How to please a guy online. How to please your boyfriend. A picture or an anecdote on his page on social networks


What could be nicer than the happy smile of your girlfriend? It's just that sometimes it's hard to achieve. The guy will have to work hard to surprise his beloved lady. This does not always require money. Rather, fantasy, romance and sincere desire please the girl.

How to show attention: 5 pleasant gestures

In a couple's relationship, it's very important. non-verbal communication. Therefore, the easiest way to please your beloved girl without money is to show your feelings through touch. And it's not just about intimacy.

  • 1. Take by the hand. Especially at the beginning of a relationship, this gesture can be more intimate and pleasant than a kiss. By the way, by the warmth of the hand, trembling or strength of compression, one can judge how much a girl is disposed towards a guy.
  • 2. Hug from behind. If it's cold outside, then this is a great opportunity not only to make the girl feel good, but also to warm her up.
  • 3. Stroke your hair. This gesture is not suitable for an unfamiliar couple. And he does not assume that the guy will stroke the girl on the head, as pet. A light touch of curls will be enough.
  • 4. Kiss when she's angry. A sudden kiss will surprise the girl and easily.
  • 5. Carry on your hands. No matter how indignant the girl is, arguing that she is allegedly heavy, there is nothing better than to pick up her beloved in her arms and carry her through the puddles.

How to please a girl: 5 pleasant deeds

Girls appreciate the actions of guys. It is the deeds that make it clear how much one person is dear and important in the life of another.

  • 1. Say goodbye to bad habit. Quitting smoking, playing computer games, etc. can be difficult for guys. But, in order to please your beloved girl, you can say goodbye to bad habits. Especially if she asks for it.
  • 2. Read her favorite book. This will not only make it clear that the girl is not indifferent, but will also help the couple.
  • 3. Protect her when the opportunity presents itself. You need to be prepared for the fact that you can protect a girl not only from hooligans, but, sometimes, even from your friends or relatives.
  • 4. Arrange romantic dinner. It's simple and, to some, it may even seem trite. But, at the same time, it is an unshakable classic that should be in the history of every couple in love. The main thing is that a romantic dinner should be a surprise for the girl. It would be great to organize it in a forest clearing, on a rooftop or by the sea.
  • 5. Trust your secret. It's a sign Serious relationships, which the .

How to give a girl a pleasant surprise: 5 nice gifts

Gifts from a loved one are things that carry the history of relationships. They are stored for a long time and even become symbols of love. Therefore, their meaning should be symbolic. Then they will carry pleasant memories even if the loved one is at a distance.

  • 1. Own T-shirt. It's no secret how girls love to wear guys' T-shirts. Especially sleeping in them.
  • 2. A gift for a couple. It can be pendants or key rings, one of which will be with the girl, and the second with the guy.
  • 3. Flowers. This is the most classic, but always a pleasant surprise for your girlfriend. The main thing is to find out which flowers the beloved prefers.
  • 4. Decoration. This is definitely an expensive gift. But, even if a small ring or bracelet is a thing that a girl will always take with her and will remember her lover.
  • 5. indoor flower. This is not only a gift for her, but also a great test. By the way the girl takes care of the presented houseplant, one can judge how she treats the guy.

5 handmade surprises

And finally, 5 nice things that you can do with your own hands for your girlfriend.

  • 1. Make an album with shared photos.
  • 2. Write 100 beautiful qualities of your girlfriend.
  • 3. Bake a cake or make any other custom dessert of your own.
  • 4. Take drawing lessons and draw her portrait.
  • 5. Write a poem or a love letter for her.

It is very important that the girl herself knows how to accept gestures and actions, surprises and gifts from her beloved man. After all, how she appreciates the efforts of a guy will depend on his self-esteem, the desire to do nice things in the future, and sometimes future relationships.

Let's start, perhaps, with gratitude to those girls who are interested in this topic and are looking for ways not only to get something, but also to give. We will tell you how to give correctly, but this topic is not the only one, because a man can be made nice in many more ways.

She is devoid of dubious, sugary advice offered by girls who have heard enough advice only from their mothers. We have collected what every man would really like from his girlfriend, even if he does not admit it himself. But first things first. First we need to understand what we are dealing with.

What is a man

A man is a human male, periodically subject to the following needs:

Wants to be needed by someone.

Sometimes wants to be left alone for a while.

And to be accepted for who he is.

delicious food

Sweet sleep

It's good to ... gasp (if the man is under 80).

The secret of how to please a man lies in the manipulation of these needs and their combinations. It also happens that a man wants to combine the need to be left alone with the need for love comforts. Here you just need to understand and forgive. But let's move on to real advice from the obvious to the incredible.


Don't be too pliable and intrusive. Such a woman will sooner or later get bored. Made it nice once - crush him with a blow to the stomach. Or say that you are going to a club with your friends in this short transparent dress. This will help maintain the balance of good and evil in the relationship. Of course, not literally, but I think you understand the principle. Although no man will admit that this is the case, some resistance is very important.

It is also very important that everything be sincere, from pure heart. Otherwise, the efforts are in vain.

How to make a man happy

1. Every time he appears before you without underwear, exclaim: “God, how huge it is, I still can’t get used to it.” In this case, it is better not to specify what you mean - a huge bush of hair, or something else.

2. Visit your mother. This is one of the most brilliant women's actions for the benefit of a man and relationships in general. You will save the poor fellow from the mother-in-law's visit to you, because if you do not visit, she may come by herself. And having cleverly guessed the moment, you will give the guy required time to be alone. A little separation irritates past feelings and can work wonders!

3. Take something in your mouth that will prevent you from speaking for at least 5 minutes. This alone will deliver a man unearthly pleasure, holy silence ... You don’t even need to bother with technology. And if you don’t fail with the subject, then the effect will triple. What and how - we will not write, we have a decent place here. But you would drive another question into the search engine if you would like dirty details.

4. If you are thinking how to please a man in bed, then here you can simply not be afraid to realize his personal desires, which he himself will tell you about. Even if he wants to put a bag on your head, don't be offended - maybe he just wants to relive his first time with the bag on him.

5. And if your boyfriend is shy, then you need to take the initiative.- become a whore and embody your desires. Show how much you like everything that happens, and he will be pleased no less.

6. Bed and food - incompatible? But no! Make yourself a sandwich, cut sausage, cheese, tomatoes and lettuce. Put all this beauty on you. A hungry man who comes home from work will come to you with a redoubled appetite, and the two of you will make an excellent sandwich! Unless, of course, he first hits the phone.

Whipped cream has long been considered a traditional treat for "dinners in bed". If your man has a sweet tooth, he will definitely like it! Just remember to put water within reach.

7. But you can get by with traditional treats. The way to a man's heart is still through the stomach, and you can get there only by preparing something tasty and edible. And if the set includes watching a match of your favorite team or a movie that he recently told you about, then in his eyes you will find the face of a saint!

8. And now you can sleep. Say that the whole action was so memorable and cool that you just pass out. You probably want to chat with him for at least an hour after that. But this time you want to please the guy. So this time, leave this (by the way, natural) need for later.

9. Be attentive to what he says. It will be a very pleasant surprise if you enter into a conversation with him on his topic, in which you only yesterday understood no more than a resident of Liechtenstein in golf.

For example, a couple of days ago he had the imprudence to tell you about how yesterday they played football with the boys and could not score in any way. Go to Yandex, type in “the basics of playing football, the placement of players”, read and absorb everything to the letter, and the next time you give out: “Darling, have you tried playing in the 4-3-3 scheme? Put the speedy Petrovich with the right winger, let him hang on the center, and there your tall Leopold will surely beat his head. Use the experience of the great Barça!”. And that's it, a man with an open mouth bows to the floor on which you stand.

Only there is a minus - you have to start going to matches with him.

10. Laugh at his jokes. Men are pleased when you appreciate their sense of humor. For a guy, the laughter and smile of a girl is a top-notch award. So the easiest way to please a man is to smile at him. The main thing here is to understand where laughter is appropriate, and where not. Do not confuse: when he takes off his pants, we do everything according to item 1 when joking, we laugh, and not vice versa.

11. Thousands of different little things can also make you happy:

Give him slippers.

Give him a funny treat.

Give more serious gift. The more expensive it is, the more expensive they will give you :)

Give him a massage after a day's work.

Write an unexpected text message.

Scan your chest and send it to him.

Play his favorite song.

Download your favorite game to your computer.

Tell him he's cool.

Tell him you feel safe with him.

And his driving style.

Write your options in the comments! :)

Thank you for reading the article to the end. First of all, thanks from your man, because now you know how to please your beloved. Rather, get down to business, and be happy paired with your man.

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If you have read this article, then you already know,

Your loved one certainly deserves little surprises. After all, who else can diversify relationships by adding spice to them, if not a woman. The keeper of the hearth, in order to keep the intrigue in bed, can special efforts to make a guy and husband happier, just by showing yourself from the other side. But for this it is necessary to discard constraint, and also, to get to know the temperament and taste of the partner better. If you also want to know how to surprise a man in bed, we offer you to learn a few secrets from our article.

On the this moment There are many ways that allow you not only to seduce and surprise a man or a guy, but also to conquer him by learning the art of love. This is important, and also necessary, to keep the relationship feeling in love.

If a woman is in love, intuition wakes up in her, thanks to which she can subtly feel the needs of a man in bed and embody them. But, unfortunately, such feelings can dull over the years. It becomes problematic to surprise a loved one after several years of marriage. To avoid this, first try to keep yourself in shape so that a man can admire you.

Do not forget, until it comes to bed, a man will love with a look.

Take care of your appearance and additional attributes that will help create a romantic atmosphere, as well as surprise a man.

How to become more attractive in the eyes of a partner?

After many years spent together, most women are in no hurry to preen for a husband in the morning. But this is wrong. Follow your appearance and allowing a man to admire you is necessary all the time.

Getting up just a few minutes before your loved one, put yourself in order. Then he will give you a compliment in the morning. And before the evening comes, the image of a smiling beloved will pop up in his head. Therefore, after work, he will rush to you.

During the years of marriage, partners need to leave shyness and timidity. Then in bed you will be able to surprise each other.

Experiments will become more successful if you are completely liberated. And remember that men prefer confident women, but at the same time they like to feel like hunters. There are several tricks on how to do this.

How to intrigue a loved one?

To make the night one of the "unforgettable", take care of it in advance. For starters, meet your husband after work properly. Clean up and wait for him at the door with a kiss and a playful look. Surrounding a man with care and comfort after a working day, you will allow him to relax properly. So he will have a new surge of strength by night.

Think over the image in advance. Let it be a lace lingerie set, or a sexy peignoir. Change bed. You can buy silk for such cases. linens. Don't forget about:

  • suitable lighting - light candles, you can use aromatic ones;
  • musical accompaniment- turn on soft romantic music;
  • a relaxing drink - a couple of glasses of champagne or wine will perfectly complement the evening.

Such an environment will not only set your beloved man in an intimate mood, but will also allow him to experience emotional and aesthetic pleasure.

As a prelude to love pleasures, you can give your partner an erotic massage. It is best to learn the basics by watching a video on how to surprise your husband in bed using this technique. But in general, you just need to reveal your individuality and, knowing the “weak” points of your man, give him pleasure. Erotic massage can also increase attraction.

Scenarios of love games

As many representatives think fair half humanity, for comfort in bed, you must first visit a sex shop. However, to surprise a man, this is not necessary. You can independently kindle a volcano of passion in him, armed with fantasy. You can use a few script hints to do this.

dress up game

Each real woman there should be a pair of stockings in the wardrobe. Putting them on, you can create an image of a nurse or a maid, complementing it with an apron or a short white shirt.

No man can resist such a picture. Especially if you first appear before him in this guise. You can transform into a seductive waitress by taking your husband from the doorway to the bedroom, where a romantic dinner will be waiting for him. But believe me, you will no longer be up to it.

For this method, it is not necessary to attend strip-plastic lessons. By turning on smooth music and dimming the light, with light and erotic movements you can not only surprise your partner, but also drive him crazy. The main thing is to try to perform body movements to the beat of the music and everything will work out.


Add ice, ice cream, or hot chocolate to games in bed (for the most daring). Picking up, for example, a piece of ice, you can draw a path on it, which you then shower with kisses. If it is an ice cream track, you can barely touch your loved one's body language and lick it off. To surprise and turn on a man in this way, it is best to start from the neck, going through the chest and stomach, completing the “manoeuvre” in the genital area.

Undress your partner

Among the variety of love pleasures, undressing a partner is by no means the last. It is important at the same time that the procedure itself does not occur in a standard and fast way.

Take the initiative in your hands and start with a T-shirt (shirt). It must be carefully and slowly removed until the wardrobe item fixes the hands of your intrigued husband. Remember to throw a playful look all this time. Opening the torso, shower it with kisses. When you feel the “rush of strength” of the sweetheart, take off the T-shirt completely and proceed to the trousers. Do not rush, just lower them to the genitals, continuing to caress the torso of your beloved and kiss him. Having completely removed this item of clothing, lay it on the bed and start undressing yourself. It can be under a pleasant light melody.

To surprise a man in bed is not at all difficult. For some, you can apply pressure and affection, for others - try on light image and windy girl. The main thing is to understand what turns on a loved one.

The above tips apply to married couples. And they don't quite fit the ones who are dating. Especially for those who have recently started to get to know each other.

Properly surprise your lover

Do not rush to surprise a guy in bed in the first month after meeting. First, you don't know your partner enough. As well as he you. And trying to diversify might lead him to think about defiant behavior. As strange as it may sound, men are very careful. Therefore, it is better not to take risks.

Secondly, ignorance of his taste and preferences can lead both of you to a dead end. Try to determine the interests of your partner during the first weeks of dating. Unobtrusively find out his wishes so that the attempt to surprise the guy in bed is crowned with success.

In general, to surprise your husband or boyfriend, it is enough not to allow monotony in bed. If a man is not bored with you, he will also try to please you.

In life, we often encounter such situations when the heart of a loved one begins to feel sad, and we begin to think about how to fix it. How to please a loved one, how to please him, cheer him up?

All of us, both women and men, remain children at heart. Hence the answer to the question. Analyze what he would like - to relax, go somewhere, buy something?

Men are constantly on edge, trying to prove their masculinity. So they need to relax. Buy him a new computer game and on his day off, leave him alone with the computer. It has been proven that men, when playing games, relax and forget about all the bad things. virtual world they are so mesmerizing that after such a day off, he will thank you for more than one day.

In order to make a pleasant surprise for a loved one, it is not necessary to have a lot of money and time. Every little thing, made with love, will be appreciated. Wake up your husband tender kisses, and not wild cries: - "You overslept again!"

Get up early, make breakfast, and for dessert, you can offer yourself. After all, scientists have long proven that sex in the morning betrays energy no less than an energy drink. Moreover, people who have accustomed themselves to making love in the morning are much less likely to experience depression.

How else to please a loved one who looks tired or sad? Perhaps your spouse has long dreamed of buying a vacuum cleaner in the car, but you considered it a waste of money. So go and buy him this vacuum cleaner. Give him an unexpected gift. You will see, when you again ask for a new bottle of perfume, he will not have any complaints that you already have five of them.

A role-playing game will also be a good surprise for him. For her, you will need time, products, beautiful tablecloth, clothing reminiscent of the uniform of waitresses and romantic music. The meaning of the game is that you arrange a restaurant at home. Like any restaurant, you must have a menu.

But the prices for dishes will not be expressed in money, but in the fulfillment of your desires. For example, he can taste a salad for a kiss himself erogenous point your body. Think of the movie 9 ½ Weeks. There, the heroes greedily ate various goodies from each other. Believe me, the emotions that you will experience this evening, you probably both have not experienced for a long time.

What is a restaurant without a show program? If you know how to move well, then offer your favorite striptease. Naturally, for a fee, this can be a new coat or a trip to jewelry shop. It all depends on your imagination. Oh, and don't forget to come up with a nickname for yourself. Your husband will obviously be surprised that you have turned from Lena into a passionate Jessica.

Believe me, the whole family rests on a woman and this is a fact. How to please your loved one is up to you. But it is clear that the more good points in your life, the stronger your family will be. And your husband will rush home every day, and not to a bar with friends.

There are a lot of ways and you should not be limited to any particular one. And to please a person is worth the method that is more suitable for the situation. There are situations when sadness and Bad mood arise as a result of problems.

First, talk to your loved one, find out what is bothering him, perhaps you could help solve the problem of your loved one, and this will already be a great joy for him. And only then come up with some kind of surprise that would be pleasant to your soul mate.

If your loved one is just sad, come up with original way please him. So a woman for her man can organize a party with his friends, with beer and watching horror films or female wrestling. It is also possible to carry out theme party, but this party format is more acceptable and pleasant for girls.

You can also buy movie tickets for the movie that your lover has wanted to watch for a long time. The methods of spending time together can also include: a concert of your favorite band or artist or a rock concert that will charge you with energy and drive.

Also, to please a loved one, you can come up with an extreme vacation that will definitely please fans of extreme sports. Go to KVN or to the theater if your soul mate loves cultural recreation.

Very often, in order to please your loved one, you just need to buy some kind of gift that your soulmate has wanted / wanted for so long. You can make some surprise.

So, for example, a girl can: give her portrait, sing a song under the window in her own performance, draw a declaration of love under her window, write a poem, etc. Everyone understands that these things are pretty banal, but they will not leave aside none of the girls and will surely please a loved one. For a man, you can: dance a striptease (if the nature of your relationship allows), give time to spend in a purely male company, etc.

But in situations where the family lives together very for a long time or the relationship is completely tightened by routine and life, we forget to please our loved one. Find a way to please your loved one, and then you yourself will feel the joy. Do not forget that the one who gives, receives twice.

How to make your boyfriend happy

This is a problem for all the fair sex, especially if the holiday is just around the corner. Of course, we want our gifts to be the best, memorable and able to please a loved one. And, believe me, it’s not enough to give exactly what a man wants, not only will you spend a lot of money to surprise him with your generosity. It is important how you give a gift to your loved one.

A hundred years ago, there was a certain tradition of giving gifts on a birthday or on Christmas Eve, on Valentine's Day, etc. everything should take place in a festive atmosphere with a solemn offering of presents. But times are changing, the ethics of giving also does not stand still. And if you want to make a real surprise, then make the process itself a surprise.

Your gift must not be worn practical unless the man himself needs it. It is better to choose a gift based on the personal aspect to please specific person. For example: cool attributes for his desktop, a gift related to his hobby or passion, a decoration gift;

It is very important that the gift itself looks like its owner, otherwise you will have an on-duty smile, facial expressions of surprise and admiration, how smart you are, and then almost in a whisper “thank you”. I think you don't need it;

To please your loved one, do not give him clothes, colognes, hygiene products. All this can be given just like that, showing real care for a loved one.

How to give a gift to your beloved man:

And now the fun begins. How to donate!? Of course, you can use the old and traditional ways: per festive table, v intimate setting or with friends at a party;

And you can make a gift offering only for your loved one on the most wrong moment. So you can really do something nice for your loved one. For example, you interrupt Soccer game, ask him to climb into the closet for the sheets, you urgently need them, but there he suddenly, by chance, of course, discovers a package with the inscription "Beloved".

He flies, bulging his eyes, to you with a question frozen on his lips, and your task is to urgently “get angry”, they say, it was a surprise, but you quickly change your anger to mercy and allow you to open ... Of course, the wine is already prepared, and the chicken is in the oven baked;

And for inquisitive intellectuals, draw a map of the house with identification marks. Make sure that the search for a gift does not exceed 10-15 minutes, otherwise the man will quickly get tired and you will not be able to please your loved one;

Or come up with riddles about the gift. Make him dream about him when he understands the answer and, as if by magic, pull him out from under your peignoir;

And just hide tickets for a concert, a trip or a sports match on yourself and play strip. The main thing is to be able to lose in time.

When people meet for a long time, live together, then feelings can fade away or go by the wayside. To prevent this from happening, you need to constantly “nourish” them: say words of love, arrange special days for only two, make pleasant surprises and gifts. In order to please your soul mate, it is not at all necessary to wait for any holiday, because it is you who will make any day festive.

To please your boyfriend, you do not need to be a sorceress at all. The secrets are simple:

  1. Confess your love more often. Very often, over time, we forget to do this. It goes without saying that this goes without saying, but it needs to be reminded. Send him an SMS on his phone, put romantic notes in his documents, in his pockets. Remind your beloved man how much he is dear to you. He will appreciate it.
  2. Have a romantic evening. romantic setting in the house will cheer up not only him, but also you. cook it up favourite dish, but two or three are better at once. Create an intimate atmosphere in your home: dim the lights, turn on an unobtrusive melody, serve a candlelit dinner, put on your best dress and meet the guy. Believe me, he will be pleasantly surprised.
  3. SPA-salon at home. It is nice to relax not only with the soul, but also with the body. Imagine how happy your boyfriend will be at a home SPA with his beloved after a hard day's work. If you approach the organization with all responsibility (and love), then you can make soap and bath bombs with your own hands. regular soap will not cause any emotions in your boyfriend, but the soap prepared specifically for him (even if it is like soap for the first time) with his favorite aroma will cause him a surge of feelings for you. Learn about soap making, buy necessary ingredients and get started. Once you have soap and bath bombs, prepare essential oils, candles and petals. Take a bath together: it's more pleasant and more fun.
    On another evening, give your loved one a massage. Watch some instructional video tutorials to be more confident in the massage technique. Prepare warm towels, dim the lights, turn on relaxing music, light some candles, and invite your boyfriend over for a massage. Such pleasant surprise the man will be happy.
    After such pleasant procedures you can continue to please your boyfriend in another place - in bed. Learn and perform a private dance for him, arrange role play. Your intimate relationship will become much brighter and more sensual, and the pleasure that a young man will receive will please him for a long time.
    It will be very original if you present a certificate made by your with my own hands, for one of the procedures of our own SPA-salon. Exclusive treatments in an exclusive location.
  4. Entertainment. Take your boyfriend to the movies for action, sci-fi or comedy. When choosing a film, it is worth considering HIS taste, and not yours, since he will not appreciate a tearful melodrama. Go play billiards or bowling, visit a water park or an amusement park. Such a vacation will allow you to enjoy each other's company and cheer yourself up.
    Extreme entertainment will allow you to have plenty of fun and increase adrenaline in your blood. Give him a certificate to fly in a wind tunnel, to skydive or to fly on a large hot-air balloon. Perhaps by presenting such a certificate, you will fulfill his dream.
    You can invite his friends and have a party. He will be grateful if you give him the opportunity to watch football or hockey in a male company. The young man will definitely appreciate all your efforts.
  5. Surprises and gifts. Men, no matter how old they are, still remain a little boy in their hearts. Give him a radio-controlled car or helicopter, a disk with a new computer game. You can't even imagine HOW his eyes will light up when you hand him one of these things.
    If you saw on the posters of the city that your boyfriend's favorite band or artist is coming, then do not hesitate to purchase tickets. Even if you are not a fan of such creativity, then your presence at the concert will make your loved one doubly happy, because he knows that you do not like rock and came only for it.
    Think maybe there is something that your boyfriend has never done before in his life. Take at least simple, banal things: launching an air lantern, swimming in the lake at night, admiring starry sky… Such simple and unusual things sometimes bring the greatest pleasure.
  6. Hobby. You know that your boyfriend has been collecting vintage mini cars or stamps or comics or coins for a long time. Find a rare specimen that is missing from his collection. He will be delighted not only with the novelty, but also with the fact that you share his interests. And if his hobbies are fishing, hiking, photographing animals ... Rate him leisure, perhaps you have a hidden talent as a fisherman.
  7. Tourism. If you are not at all constrained by finances, then one of the most unexpected and at the same time nice gifts is an unplanned trip. Mountains, sea, tourism - whatever goal you pursue, the guy will be just happy to leave everything everyday for a secluded place to relax with you.
In order to please your loved one, you do not need to wait for some holiday or special day. Any day can become unusual, and even the smallest and most banal surprise (for example, unexpected kiss) will give dear pleasant emotions and good mood.