Purulent tonsillitis in the first trimester. Angina (acute tonsillitis) during pregnancy - symptoms, treatment and danger. Treatment of angina in late pregnancy

Such a gratifying and important state of a woman as pregnancy, as a rule, raises a lot of questions from future mother even in the case when everything proceeds smoothly and without any pathology. What can we say if diseases occur during this period.

Unfortunately, during pregnancy, not only does not decrease, but on the contrary, the risk of the disease increases, because the body gives all its strength to the development of the fetus, making the mother's body vulnerable. However, many of the ailments affect the course of pregnancy.

Is angina dangerous at the beginning of pregnancy and in the later stages?

One of these diseases is tonsillitis during pregnancy, which is quite serious illness infectious nature, consisting in inflammation of the tonsils. Many women who fall ill with her, not without reason, ask their doctor the question: Is angina dangerous during pregnancy? And in all cases they get the same answer: this disease can be dangerous for any patient, but for women "in position" it is doubly serious, because. poses a threat not only to the mother, but also to the child she is carrying. Because of this, any future woman in labor should be aware of how angina affects pregnancy and try to take all measures in order not to become infected with this disease.

In women preparing to become mothers, this pathology is not so rare. The thing is that during the period of gestation, the woman's immune system is weakened, due to which various bacteria and viruses easily enter the body and are activated in it.

Out of ignorance, any pain in the throat can be taken by a person as a manifestation of a sore throat. However, this is not quite true. The described disease is characterized by its specific properties. This emphasizes the importance of undergoing an appropriate examination and confirmation of the diagnosis by a specialist doctor.

It does not matter when exactly angina developed: on the early dates pregnancy, in the middle or on later dates in last trimester. In any case, it is extremely important that the disease be diagnosed and cured, and cured without consequences for both the woman herself and the fetus growing inside her.

How does purulent, follicular and herpes sore throat affect pregnancy

Angina during pregnancy can be of several types. They do not differ from the types of angina in non-pregnant women and include, and necrotic forms. The first of the listed variants of the disease proceeds without the formation of pus, the next three refer to purulent tonsillitis.

Catarrhal angina differs in that during its development, there is no plaque on the reddened edematous tonsils, but mucus is present. Plus, there may be no temperature reaction of the body. All other signs are identical to the symptoms of purulent variants of the disease.

Purulent tonsillitis occurs quite often during pregnancy. Among the variety of its pathogens, streptococci are rightfully considered the most likely culprits for the development of the disease. More than 90% of cases of sore throats are associated with these bacteria that can live in the respiratory and digestive tract. Purulent tonsillitis during pregnancy of the fetus, compared with the catarrhal form, is more likely to cause intrauterine death.

Lacunar form of purulent tonsillitis characterized by the fact that a specific white-yellow film gradually forms on the tonsils. It covers almost the entire surface of the tonsils. The main difference between such plaque and other diseases with similar manifestations is that it is easily removed without damaging the mucosa.

Follicular angina during pregnancy, just like in any other patients with this disease, it is characterized by the appearance of specific whitish-yellowish spots. At the same time, the tonsils are inflamed, and these spots are, as it were, “scattered” over their entire surface.

One of the most dangerous and severe forms of the described disease is necrotic form of angina characterized by the death of tissues of the tonsils. It develops mainly against the background of scarlet fever, which in itself poses a deadly threat to the fetus.

In addition to the listed types of angina, there are several more varieties of this disease, for example, herpangina. It develops most often under the influence of Coxsackie and ECHO viruses. Herpes sore throat during pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of a blistering, ulcerative rash in the soft palate and rear wall throats. And in its own way appearance these small sores give the impression of festering wounds, but it is almost impossible to open them in order to remove pus. This is due to the fact that almost immediately after the breakthrough of the bubble, they are overgrown with dense fibrous tissue.

Angina in early pregnancy (in the first trimester) and its consequences

The first three months after conception are very important for the unborn baby. During this period, the formation and development of the main organs and systems takes place. That is why we can say that angina in the first trimester of pregnancy is the most dangerous. oxygen starvation, created on the background elevated temperature body and the phenomena of intoxication, can cause intrauterine death of the fetus and cause spontaneous interruption.

The consequences of angina in early pregnancy also include the formation of malformations in the fetus, which can ultimately lead to abortion for medical reasons.

Any form of the described disease when carrying a child is insidious in that it may not proceed normally. One, several or all of the usual signs of the disease in the form of hyperthermia, a hoarse voice and sore throat, as well as sudden surging weakness and apathy, may be absent in pregnant women. This must be remembered in order for angina to early pregnancy was not left to chance and did not lead to sad consequences for the baby and his mother.

I must say that tonsillitis during pregnancy, in addition to being infectious, is also allergic in nature. Many experts, given the specifics of lesions, consider it as an allergic disease. Diseases appearing in the clinical picture allergic symptoms significantly complicate the correct diagnosis of angina in the first trimester of pregnancy, the consequences of which are not long in coming.

Another interesting fact is that a loss of appetite may indicate at the beginning. However, many people view it as a common whim characteristic of pregnant women.

In addition, in women "in position" angina may be accompanied by rheumatoid symptoms that can manifest themselves both in the early and late stages of gestation.

Angina in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy

Angina during pregnancy in the second trimester, and even more so in the third, will no longer be able to lead to the appearance of significant malformations of the fetus, because at these times all the organs of the child have already been formed.

However, this disease continues to create increased risk the onset of hypoxia, which is quite dangerous for the health of the baby, and can also lead to premature birth.

Therapeutic measures for the described disease, which occurred from 4 to 6 months of gestation, usually go more smoothly than the fight against tonsillitis at the beginning of pregnancy. However, the treatment itself can be very negative impact both maternal and fetal. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the right drugs and the course of their administration.

Angina in the third trimester of pregnancy poses a threat to the fetus and mother, primarily with its complications. The latter develop as a result of untimely treatment or self-medication. Most often it is a chronic process and a pharyngeal abscess.

These and others possible complications significantly affect the condition of the baby in the womb, provoking a violation placental blood flow. As a result, the fetus becomes deficient in oxygen and nutrients.

Plus, the causative agent of infection can freely move through the maternal body with the bloodstream, creating bad influence on the heart and kidneys, which is not favorable for the fetus.

Treatment of angina during pregnancy with antibiotics

Treatment of angina during pregnancy is not an easy task. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that far from all can be prescribed to women who are carrying a child. medicines commonly used in this disease. However, the disease must be treated without fail, especially considering possible consequences angina during pregnancy.

If not all, then many people have long known that in the event of the development of the described disease, perhaps, the best remedy therapies are antibiotics. There will be no exception and angina that occurs in women in position. But there is a nuance here: not all of these medicines safe during this period. Therefore, antibiotics for angina during pregnancy should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor and with the obligatory consideration of all possible risks.

Traditionally the most popular drug from this group for expectant mothers is a spray. This is an antibacterial agent that is applied topically, and therefore has practically no effect on the baby in the womb. The medicine is an aerosol, the microparticles of which penetrate the throat and deep into Airways exerting its therapeutic effect.

Treatment of angina during pregnancy also includes other antibiotics, such as Sumamed, Ampicillin, etc. However, if the first drug can be taken without a threat to the fetus, then the use of other drugs is allowed only in cases where the benefit from their action exceeds possible harm for a baby.

How to cure a sore throat during pregnancy with antiseptics

From antiseptics local application in the described disease, either lozenges, or solutions for treating the tonsils, or rinsing are usually used.

Absorbable tablets are mainly aimed at fighting germs and relieving sore throats. Therefore, when deciding how to treat a sore throat during pregnancy, this dosage form willingly prescribed by doctors.

The most famous and effective antiseptic is Pharyngosept. It is usually taken 1 tablet 3 to 5 times a day, holding in the mouth until completely dissolved. Of the similar drugs, Lyzobact, Imudon and Neo-Angin can be called.

In addition to lozenges for inflammation of the tonsils, you can and should use special antiseptic solutions that help remove plaque. Quite a lot of such solutions are known: for example, Stomatodin and. At the same time, one should not forget that only a doctor should decide how to treat a sore throat during pregnancy, because not all such solutions are suitable for expectant mothers. In particular, Lugol's solution, despite the fact that it is a good antiseptic, should not be used by pregnant women.

Antiseptic solutions are commonly used as follows: a piece of cotton wool is wound on a stick or finger and moistened with a solution, after which the plaque is carefully removed with this cotton wool, and one cotton wool is intended for only one tonsil.

However, it is much easier to apply these drugs in the form of rinses. Any doctor will tell you how to cure a sore throat during pregnancy using this method. This procedure is extremely simple: take boiled water in your mouth and rinse sore throat, after that, take the solution prescribed by the doctor in the right amount (each solution has its own) and rinse your mouth with it. As a rule, after such a procedure, you should refuse to eat for 2-3 hours.

For such purposes, you can use Furacilin, Miramistin and other means. These drugs are also available in the form of sprays intended for spraying in the oral cavity.

How to treat sore throat during pregnancy with antipyretics

To one of the main questions that appear in women if they have a sore throat during pregnancy: how to treat fever?

There is no single answer to this question. Today there is a large number of all kinds of antipyretics that reduce fever, but their use can significantly harm the health of the baby. For example, taking Paracetamol or Ibuprofen increases the risk of male genital malformations in the fetus, and a drug such as Nurofen can lead to premature birth. Due to such circumstances, the use of antipyretics during pregnancy is possible only in cases where the benefit to the mother significantly outweighs the risk to the fetus in her womb. Therefore, if a woman has a sore throat during pregnancy, it is up to the specialist to decide how to treat the fever and whether it should be treated at all.

As a rule, when the temperature rises no higher than 38.5 degrees, doctors recommend doing without medication. To alleviate the condition during this period, you can drink tea with raspberries, as well as mix 1 tablespoon warm water, vinegar and alcohol, moisten a piece of cloth with the resulting solution, for example, a handkerchief or gauze, and wipe the whole body. You should take medicines only if the temperature rises higher and does not decrease for a long time.

Diet in the treatment of angina in the second trimester of pregnancy

Angina during pregnancy, how to cure which with the help of drugs was described above, requires compliance with certain nutritional standards. Moreover, expectant mothers need a complete diet.

All foods consumed during the period of illness should be easily digestible. From solid food, as well as spicy, sour and hot dishes should be avoided.

In the initial period of the development of the disease, chicken broth is usually recommended. To reduce irritation and swelling of the throat, you should drink vegetable juices, for example, from carrots, beets and cucumbers in a ratio of 3:1:1. It must be remembered that with the diagnosis of angina during pregnancy in the second trimester, treatment should not include the use a large number liquids.

A large amount of fruits should be introduced into the diet, yoghurts and sour cream should be excluded. And also, in order not to aggravate the condition, it is necessary to avoid carbonated drinks, hot tea and coffee.

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It is a well-known fact that during pregnancy, a woman's body becomes vulnerable to the effects of pathogens, because the immune system is weakened. Even the most harmless colds can develop into chronic pathological processes of the respiratory system or sore throat. That is why pregnant women should be especially anxious about their health.

At the first signs indicating the development of acute tonsillitis, you should immediately seek qualified help from a specialist.

Untreated tonsillitis during pregnancy is a great danger, since intoxication of the body and high temperature can lead to the development of fetal hypoxia and even miscarriage.

Self-treatment of tonsillitis during pregnancy, as well as ignoring the doctor's prescriptions, is not permissible

Fighting methods

Before talking about how to overcome the disease, it is important to understand what we are dealing with, so to speak, you need to know the enemy in person. What is angina?

Angina is an acute infectious disease in which the palatine tonsils are affected.

There are several types of the disease, for example, it is distinguished by the presence of pustules, which look like delimited points. Unlike the first variety, lacunar tonsillitis differs in that the purulent contents look like spots that merge and form a large network of pus.

Angina during pregnancy is treated with both traditional and folk methods. In any case, all actions should be coordinated with a specialist.

So, how to treat sore throat during pregnancy with traditional medicine?


The complexity of the treatment of angina in pregnant women lies in the fact that not all antibacterial agents can be used. The fact is that some types of antibiotics can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Therefore, experts prescribe such drugs that have minimal risks or generally safe for mother and child. Nevertheless, it is important to understand that success will also depend on the patient herself, who must unconditionally follow the doctor's instructions.

I would like to note the fact that not everyone knows that the bacteria that cause the development inflammatory process are not sensitive to all antibacterial drugs. So what works for one may not necessarily help another. To ensure that antibiotic treatment does not resemble a game of roulette, it is necessary to pass a swab for sensitivity to antibiotics, thanks to which the chances of successful treatment will be maximized.

Also, don't make the mistake that many patients make, which is that when the condition improves, they stop taking their medications. This is a gross mistake that can lead to the fact that bacteria simply become insensitive to the effects of antibacterial agents.

The physician must decide whether antibiotics are appropriate during pregnancy

Medications of local action

A feature of local drugs is that they act directly in the focus of the inflammatory process. Doctors prescribe such funds in the second trimester of pregnancy.

One of the safe means that helps to cure an acute infectious process is furatsilin.

Angina during pregnancy is effectively treated with furatsilin

Furacilin during pregnancy

Furacilin has an antimicrobial and wound-healing effect. It is a broad-spectrum antiseptic drug. It is widely used in the treatment of purulent wounds, bedsores and even burns.

According to experts, furatsilin in just five to six days helps to completely eliminate pathogenic microorganisms from the body.

Before, the mucous membranes need to be cleaned of plaque, this will help the usual soda solution. To prepare the solution, you need to take one teaspoon baking soda and dissolve it in a glass of natural water.

Now let's start preparing the solution of furacilin directly. For one glass hot water, it is hot, do not be confused, there are two tablets of a drug. Before the tablets are mixed with water, they must be crushed. The resulting solution must be stirred until the substance is completely dissolved. After the product has become warm, it can be used as a rinse. You can also add a couple of drops of calendula tincture there.

Gargle for three minutes every three to four hours. A feature and advantage of the furacilin solution is that it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to ten days.

As you know, any medication, even if it is considered the safest, has its own side effects, furatsilin is no exception to the rule.

Although these side effects are quite rare, you should still be aware of them:

  • bleeding;
  • allergic reactions;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of appetite.

An overdose of furatsilina, as well as its use inside, can cause unpleasant side effects.

It is dangerous to carry a sore throat during pregnancy on the legs. Women must comply bed rest and be in complete peace.

As a rule, with sore throat, which is often accompanied by high fever and sore throat, appetite disappears. Despite this, in no case should you refuse to eat. Food should be complete and nutritious. It should contain proteins and vitamins, in particular vitamin C. Vitamin C found in rose hips, blackcurrant, broccoli, cauliflower, lemon, spinach, orange, etc.

Try to eat small meals more often. Food should be chopped and warm. In no case do not eat too hot or, conversely, cold food.

Do not eat sour, smoked, spicy, pickled. All this will irritate the already inflamed mucous membrane.

If your appetite is completely gone and you can't force yourself to eat, at least drink some chicken broth. You can also make vegetarian soups.

Nutrition in case of illness should be balanced

Besides, huge role plays the use of liquid, which will help to cope with the intoxication of the body. As a warm drink, you can use rosehip broth, fruit drinks, teas, milk, etc.

As you know, some antipyretics can adversely affect the development of pregnancy, especially in the early stages, when all organs are being laid. What to do at high temperature? You can take a cool shower or do a rubdown with warm water. After that, you should definitely dress in clothes made from natural threads.

If the temperature has reached 38, it is necessary to call a doctor. Pregnant women are allowed to use paracetamol and panadol, which should be taken according to the instructions.

Medications that contain acetylsalicylic acid are unacceptable during pregnancy. This applies to both early and late dates.

As a rinse, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile and sage, as well as weak saline solution. Rinsing should be done every two hours. It is best to alternate different solutions.

Pregnant women are strictly forbidden to use thermal procedures, such as inhalations, hot foot baths, warm compresses, and more. This can lead to serious consequences, up to termination of pregnancy.

Women must understand the danger of angina and adhere to all doctor's prescriptions.

What are the consequences of angina? The body can intensely fight the causative agent of the infectious process and begin to affect not only the tonsils, but also other organs, causing pathological processes in the heart, kidneys and joints.

The best treatment is prevention!

stick following tips, and you will reduce the likelihood of getting a sore throat:

  • already in the first trimester of pregnancy, think about who you are in contact with. Avoid crowded places, as well as contact with patients with respiratory diseases. Never eat from the dishes used by the sick;
  • in case of mass epidemics, do not be shy to wear a protective mask, remember that your and your baby's health is now above all;
  • in season colds before going outside, lubricate the nostrils with oxolin ointment;
  • to strengthen immunity, take a multivitamin designed specifically for pregnant women;
  • the diet should be fortified, eat plenty of vegetables and fruits;
  • walk more often in the fresh air;
  • treat chronic foci of infection, this may include dental problems, diseases of the oral cavity, throat, etc.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, you should also carefully monitor medical methods, choose them correctly so as not to harm the fetus, so do not self-medicate. Even safe means traditional medicine can harm you if you use them illiterately.

Traditional medicine against sore throat during pregnancy

Infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants are strong means, so carefully read the contraindications and how to use them correctly.

Infusions and decoctions are perishable products, so it is best to use them freshly prepared.

Folk remedies can be used after their use has been approved by your doctor.

As for infusions, usually one tablespoon of crushed raw materials goes to one glass of water for their preparation. The infusion is kept for an hour, and then filtered.

If we talk about decoctions, then medicinal plant first, for one or two hours, pour cold water, and then boil for half an hour over medium heat.

Let's talk about common and effective recipes:

  • crushed sage leaves can be used as a rinse, as well as taken internally. Raw materials are poured with boiling water and insisted for an hour;
  • Chamomile flowers are used for rinses, compresses, lotions. You can also use chamomile tea with the addition of honey and lemon;
  • elderberry flowers are first poured with boiling water, and then they are kept in a water bath for half an hour. Then the product is cooled, filtered and consumed before going to bed inside.

Given all of the above, we can conclude that tonsillitis during pregnancy is insidious disease which can lead to serious complications. That is why the disease should not be allowed to take its course, and the reins of government in the treatment should be taken qualified specialist. Medications can adversely affect pregnancy, so in no case do not purchase them yourself, and if the doctor has prescribed something for you, then carefully read the instructions and follow the treatment regimen.

Angina is a rather serious infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the tonsils. During the period of bearing a baby, the female immune system weakens, viruses and bacteria easily enter the body and begin to activate there. Therefore, angina during pregnancy is a fairly common disease.

A mistake should be considered a manifestation of sore throat any pain that occurs in the throat, since this disease has its own specific properties. Therefore, it is so important to undergo an appropriate examination and get a confirmation of the diagnosis from a doctor. From what kind of angina is found, the treatment will also depend.

The causative agents of the disease are different microorganisms, therefore, there are several types:

  • 1. Bacterial

The most common sore throat, provoked by adenoviruses, streptococci, enteroviruses, staphylococci.

  • 2. Catarrhal

This type of angina is dangerous with a strong inflammatory process and high fever, which accompanies the disease.

  • 3. Purulent

Purulent tonsillitis in pregnant women is quite common. It can flow into different forms:

- follicular is characterized by a mild form and the presence of white dots (pustules);

- lacunar - this is the presence of a yellowish film on the tonsils;

- necrotic - one of the most severe forms, when the tissues of the tonsils die off, most often occurs against the background of scarlet fever.

Angina during pregnancy can occur in different ways. Often the disease begins without an increase in temperature, since the woman's immunity throws all the internal resources of the body into preserving the fetus. Therefore, there is no adequate response to the invasion of bacteria. This is fraught with a rapid aggravation and an increase in temperature up to 40 ° C.

Since the disease is a danger to the health of a woman and a baby, you need to know how to treat purulent tonsillitis during pregnancy, which entails the most serious consequences.

Due to the infectious nature, which requires antibiotic therapy, this disease needs timely and necessarily qualified treatment. You need to be especially careful with folk remedies, which can be used only with the permission of a doctor.

  1. Antibiotics. Despite the fact that this group of drugs is contraindicated in pregnancy, angina requires just such therapy. Therefore, depending on each individual case, the doctor prescribes a certain medicine. These can be penicillin, cephalosporins, erythromycin, rovamycin, sumamed, furadonin, metronidazole, gentamicin and other antibiotics approved for the treatment of angina during pregnancy.
  2. Gargle. For this purpose, decoctions of sage, chamomile, soda and salt water, antiseptic solutions are prescribed, which can be used to gargle every hour.
  3. Inhalations. With these procedures you need to be careful during pregnancy. If you feel dizzy or feel bad, inhalations should be abandoned and another way to treat angina should be found. It is recommended to do it with aromatic oils(eucalyptus, rosehip, thyme) and herbs (chamomile, sage, mint, pine buds).
  4. Proper nutrition. Vitaminized and balanced diet a young mother needs it so that the body can quickly cope with the disease. You will have to refuse sour and spicy, as they irritate the mucous membrane of the throat.
  5. Plentiful drink. A lot of fluid during this period is needed in order to remove toxins and restore the loss of fluid in the body at a high temperature. It is allowed to drink plain water, warm tea or milk with honey. But fruit drinks and lemon are contraindicated.

Equally important is the treatment of angina during pregnancy in the early stages and already in the last months, when the mother's body is weakened and cannot independently cope with the invasion of harmful microorganisms. If he is not helped, this can lead to the most unfortunate consequences, which you must try to avoid by any available means.

Consequences of angina

The most dangerous in terms of consequences is tonsillitis during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, especially the follicular form. In this case, bacteria enter the bloodstream and provoke septic poisoning. As a result, the disease may be accompanied by:

  • the strongest toxicosis;
  • hyperthermia, as a result of which placental abruption may begin;
  • intrauterine abnormalities in the development of the fetus and the formation of its individual organs and systems;
  • freezing of the fetus.

No less dangerous are the consequences of angina during pregnancy on last dates. Indeed, in this case, the forces female body already exhausted. This is fraught with:

  • the development of myocarditis;
  • abscess of the larynx;
  • meningitis;
  • septic intoxication;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • infectious polyarthritis;
  • heart failure;
  • glomerulonephritis ( inflammatory disease kidneys);
  • weak labor activity.

During pregnancy, treating a sore throat is the prerogative of a doctor only. Only he can prescribe medicines, methods and methods of their use. Effective, but quite dangerous in such a period, folk remedies can be harmful to the health of the expectant mother and baby. Passion for herbal remedies and herbs is also contraindicated. Therefore, how to treat angina and how to avoid its consequences, better than a doctor no one will answer.

During pregnancy, a woman can get any infectious disease, including tonsillitis. Any ailment caused by an infection can adversely affect the development of the fetus. Obstetricians have long known that even with an asymptomatic or oligosymptomatic course of the infectious process in a woman, the pathology in a child can be significantly pronounced. This is due to the intensive reproduction of fetal cells, as a result of which they become more sensitive to the damaging effects of microorganisms and their toxins.

feature infectious diseases in pregnant women is the impossibility of using many drugs, as they have a teratogenic effect (proven to affect the fetus) or are poorly understood.

In its development, the fetus goes through stages corresponding to the laying of organs, their development and final differentiation. In terms of timing, these periods conditionally correlate with the trimesters of pregnancy. Consider how angina can affect the fetus on different stages its growth, as well as the features of the treatment of this disease in each of the trimesters.

First trimester

In the first months of pregnancy, a woman has a greater risk of getting a sore throat than usual. This is due to the intense hormonal changes, behavior change, pregnancy toxemia. During this period, a woman visits medical institutions more often, where she is exposed to contact with patients.

At the same time, she continues to work, as a result of which she experiences additional stress. Her need for proteins and vitamins increases, which is not always satisfied. As for immunodeficiency, it is not as typical for pregnant women as it is commonly believed. The parameters of immunity in a healthy patient are most often within the normal range.

Manifestations in a woman are typical: the temperature rises quickly, a sore throat appears, signs of intoxication develop.

The causative agent of the disease does not directly affect the fetus. Dangerous are its toxins released into the blood of a woman during inflammation. In addition, hypoxia (lack of oxygen and nutrients) develops during illness.

If a woman falls ill with a sore throat in the first days of pregnancy, the death of a fertilized egg or embryo is not excluded. In later periods, the formation of the placenta is disturbed, the primary placental insufficiency. Subsequently, it can be transformed into secondary insufficiency, which is characterized by fetal hypoxia, delayed development, premature birth and other complications of pregnancy.

Fetal deformities can even form if exposure to toxins was at particularly important points in time for the laying of a particular organ. For example, there is a violation of the development of the brain (micro- or hydrocephalus), intracranial calcification ("ossification"), heart defects, impaired limb formation.

The first trimester is the most dangerous in terms of abortion, diseases and fetal developmental disorders due to diseases in the mother.

Second trimester

If a pregnant woman gets a sore throat in the second trimester of pregnancy, then the most frequent complication she will have placental insufficiency. As a result, the supply of oxygen to the fetus is disrupted and nutrients, it grows more slowly and develops worse.

In some cases, under the influence of toxins, the developing eyes of the unborn child, chorioretinitis, are observed, in the future this complication can lead to blindness. The fetal liver also suffers, the spleen enlarges.

Often, polyhydramnios develops, spontaneous abortion is not excluded, especially when several adverse factors are combined (for example, the course of pregnancy against the background of TORCH infections).

third trimester

AT recent months pregnancy, angina has less effect on developing child. First, his organs are already largely formed and are not so defenseless against toxic substances. Secondly, a well-formed placenta plays a protective role. Thirdly, the fetus itself is already able to respond to some influences by developing its own protective factors.

However, angina, transferred in the third trimester, can lead to placental insufficiency, fetal growth retardation and premature birth.

On the other hand, the woman herself suffers the most. Occur more often early complications: paratonsillar abscess, otitis media, sinusitis and others. It is possible that development and late complications: damage to the heart, joints, kidneys.

Treatment of angina during pregnancy

Self-treatment of angina when carrying a child is unacceptable. Having discovered the first signs of this disease, a woman should observe bed rest and call a doctor at home. She can't go to the clinic.

Main activities:

  • daily routine and diet;
  • local antiseptic preparations;
  • , antipyretics, painkillers;
  • vitamins.

Mode and nutrition

During the period of fever, strict adherence to bed rest is necessary. After the temperature has dropped, the state of health has improved, the patient can move around the apartment, but not engage in any vigorous activity. You need to know that for at least 10 days after recovery, a woman is still a source of infection. Therefore, she should limit close contact with children, the elderly, debilitated people, or wear a medical mask.

It is advisable to drink more fluids. Suitable green tea, rosehip broth, unsweetened dried fruit compote, weak black tea with lemon, warm milk. Nutrition should be high in calories, especially during the recovery period. If a woman cannot eat because of a sore throat, she should eat broth, fermented milk products, but not more than 1 - 2 days, and then switch to regular food. Dishes are best steamed or baked, liquid cereals, pureed soups are useful, steam cutlets, vegetable puree.

Antibacterial therapy

Amoxiclav approved for use

Not all antibiotics can be taken with angina during pregnancy. In the first trimester, their list is extremely limited. The doctor may prescribe drugs from the penicillin group (phenoxymethylpenicillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin), including amoxiclav, which is more resistant to bacterial enzymes. All 4 generations of cephalosporins are approved for use, for example, cephalexin, cefaclor, cefotaxime, cefepime.

Macrolides, in particular, azithromycin, can also be used in the treatment of pregnant women. A short course of administration makes this remedy one of the drugs of choice for angina in pregnant women. In severe cases, with the development of purulent complications, carbapenems, such as meropenem, can be used.

Antibiotic treatment always carries a potential danger to the fetus and mother, so they should be prescribed good specialist able to see the line beyond which undoubted benefit antibiotics are beginning to reduce the harm caused by these drugs.

Unfortunately, the most studied and safest phenoxymethylpenicillin to date does not always help with angina. This is due to the development of microbial resistance to this drug.

Antiseptic preparations for local use

To speed up recovery, relieve symptoms, reduce the risk of complications, a pregnant woman with angina should use local preparations: sprays, inhalations, rinses. Here is a list of the most effective and safe medicines.

Furacilin- an antimicrobial agent that is active against staphylococci, streptococci and other most common pathogens. It is available in tablets and in solution. To prepare a solution of furacilin, you need to dissolve 2 tablets of the drug in a glass of boiling water, cool and gargle several times a day. It is more convenient to use a ready-made solution.


Chlorhexidine- antiseptic, cleanses and disinfects the tonsils, removes purulent plaque from them. Produced in the form of a ready-made solution. For gargling, you need to use a solution at a concentration of 0.05%. If more than high concentration(0.2% or 0.5%), before use, such a solution should be diluted with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1:4 and 1:10, respectively.

Miramistin- a highly effective modern antiseptic, fully approved for use in pregnant women. It comes in a convenient bottle with a nozzle that sprays the drug deep into the throat. Such irrigation can be carried out several times during the day.

Ingalipt- an antimicrobial drug that also contains thymol, eucalyptus and mint oils. In addition to the antibacterial action, it has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Issued in convenient form spray that is easy to apply to the affected tonsils.

Chlorophyllipt- extract from eucalyptus leaves, natural preparation, which has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral effects. Available in the form of a rinse solution, oil solution for lubrication of the tonsils, as well as in the form of lozenges.

Supplement local therapy you can gargle with infusion of chamomile, calendula, lime blossom and other herbs with a disinfecting effect.

It is not worth taking such decoctions inside, since their effect on the body of a pregnant woman can be unpredictable.

Other drugs

A pregnant woman can take paracetamol to reduce fever. At severe pain in the throat, severe inflammation and swelling, the doctor may prescribe her anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ortofen. And, of course, the patient must take the prescribed vitamins.

Angina is an inflammatory process in the tissue of the tonsils, due to many reasons. It can develop as an independent disease or be a complication, a symptom of other pathologies.

During pregnancy, the body of women is most vulnerable to diseases of an infectious, inflammatory origin, so you need to be careful about your health. This applies to both prevention and the correct therapeutic approach. Treatment of angina during pregnancy is a difficult task, which includes early diagnosis, drawing up an effective medical complex that avoids the appearance of undesirable consequences.

The immune system of a woman, like the endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, undergoes some changes that are caused by the conception and bearing of the fetus. The conditions created by the body provide normal growth and the development of the unborn child, in a sense, limiting the needs of the woman.

Among the first suffer immune defense, and therefore quite common. In addition, a pregnant woman has to suffer from exacerbations of chronic diseases, such as pyelonephritis, varicose disease, hemorrhoids.

Angina as an independent disease

In this section, we will analyze the features of the course of the pathology, consider how during pregnancy. Diagnosis, preparation of a treatment program (selection of drugs, dose, duration of administration) is carried out exclusively by a specialist, taking into account the severity of the disease, the course of pregnancy, and the presence of concomitant pathology.

The development of primary tonsillitis is due to streptococcal infection, which is characterized by short hyperthermia, signs of general intoxication, inflammation in the palatine tonsils, closely located lymph nodes. Angina carries a threat of generalization of infection, the occurrence of an autoimmune disease.

Without pathogenetic treatment, the risk of kidney damage in the form of glomerulonephritis, connective tissue, and the development of rheumatism increases.

In almost 90% of cases, laboratory methods reveal hemolytic streptococcus, however, tonsillitis associated with staphylococcus aureus, corynebacteria, Haemophilus influenzae is not excluded. The source of infection can be carriers of a pathogenic pathogen or sick people.

In most cases, infection occurs by airborne droplets during close, long-term communication in a stuffy room. In this case, microorganisms enter the body through respiratory system. Also, microbes, in particular, staphylococci, can come with food products (dairy products, minced meat).

Angina in pregnant women especially often develops against the background of influence negative factors, for example, low temperatures, stress, toxicosis. Reproduction of pathogens occurs in the palatine, lingual tonsils, posterior pharyngeal wall. Further spread is observed in the regional lymph nodes, provoking an inflammatory reaction.

The progression of the infection leads to the formation of paratonsillar abscesses, and the penetration of microbes into the bloodstream contributes to a septic state, damage to distant organs (heart, joints, kidneys).

The development of autoimmune processes is due to a violation in immune system resulting in the production of antibodies against their own tissues. Depending on the clinical picture, the degree of damage to the tonsils, there are several forms of tonsillitis:

  • Catarrhal, which is characterized by swelling, infiltration of the tonsils. Without treatment, the course of the disease progresses with the appearance of purulent masses.
  • Follicular - characterized by the appearance of pus inside the follicles, visible through edematous tissues in the form of grains. When they are opened, a film forms on the tonsils.
  • Lacunar - manifested by the accumulation of purulent discharge in the lacunae. Pathological process penetrates into deep tissues, a superficial plaque appears.
  • Ulcerative-necrotic - leads to the appearance of ulcerative defects, gray, dull plaque, which indicates the death of tissues. The process quickly spreads to surrounding tissues.

You can symptomatically suspect tonsillitis based on the first signs:

  1. headache;
  2. aches in the joints;
  3. severe malaise;
  4. sore throat;
  5. fever up to 37.5 degrees.

In the absence of developing more severe forms(lacunar, follicular), which cause pathological changes not only in the pregnant woman, but also in the fetus.

The progression of the disease is evidenced by febrile hyperthermia, sleep disturbance, intense sore throat, loss of appetite. Lymph nodes are palpated as enlarged, painful formations. Looking through the throat, you can see follicles, purulent plaque, enlarged tonsils.

In the necrotic form, gray films are observed, which, when they are removed, leave an open wound surface with an uneven bottom. In the case of abscess formation, it is difficult to open the mouth, there is increased salivation. Symptomatically, this period is manifested by fever up to 40 degrees, fainting.

The fight against hyperthermia in pregnant women must begin with 37.5 degrees, avoiding convulsions, impaired consciousness, fetal hypoxia, spontaneous abortion.

Infectious-toxic shock is characterized by lethargy, a decrease in daily diuresis, skin pallor. The appearance of hemorrhages, angina pectoris, shortness of breath, blood in the urine indicates a violation of vascular permeability, damage to capillaries, myocardium, and kidneys.

Specific sore throats

With diphtheria primary signs similar to angina. The localized form is characterized by damage to the tonsils without surrounding tissues, and in the case of a widespread process, damage to the soft palate, posterior pharyngeal wall is noted. With a toxic course, swelling of the neck appears, swallowing and breathing become difficult. Plaque from the tonsils is difficult to remove, leaving a bleeding surface. Films do not dissolve in water.

A long course of antibiotic therapy provokes the development of fungal tonsillitis, which is characterized by low fever, loose "curdled" raids. After removing the foam, a smooth lacquered surface is exposed.

Secondary tonsillitis

Inflammation in the tonsils is formed in diseases of an infectious, non-infectious nature. Changes in the tonsil zone are observed with ARVI, syphilis, tularemia, scarlet fever, measles, blood pathology, mononucleosis.

Let's consider how to treat a sore throat for pregnant women - how and how to cure it at home. When a woman suspects that a sore throat develops during pregnancy, treatment involves following the recommendations on the daily regimen, nutrition, and taking medications.

Throughout the entire period of treatment, a woman needs:

  1. Observe bed rest, allowing you to restore strength.
  2. Abundant warm drink, due to which the excretion of toxic waste products of the pathogen from the body is accelerated, thereby reducing intoxication. Fruit drinks (cranberry), compotes are suitable for a woman. Kissel from berries envelops the walls of the affected tonsils, which allows you to activate regenerative processes. Sufficient drinking replenishes liquid losses on the background high temperature, shortness of breath.
  3. Diet food with the exception of hot spices, solid food. The most useful is a dairy-vegetable diet rich in vitamins.

A pregnant woman should understand that even the catarrhal form requires a full complex medical measures. This helps to prevent the spread of infection, to avoid taking antibacterial agents.

Antibiotic therapy during pregnancy can prevent rheumatism, myocardial and kidney damage. The choice of antibiotics is made by a doctor.

The attending physician after pharyngoscopy, analysis of symptoms, evaluation of results laboratory diagnostics establishes the stage of the disease. Given the pregnancy, the doctor determines how to treat angina, selects special antibacterial agents that do not harm the fetus.

Permitted antibiotics for pregnant women with angina:

The appointment of antibacterial drugs is advisable for follicular, lacunar angina. For Get well soon gargling is carried out with antiseptic solutions, for example, Miramistin, Rotokan, Chlorophyllipt, Furacilin.

It is necessary to carefully approach the choice of herbal medicines, because some of them can affect hormonal background, uterine tone. The result of uncontrolled use of folk remedies can be spontaneous abortion, premature birth.

Medicines with paracetamol are suitable for reducing hyperthermia.

Prohibitions in the treatment of angina during pregnancy

It is forbidden to cure complicated angina on your own. A doctor's consultation is necessary when the first signs of the disease appear. If a woman decides to do therapy at home, she should know what is not allowed to be used in treatment.

  • Compresses on the neck area are strictly prohibited due to the risk of an increase in the inflammatory process in the tonsils, the spread of infection.
  • Removing the film from the surface of the tonsils leads to the formation open wound infection of surrounding tissues. The risk of sepsis also increases when pathogens enter the general bloodstream, attaching a secondary infection.
  • Hot foot baths, compresses, heating, as well as any procedures associated with heat are contraindicated.
  • Lugol's solution can provide a temporary effect, but a complete cure is not observed.

Treatment of angina in pregnant women - difficult task, which requires right approach, timely diagnosis. The main requirement is to assign drug therapy that allows you to cope with pathogenic microorganisms without causing side effects on the fetus.

  1. Take multivitamin complexes at the stage of pregnancy planning and for 9 months.
  2. Avoid large gatherings of people during periods of epidemics.
  3. Attend the pool, physical, breathing exercises.
  4. Regularly ventilate the room, carry out wet cleaning.
  5. Dress warmly, avoid drafts.
  6. Reduce the impact of stress.
  7. Avoid contact with sick people.
  8. In the period of pregnancy planning, the rehabilitation of chronic foci of infection, the treatment of inflammatory diseases, which can worsen against the background of a decrease in immunity, are carried out.
  9. Observe the cooking technology, thereby preventing the penetration of pathogens with food.
  10. Complete rest, sleep.

Despite the severity of the entire period of pregnancy, toxicosis, internal discomfort, nevertheless, pregnancy is wonderful period. He prepares a woman for the birth of a child, which requires enormous physical and emotional strength. In order not to complicate the course of pregnancy, provide good health future child, you need to be careful about your health.