Paraffin mask for hands at home. Action of a paraffin mask. Which cosmetic paraffin to choose -

Gentle, neat hands are a sign of a well-groomed woman. Hand skin needs special attention, as it is constantly in the "risk zone": mechanical influences, housework, temperature changes. These factors affect the structure of the skin, its smoothness and elasticity. It's no secret that a woman's age can be determined by looking at her hands. Therefore, it is simply necessary to use creams, oils and other means in Everyday life. And on special days, when there is time, a paraffin hand mask will perfectly moisturize and protect them.

A few years ago, cosmetologists discovered the properties of paraffin. Prior to that, it was only occasionally used in spas during relaxing massages or medical procedures. But now this oil distillation product, no matter how strange this fact may seem, will become a wonderful alternative to wax and other types of masks. This component is also part of scrubs and is used as the basis for peeling in dermatology.

Paraffin hand mask at home is completely unpretentious in preparation, it is enough to follow a few simple instructions.

First you need to stock up on a mask kit:

  • Paraffin (medical, sold in beauty salons or pharmacies). Now, in addition to ordinary paraffin, there is another type - with biologically active substances and vitamins. You can choose simply based on the price and personal wishes, since the effect is approximately the same.
  • Napkins (preferably gauze).
  • Polyethylene gloves or bags.
  • Winter mittens.
  • Moisturizing hand cream.
  • Any extract or aroma oil (optional, to give a pleasant smell).

After collecting the necessary things, we proceed to a step-by-step cosmetic procedure.

Reusing paraffin removed from hands is ineffective. And the leftovers in the bath will still be useful to you in a week. Usually one kilogram box is enough for 2-3 uses.

The cost of the procedure is affordable, it must be performed no more than once a week. Its simplicity and low cost is an excellent reason for home performance. Pharmacies also sell special ovens for melting paraffin. The effect of the procedure comes after the first application.

The benefits of such care

The benefits of hand paraffin therapy include such effects as:

  • Thermal warming, which improves blood circulation, dilates small capillaries, warms the hand down to the bone (useful for arthritis; people working with a computer, often using fine motor skills).
  • Cleansing of hands, renewal of the horny ball of the skin.
  • Moisturizing, restoring water balance (due to a large number hydrogen in paraffin).
  • Reduction of irritation, rashes, “calming” of painful skin.
  • Alignment of the structure, smoothing of irregularities, enrichment with collagen.
  • Combating dryness, giving shine and velvety (especially in winter).

Agree, the list is impressive - it is worth trying this type of mask.

In order to perform the required procedure according to the rules, you will need a simple scrub recipe that will clean your hands as much as possible from dead epidermis and dirt. For him you will need:

  • a tablespoon of oatmeal;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • and half a teaspoon crushed sea ​​salt.

Pour into hands, mix, pour water and make a few "washing" movements - what could be easier!

Nutritious creams are harder to prepare. Among the required ingredients:

  • beeswax;
  • olive and sea buckthorn oil;
  • calendula oil or other aromatic oil;
  • solutions of vitamins A and E - mix everything in an amount of 10-15 drops.

During storage, the wax solidifies and a homogeneous consistency for hands is obtained. Use homemade cream no more than two weeks.

In the salons, the paraffin therapy procedure takes about half an hour. The cosmetologist performs the procedure in stages, in addition, sometimes after each layer of wax, he applies gauze or a napkin to seal. It is absolutely painless, but there are some contraindications for girls with diabetes, hypertension, cuts or wounds of the hands - it is better for them to refrain from this procedure.

At home, you will feel more relaxed and comfortable, most likely you will want to sleep. Therefore, the procedure is ideal for the evening.

If you use deeper dishes, you can perform paraffin baths for the feet. It promotes relaxation, softening rough skin, soles. The duration of all actions can be increased by 1-2 minutes. The volume for one session will also increase - up to 2-3 kg.

In addition to caring for hands and feet, paraffin is used for the face. Cosmetologists have appreciated the possibilities of this material before peeling and even rejuvenating procedures. Paraffin masks are suitable for smoothing wrinkles, moisturizing the skin, improving blood circulation, which promotes wound healing. At acne paraffin penetrates into the pores and reduces them, fights closed comedones. During the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the skin, and only then apply paraffin with a brush, avoiding the area around the eyes. Contraindications for such masks are hypertension, problems of cardio-vascular system, couperose. Regular use- a winning tactic in the fight against aging processes on the face.

If you want to try paraffin therapy on your own example, but don’t dare, read the reviews on the paraffin hand mask.

Beautiful hands are conducive. Collecting kisses and being admired is now easier than ever!

Paraffin therapy is a natural and effective procedure that helps not only to eliminate external defects and imperfections, but also has a therapeutic effect. The technique is based on the use of a special paraffin film, which creates a greenhouse effect. Initially, liquid paraffin was used as a massage agent in post-traumatic rehabilitation, with injuries and muscle strains. However, practical studies of its action have led to the fact that now this technique is successfully used in cosmetology. Many people do paraffin therapy at home.

What is the effect of paraffin therapy

Paraffin therapy is mainly used for hands with special manicure. However, the procedure is also used for the skin of the face, legs and other parts of the body, for example, paraffin wraps for.

Manipulation result:

  • Skin whitening;
  • Rejuvenation and cleansing of the skin;
  • Powerful hydration;
  • Protection against cracks and dryness;
  • elimination gravitational ptosis and second chin;
  • Correction of mimic wrinkles;
  • lymphatic drainage effect.

Indications for the use of the technique

Indications for paraffin therapy are divided into cosmetic and medical. To medical indications include the following diseases:

  • Dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, sciatica, fractures, sprains and torn ligaments);
  • skin diseases;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Trophic ulcers;
  • Frostbite and burns;
  • Gynecological diseases in women;
  • Severe illnesses internal organs;
  • Polio.

Cosmetic procedures are performed for the following problems:

  • Severe dryness of the skin;
  • Tendency to edema;
  • Age-related changes (ptosis of the oval of the face, double chin);
  • premature aging;
  • Mimic wrinkles;
  • Deep creases and folds;
  • Aging of the hands;
  • cellulite;
  • Cicatricial changes in the skin.

About Cosmetic Paraffin

What is Cosmetic Paraffin?

Cosmetic paraffin differs by powerful preliminary cleaning of harmful impurity and dyes. It belongs to the premium class. Often, complexes of vitamins, minerals and trace elements are added to it. There is a cosmetic paraffin on a honey, fruit, oil and vegetable basis. Cosmetic paraffin is aimed at eliminating the signs of withering and aging of the skin, its deep nutrition, hydration and rejuvenation.

How much paraffin is needed for paraffin therapy and how often is it replaced and the bath cleaned?

The amount of cosmetic paraffin is calculated per procedure, taking into account the area of ​​application. For the procedure on the hands, an average of 150-200 g of the product is required. For the face, you will need about the same amount, given its mandatory application in several layers.

The change of paraffin must be accompanied by a thorough cleaning of the tub. The material should be changed according to the instructions, but this should not be done too often - some companies recommend replacing every 25-30 uses, some - 2-3 times a year.

The treatment bath is cleaned when changing the paraffin, or if sediment has formed on the bottom. To do this, turn off the device and wait until the paraffin hardens well. Then turn on the bath for a few minutes to melt the edges of the paraffin. Now gently pry off the paraffin monolith and remove it. It remains to remove the remnants of the product with a napkin, wash the container, disinfect and dry. If you want to reuse the removed cosmetic wax, first scrape off the sediment from the bottom.

What paraffin to choose for home paraffin therapy?

Paraffin should be selected depending on the purpose of the application. For allergy sufferers and people suffering from inflammatory processes, suitable paraffin based peach oil. Paraffin with the addition of tocopherol and tea rose extract is perfect for SPA procedures aimed at treating the skin of hands and feet. Paraffin with citrus additives has an additional nourishing effect and is suitable for hands, feet and body therapy. The chocolate product provides skin regeneration and renewal at the cellular level.

How to warm up?

A special bath is usually used to heat the paraffin. The alternative is a regular water bath. A container with paraffin is placed on a colander, which is located above the steam of boiling water. This may take a little longer, but in the absence of a special device, steam heating is also suitable. With this type of heating, care must be taken that no water gets into the paraffin.

Preparing for paraffin therapy at home

How to do paraffin therapy at home and what is required for this?

  • Cosmetic refined paraffin;
  • Special bath, heater or items for the steam bath;
  • Gauze face mask;
  • Protective cellophane bags;
  • Thermal gloves and thermal socks (for hand and foot therapy);
  • Moisturizing nutritious cream or serum;
  • Scrub;
  • Brush.

Step-by-step independent implementation of paraffin therapy

Paraffin therapy for hands at home:

  1. Melt the paraffin to a liquid state;
  2. Perform a hand massage with a special rough mitten, scrub or other abrasive particles, if desired, you can apply a care product;
  3. Dip the brushes in the liquid and immediately remove them. Repeat the action with a time interval of 5-10 seconds so that tight paraffin gloves form on the hands. If the skin is too sensitive, you can first apply the product with a brush, and then lower it into the bath. True, for this manipulation you need an assistant.
  4. Put cellophane gloves on your hands or wrap them with cling film in several layers;
  5. Then put on thermal gloves;
  6. Wait at least 20 minutes, remove gloves and film, remove paraffin. Dispose of it as it is not intended to be reused;
  7. Apply cream to the skin.

Paraffin therapy for feet at home:

  1. Melt the paraffin while preparing the legs for the procedure;
  2. Thoroughly clean the feet with a scrub and disinfect with lotion. It is desirable that before carrying out paraffin therapy, professional pedicure. However, this is not necessary, since the procedure softens the skin and eliminates the need for circumcision of rough skin on the feet;
  3. Adjust the temperature of the heated fluid. Paraffin must correspond to the maximum tolerable temperature, otherwise, you can get burned;
  4. Dip your feet in the bath and quickly remove. At this time, a thin film should be observed on the feet. Repeat manipulations with an interval of several seconds;
  5. Wrap legs in polyethylene or cling film, creating an additional greenhouse effect;
  6. Put on warm wool socks on your feet and wait half an hour;
  7. Remove paraffin from the feet after this time;
  8. Apply moisturizer to your feet.

Paraffin therapy for the legs is best done in the evening, just before bedtime. After the procedure, the legs should rest and be in a relaxed state.

If there are problems with the skin of the feet, you should consult a specialist before paraffin therapy. Perhaps the podiatrist will identify contraindications to the procedure.

Carrying out paraffin therapy for the face:

  1. Melt the paraffin to a temperature of 50-55 degrees;
  2. Pre-cleanse your face with with the help of a lung peeling or scrub. Apply a nourishing cream on it. The more the cream is enriched beneficial substances— topics better effect from paraffin therapy;
  3. Apply a viscous mass of molten paraffin to the face with a coarse brush in a thin and even layer;
  4. Attach to face gauze mask or a napkin;
  5. Wait a few seconds, apply a second layer. Repeat 5-7 times. The mask and napkin are used exclusively for the first layer;
  6. After 30-40 minutes, remove the paraffin mass from the face with an upward movement;
  7. Apply a skin care product according to your skin type.

Paraffin therapy on the body is carried out using applications applied to problem areas(abdomen, thighs).

Frequency and dosage of sessions

AT medicinal purposes: a course of 15-20 procedures is prescribed with a time interval of one day, or on a daily basis, depending on the purpose of the application and treatment. Repeated sessions can be carried out after 1.5-2 months.

AT cosmetic purposes: the main course for manicure is 10 sessions. The procedure can be repeated once every two to three weeks to maintain achieved result. During the cold season, more sessions of paraffin therapy may be required. The foot treatment is performed once a week. For facial rejuvenation, it is recommended to perform manipulations 1-2 times a week, until the appearance of desired result. Maintenance procedures are performed once every few weeks.


Despite the wide range of therapeutic and rejuvenating properties, the paraffin therapy procedure, both at home and with professional conduct has its contraindications:

  • High blood pressure;
  • Ischemic disease and myocardial infarction;
  • hepatic dysfunction;
  • cirrhosis;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs in the acute stage;
  • Glomerulonephritis in a chronic form;
  • angina;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Open wounds and fistulas;
  • Purulent inflammation, and other skin diseases;
  • Telangiectasias;
  • Hypertrichosis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the components.

The thermal procedure of paraffin therapy carries many useful features for the skin of the face and body. It is considered the easiest and most enjoyable, and can be done both by a specialist and at home. Paraffin therapy is especially relevant in winter time year when skin especially susceptible to thinning and weathering. The therapeutic and cosmetic effect is observed after the first session.

Hello readers. Today I want to talk about our pens. They, like the face and body, need care. We often forget about it. AT best case, lubricate the hands with cream. tender, smooth skin on hand is the result of caring for her. I recently had a manicure with a friend, very good master I am always satisfied with her work. So, she said that they have a “paraffin therapy” service in the salon. That some clients are simply delighted with this procedure. Of course, the procedure is not cheap. After a paraffin bath, the skin of the hands is tender, soft, well-groomed. Especially this the procedure is suitable those who have dry skin of the hands and a feeling of tightness. I was so interested in what kind of procedure it was and I decided to find out a little more about it. When I got home, I started looking for information about whether paraffin bath for hands to do at home. It turns out you can, now I'll tell you everything.

Paraffin therapy is a procedure that helps to eliminate defects in the skin and provides therapeutic effect. It is a rejuvenating and toning procedure. It turns out that paraffin therapy can be used not only for the skin of the hands, but also for the legs, as well as in the fight against cellulite.

What kind of paraffin is needed for paraffin therapy? For the procedure, you need to use cosmetic paraffin. Surely, with the word paraffin, we remember candles, but such paraffin is not suitable. Cosmetic paraffin without impurities, dyes, which is distinguished by good cleaning from harmful substances. When choosing paraffin, it is important to look at the composition so that it does not contain artificial colors and flavors.

There is a different paraffin, on an oil, honey, fruit basis. For sensitive skin hands and for allergy sufferers, paraffin based on peach oil is excellent. It is cosmetic paraffin that does not burn the skin, but gently warms it up.

The result of the paraffin bath. The result of the procedure is good. Hands are well-groomed, soft, moisturized, smooth. Paraffin hand masks have a regenerating effect, it is very good to use them for the treatment of cuticles.

After the paraffin therapy procedure, the elasticity of the skin of the hands increases, the skin becomes elastic, and small wrinkles are smoothed out. In addition, paraffin masks are used for arthritis.

Also, after the procedure, the nails are strengthened. If you have brittle nails and you want to strengthen them, tips on strengthening nails can be found in the article ""? This procedure perfectly relaxes and soothes.

How to make a paraffin bath for hands at home

In order to do the procedure at home, you need to buy cosmetic paraffin. You can buy it in a pharmacy, you can in online stores. Paraffin is heated in a special bath, my friend calls it "paraffin furnace". But you can melt the paraffin in a water bath. It is not advisable to melt the paraffin in the microwave.

You will also need a scrub, cream, bags or cellophane gloves, thermal gloves for hands. I want to note once again that candles cannot be used for this procedure, only cosmetic paraffin is needed.

1. Paraffin needs to be melted. Heated paraffin at a temperature of 50 degrees. Put paraffin in a clean and dry dish. It is very important that not a single drop of water gets into the paraffin, as water in heated paraffin can cause skin burns. Let the paraffin melt water bath. In the meantime, the paraffin is melting, prepare your hands for this procedure.

2. Wash your hands. Remove polish from nails.

3. We clean our hands with a scrub to remove the keratinized layer of cells. If there is no scrub, then it can be prepared at home. Mixed in equal proportions powdered milk and crushed into flour cereals, add a little baking soda and salt. Here is a dry scrub. Before using it, you need to take a little money in your hand, add olive oil and a little water and massage your hands with a scrub. Wash off with warm water.

4. Dry your hands with a towel and apply cream. It is important which cream you apply, since it is the substances in the cream that will take care of the skin of the hands. You can make homemade cream from wax and oils. To prepare homemade cream, you need to melt a tablespoon of yellow beeswax in a water bath and add a spoonful of olive, sea ​​buckthorn oil, you can still a spoonful of St. John's wort oil. If there is liquid vitamin A and E, then add 5 drops of these vitamins to the homemade cream.

5. Apply cream on hands massage movements. It is necessary to do a hand massage so that the hands are warm, since it is undesirable to lower cold hands into warm paraffin.

6. Now you can put your hands in warm paraffin. Be sure to try the paraffin before giving up. Paraffin should be warm, but not hot, otherwise you can get burned. We lower our hands into warm paraffin from 3 to 5 times. We make such “paraffin gloves”.

8. We remove the paraffin from the hand when you already feel that the paraffin has cooled down and the hand is sweating. This is approximately 20 to 30 minutes in time. Paraffin is easily removed from hands, like a glove. We remove the paraffin from the hand and throw it away.

9. Try not to leave the house after the paraffin bath for at least an hour. At home, a paraffin hand bath can be done once a week. Can this procedure make a course. The course is 7-10 procedures.

It is desirable, of course, if you are helped to do this procedure. For example, they help put cellophane bags and warm gloves on their hands.

Contraindications. This procedure is contraindicated for wounds on the skin of the hands, abrasions, pustular wounds, cuts. That is, there should be no damage to the skin.

With regular use of this procedure, the skin of the hands will be soft, delicate, smooth. The result is noticeable after the first procedure. This procedure is especially relevant in the cold season, when our hands are most in need of care.

By doing this procedure, you will forget about dryness and peeling of the hands. If you have dry skin on your hands, read the article "", also in it you will find information about the reasons that lead to dry skin on your hands.

In more detail, all the subtleties and details of the procedure "paraffin therapy" are told by cosmetologist Olya Seymour. Everything is clear and detailed, so if you have any questions, I recommend watching the video material.

Paraffin therapy- this is cosmetic procedure used for skin care. Paraffin therapy will be useful for people who want to get rid of scars or scars on the skin, because the restorative properties of paraffin allow you to gradually remove these cosmetic defects.

The main thing in the article

What is paraffin therapy?

Paraffin therapy is the most popular salon procedure that helps restore elasticity and velvety to the skin. Most often at home, they do the procedure for the hands and feet, although paraffin is also useful for the following areas of the body:

  1. Face and neck
  2. Stomach
  3. Hips

There are 3 types of salon procedure of paraffin therapy:

  • Immersion used for feet and hands, when a certain part of the body is lowered into paraffin.
  • Layering. The layering technique consists in applying paraffin to the skin using cosmetic brushes.
  • Application. During the procedure, paraffin, heated to 50 C, is applied to the skin with a brush or spatula. After that, the remaining paraffin is heated to 60C, a napkin is wetted in it and applied to the skin over the first layer.

Paraffin therapy: indications and contraindications

  • flabbiness and premature aging skin;
  • dry skin type in need of additional hydration;
  • acne scars, red dots after mechanical removal acne;
  • recommended for patients suffering from salt deposits and orthopedic problems.

Paraffin therapy is extremely useful for hand skin care, especially during spring beriberi.

Paraffin therapy is contraindicated in diseases:

  1. Of cardio-vascular system.
  2. Diabetes mellitus of any type.
  3. Varicose veins and spider veins on the face.
  4. Wounds, ulcers and sores on the skin.
  5. With hyperthyroidism (increased hairiness of the skin), it is not recommended to do paraffin therapy on the abdomen and in the pelvic organs.

What is the benefit of paraffin therapy?

Paraffin therapy is not only a magical remedy for skin care, but also medical procedure. With the help of paraffin, you can permanently get rid of edema, especially during summer heat. Paraffin therapy is also effective tool against salt deposits, useful for peeling rough skin on the feet, softens the skin of the hands, and when added to the composition paraffin mask sea ​​salt enhances the effect of lymphatic drainage - increases skin elasticity.

When oils are added to cosmetic paraffin, you can cleanse the skin of dead cells, increase blood flow, and after 3-4 procedures you will notice that mimic wrinkles became smaller. And vitamin E, which is present in the composition of paraffin, has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, soothing and drying skin rashes.

Under a film of paraffin, the skin temperature rises by about 1 times, due to which moisture is released from open pores. The film fits snugly, and moisture has no way to evaporate - it is absorbed again, restoring the water balance of the skin.

An increase in temperature promotes improved blood circulation, as a result, damaged tissues heal, sore joints warm up and the body is cleansed of toxins.

How to do paraffin therapy for hands and feet at home?

Before starting the procedure, make a light peeling of the skin, then wipe it dry with a towel. When paraffin therapy of any zone, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Do not let water get into the paraffin, otherwise you may get burned.
  2. Apply to the skin before the procedure. fat cream to prevent the risk of burns.
  3. Test your skin's reaction to paraffin wax by applying it to your wrist or forearm.
  4. When performing paraffin therapy for hands or feet, the skin should be treated with a disinfectant.
  5. Paraffin therapy in the process of manicure is done in the interval between working with the cuticle and the final massage.
  6. After removing the paraffin, it is recommended to wipe the skin with lotion, because the pores are open and the product is perfectly absorbed.

For paraffin therapy, paraffin is needed - the main component of the procedure. Cosmetic paraffin is heated to a temperature of 50C, after which hands or feet are immersed in it 5 times with an interval of 2 minutes.

Many are afraid of the prospect of immersing their hands or feet in a very hot mass, but do not worry, paraffin has minimal heat transfer - it is simply impossible to burn the skin.

Cosmetic paraffin is enriched with oils and vitamins, which during the procedure have a softening, caring effect. Paraffin will envelop your skin and it must be covered with cellophane, put on mittens or socks and leave for 20 minutes. During the specified time, it is not recommended to walk - it is better to lie down and rest so that the paraffin and its components penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

At the end of the procedure, the paraffin can not even be washed off, because it is perfectly separated in layers, you just need to pull one of the edges of the film.

How often do paraffin therapy for hands and feet?

In the absence of contraindications, there are no restrictions on paraffin therapy at home. The procedure is good because it has a softening and soothing effect on the skin. You can apply paraffin therapy 2-3 times a week, use it after each manicure and foot peeling. For the face and abdomen, 1-2 procedures per week are enough to maintain the water balance of the skin at any time of the year.

What does the hand and foot paraffin treatment kit consist of?

For the procedure of paraffin therapy at home, you need:

  • cosmetic paraffin
  • clean cellophane bags
  • napkin
  • brushes if paraffin will be applied to the face
  • Also you can use aroma oils(1-2 drops per procedure), sea salt.

The main component of the procedure is paraffin, and it must first be melted. On sale there are special paraffin melting devices that do the work for you. If you do not want to buy it, you can melt the paraffin in a water bath.

Paraffin therapy is a fairly economical procedure, and you can buy 450 g of the main component at this price:

  • Paraffin companies WaxKiss with aromatic extracts of jasmine - from 350 to 400 rubles.
  • Paraffin Simei tea tree 200 r.
  • Paraffin Velena with vanilla and avocado flavor 350 rub.

You can also buy already ready set for paraffin therapy, which includes paraffin wax for 1 cartridge, paraffin spray, collagen cream and terry gloves. The economy version of the set will cost you 1800 rubles.

Paraffin bath for hands and feet, how to make a paraffin mask for hands?

Paraffin baths are extremely beneficial for the hands and feet and are used by manicurists and massage therapists who want to relax and soften the patient's skin before the procedure. A professional bath for paraffin therapy costs in the range of 1.5–3 thousand rubles, and it is simply not rational to purchase it for a trial procedure. To try and evaluate the effect of the procedure at home, you will need:

  • cosmetic paraffin;
  • container for a bath (plastic deep bowl);
  • gloves or plastic bags;
  • oily hand cream;
  • gloves or socks.

  1. For the procedure, take paraffin, transfer it to a metal bowl and put it in a water bath. The slightest drop of water can cause a burn, so carefully wipe the dishes and spatula, which will interfere with the paraffin.
  2. When the paraffin melts and heats up to 50-55 C, pour it into a plastic container, put your hands or feet into it.
  3. Lower, hold for 2 minutes, and then remove for 15-20 seconds. Thus, you get 5 dives, after which the arms or legs are placed in cellophane, warm gloves or socks are put on top and the paraffin is aged for another 15-20 minutes.

At home, paraffin hand masks are a real salvation, because the skin constantly comes into contact with water, detergents. household products and soap. You can apply paraffin on your hands at least 2 times a day, using baths or the layering method.

We have already considered the technique of using baths, but applying cosmetic paraffin with a brush is an express method for restoring the skin. For it you will need a brush with synthetic fiber, melted paraffin and gloves.

  1. Cover your skin with oily cream
  2. Apply with a brush liquid and warm paraffin, paying attention to the wrists and the area between the fingers
  3. Put on your gloves

Paraffin is held on hands for 15-20 minutes, then carefully separated from the skin and wiped with tonic.

Velvety skin well-groomed appearance, solving the problem of dryness and saving on salon procedures- these are the main advantages of paraffin therapy at home. Regular use of paraffin saves your appearance, health and budget!

For those who regularly take care of their hands, I think the procedure called paraffin therapy for hands is already familiar. If not, then now you will learn a lot of interesting things about it. In fact, it is done for the legs and even for the face, but today we will take a closer look at the whole process of performing this method on the hands.

The skin of the hands is one of the places that requires careful care to maintain beauty and youth.

Paraffin therapy for hands has the following properties:

  1. Strengthens the skin of the hands;
  2. Increases elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  3. Has a protective long-term effect;
  4. Creates a lifting effect;
  5. Deeply nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  6. Improves blood microcirculation in the hands.

These are the main advantages of this procedure, which can be performed either in the salon or at home, and we will tell you exactly how to do this today.

In order for the effect to be long and amazing, you need to follow all the conditions and steps. So we can soak our hands vitamin complex and protect them for quite a long time.

The process itself will consist of the following steps, this is the preparation of paraffin, hand peeling, nourishing the skin of the hands with a vitamin complex, applying a paraffin mask, removing paraffin.

Cooking paraffin

The first thing we need is to purchase the paraffin itself, and you will need to buy a special cosmetic paraffin, only it can be used for our hand paraffin therapy procedure. We will need about half a kilogram of the product, and the price of paraffin of this volume will be about 200 rubles. Then it needs to be melted, and this can be done either in a special bath, which can be purchased additionally (if you plan to do it all the time), or melted in a water bath.

By the way, the melting point of cosmetic paraffin is about 54 degrees. This will take approximately 15 minutes in time.

If you are interested in the price of a bath for paraffin therapy, then it varies from 500 to 3000 rubles on average, and more expensive. If you do it in a water bath, then think over the choice of dishes so that your hands can easily fit into the dishes, it should be deep enough for paraffin therapy to pass without difficulty.

Perform hand peeling

In order for the effect to be more powerful, and the nutrition to go as deep as possible into the skin, it is necessary to do a peeling of the hands. And we will make it according to a special recipe, which is very simple to prepare and quite effective.

In addition to hand creams, there are care products such as masks, peels and paraffin.

Take the following ingredients in equal parts, somewhere in a tablespoon or a little less:

  • Cereals;
  • Baking soda;
  • Powdered milk;
  • Sea salt;
  • Jojoba oil or olive oil.

We mix all this and apply it on our hands, after which we rub it over the skin and warm it up well. After we wash. Everything, the peeling is done and the extra dead skin particles are removed.

Nourish your skin with essential oils and vitamins

So that the paraffin therapy for hands is not in vain, we need to soak our hands with a complex of vitamins. For this we need:

  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Sea buckthorn oil;
  • Calendula oil.

All of these components can be bought at a pharmacy and are usually sold either in capsules or in bottles.

Creams and oils moisturize and saturate the skin with moisture and vitamins.

We also mix them in equal proportions, but the volume is very small, 2-3 drops each. In a heated bowl, mix the ingredients, and then apply them to your hands, rubbing thoroughly. Now our hands are ready for the actual paraffin therapy procedure.

Paraffin mask or paraffin treatment for hands

At this point, we should already have melted paraffin, but make sure you don't burn your hands. As we have already said, the melting point of paraffin is about 54 degrees, which is enough not to hurt your hands.

Paraffin in hand skin care is not new, it has been used for a long time

Now we need to immerse our hands in the bath or our dishes. We immerse one by one, and let it grab a little, 10-15 seconds after each dive. Immerse each hand 3 or 5 times, after which a thick layer of paraffin forms on the surface of the skin.

Creating the thermal effect of a sauna

After applying the paraffin mask, put on cellophane gloves, you can still put on a plastic bag on top, and then put on thick terry mittens, if there are none, then use terry towel and wrap your hands in it. In the process of waiting, the effect of a sauna and warming up of the hands is created. The time that is recommended to wait is from 20 to 40 minutes. 40 will not be superfluous.

Removing the mask and the effect of the procedure

When the required time has passed, remove gloves and paraffin from hands, you can apply regular cream. You should feel the effect immediately after paraffin therapy. If you just want to do prophylaxis, then you can do it once a month or whenever you want.

You will feel and see the difference before and after paraffin therapy immediately. Because your skin will look and feel different too.

Such procedures can be done not only in the salon, but also independently at home.


There are some contraindications for paraffin therapy. It is not recommended to perform it if:

  1. There is allergic reactions on a substance;
  2. Constant hanging pressure;
  3. Varicose veins;
  4. Diabetes;
  5. Severe skin damage.

In case paraffin therapy cannot be done, there is some alternative, in the form of using paraffin cream.