Optimal growth of the child by months. Preparation for weight measurement. Research conditions

December 22, 2014 admin No Comments


dynamics observation physical development.


assessment of physical development.


SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS: do not leave the child unattended.

POSSIBLE PROBLEMS: child's anxiety.


  1. Electronic balance.
  2. Horizontal stadiometer
  3. Tape measure
  4. Diaper
  5. Des. solution, clean rags, container for used rags, 95% (70%) alcohol.

V Algorithm for performing a simple medical service.

Preparation for the procedure:

  1. Explain to your mom the meaning of the manipulation, get informed consent.
  2. Wash your hands hygienically, dry.


  1. Balance the scales.
  2. Wipe the scales disinfected. solution.
  3. Turn on electronic system scales (up to 90 kg).

Procedure execution:

  1. Put a clean diaper folded several times on the scales; weigh it (notice the weight on the scoreboard).
  2. Press the buttons "0", then "T" so that the weight of the diaper on the display is with a (-) sign.
  3. Lay the baby in a diaper.
  4. Notice the weight of the child on the scoreboard.
  5. Take the baby off, put it in the crib or give it to the mother.

End of procedure:

  1. Write down the result (remember to subtract the weight of the diaper) in medical records.
  2. Remove the diaper from the table, process the changing table des. solution.

Read also about: Determination of the pulse in a newborn baby.

Measuring Newborn Growth:

Preparation for the procedure:
  1. Wipe off the height gauge dez. solution, lay the diaper.
Procedure execution:
  1. Lay the child, dressed in a vest, on the stadiometer so that the head firmly touches the fixed bar of the stadiometer, straighten the child's legs in knee joints, attach the cross bar of the stadiometer to the soles
  2. Determine the child's body length using the side bar with a scale.
End of procedure:
  1. Remove the diaper, process the stadiometer des. solution.

Measuring the circumference of a newborn's head:

Preparation for the procedure:
  1. Explain to the mother the meaning of the manipulation and obtain informed consent.
  2. Wash hands in a hygienic manner, dry them.
  3. Check the integrity of the measuring tape, the legibility of the markings
Procedure execution:
  1. Apply the tape on the back of the occipital protuberance, in front - at the level of the brow ridges.
End of procedure:
  1. Record the result in the medical records.

Measuring the chest circumference of a newborn baby:

Preparation for the procedure:
  1. Explain to the mother the meaning of the manipulation and obtain informed consent.
  2. Wash hands in a hygienic manner, dry them.
  3. Undress the child.
Procedure execution:

4. Apply the tape at the back under the lower corners of the shoulder blades, in front - at the level of the nipples.

End of procedure:
  1. Record the result in the medical records.
  2. Wipe the tape disinfected. solution or 95% (70%) alcohol.

NOTE: assess physical development according to centile tables.

Tags: pediatrics


Anthropometry is the main method of anthropological research, which consists in measuring human body and its parts in order to establish the sex, racial, age and other features of the physical structure, which make it possible to give quantitative characteristics of their variability.

Life is a continuous process of development, including stages of maturation, mature age and aging. Development and growth are two interdependent and interconnected aspects of the same process. Development is characterized by qualitative changes, differentiation of organs and tissues and their functional improvement. And growth is quantitative changes that are associated with an increase in the size of cells, the mass of tissues and organs and the whole organism as a whole.

Physical development is one of key indicators human health and age norms improvement. Practical ability to assess it correctly contributes to education healthy generation... This article will focus on the algorithm for measuring height and weight.

Factors that affect anthropometric indicators

In the human body, the processes of energy exchange and metabolism are continuously proceeding, and they determine its development features. Mass, height, consistency in magnification different parts bodies, proportions - all this is programmed by hereditary mechanisms. The developmental sequence can be disrupted under the influence of some external and internal factors. The first include social conditions, sedentary lifestyle, unfavorable intrauterine development, inappropriate nutrition, improper work and rest regime, bad habits, ecology.

Knowing the algorithm for measuring height and weight, you can visually assess physical development.

Anthropometry requires the use of carefully adjusted and tested devices: a height meter, scales, dynamometer, centimeter tape, etc. Measurements are recommended in the morning on an empty stomach or two to three hours after eating. Clothes on the examined person should be light - knitted. If the measurements are planned to be taken in the afternoon, before that, it should be taken for ten to fifteen minutes horizontal position.

For the subsequent assessment to be effective, the patient's height measurement algorithm must be followed. It should be remembered that the analysis anthropometric indicators is an essential element research on how physical development corresponds to age standards. The detected abnormalities can be a sign of a specific disease or a risk factor.

Height measurement while standing

Since by the evening a person becomes lower by one or two centimeters, which is due to natural fatigue, flattening of the arch of the foot and intervertebral cartilaginous disks, a decrease in muscle tone, it is advisable to measure growth in the morning. The algorithm includes three stages: preparation for the procedure, the measurement and the end of the procedure. Let's talk about each of them.


Taking a measurement

End of procedure

Sitting height measurement

  1. It is necessary to ask the examinee to sit on the folding seat of the stadiometer, previously covered with oilcloth.
  2. The subject's head should be positioned so that the earlobe and the tip of the nose are on the same horizontal line.

First, you need to explain to a pregnant woman the goals and progress of the procedure. The growth measurement algorithm is as follows:

  • Stand on the side of the stadiometer and raise its bar above the expected height of the subject.
  • The received data must be entered into individual card patients.
  • The height meter should be treated with a rag soaked in a solution (0.5%) of calcium hypochlorite.
  • Wash hands thoroughly.

Body weight measurement

To conduct anthropometric studies, it is not enough to know only the algorithm for measuring height; it is also necessary to be able to determine the weight of a person. Measurement of body weight is carried out on a floor scale. The patient should stand still on the platform so that the weighing error does not exceed +/- 50 grams. Unlike height, weight is an unstable indicator and can change under the influence of many factors. So, the daily fluctuation in body weight can reach one or two kilograms.

Knowing how the measurement of height is carried out, the algorithm for determining the weight will be extremely easy to remember. The procedure also consists of three stages.

Preparing for weight measurement

  1. Place a single-use napkin on the weighing plate.
  2. The person performing the procedure must explain to the patient the sequence of the upcoming actions.

Procedure execution

End of procedure

  1. Hands should be handled hygienically and dried.

The most stable indicator of physical development in children is growth. It reflects the developmental process of the child's body. As a rule, significant growth disorders are accompanied by pathologies of other systems and organs. So, in the case of a slowdown in the growth of the skeleton, differentiation and growth of the brain, myocardium, skeletal muscles are often slowed down to a lesser or greater extent.

How is a newborn's height measured? The algorithm requires a stadiometer in the form of a board 40 centimeters wide and 80 centimeters long. On the left side of the device there should be a centimeter scale with a fixed cross bar at the beginning and a movable cross bar that can easily move along the scale at the end.

Infant height measurement technique

  1. The baby must be laid on his back so that his head touches the fixed transverse bar of the stadiometer. It should be positioned so that top edge the tragus of the ear and the lower edge of the orbit were in the same horizontal plane.
  2. The baby's mother or the measuring assistant should firmly fix the baby's head.
  3. Straighten the newborn's legs by easy pressing on the knees with the palm of one hand, and with the other hand, bring the movable bar of the stadiometer tightly to the heels, while the feet should be bent to the shins to a right angle. The distance from the fixed to the movable bar will be the height of the child. You need to mark the length with millimeter precision.

How to measure height in older children

The algorithm for measuring the growth of a child under one year old was presented above, and what technique is procedures will do older kids? In this case, a stadiometer is required in the form of a wooden bar eight to ten centimeters wide, about two meters long and five to seven centimeters thick. Front vertical surface the bar should contain two division scales in centimeters: on the left - for measuring height while sitting, on the right - while standing. There should also be a movable twenty centimeter bar. A bench is attached to a vertical bar at the level of forty centimeters from the wooden platform in order to measure the height while sitting.

The algorithm for measuring height in children from one year of age and older is similar to that used for adults.

Child body weight

Usually, the weight measurement algorithm (like the height measurement algorithm) is straightforward. Children under three years old weighing up to twenty kilograms are weighed on a scale, consisting of a rocker arm and a tray with a lower (in kg) and upper (in g) scale of divisions. Children aged three years and older are weighed on a beam balance.


Algorithm for measuring the patient's height and weight

Anthropometry is the main method of anthropological research, which consists in measuring the human body and its parts in order to establish the sex, racial, age and other features of the physical structure, which make it possible to quantify their variability.

Life is a continuous developmental process that includes the stages of maturation, maturity and aging. Development and growth are two interdependent and interconnected aspects of the same process. Development is characterized by qualitative changes, differentiation of organs and tissues and their functional improvement. And growth is quantitative changes associated with an increase in the size of cells, the mass of tissues and organs and the whole organism as a whole.

Physical development is one of the main indicators of human health and age norms for improvement. The practical ability to correctly assess it contributes to the upbringing of a healthy generation. This article will focus on the algorithm for measuring height and weight.

Factors affecting anthropometric indicators

The processes of energy exchange and metabolism continuously occur in the human body, and they determine its development features. Mass, height, consistency in magnification different parts bodies, proportions are all programmed by hereditary mechanisms. The developmental sequence can be disrupted under the influence of some external and internal factors. The first include social conditions, a sedentary lifestyle, unfavorable intrauterine development, inappropriate nutrition, improper work and rest, bad habits, and ecology.

Internal factors include heredity and presence various diseases.

Knowing the algorithm for measuring height and weight, you can visually assess physical development.

Research conditions

Anthropometry requires the use of carefully adjusted and tested devices: a height meter, scales, dynamometer, centimeter tape, etc. Measurements are recommended in the morning on an empty stomach or two to three hours after eating. Clothes on the examined person should be light - knitted. If measurements are planned to be carried out in the afternoon, before that, take a horizontal position for ten to fifteen minutes.

For further evaluation to be effective, the patient's height measurement algorithm must be followed. It should be remembered that the analysis of anthropometric indicators is the most important element in the study of how physical development corresponds to age standards. The identified abnormalities can be a sign of a specific disease or a risk factor.

Height measurement while standing

Since by the evening a person becomes one or two centimeters lower, which is due to natural fatigue, flattening of the arch of the foot and intervertebral cartilaginous discs, a decrease in muscle tone, it is advisable to measure growth in the morning. The algorithm includes three stages: preparation for the procedure, the measurement and the end of the procedure. Let's talk about each of them.


  • Prepare the stadiometer for work in accordance with the instructions.
  • Introduce yourself to the patient, tell him about the course of the upcoming procedure and get his consent.
  • Treat hands hygienically and dry them.
  • Put a napkin on the stadiometer platform (under the patient's feet).
  • Ask the subject to take off the headdress and shoes.
  • Raise the stadiometer bar above the expected height of the subject.

Taking measurements

  • The patient should stand on the stadiometer platform so that the back of the head, interscapular region, buttocks and heels touch the vertical stand.
  • The subject's head should be positioned so that the earlobe and the tip of the nose are on the same horizontal line.
  • The stadiometer bar must be lowered onto the patient's head without pressing down.
  • Ask the subject to leave the site, if necessary, help him do this.
  • Determine the height along the lower edge of the plank on the scale.

End of procedure

Sitting height measurement

The algorithm for measuring the height of a patient in a sitting position is somewhat different from the above.

  • It is necessary to ask the examinee to sit down on the folding seat of the height meter, previously covered with oilcloth.
  • The patient should sit so that three points - the shoulder blades, the back of the head and the buttocks - touch the vertical bar with a scale.
  • The subject's head should be positioned so that the earlobe and the tip of the nose are on the same horizontal line.
  • The measuring bar should be lowered onto the patient's crown, press it against the scale and ask the subject to stand up.
  • On the left side of the scale, it is necessary to take readings, then lower the bar.
  • As described above, record the results and inform the patient about them.

Measuring the growth of a pregnant woman: an algorithm

First, you need to explain to a pregnant woman the goals and progress of the procedure. The growth measurement algorithm is as follows:

  • Stand on the side of the stadiometer and raise the bar above the expected height of the subject.
  • Ask the pregnant woman to stand on the stadiometer platform so that the buttocks, heels and shoulder blades touch the device rack, and the head is in such a position that the outer corner of the eye and the ear tragus are on the same horizontal line.
  • The stadiometer bar should be lowered to the crown of the pregnant woman and, using the scale, determine the number of centimeters from the lower level of the bar.
  • Enter the obtained data into the patient's individual card.
  • The height meter should be treated with a rag soaked in a solution (05%) of calcium hypochlorite.
  • Wash hands thoroughly.

Body weight measurement

To conduct anthropometric studies, it is not enough to know only the algorithm for measuring height; it is also necessary to be able to determine the weight of a person. Measurement of body weight is carried out on a floor scale. The patient should stand still on the platform so that the weighing error is no more than +/- 50 grams. Unlike height, weight is an unstable indicator and can change under the influence of many factors. So, the daily fluctuation in body weight can reach one or two kilograms.

Knowing how the measurement of height is carried out, the algorithm for determining the weight will be extremely easy to remember. The procedure consists of three stages.

Preparing for weight measurement

  • First, in accordance with the instructions, you should check the accuracy and serviceability of the medical balance.
  • It is necessary to establish the equilibrium of the device, if mechanical structures are used, close the valve.
  • A single-use napkin must be placed on the weighing plate.
  • The person performing the procedure must explain to the patient the sequence of future actions.
  • Hands should be handled hygienically and dried.

Procedure execution

  • The examinee should be offered to undress to underwear, as well as to take off his shoes. Ask him to carefully stand on the platform in the middle of the scale.
  • At the moment of standing on the weighing panel, the subject must be held by the hand; during the measurement, it is important to monitor his balance.
  • If a mechanical structure is used, the balance gate must be opened.
  • Following the instructions for using the device, it is necessary to determine the body weight of the subject.

End of procedure

  • The patient should be informed of the weight measurement results and helped to get off the measuring panel, if necessary, hold the hand.
  • Remove the napkin from the weighing platform and send it to a container intended for waste.
  • Hands should be handled hygienically and dried.
  • The results must be recorded in the appropriate documentation.

Algorithm for measuring height in children of different ages

The most stable indicator of physical development in children is growth. It reflects the developmental process of the child's body. As a rule, significant growth disorders are accompanied by pathologies of other systems and organs. So, in the case of a slowdown in the growth of the skeleton, differentiation and growth of the brain, myocardium, skeletal muscles are most often slowed down to a lesser or greater extent.

How is a newborn's growth measured? The algorithm requires a stadiometer in the form of a board 40 centimeters wide and 80 centimeters long. On the left side of the device there should be a centimeter scale with a fixed cross bar at the beginning and a movable one that easily moves along the scale with a cross bar at the end.

Infant Height Measurement Technique

  • The baby must be laid on his back in such a way that his head touches the fixed transverse bar of the stadiometer. It should be positioned so that the upper edge of the ear tragus and the lower edge of the orbit are in the same horizontal plane.
  • The mother of the child or the assistant measures should firmly fix the baby's head.
  • The child's legs should be straightened by lightly pressing on the knees with the palm of one hand, and with the other hand, the movable bar of the stadiometer should be brought up tightly to the heels, while the feet should be bent to the shins to a right angle. The distance from the fixed to the movable bar will be the height of the child. You need to mark the length with millimeter precision.

How to measure height in older children

The algorithm for measuring the growth of a child under one year old was presented above, and what technique for performing the procedure is suitable for older children? In this case, you need a stadiometer in the form of a wooden bar eight to ten centimeters wide, about two meters long and five to seven centimeters thick. The front vertical surface of the bar should contain two graduation scales in centimeters: on the left - to measure the height while sitting, on the right - while standing. There should also be a movable twenty-centimeter bar. A bench is attached to a vertical bar at the level of forty centimeters from the wooden platform to measure sitting height.

The algorithm for measuring height in children from one year of age and older is similar to that used for adults.

Child body weight

In comparison with height, the weight of the baby is a more labile indicator, which reflects the degree of development of muscle and skeletal systems, subcutaneous adipose tissue, internal organs, and depends not only on constitutional characteristics, but also on factors external environment such as mental and physical exercise, food, etc.

Usually, the algorithm for measuring weight (like the algorithm for measuring height) is not difficult. Children under three years old weighing up to twenty kilograms are weighed on a scale, consisting of a rocker arm and a tray with a lower (in kg) and upper (in g) scale of divisions. Children aged three years and older are weighed on a beam balance.

In the first year of a baby's life, it is necessary to track the indicators of his weight and height. Usually a child grows 20-25 centimeters during this year. V the following years it will grow much more slowly. The growth of the baby is one of the most important indicators correct development, which is why it is so important to track growth dynamics in the first year of life. If it does not correspond to his age, then it is worth contacting a specialist for a full diagnosis that can identify diseases various bodies or show that the child is completely healthy.

How to measure the growth of a newborn at home? Stadiometer

As we already found out earlier, the growth of the baby is an indicator of the correct or wrong development child. If the parents of the baby do not have the ability or do not want to visit the local pediatrician every month, they should learn how to measure growth at home. In order to find out the height of the child at any time, parents need to start a home stadiometer.

The height meter for babies looks like a regular board 40 centimeters wide and 85-90 centimeters long. There should be at least 80 divisions (centimeters) on the board for measuring height.

If there is no desire to make a stadiometer, then you can order it or buy it ready-made.

After making or purchasing a stadiometer, you need to find out how to measure growth at home in order.

How to measure height? Step-by-step instruction

So how to measure height at home? To begin with, the child must be placed on the stadiometer, while it is necessary to fix his straightened legs and head. Then you need to mark the resulting division on the stadiometer. The error in such measurements is about 0.5 centimeters.

If there is no way to make or buy a board for measuring height, then you can use a regular measuring tape. In order to measure the height of the child with a centimeter, the baby must be placed close to the wall with the head, straighten and fix his legs in this position and ask someone to measure it as follows: the tape is placed close to the wall and stretches along the child's body up to the feet. Mark the resulting division.

Measure the height of the child while standing

How to measure growth at home if the child is already rather big and does not want to lie down? For this, there are ways to measure while standing, in an upright position. Nowadays there are a large number of vertical height meters (wood, cardboard, fabric and even electronic).

But how to measure height at home, if there is no way to buy a special stadiometer? In this case, you can make it yourself from plain paper or cardboard.

To make a stadiometer, it will be necessary to glue sheets of paper or cardboard together in one strip and draw markings on it. This ruler is applied or glued to the wall in any room. To measure the height of the child, you need to invite him to come up to the wall with his back and stand close to it. Keep your heels against the wall and your legs straight. Make sure that the child does not stand on his toes. Grown up children like to add centimeters of growth to themselves, they like to seem bigger, taller, older. Once your child is in the correct position, hold a ruler or hardcover notebook perpendicular to the stadiometer against their head and make a mark on it.

If you do not mind the wallpaper or painted walls, then you can take measurements of growth right on the wall. To do this, we do the same thing, only without the height meter. Having made a mark on the wall, you will need to measure the resulting growth figure with a centimeter or ruler.

How to measure a child's height at home? The above tips will definitely help you answer this question... Using one of them, you will be able to know exactly the height of your baby.

Indicators at birth indicate how healthy the baby is, whether it corresponds to the timing of development. Normal monthly increase combined with good mood the baby indicates that everything is going as it should, there is nothing to worry about. Special attention should be given to the growth of a newborn baby.

The growth of a newborn baby up to a year

The average normal values ​​for the growth of a newborn baby are 48-55 cm. Doctors have an index that is calculated at birth in full-term babies.

Every month, the parameters of the baby change, pediatricians and scientists provide tables by which young parents should be guided. All children can develop in different ways, the newborn growth table contains averaged values, but if the deviations from the norm are large, it is worthwhile to understand the reasons together with the pediatrician.

There are periods of intense gains, and there are periods when growth slows down. In the first 3 months of life, the baby is stretched by 3 cm per month. Up to six months, the monthly increase is about 2.5 cm. Until the 9th month, the baby grows up to 2 cm every month. Then its growth increases by only 1 cm per month for up to a year. Average length one year old baby according to the tables is 75 cm.

It is correct when the length is tracked by monthly increments, because the total growth will depend on the original, at birth and may not coincide with the average values. If the baby grows in a month according to the prescribed centimeters, then everything is in order.

Height in cm

Increase for the period

Newborn 50 – 53 (+3) 3
1 month 53 – 56 (+3) 6
2 months 56 – 59 (+3) 9
3 months 59 – 61,5 (+2,5) 11,5
4 months 61,5 – 64 (+2,5) 14
5 months 64 – 66 (+2) 16
6 months 66 – 68 (+2) 18
7 months 68 – 70 (+2) 20
8 months 70 – 72 (+2) 22
9 months 72 – 73 (+1) 23
10 months 73 – 74 (+1) 24
11 months 74 – 75 (+1) 25
12 months 75 – 76 (+1) 26

Growth table for newborns and children under one year old.

How to measure the height of a newborn baby

In the clinic, at scheduled appointments, the growth of a newborn child is measured, but sometimes it is required to periodically do this ourselves. The crumb must be placed on a hard surface so that the head touches the wall. Next, you need to straighten one leg, make a mark. The distance from the wall to the mark is measured, this will be the growth of a newborn child.

It is also important to know the growth of the crumbs for practical purposes, because choosing clothes can be quite difficult. In different countries of manufacture of children's clothes, the size may be indicated in different ways. It is difficult to determine by eye, but clothes can always be measured.

Doctors often use slightly different methods for assessing the growth of babies, for example, centile ones. Having compared the indicators with a number of numbers given in a special table, the pediatrician puts a number from 1 to 7. 1 means that the growth is very low, and 7 - very high.

Non-compliance with standards

If deviations from the above table are significant, then this is a reason to see a doctor. The growth of a newborn baby is influenced by different factors, heredity also applies to them. When there is a strong lead or lag, then this should be monitored by an endocrinologist. Only qualified specialists can identify the causes of deviations in a timely manner.

What can affect the growth of a newborn baby?

The most obvious factor is heredity. If the parents are tall, then you should not be surprised that the child is ahead of his peers. In addition, the course of pregnancy and the quality of the mother's nutrition affect growth. Lagging occurs due to developmental abnormalities or insufficient food intake. If the baby is not growing well, then the problem should be solved with the doctor. A significant lead can be the result of pathology endocrine system, you should pay attention to this.

There are certain indicators indicating a normal combination of weight and height of the child. This parameter is called the Quetelet index. Normally, it is 60-70. The weight of the baby's body is divided by its length, the index is applicable for children born at term. The norm for premature babies an indicator of 34-46 cm is considered. The numbers given in numerous tables are not the ultimate truth. If the baby was born a "hero", it is not surprising that in a year he will be taller than his peers.

For a newborn, the average weight norm is from 2.5 kg to 4 kg with a body length of 45-55 cm. These criteria have become the norm after the study physical characteristics a large number healthy babies... The change in the weight of the newborn baby is monitored every day from the first day to 6 months. Carefully monitor the weight of children on artificial feeding to prevent overfeeding.

Weighing a baby is one of the necessary regular procedures for the first year of life. Thanks to the indicators obtained, you can find out if the child is eating enough, how his development is going (we recommend reading :)

An important parameter of newborns is the Quetelet index. It is defined simply: weight (kg): height (cm). Normally, the Quetelet index ranges from 60 to 70. An indicator value less than this indicates a lack of mass, more - about an excess.

Table of normal average values ​​of weight and height indicators:

Age, monthsLength, cm.Weight, kg
Newborn49-52 3.1-3.9
1 55-56 3.9-4.5
2 57-60 4.5-5.0
3 60-63 5.1-5.6
4 63-65 5.6-6.1
5 64-68 6.1-6.6
6 67-70 6.6-7.1
7 69-72 7.2-7.7
8 70-73 7.8-8.3
9 72-74 8.4-8.9
10 73-75 9.0-9.5
11 74-76 9.6-10.1
12 75-77 10.2-10.7

What factors determine the weight of the newborn?

Weight of babies in to a large extent depends on the hereditary disposition. In addition, the following factors can be identified that affect the weight of the newborn:

  • Genetic disposition. The constitutional structure of mom and dad, their weight at the time of birth, has a primary influence on the weight of the baby.
  • The birth of a baby deadlines... Children born ahead of time usually have underweight body, although gaining weight is normal.
  • Nutrition of a woman while carrying a baby.
  • Type of breastfeeding. Artists tend to quickly add to the mass, by breastfeeding risk overweight the baby is minimal.

It is believed that "artificial" is more plump and tall than babies. Although this addiction is far from 100%
  • The state of health of a woman during pregnancy and after the birth of a child. Under the influence of toxicosis, infections, bad habits underweight children are born, who lose weight in the future (we recommend reading :). Unbalanced diet, an excess of vitamins, diabetic disorders lead to the birth of a very large baby.
  • Fetal health status. Small children are born as a result of development intrauterine infections and vices, poorly recruited in the future. As a rule, children with Down syndrome and immune pathologies are born with overweight body.
  • According to statistics, a girl is born 200 g lighter than a boy, in addition, a boy gains weight faster.

By the mass of a newborn child, it is impossible to speak 100% about the weight and constitution of a person in the future. At the end of the first year of life, many babies born with completely different sizes gain the same amount of kg.

Small children and problems with weight gain

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Small babies include children born with a weight of less than 2.5 kg, who do not gain weight well. The reason may lie in the fact that the pregnancy was multiple, hypotrophy may have developed or childbirth began prematurely. Such babies have impaired thermoregulation, they freeze all the time, are susceptible to frequent colds, with anemia and hypovitaminosis. There is a lag in physical development.

Twins or triplets born on time, as a rule, weigh less than 2.5 kg, with the full development of all organs and systems and absolute readiness for existence outside the mother's body. Nevertheless, these babies are under the constant close supervision of pediatricians.

Babies born before 37 weeks of gestation (premature), in addition to lack of mass, suffer from immaturity respiratory system, violations of thermoregulation. Small children need balanced diet, a sterile incubator to normalize weight gain, and under mandatory supervision qualified specialists.

Premature babies most often appear in mothers whose pregnancy was under stress. Also, this indicator is influenced by the initial state of health of the parent. Such a kid needs enhanced care.

Why do children have problems gaining weight? Babies with hypotrophic and nutritional disorders appear in women with cardiovascular, endocrine, gynecological, renal pathologies as well as those who suffered placental insufficiency and subject to stress and occupational hazards.

Children with underweight are conventionally divided into 4 groups:

  1. Normal growth, lack of weight. The provoking factors of this violation are noted after 16 weeks of gestation. The child does not eat well, and the weight gain is slow.
  2. Weight and height are slightly below normal. A slight lag in psycho-emotional and physical development.
  3. Children with weight and height are proportionally reduced. Developmental delays and problems with immunity return to normal by the age of 16-18.
  4. Children with significant deviations of topographic indicators from the norm. In this case, the serious problems in the mental and mental development... As a rule, these kids remain disabled since childhood.

Children with proportionally reduced topographic indicators have every chance of reaching normal level physical and mental health... The key to this is the attention and care of the parents.

Weight change in the first months after birth

During the first week after birth, the baby loses on average 5-7% of the initial weight (about 150-200 g). Weight loss is due to birth stress, a radical change in diet. Large children do not have enough low-fat mother's colostrum, so the set is insignificant, and "small" ones cannot suck out enough milk. After 7-10 days, the weight and height indicator should be normalized, the baby is gradually gaining weight.

How much should the child add monthly? About 400-500 g. According to the table normal values, at the end of the first year of life, the baby should weigh on average from 9 kg to 14 kg, and the growth of a newborn baby increases 1.5 times.

How is a baby's height measured?

At the moment the baby passes through the mother's birth canal, a small tumor appears on the crown of the baby's head. The tumor is not dangerous for the baby's health and disappears on its own after 2-3 days, however, at the time of the first measurement of the total body length, it affects this indicator. A few days after its disappearance, it is recommended to re-measure the growth.

It is difficult to obtain accurate values ​​for the growth of a newborn baby, since its muscles are in strong tone and it is almost impossible to fully straighten the body. It is more difficult to measure height than weight, because there are special tables by which you can determine how much a baby should weigh.

Immediately after the baby is born, a neonatologist examines him and takes the first measurements of the head circumference, chest circumference, height and weight of the newborn. These measurements are needed in order to identify possible deviations from the norm during intrauterine development based on the normal body proportions of newborns. Next, the attending pediatrician every month measures the circumference of the head and chest, and also measures the height and weight of the baby. According to these and other indicators in the complex, doctors conclude that general condition the baby's health, and most importantly, the presence of certain pathologies. Young mothers at home also measure the head circumference and height of the child to control it full development... But how do you measure a newborn? Let's take a closer look at how and why you need to measure an infant.

Why you need to measure the head and height of a newborn

In the maternity hospital, as well as in the children's clinic, the head circumference of the child is measured in order to identify possible deviations from the norm. Normally, at birth, a baby has a head circumference of 34-35 cm. However, there are deviations from the norm in one direction or another, if this is caused by genetic inheritance. For example, one of the parents has a large or, conversely, a small head. At first, the child's head is larger than the chest, the body structure is more like a humanoid, due to the disproportionate big head relative to the body. As the child grows, his head also grows intensively, on average by 1.5-2 cm per month. The peak of its growth falls on 3-4 months of life. By the age of one year, the head grows by about 12 cm.But also rib cage also grows rapidly and by the end of the first year its circumference already exceeds the circumference of the head.

What are all these indicators for? If your child has significant deviations from the norm, not caused by heredity, in one direction or another around the head circumference, then this may be a sign of neurological diseases such as hydrocephalus and microcephalus. With hydrocephalus, excess fluid builds up in the brain. It is also characterized by a convex fontanelle, slightly parted bone sutures, bulging forehead and venous network on the head. With microcephaly, there is a very small head, closed fontanelles and a small sloping forehead. Both of these diseases occur with severe neurological disorders, therefore, it is important to regularly visit a pediatrician and a neurologist to identify possible pathologies.

The growth of the baby is measured to determine whether the baby has enough calcium obtained from food or if he needs additional administration of vitamin and mineral complexes.

Normally, a child should grow 1-3 cm per month. Also, a child's slow growth can be a symptom of a disease such as rickets. This disease appears due to a lack of vitamin D, which is produced under the skin when exposed to solar ultraviolet radiation. Vitamin D plays crucial role in the assimilation of calcium by the body, therefore, its deficiency leads to softening of bone tissue and slowing down the growth of the child. Basically, rickets appears in babies who are breastfed, because in breast milk often there is not enough vitamin D. In children adapted mixtures this vitamin is contained in the required dose. V winter-autumn period when there is very little sunlight, many breastfed babies are prescribed to additionally take water solution vitamin D3.

How to measure a newborn correctly

How to measure a newborn's head:

In order to be sure of normal development the child, as well as in the absence of pathologies, you need to correctly measure the head circumference. It is important to measure the baby's head in calm state because the measurement data will be inaccurate while crying. To do this, you need a soft measuring tape:

  • Wrap the head of the baby with it along the eyebrow line in front, and behind along the occipital protuberance.
  • Write down the result.
  • Repeat this procedure once a month, comparing with the previous indicator.

In the event of the development of pathology, the baby's head will dramatically increase in size or stop growing.

How to measure the height of a newborn:

Each mom needs to measure the growth of a newborn with two goals: to make sure the baby is in normal development and to know his height for choosing baby clothes. To do this, you will need the same soft measuring tape or a long meter ruler. Perhaps for this you will need the help of another person, for example, the child's father.

  • Place the baby on the back of your bed or in his crib so that he rests the back of his head against hard surface, for example, at the head.
  • Pull the baby's legs straight out and mark with a line where the heels end.
  • The child can be taken away, and all you have to do is measure the distance from the headboard to the mark with a centimeter.

With normal development, the child should grow by 1-3 cm every month.

If you notice any deviations from the norm in the measurements of the head or the growth of your baby, be sure to inform the pediatrician about it. Early appeal per medical help can significantly shorten the treatment period, as well as increase the chances of a full recovery.

Photo and video: How to correctly measure a newborn baby