Follicular tonsillitis in pregnant women. Angina (acute tonsillitis) during pregnancy - symptoms, treatment and danger. Prevention of angina in pregnant women

Angina during pregnancy is not uncommon. How to treat it and is it necessary to see a doctor? Can this disease adversely affect the health of the fetus? Let's talk about these topics.

But let's start with the symptoms and ways of infection. Angina during pregnancy, as well as outside it, is manifested by severe sore throat, burning, fever. On examination, the doctor sees enlarged tonsils and abscesses on them. Lymph nodes (near the ear and under the lower jaw) can also become inflamed.

The infection is transmitted from person to person. That is, you should not think that a cold during pregnancy, and even more so, is serious illness like a sore throat, it is a consequence of hypothermia. Yes, it can help rapid development diseases, but this requires a microbe itself. And im in this case is streptococcus and/or staphylococcus aureus.

Is angina dangerous during pregnancy for a woman and a child? Yes, undoubtedly, if not carried out correctly and timely treatment. And that includes taking antibiotics. By no other means, the previously mentioned pathogens in short time do not remove. If they remain in the body, there are Great chance damage to the heart, kidneys and joints.

For a child, angina is most dangerous on early dates pregnancy, as the placenta does not yet protect it from infections. But even if the mother suffers this disease, it is not at all a fact that it will somehow affect the child. However, severe tonsillitis in the first trimester of pregnancy is an indication for a careful examination at 12-13 weeks, when an ultrasound examination is mandatory.

It is very important not to confuse this disease, which is bacterial in nature, with a viral one. If the tonsils are affected by a virus, such as herpes, then antibiotics are unlikely to help. Whereas purulent tonsillitis during pregnancy it is treated by them. As for various folk "gadgets", they are ineffective. Warming up can lead to an even faster reproduction of bacteria. And rinsing can only slightly reduce pain - this is not a treatment for tonsillitis during pregnancy. Although various antimicrobial lozenges, rinsing with soda, chamomile, sage and other known means is not prohibited.

As we wrote earlier, antibiotics are indispensable. Most often, expectant mothers are prescribed "Amoxiclav", which includes amoxicillin. It is the safest at any gestational age. It is usually prescribed to be taken within one week. It is impossible to reduce the course prescribed by the doctor, since the pathogen may not be completely destroyed in this case. The question of how to treat sore throat during pregnancy correctly is very important. This should be done by an experienced otolaryngologist.

When taking antibiotics, there is usually a noticeable improvement within 1-2 days. During this time, the body is provided with symptomatic assistance. So, angina with fever during pregnancy is treated with antipyretics. Expectant mothers are allowed Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. At temperatures below 38.5 degrees, it is better to do with a plentiful warm drink.

So that angina during pregnancy does not have consequences, it needs to be cured as soon as possible. But sometimes antibiotics do not help either on the second or on the fourth day of admission. There may be two reasons for this. Either the microbe is “indifferent” to this drug, then you need to find a more effective one, and this can be done by passing a special smear (sowing), or the cause of the disease is a virus. And viruses are not afraid of antibiotics.

Treatment of angina during early pregnancy is not an easy task even in our time. For the entire period of pregnancy, it is almost impossible to protect yourself from all kinds of diseases. Angina in the first trimester of pregnancy is quite common. This disease means an acutely manifested infectious disease, during which the tonsils are damaged. The main causative agents of the disease are considered to be viruses, fungi, various bacteria.

Causes of angina

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes tremendous changes. First of all, it is worth noting hormonal changes, which changes almost all processes. That is why woman during this period is vulnerable to a wide variety of infectious diseases. Angina in the early stages is no exception. Its consequences can be the most unpredictable. That is why pregnancy implies maximum care for your own body.

Also in the female body during this period, various physiological processes associated with fairly rapid suppression of the immune system. In this regard, it becomes quite easy to catch some kind of disease. So that the consequences in 1 month of pregnancy do not turn out to be really deplorable, it is not recommended to communicate with sick people and visit places where there are too many of them. You should be especially careful during an epidemic.

In the early stages of pregnancy, you should take care of yourself and take care of your own body. And relatives, even with the slightest runny nose, should wear special masks.

The source of the disease may also be various items, which were previously in the hands of a sick person. In this situation, the prevention of infection is considered to be frequent washing hands It is better to protect pregnancy from such a disease. Angina during pregnancy in the first trimester can simultaneously harm two organisms - how expectant mother as well as the child himself. The second trimester in this situation is no exception.

Illness in the first weeks of pregnancy female body is dangerous in that if detected too late, a fairly rapid spread of infection can occur, moreover, purulent. The appearance of sepsis itself is not excluded. The pregnant body is most prone to complications.

In the first weeks acute tonsillitis too hard to tolerate by the body of a woman. It can lead to the emergence of quite serious pathologies or to terminate the pregnancy itself. A runny nose, caries or SARS can lead to the appearance of acute tonsillitis. That is why it is strongly recommended to take your own body as seriously as possible in such important period like pregnancy, and always treat even the slightest runny nose.

The first signs of the onset of the disease

Angina in early pregnancy is often accompanied by the following manifestations:

  1. excessive sweating
  2. lack of appetite
  3. The formation of edema
  4. strong weakness
  5. Fatigue
  6. Difficulty swallowing
  7. Increased temperature
  8. Frequent headaches

This disease in this situation can sometimes still proceed and atypically. There may be no symptoms such as sore throat and enough heat. At the very beginning of the disease, the temperature can sometimes be within acceptable limits, and only after some time it can rise sharply.

In this state, a woman may sometimes complain that it is too hard for her to breathe and her appetite has completely disappeared. The last symptom is often one of the first when it occurs. this disease.

Another feature of the disease is considered to be a fairly frequent occurrence of rheumatoid manifestations under the guise of occurrence pain in the joints. Sometimes it becomes difficult to move. The lacunar form of the disease is considered to be the most dangerous, since with it there is a risk of developing a huge number of complications.

How the disease is diagnosed

In the blood test itself, usually in the presence of this disease, the presence of an increased ESR is noted.

How to treat angina in the presence of pregnancy

Treatment of angina during pregnancy should be carried out immediately when the most minor manifestations occur. It should be understood that any self-treatment in this situation can lead to dangerous and unpleasant consequences. Main principles necessary treatment in this situation are as follows:

  1. sparing diet food, permanent bed rest, plentiful drink, which is required to remove harmful toxins from the female body.
  2. Frequent gargling, up to about 6 times a day. They make it possible to get rid of toxic products that have arisen as a result of the manifestation of the inflammatory process, and from the microbes themselves.
  3. The use of antibiotics. They are appointed by specialists, taking into account the specific sensitivity of the female body to the pathogens themselves. In the presence of a sufficiently high temperature, antipyretics are recommended for use.
  4. Use of antihistamines medical devices. Thanks to them, you can to a large extent reduce swelling and get rid of the resulting allergic reaction organism.

Today there are and some enough safe means used in folk medicine. Naturally, some of them can be quite effective. After all, traditional medicine is actually considered a real storehouse of useful modern and old recipes that are allowed in the treatment of angina. Although not all such methods of treatment are recommended to be used immediately, as you should first consult with your doctor.

With angina during pregnancy, the use of the following means is allowed:

  1. If there is a sufficiently high temperature, rubbing with vinegar is used, which should be half diluted with water. This version of the folk remedy makes it possible to avoid the use of harmful antipyretic drugs, which are also considered as toxic as possible.
  2. Under the guise of a drink, the use of ginger tea is recommended. Additionally, you can add lime flowers, honey, lemon to it.
  3. The use of propolis in the form of an alcohol solution is also considered effective. Based on this ingredient, there are various extracts that are intended for gargling.
  4. To remove present with angina white coating, as well as get rid of pain in the throat, it is recommended to rinse with the addition of soda to the liquid. It is also allowed to use a solution where hydrogen peroxide acts as the main component. One tablespoon in this situation is enough for 100g of water.
  5. In a situation where inhalations were allowed by the attending physician, it is allowed to use various medicines such as chamomile, pine buds, mint, eucalyptus.

In the presence of acute tonsillitis, it is imperative to understand that such treatment options as the use of compresses with vodka or saunas are completely prohibited. After all, such procedures can have bad consequences, namely the occurrence of a miscarriage.

With angina during pregnancy, if the period is too short, use medicines is limited, due to the presence of a toxic effect on the fetus itself. But in a situation where it is impossible to do without the use of antibiotics, it is worth giving preference only to officially allowed means.

During illness, a pregnant woman is not recommended to eat through force.. Diet food is allowed, the temperature of which will be as comfortable as possible. This is necessary in order to get rid of purulent follicles and to prevent the subsequent spread of infection.

Possible consequences of the disease

Untreated angina can lead to dangerous complications. In some situations, it can even lead to death. V advanced stage in the presence of an acute variant of the disease, complications such as sepsis and myocarditis may occur. They are difficult not only for a woman, but also for an unborn baby.

In some cases, the fetus may even catch the disease from the mother, which can have unpredictable consequences. To deal with this enemy, highly recommended to see a specialist. Only in this way will it be possible to save not only own health but also the unborn child.

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Pregnancy for a woman is a special state, the time of waiting for the baby, reassessment of values, taking care of herself and the child. But it is in this state that the expectant mother is most vulnerable, her immunity is significantly weakened, and the body is susceptible to various diseases and viruses. Even a sore throat during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the pregnant woman, but also for the fetus.

What is angina

Acute tonsillitis or tonsillitis is an infectious disease, it is provoked by staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria, as a result of their vital activity, an inflammatory process is formed, inflammation affects the throat and palatine tonsils.

The main types of angina:

  1. Bacterial - the infection occurs against the background of the activity of adenoviruses, enteroviruses, staphylococci and streptococci.
  2. Catarrhal angina - differs in strong inflammatory process and high temperature.
  3. Purulent tonsillitis during pregnancy occurs in different forms- follicular, lacunar and necrotic.

Features of the disease during pregnancy

Angina during pregnancy in the first trimester is the least dangerous for the health of the mother and child, often a woman is faced with the disease, not yet knowing that she is pregnant. In the first two to four weeks, the immune system works no worse than before and easily copes with the infection, in addition, the medications taken in given time not so dangerous for the child. But, despite the positive prognosis of recovery, angina in early pregnancy should be treated under the supervision of a doctor with the implementation of his recommendations.

The danger of angina occurs after 6 weeks of pregnancy, in this case, the lack of therapy, as well as improper treatment, can cause Negative consequences and complications:

  • Increased toxicity.
  • The likelihood of transmission of infection to the fetus.
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Risk of miscarriage.
  • Delayed organ formation and developmental retardation.

With severe intoxication of the body, the likelihood of interruption or fading of pregnancy increases.

Angina during pregnancy in the second trimester of treatment requires immediate treatment, although by this time the organs of the fetus have already been formed, there is high danger for mother. By the end of the term, the woman's body is severely depleted, and the immune system is weakened, as a result acute infection causes serious complications.

Angina during pregnancy, consequences in the second trimester:

  • Myocarditis and heart failure.
  • Glomerulonephritis is a disease of the kidneys with damage to their glomeruli.
  • Pyelonephritis is inflammation of the kidneys.

Angina during pregnancy in the third trimester causes the most severe complications:

  • Abscess of the larynx with a purulent form of the disease.
  • Infectious arthritis is an inflammation of the joints.
  • Infectious meningitis is an inflammation of the brain.
  • Lymphadenitis is inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  • Weakening of labor activity.

The above consequences of an infectious disease occur in cases where timely and adequate treatment, in cases advanced disease and independent proper treatment. If you consult a doctor in time and follow his recommendations, the prognosis for recovery will be positive.


Angina during pregnancy has pronounced symptoms, in a short period of time a woman's temperature rises from 38 to 40 degrees, develops strong pain in the throat.

Other signs of an infectious disease:

  • General malaise, fatigue, chills.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Pain when swallowing.
  • Headache.
  • Swollen and red tonsils.
  • White purulent spots on tonsils.
  • Bad breath.
  • Cough.
  • Pain in the neck, ears.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.

Also, during a sore throat, attacks of nausea, vomiting, pain in a stomach. In some cases, a white coating appears on the tongue.

Upon detection characteristic symptoms angina should immediately consult a doctor, after examination, the doctor will be able to prescribe an individual treatment that will not harm the health of the mother and the unborn child.


Treatment of angina during pregnancy is complex, antibacterial drugs occupy the leading place in therapy, many antibiotics are contraindicated for pregnant women, others are prescribed only when the disease is of the greatest danger compared to the action of a medical substance. Such nuances require consideration of each case on individual basis and require appropriate treatment, which is guaranteed by the doctor, in contrast to self-treatment methods.

Angina during pregnancy antibiotic treatment, prescribe drugs such as:

  • Penicillin.
  • Cephalosporins.
  • Erythrocin.
  • Furadonin.
  • Sumamed.
  • Rovamycin.
  • Metronidazole.
  • Gentamicin.

In addition to the main treatment with antibacterial agents important role assigned to auxiliary methods of therapy - gargling and inhalation. How to treat sore throat during pregnancy with rinses? For these purposes, antiseptic solutions are used, soda solutions, as well as decoctions medicinal herbs. You can gargle every 1-2 hours, the method allows you to mitigate the worst symptom of sore throat - sore throat, improve general state female patients.

Another effective enemy of angina is inhalation, however, during pregnancy with such procedures, you should be careful and be sure to consult a doctor before using them. Inhalations are recommended to be done with aromatic oils thyme, rosehip or eucalyptus, decoctions can also be used as a base medicinal chamomile, mint, sage, pine buds.

Against the background of taking medications and performing wellness procedures should maintain the correct regimen of the day, rest and nutrition. Be sure to do wet cleaning of the room, sleep at least 8 hours a day, ventilate the room, but not be in drafts.

It is equally important to eat right, you need to balance and fortify your diet. Proteins should be included in the menu, but sour and spicy dishes will have to be abandoned, otherwise the already irritated mucous throat will be injured.

Angina during pregnancy, treatment should be combined with right mode drinking - drinking should be plentiful. During the period of illness, doctors recommend drinking more fluids, and not necessarily water, warm tea, herbal decoctions are also allowed to drink. As a result, a high balance of water will remove all toxins from the body and improve well-being.


Pathology is always easier to prevent than to cure. During pregnancy, it is important to follow the rules of prevention, they will minimize the possibility of developing a sore throat.

First of all, contact with sick people should be avoided, and if communication is unavoidable, use a special medical mask. Before going outside, the area near the sinuses is recommended to be lubricated with oxolin ointment.

In order to avoid infection with angina, do not forget about hygiene rules and wash your hands more often, as well as carry out wet cleaning of the house and ventilate the rooms. It is necessary to regularly increase immunity, for this you need to include in the diet natural vitamins from fruits, dried fruits and vegetables, but it is better to reduce sugar consumption, since sugar lowers the body's defenses.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman's body is weakened, because of which her immunity does not always cope with attacks of bacteria and infections. One of the most difficult infectious diseases- angina - characterized by inflammation of the tonsils. Despite the fact that children are more likely to suffer from it, a person of any age can become infected.

The treatment of angina during pregnancy has its own characteristics: the medicines and drugs that the expectant mother takes should not harm the baby. However, at the same time, they must be effective and fast-acting, because due to a sore throat in the mother, the child may develop congenital pathologies.

Angina during pregnancy: causes

Angina during pregnancy - extremely rare disease. However, as mentioned earlier, the activity of the immunity of a woman carrying a baby is reduced. Because of this, the expectant mother is more at risk of catching any ailment than others.

The causative agents of angina are:

  • staphylococci;
  • viruses and fungi;
  • pneumococci;
  • hemolytic streptococcus A.

You can catch a sore throat during pregnancy by airborne droplets. Another way for infection to enter the body is through foci of infection (sick teeth, chronic diseases nose or ears).

Why is angina dangerous during pregnancy? This question worries many mothers. Due to the disease, as a rule, there is a threat of miscarriage or the fetus freezes. In addition, if the course of the disease is accompanied by a high temperature, there may be problems with nervous system baby. There is also the possibility of placental rejection, which can cause labor to begin prematurely. If everything is not so critical, then a woman may begin severe toxicosis.

Pregnancy and sore throat early stages- a symbiosis that is dangerous not only for the still born baby, but also for the mother. There are a number of other complications that can hit a woman's health hard. For example, inflammation of the lymph nodes or septic intoxication, heart failure or kidney disease.

The appearance of sore throat and general malaise are the first signs that future mother need to see a doctor.

Treatment of angina in pregnant women is a very complicated process, because you need to select only those medicines that will not harm the firstborn.

Symptoms of angina

Before proceeding to the definition of symptoms, you need to find out what a sore throat is. Doctors distinguish 4 types of the disease:

  • catarrhal;
  • follicular (purulent);
  • lacunar;
  • herpetic.

The first type of the disease is tolerated quite easily. The patient has a low temperature, a slight sore throat. Swelling of the tonsils is not critical. Purulent tonsillitis in pregnant women proceeds somewhat differently. There is a sharp increase in body temperature, severe swelling throat, as well as the appearance of plugs filled with pus.

Lacunar angina - acute form ailment. The patient feels a general malaise, the tonsils become inflamed, increase in size and become covered with white or yellow coating. Possible vomiting. The herpetic type of the disease is characterized by the appearance of a small rash on the mucous membrane of the throat, high fever and pain throughout the body.

Most often, purulent tonsillitis occurs during pregnancy. Foci of inflammation in the throat, as a rule, are located close to each other. Thus, they form a purulent mesh. Common symptoms that indicate angina during pregnancy in the first trimester are:

  • sudden onset of fever;
  • pain in the area of ​​the lymph nodes;
  • nasality in the voice;
  • sharp pain in the throat, interfering with drinking and eating.

Only your otolaryngologist can tell you how to cure a sore throat during pregnancy. Self-medication of the disease can cause complications, which is why the expectant mother will have to take much more antibiotics. It is important for pregnant women to remember: angina in the first trimester is dangerous both for themselves and for babies.

Treatment of angina during pregnancy

Before prescribing medications, the otolaryngologist must examine the patient and take material from the inflamed tonsils for analysis. This will help determine what caused the disease, and prescribe really effective drugs.

Treatment of angina in the first trimester of pregnancy is complicated by the fact that during this period the fetus is just being formed. Because of this, many drugs are contraindicated for the expectant mother. The following are officially approved and safe:

  • penicillins;
  • macrolides;
  • cephalosporins.

If a pregnant woman has a high temperature, it is advised to take drugs based on paracetamol. Aspirin should be excluded: it can cause abnormal development of the child. In addition, a pregnant woman should follow a diet. Food should not be spicy or too hot. Also, experts do not recommend eating by force. If a woman does not feel hungry, eating should be postponed.

Sore throat diseases during pregnancy in the second trimester will simplify treatment. During this period, almost all the baby's organs have formed, so doctors can prescribe antibiotics of a wider spectrum. Rinses remain effective, as at any time. For them, you can use decoctions of herbs or antiseptic solutions. Inhalation is not contraindicated. However, you should not overdo it: during the procedure, a pregnant woman may feel dizzy.

Treatment of angina during pregnancy in the third trimester is carried out in a complex manner. To get rid of the disease, antibiotics that are safe for expectant mothers are used, and a balanced diet is prescribed.

Antibiotic treatment

It is almost impossible to get rid of angina without the help of medicines. That is why doctors prescribe antibiotics for pregnant women. Do not worry that the drugs will harm the baby: modern facilities I act exclusively on the mother's body.

Pregnant women are prescribed drugs penicillin group or cephalosporins. In any trimester, tetracycline antibiotics and Levomecitin are prohibited. These drugs are dangerous to the fetus and may affect its development.

If you don't want to accept strong drugs, doctors recommend using lozenges and sprays. They relieve sore throats and improve overall well-being.

You can start taking certain antibiotics only after consulting with an otolaryngologist. He, having assessed the degree of the disease, will be able to select the most effective, but at the same time safe drugs.


How can angina be treated during pregnancy? This question is of interest to many expectant mothers who categorically refuse to take antibiotics. Rinsing is the right way, which helps to get rid of the focus of inflammation and speeds up the healing process.

To prepare the solution, you can use both herbs and substances that are in the kitchen of every housewife. Mix in equal proportions eucalyptus leaves, chamomile and linden flowers. Pour the mixture hot water, leave for 30 minutes and then strain the liquid. You can also make a tincture of sage and chamomile. The solution will reduce inflammation, reduce pain and positively affect overall well-being.

tablespoon flax seeds put in a glass hot water, and after half an hour, strain through a small sieve. The infusion is ready to use. In addition, salt and soda are used to prepare the solution. Take a tablespoon of these ingredients, mix them in a glass of warm water and start rinsing.

For the treatment of angina during pregnancy in the early stages, a solution prepared from furacilin is also used. Crush 5 tablets of the product, and then pour a liter of warm water. Additionally, you can add a few drops of iodine or a tablespoon of three percent hydrogen peroxide.

Doctors say that thanks to furacilin, it is possible to get rid of bacteria in the body in a week. However, before starting rinsing with a solution with this drug, you need to clean the mucous membrane from plaque. Water with soda will help with this. Despite the fact that this medication is considered absolutely safe, side effects still meet. These include loss of appetite, nausea, allergies, and even bleeding.

Otolaryngologists advise gargling every hour. The temperature of the solution should not exceed 40 °C. For greater effectiveness, it is better to alternate tinctures for rinsing.

Treatment of angina during pregnancy folk remedies

Parallel to drug treatment folk methods are also used to help get rid of the disease faster.

Recipe number 1. Rosehip tea contains a lot of vitamin C (it helps to increase immunity), and raspberry tea will help reduce the temperature. Use a large number liquids will help to get rid of toxins, which will facilitate the general condition.

Recipe number 2. Effective and inhalation with essential oils, however, remember: the procedure can be carried out only if the temperature is not elevated. If there is no nebulizer at home, use a regular pot. Boil water in a container, add a few drops of oil (eucalyptus or sage), and then breathe in saturated vapors for 10-15 minutes.

Recipe number 3. You can also breathe over freshly boiled potato tubers. To do this, drain the water from the pan, cover yourself with a towel and carefully inhale the steam through your mouth and nose for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, it is advisable to lie under a blanket so as not to cool. Remember: if dizziness occurs during inhalation, stop the process.

Recipe number 4. Another popular folk method- compress. Soak gauze or bandage in diluted alcohol, put a bandage on the neck, wrapping it with oilcloth on top. Then tie a warm and non-spiky scarf around your throat. Walking with a compress should be no more than 2-3 hours.

Recipe number 5. Do not give up their positions and decoctions. They are usually prepared from sage, chamomile or elderberry leaves. Raw materials are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew. Ready-made infusions are used for rinsing or drunk as teas.

To reduce the temperature without medication, expectant mothers are recommended to wipe themselves warm water. Taking cold baths and wiping with vinegar or alcohol will only harm the pregnant woman.

Apply any folk remedies only after consultation with the doctor. They, like medicines, can affect the bearing of a child.

Angina during pregnancy: what is dangerous

The consequences of angina during pregnancy can be very different. For example, due to complications, the mother may develop pneumonia, meningitis, or inflammation of the myocardium (appears a few weeks after the disease, if carried on her feet). Other complications include:

  • sepsis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • rheumatism.

The disease is dangerous for both the pregnant woman and the fetus. An unborn baby may suffer from hypoxia ( not enough oxygen), which leads to developmental delay. In addition, during the disease is disturbed uterine circulation and increase the risk of placental abruption.

Prevention of angina

The best way to protect yourself from getting sick is to limit contact with people who are sick. In addition, pregnant women are advised to:

  • do not visit crowded places, especially during epidemics;
  • ventilate the bedroom as often as possible and carry out wet cleaning;
  • humidify the air at home;
  • take vitamins allowed for expectant mothers.

If you still need to visit a supermarket or use public transport, treat the nasal mucosa with Oxolinic ointment, which prevents pathogenic bacteria from entering the body. This drug is allowed for expectant mothers and does not affect the condition of the fetus.

In order not to get a sore throat, treat chronic diseases (tonsillitis, pharyngitis) before pregnancy, and also visit a dentist to get rid of caries. Do not forget about seasonal vegetables and fruits, the right and balanced diet and frequent walks in the fresh air.

If you do get sick, remember to follow drinking regime. In no case do not refuse food. This will negatively affect both your condition and the well-being of the child. Eat little but often. Also, don't forget about bed rest and constant consultations with an otolaryngologist and a doctor who monitors the course of pregnancy.

Angina is a complex disease that is difficult for both babies and women preparing for motherhood. When the first symptoms appear, contact your doctor. Taking care of your own body and strict adherence to the advice of doctors will help the expectant mother stay healthy!