Analysis of urine. Urinary syndrome: characteristics, symptoms, diagnosis, how to treat. Why does urine have a neon yellow color?

Consider some of the symptoms of diseases according to the state of urine. Some of our favorite (or disliked) foods, such as asparagus, cabbage, and cauliflower as well as garlic. But sometimes sharp and bad smell urine can tell about some medical problems.

It's not unusual to smell ammonia in the toilet, but if your urine smells like this chemical, your body may be dehydrated. Also, foul odor, especially if you urinate for the first time in a day, can be a sign of a urinary tract infection. Fish odor also signals a metabolic disorder known as fish odor syndrome or trimethylamines - nuria (excretion of trimethylamine in urine and sweat).

Symptoms of diseases according to the state of urine. Sugar in urine

For many of us, it has long become a common ritual - to spray with eau de toilette or cologne. But if the liquid in your toilet suddenly takes on a sweetish smell, there is nothing good about that, here, most likely, we will talk about a serious complication of diabetes - diabetic ketoacidosis. In this case, ketones accumulate in the blood, which give urine, breath and even the skin a quite noticeable sweet or acetone-like odor. Dark colored urine and frequent urination are also signs of this condition. Without proper treatment, diabetic ketoacidosis can lead to heart attack, kidney failure, coma, and death.

Foaming urine

If, looking into the toilet, you suddenly find that the urine is foaming, this is not always due to the fact that the toilet has just been washed and remains inside detergent... Foaming urine may be the first sign of proteinuria (albuminuria) - an increased amount of protein or bile salts in the urine.

Proteinuria is a sign of impaired kidney function or heart disease especially in patients with diabetes or high blood pressure. Foaming urine is often the first sign of nephrotic syndrome, a serious condition in which the kidney's filtration system is affected by a viral infection, diabetes, or lupus. Hence the increased protein content in the urine. Foam can also be a sign of a fistula - a fistula between bladder and the vagina or rectum. The cause of the appearance of a fistula is various violations, including Crohn's disease and tumor.

In ancient times, doctors tasted a patient's urine - this was part of diagnostic process... If it was sweet, it means that something is disturbed in the body. It is now known that high urine sugar is a sign of diabetes. As a matter of fact, the very term "diabetes mellitus" (diabetesmellitus) originated from the Greek words: diabetes - "leak" and mellitus - "honey".

Symptoms of diseases according to the state of urine. Cloudy urine

Cloudy, flaky urine is usually a sign of urinary tract infections. Sometimes it has a very pungent odor. The infection may be in the bladder and not rise higher, then it is cystitis, or it can spread further and reach the kidneys, then this condition is called pyelonephritis. Bacteria and mucus give urine a cloudy appearance. Infections can be found in varying amounts anywhere in the urinary tract - in the urethra and ureters, and this is often related to sexual activity.

In men, cloudy or reddish urine occurs with inflammation of the prostate - prostatitis, usually the result of infections urinary tract or sexually transmitted diseases. Men with an enlarged prostate - benign prostatic hyperplasia - develop prostatitis more frequently and are usually caused by urinary tract infections. In benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma), which is common in older men, an enlarged prostate blocks urine flow. Some other signs of this change are difficulty urinating, burning sensation when urinating, feeling as if the bladder is not emptying completely. It has not yet been established whether there is a direct link between prostatitis and prostate cancer.

Too frequent and active sex life in women often provokes infectious diseases of the urinary tract. During sex, bacteria can travel up the urethra, through which urine flows out of Bladder and out of the body. Women have a relatively short urethra, which allows bacteria to quickly reach the bladder. Men have a longer urinary tract, which may be why urinary tract infections are more common in women than in men. But men with BPH are at risk because they cannot empty their bladder completely. Residual urine is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. People with diabetes and weakened the immune system are also susceptible to the incidence of urinary tract infections.

In a healthy person, urine excreted from the body is practically sterile and almost odorless. Some of the main signs of illness caused by urinary tract infections are:

Burning sensation while urinating

Feeling like you need to go to the toilet more often than usual

The urge to urinate, but in the end, the volume of secretions is very meager

Leaking urine

Cloudy, dark urine with blood and foul odor

If you've had infections before, others are likely to follow. Unfortunately, frequent recurrences can be a sign that there are problems in the urinary tract and kidneys. And infectious kidney diseases cause serious pathologies.

Waiting for a long time after the urge to urinate appears can increase the chances of developing urinary tract infections. An overflowing bladder stretches, its muscles weaken, and then it is difficult for them to control whether the bladder is completely empty. The urine that remains in it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria.

External signs are a signal that the body gives. The color of urine, which is formed as a result of blood filtration, is a sign of a person's condition. It is not difficult to determine the disease by urine, having basic knowledge. In a healthy person, urine is transparent yellow, sometimes deep yellow. Indicators depend on the concentration of urine. If it is transparent yellow, it means that you have drunk a lot of liquid. If it is deep yellow, it means that there is not too much water in the body. How to identify a disease by visual signs?

Pathological causes of urine color in kidney disease

Every day, at the norm, a person should excrete from 800 ml to 1.5 liters when urinating. The reasons for the abnormal color of the natural fluid are those components that should not be in the urine (erythrocytes, proteins, leukocytes, etc.). In the presence of such components, it can be revealed that pathological processes are taking place in the body, to which it is important to pay close attention. Urine color is an important guideline for diagnosing a disease. The rate often varies with kidney disease.

But not only serious disorders in the body - the reasons for the color:

  • Some vitamins, after which and.
  • Carrots always paint bright orange.
  • Medicines contain dyes that affect the color of the urine.
  • Age is also considered to be a factor in color variation.
  • At physical stress in adults after 50 years of age, blood particles may enter the urine, staining the urine reddish.

Light urine

It is believed that light urine means that the body is healthy. But too light urine is also found in diseases - diabetes mellitus, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis. During pregnancy, urine takes on a light transparent color. Different types of vitamins cause the body to be unable to digest useful elements... As a result, such elements in urine change color to sandy. The biofluid, yellow with a sandy color, is a consequence of the disease, it happens when stones and sand are formed.

What the bright color says: neon yellow, yellow

Neon color indicates taking vitamins to improve health, or taking medications. The danger is that an excess of vitamin substances leads to a disease called hypervitaminosis. Drugs such as nitrofurans (used for inflammatory processes human body) is able to turn the urine bright yellow. Everyday consumption of a different dyeing product (carrot juice, asparagus) increases the amount of bright yellow pigment.

Dark color: golden or dark yellow

Dark urine indicates health hazards. But don't be in a hurry to worry. The dark varieties range from dark brown, brown to golden. First, determine what color of urine you have. To do this, make sure there is sufficient lighting for correct conclusion... It is important to check that there are no dye residues on the toilet. The spectrum of causes of color change is wide - from harmless to life-threatening.

If the dark color of urine has appeared recently, remember what food you ate in recent times... Blackberries, foods with dyes, rhubarb, and liquorice candy can cause temporary color in your urine. If you take medications (sleeping pills, laxatives, medical dyes for diagnostics), the effect of changing the tone of the biofluid occurs. Highly dark color possible with kidney disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis, bleeding). It is advisable to immediately go to the urologist to determine the definition of the true cause. To do this, you will undergo a urinalysis.

Dark or dark yellow urine

Speaks about kidney disease and these types of problems:

  • Dehydration. At frequent vomiting or diarrhea, low water intake, the biofluid is concentrated in nitrogen slags, which gives it a dark yellow color.
  • Excessive use of food or drug additives.
  • The first symptoms of illness and disorder. Liver infections, anemia, jaundice, hepatitis change the breakdown of red blood cells, which stains the urine in an unusual color.

The content of the article:

Violation of urination is the most common pathology of the urinary organs, which can manifest itself with a whole range of symptoms. Along with this, there are many reasons that trigger pathological processes. Some of them are the same for both men and women, while others may be inherent in only one of the sexes. Treatment is prescribed depending on the underlying cause and concomitant diseases only by an experienced doctor. For more detailed information on this topic, we suggest reading this article.

  • Read about for treating problems in a man

Description and manifestations of urinary disorders

A healthy body is able to maintain proper urination. However, with the occurrence of certain diseases and factors, the frequency and intensity of urine excretion, as well as its color and composition, may change. In this case, a series appears unpleasant symptoms, which indicate disturbances in the work of the urinary system - a disorder of the process of urinary excretion.

Urinary dysfunction is a multifaceted concept because this pathology has several manifestations. These include:

  • Enuresis... Lack of control of urine output, in other words - incontinence. Sometimes the urge is completely absent or appears suddenly. Enuresis is a frequent urination disorder in children and the elderly. Distinguish between day and night.
  • Stranguria... Urination is characterized by a high frequency and difficult and painful excretion, the occurrence of sudden urges that are almost impossible to control. In this case, urine is excreted in small quantities.
  • Pollakiuria... Frequent urination. Most often occurs with inflammation of the lower urinary tract, less often - the upper tract and kidneys.
  • Ishuria... It is characterized by the impossibility of self-emptying of the bladder. Special devices, such as catheters, are used to drain urine. Ishuria can be of several types, for example, acute or chronic. In this case, urinary retention can be complete or partial. A special form is paradoxical ischuria, in which a person is not able to conduct voluntary urination, but urine is involuntarily excreted drip.
  • Dysuria... This is a broader concept. Firstly, it means the difficulty in the process of excreting urine due to pathological compression of the urinary tract or blockage, as well as in spasms. Secondly, it is often used when talking about painful frequent urination.
  • Polyuria. This concept used to describe a pathology characterized by excessive urine production. Sometimes volumes exceed 3 liters per day. Most often, polyuria occurs against the background of drinking a lot of fluids. In this case, it is called physiological, it is safe and temporary. However, often the excessive formation of excrement by the kidneys is due to serious disturbances in the body. Then, diagnostic procedures are required to identify the root cause of polyuria. Treatment should be comprehensive.
  • Oliguria... This is the opposite of polyuria. Means insufficient formation of urine by the kidneys. It can also be physiological, arising against the background of insufficient fluid intake or intensive excretion of moisture using sweat glands... Pathological oliguria occurs due to disturbances in the body, for example, with indigestion, fluid retention or bleeding. Treatment is aimed at addressing the root cause.
  • Nocturia... This diagnosis is made when urine is excreted to a greater extent at night. Such changes occur with lesions of the autonomic nervous system. Nocturia often occurs with chronic renal failure in the early stages.
  • Anuria... it complete absence urine in the bladder. It is a rather rare occurrence. May be caused by mechanical compression or blockage of both ureters, impaired renal function, or other causes.

The reasons for the development of urination disorders

In the process of urination, not only the organs of the urinary system are involved, but also part of the nervous system and some muscles. So, ensuring the accumulation, retention and excretion of urine is regulated by somatic and autonomic nervous systems, who in this matter must cooperate flawlessly. In other words, to ensure physiological coordination of the work of the muscles in the bladder and the sphincters of the urethra.

Along with the important role v this process some striated muscles play, in particular, these are the muscles of the perineum, abdominal and urogenital diaphragm. Disturbances in the work of the systems and muscles described are steadily leading to a disorder of urinary excretion.

However, this cannot be considered the only reason. Pernicious influence other organs and systems of organs can also provide, as well as microorganisms that have entered the body that trigger the development of infectious diseases, mutations at the gene level, and much more.

Various diseases and inflammatory processes urinary system. These include: urethritis, pyelonephritis, genitourinary fistulas, infectious and fungal diseases, urolithiasis, etc.

The following reasons are considered common to all ages and genders:

  1. Long-term or sudden overstrain of the body (physical or nervous);
  2. Hypothermia of the feet lumbar or the whole organism;
  3. Alcoholic intoxication even mild, other types of intoxication of the body;
  4. Taking medications that can affect the process of urine excretion;
  5. Neoplasms both in the urinary system and in other organs and tissues of the body;
  6. Appendicitis;
  7. Organ trauma associated with urine excretion;
  8. Injury to the brain and / or spinal cord;
  9. Diseases of the nervous system;
  10. Foreign body in the urinary tract;
  11. Uncontrolled sex life, frequent change of partners, frequent sexual intercourse;
  12. Congenital malformations of the urinary system;
  13. Multiple sclerosis.
Specific causes of urinary dysfunction in men are associated with structural features. male body... The list includes the following diagnoses: prostate adenoma, prostatitis (read about Prostaphor), underdevelopment of the genitals, genital prolapse, narrowing foreskin, inflammation of the foreskin of the head of the penis.

The following conditions and diagnoses contribute to the development of an urinary disorder in the female body: pregnancy, prolapse or prolapse of the uterus, premenstrual syndrome, genital endometriosis, reflex ischuria of the postpartum period, malignant neoplasms, diseases of the vulva (degenerative diseases, herpes, condylomas, vulvitis, synechiae), thrush, etc.

Violations of urination in women, arising from the fault of inflammatory processes, are characterized by a higher frequency than in men. It's connected with anatomical features the female body. In men, the urethra is longer, which makes it difficult for pathogens to advance. The localization of the urethra is also important. In women, it is located in close proximity to the anus and vagina, where there is a rich microflora that is not inherent in the urinary system. This increases the risk and frequency of infection.

The main symptoms of urination disorders

In addition to directly disturbing the process of urinary excretion, a person may experience a number of other symptoms.

These include:

  • Painful sensations when emptying the bladder;
  • Discoloration of urine;
  • Weak jet;
  • Interruption of the outflow of urine;
  • Burning or itching in the perineum;
  • Fever (is an indicator of severe intoxication and an indication for hospitalization);
  • Painful sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • Availability whitish discharge from the genital tract.
Treatment of signs of urination disorder can give only a short-term improvement or not at all affect the situation, if the reason lies in more serious illness... That is why it is important to consult a professional doctor on time for the correct prescriptions.

With absence correct treatment or a prolonged absence of the necessary therapy, complications may develop, which will be more difficult to deal with.

TO possible consequences include:

  1. The extreme degree of impaired renal function, in other words - acute renal failure;
  2. Development of inflammation in the kidneys (acute and chronic pyelonephritis);
  3. Inflammation of the bladder (acute or chronic cystitis);
  4. The appearance of erythrocytes in the urine in large numbers is gross hematuria (blood in the urine is determined even visually, without laboratory research);
  5. The occurrence of irritations on the skin;
  6. Severe intoxication of the body, sometimes fatal.

Diagnosis of urinary disorders

To identify problems in the work of the urinary tract, first of all, you need to contact a urologist, who will draw up an examination plan.

For the study of the bladder and functions, the following types are used diagnostic methods and procedures:

  • ... This is the first diagnostic procedure to be performed. The results may show the presence or absence of leukocytes and erythrocytes, strains of some pathogenic bacteria, protein.
  • Patient examination... Feeling the area in the lower abdomen allows you to determine the filling of the bladder and draw a conclusion about the diagnosis - ischuria (delay) or anuria (lack of urine). Women are often referred to a gynecologist for consultation.
  • Sowing for flora... Gives an idea of ​​the bacterial composition of urine.
  • A smear for genital infections... It is necessary to identify an imbalance in the microflora. Allows you to accurately determine the strain of bacteria.
  • Ultrasound procedure... The object of ultrasound is the entire urinary system- kidneys, urinary tract, bladder, etc. As a result, data on the presence of foreign bodies, stones, tumors, determine the volume and nature of the contents of the bladder, as well as the structure and size of the kidneys. Men are often prescribed an ultrasound scan of the prostate gland to assess its condition and the degree of involvement in urinary disorders.
  • Blood test... General analysis shows the presence of an inflammatory process, composition and some other blood parameters. Biochemical analysis helps to identify signs of impaired renal function, based on increased performance uric acid, urea, creatinine.
  • Other methods... In addition to the described procedures and methods, urography is also prescribed, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, cytoscopy, consultation of other specialists (neurologist, nephrologist, therapist, gynecologist, urologist).

Peculiarities of treatment of urination disorders

After identifying the causes of incontinence, urinary retention, or other disorders of the urinary system, treatment is urgently needed. Medicines and healing procedures are prescribed depending on the main diagnosis, taking into account the symptoms of urinary excretion disorder. Treatment for urinary disorders can include strengthening muscles, fighting infections, normalizing nervous and of cardio-vascular system, hormone therapy, electrical stimulation, the use of assistive devices and much more. Let's take a look at the most common treatment options for urinary disorders.

Exercise for urinary outflow disorders

Physical education for patients with pathologies of the urinary system is quite important. It performs a number of valuable functions, which include:
  1. Increased blood flow;
  2. Normalization of metabolism;
  3. Improving urine excretion;
  4. Activation important processes in organism;
  5. Strengthening the abdominal muscles;
  6. Strengthening the muscles that support posture to maintain physiological position kidney;
  7. Strengthening the muscles of the thighs and buttocks;
  8. Normalization of the respiratory system.
As part of physiotherapy exercises, it is encouraged to perform breathing exercises, cycling, stretching and training all muscle groups, with special emphasis on the muscles of the pelvic floor, swimming in warm water, cross-country skiing, walking followed by moderate jogging.

The outflow of urine is facilitated by a 20-minute stay in a medical knee-elbow position... In order to take this pose, you need to kneel down, then stretch the body forward and add two more points of support - the elbows. For comfort, you can use softening rugs or pillows.

Treatment of urinary disorders in case of infection with drugs

Taking medicines from the groups of antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal drugs is indicated when the infection spreads from the bottom up, i.e. from the lower urinary tract to the kidneys. The unpleasant manifestation of the disease recedes or weakens rather quickly - in 2-4 days. The type of drug is chosen by the doctor on the basis of laboratory data after the diagnosis.

Let us give short list drugs used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the urinary system:

  • Trimethoprim... Bacteriostatic and antibacterial agent. Actively affects both gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. It can be combined with sulfamethoxazole to achieve a bactericidal effect.
  • Amoxicillin... Has a broad spectrum of action as an antibacterial agent. Produces a bacteriostatic effect. It has a wide list of side effects and interacts with other medications in different ways.
  • Ciprofloxacin... It has a bactericidal and antibacterial effect. Has a wide range of effects. The main action is associated with inhibition of bacterial DNA gyrase. Virtually no effect on the cells of the body, i.e. has low toxicity to humans.
  • Fluconazole... It is an antifungal drug. It is active in the treatment of thrush, one of the symptoms of which is urinary problems. Concomitant use with Astemizole and Terfenadine is not recommended.
  • Nitrofurantoin (Furadonin)... Produces an antibacterial effect. Some medicines reduce the antibacterial activity of the drug. It is used to treat infections of the genitourinary system.
  • Acyclovir... Possesses antiviral properties. It is used in the treatment of herpes viral infections... Valuable in the treatment of urinary disorders caused by herpes, to eliminate the root cause.
  • Cycloferon (Acridoneacetic acid)... Simulates immunity, fights viruses. Able to trigger the synthesis of the patient's own interferon. Helps reduce inflammation. Active against the herpes virus.
Treatment of kidney infection should be carried out urgently in a hospital under the supervision of a physician. However, intravenous antibiotics are often prescribed. The duration of therapy is 10 to 14 days.

If there are no symptoms in the presence of bacteria in the urinary system, then drugs, for example, Amoxicillin, are prescribed only during pregnancy.

During treatment, the patient must adhere to simple rules that will stimulate recovery. These include the observance of bed and drinking regimen... Being in bed can be combined with attachment warm heating pad... This will improve blood flow, drug efficacy and speed up the healing process.

Use increased number liquids, namely pure non-carbonated water with minerals, stimulates the accelerated washout of pathogenic microorganisms, preventing bacteria from lingering on the walls of the mucous membrane. It is forbidden to drink tea, coffee, drinks with gas, alcohol in order to prevent irritation of the bladder.

Surgical treatment of urinary disorders

Surgical intervention is indicated in the absence of the effect of conservative therapy or in the presence of mechanical reasons.

The operational procedures have the following objectives:

  1. Creation of a synthetic or organic sphincter of the urethra;
  2. Sphincter enlargement through the introduction of collagen, Teflon, adipose tissue, or others;
  3. Fixation of the bladder;
  4. Correction congenital malformations, correction of abnormally developed elements of the urinary system;
  5. Removal of foreign bodies or neoplasms that caused problems with the excretion of kidney excrement;
  6. Sewing an implant into the bladder wall, the purpose of which is to stimulate normal muscle contraction in the urethra.

Treatment of urinary disorders with folk remedies

An excellent addition to the main therapy is folk remedies that can support the body on the path to recovery. Their main role is to eliminate symptoms, relieve general condition the patient.

Here are some recipes for traditional medicine:

  • ... In order to combat pathogenic microflora, various products containing this ingredient are used. It could be like alcohol tincture and homemade jam. To prepare an alcoholic infusion, the fruits of a tea rose are poured with medical alcohol and left to infuse for several days. The signal that the product is ready is the acquisition of a yellowish tint with the solution. Reception is carried out twice a day. The volume of one dose is 10 drops.
  • Walnut... The cooking process is pretty simple. Both the leaves and the bark of the tree are used. The available ingredients are crushed to the state of a powder, which is taken up to 3 times a day, only 10 g each. The powder is not diluted, but washed down with warm water.
  • Birch... The leaves of the tree, pre-dried, are thoroughly crushed and poured with dry white wine. The resulting mixture is boiled for 25 minutes, cooled and filtered. Then add 30 ml of honey and take up to 3 times a day, 50-70 ml after meals.
  • Rose hip... This is very effective remedy... The crushed fruits are placed in a glass dish up to half and poured with vodka. Withstand without access to light for a week. In the process of infusion, it is necessary to shake the contents. After the end of the weekly period, the fruits can be removed from the container. The result is a light brown liquid that is used up to 3 times a day, 10 drops, shortly before meals.

Preventive measures for urinary disorders

It is impossible to protect oneself from all diseases, because it is impossible to guess where, when and for what reasons health may deteriorate. However, you should not rely on chance and to reduce the risk of any disease, you should do as much as possible. preventive measures, many of which should closely enter the way of human life.

There is no special vaccine that protects a person from problems with urination, because such a violation of the body's function has big list possible causes described earlier. In this regard, it is required general strengthening organism, increasing immunity, which will largely help protect against the occurrence of many dangerous diseases.

Here is an approximate list of preventive measures to prevent the onset of urinary disorders:

  1. Systematic visit medical professionals for health control;
  2. Timely treatment of emerging genital infections;
  3. Safe sexual relations;
  4. A healthy diet that delivers sustainable normal weight body;
  5. Normal level physical activity allowing you to keep the muscles in good shape, as well as special training of the pelvic floor muscles;
  6. Rejection of bad habits;
  7. The correct mode of work and rest, wakefulness and sleep;
  8. Replenishment of vitamins, nephrologists advise using cranberry juice, which can prevent the development of bacteria inside the urinary tract;
  9. Correct hygiene;
  10. Regular urination to prevent urinary stagnation and infection.
How to treat urinary disorders - watch the video:

The problem of the functionality of the urinary system can be an independent disease, but it is also recorded great amount cases when this pathology is a consequence of other dangerous diseases. Whatever the case may order, you need to be extremely attentive to your health and adequately respond to the appearance of certain symptoms so as not to trigger the underlying disease and not to waste precious time.

Human urine is an important and useful diagnostic tool in medicine. Its color, density and smell will tell you a lot about your health. Do the analysis without spending a penny. It can also help pinpoint urinary tract infections and kidney disease.

Visual examination of a patient's urine has been used by doctors for a very long time. Before the beginning of our era, the Greeks understood the full value of this analysis. And European doctors began to regularly carry out this diagnosis in the Middle Ages.

In this article, we will find out the answers to questions about what is the normal color of urine in a healthy person, and what are the deviations from the norm.

What is urine?

Urine is, with medical point vision, a by-product that contains substances that are unnecessary for the body. It is secreted by the kidneys and, during urination, is excreted from the body through the urethra. In other words, urine is a type of human waste.

Consistency, smell, and color are often indicators of your lifestyle and health status. Each of these signs can vary depending on what you ate or drank, or what disease you have (all of which affect the color of a healthy person's urine).

There are more chemicals in urine than saliva or cerebrospinal fluid. Thanks to this, when analyzing it, it is possible to reveal countless informational details: the state of the kidneys, liver, stomach and pancreas, urethra, as well as the degree of exposure to harmful microorganisms. With this knowledge, doctors are one step closer to catching potentially catastrophic health complications before the disease becomes chronic.

Characteristics of "healthy urine"

A urine sample with no evidence of any disease has several characteristics:

Yellow color;

Smell: absent;

PH ranges from 4.8 to 7.5;

Absence of ketones, hemoglobin (from blood), bilirubin (from liver bile) or its oxidized products (biliverdin);

Lack of white blood cells or nitrites.

What color is the urine of a healthy person?

Urine gets it from a pigment called urochrome. This shade usually ranges from pale yellow to deep amber, depending on concentration.

Beets, blackberries, rhubarb, horse beans and other berries are the main foods that affect the color of human urine. A overuse carrots will lead to the formation of an orange tint. While taking some oral medical supplies healthy person's urine may turn green or blue. Often vitamin preparations make it brighter. And a disease called porphyria can turn urine red.

But sometimes a change in color becomes a marker of the appearance of various diseases. We will carefully consider the main "unhealthy" shades of urine, as well as find out what are the causes of their occurrence.


When a large amount of liquid is taken, the normal color of a healthy person's urine becomes almost colorless. Excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee drinks and green tea also causes discoloration.

Clear urine is a byproduct of diabetes. This disease occurs when the body produces an insufficient amount insulin, while glucose levels begin to rise, and excess sugar is excreted in the urine. A complete blood count will also confirm abnormal glucose levels.

A colorless shade can also indicate the occurrence of such rare disease, how diabetes insipidus, which affects the disruption of the production of regulating fluid retention in the kidneys. People with these disabilities often develop extreme dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.


This shade indicates not only that you need to consume more fluid during the day, but also the development of serious diseases.

Sometimes the color of the urine of a healthy person (density and concentration is assessed separately) turns orange due to the presence of bilirubin. If its level is abnormally high, this indicates an obstruction of the bile streams in the liver, liver disease, or an increased rate of destruction of red blood cells, which is associated with the appearance of jaundice. Shaking the urine will help determine what pigment is in it: bilirubin forms a yellow foam.

An orange color with a pink tint appears due to the crystallization of uric acid, as well as due to the occurrence of acute and chronic nephropathy, kidney stones.

Fever or sweating results in dark urine.

Many medications, such as dehydrators and antibiotics, turn the shade into a bright tangerine. This is facilitated by the excessive consumption of carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, due to the high content of carotene in products.

Vitamin C and riboflavin have the same effect.


When the color of the urine of a healthy person acquires this indicates the presence of red blood cells, hemoglobin and myoglobin in it (appears from the breakdown of muscle cells).

Hemoglobin can indicate the appearance of a disease such as Nutcracker syndrome, which leads to constriction of veins in the kidneys, destruction of blood cells, accompanied by severe anemia.

Injuries resulting from increased training, where muscle damage is severe, create elevated levels of myoglobin in the urine.

A red tint may appear due to the use of drugs with phenolphthalein. Rhubarb, beets and blackberries create the same effect.

Red urine is also a symptom of mercury poisoning. Porphyria disease and taking medications such as warfarin, ibuprofen, rifampicin, etc., give a reddish tint.


The color of the urine of a healthy person (the norm is described above) becomes pink with excessive consumption of sleeping pills and alcoholic beverages.

Adding large amounts of beets, blackberries, or other dark red foods to your food will also result in a pink color.

Peculiar urine odor, pink color, chills, and pain in the lower abdomen and back indicate a urinary tract infection.


This rare shade is often the result of the body's reaction to drugs such as Viagra and methylene.

People with blue diaper syndrome have an impaired ability to break down and absorb the amino acid tryptophan, which leads to its massive elimination through urine, staining it blue.

Consuming food with blue dye produces the same effect.


The color of the urine of a healthy person becomes green when a Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterial infection or urinary tract infection occurs in the body.

The pigment biliverdin, which appears in the urine, is a likely indicator of the appearance of diseases in the liver and kidneys. In order to confirm its presence, you need to shake the urine sample a little, then a green foam appears.

Biologically active additives with chlorophyll also create a dark green color.


A deep purple hue indicates kidney failure as well as a high concentration of waste products in the blood.

This color can be the result of urinary tract infections.

Porphyria disease leads to an abnormal accumulation of porphyrins in the body, which stain urine red and darken to purple on contact with light.

Brown and black

The color of the urine of a healthy person (its photo is presented above) acquires dark brown shade due to the appearance of an excess amount of bilirubin and oxidized red blood cells, which indicates the appearance of functional abnormalities in the liver.

People with cirrhosis, hepatitis, or Wilson's syndrome excrete urine from brown tint... Phenol poisoning has the same effect.

Black urine is not uncommon once received intramuscular injection gland.


Cloudy urine with pungent odor is often a symptom of urinary tract and kidney infections, and may also indicate the appearance of acute glomerulonephritis, infections in the vagina, cervix, or external urethra.

The milky color is also caused by the presence of red blood cells or mucus.

Calcium and Phosphorus, which are found in some medicines stain the urine white. Consuming a lot of milk has the same effect.

Tuberculosis of the urinary tract also contributes to the formation of a white discoloration.

As a result, it should be noted that the color of urine has essential to identify various diseases. However, more information is required to identify the exact problem. Urine color is only part of the puzzle and a good starting point for exploring the human body. And with any change in it, you should contact a specialist.

They can fluctuate within fairly wide limits, and these fluctuations can be physiological or pathological. Physiological fluctuations are a variant of the norm, and pathological ones reflect any disease.

An increase or decrease in relation to the norm of any indicator cannot be assessed unambiguously, and it is impossible to draw a conclusion about the presence of a disease. The test results can help to find out the possible cause of the disorders, which can be only at the stage of the syndrome, and not the formed disease. Therefore, the timely detection of abnormalities in the analyzes will help start treatment and prevent the progression of the disease. Also, test indicators can be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

Consider probable causes changes in various indicators general analysis urine.

Causes of urine discoloration

In the presence of pathology, urine can change its color, which indicates a certain syndrome and disease.

The correspondence of urine colors to various pathological conditions of the body is reflected in the table:

Pathological color
Potential disease (cause of urine discoloration)
Brown, black
  • Hemolytic anemias (sickle cell, thalassemia, Minkowski-Shoffard anemia, Markiafava-Micelli disease, march anemia, syphilitic, hemolytic disease of newborns)
  • Malignant neoplasms (melanosarcoma)
  • Alcaptonuria
  • Poisoning with alcohol, heavy metal salts, phenol, cresol, etc.
Red (the color of meat
  • Kidney damage from trauma (blow, bruise, rupture, etc.)
  • Renal colic
  • Kidney infarction
  • Acute kidney inflammation (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis)
Dark brown frothy (urine colored
  • Botkin's disease
  • Obstructive jaundice (blockage of the bile duct by a stone)
Orange, rose red
  • Hemolytic jaundice (hemolytic disease of the newborn)
  • Porphyrias (violation of hemoglobin synthesis)
Brown (strong color
  • Hemolytic jaundice
  • Some types of hemolytic anemias
Colorless or
  • Diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2
  • Diabetes insipidus
Milky (color of milk, cream)
  • High concentration of fats in urine (lipuria)
  • Pus in the urine (pyuria)
  • High concentration of phosphate salts

These color variations will help you navigate, but for an accurate diagnosis, you should take into account the data of other examination methods and clinical symptoms.

Causes of the appearance of turbidity in the urine

Violation of the transparency of urine is the appearance of turbidity of varying severity. Turbidity in urine can be represented by large amounts of salts, epithelial cells, pus, bacterial agents, or mucus. The degree of turbidity depends on the concentration of the above impurities.

From time to time, every person has cloudy urine, which is formed by salts. If you can't donate this urine for analysis in the laboratory, you can conduct a test to find out the nature of the turbidity.

To distinguish salt in urine from other turbidity options at home, you can slightly warm the liquid. If the haze is formed by salts, then it can either increase or decrease until it disappears. The turbidity formed by epithelial cells, pus, bacterial agents or mucus does not change its concentration at all when the urine is heated.

The reasons for the change in the smell of urine

The smell of fresh urine is normal - not harsh or irritating.

Most often, the following pathological urine odors are noted:
1. The smell of ammonia in urine is characteristic of the development of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urinary tract (cystitis, pyelitis, nephritis).
2. The smell of fruits (apples) in the urine develops in the presence of ketone bodies in people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Reasons for changing the acidity of urine

The acidity of urine (pH) can change to an alkaline and acidic region, depending on the type of pathological process.

The reasons for the formation of acidic and alkaline urine are reflected in the table:

Causes of changes in urine density

The relative density of urine depends on the function of the kidneys, therefore the impairment this indicator develop when various diseases of this body.

Today, the following options for changing the density of urine are distinguished:
1. Hypersthenuria - urine with high density, more than 1030-1035.
2. Hypostenuria - urine with a low density, in the range 1007-1015.
3. Isotenuria - low density primary urine, 1010 or less.

A single excretion of urine with high or low density does not provide grounds for detecting hypostenuria syndrome or hypersthenuria. These syndromes are characterized by prolonged excretion of urine during the day and night, with high or low density.

Pathological conditions causing disturbances in urine density are shown in the table:

Hypersthenuria Hypostenuria Isostenuria
Diabetes mellitus type 1 or 2
(urine density can reach 1040 and higher)
Diabetes insipidusChronic renal
failure severe
Acute glomerulonephritisResorption of edema and inflammatory
infiltrates (period after the inflammatory process)
Subacute and
Congestive kidneyAlimentary dystrophy (partial
starvation, deficiency nutrients etc.)
Nephrotic syndromeChronic pyelonephritis
Edema formationChronic nephritis
Convergence of edemaChronic renal failure
DiarrheaNephrosclerosis (renal degeneration
tissue into the connective)
Interstitial nephritis

Determination of chemicals in urine for various diseases

As we can see, the physical properties of urine in the presence of any disease can change quite significantly. Besides changing physical properties, various chemicals appear in the urine, which are normally absent, or are present in trace amounts. Consider in which diseases there is an increase in concentration, or the appearance in the urine of the following substances:
  • protein;
  • bile acids (pigments);
  • indican;
  • ketone bodies.

Causes of protein in urine (proteinuria)

The appearance of protein in urine can be caused by various reasons, which are classified into several groups, depending on the origin. An abnormal increase in the concentration of protein in the urine above 0.03 g is called proteinuria. Depending on the protein concentration, moderate, moderate and severe proteinuria are distinguished. Moderate proteinuria is characterized by a loss of protein up to 1 g / day, average - 1-3 g / day, pronounced - more than 3 g / day.

Types of proteinuria

Depending on the origin, the following types of proteinuria are distinguished:
  • renal (renal);
  • stagnant;
  • toxic;
  • feverish;
  • extrarenal (extrarenal);
  • neurogenic.
The reasons for the development of various types of proteinuria are presented in the table:
Proteinuria type The reasons for the development of proteinuria
Renal (renal)
  • pyelonephritis
  • renal amyloidosis
  • kidney stone disease
  • kidney abscess
  • kidney tuberculosis
  • tumor or metastasis to the kidney
  • nephritis (acute and chronic)
  • nephrosis
  • nephrotic syndrome
  • eclampsia of pregnancy
  • nephropathy of pregnancy
  • paraproteinemic hemoblastosis (multiple myeloma, Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia, diseases of heavy chains, immunoglobulins, secreting lymphomas)
  • chronic heart failure
  • neoplasms localized in the abdominal cavity
ToxicThe use of the following medicines in very high doses: salicylates, isoniazid, pain relievers and gold compounds
FeverishA severe increase in body temperature caused by any disease
Extrarenal (extrarenal)
  • cystitis
  • urethritis
  • pyelitis
  • prostatitis
  • vulvovaginitis
  • chronic constipation
  • long diarrhea
  • skull injury
  • hemorrhage in the meningeal membrane
  • myocardial infarction
  • renal colic

Causes of the appearance of glucose (sugar) in the urine

The appearance of glucose in the urine is called glucosuria. The most common cause of glucosuria is diabetes mellitus, but there are other pathologies that lead to this symptom.

So, glucosuria is divided into the following types:
1. Pancreatic.
2. Renal.
3. Hepatic.
4. Symptomatic.
Pancreatic glucosuria develops against the background of diabetes mellitus. Renal glucosuria is a reflection of metabolic pathology, and it occurs with early age... Hepatic glucosuria can develop with hepatitis, traumatic organ damage, or as a result of poisoning with toxic substances.

Symptomatic glucosuria is caused by the following pathological conditions:

  • concussion of the brain;
  • hyperthyroidism (increased concentration of thyroid hormones in the blood);
  • acromegaly;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome;
  • pheochromocytoma (tumor of the adrenal gland).
V childhood, in addition to glucose, other types of monosaccharides - lactose, levulose or galactose, can be determined in the urine.

Causes of the appearance of bilirubin in urine

Bilirubin in urine appears with parenchymal or obstructive jaundice. Parenchymal jaundice includes acute hepatitis and cirrhosis. Obstructive jaundice includes different options blockage of the bile ducts with an obstacle to the normal outflow of bile (for example, gallstone disease, calculous cholecystitis).

Causes of the appearance of urobilinogen in urine

Urobilinogen at a concentration exceeding 10 μmol / day is determined in urine with the following pathologies:
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver ;
  • tumors or metastases to the liver;
  • hemoglobinuria (hemoglobin or blood in the urine);
  • hemolytic jaundice (hemolytic disease of the newborn, hemolytic anemia);
  • infectious diseases (malaria, scarlet fever);
  • fever of any cause;
  • the process of resorption of foci of hemorrhage;
  • volvulus;
  • bile acids (pigments);
  • indican.

Causes of the appearance of bile acids and indican in urine

Bile acids (pigments) appear in urine when the concentration of direct bilirubin in the blood rises above 17-34 mmol / l.

The reasons for the appearance of bile acids in urine:

  • Botkin's disease;
  • hepatitis;
  • obstructive jaundice (calculous cholecystitis, cholelithiasis);
  • cirrhosis of the liver.
Indikan is a product of decay of protein structures in the small intestine. This substance appears in the urine with gangrene, chronic constipation, all kinds of abscesses, abscesses and intestinal abscesses, malignant tumors or obstruction. Also, the appearance of indican in urine can be triggered by metabolic diseases - diabetes mellitus or gout.

Causes of the appearance of ketone bodies in urine

Ketone bodies include acetone, hydroxybutyric and acetoacetic acids.

The reasons for the appearance of ketone bodies in urine:

  • diabetes mellitus medium and high degree severity;
  • fever;
  • severe vomiting;
  • therapy with large doses of insulin for a long period of time;
  • eclampsia of pregnant women;
  • cerebral hemorrhage;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • poisoning with lead, carbon monoxide, atropine, etc.
V postoperative period, after a long stay under anesthesia, ketone bodies can also be detected in the urine.

Decoding microscopy of urinary sediment

One of the most informative fragments of a general urine analysis is sediment microscopy, in which the amount of various elements located in one field of view.

Leukocytes, pus in the urine - possible causes of the appearance

An increase in the number of leukocytes more than 5 in the field of view indicates pathological process inflammatory nature. An excess of white blood cells is called pyuria - pus in the urine.

The reasons causing the appearance of leukocytes in the urine:

  • acute pyelonephritis;
  • acute pyelitis;
  • acute pyelocystitis;
  • acute glomerulonephritis;
  • treatment with aspirin, ampicillin;
  • heroin use.

Sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis, urine is stained: the presence of neutrophilic leukocytes is characteristic of pyelonephritis, and lymphocytes - for glomerulonephritis.

Red blood cells, blood in the urine - possible causes of the appearance

Erythrocytes in urine can be present in various quantities, and when they high concentration talk about blood in the urine. By the number of erythrocytes in the urinary sediment, one can judge the development of the disease and the effectiveness of the treatment used.

The reasons for the appearance of red blood cells in the urine:

  • glomerulonephritis (acute and chronic);
  • pyelitis;
  • pyelocystitis;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • injury (bruise, rupture) of the kidneys, urethra or bladder;
  • tuberculosis of the kidney and urinary tract;
  • tumors;
  • taking certain medications (sulfa drugs, urotropin, anticoagulants).
In women, in the first days after childbirth, red blood cells are also detected in large quantities, but this is a variant of the norm.

Cylinders in urine - possible causes of the appearance

Among all types of cylinders, the appearance of hyaline is most often noted in the urinary sediment. All other types of cylinders (granular, waxy, epithelial, etc.) appear much less frequently.

Reasons for detection different types cylinders in urine are presented in the table:

Type of cylinders
urinary sediment
Causes of the appearance of cylinders in the urine
  • nephritis (acute and chronic)
  • nephropathy of pregnancy
  • pyelonephritis
  • kidney tuberculosis
  • kidney tumors
  • kidney stone disease
  • diarrhea
  • epileptic seizure
  • fever
  • poisoning with mercuric chloride and heavy metal salts
  • glomerulonephritis
  • pyelonephritis
  • severe lead poisoning
  • viral infections
  • chronic renal failure
  • amyloidosis of the kidney
  • acute glomerulonephritis
  • kidney infarction
  • vein thrombosis of the lower extremities
  • high blood pressure
  • necrosis of the renal tubules
  • poisoning with salts of heavy metals, mercuric chloride
  • intake of substances toxic to the kidneys (phenols, salicylates, some antibiotics, etc.)

Epithelial cells in the urine - possible causes of the appearance

Epithelial cells are not only counted, but divided into three types - squamous epithelium, transitional and renal.

Squamous epithelial cells in the urinary sediment are detected at various inflammatory pathologies urethra - urethritis. In women, a slight increase in squamous epithelial cells in the urine may not be a sign of pathology. The appearance of squamous epithelial cells in the urine of men undoubtedly indicates the presence of urethritis.

Transitional epithelial cells in the urinary sediment are detected in cystitis, pyelitis or pyelonephritis. Distinctive features pyelonephritis in this situation is the appearance of transitional epithelial cells in the urine, in combination with protein and a shift in the reaction towards the acidic side.

Cells renal epithelium appear in the urine with serious and deep organ damage. So, most often, cells of the renal epithelium are detected in nephritis, amyloid or lipoid nephrosis or poisoning.

Pathologies leading to the excretion of salts in the urine

Crystals of various salts can appear in the urine and normally, for example, due to the peculiarities of the diet. However, in some diseases, the excretion of salts in the urine is also noted.

Various diseases that cause the appearance of salts in the urine are presented in the table:

The table shows the most common salts that are of diagnostic value.

Mucus and bacteria in urine are possible causes of

Mucus in the urine is determined with urolithiasis or long-term chronic inflammation of the urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis, etc.). In men, mucus can appear in the urine with prostatic hyperplasia.

The appearance of bacteria in the urine is called bacteriuria. It is caused by an acute infectious and inflammatory process occurring in the organs of the urinary system (for example, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, etc.).
The general analysis of urine provides a fairly large amount of information that can be used to make an accurate diagnosis in combination with other techniques. However, remember that even the most accurate analysis does not allow to diagnose any disease, since for this it is necessary to take into account clinical symptoms, and data of objective examinations.

Before use, you must consult a specialist.