The concept of female crime, its criminological characteristics. Causes and prevention of female crime. female crime and the personality of female criminals

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  • Introduction
  • Chapter II. Criminological characteristics of the personality of women who commit a crime
  • § 1. Features of the personality of a woman-criminal
  • § 2. Typology of the personality of a female criminal
  • Chapter III. The main directions of the prevention of female crime
  • § 1. Causes and conditions of modern female crime
  • § 2. The main directions of the prevention of female crime
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliographic list
  • Applications


The problem of female crime is of concern to more than one generation of researchers, which is due not only to an increase in the proportion of crimes committed by women in the general structure of crimes, but also to the negative influence of women's criminal behavior on society, its institutions (the institution of the family suffers especially), on the moral and psychological atmosphere in the whole.

Of particular importance to the study of female crime is given by the features of this phenomenon associated with the social role and functions of women, with her historically determined place in the system of social relations, as well as with professional activities, biological and psychophysiological specifics, lifestyle.

Experts distinguish among the dangerous trends in the criminal behavior of modern women such as: an increase in the number of violent acts, a decrease in the age of criminals and at the same time an increase in the number of elderly women. For modern criminals, cruelty, preparedness of crimes, participation in organized crimes are characteristic. There is a continuation of the process of masculinization of female crime, which is manifested in the commission of violent crimes by women, as well as in an increase in the participation of women in the commission of crimes related to drug trafficking. Property crimes such as theft and fraud occupy a fairly large proportion of female crime. The rather high criminal activity of women in the economic sphere is also characteristic (tax crimes, criminal behavior in the sphere of banking, in the securities market, in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity).

Being a part of general crime, female crime is subject to the influence of instability in socio-economic, political and spiritual processes. Changes in the political and economic life of the Russian Federation led to the growth of social conflicts and contradictions, changes in the understanding of the social status of women, which was reflected in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of female crime in the country.

An analysis of the state of modern female crime and its trends allows us to conclude that there are no effective means and methods for preventing crimes, as well as coordinated forms of cooperation between government bodies, law enforcement agencies and public organizations to prevent female crime.

Thus, the relevance of the criminological study of female crime is due to the growth of female crime, a change in the structure of crimes committed by women, the special social danger and complexity of crimes committed, and the lack of effective mechanisms for preventing crimes committed by women.

It should be noted that Russia is characterized by regional differences in the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the crimes committed. Experts note the greatest number of crimes in the economically developed regions of the country. Thus, in the Murmansk region, the most dangerous factor complicating the criminal situation in the region is organized crime, including the one affecting the state of drug trafficking and determining, in general, the danger of increasing transnational criminal ties. At the moment, the criminal situation in the region is deteriorating, as evidenced by the statistics. At the same time, an analysis of publications in periodicals indicates that targeted research on the problem of female crime in the region is not being carried out.

In criminology, issues of female crime have become the object of research for a long time. Back in the 19th century, the famous Italian scientist, prison psychiatrist C. Lombroso tried to understand what motivates a woman who commits a crime. Domestic researchers at the beginning of the last century also paid attention to the study of female criminals: for example, P.N. Tarnovskaya, a forensic anthropologist, in her monograph "Women-Killers" gave a classification of murders committed by women, in which psychological criterion plays a significant role. B.S. Mankovsky studied infanticide. One of the famous Soviet lawyers M.N. Gernet.

To one degree or another, the problem of female crime is touched upon in the works of I.Ya. Foinitsky, V.A. Vnukova, Yu.M. Antonyan, V.A. Serebryakova, A.A. Gabiani, I.B. Stepanova, M.V. Minster and others. The works of N.T. Vedernikova, V.K. Gavlo, F.V. Glazyrina, G.G. Zuikova, M.G. Korshik, L.L. Kanevsky, S.S. Stepicheva, P.P. Tsvetkova, A.E. Bagdasarova and others are devoted to certain forensic aspects of female crime. In the works of Yu.A. Komova, K.A. Isaeva, E.V. Vologina, A.S. Khlopkova et al. Considered the possibilities of using information about the characteristics of certain types of female crime in the investigation of these crimes.

However, on the present stage the topic of female crime in the theoretical developments of Russian researchers is not fully disclosed, despite the special practical importance of a comprehensive study of the personality of women who commit crimes. This is due, first of all, to the change in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of female crime, a significant transformation of the personality of a female criminal, the need to improve the effectiveness of the prevention of crimes committed by women, the need for new research is noticeably increasing.

female crime criminological prevention

The purpose of the work is to compile a criminological characterization of female crime and to develop proposals to improve the effectiveness of the prevention of female crime.

This goal predetermined the solution of a number of logically interrelated tasks:

1) to reveal the concept of female crime and the historical aspects of this problem;

2) determine the current trends in female crime in the Russian Federation and in the Murmansk region;

3) make a qualitative description of modern female crime;

4) to identify the personality traits of a woman-criminal;

5) characterize the typology of the personality of a woman-criminal;

6) determine the causes and conditions of modern female crime;

7) to develop the main directions for the prevention of female crime.

The object of the research is social relations arising as a result of committing crimes by women, and the personality of a woman-criminal at the present stage of development of society, criminologically significant determinants of modern female crime, as well as the laws of its prevention and their practical implementation.

The subject of research in the work is the criminological indicators of modern female crime in the Russian Federation and the Leninsky district of the city of Murmansk.

The regulatory framework for the study is the current legislation of Russia: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, etc.

The theoretical basis of the study was the works of foreign and domestic authors in the field of criminology, criminal law, penal law, as well as sociology and psychology: C. Lombroso, N.F. Kuznetsova, E.V. Kunz, D.S. Kramar, L.A. Kiryushina, R.Yu. Lagvilava, T.N. Volkova, V.V. Luneeva and others.

The empirical basis of the study is statistical data of the Federal State Statistics Service on criminal processes, statistical indicators of the Main Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the qualitative and quantitative indicators of crime, criminal cases against women criminals in the Leninsky district of Murmansk.

The empirical method of cognition was the study and generalization of criminological and sociological studies published by specialists on the problems of preventing female crime.

The methodological basis of the research in the thesis is made up of general scientific and specific scientific methods of cognition: dialectical, formal-logical, comparative-legal, structural-functional, analytical, statistical.

The following provisions are submitted to the defense:

1. Female crime is a set of crimes committed by women who have reached the age of criminal responsibility.

2. Modern female crime occupies a stable place in the structure of general crime, accompanies it and has whole line their tendencies and patterns:

modern female crime is growing at a more intensive pace and has an unfavorable prognosis;

at present, there is a dynamic change in the category of crimes committed by women: an increase in grave acts, an increase in recidivism, an increase in crimes against morality;

modern criminals also possess a whole range of new negative personal characteristics, which are associated with the expansion of the age limits of the criminogenic activity of women; raising the educational level; by an even greater than earlier decline in the positive role of the family; the increase among criminals of persons who have not previously worked and do not have a constant source of income, who commit a crime while intoxicated, as well as for the sake of gaining access to the use of alcohol or drugs, who have previously committed crimes.

3. The following personality types of female criminals are distinguished:

by the type of motivation for criminal behavior, selfish and violent types;

according to the persistence of a criminogenic orientation: professional, criminogenic (criminally active), careless (situational), accidental.

This typology of the personality of female criminals must be taken into account when carrying out preventive activities, when choosing adequate measures of influence on a female person, when sentencing women who have committed a crime, as well as when executing a punishment imposed by a court and when providing assistance in resocialization of these persons.

4. The main areas of prevention of female crime should include:

the formation of an effective criminal policy, adequate to the changes in crime, including that of women;

implementation of programs aimed at increasing the level social guarantees, protection of motherhood, childhood, support of poor women, disabled people, single mothers, orphans, pensioners;

the formation of state standards aimed at increasing the accessibility of the educational level of women, qualifications, reducing the level of unemployment, countering discrimination in the labor market;

development and implementation of measures aimed at improving physical health women, raising the level of morality, spirituality, the formation of a legal culture and positive public opinion in terms of intolerance towards persons who break the law.

The structure and scope of work are determined by the goals and objectives of the study. the thesis consists of an introduction, main part, conclusion, bibliography of used sources and applications.

The introduction reveals the relevance of the research topic, the degree of its knowledge in science, defines the purpose, objectives of the research, as well as the object and subject of research.

In the structure of the main part of the work there are three chapters, combining ... paragraphs: the first chapter is devoted to the criminological characteristics of female crime; the second chapter presents the criminological characteristics of the personality of a woman-criminal; in the third chapter, the main directions of the prevention of female crime are determined.

The conclusion of the work contains the main conclusions based on the results of the study.

The work contains four appendices with graphic materials on the research topic.

Chapter I. Criminological characteristics of female crime

§ 1. The concept of female crime. Historical aspects Problems

The criminological approach to the definition of any type of crime (minors, women, urban, rural, recurrent, professional, organized, etc.) is based on the general concept of crime, traditional for criminological science, developed and scientifically substantiated in the late 60s. XX century professor N.F. Kuznetsova, as "a relatively massive, historically changeable, socio-legal phenomenon, characterized by a set of crimes and persons committing them, in a certain territory, for a certain period of time." about this: Prokopenko, E.A. Female juvenile delinquency as an object of criminological study / E.A. Prokopenko // Society and Law. - 2010. - No. 5. - P. 265.

V.A. Serebryakova, understanding by female crime the crime of adult women (from 18 years of age and older), interprets it as "an integral part of general phenomenon criminality, which dialectically interacts with its other parts (criminality of men, minors) and not only depends on the state of the latter, but in turn itself has a noticeable effect on them "Serebryakova, VA Features of female criminality and its prevention: Method. allowance / V.A. Serebryakova. - Moscow: All-Union Institute for the Study of the Causes and Development of Crime Prevention Measures, 1984. - p. 8.

T.N. Volkova, Volkova, T.N. Problems of serving sentences and resocialization of women sentenced to imprisonment: dis. ... Cand. jurid. Sciences: 12.00.08 / T.N. Volkova. - M., 1995 .-- p. 13 in his dissertation research claims that the process of separating female crime is documented already at the dawn of Christianity and is associated with the activities of the "Manichaean" sect headed by the preacher Manes. The idea of ​​the antagonism of good and evil, their constant struggle, in the teachings of Manes, changes the original "spiritual" essence and receives material justification. In the theory of Manes, evil is identified with the devil and his "earthly agents - witches and sorcerers."

In society, T.N. Volkov, where the religious worldview prevailed, the concept of crime and the criminal was included in the framework of theological categories, which introduced certain conventions and restrictions in the study of female crime, as well as crime in general. At the same time, the sources that have come down to us ancient law testify that women criminals have always been subject to special public contempt and severe punishment by the state.

Revealing in his article the historical approach to the problem of female crime, E.V. KunzKunts, E.V. Historical approach to the problem of female crime / E.V. Kunz // Bulletin of OSU. - 2003. - № 6. - P. 57 confirms this, based on the works of Seneca and Lombroso: "Referring to the most ancient authors, Gellius says that neither in Rome, nor in the whole of Latvia, women were not supposed to drink strong wines, and to prove their abstinence and strict observance of the laws, they kissed their relatives, thereby convincing them that women did not smell of wine.According to Cato the Elder, in the early period of the Roman Republic drinking women not only enjoyed the most ill repute, but were punished in the same way in court as those who cheated on their husbands.

In India, women who consumed alcohol were severely punished, for example, a Brahmin's wife, convicted of drunkenness, was expelled from the house, and a vessel from which they drank wine was burned on her forehead with a hot iron.

In Africa, a woman who overheard the secrets of her husband had her ears cut off, and her lips were cut off to divulge them.

Another serious crime at that time was considered a violation of marital fidelity. For all primitive peoples, the adultery of a married woman is seen as a violation by her not of the laws of chastity, but of the rights of men.

According to the laws of the Hottentots, a husband had the right to kill his wife if she was convicted of adultery without his permission. Witchcraft and possession by evil spirits were considered the most serious crimes of women in the Middle Ages. "

In his monograph "Woman, Criminal or Prostitute" Cesare Lombroso emphasizes that in criminology, poisoning belonged to a group of fairly frequent crimes committed by women: "Caesar said that the Gauls had such a custom when one of them died , burned with him and all his wives, if only there was the slightest suspicion of his unnatural death. This procedure was necessary due to the frequency of poisoning. ... In the consulate of Claudius Marcellus and Titus Valerius in Rome, a conspiracy of 170 patrician women was discovered, who were poisoned among married men such devastation that it could be attributed to an epidemic ... In Egypt, during the time of the Ptolemies, infidelity and poisoning spread among women epidemically. that the king was to create a special tribunal, the Chambre royale de PArsénale and whether the Chambre ardente, whose duty was to deal exclusively with cases of poisoning ... "Lombroso, C. Woman, criminal or prostitute / Cesare Lombroso; per. with ital. - M .: Potpourri, 2004 .-- p. 222 - 223.

Doctor of Law, Professor V.V. Luneev notes that the scientific study of female crime, its causes, the personality of offenders, their prevention deviant behavior began in the nineteenth century: "Statistician A. Quetelet, being at the mercy of the emerging criminological theory of factors and studying the statistical patterns of crime, believed that" the attraction to commit crimes depends on the age, sex of a person, his profession, degree of education, season and so on. "Paul

person was considered by him, along with other factors, one of the determinants of crime "Luneev, V.V. Characteristics and causes of women's crime / Actual problems of criminal law and criminal procedure; Ed. I.B. Mikhailovskaya. - M .: In- t state-va and law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009. - p. 3.

Almost all authors unanimously associate the beginning of scientific research on the problem of female crime with the name of Cesare Lombroso, who, as a result of serious empirical research, revealed the relationship between the psychological characteristics of female criminals and the crimes they commit.

Revealing aspects of the fight against female crime in pre-revolutionary Russia, Candidate of Historical Sciences S.V. Voroshilov, Voroshilova, S.V. Aspects of the fight against female crime in pre-revolutionary Russia / S.V. Voroshilova // Information security of the regions. - 2011. - № 1. - P. 135 focuses on the fact that in the criminal law of Russia in the nineteenth century, the differences between male and female criminality were distinguished. The researcher relies on the opinion of Ya.A. Orovich about this: Ibid, p. 135, according to which the influence of gender was expressed in the following: firstly, only a woman could be the subject of some crimes; secondly, only a woman could be a victim of some crimes; thirdly, in some cases, the severity of punishment was mitigated for women.

In general, the problem of female crime was relevant for Russia. In his work L.A. Kiryushina Kiryushina, L.A. The personality of a woman in the mechanism of a crime and its significance for a forensic methodology for investigating crimes of a particular type: author. dis. ... Cand. jurid. Sciences: 12.00.09 / L.A. Kiryushin. - Barnaul, 2007 .-- p. 15 cites data from 1908 that the bailiffs at that time had 33298 criminal cases of murder in proceedings. Among those sentenced to hard labor, 11.5% were women, 57% of whom were murderers.

The first attempts to study female crime in Russia were undertaken by P.N. Tarnovskaya, who was a follower of the ideas of Lombroso, who divided, according to the results of her research, female murderers into two groups (“killers influenced by the urge of passion or passionate impulse” and “murderers with suppressed perception”). But, as L.A. Kiryushin, at that time these results were not considered as a basis for the criminalistic classification of crimes and were not properly taken into account by criminologists when developing a methodology for investigating crimes, despite the fact that at that time in forensic science, which acquired the status of an independent science, many interesting studies appeared. concerning the peculiarities of the investigation of certain types of crimes.

Women's crime was also investigated in the early 20s of the last century, this follows from the analysis of the study of materials from the activities of the Moscow Cabinet on the study of criminals and crime. At the meetings of this cabinet, in particular, the question of the study of infanticide was discussed. Speaking about female crime, one cannot fail to mention the famous Russian criminologist M.N. Gernett, who devoted a significant part of his works to the study of female crime. He studied various types of crimes committed by women, with particular emphasis on infanticide. In Russia at the end of the 19th century, there were 3940 women per 70 men convicted of him. about this: Ilchenko, O. Yu. Criminological characteristics of female crime / O. Yu. Ilchenko // Criminology: yesterday, today, tomorrow. - 2012. - No. 26. - S. 67..

“As it would be erroneous to explain the insignificant participation of a man in the commission of this crime by his special pity for newborns, it would be wrong to assume that the cause of infanticide is the cruelty of a woman. what famous views modern society for illegitimate birth "Ibid.

It should be noted that the works of M.N. Gernett clearly presents the development of the sociological direction in the study of the problems of female crime. Using an analysis of the statistics of crimes committed by women over the period of the 19th - early 20th centuries, a major Russian lawyer gave some explanations for its reasons: public life... As an example to confirm his conclusions, M.N. Gernett compares the Balkan states with their complete alienation of women from public life, where this type of crime is of the least importance, and England, where broad rights of women contribute to the growth of women's crimes "See about this: Volkova, TN Problems of serving sentences and resocialization women sentenced to imprisonment: dis ... candidate of legal sciences: 12.00.08 / T.N. Volkova. - M., 1995. - p. 19.

Research by M.N. Gernet, which continued in Soviet times, revealed such a feature that the lowest percentage of women in crime was registered in the Transcaucasian Republic, and the highest in the RSFSR. The reasons for this discrepancy were rooted in the enslavement of women, which had not yet been completely abolished.

Studying the structure of female crime, M.N. Gernet deduced the following pattern. Attention is drawn to the high percentage of widowed delinquents: in cities there are 19.6%, in rural areas - 28.6%. Out of every hundred women convicted of preparing, selling and storing alcoholic beverages, there were 41.5% widows in the city, and even 53.3% in villages, or out of every hundred widows convicted of all crimes, there were moonshiners in the village 30.9 %; those who evaded paying government duties - 9.8%; convicted of theft - 11.1% (in the city even 19.9%); for insulting words and actions - 7.5% (in the city - 9.6%); for blows and beatings - 5.5% (in the city - 4.7%). The more a woman's life approaches the life of a man in terms of its conditions, the closer the crime in size to the male one See about this: Ilchenko, O.Yu. Criminological characteristics of female crime / O. Yu. Ilchenko // Criminology: yesterday, today, tomorrow. - 2012. - No. 26. - S. 68.

Deep social upheavals in Russian history took place in the period 1905-1917, which resulted in the coming to power of the Bolshevik government and the publication of doctrinal guidelines aimed at accelerating the process of women's emancipation. The consequence of this emancipation was an increase in the number of female crime (conducting a retrospective analysis of female crime, R.Yu. Lagvilava Lagvilava, R.Yu.Criminality of women: a retrospective analysis / R.Yu. 106 cites the data of criminal statistics of the USSR, according to which by 1926 the share of female criminals in the total mass of criminals approached 20%). R.Yu. Lagvilava notes that information about the state of female crime in 1930-1950. are negligible and, referring to the study of female crime conducted by V.A. Serebryakova, makes a conclusion about the unusually high crime rate among women in the post-war years. According to the data given in the work of V.A. Serebryakova, in the 1950s. the number of women convicted amounted to more than 30% of all criminals, and the quality side of their acts was represented by the theft of state, public and personal property (32%), as well as violent crimes, which retained fairly stable indicators (about 20%) See about this: Ibid. , P. 107.

After 1961-1962 and in subsequent years, according to V.A. Serebryakova, there is a certain stabilization in the crime of women. In general, the ratio between male and female crime was characterized in 1962-1963. as 4: 1, in 1964 - 5: 1, in 1971 - 1975. - 6:

1. The structure of crimes was dominated by the types of crimes characteristic of women: theft, fraud, aiding in criminal activity. The participation of women in violent crimes was negligible.

The situation with female crime began to drastically change for the worse in the second half of the 1980s, during the period of perestroika in the USSR Ibid, p. 107.

T.N. Volkova, in her book "Women's Crime in Modern Russia (Criminological and Penitentiary Problems)", examining women's crime, highlights the modern period (1986-2000). Considering contemporary female crime, the author defines a kind of starting point - the beginning of the "perestroika" period in Russian society, when socio-economic and political changes entailed significant changes in the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of female crime. In his work, the author points out the tendencies of an increase in the criminal activity of women, characteristic of this period, increasing cruelty and moral degradation of criminals See about this: Chernyshova, E.R. Criminological characteristics of modern female crime and its prevention: Author's abstract. dis. ... Cand. jurid. Sciences: 12.00.08 / E.R. Chernyshov. - Rostov n / a., 2007 .-- p. 17..

For the study of contemporary female crime, it is not only quantitative changes that seem important. The specificity of the criminal manifestations of women, their tendency to growth determines the need for a substantive study of this type of crime. In this regard, it is necessary to determine the essence, patterns and forms of manifestation of encroachments committed by female persons, to highlight their classification characteristics, to determine the place of these crimes in the structure of crime.

These tasks can be solved in two ways or approaches - criminal law and criminological, which should be consistent and comprehensive. The criminal law approach is based on the legal characterization of the signs of corpus delicti, as well as literal and exact adherence to the prescriptions of the legislator when qualifying a criminal action (inaction). It is he who makes it possible to single out the corpus delicti for which women are criminally liable. So, the analysis of the provisions of Chapter 4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) Russian Federation. The laws. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: federal law: adopted by the State Duma on May 24, 1996, No. 63-FZ // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1996. - No. 25. - Art. 2954. "Persons subject to criminal responsibility" does not allow a woman, in the literal sense of the word, to be called the subject of a crime, under which, in the form of a general collective term, there is the wording - "a sane natural person who has reached the age." (Art. 19 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the same). Nevertheless, on the basis of an analysis of the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, only one composition was found (Article 106 of the Criminal Code of the RFTam - "Murder by a mother of a newborn child"), in which a woman appears as the subject of a crime. Taking into account this approach, the study of female crime should be limited to the study of only crimes designated by Article 106 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation. The laws. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: federal law: adopted by the State Duma on May 24, 1996, No. 63-FZ // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1996. - No. 25. - Art. 2954..

This approach, according to E.R. Chernyshova Chernyshova, E.R. Criminological characteristics of modern female crime and its prevention: Author's abstract. dis. ... Cand. jurid. Sciences: 12.00.08 / E.R. Chernyshov. - Rostov n / a., 2007 .-- p. 19 is considered narrow and does not meet the specific objectives of criminological research. Today, the criminal-legal characteristics of crimes committed by women are represented by almost the entire list of compositions provided for by a special part of criminal legislation, which indicates a sufficient prevalence this phenomenon in the structure of all crime.

The criminological approach should be used as the main approach for a more detailed, in-depth and comprehensive analysis of female crime. It is more specific and analyzes crime from the standpoint of scientific developments not only of criminal law, but also of other branches of knowledge. The main thing here is system analysis, a distinctive feature of which is its complexity. In criminological analysis, a crime is considered, firstly, in the process of interaction between a person and a specific life situation; secondly, not as a one-time act, but as a definite process unfolded in space and time. These aspects of analysis are closely related to an integrated approach to the assessment of crimes, are not only theoretical, but also practical. They are especially clearly manifested when, in the study of crimes, their features are revealed, taking into account which measures for preventive influence are differentiated. These aspects of the analysis provide, in addition, the opportunity to concretize the characteristics of crimes, to single out homogeneous groups of acts, to study their specifics. So, for example, it is possible to single out crimes that are similar in nature and degree of social danger, motives, methods of achieving a criminal goal, specific characteristics of the subject of the crime, etc. Consequently, the crime of women meets the logic and foundations of the criminological approach, where the gender characteristics of the subject are the criterion for combining all crimes.

Thus, female crime is a set of crimes committed by women, is part of general crime and is characterized by a number of qualitative and quantitative features and, accordingly, the prevention of such crimes also has a certain originality. The study of problems associated with female crime has long been an object of study by both foreign and Russian specialists in the field of criminology, sociology, psychology and other branches of scientific knowledge, which is due to the special place of women in the system of social relations, the importance of the social roles they play , as well as extremely unfavorable consequences of their criminal behavior.

If initially in criminology there were anthropological and biological approaches to the study of the problems of female crime, then at the present stage of development, the most complete and comprehensive approach is the gender approach, which makes it possible to understand the differences in male and female types of crime, to identify and assess the determination of the commission of crimes, to scientifically substantiate the patterns of male crime. and female individual criminal behavior. Based on this knowledge, measures can be reasonably developed and taken to prevent female crime.

§ 2. Trends of modern female crime in the Russian Federation and the Murmansk region

Despite the difference in views regarding the nature and essence of female crime, she stood out in all historical periods of social development Kramar, D.S. Women's drug-related crime as the main source of information about its causal and preventive complexes / D.S. Kramar // Gaps in Russian legislation. - 2011. - No. 4. - S. 126.

According to B.P. Ilyin, “it is possible to identify female specificity (as well as male) only by comparing them with representatives of the opposite sex, and not by studying women (or men) in isolation” Ilyin, P.Ye. Differential psychophysiology of men and women / P.E. Ilyin. - SPb .: Peter, 2003 .-- p. 56. In this regard, V.N. Back in the 60-70s of the last century, Kudryavtsev pointed out that "criminal statistics have long known that crime among men is 8-10 times higher than crime among the female part of the population." about this: Kachaeva, M.A. Gender aspects of the characteristics of aggressive crimes committed by women / M.A. Kachaeva // Russian Psychiatric Journal. - 2010. - No. 6. - P. 20.. Today this ratio has changed somewhat, but not in favor of the latter: the crime rate among men is 5-7 times higher than the crime rate among women.

According to some researchers, the proportion of female crime is declining. So, E.V. Kunz asserts: "... by analyzing the data on the proportion of crime among women in the total number of persons who have committed crimes over the past few years, one can trace its gradual decrease" Kunz, E.V. Criminological and socio-psychological characteristics of female minors who have committed crimes // Vestnik ChelGU. - 2011. - No. 31. - [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http: //

One can hardly agree with this position, since statistics show otherwise. tab. 1 in Appendix 1.

According to the information provided on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation: official site. - [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https: // (hereinafter - the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation), the proportion of women who have committed crimes in the total number of persons who have committed crimes in 2010 was 15.51 %. In the period 2011 - 2013. there was a slight decrease in the proportion of female criminals (for example, in the period from 2010 to 2011, the indicator decreased by 0.21 points; in 2012, compared to 2010, the proportion of female crime in the structure of total crime decreased by 0, 24 percentage points). Nevertheless, in 2013 the proportion of the number of women who committed crimes increases (the increase is 0.16%), and in 2014 it reaches 15.72%, i.e. reaches a maximum over the studied five years.

The growth rates of the total number of persons who have committed crimes and the dynamics of the growth rates among women criminals in the Russian Federation are presented in Fig. 1 of Appendix 1. rice. 1 Appendix 1. The total number of identified persons, including women who committed crimes, had multidirectional dynamics. So, in the period from 2010-2012, there was a decrease in growth rates, and in 2011 number of women who committed a crime decreased more than the number of all criminals. In 2013, the growth rate in the number of women who committed crimes significantly exceeded the growth rate in the total number of persons who committed crimes. And in 2014, there was a multidirectional dynamics - the total number of criminals decreased by 0.65%, while female crime increased by 1.21%.

Analysis of statistical data tab. 1 Appendix 2, presented on the website of the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Murmansk Region Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Murmansk Region: the official website. - [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https: // 51., about the state of crime in the Murmansk region show a greater proportion of female criminals in comparison with all-Russian indicators. If in 2010 the all-Russian indicator of the proportion of women in the overall structure of crime in the Russian Federation was 15.51%, and in the Murmansk region 15.07% (which is 0.44 percentage points lower), then in 2011 the proportion of women in the region who committed crimes increased in comparison with 2010 by 1.96%, and in 2012 the increase was already 3% (in comparison with the all-Russian indicator of the proportion of female criminals in 2012 - 2.8%). During the five-year period under study, the number of women in the Murmansk region who have committed crimes is growing. In 2014, this indicator reached its maximum for the period 2010 - 2014. values ​​- 20.17%, which is almost 4.5% higher than the average for the Russian Federation. This dynamics is certainly characterized as unfavorable.

In this situation, not only is the negative tendency of an increase in female crime confirmed, but it can also be concluded that there is a real regional differentiation of crime in general and female crime in particular.

Appendix 2 rice. 1 Appendix 2. also illustrated the dynamics of the growth rate of the total number of identified persons who committed crimes and women criminals in the Murmansk region. The diagram shows a higher growth rate of female crime in the Murmansk region than in the Russian Federation as a whole. The highest growth rate was recorded in 2011 (15.97%). By 2014, the growth rate had slowed down.

Based on the analysis of statistical data, it can also be concluded that in the general structure of crime, female crime over the past five years has occupied a fairly strong position, its level has not decreased beyond 15%, and in the Murmansk region, the proportion of female crime fluctuated over the analyzed period of time. from 15 to 20%, on average for five years, female crime was at the level of 17.76%, which is 2.22% higher than the same indicator in the Russian Federation on average.

At the same time, we note some subjectivity of the data, since the analysis did not take into account latent crime. A fairly significant number of criminals manage to hide the traces of crimes, in addition, not all victims declare that they have committed a crime, as a result of this, many crimes are not reflected in the accounting of criminal offenses. R.Yu. also draws attention to this. Lagvilava, citing the statement of E.V. Kunz that in recent years in our country latent crime is approximately 4: 1, i.e. there are four unrecorded crimes per one registered crime. See about this: Lagvilava, R.Yu. Crime of women: a retrospective analysis / R.Yu. Lagvilava // Territory of Science. - 2014. - No. 3. - P. 109..

MM. Babaev believes: "The real volume of crime in modern Russia is measured in the order of 10 million criminally punishable crimes per year." about this: Kriventsov, P.A. Determination of the latency of crime / P.A. Kryventsov // Gaps in Russian legislation. - 2013. - No. 6. - S. 225..

Professor V.V. Luneev gives the following assessment of this phenomenon: "With a real crime of 12-15 million acts (estimate), no more than 3 million are registered in our country, or 20-25% of the actual crimes committed, of which about 10% of offenders are identified and condemned to various types of punishments. about 5 people per 100 persons who actually committed a crime. Latent crime annually approaches 80% or more of real crime (in European countries - about 50%) "Ibid. ... For us, of course, not only the size of this phenomenon is important, but also the fact that the latency of crimes contributes to impunity, and latent crime, to a certain extent, contributes to the manifestation of the worst aspects of social imitation.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the well-known criminological axiom of "inverse dependence of the level of latency", according to which, the lower the degree of social danger of an act, the higher the level of its latency, and vice versa. Taking this regularity as a basis, we are able to draw a conclusion about more high level latency of female crime, since it is traditionally believed that crimes committed by women in most cases pose a lower degree of social danger than similar acts of men.

However, there is another reason why crimes committed by women have a higher degree of latency. The reason lies in the fact that a significant part of the illegal behavior of women is in the sphere of so-called natural latency, which is characterized by the absence of real or imaginary victims (for example, in the sphere of illegal drug and weapon trafficking, in the credit and financial sphere, in the commission of malfeasance, etc.) .NS.).

At the present stage of development of society, a woman is engaged in labor in those industries that have long been considered female (education, healthcare, trade, culture). Undisputed is the wider employment of women in the credit and financial and banking systems, in government bodies, as well as a greater number of women hired workers in the field of entrepreneurial activity, in the provision of services, and in the household sphere.

It should be noted that crimes committed by women on the basis of family and domestic conflicts also have a high degree of latency, especially such as bodily harm, beatings, torture, etc.

Special attention deserve to be killed by the mother of their young children. A significant number of facts of their death as a result of the mother's criminal behavior remain latent, since death occurs as a result of the mother's inaction or, for example, when the child is left in danger Makhmudova, M.A. Problems of murders of newborn children by mothers: regional aspect / M.A. Makhmudova // Issues of juvenile justice. - 2007. - No. 1. - P. 28..

According to some estimates, the latency of certain types of crimes is extremely high. If we take the registered acts by type per unit, then the latency for murders can be 2, for grievous bodily harm - 4.9, hooliganism - 27.9, robbery - 33.8, robbery - 57.7, theft - 151.7, fraud - 65.6, bribery - 2935, extortion - 17500. Alekseeva, A.P. Latent criminality: concept, reasons, methods of measurement and counteraction: Textbook. manual / A.P. Alekseeva, A.G. Zablotskaya, E.E. Sausage. - Volgograd: VA Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2011. - p. 51. Highly latent crimes are considered theft, which is the most common crime among women.

Thus, taking into account the characteristics of certain types of female crime, one can state a higher degree of latency of crimes committed by women.

One of the methods of studying the social danger of crime is to identify the ratio of crimes of varying severity. This is also true in the analysis of female crime. The author analyzed 240 criminal cases in which women were accused and in which sentences were passed by the Leninsky District Court of Murmansk. The period covered is the period 2006-2014, the basis of the study was the sentences in criminal cases contained in the Database of decisions on criminal cases of the Murmansk region of the Internet portal RospravosvodieRospravosudiye: an Internet portal. - [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https: //

The analysis made it possible to identify the ratio of crimes of varying severity committed by women in 2010-2014 and to determine the structure of crimes presented in the diagram in Appendix 3. rice. 1 Appendix 3. In female crime, minor (51%) and moderate (26%) crimes dominate. Especially grave crimes account for only 5%. However, as the researchers note (V.A.Lelekov, Lelekov, V.A. access: http: //, T.V. Urusova Urusova, T.V. Dynamics of crimes against families and minors committed by women in Russia T.V. Urusova // Bulletin of the VI Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. - 2014. - No. 4 - [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http: // there is an intensive growth of grave acts in the period from 2004-2013.

In order to reflect the trends in female crime, special attention must be paid to the increase in female juvenile delinquency. Analysis of statistical data indicates an increase in the proportion of female juvenile delinquency - the proportion of female minors averaged 5-7.3% Kunz, E.V. Criminological and socio-psychological characteristics of female minors who have committed crimes / E.V. Kunz // Bulletin of ChelSU. - 2011. - No. 31. - [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http: // The criminal behavior of such persons poses an increased danger, since their criminal activity often does not differ from adults, and in some parameters even surpasses the latter.

As some researchers note, juvenile criminals often have special cruelty, aggressiveness, and organization. According to G.I. Shvedinskaya, unfavorable tendencies and alarming demographic processes naturally determine the further growth of female juvenile delinquency. In addition, female juvenile delinquency, according to the author, is the basis for the reproduction of common female delinquency - 75% of all female criminals committed their first juvenile delinquency. about this: Kazakova, D.R. Juvenile criminals imprisoned and the prevention of their criminal behavior: Author's abstract. dis. ... Cand. jurid. Sciences: 12.00.08 / D.R. Kazakov. - Ryazan, 2008 .-- 28 p. ... It is also necessary to take into account the danger of an increase in the crime of juvenile women, since the change of generations will lead to a further exacerbation of violence in society.

Attention is drawn to the fact that the number of women who have previously committed crimes has increased. This is evidenced by the statistics of the Main Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation: official website. - [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https: // for 2010-2014, reflected in Table 1 of Appendix 3 tab. 1 Appendix 3.

As can be seen from the above table, there was an increase in the proportion of criminals from 16% in 2010 to 16.92% in 2014. These data confirm the opinion of many authors that the personality traits of female criminals are manifested in a more persistent antisocial orientation, greater social and moral degradation. It is more difficult for them, in comparison with male criminals, to overcome the path of resocialization. Lack of an official source of income after release from prison, of own housing, torn family and social connections, alcohol or drug addiction - all this leads to repeated commission of illegal acts by a woman.

So, female crime occupies a stable place in the structure of general crime both in the Russian Federation as a whole and in the Murmansk region. The analysis of statistical data allows us to summarize the fact that the quantitative characteristics of female crime vary by region.

Taking into account the characteristics of certain types of female crime, one can state a higher degree of latency of crimes committed by women. On this basis, it can be assumed that the analysis is not objective and the real indicators of female crime in the Murmansk region and in the country as a whole are characterized by higher rates.

A quantitative analysis of crimes committed by women also allows us to conclude that:

1) modern female crime tends to grow, which is an unfavorable prognosis both for the general crime situation in the country and the region, and directly for the phenomenon under study;

2) there is a trend towards an increase in the number of grave and especially grave criminal offenses committed by women;

3) the number of recidivism among women who have previously committed a crime is growing.

Based on this, it can be concluded that it is necessary to work intensively on the prevention of female crime.

§ 3. Qualitative characteristics of female crime

The real growth of modern crime cannot but influence it quality characteristics... This is clearly seen in the analysis of contemporary female crime. As M.L. Podolyuk, female criminality is influenced by general laws, since it is part of the general criminality Podolyuk, M.L. Criminological characteristics and prevention of murders committed by women: Dis .... Cand. jurid. Sciences: 12.00.08 / M.L. Podolyuk. - M., 2011. - S. 54..

The qualitative uniqueness of modern female crime can be traced by such an indicator as the structure of crime. The structure of crime is determined as the ratio of specific types and groups of crimes from their total mass, taking into account criminal law or criminological criteria. Characterizing the structure of crime, the following indicators are distinguished:

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43.Prevention of official and corruption crime.

In the fight against official and corruption-related crime, prevention is important, i.e. positive impact on its causes and conditions, prevention and suppression of criminal activities of individuals.

Measures of this warning are:

improving the legal framework for combating official and corruption crime;

improving the work of the state apparatus and procedures for resolving issues; clear legal regulation official activity of officials; providing them with salaries and services that ensure a decent standard of living;

improving the selection and placement of personnel in the state apparatus, dismissal from public service of persons who have violated ethical standards of conduct associated with the exercise of official powers;

development and implementation at the federal and regional levels of long-term targeted programs to combat official and corruption crime;

implementation of increased control over the income and expenses of state, municipal and other categories of employees, over the types of their activities, most associated with the possibility of committing official and corruption crimes;

ensuring the safety of persons engaged in the fight against official and corruption crimes, as well as their family members;

increasing the level of law enforcement activities to prevent and suppress the facts of commission of official and corruption crimes;

improving the interaction of all law enforcement agencies in the prevention and suppression of these crimes;

establishment and implementation of administrative supervision over persons who have been convicted of serious official and corruption crimes;

the use of the media and the education system, all civil society institutions to actively promote the awareness of the country's citizens of the danger of corruption and thereby reduce the level of public tolerance for its manifestations.

44. General characteristics of female crime.

The criminal behavior of women differs from the criminal behavior of men by a causative complex, methods and tools, the scale and nature of the commission of crimes, the choice of the victim of a criminal offense and other elements.

These features are associated with the historically determined place of a woman in the system of social relations, her social roles and functions, her biological and psychological specifics.

The most common crimes of women are crimes of a selfish orientation, that is, female crime is more inherent in selfish motivation than violently aggressive.

Violent female crime is of the nature of family and household. About a third of violent crimes are committed by women under the influence of alcohol or drugs. An increasing number of women are committing violent crimes outside the family sphere.

These include:

45 Causes and conditions of female delinquency.

Causes of women's crime:

1) Active participation women in social production;

2) the weakening of social institutions, and primarily of the family;

3) increased tension in society, the emergence of conflicts and hostility in it;

4) the growth of antisocial phenomena such as drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, vagrancy and begging.

As a result, it can be concluded that the employment of women in hard, low-skilled work can have serious criminogenic consequences. After all, such work is not valued, it is easy to quit, and as a result, theft, prostitution, etc. become a source of livelihood.

an important phenomenon affecting female crime is the weakening of social institutions, and primarily of the family. Do not forget that a woman has to combine her professional activities with family and maternal responsibilities. As a result, she constantly works with overloads, constantly experiences fatigue, nervous tension, a woman may develop high anxiety because of this, mental disorders, state of maladjustment, etc. A woman ceases to value her family, work, outwardly easily throws both one and the other, begins to lead an antisocial lifestyle. The workload of women is especially great if there are minor children in the family.

The last of the above listed phenomena and processes contributing to the growth of female crime is drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, vagrancy and begging. The closeness to the crime of alcoholism, drug addiction and prostitution is obvious. Alcoholics, drug addicts often commit crimes with the aim of acquiring alcoholic beverages or drugs, or commit criminal offenses while intoxicated.

Causes of female crime depend on socio-economic and biological factors.

These include:

1) weakening of the family policy of the state and intra-family relationships (lack of special care for the children of a working woman);

2) activating women in public relations and changing their social positions and roles (employment is fraught with many obstacles);

3) the crisis of socio-economic institutions (the family in the last decade has been characterized by a higher degree of conflict in relations between spouses, lack of a permanent place of residence);

4) an increase in the number of women who abuse alcohol, drugs.

46. ​​Preventing female delinquency.

Measures to prevent and prevent crimes committed by women:

1) long-term, associated with the need to develop a program on the status of women, aimed at improving all spheres of women's life and improving the moral microclimate of society;

2) development of a system of educational measures, taking into account the characteristics of a woman's behavior;

3) analysis of the situation at work, in the family, in everyday life in order to identify the factors that provoke women to commit crimes;

4) measures aimed at preventing specific crimes committed by women;

5) measures aimed at preventing various offenses leading to the commission of crimes (drunkenness, drug addiction);

6) social adaptation of women after serving their sentence in a colony.

In preventive work with women who may commit or have committed a crime, it is necessary to widely apply humanity and mercy, understanding the reasons and motives that pushed them to criminal or immoral acts, the desire to help them get out of the vicious circle, to understand their own lives. Along with general social measures for the prevention of female crime, it is important to widely apply such measures of a special criminological nature as the identification of dysfunctional families; establishing in them the sources of negative influence on women; detection and elimination of facts and causes of social and everyday conflicts; the implementation of a preventive effect on persons who have a desocializing effect on family members (previously convicted, prone to depression, conflicts, psychological incompatibility, etc.); provision of social assistance to families with a low level of material security; organization of helpline operation; creation of special premises for reception for temporary accommodation for women abused; timely treatment of persons with mental disabilities; assistance to previously convicted women in adaptation to a new life, etc.

Women's crime is a collection of crimes committed by women. It is part of the general crime. This crime has certain characteristics associated with the social role and functions of a woman, a peculiar way of life and professional activity, psychophysiological specifics, as well as with its historically determined place in the system of social relations. With a change in the social conditions and lifestyle of a woman, her social roles, the nature and methods of her criminal behavior change.

The criminological features of female crime are:

1) relatively constant, but with a growth trend, the volume and level of crime;

2) the dependence of the level of female crime on the socio-economic characteristics of different regions of the country;

3) the prevalence of selfish encroachments in the structure of female crime;

4) some rapprochement of female and male criminality by types of crimes and methods of their commission;

5) an increase in the participation of women in the commission of group crimes (up to 40% of women's crimes), as well as an increase (up to 10% of the number of all criminals) in the number of women recidivists;

6) dependence of female criminality on alcoholism and drug addiction among women;

7) rejuvenation of female crime;

8) the impact on female crime of social and psychophysical characteristics of a woman's personality;

Throughout the 20th century, the volume (state) of female crime was 5-7 times less than the corresponding indicators of male crime. In recent years, however, there has been a trend towards a slight increase in female crime (up to 3% annually). At the same time, the number of identified women who have committed serious crimes has more than quadrupled.

Considering female crime by region, it should be noted that in those regions where the overall crime rate is higher, the female crime rate is also growing.

The structure of female crime is represented mainly by mercenary crimes related to the professional activities of women. The most typical for them are thefts, committed by means of appropriation, waste or abuse of trust (18 - 20% of women 's crimes), consumer fraud (13 - 14%); theft (15%), extortion, fraud. In the total number of registered crimes of women, the share of selfish encroachments is approximately 45-50%. It has not diminished even now.

Studies show that women, in terms of criminological characteristics of the crimes committed, are increasingly approaching men. Women are increasingly involved in violent and other serious crimes.

Serious crimes against the person are committed by women mainly in the sphere of family and domestic relations. In this case, the victims most often became husbands, roommates, de

and other close relatives of women. The main motives for these crimes are the resolution of protracted family conflicts, sometimes jealousy, self-interest.

Traditionally, it is a crime for women to organize or run dens for prostitution. Criminal activity of women is also noted in the commission of such crimes as libel, insult, and false denunciation. There have been cases of a woman's complicity in committing rape.

Of the total number of identified criminals, approximately 30 - 40% commit criminal offenses in a state of intoxication. The crimes of women associated with the use of narcotic and powerful drugs by them are becoming more and more widespread.

There is a rejuvenation of female criminality, however, the age of the majority of female criminals is still over 35 years old, which is due to the specifics of the conditions that determine female criminality. With a constant increase in female crime, the highest rates of its growth in the last decade were noted in the groups of women aged 25-29 (+ 82.8%) and 18-24 (+ 80.8%). The indicated age groups in the structure of female crime make up about 30%;

The nature of the crimes committed by women, their direction, the ways they are committed largely depend on the characteristics of a woman as a person. In terms of age, social status, the influence of previous convictions and some other personality traits, female criminals, as a rule, do not have large deviations from the average statistical indicators.

At the same time, the educational level of female offenders has always been higher than that of male offenders. In the last decade, the increase in female criminals with a higher education to the total number of criminals was 70 - 80%. A significant number of female criminals (about 45%) did not have a permanent job. Problems of the marital status of women are of great importance for female crime. About 50% of female criminals were not officially married at the time of the crime. The percentage of divorce and family breakdown among women after their release from prison is also high.

According to the data of selective studies, about 25% of women sentenced to imprisonment had various mental abnormalities. It is known that for the self-affirmation of women, their assessments from other people, the impression they make on others are very important. Therefore, many of them are characterized by such a trait in behavior as demonstrativeness, exclusivity, which often pushes them to commit certain crimes.


In the study of criminality, criminality is distinguished between men and women, or between men and women. The problem of female crime is far from the most popular and, as a result, not the most developed topic for scientific research. However, there are a number of unique approaches to the study of this issue. Researchers (philosophers, lawyers, sociologists) were initially interested in the question of why women commit crimes. And if there are a number of reasons for that, then the researchers have a question why the criminal behavior of women is much less common than men.

Features of the criminological characteristics of female crime are largely determined by the specifics of the activities of women, their way of life, social positions and roles performed by women in society. This crime reflects the general patterns of crime in general and its changes. Women's crime acts as a subsystem of general crime and is organically interconnected with it.

As you know, women are more vulnerable, physically and psychologically weaker than men. But at the same time, in my opinion, women quickly and easily adapt to the rapidly changing realities of life, and often, where objectively developing circumstances confuse a man, a woman will certainly find a way out.

Currently, there is a great need to study female crime, what sources feed this type of crime in general, what are the reasons for the criminal behavior of women, for the sake of which they allow such actions.

This is necessary due to intensive growth this type of crime in our state. It is necessary due to the fact that the criminal behavior of women has the most negative impact on society, its institutions and communities, especially on the family, on its moral and psychological atmosphere as a whole.

Women's criminality is, as it were, an indicator of the moral health of society, its spirituality, attitude to basic universal values.

The problems of female crime are most urgent at the present time, since according to statistics, there is a steady increase in female crime in our country. Socio-political attitudes, previously recognized moral values ​​in our society, are changing, spiritual culture is falling, traditions and customs are breaking down, according to which the role of a woman is reduced to procreation, the keeper of the home.

Due to a number of biological and psychological factors, a woman is called upon to perform specific functions and roles that make her especially vulnerable in terms of social assessment, public opinion, and the severity of the state's response to abnormal behavior. The purpose of a woman - to become a mother and educator of her children, the cementing "force" of a microelement of society - the family, predetermines the importance of socially approved and permissible forms of behavior that give scope for creative, constructive activity in the sphere of social production, in the family and household sphere.

Since women are distinguished by a special position in the system of functional relations in society, deviations in behavior are most clearly manifested in grave consequences related directly to their personality, families, physical and moral formation of the younger generation, society as a whole. However, the vital activity, the efforts of individual women are directed not at increasing public wealth, but at finding ways and means to extract income in an illegal way that can satisfy material or other needs.

At the same time, the moral damage inflicted on society “is expressed in the fact that women who have embarked on a criminal path, thereby corrupt, demoralize others, especially a negative impact, exerting on the younger generation the fact of their material well-being, achieved through various kinds of machinations, which often remain unrevealed and unpunished ". 1

Successful crime prevention presupposes a preliminary deep analysis of all its constituent parts, current trends and processes and, of course, the reasons. It is equally important to know what exactly is Negative influence this or that phenomenon of crime on society and its basic institutions.

The purpose of this work is to consider such a phenomenon as female crime, its features and methods of prevention.

The main tasks of the work are:

1. Give criminological characteristics of female crime, and consider the main causes of female crime.

2. To get acquainted with the characteristics of the personality of women who have committed a crime.

3. Investigate the problems of preventing female crime.

The urgency of the problem of female crime is determined by a number of circumstances: the commission of a crime by a woman leads to quite significant social dangerous consequences influencing the problem of family education. The moral climate in a family where a woman leads an antisocial lifestyle is, in terms of its impact, extremely dangerous for family members, especially for minors who turn out to be neglected; irreparable harm is caused to children, because the real impact of the family turns out to be practically negative and eliminate it by activities educational organizations becomes complicated.

1. Yavchunovskaya T.M. Criminological characteristics of female crime. Ivanovo, 1990, p. 23

1.State, dynamics and structure of female crime.

Women's crime is a kind of general crime, as an independent criminological problem has begun to form in recent years. This is due to the enrichment of criminological information about female crime, as well as the expansion of the scale of crime among women, an increase in the severity of the crimes they commit.

The problem of female crime was given due attention by many Russian scientists: V.A. Serebryakova, M.N. Golodnyuk, Yu.M. Antonyan, V.G. Zyryanov. The studies carried out have shown the specificity of women's crime, its qualitative and quantitative characteristics, which made it possible to consider it as a relatively independent structural element of all crime.

The criminal behavior of women differs from the criminal behavior of men in a causal complex, in the methods and instruments of committing crimes (for example, when committing crimes, women increasingly use not only "natural charm", but also various technical means, use cold weapons and firearms, the most often - in a group), the scale and nature of their commission, the choice of the victim of a criminal offense and other elements. These features are associated with the historically determined place of a woman in the system of social relations, her social roles and functions, her biological and psychological specifics. At the same time, along with changes in social conditions of life (especially in our time), the role orientations of women, their way of life, the nature of criminal behavior and the ways of carrying out crimes are changing.

In the middle of the 19th century, the researcher of crime I. Wilson (chairman of the statistical department of the Russian Geographical Society, in 1882 was appointed a member of the Senate - the highest judicial and administrative institution of the Russian Empire), speaking about the reasons for the predominance of men among the perpetrators of crimes, noted the following:

“This does not mean that women are more moral than men ... A woman commits crimes against property less often than a man, not because she has a stronger sense of respect for property, but because most women, being economically dependent on men, do not meet the need commit such crimes. "

“A man bears the burden of serving his duties, obtaining funds for the life of his family, therefore, the extreme of oppressive need, which, unfortunately, is a frequent occurrence among our taxable estates. This prompts him to commit a crime ... Mainly under the influence of gender, one must understand the influence of certain social conditions, combined with the position of a woman as a member of society. "


All crimes committed by women can be divided into two main groups related to their professional activities and their family and domestic relations: in the first group, mainly mercenary crimes are committed, and in the second - violent. The first group is much larger in number than the second.

Exploring the structure of female crime, it should be noted that the most common crimes of women are theft of personal, state and public property, embezzlement of state and public property through embezzlement and embezzlement or abuse of office 18-20%. 2

Women are much more likely than men to be punished for cheating customers. First of all, this is explained by the higher, in comparison with men, female employment in such spheres as public catering, trade, services and material and technical supply of the population.

Over the past 15 years, the number of thefts of state and public property committed by women has increased significantly - almost doubled. As for the number of thefts of personal property of citizens, during the same period it increased from 17 to 20%. In other words, every fifth identified criminal is a thief. Of all those who committed theft of state and public property, the proportion of women in different years ranges from 5 to 8%, and among those who committed theft of personal property from 12 to 17%. 3

It is very common for women to steal through the abuse of trust in railway transport and in apartments. Women rarely commit pickpocketing, and if they do, it is in the role of accomplices. But in recent years, they have become more actively involved in burglaries, taking on the duties of spotters, scouts and even direct performers. 4

Among the crimes of women related to their work, bribery is noteworthy. An interesting situation emerges here: in the past, women mainly gave bribes or mediated in bribery, but now the share of those who take bribes has slightly increased. This situation is explained by the increased social activity of women, including in the law enforcement sphere, since among the bribe-takers there were many judges, prosecutors and law enforcement officials. In general, the increase in the number of women among those who have committed malfeasance is a fairly characteristic feature of their criminality. Women who take bribes and commit theft of state and public property consider it a shame to steal the personal property of citizens. Like male kidnappers, they consider stealing from other people.


2. Criminology: a textbook edited by academician V.N. Kudryavtseva.-M.: Lawyer, 1995.-p. 22.

3. Ibid, p.22.

4.Ibid, p. 299-300

unacceptable and shameful occupation.

Fraud occupies an independent place in the crime of women, although these crimes are not so noticeable in their quantitative manifestations. However, they stand out for the complexity of their plot, the cunning and invention of the criminals, the serial number of fraudulent actions, the amount of damage done, the difficulties of disclosure and investigation. The persons who perform them are distinguished by non-standard thinking, dexterity and resourcefulness, artistry, a tendency to acute risky situations in which they (mostly unconsciously) draw deep emotional satisfaction. As the study of this issue shows, women are engaged in fraud, both as part of groups of criminals, which include men, usually performing the role of organizers, and independently, separately.

In most cases, women commit murders, causing harm to health of various degrees of severity on the basis of family and domestic conflicts, where the victim, provoking behavior of the victims often comes to the fore, in whose person the husbands and cohabitants of the perpetrators usually act.

It should be noted that among women, manifestations of serial manic-sexual violent behavior are extremely rare. In the history of world criminology, the place of perpetrators of these crimes firmly belongs to men: Chikatilo, Jack the Ripper, the maniac-murderer Dzhumagaliev, etc. Especially the problematic situation is characterized by the fact that women who commit violent crimes on sexual grounds, in comparison with men, are also few.

The mother's murder of her newborn child continues to be a typical violent crime for women, sometimes referred to as “infanticide”. When a mother kills a newborn child, no special tools and means are used. This is due to the specificity of the object of the assault, that is, the newborn is so weak, fragile and unprotected from the environment and the “tender” hands of the killer mother that there is no need to look for special means to kill him.

An analysis of the general structure of female crime, as well as the criminal-legal characteristics of persons serving a sentence of imprisonment, makes it possible to trace a steady tendency towards an increase in the proportion of criminals who have committed grave violent and mercenary violent crimes, as well as a tendency towards an increase in the number of women involved in the sphere of drug trafficking. Women are especially active in the sale and transportation of drugs, and the age indicators of the perpetrators involved in the illegal trafficking of women are different - from 10 to 60 years old. In many cases, they are pushed to commit crimes that they did not even think about before, outright need.

2. Causes of female delinquency

In the most general terms, the causes of crime in our society should be recognized as the totality of objective and subjective circumstances that give rise to crime as its natural social consequence. Crime is a social phenomenon, which allows us to conclude that its causes are social in nature. 5

The causes of crime, like crime itself, are objective and natural. This is proved by the real existence of crime throughout the entire past period of the functioning of our state and the absence of any tangible signs, success in the fight against it. This is also evidenced by data on a fairly pronounced stability of the structure, state and dynamics of crime. There is also no data on the elimination of any types of criminal activity as a result of the criminal law fight against them.

Social relations, as a rule, are positive, that is, reflecting and consolidating the action of the objective laws of the development of society and contributing to the progress of the movement of our society. These relationships exist in all spheres of society.

When studying the causes of female crime, it is necessary to take into account both the totality of circumstances rooted in real-life social relations, and the specificity of female nature, expressed in physical and psychological characteristics.

The intensive growth in the crime rate of women is explained by a number of phenomena and processes actively operating in society. A definite impact on these phenomena and processes, smoothing out social contradictions with criminogenic properties, is of great importance for reducing the level of delinquency among women.

To our great regret, today neither the female crime itself, nor the reasons determining it, have not yet become the subject of general attention. All emerging problems are not thoroughly studied and analyzed, and preventive efforts are reduced mainly to punishing the perpetrators, when the circumstances that caused the criminal actions must be eliminated on an equal basis with them.

The causes of women's crime are based on a social nature. The causes of crime are closely related to certain, specific conditions of society, and the place of a woman in the system of social relations, her role and functions, are of great importance, and therefore, no matter how disappointing, female criminality is an inevitable and natural phenomenon that constantly arises in the course of social development. There are a number of factors contributing to the existence of female crime, the increase in its social danger, the manifestation of cruelty and aggressiveness. Unfortunately, today our state is going through a difficult economic and _________________________________________________________________

5. Criminology: textbook / ed. V.V. Orekhova. SPb., 1992.-p. 101.

a political crisis, which has a bad effect on the living conditions of the population, and this, in turn, negatively affects the formation of the morality of individuals, their attitudes and types of reactions to emerging life situations and conflicts.

There have been a number of changes in the professional affiliation of women, they are either engaged in the direct production of material values ​​or work in the management level, and here the formality of the equality of men and women in the world of work is visible, as a result of this situation, a number of reasons are revealed that predetermine the commission of petty theft and deception of buyers.

The difficult situation of women in everyday life: the need to raise children, cooking, lack of household services of state enterprises, limited leisure. Previously, this would be explained by the fact that the person himself is to blame, if he has problems in everyday life, the family “the progress of the family lags significantly behind progress in the economy. , but today it is no longer objective, since the source of these problems is society, social sta, living conditions.

What are the reasons for the crime of women? Antonyan Yu.M. in his book "Crime among women" 7 identified the following phenomena and processes:

4) the growth of antisocial phenomena such as drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, vagrancy.

The same factors are listed in the textbook "Criminology" edited by Academician V.N. Kudryavtsev and Professor V.E. Eminov.

Almost all of these listed phenomena, contributing to the existence of female crime, are closely intertwined with each other, and gradually, under the influence of global changes taking place in our state, such as: social, economic, cultural, began to gain strength.

Women have become much more active in social production than before, and more active in public life. Indeed, despite the difficult economic situation in our country, women make up about half of the number of workers and employees. As a result, the opinion is formed that by her work a woman helps to improve financial situation family, its role in family decisions is growing, spiritual harmony between spouses is strengthening, etc., as a rule, this opinion is not mistaken. On the other side, __________________________________________________________________

6. Kharchev A.G. "Marriage and Family in the USSR". M., 1964, p. 323.

7. Antonyan YM "Crime among women" .- M. : Ross. law 1992 p.54

a woman, participating in social production, gained access to material assets, which in itself is, in some cases, a provoking factor to commit theft. If we add to the above factor the difficult economic situation that exists today, constant delays with wages, etc., then naturally some of the persons will commit illegal acts stipulated by criminal law. Of course, one should not forget that thefts are committed and as a result of poor preservation and protection of manufactured products and goods, educational work is insufficiently carried out. But how can you appeal to the conscience of a person if the store counters are either empty or the cost of goods is quite high, and wages have not been given for several months, and there are hungry children at home? And therefore, there is a tendency that when choosing a job, some people pay attention to such a factor as the possibility of stealing something from their place of work.

Almost half of the hard and low-skilled work rests on fragile women’s shoulders. As a rule, the main production tools for these works are very cumbersome and heavy, most of the work has to be done manually, there are no means of small-scale mechanization. The equality of men and women in the sphere of production has been brought to such a level that women work in especially difficult and harmful working conditions in industry, and these conditions often do not meet the requirements of labor protection norms and rules. Women work the night shift, and it is no wonder that women have mastered such professions as bricklayers, road workers, track fitters, excavators, concrete workers. Women's labor is used on an equal basis with men's, and the length of the working day and the rate of wages are also equal. But women are physically much weaker than men and are more susceptible to the influence of unfavorable factors, such as increased noise and vibration, insufficient illumination, high gas pollution and dustiness, unfavorable temperature conditions.

And another factor that gives rise to female crime is the increased tension in society, anxiety among people. It is these phenomena that cause aggression on the part of people, which for them takes the form of protection from a possible attack, an external threat. Women most keenly feel and experience the existing tension, social disadvantage, conflict and are more susceptible and vulnerable. It is they who have important responsibilities for providing the family with food and other benefits, raising children, caring for them, etc., therefore they sharply react to any unfavorable processes that threaten the family and especially children. Thus, the desire to protect oneself and one's loved ones from physical threats leads to the commission of violent crimes, and envy of others, insecurity in one's position, worries about one's material insecurity lead to the commission of mercenary offenses. For example, anxiety about a child's health can stimulate the mother to commit theft at work, including food. The murder of a husband or cohabitant who has been terrorizing the family for a long time and threatening the life of a woman is nothing more than an illegal form of protection. It should be noted that women are especially sensitive to all kinds of threats, attempts to reduce their social status, imaginary or real offenses, are more fearful, more often and more easily succumb to fear and anxiety.

Tension in society is generated by conflicting relationships between people, a shortage of material and spiritual benefits, and a crisis of many social institutions. Our society turned out to be unprepared for a sharp stratification of society in terms of the volume and quality of material support and services. Elderly people who are paid scanty pensions, the unfavorable socio-economic situation of young people from disadvantaged and low-income families are in a difficult situation.

The totality of these crisis phenomena observed in our state stimulates women to commit illegal acts.

The current state of public morality has a detrimental effect on the crimes and misdeeds of women. There is a blurring of the lines between good and evil, permissible and unlawful, worthy and unworthy, commendable and shameful. As a result, many have a feeling of shame, the experience of their guilt about what they have done, the desire to comprehend their actions in moral values.

The closeness to the crime of alcoholism, drug addiction and prostitution is obvious. Alcoholics, drug addicts often commit crimes with the aim of acquiring alcoholic beverages or drugs, or commit criminal offenses while intoxicated. The preventive and educational impact on them, including in places of deprivation of liberty, presents additional difficulties. As for prostitutes, many of them, due to their alienation, isolation from society, its values, from normal human life, also often commit crimes, act as accomplices with male criminals, lure victims, etc.

Tramps and beggars are a dangerous form of antisocial existence. The specific contingent of the above listed persons is women. As a rule, they are dominated by middle-aged and older people (over 35 years old) who have long lost family, labor and other socially useful ties, do not have a specialty and, most importantly, lack the skills of a normal working life. Their cultural and educational level is extremely low, many of them have lost their human appearance over the long years of homeless life, constant drunkenness and chronic diseases. This group of people inactively opposes themselves to society and its interests, but rather tend, due to their degradation and devaluation in the social sense, to "go with the flow", not showing the necessary efforts to end their homeless existence. It is no coincidence that vagrant women do not commit crimes that pose a significant public danger. It is not surprising that one third of female vagrants did not have a total work experience of more than five years, and among all those surveyed, one in ten did not. In general, this contingent is characterized by prolonged exclusion from the sphere of normal ties and relations, systematic avoidance of socially useful activities.

Most often, women belonging to this circle of persons commit the following crimes: hooliganism, theft, robbery (more often in complicity), theft of state and public property, infection with a venereal disease or evading treatment of a venereal disease, malicious evasion of payment of elements, violation of passport rules ... The commission of most of these crimes testifies to the alienation and social degradation of women alcoholics and drug addicts.

Alcoholism and drug addiction among women are directly related to growing social tension, numerous conflicts in everyday life and at work, and the unsettledness of many people. The unstable economic situation that has arisen is complicated by the loss of habitual personal ties, which entails chronic mental trauma and depression.

If we talk about the drug addiction of women, then it is closely related to parasitism, crime, as a rule, is accompanied by prostitution. Women drug addicts are at increased risk of AIDS.

Summarizing the general conclusion about the causes of women's crime, we can say that the causes of women's crime are closely related to the contradictions of social development, these reasons are very specific. This specificity is determined by the social and especially labor activity of women, their place in production, the roles they play. Of great importance are the conditions that society presents to a woman for the successful fulfillment of her work, family and parental responsibilities.

3. Criminological characteristics of the personality of female criminals.

The identity of the criminal has always been an important problem in all criminal sciences, and in the first place criminology.

In the modern era, the problem of the personality of the criminal has acquired particular relevance. Reflecting the general situation in all branches of scientific knowledge, the urgency of this particular problem is predetermined primarily by the fact that without scientific knowledge of those who commit crimes, it is impossible to effectively fight crime in general.

"The sciences of a criminal profile investigate the" part "of the personality, which is associated with criminal behavior, and this" part "of the personality is the subject of cognition. The personality of the criminal in criminology is systemic scientific problem in the sense that it involves the study of the actual personality of the offender, criminal behavior, the offender's lifestyle, the characteristics of his social environment, connections and relationships. "8

With proper knowledge of the identity of the offender, the reasons for the crime can be explained. Knowledge of the personal characteristics of criminals in this case criminals, will promote effective crime prevention.

Investigation of the personality of a criminal is always associated with the investigation of a crime, all its circumstances and the consequences of its actions that matter.

When studying the personality of criminals, it is necessary to consider certain groups of personality traits, naturally, taking into account certain traits that are associated with gender.

Due to the fact that humanity is shown to women who have committed crimes (if not very serious offenses are committed) and they begin the criminal path, as a rule, much later than men, women sentenced to imprisonment are comparatively older than men.

In terms of educational level, different groups of female criminals differ little from each other. Research conducted by A.S. Mikhlin. showed that the largest share among criminals is occupied by those who have completed secondary education (over 40%). there are quite a few people with secondary specialized education - almost every third. As a rule, the educational and cultural level of perpetrators of a crime is lower than that of law-abiding citizens.

At the time of the crime, a little more than half of the women were in a marriage relationship. For those of them who, as a result of conviction, were not punished with imprisonment, the family did not break up. Only 22.8% of women held in places of imprisonment have a family. 9 Least of all women in marriage are among the criminals who have committed the murder of their newborn child. "The murder of a child usually occurs as a result of unfavorable circumstances or early sexual activity, the absence of a husband, material difficulties, inappropriate living conditions for raising an unborn child. All this contributes to the fact that that a pregnant woman is trying to have an abortion, and if this fails, she commits infanticide. Such a decision may be influenced by the person from whom the woman is financially or otherwise dependent: the father of the unborn child, parents, relatives, acquaintances. "

As for the state of health of the criminals, according to the available data, Mikhlina A.S. 25 - 30% of women sentenced to imprisonment had various mental abnormalities. There are slightly more abnormal criminals among minors.

8 Antonyan Yu.M. The study of the personality of the criminal.-M., 1982, p. 5.

9. Mikhlin A.S. General characteristics of convicts, Moscow, 1990, p. eleven

Among them there are many who have been diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases. Thus, out of every one hundred convicted girls, about two were diagnosed with syphilis, and two or three more were diagnosed with gonorrhea. 10

Despite the fact that about 30% of convicted women suffer from mental abnormalities, against the general background, compared with male criminals, criminals are less inherent in antisocial attitudes, beliefs, socio-psychological adaptation is slightly impaired (with the exception of recidivists). For the most effective prevention, it is necessary to identify internal personal prerequisites, it is necessary to identify why behavior that deviates negatively from social norms has taken on a negative character.

The psychological dependence of female criminals is expressed depending on public opinion, on the view from the outside, since this category of persons is not an exception from all women. It is a well-known fact that for women it is very important to evaluate from other people and what impression they make, they are characterized by such a trait as demonstrativeness. Demonstration of behavior in female criminals serves (psychologically) for the purpose of self-affirmation. But an increase in the demonstrative behavior of such persons simultaneously reduces the control over them.

For criminals, effective, traumatic experiences are "stuck" in combination with high impulsivity, this leads to ignoring or insufficient consideration of all the necessary circumstances, inadequate perception and assessment of emerging life situations, poor forecasting of the consequences of their actions, not deliberate behavior.

In connection with the crime committed, women, as a rule, feel guilty, worried about their further existence. During the period of serving their sentence in a corrective labor institution, they tend to change the existing situation, which they are naturally dissatisfied with, for a much better side.

In female criminals, anxiety is greatly increased, and emotional vulnerability is noted. When studying violent criminals, it should be noted that they have high activity and excitability compared to women who have committed mercenary crimes.

The criminal behavior of women is characterized by impulsiveness, they are more sensitive and less logical than men. Alarmingly depressive states are also common among them, the future is portrayed by them in a gloomy light. Therefore, among women in correctional labor institutions, it is necessary to include serious psychological and pedagogical methods in the re-education process, which make it possible to compensate for a severe psychological state. It must be remembered that women are more suggestible than men.


10. Antonyan Yu.M. Crime among women, Moscow, 1992, pp. 70-72

Among women convicted for the first time for murder and
bodily harm, volitional qualities are noted, persistence in
achieving the goal. This category of criminals is characterized by antisocial
views and attitudes that are not active in nature
rejection, purposeful and conscious denial of generally accepted
norms and values. What is the reason for this? Studying the identity of the perpetrators
murder reveals their social psychological dependence on
another person. Murderers tend to belong to this category of people, for
which free and independent adaptation to life is always difficult
problem. eleven

Murders arise as an action aimed at preserving the autonomous viability of the offender, as if breaking the connection with the life-supporting factor, which has ceased to perform this function assigned to him. The given scheme includes the main components of the process of origin of this type of crime, and also reflects to some extent the logic of their relationship and interaction.

And so, the personality of criminals has a number of distinctive features - demographic, moral, criminal law, psychological. These distinctive features and personality traits of criminals determine the specifics of their criminal behavior, which in many respects differs from the same behavior of men and, of course, depends on what kind of criminal acts are committed.

In connection with the changes taking place in the social status of women, their increased social activity, women criminals have received more opportunities to thoroughly prepare for the commission of crimes, for example, such as embezzlement of state property, hide the traces of criminal actions, sell stolen goods, hide from
investigation and trial, etc.


11. Antonyan Yu.M. Crime and Mental Anomalies, Moscow, 1982

4.Preventing female delinquency

Even in the early stages of its existence, humanity realized that it is impossible to contain crime only through punishment. There was an understanding that it is more rational to prevent a crime, so as not to be forced to punish for it. Today, preventive activity is considered as one of the means of social regulation of social relations in order to eliminate the causes of crime; as the interaction of measures of an economic-social, educational-pedagogical, organizational and legal nature; as a combination of different levels of crime prevention.

The theory of crime prevention is a body of knowledge about activities to improve social relations in order to: identify and neutralize the causes of crime and the conditions that contribute to it; identification and neutralization of phenomena and processes that cause the commission, growth and spread of certain forms and types of crimes, factors that affect the formation of antisocial traits in certain categories of persons, the impact on the conditions of their life and upbringing, elimination of specific conditions that determine the commission of crimes by individuals, determination forms and methods of crime control.

Crime prevention consists of hierarchically related tasks. The first of them is a preventive effect on the dynamics, structure, causes of crime in general (social prevention). The second is the prevention of types and forms of criminal behavior, the prevention of crimes in certain areas of public life; prevention of crimes by individual social groups persons, etc. (criminological prevention). The third task is to prevent the commission of crimes by individuals (individual criminological prevention).

The solution of the first problem goes beyond the framework of criminology and is an integral part of social practice in general and the subject of all sciences about society and man and the control of crime. Crime prevention is the main direction and practical task of all the various efforts of the state and society in the field of combating antisocial criminal manifestations.

Prevention is a rational and humane means of combating crime, a means that provides not punishment, but above all the improvement of the living conditions of people and their upbringing. Society is much more interested in preventing the commission of crimes than in applying punishment to persons after they have caused damage, sometimes irreparable, to the dominant social relations, the subjects of these relations.

The implementation of preventive activities, along with protecting society from socially dangerous encroachments, also protects unstable members of society from further moral decline, prevents them from becoming criminals, and thereby relieves them of the almost inevitable consequences of a crime in the form of an appropriate punishment.

The fundamental basis for the preventive impact on crime is the understanding that crime is of a social nature. Recognition of the social conditioning of crime means the awareness of the objective and real possibilities of its prevention by changing the conditions of social life, social development and moral formation of the personality, including improving the educational impact on it in the immediate social environment.

If we touch specifically on the problem of preventing women’s crime, then it should be tackled in line with the fight against crime as a whole. A prerequisite for the success of special measures (programs) for the prevention of women's crime is the achievement of a qualitatively different state of our society. In a new society, a woman must occupy a fundamentally different life status, it should be protected by law, customs and traditions, it should be relieved of the role of the main or even equal with men "earner" of material wealth, focusing more attention and energy on children and family.

It is necessary to develop a common fundamental principle of preventive work with women who have committed or may commit a crime. Humanity and mercy to these women, understanding of the reasons that pushed them to criminal or immoral acts, the desire to help them get out of the vicious circle, to understand their own lives can act as such a principle. Humanity and compassion for women should be shown not only in the actions of specific officials or members of the public.

The prevention of antisocial behavior and crime by women is of great moral importance. Positive results in this area can lead to the improvement of morality, the strengthening of socially approved relations in many areas of life and, first of all, in the family, and the improvement of the life of the younger generation.

Prevention of women's crime should cover
primarily those spheres of life in which
negative traits of their personality and in which they more often commit
crimes. This is everyday life and production. In addition to affecting
criminogenic factors in each of these areas, society should
strive for a certain harmonization of the roles played in a particular
another area. The performance of a role in one of them should not, as it is now, exclude
or make it difficult to carry out their duties in another. Extremely
it is undesirable, for example, that the workload at work interferes with caring for
children or good rest. All these issues are extremely
difficult, since they are associated with global problems of society,
general economic development of the country, changes in many familiar
representations. However, without solving them, it is effective to prevent
antisocial behavior of women is impossible.

Nowadays, more and more women are forced to struggle to provide for themselves, sometimes actively working with their elbows. Therefore, it is extremely important to educate femininity, feminine, and not male type behavior. This appears to be very important in curbing the growth of violent crime among women, which is a major threat to the moral health of society. Such upbringing requires special preparedness, special skill of educators. It should start in the family and take root in the school. However, such a reorientation is also determined by the nature of communication, which includes a girl and a girl, a woman's position in society, and the level of its morality.

Family assistance is of particular importance for the prevention of women's crime, no matter how small our opportunities are now for such assistance, including within the framework of special programs. In addition to financial assistance, families should receive more substantial assistance in caring for children, urgent assistance in crisis situation, for example, in connection with the illness of one of its members or its decay, various kinds of recommendations, especially for single mothers. Social support, such as single mothers, should include more than cash benefits. It is equally important to provide her with the opportunity to earn more, raise the social prestige of her work, get a higher qualification, etc. Probably, this will have considerable moral positive consequences.

When considering the criminological problem associated with the labor activity of women, first of all, it should be noted that such problems can be fully resolved with the growth of the economy of the entire country, the growth of real incomes of the population, the wages of men, the professional qualifications of women, and the reduction of their working hours. or a working week while maintaining the same wages, primarily for those who have children, introducing additional holidays, improving working conditions, etc. Also, according to the author, it is necessary to significantly reduce the number of women employed in heavy and harmful work.

When women are released from such work, the way out should not be sought in
increase in compensation and benefits for harm, since this does not give
a genuine solution to the problem. It is necessary to eliminate social,
technical, technological and organizational reasons giving rise to
these unfavorable conditions and their negative consequences. For now
technical re-equipment, as a rule, does not take into account the requirements
ergonomics in relation to features female body... In the opinion
the author of the work, today in our state there are no
withdrawal programs for women with severe manual work, and if they and
exist, then they are practically not fulfilled.

The work of women should not cause them fatigue and irritation, much less hatred and the desire to abandon it, trying to find a livelihood in a different way. Their industrial employment should not give rise to unwillingness to deal with family affairs and raising children. Production itself suffers from this, since such work does not induce a creative attitude towards it.

Particularly difficult is the solution of such an issue as the labor and household arrangement of women who are not employed, and even more so do not have a fixed place of residence. Practice shows that it is not so easy to find a job even for a young woman. The difficulty here arises not only because it is not always possible to find a job for her (employment of an elderly woman, and even more so a woman who has served a sentence, is even more difficult), but also due to the fact that not every of them agrees to take the position that she is offered. Many young women are convinced that work should be both interesting and prestigious, and bring in such an income that would enable them to satisfy all their needs.

The church can make a significant contribution to the prevention of antisocial behavior of women, since, as is known, due to the peculiarities of their psychology, they are very sensitive to religion and religious rites. The help of the church should be expressed not only in material support for specific women or formal participation in planned general social or special preventive measures... The purpose of the church is to educate high spirituality of women, their moral perfection, proper attitude to the highest human values, to the duty to family, children, society. The Church, with her preaching of non-violence, love and mutual assistance, modesty and obedience, with her ability to pacify people, has every opportunity to help reduce social tension in general and women's anxiety in particular.

Of course, religious organizations could provide great assistance to some women, to carry out in their relation what in criminological language is called individual preventive work. Such organizations could help homeless women, vagrants, some of them provide shelter, for example, in monasteries where they could work.

Inspections on juvenile affairs are called upon to play an important role in the prevention of women's crime, since the educational impact on adolescent girls who can take a criminal path is not only a very humane, but also a very effective way to combat this type of crime.

A comprehensive criminological program for the prevention of female crime is needed. When developing this program, one should keep in mind the specifics of female crime, it is necessary to take into account the causes of female crime and the reasons for their individual criminal behavior.


The peculiarity of female crime is associated with the historically determined place of women in the system of social relations, her social roles and functions, her biological and psychological specifics.

The reasons for the crime of women are closely related to the contradictions of social development. The causes of crime are a combination of circumstances rooted in real-life social relations of the basic and superstructure order, naturally generating and reproducing crime as a social phenomenon, and also acting as conditions that facilitate the emergence and functioning of causes.

Crime in general and the crime of women in particular is actively promoted by the constant blurring of the lines between good and evil, permissible and unlawful, worthy and unworthy, commendable and shameful. People began to think less about the age-old categories.

The causes of female crime are based on certain phenomena and processes, namely:

1) active participation of women in social production;

2) the weakening of social institutions, and primarily of the family;

3) increased tension in society, the emergence of conflicts and hostility in it;

4) the growth of antisocial phenomena.

All these listed phenomena, contributing to the existence of female crime, are closely intertwined with each other, and gradually, under the influence of global changes taking place in our state, began to gain strength.

Having considered the phenomena and processes that give rise to female crime, it is worth noting that crime in our society has a complex nature. Having said that the reason for it is the low level of development of the productive forces or the principle "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work", or the actual inequality of citizens, etc., it means not to answer the question "what has caused crime in our country? ". Although the first, and the second, and the third, etc. are related to the grounds for the emergence and functioning of crime, crime is the product of a complex of interacting (and not just parallel existing) causes. For example, self-serving crime is generated by low living standards citizens, actual inequality, the inability to meet material needs in a legal way, financial difficulties, a low level of moral education and others. Naturally, all these criminogenic factors are not equal. Some perform the main role, acting as the main cause of crime, others secondary, but also contributing to the emergence of crime.

Women's crime, due to the peculiarities inherent in its prevalence, structure and dynamics, nature and reasons, is an independent object of study and preventive efforts. Its specificity is associated with the causes of both crime in general and the individual criminal behavior of women, with those distinctive personality traits that they possess, their place in the system of social relations, social roles and functions. The independence of female crime is also determined by those relatively autonomous social factors that determine its dynamics and structure at the present time, changes in the nature of their offenses in modern conditions. It is worth recalling that the mechanism of women's criminal behavior is inadequate to the same behavior of men.

Prevention of female crime will strengthen the rule of law and law and order in our young state, cleanse the moral atmosphere in society and improve the upbringing of the younger generation.

Isolation of the crime of women is also necessary because the issues of their responsibility, serving sentences, etc. in some cases are independently regulated by law. In the field of criminology, this type of crime as an object of study has long acquired an independent status.

The study of female crime, as well as crime in general and its other individual types, should be comprehensive, continuous, taking into account the significant changes that occur in our society and affect the social positions and social roles of women, characterize their labor and other activity, place in the family and other small groups. Character changes social status women in society, first of all, are associated with the transition to a market economy, the emancipation of entrepreneurship and various opportunities for them to apply their labor and knowledge. New methods are needed to study the personality of criminals, the reasons and mechanisms of their criminally punishable acts, the use of the latest achievements in personality psychology, pathopsychology, social psychology, general and social psychiatry, women's physiology, sexology and pathological sexual deviations. Such studies are important primarily due to the increase in the number of violent crimes committed by women, which almost always presupposes the criminogenic role of deep, unconscious experiences, the identification and assessment of which is possible only with the help of psychological methods.

As for the problems of preventing female crime, they should be tackled in line with the fight against crime as a whole. We need special programs for the development and support of the family - the foundations of our society. This requires economic and political stabilization of our state. It would be nice to study the experience of solving this problem by other states.

For modern criminology, it is very important to develop an integral system of principles and methods of organizing and constructing theoretical and practical knowledge and female crime, the factors that determine it, and thereby make the forms of its prevention more targeted.

The socio-economic crisis in Russia is the cause of a number of serious problems, including female crime. Modern conditions of public life, accompanied by contradictory processes, socio-political and economic instability in society, have a negative impact on the state of the fight against crime. A significant increase in crime has determined unfavorable and stable trends in the dynamics and structure of female crime. One indicator of this trend is the increase in the number of women committing crimes.

An extreme form of social, spiritual and moral ill-being in society is the growth of crimes committed by women. It is quite possible to restrain the growth of crime, to minimize its consequences, and efforts should be made not only of law enforcement agencies, but also of legislative bodies, executive authorities, public associations and the population to achieve these results.

The traditional analysis of crime is based on the study of the crime of men, the number of which absolutely dominates in the general structure of persons who have committed crimes. From this perspective, the study of female crime is of particular importance in connection with the fact that it opens up to us, as it were, a new facet of a complex social phenomenon, which is crime.
The analysis of women's crime is an important area of ​​research in criminal determinism. On the one hand, this allows us to understand how biological inclinations (in particular, the sex of a person) influence the propensity for criminal behavior. On the other hand, one should not forget that women are the main subjects of the upbringing of the younger generation, willingly or unwillingly. The criminalization of the female half of humanity will inevitably negatively affect practically all social processes. Accordingly, the prevention of crime among women is not only of great humanitarian importance (protection of the weaker sex from being hit by crime), but also of universal significance.
In 2003, over 205 thousand crimes committed by women were registered. In the total number of persons who have committed crimes

nni, women make up more than 16% today (in 1991 this share was 10.6%).
The share of women among persons committing various crimes is as follows: consumer fraud - 80%; fraud - 41%; murder - 12%; causing grievous bodily harm - 7%; robbery - 6%; robbery - 8%; careless crimes - 5% (motor transport - 2%).
A specific crime of women is the murder of a newborn child by a mother. About 200 such crimes are registered annually. Approximately the same number of registered facts of murder of older children by women. The relapse rate among women is about 10%. Female criminal professionalism is typical for such types of crimes as theft, fraud, brothel maintenance and pandering. Gradually, women master new criminal professions; trafficking in narcotic substances, trafficking in minors, contract murder.
Among negative trends female criminality is accounted for by an increasing number of indicators; it becomes corresponding to male criminality; the growth of serious crimes in the structure of female crime, the growth of professionalism and organization of female crime (several organized criminal groups were identified, led by women); an increase in the number of murders of older children (murder of a daughter out of jealousy of a roommate; murder of a lover's children in order to remove obstacles, leaving those families new family, etc); an increase in complicity in rape (based on revenge, jealousy, envy)
12.2. Causes of female crime
In public opinion, a stereotype is quite ingrained, according to which a woman is viewed as a creature by nature vicious. The origins of this stereotype can be found in folk epics and religious beliefs. Among scientists, it was most clearly formulated by C. Lombroso. Describing natural-born prostitutes and criminals (he did not see a significant difference between them), the Italian scientist did not skimp on black paints. To their typical qualities, he attributed cruelty, male character traits, lack of maternal instinct, vindictiveness, unreasonable hatred of others, greed and stinginess, passion for clothes and luxury, lust, lack of shame, disrespect for other people's property. does not flatter the female half of society: "Accidental criminals discover, thanks to living conditions, that share of moral perversion that is inherent in every woman and which is in her under ordinary conditions of the opened STATE-".
The idea of ​​NP Dubinin, I.I. Karpets and V.N. Kudryavtseva, the essence of which is that biological inclinations affect female crime, but not directly.The peculiarities of the biological nature of women determine the specifics of their social roles, which do not have a significant impact on the behavior of women, including criminal behavior.
A social role is, on the one hand, a certain set of requirements, the observance of which ensures a positive perception of the personality by others, and on the other hand, the typical expectations of others: how a person performing a particular social role should behave.
It is generally accepted that a woman falls morally less often than a man. But if this happens, then she falls faster and lower. There are several reasons for this. These include ". Special criminogenic" - situations that form a woman's criminal motivation; the specificity of the social role of women in society; features of the female psyche.
A woman practically does not commit crimes under normal conditions and under conditions that can be defined as a slight deviation from the norm. A woman is often kept from slipping into a criminal path in situations of average difficulty. Only a dramatic coincidence of circumstances in most cases pushes a woman to a crime - with such a combination of life's difficulties, a man falls even faster and even lower.
What is considered abnormal behavior in relation to women has often already acquired the status of the norm in relation to men (smoking, drinking, adultery, neglect of parental responsibilities, careerism, cruelty and heartlessness). An abortion, the commission of which is often on the conscience of men, nevertheless falls as a black spot on the conscience of a woman. Very often, the "weaker sex" is a victim of this cultural contradiction. Modern style life, forcing women to take on men's affairs and perform functions that are not characteristic of them, leads them to male stimulants and, in general, to the perception of many elements of male culture. This allows them to successfully assert themselves and provide material wealth, but at the same time, as a rule, they are not left with an inner feeling of guilt and are deeply dissatisfied with bearing. One of the typical qualities of a female criminal is the feeling that others treat her with hostility.This, in turn (as mechanisms of psychological self-defense), forms indifference to public opinion, bitterness and initiates the processes of social maladjustment (a woman ceases to perceive social norms, traditions , standards of behavior as something meaningful for her) Disadaptation can proceed both in a selfish and violent manner and often leads to one or another type of criminal behavior
The peculiarities of the psyche of women determine the commission of such crimes that seem truly blasphemous - the murder of a child. There are not many of these crimes. Sometimes the subjects of such criminal acts are persons who have lost not only the appearance of a woman, but also the right to be called a human.
In some cases, the nature of the motivation for these crimes is completely different. Peculiarities mental state women at the time of childbirth and immediately sowing them, when she may be in a state of diminished sanity, are taken into account in Art. 106 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Infanticide sometimes turns out to be a reaction to rape This was noticed by C. Lombroso- “Infanticide is very widespread in Sweden, because here the cabbies are almost exclusively women. The latter, by the nature of their occupation, often have to be in places remote from cities among rough

ludic men; they are very often raped and become pregnant. Infanticide should in such cases restore the woman's unwittingly lost honor. " This passage illustrates two rather specific factors in female delinquency; performance of social roles that are not characteristic of a woman and criminal self-determination
In some cases, the killing of a baby is a form of suicide “To understand this, it is necessary to take into account that she is killing a child who is only 10 months old. He is at the age when his mother is with him in symbiotic relationship and the child for her is a part of herself. In this case, she did not regard her child as something separate from her and entitled to an “autonomous” life. In principle, she has nothing to do with the child, that is, in essence, this is an attitude toward herself. The murder of a child is also a symbolic suicide, the latter arises as a result of blocking the possibility of aggression. which should have manifested itself outside, that is, to heteroaggression. The impossibility of heteroaggressive behavior is compensated by autoaggression "
With regard to the crime of women, four groups of factors can be distinguished that are associated with the nagging unfavorable processes in the field of culture - the substitution of genuine female culture its surrogates (such as emancipation, feminism, variants of the criminal subculture, etc.); socio-political situation in the country: labor activity; family life and the household sphere.
The first group of factors Underestimation in the public consciousness of the true significance of primordially female functions (giving birth and raising children, taking care of the family, housekeeping, handicrafts, etc.) Priority of male activities (such as government service, manufacturing, commerce, etc. .). Rigid linking of a truncated legal status with female functions, and an extended one with male functions.
The viciousness of the women's movement, which consists in identifying the struggle for the rights of women with the struggle for their right to perform male functions.
This vicious triangle generates a global social process, the main vector of which is the loss of femininity by society, the destruction of female culture.
The second group of factors Expansion of Western culture, the truly feminine component of which tends to zero On the contrary, the criminogenic component of those variants of Western culture that are exported to our country through the media, cinema, and cheap literature is great. Destruction of the domestic economy, and as a result - a drop in living standards, impoverishment of a significant part of the population. Unemployment, which affected women to a greater extent (their share of the average unemployed is about 80%). " normal life by legal means The harsh laws of business and the market economy destroy the established stereotypes of domestic culture: the culture of work, the culture of relationships in the team, in the family, in society, which, in turn, has a destructive effect on the institution of the family (established families are destroyed, people do not dare to have a family; temporary cohabitation, periodic communication between men and women are gradually replacing the family). The family crisis deprives a woman of her natural habitat, which turns out to be a point of maladjustment and criminalization. Along with the destruction of the family, many educational institutions are in a catastrophic state (for example, the almost complete destruction of the legal education system, the degradation of the school system) and the system of social control. For a remark made to a girl who smokes, drinks alcohol or swears, today a member of the public can pay with life or health. Uncertainty about the future, family troubles contribute to the development of drunkenness and alcoholism. The expansion of the shadow economy and criminal business generate drug addiction and prostitution, which can be regarded as starting points for the degradation and criminalization of women.
Interethnic conflicts, as a result of which women lose their husbands, relatives, place of residence, familiar cultural environment. Migration processes (which are out of control of the state and border on humanitarian disasters) are most detrimental to girls and women. A lonely, homeless girl or woman with a very high probability becomes the object of abuse - this tragedy, as a rule, leads to moral degradation, the establishment of salzi with criminals, the assimilation of criminal stereotypes of behavior obstacles; working conditions often deny femininity; working women receive wages on average 25-30 * ^ lower than the same professional category of men1 Insufficient social support a working woman (inadequate labor protection, lack of care for the children of a working woman, lack of additional benefits that could smooth out many of the contradictions between production and femininity). The fourth group of factors Family conflicts (both in parental and in one's own family). Negative aliyah of a husband or roommate (incitement to crime). Lack of permanent residence, communication with criminals, perception of criminal culture and criminal lifestyle. The negative impact on the female psyche of aggressive advertising of beautiful and fashionable clothes, combined with a low standard of living, transforms the normal desire of a woman to look beautiful and tidy into motivation for selfish crimes
12.3. Prevention of crime in women
The main direction of the prevention of female crime in our country is the preservation and development of female culture, hindering its development according to the worst Western options.
Protecting women's culture and femininity should take its due place in state policy, ideology, and public opinion. Family and school education should be adjusted and brought into line with the tasks of developing women's culture. The phenomenon of separate education for boys and girls should be seriously analyzed. In a number of private schools, this experience has been revived, it positive sides and the disadvantages deserve a thorough study
The reform policy pursued in our society needs serious reflection and correction. From this perspective, the concept of G.F. Khokhryakov, who tried to uncover the deep reasons for the surge in crime in Russia, and above all the crime of women. According to the scientist, the collision of the former Soviet society with the so-called universal human values the integrity of the human mental world. Scientific analysis will give reason to assume that the archetypes that are stored in the depths of the consciousness of the people do not correspond to the implanted relationship
Improving the legal regulation of labor protection for women, providing them with a system of benefits for family reasons is one of the destructive measures on female crime. Providing a woman with a shorter working day, part-time work week, a ban on the use of female labor in harmful and labor-intensive production will help strengthen the family, prevent female diseases and conflicts on the basis of everyday life.
Social and medical care for pregnant women could reduce the level of infanticide Analysis of the demographic characteristics of the personality of this type of offender (as a rule, does not have a family, housing, sustainable source of livelihood) shows the main directions of prevention.
Crime in the family and household sphere - complex problem... Its solution requires systemic measures and the formation of special subjects. Probably, one of the best options for its solution would be the creation of a municipal family patronage service, the main tasks of which can be attributed. revealing dysfunctional families; psychological and legal counseling for spouses; protection of children from violence, being drawn into drunkenness and drug use (this is especially true for families where both the father and mother suffer from alcoholism or use narcotic substances), prevention of children leaving scrap for classes

vagrancy or prostitution, suppressing attempts to sell minors, providing targeted material assistance for women and for years (both money and necessary commodities and food), creation of temporary shelters for women and children subjected to violence, involvement of the public in the prevention of crime in the family. as well as social workers (doctors, school teachers); coordination of efforts of other state bodies to prevent crimes in the family and everyday life (filing a petition for deprivation of parental rights, bringing one of the spouses to justice or issuing a prosecutor's warning to him, rendering assistance in the division of living quarters and exchange of apartments by divorced spouses in conflict relations between them and t n), the establishment of funds for material support to poor families from wealthy fellow citizens; organization of recreation and health care mothers and pregnant women, psychological and material support of single pregnant women in order to prevent stress and socially dangerous ice (sometimes several weeks spent in a sanatorium or boarding house can prevent women from falling out in the form of violent crimes).
Prevention of drunkenness, alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, homelessness and homelessness is the most difficult task facing our society. The solution of this problem is somewhat simplified by the fact that our country has accumulated a wealth of experience, both positive and negative. The absence of a national idea, the cult of lack of spirituality and material enrichment, actively implanted with the help of foreign technologists, tragic dissatisfaction and the loss of the meaning of life - all this lies at the origins of social degradation. To eliminate this, no serious investment is needed, you need love for your people and the political will of state leaders, the unity of the healthy forces of society.
Analysis of female crime leads to the following conclusions.
I The processes of emancipation as elements of Western culture have a criminogenic character. Their development as a result of the expansion of foreign culture will entail an increase in the crime of women, an increase in the crime of children, and an increase in crime in general.
Features of female psychology - kindness, tolerance, increased sense of responsibility for children and family, increased sensitivity to public opinion - play a positive role in deterring crime. The spread of these qualities in the male half of society would significantly reduce the level of crime. From the point of view of the normal development of society and the prevention of crime, the optimal cultural environment is lying, which, while ensuring the equality of rights of all citizens, regardless of gender, would orient a woman to perform the main social functions - to be a bearer of kindness and mercy, a keeper of peace in the family and society Special attention of researchers and the issue of domestic violence against girls and women deserves politicians. To protect and support women in our country, it is necessary to form and develop special social mechanisms, the necessity and usefulness of which is convincingly confirmed by foreign experience (hotlines, shelters, women's victimological organizations, special medical and psychological services, public organizations like a community of older sisters, etc.). Judicial practice in criminal cases against women, as well as the practice of executing criminal penalties against criminals in our country, needs significant correction towards humanization, the development of a system of penalties not related to imprisonment.
Investigating crimes committed by women requires both professional and ethical training.
During the preliminary investigation, it is necessary to carefully analyze the motivation, causes and conditions of the crime committed by the woman, to reveal its premises, which are often rooted in the criminal acts of other persons, and to take the necessary response measures
Control questions
I Where is the special social danger of female crime? What is a general criminological description of female crime? What unfavorable tendencies in the development of the bathing phenomenon can be distinguished? Expand the typology of the personality of criminals-women. What are the causes of female crime.
6 What are the main measures of influence on female crime can be identified?

Concept and essence
Subjects and objects
Development trend
Measures to prevent female crime, depending on its criminological characteristics
Governmental support prevention of female crime
in the modular table with
fill in each file with keywords, answering the questions and entering the appropriate definition,
supplement each keyword with answers to the question and thus get a set of theses;
R the table you filled out, make comparisons, compare theses vertically and horizontally, draw conclusions; consider the received abstracts according to the degree of their relevance and practical significance for you,
the selected theses should be structured in such a way as to obtain an "individual trajectory" of advancement according to the proposed content,
with each module of your trajectory, work in the logic of independent reasoning: additions, clarifications, criticism, perform anvyanz (division) of the most interesting and significant modules for you, present them in the form of new tables, i.e. repeat the proposed algorithm. etc.

Record the result of your own educational activities: determine what you have learned from previously known information (reproductive content),
¦ formulate your own thoughts about the knowledge gained (productive content), establish what is most interesting and meaningful for you, indicate what methods of working with information you have mastered; decide if you are happy with your own result.
Such work is the basis of modular training and is considered productive, since it is aimed at developing logical thinking and contributes to the acquisition of knowledge and professional competence.

Chapter 1 13