Energy structure of a person: replenishment of energy through meditation. You have decided to go in for remote treatment or provide assistance to a patient

It seemed to me necessary to write this article for all my students. It will be useful and interesting to everyone who is just starting to engage in extrasensory, remote and bioenergetic help and does not know me personally. It will also be interesting to everyone who professionally practices bioenergy and any healing techniques.

All my recommendations are based on my own experience... Practicing bioenergy since 1993, I myself have learned a lot. There was no one to prompt. I have my own mistakes and carelessness. I believe that safety precautions should be present in any business. And even more so with a bioenergetic effect between a healer and a patient. Having no idea about this, many who influence someone else's aura, doing any manipulations with it, expose themselves and their loved ones to danger every day. My family and I are very tightly connected by ancestral networks and etheric cords. Anyone who helps people should know this. The profession of a healer is very energy intensive and takes a lot of your personal energy and time. You are exposed to negative attacks three times more than the average doctor or psychologist. Dealing with bioenergetics and interaction with the auras of other people, we even do not realize how much danger such contact conceals! The path is not easy. But interesting and full pleasant moments... Especially when you are welcome and thanked.

Anyone who enters into an energetic duel with evil spirits or lower astral inhabitants is exposed to them and attacks on their aura. We must teach ourselves to follow the rules and learn them by heart, trying to break them as little as possible.

We start the day in the morning

  1. Let's start with our lifestyle, clothing style. I will not write about bad habits, alcohol and smoking. This is simply unacceptable when practicing healing, as it carries strong connections to the aura of the healer. This constantly feeds the entities, which takes energy from the healer himself and interferes with the processes of self-regulation and self-healing of the biofield.
  2. You got up in the morning. Be sure to review your biofield. During the night, the lower astrals love to sneak up and influence our biofield. It is good if you do energetic exercises in the morning. Do qigong, yoga, or other physical or energy exercises... Be sure to do the practice of grounding and reconnect with the Earth. It is very important. Since this cord is used to drop from the center (Dan-tien) all negative energy from your biofield to the center of the Earth and goes into working out. Be sure to put a protection on the biofield. A few is better. Especially at 3, 5, 9, 11, 15, 29 lunar days... Put on amulets or charms.
  3. Try to wear clothes made from natural fabrics. Never wear clothes made of polyester or other synthetic threads with natural threads. This creates a resonance in the aura and a strong negative electromagnetic field. It is better then to wear pure synthetics or cotton.
  4. Try to tune in to a positive perception of the world in the morning. Think if you are in harmony today. Going to work, think, if there is no harmony in the soul, discomfort, what was the reason for this? Do psychoanalysis while on the bus. Don't drive. Move this to a later date.

In the evening, after a hard day

Despite the burden of worries and household chores, we must not forget that we are not ordinary, but special inhabitants of this planet. Healers and all those who practice healing practices deal with bioenergetics every day. Which brings in contact with underworlds... These guys are awake and waiting the right moment to influence us and drink our energy. And if our biofield has undergone energy aggression and was damaged, then wait for them to visit, especially in the evening and at night.

Get in the habit of cleaning your home bioenergetically once a week. Check the protection of the apartment, house, remove unnecessary open portals. Entities and negative elementals enter the house through them. Strengthen defenses. Close the house bioenergetically. Especially windows and entrance doors.

You have decided to go in for remote treatment or provide assistance to a patient

First of all, think about your responsibility to this person. Calculate your possibilities. Who is engaged in Reiki, be sure to ask if this person can be helped or provided with assistance?

Many who have turned to us have strong connections to the dark worlds because of the negative karma of past lives. Some clients who come to me for help have themselves engaged in dark deeds, witchcraft, murder in past reincarnations and have stable connections with the lower worlds. They have serious karmic blocks in their aura, they are seriously imprisoned for their actions in past lives. Often people make a deal with the dark ones in this life and have stable channels of communication with the Dark Hierarchies. Such a person needs to be helped with care. You must be very strong in Soul and energetically. Possess high Spiritual vibrations. A person must first realize, choose which side he is on. Without his consent, it is impossible to interfere with his fate and aura. Advise him to read prayers for sins. Give a recommendation to read them for 40 days. Then ask if he has a desire, does he consent to voluntarily cleansing his Soul from dark energies? Fight them in Soul? Advise him to read prayers, the Bible, and listen to spiritual music. Engage in Spiritual practices, increase your vibrations. Mentally ask God for forgiveness for your past sins and this life. Do not deny a person right away, you just don’t have to rush into battle and cleanse his aura. After all, he was brought to you so that you would give an impetus and information about what is happening to the person, what is the way out and the way forward. Definitely his Soul is looking for a way out. And we, as healers, must help anyone! That's why we came to Earth. And they help us in this Higher power... You can't judge a person right away. Everyone has sins and negative karma. And we are with you too. But they help us in the same way. And we have common goal- to get closer to the Creator!

When the darkness begins to wane, you can already help with something. But assess your capabilities. Make a treatment plan. Maybe you need to start not with clearing the negative, but with clearing karma, psychoanalysis or stress relief. Patients are different. Many people carry very strong negative emotions like anger, resentment, hatred, fear. Are situated in severe stress... What attracts negativity to them and culminates his karma, condensing it to the limit on the etheric body. With this, patients create stable channels of communication with negative entities, dark worlds, black Egregors. Reincarnation blocks (negative memory of past reincarnations, strong experiences of a person in past lives such as war, death, loss, loss, etc.) may open or manifest in the patient on these emotions. This leads to a constant renewal of these channels and creates their resistance, and your treatment may not be effective.

Then you need to figure out what is the reason. Ask the patient to forgive or calm down. Give Reiki sessions or others similar practices... You must first dispel such emotions. Recommend sedatives and choleretic herbs if they suit him. Also, the patient may manifest at the maximum negative negative karma, coming from past lives or inherited from relatives, then the events have the intensity of passions. And intervening without the patients' awareness of the problem, what it consists of and what its root is, is fraught with you. You will receive a strong blow to the biofield, and maybe your loved ones, and the patient will have a strong exacerbation of events at the event level. He may not be ready for this. And not only is he threatened by the strong mental stress and stall. Everything in his life will begin to crumble and transform through negative events, up to a break, divorce, trial, loss, and illness, etc. So you will get it. You will simply be cursed and slandered. This will reflect negatively on your karma and can attract negativity in your life. You will get a good slap in the face. Therefore, first approach the problem with caution in such cases. Perhaps you need to first cleanse the client at the karmic level. The energies of the Lemurians of the 4th stage and Karuna Reiki are very well suited for this. See frames, pendulum, cards, runes. What will happen if you act with a client, clear the aura, start removing karma, give a Reiki session, etc., and what will this lead to? Play it safe. Look at all the options for help, where this leads to, and what you will receive because of this by fate. Necessarily. Don't forget this! Don't jump straight into battle. Otherwise, it will be very cool.

  1. If you're tired, you don't feel well. And a person calls or comes to you for help. Don't tackle it. Your energy reserve is at a minimum, your defenses are weakened. Don't try to play hero or fail-safe healer. Reschedule a meeting or conversation. This will protect you from astral strikes. All the same, you are weak and your help will not go for the future, since everyone who turns to us is asking for sympathy and a portion of our pure energy. This will save your energy, and it will not need to be restored. The evening will be held in peace and harmony.

Don't forget these rules. Otherwise, you can get very cool or get sick. Not everything is clear to us. Heaven has its own rules too. Pray for such patients to God and the Archangels. Ask them for the healing of such Souls. Believe me, you are already helping them with them.

Helping people, we take a lot of negative energy on ourselves and pass it through the aura. Because of this, our intercellular space at the energy level is polluted with bioenergy-informational waste. Therefore, you need to regularly cleanse yourself, not only energetically. But also physically. Remove toxins and toxins from the body. It is good to do yourself a cleansing of the intestines, liver and kidneys. Cleanse the body with water. Consume herbs and infusions. Dietary supplement. It is very convenient. In particular, to monitor the condition of the kidneys (they work through the second energy center), it suffers greatly from a deficit of energy with a loss of energy through stable channels of its selection to entities and negative elementals. Women healers get sick female system, men suffer from kidneys. The liver and gallbladder, and especially the pancreas. The third energy center, vampires like to sit on it, and our clients are connected in the form of stable selection channels on the etheric body. We also take all the negative for this chakra, and it needs to be cleaned regularly. Even in Ancient Atlantis, this chakra was given Special attention... All techniques for accumulating and storing energy in it are aimed at it. Her exhaustion is fraught with the healer. Makes him weak and energetically vulnerable. And this is immediately felt by the predators of the lower astrals. The liver and kidneys are the main laboratories that remove everything unnecessary in the body such as waste and toxins. Drink dietary supplements regularly. Arrange for yourself outdoor recreation. Take a vacation. If you are tired, do not work, it will leave you vulnerable and drain you. When the patient's health is restored and during any manipulations with the biofield of another person, defective erythrocytes are formed in your blood. A heavy load falls on all organs physical body... The brain and spleen begin to actively utilize these red blood cells. In particular, the circulatory and cardiovascular systems are affected. Therefore, doctors, healers, psychologists, all suffer from heart disease in different options... This shortens their lifespan. The reproductive system and the thyroid gland are also at risk. 5 energy center. Communication. Drink regularly good vitamins... Take your health seriously. Do the prevention of the cardiovascular system. Unload your schedule, don't push yourself to the point of exhaustion. Watch your hemoglobin. It is good to use the herbs "Gingko biloba", "Gotu kola". BAA Fish oil. They thin the blood, which prevents defective red blood cells from creating blood clots in cardiovascular system and the bloodstream. Good luck with your difficult task.

Probably, every person had moments in life when they felt a complete devastation and loss of strength, both physical and mental, and the whole harmonious course of life turned out to be a big question. As a result - diseases of the body, nervous breakdowns and depression, alcohol cravings and broken relationships. What to do in such cases? How to get energized and where to find the source? How not to waste your life forces at all, but direct them to creation? So important knowledge and the skills of children are not taught in schools.

Why is there not enough energy?

There are plenty of factors affecting the state of the energy sector:

  • poor sleep quality;
  • sedentary or not healthy image life;
  • negative thoughts;
  • substandard and improper nutrition;
  • a surge of emotions, especially negative ones;
  • lack of good rest;
  • addictions.

One of the most strong reasons the waste of vitality is considered emotion - a person in a state of passion literally burns out energetically, leaving only a shell that is barely able to support the basic functions of the body. Anger, envy, lust and foul language are the # 1 destroyers for the energy body through which a person interacts with the Universe.

And instead of helping the body to recover, many resort to exactly the opposite actions - they eat a lot and badly, take alcohol to "relieve stress", go headlong into work, forgetting about sleep and rest, provoke development negative thinking, which means an even more biased assessment of what is happening. How to properly charge energy and prevent its leakage?

The key to a good sleep

During good sleep the human soul connects with the Universe and is nourished by its power - this is the main source of restoration. The science of sleep is simple enough, but most ignore the basic truths, looking for the cause of weakness in more intricate corners. Thus, again losing the objectivity of thinking.

A person must get enough sleep if he wants to increase the level of strength! But this does not mean - to sleep 12 hours a day - you just need to go to bed before eleven in the evening. The concept of "owl" and "lark" is rather controversial, in the modern world it is too ingrained in the minds of people, but the essence remains the same - the human soul is fed as much as possible from the Universe during sleep only until two in the morning. Then, gradually, the feed channel is closed, and by five or six in the morning it is completely closed. Of course, it can be opened again with special ones, but this is an additional applied force.

The bedroom is the holy of holies of man. There is no need to let everyone in indiscriminately, take guests to show off new wallpaper or lamps. It's personal. It is very good if the bedroom does not have a TV, computer and other things that affect the electromagnetic level. Wall colors should be soft, pastel, and sleep-inducing. Compulsory airing before bed, if it's cold - it is better to take a warmer blanket than to breathe stale air. How to recharge your batteries in the morning? Just get some sleep!

Feng Shui sleep

The ancient Indian science of Ayurveda, which is closely intertwined with the yoga system, will tell you how to sleep properly on the cardinal points. If you follow the tradition of these teachings, then it is recommended to sleep with your head to the south and your feet to the north, so that the magnetic poles of man and the Earth coincide. But if the layout of the bedroom does not allow, then you can sleep with the top of your head to the east.

The science of sleep according to the Feng Shui system advises initially to correctly position the bed - it is highly undesirable to sleep with your head or feet to the door, as well as facing the mirror. But in which direction to lie with your head - it's much more difficult to decide - you need to know what type of people you belong to: eastern or western (this is calculated by a special method), then the weaknesses of the personality, wishes for the future, and already, based on all factors , the bed turns in the desired direction.

It is also important with what thoughts and mood a person went to bed, especially if they are spouses sleeping in the same bed. At the moment of sleep, the energy bodies of the sleeping people are closely intertwined, mixing and evenly distributing the result. If the wife went to bed with a smile, and the husband, annoyed by the scandal with the neighbor, then the next morning both will wake up in a similar state - with a headache and not sleeping enough. Maybe that's why in the old days, spouses very often slept in different rooms? To female great power never marred by her husband's military battles?

Where can a woman get energy?

The woman is considered the core of the world. The caretaker of the hearth, the muse of a man, the mother who gives new life... A woman needs a constant replenishment of new energy - after all, such a difficult mission is entrusted to her, and in moments of strong recessions or devastation, the space around her takes on completely different colors. How can a woman recharge?

Pamper your physical body: massages, hairdressing, nail care, masks and creams. Women are important tactile sensations: touching, kissing, stroking, hugging. And if a man does not pay due attention to his wife, let him prepare for the decline of her strength, and therefore of his own. Without caresses, a woman's energy falls rapidly.

Walks, hikes, contact with the sun and nature. Every day a woman needs to walk for at least half an hour. Not to run for business or to work, namely to walk aimlessly, enjoying the sun, air and space. A shopping trip can sometimes replace these walks, but only occasionally, but going out of town to nature or to the sea is a very powerful stimulation of female strength.

Present. Again, attention from the man. It is attention, not an attempt to buy off. Throwing an envelope with money “buy what you want” is shortsighted on the part of her husband! After all, a gift can be not only material thing, and a compliment said on time, an invigorating smile, a cup of tea in bed, or a foot massage after work.

Your own corner in the house or creativity. Every woman has (or must have) a place in which she can retire in moments of her "storms" or sorrows. Some have a window sill with flowers in the kitchen, some have an armchair with their favorite book, and some have a bathroom with an aroma lamp, sea ​​salt and candles. And men, whose wives are engaged in needlework, are especially lucky - a woman in the process of creation receives a powerful charge positive energy, which she, of course, will share with her beloved. The energy of creativity is very strong, so you need to encourage such impulses in yourself, even if those around you are skeptical.

Physical activity. Here it is a woman's choice: morning exercises with music or yoga, aerobics in a fitness center or jogging in a nearby park - it's a matter of taste, the main thing is that the soul is in it. But an excessive passion for power sports unfolds female stream energy is the opposite, and over time it can be like a boy-woman. There should be moderation in everything.

Leadership. In no case should a woman pull on herself the whole heap of affairs, assignments and problems. Many women “plant” their energy with thoughts “it is better to do it yourself than to ask”. Need to ask! A man is a knight, just waiting for deeds, even if it is a heavy bag or a nailed nail in the kitchen.

You need to carefully look at all the points and draw parallels with your life or your woman, and act - after all, it is the woman who is the engine of progress.

Correct breathing

Is it possible and how to be energized with the help of breathing? This is taught by one of the branches of yoga - pranayama, thanks to which a person learns first to simply breathe fully, and then absorb energy from air and space. Most of the world's population breathes superficially, using only a quarter of the lung capacity given by nature, while the rest slowly clogs up, fades away and provokes disease. According to Ayurveda, 50% of health problems are caused precisely by insufficient full breath(the second half is unhealthy nutrition, to which we will return).

During a full exhalation, provoked by a full volumetric inhalation, a person gets rid of the accumulation of negative manifestations, whether physical, emotional or mental. Inhaling, he fills himself with fresh, clean energy.

Meditation - connection with the universe

Concentrating on the flow of breath, a person enters the first stage of meditation, which leads to yet another knowledge of "how to recharge with cosmic energy." By meditating, you tune the vibration of your soul to the vibration of the Universe, connect with it and receive a colossal update, a kind of hard disk formatting. After sleep, this is the most efficient method quickly raise the charge level. People who are not familiar with yoga consider meditation to be something uselessly stupid, like hovering in the clouds or sitting with an intelligent look in anticipation of a miracle.

You just have to sit with your back straight, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Just five to ten minutes. Provided that the mind will only follow the breath and not think about anything else. Well, the first session of meditation was very successful, because meditation, in fact, is maximum concentration on one object, be it breath, emptiness, murmur of water or a beautiful flower.

As you progress in practice, a feeling of inner movement, life in life, a microcosm in the macrocosm will be revealed, the ability to understand the body will appear, which means, to know what is good for it and what is harmful.

Nutrition in health

Back to food: how does a healthy lifestyle and nutrition affect energy boost? Probably, many have noticed how after a hearty lunch you want to take a nap, drowsiness overcomes and the activity of the mind decreases. But eating is also an intake of energy, provided that the food is alive. Almost everyone knows how many useful amino acids and vitamins are in meat, but how much live energy is there? And if you compare this figure with a freshly prepared salad of vegetables or fruits?

Humanity spends 70% of its energy resources on the digestion of food. Not for work, entertainment or romance novels... For food. That is, in order to get energy from food, the human body must digest it, spending the same energy on chemical processes converting food into needed by the body proteins, amino acids, fats, etc. And if, say, 600 kJ was spent on processing, but 120 kJ were received, then something is wrong here. More precisely, with the attitude to food.

Proper nutrition at home implies the use of healthy, ecological products, without preservatives, thickeners, oxidants and artificially created tastes and aromas. No creepy amounts of sugar and trans fat, gluten and the like. All these inventions of civilization not only destroy the human body, but also wastefully spend, without replenishing, the energy of life, which can be used for more interesting things and moments.

Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, greens and dairy products, food cooked at home with love, not a hastily chewed hamburger, avoiding alcohol, nicotine and pseudo-stimulants in the form of energy drinks is the primary task for those who want to improve their level. energy, which means the standard of living. Longer heat treatments also reduce the energy level in food - the longer the cooking process, the less vitality the food has.

Any cooked food, in addition, absorbs the energy of the manufacturer, and who knows with what thoughts and emotions a pizza bought in a nearby cafe was prepared?

The power of thought

Movements, actions, emotions, thoughts are all kinds of energies of different levels and vibrations, and thought is the most powerful of them. And how a person treats his mind, what thought forms he fills, he becomes so - at the same time, he feeds himself with positive thoughts, and, on the contrary, destroys himself with negative ones.

Everyone understands how to be charged with the energy of thought, but not everyone does the right thing, referring to the complexity of life, lack of time or motivation. You need to resolutely drive away from yourself the negative of any manifestation by the power of your consciousness - inner smile should never leave the soul, despite the vicissitudes of life.

A person is a powerful point of energy radio communication, broadcasting and resonating with everything that happens around - and if the "radio waves" are chosen correctly, then the energy of inspiration and health will multiply, but when the air is overloaded with "yellow press and advertising", then the positive net the energy of the surrounding space will fall.

Humanity bears a huge responsibility for everything that happens in the world. These are his thoughts. All that is is the result of the confusion of the thoughts of all people. Maybe you should think about it a bit?

Upward movement

How to achieve harmony with yourself, the world and improve the quality of life? There is such a science, and it is even studied in schools, only special ones. This is yoga. A great teaching, which was first brought to the people by the sage Patanjali, and then other great people spread it. All of the above from the beginning of the article includes yoga. This is the ability to hear oneself, the world, eat right and work, find a balance between work and rest, charge with energy and direct it into the right channel, to be able to withstand negativity and difficulties, always looking at the world with a smile of the soul.

The best part is that everyone can do yoga, there is a niche for everyone. Flexible girls on Instagram are not quite yoga yet, but only one of the steps. Someone serves living beings, working as a volunteer or in a shelter for the homeless - this is Bhakti yoga of service, someone is working on the invention of a cure for cancer - this is the yoga of knowledge - Jnana. And some every day, year after year, day after day, diligently and efficiently do what they think is insignificant work - janitors and dishwashers, garbage truck drivers and sheep shepherds. This is Karma Yoga. The entire Universe is inextricably linked by the thinnest strings of energies and each, even the tiniest screw in this system, is very important. Be optimistic and do not litter the ether of the Universe with negativity!

Mindfulness is the key to success

After analyzing all of the above and applying it to your life, you can significantly change the situation for the better and no longer experience strong and prolonged breakdowns. Get enough sleep, spend more time in nature, eat healthy food and be sure to take time for yourself - after all, only a person himself can influence the quality of his life. There are many ways to recharge your batteries, but isn't it better to just avoid losing it?

Our body is a very delicate, sensitive, self-adjusting device. The circulatory, nervous, endocrine, lymphatic, immune, sexual systems, as well as the systems of digestion, respiration, purification, and others act in it.

All these systems function in the human energy field. There is an invisible energy biofield around each of us. Official medicine until recently did not recognize the presence of bioenergy.

However, recent physical research with the help of high-precision instruments, scientists were able to detect a biofield.

Just as rivers flow, so in the body, bioenergy flows through channels and meridians. Lack of energy leads to illness. Bioenergy is guided by thought.


This method has been known to the Hindus since ancient times and was called "Thought Healing".

Sit in the Pharaoh's pose with your hands on your knees, palms up. Ask for energy. Enter the flow, gain energy.


Hindus believe that the character of the heart resembles a thoroughbred horse. The heart gives in to gentle instructions, it is meek and kind. Attach warm hand under the heart (the other hand is clenched into a fist) and warm it. If there are irregularities in the area of ​​the heart, it will begin to beat intensely or unevenly. Tell him gently and affectionately: “Calm down, heart, work correctly. Try, help me. Work like a horse. Knock day and night with your feet. I love my heart! " Imagine how the heart nourishes all the cells of the body, spreads joy throughout the body. Imagine love radiating from you in all directions.

You will notice that the heart begins to beat calmly and evenly (Figure 10).

I advise you to carry out such treatment every other day for 10 seconds for two to three weeks. In case of a tumor in the chest, place your hand only under the chest (do not warm the tumor!).

Attention.When treating the heart, be careful: if you feel a heartbeat, stop the treatment.

You can feed the heart by putting working hand on the sternum. In my patient, the heart valve did not close completely. She mentally gave a command to the valve to close, and sent a trickle of energy. From the first time I felt relief.

If there are no serious violations in the work of the heart, then in 2-3 weeks you can carry out energy cleaning vessels of the heart.

Rub your palms. Put your working hand under your heart, and squeeze the other into a fist; mentally send a trickle of energy to the heart and then back under the left shoulder blade. It will get warmer under the scapula or it will ache a little. At strong energy this is very dangerous reception, spend 1-2 seconds. At weak energy - good prevention for heart. In Tibetan medicine, the heart is called the king of organs, the support of life and age.


The Hindus believe that many diseases originate from the stomach, and the rest of the ailments are the result of stomach ailments. From a sore stomach inflammatory process spreads to nearby organs: pancreas, gallbladder. The digestion process is disrupted.

Therefore, it is best to start by healing the stomach. To do this, rub your palms together. One palm will always be warmer. Put it on your stomach. Squeeze the other hand into a fist and calmly place it on your knees. Send the energy mentally from the clenched fist through the shoulders to the other hand and to the stomach. Warm up your stomach. Talk to him: “I want digestion to be correct; so that you become strong, healthy and work well. " Imagine a golden trickle of energy running from your palm to your stomach. This is how gastritis and stomach ulcers are cured. I had a patient who was obese. The stomach was sore, distended, black. Energy impact managed to cure the stomach (it became light) and reduced by 3 times (they gave a mental installation for its contraction). Appetite decreased after treatment.

Treat the stomach daily for 5-10 minutes. The success of the treatment affects in 1-4 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease and the ability to autosuggest.


Treat the liver the same way you treat the stomach. But treat her more harshly and persistently. Give your liver directions on how to do it right.

Mental attitude: “The blood washes the liver. The liver is cleansed, becomes firm and elastic. It secretes as much bile as the body needs. Bile flows freely into the gallbladder. " The liver is highly dependent on mood and thoughts.

Traditional medicine advises to “clear thoughts”.

“I wish everyone well. I understand and approve of my family and friends. I have only pure and sound thoughts left. Everything in my life is happening for my good. I see love and joy in my life. My thoughts heal me. I love my liver - the queen of all organs! " After warming up, you will feel a tingling sensation or pain in the liver area.


This is one of the most obedient bodies. For it to work, it is enough to pre-assign certain time and wish there was a chair. You can tap your fingers several times on your stomach from the navel to the pubis and say: “Well, my friend, come on, work in half an hour. I feed you and sing well, work as you should. " After emptying, praise the bowels: “Well done! Worked well and even earlier than requested. "


The kidneys are grids, filters whose task is to remove from the body harmful substances and retain useful ones. Because of bad water, food containing harmful substances, polluted air and other manifestations of environmental problems, they are always clogged. People who have an open "third eye" see that they have kidneys Brown color(chronic disease) or green and gray (disease), pink (inflammation); that the gratings are entwined with mud, cords, and mud. Rub your palms, put one on the kidney, the other - squeeze into a fist. Send energy to the kidney, flush it with an energetic golden shower. It immediately begins to brighten, clear, a lattice structure appears. Be sure to flush the other kidney as well (in case of illness, one kidney takes on a double load) - every day for 4–5 minutes each.


After the kidneys have recovered (and this happens after about a month), you can start treating the adrenal glands. Warm them up in the same way as your kidneys.


If a person has ever suffered from cystitis, then there are painful phenomena in the bladder. Warm it up daily for 4-5 minutes. The center of the palm should exactly hit the bladder (otherwise the appendages will take up energy), the palm should reach the perineum.

Gall bladder

Place a warm palm on your gallbladder (the other palm is clenched into a fist). Order the gallbladder: “Come on, drain the bile, greedy! Well, let it down immediately, I’m telling someone. ” And the bile goes down, flows down. Gall bladder in Tibetan medicine, it is called a bag of gold suspended from the liver.


To do this, put a warm palm (first rub your hands) on the organ where there is a stone, for example, on the liver. Send trickles of energy onto the stone, mentally envisioning them blurring it. Strengthen the impact by saying, "Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo." I know of cases when it was possible to blur stones in this way. It is especially effective when the patient sees the blurring process.

Mental attitude: "The stones turn into sand and leave painlessly."


In case of a bruised knee, you can warm it up. The pain will go away quickly.

With dysfunction of the uterus, when it is clogged with clots, you can warm up the uterus and mentally break up the clots.

With bronchitis nice results gives warming of the bronchi.

My 19-year-old patient with enuresis was cured after a course of warming up Bladder... At the same time, she performed a massage of her little fingers to strengthen the nervous system and ... began to wear warm underwear.

Good results are obtained by warming up the appendages.

Warm up the appendage with a warm palm, put the other palm on the buttock and use it as a screen.

The thyroid gland responds well to treatment. Warm it up for 2-3 minutes daily.

Installation: “The thyroid gland is working fine. The parathyroid glands work normally, the seals in them dissolve. "

An energy ball can be “chased” along the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Place it in your mind thyroid gland and do zigzags along the thyroid and parathyroid glands, warming them up.

Warm up the kidneys and adrenal glands for 3-5 minutes daily.

Tumors and pancreas should not be touched.

Speak more severely with stomach ulcers. Warm it up and say: “So that I don't know anything more about you. Come on, stop hurting, I'm telling someone! "


With both hands, alternately make grasping movements, touching the skin, mentally pulling out energy mud from the diseased organ and dumping it into a basin of water (similar to pulling out the evil eye). At the same time, say a prayer.

You can take out the dirt from the complex one by one bioactive points associated with the diseased organ.

The course of treatment is 15–20 procedures daily for 10–15 minutes.

Energy is life both physically and spiritually. No matter how many ways there are to replenish the supply of this power, meditation has been and remains the most effective of them.

Many believe that if the energy cannot be felt and it is impossible to understand where it is stored in a person, then there is no way to replenish it. Therefore, before talking about the methods of energy supply through meditation, one should understand the hierarchy of energy bodies.

Energy structure of a person

The spiritual component of a person is considered differently by different cultures and religions. None of them are correct or false - you won't be able to "touch" the details. To determine the energy structure of a person, one can find commonalities in various views and teachings.

First of all, a person has SOMETHING besides the body. How else to explain our feelings, emotions, experiences? Soul - that's what we used to call it. You can often hear about the aura invisible to the human eye. But, in addition, we feel when the energy is leaving, when it seems to be drawn from us. All this has long been studied by people. So, in China, it is believed that a person has three centers that form energy bodies. This is the point below the navel responsible for the physical state, in heart - energy manager qi, and the most subtle component is in the head.

Indian ancient treatises, the wisdom of which is still revered in India today, speak of the chakra system - the same energy centers. In this system, there are seven of them, and they are connected by sushumna, passing along the spine. Of course, Western esotericism does not ignore the energy structure of a person, speaking of several bodies. It is difficult to understand their location in relation to each other, just as it is impossible to verify. But compare the presence of those, thanks to the description different cultures still worth a try.

All energy centers are somehow connected with the physical structure of our body - the body that materialists recognize as the only one. It controls such, according to Indian teachings, the chakra located at the very bottom of the spine. This center, according to all beliefs, governs the physical and sexual energy, which is the main vitality.

Slightly above the first, but below the navel, is energy center human etheric body... It is responsible for our sensations. It is believed that this is a rather rough shell that we can still feel, for example, in the form of heat emanating from us. This body is often called the aura.

A more subtle energy body is the shell formed by the chakras in the solar plexus and heart. In Christianity, this is what it is customary to call the soul - “the soul hurts,” they say, and at this time it is in this part of our physical body that everything is aching. And remember any moment of intense experiences, when everything seems to be spinning in the stomach. Yes, this is where the energy of our senses is concentrated. If we compare these chakras with Western teachings, then this shell can be called the astral body. Despite the fact that it is also impossible to touch, psychologists have found ways to study the waves emitted by a person when experiencing a particular emotion. These are vibrations of various frequencies and strengths.

The next body is the mental. Although when comparing the chakras, its center is still the heart. Obviously, the title speaks to our thoughts. But where do they come from? Of course, from the feelings that we experience at one time or another.

The casual body is considered more subtle, the energy center of which is presumably located in the jugular cavity. The energy of this shell is known to very few people. In China it is called "sheng". It is believed that this body is responsible for our destiny - it is here that information about the causes and consequences of everything that happens in our life accumulates. Despite the fact that we physically cannot feel this shell, each of us was faced with forebodings and understanding that this was exactly the way it should have happened.

The next energy center is known to everyone - this is the point on the forehead between the eyebrows. A very thin one can pass through this point, but powerful energy, which, according to beliefs, can kill a person. That is why the chakra, which is commonly called the "third eye", is closed. Those with whom it is open, as a rule, were called saints (from the word "glow", "light"). The body that forms around this center is Buddhic (pay attention to the image of Buddha, his "third eye" is open).

The most subtle, most incomprehensible and unimaginable energy is nirvana. The body that forms around its center is often called atmanic (divine). The property of the energy of this level is called ascension, described both in the Bible (Transfiguration of the Lord) and in oriental treatises.

Perhaps someone will ask, but what about our brain - does not participate at all in the formation of energy bodies? Of course, it participates as an organizational center. He processes the signals coming at different levels, sends his own. A mass of information and sensations, energy flows of various levels pass through the human brain. But it has one property that is important to turn off when working with energy: analysis. It is important to understand that the brain cannot create anything. Everything that is born in him is the result of an analysis of previous experience.

Energy supply of a person

Understanding the complex energy structure of a person, we must also understand that the restoration of energy depends on its nature. And each body has its own techniques. But of all the most universal is, of course, meditation. And it is, rather, a complex of techniques that allow you to work with energy of various levels.

First of all, you should learn to work with the roughest - physical energy... By the way, it is this vital force that leaves us more tangibly than others and is restored. Only after mastering the technique of working on the lowest level, you can move on to thinner shells.

For efficient energy replenishment with meditation techniques attention, the ability to observe and listen to your feelings is important. Having developed these abilities, you will be able to independently manage your life force, because, according to Chinese wisdom, thought leads energy, which gives rise to strength.

On another level, you should learn to work with your emotions and feelings. It should be understood that negative emotions destroy our body. Therefore, meditation helps to restore a neutral state and eliminate the influence of negative vibrations. Remember that sadness destroys the lungs, so it should be replaced with a pure sense of justice and openness. Fear hurts the kidneys. To protect against this, they induce a feeling of warmth. The liver is vulnerable to anger. The destruction of this organ can be avoided with the help of meditation and attunement to goodness.

Accordingly, feeding energy level feelings, the tonality of emotions should be corrected, changing negative to positive.

Of course, it is difficult to work at a more subtle level, and not everyone develops to that degree. In order to get everything every person needs - calmness and a sense of comfort, satisfaction with life and its quality, health and physical strength, - it is enough to work with the first three levels, or energy bodies... And in best degree for this meditation is suitable.

There is such a concept - dendrotherapy, that is, treatment with the energy of trees of various breeds, which is becoming more popular every day. And this is not surprising - after all, the healing effect of such treatment has been confirmed not only by centuries of folk experience, but also by specific cases described in works on clinical scientific medicine.

Even in ancient times, Indian yogis argued that trees absorb prana ( vital energy), coming to us from the Cosmos, they are able, under certain conditions, to feed a person with it. Today, it is believed that different tree species have different properties, from the point of view of their inherent, but in the old days in Russia, folk healers knew about this: for example, toothache was treated with aspen bark, oak was used to recuperate, bad energy can be given to spruce, and good - take from pine, etc.

In all cases, it is necessary to start working with a tree in order to establish a kind of contact with it: greet it, coming up, and say goodbye to it, leaving, thank it every time, and then it is almost guaranteed that the bioenergetic exchange will be not only beneficial, but also very powerful;

The accumulation of energy is best done in a completely calm person, nervous system which is completely balanced;

Strong emotions of fear, envy weaken the energy, an irritated person loses a lot of energy; to communicate with trees, you must have inner kindness;

When replenishing energy from a tree with one of the essential conditions is a figurative representation of the process of energy accumulation, without which the accumulation and assimilation of energy by the human body is practically impossible;

The more imaginative, the brighter such a performance, the more it will become therapeutic effect, therefore, you need to strive to feel how the power of the tree flows into every cell of the body.

It is also important to make the right choice. This will be discussed further below, but, first of all, you need to know the following:

From a bioenergetic point of view, different breeds have their own periods of rest and wakefulness;

It is best to draw energy from a freestanding tree. If it is energetically powerful, then, as a rule, no other trees grow around it at a distance of about six meters;

Heap-growing trees different breeds do not have a powerful energetic effect;

Each tree has certain areas with the most intense energy output;

Highly essential has seasonality: in different time the energy level is very different;

Almost always, it is much higher in spring and summer (in evergreen species, the energy potential increases by an average of 20%, and even more in deciduous species: from 50 to 70%).

Energy properties of trees

Today's research healing properties trees are dealt with by many specialists and scientists. Today we already know for sure: trees have a powerful biofield, the effect of which on a person is manifested not only in the undoubted health-improving effect, but also in the fact that with its help it is quite possible to treat many diseases, including serious ones, no worse than pills and operations - and, most importantly, without side effects, without any additional harm to the sick person's body. However, it is necessary to know exactly which tree is capable of curing which disease.

Meanwhile, scientific experiments have confirmed that human interaction with a tree is possible of three types:

Make-up human body life-giving energy;

On the contrary, the selection of energy from a person by a tree;

Finally, neutral.

The feeding trees are definitely: oak, birch, pine, acacia, mountain ash, maple, apple, chestnut, ash, linden.

Take energy: aspen, spruce, poplar, bird cherry, willow, alder.

However, each person has his own, the most preferred trees - both feeding and taking away.

At the same time, oak is nourishing for about 60% of people, birch - for 25-30%, pine - for 10-15%.

It turns out that energetically sensitive people can independently check and evaluate the energetic one. To do this, it is enough to put your palm forward from a distance of one and a half meters from the tree and slowly approach the trunk. From about one meter away, the palm will begin to feel increased density, then - warmth, and, in especially sensitive ones, it can even be felt slight tingling(This happens if the bioenergetic power of the tree is high enough. When they bring their hand to the consumer tree, sensitive people do not feel warmth, but a slight coolness, coupled with a certain feeling of attraction to the tree).

Each person has a tree that is closest to him in energy characteristics. It is it that is the guardian of your health. If you feel bad, come to this tree, snuggle up to it, relax, listen to the rustle of foliage, renounce all thoughts - and it will share its power with you. You can wear this wood. Choose furniture and other items made from it over all other types of wood.

It is believed that with a competent approach to dendrotherapy, trees - consumers of bioenergy (aspen, willow, poplar) will help cleanse themselves of negative information, improve the throughput energy channels a person or the state of his biofield. Donor trees will give you a boost of healing energy and fill you with natural vitality.

Recharge with positive energy

Energy replenishment is necessary in all those cases when there is a lack of it in the body. In addition to general malaise and, often, concomitant insomnia, exacerbations of chronic diseases and significant general depression. Of the acute manifestations, the most common: colds, tonsillitis, gastrointestinal disorders, arthritis.

Description of the charging process

1. Choose the strongest tree with healthy shiny leaves. Walk around the tree, evoke a feeling of sympathy and goodwill towards the tree, listen carefully to your feelings, catch the tree's benevolent attitude towards itself. If such sensations do not arise, then this tree is not suitable for you.

2. Having found a tree that is in harmony with you, approach it at a distance at which the influence from the tree is most strongly felt.

3. Mentally turn to a tree with a request to replenish your energy, or to give energy to fight any ailment.

4. Standing near the tree, feel the roots of the tree, the movement of the Earth's energy from the roots along the trunk up to the crown of the tree. Then feel how the energy of the Cosmos flows through the leaves and moves down the trunk, reaching the roots. Identify yourself with the tree, mentally merge with it, feel the movement of energy from the bottom up and vice versa.

5. Try to relax and not think about anything. Then start breathing rhythmically: inhale - hold your breath - exhale. Inhalation and exhalation should be the same in time - 4, 6, 8 s, and the delay should be about 4 s. As you inhale, you need to imagine how the energy of the tree rises through your legs and body to the solar plexus. It is even better to see her at the same time in color: silver, blue, violet. When holding your breath - imagine how energy accumulates in the solar plexus area. During the first half of the exhalation, the energy rises up from the solar plexus, and during the second half, it goes into lower part body.

6. Absorb energy, imagining how it passes through you, and pass it through every cell of the body until you feel a special inner purity and complete peace, relaxation, a feeling of absolute harmony with all that exists.

7. Be sure to thank the tree when you say goodbye to it.

Energy reset

It must be carried out in cases where there is an excess of negative energy in the body. It manifests itself almost always in the form:

Headache, neuroses, discomfort in the region of the heart (heart rhythm disturbances are possible), exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

This deficiency is also observed in all, without exception, people with inflammation, burns, injuries, as well as after undergoing surgical interventions.

Aspen and poplar are best suited for the vast majority of people (according to some sources - from 94 to 96%). Quite a few people choose spruce for this purpose. However, aspen is preferred.

The technique is approximately the same, however, in in this case, certain rules must also be followed.

First of all, such a procedure should be carried out no later than two or better 3 hours before bedtime; otherwise, perhaps so unpleasant side effect like insomnia;

It is even more important that the duration of each individual procedure should never exceed two, maximum 3 minutes. Longer contact can be fraught with already pronounced malaise and even surges in blood pressure.