What does a 7 month old baby look like? When you need to see a doctor immediately. Frequent trips to the toilet

The 7th month of pregnancy is a relatively carefree, quiet and pleasant time waiting to meet the baby.

This is the period from 28 to 32 weeks of pregnancy. Mom has already overcome long months of anxiety and uncertainty, but now she proudly entered the home stretch of the third trimester. In order to devote herself completely to preparing for childbirth, which is now just around the corner, mommy will soon go to the long-awaited maternity leave. At this time, timely rest is more important than ever, quality food and consistently good mood.

What can bother mom at 7 months of pregnancy?

1 . Naturally, the growth of the abdomen can cause some discomfort.

Mommy's harder to find comfortable posture for sleep, and due to the fact that walking has become much harder, the gait becomes somewhat ridiculous and awkward. The increased load on the spine can provoke pain in the back and lower back. A special support bandage will help to get rid of these inconveniences, which takes on the main load, and gymnastics for pregnant women will help not only strengthen the internal muscles of the back, but also improve the general physical condition.

Heartburn, feeling of heaviness. When the baby is already big enough, the internal organs can slightly change their position. In this regard, expectant mothers are sometimes worried not only about constipation and frequent urination but also heartburn. In order to avoid these not the most pleasant sensations you need to eat right. In no case do not eat before bedtime and do not eat right away, but rather divide the food into 5-7 small portions throughout the day. After eating, it is better to relax, sit quietly: this will help the food to digest faster.

3 Breast continues to grow. At this time, a little colostrum may be released from the nipples, which is an intermediate stage before the appearance of milk and is of great value to the child.

4 The appearance of stretch marks(striae). Regardless of how elastic your skin is, stretch marks appear sooner or later. At first, they look like oblong red "moats" on the skin, and then they become white, like scars. During this period, the growth of the uterus is most pronounced, therefore, in order to avoid severe sprains skin be sure to use special creams for pregnant women or natural oils(olive, peach). The skin on the abdomen can also peel and itch, which is also a sign that striae will soon become visible on the surface.

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5 Insomnia. Frequent discomfort in later dates pregnancy can become insomnia. The thoughts of the expectant mother can be disturbing due to the fear of childbirth, which is quite normal. This is also explained by the fact that sleeping with a big belly is not very easy. Insomnia is a bit of a strange phenomenon against the background of the natural fatigue of pregnant women, but to cope with it is quite simple and without medical intervention: just calm down.

6 Edema limbs and face, as well as pastosity (when soft tissues keep the shape of pressing for some time). Pregnant women often face this problem. If edema appears in the evening and becomes invisible in the morning, then they were most likely caused by fatigue and constant thirst. Drink as much liquid as possible, and not only clean water, but also natural juices and fruit drinks. Try not to consume salty foods in large quantities, so as not to provoke thirst. If a woman is concerned about swelling throughout the day, as well as abnormal weight gain, then in this case it is better to consult a doctor, as these may be the first signs of preeclampsia (late toxicosis).

7 . In the seventh month of pregnancy, as a rule, there are weak, painless uterine contractions, also called Braxton Higgs contractions. This phenomenon helps prepare the cervix for real contractions and childbirth. False contractions usually last from a few seconds to half a minute.

How does the baby develop at 7 months of pregnancy?

At the beginning of the seventh month of pregnancy, your baby's weight can reach 850-900 grams, but by the end of this month, the baby is likely to gain a proud 1.2 - 1.5 kilograms. The growth of a child can vary between 34 - 38 cm. This is an amazing period when the fetus's body makes the strongest developmental breakthrough.

Now the baby is already fully formed, but still somewhat weak in order to live independently. However, when early birth in the seventh month, the child has almost every chance to survive. Such children are placed in special plastic containers with a system of artificial thermoregulation and maintenance of air humidity.

All systems and organs in the body little man are already working great. He even develops his own daily routine, like how the baby will spend time after birth.

Of course, he will sleep most of the day and night, but his awakenings, which will occur at intervals of 1-2 times per hour for 5-10 minutes. Thus, you will literally feel the movements of your child every hour.

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Moreover, the baby's body is so well designed and the baby takes up so much space that you can easily feel his head, arms, legs. By the end of the seventh month, the baby takes the position desired during childbirth, namely, lies head down.

The skin of the baby at the beginning of the month is still reddish and wrinkled, but soon it will become smooth and pink. There is an intensive build-up of subcutaneous fat - fiber, characteristic of infants are formed round cheeks and wrinkles on the body.

At the 7th month of pregnancy, one of the main events is that the eyelids finally open and the babies are already able to open and close their eyes on their own. The eyes already have soft eyelashes and eyebrows. The child already responds well to light, so mothers are advised to take short-term sunbathing.

If you direct a beam of light directly at the stomach, you can feel how the baby is trying to turn the head.

By the way, children during this period become sensitive not only to light, but also to sound. Therefore, communicate with your child as often as possible, tell him more about the world around him, let's listen to good music: he will definitely listen to you. Also, babies are already well developed taste buds, they easily recognize the taste of bitter, sweet, salty.

The child's skeleton is getting stronger. Eat as much calcium as possible so that the baby's bones are strong and not prone to fractures, and the milk teeth are cut healthy and strong in the future. Daily calcium intake reaches 250 mg at this time. Oxygen is actively transported throughout the body circulatory system. Respiratory system is just getting ready to take his first breath. Boys have not yet completed the process in which the testicles descend into the scrotum from abdominal cavity.

Since the load on your spine has now increased significantly, try to wear as much as possible comfortable shoes preferably not in heels. Move carefully, smoothly, confidently keep your balance. Reduce the consumption of sweet, spicy, baked goods, potatoes. These are all simple carbohydrates that contribute to strong weight gain.

The 7th month of pregnancy does not bring a lot of trouble to a woman if she monitors her well-being and follows the recommendations of specialists. By this time, the time for medical examinations and visits to various specialists in the polyclinic ends. Maternity leave is close at hand. In the service, a woman is no longer loaded with urgent work requiring overtime hours at the limit of possibilities. And if this happens, you need to bring a certificate from the gynecologist that the pregnant woman, for health reasons, needs to be transferred to easier work.

During this period, future parents know who will be born to them - a boy or a girl. For ladies who don't want once again undergo ultrasound, there is less accurate, but completely safe way Listen to the baby's heartbeat with a stethoscope. The boy's heart beats more measuredly, in girls the heartbeat is more frequent. Parents can start choosing a name for the baby.

Also, many mothers during this period begin to get involved in making clothes for the little one. A hand-knitted hat or a vest embroidered by mom will then convey warmth and love to the baby.

Fetal development

For six months, the embryo completely turned into a little man. He has formed all the internal organs and systems of life. For the remaining three months, the development of the fetus will consist in the fact that they will improve and prepare to function autonomously from their mother.

How is the child developing in this period:

  1. The brain already has furrows and convolutions.
  2. The liver, intestines, stomach and kidneys work.
  3. The baby produces about half a liter of urine daily.
  4. He feels pain like an adult.
  5. On the this stage the lungs are still underdeveloped, which is why the baby does not yet know how to breathe on its own. But mucous plugs are removed from the nose, which indicates preparation for breathing outside the mother. So in case premature birth in most cases, the infant is saved. After giving birth, he is placed in a pressure chamber where the lungs will develop. He tries to do the first breaths and exhalations with his mother in the uterus before birth, so that genetic memory will help him learn to breathe.
  6. The baby gains a lot of weight at seven months, creating subcutaneous fat. But its skin is very thin, blood vessels shine through it. Therefore, babies after birth look red.
  7. He continues to toss and turn in his mother's stomach, although it is quite crowded. If the baby moves too actively, he gives his mother a signal that he doesn’t like something, something is wrong. He may be low on oxygen. Perhaps he worries when his mother experiences such emotions. It makes sense to visit a gynecologist so that the doctor gives any recommendations or sends you for an additional examination.
  8. By the 7th month, the genitals are fully formed: the boy's testicles are already in the scrotum, the girl has a clitoris, although the labia is not fully formed - they are still open.
  9. The skeletal system continues to accumulate such useful material like calcium, phosphorus, iron. The bones are formed, but they are still too fragile.
  10. Ears hear well. The baby listens to the mother's heartbeat, he feels the flow of blood through her vessels, hears how the mother's intestines function. If parents tell fairy tales to the baby, turn on pleasant calm music for him, talk with him, he will remember the voices of mom and dad even in the womb, and after birth it will be easy to calm down from their words and fall asleep quickly. The ability of an infant to hear imposes limits on the behavior of adults. The room where the pregnant woman is located should not be too noisy. Leave all scandals, loud fun and other strong sounds (work with a drill, for example) until future times. Complete silence is also not needed. You can talk quietly, turn on calm music, so that the baby gets used to falling asleep, not paying attention to light noise.
  11. At 7 months old, the first hairs appear on the baby's head. He already has eyebrows. He can open and close his eyes.
  12. The main thing in mental development The child can express his feelings through facial expressions. He wrinkles his forehead, frowns, parting his lips in a smile.
  13. By this time, the baby's teeth are already covered with enamel.

At 30 weeks of gestation, the baby takes the position in the uterus that is needed for the birth process. At 31 weeks, he curls up, because in order to stretch out his arms and legs, his mother's stomach is too tight. At 32 weeks, the baby's skin straightens, the folds disappear. Weight reaches 1.8–2 kg, height up to 43 cm.

If the 7th month of pregnancy comes to an end, the baby born ahead of schedule is easier to leave than at the beginning of this month.

Therefore, mothers should take care of themselves and bring the baby to at least 32 weeks. Then he is almost completely ready for life outside the mother's body.

Changes in the mother's body

The feelings of the future mother are about the same as in the previous month. The belly of a pregnant woman increases, the skin on it begins to itch due to stretching. It may appear pink spots. In order not to be upset after childbirth, you need to use external anti-stretch marks, wear a prenatal bandage.

Other changes that occur with the mother's body:

  • The woman's weight has increased by 9-10 kg since the beginning of pregnancy. This trend will continue until the end of the 3rd trimester.
  • Increases breast size. The mammary glands are preparing for postpartum functioning, so colostrum production may begin.
  • A pregnant woman has increased sweating. It constantly seems to her that the room is hot. The feeling of standing heat is especially annoying at night. The reason for this is the acceleration of metabolism by 20%. The amount of blood constantly moving through the vessels and generating heat is increased.
  • Mom's limbs continue to swell. The legs are especially swollen in the evening, before going to bed. This phenomenon is also explained by an increase in the volume of fluid in the body. In principle, swelling of the hands and feet is normal and does not require medical attention. If the swelling is too large, the doctor will recommend drinking a diuretic decoction of herbs. Do not just self-medicate, so as not to harm the baby.
  • During the described period, the woman has vaginal discharge white color- white. It's not dangerous if it doesn't come from them. bad smell. In the event of an odor or watery discharge, you should go to the gynecologist. This phenomenon may be due to leakage of amniotic fluid.
  • Mild pains in the back and abdomen also begin at this time. They are associated with an increasing load on the spine and muscles with an increase in the weight of the child. The uterus begins to prepare for childbirth. This is expressed in its painless hardening and subsequent relaxation. The mother's body is trained to endure contractions.
  • The uterus at 7 months is many times larger in volume than its usual size, that is, before pregnancy. It compresses the internal organs - it presses on the lungs, the digestive organs, bladder. Therefore, a woman has difficulty breathing, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed, she is tormented by diarrhea or constipation and bursting with intestinal gases. A pregnant woman swells up, heartburn appears after eating. All these troubles are better to endure without the use of medicines. Helps with flatulence Dill water. You can buy it at a pharmacy or make it at home from fresh dill. Boiled milk will help with heartburn. From diarrhea and constipation exist herbal preparations. Which ones are better to drink and how to cook them, the doctor will advise.
  • Sometimes during this period a woman is prone to late toxicosis. This is an occasion to consult a specialist, because as a result, the child may not gain the necessary weight.
  • If the seventh month of pregnancy fell in the spring, the pregnant woman may lack vitamins. Anemia sometimes occurs during this period. In such cases, it is necessary to drink vitamins and iron-containing preparations, which the doctor will prescribe. Vitamins will also help with hair loss, which some pregnant women are prone to.

The seventh month of pregnancy means a decline in strength and mood for a woman. First, she is afraid upcoming birth, pain accompanying them, and possible complications.

Secondly, the inconveniences listed above tire and annoy the woman. Inability to sit and lie down in a comfortable position, inability to put on or take off shoes, unsuitability for housework in the second half of pregnancy spoil expectant mother mood. The closest people should come to the rescue. Husband and mother will have to take homework to myself. And a pregnant woman should reassure herself that most of hard way left behind.

In order to be less worried about childbirth, try to find a clinic with a good reputation and a doctor you can trust even before planning a pregnancy.

Nutrition at 7 months

For the normal well-being of the pregnant woman and the fetus, it is still necessary to make a diet so that the food contains all the substances, vitamins and minerals necessary for the mother and child. From the menu should be excluded:

  • Fatty meals.
  • Fried foods.
  • Spicy seasonings in the composition of dishes and by themselves.
  • acidic foods.
  • Canned vegetables, fish, mushrooms.
  • Smoked sausages, chicken, sausages.
  • Salty foods.
  • Sweet foods.
  • Carbonated water, especially sweet.
  • Coffee and strong tea.
  • Semi-finished products of any kind.
  • Confectionery.
  • Chocolate.
  • If you really want to eat a piece of cake, ice cream or candy, most likely from one time great harm will not. But you should not abuse such products.

Of course, it is difficult to cram insipid food into oneself. You can slightly salt or sweeten food, but it is better to do this not in a saucepan, but already in a plate.

On the pregnant woman's menu without fail must be:

  • Vegetables.
  • Fruit.
  • Meat.
  • A fish.
  • Kashi.
  • Dairy products. Cottage cheese and cheese are especially important.
  • Fruit drinks, home-squeezed juices and compotes.

It is necessary to cook the main dishes either steamed or in the oven. You can stew meat and vegetables in a saucepan on the stove.

Wholesome nutrition will benefit your baby and you. It is better to eat often, but in small portions. The last meal should take place no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

You need to buy natural products, cook them at home in order to know what this or that dish consists of .


Naturally, a pregnant woman should give up smoking and drinking alcohol a few months before conception. This axiom does not change at the 7th month of pregnancy. But this is not the only advice of doctors. To feel better, mom is recommended:

  1. Walking on fresh air. It will be right to take a folding chair with you to rest if the woman feels tired. It is good to spend time in the country, but pregnant women cannot be engaged in gardening. And it's too late to go to the sea. It is not known how the woman will endure the flight - whether she will start contractions.
  2. Go to bed no later than 22:00. Since when the stomach is large, it is difficult to get into bed and fall asleep, and the time of night sleep is reduced, it is useful to arrange an afternoon nap.
  3. If a woman does not have a threat of miscarriage, it is not at all necessary to lie down all day. You can do simple household chores or devote time to your hobby.
  4. In the last trimester of pregnancy, the doctor prescribes special exercises for mothers, which will help them during childbirth in the future. They visit her 2-3 times a week.
  5. If a clinic or a store is nearby, take your time walking there.
  6. As for the nervous system, the condition of the mother still affects the baby. The problem of peace in the family acquires importance. And what happens behind the walls of a woman's apartment should not be taken to heart.

Since the behavior of a woman at 7 months of pregnancy should be aimed at maintaining the health of the baby and normalizing the course of the gestation process, the following is useful:

  1. It is recommended to limit contact with people who can infect mom with an infectious disease. To do this, it is worth reducing trips to public transport, trips to the cinema, to the theater, to large stores. You need to go to the gynecologist only on those days when there is a reception of pregnant women. If a woman has to take tests, do an ultrasound and stand in line, you need to wear a medical bandage.
  2. Since pregnant women are plagued by a lack of calcium, and in connection with this, teeth may suffer, take care of them with double care - after each meal, rinse your mouth with mouthwash purchased at a pharmacy. Use toothpicks.
  3. When you have to do household chores, do not bend over. Yes, it's hard when big belly hinders. If a woman wants to pick up an object that has fallen on the floor, she must bring and place a folding chair next to her, and only while sitting on it, pick it up. Only in extreme cases can you sit down and take what you need.

Concerning intimate life with her husband - if there is no threat of miscarriage, sex is not prohibited. Babies react differently to the closeness of their parents. Someone raises their physical activity after mom's orgasm, someone calms down and falls asleep. In both cases, this is a normal reaction and there is no reason to worry. If some women have contraindications for having sex during pregnancy ( short neck uterus or its partial disclosure), then in this case experienced doctor be sure to warn your patient about the ban.

If the pregnant woman has familiarized herself with all the recommendations in advance and follows them, the expectation child will pass calmly, without unforeseen problems. In the case when the expectant mother has some kind of pathology, the doctor will advise more frequent examinations and, possibly, some kind of treatment.

Do not watch unpleasant programs, including news, on TV and drama films. Try to please yourself with funny books, pleasant music.


Twice a month, a woman should appear at the doctor leading the pregnancy. He will measure her weight, blood pressure, stomach, see if there are swelling in her arms and legs. The specialist will also listen to the baby's heartbeat. If the doctor suspects fetal heart disease, an additional KGT (cardiotocography) is prescribed.

Before seeing a doctor, you need to pass a urine test. The gynecologist will give directions for this analysis every time you visit, so that the next time you have fresh results. If a pregnant woman has kidney problems, she will also be asked to take a urine test for bacteriuria. If sugar is elevated, they will give a direction to biochemical analysis blood.

If placenta previa is suspected, additional ultrasound. If a woman complains of pain in the lower abdomen and back, bloody issues, this may mean the onset of preterm labor. In this case, you should immediately contact a gynecologist, and if the pregnant woman is expecting a second child, call ambulance, since the second and all subsequent births are much faster than the first.

Now you have already reached the “finish line” and are looking forward to the birth of your baby. What happens to you in the 7th obstetric month of pregnancy? What does the baby look like, what are the features of its development, is childbirth dangerous during this period? Everything you need to know about the 7th month of pregnancy - in our article.

The first two trimesters are already over, you have already left the period of contemplation and experience and are already thinking about decorating the children's room, buying toys and clothes for your crumbs.

7th month of pregnancy: how many weeks is it? According to the calculation made in obstetric practice, this is 25-28 obstetric weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period. The age of the fetus is counted from the moment of conception - two weeks after the first day of menstruation (at the time of ovulation).

One obstetric month consists of four weeks (28 days). It is in obstetric weeks that the term of your birth is also determined.

7th month of pregnancy: what happens to the fetus

What your baby looks like at 7 months pregnant can be seen on an ultrasound. Ultrasound examination gives enough full information about the intrauterine development of the baby. At 7 months of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is about 1000-1300 g, its size (height) is 35 cm (by the end of the 28th obstetric week).

Let's find out what changes are happening in the development of your child:

  • the accumulation of subcutaneous fat slows down and the growth of the muscles of the crumbs accelerates;
  • being improved nervous system, organs of hearing and vision: the baby distinguishes the voices of parents well, opens his eyes and reacts to light;
  • lung tissue is actively developing: alveolar surfactant is synthesized intensified;
  • the skeleton of the crumbs lengthens and becomes more durable;
  • he actively moves, makes respiratory movements;
  • the baby's face is fully developed;
  • all organs and systems are already functioning.

If at 7 months of pregnancy the child is very active, this is most likely due to oxygen starvation. You should spend more time hiking outdoors, motor activity so that the blood is fully oxygenated.

What does the belly look like at 7 months pregnant?

The height of the uterus is already about 30 cm, it rises four fingers above the navel. The stomach is already quite bulging forward, especially for those who have this pregnancy is not the first. To reduce the pressure of the uterus on the bladder and unload the back, it is recommended to wear a special bandage for pregnant women.

7th month of pregnancy: sensations

How do you feel at 7 months pregnant? During this period, you may feel something like contractions. These are training bouts of Braxton Geeks, which appear, as a rule, in response to the movements of the baby. They are irregular, painless and last no longer than 2-3 minutes.

If drawing pains in the lower abdomen cause discomfort and recur regularly at regular intervals (10-20 minutes), you need to apply for medical care. If the pain is accompanied by spotting, call an ambulance.

The disadvantages of the seventh month of pregnancy include:

  • back pain due to a shift in the center of gravity of the growing uterus;
  • problems with digestive system(constipation, swelling, heartburn), caused by the fact that the uterus squeezes the organs of the digestive tract;
  • puffiness;
  • periodic headaches and dizziness;
  • increased appetite;
  • itching of the skin of the abdomen;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • hemorrhoids, etc.

Childbirth at 7 months of pregnancy

From 22 weeks, termination of pregnancy is regarded as premature birth. A baby who was born before the 28th week of pregnancy is considered very premature. Its lungs are not yet developed, but are already able to support breathing. More recently, such children rarely survived; the improvement of medical technology makes it possible to nurse such crumbs quite successfully.

Causes of premature birth at 7 months of pregnancy:

  • chromosomal disorders;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • exposure to various damaging factors (weight lifting, severe stress, injuries, strong vibrations, alcohol consumption, etc.);
  • isthmicocervical insufficiency (opening of the cervix);
  • endocrine disorders;
  • placenta previa;
  • intrauterine infection, etc.

What are the consequences of childbirth at 7 months of pregnancy for a child?

Due to the fact that the baby's organs and lungs are on this period not yet developed, then even with the most excellent medical nursing in the department intensive care, in the future, the child has a high risk of pathologies.

The seventh month marks the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, the final stage prenatal development baby. Now the expectant mother especially needs help and protection, because to perform a difficult physical work it is contraindicated, and even housework is not always useful.

At a period of 7 months of pregnancy, it is strongly recommended to reduce the intensity of any activity, if possible, go on maternity leave, go through regular medical examinations and think about choosing a maternity hospital that meets the necessary requirements.

To determine from which week the 7th month begins, it is necessary to clarify which months pregnancy is coming Speech, about obstetric or calendar. If you mean calendar system calculation, then the seventh month starts from the 28th week of pregnancy.

weight gain calculator

Your height in centimeters:

Weight before pregnancy:

Week of pregnancy:

Week 2 Week 4 Week 6 Week 8 Week 10 Week 12 Week 14 Week 16 Week 18 Week 20 Week 22 Week 24 Week 26 Week 28 Week 30 Week 32 Week 34 Week 36 Week 38 Week 40

Fetal development

The seventh month of pregnancy is characterized by an intensive increase in the body weight of the fetus and the improvement of the activity of all its organs. At 28 weeks future baby can already distinguish the voices of parents, while being in the tummy. That is why the room where the pregnant woman is located should not be noisy: it is preferable either complete silence, or light classical music. Of course, talking in a raised tone during this period is simply unacceptable, because in addition to stress from too loud sounds the baby's condition may worsen due to changes in the level of hormones in the woman's blood under the influence of a conflict situation.

At the 29th week, the baby's body is gradually preparing for the upcoming life outside the mother's womb. Mucus plugs are removed from the nasal passages of the fetus, and the fat content in the body reaches 4%.



At a period of 30 weeks, the child, as a rule, has already taken the position of the body in which it will be until the very birth. But in individual cases he can change it up to 32 weeks of pregnancy.

At the 31st week, the baby's body curls up more tightly due to a lack of free space in the uterus. Facial features become more expressive, and the pupils of the eyes become the same as those of a newborn. Organs of the fetal digestive system to a large extent ready to work, despite the fact that since their formation (and this is the seventh obstetric week pregnancy), not so much time has passed.

With the onset of 32 weeks, the face of the fetus is smoothed out. skin folds, so the appearance of the baby becomes more attractive. By the end of the seventh month of pregnancy, the growth of the fetus reaches 42-43 cm, and the weight can be from 1800 to 2000 g. In the case of premature birth such a child will be able to breathe on his own, although he will need additional medical care. But at the very beginning of the seventh month, the fetus is still not sufficiently developed, so nursing premature babies born before 31-32 weeks is much more difficult. The expectant mother will act wisely if she takes care of herself in order to let the baby get stronger in the tummy until the due date provided by nature.

Changes in a woman's body

In the seventh month of pregnancy, the following changes occur in the body of the expectant mother:

  • The abdomen is rapidly increasing in size. A woman's weekly weight gain during the current month can be 300-550 g. By the end of the 7th month, a woman weighs 8-13 kg more than before conception.
  • Heartburn may get worse. This is due to the relaxation of the esophageal sphincter under the influence of progesterone and the pressure of the uterus on the digestive organs. You should not get rid of the symptoms of heartburn with soda, because when taking soda solution inside in pregnant women, edema may increase.
  • Volume vaginal discharge slightly increased during this period. White or light yellow discharge is a normal variant. The appearance of itching and burning, as well as the detection of curdled lumps of mucus in them, may indicate the development of thrush. Brown or spotting is dangerous symptom, because they occur with placental abruption or the onset of premature birth.
  • With malnutrition, the future mother may suffer from hair loss, which can fall out intensively or become dull and brittle. For the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to take multivitamin preparations recommended by the doctor, and also do not forget about the use enough fresh fruits, vegetables and protein products. It is highly undesirable to dye your hair in order to prevent the chemical components of the dye from entering the body of a pregnant woman.

Analyzes and examinations

Toward the end of the seventh month of pregnancy or a little later, the expectant mother will have to go through the third prenatal screening. A screening examination of the third trimester involves an ultrasound scan for a period of 32-34 weeks, i.e. at the turn of the seventh and eighth calendar months of bearing a baby.



During the examination, the specialist will determine the size of the fetus, assess the degree of development of its organs and specify how many weeks are left before the expected time of delivery. The doctor should pay special attention to the presentation of the child. The most preferred is cephalic presentation, but even pelvic position is not a pathology, it is only necessary to prepare more thoroughly for the delivery. If desired, the specialist will show the expectant mother what the baby looks like in the tummy, and even take a photo or video as a keepsake.

In addition, during an ultrasound scan, the specialist will pay attention to the condition of the placenta, clarify the degree of its maturity. Important has a volume definition amniotic fluid for the purpose of timely detection of oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios.

As usual, during the next visit, the specialist will measure the body weight and circumference of the woman's abdomen, determine the height of the uterine fundus and other indicators. If the expectant mother is worried about any discomfort, symptoms of hemorrhoids, varicose veins veins, etc., it is necessary to inform the doctor about this in order to prescribe a course of treatment in time. In the event that a woman registered on time when she was seventh week of pregnancy or a little later, and also underwent all the prescribed examinations and followed the doctor's recommendations, the risk of developing any pathologies is minimized.

Possible dangers in the seventh month of pregnancy

During this period, there is a possibility of developing the following complications of pregnancy:

  • The threat of premature birth. In the period from the 28th to the 32nd week of pregnancy, the risk of early birth of a baby is low, but still the likelihood of such an outcome cannot be discounted. The survival of the child depends on the date of birth. At 28 weeks, the baby is unlikely to be able to breathe on its own without the use of special equipment, and childbirth at 7 months of pregnancy (for a period of 31-32 weeks) almost does not pose a danger to the life of the newborn. When there is a threat of premature birth, a woman may have blood in the discharge (daub), often hurts or pulls the lower abdomen.
  • Preeclampsia. Metabolic disorders in the third trimester are called late preeclampsia or late toxicosis. A woman may experience symptoms such as nausea, high blood pressure, headache, flies before the eyes, noticeable swelling. Treatment consists in eliminating symptoms and normalizing metabolism.
  • Low water. The volume of amniotic fluid must meet certain standards. For determining specified indicator use IAI (index amniotic fluid). If the AAI is less than normal, the woman may be diagnosed with moderate or pronounced oligohydramnios. Treatment consists in the appointment of drugs that normalize metabolism and improve the tone of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Polyhydramnios. In the event that the IAI for a period of seven months is significantly higher than normal, we are talking about polyhydramnios, a condition in which the volume of amniotic fluid increases for any reason, as a result of which the stomach becomes too large. Provoking factors can be heart or vascular disease, diabetes, excessive large fruit or multiple pregnancy. To combat polyhydramnios, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, as well as additionally take vitamins, magnesium preparations, or diuretics.

The seventh month of pregnancy is one of the most important stages of bearing a baby. To avoid complications and different kind troubles, it is advisable for the expectant mother to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is necessary to limit contact with strangers as much as possible in order to avoid infection with such infectious diseases like flu, cold (ARVI). Despite the fact that the fetus at 7 months of pregnancy already has its own immune defense, and the infection cannot cause any congenital pathologies, in which it is required to terminate the pregnancy, it is still necessary to observe preventive measures, because any disease of the expectant mother, in which the temperature rises, worsens the condition of the baby.
  • In connection with the development and strengthening of the fetal bone tissue in a pregnant woman, the need for calcium increases, as a result of which teeth may suffer. Since dental treatment during the third trimester is a last resort, every effort should be made to preserve tooth enamel by providing meticulous dental care. oral cavity and organization of rational nutrition.
  • Any flight or long trip is difficult for a future mother who is 7 months pregnant. When lifted into the air on an airplane, a woman may increase blood pressure, vomit, and lay her ears. All this negatively affects the condition of the fetus, so you can fly or travel in another way only in the most extreme cases, for example, if you need an urgent move. It is also undesirable to go to the sea, because sunbathing in the third trimester of a pregnant woman is contraindicated.
  • On the advice of a doctor, you can perform special gymnastics for pregnant women, but some exercises may be contraindicated.
  • From intimate relationships for a period of 7 full months it is better to refrain, in extreme cases, you should choose the safest poses. An orgasm is especially dangerous for a future mother, which can cause excessive contraction of the walls of the uterus and, as a result, cause premature birth. Of course, masturbation is all the more undesirable, because it can lead to very negative consequences.
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    You can learn more about what happens at the 7th month of pregnancy on a specialized forum. If possible, you should attend classes in courses for expectant mothers and watch a video that will allow the best way prepare for the arrival of a new family member.

In the second half of pregnancy, your weight continues to increase, the weekly gain is still 250-300 g. With a more significant rate of weight gain, we can first talk about latent, and then about obvious fluid retention - edema, which may be a sign of preeclampsia.

It is believed that during pregnancy a woman should limit herself to an increase of 9-12 kg - depending on the constitution. Optimally, if over the previous two trimesters you have added about two-thirds of this increase to your weight, then by last trimester accounts for about one third - 4 kilograms.

Due to the stretching of the skin on the abdomen and chest, not only the appearance of stretch marks (stretch marks) is possible, but also a feeling of itching and dryness of the skin - most often in the abdomen. Help with dryness and itching special creams for pregnant or regular oily creams containing vitamins A and E.

The rapid growth of the uterus is accompanied by stretching of the ligamentous apparatus, which can cause minor pain in the lower abdomen. Usually the pain goes away when the woman changes her body position.

Back pain at this stage of pregnancy appears quite often - they are associated with an increased load on the spine, softening of the joints of the pelvic bones (this is how the body prepares for a possible stretching of the pelvic ring during the passage of the baby's head during childbirth). The more kilograms you have, the harder it is for your spine, so control your weight as much as possible. Sleep on a firm mattress, sit with a straight back, choose chairs with a back and armrests, do not cross your legs - this position not only impedes blood circulation in the legs, but also increases the load on pelvic bones. Avoid prolonged standing, wear a pregnancy brace when walking, do abdominal and pelvic strengthening exercises (e.g., cat back, Kegel exercises - alternating muscle tension and relaxation) pelvic floor and etc.).

Muscle cramps may occur at this stage of pregnancy (and sometimes even earlier). lower extremities. This ailment, unlike "back" pain, can be prevented. To do this, wear special elastic tights, while resting, raise your legs above the level of the body in order to restore normal blood circulation in them, observe special diet, which maintains the optimal level of calcium and phosphorus in the body, before going to bed, massage the legs from the fingers towards the thigh.

At varicose disease, which may first occur or progress during pregnancy, it is necessary to wear special knitted underwear. This condition is manifested by discomfort and pain in the legs, especially after prolonged standing; a network of veins appears on the skin of the legs.

To avoid another fairly common ailment of pregnant women - hemorrhoids - it is necessary to prevent the development of constipation with a diet rich in fiber, sleep on your side to avoid pressure on the veins of the rectum, and do exercises that improve blood circulation in this part of the body. These or other symptoms of hemorrhoids occur quite often and to some extent are considered an option. normal pregnancy but you must tell your doctor about them 2.

Since the pressure of the uterus on the abdominal organs has increased significantly, sometimes urinary incontinence is possible when sneezing or coughing. If this happens quite often, use spacers. Do not be discouraged: after a couple of months you will forget about these unpleasant sensations.

Fetal development in the seventh month of intrauterine life

By the end of the seventh month of pregnancy, the length of the fetus is already 40 cm, body weight - 1500 g. From the 28th week of intrauterine development, when the body weight of the fetus is 1000 g or more, the so-called perinatal period. It covers all subsequent weeks of pregnancy, childbirth and the next 7 days of a newborn's life.

The baby sets the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, he can wake up in the morning with his mother and greet her with rather violent jolts. Some children, on the contrary, want to “walk” exactly at the time when their mother is sleeping. Under the skin of the child, fatty tissue gradually accumulates.

The heart of the fetus at this time is reduced with the same frequency as in newborns (120-160 beats per minute). From the seventh month of pregnancy, it is possible to record the fetal heartbeat on a cardiotocogram (CTG), which allows you to assess the condition of the fetus and the tone of the uterus. An indicator of the condition of the fetus is also irregular "respiratory" movements. chest that can be seen on ultrasound.

From this period of pregnancy, a special substance is formed in the lungs of the fetus - a surfactant, which at birth helps to maintain the lung tissue in a straightened state.

In the seventh month of pregnancy, the fetus is usually born alive. He can survive if he is kept in a special incubator, if there is artificial ventilation lungs and the use of appropriate intensive care and resuscitation equipment. Such a child is born with pronounced signs of prematurity: poor development of subcutaneous adipose tissue, wrinkled skin, plentiful cheese-like lubricant; his whole body is covered with fluffy hair.

Possible complications in the seventh month of pregnancy

With the development labor activity after 28 weeks of pregnancy, they no longer talk about miscarriage, but about premature birth. The threat of preterm labor usually requires hospitalization and treatment. To accelerate the maturation of the lungs of the fetus and stimulate the production of surfactant at this stage of pregnancy, corticosteroid hormones are usually prescribed. This contributes to the survival of the child if, despite the measures taken, he will be born significantly.

With placenta previa, when it covers the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe internal os of the cervix, as the gestational age increases, the risk of bleeding increases and acute hypoxia fetus, so the pregnant woman must be in the hospital.

On the seventh month of pregnancy sometimes there are signs of such complications as preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is usually represented by a triad of symptoms: edema, increased blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine. Preeclampsia can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent, but in any case, the expectant mother needs mandatory treatment, since this condition is dangerous not only for her, but also for her child.

At this stage of pregnancy, constant monitoring of urinalysis is required - this is necessary for timely diagnosis infections urinary tract, gestosis and some others pathological conditions. The frequent development of urinary tract infections in the 6-8th month of pregnancy is associated with their expansion due to the action of progesterone and other hormones, as well as the mechanical pressure of the growing uterus.

For the development of the fetus, more and more nutrients are required, therefore, in some unfavorable conditions of the placenta, it begins to lag behind in growth (which can be established by the results of ultrasonic fetometry). This condition is called fetal growth retardation syndrome (FGR) and requires treatment.

In the seventh month of pregnancy, you need to visit your doctor at least twice a month. From 30 weeks of pregnancy (and at multiple pregnancy- from 28 weeks) pregnant women receive a certificate of incapacity for work at a time lasting 140 calendar days(with multiple pregnancy - 180 days). Try to use free time for the benefit of yourself and your baby: proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air, feasible physical exercise contribute right course pregnancy and positively affect the development of your unborn child.