Indirect signs of entanglement with the umbilical cord. Umbilical cord entanglement - is it worth it to be afraid of. Diagnosis of entanglement with the umbilical cord of the fetus with ultrasound - can there be signs and symptoms of entanglement

This condition, detected by ultrasound, is diagnosed in every third pregnant woman. If the entanglement became known on early dates, so far there is no reason to worry. At this time, the fetus is still very small, it has a lot of space for active movements. He floats and flips. And sometimes, several times a week, it first gets into the loop from the umbilical cord, and then just as easily it is released from this loop. Measures should be taken if the entanglement is found closer to birth, when the baby has already taken its final position before birth.

Question 2. Why does cord entanglement occur?

The umbilical cord is a special organ that connects the placenta to the fetus. The formation of the umbilical cord begins at 11 weeks. By the time of birth, its thickness reaches 2 cm: at this time it consists of two arteries and one vein. Arteries carry to the placenta the blood of the fetus, saturated with carbon dioxide and metabolic products. And through a vein, blood enriched with oxygen and nutrients enters the child. The vessels of the umbilical cord are surrounded by a special substance - Wharton's jelly. This jelly-like substance prevents them from being squeezed.

The normal length of the umbilical cord is from 40 to 70 centimeters. If it is longer, then later dates During pregnancy, loops of the umbilical cord can form, which can get into the head, handle, leg of the child or his torso. The size of the umbilical cord does not depend on external conditions or the woman's lifestyle. it hereditary factor.

Another factor that increases is polyhydramnios. AT large volume amniotic fluid the fetus continues to actively move in the later stages. Polyhydramnios is a complication of pregnancy. To identify its causes, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

Some babies, even in the womb, are more active than others, and this increases the risk. Often, mobility is associated with the characteristics of the character of the child, which manifest themselves even before birth. But it happens that it is caused by chronic hypoxia (oxygen starvation of the fetus). When there is not enough oxygen, the fetus begins to worry. His body produces the stress hormone cortisol. The heart begins to beat faster to satiate a small amount oxygen throughout the body. Against this background, motor activity increases and, as a result, the risk of entanglement of the umbilical cord.

One of the main reasons for the insufficient supply of oxygen to the fetus is smoking during pregnancy. Under the influence of nicotine, blood vessels constrict, normal blood circulation is disrupted. This happens not only in the body of the mother, but also in the body of the fetus, since nicotine easily passes through placental barrier. Smoking increases the risk of many complications, fetal hypoxia is just one of them.

Hypoxia is often provoked wrong image life future mother, violations of the regime, hypodynamia. In order for the child to have enough oxygen, a woman must enough get it yourself. It is necessary to ventilate the room, walk on fresh air, move. Of course, we are not talking about serious physical exertion, but special exercises, swimming and walking at a calm pace will only benefit.

Fetal hypoxia can occur due to the nervousness of the expectant mother. When a woman worries, stress hormones are released into her blood: adrenaline and cortisol. They pass the placental barrier and get to the fetus, as a result, the baby begins to move more than it should.

The cause of hypoxia can also be fetoplacental insufficiency. It is provoked by hypertension, blood diseases, including thrombophilia, as well as diabetes and kidney disease. Preeclampsia (preeclampsia) and intrauterine infections are also dangerous.

Question 3. What types of entanglement are there?

The most common and safest case is a single not tight entanglement. Although it happens that the umbilical cord has formed not one, but two or even three loops around the fetus. To find out exactly what kind of entanglement you have to deal with in each case, one ultrasound is not enough. A woman is prescribed color Doppler mapping (do not confuse it with Doppler). This technique allows you to see the direction of blood flow in large vessels and, using these data, determine exactly how many loops the umbilical cord has formed. In some cases, a three-dimensional echographic examination is also required.

Question 4. Can the fetus suffocate if the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's throat?

The fetus cannot suffocate either during fetal development or during childbirth. The lungs begin to work only after the child is born and his oral cavity will be free of mucus. Up to this point in providing the baby with oxygen Airways not involved in any way. Therefore, it is not so important whether the umbilical cord is wrapped around the throat, arm, leg or torso. Important . It is through her that both during intrauterine development and during the birth itself, the fetus receives oxygen and nutrients. As long as the blood flow in the umbilical cord is not disturbed, the child does not suffer, even if his throat is wrapped around. A dangerous condition is when the lumen of its vessels narrows due to tension or clamping of the umbilical cord. In this case, the fetus experiences a lack of oxygen - hypoxia.

Question 5. Does entanglement affect the intrauterine development of the fetus?

To understand if there is a threat, cardiotocography (CTG) is prescribed. During this study, using an ultrasound sensor, the fetal heartbeat, its movements, and uterine contractions are recorded. The study is carried out for all expectant mothers, starting from 33 weeks of pregnancy. If during movements the number of heartbeats decreases, then there is a danger to the health of the child. In this case, ultrasonic doplerometry is also done. It makes it possible to assess the nature and speed of blood flow in the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord: if these indicators are normal, then everything is in order, and the pregnant woman only needs to follow all the doctor's prescriptions exactly. Usually, when entwining, dynamic observation is prescribed. This is necessary in order to suspect violations in the condition of the baby in time and take the necessary measures as soon as possible. Studies can be carried out every 4-7 days, or maybe daily: it all depends on the condition of the fetus. If daily monitoring is required, then the woman is usually offered to go to the pregnancy pathology department.

If doplerometry showed deviations from the norm, this indicates that the child is already experiencing hypoxia. This condition is acute and chronic. Acute hypoxia is an indication for emergency delivery. Simply put, the child must be urgently saved. But it's still a rarity. More common chronic hypoxia. Insufficient oxygen supply can lead to a change in metabolic processes, impaired intrauterine development, and a decrease in the adaptive capabilities of a newborn baby. Particularly sensitive to hypoxia nervous system. The longer the fetus experiences a lack of oxygen, the more pronounced all these complications can be. For elimination undesirable consequences doctors may prescribe a woman drugs that support uteroplacental circulation. They are also usually recommended for the prevention of hypoxia.

Question 6. Are there ways to untangle the umbilical cord while still in the womb?

None medical manipulations release the fetus from the loop will not help. And if some "healers" promise to do this by some "folk" methods unknown to medicine, you should not believe them. There are no such methods. The doctor may prescribe exercises related to changing the position of the body of a pregnant woman, for example, "Kitty". In the starting position, you need to get on all fours with support on your palms and knees. Keep your head straight. Take a deep breath, tilting your head down, while bending your back up. Slowly return to starting position. Don't hold your breath. The well-known "Bicycle" is also appointed. Pregnant women need to do it at a leisurely pace. Six to nine "turns" will be enough. Another good exercise done against the wall. Starting position: lying on your back, arms along the body, legs bent at the knees. Raise your legs, rest them against the wall. Then, while inhaling, continuing to rest, spread your legs. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 4-5 times. The essence of the exercises is that with a change in the position of the body of a pregnant woman, the position of the fetus may also change, and it can independently free itself from the loop. But it is better not to expect a 100% result from them. And do not be upset if it became clear that a special charge did not help. Much better to just calm down. The less nervous the expectant mother is, the less the child will worry. So, the risk of tightening the loop will decrease.

Question 7. Is cord entanglement an indication for a caesarean section?

Single non-tight in itself most often does not become an indication for operative delivery. But in this case, the entire period of childbirth is required to carefully monitor the condition of the child. In the event of acute hypoxia, an emergency caesarean section is performed.

During contractions, the baby's heartbeat is monitored using fetal CTG. This allows you to understand how the baby reacts to sharp contractions of the uterus. In the second stage of labor, the risk of hypoxia increases. Therefore, the baby's heart is listened to every 3 minutes and after each attempt with the help of an obstetric stethoscope - in other words, a tube. If a heartbeat is not normal, the doctor may give stimulation to speed up labor. In some cases, an episiotomy is also used - a dissection of the perineum. If the umbilical cord is wrapped around the throat, then the obstetrician releases it from the loop immediately after the birth of the baby's head. At this point, you can't push. The doctor will definitely warn about this.

If the entanglement is tight and the umbilical cord is significantly stretched, the delivery tactics will be different. In this case, the risk of acute hypoxia in natural childbirth very high. The reason is that when a child passes through the birth canal, the umbilical cord stretches even more, the lumen of its vessels narrows significantly. There is another danger as well. Because of the loop, the umbilical cord becomes shorter. This length may not be enough to allow the fetus to move freely through the birth canal. There is a threat of premature detachment of the placenta. Normally, it separates from the uterine wall after the baby is born. Premature abruption of the placenta is one of the most serious complications of pregnancy and childbirth. This is very dangerous state for the child, since it is through the placenta that he receives oxygen until the moment he begins to breathe on his own. To minimize the risks in case of tight entanglement, a woman is usually offered a planned caesarean section.

Question 8. Is it possible to somehow prevent cord entanglement?

Stop smoking (including passive), correct mode day, the absence of stress will help to avoid hypoxia in the fetus, and therefore reduce the risk of entanglement of the umbilical cord. The expectant mother needs to register as early as possible for pregnancy in medical institution, pass everything on time necessary examinations and follow the doctor's instructions. It is especially important to be under constant supervision if there is a history of diseases that increase the risk of developing hypoxia.

If a node is formed...

Many expectant mothers are interested in whether the condition in which the umbilical cord is tied into a knot is dangerous? Distinguish between true and false knot. What seemed like a knot during the first ultrasound may actually be varicose veins one of the vessels or a twisted section of the umbilical cord. There is no threat to the health of the child in this. The true knot is very rare. It occurs if the umbilical cord first formed a loop, and then the fetus swam through this loop. There are no ways to prevent the formation of a true node, since neither a woman nor a doctor can control all the movements of the fetus. The knot itself is not dangerous unless it is pulled tight. With tight tightening, the vessels of the umbilical cord can be pinched. This leads to impaired blood flow and, as a result, to hypoxia in the child. To understand whether the node poses a threat, the doctor also prescribes doplerometry.

Don't raise your hands?

Many women, especially the older generation, are still convinced that entanglement occurs due to the fact that a pregnant woman raises her arms high, for example, when she hangs clothes or curtains. From this, the fetus allegedly turns over and gets tangled in the umbilical cord. All this has nothing to do with reality. None modern research did not confirm that raising arms in any way harms the child. This posture is completely natural and cannot lead to undesirable consequences.

Of course, every woman will be worried that her pregnancy does not go beyond the norm. Therefore, there is no doubt that such a diagnosis as entanglement with the umbilical cord will make the expectant mother nervous a lot. Horrible stories about how dangerous it is also have a rather negative effect on the psyche of a pregnant woman.

Of course, the entanglement of the umbilical cord is quite severe complication, but still, if you do it right, then the birth can be successful and this will not affect the child in any way. And just like modern medicine has the ability to provide decent treatment, then in recent times there are practically no cases when childbirth with complications ended in death. Or rather, their units.

Umbilical cord - what is it?

The umbilical cord is the organ that connects you to your baby and is cut after birth. Around the fourteenth week, the umbilical cord and placenta are already fully formed. In the middle of this organ are two veins and an artery. ITS thickness is about 2 cm, and the length is 40-60 cm. More recently, scientists have proven that the umbilical cord will be exactly the same as the length of the pregnant mother. Therefore, when the length of the umbilical cord exceeds the norm, then this is considered to be heredity.

Causes of cord entanglement

In addition to scientifically proven facts, there are many more myths about why entanglement occurs. The most common is that a pregnant woman sewed or knitted. This assumption has been around for a very long time. Then the mother, who was engaged in needlework during pregnancy, was blamed for the death of children from entanglement with the umbilical cord. But since this is just a myth, it’s very difficult to call it a reason. And needlework, on the contrary, helps the expectant mother calm down and concentrate.

The umbilical cord, like the placenta, is one of the main organs through which the mother has a connection with the child. Oxygen enters the baby's body through the umbilical cord useful material on which he feeds. The umbilical cord is fully formed at about 14 weeks and its normal length should be in the range of 40-60 cm. In addition, it is interesting that the umbilical cord will be the same length as that of the mother of the child with her mother.

Doctors tried their best to study the causes of entanglement, and they came to the following conclusions:

  • An insufficient amount oxygen, which causes fetal hypoxia (occurs when the fetus is hyperactive);
  • Mom stress;
  • The cause of entanglement can also be high water. But not in all cases when these factors are present, entanglement may occur. Quite often it occurs and doctors cannot find the reasons that caused it.
  • Length of the umbilical cord: Basically, entanglement with the umbilical cord occurs when the length of this organ is more than 70 cm. But entanglement is not always guaranteed at such a length. An important point in such cases, the child's motor activity becomes.
But do not forget that the child is quite capable of getting out of the umbilical cord himself. Therefore, feelings about this should not immediately overlap all other emotions and common sense.

How to find out about entanglement?

The first signs of entanglement with the umbilical cord of the fetus can be seen with the help of CTG. If there is any suspicion, then an ultrasound should be done immediately. Although to date, a study on the presence of entanglement of the umbilical cord has been introduced into mandatory list the necessary parameters, which are found out with the help of ultrasound. There are cases when there is still a slight entanglement, but over time it may disappear. Therefore, if you believe the statistics, then only 10% of the detected entanglements require medical intervention.

Entanglement of the umbilical cord of the fetal neck

Exists great amount a variety of entanglements: tight, not very, multiple, and so on. All these factors must be taken into account when starting labor activity. The most terrible entanglement option is the entanglement of the child's neck. It in most cases causes hypoxia in the infant. In this case, a single non-tight entanglement of the neck is considered more common. As practice has shown, there is no harm from such an entanglement either for the mother or for the child. In addition, if the doctor is experienced enough, then the birth should take place without any complications. In addition, we must not forget to measure the child's pulse every half an hour during contractions. If something is wrong with the heartbeat, then a decision is made to urgently stimulate the woman in labor.

If a woman has an entanglement with the umbilical cord, then she should first of all protect herself from stressful situations as much as possible. Plus, you need to walk in the fresh air and do special exercise for pregnant. Thanks to this, it will be possible to fully saturate the child's body with oxygen. Also, do not take very close to heart all the horror stories that are about this situation.

The consequences of entanglement with the umbilical cord

Cord entanglement can often be diagnosed from the 17th week of pregnancy. But this does not mean at all that this complication will persist until the very birth. Sometimes a child can unravel on their own. The umbilical cord can wrap around the baby's body, limbs, and even the neck. But do not be afraid, because even the entanglement of the neck is not as dangerous for the child as it might seem. After all, the baby in the womb does not breathe with lungs, and oxygen enters exclusively through the umbilical cord. And this means that in the absence of clamped vessels in the umbilical cord, the baby receives everything that he needs for growth and development. But if, in addition to the entanglement, there are also pinched vessels, then the blood flow is disturbed. Therefore, it is very important when entanglement is detected to monitor whether the child has enough oxygen.

It is also necessary to ensure that due to the entanglement there are no other complications. For example, in some cases there is premature detachment placenta. In order to detect the entanglement, you need to go for an ultrasound. Also, the doctor must say what kind of entanglement: tight or not, isolated or combined (the umbilical cord wraps around the arms and legs).

Also, for complete certainty, at the first suspicion of entanglement, the pregnant woman undergoes a series of procedures that will determine how dangerous it is for the life of the child. One of the most common methods to find out is depleometry. Thanks to her, doctors have the opportunity to study the blood flow in the placenta. CTG is also quite often used, which allows you to find out if everything is in order with the child's heartbeat.

Doctors can only determine the way out of this situation at 37 weeks. After all, if before this time the child himself has not unraveled, then this will not happen. And only then, based on the nature of the entanglement, it will be possible to decide whether natural childbirth will be or it is better to use a caesarean section.

Umbilical cord entanglement: consequences, causes - today the focus of the site for mothers is the site. Indeed, according to statistics, this is possible in 20% of cases.

Too much active behavior a baby in the womb can lead to the fact that he simply “gets entangled” in the loops of the umbilical cord, and they wrap around the neck or other parts of the body several times. In some cases, the child himself gets out of the umbilical cord, but there are also situations when you can’t do without the help of a doctor.

This pathology appears quite often. On the last dates pregnancy obstetrician-gynecologist can report future mother such bad news.

Moreover, the reasons similar phenomenon although they are hidden in excessive activity child, but are related to the health of the mother and her behavior.

Cord entanglement: causes and consequences

If you believe the signs, then during pregnancy you should not knit, sew, weave something, actively engage in gymnastic exercises. But scientific evidence this is not the case, so each decides for herself what to do, whether to believe the speculations of her ancestors.

It's better to look at the problem with medical point vision. Obstetricians and gynecologists identify the following reasons:

  • fetal hypoxia,
  • improper lifestyle during pregnancy - frequent stress, constant overwork of the mother,
  • unbalanced diet,
  • too long umbilical cord (over 70 cm).

By the way, the hyperactivity of the baby in the womb is not at all his fault. Perhaps it becomes so mobile in search of oxygen and nutrients. This happens when future mother drinking too much black tea and coffee, drinking alcohol or smoking.

In addition, due to constant stress increases the concentration of adrenaline in the blood. This also affects nervous excitability child.

Features of the birth process

If umbilical cord entanglement is detected, specialists may prescribe dopplerometry. This procedure will allow you to study and monitor the intensity of blood flow through the vessels.

It is also important to make an appointment for cardiotocography to detect the fetal heart rate. Doctors will understand if there is a lack of oxygen.

If the child has 1-fold entanglement with the umbilical cord, natural childbirth is possible. But with a double appointment.

If you insist on another option for delivery, the consequences can be severe - asphyxia, death of the child. Moreover, if doctors diagnosed double entanglement at 38 weeks, they can operate during this period without waiting for the completion of the 40 week period.

Cord entanglement around the neck: consequences

A single entanglement usually resolves safely. Either before childbirth, the baby spontaneously gets out of the loop, or in the process of childbirth it is released from it, and everything ends without complications.

Double cord entanglement: consequences

With a double or multiple tight entanglement of the umbilical cord, there is a serious danger. This phenomenon can cause hypoxia. And because of the lack of oxygen in intrauterine development violations occur. The baby's body as a whole ceases to function normally.

There are changes in metabolic processes, adaptive capabilities are reduced, damage to the central nervous system occurs. The longer the oxygen deficiency, the more pronounced the consequences will be.

Squeezing the umbilical cord of the neck or limbs can cause disturbances in the blood supply to the tissues. Due to the strong tension of the umbilical cords, there may be early detachment placenta or childbirth much earlier than the term.

A strong multiple entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord sometimes even has extremely deplorable consequences. The umbilical cord tenaciously squeezes the baby's neck, like a noose, and in severe cases, intrauterine fetal death occurs.

Not always the entanglement of the umbilical cord has fatal outcome, but the site site notes that such a phenomenon may not pass without a trace for the child.

Cord entanglement: consequences for the child in the future

Staying in a state where there is not enough oxygen to the baby for a long time can affect the development of the brain. Irreversible processes occur in it, and in the future this leads to a deterioration in physical and mental development.

Psychological consequences of entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus

They do not appear immediately, but after a few years. For example, a child may have tantrums and tears when tying scarves, ties, bow ties. AT stressful situations may be disturbed by asthma attacks.

What to do? As soon as possible, contact specialists who can provide correct psychological assistance.

And don't provoke unpleasant situations. Do not force them to wear turtlenecks and scarves so that the child does not feel discomfort.

Not always the entanglement of the umbilical cord has deplorable consequences, but, as they say, forewarned is forearmed!

Modern technologies make it possible to monitor the development, growth and condition of the unborn child while he is in the womb. A huge advantage of ultrasound or cardiotocographic examination of the fetus is the ability to detect pathologies in time, for example, cord entanglement.

What threatens the diagnosis of the baby? What causes single, double or triple umbilical cord wrapping? What should a future mother do? Can the problem be avoided?

About pathology

The umbilical cord is a vascular formation that connects the organisms of the fetus and mother through the placenta. This temporary extra-embryonic organ is formed during the period from the 2nd to the 12th week of pregnancy from the amniotic leg connecting the embryo with the amnion (the future fetal bladder) and the chorion (the placenta is formed from it). Normally, the umbilical cord consists of three vessels - two arteries and a vein, immersed in a mucous-gelatinous mass - jelly wartons. All this together is twisted in a spiral and tightly covered with an amniotic membrane.

The normal length of the umbilical cord is from 40 to 70 cm. As a rule, entanglement is diagnosed if the length of the organ more than normal. Pathology is determined during ultrasound or during childbirth. Most often, the entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus is detected.

There are two types of pathology:

  • entanglement as a result of the rotation of the child around the axis - it is, as it were, wrapped around the umbilical cord;
  • entanglement as a result of slipping of the child into the umbilical cord.

With the first type of entanglement, it is quite possible to "disentangle" yourself from the loops. The second type can create problems.

With full slippage, the umbilical cord does not wrap around the neck of the fetus, but is tied, forming a true knot. Similar formations are found in 0.5% of all births, almost always with a very long umbilical cord. They rarely harm the baby, because, thanks to the elasticity of the cord, they do not tighten enough to cause oxygen starvation.

If only the fetal head has passed into the loop, the umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck and can be tightened. The baby himself will not be able to get rid of such a loop. Especially dangerous is the tight entanglement of the umbilical cord.

Reasons for entanglement

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What is the reason for the entanglement of the umbilical cord in the region of the cervical sulcus? The child wraps around his own umbilical cord when several conditions coincide: he has enough space for turns, somersaults and other movements, he is very active and the length of the cord is large enough.

All three conditions are present in the first trimester of pregnancy - it is during the first ultrasound that many hear about cord entanglement. However, the baby has a lot of time to spontaneously resolve the situation.

In the second and third trimesters, there is not much space left, the baby himself becomes larger and his activity decreases. However, in the absence of an alarming diagnosis on the first ultrasound, it may appear after the second and third screenings and even before childbirth.

Cord entanglement is provoked by the following reasons:

  • oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • the use by the mother of products and drugs that stimulate the nervous system;
  • stressful conditions of the mother;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • long umbilical cord.

The lack of oxygen makes the baby move more and more actively. Exciting to the fetus in the womb are some foods used by a woman - coffee, tea, sweets. When a mother experiences a strong emotional shock, even a positive one, substances provoking activity - adrenaline and cortisol - are released into the blood. In combination with an excess volume of amniotic fluid and a long umbilical cord, an increase motor activity fetus can lead to entanglement.

Single entanglement of the child with the umbilical cord with a photo

The main methods for diagnosing the pathology of the umbilical cord during pregnancy are ultrasound, CTG, dopplerometry. Women are very frightened when they hear that the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck. However, a single entanglement is observed in almost every fifth birth (in 22.9% of cases), which means that this phenomenon in itself is not so scary.

With a normal or large length of the umbilical cord, a single entanglement does not pose a serious danger. At the moment of birth, the obstetrician will simply pull the noose and remove it from the newborn's neck (pictured). When the umbilical cord is short, it may be cut.

Double and triple twist

AT obstetric practice there is a double (3% of cases of the total number of births), three times (0.5%) and even four times (0.07%) wrapping of the neck of the fetus. The more turns the umbilical cord forms, the higher the likelihood of damage to it, up to a rupture, fraught with bleeding and death of the baby.

The umbilical loops not only compress the fetal neck, but also shorten the length of the cord. With increased physical activity, this can lead to placental abruption. Another consequence of repeated entanglement is a change in the position of the fetus in the womb. Often there is a double entanglement with breech presentation- the baby cannot lower himself upside down, the reduced length of the umbilical cord does not allow him.

What are the complications of pregnancy and the consequences for the baby?

Cord entanglement, especially single and not tight, rarely causes pregnancy complications. Thanks to Wharton's jelly, the vessels - a vein through which nutrients and oxygen enter the fetus, and two arteries that remove its waste products - are not pinched. The danger is true knots and multiple entanglement necks, which are extremely rare.

The diagnosis of entanglement is possible only through ultrasound, but this method does not give a 100% guarantee of confirming or refuting the diagnosis. It is not visible on the monitor whether the umbilical cord actually wraps around the neck of the fetus, or whether it simply surrounds it, without crossing anywhere.

Often, obstetricians discover that the baby has been wrapped around the umbilical cord after birth. Indirectly, the entanglement of the umbilical cord is indicated by such signs as:

  • increase or decrease in motor activity;
  • developmental delay;
  • deviations in cardiac activity (as a rule, an increase or decrease in heart rate).

If such symptoms are detected, the pregnant woman is taken under special control. The woman will be asked to closely monitor the movements of the baby and consult a doctor for any changes in his activity. She will also have to undergo more ultrasound and CTG.

There are no ways to influence the situation before childbirth that have proven effective. If the fetus is diagnosed acute hypoxia, the expediency of early delivery is considered, in especially severe cases - by caesarean section. Delay is fraught with dire consequences. The task of specialists is to prevent the baby from dying.

What should a future mother do?

First of all, the expectant mother should calm down. As already mentioned, the experiences of the mother cause the release of adrenaline and increased activity of the fetus, which should be avoided. If the entanglement is found in the 1st and even the 2nd trimester, there is no need to panic at all - firstly, it is not known whether it really exists, and secondly, the baby has enough time to get out of the umbilical cord.

If a ultrasound examination showed that the child was tangled in the umbilical cord in the 3rd trimester (at 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 and even 36 weeks), there are reasons for unrest, but no radical measures still not accepted. You should trust your doctor and follow his instructions.

A woman should monitor her diet, exclude or reduce the consumption of sweet, spicy, and caffeinated drinks. Reception vitamin complexes corresponding to the gestational age will help provide the fetus essential substances. measured daily routine, good rest, outdoor activities, moderate physical exercise reassure mom, little fidget in her tummy.

There is an opinion that it is useful to perform special exercises. One of them is the “cat pose”: the pregnant woman gets on all fours and alternately arches her back, like an angry cat, and bends in the lower back. Exercise relieves pressure from the back, removes pressure from the kidneys and Bladder normalizes blood flow.

The most responsible approach should be to childbirth. If the doctor recommends operative delivery, motivating this by the fact that the fetus is entwined with the umbilical cord and is deficient in oxygen, you should not persist in insisting on natural childbirth. If the doctor sees no reason for the operation, the expectant mother needs to carefully listen to all the instructions of the obstetrician and follow them as accurately as possible, without hesitating to ask clarifying questions. You should first make sure of the professionalism of the specialist - at the birth of a newborn with an entanglement of the umbilical cord, his life depends on the actions of the obstetrician.

It went well for her and the baby. Such a complication of pregnancy as entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus 1 time or more occurs often, so the possible fears of the expectant mother regarding the presence of such a pathology seem to be fair.

To understand what is a consequence of the pathology of the entanglement, it is necessary to have an understanding of physiology and anatomy. Around 14 weeks of gestation, the umbilical cord and placenta complete their development. Placenta and umbilical cord play important role in the metabolic processes that occur in the organisms of the expectant mother and child. After the child is born into the world, the umbilical cord is cut, and this ends the direct interaction of the two organisms.

The umbilical cord is a cord of a certain length, which is formed from special connective tissues. In the center of the umbilical cord are 2 arteries and 1 umbilical vein. The normal length of the umbilical cord varies from 0.4 to 0.6 meters. The thickness of the umbilical cord reaches two centimeters. The length of the umbilical cord is a hereditary factor, science has proven that the length of the umbilical cord of the mother and daughter is approximately the same.

Sometimes it happens that the fetus becomes entangled in the umbilical cord as a result of chaotic movements. Most often, the formation of a loop occurs on the limbs and neck. How dangerous is such a twist? How is childbirth going? this case? Consider these issues in relation to the option of entwining around the neck.

Causes of the formation of an umbilical loop around the neck of the fetus

Among the most probable causes, along which the formation of an umbilical loop on the neck of the fetus occurs, experts call:

  • intrauterine fetal hypoxia;
  • frequent stays of the expectant mother in stressful situations;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • long umbilical cord.

Oxygen starvation always causes anxiety of the fetus, manifested in its increased activity, resulting in a loop around the neck.

A large number of amniotic fluid allows the child to "swim" without constraint in movements, this also provokes the entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck.

Single cord entanglement

If the umbilical loop forms one ring, then such an entanglement is called single. It does not pose a particular threat to the life and health of the fetus, however, when it is detected, control of heart beats and the number of movements should be carried out more often than usual. With a single entanglement with the umbilical cord, the possibility self-disposal baby from the loop is high enough.

double cord wrap

If the umbilical loop around the neck of the fetus is formed by two rings, then I call such an entanglement double or double. It is more dangerous than a single one in that the child is not always capable of throwing off two loops on his own. Often double entanglement causes fetal hypoxia.

Entanglement of the fetal neck with the umbilical cord at 32-33-34-36-38 weeks

From the 32nd week of pregnancy, very little remains in the uterine cavity free space, therefore active "somersaults" of the child stop by this time. However, this does not prevent him from getting entangled in his own umbilical cord. That's just self-extrication in late pregnancy is significantly reduced. If at the end of the third trimester entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck was diagnosed, then the gynecologist will monitor the condition of the fetus with great attention. And if a double and tight entanglement is detected at 37-38 weeks, then, most likely, the birth will take place through a caesarean section.

Consequences of wrapping around the neck

The main and serious consequence of entwining around the neck is oxygen starvation of the child, as a result of which there is a high risk of developing asphyxia. In addition, entanglement, especially tight and double, increases the risk of labor complications due to cord tension, which can provoke placental abruption.

What to do if you find entanglement around the neck?

At first, the tactics of waiting are used, because often the fetus throws off the loop on its own. If this does not happen, then the question of the advisability of a caesarean section is being decided. If the loop is not tight, then you can not worry and calmly wait for the start of natural labor.

What is the course of childbirth during entanglement?

How the birth progresses depends on how tight the noose around the neck is and whether the fetus is showing signs of oxygen starvation.If hypoxia is not observed, and the loop is not too tight, then the birth takes place in the usual manner.

If there are signs of progressive hypoxia, then the woman is delivered by surgery.

In any case, during childbirth, the gynecologist monitors the state of the child's cardiac activity using cardiotocography. As a rule, childbirth with a similar pathology ends successfully.