To become beautiful requires a minimum of time, but a maximum of desire. As we can see, there are no difficulties in achieving the effect of porcelain skin. Take care of yourself and achieve your goals!