Congratulations to the policeman. Police work is difficult, dangerous! Congratulations to the woman on the day of the police

As a guardian of order, on your autumn holiday
We wish you great achievements in your work,
Support from loved ones, success in business,
Let the authorities appreciate your mind and scope!

Happy Russian Police Day
Please accept our congratulations.
Love and understanding of loved ones,
And boundless luck.

Although crime is increasing every year,
Just don't let her down
Let the dangers pass by
You always protect our peace.

Police Day is wonderful
The holiday is known to all!
We congratulate you all with him,
We wish you much happiness!

Happy Police Day cordially
I congratulate you!
Your work is infinitely important
May fate keep you.

Get some rest today
From criminals and thefts,
Turn off the phones
Police Day is yours!

Congratulations on Police Day short in verse

Happy legal holiday, happy day of all police officers
Take today nice words.
Let there be more joys of life,
And for great deeds - a clear head!

Worthy of law and order to observe,
On the streets, peace and quiet guarding.
Find the villains and save the innocent
On Police Day, I wish you!

Thank you for your courage, faith and strength.
Thank you for protecting Russia!
May pain, loss not meet you,
Let the stars on your shoulder straps shine!

Happy police day - success and all the best,
So that your career goes uphill,
So that tasks are always successful,
The goals were certainly achieved.

Congratulations on Police Day
We wish from the bottom of our hearts
To make your everyday life
Like a holiday are good!

Police, you are our pride!
And on the day of your profession
Let us sincerely congratulate
And wish you happy days!

Happy Police Day to you
Our dear policeman,
Congratulations by saying:
You are peace, guardian of the world!

Congratulations on Police Day short SMS

Became a real man
When I went to the police
I wish you well, my son,
And great success awaits you
I'm happy police day now
I congratulate you, my dear,
Take care of yourself in the service
Keep honor at any cost!

Happy Police Day
Police all over the country!
Your service is very difficult,
The people need you so much!

All Police Workers
Happy professional day!
May good luck with a bold stroke
Your work and home will cover!

Happy Police Day
I hurry in the morning, my friend,
Wishing by tradition
Tranquility all around!

Happy Police Day! All the best,
Happiness, cheerfulness, success!
For life to bring you
Lots of joy and laughter!

Your life is full of different moments,
And joy is sometimes replaced by trouble,
But you, before the country, keep the debt of honor -
Treasure peace and human happiness!

Let everyday life give only joy,
Less cases, where the pulse jumps.
Let them pursue awards
Health, happiness is only "a plus"!

Happy police day friends
I want to congratulate you!
I wish you inspiration
Strength, courage and luck!

And the tasks are not very difficult,
Executable, possible!
Let the limit rise
Opening cases!

Fighting and serious-faced,
You are good at dangerous work,
With your day - Valiant Police Day
We congratulate you wholeheartedly.
May God grant you good luck, health, perseverance,
Understanding and love in the family,
So that there are as few sorrows as possible,
Evil and crimes on earth.

We used to sing about you
Very true words
your service really
Both dangerous and difficult.
you soldiers of order
Magnified since October.
Although not everything is going smoothly,
But without you, it's impossible.
We count police day
Common holiday of the country.
We heartily congratulate you -
The Fatherland needs you.

Happy Police Day!

Today we heartily congratulate
Those who keep order in society,
Those who know firsthand about the trouble
And at night he does not sleep at his post.
May there be more in the life of the world,
May there be more kindness
And let the police have more
In the hard life of their love!

Honesty, loyalty and courage
We celebrate today.
Let's not forget your glory
Your good for the country.
Let the banners fly
And the victorious march thunders -
Everyone is celebrating today
Your police holiday.

Police Day - poems and wishes

Police Day is a special holiday -
Day of all guardians, guardians of the country.
Those who strictly observe all laws,
Those who both with the right and with the truth on "you".

They catch criminals, they protect life,
Peace and tranquility saving in the country.
How better police fulfills the duty
The easier and more joyful it is to live on Earth!

Glorious employee of internal affairs!
You are impeccably honest and brave,
Our support, protection forever,
Wise, always worthy man!

We select the words of congratulations,
So grateful for your work without laziness,
Happiness, good luck, less work -
Let only worries be pleasant!

Congratulations on the holiday police day

These people are our pride.
Our peace is in their hands.
Keeping firm will,
Loyalty and honor in the hearts,

Serve proudly, boldly,
Every day and every hour.
They have troubles at gunpoint,
So let's congratulate them now!

On Police Day we wish
Don't lose your spirit
All affairs are excellent,
Evil stubbornly win!

Police day today
The whole country celebrates!
Your service to the state
Definitely important!
Happy holiday!

Let's remember today together
Those whose work is synonymous with honor.
Who does not seek an easy life,
Shines with courage, dexterity,

Who keeps the peace of the people
From sunset to sunrise.
Happy Police Day
We honor and praise your honest work!

On the day of the police, I want to wish you
To bring joy to the service.
Never give in to enemies
This is your pride, your strength!
Always keep your honor
Guardian of the law, conductor of order,
Let trouble not touch you
May you live happily and sweetly!

Congratulations on the day of the district police commissioner

At any time of the day or night
You rush to help people
Do you remember the importance of authority
You will always solve the problem!

I wish you, precinct, -
Sometimes there is no need for you -
To sensible assistant
You stayed for the people!

Happy Police Day! We waited!
This holiday has come to us!
Undoubtedly, all the heroes
He congratulated and found!

Congratulations to all involved
Generals, privates!
We wish you success
And more weekends!

And we also wish you
Happiness, joy, kindness,
To the envy of all villains
Never get old!

Congratulations on the day of the police officer

From crazy bullets and from deceit
May the Lord save
Serve faithfully, without flaw -
Let the Fatherland lead you!

I wish on police day
Fatherland to the best sons,
To live honestly, prospering,
May fear be unknown to you!

Your work is hard, we all know
On Police Day, congratulations.
We wish you to work without loss,
Fortune will knock on your door.

You do not have the courage at all,
We wish well-being to all.
To your families of kindness and tender warmth,
So that your life would be only good.

Congratulations on the birthday of the police

It's not easy being a cop
Everyone in the world knows about it
For harm you need milk
Give and award in an envelope.

And if there is no milk,
Well, that's what fate means.
Let the hand not tremble,
Another drink spilling.

You're on the day of the police now
Raise your glasses together.
Bandits will even understand you
And you celebrate your holiday.

On Police Day, we praise lovingly,
Gathering a feast here
General, sergeant, we
For hard, but righteous work!
With you next to me - calmness, silence,
Let the path of struggle with the lads only be begun,
You will protect mothers from punks,
From rapists - our girls;
Establish order in the country
Know a lot about victories over the mafia! ..
Be loved and completely happy
Fulfilling your duty to us!!!

Congratulations to your beloved on Police Day

Always on guard my hero!
You don't have to fight!
With bosses, with life, with mess...
But don't just fight me!
I can always understand you
I always want to hug you.
Today I will say lovingly:
"Beloved, happy holiday to you!"

You are at work late
You catch bandits every day.
And I'm sitting all alone
And on the face of sadness a shadow.

I want police day
Arrest yourself.
My dear, I'm not kidding
And you should know about it.

I will tie you to me
And without steel handcuffs.
I want to prove to you
Your holiday is just for the two of us.

And there will be dinner, conversation,
I congratulate you loving...
In short, listen to the verdict:
I will give you myself.

Congratulations on the day of the police (militia) poems and prose for the professional holiday for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which is celebrated on November 10. Congratulations in verse on the day of the police of the Russian Federation, with beautiful wishes all the best in the family and success in the service, will be excellent parting words in rhyme for the holiday - the day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Congratulations in prose on the day of the police, with sincere wishes all the best in the service, will be a wonderful speech said in your own words on a professional holiday - the day of the police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Beautiful holiday toast in honor of the police, spoken from the heart, will be sincere warm wishes for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on his professional holiday.

Congratulations on the phone
Happy Police Day

Congratulations on the day of the police on the phone - funny and original musical and voice wishes with sending to a mobile or landline number. A congratulatory audio card on the day of the police will go to the phone in the form of an incoming call with the audio greeting of your choice for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, by answering which the recipient will listen to the congratulation.

My police protect me

My police take care of me
Protects from thieves, villains,
The whole country today, according to tradition,
Congratulations to the policemen!

You have been given great powers
Do not care about your connections and blat,
Work hard day and night
You need to raise your salary!

We thank you for your reliability,
Strength, honesty, methods of deduction,
And for conscientiousness, seriousness,
And for the fact that you are a thunderstorm of corruption.

We believe you will exterminate the infection,
Save society from problems
Maybe not tomorrow, and not immediately,
But heaven on earth will come, Eden!

The main thing is that there is happiness at home,
So that there is comfort and a reliable rear,
So that the family waits for you and loves,
Good health and strength to you!

Congratulations on Police Day!

I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Happy Police Day. You are always at the forefront of the fight against crime. Ignoring time, colossal physical and psychological stress, often sacrificing your health and even life itself, you protect the peace of citizens and ensure stability in society. Thank you for your effective law enforcement activities and professionalism. Wish you good health, successes in service, all the best.

Our own police

Our own police
You will always come to the rescue
You kill bandits like flies
And save our children.
You watch and guard the law,
And you won't hit your face in the dirt,
You stop evil at the root
And you have a strong command of words!

You have chrysanthemums in your soul,
Romance, even mystery
But there are more important problems -
Criminals hunt down nasty -
Disarm in an instant
You can smell bandits a mile away!
You serve your country so zealously,
What is on duty for days.

We heartily congratulate you
Happy big day!
Health, good luck,
Fight successfully with crooks.
We wish you a lift in your career,
Presentation of new shoulder straps,
Love and harmony - at home,
And let the law prevail!

For courage, courage and for new shoulder straps! - toast

Congratulations on the holiday - Happy Police Day! What is a holiday without a laid table and without nice toast? I raise a glass to you, brave guardians of order, worthy sons country! Let there be light in the darkest corners of our society! Let criminals surrender, cases are revealed!.. You work not for fear or gold, but for honor and conscience! I wish you iron patience, health and not harden your soul! For justice, for courage, courage and for new shoulder straps!

native police

With brave faces
native police,
Bandits, killers to her -
Not at all scary.
huge capital,
deaf province,
To the very border
Huge country.
Suddenly something happens -
They are right there like a bird,
Letting go of ambition
They fly to help.
And the killers cry
In dreams: "I would have strangled myself!",
Seeing in the distance
Police Outfit!

Happy Police Day!

Fighting and serious-faced,
You are good at dangerous work,
Happy day - Police Day!
We congratulate you wholeheartedly.

May God grant you good luck, health, perseverance,
Understanding and love in the family,
So that there are as few sorrows as possible,
Evil and crimes on earth.

Take an example from a policeman!

Take an example from a policeman!
He is the first everywhere - look!
He will come to our aid in trouble!
He honestly carries out his service!

May a happy occasion be at hand,
Protect so that our peace is better!
Move forward through the years!
Be healthy and faithful to friendship, forever!

They call you now in a new way

They call you now in a new way,
Let there be a pay rise after that.
On shoulder straps appeared so that a star -
As if on order!
Let the criminals at least once a year
On this holiday, they will take a day off for themselves -
Everyone will surrender together!
Yes, police work is not easy,
But let it be your joy,
Dangers do not scare you, and evil -
Do not be afraid of obstacles!
Let Kamenskaya rest today
And Sharapov will quietly pour a cup -
Drink for shoulder straps.

I wish the police on holiday ...

I wish the police on a holiday,
To be close to true friends.
From a bullet to take care of a friend's back,
So that you can always have a drink together.

I wish health and love to the police,
Your whole family be proud of you,
We must respect the dangerous work of the police,
So that she could protect us from troubles, misfortunes.

Dear police officer!

Dear police officer! Accept sincere congratulations with your professional holiday! Employees of internal affairs bodies have always occupied a worthy place in solving national problems. Your service is a model of courage and endurance. The state of the whole society depends on your professionalism and service to the law. This is a guarantee of order, peace and security of the inhabitants of the country. Thank you for your dedication to your duty, for your hard selfless work. We express our deep gratitude to you for maintaining a stable operational environment. You are doing your job of upholding the rule of law and ensuring public safety with integrity. You have a right to be proud results. We wish you good health, new professional success, clean hands, good heart, support people who contact you in difficult situations. Happiness to you, good luck, love and home warmth!

Happy Holidays
Police Day

Happy police day cards - colorful Greeting Cards to the professional holiday of the day of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Animated postcards with police day in gif animation. Postcards with congratulations on the day Russian police.

I am very happy to congratulate the police

The police have a holiday for the guys today.
I am very happy to congratulate the police.
Let the stars fall on your shoulder straps,
And they give a big bonus every day.

May you be awarded a brilliant order,
They will give permission not to go to the outfit.
May you be very lucky in life and work.
I wish you love, health, happiness and loot.

Police work is difficult, dangerous!

Our police have a lot of worries,
She keeps peace and order,
And always ready for the phone "zero two",
We trust if trouble happens.

And she protects any of us
From raids, thefts and hungry eyes,
That they are ready to encroach on our good,
Not ashamed of the unrighteous way.

Police work is difficult, dangerous, harsh -
These are sleepless nights, this is a battle of wits
These are bullets and explosions, and the severity of losses.
And with victory - a happy and joyful look.

So let us bow to her best sons,
For the service that gives peace to us.
And if there is an alarm barely -
We can always trust "zero two".

On Police Day, I wish ...

Something in the world is restless -
Bandyugans are plotting
The plan is criminal, the plan is insidious
The world is capable of shaking.

But the police are not in vain we
We trust our lives.
We believe that at the appointed hour
Can they save us!

On Police Day, I wish
Strength, valor, courage.
Safe to service
Yours was difficult.

To have your relatives at home
Waited and met
There was certainly happiness
And success in all matters!

Happy Police Day!

Congratulations on your professional holiday, Happy Police Day! Your service is aimed at protecting the most important values ​​of society - law and order, human rights to safety of life and inviolability of property. You are true professionals, sparing no effort and life in the fight against crime, drug mafia, bribery and corruption. Thank you for your professionalism, dedication and dedication. I wish you success in your hard work, good health, fortitude, happiness, and the implementation of your plans!

Congratulations, guys, you accept!

Cop, don't rush
And put off work.
Accept congratulations
And get some rest.

What would you wish
Yes, first of all, do not get sick,
Cover another with your chest
Yes, do not get hit by bullets.

Congratulations, guys, you accept!
We believe that you will protect the world, peace.
If necessary, you are always a mountain
Protect us from troubles and evil!

Keepers of order

Congratulations today, Defenders!
Keepers of order!
We wish you happiness, joy.
Those whose courage, strength, grip
Lets live in peace
Helping adults and children
Protected from bandits
Crimes are exposed.

Congratulations on Police Day! - toast

Congratulations on Police Day! We wish you happiness, health and success in your hard work. A thief should be in prison, a crucian should be on a hook, and we should be in prison with you. festive table. We will celebrate Police Day with dignity and beauty. Once again, Happy Holidays, Happy Police Day!

Bow to all our police!

You serve the interests of the people
Efficient, reliable, open,
Disarm the hooligans
Crimes will be exposed.

Protecting our citizens' rights,
Stop terrorism,
Preventing riots.
Bow to all our police!

You are the shield and sword of the Fatherland,
Your mission is to protect us,
I wish to preserve the honor of the uniform,
It is also sacred to fulfill your duty.

Here is a collection of texts for congratulations on Police Day from officials(management, chief, deputies). All texts are written in prose (not in verse).

The holiday is celebrated annually on November 10 and has a name approved (by a presidential decree of 2011) - Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

All names, names of settlements and organizations, positions, statistical data, etc. are used only for convenience of presentation (and for greater clarity), do not forget to change them to the ones you need.

Option number 1

Dear colleagues!

In anticipation of our professional holiday I want to congratulate all the personnel, veterans of the internal affairs bodies, all police officers on this wonderful day.

I express huge thanks personnel for the performance of assigned tasks. I express my deep gratitude to the huge army of veterans for creating the traditions of our internal affairs bodies ... For creating strong foundation, the foundation on which all our work rests to this day. Thank you for the shared experience and for the fact that to this day you provide us with all possible assistance in the fight against crime.

I wish you and your families good health, prosperity, active professional and human longevity. May the new professional year bring new successes, goals achieved, new interesting experience, joy, love and care of loved ones. I also wish to love and appreciate everything that we have. Happy holiday!

Option number 2

Dear employees, veterans, cadets and everyone who listens! I heartily congratulate you on the upcoming significant event- Day of employees of the internal affairs bodies.

Employees of the internal affairs bodies at all times stood up for the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, providing the opportunity to live and work in peace. This is a holiday of those who, without sparing themselves, daily oppose crime… who ensure safety on the streets of cities and towns… who are the first to come to the aid of all those in trouble.

The work of law enforcement officers is round-the-clock, and on their professional holiday, many of them are on a “combat” post. The daily work of employees is associated with great risk and responsibility. They are waging an uncompromising war with the criminal world, performing especially dangerous tasks in hot spots. The names of employees who died in the line of duty are forever inscribed in history.

A deep bow to you, dear veterans, for the invaluable contribution that you have made to the fight against crime. I express my deep gratitude to the mothers, wives and children of employees of the internal affairs bodies, who keep the warmth of the hearth, share successes and failures, and are waiting for you from service with excitement and anxiety.

With all my heart I wish you all success, health, family well-being. Let everything that you give to your profession and people come back to you in the form of energy, optimism, vitality, peace of mind and self-confidence.

Option number 3

On behalf of the leadership and on my own behalf, I congratulate the staff of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Belebeevsky District, all veterans and family members on their professional holiday - the Day of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

We express our gratitude to the employees of the department for their service, for strengthening the rule of law and law and order. Public safety in the city is provided at the proper level. This is the contribution of each employee without exception.

Employees who are today on business trips outside of our city deserve special recognition. They adequately cope with the assigned tasks.

I express my special gratitude to the veterans for their contribution to the professional training and education of the personnel of the department. Your experience and knowledge are invaluable.

In that holiday I wish my colleagues, all personnel, veterans, family members good health, family well-being, confidence in the future, easy service and clear weather in a professional sky.

Option number 4

Dear friends! On November 10, the Russian police celebrate their professional holiday! Today we honor everyone who stands guard over law and order, who protects citizens from criminal encroachments!

Courage, determination and firmness of character are integral features of every employee. Thanks to selfless work, fidelity to duty, readiness to work in the most difficult conditions, The Krasnoyarsk police solves one of the most important state tasks - strengthening law and order in their native land.

On this day, we bow our heads to the memory of our fallen comrades who gave their lives in the fight against crime. Their courage, loyalty to the oath and duty will always be an example for current and future law enforcement officers.

I express special gratitude to our veterans. Remaining in the ranks, you participate in the protection of law and order, influence all events taking place in the city and region. Your voice, your opinion, your invaluable experience serve as a reliable guide for the current generation in choosing life path. its active life position you set an example of honest and selfless service to the fatherland.

Many employees celebrate the holiday at their post, ensuring the peace and security of citizens. About a hundred more people are doing their duty to maintain peace and stability in the North Caucasus region. To them I express special gratitude and appreciation for their faithful service. I wish them all a safe return home. Their loved ones are waiting for them.

Dear colleagues, all personnel of the Intermunicipal Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Krasnoyarskoye"! On behalf of the leadership and board of the Main Department of Internal Affairs for Krasnoyarsk Territory I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! I wish you all indestructible health, peace, successful service and family well-being.

Option number 5

Dear friends, colleagues, associates! On behalf of the leadership of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Oktyabrsky District, I congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the Internal Affairs Officer, which we celebrate today - November 10!

Difficult everyday life requires from each of us high professionalism, discipline, special knowledge and skills, dedication and courage, constant readiness for self-sacrifice for the sake of those who are in trouble.

However, it must be admitted that for the successful fulfillment of the tasks (facing us), along with professionalism, mutual assistance and mutual understanding are also important. I wish you meet them as often as possible.

Special thanks to the deputies of our City Council, the Head of the urban settlement Petrov Petr Petrovich and the directors of our large enterprises - Ivanov E. L., Sidorov P. R., Vasiliev N. A., Kharitonov P. E., and many other leaders who v difficult time find opportunities to help us in strengthening the material and technical base, in repairing the administrative building, and also constantly respond to all our requests and proposals to strengthen law and order in our native region.

With all my heart I wish you all an easy and grateful service ... So that all problems are solved, and cases are solved. Peace and comfort to you and your families - it is on them that we rely in the most difficult moments. It is on our loved ones that part of our experiences falls and our task is to work so that our children can proudly say: “My dad is a policeman!”.

Option number 6

Dear friends, Dear colleagues and veterans! Today is our professional holiday, one of the most joyful dates of the year!

All the years of the existence of the internal affairs bodies were filled with heroic everyday life, daily service to the law, devotion to the people of Russia and the oath. Today we can say with confidence that the Russian police have come a long way and they have something to be proud of.

We have preserved traditions, continuity and best experience previous generations. Our profession, as in the very beginning of its appearance, remains in demand by people, necessary and useful. At the same time, despite the time, the essence of her (profession) remained unchanged. This is the hard, everyday work of those who fight crime, identify violators of the law, protect the peace of citizens and ensure order in society ... And order and stability, as you know, directly affect the well-being and prosperity of the people and the country as a whole.

You are those to whom they come for help and protection... those who are an obstacle on the way of lawlessness, chaos. You maintain order, sometimes at the cost of your own life. And this is not a manifestation of heroism, this is our daily routine, a favorite thing to which we have devoted our entire lives.

Today, the Novosibirsk police are facing large-scale state tasks ... I am convinced that they will be completed efficiently and in a timely manner, and the Novosibirsk police will continue to demonstrate high professionalism, discipline and full dedication with dignity, pride.

I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday and wish you never doubt that your work is not in vain. Peace to you and your families, peace and stability, professional success and the realization of all your plans. May your work always be appreciated, well-deserved rewards overtake you in a timely manner, and life surround you only with grateful people.

Option number 7

Dear colleagues and veterans of the internal affairs bodies of the Zmeinogorsk region!

On behalf of the leadership of the Zmeinogorsk District Department of Internal Affairs, I congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the Internal Affairs Officer of the Russian Federation!

All of you at various historical stages solved the tasks that society and the state set for you. Today it has become a strong foundation for the best traditions of the current generation of police officers.

The outgoing professional year was not easy for us... We have been working in new conditions for many years and we are trying to realize new style work. We are successfully solving the set tasks and I hope that very soon we will move on to stability - the new conditions will become familiar and comfortable, they will no longer crush with novelty. Positive dynamics in the work is already noticeable. All this is thanks to you, your responsible attitude, discipline and composure.

In addition, I express my gratitude to our accompanying organizations - public and veterans. District administration, prosecutor's office and investigative committee also made a positive contribution to our work... Special thanks to them for their assistance.

I wish you good health, energy, optimism, prosperity and successful service.

Option number 8

Dear Internal Affairs Officers and Veterans Perm Territory! On behalf of the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Perm Territory, I congratulate you on your professional holiday!

Not only the level of public safety depends on your daily work, but also confidence in the future, peace of mind of every inhabitant of our region.

Your service has always been and remains an example of selflessness and readiness to help, to defend justice, order and law.

I am deeply grateful to the veterans. Being on a well-deserved rest, you continue to stay in line with the current members of the modern police.

I wish all employees and veterans of the Perm Territory, as well as their families, good health, inexhaustible optimism, family happiness and professional success. May every day of service bring you satisfaction, citizens be law-abiding, family strong, health indestructible, colleagues and friends faithful and devoted, and energy inexhaustible!

Option number 9

Dear friends! September 10 is a professional holiday for all internal affairs employees. Previously, this holiday was called Police Day, and after the re-certification of the police into the police, the second popular name for this holiday is Police Day.

On behalf of the head of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Bryansk - Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, please accept sincere gratitude for your conscientious, selfless and courageous work. With all my heart I wish you to return home unscathed from each difficult task, as well as professional success, endurance and courage, good spirits and good health, family happiness and well-being. Happy holiday!

Option number 10

Dear friends, colleagues, all present!

A year has passed… Our unit has solved more than 800 crimes, and behind each of them is the fate of a person… Having studied the statistics of detection over the past year, we can confidently say that you are doing an excellent job with your professional duties and with the (constantly growing) list of functions that you have assigned. The situation in our district is steadily stabilizing, the number of crimes is decreasing:

  • for grave and especially grave crimes over the past year, we observe a decrease by 18%;
  • effective work was carried out jointly with the district prosecutor's office and the Federal migration service on illegal migration. Over the past year, more than 65 illegal migrants have been deported from the territory of our district. This mechanism still needs to be improved, work is underway, and we expect this situation to stabilize soon as well.

The statistics are encouraging. I express hope that this positive dynamics will continue in the future.

Our personnel, our employees are the main value of our Department. Thank you all for your conscientious service, for choosing such a difficult profession and remaining faithful to your duty despite all the difficulties.

I wish you from the bottom of my heart that you meet every professional holiday with satisfaction in your heart. Let the service bring you the desired return, professional growth and does not bring disappointment. I wish your family and friends to support you, show care and understanding. To keep your health strong long years. I wish you to be proud of your chosen profession and your achievements in your chosen field.

Option number 11

Dear police officers, I am glad to welcome you again within the walls of this building, where we see you every year on the day of your professional holiday!

Everything is changing in our city, in our region, district... Life flows, power replaces one another... But the police remain unchanged. The inhabitants of our village big love refer to police officers and this is not an exaggeration. I constantly come across this at meetings with the local population and citizens constantly express gratitude to the police officers.

I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! I wish that each new professional year brings you more and more joyful impressions and successes that will distract you from the negativity that you encounter in the line of duty. May energy, strong nerves, healthy mind and activity never betray you and keep you going. Let the warmth and care of your loved ones serve as a reliable support in the harsh everyday life of the fight against crime.

Option number 12

Dear colleagues, dear veterans! I congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies!

You protect the people of Yekaterinburg, investigate and solve crimes regardless of personal time, risking life and health ... Every day they come to me Thanksgiving letters, from which I learn that our countrymen highly appreciate your promptness, indifference and courage.

I am grateful to you for the professionalism and dedication with which you serve.

Special thanks go to our veterans. You are a gold reserve, a role model, good mentors. I wish all of us (acting employees of the internal affairs bodies) that you remain active and indifferent for as long as possible, pass on the best traditions of service and share invaluable experience with us.

Service in the internal affairs bodies has never been just a service, it is a vocation. It is impossible to be born a police officer, everyone who came to serve and stayed in the service did it at the behest of the heart and the call of the soul. I, as a leader, am grateful to each of you for the contribution that you make to the common cause of the fight against crime and for the fact that you comply with the norms of professional ethics. Although, it is often extremely difficult to do this in the circumstances that you face almost daily.

I wish you all success, promotion, endurance and simple family happiness.

Option number 13

Dear colleagues! Today we are celebrating the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies!

Much time has passed since the workers' militia was first formed, later renamed the police ... more than 100 years have passed. During this time, power, structure, policy and goals, legislation have changed in the state, but we have always performed the same task - ensuring the safety of life, health, property of citizens, public order.

And this is exactly what we are doing with you to this day, without delving into any political games, regardless of changing instructions and rules. Although the elements of crimes change from time to time, some violations (for example, such as speculation and “moonshine”) become a thing of the past and are no longer considered crimes, while others, on the contrary, are born and add work to us. However, thanks to this, we do not stand still - we develop, improve our skills, and gain new invaluable experience.

  • the outgoing professional year brought us (however, as always) new achievements: the number of crimes in our region decreased by 2% compared to the previous year;
  • through advocacy and preventive measures we managed to reduce the number of dead citizens by 3.5% compared to last year (this was an important task and we completed it);
  • increased the number of solved grave and especially grave crimes by 28% compared to the previous period.

I thank you for your conscientious service. Thank you for doing your job the way it should be done - do not grumble, calmly and courageously solve any problems at any time of the day.

I wish you patience, health, understanding from relatives and friends. Let in the hustle and bustle of everyday life you always have time to communicate with dear people and your own hobbies.

Option number 14

Dear employees of the internal affairs bodies!

On behalf of the Council of Deputies of the Yelets City District and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your professional holiday!

Let me express my gratitude to you for your daily, difficult and very important work! Your service to society is no less important than the work of a doctor and teacher. You stand guard over law and order. Life, dignity, health, safety of property of citizens are not empty words for you. Thank you for doing your duty to protect us. It is very important for every person to have a sense of security and not be afraid for their children.

Your work is associated with a risk to life, with a willingness to solve the most non-standard tasks at any moment, to deal with emergency situations, while observing the law, showing courage and self-control.

I wish you a quiet service, good health and personal happiness.

Option number 15

Dear colleagues, dear veterans! I heartily congratulate you on the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation!

This is a holiday for all those who have devoted their lives to serving the people, the law, and the fatherland. The profession of a police officer is one of the most important and necessary. Requirements to it never depended on time. High responsibility, honesty and courage - these are the qualities that each of you should and has.

The Ministry of the Interior faces difficult tasks: the fight against extremism, drug trafficking, corruption, and illegal migration. And these are far from all the areas where society expects decisive action from us.

Thanks to your effective work it becomes calmer on the streets of the city, the level of protection of citizens increases and, as a result, the prestige of the service grows. Our ranks are filled with promising and educated young people. Today, the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are distinguished by professionalism and excellent sports training, as evidenced by bright victories in international competitions.

On this day, it is impossible not to remember the bitter losses. 18 of our comrades (for last year) died in the line of duty. Over 700 were injured. We bow our heads before the feat of our dead colleagues and forever preserve the bright memory of the heroes.

Today we pay tribute to our veterans. Experience, loyalty to duty, careful attitude to traditions are invaluable for existing employees who worthily continue your path.

I express special gratitude to your families for their care, warmth, patience and support.

Thank you all for your conscientious service.

I wish you success in fulfilling your professional tasks, inexhaustible health and vitality, well-being, peace, kindness and tranquility.

Option number 16

Good afternoon dear friends, dear veterans! I congratulate you on the holiday - the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies!

Today we honor those who chose the extremely important, but very difficult and necessary work for our society to protect our order and law. These are people for whom personal decency and reputation are not empty words.

The best traditions of service were laid down by many generations of your predecessors... Therefore, today the veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs deserve special words of gratitude. You deserve them because regardless of age and difficult situation with health, share your experience and knowledge with young colleagues.

We will always remember those law enforcement officers who remained faithful to the oath to the end, those who did not flinch and did not retreat at the most critical moments ... This year, 26 police officers in our region died in the line of duty. Their memory will forever remain in our hearts. This is an irreparable loss not only for us, but also for relatives and friends. For us and for future generations of employees, they will forever remain an example of valor, honor, and - a moral guideline.

The vast majority of the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs always honestly and responsibly fulfills its duty, makes a huge contribution to ensuring the rights and freedoms of our citizens. Your work itself attracts increased public attention. You know it well. And you still have a lot to do to improve the personnel, so that each employee is aware of the measure of personal responsibility to society and the state for every decision he makes.

Thank you all for your service. I wish all the personnel good health, confident professional development, the full realization of their abilities and talents in their chosen field, and - the joy of progress.

Option number 17

Dear colleagues, veterans! I cordially congratulate you on our main professional holiday - the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies!

More than 100 years have passed since the formation of the Russian police, and the holiday has undergone several renamings, but has never been abolished.

This holiday symbolizes respect for the best traditions accumulated throughout the glorious history of the internal affairs bodies. A little over 100 years is not so much on a historical scale, but these years have included a whole era of the country's development, and given this, the past century is not so short, especially since the police have undergone radical changes along with the country.

Today we celebrate this date with a united and strong organization, with a solid human resources potential and vast experience in the field of ensuring public safety. Year after year, day after day, the internal affairs officers did not lose heart, retained their ranks and, remaining true to their oath, more than once proved their devotion to Russia and its people.

We are entrusted with protecting the life and peace of people, the interests of the state, and fighting violations of law and order. This is a difficult, responsible and very honorable mission. We are justifiably proud of true professionals who adequately fulfill their duty today. We are proud of everyone who, risking their lives, defeats crime, preserves the honor of their uniform, and is an example of decency and integrity. And such employees are in the vast majority. Today they are real prop bodies of internal affairs of the Vladimir region.

The most objective assessment for the internal affairs bodies is the trust of citizens. Trust in the Ministry as a whole, and in each individual employee. This trust must be cherished and strengthened daily. Citizens must be sure that they will find help and support from us day and night, that their rights and legitimate interests will be reliably protected by all the power and authority that is given to us by law.

I bow my head to the courage of widows and mothers who were able to endure after the most difficult loss. We always cherish the memory (and we carefully keep it) of friends, comrades and associates who died in the line of duty.

On this day, I want to express my deep gratitude to our veterans. Today they make a huge contribution to the upbringing and development of young employees, pass on rich experience and the best traditions of service, and provide all possible support to the families of fallen comrades.

Dear colleagues, thank you for your honest, conscientious work and convey the most warm congratulations members of your families. All our professional achievements, successes, stars on shoulder straps are also their merit.

With all my heart I wish you good health, good luck, long life and prosperity. Happy holiday!

Option number 18

More than 100 years ago, on November 10, 1917, the law on the workers' militia was approved. It is this day that is still celebrated as a professional holiday for employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (also “Police Day” and “MVD Day”).

Coming through a large number of Reorganizations of the police lasted until 2011. Many of the current employees began their service in the police. Some citizens still call us policemen. On the this moment, despite the changes that have taken place (during the entire existence of the police), the main functions and tasks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have not changed ... The most valuable thing in life is peace, tranquility and stability. Therefore, it is no coincidence that in the history of the existence of the police, it has inscribed many bright pages in the annals of our country. And no matter how the service is called (both in the past and in the future), this day remains a holiday of those who heroically defended, and today stands to protect the national interests of the state, wages an uncompromising fight against crime, protects the peace and safety of citizens.

Not everyone dares to opt for such a profession. The work of a law enforcement officer cannot be easy and simple. But in our Department, professionals are serving - conscientious and honest, responsible people who came to the profession at the call of their hearts and still remain faithful to the oath, honorably fulfilling their duty.

I am sincerely grateful to you for your service, patience and attention to people, complete dedication, courage, determination and firmness of character.

I heartily congratulate our wonderful women who connected their lives with the police service. Despite the complexity of your work, you perform your official duty on an equal footing with men and continue to be real women - the keepers of the hearth.

The best traditions of service were laid down by many generations of police officers ... Low bow to the veterans of the internal affairs bodies. Dear friends! To this day, many of you contribute to the education of young employees and generously share your professional knowledge rich life experience.

In addition, it is worth noting that we always remember and pay tribute deep respect, resilience and heroism of our fallen comrades. Showing strength of will, invincibility of spirit, they honorably fulfilled their official duty, sacrificing their lives for the sake of saving others. In memory of them, we surround their families with care, and also express our deep gratitude to the relatives and friends of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Thank you so much for your patience, understanding and care. Your support and support help us to endure in any situation in our difficult working days, to maintain strength, faith and kindness. I wish you warmth in the house, love, optimism.

I wholeheartedly congratulate the entire staff of the Office for conscientious work and high performance. Let everyone find their own, well-deserved reward. May your hectic everyday life always be accompanied by unchanging good luck, devoted friends and comrades-in-arms, love and understanding of loved ones. Happy holiday!

1. When creating your own text, stick to the following plan:

  • Introduction. In this part, it is necessary to greet those present, introduce yourself (introduce yourself and those on behalf of whom the speech will be delivered) and inform the listeners about what they have gathered here ... this case– on the occasion of a professional holiday (you must provide the full, official name of the holiday).
  • Main part. The speaker can start this part with a historical background (tell how many years ago and thanks to which the holiday appeared), enumerate the successes achieved over the past year, report on innovations, completed and future work, significant events, voice plans (and hopes) for the future. They also talk about the importance of this profession for society, for stability in the state and its role for the development and prosperity of citizens.
  • Final part. Here it is necessary to express gratitude to employees and veterans, to mention the memory and respect for those who died (in the line of duty) comrades. In the same part, significant news is reported (if they are intended for a wide range listeners), pronounce parting words and wishes, set guidelines. End the speech with a message about the next the best employees(if it is planned by the program of the event).

2. Words of gratitude can be included not only in the final part of the text, but also in the beginning. However, said at the end, such words are better imprinted in the memory of listeners, create positive attitude and are remembered for a long time. Words spoken at the beginning can “drown” in the flow of subsequent information ... That is why it is better to put them closer to the final part of the speech (after historical background, statistical report and other information included in the congratulatory speech).

3. If you decide to use a ready-made text (from the above), do not forget to change the statistical data to the relevant ones for your department, district, region, etc. The above examples use conditional data (solely for clarity and convenience of presentation).

4. If there is no time to prepare a report, generate statistics, etc., use generic text with “streamlined” phrases, avoiding mentioning exact numbers. Such texts include samples No. 1, No. 2, No. 17, No. 18.

5. If you don't plan to give a long speech, you can cut almost any of the texts given without losing the meaning. To do this, take the first sentence from the text you like, words of gratitude and wishes (the last lines of the text). Exclude from the text historical background, statistics, any discussion about the role of the profession for society, etc. This way you will get a concise text.

Police, police, keepers of order!
Let your duty always go smoothly.
And if you have to go for an operation -
Let everyone return home from the operation, to the family!

Police, police, brave guys!
Let crime fall, but wages rise!
Police, police, our congratulations to you!
Defenders, we are not afraid of anything!

To go to the police
You need to get through the army
Be healthy, strong, honest,
An interesting person!

Congratulations to the police
We wish to keep our honor,
Don't be lazy, but serve
Treasure this service!

Let trouble not happen
The intruder is afraid of you!
On this happy day
Accept congratulations!

Russia has a tradition
If we have a police
This day is worthy of being celebrated everywhere.
You are firm and determined
No chance for the offender.
You are on duty! And the citizens are ready to congratulate
People who are famous for their honor
Deal with any problem
You want to wish health and happiness!

Police-police, we only need a summary:
Rapists, robbers, the prison awaits the palace.
Police, police, we only care about one thing:
So that crooks and thieves all sit down at the same time.

And no matter what happens, we would know in advance:
The one who creates disorder will be punished!
For you, guardians of the law, (whatever they call you),
We hope there will be fireworks in honor of the holiday!

There will be a concert, gifts and a festive cake,
And we will give you our cool congratulations!

Protocol and detention
And a dangerous task -
Until the seventh sweat
Hard work.

You are on guard of peace,
And life without robbery!
They come to you to be saved
In life, to be found soon.

You all help
You know your business!
We write this congratulations
To congratulate he helped!

How to put things in order
Catch a gang of killers
congratulations to buy,
Earn respect.

Always tells everything
And according to the rules will punish
He will place everyone, pacify
Police team.

You have hope, our faith
For the peace of the country
So that life is like a bowl
No fragments of antiquity.

This service is not easy.
Both dangerous and difficult.
For her today in friendship
We have to drink to the bottom.

Let's drink silently for the departed,
Standing remember friends.
For health, let's knock louder,
To be stronger and stronger!

congratulations this morning
Let's meet joyfully and wisely.
Wrote congratulations -
He is a guarantee for the holiday!

Police day. Hooray!
We will start the holiday in the morning!
At the parade, formation
And for the best awards.
And the usual work
The one up to the seventh sweat,
Today will be better
From people in response we will receive
Good, bright wishes,
In respect of confessions.
This congratulation is written
So that everything has meaning and sense!

Although now the police are called the police,
But the one who was the defender - he remains to them!
They are laconic, do not like conversations,
The wand is manipulated as if by jugglers!

And if there is a violation, a whistle will blow!
Whoever looks after the order - our congratulations!
Defenders of the law, guardians of order!
Let everything in your life be peaceful, smooth!

Congratulations cop today
With the main holiday in your new life.
We want you to be worthy
Chin, titles, so that you are even bolder,
So that everything in the family is calm, sincere and even,
So that happiness lives in your home always.
And you should not even walk around the house in formation,
Being a little lighter is not a problem at all.