The law of karma existed before the appearance of man. The law of cause and effect. Recognition of the Law of Karma

When we think, speak, or act, we use our own willpower to do so. And although we may not be aware of it, any action in one way or another makes us suffer.

This suffering, as you understand, cannot be avoided. But here's how to minimize it, how to preserve the ability to enjoy life - this is what the laws of karma tell about. Factrum publishes 12 of the most interesting ones.

1. Great Law

- "What goes around comes around". Also known as the Law of Cause and Effect.

If we want to achieve happiness, peace, love and friendship, then we ourselves must bring happiness, peace, love to others and be a true friend.

Whatever we have created in the Universe, it will always give it back to us.

2. The Law of Creation

Life is not just that. It requires our participation and our efforts.

We are part of a single organism in the Universe. Our essence has not only an external side, but also an internal one.

The key to "right" internal state- independence from the outside world.

Be yourself and surround yourself with the people and the things that you truly love. And deliberately want them to be in your life.

3. The Law of Humility

You cannot change a situation until you accept it first.

If we have enemies, and our loved ones have traits or habits that we hate, then the best thing we can do is to focus on something else. Think of your friends more often than your enemies. And not that your husband swears, but that you love him for his cheerfulness.

4. Law of Growth

The road is more important than the destination.

The main thing for you is that you change and grow, and not the people, cities or technologies around you.

Our life and the time allotted to us is all that we really have.

If we change something in ourselves and our hearts, our life will change in the same way.

5. Law of Liability

Whenever something goes wrong in my life, it’s in me.

We are a mirror of what surrounds us. And what surrounds us is our mirror.

6. The Law of Universal Interconnection

Even when we do what seems insignificant to us, it is very important. Because all things and phenomena in the Universe are interconnected.

Each step provokes the next. This is how habits are formed.

For a job to be done, someone has to start it.

Your steps in the past are irrelevant and not worthy of analysis. You acted as needed, based on the data that you had at that time.

The past, present and future are always linked. You can't just take and start everything from scratch.

7. Law of Focus

You cannot think of two things at the same time.

If the thoughts in your head are focused on looking for something important or spiritual values, there is no room for greed or anger.

8. Law of Giving and Hospitality

If you think something is true, then you should be ready to demonstrate it on own experience... If you are not ready, then you only have an opinion, not knowledge.

We only know what we have learned in practice.

9. The law "Here and now"

Analysis of the past and plans for the future distract you from what is happening right here and now.

Old thoughts, old behaviors, and old dreams keep you from finding new things.

10. Law of Change

History will repeat itself until you learn from it that will force you to change your path.

It is foolish to do the same thing every time and expect different results.

11. The Law of Patience and Reward

Any reward requires an investment of labor.

Only those rewards that require constant work are of lasting value.

The true joy of life is doing what you have to do and knowing that sooner or later you will get your way.

12. Law of Inspiration

You will only receive what you deserve.

The true value of something is equal to the energy and strength that you put into it.

Any contribution to your own well-being is also a contribution to general well-being.

Only those who love to give are able to receive something inspiring.


What is Karma?

What is the cause of karma generation?

Where is the karma of a person?

Aura and karma of a person

The process of generating Karma

Past, present and future in the aspect of Karma

Freedom from karma is possible only in spirit!

How to facilitate, improve, speed up, extinguish, defeat karma?

How to change or eliminate karma?

Are there the same karmas?

Freedom of choice and karma

Karmic inevitability and a person's attitude to it

What is the meaning of karma?

Karma is the best judge

What opportunities does karma open to a person?

Karmic relationships with people

Teacher and student karma

How not to burden someone else's and not complicate your karma?

Dark and Karma

What is Karma?

« Karma is the law of cause and effect. "(G.A.I. 1966 670)

“Karma is the action of generated or already acting causes, and each action is a link: at the same time it is both a consequence and a cause in an endless chain of phenomena extended into the future. The chain is continuous. " (G.A.Y.195 7 G.116 )

Simply put, every moment, here and now, we ourselves, with our own hands, or rather with our own thoughts we create our karma - our destiny.

The decision we make at the moment affects our actions, which lead to certain consequences, the consequences, in turn, again lead to a choice, followed by an action, which again leads to certain consequences ...

Action => Consequence => Action => Consequence ... Action => Consequence ...


External conditions are consequences of karma... And karma is the result of the past. " (G.A.I. 1954 589)

"The karma of a person is nothing more than the results of his thinking, or rather, of his actions and actions, admitted by thought." (G.A.Y.1970 485)

Karma- this is the energy of the crystallized thoughts of a person,generated by him in the past.

“Karma cannot be discarded, for karma is a chain of cause and effect .

(G.A.Y. 1967 584)

What is the cause of karma generation?

The reason for the generation of karma is thoughts, desires and aspirations man! All this generates our Karma!

We every moment creates new karma for itself with its thoughts, deeds and actions.

« The main flow of karma is created mainly by thought ». (G.A.Y.19 67 G.584 )

“Creates a thought. Karma is created by thought.

Each thought creates a chain of new causes, being the seed of their origin.

No matter how small a thought, but if it is consciously accepted and affirmed in the spirit, it becomes an active active factor of Karma». (G.A.J. 1962 172)

"... Thought is a lever, or engine, of life, which creates the future of the world and humanity.". (G.A.Y.1961339 )

"... Each thought brings its own reward, that is, it gives results." (G.A.I. 1966 266)

That is why, Great Teachers at all times greatest value betrayed thoughts.

“Everything that we are is created by our thoughts", Said the Buddha.

“Your thoughts will become your words. Your words will become your actions. Your actions will become your habits. Your habits will become your values. Your values ​​will become your destiny ", - said Mahatma Gandhi.

"Create your future with your thoughts." (G.A.Y.1955 510.)

"To master a thought means to take your karma into your own hands." (G.A.Y.1966 266) So, The fate of a person is created by his thought!

Where is the karma of a person?

« All karma in the human aura and its energies ». (G.A.I. 1953 588)

"... A person in his aura carries his karma, that is, that chain of reasons that condition and direct the course of his life." (G.A.Y.1961339 )

Aura and karma of a person

Every thought of a person leaves its mark on his aura, in the form crystalline formations ... Thus, every thought becomes cause future human actions.

« These crystalline formations are magnetic». (G.A.Y. 1962 059)

« Magnetic auras are obvious. Everyone attracts or repels from themselves both people and circumstances.

Failure seems to pursue some people who carry the reasons for it in their aura.

And, conversely, success, luck, happiness accompany those whose aura has the opposite order of magnitude.


(G.A.Y.1962059 )

"A person who commits evil primarily harms himself by creating in his microcosm crystals of evil that remain in his aura as causes that create his karma." (G.A.Y.1962059 )

Knowing that karmic energies are in our aura and have magnetic properties, we must consciously think as we would like our life to develop, thus


"... These reasons can be created already consciously and at their own will and no longer be a straw in the sea, rushing at the will of karmic waves." (G.A.Y.1961339 )

Do not in any way allow negative actions which lead to the same negative consequences as shown in the film:

The process of generating Karma

Good and evil are magnetic, that is, they attract the corresponding elements to the person's aura. . THIS IS THE FORMED KARMA» . (G.A.J. 1972 219)

That's why, " Paying good for evil is beneficial for the payer.

If evil is paid for with evil, then evil remains in the aura of the paying person and fills him with darkness.

If - good, good remains in the aura of the virtue. " (G.A.I. 1961 202)

So, our aura contains all the reasons that will attract the consequences to our future karma.

These reasons, consciously or unconsciously, are put into our aura by our thoughts, actions, desires and aspirations, and are embodied in life.

These reasons, molded into certain mental forms, become the engines that shape our future.... Thus,



(G.A.I. 1961 202)

A person's thought is embodied only when external conditions are most favorable for their implementation.

The very thought “magnetically creates and combines combinations of these conditions». (G.A.Y. 1957 467)

Thus, Karma is realized only at certain stages of life. We can get the result from our actions in the past both instantly and after several incarnations!

"…NSMistakes and thoughts have far-reaching consequences.

The consequences can no longer be avoided if the wheel of causality is set in motion. Nothing can stop the operation of the Law. " (G.A.I. 1965 567)

“Karma is generated not so much by actions as by thoughts. Actions as a consequence of thought immediately exhaust themselves, and new thoughts are needed to commit new ones.

But a thought that has not exhausted itself in action remains in the aura of the thinker and will remain in it until it is poured out in action.

Live your life carefully - means to keep the thought, not giving rise to the inevitability of undesirable consequences caused by thoughts of a negative order. " (G.A.Y.1966 060)

Past, present and future in the aspect of Karma

The reasons that create the future are born in the present..

“... The life of the human spirit is determined by Karma, which going on not in the future, but in the present... In this respect, the significance of the present, as the originator of the causes that create the future, is extraordinarily important. " (G.A.J. 1962 172) So, HUMAN KARMA IS CREATED IN THE PRESENT!

"The present is a consequence of the past, but the future is a consequence of the present."(G.A.Y.1960 July 22)


Knowing that neither the past nor the present can be changed, since our present is the result of us decisions taken in the past, and knowing that we are creating our future in the present, means changing our attitude to the reasons that led us to those results that do not suit us, we can change the consequences, that is, change our future!

Past - scope of reasons, the present - sphere of investigation, a

future - as a new combination of both .

« Nothing can be changed in the past, in the present, too, but the future is plastic in the hands of a person, and it is molded in the present..

Not the present is changing , but in the present, the future changes by creating in it, in the present,

new causes corresponding to the desired effects.

In this case, it must be borne in mind that the energy must be outlived or exhausted on himself by their originator..

You can change your attitude towards them and thus change the consequence. .

A person carrying the heavy cross of karma on his shoulders can curse his fate, but a wise man exclaims: "Thanks to Heaven, I can pay off my old debts." This is how karma is transmuted .

Wisdom understands that personal suffering can be a blessing for the spirit, for they lead him to the Light... And then there is a complete reassessment of all values ​​- the attitude towards life changes. " (G.A.Y. 1968 226)

“The chain of causes and effects from the past goes through the present and into the future. And if they are not disturbed or disturbed, the flow of Karma goes by gravity.

But free will endowed with a person to create in the present causes that bring consequences in the future». (G.A.J. 1962 172)

“Karma is within, and liberation from it comes from within. A person carries the stamp of all his past achievements in himself, creating every moment a new karma with his thoughts, actions and actions». (G.A.I. 1967 584)

Freedom from karma is possible ONLY IN SPIRIT!

The law of karma is unforgiving. “Karma cannot be discarded, for karma is a chain of causes and effects.

Causes can be created again, but, being created, they are fused into the chain of karma, and one cannot get rid of them until their energies are exhausted on their originator. " (G.A.Y. 1967 584)

But, you can become free from the chains of Karma . How?

Get up over her! Stand above her!

Freedom from karma only in spirit ! Only in spirit can one be free from the chains of karma .

« Spirit is the carrier of karma , but in his grain, which is hidden under all layers, henot vulnerable even by karma that is related to the shells and what happens in them. " (G.A.Y. 1967 584)

The guides of the spirit are subject to karma, but not spirit!

Karma remains, but has no power over the spirit .

So, the spirit of a person, who did not bend under her blows of karma and defeated her in spirit, becomes a KARMA WINNER.

If a person was born lame or ugly, .

That's why . And this freedom, once won, becomes the karma of man.

“The Savior crucified on the cross Was free from karma in the spirit, while the people who condemned Him to death and crucified Him were slaves to karma. Only in the spirit is freedom. There can be no other. " (G.A.Y.1958 858)

« You can become a winner of karma... The winner of karma is, first of all, a spirit that did not bend under its blows and defeated it in spirit.

You cannot defeat karma in the body if a person was born, let's say, lame or ugly, but in the spirit its impact can be neutralized.

That's why solution karmic problems must be sought in the spirit ... And this freedom, once won, becomes the karma of man. " (G.A.Y.1955 409)

“The path of the ascent of the spirit is called the path of victory, for it consists in constantly overcoming something and mastering something, that is, victory over certain conditions or phenomena of life of a different order.

The winner of one step is given the next, the next - a new one, and so on without end, for the evolution of consciousness is limitless.

Therefore, we Call the walking Arhat the conqueror of life. And the winner of karma.

In the spirit, victory cannot be lost.

The state of mind always and under any conditions must be victorious, for there is no power in the world that can break the spirit destined to victory. " (G.A.Y.1955 409)

How to facilitate, improve, speed up, extinguish, defeat karma?

Karma can be relieved, improved, accelerated, extinguished, defeated !

This requires:

- consciously lay thought reason that would generate positive consequences. " The creation of new karma is possible if thoughts are controlled.» .(G.A.Y. 1967 584)

To think with clarity, “and nothing dark will touch the creator of the radiant thought. Think clairvoyantly, realizing that every moment create your Karma, either affirming its old course, or creating it anew, in consonance with the creative thought. " (G.A.J. 1962 172)

- "Karma can be redeemed faster correct understanding of what is happening and the inevitability of its elimination. You cannot evade her, but it is always possible to meet her waves with dignity, steadfastness and without complaints. ». (G.A.I. 1954 589)

- « How to extinguish karma? How to exhaust it? Only by completely paying off old debts and trying not to make new ones .

When a creditor appears and does evil for a long-standing debt, the blow must be taken calmly, without giving rise to new reasons. For otherwise it will be created new chain new debt and inevitable reckoning.

So, not answering evil with evil, but neutralizing it in itself and not responding to it in tune, THE PERSON EXHAUSTS THE KARMIC CONSEQUENCE OF AN UNWANTED ORDER». (G.A.Y.1970 384)

- “Everyone carries karma in his aura. AND you can free yourself from karmic attractions only by restoring the disturbed balance, that is, by paying the bills.

The villain pays in full for every evil action. " (G.A.J. 1972 219)

Karma can facilitate, "Donation to strangers”And other similar deeds, when the scales of justification are loaded with deeds of good.

And in one form or another, but compensation for what was done sometime in the past always happens inevitably. " (G.A.Y.1970 384)

- “You cannot block the flow of karma, but you can rise above it and thus change its impact on consciousness. This is the victory over karma .

A broken toy makes a child cry, but doesn't matter to an adult. Children cry and grieve over trifles.

There is such a height of the spirit, when already nothing, located below, does not touch consciousness. This is how karma is conquered " . (G.A.Y. 1953 372)

- Strengthen in consciousness the unity with the Teacher. (G.A.Y. 1967 584)

- “... You can forget about the past and never remember about it, but the consequences of the past will drag on, creating a number of new causes.

But only by force creative imagination you can create completely different reasons, different from the previous ones and entailing different consequences . This is how old karma is extinguished». (G.A.Y.1969 333)

How to change or eliminate karma?

Change or obsolete karma can be done by:

- eradicate the causes that lie at the root of human action. The roots of the causes are often deeply rooted in the past. And yet, rooted in the past, they reveal themselves in the present, for they enter the microcosm of man as his component... ... It is necessary to eliminate not the consequences of the misconduct, but the reasons that caused them. " (G.A.I. 1966 670)

- "A person carries his karma in his aura, and you can change karma by changing your auric radiation." (G.A.Y. 1955 139)

- “Karma acts in the direction of the magnetic energies inherent in the human being. You can fight karma only by transmuting these energies ". (G.A.Y.1968 240)

- “Karma can be changed by unrestrained striving for cooperation with the Hierarchy of Light. Such fiery striving burns away the gray accumulation of the past and frees the spirit from it. Striving for the Light is a powerful force that transforms the essence of man. " (G.A.I. 1970 460)

- « Karma can be eliminated but it is impossible to drop it. Discarded in one form, it will return in another until it is completely exhausted.

This is the strength with which the most a common person unable to fight ”. (G.A.Y.1970 384)

Are there the same karmas?

There are no two identical karmas. The karma of people is infinitely varied! Even loved ones, even those who live side by side under the same roof or in the same room, have absolutely different karmas. Why ?

« Karma inherent in the very essence of a person prompts him to respond to external influences in a very definite, peculiar way ». (G.A.I. 1967 584)

"Karma creates conditions for each person that are sharp or weak, but always differ from the conditions of people, even living nearby." (G.A.Y.1964 202)

“All achievements of the spirit and its characteristics are individual and follow the spirit inseparably from it.

Each ability has been earned in the past by hard work and trials.

It is absurd to pretend that does not and cannot belong to the spirit, since it is not earned by it.

At birth, talents are given to a person karmically, by cosmic right. The fairness of the law is unconditional. " (G.A.Y. 1967 089)

Freedom of choice and karma

Karmas are different, but they are created by the free will of man. "Karma are fetters and chains, karma are wings and striving Light." (G.A.Y.1968200 )

The freedom of the spirit and the chains of the spirit are inside a person, since the karma of a person is something spawned by free will given to him from the beginning of his conscious life.

« Karma does not violate free will, but, on the contrary, asserts it » . (G.A.Y. 1955 139)


So, at every moment of his life, a person faces a choice that affects his future!

Man "Himself a parent, himself a reaper, and, moreover, often forgetting about past crops." (G.A.Y.195 7 G.467 )

«… The sowing and reaping process takes place in his own microcosm and consciousness. . And nowhere to run from myself, because in himself, in his aura, in the radiation of crystals deposited in the Chalice, a person carries his karma». (G.A.I. 1957 416)

“Human life is the constant reaping of old causes and the constant creation of new ones. Man reaps and sows and sows and reaps all the time.

Sowing and reaping differ in that karmically reaping is inevitable, but sowing new causes depends on the will of the person.

The very process of sowing is also inevitable while a person lives, but the choice of grains depends on him. ". (G.A.Y.1955 260)

That is why it is necessary to sow wisely, as the harvest is inevitable!


(G.A.I. 1957 416)

Karmic inevitability and a person's attitude to it

Karma is inevitable! Karma is a cross that we must carry ourselves, with our hands and feet!

« Karma cannot be broken. It is possible to change, and it is easy, but in spirit and in spirit. Her dense expression will remain, but the attitude towards her in the spirit can change so much, that even heavy karma will lose its bitterness and power over consciousness». (G.A.Y.1955 409)

You can treat karmic manifestations in different ways - suffering, worrying and tormenting, thus falling into the slavery of your Karma.

But you can meet the karmic inevitability while remaining absolutely calm!

Calmnesswill mean that the person's consciousness has taken full control over external conditions.

“... Karmic waves cannot be avoided, but calmness extinguishes karma ». (G.A.Y.1959 308)

Taking the blow of fate in complete tranquility, you subdue her rage. Knowing the inevitability, knowing that you can't pay to break karma, but it's better to be calm.

« The magnetism of tranquility is great. It is the alarming and restless conditions that must lead to a state where nothing is disturbing anymore. This will be the pinnacle of tranquility». (G.A.Y.1957052 )

“Meeting with calm any wave of oncoming circumstances, we are thereby already asserting our power over them.” (G.A.Y.1957052 )

"It is enough to overcome something in oneself so that this something, manifested in external oppositions, immediately leaves our life." (G.A.Y.1957052 )

« Karma clings for us, for those weak spots in the armor of our spirit, which are not yet sufficiently strengthened. Karmic energies are attracted to them.


“Everyone carries karma. There are no carriers. You have to bear it, no matter how life develops, and you have to pay the bills. Better to do it with dignity ... without losing the dignity of the spirit.

“This is how one must live and act so as not to impose new chains on oneself, and to do good to people at every opportunity, for good does not burden karma.

Karma is burdened by darkness and deeds from darkness. " (G.A.Y. 1961 017)

"A wise understanding of life, which is the flow of karma, gives man power over it."(G.A.Y.1955 260)

« In freedom or in bondage to karma, a person makes his way» . (G.A.Y.1955 260)

What is the meaning of karma?

« Karma teaches a lot ... This aspect of karma is usually not seen. " (G.A.Y.1966487 )

The goal of Karma


"Karma does not take revenge, but teaches".(G.A.Y. 1969 209)

Life on Earth is a school, and everyone in it is a student. Every subject lesson must be understood.

Everyone should strive understand the next task and extract from it everything that it can teach.

Everything that happens to us is only learning and gaining experience.

Each incarnation has a main task before itself



only the details and nature of the acquired knowledge change, the essence of the process remains unchanged.

Understanding the meaning of each test allows you to pass it successfully.

Each test must be understood and met alone, without outside help. To withstand it with dignity in calmness and balance, making the appropriate conclusions.

If the test is not understood and the lesson is not learned, it will be repeated over and over until the lesson is learned. .

“The speed of testing depends on this condition. Even whole lives are given repeatedly to go through things that were not learned before. " (G.A.Y.1964183 )

Lesson learned is not repeated. It is enough to assimilate the meaning of the occurring phenomenon and extract from it the experience outlined by Karma, as the phenomenon leaves life.

"The blows of karma will quickly teach correct action than the conditions of a happy and carefree existence. Almost all High Spirits had heavy karma. " (G.A.I. 1968 609)



« We must learn to rejoice not only obstacles and difficulties, but also disappointments.

Not to rejoice in grief itself, but in the benefit that it brings, the lesson that it teaches . After all, all grief is very instructive.

“Time is profitably passing if lesson after lesson, given by life, is realized. It is the assimilation of experience that is fruitful and the understanding that life is a school.

By themselves, the phenomena of life are meaningless if, like a bee picking honey from flowers, the harvest of experience is not reaped from them.

Each phenomenon requires analysis in order to determine for what purpose it is given.

Nothing happens aimlessly. Karma is the teacher of the spirit ... She repeats her lessons until their meaning comes to consciousness. Only the lesson learned is not repeated.

That is why the life of people who do not want to think often goes monotonously and without changes. The lessons are boring and lengthy, because the consciousness does not assimilate the given material.

But it is enough to assimilate the meaning of the happening phenomenon and extract from it the experience outlined by Karma, as the phenomenon leaves life.

Also, people and circumstances leave life, having taught something and adding something to knowledge.

You can often ask yourself the question, what does it teach this phenomenon life, why is it allowed by the Teacher, what is its purpose. " (G.A.Y. 1961 023)

« Karma usually puts a person in the best conditions to advance. . The statement "the worse the better" comes from this understanding.

To an earthly person, the bad circumstances of his life may seem like a disaster, but to the spirit they are useful precisely for his growth.

Interests external person and the inner are so different. Suffering and other trials often lead to the goal of cultivation rather than a happy life.

The wise rejoice at the difficulties of life, realizing that this is the shortest path. " (G.A.Y. 1971 463)

In the stupefaction of serene prosperity, nothing can be learned. But when waves of opposite influences come from everywhere, you can learn and composure, and restraint, and equilibrium». (G.A.Y. 1967 521)

“You can even ask yourself:“ What does this grief teach me or can it teach me and why does karma send it to me? ”

To master the grief and neutralize it will be a victory over oneself. The Vladyka commanded joy. Ponder the words: "And your sorrow will turn into joy." To become the master of your power, you need to master yourself. " (G.A.Y. 1967 521)

« Karmaputs in a certain framework for getting rid of negative qualities and gaining positive.

She always teaches something and ultimately the goal is to advance consciousness.

This usefulness is easy to see if desired. And then an understanding will be born not only of its general direction, but also of each individual lesson.

When a person knows why and for what he is subjected to certain tasks from the side of karma, his attitude towards them changes.

Instead of grumbling and discontent with fate, he is grateful to her for the opportunities given.

There is nothing worse than senseless, that is, incomprehensible, suffering or trials. They breed a gloomy darkness.

When the walker knows where and why he is going, everything that happens to him takes on a special meaning and color. " (G.A.Y. 1969 471)

Karma is the best judge

“It is in vain that people think that one can get away from the hand of justice. Nothing in nature disappears, not a single energy, but everything brings its consequences.

The reasons are imprinted in the aura of the person ... The aura magnetically attracts its corresponding energies into the orbit, and the person incessantly reaps the fruits of his diverse deeds: both close and distant, going into the deep past.

A person carries his karma in himself ... And as soon as external conditions allow, the energies laid down are put into action in the direction laid down in them.

Karma can wait for centuries for the right conditions. but the energies generated exhaust their power on their originator. " (G.A.Y. 1954 244)

So, Karma is the best judge. She will appreciate every deed and, by assessment, will generate a consonant effect.

And judgment, and punishment or compensation and reward as a direct result of an act - in safe and fair hands. " (G.A.Y. 1955 599)

What opportunities does karma open to a person?

Karma means not only limitations and obstacles, but opportunities. . This is one of significant benefits of karmic predestination.

So, putting obstacles and limitations in one, she thereby opens up opportunities in other .

For example, many blind people have the ability to develop inner vision and see things that the sighted cannot see.

Besides, a person with many talents and abilities is endowed with them karmically.

"Karma is an evolutionary force , having in mind the ascent of the spirit, and cooperation with it, instead of dark and blind opposition to it, can give the most unexpected and favorable results.


Karmic relationships with people

“Karma often connects us with other people unrequited properties of our lower nature . Then you have to get rid of such a person in yourself.

And until it is outlived, karma will not let go and free us from it.

When the lower feelings are outlived and replaced by the opposite, new relationships are established with a person and the connection is either strengthened or broken altogether. Then we can assume that the problem this person resolved correctly.

Conscious elimination karmic connections leads to the liberation of the spirit ». (G.A.I. 1970 635)

“Once and somewhere you have tied yourself karmically with those people who are now entering your life, often burdening you with their imperfections and hostility.

They will not leave you alone until the karma is exhausted.

In order not to generate a new one, it is necessary to refrain from generating new causes that bind to unwanted persons.

All unkind feelings, and especially anger, will bind even more. It is necessary that these approaching ones “have nothing in you” or generate nothing again, nothing that can strengthen and revive the extinguished karma.

Both the external and, most importantly, the internal must be extinguished in oneself.

One cannot escape grief and burden with such persons, but one can completely free one's consciousness from something that allows irritation, ill-will, and other related feelings, one can even regret such people and send them non-hostile thoughts. So the old ones are extinguished and outlived karmic meetings ». (G.A.Y.1968 410)

"The wind returns to square one." People bound by karma leave to meet again. Therefore, parting should not be hostile. Then the meeting will be friendly.

Most of the meetings are from the past. Love or hate binds people especially tightly. Let's protect ourselves from hatred. " (G.A.J. 1970 736)

"Karma, not outlived on Earth, outlived in Thin World... Therefore, it is better to free oneself from it in the conditions of the dense world and enter into the Supermundane stay without burden. From this point of view, the words "the worse, the better" become understandable, because a difficult and full of the most severe trials life means paying off old bills.

Non-condemnation and forgiveness of those people who have caused you evil and suffering is nothing more than freeing yourself from the karmic connection with them and freedom from them in the Subtle World.

Better to meet friends there than enemies or ruthless creditors. One should know that, in addition to everything, every spot of dirt on the aura serves as a clue or a target for dark attacks and gives the dark the right to believe that the owner of the unrefined aura is the berry of the same field with them ”. (G.A.J. 1971 094)

“Also in the Subtle World one can find oneself“ among unwanted neighbors ”. The very word “undesirable” already contains the statement that a person would like to get rid of them, but due to karmic conditions he cannot ”. (G.A.Y. 1970 384)

“Here and there, you can find yourself among an unwanted selection of neighbors that are difficult to get rid of. These are karmic meetings that require getting rid of something, or paying off old debts, or learning something.

It is useless to try to ward off the inevitable. Karma demands its own. Only by becoming obsolete or overcoming yourself in other people, you can get rid of them .

Enemies are especially sticky. When ordinary people hatred binds them tightly, and, of course, love also binds them. But the connection with love extends both to ordinary people and those standing at all steps of the ladder of life, up to the highest inclusive.

A connection with hatred is dark and from darkness, a connection with love, if it is selfless and not personal, is dazzlingly luminous. Relationships by hatred or love are stronger than all others. " (G.A.Y. 1971 511)

Teacher and student karma

“To accept someone as a disciple means to take on his Karma. That is why there are so many who want to find a leader and consciously or unconsciously impose their burdens on him. Hence the immeasurable burden on the part of every one who converts.

Inexperienced travelers, especially on the first steps, try to teach fervently, not knowing the severity of the Law. But experience teaches that one must think seven times seventy times before tying oneself to leadership.

It is necessary to help, of course, but without taking on the leader's karma, for the chain of leadership has no end.

Experience indicates how fierce and hard, and at times cruelly and viciously, unprepared spirits strive to lay on the one who called them to the Light... And woe then to the bell ringer, who called someone to his courtyard.

Let there be a call to the Light impersonal - it karmically does not impose the obligation to take on the shoulders of the karma of those who responded.

One can understand why even the Great Teachers had so few disciples. Each student is a burden for the Teacher of Light. And very few, even those who were allowed close, think about how not to burden the caller.

It can be noted at the same time how excessively and fiercely those who came to the Light through you were burdening you too.

The responsibility of the leadership is great and long lasting. The karma of leadership is directed to the future - hence its length.

They tortured and mauled all the Messengers of Light - and this should be remembered in order not to become like the maidens, nor those who, following the Teacher of Light, wanted to place their cross not on their own, but on His shoulders ”. (G.A.Y. 1962 298)

Why are the Masters clearly not interfering with karma?Two reasons:

1. This is not allowed by the law of free will.

“Our help is great and urgent,” but we cannot interfere with karma - the Law does not allow. We can help to overcome karma, but when you exert all your strength.

Our leadership consists entirely not to free from the consequences of your actions, but to help you understand them not expediency, if they are, and, eliminating these consequences, make it impossible to repeat them. " (G.A.Y. 1966 574)

2 . Everyone shouldlearn to stand on your own two feet.

The teacher will protect, warn and guide, but you have to walk the path with your own feet. “All by myself, and no one else. How can you learn if you don't do everything yourself.

And all that for which you turn to Me for help, first try to do it yourself, on your own. And only when they are exhausted to the end and have not yielded results, you can turn to Me». (G.A.Y. 1957 341)

"... The apparent violence at the turning point of the two Yugas is not violence, but karmic debt accelerated by the Lords of Karma."

(G.A.Y. 1957 567)

How not to burden someone else's and not complicate your karma?

« In everything and always, direct instructions should be avoided, giving freedom of choice. This does not burden someone else's karma and do not complicate your own.

Every advice given also imposes karmic chains on the giver and on the receiver. " (G.A.Y. 1962 327)

Dark and Karma

The dark ones play an important role in working off our karma.

The dark ones serve as instruments for the fulfillment and elimination of karmic consequences. and it is only when the debts are paid that they are forced to leave those they tormented. That is why, sometimes not are suppressed some unpleasant or malicious activity, clearly orchestrated by the dark.

« You must go through this without slowing down your step and without losing your balance. . This is one of the most unpleasant but inevitable tests.

Karma puts in conditions of inevitability, puts on a period determined by the Teacher, when the dark ones are given a certain freedom of action in order to, to affirm in the subject perfectly certain qualities .

(G.A.I. 1964 359)

« Counteractions and influences can be varied properties, but all of them, no matter how difficult, must be met in a balance of mind.

Victory will be to keep this balance... It will repay the temporarily inflicted damage a hundredfold and reward all experiences, for there is little pleasantness when demons annoy and harm stubbornly, persistently and cheekily. They hit one point with all fabrications to destroy the balance.

You cannot give in, but you can keep the severity, the severity of calm, imperturbable by the darkness. " (G.A.I. 1964 359)

SUMMARY : Law of Karma(The Law of Cosmic Justice or Causality)

The Law of Karma says that any event in a person's life is a consequence of his previous thoughts and actions. (Karma is action)

The Law of Karma establishes responsibility for all human actions that he has done or not did.

Human actions are the main reason for which the consequences come, which, in turn, again become the reasons for further consequences. ... Action => Consequence => Action => Consequence ... So a person is in the eternal cycle of life, or, as the Buddhists say, in the circle of samsara.

The basic principle of the Law of Karma: "There is no effect without a cause, and what is the cause, so is the effect." A person's life, his successes and failures, happiness and unhappiness are all consequences generated by the person himself. Evil inflicted on others returns in the form of misfortune, and good in the form of good luck and happiness. What goes around comes around!

- The main task of the Law of Karma is the Evolution of Man, his development!

- The Law of Karma teaches and educates a person through his life situations, which are most often negative. Each of us repeatedly going through the same sufferings and trials, over time begins to understand that we are doing something not correct, which means that something needs to be changed. So, the development of consciousness takes place! Gaining some life experience, doing correct conclusions, we begin to learn the lesson taught by life itself. From the moment you learn the lesson unpleasant life event more not repeats.

Understanding the meaning and purpose of suffering , a person tolerates them more easily!

For the Law of Karma, the most important thing is to achieve the goal - to learn a lesson and gain experience. Suffering will go away - knowledge will remain. “… For karma it does not matter what kind of suffering leads a person to understand what it teaches. If the lesson is learned, the suffering that teaches this lesson leaves a person's life ... " (G.A.I. 1970 057)

Our future is created by our personal choice which we do every minute... As soon as the choice is made, it is immediately created cause of future effects , and the Law of Karma comes into its own! What these consequences will be depends only on the person himself!

Everyone needs to be aware of the full responsibility for all their thoughts and actions that we make, since they are a consequence of the reasons that we experience in the future!

The Wheel of the Law of Karma is inevitable! Nobody and nothing can stop the karmic consequence until it exhausts itself to the end. "... To create one's own karma in the power of man, but no longer in the power of him to destroy it." (1965 462)

—There is a way to LIGHTEN or “OVERCOME” your karma. Considering that, the main task of the Law of Karma is to obtain a certain life experience and the development of spiritual qualities, then a person must voluntarily follow the path of self-improvement. It means to live a conscious life taking a responsibility for your life into your own hands. Learn, expand consciousness, comprehend the Laws of the Universe and other spiritual knowledge.

- Starting to work on ourselves, on our qualities, improving them, we anticipate or soften our karma, preventing it from manifesting itself in the form of negative life events.

The evil inflicted on others returns in the form of misfortune, and the good in the form of luck and happiness. What goes around comes around.

The main purpose of the Law of Karma is human development.

“… For karma it does not matter what kind of suffering leads a person to understand what it teaches. It is important that the goal is achieved. Suffering will go away - knowledge will remain. This is not cruelty, but expediency. True, it is not easier for a person who suffers from this, for he still has to suffer. Once the lesson is learned, the suffering that teaches this lesson is gone from the person's life. When the purposefulness of suffering is understood, it is already easier to endure it ... "(G.A.Y., 1970 057. (Jan. 24).

“... The law of causes and effects creates or acts according to the consonance or conformity of the effect with the cause that gave rise to it. Nobody and nothing can correct the karmic consequence until it exhausts itself to the end. Care for one's actions, that is, for the reasons creating consequences, must be shown conscious and purposeful, for everything gives its fruit. The future is created by a free will, which immediately loses this freedom as soon as the cause is created and put into the wheel of fulfillment. To create one's own karma is in the power of man, but it is no longer in the power of him to destroy it. "(G.A.J., 1965 462. (M.A.Y.).

Very often we want to find someone who is to blame for our troubles, problems and troubles. We diligently blame our mistakes on our parents, who disliked and overloved us, on children who do not know how to be grateful, on the state, which does not take care of us, on a neighbor who does not allow us to sleep, on the head of the housing office, through whose fault pipes are always flowing. , roof and not sprinkled with salt walkways. Meanwhile, we ourselves are to blame for all the problems, if not in this earthly incarnation, then in the previous one. Because the great law of cause and effect exists and operates in the world, that is, the law of karma.

Karma doesn't exist?

“Don't talk nonsense! - say some zealous materialist who does not believe in, or in mysticism, or in the afterlife. “The laws of karma are an invention for law-abiding slaves. A truly free person lives by his own laws! Confirmation of this - millions of poor righteous and hundreds of thousands of successful sinners who commit disgusting deeds and live happily ever after, and they spat from a high tower on your so-called laws of karma. "

Of course, very often we really see a terribly unfair picture associated with the distribution of wealth and resources, talents and other opportunities that are given to a person initially as start-up capital. Why is one person born in a prosperous country, a family, with a minimum of problems and doesn’t blow a mustache, while another is born in a third world country and simply suffers from troubles, poverty, hunger and cold? This seems to us a monstrous injustice, which just proves the existence of the law of karma, but for some reason we interpret these facts as its absence.

After all, this is the law of justice, according to which everyone gets what they deserve. By the way, it is reflected even in the well-known proverbs: "Don't spit in a well, water will come in handy to drink", "What you sow, you reap", "Don't dig a hole for another, you yourself will fall into it."

But then why do good people suffer, innocent babies, those who only do good deeds? There is even such an expression: "The kinder a person, the more problems he has." Why is that? What is the law of karma if the one who deserves punishment receives gifts, and the one who should be rewarded by heaven suffers defeat and misfortune?

The fact is that karma does not always act immediately, although this happens, of course. It all depends on the level of development of the soul. If she is low and under pressure low energies of the material world, then a lot of good deeds and a righteous life can, of course, raise it, but, perhaps, only in the next incarnation. Why is an innocent baby born into a family? chronic alcoholics probably because in past life sinned too much and now the baby has to take the rap for the mistakes of his predecessor.

One of the laws of the universe says that we are all connected. It seems to us that there is nothing in common between people, we try to dissociate ourselves from each other, we divide into communities, groups, nations. But this division cannot separate us, since we are connected at the mental level. And everything that one does, thinks, says, in one way or another is reflected not only on those who live now and are next to him, but also on the distant and future, about which he knows nothing and does not even suspect. If you accept this truth, it will become clear why people are born with such a large social difference.

It is difficult for us to imagine that our every movement and thought forms the present and future of the universe, these are too global in scale. It is just as difficult to associate your actions with future incarnations of your soul, which can manifest itself in human form somewhere on the other side of the planet. Therefore, we act without looking back, without thinking about the consequences, about the fact that each of our actions is recorded on secret invisible tablets and someone (that is, we ourselves in a new guise) shovels off for him full program... It is very difficult to understand that the consequences will affect not someone distant and unknown, but ourselves. That is why many people base their lives on famous phrase"After us, even a deluge."

What is Karma?

Karma is a Sanskrit word that means action. To be and to act are one; the whole universe is one great continuous action (action) governed by the immutable Law of Justice.

Karma is something that only a person can create, since each of his actions is of a deliberate nature. When they say that fate rules everything, that a person does not influence anything and should simply surrender into the hands of the Almighty, they do not take into account the law of karma.

But fate is the law of karma. Within the limits of his human existence, a person is able not only to change the karma of his future incarnation, but also to improve or worsen, that is, to change - the present one. Thus, he has the ability to create polar directions of karma:

Akarma is positive karma leading to salvation and enlightenment.
Vikarma - destructive karma leading to punishment, suffering, terrible incarnations, slavery.

The lower, the more complex the vikarma, which can include anti-parental, anti-social, anti-human components. There are moments that a person cannot change while working off the karma of his past incarnations. For example, change parents. But in the life of each of us there is kraiyaman-karma - that sphere where we can actively intervene in our destiny and change it for the better or worse.

In the Mahabharata (ancient Indian epic), the law of karma is given in the form of a conversation between Bhishma, the teacher of the Dharma, and the righteous king Yudhishtira. Bhishma explains to the king that a person's destiny is formed from his own past thoughts, desires and actions, but “activity is stronger than destiny” the teacher ends his speech. That is, our karma is in our hands. In our thoughts, desires and in our actions.

When do we improve our karma?

When we do good selfless deeds. In this case, we have the ability to cross out and destroy even the most severe consequences past lives and move forward along the stages of their development. But the main condition for such actions is real disinterested goodness. Anonymous, spontaneous, when we are not preoccupied with either gratitude or recognition of this act, as if we are throwing money into the river, without any hope of getting something in return, even improving our own karma. It is extremely rare for a person to do such things. Only love can help him in this - a feeling capable of raising the human spirit to an unprecedented height, where the laws of the material world no longer affect him. This is saving someone at the cost of his own life and health, when a person does not think about the consequences for himself and is only concerned about how to help another. These are feats and deeds performed in the name of love for God, a woman, a man, a child, an animal, a homeland, a person just like that at the behest of the soul - this is disinterested giving and a huge step up the steps of spiritual growth.

When we do kind but not entirely selfless acts... Any good deed leads us up, albeit not so high, but still higher than before. Patronage, charity, volunteering - all this improves karma, even if, deep down, you count on at least gratitude from the person you are helping.

Occupation without attachment to material results,
work for the soul, creativity not for earnings, activity that elevates us, frees us from conventions - another way to improve our own karma.

Love - universal remedy improvement of karma, if possible, so to speak.
Love for everything that you do, think, speak, see, for everything that surrounds you, that is in you and around, love for people, animals, nature. Not just at the level of a declaration and an empty slogan, but effective love, that is, one that manifests itself in specific actions to protect, help, bestow. Kind word, which is pleasant for the cat - this is one of the manifestations of love. Doing everything with love, no matter what you touch and what you do, is a universal way to live in harmony with yourself and the world. Understand that human life- this is the path of the heart, and not the extraction of material wealth.

- a huge part of the akarma. A person who knows how to be grateful to other people, the world, nature, God makes a huge contribution to his spiritual development... And vice versa, the ungrateful and selfish, thinking that everyone owes him and making claims to everyone, receives a minus in his karmic piggy bank.

When do we worsen karma?

When we do unseemly things crimes, meanness, betrayal. Murder throws a person back several incarnations. Even, unfortunately, if he can explain this murder by some ideological reasons, affect, patriotism, protection. True, in this case, the offense committed in the name of love is not equal in terms of the level of karmic punishment with the deliberate one. Accordingly, karma is distributed very individually. But be that as it may, the worst thing for the deterioration of karma is harm to another person.

Envy, criticism, arrogance, selfishness, greed, lies, vanity, pride, ingratitude, etc.- all these are disadvantages to your karma. Especially if these traits are manifested not only in thoughts and words (for example, in gossip, bilious comments, mocking smiles, etc.), but also in actions.

It would seem that not such terrible vices as laziness, bad habits, cowardice, the habit of complaining, indifference worsen our karma. They often lead not to action, but to its absence, which is also equated with a crime against karma. If a person who, for example, has been given some talents, because of his own laziness buries them in the ground, that is, does not realize, then he harms himself.

If we remember that every thought, desire and deed changes our destiny, we will be able to control ourselves and not do evil, help those who need our help, getting into the sphere of our existence. And without even getting, but simply living with us on the same planet. We will open our hearts to love and get rid of hate.

Sometimes it seems to people that nothing depends on them, that they are a small insignificant and not influencing unit of the universe. But this is not the case. A person is able to change himself, his thoughts, his desires and actions. And they change what surrounds him. And the wave runs further, rolls, spreads, multiplies, and somewhere out there, at the edge of the Universe, there is a shift towards good or evil. And all because you got up this morning and smiled at the sun or made a disgusting grimace.

Ultimately, everything closes in on us. And if we submit to our fate and do nothing to improve our karma, we harm it, we turn into slaves of circumstances, the material world, opinions, difficulties, diseases. But a person has not only thoughts and desires associated with improving karma, but also a will that leads him to action. When a person begins to act selflessly and consciously in the name of love, he is freed from slavery and creates his own destiny, destroying the most painful of all sorrows: the thought of himself.

Before proceeding with the consideration of karmic laws, you need to do a few important notes... Each region of the Universe has its own laws. However, they are subordinate to a single plan of the Creator. Therefore, in the transition from one universe to another, whether we like it or not, we have to follow the laws that exist where we got to.

How Karmic Laws Work

We are all now on planet Earth, where we ended up as a result of certain circumstances, and there are rules here that were created by the Creator specifically for this reality.

In the same way, each independent human state has its own internal laws, closely related to international, interstate, and these, in turn, reflect, to one degree or another, the laws of the given reality of our planet.

Any cosmic law has protection, that is, if it is violated, the elimination mechanism immediately turns on negative consequences... It is necessary so that the destruction of the causal space caused by the violation of the laws of its existence does not take catastrophic forms.

Examples of the operation of karmic laws

One of the options for equalizing the potential or the so-called punishment of the violator of the law can be the removal of energy from him in favor of the victim - that is, the one who was offended is put a "patch" on the information "gap".

With more global violations of spatial laws occurring at the level of large groups of people, states and nations, more powerful protection, and negative influences are eliminated by

  • man-made disasters,
  • natural Disasters,
  • epidemics of all kinds of incurable diseases
  • and other cataclysms.

Of course, any law is a limiter, but if it did not exist, the world would turn into chaos. If the interests of two creative individuals, driven by the most humane motives, intersect in some area and they cannot agree with each other on general rules and laws according to which they will act at the intersection, then the best intentions will lead nowhere, and that's all. good will dissolve in endless quarrels and showdowns.

Therefore, in any reality, laws and rules are necessary for normal existence and, undoubtedly, further evolutionary development.

The karmic laws by which this reality operates are reflected in the moral and ethical principles of all religions and confessions that exist and have existed on planet Earth.

Spiritual preachers of all times and peoples lived in accordance with the world laws of this reality and told people about them, who later called them moral and ethical rules and regulations.

Stages of karma formation

Embodying this reality, we thereby interact with it and create its personal karma, and it is directly related to the laws that exist in it.

For the first time, we feel the influence of physical reality on ourselves when we acquire physical body... This does not happen at the moment of the birth of a child, as many esotericists believe, but at the moment of conception, when our energy-informational structure is drawn into the womb by a causal vortex, at the moment of intercourse of our future parents.

And then the difficult process of adaptation of our fine-material structures to coarse physical matter begins. It is here that generic karmic programs are turned on and the karma accumulated in past incarnations begins to act on us.

The beginning of the next stage of our inclusion in physical reality is the moment of birth. This is the strongest stress that the body that has grown in the womb experiences during its transition from one habitat to another. At the moment of birth, new aspects of our manifestation appear in this world, which means that new karmic programs are turned on.

Having passed the full path of adaptation to new reality, namely - the study and development of the body in which we have incarnated - we move on to the next stage of adaptation - entering the human society. it new stage the inclusion of cause-and-effect relationships, and hence the realization of our personal karma. At first, society is limited to the circle of the family with its internal regulations and laws, later it expands to the framework of the surrounding space: place of residence, country, and in some cases - and the whole world.

At all stages of formation, it is very important to be able to quickly adapt to the physical body, the world in which it will live, and, of course, to the society that will surround it.

It is clear that the physical body, the world and society exist according to certain laws and rules. If in their essence they reflect the cosmic karmic laws of the reality of a certain world, then society develops harmoniously and people's lives are prosperous and happy. When cosmic laws are violated, the world degrades.

If this process does not stop and the negative karma of society exceeds the critical mass, the defense mechanism immediately turns on, which destroys what caused the catastrophic changes.

Adherence to moral and ethical rules guarantees the absence of deterioration of personal karma even with the external degradation of the society in which we live, but more often it helps to improve karma and avoid death during various kinds of cataclysms and natural disasters.

Atypical karmic laws

Although it should be noted that it is not always moral ethical principles can improve karma. There is also the opposite effect, that is, deterioration. This can happen for two reasons.

First, when ethical principles are distorted by public "morality", when spiritual values ​​are substituted for the sake of the ruling elite. An example is the times of the Inquisition, when the Catholic Church, under the pretext of fighting heresy, destroyed the unwanted.

Lies, torture, bonfires, inquisitorial sadism, etc. have made the karma of the Catholic Church so heavy that now this denomination, despite its efforts, can in no way be cleansed of its dark past.

Secondly, we are hindered by a distorted and often incorrect interpretation of basic spiritual laws or blind, thoughtless adherence to moral and ethical principles. A particularly common misconception is the division of actions into good and bad. Naturally, in such an assessment, people use purely human egoistic criteria.

But, as experience shows, what was good yesterday can become evil tomorrow, and, conversely, what was evil in the future can turn into the greatest good. Everything in the world is relative and depends on the point of view of the one who is watching. The only judge of our actions is the inner censor, which for most people is located in the region of the heart.

The main karmic laws

Let's briefly dwell on the basic laws of this reality, the violation of which leads to the aggravation of negative karma.

1. The law of cause and effect

The first and foremost karmic rule is the law of cause and effect. It is based on the law of energy-informational unity, which says: "At any point in space, there is information about the entire space-time continuum." Its reflection is the "boomerang" law. He claims that in space there is Feedback between cause and effect.

Everything that we send with thoughts, emotions and actions into space always comes back. An ancient Russian proverb works here: "What you sow, so you reap." For example, evil, aggression and the resulting emotions of anger cause indignation in space, which primarily acts destructively on the source itself.

In addition, a backward wave is formed in space, which after a while returns to the starting point. If it is not compensated by the positive actions of the source, then, as a rule, it is destroyed in whole or in part.

2. Karmic Law of energy-information exchange

The second consequence of this rule is the law of energy-information exchange. To put it primitively: you have to pay for everything. If paid in the past, then in the present you receive dividends. The currency of the universe is energy and information. Nothing is given for free. You need to remember one simple rule: you received information, energy, etc. - give part to others.

You need to return to the world at least ten percent of what you received, and in some cases, to cover negative karma, you need to give all fifty to the world. Those people who return everything they take from the world with interest are called saints. Nature does not tolerate emptiness, and a person endowed with abilities and knowledge, but not using them or using them not for the good of the world around him, harms himself.

3. Karmic Law of Resonance

The third law is the law of resonance. It consists in the fact that if an event occurs in one part of the Universe, then the same or a similar event occurs in another place, provided that these parts of the world have close resonant frequencies (the twin effect). All living things in this manifested universe have an individual path of development and freedom of choice. If we choose peace, then we live in peace; if there is chaos, then it will undoubtedly surround us.

Forcing someone to do wrong, wrong choices, the imposition of an alien worldview, zombie and programming cause serious karmic violations in the future.

Without the freedom of choice of another person, without his consent, it is impossible to commit any actions affecting him, even if it seems to us that this is good for him in his evolutionary development.

Such "services" can often lead to irreparable consequences. Therefore, before undertaking them, it is always useful to conduct an analysis or, in best case, see where our "beneficial" intervention in personal life another person or the world around us.

The third cosmic law is the law of energy-informational interaction. I thought about someone or something - I entered into an energy-informational connection with this material or non-material object.

The Karmic Law of Identification

The principle of identification is immediately included here. If you tune in to a certain object, then you bring its information and vibrations into your space. If long time was in other vibrations, then you become what you are attuned to. The Russian proverb is appropriate here: "With whom you lead, from that you will gain."

On the other hand, prolonged concentration of attention at some point in space causes an increase in energy fluctuations in it. In this way, you can influence anything.

The more concrete, the more detailed the representation of the image, the stronger the impact and the less time it takes to influence a given object (it all depends on the speed of its evolution). But we must not forget that in this way we can limit someone else's freedom of choice, and this in the future leads to belittling own freedom... By limiting the other, we cut ourselves down in the future.

The principle of identification is built on the cosmic law of attraction. Thought - entered into interaction; for example, if you thought about someone, then as it were, you connected with him by invisible threads and pulled him into your space of events.

And if you and the object of your contemplations have vibrations close to the spectrum and constantly interact with each other, then the law of attraction of the like to the like comes into play. As a result, there is an impact on the causal plan, and in the near future life situation confronts you with that object or person.

As the saying goes: "A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar." By the way, this is the basis of the principle of synchronization of events in space.

Information memory law

Let us dwell on one more important cosmic law - the law of information memory, which says that information in the Universe is eternal: it was, is and will be. The following follows from it;

  • information in space cannot be destroyed;
  • information can be obtained everywhere, since at any point in space there is information about the entire Universe;
  • information is memorized by those levels of space that are active at the time of its occurrence.
  • The law of informational memory and its consequences also operate in human consciousness at all its levels. Therefore, if a person needs to effectively extract some information from his memory, it is necessary to connect those areas of consciousness that were active when memorizing it.

The more plans of perception a person has, the more opportunities he has to better and better memorize the information he needs. Therefore for effective work memory at the time of receiving information should use as many levels of consciousness as possible.

Karma is the law of cause and effect. How to rewrite your fate Menshikova Ksenia Evgenievna

The basis of karma is the "rule of three"

The basis of karma is the "rule of three"

If three events have occurred in your life that have the same mental and emotional assessment, and also gave rise to the same sensations, the program becomes the most probable for the consciousness and turns into a karmic one.

The same program, "by default", will be accepted by the consciousness absolutely and unconditionally only if it manages to manifest itself three times with the same result. And what is the result for a person?

Believe me, this is the same subjective idea of ​​what is happening, as in the parable about the old man, his son and the horse.

If you think that an event is bad, then it is bad for you, if it is good, then it is also only for you. Wherein your opinion may or may not coincide with the opinions of others. This attitude is precisely what is called - mental assessment.

In the mental body, the evaluation of any event is a description. Just a description as an instruction for using this or that program. But this instruction looks like a rigid mental construction, an immovable mark in the mind, which is tied to the mind by rigid ties. And there can be a lot of such connections, but the main thing is that they are all grouped according to the following rule:

- one connection goes up, into the buddhial body of a person, and answers the question: why? In this connection, there is an egregorial attitude, which determines the value of the egregor in your mind. The answer to the question "why do I think so?" in relation to each mental structure makes this connection visible and understandable, as it reflects the purpose of the existence of this egregor.

For example, the rigid mental attitude "all men are bastards" or "all women are whores" to the question "why?" will reach for the ancestral egregor, since the answer, for example, will reflect the experience of the family: "Because my dad was like that", "because my ex ...", etc.

A person, man or woman, may have opposite knowledge in experience, but from all his rich experience, the rigid connection between thinking and egregor will choose only those memories (both his own and those of others) that will confirm this setting. And all why? Because these events were the most energetic, that is, the person experienced extremely negative emotions... Extremely! It is these emotions that determine the second connection:

- the second connection goes down into the realm of the subconscious - to the level of the astral and etheric bodies, the realm of emotions and sensations. When activated, it instantly turns on the very state that a person experienced in the process of passing events in his past. So perfume unknown woman can include in the mind of a man programmed for negativity the rigid attitude described above. And only because it was this smell that was associated with its formation in the mind. For example, because it was such a perfume that his first love used, which ended tragically for him. Or mom, who left him as a child. Or the math teacher who harassed him with her nagging.

The bodily memory, in response to the smell, will turn on the very program memory that will summarize in his view the image of all women with the concept of "whore".

Such connections are the basis of consciousness programming. In this case, the person no longer belongs to himself, he is part of the general program. His attitude will be predictable, and the likelihood that program events will repeat themselves increases dramatically.

I want to repeat it again. What matters is not what event you are experiencing, but how your consciousness evaluates them. It is enough to experience the same state three times in response to the same type of events, and it will become basic, causal for you.

If a woman has the conviction “a woman must endure,” then in her life the presence of a despot husband, a reveler or an alcoholic is predetermined. Belief is the key to any karmic situation; if you find a belief that supports negative event, and rewrite it, you will tear apart predestination.

But the trick is that this can only be done consciously, the installation itself will not be rewritten, it is excluded. Because only a conscious action can break the karmic prerequisites of fate. After all, every action in your life, remember, is a ritual that binds you to a certain egregor, nourishes it. If the egregor of your kind is programmed in such a way that all of its women are put into their heads the installation that she, a woman, must endure, then the series of events of all women of the genus will involve constant proof of this simple truth. As a result, the automatic choice of a worthless man or a tyrant for oneself will be natural for consciousness. And we do not violate, as a rule, natural things for yourself.

For this state of affairs to become unnatural for consciousness, it is necessary to reprogram oneself, and this can be done only being in a clear mind - to see why this state of affairs is unnatural. When do we start answering the question "why?" otherwise, we switch to another system, to another egregor. Which will subsequently give us another option for the development of events. Only such a switch is best done with knowledge of the matter, and not how it is necessary and how "God will put it on his soul." Only then can one hope that the karmic chain will be broken and you will not repeat the fate of your parents.

Any act that a person commits is always algorithmized by some egregor. It would be an illusion to think that a person makes a decision on his own - he did not take some method of action in response to an event-situation from the ceiling, he was taught this. The question is: who?

Any teacher (parent, mentor, authority) is a product of his culture, his history, his egregor. He bears decision-making and building a situation in accordance with the knowledge gained in his culture. Man in general, by the way, never invents or invents anything. It only collects information from the surrounding world and compiles it differently each time.

Performing an action according to some specific algorithm, a person, willy-nilly, is attuned to the system that gave birth to this algorithm. This is called "performing a ritual act." At the same time, it does not matter at all whether the person himself is aware of this fact or not: the action has been completed, which means that the communication channel with the egregor has been established. By investing in the action (and therefore in the egregor) his time-energy, he invests in it a part of himself.

A connection is considered established on an ongoing basis if the action is performed three times. In this case, the likelihood that a person will do the same for the fourth time without hesitation increases significantly. And if this is so, then his activity will only strengthen the egregor dominating in his consciousness, make the causal field of the probabilistic course of events more visible and strong for all the others who are in him.

Why three times? Not once, not twice, not four times, but three times. There are reasons for this, and they are built on magical laws.

Three is a symbol of our world. We live in a visible three-dimensional space, the triangle is the most stable figure, the symbol of the Trinity, the triad ... Number 3, three, triangle for our world is a sacred concept. Any myth, any legend is saturated with the mysticism of the troika. Is there any doubt that in such an important topic as "fate", it is the troika that plays its key role?

With such simple programming rules, a person's life very quickly acquires stable characteristics, and he himself becomes more dependent on his egregor-pattern, but also more protected by it. However, the likelihood of him getting into fatal events increases many times over, since he will not be able to quickly get out of the built event series, if anything.

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