Fortune telling online whether my husband is cheating on me. Alignment for treason Tarot. Basic ethical principle. Minor Arcana: Suit of Swords

5 divination for treason on different cards + 3 other divination options + 7 obvious signs marital infidelity.

Cheating hurts the pride of any person, destroys even long-term relationships, destroys families, makes loved ones irreconcilable enemies.

But how do you recognize your partner's infidelity? By using specific signs, and also - after conducting fortune-telling for treason.

There are several variations of this divination depending on the magic items you use.

Of course, it’s not worth blaming a loved one for all mortal sins only on the basis of the results of fortune-telling, but you need to think and look at his behavior.

How to find out if there was a betrayal without fortune telling?

It is rare that a person wants for no reason, for no reason at all, in order to find out whether a partner is faithful to him or not. Usually, cards and other magical items are turned to when there is a suspicion of treason.

Try to analyze the behavior of your loved one to understand if he is faithful to you.

The main signs of treason:

  1. Irritability, and the main object of this irritability is you, therefore you are constantly made comments, compared with others.
  2. Lack of interest in marital sex, and in general - in the family.
  3. Stealth - mobile phone and laptop password-protected, telephone conversations behind closed door etc.
  4. Constant delays in the evenings, frequent business trips on weekends.
  5. Side spending.
  6. More careful care of your appearance.
  7. The smell of other people's perfume on clothes, traces of lipstick on the collar, etc.

If a loved one or loved one behaves strangely, then fortune telling can be used to find out if there is a betrayal or it just seems to you that the union is cracking.

But even if the result of fortune-telling is positive, do not rush to scandal. If you want, talk to your other half frankly (but be prepared for a dose of heartache if the fact of treason is confirmed).

The wisest thing to do is to bide your time, gather more evidence, and think of a plan. further action. Destroying a family is easy (the lover or mistress of your other half will only say thank you), but it can be oh so difficult to correct your impulsive actions.

Divination for treason on different cards

Determining treason with the help of cards is quite simple, because there are a great many options for divination on different decks.

Alas, sometimes the cards lie, especially if you use the cards you played earlier, abuse divination, or tell fortunes on the day of a big Christian holiday.

But, even if all the conditions were met. Don't be so quick to blame loved one in treason, wait for some more evidence of his infidelity.

Divination for treason on playing cards

The most common ways to buy a new deck will not be special work. The only difficulty is to read the alignment correctly in order to determine treason.

Here are 3 simple options divination for treason:

  1. 4 suits. Choose one card from the deck and see what suit it is.
    It is highly likely that your significant other has a lover or mistress who is not married.
    You have nothing to worry about, because your soulmate is faithful to you and is not going to change.
    Your partner is thinking about cheating, but the real action is still far away. So it's time to take care of strengthening the union.
    Your significant other cheated on you before marriage, and although she does not cheat on you now, there are many omissions in your relationship.
  2. 8 cards. You need to draw 8 cards from the deck and arrange them one at a time to make a vertical row.
    1st card
    This is your subconscious attitude towards your partner, perhaps these are the feelings and emotions that you hide even from yourself. Sometimes she shows the secret desires of a fortune-telling woman.
    will show you true reason your doubts about your husband's fidelity.
    will give brief description relationships in your married couple currently.
    It is the main one in this scenario, it contains the answer to main question fortune-telling on the fidelity of a loved one - was there a betrayal.
    It does not matter if the answer of the fourth card assures you of the fidelity of your loved one, feel free to put it aside without even opening it. If the fact of adultery is confirmed by fortune-telling, then its significance is very important for you, because it is fraught with consequences and the answer to the question of how the fact of adultery will affect your relationship.
    He will tell you how to strengthen your relationship and prevent betrayal in the future, if the fourth promises you the loyalty of a loved one. If there was a betrayal, then she will tell you how to stop the betrayal and return the husband to the family or prevent the beloved from being taken away.
    This is your attitude towards your boyfriend or husband in the future. If you have been cheated on, find out the interpretation of this card, and you will know if your relationship has a future.
    Shows how your partner will treat you in the future.
  3. What suit is more. If the previous fortune-telling on playing cards is too difficult for you, try to get confirmation of treason using the suits.

    You need to select 5 cards from the deck and look at what suits fell out: black - there was most likely a betrayal, red - you are true.

Divination for treason on the Lenormand deck

The legendary French soothsayer Maria Lenormand has created her own unique card deck: playing cards have been supplemented plot pictures, which makes it easier to interpret the results.

If you have such a deck, you can use it to determine the presence of treason in your relationship.

Shuffle the cards well and, after pulling out 10 cards, lay them out as follows:

Now open the cards in order, because depending on the position, each picture has its own interpretation.

1. shows the state of the partner at the moment (does the relationship bring him joy or is he unhappy in them)
2. reveals a state that your partner is hiding (for example, he may not be satisfied with the psychological side of the relationship, constant quarrels, but he clearly does not show it and does not express it)
3. indicates the state that the partner is showing
4. shows the partner's thoughts, plans and hopes related to the relationship
5. reveals how a partner feels in intimate life
6. shows the partner's subconscious feelings - what kind of relationship he really needs, what he subconsciously strives for and what kind of person he would like to see next to him
7. shows the partner's conscious feelings
8. reveals true attitude partner to you
9. answers the question of whether there was a betrayal (if the Fox, Book, Lilies, Snake, Pisces cards fell out in this position, then this indicates a 100% fact of betrayal)
10. gives a forecast for the future in the development of relations

Divination for treason on the Tarot

If you know how to read Tarot, you can do this alignment to find out if your loved one is cheating on you or not:

Lay out the cards exactly in the sequence shown in the picture, because each of the positions indicates a specific state of affairs:

1. indicates what position you occupy in a relationship with a partner
2. talks about how your partner treats you
3. indicates how the partner relates to opposite sex how they behave in relationships with the opposite sex
4. was there a betrayal physical level(intimate relationship)
5. was there a betrayal emotional level(Love)
6. was there a betrayal on an intellectual level (friendship, intimate communication, common interests)
7. explains the reasons for the partner's behavior
8. gives advice on what to do in such a situation
9. says what can be expected from a partner in the future

If you are not a very experienced fortuneteller, then you can choose the simplest version of a fortune-telling for treason. After shuffling the deck, draw 1 card from it.

In the Tarot there are 5 cards that indicate betrayal, deceit, infidelity:

Reversed Mage
There is a person in your environment who is trying to deceive, become a rival, has his eye on your partner.
May indicate that your partner may succumb to temptation and succumb to short-term passion, satisfaction of their needs. He can cheat with many other non-permanent partners who can provide him with a little more sexual sensations and pleasure than a regular partner.
Reversed Priestess
Reversed Priestess
Reversed Doomsday
Indicates errors in judgment and unwillingness to take responsibility for actions and decisions. The partner may try to avoid responsibility for what he did in the past and throw this responsibility on you so that you "rake" the results of his mistakes and wrong decisions.
Points out the consequences of cheating. Cheating partner, unreliable friend, or quirky business partner can leave a devastating trail. You have been betrayed and you can no longer trust the people around you.

Other options for divination for betrayal of a partner

Getting news of a betrayal is always unpleasant. Much depends on how exactly you find out that your partner is cheating on you: see it with your own eyes or get confirmation with the help of fortune-telling.

How do you understand last option does not give a 100% guarantee and is not a verdict: there was a betrayal, which means you need to break off relations with a traitor.

You should still take a closer look, play it safe, apply other types of divination.

Fortune telling on cards has its drawbacks:

  • the inability to quickly find the right deck;
  • restrictions on the days allocated for fortune-telling;
  • inability to correctly interpret the results, etc.

Divination for the betrayal of a loved one

If in your case the shortcomings are too obvious, use other fortune-telling methods to reveal the betrayal of a partner:

Whatever cheating fortune-telling you choose, do not take it as irrefutable evidence of infidelity. A banal error or inaccuracy should not be ruled out.

Divination for cheating wife

Divination for cheating wife

All fortune-telling about the betrayal of a husband is also suitable for checking your wife, so you can safely use them. There is another way specifically for the stronger sex. Just take it off your finger wedding ring and look at the reaction of your woman. If the wife is offended, then she is faithful. If her reaction is violent, she is hiding something. And if the wife does not notice anything, her thoughts are very far from you and the likelihood of betrayal is high.

Fortune telling on treason, on Tarot

The Secret Pocket is the most popular tarot card divination. With it, you can find out about betrayal and the attitude of your object of love towards you. You will need thirteen tarot cards. Sit in silence for a few minutes, relax and mentally ask interesting questions about your spouse. Next, shuffle the deck and draw 13 cards. You can look up their meaning on the Internet. The first card is responsible for his relationship goal. The second, third, fourth and fifth talk about his inner attitude towards you. The sixth, seventh and eighth will tell about his actions. Cards nine through eleven will tell you what your spouse is going to do in the near future. The twelfth card will answer the question of what your soul mate is hiding. And the thirteenth card will make it clear why the spouse is hiding something.

Divination for cheating husband

The hand will tell.

To find out if there was a betrayal, look at the love line in your palm. It is located between the little finger and the heart line (located above, after the head line). If it is clearly expressed, then your beloved does not change you. But if the line is barely noticeable, the spouse is prone to romance on the side.


Take an engagement ring or any other that your husband gave you. It is best to guess late at night. On a piece of paper, write your spouse's name, then light a candle and burn the paper. Put the ashes on the table. Next, tie a ring to a thread and hold it over the ashes. If the ring begins to spin in a circle, your husband is not cheating on you. And if it began to swing like a pendulum, the spouse has a mistress.

Parents will say a lot.

It turns out that moles can also tell a lot about a person. If young man there is a mole on his cheek, then he does not mind, to spin several novels at once and does not see anything shameful in betrayal. And if a man has a mole above his right eyebrow, he will be a faithful and caring husband.

Tell my mirror light, tell the whole truth.

Take holy water, three candles and a mirror. Pour water into a saucer and place it on the table. Light candles and place a mirror next to the saucer. Sit in silence for a few seconds and ask to see your mistress. Then look at the water. If you see in the mirror female silhouette, the spouse has secret connections on the side. And if the water is charged, then the husband does not change you.

Divination with the help of an apple remains popular. Give this fruit to your husband and look at the core. If there is no pulp left on it, your spouse is faithful. And if there is a lot of it, then the man has a mistress.

Divination for cheating wife

All fortune-telling about the betrayal of a husband is also suitable for checking your wife, so you can safely use them. There is another way specifically for the stronger sex. Just remove the wedding ring from your finger and look at the reaction of your woman. If the wife is offended, then she is faithful. If her reaction is violent, she is hiding something. And if the wife does not notice anything, her thoughts are very far from you and the likelihood of betrayal is high.

Fortune telling on treason, on Tarot

The Secret Pocket is the most popular tarot card divination. With it, you can find out about betrayal and the attitude of your object of love towards you. You will need thirteen tarot cards. Sit in silence for a few minutes, relax and mentally ask interesting questions about your spouse. Next, shuffle the deck and draw 13 cards. You can look up their meaning on the Internet. The first card is responsible for his relationship goal. The second, third, fourth and fifth talk about his inner attitude towards you. The sixth, seventh and eighth will tell about his actions. Cards nine through eleven will tell you what your spouse is going to do in the near future. The twelfth card will answer the question of what your soul mate is hiding. And the thirteenth card will make it clear why the spouse is hiding something.

How to find out if a husband has a mistress?

Sometimes evidence of infidelity, as well as signs of a husband's love spell, can be ambiguous, suggestive, but not give full confidence in your rightness. In order to find out for sure if your spouse has a mistress, you can also try using magical ritual. However, keep in mind that love magic is always associated with certain risks, so it is worth taking on it only if you are absolutely sure of the need for such measures.

To find a mistress, there are several long-known rituals that you can perform on your own. However, remember that the result will be much more reliable if you turn to a professional magician for help.

Rite with candles to check the presence of a mistress

In order to conduct a test rite, you should buy two ordinary small candles in the temple. One of these candles should be placed in the cup from which you drink, the other in a completely new cup (and it is also very desirable to purchase it before the ritual, and not get it from somewhere in stock). In the evening, lay out a worn and then not washed T-shirt or husband’s shirt on the floor of the room, put both cups on it. Light the candles and wait. In the event that the candle in your mug goes out first, fears are not in vain - with highly likely your spouse is actually cheating on you. If the candle in the new dish goes out faster, then the husband is faithful to you or regards the relationship with your rival as an easy affair, which he intends to end soon. If you do not want to wait a long time, then you can shorten the candles in advance. However, keep in mind that you should not cut by eye, but exactly along the ruler.

Definition of a love spell of a husband

In the event that you know for sure that there was a betrayal, you should determine whether it was the result of a husband's love spell or whether he voluntarily reached out to a rival. Wax is also used for this (for example, the same piece that you cut from a candle from previous ritual). Put it in a tablespoon and heat on a flame. At the same time, one should read following words: "Crack-burn and speak the truth. Is it true that they bewitched the dear one, stole the zealous heart by deceit?" When the wax is completely melted, pour its contents into a dish of milk. Try to pour in a neat, thin stream. Then you should consider the resulting figure. In the event that one large blot has formed, having only minor drops around, between your husband and his new chosen one voluntary love.If a lot of incomprehensible figures and dots have formed, then there is a high probability of a love spell of the husband.In this case, you should not try to remove the love spell on your own - this can be not only ineffective, but simply dangerous.Contact a professional magician, he will be able to quickly and reliably solve your problem.

In any case, magic is a serious, requiring attentive attitude thing. Therefore, one should not rush to both conclusions and actions - you can seriously harm yourself and your loved one.


Aries does not even allow thoughts of betrayal while he is in love - the feeling captures him entirely, leaving no room for a new hobby, frivolous flirting. While he carries you in his arms, showers you with gifts and signs of attention, promises stars from the sky and mountains of gold, there is no doubt about his loyalty. You should be wary at the moment when he begins to pay attention to other women - Angelina Jolie, Yulia Tymoshenko, Oksana Fedorova ... This is a strong proof that his Beloved, who until recently was the undisputed owner of the title of The Most beautiful lady on Earth, became less interesting to him. And there, it’s not far to Nadia’s neighbor. The easiest way to learn about the betrayal of Aries is from himself: he does not know how to deceive and does not like, but cruel truth pronounces easily, sometimes with some secret pleasure. Aries Unfaithful is pleased with himself and does not put a penny on his unfortunate ex Big Love- because she was a mistake, after all. Poor guy, he doesn't know yet that the next one won't be any better.


Taurus - men, in general, not chasing Casanova's laurels and not so easily losing their heads. However, they are not in a hurry with the choice of That Same Woman, and if you found out that you are not the only one for Taurus, then you were simply an option taken into consideration. It won't be hard to figure this out. If Taurus does not look at you under a microscope, diligently studying your flaws and virtues, does not ask about the smallest incidents, is not interested in family history and plans for the future, does not seek to give advice on any occasion, then you have ceased to be an essential part of his life. It should also be borne in mind that, unlike many other men, Taurus is not proud of his victories, they rather upset him, because each of them becomes proof that he has not yet found his only, wonderful and incomparable. And therefore, a sure sign of the inconstancy of Taurus can be its increasing gloominess, isolation, pessimism every day. A man with the eyes of a sufferer, who lowered his head dejectedly, but does not miss the opportunity to evaluate the legs of the ladies walking by - this is the Taurus Changing. The most amazing thing is that for many notorious ladies, he seems simply irresistible.


Most sure sign the fickleness of Gemini is constancy. Yes, there is nothing strange about this. Remember how just recently he surprised you every day, demonstrating new facets of character, radically changing his worldview, never getting tired of turning life upside down. It was only then that you owned his thoughts, only he opened up to you in full measure, he brought you his joys and sorrows, he shared with you every minute changing plans. As soon as it seems that your eternal child Gemini settled down, matured and came to his senses - this means that he is already someone else's eternal child Gemini. True, it is not worth jumping to conclusions, after all, it is possible that he is simply tired or is going through difficult times. The Trickster Twin differs from the Sad Twin by the sly fire that sometimes flashes in his eyes, and a smile that is as sly as it is charming.


Cheating is not easy for Cancer, because he really wants to be an ideal family man, a faithful lover and a reliable partner. In addition, he guesses how painful it is to be deceived in better feelings, and does not want to make someone who cares about him suffer. If a new hobby nevertheless inadvertently descended, he doubts and looks for excuses for himself, shares his anxieties with friends, looks for a way out that would suit all interested parties, and willingly shifts responsibility for what is happening onto other people's shoulders. Guess about the betrayal of Cancer will help long conversations about how difficult life is, how imperfect people are, how much work you need to invest in relationships with the one you love - and how easy it is sometimes to find mutual understanding with a person who until recently was a complete stranger. Unfaithful Cancer yearns, mourns the collapse of hopes for happiness, which was so possible, and does not dare to take decisive steps; sad and secretive, he blames himself and unfair fate for everything, and sometimes you at the same time - just as her blind tool.


Leo does not know how to hide betrayal, because with each of his chosen ones he is used to being proud and boasting. He is unable to resist appearing with another lady of the heart at a social event, showing off her beauty as a medal for courage, and does not think that the former Beautiful Beloved may find out about this. Those to whom he once crossed the road will consider it their duty to tell you about the inconstancy of Leo, because the representatives of this sign do not experience a shortage of ill-wishers. If there are none, listen to his own words: most likely, he will again and again point out your shortcomings and imperfections to you, emphasizing that they are not characteristic of some other women. Leo the Unfaithful is pleased with himself, because he added to the list of his victories; in his naivety, he believes that he has done enough for you by making you happy with his attention - and now he must please them and someone else. To complete the picture, one more juicy detail is missing: Lions can slightly exaggerate the harvest harvested on the field of adultery. Just like that, out of childish spontaneity.


Virgos are famous for their constancy, and not everyone can conquer a man born under this zodiac sign. But if the matter nevertheless came to betrayal, a woman deceived in the best feelings has a chance never to know about it: Virgos are distinguished by caution, sometimes worthy best use. If the Virgo man met the One for whom he could risk a time-tested and dear relationship, he still hardly wants to do it, and if he does, the secret will remain shrouded in darkness. It is possible that the secret will be revealed by That One, not suspecting that it will immediately cease to be such, because the Virgo does not favor talkers of both sexes. However, there is one sure sign that allows you to distinguish the Cheating Maiden - this is the phrase: “I fell in love with another”, which is not subject to discussion or appeal.


Libras are rarely caught in inconstancy, although sometimes they spend a lot of time between two or more fires. A man of this sign knows how, if not to control his feelings, then control them, giving his chosen ones the shares they deserve - and you may not notice for a long time that someone is pinching off a piece from yours. He makes no effort to hide, but the truth still does not come out: a paradox, possible only because Libra knows how to build relationships that suit everyone. Libra the Deceiver can only be exposed through an incredibly unfortunate set of circumstances or a secret fear that the notorious set will still take place. Sometimes only due to increased anxiety, devoid of visible reasons, you can guess that in the life of such a character there is not something wrong, but It is That.


Scorpios, even the most faithful and impeccably moral, are often suspected of cheating by their too jealous or not too well understanding chosen ones. Indeed, involuntarily you will think when it rains rose petals on your head, then a hail of reproaches. Scorpios are complex, and sometimes they can’t deal with their feelings on their own. Yes, sometimes there are those who want to help in this - naive, gullible persons who do not suspect what kind of burden they take on their shoulders. Scorpio the Changer becomes so cunning that he falls into his own traps; he plans unusual insidiousness, but at the moment of emotional intensity - in truth, one of the many emotional tensions - he may well blurt out too much. And here, before admitting that you are unhappy, deceived and betrayed, try not to believe your ears. Happened? Well, then, there is no cause for concern. After all, if Scorpio chose you, then you have an intuition from which nothing can be hidden.


Even the most serious Sagittarius is always a little fidgety. His thirst for adventure is absolutely irrepressible, and romantic adventures are no exception. In most cases, he does not even think about betrayal, and therefore does not feel either guilty or unfaithful - it just so happened that the next peak that fell into his field of vision was not Chomolungma, but She; there's nothing you can do, you have to conquer. Long before the victory is won, Sagittarius will probably tell someone about what he is going to do - well, just to be dissuaded. Hearing that there is nothing difficult in the task at hand, he will quickly lose interest in it. The forbidden fruit beckons Sagittarius only because it hangs high; the taste of mystery is not to the liking of the representatives of this sign. Having decided to storm and realizing that She really cannot be compared with Chomolungma, the Unfaithful Sagittarius will be somewhat ashamed and will surely regret that he got involved in his unworthy business. It is this disillusionment, which replaces the enthusiasm of the discoverer, that sometimes makes it possible to expose him.


Capricorn makes plans for a long time and thinks them over carefully; it concerns romantic relationship no less than any other area of ​​life. Long before She looks in his direction, Capricorn will weigh all the pros and cons, form his own opinion about how their relationship will develop, and how exactly he will keep them a secret. Before arranging a meeting with Her, he will accustom you to the fact that he is busy and unable to devote much time to you; he will outline the routes of walks and choose the places where they will pass romantic dates, he will provide for everything ... Only in order to last moment decide that the game is definitely not worth the candle. If, nevertheless, She arises, for the sake of which it would be worth making all the above efforts, he is rarely so circumspect, because he suddenly and completely loses his head. Capricorn the Traitor is easy to expose, because he stubbornly makes ridiculous mistakes one after another, knowing in his heart what this will lead to, but secretly hoping that his mistakes will go unnoticed.


Aquarius does not like to hide, and if forced to do this, he feels uncomfortable. secret relationship they do not bring great pleasure to the representatives of this sign, because they have to make serious efforts to keep everyone in the dark, and the reward for their work sometimes turns out to be more modest than he expected. But still, the craving for diversity sometimes takes over, and Aquarius draws closer to a woman only because she is completely different from the One, the Other. And then it turns out that everything is similar. And then - again unlike ... Oh, how it tires him! Endless hesitation, doubts decisions taken move from the sphere of romantic relationships to other areas of life, and for months he thinks about what kind of upholstery for the sofa is better, what color the umbrella should be, where to put the desktop. Unfaithful Aquarius is all doubt and reflection. He does not choose between a tit in his hands and a crane in the sky, he himself is both a tit and a crane, and the sky and a hand, and sadness and joy. Oh, and it's not easy for him, poor fellow!


If you love a Pisces man, then you love his dreams. He is used to this, and is sincerely sure that you will also fall in love with his dreams of another woman. No, of course he will not always be so frank; he will limit himself to hints, he will let in fog, he will make sure that you like her too. That you could make friends. Get along. If this is not possible, he will try to arrange your life. He will dream of what you will meet worthy man, a real Prince - and will share these dreams with you, in the hope that you will fall in love with them, and, perhaps, take the first step towards their implementation. The most desperate can dream of an oriental harem. Pisces - Cheating Naive never loses hope that everything magically will work out in the best way for everyone. But Pisces - the Insidious Traitor - is a completely different subspecies; he already knows where such dreams lead, and operates in secret, using all his imagination to cover up dubious exploits. He admires his own infallibility, not suspecting that everyone he meets - and even more so you - sees him as an adventurer and is unlikely to want to maintain a serious relationship with him.

With the help of magic, you can not only determine damage or the evil eye, but also determine whether the husband was cheating or not. You can use fortune-telling for treason, and it is best to use a horoscope to determine treason.

Consider the predisposition of zodiac signs to treason. For Aries adultery is a way to temporarily get rid of family life. Therefore, Aries are able to change quite often. But at the same time they are very jealous. Therefore, if you give him a reason for jealousy, he will immediately turn his attention to you. Taurus, unlike Aries, do not very often decide on treason. They value family and their spouse. Gemini often look for new hobbies. But they go pretty fast. So if you want to apply, then, most likely, by the beginning of the process, he will no longer have a mistress. Cancer also often cheats on his wife. But at the same time, he appreciates his wife and will do everything possible not to destroy the family, while he will not refuse connections on the side. For Leo, the main thing is that women fight for him. If the mistress shows that she is ready to fight for him, then he will most likely cheat on his wife. Virgos are almost always faithful to their loved ones. Libra has no casual relationships and is always devoted to their spouses. Pisces and Scorpios are also not capable of treason. And all the other signs of the zodiac, alas, can change at least once in their lives.

Change is insidious and cruel. She kills relationships slowly, surreptitiously, regardless of the feelings of the "third wheel". But here's the real question: often infidelity turns out to be a far-fetched, prompted game of our imagination, and not real fact. It will help to resolve the issue of fortune-telling for treason.

Lots of ways. By applying one of them, you can resolve your doubts and make the right decision.

Divination for cheating husband

For lovely women, the issue of fidelity is sometimes paramount, because this is the basis of their world. In order not to fill your head with unnecessary suspicions that destroy family happiness, perform the following ritual, then everything will fall into place. Ordinary candles will help to carry out fortune-telling on the betrayal of her husband. Take two. They need to be mentally connected with the “persons involved in the case”. One is you, the other is your husband. Place the candles so that the distance between them is at least ten centimeters. You need to light them at the same time, and then watch what happens. If the husband's candle goes out immediately, then, no matter how painful it is, he is cheating on you.

If both flames burn evenly, then you worry in vain, he is faithful to you! If yours goes out, then you should be ashamed! you accused of treason devoted person, while they themselves are already ready to look at the side. If the candles begin to crackle, your couple has envious people, or someone is staring at your husband, cherishing a plan to take him away. Such fortune-telling for treason can also cleanse your relationship from the evil eye, if you use it in the ritual

Their fire will burn all the negativity, unwittingly collected by both of you.

We attract cards

Take a new deck (it's better to buy it). Try to get the imaginary traitor to contact her. For example, put the deck under his pillow. Fortune-telling on treason on the cards gives a very definite answer, if you know how to decipher their meanings. So, shuffle the deck, then draw one card at random. Two pictures mean treason: and a jack. If one of them fell out the first time, then your suspicions are well founded. You need to make a decision: fight for the relationship or let go. But if an ace of hearts or a nine fell out, then fortune-telling for treason was carried out with a brilliant negative result: you are loved and adored! This method gives a 100% result. But keep in mind that the answer lies in the first card: all the others no longer matter. If, as a result of awkwardness, one fell out of the deck, then it is the answer. Repeated fortune-telling for the betrayal of a loved one is not necessary. It won't give any result.

Let's take tarot cards

This deck is considered magical for a reason. Fortune telling about treason with the help of Tarot cards can not only give an answer, but also suggest ways out of the situation. They also provide an opportunity to influence a loved one, encouraging him to return to the bosom of the family. Yes, tarot cards can do that.

Divination for treason begins with right attitude. Even if you are holding the deck in your hands for the first time, you need to try to find with it mutual language. Go through the cards, get to know them, ask them to give the correct answer. Now take out three pieces. Consider. Swords in the layout are an alarming sign. The presence of major arcana (except for the Tower) is encouraging. A direct positive answer is the presence of a page of swords. This is a 100% guarantee of betrayal. The tower will indicate a break in your relationship soon. Good sign if there are bowls in the layout. This suit is responsible for relationships and symbolizes the connection between you. If pentacles fell out, then do not expect warmth and harmony, although we are not talking about treason. It's just that your relationship is tied to material aspects.

Divination with a ring

This method is considered reliable. Use should be a ring donated by the person on whom fortune-telling is carried out.

You need to pick a time when no one will disturb you. It is advisable to do the ritual at night, when full moon. It is especially good if you can open the windows and conduct the entire ritual in moonlight. This will help to get rid of far-fetched suspicions, to reveal the truth. So take a piece of paper. Write the name of your loved one on it. Burn it. Now, over the ashes, you need to hold a ring tied to a thread (at least ten centimeters). If it began to sway parallel to your position, there is no betrayal, perpendicularly - the answer is yes. If you do not move for several minutes, the situation is difficult. There is no fact of betrayal yet, but there is a desire. It is recommended to take matters into your own hands and try to improve the relationship. Such fortune-telling for treason can be done regularly. Just do not overdo it with your unfounded suspicions. Still, trust is the best soil for love to flourish!

Especially for men

Somehow I don’t really believe that strict machos will deal with a ring or cards.

For them, there is a different method of bringing a traitor to clean water. It is recommended that fortune-telling be carried out by the method psychological test. Just take your wedding ring off your finger and see what happens. A violent reaction and a scandal - something is not right here. Resentment - she is true. but not in a violent way - she worries and is afraid of losing you. Didn't notice - her thoughts are busy with other things! This is almost 100% cheating.

Is it worth guessing?

Think about what actually makes you suspicious. Perhaps the lack of confidence in the fidelity of the chosen one is the result of your doubts about your own abilities. Then why guess? Engage in self-improvement. Your relationship depends on both of you. If you take responsibility for yourself, then you will become a leader. Another question is when doubts are inspired by the behavior of the second half. The person became distracted and inattentive. Constantly withdraws into himself and stopped sharing his thoughts with you. It's already alarm bell. It may not be cheating in his head at all, but you are already starting to get nervous. In order not to offend your loved one with suspicions and not push you away from yourself, it is recommended to tell fortunes. Thus, you will regain your confidence, and save him from worries. It turns out that fortune-telling is little trick. Your little secret. It is perfectly acceptable if you want to keep love.

Ancient magical divination

Our ancestors used the forces of nature, talked to them. For example, on Trinity, women went to a birch grove. There you had to choose a pretty tree and talk to him like a girlfriend. If a birch tree throws a yellow leaf on your head (this is almost impossible in June), then it mourns the grief that has fallen on your shoulders. This is not a good sign: a traitor is nearby. The tree can be asked for help. In your own words, as best you can. Then pick a few branches and bring home. Collect a broom from them and sweep the whole house to the threshold. Either treason or an insidious deceiver will leave. But you will feel better.

What to do if fortune telling predicted treason

Tip: don't be nervous. This is a big blow for a lot of people. But it happens. You may no longer need this relationship. Only the fear of change makes you grab onto them and not let go of the traitor? Calm down and talk. Let the conversation be extremely sincere, filled not with insults, but with a desire to help. You are not the only one suffering. Treason is so insidious that it makes all the participants in the triangle suffer. Together we need to get out of the situation. Self-respecting people will find correct solution. And a notorious egoist nearby is a terrible curse. Do you need it? Sometimes fortune-telling helps to get rid of the terrible misfortune that is

Perhaps it is safe to say that suspicions of treason very often arise even between two loving partners. Although divination, according to tradition, is attributed to women's activities, men often began to use this method. With it, it is much more reliable to check the fidelity of a spouse than to search for lipstick on his shirt or examine his pockets. As for men, they can just tell fortunes, and not try to convict their wife of treason due to the presence of suspicious phones or calls.

Free fidelity divination is very easy to do at home. For this there is great amount simple rites. The main condition for obtaining reliable information is to conduct the ceremony in absolute solitude. by the most favorable time day is considered midnight during the period of the full moon.

For a loved one or husband

by the most simple fortune-telling on the fidelity of a loved one or husband is a ceremony with candles. It is better to spend it on a full moon night on a calendar steam day. For the ritual, you will need to use two thin white candles.

Having retired to a separate room, you need to do the following:

  • Set the prepared candles at a distance of approximately 10 centimeters from each other.
  • Light the candles from one match, always taken from a new box.
  • Mentally name one candle with your name, and the other with the name of the person on whom the fortune-telling is being carried out.

The conclusions to be drawn are as follows:

  • If the candle, which was given the name of a loved one, suddenly went out, then this indicates the fading of the person’s feelings towards you. That is, in this case, treason can serve as the reason.
  • If your candle goes out, then ask yourself and answer sincerely if you have fallen out of love with the person who is being fortune-telled. Most likely, only some life circumstances keep you together.
  • If the candles burn evenly, then this means that all your suspicions are in vain. You and your partner sincerely love each other, so you should not doubt the loyalty of your soul mate. In this case, the size of the candle flame is indicative. If the flame is larger at the candle that has been given your name, then this means that your love is stronger and vice versa.
  • If the candles or one of them began to crackle or sparkle, then this means that there is a rival in your environment who may attempt to take away your beloved boyfriend or husband.

There is another simple divination with a candle that will allow you to confirm or refute the fidelity of a loved one. For the ceremony, you will need to use a plate filled with clean water, and any wax candle. It is noteworthy that you can use any water, but not mineral.

Having retired to a separate room, you need to take a candle prepared for the ceremony and hold it in your palms. This will transfer your energy to the attribute being used. After that, it must be installed at the table and set on fire.

In the process of action, you should say the following magic words:

“Spill drop by drop of wax into the water, and don’t laugh at me. Melt a wax candle, my rival, show yourself.

After pronouncing the words, you need to close your eyes and perform 12 circular movements over a container of water. During this, drops of melted wax will surely fall into the water.

It is they who will subsequently need to be counted and interpreted fortune-telling:

  • An even number indicates the fidelity of a loved one.
  • An odd number indicates treason.

On the fidelity of his wife

Any man, when doubts arose in his soul about the fidelity of his beloved woman, can clarify this issue with the help of fortune-telling. For a simple rite you will need her hair, a red candle, a photograph together and your own engagement ring.

Having retired to a separate room, you must perform the following steps:

  • Tie the hair of your beloved wife around your own wedding ring.
  • Tie a red one to the ring simple thread, the length of which should be at least 15 centimeters.
  • Light a red candle.
  • Hold the ring over the flame certain time. In the process of such a procedure, the attribute will be charged not only with the energy of the wife, but also natural force fire.
  • Touch lightly with the ring of images on the joint photo, and then lift the ring some distance above the picture.
  • If the ring swings from side to side parallel to your images in the picture, then this indicates that there is no betrayal. In addition, this indicates that your wife loves you so much that she does not even think about infidelity.
  • If the ring sways from side to side, as if crossing out the images in the picture, then this indicates the infidelity of the spouse. Moreover, treason has either already happened, or will definitely happen in the future.
  • If the ring will make circular motions, then this indicates that the spouse will be faithful to you all your life. Therefore, in the future, one should not even allow thoughts of her betrayal.

On the loyalty of a partner

To conduct fortune-telling on the fidelity of a partner, you can also use rituals that involve performing card layouts. It is believed that in this way you can get the most full information on the question of interest.

There is a very simple layout, which is formed from nine cards laid out in rows of three cards:

  • The first card describes your present. She talks about your thoughts and experiences, focuses on what is most important to you in a relationship.
  • The second card characterizes the personality of your partner.
  • The third card describes how the partner generally feels about infidelity. She also focuses on how much he trusts you. All this allows us to draw conclusions about whether the partner is faithful.
  • The fourth card may indicate physical treason, if any. Moreover, a positive answer to this question is unlikely to indicate a man’s desire to leave you.
  • The fifth card describes the fact of emotional betrayal, if any. A positive response indicates that the partner has feelings for the other woman. It should also be taken into account that with a positive answer, there is a high probability that your loved one will simply be taken away from you.
  • The sixth card indicates events that may lead to intellectual treason. With a positive answer, you need to understand that your partner will never consult with you when making decisions.
  • The seventh card tells about the reasons for infidelity. If there were negative answers of the previous three cards, then this card should not even be considered.
  • The eighth card describes the prospects for relationships in the future.
  • The ninth card shows whether you should expect cheating from your partner in the future.

When conducting any fortune-telling for fidelity, it must be remembered that it is absolutely impossible to perform the rite in bad mood Or right after a fight. If it so happened that, according to the results of fortune-telling, it turns out that there was no betrayal and your loved one is faithful to you, then you must unobtrusively ask for forgiveness from the person, expressing this with a manifestation of the most tender feelings. But just never admit to your loved one in the future that you were guessing at his fidelity.