How to hint a guy you want a gift. Effective ways to unobtrusively hint a man for a gift

Flowers and gifts are a manifestation of care, respect from the one who presents them.. That is why women with bated breath expect from their loved ones pleasant surprise even if there is no reason for it. But, unfortunately, not all men understand how pleasant a trifle can make their partner happy.

Well, do not teach them how to properly handle the fair sex! How to hint a guy for a gift, if modesty does not allow to say openly? As in all other cases, little female tricks will help you out.


Sometimes men are tormented by what to give to their beloved, therefore for a very long time they can not decide, fearing not to please. Help him by making a wish list. Include things in it, events from the most unrealistic and expensive to simple, but no less important for you, so that he himself can choose according to his strength. Leave it in a conspicuous place, post it on social networks. If he follows your life, he will definitely stumble upon the list and take it as a call to action.

If you live together with him, come up immediately after compiling and with pride let them know that now you know exactly what you want from life. Then show the sheet and discuss together what is real, why each item is important to you. It will be very strange if after a short time the guy will not give you something from this list.

boomerang effect

If you want to get something, you must first give. You cannot expect from others what you yourself do not do for them. Give your loved one what he wants for a long time, in general, make such surprises more often. Sooner or later he will want to thank you. Men in general can not stand being indebted to someone, even if this someone is a close person.

Learn to accept gifts

The frequency of gifts directly depends on how you react to them. If he presented you with another bouquet, and you accepted it with a sour face, without taking care of their safety, do not use the items presented to him, do not admire them and do not thank them for the signs of attention, the guy will simply stop doing it, because he will think that it does not please you at all - so why make extra movements? Every time he buys something for you, he should be in joyful anticipation of your stormy reaction and the reward that will certainly follow. So justify his expectations.

So, if a man does not give gifts, it means that he does not know what to give, does not see that it pleases you or does not see signs of attention from you, and therefore does not make similar gestures in your direction. Knowing the reasons, you can easily eliminate the consequences, of course, if you yourself are not lazy and invest in relationships.

All women love gifts. However modern men somehow forgot about it. And here the question arises sharply for women, how to breed a man for money. If they themselves do not understand, then you need to take the reins of government into your own hands. Why don't men give gifts with or without a reason? How do you know you got a miser? How can you hint that you would not mind receiving some cute gift?

Why does a man not give gifts to his woman

First, you can really get caught greedy man. How many cases are known when a fairly wealthy husband invested all his money in a business, but at the same time saved as much as possible in other things. That is why their families lived more than modestly. So did the great Rockefeller, who did not give money for pocket money to his children and even regulated the amount eaten by the family.

Of course, his wife was not spoiled by presents. There are many such examples. If already on the first dates you notice that a man does not give gifts and is greedy, beware. Most likely, he will not improve, and after you get married, he will save every penny in the same way, when it is needed and not needed.

A man may simply not understand that you want to receive a gift, or forget about some event in honor of which he should have presented a surprise. Keep in mind that men are still different from women, and they cannot constantly keep some events in their heads. It is not surprising that a man may lose sight of the fact that today he was supposed to present a gift to his lady of the heart.

A man may have problems with money, and this fact must also be taken into account when puzzling over the fact that a man does not give you gifts. In today's age of instability, it is not surprising that at some point a person may find himself in a difficult situation. financial position and you must also understand and accept given fact. Do not demand gifts from your fan if you know that now he is trying to save money.

Why does the beloved man not give gifts

Often in the process of a relationship, girls ask themselves the question “Why doesn’t my man give me gifts?”. Your violent fantasy immediately offers a bunch of answer options: “he doesn’t appreciate me” or “I somehow behave in a wrong way.” This option is possible: you are already with him, so you can stop the period of sweets and flowers. After all, you are not going anywhere from it. Or maybe he's just greedy? Whatever the answer, there are ways to get a man to give gifts again.

What is needed for this?

  • First of all, as the Americans call it, wishlist or, in our opinion, a list of desired presents;
  • A clever trick is a gift for a beloved man.

Please note that gifts are by no means a way of showing higher love, this is just a sign of his attention to you, so do not panic if the "stream" of gifts suddenly stops;

If a man is interested in what to give you, speak accurately and specifically about the desired present, avoid long and ambiguous phrases. So you protect yourself from unpleasant disappointments if suddenly your partner misunderstands you;

Do not use the phrase "you must." Men do not tolerate a commanding tone. Otherwise, you run the risk of being left without gifts at all. Be smart - take a gentle approach;

Sometimes a man does not give gifts because he does not know how. Be an example for your loved one: for example, turn on your imagination and choose a gift for him that will definitely please him. You should not be sophisticated and come up with expensive presents for a wealthy man - buy a nice little thing that will touch him to the core;

Make subtle hints to a man for gifts. Perfect this art. From time to time, share information with a man about those cute little things that you saw in stores and would like to purchase. Outline their virtues and say that sooner or later you will have such a thing;

Specifically, but very gently, talk about the stores where all this is sold, because a man may not remember the name of the boutiques. Remember that in some cases a man does not give gifts because he is afraid to buy something wrong;

If all of the above did not work and the man still does not give you gifts, be straightforward with him. Perhaps your man simply does not know what to give you, and he is racking his brains over it;

If a loved one does not tolerate such unambiguity and wants to retain the right to choose, write a wishlist for him, indicating in it a few specific things that you would like to have;

Let's say your man doesn't give you gifts because he can't afford them. It doesn't matter, you can talk to him about pleasant little thingssoft toys, vases, a cup, etc. If such conversations made your lover disappear from view, it means that he was simply greedy for money;

Be grateful and rejoice even in the most simple gifts your man.

So, you have decided to force a man to give you gifts. Then the first thing to remember is that you are self-sufficient and self-confident. Only such a woman can understand how to cheat a man for money. The male sex loves strong and self-aware women.

Immediately determine whether this subject is worthy of your attention and efforts. There are such instances who, because of their wealth, think that they are a priceless treasure and treasure, for which a woman should run and be immensely grateful for the attention to her. Immediately leaves this type. They are goons by nature and you are unlikely to get anything from him.

Initially, let the man know that you are completely independent and can pay for your lunch at the restaurant, the thing you like, etc. If you have chosen a worthy option, then you will have to condescendingly agree to his requests for payment for lunch.

This will be the first thing that will hurt him and in the future will help to get a man to give gifts. You are independent, which means you do not need it. Rich men don't like this. They are used to buying everything on their own. You will obviously interest him, because you do not give in to a quick conquest.

Your task is to make him seek and care for you as long as possible. Then you can get your man to give gifts and get a lot of everything you want. Also, be sure that no one wealthy man will not let go of what he was sweating and shelling out for.

Why does a man not give gifts? What to do? If literally on the first dates you liked the little thing in trading floor then don't you dare ask. It is best to first unobtrusively pay no attention, and then begin to consider. Ask a lot of questions to the seller, and then leave without buying it. He will definitely ask you why you didn’t buy it, to which you must answer that you are used to spending money only on necessary and important things. In this case, your trinket is provided for you.

In order to get a man to give gifts, do not forget that he does not need cheap stuff. Always know your worth, look worthy in any situation. He should like your company and self-confidence. A rich man should not suspect that you cannot live without him.

He must always want to be around. Accept his gifts not enthusiastically, but as if he gave you ballpoint pen. He will always want to give something more expensive next time. He will not sleep at night and break his head over your dream, which is located in an unknown jewelry boutique.

And yet, sometimes you just want to get a surprise. Why does a man not give gifts to a woman when she wants it? It’s just that the latter cannot correctly hint that they really wanted something nice to be done for them.

You can get a man to give gifts by saying it directly and even discussing the gift itself. You can also just smile mysteriously and say that you haven’t received gifts for a long time, and therefore, you would be happy with some a nice present. Be sure that a man will definitely want to please you and buy a gift that you will be satisfied with!

We hope that your boyfriend will give you gifts all the time!

Natalya Erofeevskaya November 30, 2018

Far from a secret ladies of all ages are especially pleased with generous and attentive men . For most modern glamorous young ladies male love- this is a synonym for a prosperous life and luxurious gifts, and sedate and married women dream that their husband does not forget to give presents at least for the holidays. Alas, men are far from always full of desire to give their spouse or lover: someone is hindered by pathological greed, someone justifies a failed gift with forgetfulness, frugality, a crisis in the country, star wars in a neighboring galaxy, and so on. Choose the right one and underline.

Not all men like to give gifts.

Women, of course, are not interested in problems of a global scale - the concepts of "here", "now" and "gift" are important to them. But now the birthday has come, and the beloved man shifts from foot to foot and bashfully takes something out of his jacket pocket. Ahh, this is another angel made of cheap ceramics, if I'm not mistaken, the fifth in a row, which for some reason he gives with enviable constancy for all holidays. And a chocolate bar crumpled in the same pocket is attached to it ??? Let's omit psychological moment the need to continue communication or life together with such a man and consider how to ask for gifts from men?

Why did such a question arise at all? Why do men simply do not consider it necessary to spend money on their woman? If the relationship is not registered, the man feels free and does not give gifts - he is not afraid of a break, because he does not appreciate the existing communication. In marriage, some husbands are completely sincerely perplexed: why does he give presents? The woman has been mine for a long time, there is no need to win, the family budget is common, why all this romantic nonsense? Let's see how the fair sex can correct such a sad situation.

Why Men Don't Buy Gifts

Probably the beginning of a relationship is the most favorable period in order to gradually and unobtrusively accustom your young man to make gifts with pleasure and love. If such a tradition is established, then it will be easier to maintain it. Naturally, we are not talking about expensive jewelry or a mink coat if your boyfriend is an ordinary student. But small and inexpensive signs of attention are also very valuable, and a gift for no reason says a lot about a person.

Gift for no reason

If the internal decision to hint at a gift is made, then one must have a certain sense of tact and theatrical talents so that the process of “begging” leads to desired result rather than pushed the guy away. The best way- Go shopping together. Quietly, under the elbow, bring your young man to the desired counter or display case, make wide eyes: “God, I have been dreaming about such a handbag all my life! She dreamed of me! My wardrobe is nothing without it! And how am I without her at all used to live!" and everything like that. Ask the consultant to look at the model you like, sincerely admire the clasps and pockets, turn around with your bag in front of the mirror. You have to be completely stupid not to understand that such a handbag is for a friend’s birthday ( jewelry, an annual spa membership, a new digital gadget or phone) and should be in gift box. Well, what if the guy after this performance gives not a branded handbag, but travel backpack- maybe that's good too? Tents, a fire, stars and mosquitoes are unusually romantic.

Shopping trip together

Often young people do not give gifts in two simple reasons: they have no idea how much the girl is waiting for a beautiful surprise, or they are afraid to get into a mess with bad gift. In such cases, it is recommended to give flowers - a win-win option, and a bouquet can be purchased for every taste and financial possibilities. Girls should understand that 2 thousand rubles for a gift for a young businessman and 2 thousand rubles for a gift from the pocket of a simple hard worker - two different concepts. Evaluate a gift not by its value, but by how much special person with his wealth, he invested in such a present.

Beautiful bouquet of flowers

It is easy to overdo it in allusions to a gift, especially if you are dealing with a wealthy man. Such people, as a rule, are prudent, even cunning and are good psychologists: naive attempts to receive expensive gifts from them can be nipped in the bud. Every man wants sincere feelings and attachments, and not a kept woman living at his expense. There is another aspect: if a man does not love and does not value relationships, he definitely won’t invest in gifts for such a woman.

And don't be modest. If the financial capabilities of a man allow, then do not hesitate to hint to him what you want to receive as a gift on March 8 or Valentine's Day a new pair shoes, a phone, or a trip to a resort. So in many cases it will be easier for him (no need to guess and worry about whether the gift will be liked), and you highly likely get what you want, not a set of frying pans. However, remember that such an unpleasant human quality as greed has not been canceled.

If a man is greedy, then he is greedy in everything: in love, in attention, in gifts.

How to make a husband give gifts?

The husband has long ceased to be a stranger, so the topic of gifts with this type of men is the easiest to discuss. If the family has kept tender feelings, and a man appreciates his chosen one, he himself will try to pamper her from time to time unexpected surprises. With such warm trusting relationship you can safely talk about your wishes in terms of a gift for the next holiday. Sensitivity and attention to each other will not allow a man to offend his wife with an unsuccessful present or give nothing at all.

hint at the right gift can be interesting and even creative. Draw a rebus or arrange a quest with located in unexpected places apartments tips. It will be just great if the children can be sent to their grandparents for a while, and solving the wife’s gift wishes will smoothly turn into a delicious romantic evening. When a man is satisfied with his life, with the harmony, tranquility and happiness that his spouse gives him, then he will give pleasure to his woman completely sincerely and will not be stingy with gifts.

Quest with hints

But if the relationship does not go well - alas, most likely nothing can be done. And the holiday is not a holiday, and gifts from her husband are not to be expected. And are they needed, if in everyday life he says nasty things, can publicly humiliate, does not put her concern for him into anything? You can teach a man to give interesting and memorable gifts at the very beginning of a relationship, but if this tradition is suddenly interrupted, then this serious reason think about family problems.

And choose to talk about the gift right moment: if a man is tired or annoyed, such requests are doomed to failure

How to get a lover to give gifts?

Lovers - a separate issue. On the one hand, psychology claims that such relationships are much brighter and more emotional than family ones, on the other hand, women usually want too much from them. For some reason, there was an opinion that male lovers must be grateful to a woman and give luxurious gifts, literally taking her for maintenance. Alas, despite the fact that glamor magazines and Internet blogs are full of advice on how to divorce a lover for money and gifts, in reality everything turns out to be much more complicated. After all, men are also not stupid and they see commercialism from afar: begging a gift from such a person or making him give flowers is a whole adventure.

You can try to manipulate a lover: moderate indifference, refusal to date, offended look - some men are ready to correct this situation a good gift

This will pass if a man, as they say, is on the hook. Otherwise, it will turn around and leave you not only without a gift, but also without yourself. A woman should inspire a man to career, self-education and self-realization. There is nothing wrong with getting something in return.- any relationship should be mutual and give pleasure to both parties.

A man needs to be loved and inspired

How, if necessary, to ask a lover for money? The advice of a psychologist usually boils down to what to play around in difficult situations. life situations requiring financial investments, it is not worth: better for the beloved tell everything as it is, and ask for help. A serious-minded man will help out without question, and a stray vagrant will most likely dissolve with ridiculous excuses.

Be that as it may, the desire to receive an expensive gift from a man can end in one of the results - either positive and you are with a gift, or negative. In the second case, the man will not only not give anything worthwhile, but also accuse you of commercialism and the desire to sell yourself at a higher price. Just asking does not always work, a man may either not understand transparent hints, or pretend that he does not understand. Only a person with serious intentions can be promoted for gifts, and you don’t even have to promote them: love and tender feelings will themselves lead him to shop windows, because it’s really nice to please your beloved with a good gift!

Valentine's Day is coming, and after it - March 8 ... Of course, I want to receive a gift from a man, but not just a gift, but a Necessary, Useful and Long-awaited Gift!

And what to do? Of course - need to spin a man for a gift!

How? The secrets of the promotion of men are given by the women's site!

The very first question that arises in women: Is it ethical to give gifts? Answer: yes, ethically! If he does not give gifts to you, then will give to someone else! Keep this in mind when it comes to your husband

When you should not try to spin a man on a gift

If you know nothing, the relationship is still did not become serious and you want to spin a man on really serious gift- it is likely that the relationship will end before it starts. “She is trying to sit on my neck ... And what will happen next?”- something like this man thinks in this situation.

But when the man sits tightly on the hook when it is clear that he loves you madly, when relations are well-established, - then it will be very effective! The main thing is to find an approach to it.

Way to promote a man 1: Hint

The very first way is hint to a man about what you would like to receive as a gift. Suitable for very loving and very sensitive men transparent hints, but for the bulk of the male population, hints should be rude and understandable.

Example. You say: “Oh, I wanted something sweet!”, meaning going to a cool cafe, and he brings you a kilogram of toffee. Better say like this: “In such and such a cafe, such delicious cakes! I so want to feel their taste again!”

Honestly, hints are the most ineffective way to promote a man. So - read on!

Way to promote a man 2: Press on envy

If your man loves chic things, if he - narcissistic type, then this method can really work!

Choose your mutual friend and admire her expensive things. Speak warmly about her husband/boyfriend, for example, like this: "He gives her chic gifts! He must be very fond of her.”. “She is so dressed up with him ... it’s nice to see. Yes, with such a man there should be a smartly dressed woman!”

After some time, you can ask a man for "the same fur coat" ... or "the same earrings." It is unlikely that you will be refused!

Way to promote a man 3: Use tears

Most men afraid of women's tears- it's a sin not to use it for promotion! The main thing is to find the right reason. Most loved by many "You do not love me! And if you love - prove it! And then it turns out that some little thing is enough - for example, a pair of diamond earrings - to make you joyful again!

For some, modest tears are enough, but for some, give a noisy hysteria - all men are different!

Attention: Tears are a powerful weapon, so it should be used rarely, but aptly. Using tears every time you want something is stupid: you get used to it, and then you won’t catch it with anything.

And more attention: if you don’t know how to throw tantrums, don’t take it!

Way to promote a man 4: Catch on promises!

This way of unwinding is that first you need to untwist a man on promises. But when he promised something - take him warm!

What - to visit, to bed? No dear first - for the promised, to the store and then wherever you want. You can even make an appointment with him near the designated store. Where should he go? Won't turn away!

Way to promote a man 5: Tell him straight

Men love it when women speak directly about their desires- so do it!

But there is a trick here too: gotta pick the right moment. The man needs to be in a good, relaxed state.

The ideal time is when, after mind-blowing sex, you lie in bed and exchange tenderness. This is where you allow yourself dream- and the dream should be associated with the desired gift. For example, sex in a fur coat, or beautiful Vacation home by the sea… “Will you buy me such a fur coat?” What do you think he will answer?

What ways to promote men do not work?

Do not say that "you are tight with money right now"- he will understand that they stupidly want to breed him for loot. If it’s really tight, never stick it out - you shouldn’t be proud of the lack of money. Small gifts are given to poor women, and larger gifts to luxurious women. This is an axiom.

If he gave "not that" Never show your displeasure. By doing this, you generally discourage the desire to give you something. Rejoice in the gift - and he will want to please you again

Do not pout because a man does not give you gifts. As mentioned above, men can't read minds!

Don't push the man. To receive a gift at any cost - what kind of stupidity? Is a gift more precious to you than your beloved man? Try a different method - and everything will work out for you!

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Detailed information and instructions on how to make a man give gifts and give money to a woman.

We offer everything sorority detailed instructions about how you can get gifts and money from a man for personal needs. This is not extortion or blackmail in any way, just female tricks, which you did not know about, but you will definitely learn from the article.

To begin with, we ask everyone who will begin to erect ethical and moral standards in response to step aside. Since men do not always behave with dignity in relation to the weaker sex.

But a woman often wants to get a certain amount for shopping or visiting a salon. Some simply live off male generosity. But if a man does not really want to part with banknotes, what should he do so that he does it voluntarily and easily?

To begin with, let's figure out what is the reason for a woman to receive material benefits:

  • Shaky or difficult financial
  • This is how a woman defines increased male attention for herself.
  • It could be revenge for a failed relationship
  • Desire to feel your own superiority on the strong floor
  • Desire for self-affirmation

If you have found out the reason, then first of all you should understand that you do not need to beg for money, or complain to a man that you are broke. No, the process should be approached creatively and understand what the feeling is. dignity.

For a man, it will naturally be more profitable if you beg and complain, so he can pay off with a smaller amount. But to conquer independent woman more difficult, but every man is a predator and getting hard-to-reach prey is much more interesting.

You should also be clearly aware that not all men are generous just like that, they can ask for something in return. And here it is no longer necessary to talk about principles. But also do not immediately agree to what is required, be cunning and promise a reward for a reward, but a little later. So a man will want to bring the desired moment closer by all means.

Also remember that pickup school also trains men, so make sure that in the pursuit of material goods You yourself are not prey. After all, women love with their ears, and men can speak beautifully. And so, before you have time to look back, you yourself will give all the values ​​\u200b\u200bto the “poor beloved”

We have studied the general information, now it is necessary to prepare the battlefield. Men with money are divided into two categories:

  • The first believe that women are with them only because of the money. If you have such a partner, then first you need to convince him and make sure that your feelings are completely sincere. That's why you should not ask or even demand money from him immediately. Be smart and don't ask for anything modest girls such specimens themselves want to bestow
  • Others believe that they are just golden kings and all women just dream of being with them. For such instances, you should be fully equipped - you will have to spend on your own appearance , imagine that you are wealthy and absolutely not interested in a man. For a gold tycoon, this will be a novelty and, you can be sure, he will rush to seek you

Let the man buy everything for you

Let's now step by step analyze the main nuances of behavior that are determined by many psychologists so that a man forks out financially:

  • Show him that you don't need his money. Here you can be like self-sufficient woman, and a modest simpleton, it's up to you
  • At the next stage, when you see that a man is in love, you can slowly begin to shake out his reserves. It can be a banal trip to a restaurant. When you see that he is very busy, say that you need to buy something urgently. Then the man will most likely just count out a certain amount, so that he is left alone.
  • But the main thing to remember is know the measure. You do not need to demand money from him, but casually mention this or that desire

Show a man that you are a self-sufficient woman

These tips act on wealthy adequate men who will act as a hunter and fulfill your desires in every possible way. But insolvent specimens will immediately declare your venality and pout their lips. So watch carefully who is in front of you.

Video: How to breed a man for money?

How to breed a guy for money?

To divorce a young man for money should be done with special cunning, so that the guy thinks that this is entirely his initiative. If you have plans for a comfortable pastime, then you should follow these rules:

  • Approach the question creatively, accept financial support is not always. Sometimes give the impression that you do not need it, or do not want to take money from a guy. This will lead the young man to interesting position and he will ask you in every possible way
  • the Forbidden fruit is sweet- do not settle for men's tricks, do not be easily accessible. If the guy offers you a cup of coffee, say that you have another meeting today. And if a guy previously easily managed to take possession of a girl, then you will radically differ from a series of his girlfriends. Such a girl will want to take possession at any cost.
  • Do not give a guy a hot night of love after the first material gift, no, everything will not work out so easily. Start with a cup of coffee, a trip to a restaurant (for which, by the way, you may need a new dress and shoes - a subtle hint young man). So during courtship, the guy will spend more money on you
  • If you decide to go shopping together, then first choose things that you yourself have enough money for. And when a young man offers to pay off - strongly resist. Maybe he will succumb and will not pay, then at least you will have the opportunity to buy the chosen one. But in most cases, guys still show firmness and buy everything for their beloved.
  • After the first meeting, do not take a guy to a boutique for a fur coat. But before a birthday or Valentine's Day, March 8, and any other important holiday You can walk past a jewelry store and look languidly at a ring or chain. A smart young man will understand everything without words

Create all the conditions for the guy to give you gifts and money

We are offering to you optimal instruction and behaviors developed by psychologists. You will learn what you need to do to receive a gift from a man:

  • Take a man with you to the store, there subtly hint to him at something very desirable, but so far unattainable. He must buy it either immediately or surprise him in a few days.
  • Write down the things you want and "accidentally" put the list in front of the man. If he buys, but let's say the wrong color, you have 2 more weeks to return the goods. But men don't have to talk about it. So you will have money on hand for other needs.
  • Jokingly ask a man if you have moved to the level of relationship when you have the opportunity to use his card. Only a true miser will refuse you this.
  • Give a man a romantic evening and an amazing night. Only a true dunce will not thank you with a nice gift in return. And do not consider it immoral, a man will do it from pure heart. And you, too, did not try in vain
  • Hint to the man about the upcoming holiday and that you would like to update. After a trip to the store, thank him with a delicious romantic dinner.
  • Give him something nice you can buy it or make your own. For example, knit a sweater, be sure the man will want to thank you in return
  • Throw him in in social networks link to the item you like. Say you want to buy it. A man will definitely offer you a gift. Or he will tell you to order, and he will pay
  • You can admiringly tell what a cool fur coat, chain, car the guy bought to your girlfriend. Your man will try to be no worse. But still look at the well-being of a man, because if he does not earn a month and for 4 wheels, then he is unlikely to buy you a whole car. You can only offend him with such words.
  • Men are especially generous with gifts. on payday. Use these tips and attach your wishes for this day
  • Of course, you will become the queen of gifts in Birthday. Ask for anything you want (again, within reason)
  • Admire Success Your man, mark a successful deal with him or new project. For such an occasion, why not buy a present for your beloved woman.

But we urge you to remember that men are not only a bag of money, but also a person who needs care and love. sincere attitude and the feelings will surely be rewarded.

Video: How to breed a man for gifts?

How to promote a lover for money?

“If a woman has a head on her shoulders, then she has a lover,” says one of the jokes. And if your man does not give gifts, then how can you hint to him that this is wrong and change the situation?

Remember that if your relationship with your lover lasts no more than 2-3 months, then you do not need to ask him for anything expensive. Otherwise, the relationship can end very quickly. He will consider that you want to sit on his neck and, since nothing particularly binds you, he will simply leave.

A lover will gladly give you gifts with the right approach.

If the relationship is already more than six months old, then you can promote your lover for a gift using the following methods:

  • hints, but be prepared for the fact that men do not always understand subtle hints. And if you say on the phone that you want a sweet, then instead of an invitation to coffee and cakes, you can get a package of caramels. Therefore, speak more precise desires, and indeed hints are one of the most ineffective ways of promotion.
  • Give in to envy- this is especially true if the lover is married. Hint that you would like the same fur coat as your wife, because he loves you more. If the lover is not married, then fit description gifts to a colleague or girlfriend from a boyfriend. From self-esteem, you are unlikely to hear a refusal
  • Cry. With lovers it works, just do not go too far. Most of all, this is suitable for a married gentleman. I wish he bought you a new phone so that you can look at his photo more often. After all, you are so bored, and on this gadget the photos are so fuzzy. What if he leaves on a business trip or vacation with his wife, but what about you without new earrings in full combat readiness
  • Squeeze out of it Promise about the purchase, and then put pressure on these words. After all, men do not throw words into the wind
  • "Accidentally" send a social media message to a friend with a photo desired gift. But the message was somehow “accidentally” sent to him. And you didn't want that at all, did you? A man must respond in the right way

Finally, remember that if you were given the wrong thing, in no case show a disappointed physiognomy, otherwise you will beat off the man’s desire to give you gifts for a long time. And do not get angry or pout if there is still no gift, because this way he will think that your goal is only to receive benefits. Be smarter and know how to wait and then all your wishes will come true!

How to ask money from a man, guy?