Male and female logic differences. Women's logic: is it somehow different from men's. Comparative characteristics of love - relationships

It has long been known that male and female logic differ, however, few people know why. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article. First of all, it should be noted that “collective intelligence” prevails in male logic, that is, the opinion of friends or sometimes even ordinary acquaintances becomes practically decisive.

Because of this, communication with other people very often leads to a significant change in all previous plans.

Men's logic

Also, often the representatives of the stronger sex are sure that the male logic is undeniable, and are very proud of their unique analytical thinking. But even here, according to experts, there is a catch, since not every logical decision is correct: usually those who focus their attention on solving a specific problem do not take into account a number of various factors that affect this situation. Sometimes the reality differs significantly from the ideas of a man, and this circumstance makes them suffer.

Most men set themselves a specific minimum program, then they connect the intermediate links together, which, according to their logic, should lead to the achievement of the final goal. In male logic, there are much fewer detailed and clear tasks that are designed for the long term, as is usually the case with women, however, they always know exactly what and how to do in the very near future.

How to understand women's logic?

Men often wonder how to understand women's logic. In women's logic, the maximum program is considered the usual priority. At the same time, we cannot always explain the ways of achieving it, therefore the sequence of achieving the goal, as well as the goal itself, seem to be absolutely unrelated to each other.

In critical situations, the speech of men becomes more accurate, so they are able to explain the course of events in detail, and also, regardless of the correctness of the assumption, draw their own conclusions. In women in such a situation, thoughts can be mixed up, and phrases, respectively, are built with a huge number of interjections and are not always completed.

In connection with these features, difficult situations it is quite difficult for a woman to understand a man, and vice versa. In women, the links of the logical chain are replaced by intuition and such phrases as: “I am sure”, “I think so”, “I think so”. For women, thinking is very characteristic, based not on the laws of logic, but on personal experience and various associations.

Differences in mindset between men and women

Men, in turn, think deductively. They, when solving a problem based on existing rules constitute a chain of inference. They often draw conclusions from the general to the particular: for example, if the majority does something exactly like this, then one person is most likely to do the same. In women, on the contrary, thinking comes from the opposite: if, for example, one person offends her, then all other people are also bad.

If you find yourself in a difficult situation or critical situation, a woman usually waits for a decision from her partner, since he reacts much faster, sets himself a specific minimum program and immediately tries to solve it.

In a society built on male thinking, the scheme of female thinking very often remains simply inexplicable, which is why there is a misunderstanding between the sexes, a contradiction between male and female logic. But the fact that outstanding minds are much more common among men, psychologists explain that a man has much more opportunities to show own abilities, occupying high positions in various fields activities. In addition, they usually do not do several things at the same time.

For example, if a man is distracted from the most important telephone conversation, then he can become irritated, since any smallest obstacle will prevent him from concentrating. It is this part of the male consciousness that helps men not to pay attention to any extraneous problems that, in their opinion, have absolutely nothing to do with the goal, and to concentrate as much as possible on their work.

But if we consider male logic with enough low level intellectual abilities, it turns out that on the social ladder such men will stand significantly lower than women with exactly the same level. Indeed, in the first case, the ability to focus attention on a specific matter, when a person completely devotes himself to a single problem and at the same time discards everything secondary, gives excellent results, and in the second case, a too narrow view of the world can lower a man to the bottom rung of the social ladder.

How many stories and jokes are composed about female and male logic, how many anecdotes exist! Men are surprised at familiar ladies and their own companions, and girls joke about gentlemen. You can laugh at them a lot, discuss or explore, but the fact remains: strong and beautiful half humanity are very different.

Men's and women's logic are phenomena from different poles. First of all, it's completely different perception. Representatives of the stronger sex perceive and assimilate the information received faster, as a result, they better orient themselves in the situation, react more accurately and quickly. In addition, a man is able to engage only alternately, so he focuses on one topic, unable to solve something else at the same time. That is why he will be annoyed if, during the solution of one task, he is distracted and thrown up with new problems. Women, on the contrary, are able to use both hemispheres at the same time and perceive a much larger flow of information, assimilating and analyzing it. That's why a girl can chat with a friend on the phone, listen to TV out of the corner of her ear and cook dinner at the same time.

As a result, male logic is very straightforward, focused on a specific and real task. Women's is intuitive, connected with taking into account many little things, shades, details and nuances. Of course, sometimes women also have a purely masculine logic, tough and sharp, like the cutting edge of a blade. But it's still an exception.

A lady is almost always guided by feelings, even if there is calculation and cold reasoning under them. Intuition and impulses - that's what defines a woman, and by no means simple logic. Hence the impossibility to calculate the consequences of what has been done and the firm conviction that desire will overcome any

But there is also positive points. Men's logic, as already mentioned, is very straightforward, takes into account all the realities, consequences and prerequisites, but she is unable to predict the female. The fact is that the basis of the almost always error-free calculation in women is the desire to find the least painful, convenient options problem solving, manipulating men and getting what you want. Cunning, softness and very subtle, elusive calculation - these are the weapons of a woman.

It is believed that it is male logic that makes it possible strong half humanity to solve mathematical, everyday and work questions. But it is not so. Given equal initial data, information and intellectual abilities, a man and a woman will eventually draw the same conclusions and come to the same decisions. In addition, the mental abilities of different halves of humanity are approximately equivalent and the same, no matter what adherents of various sexist theories would argue. The only difference is that gentlemen have a much greater gradation from geniuses to nerds than ladies. As a result, Eve's daughters have fewer geniuses, but many times fewer idiots.

Men's and differ in the main thing - in tasks. Men have a subconscious, and often conscious function - "to know the world, to know the essence of things." At beautiful ladies it is "providing all the conditions for the continuation of life." This is where all the differences between them come from. Given this factor, it is much easier to understand people around, no matter what gender they are.

Life story: “My girlfriend and I met when I broke the wing of her old “nine”. She was in a terrible rage. And then we went to my house for money for repairs, and somehow it turned out that I had it left. Now I drive a crumpled “nine”, and she drives my “Volkswagen”.
This is how the male logic, thanks to which great scientific discoveries are made and millennial empires are created, is inferior to the naive female cunning at home. What's this? The original and hopeless opposition of creatures with different planets, dissidents in relation to each other? Or is it simply the long-established division of spheres of influence in the world?

Modern scientists tend to the second option. They found out that in every woman, both psychologically and physiologically, there are rudiments of a man, and vice versa. It means that masculine qualities can develop in a woman, and female - in a man, under favorable conditions for this. For example, when elevated level testosterone (male hormone) in women improves memory, the ability to decide logical tasks, topographic thinking develops. Whereas with a normal predominance of estrogens (female hormones) in the body, any woman is characterized by slight topographic cretinism. So the differences between female and male mind for all their obviousness, they are most likely conditional and determined by hormonal balance, as well as family education and social function.

And indeed, in life there are many men who have a purely female intuitiveness, infantilism, emotionality. Most often they can be found in the world creative professions, among musicians, poets, artists. To create, you need strong feelings, emotions, developed imagination, creative thinking. People who have these feminine qualities are called right hemispheres. They, with all their talent, achieve success if there is strong shoulder producer, executive director, in general, pusher, performing men's duties on the organization of the activity of a genius. These are the so-called left hemispheres. Now they may well be women. Yes, in contrast to gentle poets, a class of iron ladies appeared, insensitive to making tough decisions, unbending like a rock! Nothing personal just business!

What is the difference between the female and male mind in the new world, where a man can be an affectionate nanny and wash diapers, and a woman can be a director? The same as in ancient times, only without a rigid reference to gender.

Schematically, the mind can be described by its four components:

1) Thinking
2) Solving life problems
3) Forecasting
4) Use of ready-made solutions


To think like a man means to think logically: if - then. The male mind is objective and dispassionate. Focused on decisions and actions. The mind of a woman is focused on experiences. Therefore, when they talk about thinking, they still mean male type thinking, logical. Women's thinking because of the fusion of feelings and thoughts is called emotional.

For example, in the event of a catastrophe, men plan and carry out operations to rescue the victims, calculate losses and develop methods to deal with the consequences. Women cry, empathize, help the wounded and hungry, comfort the suffering.

The man thinks silently. It is typical for him to think, to decide - to say. His speech will be clear, thesis, orderly. A woman thinks speaking. She clarifies the topic and conclusions for herself and formulates for the listener in the process of speaking. Therefore, her speech is like a spontaneous stream of water, sometimes stormy, sometimes smooth, with various branches, streams, with dangerous whirlpools, quiet backwaters and bays.

With all the absence of visible logic, women's speech always has a meaning and an ultimate goal. This is either enjoyment of the process itself, or an attempt to attract attention, or an idea to get something more substantial from the listener. All women are great NLP masters. These are mermaids, sirens. They will laugh, tickle, talk, induce such a trance that the protective vigilance of the most logical man will be blown up, and he will do everything that he is not explicitly asked to do.

In general, both types of thinking, if applied in right time in right place, can be quite successful. A female physicist at an international symposium will be in the highest degree logical and evidence-based. A policy to appease the people in hard times, you have to become a soporific siren: "It's very good that so far we feel bad!"

Solving life problems

Boys are taught from childhood to solve their problems on their own. They can't cry, complain, beg. They must be able to take care of themselves. They must be courageous and in any difficult situations find right decisions. They are boys named "may".

Girls also know from childhood: you want to get new doll- you need to flatter yourself with dad or mom. They are girls named "want".

With age, only the scenery changes. Male competition is transferred from the yard to the business sphere. BUT female ability to manipulation develops in accordance with life aspirations. For this, there is no need to strain your own brains. You need to inspire your man to achieve.

This coexistence of two types of thinking can be peaceful and creative, or it can become a real curse.

An unloving mercantile woman is able to make a man an eternal bugger, a money-making machine, a slave of love, who has forgotten himself and his dreams and goals, who has devoted his life to his troglodyte queen. A man under this regime quickly develops and grows old, and a stupid clever woman cries like Pushkin's old woman with a broken trough.

And vice versa, in harmonious couples, a woman will be a muse for her beloved, he, inspired by her, is realized in his vocation. And that means it will be successful. And the wife successful man is a self-realized woman. In such a relationship, the symbiosis of male and female female mind beautiful and creative.


A man in his thinking is more of a strategist. A woman is a tactician who acts intuitively, according to suddenly emerging circumstances.

Long-term forecasts of any events require a balanced, analytical approach. A man climbs the ladder of his logic rung by rung. And so, step by step, abstracting from emotions that distort facts, he comes to the right decision. And there ... a woman is often already waiting for him. How did she get there?! What inscrutable ways? There is no clear explanation. On the wings of feelings - positive or angry, it does not matter.

The correct forecast of the man has been worked out. A woman's prognosis that came true is miraculous.

Using ready-made solutions

Men show will and consistency in the implementation of their decisions. And for a woman who decides to lose weight on Friday, it doesn’t cost anything to overeat cakes on Sunday. She changes the rules as the game progresses - weekends don't count!

Of course, at work, she turns on her head and behaves according to the requirements of the management. But the switch is used willingly at any convenient moment. With her brain turned off, she becomes herself again - feeling, impulsive, unpredictable.

In the "on" mode, a woman can be quite competitive among men in achieving work goals. It will be consistent and logical. And quite objective. But it is not natural state, needed only for tactically important
moments, is easily and naturally transferred to the “off” state - then goodbye mind, hello will!

Who is smarter anyway?

The dispute has been going on for a long time and so far no one has won, despite the fact that the brain of a woman is 200 g lighter than a man's.
And the truth is out there somewhere. If you stop arguing, you can find advantages in both types of thinking, master both. And to become not left hemisphere or right hemisphere, but to gain integrity. Such thinking Carl Gustav Jung called transcendental. And I thought it was brilliant.

Until now, there is an opinion that there is a normal logic (male) and there is a female one, which is not subject to any rational explanation. Based on this, misogynistic jokes about “stupid” blondes, about “monkeys with grenades” and many others are built. But let's look at what "logic" is and why it is divided by gender.

Logic as a cognitive ability

Logic is inextricably linked with thinking. It is needed to establish patterns, the order of thinking and the design of thoughts. Everyone has logic. healthy man Yes, even a mentally ill person has logic, but his logic will be different from the generally accepted one. We need logic in work and in everyday life, without it it would be impossible to communicate and build activities. Vinogradov S.N. believes that right thinking has certainty, consistency, consistency and validity.

Types of logic

Logic can be divided into two broad categories: formal and informal logic. Formal logic was invented by Aristotle, who also called it "analytics". Formal logic studies concepts, judgments, inferences from the side of their logical structure, but without affecting their content. That is, for formal logic what matters is not the truth or falsity of the statement, but whether the conclusion is correctly drawn from the argument. The movement of informal logic arose in the middle of the 20th century in American and European philosophers. And for her, the logic of argumentation is important, and not the logic of evidence.

Is there a male and female logic?

It is generally accepted that men are more rational and think consistently. Like, they break the problem into parts and solve it sequentially. Women, on the other hand, have a multitasking brain, they solve a problem not sequentially, but in parallel, and because of this, they often cannot explain why they came to this conclusion. In addition, there is an opinion that women make decisions based on own emotions and impulses. Fortunately, there are Scientific research, who have long proved that there is no division into male and female brain.

A group of scientists have studied how the male and female brains work. With the help of MRI, they examined the brain function of about 1400 people, and came to the following conclusions: In humans, the brain is made up of a unique set of structures that may be more common in women than men, or more common in men than women, or in both men and women. Although the brain has gender differences, but they are not enough to classify him in the "male" or "female" category. That is fundamental differences there is simply no difference between the work of the brain of a man and a woman.

Where did the myth of “female” logic come from?

This opinion comes from pseudoscientific studies, where the illogicality of women is allegedly proved. As a rule, such studies do not have a normal methodological basis, it all comes down to observing the behavior of a small group of women.

It is generally accepted that women are guided by emotions in making decisions, and that women are more emotional than men. Perhaps this is the case, but this is not due to the "different" work of the brain, but because of the model in which boys and girls are brought up. Girls in childhood are allowed to show their emotions, while boys, on the contrary, are forbidden to do so. “Why are you different as a girl?”, “A boy should be stern and strong.” Well, what kind of emotions can there be! Of course, boys are less emotional, because they simply cannot be like that.

In psychology, there is such a thing as a “self-fulfilling prophecy”, and they can explain why boys are better given the exact sciences, and girls the humanities. American sociologist Robert K. Merton defines a self-fulfilling prophecy as "a false definition of a situation that evokes new behavior that turns the original misconception into reality." The fact is that stereotypes about male and female thinking sit very deeply in us and manifest themselves in all spheres of our life in one way or another. In our culture, it is generally accepted that boys are given mathematics, and literature is given to girls, that from “nature” girls have an ability for humanitarian specialties, and boys for exact ones. This is false definition situations. But in accordance with this model, children are taught at school, a mathematics teacher can place more emphasis on development mathematical ability boys, believing that girls are not capable of logical thinking. Therefore, it turns out that boys have developed more abstract thinking, which is so necessary in the mathematical sciences.

AT patriarchal society as long as there is a stereotype about male and female logic, everyone will suffer: women, because they are not taken seriously and considered as “stupid fools”, and men who cannot fit into this patriarchal system.

Men and women speak the same language, but sometimes it is very difficult for them to understand each other. The reason is that they think differently. Each of them has its own logic. male system thinking is rational, it is based on cause-and-effect relationships: "If - condition, Then - result." The man argues and draws conclusions from the source data. Women's logic can be called emotional or intuitive. Sometimes a woman herself cannot explain why she did one way or another. However, intuition helps her find right exit in such difficult situations, when attempts to solve the problem rationally lead to a dead end.

"The Sixth Sense" replaces the individual, missing links in the logical chain. A woman may not be aware of them, but, nevertheless, take into account in the decision-making process. Thanks to intuition, a woman is able to make right choice in the absence of information. For example, a wife does not let her husband go on a business trip because bad feeling. The plane he was supposed to be on crashes. Intuition told the woman that trouble would happen, although she could not logically substantiate this.

What else is the difference?

For mental activity men are characterized by a deductive method - from the general to the particular. For women - inductive: from the particular to the general. For example, a man argues like this: “All girls love flowers, which means that mine will be glad to receive such a gift.” And the woman: “The guy cheated on me. So all the guys are womanizers.

Women are more prone to false generalizations, oversimplification and extremes. It is difficult for them to realize the entire space of options, so they tend to reduce phenomena to "zero" or "infinity". In conversation, this is manifested by the use of words such as "everything", "always", "forever", "no one", "nothing", "never". For example, if a husband works a lot and does not go to the cinema or theater with her very often, a woman can say: “We don’t go anywhere, I always sit at home alone.” A textbook example: “I have absolutely nothing to wear,” while all the wardrobes are literally bursting with clothes. What the woman really means is that she has no new clothes, or that she has gained or lost weight, so there is an urgent need to update her wardrobe. She simply does not mention it as something taken for granted, and it seems to the man that her words are devoid of any logic.

Men have more developed abstract thinking, as they mainly have to solve strategic problems. Women are by nature tacticians and focused on specific issues. For them, signs and symbols are primary. In an unfamiliar area, a man finds his way on the map, a woman - according to landmarks known to her (“turn left after the school”). A man can consider himself rich, having a certain income or a bank account for a tidy sum. For women, the concept of wealth is inextricably linked with the possession of certain things, such as a fur coat, jewelry, a car, an apartment. At the same time, a woman can get into debt and save on food in order to buy "status" things and prove to herself and others that she is rich. For a man, the content determines the form; for a woman, it is the form that matters.

When solving problems in physics or mathematics, a woman operates with templates, ready-made formulas, substituting data into them. The man comes from inner understanding the essence of phenomena and, if necessary, he is able to derive formulas and theories himself.

But most clearly the differences between male and female logic are manifested in the dispute.

For a man who enters into a discussion, main goal is to establish the truth. To do this, he selects and builds a clear system of evidence. A man is ready to admit the correctness of the enemy if his arguments turn out to be more convincing. The vanquished will also receive pleasure from the truth found, so that both participants in the controversy will benefit. For a woman, finding out the truth is secondary, the main thing is winning the argument. She is absolutely sure of her own rightness, and she selects arguments more or less spontaneously. A woman is able to recognize the point of view of another as true only if she feels inner strength adversary and his firm conviction. The opponent's arguments have no effect on her. special significance. Personal relationships are much more important. She can accept criticism and, in general, any attempt by the opponent to start an argument for expressing hostility, and a concession on his part - for showing sympathy or love.

In any conversation or dispute for a woman, the emotional component is primary. A loud voice and repeated confident repetition of the same arguments, from her point of view, must certainly bring the desired success. In extreme cases, a woman is ready to use her main weapon - tears, as an indisputable proof of her innocence.

Women are much more likely than men to use dishonest tricks of sophistry, such as the substitution of concepts and the subject of discussion, the transition to personalities and personal qualities. For example, a woman may refuse to see a movie with a famous actor because she does not like his name or he was born under an unloved zodiac sign. She may call Tchaikovsky a bad composer because of his unconventional sexual orientation, although she has nothing to do with his music. Often women use the "ladies' argument" - they counter their opinion with the most ridiculous of opposite decisions question, after which they ask the opponent to make a choice.

Why were you talking so rudely to my friend? He was very embarrassed.

What, I was supposed to fall on my knees and pray for him?

Women perceive silence as a sign of agreement, while a man may take a pause to consider objections.

The difference in the way of thinking between men and women is due to their nature. Since ancient times, the main tasks of a man are the knowledge of the essence of things, the development of new territories and the extraction of food for his family. To do this, he needs to think in abstract terms. The main function of a woman is to raise children and maintain a home. She must distinguish between shades of emotions and use intuition to understand why a child is crying, who cannot yet coherently explain what is wrong with him.

It should be noted that there is no deep gap between male and female logic. Although it is much more difficult for a man to understand the reasoning of an average woman than for a woman to understand his logical constructions.

The education system and science are based on men's schemes thinking, so that women are trained in them from childhood and are able to solve problems with their help if necessary. But at the first opportunity, they return to their natural state, in which they perceive the world through the prism of feelings, emotions and sensations. Men and women think differently, but complement each other perfectly and together they can cope with any problems.