Healing practices and Reiki techniques. Reiki guard circle. We'll talk about more interesting things here.

Read the article to the end! All answers are there!

From the article you will learn:

  • What is Reiki (Reiki) really!
  • Safety precautions and the consequences of using Reiki energy, which the masters are silent about!
  • Is it safe to use Reiki and Kundalini Reiki symbols!
  • Completely new techniques, principles, methods of helping Reiki by turning off the stresses of the past in a person.
  • Initiation and initiation into the secrets beyond the highest levels of Reiki!

What are reiki

The Reiki training system (or Reiki from Japanese: rey - spirit, soul, ki - energy, mind), as one of the varieties of energy healing, considers all human diseases from the point of view of life energy, its deficiency or excess in the corresponding organs and systems of our physical body. When a distortion of the human energy shell is detected, the reiki master saturates this zone with the life energy “ki” through his hands, synthesized by him from the surrounding space (Cosmos), i.e. creates, as stated, a channel of "clean" energy of Reiki (Reiki), which nourishes the damaged organs and systems of the patient, restoring all distortions in his energy shell. Thus, reiki healing is performed. This usually results in fast recovery health and normalization of all body functions.


Unlike ordinary energy healing, where the healer, as a rule, works with his own energy (including using his own kundalini energy), Reiki specialists and masters use “pure” (in theory :-)) energy of space, which is easily absorbed by a person, precisely because it is “pure”, i.e. not colored or polarized by the Reiki healer himself. At least that's what most Reiki schools say. (Later in this article, we will show why can't this be from the point of view of the laws of physics and why reasoning about the "purity" of Reiki energy is a myth.).

Fig.1. Various kinds deformations of the energy shell, leading to
a) hypertensive phenomena, obesity or sudden weight loss,
emotional discomfort, irritability; problems with kidney activity;

b) chronic constipation is added to the previous symptoms,
impotence or infertility, possible thrush, chlamydia,
herpes, genital infections and cystitis;

c) severe loss of vision is added to the previous symptoms.

Now there are many different courses, seminars, centers, reiki schools, training systems and directions founded by various reiki masters. One of the most famous directions is Kundalini Reiki, the basis of which is the activation of Kundalini energy in the human body and its subsequent use to heal one's physical body, mind and help other people. The following areas are also distinguished: mikao usui reiki, karuna reiki, named after the master teachers who founded these reiki schools, the training according to the systems of which is divided into certain levels, at which students receive the appropriate initiations and initiations: 1 level of reiki, 2 level, 3 rail stage.

For the fastest connection of a person to higher energies, as well as in the process of initiation and initiation ritual, Reiki uses the so-called Reiki symbols (special signs and hieroglyphs). The use of these symbols does not require compulsory meditation or years spiritual practice, according to many masters in the karuna, usui and kundalini reiki schools. Acting directly on the subconscious, these Reiki symbols cause changes in the internal state of a person and thus give him the opportunity to connect to a higher source of energy. In some Reiki teaching systems, it is believed that symbols can only be activated in a certain way, however, in fact, there are different ways to activate symbols and many Reiki masters and books teach that it is enough just to think about the intention to use these symbols to activate them.

But we will not consider in detail in this article all the principles, foundations and techniques of the Reiki teaching. You can find a lot of information about this on other sites, as well as read in popular books on reiki.

We'll talk about more interesting things here!

So what is reiki(or reiki) really?

It would seem - a magic pill, effective, without side effects leading to rapid healing. But is it? Can the energy passing through the hands of a healer be pure, even synthesized from the Cosmos? AND to what consequences in the distant future leads this species energy assistance, both clients and the specialists themselves, reiki masters and any other energy healers? And also, how stable can the result of helping with the application of these healing techniques by the laying on of hands be?

Let's figure it out and in search of answers to these questions we will appeal not to the widespread opinions of various Reiki schools and subjective assessments of the strength of Reiki various methods treatment, but to the physics of energy-information interactions, as to a neutral orbit!

Rice. 2. A method for characterizing the radiation of each human chakra by the methods of "Infosomatics".
This way you can test the effect of the reiki energy on the adjustment.
the energy shell of a person in the process of a session of "healing" with hands.

I would like to emphasize that we have a very positive attitude both to the Reiki system as a whole, and to all the masters and specialists who help people with energy healing methods. Their work deserves respect, because. thanks to their work, many people have already been able to get rid of their diseases and see for themselves that their physical body and the visible material world is far from everything that is in Nature, but one way or another there is a world of energies invisible to the eye, on the balance of which in the body our health depends.

Many years ago, we ourselves went through all the stages of initiation into Reiki techniques and healing practices, reaching the highest mastery at this level. But then we were forced to leave this level and go higher, taking a position of categorical non-interference in extraneous energy systems in any way, under any pretext, with any intensity. due to observed side effects, safety violations and data limitations energy technician help: as reiki, and any other method of healing by the laying on of hands.

This article aims to show professionals assisting Reiki techniques and energy healing practitioners, as well as those who are just undergoing Reiki training or seeking to get rid of their diseases in these techniques in the form of a panacea, a much more expanded picture of the world than that which is limited only the level of energy flows. Diseases, as it turned out, can have a completely different root cause, the roots of which lie at a higher level, in the field of information interactions, and "bad" energy is only their consequence.

First, let's take a closer look limited applicability of healing practices in general, be it reiki or any other system of energy assistance.

Let us turn to the physics of subtle planes of the existence of matter and modern scientific research processes of energy-information interactions, carried out within the framework of the new direction "Infosomatics" at the International Institute of Social Ecology.

Any person, in addition to his physical body, also has an energy shell (also called a biofield or aura), created due to the energy-informational radiation of the organs and systems of the body, as well as the passage of control signals from the brain through biologically active points (energy meridians) of the body and having nodes of energy antinodes, called chakras.

Fig.3. Physical, energy, intellectual and software shells of a person

We will not analyze in detail the physics of the device and the functions of each of these shells in this article, since this is a rather voluminous topic. Let us dwell only in more detail on the physical, energetic and emotional shells of a person and their relationship.

The emotional shell is formed due to the “foaming” of the surface of a person’s energy shell when he shows positive emotions: joy, pleasure from any process, etc. Those. the more a person experiences positive emotions in his life, the more volume of emotional shell he has (in metric coordinates). And the emotional shell, in turn, performs the function of a lens that collects plane-parallel cosmic radiation (in the figure - wavy lines from above) on the human crown. This radiation, collected by the emotional shell, feeds, in turn, the energy shell of a person. And the state of the energy shell directly affects the functioning of organs and systems in our physical body.

And, as a result, one can pay attention (this is also confirmed by independent studies of psychologists and physiologists) that people with an optimistic life position, who often experience joy in their lives, as a rule, are much less susceptible to colds, viral and other diseases than those who is constantly depressed or in a bad mood! The latter simply have their emotional shell “blown away” or completely absent, and their energy shell, not receiving proper nourishment from above, also greatly decreases in size and ceases to protect the physical body from the programmatic impact of various viruses. This level of protection by the energy shell of our body can be compared by analogy with the Earth's atmosphere, which protects us from solar radiation and meteorites.

Fig.4. Deformation of the emotional shell of a person depending on his condition. Optimism / pessimism.

Now let's look at the problem through the eyes of reiki masters and energy healers: if a person has little energy, (the consequence of which are fatigue, CFS - syndrome chronic fatigue, susceptibility to colds, etc.), then you need to raise this person's energy level by saturating his energy shell with "clean" cosmic energy transmitted through the hands of a healer. This is the concept of teaching Reiki in different schools! Well, or you can hear a recommendation on the use of techniques for awakening your kundalini energy in the kundalini reiki school.

And now from all of the above, think about what is wrong here? What is Anti-Natural? From the point of view of nature, this case diseases in a person arise only because of his incorrect, namely “pessimistic” and, possibly, aggressive life position! Nature thus encourages him to simply change his attitude towards the world, shows him that he is doing something wrong if he no longer experiences positive emotions from life. Start to rejoice, look for positive, change your attitude to what you don’t like, or don’t communicate with these people anymore, change your place of work, just be happy .... generate positive emotions.... and be healthy again!

And third-party energy assistance provided reiki techniques, in this case nothing better pills which helps to eliminate the consequence of the disease, but not its cause. Having received relief due to external energy doping during the Reiki session, this person will not solve his main problem related to his worldview, will not pass the exam that Nature has prepared for him, but will be sent to a penalty loop, since the energy pumping received in an anti-natural way, it will be spent very quickly due to the lack of its own replenishment from cosmic energy. And as soon as the energy potential of such a person falls to the previous level, he will again have the same diseases! Conclusion - you have to use your brains! The main problem is with them!

Fig.5. Focusing plane-parallel Cosmic radiation on the human crown with the help of an emotional shell that acts as a lens.

Now further. The form and state of the subtle-material shells of a person (as well as his physical body) is not static, but dynamic, i.e. constantly changing depending on the stresses that a person experiences, on the processes and situation in which a person is.

If we add the 4th dimension to the shells described above, i.e. time (t), then we will get the following subtle object of a higher plane of existence of matter (mental plane) - human memory body(in other words - Soul), which consists of a set of configurations of its shells in each quantum of time from the point of birth of a person to the present moment. It looks like this:

Fig.6. The mental body of a person, the body of memory or Soul. It consists of a set of shells of a person in each quantum of time.

Fig.7. The mental body of a person (or the memory body of the 4th dimension). What does it consist of.

In the body of memory all stresses recorded that a person goes through throughout his life. They can be traced by the distortion of the configurations of its shells at certain periods of time.

Fig.8. The mental body of a person with distortions of the configurations of its thin-material shells over time until the complete disappearance ("eating") of all shells except the physical one (red areas) due to stress or being in the affected area strong energy vampire.

When withdrawing graphics so-called " life lines» (surfaces of the body of human memory), which is removed using the techniques of "Infosomatics", it is also clear from which stresses a person was able to correctly get out, and which ones still have a controlling effect on him, affecting both his state of health and the state of his psyche . Such stresses can and should be discharged, eliminated in your past according to special technologies so that they do not have a controlling programming impact on the present and future of a person.

Fig.9. Human mental body (chronal body): ideal and real configurations.

Fig.10. Withdrawal example life line graphics(memory bodies). All the pits that go into the negative area are control stresses experienced by a person and not worked out by now. Plus, a definition of the type of each stress is given. Working with the past and turning off these control stresses, as a rule, leads to rapid normalization of the state of health person in the present.

So, if a person has a large number of unworked and unswitched stresses in his past, then most of the energy of his body from the present “leaks” into these pits of the past to cover his energy-information debts. Those. these are the “deuces” in the school of life that a person has not yet retaken, and Nature will collect these debts from him until he cleans out his “Augean stables” and straightens his line of life! A person with a lot of stress in the past that was incorrectly completed, turns into energy vampire , because often even the reserves of his energy shell, generated by the body in the present, are not enough to fill these pits of the past, and he is forced to “suck” the energy from his immediate environment. And all diseases (even very serious ones) of such a person are caused only by the fact that all the energy of his body flows into the past, and it is simply not enough to maintain the body in a healthy state!

Well, what's the use here reiki techniques to help yourself or turn to healers to get energy help from outside?! It's like pouring water into a leaky barrel! It still leaks...

Holes need to be plugged and the barrel patched! And this can be done only by working with a person's past, helping him to discover, rewrite and eliminate the main control stresses that cause such an outflow of forces from his present. And the client himself should work under the supervision of a specialist, and not a specialist instead of a client, atoning for other people's sins through himself (this, by the way, is one of the main conceptual errors of all energy healing techniques). Only in this case, the “sufferer” will receive a “set-off” from Nature, and his illnesses will go away by themselves, naturally, without the need for any external energy doping performed in violation of the laws of Nature.

Now let's take another look at the possible distortions of the human energy shell, shown in Fig. 1 above in this article and in Fig. 11 below

Fig.11. Distortion of the energy shell of the donor at energy vampirism and its increase at the acceptor in the consumed spectrum.

On a lifeline chart, it looks like this:

Fig.12. Stress at the age of 10, which led to a complete "collapse" of the tested person's energy and turned him into the category of an energy vampire. The graph shows that from stress this person still not out and its existence (without the work of turning off and rewriting this stress in its past) is possible only through the consumption of the vital forces of other people.

Fig.13. Initially energy-deficient person from birth.

Again, in this case, Reiki and healing will be no better than a pill that temporarily removes the symptoms of the disease by infusing a person with additional vitality, but does not eliminate its cause. The holes in the barrel (the energy shell of a person), through which his energy merges uncontrollably, have remained as they were.

Or maybe it's easier to disconnect consumers from yourself? It's very simple! But you will not find this information in any book on Reiki, in any Reiki training system!

In place of the silhouette of a person, imagine someone who, according to your assumptions, can “suck” your vitality, i.e. be energy vampire. It can be your boss or subordinate, some kind of relative who constantly spoils your life and makes you feel uncomfortable, sexual partner pestering you with his jealous antics and constant total control of your life. Yes, anyone, and it does not have to be one person! There may be many. If you don’t know who is “dragling” your life forces from you, let your subconscious mind make this choice for you: just close your eyes and try to see the image of this person. Your subconscious must have this information! Trust him. And now launch the technology using this link →

Don't worry, you won't be able to harm anyone with this technology. And after meeting and communicating with this person, the connection between you will still be restored. Therefore, for reliable protection this technique you can recommend using it regularly, either by scrolling through the video from the site using the link provided, or by using your imagination!

And do not be surprised if after this, even the simplest technique, some diseases begin to pass! Moreover, independently and without the need for external energy injections, as intended by Nature!

Now about the imaginary "purity" of Reiki energy (Rei-Ki)

Take another look at Figure 15. Plane-parallel cosmic radiation (depicted by wavy lines from above), which is called in the Reiki training system channel of "clean" energy, necessarily passes through the programmatic, intellectual and emotional shell of the healer before it enters his energy shell. And only now, from his energy shell (or rather, only from the level of her 5th chakra), the Reiki healer can divert this channel to another person who is being helped.

Fig.15. The channel of attracted Reiki energy necessarily passes through the programmatic, intellectual and emotional shell of the healer. Can this energy be "clean"?

But even water, as Masaru Yamoto's studies show, retains information about the trajectory of its movement and, after passing through the city pipeline, greatly changes its energy-information characteristics, which is inexorably illustrated by the configurations of quick-frozen droplets of this water. If a person creates a channel for the sublimation of the energy flow and directs it to any coordinates with his will, then he creates both a pump and a pipeline. And this pipeline passes through all his bodies of higher dimensions! “As below, so above; as above, so below.” Therefore, declarations about the “purity” and primordial nature of the energy flow in Reiki are a myth designed for amateurs and simpletons. In fact, both the act of healing practices and the practice of reiki simultaneously bear both signs of sexual interactions with the unification of energy shells, and aggression - the penetration of one shell into another!

And if we take into account the supervision of any person by the Higher powers and the need for any inhabitant of the Earth to feel the measure of responsibility for violating the laws of Nature, then more and more often healers and "Reikists" receive their playful "brains" from the Curators ( Higher powers) those sufferers who are prevented by them from completing individual tasks of understanding this world and unsanctionedly “atone for their sins”, intended by the Higher powers to train their wards!

And in conclusion, I would like to warn all specialists, Reiki masters, healers about safety precautions when helping people. energy methods:

A strong energy-informational connection is necessarily established between the client and the healer in such practices! No matter how conditionally “clean” your energy is. Such is the physics of subtle plans!

We went through this many years ago, reaching the highest levels in Reiki healing practices and techniques. And if these connections are not separated by special techniques and not even think about their presence, then very soon the health of the healer himself begins to deteriorate sharply, and he turns from an energy-giver into an energy-consuming one, and he begins to consume this energy not only from his current clients, but, most interestingly, from all their former clients equally for those energy-information connections that were established earlier in the process of providing assistance, i.e. there is an inversion of all connections, and those for whom the healer was previously an energy donor, now become donors for him themselves, receiving regular health problems and exacerbation of old diseases.

From the point of view of nature safe period of work on energy healing and reiki technologies is no more than 5 years! During this period, the Higher Forces “wipe and pick up” all the mistakes and incorrectness made by their Supervised object so that it can learn and gain sensory experience of working on this energy level, and further - either go higher, to the level information technologies, either fall down under the burden of "foreign" problems and karmic debts, or stay at this level and work further, if this true purpose this person in this life and he really has a channel of a healer. Only in this case he will be under the protection of the Higher powers and further.

If you allow yourself to discover and get rid of these “riders”, as well as eliminate the main control stresses in your memory body, consuming the life forces of the present from the past, then the need to conduct Reiki sessions for oneself DOES NOT APPEAR BY ITSELF!

But this is the next level, the level of information types of assistance, not energy ones. This is "Infosomatics" - new scientific direction, which allows solving problems in the body and mind of a person not with the help of third-party energy resources and foreign intrusions, but independently - with the help of information infosomatic technologies, knowledge of the laws of Nature and physics of the subtle planes of the existence of matter!

And in conclusion, I would like to note the most important thing: the correct way of providing assistance from the point of view of the laws of Nature is only the one where the person himself does the work on his mistakes, and the specialist only helps him in this, indicating the places that need to be corrected, conducting an appropriate diagnosis of his bodies subtle dimensions and showing technologies and worldview models for quickly correcting and rewriting your mistakes of the past, present and probabilistic future!

Only this method preserves the freedom of both the specialist and the one who turned to him for help and guarantees the absence of energy-information bindings on any planes of the sustainable existence of matter after the end of the work. There is no mixing of energy and the formation of karmic bonds that occur with ANY type of healing assistance, there is no violation of safety precautions and the laws of Nature. And the effect of this type of assistance is many times stronger and more stable than that of the above-described energy doping!

Because any problem (health, business, interpersonal relationships) is given by the Higher forces to a person as a lesson that he must learn, and henceforth not to repeat such mistakes of his past in his future, or as a call to change his worldview in relation to certain life situations and become stronger in this quality! And the specialist in this case, based on his experience, knowledge and technologies, only conveys to the person in a language he understands the essence of this lesson, helping him to pass this lesson quickly, according to an accelerated program, having received a credit from the Higher powers. But be sure to do it yourself!

If someone offers to take responsibility for the mistakes of another bypassing his head, giving him illegal energy doping instead of the required training, then he invades the territory of the Higher Forces, who, just like strict teachers at school, put deuces in the form of weights karma and health status for an honors student and a loser at the same time, when it turns out that an excellent student solved the physics problem for a loser, but signed the test in the name of this loser, a loser in the school of life.

So maybe it’s not worth it to “joke around” with the Highest Teachers and the laws of Nature? Maybe you should study these laws and just not step on a rake on the road of your life? Because only in this case you will have stable health, success in business, harmony in the family and true joy in the eyes of the fact that you have finally found and learned to put into practice the magic of the "philosopher's stone"!

"International Institute for Social Ecology".

Initiation on DVD. Beyond the Higher Levels of Reiki.

Reiki energy - how you can strengthen the work with it and make the flow of energy itself strong.

A series of articles on increasing the effectiveness of Reiki practice. Part 2.

There are many methods that help improve and purify our Reiki energy, making it stronger and thus increasing its effectiveness. But first I would like to address the problem that some of the students have mentioned, because if this problem is present, it will prevent improvements in Reiki work from happening.

This has to do with a situation in which our Reiki energy seems to be losing the power it had in the beginning. You may encounter this situation when you give many Reiki sessions to others while practicing and do not receive Reiki Energy yourself. It is necessary to maintain a balance in the use of Reiki in order to keep it flowing. This means not only giving readings to others but also giving readings to yourself, but most importantly, getting practical advice from other qualified Reiki Masters.
This is necessary because when giving Reiki sessions to others, often your own problems can be displaced and come to the surface, and the Reiki energy that flows through us, during sessions with others and during sessions with ourselves, will not always be strong enough. So, to complete the healing process during a Reiki session, it is necessary to release negative energy or, as we say, to dump it. Students are already learning this, passing the first stage, it is necessary to remember this safety technique, which is very important as for the recipient of Reiki. and for the Reiki Master himself, who gives the session. These accumulated negative energies can sometimes slow down and even block the flow of Reiki energy.

We share our practical experience, and we hope that you, too, will certainly use our recommendations, such as:

  1. either passively receiving Reiki sessions from another Master,
  2. or you can give yourself a blissing cleanse using certain Reiki power channel symbols to clear and balance your chakras. This will help you to improve the reception of Reiki energy during Reiki sessions for yourself, and most importantly, it will increase the flow of work with energy while transferring energy to others through sessions.

Thus, the restored healing energy of Reiki will remove all your problems accumulated at the energy level in your body system and open channels for a powerful flow of Reiki.

Improve the effectiveness of Reiki Energy.

There is a philosophy in many schools of Reiki that as you practice Reiki, you become stronger. Undoubtedly, it is very important to practice giving as many Reiki sessions as possible to both yourself and others, but after doing some research, we also asked this question to our colleagues who have been practicing for many years, Reiki Masters, trying to understand whether the practice of Reiki sessions is enough to to improve the strength and quality of Reiki energy, and how much it can improve the effectiveness of Reiki Energy. What we got as a result of our research: indeed, over the years of practicing Reiki sessions, a certain level is gained, but it is not significantly higher than the level of those who practice Reiki less, that is, it is obvious that other methods are used to improve the effectiveness of Reiki Energy. And what exactly? Read on.

Reiki energy - you need to learn other levels, steps and channels of Reiki power.

Most effective way to increase the effectiveness of your Reiki energy is to undergo initiation and training, the next level of Reiki. For example, if you have Reiki level 1, then you can learn Reiki level 2, and if you have Reiki level 2, then you need to be trained as a Master Healer or be trained in Reiki power channels. If you have already taken all levels including Reiki Master Teacher, then you can expand your horizons and level of perception of the world, master new techniques. Developing and learning, expanding the scope will improve your understanding of Reiki, so learn new healing skills to improve and enhance your skills and the effectiveness of Reiki Energy.

Strengthening your Reiki Energy through blissing or self-adjustment.

If you are already a Reiki Master, then you have the opportunity to self-adjust yourself. And We at our school also recommend a blissing cleansing. This will strengthen and refine your Reiki energy at the same time it raises your vibrations and improves your health. We suggest using this technique to give yourself the opportunity to self-adjust. Those who have already made the decision to do this at least once a day for a month or longer have seen amazing results, according to reviews. We talk about blissing cleansing in more detail when receiving Reiki level 2, it contains symbols of the Reiki karmic channel, so we will now describe only self-tuning process:

Prepare the room, light a candle and put on your favorite Reiki music. Sit on a chair in the middle of the room.

  1. Prepare with conventional method, which you use, during the initiation of others.
  2. Say the “Connecting” Gratitude Formula, and you can also freely say that you will be self-tuning to improve and strengthen your Reiki Energy.
  3. You can then stand up and imagine your astral body sitting on a chair.
  4. Keep moving behind the chair and mentally imagine yourself sitting or sitting on the chair and give yourself first initiation.
  5. Stand in front of you and continue self-tuning in the form of initiation, using the same visualization method and imagining that you are sitting in a chair.
  6. Continue the self-tuning process until the end of the initiation.
  7. Then say the Gratitude Formula “Shutdown” and dump the negative energy on the candle fire.
  8. After you have done self-tuning, you will be able to feel how relaxed you are.
  9. Now you can sit on a chair and sit for a few minutes with eyes closed by focusing on your new energy that is flowing into you and allow yourself to get used to these sensations.

How to improve the effectiveness of Reiki Energy?

Continued in the third part….

Reiki is a non-religious Japanese healing and spiritual practice. Self-development and self-knowledge, healing and healing, harmony and balance, strength and mind, energy and spirit - this is far from full list components that can characterize the Reiki system.

In Japanese - Reiki - these are two hieroglyphs, where "rei" means - cosmic, universal, universal, and "ki" - the energy of life, or Vital energy. Full value Reiki is "universal life energy".

What is the Reiki technique?

Reiki energy helps to tune the Body and Spirit to harmonious high vibrations and, with constant practice, heal various diseases. Also, with the help of Reiki, you can cleanse your life from negative events by attracting the ones you need, and ultimately having the life you want.

How does this work in esoteric healing? Through remote work with photos using the laying on of hands, work with symbols and images, work with a phantom. Hands and visualization serve as those powerful tools through which the universal life energy is transmitted through the Healer to the person.

The Reiki technique has been around for over a century and there is some evidence that Reiki healing was used as far back as ancient Japan.

The founder of the Reiki school is a Buddhist monk and philosopher from Japan - Mikao Usui. The date of foundation is considered to be 1922. crisis period Mikao Usui went on a long journey in search of true knowledge. This pilgrimage ended in one of the temples on Mount Kurama, sacred to Buddhists. There, the monk-philosopher engaged in deep meditations, through which he came to the realization of Reiki.

Chujiro Hayashi is Mikao Usui's last student. By profession - a doctor. He slightly modified the practice of Reiki, conducting healing sessions among his patients. He also owns the development of hand positions during recovery.

For a person, the Reiki technique works on 4 levels: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. This means that a person practicing Reiki or undergoing treatment with a Reiki Master receives healing at the level of all the listed bodies. The level of depth of knowledge and development of the Reiki system consists of 3 steps.

Stage 1

  • Acquaintance with the history of the origin, Reiki energy and its practical application;
  • Connection to the Universal Knowledge and the Universal flow of vital energy;
  • Work on the inner "I";
  • Teaching the practice of self-healing;
  • Training in healing practices of working with water, plants and animals;
  • Basics of remote work;
  • Working with the first character

Stage 2

  • Qualitative expansion of one's own capabilities and deep work with energies;
  • Cleaning work;
  • Ability to improve relationships
  • Quality improvement of life;
  • Healing practices training;
  • Learning to work with three symbols and the ability to apply them;

Step 3

  • The ability to increase and decrease energy flow;
  • Acquaintance with the symbols of the Master;
  • Advanced Healing Practices
  • The ability to work with space and time and change them on the Life Line in the past, present and future

There is also a 4th level of knowledge of the Reiki system. This is the level of the Master and Teacher of Reiki, it is available to those who have successfully mastered and practiced the first three steps for a long time.

Practical Application of the Reiki Technique

Despite the fact that Reiki began to be practiced in Russia relatively recently, today it is very popular. This is a deep yet understandable and powerful technique. In Reiki healing, the laying on of hands, including from a photo, affects people with the help of the universal life energy of the Universe. Such esoteric healing helps to get rid not only of various "phobias", but also to remove blocks in energy channels, clear the field of negative entities, improve health by filling a person with Light. The body is gently restored day after day. At the level of the subconscious, emotions, tension is relieved, as a result of which the energy levels out and the Body comes to balance, diseases disappear. This is how Reiki healing happens.

Nowadays, many scold traditional medicine. However, not everything is so clear-cut here. Not only traditional, but also esoteric medicine is not able to help a person if he does not want to help himself. To change the attitude towards oneself, to the world around, to people, to change the worldview - the first thing that needs to be done to a seriously ill person.

Once upon a time, a moment comes when a person firmly decides for himself - I want to be healthy. It is then that Reiki and other spiritual and healing practices provide the most effective help.

For kids different ages Reiki energy is useful in that it protects their field from diseases, and in case of illness, the child quickly recovers. Also, under the influence of Reiki energy, children learn better. school curriculum, and in general, the learning process is much easier for them than for other children, plus Reiki helps to develop hidden abilities.

As for the elderly, Reiki can prolong their lives.

The practice of Reiki gives people tremendous energy supply and unlimited possibilities. Constant work with Reiki allows you to gently enter into a state of meditation. A person begins to consciously work on himself and learn about the world, which means that he confidently follows his path. A person develops intuition, inner world comes to a harmonious state, deep knowledge and wisdom are acquired.

Reiki is carried into the human body with hands. Hands are an instrument of the Soul, a conductor of the healing energy of the Universe. Reiki practitioners say that hands are a tool for transmitting Divine Power. The hands are connected to the human heart, and the heart is considered to be the receiving center to which higher vibrations are directed. That is, the heart receives the “cosmic fire” into itself, and the hands carry out the “cosmic fire” coming from the center to the person being healed.

Reiki Hand Healing: A Reiki healer needs to know how to properly hold their hands during a healing session. In Reiki practice, the hands are most often placed palms down, while the fingers should be folded together and slightly straightened. The healing energy "ki" flows down to the center of the palms and to the fingertips, so these parts of the hands will be the most sensitive. often on sore spot it is impossible to put both hands. Then one hand should be put in the place of the request, and the other on the head. To activate the energy and it began to move, both hands must be on the body of the person being healed, or at a fairly close distance from the body.

The universal life energy of Reiki is felt with pleasant warmth, and in some cases even heat, in the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, and even throughout the body. Sometimes sensations can be in the form of light tingling or vibrations. Then comes a bright feeling of lightness and joy, peace and tranquility. At this moment, a person relaxes well both at the level of the body and at the level of the mind. When a Reiki session lasts an hour, the healed person may fall asleep and wake up feeling energized and deeply rested. It happens that a person does not experience any sensations at the time of the session. This is considered the norm, while Reiki energy also has its healing effect. From sensations, the effectiveness of treatment does not depend in any way.

The healer usually starts a Reiki session with a scan, or diagnostics, it can be remote, from a photo, or personal, at the reception. In Japanese, this is called "byosen", where the syllable "byo" denotes illness and the syllable "sen" denotes a line. To do this, if the session is held in person, the healer folds his hands at the level of his heart chakra and asks that Reiki energy flow through him, which he then directs to those parts of the body of the healed that need to be healed. If the healer suddenly feels that the hands need to be placed on a certain part of the client's body, then this feeling must be followed. Sometimes it happens that the places that require exposure to healing energy are not defined. Then the healer scans the anterior and back body. He slowly leads his hands along them, starting from the head to the soles of the feet. When the healer's hands are over the place of the healed person's body that needs Reiki energy, he may feel warmth in the palms, a slight tingling, or full confidence that this is exactly the place.

When the healer touches the body part of the person being healed that gave the signal, a rather unpleasant sensation often occurs in the hands, and it can rise almost to the shoulder. If the healer removes the hands, then these sensations return to the palms and from there exit through the fingertips. After that, the healer moves on to a new stage of treatment. Thus, scanning and healing with the energy of the hands takes place.

During practice, the impact of the universal energy of Reiki does not occur due to mental work. And here there is absolutely no need to direct the flow by mental efforts or mentally regulate it. It is enough just to find the area on the patient's body that is necessary for pumping energy, and the energy itself will go there. If a person does not have enough energy, then it is replenished. And if there is enough energy, then it is evenly redistributed throughout the body. The human body can take only the amount of energy that it needs at this stage.

If a person is being treated at the same time traditional methods. Then in this case, the energy of the reiki will not be a hindrance. On the contrary, Reiki will remove side effect and balance the effect of the medications taken.

Thus, hand healing is the main tool for transferring Reiki energy from the healer to the healed.

Over the years, many people develop or develop a variety of phobias (fears) that interfere with life, oppress and are difficult to overcome. They are the cause of all sorts of failures in our lives. And sometimes even a professional psychotherapist is not able to rid the patient of his phobias. However, the practical application of Reiki may well get rid of these troubles for enough short term. To get rid of fears, you can independently apply the following Reiki practice:

Need to know:

  • Each individual fear must be worked out separately.
  • Before starting this practice, you need to analyze your state and answer yourself the following question: what sensations arise, in what place of the body, and what feelings do you experience when this emotion takes possession of you (perhaps these are sensations of cold, heat, heat). , feeling that goosebumps, nausea, weakness, dizziness and more).
  • Ask yourself, what does the body want to do with this sensation and feeling?
  • Release this feeling and sensation into the Light and thank the Creator for it! Say that it helped you a lot, but now you want to let it go! Breathe in and breathe out! Stay a few minutes in this Light with a feeling of Gratitude!
  • Now ask yourself the question, now how do you feel? Do you feel? If everything is gone, great, you have worked this moment, if it remains, repeat.
  • If you undertook to work through a certain fear, do not stop your work halfway, not for one day, bring this work to the end, until the moment when there is no unpleasant sensation in the body and the charge goes away. If for some reason you had to stop practicing even for one day, you must start the countdown from the very beginning.

Reiki Healing Session:

If at least one day of working with fears was missed, you need to start everything from the beginning and count from the first day.

For those who wish to improve their health through the practice of Reiki, magician and esoteric healer Elena Svetlaya conducts remote sessions and conducts counseling. Elena Svetlaya in healing uses an integrated approach - BODY-SOUL-SPIRIT, as to a single human system and translates through harmonization and attunement to higher vibrations, including through changes in approaches to nutrition and lifestyle. As a result, diseases recede. At the same time, everyone can learn various techniques self-healing and spiritual harmonization. Psychic abilities and practical experience, allow the clairvoyant to provide people with versatile assistance.

Clairvoyant magician Elena Svetlaya conducts remote diagnostics and healing at a distance and from a photograph. In the center of Success of Elena Svetlaya, one can diagnose the energy field, clear the field of negativity, restore the field, harmonize energy flows, conduct various effective White rituals to improve health, order protective amulets (evil eye, damage), money amulets, health amulets and other services. Details can be found on the page.

You can read more about Elena Svetlaya's professional specialization.

For the spiritual, energy and physical healing of people in the "Helena Svetlaya Success Center" a unique Service No. 7 has been developed - esoteric healing.

Service No. 7 - the author's technique of Elena Svetlaya, which includes: remote meditations, charmed products and objects, various effective rites on the magical altar healing stones and charmed candles, mandatory nutritional recommendations, and much more. The person gets more energy. necessary for the body for self-healing and self-healing. From the first sessions, the human biofield is significantly enhanced, and when passing from one to three courses and following all the recommendations, as practice shows, most diseases recede. Elena Svetlaya's technique helps a person in need of healing to achieve the higher vibrations of the Soul and Body necessary for this.

To make an appointment for a consultation, you can contact Elena Svetlaya by writing a request to email [email protected] website, with the subject of the letter “Reiki Healing” or by clicking on the button at the bottom of the article “Register for a consultation”. Price Services No. 7 are negotiated individually, depending on the problem and the depth of study!

With hope and faith in the best,
Your Elena Svetlaya

In the flow of Reiki

How to get a personal Energy Sponsor and not become an Energy Vampire at the same time?
“As long as you have energy, everyone needs you, when you don’t have energy, no one needs you, because people are afraid that you will take away energy from them.” Chinese wisdom.

The practice of the laying on of hands has been known throughout history. In India, healing energy is called prana, in China - qi, in ancient Russia this energy was called Living, and in Christianity - the Holy Spirit. Let the atheist call it the Absolute. But no matter how it is called, the essence of this energy is the same: it cleanses, nourishes and heals all living things, including humans.

Reiki is universal energy and the healing system.

Reiki nourishes and heals all living things, including humans.

Reiki, the training of which begins with the understanding that this is a special channel that combines Healing energy to do its work in the physical and in the subtle bodies of a person. The information component makes it possible to receive information and receive hints from the Space, to develop one's vision.

Reiki Initiation. This is living and practice ... and more practice! In Reiki, without a master, training is impossible. The master returns to the student "health settings", vibrations high level and transmits an inexhaustible source of energy. That is, a personal ENERGOSPROSORA.

Reiki Level 1 helps a person to stop energy hunger. In the modern stressful rhythm of life due to energy depletion negative changes occur in the human body and soul. The most minimal of them is life "on a starvation diet", i.e. a person gets used to not enough for a "tasty" and full life the amount of energy. And even this limited “starvation ration” energy often consists of low vibrations: aggression, resentment, anxiety, fear, neurotic states, etc.

Many of the students who come to the 1st level of Reiki are so energetically exhausted that they resemble “hungry”. Having received Reiki, the student receives energy saturation. This is one of the grade assignments.

Reiki enables the student to take as much energy as he needs, while the quality of energy is the highest. The student can also, after Stage 1, give Reiki sessions to others, saturating not only himself with the highest quality energy. Moreover, sessions for patients do not exhaust the healer, because the source is inexhaustible.

The human body is a single system of the psyche and "physics". This system is self-regulating. But sometimes there is a failure in the health program: blockage of natural energy flows, excess or lack of energy, violation of protective barriers, psychoenergetic "intervention" from outside.
And this failure goes through several stages before taking root in the physical body of a person as a disease that can be diagnosed medically. Changes and distortions occur first in the subtle bodies of a person: in his psychoenergetic field. The master can see these distortions.

Everything that happens in a person's soul leaves an imprint in his body. Hidden "viruses" of the unconscious are visible behind the manifestation of the disease, which have an exit into bodily ailments. Psychological problems and conflicts, psychotraumas, children's fears "grow into the memory of the body" and are fixed in it. The body acquires muscle blocks, knots and zones of chronic tension and clamps.
They block vital energy, emotions, forces, lead to disease.

When we enter the Reiki flow, we enter our reference state: in the subtle plane there is a memory of the “health standard matrix” of your body. Reiki energy helps the physical body to “remember” this standard and restore it in the physical body. A regular practitioner of Reiki cannot have energy-informational lesions, such as the evil eye, breakdown, damage, etc. - because the flow of Reiki removes all this from subtle bodies.

You can draw an analogy with the physical body:

We regularly shower to cleanse our physical body. Similarly, when we meditate regularly and do Reiki sessions, we cleanse our subtle bodies. Reiki has one very interesting effect: when you give a Reiki session to another person, the Reiki energy heals you too, due to the fact that the flow passes through you.

The reference state can be compared to perfect condition health. This is precisely a healthy state, and this means health not only at the physical level, but also at the emotional, mental, and eventual levels. And when we are in a standard state, when we are healthy at all levels, then we understand and feel what the "joy of life" and "taste of life" are.

These reference matrices are damaged over time, distortions appear in them from the fact that we accumulate negativity in them, both coming to us from outside and our own (negative, destructive thoughts and emotions).

If you regularly practice, do Reiki sessions and meditation, then the Reiki energy restores our reference matrices, and after them the condition of the physical body improves.

However, in addition to the usual Reiki sessions, which give a general strengthening effect, you can also work specifically to rejuvenate the physical body.

With the help of Reiki, we can restore the healthy state of our subtle bodies, make vibrations of the etheric and astral body light and thin.

This does NOT mean that at 40 we will be able to look 15, after all, there are limitations of our material world, and while we are here, we will not get away from them. But it is quite possible to prolong the period of your youth and activity, and look 10-15 years younger.

Massage of youth in the flow of Reiki.

In addition to working with subtle bodies and adjusting them to the desired state, you can do massages in the Reiki stream, including massages for the face and hair.

Facial massage is done like this:

With soft pats and stroking movements, you can not touch the face, but at a distance of 1-2 cm - we pass the entire skin along the massage lines:

forehead from the middle to the edges

eyes - in a circle

cheeks - from the nose to the ears, slightly rounding up

chin - from the center to the ears

neck - bottom to top

You can make patting movements, as if "driving" Reiki energy into our skin.

After such a massage, your skin will have a very pleasant state of energy fullness, the skin will become radiant and luminous from the inside.

And if during this massage you also form the intention to rejuvenate your face, and visualize the skin you want as a Reiki Message, the effect will be even better.

Exactly the same massage can be done for hair to improve their condition.

And if you can do acupressure, then it can and should also be done in the Reiki stream.

Our face and body creams can also be charged with Reiki energy.

To do this, you need to feel the flow of Reiki, put a portion of the cream on one palm, cover it with the other palm.

Set the intention to energize the cream and make it very beneficial for the skin.

Formulate an affirmation (Reiki message). For example: “this cream makes my skin look young and beautiful”, or “my skin is young, beautiful and healthy”.

Hold your hands like this for a while, for example 30-60 seconds, or more.

Apply cream on face.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a universal life energy that perfects everything it touches. Each person from birth is a conductor of light energy, but his awareness of this power is not great and independent development often freezes at the very beginning. At the same time, many people are still conductors of light, it is they who become artists, poets, architects and other talented and successful representatives of the human race. How else can one explain the phenomenon of creativity, the creation of something new out of the void, out of nothing? Of course, some power can express itself through a person who is open to it from birth or through gradual development.

A person, opening himself to the flow of light and perfection, becomes the light himself, and everything he does becomes as much better as he is open to the flow. Power has always been known and transmitted in every nationality and tribe through a certain kind initiation. Often, initiations and practices were too filled with rituals, and the essence was hidden under a lot of “matryoshkas”. In the form of Reiki (as a system), this power was revealed to mankind in connection with the onset of "hard times" and the need for rapid development.

This power is compatible with almost any practice and technique, because in itself it is impersonal. It allows you to achieve perfection in any business, whether it be healing, work, martial arts, astral travel, raising children... practically anything is transformed and becomes beautiful in the hands of a person who is open to the light.

Remaining an empty bamboo, that is, just an observer and a conductor of light, a person begins to influence the world around him without wanting to, and his friends and relatives begin to feel the healing effect of this force. A person becomes a conductor of light and, to one degree or another, begins to illuminate everything that is near him. Situations and tasks are solved in a completely different way, the concepts of sin, evil and injustice gradually begin to disappear. The power of light leads by the hand and gives a person exactly the experience that he needs, gently, gently and with signs showing what to pay attention to.

There is also a good representation, according to which Reiki is not a force, not an energy, not a kind uncle... it is an omnipresent and uniform force of awareness for all living beings. That is, the force that seeks to increase the level of awareness of living beings, as opposed to the force that seeks to lower the level of vibrations (aka entropy).

About WHAT and WHY tons of books have been written and a lot of shirts on the chest have been torn. It may seem paradoxical, but for the development and successful practice, all these questions and concepts are useless, and more often harmful. Our mind seeks to identify objects and build relationships between them, such is its nature. However, in the matter of Reiki practice, it is very important not to follow his lead.

Reiki Method, History and Traditions

The Reiki system comes from Japan in the early 20th century. Dr. Mikao Usui, during a long fast and meditation, received a revelation on the sacred mountain Kuarama. White light love descended on Sensei on the 21st day of meditation. Soon, Dr. Usui realized the possibility of transmitting awareness of the power that came to him and developed a healing system that gained fantastic popularity during the restoration of the state after an earthquake that claimed thousands of lives. Dr. Usui devoted himself entirely to helping people and, according to some reports, gave his life, having exhausted his personal power, healing people.

After Sensei, there were a few core students who continued the tradition. There is an opinion that after the explosions of atomic bombs in Japan during the 2nd World War, there were no Reiki masters left in Japan. It is impossible to unambiguously establish whether this is so, in any case, none of the masters in Japan was in a hurry to open Reiki to the world. Several Reiki masters who left Japan began to popularize the system, thanks to which new and new branches of traditions were formed.

Taking into account that the transmission of Reiki does not actually require time and special conditions, and the effect comes almost immediately... Entrepreneurial people of the "Western mindset" decided that this is a good product that can be sold. This is probably the way it was meant to be, because selling a product using a pyramid structure is the most effective of all. known to mankind ways to create a "snowball" without constant effort. However, a not entirely positive result of this method of spreading Reiki was the development different kind"pirated versions" and attempts to remake the system for themselves (often receiving the energy of practitioners, through magic tricks, or issuing other initiations under the guise of Reiki). Energy/power itself has nothing to do with all these tricks and tricks, however, in the minds of people around the world there is a lot of evidence that Reiki can be in the hands of “bad” people, “sect-shmekta” and generally will not lead to good. If we look at it more simply, we will see that any religion or spiritual teaching is not free from such mournful shortcomings, so there is nothing surprising here.

New practitioners brought their own changes to the system, according to personal insights and the specifics of the Ego, thanks to which you can meet people who claim to initiate Reiki-money, Reiki-conscience, Reiki-turbojet, Reiki-for-blondes, Superman-Reiki, etc. :)

Unfortunately, simply opening up to the light and accepting the fact that the Ego-personality does not take part in the work that is happening is not an easy task.

There are truly a lot of branches, however, in Russia you can find 2 adequate branches - European and Japanese. The general content of the traditions is similar - a lot has been written about this, in this article we will not repeat ourselves. The only thing worth remembering always is the 5 principles of Reiki

Japanese tradition

It is distinguished by the strict observance of traditions, cleansing, meditation, high-quality qigong (tai chi), and other techniques. The system is a team of elements:

  • ideological elements are taken from Japanese traditions (Shintoism, rules and ethics of the imperial family, remnants of ancient knowledge)
  • the main components of practice and meditation: qigong (tai chi in the Japanese version), Indian knowledge of energy and energy centers, Japanese knowledge of life energy
  • healing practices, also borrowed from the Chinese/Japanese/Indian tradition

European tradition

More free and more mercantile, specific traits: harmonization of situations, material well-being, the use of magical tools.

Reiki practice

Healing in its purest form

If the practitioner is sufficiently open to the flow of Reiki, the results are impressive. However, one must understand important nuance- the energy of light passing through the healer helps not to treat the disease as such, it increases the awareness of the patient, i.e. illuminates his problems and karmic studies, helping him to cope with his tasks. Healing as such occurs when the patient is ready and open to change. Otherwise, healing occurs on the higher planes of existence and on physical layer may not go down. It is also possible that the disease, i.e. the suffering of the body is needed at this moment by the soul, and the person is not ready to work through a very powerful layer of tasks at the time of treatment. All the changes that occur during the treatment process (even if the effects can be traced only at a situational level), as practice shows, are surprisingly beneficial, even if the patient does not notice this and decides that the healer has blundered. The effectiveness of healing using Reiki energy directly depends on how empty and open the Reiki practitioner is. Everything else doesn't matter.

A guiding force in healing, psychotherapy and working with people

A large number of healing practices are known: Massage, Manual Therapy, Osteopathy, Reflexology, A whole range of methods that help rebuild or reanimate human psychoenergetics, and much more.

In all these methods, the power of Reiki is able to save the healer from mistakes and make the work many times more effective, in addition to protecting the healer from resonance with someone else's energy or other undesirable consequences.

Work on yourself

Opening Reiki energy, cleansing
  • Meditations and healing practices from Japanese tradition Reiki
  • White Light Breathing (Qigong)
  • empty bamboo ( essential practice for development within the system)
  • Reiju (flow expansion, blessing, performed by Reiki masters)
Personal development and behavior transformation
  • Raise general level awareness in everyday life, self-observation and self-awareness
  • Gradual comprehension of impeccability in the performance of any business and the pursuit of excellence
  • Processing, forgiveness, correction of mistakes
Solution of applied problems

  • Smoothing problem situations and improving living conditions
  • Help for family and friends karmic problems clan and family
  • Protection and any magical work

The list of applied tasks is, in fact, very wide. However, it is desirable to understand an important nuance here. When you call on the power of light and perfection to come to heal something, such as a situation in the office or in business, healing is likely to occur and significant changes can occur on a situational level. However, the balance of the system as a whole, the system that is affected when we talk about the power of Reiki, cannot be disturbed. This means that if it gets warmer somewhere, this heat must be taken from somewhere, and probably returned back after some time. The opinion of the author of the article on this issue is not worth getting carried away.

The human ego is a very tricky thing. Before you have time to turn around, what you asked for light to come to becomes your personal achievement and reinforcement. own importance. Whether it is the achievement itself or the very possibility of producing such impacts.

FAQ. Frequently asked Questions

Reiki Flow/In the Reiki Flow

Most Reiki practitioners perceive "turning on" or "opening up" or "reconnecting" with the power of Reiki as a flow of energy from bottom to top and top to bottom. Individually, this flow can be warm, hot, or even cold. Basically, Reiki energy is not a flow or anything like that. This is simple good version for our mind, moreover, a large amount of bio-energy of the downward and upward flow is often used together with the Reiki flow