Smokey eye makeup for blue eyes. Smokey eyes makeup for gray, green and other eye colors step by step. Step nine. We complement the makeup

Smokey Ice is a unique technology for applying makeup on the eyelids, which will make your eyes more expressive and sensual. Translated from English means "smoky eyes". To date, most Hollywood stars use exactly smoky makeup eyes. It is very easy to do it yourself, as special training is not required.

Smokey ice is ideal for both evening makeup and every day. Shadows are selected in accordance with the time of day, as well as depending on the natural shade of the eyes. No man can resist such a sensual make-up.

What distinguishes smokey ice makeup from others

Firstly, at the base of the growth of eyelashes, the shadows will always be richer. Secondly, all colors should have a harmonious transition from dark to lighter shade. This results in a smoky shading effect that smoothly encircles the eyes. Thirdly, eyeliner should not be used in the technique. The make-up does not provide for sharp and clear lines. AT this case the whole meaning of the word "haze" is lost. Finishing touches with black ink dark eyelashes will gently frame the contour of the eye. smoky eyes suitable for the eyes of any color: green, blue, brown, gray.

Using the smoky eyes technique, you can easily adjust the shape of the eyes. Makeup smokey ice is suitable for small eyes, and for asian eyes including.

Smokey ice technique appeared at the beginning of the last century and was used mainly by women with a strong and unshakable character. She was also popular in films. In order to emphasize all the expressiveness and emotionality of the actress on a black and white ribbon, many makeup artists did black smokey ice.

Smokey ice is made in black, but each skin type and eye shade has its own color scheme.

Before you start doing a smokey ice make-up, you should hide all the imperfections on your face: redness, rashes, bags and bruises under the eyes. It should be remembered that the emphasis with such makeup falls only on the eyes, lips are tinted with a neutral shade of gloss or lipstick. Light colored makeup will do for the spring-summer period.

How to do smokey eye makeup

It will be useful for every girl to spend at least twenty minutes learning how to do such makeup. After several workouts, this process will not take more than ten minutes.

To perform the haze technique, you will need the following tools and tools:

  • tone cream;
  • pencil in tone;
  • shadows of three shades;
  • brushes of different sizes;
  • shading;
  • cotton buds and sponges;

This technique involves only smooth transitions between shades, and for this we need a set of different brushes. You can use eyeliner instead of a pencil. For some girls, learning the scheme for applying shadows in the style of smokey ice can be given the first time, others will need to take a little more time, but do not be upset if it does not work out right away.

Smokey ice instructions step by step

Before proceeding with the technique, you should even out the skin tone with the help of a makeup base. Next, concealer can hide imperfections on the skin, and concealer will help hide bruises under the eyes. Now it remains only to powder the face.

Let's start working on the eyes. Draw a curved line with a pencil. It is drawn both on the lower eyelid and along the line of the inner overhanging eyelid. It is better to use soft pencils. The line is drawn as close as possible to the cilia growth line. In the outer corner, towards the temples, it will be wider than in the inner. The lines are carefully shaded.

A separate stage is the application of shadows. Day makeup involves the use of lighter tones than evening makeup. Take shadows should be at least three colors. The hue is chosen as close as possible to the eyes. It can be blue, green, brown, black. Colors must be arranged in such a way that the closer the tone is to the eyebrows, the lighter it becomes. In order to emphasize the entire depth of the eyes, a dark line is drawn along the contour. The brush moves in the direction from the outer to the inner corner of the eye. Using a brush, shadows are also applied to the lower eyelid. Correctly move in the direction from the outer to inner corner, gradually reducing the saturation of the color. Beige or mother-of-pearl shadows emphasize inner corner eyes and the line under the eyebrows.

At the end of the eye makeup, the eyelashes are covered with mascara. It is better to do this several times to increase volume and length. Eyebrows are tinted separately with shadows or a pencil. Eyebrows should not be darker than eye makeup. There is a certain scheme, using which, you can achieve the desired makeup in the desired style.

It must be remembered that lips in this makeup option do not play a big role. In order to highlight them, you can apply mother-of-pearl shadows over upper lip. Lipstick is preferred in light shades. Color options - pink, beige, pale pink.

Blush is applied last. Dark-colored powder will also help emphasize the cheekbones. With a large brush, you need to brush off all the remnants of makeup crumbled during the application process. Now it will look neater.

Makeup options for different eye colors

For eyes with blue tint the most suitable colors are: blue, hot blue, light pink, black, lilac, silver, gold, lavender. Owners blue eyes often girls with light type skin, so the shadows are selected in cold shades.

Brown-haired women and brunettes can safely use gray colors, and for blondes it is better to take shades in brown tones or chocolate.

For brown eyes possible colors- olive, black, brown, lilac, purple. Special attention should be given shading.

Green-eyed beauties should carefully select a shade. It's worth experimenting with different color combinations and see which fit better Total. Perhaps you should take golden and brown tones Or use gray scale.

Owners of gray eyes are more fortunate, because almost all colors will look perfect. Depending on the color of the shadows, the pupil will acquire different shades.

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What is smokey ice?

Smokey ice is an eye makeup technique that creates smooth transition lighter shades of shadows into darker ones (there could be from two to infinity): the so-called haze effect is obtained. In the beauty industry, smoky eyes occupy about the same place as small eyes. black dress in the world of fashion: a recognized classic that everyone turns to sooner or later. The trend for "smoky" makeup appeared in the 1920s: under the influence of silent film stars, Theda Bara and Clara Bow, girls became addicted to dramatic eye makeup. This is how the world remembered the Roaring Twenties: short haircuts, the same short dresses and outrageous make-up.

Classic smoky eyes are performed in dark gray or black tones, but today absolutely shadows are used to create a “smoky” make-up. different colors- from light brown and beige to bright orange and even. By the way, it is for this reason that “smoky” makeup is no longer considered purely evening: in order to get daytime look, it is enough to choose more muted and neutral tones.

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Tools and cosmetics for creating smokey ice

In addition to shadows (darker and lighter shades), creating smokey ice requires a soft kayal pencil that blends well, black ink and, of course, a high-quality brush for.

How to choose shadows for smokey ice?

It is best to select shades of shadows for smokey ice, focusing on eye color.

Blue eyes

Usually in blue-eyed girls bright skin, therefore too dark shades they are not suitable: the eyes in this case will look like black holes. Pay attention to warm, soft shades: gray, pink, silver. If your skin, on the contrary, is tanned, bronzed, feel free to experiment with brown and gold colors: they will further emphasize the beauty of your eyes and make them more expressive.

Jill Stuart © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Grey eyes

A classic smoky eye with black and dark gray shades will look very impressive (provided that your skin is not too pale). You can also safely apply purple, brown, and gold colors.

La Perla © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Green eyes

Purple shades will go well with green eyes, also pay attention to purple color. Olive and emerald tones will help you highlight your eyes even more. For makeup for every day, you can choose brown tones, you can also dilute them with gray.

The Blonds © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Brown eyes

Brown-eyed girls have a huge choice: most colors suit them. In addition to the main dark shades (black, brown and gray), use golden, olive, greenish and purple shades. Light brown eyes well accentuated shadows warm colors(caramel, honey), and dark brown, on the contrary, require the use of cold shades: gray, blue, purple.

Les Copains © fotoimedia/imaxtree

How to choose brushes for smokey ice?

To create the perfect smokey, you need to choose a good and high-quality brush. Ideally, there should be two of them: for applying shadows and for shading them.

Eye shadow brush

A basic flat brush with soft bristles and a rounded tip: it should be medium in size, smaller than your eyelid but slightly larger than your little finger. For creamy textures, choose from synthetic pile, for dry - from natural. However, smokey ice is rarely created using cream shadows(they are quite difficult to blend into a “haze”), so feel free to buy a brush made of natural pile. It will serve you for a very long time.


Blending brush

Blending brushes are different. To create smokey, the barrel brush with round tip. It should not be too tight, but at the same time soft and elastic so that you can easily achieve smooth color transitions. Brushes for blending dry shadows should be made of natural pile (for example, sable).

Tapered Blending Brush ©

It’s better not to save on brushes, so makeup artists advise: buy the most expensive brushes you can afford.

How to blend the shadows on the eyelids, we told in this video tutorial:

More more information on this topic:

How to make classic black smoky eyes?

Before you start creating a smokey, check out our list of tips: they will definitely help you achieve the perfect result.

5 rules for creating the perfect smokey

Use concealer

Any bright makeup the eye will look ugly if you do not take care of masking dark circles and "bruises" under the eyes. A fairly common mistake is to use concealer before applying eye shadow. You need to act exactly the opposite: the shadows that crumbled during application under the eyes will still have to be washed off, and with them you will also remove the concealer layer (by the way, we talked about other intricacies of using this beauty product). You can use the following professional trick: apply eye patches under your eyes. Firstly, they will “collect” all the crumbled shadows, and secondly, they will make the skin under the eyes fresher and more hydrated.

Don't Forget the Eyeshadow Base

Primer - essential tool, if we are talking about smokey ice: it is he who will ensure the durability of the makeup, will not allow the shadows to smudge and clog into the folds of the eyelid. In addition, thanks to the primer, the shadows will be much easier to blend.

Once your makeup is complete, use a fluffy eyeshadow brush to apply a translucent setting powder around your eyes. This will make the make-up more durable.

Look out for color combinations

When creating smokey, several shades of shadows are used - and it is very important that they harmoniously combine with each other. Also follow the application scheme: apply the lightest shadows to the inner corners of the eyes, and the darkest ones only to the outer ones: otherwise, the eyes will appear much smaller (this rule, however, should not be followed by girls with wide-set eyes). The shade of average intensity should be located in the crease of the eyelid.

Follow the sequence of actions

The correct sequence of actions is important not only when applying different shades shadows. For example, if you want to complement smokey ice with arrows, you need to draw them in the penultimate turn - before you make up your eyelashes. If you do the opposite, it will be difficult for you to blend the shadows so that they do not “touch” the arrows. Most likely, they will need to be redrawn.

Pay close attention to shading

A key characteristic of any smokey ice is a smooth transition from one color to another. Therefore, shading must be given close attention. Make sure that there are no clear boundaries between the shades, and make sure that the smokey “does not break off” abruptly at the outer corner of the eye.

Black smokey ice: basic step-by-step photo instruction

We tell and show how to create classic smokes in black.

Use a black kajal as a base for shadows. Shade with it the entire moving eyelid, emphasize the line of the lower eyelashes and paint over the mucous membrane throughout the eye. This trick will help make your eye makeup more intense.

With a fluffy brush made of artificial (!) pile, blend the border of the kayal along the orbital line and the lower eyelid.

Distribute black shadows throughout the moving eyelid, as if dancing them. The most convenient way to do this is with a large flat brush made of natural pile. On the lower eyelid, also walk with black shadows over the kajal.

Dial on fluffy natural brush brown shadows and blend the border of the orbital line. Do the same action on the lower eyelid.

In the inner corners of the eyes and under the eyebrows, add light satin shadows or a little dry highlighter.

Thickly paint over the eyelashes with black mascara.

Look for another version of the classic smokey ice in our video:

Other ideas for non-banal smoky eyes makeup:

Smokey ice for brown eyes: step by step instructions

Apply eyelid base. With a black shade of shadows, with a small flat brush made of natural pile, emphasize the outer corner of the eye from above and below, stepping back from the edge by about one third.

With a barrel brush, add brown matte shadows to the crease of the upper eyelid, blending the transitions between the two shades of shadows well.

On the entire surface of the moving eyelid, which remained “unpainted”, apply blue shadows. On top, add a little of the same shadows, but not with a brush, but with your fingertips: in the end, the shade will turn out to be more saturated.

In the inner corner with light shining shadows or a highlighter, put a “flare”, add them under the eyebrow.

Paint over the mucous membrane and interciliary space with a black pencil with a soft texture. Color your eyelashes.

Smokey ice for blue eyes: step by step photo instructions

Apply the eyeshadow base on both eyelids, then with a flat natural bristle brush, draw a line under the lower eyelid with a bronze shade of shadows, starting to draw it from the middle of the eyelid.

With a brush, spread the same color over the entire mobile eyelid to the orbital line, while in the outer corner of the eye the color should be more saturated.

Blend the border with a light brown matte shade dark shadows and underline the orbital line.

brush smaller blend along the lower border of the shadow of the same light brown matte shade. It is necessary to emphasize the entire line of the lower eyelid.

Paint over the interciliary space, the mucous membrane on both eyelids brown pencil(better if it is waterproof).

With a small brush, put a “glare” in the inner corner of the eye with a light shade with a shimmer, and apply it under the eyebrow. If there were no such shadows at hand, you can use a highlighter for the same purpose.

Thickly paint over the eyelashes with mascara.

Smokey ice for green eyes: step by step photo instruction

Apply eye primer or, if it is not at hand, spread thin layer foundation or concealer and powder your eyelids a little. With a black pencil, paint over the space between the eyelashes on upper eyelid to make eyelashes visually thicker and look more expressive.

With a flat, natural bristle brush, apply black eyeshadow all over the lid and under lower lashes. Proceed with light patting movements.

Use one of the following as your middle, "in-between" color: purple, pink, or brick: any of these will accentuate green color eye and make it brighter. Blend the shadows along the orbital line and lower eyelids, creating "haze".

Underline the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with a green pencil.

Cover your lashes with black mascara.

Smokey ice for gray eyes: step by step photo instruction

Apply an eyeshadow base on the upper and lower eyelids.

Paint over the mucous membrane, inter-ciliary space with a black kayal and thickly line your eyes along the lash line: this step must be done on both the upper and lower eyelids. Do not waste time making the line perfectly even: you still have to shade it afterwards.

Without giving the pencil time to dry and “freeze” on the skin, blend its edges with a “barrel”, turning the stroke line into a more smoky one.

With a brush bigger size blend along the edge of the shadow of the so-called intermediate color: they can be bronze, purple, gray or brown shadows.

With light shining shadows or a highlighter, add a bright “flare” to the inner corners of the eyes, paint over the eyelashes with black mascara

Daytime and evening smokey ice: what's the difference?

We have already mentioned that smokey ice has not been considered an exclusively evening eye makeup option for a long time, today you can appear with such a make-up even on business meeting. The main thing is to choose neutral, not too bright colors, and do not use a black pencil: it will immediately make the makeup more aggressive. One of the options day makeup look for smokey using pink and peach shadows in the video below:

Smokey ice: features for eyes of different shapes

We talked in detail about how to apply shadows depending on the shape of the eyes. And now let's dwell on the tips for those who decide to make smokey ice.

Smokey ice for small eyes

  • Girls with small eyes, when choosing smokey ice, should abandon its classic version, namely black and dark gray colors: they will instantly make their eyes even smaller. But this does not mean at all that they need to forget about this technique altogether. A more careful choice of colors is required from you.
  • Owners of small eyes should choose light shades of shadows: pink, mother-of-pearl, light brown, light gray, it is also better to refuse shiny shadows.
  • To visually enlarge the eyes, you should lighten the area under the eyebrows: this can be done with light shadows or a highlighter.

Smokey ice for eyes with an impending eyelid

  • If you have an overhanging eyelid, this should by no means be the reason for refusing smokey ice. It is better to refuse mother-of-pearl shades and sparkles.
  • Apply shadow to your mobile eyelid just above the crease above it: this technique will visually "open" your eye.
  • Concerning base shadows, you need to act more carefully and apply a darker shade only on the moving eyelid, without going above the crease. And to ensure a smooth transition from one color to another, carefully blend both shades to get a gradient.

Smokey eyes for close-set eyes

  • Most important rule: do not darken the inner corners of the eyes! Apply light shadows with a radiant texture to this area, and start blending dark shadows from the beginning of the ciliary contour.
  • Apply the darkest shade of shadows to the outer corners of the eyes and blend towards the temples. This visually “distances” the eyes from each other.

Smokey ice for wide-set eyes

  • In your case, the accent with light shadows in the corner of the eye, on the contrary, is contraindicated.
  • Line the upper eyelid with a dark pencil, starting from the very beginning of the eye, darkening the mucous membrane and even the inner corner.

Smokey eyes for eyes with "lowered" corners

  • When applying shadows to the crease of the eyelid, shade them in a diagonal direction, stretching the shape of the eyes towards the temples.
  • Do not darken the outer corner from below, so as not to "lower" it even more. Instead, leave the lower eyelid "clean". The second option - on the contrary, completely paint over it with shadows.

Smokey eyes for Asian eyes

  • Carefully work out the orbital line with shades of an intermediate color, rounding the shape of the eye. Line the inner eyelid with a beige or light pink liner to open up your eyes.

To create smokey eyes for Asian eyes, watch our tutorial video:

Colored smokey ice

Brown smoky ice

Versatile make-up suitable for girls with all eye colors, if you choose the right “your” shade. Beige, bronze, tan and chocolate shades are suitable for brown-eyed girls, copper, brick, brown-pink and rust shades are suitable for green-eyed girls, shades of any warm shades of brown are suitable for blue-eyed girls. If you have grey eyes you can choose any shade.

gray smoky ice

Girls with blue eyes go for all shades of gray, brown-eyed girls should choose graphite, and green-eyed girls should look for lighter shades of gray.

Blue or light blue smoky eyes

Blue Smokey - the best choice for blue-eyed and, especially, brown-eyed girls. Green eyes can also be beautifully emphasized with blue smokey, but only in this case they should be rather turquoise or with lilac pigments.

Green smoky ice

Another great option for brown eyes: try olive, copper or khaki. If you have green eyes, add some emerald shadows to the palette. Blue-eyed and gray-eyed girls should be careful when choosing a shade: there is a risk that eyes with green shadows will “get lost” on the face.

Smokey eye makeup has long been a classic holiday makeup. The secret to this trend's popularity is that a smoky look can drastically change your face, transforming ordinary girl into a glamorous diva.

Once you master the technique of applying and blending, your entire makeup will only take a few minutes. And you will get an irresistible look, even if your eyes small size or not very expressive.

Choosing the right shades

To create a smokey eye look, you will need one black eyeliner, at least two shades of powder eyeshadow, and black mascara.

The base color should be a rich, shimmery (but not metallic) texture. Pick a shade a little darker than your skin tone. You can also opt for neutral beiges or grays for a soft and sophisticated look, or alternatively use bright base colors for a more expressive look.

The color for the outline should be dark, matte or slightly shimmery. Choose between dark brown, blue, green or purple, depending on the color of your outfit. Black, on the other hand, can be used with any outfit for a stunning effect.

You can also add a third color to your makeup - shimmery highlighter, which is applied just under the eyebrow. This will increase the area around the eyes, as well as soften any lines that remain after shading. For these purposes, your regular face powder is also suitable, so the image will turn out to be more refined and soft.

Choose wooden or automatic black eyeliner. It must be soft.

Never use liquid eyeliners - it's for clean lines, and we strive for a soft and sensual look!

Black thickening mascara and stronger than usual tinted brows are the final touches to create harmonious image smoky ice style.

Step-by-step technique for applying smokey ice makeup with a photo

1. Outline the eye with a black pencil. Make a thicker line along the upper lashes.

2. Using a brush or eyeshadow applicator, apply the base color to the mobile eyelid and just above the crease. Blend a little.

3. With a pointed applicator, apply a darker contour shade to the pencil line on the upper and lower eyelids. Blend them well with each other.

4. Close your eyes and apply a contour shade also in the crease of the eyelid.

5. Now you need to mark the outer corners of the eyes using a horizontal "V" shape. The position of the pointed end of the "V" will determine the shape of your eyes.

Using a soft, medium-sized round brush, blend the shadows on the upper eyelid. On the lower eyelid, the shadows also need to be shaded; a flat brush is ideal for this.

Repeat the application of the contour color with the applicator as many times as necessary to achieve a deep shadow. Carefully blend the edges after each use.

Apply a highlighter or your usual powder under the brow area to make it easier to blend the dark contour color and add some volume to your makeup.

For a deeper look, line the inner eyelid with a black pencil. Then tint your brows and apply a few coats of mascara to complete the look. Now your eyes will become more "smoky" than ever before!

To balance your bright eye makeup with the rest of your look, apply blush more intensely than usual. And for lips, it is better to use pale shimmering shades of lipsticks or lip glosses.


1. Do not line your eyes with a pencil too carefully. Careful shading is much more important.

2. Choose from brown, black or gray colors- they are ideal for such a "smoky effect".

1. Too thick a drawn line (may result in the so-called “panda or raccoon effect”)

2. An abundance of eye shadow.

3. Dirty circles around the eyes. Start applying makeup from the eyes, and only then move on to toning the face.

In addition to the classic brown and grey-black shades of eyeshadow in smokey eyes, you can also experiment with others, depending on the color of your eyes.

What shades are suitable for smokey eye makeup

Ideal for bright colors such as green, blue and purple.

To highlight and make their color more expressive, complex taupe (gray-brown) and all shades of dark silver are best suited.

Smokey ice makeup (translated as “smoky eyes”) was at the peak of popularity during the existence of the USSR. Even then languid women's views framed eyes in this technique drove men crazy, and from all the photos women with the same make-up looked at us.

Today, smokey ice is still popular and is often used by fashionistas and socialites, as evidenced by numerous photos and videos with their participation, which are replete with the Internet and tabloids.

To shine in a chic way, there is no need to contact a makeup artist, because you can make smokey ice yourself by following the instructions: photo, video or just step by step description actions.

Smokey ice application options

It is believed that the classic and the only true one is smokey ice makeup, made in black and gray with the obligatory use matte shadows or black pencil.

In fact, the concept of “smokyeyes” has long gone beyond the classics and has become a generally recognized technique for applying and shading shadows, and a lot has been filmed about creating such makeup. teaching materials both photo and video. With equal success, you can use green, blue, purple, gray, brown shades or any others. This is how it is selected perfect makeup for any color and shape of eyes.

Distinctive features of such a make-up:

  1. at the lash line on the upper eyelid, the shadows should be the darkest;
  2. eyes should have a stroke - you need to make a clear and bright line;
  3. creates a haze effect around the eye;
  4. as you move towards the growth line, the eyebrows should become lighter more and more until they completely disappear, and the transition should be soft and imperceptible;
  5. eyelashes are carefully and thickly stained with mascara.

What you need for makeup

Smokey ice makeup every woman can do on her own with the following simple kit:

  • powder or foundation that suits your skin;
  • soft eyeliner (black) and the one with which you usually draw arrows;
  • shades of at least three colors that are close to each other in shade. Light is better to take mother-of-pearl;
  • makeup brushes;
  • ink;
  • eyebrow pencil.

Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup using the smoky eyes technique

Smokey ice, like any other type of makeup, you need to start by preparing the skin for decorative cosmetics. So your makeup will look perfect, and the skin is smooth, well-groomed and even. This is how stylists create perfect images in photos of celebrities or videos with their participation.

The smokey ice effect is created step by step according to the following scheme:

  1. the cream that you usually use is applied to the face;
  2. then the tone is evened out with the help of a tonal foundation or cream;
  3. if present in the eye area dark spots they need to be corrected with a corrector;
  4. it is recommended to apply a foundation under the shadows on the upper eyelid - this will allow you to keep your makeup as long as possible;
  5. the contour around the eye should be circled with a black pencil, while the line should be clear, even and as close as possible to the eyelashes. From the outer corner, it should go up a little and be thicker than the one that is drawn around the eye;
  6. from the previously selected shadows, it is necessary to choose the darkest ones and apply them on the upper eyelid, as well as on the lower one - from the outer to the inner edge with a gradual decrease in color intensity. Blend thoroughly;
  7. medium-tone shadows with a flat brush, paint over the rest of the eyelid. The transition between the shadows should be soft and smooth;
  8. the inner corners of the eyes, as well as the brow space, should be painted with the lightest tone of shadows (usually white or beige shades with pearlescent effect);
  9. carefully paint over the eyelashes with mascara. It is best to use mascara to add volume or with a lengthening effect;
  10. draw the line of the eyebrows, but so that their color does not become brighter and more saturated than your eyes.

If the application technique is still not clear to you, then pay attention to any photo that illustrates smokey ice makeup step by step, or use one of the many videos.

How to choose an eyeshadow palette for each eye tone

When creating smokyeyes, the main thing is not only to be able to perform all actions smoothly and accurately, but also to choose a color palette that is perfect for you, and will also be appropriate in certain time days. Over time, the clarity of the lines and the technique can be worked out in practice, especially since there are many training videos on the Internet, but you need to decide on the palette in advance. If you follow some rules, you will look like Hollywood stars in the photo in glossy magazines:

  • smokey ice for blue eyes will perfectly emphasize your image if you do makeup in blue tone and its shades, use gold, peach or another soft and warm color;
  • Smokey ice for green eyes will be perfect in shades of green, as well as browns and golds. This will make the look more expressive, and the eyes will give additional radiance and purity;
  • smokey ice for brown eyes is best created in the classic version - black, gray shade. If in addition to dark eyes light is coming skin, then purple and lilac shadows will look good;
  • gray eyes count ideal option for smokeyeyes makeup, as they will go well with almost all colors of the eyeshadow palette.

  1. Since smokey ice is a bright make-up with an emphasis on the eyes, it will look extremely inappropriate bright lipstick or overly accentuated cheekbones. When creating such a make-up, you should use pale or natural blush, lipstick in a neutral tone, close to natural color lips, or lip gloss on a non-greasy basis, always in a light shade.
  2. Owners of an almond-shaped incision of the eyes with correct form You can increase the depth of your gaze by slightly darkening the inner and outer parts of the eye.
  3. If your eyes are set too far apart, then blend the shadows towards the temples - this will visually bring them closer.
  4. If the eyes are located close to each other, then you should not bring them to the innermost corner. Here the best option will use light shade shadows.
  5. Step by step makeup application can be found in step by step videos instructions.

Since its appearance (the first half of the 20th century), smoky eyes makeup has managed to gain unprecedented popularity and win the hearts (and eyes) of so many fashionistas and beauties.

Initially, this make-up was used to create the image of a vamp woman, and therefore its classic version is considered to be done in gray and black tones. And perhaps this is the best color scheme for smoky eyes, because in translation it means “smoky eyes”, and this effect of veil, mystery is best conveyed by just black and gray shades.

Although in our time in the beauty industry they are very fond of experiments, and now, made in this technique, it can be green, pink, blue. Stick to the classics or keep up with the times - the choice is yours.

Smokey eye makeup is suitable for absolutely everyone. For brunettes it is better to choose shades that are not light, but not the darkest, and preferably at least a little bright.

Blondes they can opt for dark ones, but too light ones will be completely lost and “lose” their face.

This make-up is good because by changing the intensity of shades and the amount of cosmetics, you can create both a casual everyday look and a sexy evening look.

How to do smokey ice makeup?

As in any other make-up, it has its own nuances, features and distinctive features, and the main provisions that do not depend on the type and style of the make-up.

Preparing the skin

Of course, before applying decorative cosmetics you need to prepare the skin. This, as always, is a mandatory cleansing, if necessary, scrubbing and moisturizing.

It is important to note that it is for smokey ice that the matteness of your skin is very important, because when using this technique and for the most part dark colors oily sheen will be even more noticeable and look even more terrible. So prevent it.

Choosing a foundation

In covering the skin of the face foundation haze is also important, so it is better to choose the appropriate cream. And no reflective particles!

Before application foundation mask all pores, redness, bumps and pimples with a light concealer, since, again, dark colors can emphasize them a lot.

Also, the concealer should work well under the eyes, all for the same reason - dark shades can visually increase bags and bruises under the eyes at times.

When applying a tone to the face, you need to follow the boundaries of the face with hair and neck. Then apply loose powder.

Blush and bronzer: looking for the perfect combination

Bronzer or blush should be present in a smoky eye makeup, but in small quantities, only to create a clear contour of the face. If you go too far with this, then the emphasis will no longer be directed to the eyes, but to the cheekbones and cheeks.

Eyebrows and smokey ice

Eyebrows should be quite clear and bright so as not to get lost, but neat.

You can draw a shape with a pencil, and then fix it with a dark brown or black eyebrow gel and tint the hairs. It is also important here not to draw too much attention to the eyebrows.

How to make smoky eyes: step by step instructions

And now the most important thing is how to make smokey ice directly. We will talk about classic options- black and gray.

There are two main techniques - horizontal and vertical. In the first case, the line closest to the lash line is the darkest, above it - a little lighter, and the top, widest - light.

To make the bottom line, first line your eyes with a pencil, and then outline this line with it and paint over it, then apply black shadows to the pencil.

We shade the border and apply lighter, gray shadows to the shaded area. In principle, you can leave it like that, but adding the third, most light shade the gaze reaches its peak of smokyness.

We cover the lower eyelid from the outside with black shadows, from the inside - lighter ones, and carefully blend the border. In the horizontal version, the sequence is the same, but the shades “darken” not from top to bottom, but from the inner corner to the outer.

And be sure to liner along the entire line of the company's eyelashes. Arrows are allowed. To give a fresh look to the inner corner of the eye, apply a little white shadow. Ink is applied black and in several layers.

Important points when creating smokey ice makeup

  1. Very often, with this makeup, dark shadows crumble and draw bruises under the eyes. This can be avoided if:
  2. put on a lot loose powder under the eye, and then, together with crumbled shadows, brush off with a wide brush;
  3. hold under eye while applying eye shadow cotton pad;
  4. use creamy textures*win*

It is clear that, since we have an emphasis on the eyes, the lips should not look too catchy. Ideal as matte lipsticks and lip glosses.

By the way, if you complement this makeup with red lipstick, you get an image femme fatale and evening version, and if pale pink or beige, then a very everyday option will come out.

Girls, take note! *wink*