Vitamins in watermelon for pregnant women. How many berries will not be harmful to a pregnant woman? Watermelon peels and seeds

Watermelon is a favorite food for many of us. It is juicy, tasty and healthy. We all know how useful watermelon is. But not every girl knows how useful this berry is during pregnancy.

Few girls risk eating watermelon during pregnancy. Some are afraid of edema, some are afraid of developing an allergy. However, many doctors claim that watermelon is completely safe for pregnant women if eaten in moderation. Don't eat half a watermelon at a time. It is better to limit yourself to a couple of pieces. Then you will benefit from the use of this delicacy.

What are the benefits of watermelon during pregnancy?

We all know that berries and fruits contain many vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. Watermelon is no exception. The pulp of this delicious berry contains substances that can contribute to a favorable pregnancy:

  • vitamins C and A will positive impact on the health of the expectant mother and on the development of the fetus;
  • B vitamins and folic acid very important during pregnancy, as they take part in the formation of the fetus, its hematopoiesis and protein synthesis;
  • watermelon contains lycopene - an antioxidant that reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, and also reduces the risk of developing cancer;
  • watermelon contains various trace elements (iodine, potassium, iron, calcium) that the body of a pregnant woman needs;
  • just one slice of watermelon contains a daily dose of magnesium;
  • pectin, fiber and organic acids have a positive effect on the digestive system.

The healing properties of watermelon

Watermelon can be used not only to get enough, but also to cleanse the body of toxins and treat some diseases. Below we will talk about medicinal properties watermelon:

  • improves metabolic processes in the body;
  • removes toxins from the liver;
  • has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects;
  • helps with kidney diseases;
  • removes cholesterol from the body;
  • during pregnancy helps to cope with problems such as constipation;
  • helps fight nausea and vomiting;
  • eliminates heartburn;
  • has a positive effect on the genitourinary system, therefore it is very useful for chronic diseases;
  • neutralizes alkalis in the body;
  • improves metabolism;
  • renders positive influence on the nervous system;
  • helps to reduce weight, so it is useful for overweight pregnant girls.

Watermelon is a great diuretic!

During pregnancy, girls very often face such a problem as puffiness. Therefore, a large burden falls on the kidneys. That is why during pregnancy, especially on last dates recommended to eat watermelon. Many doctors use this berry as a safe diuretic. And for pregnant women, watermelon will help to cope with puffiness, which appeared as a result of problems with the genitourinary, cardiovascular system or kidneys.

A few years ago, many doctors assured that a pregnant girl should limit herself to fluid intake. If there is a problem with swelling, then the doctors recommended drinking no more than a liter of fluid per day. But today, experts in the field of medicine have changed their minds and proved that liquid is useful during pregnancy. It will not bring any harm to the body, only benefit.

Is it possible to get poisoned by watermelon?

Many girls refuse to eat watermelon during pregnancy, as they are afraid of poisoning with this product. Of course, in our time, watermelon poisoning is a common occurrence. After all, this fruit is very often fertilized with nitrates and other harmful substances that can lead to poisoning. In addition, watermelon spoils very quickly after you cut it. Therefore, the cut berry can be stored for no more than a day in the refrigerator. When buying, in no case do not ask to cut a watermelon, so it will deteriorate faster.

Symptoms of watermelon poisoning appear very quickly, just a couple of hours after eating the berry. Therefore, if you notice weakness and chills, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, convulsions, upset, then immediately contact the hospital for help. After all, poisoning during pregnancy is very dangerous.

To protect yourself from a low-quality product, buy watermelons that do not have cracks. Do not buy watermelons in places where they lie on the ground. Watermelons should lie on wooden shelves under awnings.

In no case do not buy watermelons with nitrates. Nitrates are very harmful to the health of a pregnant woman, because toxins can damage the placental barrier and lead to premature birth.

How to buy a good watermelon without nitrates

  1. Buy watermelons only in season. Watermelons ripen in late August - early September. early berries can harm not only your health, but also the health of the baby. Remember this.
  2. When tapped, the nitrate watermelon will make a muffled sound.
  3. The pulp of a good watermelon will not have yellow streaks, it will be red and sweet.
  4. Usually nitrate watermelons have a uniform color without characteristic stripes.
  5. When squeezed, the watermelon should not be soft.
  6. When cutting, a crack should be heard.
  7. In the cut, a watermelon with nitrates will be perfectly even.
  8. Watermelon with chemicals can turn the water pinkish, but natural watermelon without chemicals will make the water slightly cloudy.
  9. An indispensable device for pregnant girls will be a nitrate meter. It can be used to determine the presence harmful substances in any product.

How to eat watermelon during pregnancy?

No matter how useful watermelon is, you can’t eat too much of it. It has a diuretic effect, so a pregnant woman should consult her doctor before consuming watermelon. Some doctors are allowed to eat only a couple of pieces at a time, and some even half a kilogram.

To avoid problems, doctors advise pregnant women to eat watermelon separately from other food and drinks. If you like to eat watermelon with bread, then give preference to white breads, as black bread with watermelon can cause gastrointestinal upset.

When to Avoid Watermelon

Watermelon has many benefits. It is good for the health of a pregnant woman. However, in some cases, it is still worth refusing to use watermelon during pregnancy. Doctors do not advise using this product in the following cases:

  • with obesity and diabetes, since watermelon contains sugar;
  • watermelon can lead to the formation of gases and bloating, which will bring discomfort to a pregnant woman;
  • the berry consists almost entirely of water, so if a pregnant girl has problems with urine outflow, then the watermelon should be discarded;
  • watermelon should not be consumed by girls who have kidney stones;
  • watermelon is not recommended for use with its individual intolerance.

If you do not have any of the above diseases, and you feel great after eating watermelon, then you can eat this berry for your pleasure.

Doctors warn: ladies expecting babies should be careful when shaping their diet.

There are a great many prohibited products, you can’t remember everything at once! On the other hand, it is also necessary to replenish the reserves of vitamins and minerals, so pregnant women should lean on vegetables and fruits in an enhanced mode. Is it possible to watermelon during pregnancy and what are its benefits?

A juicy, sweet fruit (more precisely, a berry) with a fleshy pulp is so good to look at that it often inspires painters to paint still lifes with its participation.

Everyone - both a child and an adult - is looking forward to August, when it will be possible to enjoy a high-quality fragrant product for a small price.

Women expecting babies are no exception: if they do not suffer urolithiasis, gastrointestinal disorders and kidney disease, then they can eat watermelon during pregnancy!

Benefits of watermelon for pregnant women

Watermelon, like cucumber, is almost entirely water. This is both a disadvantage and an advantage. A juicy berry weighing several kilograms perfectly quenches thirst, quickly saturates the body with important trace elements and vitamins.

At the same time, it increases the urge to go to the toilet, which is already a problem for pregnant women. In this regard, it is undesirable to use watermelons at night or with other food (since the fermentation process will start in the stomach).

The best time for a delicious snack is the first or second breakfast or afternoon snack. By the way, some people like to eat watermelons with bread - this is not forbidden, but choose only white pastries.

What is good watermelon during pregnancy?

1) It removes slags and toxins, small stones and sand, renewing and cleansing the body from the inside. Such a " spring-cleaning”Relevant for ladies in position, because they cannot use any special medicines.

2) Watermelons help with constipation and, in general, improve digestion, improve intestinal motility.

3) In addition to the whole arsenal important vitamins(A, C, group B) and acids (folic, panthenol), the watery berry contains magnesium, potassium and iron - the first numbers on the list of essential minerals during pregnancy.

The use of such products is an excellent prevention of anemia and a guarantee of vigor.

4) Watermelons contain substances that help fight nervous tension, irritation, stress and anxiety. Get off the valerian and change to the striped berries!

5) Paradoxical as it may sound, but a product so rich in water is not only not prohibited for edema, but is even recommended as a medicine. It saturates the body with moisture, but then successfully removes it due to diuretic properties.

All these useful properties are relevant only when watermelon. What should he be? Ripe, no nitrates, ripe naturally and stored correctly. Otherwise, poisoning is possible, fraught with the most serious consequences for the mother and her baby.

Pregnant women and not only: how to choose a watermelon?

The process of buying a watermelon is reminiscent of shamanic dances with a tambourine. Smart shoppers are exploring dry ponytails and yellow spots, pat the fruit on the striped barrels and squeeze them with their palms until the desired cod. Only after making sure that the product sounds right and melodious and has all the signs of ripeness, they agree to buy the product.

When buying a watermelon on the market, do not let the seller cut the core for you to try: the knife is full of bacteria, and in the heat they spread at lightning speed.

After washing with soap, drying and cutting a watermelon at home, evaluate it " inner world". thin, almost invisible to the eye veins-villi indicate proper cultivation, while dense veins yellowish color talking about nitrates.

Should also be alert purple hue pulp or, conversely, an unripe whitish-pink appearance.

MATURITY TEST: Early watermelons (June, July) are often tinted. It is not difficult to check this: cut off a piece of the fruit and throw it into the water. In a good version, it will only become cloudy (as from milk), in a bad version, it will turn pink or scarlet.

In early pregnancy, toxic watermelons are doubly dangerous: offer your husband or mother-in-law to be your guinea pig. Feed them a sweet delicacy and wait an hour or two.

If there are no disorders, feel free to proceed to the meal. But you yourself eat only the red flesh, without eating the peel to green.

Women whose happy expectation falls on summer time, on the one hand, it is fabulously lucky, because so many healthy vegetables and fruits. But on the other hand, many questions arise: is it possible to drink watermelon during pregnancy? There are a lot of opinions about this, and it is worth noting that they are all quite diverse; Let's try to find out the truth in our article.

Before coming to any conclusion: can a watermelon be pregnant or not, you should understand what are the beneficial properties of this striped fruit? It is worth noting that there are many of them, and they exist due to the diverse chemical composition.

For those who don't know, most of the watermelon is water (92.6%), but this is far from the only component of its composition. AT enough The berry is also filled with other useful substances, for example:

  • folic acid (vitamin B9);
  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, PP;
  • iron;
  • macronutrients (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium);
  • the antioxidant lycopene.

Given this diversity useful components, we can conclude that watermelon has a lot of useful properties. However, what is the use of watermelon for pregnant women?

Benefits of watermelon for swelling

Many women during pregnancy (especially on later dates) suffer from edema. As a rule, they appear due to the load on the kidneys. However, swelling may also occur if there is a malfunction. of cardio-vascular system. In the fight against edema of this origin, a sweet striped fruit will help to cope.

It has a natural diuretic effect, so it can relieve swelling that has appeared. The diuretic property of the summer berry also helps to cleanse the body of toxins. Therefore, watermelon is often attributed to people who have completed a course of antibiotic therapy.

Is watermelon good for the intestines

This question is also often of interest to expectant mothers. Because abdominal discomfort, constipation and other bowel abnormalities are frequent guests period of pregnancy, then a woman in position must make sure in advance (before use) that watermelon does not aggravate the situation.

It is worth saying that the striped berry is very useful for the functioning of the intestines, it helps to establish its smooth functioning, enhances peristalsis (and therefore effectively fights constipation) and improves the digestion process.

However, do not treat the consumption of berries carelessly.

  • If you have contraindications for gastrointestinal tract(for example, you suffer from colitis or indigestion), then it is better to refuse to use watermelon.
  • It is not recommended to eat the fruit together with black bread, it will cause discomfort, in the form of indigestion or exacerbations of certain gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Excessive consumption of sweet berries is dangerous for the appearance of diarrhea, and the combination of the fruit with other foods and drinks - increased flatulence with pain in the abdomen.

General Benefits of Watermelon for Pregnancy

List all positive properties tasty berries are impossible, but it makes sense to focus on its main functions, especially for the body of a pregnant woman. So what is useful watermelon during pregnancy:

  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • helps fight iron deficiency anemia;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • improves mood, being an excellent natural antidepressant;
  • strengthens the body;
  • allows the fetus to develop properly;
  • watermelon will not allow a pregnant woman to gain excess body weight. Due to the fact that the fruit itself is low-calorie (27-38 kcal per 100 g of product), moreover, it has a diuretic effect, then gain overweight(as it happens when consuming other products) a pregnant woman will not succeed.

The first months of pregnancy are a very important stage. It is during this period that the organs and systems of the baby begin to form. Therefore, in the first trimester, it is important to eat right.

It is necessary to remove all foods and chemicals harmful to the pregnant woman from the diet, and include the most useful ingredients in the menu.

But is it possible to eat watermelon in early pregnancy?

If we are talking about an environmentally friendly berry, then, of course, yes, because it contains many useful substances, in particular, folic acid, which is necessary for the proper formation nervous system and the entire body of the child. However, pregnant women cannot eat a lot of watermelon, any medicine in large doses becomes poison.

Despite its benefits, eating watermelon in the first trimester should be done with caution. Do not forget that it is a kind of laxative and diuretic, and therefore can be extremely dangerous.

There are cases when the use of a pregnant watermelon led to diarrhea, and this, in certain cases, provoked uterine tone. The consequence of uterine tone in the early stages may be a miscarriage.

To avoid negative consequences - the seasonal fruit should be consumed in limited quantities, 3-4 small slices per day are enough (and even then not daily).

Is it possible to have a watermelon at a later date

Eating watermelon in the second and third trimester should be even more careful and only after consulting your doctor. Do not forget that the last months (not to mention recent weeks pregnancy) are especially difficult for a woman. There is an increased load on all organs female body, including the kidneys.

Some doctors do not advise expectant mothers to get involved in seasonal berries after 30 weeks.

If you are 7, 8 or 9 months pregnant, then you need the fetus in minimal quantities.

How much watermelon can a future mother eat in one day in the last months of pregnancy? In each individual case, the portion will be different, more specifically, this question should be answered by a gynecologist, having carefully read the course of her patient's pregnancy and her contraindications for use.

Can pregnant women eat a lot of watermelon? Of course not, but a couple of slices of ripe berries will come in handy. However, if you have contraindications for use, then you will have to completely abandon the sweet berry for all 9 months.

Contraindications to watermelon for pregnant women

Even ordinary people sweet berry should be consumed, given that it may be unsafe for health. For the expectant mother, this question is even more relevant. In order not to harm yourself and your child, you need to remember what diseases pregnant women cannot eat watermelon.

  • diabetes;
  • urolithiasis;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the fetus, manifested in the form of diarrhea and allergic reactions;
  • problems with the outflow of urine;
  • bowel and pancreatic diseases.

Now you know why some pregnant women should not drink watermelon. However, all women are individual, so you never need to generalize, you should always focus only on your well-being and your body.

As a word of caution, there is one more important issue- unloading days on a watermelon. Yes, there are special watermelon diets, due to which women (not pregnant!) Try to lose weight.

However, this is very dangerous, sitting on a watermelon diet for even a few days is highly discouraged, it is better to give preference to its alternative - unloading days when watermelon is not the only food.

Unloading day on a watermelon for pregnant women is a taboo.

A woman in position should eat hard, a variety of foods should be present in the diet so that the body of the mother and baby is supplied with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Despite the fact that watermelon is good for health and cannot be called "poor" in terms of chemical composition, he still cannot replace the necessary daily allowance useful substances.

In addition, the fruit has a diuretic effect and removes excess fluid from the body, and this can be not only useful, but also harmful. They will not only enter the body, but will also be intensively washed out of it. useful elements, so there will definitely be no benefit to you and your child from such a diet.

Is watermelon harmful during pregnancy

Those who ate watermelon during pregnancy, for sure, had to deal with not only its benefits, but also harm. Unfortunately, as in any other product, the benefits and harms of a striped berry go hand in hand. But if about useful properties we have already said everything that is possible, then we still have to talk about the dangers.

The contraindications discussed above can lead to negative consequences, however this is not the only reason which mother and baby can suffer. main reason, because of which doctors do not recommend eating watermelon at any time - these are the nitrates contained in it.

Unfortunately, in our time it is very difficult to choose a high-quality natural fruit that does not contain chemicals. And it is strictly forbidden for a future mother to use a berry stuffed with the most dangerous nitrates.

The best option is if you or your relatives / friends grow gourds yourself, without using nitrates to accelerate the growth of the fetus. Such a watermelon can be eaten without fear. But since many people cannot afford such a luxury, it is necessary to learn how to choose the right natural watermelon.

How to choose a watermelon without nitrates

Buying a good watermelon is not an easy task, but to say that it is completely impossible is also impossible. If you remember a few simple rules- then you will forever be able to protect yourself and your family from undesirable consequences.

Rules for buying natural watermelon

  1. In no case should you buy a striped fruit near the road. At least 5-10 meters should separate the product from the track. It is also important that the berries do not roll in the dust, but lie on some clean elevation, at least 20 cm from the ground.
  2. Don't eat watermelon ahead of schedule their maturation (and this period falls on mid-August - early September). Of course, it cannot be guaranteed that during the period of their active ripening the fruits will be without nitrates, however, the likelihood that there will be an order of magnitude less nitrates is much higher. The earlier the watermelon is sold (June, July), the more harmful substances it contains.
  3. It is not recommended to buy cut fruits. Even if the incision is small, it is dangerous to take such a watermelon. Bacteria start up in the cut berry, which can later lead to intestinal infections, poisoning and other negative consequences.
  4. To distinguish a "chemical" fruit from a natural one, it is necessary to pay attention to Special attention several important points:
    - a ripe minke whale, when squeezed by hands, should crackle;
    - if you knock on a watermelon, then a nitrate-free sound will be muffled. If the sound is as if you are knocking on a deflated ball, then the fetus is definitely stuffed with chemicals;
    - if the tail (stalk) of the watermelon is dry, then the berry is natural;
    - in an environmentally friendly fruit, the cut should “glow” with sugar grains. Nitrate, on the contrary, will have a glossy smooth surface;
    - another reliable way to check the quality of the product you bought is to cut off a piece of pulp and lower it into clean water. If the water turns red or pink, be sure that the product contains a lot of nitrates. If the water becomes cloudy, but remains colorless, then the fruit is natural;
    - very important . Try not to take a lot of watermelons, take as many as you can eat in 1-2 days. It is necessary to store uncut fruits in a cool place (so that Sun rays), decomposing them into a clean natural fabric away from other products.

If you cut the berry, but did not manage to finish it to the end, then be sure to turn the fruit on a plate with the cut down, wrap it in cling film and store in the refrigerator. Keep cut watermelon longer than a day is not worth it.

Watermelon poisoning during pregnancy: what to do

If it so happened that you still got poisoned by a watermelon, then you need to urgently take action. Poisoning during pregnancy is very dangerous, and first of all, for the baby. The consequences of such poisoning can be very diverse: from the appearance of abnormalities in the development of the fetus to miscarriage and premature birth.

That is why, as soon as you feel the first signs of poisoning after eating watermelon, immediately call an ambulance. Before she arrives, you can have a drink. Activated carbon(it is better to crush it into powder and drink a glass of water).

This is one of the few sorbents that is safe to take during pregnancy, it is not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not affect the baby in any way. You can take coal according to the standard scheme - 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

Watermelon when planning pregnancy

Why you want a watermelon during pregnancy is easy to guess, because this juicy sweet fruit perfectly quenches thirst, cheers up and simply heals the body with its natural beneficial substances. However, as we have already found out, not everyone and not always can use it.

During pregnancy, there are limitations and especially indulge sweet berry the expectant mother is unlikely to succeed. But as for the stage of pregnancy planning, there are no restrictions here (apart from contraindications to the use of this berry).

When planning the conception of a child, doctors recommend eating watermelons, and not only for women, but also for men. Sweet fruits enrich the body with many useful substances, have a beneficial effect on the process of ovulation and the formation of a healthy egg. For men, the consumption of watermelon is beneficial by improving sperm motility, increasing the activity of germ cells and reducing the risk of developing prostate cancer (prostate).

If you want to surprise your guests with beautiful and practical cuts, take the advice of our chef.

Here, perhaps, is all you need to know about the use of watermelon during pregnancy. This summer berry is really tasty and healthy, but during pregnancy, its consumption will have to be limited. There is a watermelon last month, just like in all other weeks of pregnancy, you need to small quantities and not every day. Only then will there be more benefit from the fetus than harm.

Have a good pregnancy and easy delivery!

What could be better than a slice of cool juicy watermelon on a swelteringly hot summer day? But if you are expecting a baby, then you must be especially careful when choosing foods for your diet. should be safe, so today we will tell you, is it possible to watermelon during pregnancy, about and harm to pregnant women.

Is watermelon good for pregnant women? Can pregnant women eat watermelons in July? Why shouldn't pregnant women eat watermelon? Let's figure it out.

Benefits of watermelon during pregnancy

Is watermelon good for pregnant women? Of course! The benefits of watermelon during pregnancy are obvious: the pulp of this berry contains substances that provide normal course pregnancy and proper development fetus. These include vitamins.

Vitamins in watermelon for pregnant women:

  • vitamins - A, B1, B2, PP, B9 (folic acid), C;
  • macroelements - magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus;
  • trace elements - iron, zinc, copper, manganese, fluorine, iodine, cobalt.

Of the nutrients of watermelon, it is worth highlighting separately and iron. Vitamin B9 is especially important when the organs of the unborn baby are being laid. And iron is required throughout pregnancy, since the supply of oxygen to the body of the expectant mother and child depends on it.

Watermelon contains a large amount of iron. Therefore, it is recommended to eat it during pregnancy, accompanied by iron deficiency anemia. However, it should not be assumed that this problem can be solved solely through the use of a large number watermelon. Indeed, in order to fully satisfy the body's need for iron, a pregnant woman would have to eat at least 3 kg of watermelon daily.

What else is the use of watermelon during pregnancy is in its fiber. Fiber increases intestinal motility (contraction), which helps to cope with another complication of pregnancy - constipation.

Also, watermelon during pregnancy improves the functioning of many body systems.(digestive, cardiovascular, endocrine), promotes the excretion of cholesterol. In medicine, it is used as medical nutrition with kidney disease.

In addition, the substances contained in watermelon have such effects on the body as:

  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • restorative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipyretic.

Another important argument in favor of watermelon during pregnancy: the calorie content of watermelon is low enough that even overweight pregnant women can enjoy it.

The harm of watermelon during pregnancy

Despite all the benefits, there are cases when a pregnant woman needs to give up watermelon. So, why can't pregnant women eat watermelon?

  1. Watermelon is almost entirely water. And although watermelon has a diuretic effect, however, with edema in a pregnant woman, gynecologists recommend not to abuse it. Yes, and some pregnant women with edema noted a deterioration in their condition when drinking watermelon.
  2. You can not eat watermelon during pregnancy for women who have impaired urine outflow. Pregnant women should be treated with caution diabetes, urolithiasis, diseases of the pancreas and intestines.
  3. The main reason why doctors do not recommend eating watermelon during pregnancy is the risk of poisoning. A good fresh cut watermelon can turn sour in just a few hours, so you need to store the half-eaten product only in the refrigerator and no longer than a day.
  4. An even greater danger is nitrates, which are saturated with most early watermelons. They can lead to watermelon poisoning during pregnancy, which is dangerous not only for the expectant mother. Harmful chemical compounds pass through the placenta into the blood of the fetus and individual cases lead to grave consequences for the health of the child.

Rules for the use of watermelon during pregnancy

Is it possible for pregnant women to watermelon: the benefits of watermelon during pregnancy

The benefits of watermelon during pregnancy are possible only if you follow these simple rules:

  1. Buy only ripe watermelons. They begin to appear on sale in August. Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to eat early watermelons in July, the answer is unequivocal - no! A ripe watermelon makes a dull sound when tapped and crunches when squeezed. The pulp of the ripened fruit is not only red, but also sweet.
  2. There are only quality fruits. Watermelons are able to accumulate nitrates, which give the fibers near the skin yellow. A fetus with an excess of nitrates causes poisoning, which is manifested by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. You can also get poisoned by a fruit that has a sour smell.
  3. There is a watermelon separately from other products. For example, if you like to eat watermelon in combination with brown bread, you should know that this leads to bloating; and with salty food - to fluid retention in the body. Watermelon will not cause digestive problems if eaten at least an hour before or after a meal.

If you still have questions about the benefits and harms of watermelon during pregnancy, or you have your own opinion about whether it is possible for pregnant women to drink watermelon, visit our forum.

We almost never eat as many berries, fruits and vegetables as in 9 months of pregnancy. Each future mom tries to get enough of "vitamins", as we call these products. And the close people around her actively help her in this, constantly supplying her mother with fresh dishes. But what about watermelon? After all, during pregnancy, a woman is prone to swelling. Is it dangerous to eat watermelons while carrying a baby, or is it, on the contrary, useful?

What is useful watermelon during pregnancy?

By itself, watermelon is extremely useful for anyone. healthy person. The main part of a watermelon is, naturally, water. But the red pulp is not devoid of nutrients. Watermelon contains vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, PP,), minerals (magnesium, potassium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, fluorine, copper, cobalt), organic acids, fiber and other useful components.

As you can see, during pregnancy, watermelon is also extremely useful and can do a good job. Doctors not only do not prohibit, but strongly recommend that all pregnant women who do not have the above contraindications eat watermelon. And such recommendations have well-founded medical arguments:

  • Watermelon promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body, and, therefore, fights edema and prevents their occurrence.
  • Watermelon cleanses the body of toxins, toxins, harmful salts, sand.
  • Watermelon improves metabolism and improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Watermelon helps prevent constipation.
  • Watermelon helps with iron deficiency.
  • Watermelon saturates the body of the mother and fetus with useful substances.
  • Watermelon has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Is it possible for pregnant women to have watermelon: arguments for and against

All this is true and all this is very important during pregnancy. But there is another side of the coin. This is the quality of the watermelons eaten. And here it all depends on several points.

First, it is the naturalness of the product. We all know that watermelons are generously seasoned with nitrates and other chemical additives. For any person, such a watermelon carries a great danger, but if we are talking about a pregnant woman, then the situation becomes doubly more serious. Therefore, nitrate watermelons are contraindicated for expectant mothers and are strictly prohibited! In order not to stumble upon such a “bomb”, never buy watermelons before the end of August. Like any other fruits, vegetables and berries, watermelon should and can be eaten only in the season of its ripening, and this is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. And even during this period, you are not immune from nitrate surprises. Therefore, learn to recognize them "by eye":

  • Such bad watermelons, when tapped on the surface, make a muffled sound, like from a deflated ball (and not like from a hollow container).
  • When squeezing a watermelon, it does not crackle, but seems soft.
  • In the context of a normal nitrate-free watermelon, it is slightly heterogeneous in color.
  • The cut of a nitrate watermelon is almost perfectly smooth.
  • The veins should be thin and white, hard and yellowish - not a good sign.

In addition, you can check the quality of a watermelon by throwing a piece of pulp into a glass of water. If the water turns pink or red, don't even try the berry. A good option- before eating a watermelon, feed it to a husband or any other relative and check the reaction.

Remember also that the threat is not only nitrates, but also microbes that develop very quickly in the heat in a juicy berry. Therefore, before cutting a watermelon, wash it very well with soap and running water. And cut and do not buy at all.

You can store half-eaten watermelon only in the refrigerator and no more than a day.

When should you not eat watermelon during pregnancy?

In order for eating watermelon not to harm the body, it is necessary to be able to properly not only choose and store it, but also eat it.

Doctors do not advise getting carried away with this berry: after all, a sleepless night is the minimum that can disturb you later, because it has a pronounced diuretic effect. But pregnant women rarely deny themselves the pleasure of quenching their thirst with a cold piece of sweet pulp. Ask your doctor about the amount of watermelon that is safe for you to eat at one time: some are advised 700-800 g, others - no more than 2 pieces.

Many people like to eat watermelon with bread. In this case, white bread is more preferable, because in the company of black, watermelon can provoke an aggravation gastric diseases and disorders.

It is best to eat watermelon separately from other drinks and foods, but even so, it can disrupt the intestines and increase the formation of gases, and in pregnant women, in addition, cause pain. Since watermelon accelerates intestinal motility, its abuse can result in the development of diarrhea and, consequently, the loss of a large amount of fluid (especially in combination with the diuretic effect of watermelon on the body).

Thus, the striped berry can pose a certain danger to people suffering from indigestion and colitis, as well as those who have impaired urine outflow. If there are kidney stones, watermelon should be eaten very carefully. For everyone else, seasonal consumption of watermelon is recommended for general strengthening health and treatment of specific diseases, but if possible, it is better to eat homemade, unprocessed chemicals watermelons.

Nevertheless, one should always take precautions and think first with the head, and then with the stomach. As soon as you feel something is wrong after eating watermelon, immediately drink plenty of water.

Enjoy your meal!

Specially for- Elena Kichak