Experience: “Game stretching. Consultation for preschool teachers. Game stretching. As well as other works that may interest you

Preschool age is considered the most important for the physical, mental and mental development child. During this period, the foundations of his health are laid. Therefore, the main task of physical culture and health-improving work is to promote health, improve the physical development of a preschooler.

In the Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) says "Health is not only the absence of disease or infirmity, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being" .

Everyone knows that getting a child to exercise is very difficult. But this is necessary, because our children constantly experience a lack of movement. The incidence is increasing every year and "getting younger" . Many children of our institution suffer from chronic diseases and have a pathological posture.

Many interesting and varied

forms of physical culture and health-improving work and health-saving

technologies. My attention was drawn to the technique of game stretching.

Game stretching is a creative activity in which children

live in a world of images, often no less real to them than surrounding reality. The implementation of gaming opportunities in order to improve and develop the child is the essence of stretching. Moreover, all exercises and classes are conducted in the form of a role-playing or themed game, consisting of interrelated situations, tasks and exercises. The technique of game stretching is based on static stretching of the muscles of the body and the articular-ligamentous apparatus of the arms, legs, spine, which helps to prevent postural disorders and correct it, which has a deep healing effect on the entire body. Exercises are performed without outside influence, because. human body own coach. Manipulating your body in a slow and therefore safe rhythm is most effective. In children, the complexes associated with the physical imperfection of the body, the inability to control it disappear. In addition, children acquire a stock of motor skills that allow them to feel strong, beautiful, self-confident, and create a sense of inner freedom.

Stretching exercises not only develop the body, but also expand the limits of a person's mental capabilities. The main difference between stretching exercises and regular physical exercises is that the latter require a lot of tension to perform, while stretching exercises, on the contrary, refuse movements that require tension. Not intensity, but systematic exercise - this is the key to success when doing stretching.

The technique of game stretching has no age restrictions, you can start practicing with children of 4 years of age. Exercises, covering all muscle groups, are close and understandable to children by the names of animals or imitative actions and are performed in the course of a role-playing game based on a scenario based on fairy-tale material. In every class I give new game a fairy tale in which children "turn" in various animals, insects and perform complex exercises in an interesting way.

The main principles of organizing classes are:

  • Visibility - Demonstration of physical exercises, figurative story.
  • Accessibility - Teaching exercises from simple to complex, from known to unknown, taking into account the degree of preparedness of children.
  • Systematic - The regularity of classes, increasing the load, increasing the number of exercises, complicating the technique of their implementation.
  • Consolidation of skills - repeated performance of exercises. Ability to perform them independently, outside of class.
  • Individual-differential approach - Taking into account the characteristics of the age, health status of each child.
  • Consciousness - Understanding the benefits of doing the exercise, the need to perform them.

During the training sessions on game stretching, the following tasks are solved:

  • Teaching children various types of imitative movements of game stretching.
  • Draw the attention of children to the accuracy of the movements, the transfer of the characteristic features of the images.
  • Development of physical qualities: muscle strength, agility, endurance, flexibility; development of mental qualities: attention, memory, imagination, mental abilities.
  • Upbringing moral qualities, sociability.
  • Keep children interested in activities.
  • Strengthening the musculoskeletal system, increasing the functional activity of organs and systems of the body.
  • Creation of conditions for a positive psycho-emotional state of children.

Elements of game stretching can be included in any form of physical culture and health work in a preschool educational institution. Morning gymnastics with elements of game stretching creates an organized beginning, an even, cheerful mood among those involved.

The combination of dynamic and static physical exercises is the most

corresponds to the nature of the human musculoskeletal system and is, best method training for the development of strength, endurance, coordination of movements.

The exercises of the game stretching technique arose mainly on the basis of physical therapy exercises, but they are distinguished by a greater statics of their implementation, and a more playful character, the introduction of elementary concentration and relaxation skills accessible to children, and breathing exercises. These exercises are available to everyone who is not forbidden by doctors to engage in general physical training. They do not require sports equipment, large halls, material costs. They can be performed in children's institutions and at home, in groups and individually.

Stretching liberates children, making them open and cheerful. During these classes, children receive emotional release, physical pleasure, which in turn involves children in the process of physical education. Children are eagerly waiting for the next lessons.

1. Game stretching can be done individually or in a group.

At group lessons be sure to take into account the age

2. The time of the classes also depends on the age of the children: 3-4 years old - 25-30

minutes; 5-6 years - 40 minutes; 6-7 years old.

3. It is best to exercise in a well-ventilated area. Carpet for

classes should be comfortable and have a pleasant color for the child.

4. Try to get children to follow the principle of gradualness. Not worth it

rush during class.

5. Remember that all exercises are based on alternating tension and

muscle relaxation.

6. Make sure that you do not perform several exercises in a row.

similar muscle groups.

7. In each lesson, a combination of dynamic and static is required.

forms of muscle action.

Observe the principle of regularity in classes.

8. You can not force a child to study. If the child is forced. That's good

there won't be any from this class. This is evidenced by studies of American physiologists. Physical exercise is good for health

only if performed voluntarily.

9. The teacher needs to respect his children.

Stretching game exercises contribute to the training of all body functions. This is tension - relaxation - stretching, the absence of injuries; - static stretching, greatly improves our flexibility; improves joint mobility; by stretching the muscles, we increase our flexibility and dexterity; relieves muscle tension; during static stretching, harmonious and natural development and strengthening the systems and functions of the body; promotes better coordination of movements, increases the ability to move; plasticity improves; artistry appears - improves well-being and cheers up; back muscles are strengthened, thereby a beautiful posture appears.

Senior educator MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 26"

Galdaeva Yulia Olegovna,

Kemerovo region, Anzhero-Sudzhensk


Pedagogy and didactics

With these documents, the state guarantees to all children of preschool age the realization of the rights to the protection of life and health, free qualified medical care, provision rational nutrition, contributes to the creation safe conditions for the formation of a comprehensively developed life-competent personality ...

Course work (practical) on the subject "Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and development of children of early and preschool age"

on the topic: "The use of game stretching in the formation of recreational work in a preschool educational institution"


Chapter 1. Role and the place of game stretching in the system of health-improving work of a preschool educational institution…………………..……..5

  1. The main characteristics of recreational work in preschool educational institution…………………….…………….…………5
    1. Game stretching as a method of improving flexibility and developing mobility………………………………………………………………..10

Chapter 2

2.1. Organization of classes using game stretching for preschool children…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2.2. Analysis of the advanced pedagogical experience on the use of the game stretching method……………………………………………………….……….28


List of sources used…………………………………………...35


In modern society, the problem of preserving the health of children is more relevant than ever because of the general deterioration in the health of the population, the increase in birth defects and deviations in the health of preschool children.

Physical education of the younger generation is one of the most important areas of modern preschool education. It is aimed at maintaining and strengthening the health of preschool children, timely formation of vital motor skills and abilities in them, development of physical qualities, ensuring an appropriate level of physical fitness and physical culture in general, familiarization with the structure and basic functions of one’s body, fostering a steady interest in motor activity, developing healthy lifestyle habits.

The priority of the physical development of children is determined by the current regulatory and legal documents in the field of healthcare, as well as directly related to issues of preschool education - the Laws of the Russian Federation "On Education", "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population", as well as Decrees of the President of Russia "On Urgent Measures to Ensure health of the population of the Russian Federation”, “On approval of the main directions of the state social policy on improving the situation of children in the Russian Federation"

With these documents, the state guarantees to all children of preschool age the realization of the rights to the protection of life and health, free qualified medical care, provision of rational nutrition, promotes the creation of safe conditions for the formation of a comprehensively developed life-competent personality in the process of public and family education, etc.

Given the above, the activities of preschool educational institution should be aimed at preserving, strengthening and restoring the physical, mental and spiritual health of children, ensuring their timely and full, harmonious physical development from the first years of life.

object research is such an innovative method of physical education as game stretching, and subject advocates the use of techniques and methods of game stretching in the work of a preschool educational institution.

Target given term paper- to study the role of game stretching in the formation of recreational work among preschool children.

The hypothesis of the study is the assumption that classes using game stretching increase the level of physical fitness, the development of physical and communicative qualities in preschool children.

Among main tasksThe work worth mentioning is the following:

Determine the main characteristics of recreational work in preschool education;

To reveal the definition of "game stretching", its main features;

To study the process of organizing classes using game stretching;

Designate the main means and techniques of the game stretching method.

Research methods.When conducting research on the subject, scientific general theoretical and empirical methods were used. Among the general theoretical ones, it is worth highlighting such as analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification, generalization of psychological and pedagogical and methodical literature on the subject of research.

Work structure.The work includes a content, an introduction, two chapters - a theoretical part and a practical part, as well as a conclusion and a list of sources used.


  1. The main characteristics of recreational work in a preschool educational institution

Society on present stage its development makes ever higher demands on every person, including his health. World Organization Health considers health to be a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. In this regard, the problem of health is considered in a broad social aspect.

Therefore the question early formation health culture is worth more than ever. At the same time, work with children of preschool age plays a special role. It is well known that preschool age is the basis for the formation of mentally and physically healthy person, because it is up to 7 years that each person goes through a unique path of development. During this period, the formation of organs and the formation functional systems organism, the foundations of personality and character are laid, as well as the attitude and position towards others. It is important not to miss the opportunity to form in children a certain layer of knowledge, practical skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle, the need for systematic physical activity.

The health-improving direction of the work of Russian preschool institutions has always occupied a priority position, and today is no exception.

In the general system of preschool education, physical education occupies a special important place. It is based on a scientifically substantiated and put into practice system, the constituent elements of which are pedagogical and hygienic procedures. The purpose of these events is to strengthen the spiritual, physical and health of each individual child.

Let's define the global tasks facing any preschool educational institution. Among them it is worth noting:

Ensuring the mental and physical health of children;

Protection and strengthening of the health of preschool children, increasing the immunity of their resistance to their organisms;

Taking into account individual characteristics, the formation of the necessary motor skills and abilities;

Improving mental and physical performance;

Education of the need and habits for a healthy lifestyle, that is, personal physical culture;

Creation of conditions for the implementation of physical activity.

The main goal of physical education has always been, is and will be the formation of the physical culture of the individual. Studying the issue of physical education of preschool children, three main tasks can be distinguished, namely:




Now let's take a closer look at each of them.

The complex of educational tasks that any preschool educational institution faces includes the formation of the habit of observing the daily routine, the rules of personal hygiene, as well as daily physical activity; development of will, patience and purposefulness; creating a foundation for the emergence of positive qualities of character, to promote emotional development preschoolers.

Educational tasks are aimed directly at conveying to each child knowledge about human anatomy and physiology, elementary rules of hygiene, as well as developing the physical qualities of children and forming their motor skills and abilities.

Among the health-improving tasks, we pay attention to the following: to promote the comprehensive harmonious development of the physical properties of preschoolers, to maintain a positive emotional state in children, as well as improve health using various modern and traditional methods hardening.

Among the means by which the physical health of children is preserved, it is worth highlighting such as full and varied diet, development of activity and movements, carrying out procedures for hardening the body, as well as hygiene regimen.

To ensure education healthy child, work in preschool educational institutions should be based on such basic principles as:

Raising a physically and mentally healthy child through the joint efforts of the family and society (in this case refers to a preschool institution);

Creating favorable conditions for full physical development, as well as increasing the protective functions of the child's body and reducing the incidence of children;

A systematic approach to solving physical culture and health problems;

Improving professional competence, as well as pedagogical skills of educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions.

For the purpose of the full physical development of preschool children, as well as instilling the need for activity and movement, special conditions must be created in a children's institution. For example, in each children's group there should be enough space for active physical activities, as well as the presence of sports corners and complexes. All this creates a favorable environment and children's interest in physical culture, allows you to train, and also increases the effectiveness of classes. Also on the territory of the institution there should be a sports area for sports games and other activities.

A flexible and well-organized daily routine contributes to the harmonious and full development child. Every day in all groups there should be activities related to physical education and sports. These include morning exercises in a specially equipped hall or outdoors, tempering procedures, direct identification activities in physical education, various active games throughout the day. All of the above allows you to balance the intellectual and physical load of preschoolers.

A special place in the daily routine of children is given to hardening procedures that help strengthen immunity and reduce the number of diseases. As an important component of physical culture, hardening activities are included in mandatory conditions vaccinations healthy way life. In this regard, when developing a complex of hardening procedures, it is necessary to provide for various methods, forms and techniques, as well as the age of the pupils, the state of health of each of them, seasonal changes in the weather.

This is not an easy task - to correctly select a set of hardening procedures. It is necessary that hardening methods be varied and help to increase the immunity of the child's body in the fight against the risks of diseases affecting it.

Health-saving technologies provide for the formation in children of a meaningful attitude towards their well-being as an important component of a quality life.

Among the methods of realizing the main tasks of physical education, a special place is occupied by plot-role-playing classes. Their essence lies in the triple impact on the personality and body of the child in the form of a game, plot and movement. Each of these components has specific capabilities. The significance of the game form of physical activity lies in the fact that it is the most acceptable, accessible and understandable form of transferring the totality of knowledge about physical culture to preschool children. The complex of movements offered to pupils includes general developmental exercises, partially movements from psycho-gymnastics, basic exercises, self-massage, as well as corrective, finger and breathing exercises.

During games and activities, children move a lot: running, jumping, crawling, climbing, etc. At the same time, endurance, speed of reaction, dexterity, as well as determination, courage are manifested, independence is brought up.

One of the main tasks in this case is the increase in motor experience. During the game, children are in the world of fairy tales, repeat the actions and movements of the characters, show their motor skills, and gradually acquire the habit of a healthy lifestyle. In addition, they study different actions and try to control their emotions.

In the process of the game, children show creativity, and therefore there is a huge interest on their part in the plot-game forms of physical activity. They actively repeat the main physical exercise, and at the same time, motor skills and abilities are automated. A fairy tale helps to create a cheerful and joyful mood for children, and a positive level of psycho-emotional state is a guarantee of the harmonious development of the child physically and in the neuropsychic sphere. At the same time, it is desirable to adhere to the traditional structure of the lesson, that is, it should consist of introductory, main and final parts. Also, when planning classes, teachers and methodologists need to remember that there is no decrease in motor density, as well as the subordination of exercises to the plot, and this creates damage to the development of motor qualities.

Movement, play and plot as a set of interrelated components are an integrated system that has a fruitful effect on the child's personality and body.

Summing up the above, it is worth noting that with a systematic approach to the implementation of physical culture and health work in a preschool educational institution, children will have good physical fitness and health, which in turn is successful pledge for further schooling. Physical education in a children's educational institution with an emphasis on a healthy lifestyle lays skills and abilities for the future.

1.2. Game stretching as a method for improving flexibility and developing mobility in preschool children

IN Lately in the foreign and domestic system of physical education, stretching has become very popular - a system of static exercises that develop flexibility and help increase muscle elasticity.

The very definition of "stretching" comes from English word stretching, which means "pull", "stretch".

When doing stretching during stretching exercises in a static mode, a person takes a certain position and holds it for 15-60 seconds. At this time, he can strain the stretched muscles.

In the process of stretching exercises in a static mode, the student assumes a certain position and holds it for 15 to 60 seconds, while he can strain the stretched muscles.

When stretching the muscles and holding them in a specific position, they accelerate the processes of metabolism and blood circulation, which, in fact. This is the physiological essence of these activities.

Stretching exercises in the practice of physical education and sports can be used: after warm-up exercises as a means of preparing muscles, tendons and ligaments for an intensive training program during warm-up; as a means of developing flexibility and increasing the elasticity of muscles and ligaments during the main part of the lesson; as a means of preventing injuries of the musculoskeletal system, recovering from high loads, as well as to prevent cramps and relieve pain in the final part.

There are various options for conducting stretching classes. The following exercise algorithm is often used:

  1. power or speed-strength exercise (in this case, muscle contraction occurs) - lasts 1-5 s;
  2. muscle relaxation - about 3-5 s;
  3. stretching in a static position - duration 15 - 60 s.

Another order of stretching exercises is also used: during the warm-up or the main part of the session, springy exercises are performed, which end with holding a static pose for a certain period of time in the last repetition.

The nature and duration of rest between exercises can be different. In addition, this respite can be filled by doing outdoor activities or slow running.

The stretching technique is selected individually. However, there are certain general recommendations for training.

1. Holding a pose (duration of one repetition) - from 15 to 60 s (for beginners and children - 10-20 s).

2. The number of repetitions of one exercise from 2 to 6 times, with a rest between repetitions of 10-30 s.

3. The number of exercises in one complex is from 4 to 10.

4. The total duration of the entire load is from 10 to 45 minutes.

5. The nature of the rest - active rest, complete relaxation, jogging.

The onset of the rapid effect of exercises on the development of flexibility directly depends on compliance with methodological rules, namely:

Preliminary functional warming up;

Consistency in the selection of means and rational arrangement in the structure of the lesson (as a rule, in the first half of the main part);

Repeated repetition and gradual intensification of stretching impulses (up to mild pain);

The use of exercises that cause sufficient heat production.

With a targeted impact on flexibility in physical education, as well as its development and preservation, such modes of influence on flexibility are distinguished as:

  1. Supportive mode, in which there is a limited number of approaches in performing stretching exercises in order to prevent and prevent readaptation deterioration in flexibility;

2. Developing mode - massive use of stretching exercises in the system of various methods and forms of organization.

In the process of special development of flexibility, methods such as:

The method of repeated exercise;

- method of combining with strength exercises;

Static stretch method;

Game and competitive methods.

The central method of developing flexibility is considered to be the repetition method, when stretching exercises are applied in multiple approaches. The method of multiple stretching is based on the property of muscles to stretch cases of numerous repetitions of exercises.

During classes, movements begin with a small amplitude, gradually increasing them to a maximum. The boundary line of the optimal number of repetitions is the appearance of pain or a decrease in the range of motion.

The number of repetitions in the approach varies, depending on the physical fitness of the student, as well as on his gender and age.

The method of combining with strength exercises is based on the location: after a prolonged power load, the muscle tends to shorten by 30% or more - the so-called “contractile debt” effect, if it occurs, then the strength capabilities decrease, while the muscles remain at rest and shortened, which proves the need joint development strength and flexibility.

The combined method is implemented through the selection of special strength exercises, which require high mobility of the working links.

Also, in the process of physical education classes in a preschool educational institution, static stretching methods are widely used: passive and active, which are based on the dependence of the stretching value on its duration in time.

When using this method, having previously relaxed, the trainees perform the exercise and hold the final position from 5 seconds to several minutes.

Game and competitive methods for the development of flexibility are most often used in work with preschoolers. The use of these methods improves emotional background classes, and also undoubtedly increases interest in performing exercises.

It is important to determine the optimal proportions in the use of exercises that develop flexibility, and the correct dosage of loads. This is done in the planning stage.

The effectiveness of individual exercises in stretching largely depends on their duration in time, since maximum joint mobility must be ensured.

The study of the dynamics of mobility in the joints showed that it gradually increases, and having reached a maximum, it remains at the same level for a certain period of time, and then decreases.

The number of movements that is necessary to achieve maximum amplitude for different joints is not the same.

joint features, gender, age, as well as the pace and nature of the exercises, which can vary from 20 seconds to 2-3 minutes - the duration of each impact depends on all of the above.

In one stretching lesson, it is advised to perform the exercises in the following sequence: first, for upper limbs, then proceed to the impact on the muscles of the body, and at the end of the lesson, pay attention to the lower limbs.

When performing exercises in several approaches, relaxation is used during intermediate rest.

Stretching exercises are included in the preparatory part of each physical education lesson in a preschool educational institution. They are a means of preparing the musculoskeletal system for active muscular activity, and also, taking into account the tasks of educating flexibility, for restoring the body and active rest at the end of the lesson.

Given the innovative trends in the development of education in the Russian Federation, domestic teachers and methodologists have recently paid more and more attention to new methods in the educational and educational processes. To form a physically developed and active child, the so-called game stretching method is increasingly used in classes in preschool educational institutions.

The methodologist who directly developed one of the methods of game stretching is Nazarova A.G. In her opinion, game stretching is slow movements that affect muscles and joints throughout the entire depth. Lyakh V.I. argues that the lesson should be built taking into account the principles of optimization of differentiation and individualization, only then the complex of health-improving, educational and educational tasks is solved. Gorbatenko O.F. says that game stretching exercises help to increase the physical fitness of those involved, develop motor abilities, as well as promoting the prevention of postural disorders and flat feet. During stretching, more blood flows to the muscles and the muscles become elastic.

Studying the methodology of Nazarova A.G., we see the disclosure of the definition of "game stretching" through the game, that is, in her opinion, it is of paramount importance in the process of practicing game stretching. The Methodist believes that in our life there is a lack of such a concept as "Homo ludens", which means "a person playing." The game is interesting process, which helps to get away for a while from the sometimes harsh reality, problems, and it captivates the one who plays. The game is a different reality, it is available in different forms of perception at all levels of cultural development.

Also, the methodologist considers the game as a kind of biological function of the body, since in the process of the game a person imitates, compensates for unrealized opportunities, excess energy comes out, and also learns self-control.

Play is a creative activity for children. In the minds of adults, this is not serious, but children often live in the game, because the action of game images does not stop after the game is over. Children see play as reality.

Thus, the goal of the game stretching technique is to realize the world of play for the health of the child.

Classes using game stretching methods are held in the form of a thematic or plot-role-playing game, which consists of interrelated exercises, tasks, game situations, games that are selected in such a way as to contribute to the solution of developmental and recreational tasks.

In the process of game stretching, the method of analogies with the flora and fauna (motor imitation, posture, image) is widely used, as well as the method of theatricalization, where the director is the educator, who, using game paraphernalia, helps to reveal the healing and creative possibilities of the subconscious of each preschooler.

When conducting classes according to the method of game stretching Nazarova A.G. emphasizes the need to take into account the age characteristics of pupils. So speaking of junior preschool age(4th year of a child's life), she notes such physiological features of the child's body as the cartilaginous structure of the skeletal system in certain places (tibia, hands, etc.), improper physical exertion on which can lead to their curvature. At this age, you also need to pay Special attention for gait and posture. Children still do not know how to properly use the gym, they push, so you need to help them find their place, line up. The introductory part of the lesson with such groups of children takes up to 10 minutes.

In early preschool age, it is best to use games such as “airplanes” or “find your place”.

During this period, the main activity is directly the game. In the course of her children easily get used to the image, and get great pleasure. But basically the game is individual in nature, since each child plays by himself, they are still little interested in the result of the action. Everyone wants to show himself, his own "I", captured by the active process itself. They do not know how to analyze their actions, they do the exercises poorly. Many do not want to do exercises, they are distracted.

At this stage, you need to teach children to take a starting position, restrain movements, accustom them to a certain signal to start doing exercises, as they try to move around the gym, interfere with each other. At the age under consideration, volitional efforts have not yet been developed in the process of performing the exercise, emotional excitability is increased, attention is extremely unstable, there is no desire to concentrate. The educator needs to be shown everything, because there is a poor perception of verbal information and the high role of imitation.

Each child needs an individual approach in order to accustom to verbal explanations; be sure to say why they chose him, what and how he does it right, thereby giving impetus to his desire to repeat physical exercises several times and do it better.

At the age of four, babies' breathing is still superficial. It is best to teach proper breathing on images (use sounds on exhalation: meow, uf, etc., depending on the sample). When using musical accompaniment, there is almost no coordination of movements. Many children who have just entered preschool children's institution from the family, cannot adapt to group activities.

The 5th year of life (middle group of preschool children) is the period of the first traction, there is an accumulation of muscle strength, increased mobility and endurance. At the same time, the feet and part of the bones of the hand remain cartilaginous. Children do not yet know how to perform precise and small movements.

At the same time, body movements are already quite accurate and coordinated. They can perform movements intentionally, regulate them. At this age, the strength of the limbs increases, as well as the ability to maintain the desired posture and performance. The hands of a preschooler are not energetic enough, but the gait has become more correct, the step is more even. You can already practice different ways of walking - on your heels, on your toes, on the outside of the foot, etc.

The game remains the main activity. But children are already able to perceive verbal explanations, in addition to directly showing the exercise itself. Starting positions are easier to understand and follow. At the same time, it is necessary to accustom them to the perception of verbal information, explaining along the way what is being done correctly and why (for example, the legs are straight, the socks are pulled back, the legs are shoulder-width apart, they turned their heads to the right, stretched, etc.)

Children middle group it is easier to train to keep its place during classes and to build correctly. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the position of the shoulders (very straining) and legs (tending to bend). They know how to do exercises to the beat, in harmony and obey the rhythm, they perceive musical accompaniment.

They show a desire to fantasize, easily and with pleasure get used to the images (in the form of animals, plants, natural phenomena, etc.), participate in mini-improvisations. They get involved in competitive games, are able to analyze movement and get satisfaction from the beauty of movement.

I really like praise. The greatest reward for them is to demonstrate to other children their ability to correctly perform the exercise. For many, actions and behavior are out of control of consciousness, attention is not yet stable, emotional breakdowns are possible. The work of the educator should be aimed at encouraging their strong-willed qualities, independence, perseverance. The number of repetitions of exercises is approximately 5-6 times.

In the senior and preparatory groups (6th and 7th years of life), the process of ossification and body growth continues in children. You can give exercises for strength and elasticity, since the skeleton is mostly strong. Arms and legs became stronger, and fingers became more mobile. Increased accuracy and coordination of movements.

At this time, some preschoolers have a desire to attract attention and the impulsive nature of movements.

The gait is already well coordinated, there are no unnecessary movements. Actions are under the control of consciousness, and can correct the strength of the movement. Children show interest in the correctness of the exercises, begin to understand their benefits, the relationship between the exercise and the final result. They repeat the exercises many times and are persistent in overcoming difficulties.

At this age, children are suitable for collective and team play. They perceive the command well, maintain their original position, and also highlight the main thing in postures and posture. They are more disciplined and organized, able to maintain spatial orientation. They analyze their victories and failures of other children, even want to help each other.

They are already attracted by the result of the exercises, so they begin to do them at home on their own initiative.

From children, you can demand plasticity of movements, their clarity and beauty. At the same time, verbal instructions are more important than their demonstration.

Basically, children of this age feel the musical rhythm well and obey it. You can also work with the breath on a verbal level, that is, explaining when to breathe in and when to breathe out.

For preschoolers of 6-7 years of age, it is important to cultivate interest in independent daily activities at home. Repeat exercises 6-8 times.

Summing up, it is worth noting that game stretching is a system of static exercises to develop flexibility and increase muscle elasticity, which are performed in the form of a game and gaming technologies. Game stretching is widely used in the system of preschool educational institutions. When conducting physical education classes with the help of game stretching, it is important to take into account the age characteristics of a group of preschoolers and, based on this, compose sets of exercises for the development of flexibility and stretching.


2.1. Organization of playing stretching classes for preschool children

Stretching can be done both individually and in groups, while taking into account the age characteristics of children, that is, the group should be made up of children of approximately the same age.

Each group includes no more than 15 children. Classes are held in a ventilated and clean room for 30 minutes (for preschoolers). Children should be dressed lightly, without shoes, and practice on mats.

Classes will be especially effective if there is a general positive emotional tone, a joyful state and a positive attitude towards the exercise.

The teacher teaches children to keep their attention on specific mental images, to make representations lively and vivid.

Concentration on real sensations and perceptions (auditory, visual, muscular) allows you to control attention.

In a state of muscle relaxation, the effect increases mental images, programming and regulating the power of the word.

Each lesson should combine static and dynamic forms of muscle work.

Any movement must be compensated with a counter-movement. Muscles that are under tension need to be constantly strengthened by stretching and relaxing.

The basis of all exercises is the alternation of tension and relaxation of muscles. In the process of stretching and relaxing, the educator must create feedback, that is, pays attention to the state of this muscle group, as well as the whole body.

No need to perform exercises one after another for similar muscle groups.

So that the spine does not become stiff, it must be stretched in different directions.

Stretching should be slow, gradual, effortless, not abrupt, so that it does not bring discomfort and anxiety. Every movement is controlled by the body.

There is a biological connection with the brain, since the work of some muscles affects and affects the tone of others.

During exercises with statics and relaxation, body memory skills are developed, muscle control is developed.

It is important to remember that in order to properly relax, you need to learn how to strain as much as possible. The more plastic the muscular system, the less extremes the body has (with stress from convulsions to fainting). Stretching is the shortest way to the ability to manage your muscle tone.

Cooperation with one's body, the process of managing it is possible only when a person knows and feels it. It is recommended to develop a muscular sense of the face, release of clamps, as well as control over the tone of facial muscles, introduce facial exercises (joy, anger, surprise, contempt, fear, etc.) into role-playing games.

It is advisable to perform exercises under a calm, clear musical accompaniment.

Let us dwell on the organization of the game stretching classes.

Children, using various types of walking, enter the hall in an organized manner to the music.

While walking, perform the following set of exercises:

1. A simple clear step with a toe pull and a wave of the hands.

2. On the outside of the foot (like cubs). Hands on the belt.

3. On socks (driving). Hands behind your head.

4. On straight legs. Arms bent at the elbows, palms inward (like robots).

5. On the heels. Hands behind the back (“shelf”), palm on the opposite elbow.

6. With high knees (socks pulled back). The arms are bent at the elbows, palms down. Try to touch your palms with your knees.

The teacher draws attention to how important it is to maintain the correct posture. Orienting, so as not to interfere with each other, the children are built in a checkerboard pattern on the rugs. After checking the correct posture of the children, the teacher greets (curtsy, male bow, general bow, etc.). It happens to music.

The structure of classes is determined by the age-related patterns of working capacity and fatigue of the child's body during physical exertion, as well as taking into account the requirements of the physiology and hygiene of physical exercises. Each lesson consists of three parts. The main goal of the lesson is to promote the formation of movements and the development of physical qualities, as well as to cause enhanced action physiological functions of the child's body.

Main task of the first (introductory)part of the lesson is to prepare the body of children to perform intensive exercises in the subsequent part of the lesson. It consists in a simple set of exercises for coordination of movements, attention, as well as dances and game rhythms.

During second (main)part of the lesson, children reinforce old exercises, and also learn to perform new ones. At this time, stretching exercises are used, aimed at physiological impact on the child's body, as well as on the education of children's physical culture. The main part begins with a stretching exercise for the spine.

After stretching, the children sit down on their mats, while the teacher controls the maintenance of the correct posture when sitting (the head is raised, the back is straight, the shoulders are lowered and slightly laid back). The most effective posture of the student is the posture of sitting on the heels. Hands rest palms up on the hips, elbows are laid to the side.

When each child has taken his place, the teacher begins a role-playing game. As a rule, games are played in the form fabulous travel(to the jungle, to sea ​​bottom, to the zoo, etc.), fantasies, when children themselves come up with various stories, meetings with different creatures and animals, and according to a pre-prepared scenario based on a fairy tale, during which children help the heroes of a fairy tale, and also depict various fairy tale characters etc.

Each activity should include a new game and a new storyline. The game should be emotional, interesting and exciting for children, with a precisely calculated time for changing stretching exercises and listening to a fairy tale.

During game stretching, children learn to switch attention, sit in a listening position, having done a certain stretching and flexibility exercise. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that they sit with a straight back.

Each lesson, conducted by the method of game stretching, includes a set of 9-10 exercises that are aimed at developing the flexibility of various muscle groups. The scenario of the game is built in such a way that when performing exercises, the load is distributed evenly over the entire body of the child.

In one lesson, children do:

2-3 exercises for the abdominal muscles by bending back,

1-2 strengthening exercises leg muscles,

1-2 foot development exercises

1 exercise for the development of the shoulder girdle or for balance,

2-3 exercises for the back muscles by tilting forward,

1 exercise to strengthen the spine by turning it,

2-3 exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and pelvic girdle.

The duration of all exercises is 9-10 minutes. Between exercises for one minute, children learn to sit correctly.

When writing scenarios for role-playing games, it is necessary to take into account the importance of understanding and accessibility of the plot for children. The plot of the game should contribute to the expansion of horizons, the education of children morally and aesthetically. Basically, in the method of game stretching, the plots of fairy tales of Russian and foreign writers, as well as folk tales are used.

The task of the final part of the lesson is the preparation of the gradual transition of the child's body to other activities. At this stage, game dances take place to music familiar to children. While performing simple dance movements, children learn to coordinate their movements to the beat of the music, motor skills expand, and a positive mood and background are created.

In addition to games, dance games can also be held, which allow you to develop the attention of children, as well as activate their actions.

The end of the lesson involves summing up the successes of the children, after which they say goodbye to the teacher and leave the hall in an organized manner.

Depending on the age of the children, the time of the lesson fluctuates, both the total time and its parts.

introductory part lasts: in the younger groups 2-4 minutes, in the middle - 3-5 minutes, in the older - 4-6 minutes. Main part lasts: for younger groups - 15 minutes, for middle and older groups - 20 minutes. Final part lasts: junior group 5-10 minutes, in the middle - 4-6 minutes, senior and preparatory - 4-6 minutes.

It is important to dwell on the principles of organizing classes, which should be taken into account when planning, directly organizing and conducting classes using game stretching:

  1. the principle of consciousnessis that each child must understand the usefulness of exercises, as well as the need to perform them not only with a group in a preschool educational institution, but also independently at home.
  2. the principle of skills consolidation- consists in the need to repeatedly perform a set of exercises for the development of flexibility and stretching, the ability to do them independently.
  3. the principle of visibilityeach exercise during game stretching by the teacher should be demonstrated, and also accompanied by a figurative story, imitation, imitation of movements that are familiar to children.
  4. principle of systematicconsists in the fact that classes should be held regularly with a gradual increase in the load and an increase in the number of exercises, as well as the complication of the technique of their implementation.
  5. the principle of accessibilitytraining in stretching exercises should proceed from the known to the unknown, from simple to complex, taking into account the preliminary preparation of each child and his age characteristics.
  6. principle of individual approach -consists in the fact that each educator must take into account and evaluate the age characteristics and capabilities of pupils, as well as the individual characteristics of each specific preschooler. Also pay special attention to each child when performing exercises, assessing his potential and adjusting the quality of the exercises.

All exercises are performed without jerks, excessive efforts, rhythmically. The load is regulated by the amplitude of movement, as well as the number of repetitions of exercises.

The effectiveness of classes is determined by the indicator of the general condition of the child at the end of the year, his coordination of movements, adaptation to the load, as well as the tone of the muscular system. The amount of physical activity of each child can be established by the exercise therapy doctor.

2.2. Analysis of advanced pedagogical experience on the use of the method of game stretching

When studying practical use method of game stretching in working with preschool children, the unique experience of the trainer-teacher Yaroy E.N. is useful. sport school» (Russian Federation, Belgorod region).

The structure of classes developed by Yara E.N. include the traditional three parts.

The introductory part includes exercises for making a correct assessment and strengthening the arch of the feet, developing attention, orientation in space, and also using various types of jumping, running, walking.

In the second (main) part, they go directly to the method of game stretching. The plot material of the game is designed for two lessons at once. At the first lesson, children are shown new movements, as well as remembering and reinforcing already known ones. The second lesson is devoted to the accuracy and improvement of the execution of exercises, as well as the transfer of the characteristic features of artistic images. Exercises are held under certain music.

According to Yara E.N., when dividing the main part into a couple of lessons, it is more expedient to perform musical accompaniment during the second lesson.

During the first lesson (training) it is necessary to give a lot of instructions verbally, while taking into account the individual characteristics of each child when performing exercises.

In the process of mastering the exercise, achieving certain skills, the speed and quality of their performance, the child can correlate his actions with the musical rhythm, and in that case, music is necessary.

The organization of this part of the lesson can be expressed in various forms, the main thing is to be balanced and A complex approach to exercises for all muscle groups, as well as various types of activities.

A component of the main part of the lesson is also an outdoor game. An outdoor game is chosen depending on the interest and complexity of the previous action, that is, it can be less or more active, depending on what task, in the opinion of the educator, it should perform. In the senior and preparatory groups of a preschool educational institution, it is desirable to organize such games for the development of intellectual and creativity children.

The final part of the lesson is designed to restore the body after active physical exertion and prepare for switching to other activities. It is important to remember here that the most quick recovery The body is aided by breathing exercises. In addition, they are health-improving. The educator needs to teach each child to breathe through the nose correctly, to correlate inhalation and exhalation with movement.

Relaxation exercises are included in every session. It is important that the child learns to change muscle tension to relax after exercise. Best of all, relaxation exercises are carried out in a playful way using musical accompaniment, which reflects the nature of the actions that are performed.

In accordance with the content of each specific lesson, a certain list of materials and devices is selected.

The analysis of physical culture and health-improving work in a preschool educational institution at the end of the school year shows the effectiveness of such classes. The exercise therapy doctor studies the level of the child's physical development - general health, muscle tone, coordination of movements, as well as its adaptation to the load.

Diagnostics, which is carried out 2 times a year, gives the results of physical and speed-strength qualities. A general analysis of the work allows us to conclude that classes organized according to the method of game stretching effectively affect the general state of health, the level of physical development and the development of physical qualities in preschool children.

Playful stretching classes with children show consistently high results: children get sick much less, become more open to communication not only with adults, but also with each other. And the images of the fairy-tale world close and understandable to children make it easy to perform difficult physical exercises. Exercises are aimed at preventing various deformities of the spine, strengthening its ligamentous apparatus, and forming a correct posture. In addition, muscle elasticity, coordination of movements develop, endurance and diligence are brought up.

A typical game stretching session ( senior group)

(Experiment of Yaroy E.N.)


After walking and warming up, children perform the “Grain” exercise to prepare the spine for the main load.

Once! - slowly rising, straighten your legs, and then, at the same time raising your torso and straight arms and without lifting your heels from the floor, stretch up, turning your palms. Two! - hands down through the sides.

After that, the children sit in the “Indian” position, in which they are all the time between exercises. (Sit on your heels, put your hands on your hips, spread your elbows to the sides. Imagine yourself as the leader of the Indians with a proud posture and follow it all the time.) Then the game begins ...

- Once upon a time there was a duckling in the big yard. The name of this duckling is Quack. Quack the duckling was very fond of swimming and bathing and could splash all day in a large puddle right in the middle of the yard. The water in the puddle was always warm, and the puddle was so big that it seemed to the duckling as if he were a brave captain who swims in the ocean.

One day, a wild duck flew into the yard where Kryak lived and began to tell that there was a wonderful Blue Lake with clean and clear water nearby. The duckling wanted to see this lake so much that he decided to go on a journey and be sure to swim in it.


prevents the development of flat feet, promotes the development of mobility of the joints of the legs, improves posture. (I.p. - sit in a right angle pose, legs together, socks extended, hands in support behind - high emphasis. Alternately pull the socks towards you, adhering to the rhythm of the music. Breathing is arbitrary.)

The duckling walked and walked and reached the meadow. And the grass in the meadow is high, thick - there is no way to see Quack, where to go next. The duckling was sad: “Is it really necessary to go back and I won’t see the Blue Lake?” Suddenly he sees a butterfly flying.


has a great effect on the pancreas, which protects against diabetes. Restores and cleanses the digestive organs. (I.p. - lie on your back, put your hands behind your head. Raise your legs, your socks are pulled back. Alternately straighten and bend your legs without lowering them to the floor. The movement is dynamic, breathing is arbitrary.)

“Bird, do you know where Blue Lake is?” - the duckling screamed as loudly as possible. Take me to him, please!

“Okay, duckling, run after me,” the bird replied.

And Quack quickly ran after the flying bird.


stretches the muscles of the back and legs, affects the lumbar nerves. Prevents functional disorders of the stomach, liver, intestines, spleen. Improves the flexibility of the spine due to the maximum longitudinal load on it. Helps increase growth. (I.p. - sit in a right angle position, spread your legs as wide as possible, pull your socks off, connect your hands behind your back with a “shelf”, your back is straight. One! - wave your arms, tilt to your right leg, try to reach the toe, linger. Two! - we return to SP. Three! - the same slope to the left leg, Four! - SP Inhale when swinging, exhale when tilting.)

Very soon the meadow ended, and a wonderful lake opened up in front of the duckling. The water in the lake was clean, transparent, and it reflected the blue sky. A large red cat was sitting on the shore, looking for something in the water and did not notice the duckling.


relieves stiffness of the spine and its deformation. Helps children develop facial muscles and expression of emotions. (I.p. - get on all fours, back straight. One! - raise your head, bend your back as much as possible. Two! - lower your head, arch your back as much as possible. Inhale in the 2nd phase, exhale in the 1st.)

Quack came closer to the cat and saw that she was watching the fish swimming in the water and wanted to catch one of them.

- Oh, you sly one! - the duckling shouted, grabbed a branch lying on the shore and rushed to the cat.


Game stretching is one of the innovative methods of conducting physical education classes in preschool educational institutions. Its essence lies in the fact that during the role-playing game, children perform a set of specially selected exercises for the development of flexibility and stretching.

Classes according to the method of game stretching have their own specific structure and are built according to the scheme, taking into account the tasks set by the teacher.

The basis of the technique of game stretching is the static stretching of the muscles of the body and the articular-ligamentous apparatus, as well as exercises in corrective gymnastics and strengthening the spine, as well as relaxation techniques, manual therapy and proper breathing.

The main goal of game stretching is to master the skills of controlling one's body, to activate the protective forces of the child's body, as well as to develop the creative and health-improving capabilities of each child.

Game stretching has a result only if there is a systematic approach to the principles and organization of classes, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of each child from the group, with correct execution stretching and flexibility exercises.


  1. Anderson B.A. Stretching for everyone. Strenching / B.A. Anderson: trans. From English. O.G. Belosheev. - Minsk, Potpourri, 2002. - 224 p.
  2. Ashmarin B.A., Vinogradov Yu.A. etc. Theory and methodology of physical education. - M: Education, 1990. - 287 p.
  3. Borisova V.V., Shestakova T.A. Improving fitness in the system of physical education of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. Educational and methodological manual on the discipline "Physical and recreational work with children of preschool and primary school

age” for bachelors of the faculty of natural sciences, physical culture and tourism, teachers of physical education in preschool educational institutions and elementary school / V.V. Borisova, T.A. Shestakova, - Tula, 2011. - 87 p.

  1. Burenina A.I. Rhythmic plastic for preschoolers. Teaching aid according to the program "Rhythmic Mosaic" - St. Petersburg, 1999. - 111 p.
  2. Butin I.M., Butina I.A. Physical culture in primary school- M: "Vlados - Press". 2003. - 176 p.
  3. Volkov L.V. Physical abilities of children and adolescents. - K .: Health, 1981. - 120 p.
  4. Gogunov E.N., Martyanov B.I. Psychology of physical education and sports: Tutorial for stud. higher ped. textbook establishments. - M.; Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 288 p.
  5. Grachev O.K. Physical Culture. - M: ICC "March", 2005 - 464s.
  6. Zhuravin M.L., Menshikov N.K. Gymnastics - M: Academy, 2001 - 448s.
  7. Zakharov E.E., Karasev A.V., Safonov A.A. Encyclopedia of Physical Fitness: Methodological foundations development of physical qualities. - M.: Leptos, 1994.-368.
  8. Kachashkin V.M. Methods of physical education. M: Enlightenment, 1980 - 304 p.
  9. Lyakh V.I. Flexibility and methods of its development - Physical culture at school No. 1 1999 - P.25-26.
  10. Mainberg E. The main problems of sports pedagogy: Introductory course / Translation from German. - M.: Aspect - press, 1995. - 318 p.
  11. Matveev A.P. Methods of physical education in elementary school - M: Vlados - Press, 2003 - 248 p.
  12. Matveev L.P. Theory and methodology of physical culture. - M: Physical culture and sport, 1991 - 543 p.
  13. Menkhin Yu.V. Physical training in gymnastics. - M: Physical culture and sport, 1989 - 224 p.
  14. Nazarova A.G. Game stretching. Methodological guide for working with children. - St. Petersburg, 2010 - 35 p.
  15. Nussy Estefania Martinez. Stretching for everyone. Stretching._ M.-SPb., "Dilya", 2007-192 p.
  16. Ozolin N.G. Desk book trainer. M: Astrel LLC, 2004 - 863 p.
  17. Rodik M.A., Baramidze A.M., Kiselev T.G. Stretching. Mobility, flexibility, elegance. -M: Soviet sport, 1991 - 96 p.
  18. Physical culture: A practical guide. - M.: Higher school, 1989.-383 p.
  19. Filippovich V.I. Theory and methodology of gymnastics. - M: Education, 1971. - 297 p.
  20. Kholodov Zh. Practicum on the theory and methodology of physical education and sports: Textbook for students of physical culture universities. - M.: Academy, 2001. - 144 p.
  21. Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov B.C. Theory and methodology of physical education and sports. -M: Academy, 2001 - 480 p.
  22. Yaraya E.N. The development of flexibility, plasticity and endurance in children through the use of game stretching in physical education classes in kindergarten. -[ Electronic resource].–URL. : http://vejd.ucoz.ru/djussh/DOKI/opyt_raboty_jaroj_e.n.pdf


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GMO physical education instructors

Game stretching as a means of improving and ensuring the physical health of children in a preschool educational institution

Modern educational programs and requirements for the content and methods of work carried out in preschool educational institutions aim teachers at the formation of a broad motor culture preschoolers, use in educational activities and in the daily life of a variety of physical exercises, educating preschoolers of interest in motor activity.
Today, pedagogical technologies in the field of physical culture represent the idea physical improvement individual aspects of the child's personality and involve the use of a limited circle (based on age features children) means and methods for his improvement and maintenance of physical health at the proper level.
One of the proposed healing methods, which to a greater extent attracted my attention in working with children, game stretching technique(according to the classification refers to the technology of preserving and stimulating health) - based on static stretching of the muscles of the body and the articular-ligamentous apparatus of the arms, legs, spine, which allow preventing and correcting disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system.
Since the game is the main activity of preschoolers, and to realize this world of play for the purpose of recovery and development is purpose of the methodology game stretching.
Stretching exercises are carried out in the form of a plot or thematic game, which includes 8-9 exercises on various groups muscles. Children depict different animals and perform exercises to music at a calm pace.
Complexes of exercises are selected in such a way as to contribute to the solution of health-improving and developmental tasks.
Tasks of game stretching
- Optimize the growth and development of the musculoskeletal system (formation of correct posture, prevention of flattening of the feet),
- Improve physical abilities: develop muscle strength, mobility in various joints (flexibility), endurance, speed and coordination abilities,
- Activate the work of deep muscles, normalizing and strengthening protective functions body in children
- To cultivate the ability of emotional expression and creativity in movements.
In working with children, you can include both individual elements of stretching, and build a holistic physical education lesson. I spend it 2 times a month, starting with the older group.
I take into account the following principles for constructing a lesson according to this method:
1. Visibility.

  1. showing physical exercise,
  2. figurative story,
  3. imitation,
  4. imitation of movements known to children.

2. Availability.

  1. Teaching exercises from simple to complex, from known to unknown, taking into account the degree of preparedness of the child.

3. Consistency.

  1. The regularity of classes
  2. load increase,
  3. increasing the amount of exercise
  4. complication of the technique of their implementation.

4. The principle of taking into account the age development of movements.

  1. It provides for the degree of development of the child's basic movements, his motor skills.

5. The principle of consciousness and activity.

  1. It involves the formation in children of a steady interest in mastering new movements,
  2. instilling skills of self-control of actions in the process of classes,
  3. development of consciousness, initiative and creativity.

The structure of the lesson according to the method of game stretching

In the introductory part- creating game motivation for emotional and psychological mood with the help of various types of walking, running, jumping, exercises to adopt the correct posture and strengthen the arch of the foot, coordination of movements, orientation in space, development of attention. While walking, it is recommended to diversify the placement of children in space: use the movement of a snake, zigzag, two columns in different sides, diagonally. The physiological load in this case will be determined by the distance traveled, there will be an increase in the psychological load, which will cause concentration in children.
In the second (main) part Let's move on to gaming. Each story material is divided into 2 lessons. 1 training session I introduce children to new movements, reinforce already known ones. At the second lesson- improvement and accuracy of the exercises, the transfer of the characteristic features of the images. As the exercises are mastered, certain skills are achieved, the quality and speed of their implementation, the child is able to correlate his actions with a certain musical rhythm, and then musical accompaniment becomes necessary. Teaching children basic movements should not go unnoticed. Therefore, they should be included in the content of the lessons. I think that the most effective form The organization of this part of the lesson is a circuit training, but the forms may be different. It is important to implement right choice exercises for all muscle groups, variably change activities.
mobile game - also part of the main part of the lesson. Its selection is carried out depending on the complexity of the previous actions. The game can be more or less active.
In the finalparts the problem of restoring the body after physical exertion and the transition to other activities is solved. Breathing exercises contribute to a faster recovery of the body, and are of a healing nature. Relaxation exercises are included in each lesson so that the child learns to relieve muscle tension after physical activity, to relax.
The selection of inventory and materials for the lesson is carried out in accordance with the content of each lesson. To maintain interest, a variety of exercises, you can use poems, riddles, chants.
Elements of game stretching can also be used in other types of physical culture and health work, both to relieve tension in the muscles and to increase physical performance.
Morning gymnastics - with elements of game stretching creates an organized vigorous start of the day
Invigorating gymnastics - the transition from muscle tension to relaxation allows you to normalize all body functions in a short time, improve your mood, and increase muscle tone.

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The influence of game stretching on the physical development of a preschooler
(Consultation for educators)

Physical education instructor:

Game stretching - this is a creative activity in which children live in a world of images, often no less real to them than the surrounding reality. The implementation of gaming opportunities in order to improve and develop the child is the essence of stretching. All classes are held in the form of a role-playing or thematic game, consisting of interrelated situations, tasks and exercises.
The technique of game stretching is based on static stretching of the muscles of the body and the articular-ligamentous apparatus of the arms, legs, spine, which helps to prevent postural disorders and correct it, which has a deep healing effect on the entire body.
Exercises are performed without external influence. Self-manipulation of the body in a slow, and therefore safe rhythm is most effective. In children, the complexes associated with the physical imperfection of the body, the inability to control it disappear. In addition, children acquire a stock of motor skills that allow them to feel strong, beautiful, self-confident, create a sense of inner freedom.

Playful stretching classes with preschool children show consistently high results: children get sick much less, become more open to communication not only with adults, but also with each other. And the images of the fairy-tale world close and understandable to children make it easy to perform difficult physical exercises. Exercises are aimed at preventing various deformities of the spine, strengthening its ligamentous apparatus, and forming a correct posture. In addition, muscle elasticity, coordination of movements develop, endurance and diligence are brought up.
Stretching is a stretching, a special posture designed to increase and maintain muscle length.
Stretch marks affect all muscles and joints, increase the elasticity of ligaments, reduce the risk of deposition of toxins in the joints, increase their mobility. Stretching exercises are designed to involve the whole body, including the psyche, and are aimed at relaxing, tuning and restoring muscle functions. This allows, without harm, using the body's defenses, to prevent many diseases, because. effects on the spine, organs, muscles, endocrine glands, respiratory and nervous systems, the natural resistance of the body is developed.
The combination of dynamic and static physical exercises most closely matches the nature of the human musculoskeletal system and is the best training method for developing strength, endurance, and coordination of movements.
Static stretching exercises not only affect the deep muscles of the body, but also normalize and enhance the protective functions of the body, including blood clotting, white blood cell count, gastric acidity, bowel function, etc. All this is connected with a change in cortical processes due to the emergence of a focus of excitation in the cerebral cortex of the motor analyzer area, supported, on the one hand, by the formation of volitional impulses, and on the other hand, by excitations coming from working muscles.
The transition from muscle exercises to relaxation allows you to normalize all body functions in a short time, to acquire an active working mood. The form and sequence of exercises are such that if this muscle group is not sufficiently developed, the exercises are simply impossible to perform, i.e. The body itself regulates the level of stress.
Daily stretching exercises and their inclusion in all physical culture and health-improving forms of work in preschool leads to a general strengthening, development of the body. Morning gymnastics with elements of "game" stretching creates an organized start, an even, cheerful mood among those involved.
As a rule, morning exercises begin with walking, which affects all muscle groups, gradually involving all body systems, but at the same time the load on it is insignificant. In order to warm up the foot, increase its flexibility, walking is included different ways.

Since morning exercises are a daily form of work, it is advisable to diversify the placement of children in space while walking: use snake, zigzag, two columns in different directions, diagonally. This will remove the monotony, monotony of classes, while the physiological load will be determined by the distance traveled, there will be an increase in the psychological load, which will cause concentration in children. It is important that children are familiar with the ways of moving in space.
The number of exercises, their content and sequence correspond to the requirements of the complex of general developmental exercises that are included in the physical education lesson, therefore, the main study of the poses of "game" stretching takes place in physical education classes. You can use slow music to more accurately perform the exercise technique.
There are many modern sports systems aimed at the physical development of preschoolers. Typically, teachers seek desired result by performing mechanical movements and exercises. Stretching exercises not only develop the body, but also expand the limits of a person's mental capabilities. The main difference between stretching exercises and regular physical exercises is that the latter require a lot of tension to perform, while stretching exercises, on the contrary, refuse movements that require tension.
As a result of doing gymnastics with elements of "game" stretching, the child's body is healed as a whole. Regular stretching exercises instill children's will and self-confidence.

Experience: "Game Stretching"

Game stretching– as a technology for preserving and stimulating the health of preschool children

Physical Instructor

culture MKDOU No. 14, Segezha, Republic of Kazakhstan

Mironyak Maria Panteleimonovna

Protection and strengthening of children's health is a priority task of the educational process. Social and environmental factors are increasingly influencing the health of children.

Once the kids start attending Kindergarten life is changing for them. The social and cultural norms they are exposed to can have a powerful impact on the decisions they make and affect their physical and mental health.

The health problem of the younger generation of preschoolers is one of the most important in life. modern society. How to ensure that the child is healthy, what needs to be done for this, what measures to take?

In resolving this issue, teachers should come to a unified opinion: attracting children to an active lifestyle, their participation in outdoor games And sports competitions helps them develop a positive attitude towards a healthy life.

A child at preschool age should feel muscular joy and love movement, this will help him carry through his life the need for movement, join sports and a healthy lifestyle.

We all know how difficult it is to force both ourselves and the child to exercise purposefully. And just as well, we know it's necessary, because our children are constantly lacking movement. Physical education classes can be turned into an exciting fairy tale game where children become characters.

After all, the game is the leading activity of a preschooler.

Currently, there are many new methods of conducting physical education.

The technique caught my attention game stretching.

Why stretching and what is it?

Stretching came to replace the traditional jumps and jerks according to the Ling system - exercises that turned out to be largely ineffective, and in some cases harmful to the muscles, as they led to injuries. The etymological root stretch means to keep a muscle in a state of stretch, for 10 to 30 seconds.

Stretching is a method, with which you can easily and effectively develop the mobility of the muscles of the body, joints, without fear of fractures. In other words, this is a way that allows you to naturally stretch the muscles, it also allows you to select one or another muscle group and train only it.

Stretching also has a psychological effect: improves mood, raises self-esteem, creates a feeling of comfort and tranquility in general. It increases the overall motor activity, which favorably affects the joints and the prevention of bone fragility. Good flexibility allows you to perform exercises with a greater range of motion, and also provides good posture and reduces the likelihood of back pain.

Classes game stretching will help the child develop a sense of rhythm, strengthen muscles, align posture, remove complexes.

Methodology lessons stretching are carried out in the form of a role-playing or thematic game, which includes 8-9 exercises for various muscle groups. Children imitate various animals and perform exercises accompanied by certain pieces of music from classical and folk music.

Figurative-imitative movements develop motor activity, creative thinking, motor memory, speed of reaction, orientation in movement and space, attention, etc. The effectiveness of imitative movements also lies in the fact that through images it is possible to carry out frequent shift motor activity from various starting positions with a wide variety of types of movements, which gives a good physical load on all muscle groups.

Starting to tell a fairy tale game, you can simultaneously play it. The game consists of several fragments, which include exercises for static muscle stretching, jumping, stimulation of points on the foot, relaxation to restore breathing, and lasts 20 minutes with the elders, and with the kids for as long as they themselves want. After classes game stretching children improve their mood, mutual understanding. Having learned the exercises, children independently act out a fairy tale and come up with their own fairy tales with movements, thereby developing their creative abilities.

In addition to the general healing effect of the ability to control their body, the stock of purposeful motor skills allows children to feel strong, self-confident, beautiful, relieves them of various complexes, creates a sense of inner freedom.

Exercises are performed without outside influence, because the human

the body itself is a coach.

Self-manipulation of the body in a slow, and therefore safe rhythm is most effective.

Target: Preserving and strengthening the health of pupils through technologies for maintaining and stimulating health, in particular « game stretching» .

Optimize the growth and development of the musculoskeletal system (formation of correct posture, prevention of flat feet).

improve physical capabilities: to develop muscle strength, mobility in various joints (flexibility, endurance, speed, strength and coordination abilities.

Develop mental functions Keywords: attention, memory, imagination, mental abilities.

To develop and functionally improve the respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body.

To create conditions for a positive psycho-emotional state of children.

To cultivate the ability of emotional expression, emancipation and creativity in movements.

To create conditions for the beneficial influence of music on the psychosomatic sphere of the child.

Basic principles of organizing classes

The principle of scientificity involves the construction of classes in accordance with the laws of socialization, mental and physical development of the child.

The principle of systematicity - The regularity of classes, increasing the load, increasing the number of exercises, complicating the technique of their implementation.

The principle of gradualness - Teaching exercises from simple to complex, from known to unknown, taking into account the degree of preparedness of children. The principle of individuality - Taking into account the characteristics of the age, health status of each child.

The principle of visibility - Demonstration of physical exercises, a figurative story.

The principle of consciousness and activity involves the formation in children of a steady interest in mastering new movements, understanding the benefits of performing exercises, and the need to perform them.

Construction structure classes:

The lessons consist of 3 parts.

In the first (introductory) part of the lesson, children perform exercises in various types of walking, running, jumping. Musical-rhythmic compositions can be used as ORU. Dance exercises can increase interest in the lesson and emotional mood child.

In the second (basic) parts go to game stretching. Each story material is divided into 2 lessons. At the first lesson, we introduce children to new movements (without music, we consolidate the already known ones. At the second lesson, we improve and refine the execution of exercises. All exercises are performed to the appropriate music.

In the third (concluding) Part of the task is to restore the body after physical exertion and the transition to other activities. Breathing exercises contribute to a faster recovery of the body and are of a healing nature. It is important to teach the child to breathe through the nose, to correlate inhalation and exhalation with movements. Relaxation exercises should be included in each lesson so that the child learns to relieve muscle tension after physical exertion, to relax. This is consistent with relaxation exercises performed in game form. It is desirable to use a piece of music that reflects the nature of the actions performed.

In the classroom, the word of art, music and personal demonstration are used. Should remember: NOT INTENSITY, BUT SYSTEMATIC EXERCISES IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS IN EXERCISES STRETCHING!

But classes stretching should not be carried out to the detriment of the educational program of preschool education.

Therefore, I found ways to integrate elements stretching in regime moments.

Elements stretching are integrated into physical training sessions, invigorating gymnastics complexes, are used to develop physical qualities during a walk, and, of course, are included in physical education classes. Complex story lessons game stretching can be held as sports entertainment.

Usage game stretching in work with children.

Physical education - short-term physical exercises - is carried out during a break between classes, as well as in the process of classes that require intellectual stress (development of speech, drawing, mathematics, etc.).

By including movements in the physical education session according to the method game stretching relieves fatigue, the emotional-positive state of the child is restored.

Cooperative activity: Unlike classes, it does not have a clear structure, specific program content and is not limited in time. Organized in the morning and evening hours and is free-form. In evening time game stretching how a joint activity can be organized as a circle Job.

Independent motor activity: Knowledge and skills, motor skills, formed in the child in organized forms of motor activity, are successfully transferred to everyday life, to independent motor activity during the day. Due to the fact that the exercises game stretching are held in the game room form and thus become very interesting and attractive to children, it is quite understandable that preschoolers carry them into their daily lives. These exercises should only be purposefully organized by the teacher, who thinks through the forms and types of activities and corrects them.

The main educators of the child are the parents. From how the child’s day regimen is properly organized, what attention the parents pay to the child’s health, his mood, the state of physical comfort depend. healthy image the life of the child, to which he is accustomed in an educational institution, can either find everyday support at home, and then be fixed, or not find, and then the information received will be superfluous and painful for the child, so the involvement of parents is very important here. (legal representatives) in joint activities throughout the year (a card index of exercises, folders, sliders, speeches at family meetings, seminars, open classes, joint entertainment)

17-18 slide: Stretching is one of the most important areas in my work.

Classes according to the method I proposed help the child develop a sense of rhythm, strengthen muscles, straighten posture, and relieve complexes. After classes game stretching children improve their mood, mutual understanding. Having learned the exercises, children independently act out a fairy tale and come up with their own fairy tales with movements, thereby developing their creative abilities.

This technique gives positive results physical and speed-strength qualities.

After classes game stretching children's mood improves.

Game stretching- this is a creative activity in which children live in a world of images, often no less real to them than the surrounding reality.

Implementation gaming opportunities for the recovery and development of the child and is the essence of stretching.