Educational games for 3 years with hands. How to keep children busy at home: making games from scrap materials. DIY didactic game

V recent times educational toys appeared on the shelves of all stores. "And how without them ?!" - teachers exclaim. Let's figure out what an educational toy is.

As the name suggests, this is a toy that develops something in a child: fine motor skills or some knowledge. By and large, all toys are developmental: the rattle teaches the child to control their hands (grab, shift from hand to hand, throw). And yet, developing toys are usually called those toys that allow the child to learn something in game form... You can make many of these toys yourself.

The main stages of child development

Before you start making a toy, determine what age it will be designed for. Obviously, the five-year plan will not be interesting. It is also important what the child is fond of. It depends on what shape your toy will be and what kind of plot it will be combined.

I would like to remind you that everything is individual. Perhaps your child has already mastered some skill ahead of time, perhaps not.

0- 3 months

The child lies on his back most of the time. It is necessary to develop the ability to focus your gaze.

Types of toys: mobiles, bright rattles, garlands, beads.

Requirements for toys: different textures, lightness of toys, simple forms... The colors are bright, but not variegated. Preferably no more than 5 items.

3 - 6 months

The child moves more and pulls all objects into his mouth. Learns to roll over from back to stomach. It is necessary to develop coordination of movements, hearing and vision, and the skill of grasping.

Types of toys: tumblers, rag beads, toys with a mirror, rattles - dumbbells, rings. Developing rugs with arcs. Rag balls, bracelets with buttons.

Requirements for toys: bright, multi-textured toys that emit different sounds.

6 - 9 months

The child learns to crawl, recognizes loved ones. Able to entertain himself for a while. It is necessary to encourage motor and speech activity, as well as develop the ability to grab an object not with the whole hand, but with two fingers.

Types of toys: educational rugs, sorters, pyramids, nesting dolls, musical toys with buttons.

Requirements for toys: bright, sounding toys should differ in shape, weight, method of use.

9 - 12 months

The child learns to walk, talk. It is necessary to develop motor and speech activity.

Types of toys: developing rugs and picture books, rolling toys, dolls with pronounced facial features, glove and finger puppets, pyramids, cubes, sorters, options for boxes, buckets, baskets (toys - inserts).

Requirements for toys: toys consisting of different parts that can be assembled and disassembled. Toys that reflect real-world situations.

1 year - 1 year 3 months

Begins active development and exploration of the surrounding world. The child manifests a desire for independence. It is necessary to develop motor and speech activity, as well as thinking operations: comparison, generalization, analysis.

Types of toys: pyramids, cubes, insert toys, musical instruments.

Requirements for toys: toys made up of different parts that can be assembled and disassembled.

1 year 3 months - 1 year 6 months

Speech development, encouragement speech activity, development of fine motor skills (unbuttoning - fastening different ways). Development of the operation of thinking.

Types of toys: educational rugs and books, cubes, toys with a surprise (secret), sorters.

Requirements for toys: toys that allow to generalize objects based on similarity, size, color. Names of animals, plants, clothing, etc.

1 year 6 months - 1 year 9 months

Active knowledge of the surrounding world. It is necessary to develop the active use of objects for other purposes, independent play understanding emotions.

Types of toys: toys reflecting real situations and objects of the surrounding world, animals.

Requirements for toys: object games(plot, construction, etc.). Toys requiring to show and name colors, shapes, choose an action.

1 year 9 months - 2 years

The child is active social development... It is necessary to develop an understanding of shape, color, size.

Types of toys: sorters, pyramids, cubes, books.

Requirements for toys: toys that can be grouped by shape, color, size.

2 - 3 years

The child's active social development continues, he already knows how to interact with other children. It is necessary to develop fine motor skills, as well as the ability to distinguish shapes, colors, sizes.

All kinds of toys. Crafts from natural materials, paper, plasticine.

Requirements for toys: toys for subject, role-playing games.

35 years

Activity, the ability to independently build their play activities. These skills need to be reinforced.

Types of toys: children's lotto, puzzles. Games for studying the time of day and seasons. Learning the alphabet and numbers.

Materials for making educational toys

There are a lot of materials for making educational toys, most of them are in every home!

Remains of fabric

Educational toys are good because you can use the leftovers that every needlewoman has for them. For example, the remains of various fabrics, felt, fleece, knitwear. Different texture is only welcome!

Want to make your life easier? Use small pieces of fabric that are applied to new suits.

Those who know how to knit can use squares that are knitted to calculate the loops.

Everything is used: laces, ribbons, buttons, beads, zippers, buttons, drawstrings, snaps, adhesive tape, buckles and much, much more! And small thermoapplications may well play the role of a secret hidden behind a curtain or in a pocket.

Furniture fittings

Latches, hooks, keys with locks and threaded screws can be used, for example, when "building" a house.

Rustling elements

The rustling of this or that element is achieved due to the crumpled cellophane wrapper from tea or a box of chocolates nested inside.

Thundering elements

The thundering elements represent a huge scope for imagination. Place inside a plastic container for shoe covers or a plastic egg from Kinder Surprise, into which some cereals (rice, peas, buckwheat, small pasta), salt, dried cherry pits or acorns are poured.

Ringing elements

Most often, they represent a small bell, bought for little money in souvenir shop or a fishing store.

Shiny and transparent elements

These include pieces of thick foil, the inside of juice or milk packaging, and packaging for toys or bedding.

Opening elements

They are usually very popular with children, especially if someone is hiding under them) Options: window, pockets, curtains. Or you can use these ordinary water or juice caps.

Old clothes

Some craftswomen use children's clothes for their babies, which are already small for them.


As soft fillers, they usually use synthetic winterizer, foam rubber (then your cube will keep its shape) or foam.

However, I am sure that if you think about it, you will definitely come up with something of your own!

What are educational toys

On the Internet, you can find a huge number of self-made educational toys: books, cubes, panels and rugs, pillows, stands, houses, animal figures, etc.

Developing mat

The plots are also varied. It can be some kind of children's fairy tale or just a plot picture.

Remember, for example, what your boy is fond of: cars or little trains?

Interesting versions of books "about the baby" - they not only develop motor skills, but also help the child to better know the world around him.

Or maybe it will be just a cube, with some elements? It's up to you to choose.

All toys can be divided into 2 large groups : those with whom the child can play independently and those for which need help or the presence of an adult... Usually, the first include entertaining toys for children in the first months of life, as well as toys that develop fine motor skills. After several shows, the child will be able to unbutton a zipper or a button, unscrew the cap, etc.

The presence of an adult requires toys that develop the ability to count; find more-less, right-left, top-bottom; name colors and geometric figures, body parts or animals, explain the rules of conduct or road traffic etc.

Toy variations and the skills they develop

Such a bracelet will come in handy at all little kid(from 2 to 4 months). It will contribute to the development of the baby's hearing and vision, as well as the coordination of movements.

Beads (sling beads)

Sling beads develop color perception, tactile sensations, teach the child to touch and roll small elements. Or, in addition to beads, you can attach several small knitted animals or fruits.

Pillow with buttons

Despite the apparent lightness, the toy is quite interesting. develop tactile perception baby. Take it with you on the road and ask your child (depending on his age) to find all buttons of a certain color, count them (on the entire pillow, in one row or column), find the largest or smallest button a certain color in a row or on the entire pillow, show which button is to the right of the small blue, etc.


Develops fine motor skills, teaches the names of animals, allows you to study colors and geometric shapes.

Stand with locks

I'm sure the boys will absolutely love it! There are so many things that you can open, unfasten, turn and press. It is quite simple to make a developmental stand, most of the elements can be found in the closet of any man.

Early period preschool development toddler is very important. At this stage, he acquires skills that will be useful to him in later life... To guide him physically, emotionally, mental development v the right channel, parents must provide him with the necessary loads.

Given the age, play should be the leading activity. Moreover, these should no longer be the usual hide-and-seek and catch-up, but educational games for children 3-4 years old, which are available to parents even at home, without the involvement of teachers and educators. Each of them must fulfill its function: in a playful way, you can contribute to the formation of logic, speech, fine motor skills, memory and attention.

Logic is the ability to reason sensibly and even wisely.

Without it, a person has a very difficult time in life. To promote its formation in a baby, you can choose special games for the development of children 3-4 years old, which can teach logical inferences.


Place any empty pots you can find in the kitchen on the floor, and place lids next to them.

The aim of the game is to select a different lid for each saucepan. The child must analyze which lid is larger and which is smaller, and find his own dishes for it.

Parents should prompt the child, asking him which dish is bigger, what color it is, what it is made of, etc. Such a game will help the child to better navigate with the size, color, shape.

Leaf fall

Type leaves from trees, easily guessed along the contour, for example, oak, maple, birch, draw their borders on paper.

The child must guess which contour corresponds to which leaf, without applying the latter to the drawing.

To simplify the task, if the child is only 3 years old, you can decorate the leaves that you drew, then you can ask the child where this leaf is drawn, and later start complicating it without color. The same can be done not only with leaves, but also with any objects that have radically different shapes.

Fruit cocktail

Blindfold the baby and offer to guess the fruits known to him by touch: pear, apple, banana, orange and others.

Another variation of this game: draw these fruits yourself so that the fruit looks like a real one. But do not use a photo, because the drawing will still not accurately convey the picture.

Third wheel

We need cards with drawn objects, among which one will be superfluous. For example, there will be an iron among the cups, spoons and mugs. The child in the process of developing the game must exclude the last subject.

It is good to arrange such children's educational games for logic once every 2-3 days so that the baby's intellect is not overloaded. And on days of rest from brainstorming you can do speech abilities his child. And again, play activities will help you.


There are a wide variety of games for the development of the speech of children 3-4 years old, aimed at forming grammatical structure and vocabulary replenishment.

In advance, select those that will interest your baby, and not just be useful. Moreover, a specialist is not at all required here. All tasks are easily completed at home with parents (about norms and deviations speech development child 3-4 years old, you can read c).


It's no secret that 3-4 years is the most stubborn age, and you should definitely take advantage of this when looking for games that develop speech.

In particular, the preschooler should choose the simplest antonyms for the words that you call him. For example, white is black, cheerful is sad, good is evil.

Explaining to your child how to do this can be very simple. Think of a time when the child had a lot of fun, for example, when the grandmother came. Explain this emotion to your child. And then let him remember how upset he was when his grandmother went home. Tell them that these are opposite emotions. To make the game more fun, you can make grimaces, depicting this or that emotion.

Grimaces will help both stretch the muscles of the face, and warm up the child's interest in other games that develop speech.

Sound trainer

For the purity of speech, developing speech therapy games are needed, aimed at correcting the pronunciation of different sounds. Repeat with your baby the sounds that different animals make. Challenge him to reproduce as accurately as possible.

Do not lean heavily on the letter "R". Use the hissing sounds of a snake, hedgehog, howling of a wolf, mooing of a cow.

Little detective

This is a game that develops not only speech, but also attention. As you walk down the street, ask your child to describe everything he sees. He must correctly and competently build his speech, speak sentences and notice the smallest details and nuances that he sees.

Didactic games of this kind allow you to enrich vocabulary 3-4-year-old kid and teach him to correctly construct not only sentences, but also to connect them into a single whole - the text. Such speech skills will be very useful to him at school. Yes, and on testing before grade 1, your child, after such educational games, will show excellent results... But in order to achieve success in this field, one cannot do without fine motor skills of the hands, with which it is directly connected speech apparatus in the cerebral cortex.

Finger for fine motor skills

So that the fine motor skills of the hands (the norms and features of the development of fine motor skills) do not suffer, be sure to conduct educational games for children of 3 years old at home, and actively participate in them yourself.

After all, it is from this indicator, according to physiologists, that the further formation of speech in a child depends. Don't miss this important point.

Magic plasticine

Build a kingdom from plasticine with a child.

Every day, let him create 1 hero, the parameters of which you can set yourself. At the same time, fingers can train not only on plasticine, but also on dough or clay.

Picture from puzzles

The most fun of all fine motor skills games are puzzles that contain small pieces. They need to be combined into a single canvas. With age, the details should become finer and finer.

Start with 9 puzzles at 3 years old and end with 200 puzzles at 5 years old.

Jigsaw patterns shouldn't be too complicated or unfamiliar either. If your child likes to watch a cartoon about Fixies, buy a puzzle with fixes. So he will like this game more, and it will be clearer to collect the picture.


The correct grip of the pencil, the pressure on it, the evenness of the lines depicted - all this is present in drawing. So coloring is another important species educational games for a given age. Moreover, the child must deal with them daily.

It is important to follow the child as he draws. If the kid simply moves the pencil in all directions, without thinking, then such an activity can hardly be called an educational game. It is important to focus his attention on how he holds a pencil or pens, how he presses on it. You should not use markers at the very beginning.

These simple, but very useful educational games for children 3-4 years old will help to form fine motor skills of hands without deviations and prepare the baby for school properly. At the same time, do not forget about memory, which you also need to start training at an early age.

To develop memory

There are special games for the development of memory for children 3-4 years old, which in the future will allow him to assimilate large volumes school material... Learning success will also depend on this.


Give your child the task to go to a virtual store and buy a number of products and things. Increase the list each time you send it to the supermarket.

Say: we need to cook soup, please buy potatoes, cabbage and meat. After that, the child must bring these particular foods. If he brought the wrong thing, or if one forgot something, it is important to help him with leading questions.

You can buy a ready-made game in the store, or you can make different products yourself.


Let the child look around in the room, let him remember, as far as he can, the arrangement of things. Then it comes out and you swap some items. Having come to you, the kid must guess what has changed.

The game can be simplified a little by laying out different subjects in a row. The child must also remember their location, and you must either remove the object, or swap objects with each other. The child will have to indicate what has changed in the row.


Draw a simple pattern with it. Let him consider it properly. Then remove the picture and ask him to reproduce it himself.

You can make educational games for children 3-4 years old with your own hands, or you can buy ready-made, board games. The child will be happy to play in them every day.


Modern educational board games for children 3-4 years old are fun and diverse. See for yourself.

Funny pirates

It is supposed to work with cards for attentiveness. Each pirate must be able to put on his ship, analyzing his attributes and clothing.

The essence of the game is as follows: the player rolls the dice, he gets a certain combination, for example, blue color, 3, girl. This means that you need to find 3 blue cards where the girl is drawn.


Board games like this are great because they bring the whole family together in the evenings. They are inserted into the ring colored sticks, which need to be pulled out of the sheaf one at a time so that the rest do not fall apart.

Such a game trains mindfulness, develops perseverance. More suitable for children 4 years old, after all, younger kids find it difficult to sit still for so long.

Frog Race

Another board game that develops coordination and fine motor skills. Small frogs need to be driven into one large frog, pressing their tails with your finger.

For full-fledged formation personality, parents must necessarily arrange games for the development of a child at 3-4 years old, so that in the process he can learn about life. Trying on different roles, making decisions, getting carried away and creating your own world in a developing play activities, the preschooler will progress comprehensively by training his higher mental functions. This will allow him in the future to confidently walk through life and achieve success in everything.

Now, it turns out, the next age is from 2 years, therefore, this article will be discussed about it.

In my opinion, this age is very interesting, games with a child come out in principle new level... If we talk about Taisiya, then at the age of 2, her perseverance somehow sharply increased, more painstaking activities became possible, and she also developed a huge passion for construction and creation (cubes became a favorite toy). Therefore, at this time, many new activities appeared in our "play repertoire", which will be discussed in this article. Rather, only the first half of the games is presented here, but here is the second:

So, what can you play with a 2-year-old child (most of these games can be made at home with your own hands):

It is useful to constantly teach your baby new skills, new movements of pens and fingers. This has a beneficial effect on the formation of the child's speech, and on development in general. So, for example, earlier in our games we used to draw Special attention on, etc. Now is the time to master another new action - winding a thread. Winder games are designed to teach your toddler to coordinate the movements of both hands even better.

During this game, the child learns to wrap a rope or tape around a stick or ball. Generally speaking, it is much easier to reel on a stick, so it is better to start with it. A drum stick, pencil, or even a stick from the street will do. You need to tie to it small piece rope, thick yarn or ribbon.

To increase the child's interest in the game, you can attach a small soft toy... With each new turn, the toy will creep closer and closer to the baby. It is very exciting!

Taisiya was very fond of this activity, she could wind and wind for a long time, and this despite the fact that at first I did not even think of the idea of ​​tying a toy at the end. I notice such enthusiasm in my daughter every time she masters some new practical skill. As if he feels that it will come in handy in life

2. Making soap suds

Prepare a whisk for the game. Then, with your child, pour water into a bowl and drip a little shampoo. Show your toddler how you can get fluffy lather by using the whisk vigorously. Usually, this educational game simply fascinates kids, it's almost like a trick - the water turns into foam

Having played enough with the whisk, my daughter and I, as a rule, proceed to inflate soap bubbles through a tube. Usually, for the first time, it is hard for babies to grasp that the water should not be drunk through a straw, but rather blown out, so if you have never tried to make a storm in a glass before, first experiment on plain water and make sure your toddler is not drinking water. And only then proceed to games with soapy water... Bubbles in this case are even more effective than with a whisk.

3. Play with touch boxes

4. Learning to arrange objects, focusing simultaneously on color and size

My daughter and I often included games with clothespins and tweezers in ours. So, for example, during our teas with toys, along with other plastic food - cakes and vegetables - we used pieces of foam rubber as cookies, and beads as candies. Naturally, we laid out food for everyone, depending on color preferences everyone (The bear loves only red candies, and the bunny only loves blue ones, etc.).

The tweezers can be used as normal or special children's... It is larger, they will not be able to shift the beads, but they will fit well with it fruits of the same company... Learning Resources has other interesting tools for improving fine motor skills, for example.

Needless to say, playing with clothespins and tweezers remarkably develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements, and hone weapon skills.

7. Find items in the bag by touch

Take a few small objects that differ in shape and texture. For example, you can take a bump, a ping-pong ball, toys from Kinder Surprise, a hard metal sponge, a spool of thread, etc. You can even use real fruits and vegetables! (But do not take too many items at once! For the first time, 5-6 pieces are enough) Together with the baby, put all the items in an opaque bag, thoroughly examining and feeling everything. Then agree that you will be able to guess the items in the bag without looking into it. The game options are as follows (in order of increasing difficulty):

  • we take the first object that comes into our hands and, without taking it out of the bag, we guess what it is;
  • show the kid a similar object and ask “Find the same in the bag”;
  • without looking, we look for a specific object in the bag (for example, a shishiku);
  • we give tasks like “Find something round / rough / small in the bag”.

Can be added to the bag to make the game more difficult geometric shapes, for example, Gienesh blocks (Ozon, KoroBoom), and try to guess them by touch.

For a variety of tactile sensations, as well as for enriching knowledge about the world around it, it is interesting to play with nuts. To do this, buy 4-5 types of inshell nuts (5 of each type). We played with walnuts, cedar, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts.

What can you do with them? First, nuts can also be used in handing out nuts to toys while pronouncing and memorizing their names.

Secondly, you can sort nuts by type, again repeating the names (Katya doll loves walnuts, and Olya - peanuts).

Thirdly, you can put the nuts in a small opaque bag and get them out of the bag by touch, just like in the previous game.

9. We play with a knocker

There are two types of knockers on sale. Ball knockers (KoroBoom, My-shop), as a rule, do not require significant efforts from the child; it is enough to hit the ball once to make it fall through. You can introduce your baby to such an educational toy already in a year.

Knockers with carnations (Ozon, My-shop, Babadu) require much more clarity of movements, endurance, concentration of attention from the child, because in order to hammer a carnation, you need to hit it repeatedly. And the carnations do not budge as easily as the balls. Therefore, if you have not yet tried to play with such a knocker, then be sure to try it, the child will be interested.

Taisia ​​and I liked to hammer the carnations in turn: one - she, one - me, etc.

10. Assembling the matryoshka by combining the drawing on its parts.

The usefulness of this time-tested toy can hardly be overestimated, it combines a whole complex of logical and motor games: the child learns to determine the parts that are suitable in size, rank them by size, learns to open and close matryoshka (Maze, My-shop, Daughters & sons).

If the baby is already well accustomed to the selection of halves by size, then it's time to draw his attention to the drawing on the matryoshka's outfit and explain that the pattern on the two halves does not always match. Teach your kid to combine the drawing on the matryoshka by rotating the halves.

Naturally, depending on the drawing on the matryoshka, this task may differ in complexity. Some drawings are not very clear for a child. In addition, many nesting dolls turn very tightly, and in this case, the task of selecting a pattern becomes unbearable for the baby. Therefore, if you do not have a nesting doll yet, consider these factors when buying.

11. Collecting puzzles from 4-20 pieces

And, of course, do not forget about puzzles (Ozon, Maze, My-shop). All children develop in different ways, someone is very interested in puzzles and can add pictures from a considerable amount of parts for a long time, someone does not want to collect 4 parts too much. Focus on the child, and give a feasible task, do not overdo it.

As for Taisiya, at this age she collected puzzles from 4-12 parts (with my help). I must say that by the age of 2, her interest in puzzles had significantly faded compared to the passion that was at the age of 1.5.

That's all for now. Be sure to read the sequel:

Games - required element development and education of the child. Didactic games help to establish the relationship between practical and mental actions, which is important for children of any age: 2-3 years old, 3-4 years old, 4-6 years old.

Didactic game- view educational activities organized in a game format. Classes implement the principles of playful, active learning, obey a set of certain rules, have a strict structure and a system of control and evaluation tools.

Didactic games for children 2-3 years old: how to develop a baby.

The games in question, like outdoor, musical ones, are created by adults (educator, parent) and are offered already in finished form... First, children master the game with the help of its developers, learn the rules, norms of action, and over time, after mastering the necessary content, they begin to play them on their own.

This kind of activity is one of the leading in preschool educational institutions, therefore, are used by educators at all stages of children's development: the first younger group (2-3 years), the second younger group (3-4 years), middle - 4-5 years, older - 5-6 years, preparatory - 6-7 years ...

Properly organized didactic games develop:

  • mental and cognitive ability - children learn new information, generalize and consolidate it, expand their knowledge about various objects, phenomena of the surrounding reality, about the plant and animal world. Memory, all types of attention, observation develops, children learn to express judgments and conclusions;
  • speech- the active vocabulary is replenished and updated in speech activity;
  • social and moral values- children learn the relationship between themselves and adults, between objects of living and inanimate nature, children learn to empathize, yield to each other, be fair, attentive to the other.

Usually, the games considered are divided into 3 main groups:

  1. Games with objects (toys)- are aimed at direct perception of a thing and action with it, therefore, the child gets acquainted with the characteristics of this object, its shape, color. When working with several toys, children can compare them with each other, find common and different. This type of task allows you to organize independent activity, develops the ability to occupy oneself and not interfere with others in the group.
  2. Board games- aimed at acquaintance with the surrounding reality, flora, fauna, phenomena of animate and inanimate nature. Such tasks contribute to the development of speech skills, logic, attentiveness, teach modeling life situations, make decisions, train self-control skills.
  3. Word games- develop thinking and speech of preschoolers. At the heart of these games is speaking, which allows you to train the ability to solve various mental tasks: describe the properties and characteristics of things or phenomena, highlight their main features, compare different objects (phenomena) with each other, guess them by description.

Didactic games for children (2–3 years old or older) are conducted by an educator or parent, at the same time, he organizes activities through familiarization with the content and rules of the game, its course of action, through illustrative example how to play. The game ends with a summing up of its results and analysis, which allows you to identify the individual characteristics of children.

The benefits of didactic games

The games in question develop:

  • speech- children hear the speech of an adult and other preschoolers, therefore, vocabulary is replenished. In addition, the guys answer questions, describe something, reason, therefore, the available speech data are trained, they are being improved;
  • thinking- preschoolers expand their knowledge of objects, phenomena, flora and fauna, learn new information, can compare existing experience with the experience gained, train memory, logic, mathematical abilities;
  • Attention- children train the skills of listening and understanding what needs to be done, how to play the game correctly, therefore, they become more attentive, focused, know how to regulate their actions;
  • physical qualities- development is taking place motor system, children become mobile, active, learn to control their movements, manage them, the child's psyche is formed in terms of the ability to be active.

Development of speech

Didactic games aimed at developing speech skills are recommended to be selected taking into account the age indicator. Such activities replenish the active vocabulary of kids and teach them to highlight the sounds of pupils. senior group.

Didactic games for children 2–3 years old:

  1. "Wood". The goal is to develop the skill of using prepositions in speech, to activate the speech skills obtained earlier. Description - the teacher reads a short poem and visually shows that HA is from above, and UNDER is from below. After playing the action, he discusses with the children what else is ON and OFF. Text:

  1. "The doll is sleeping." The goal is to develop speaking and hearing skills. Additional props are a doll and a lullaby (bed). Description - the preschooler's task is to put the doll to bed: shake it, sing a lullaby, put it in the crib and cover it with a blanket. The next stage of the game - the teacher explains that while the doll is sleeping, you need to talk in a whisper so as not to wake her up. In this case, you need to bring the preschooler to a conversation, ask him to tell about something. The final stage is to announce that the doll has woken up and now you can talk in a full voice.

Classes for preschoolers 4-5 years old:

  1. "Where can I do what?" The goal is to develop the ability to use verbs in speech, listening skills, social and moral values. Description - children answer the teacher's questions: "What can you do on the playground?" (to relax, play, ride a slide, run, communicate, etc.), "What can you do in nature (in a clinic, in the country, etc.)?"
  2. "What, what, what." The goal is to develop the ability to use definitions in speech for various objects, phenomena, to activate the existing vocabulary. Description - the teacher names the words, and the preschoolers name the properties characteristic of these words in a chain. For example: a cat - affectionate, striped, fluffy; coat - warm, autumn, brown.

Games for the older group:

  1. "Vowel sounds". The goal is to develop the skills of separating vowel sounds from the composition of a word. Description - the teacher names a word consisting of one, two or three syllables (it all depends on the individual capabilities of the preschooler), children identify vowel sounds by ear and call them.
  2. "Superfluous word". The goal is development auditory attention, enrichment of vocabulary and clarification of lexical meaning. Description - the teacher names a chain of words, the task of the pupils is to find an extra word and explain their choice. For example: October, January, summer, June, August; jeans, dress, shoes, sweater, coat.

Development of thinking

Didactic games aimed at developing thinking will be useful not only for children aged 2-3 years, but also for the middle and senior groups. Competently organized classes contribute to the training of all stages of the intellectual formation of thinking.


  • visual-effective - the child establishes cause-and-effect relationships through the solution of simple practical problems;
  • visual-figurative - a preschooler establishes connections using a figurative representation of an object, phenomenon;
  • verbal-logical - establishment various links between words and concepts at a generalized (abstract) level.

Didactic games for children 2-3 years old: how to develop a child's thinking.

Tasks for the development of thinking in the younger group:

  1. "Who loves what." The goal is the development of visual-effective thinking, the synthesis of knowledge about animals. Description - the teacher lays out cards with representatives of the fauna and food for them, children are invited to feed each representative.
  2. "Words are reversed." The goal is development visual-figurative thinking, ability to analyze. Description - the teacher names the word, and the pupils need to name the opposite word: narrow - thick, long - short, etc.
  3. "Generalize the words." The goal is the development of verbal logical thinking, the ability to combine words into groups. Description - the task of children is to generalize the words given in the chain of the teacher. For example: a cow, a horse, a ram are pets.

Games for the middle group:

  1. "Lost Toy". The goal is to develop thinking, ability to focus. Description - several toys are placed in front of the child, asked to look at them carefully and remember, then the preschooler closes his eyes, one toy is removed and asked to see which toy is hidden. This game can be complicated if the toys are interchanged, while the preschooler must remember in what order the objects were.
  2. Find the treasure. The goal is the development of logical thinking, spatial orientation, the ability to act according to the scheme. Description - an object is hiding in the room and a map of its location is drawn, the task of the children is to find the object using the map. The task can be complicated if you carry it out on the playground.

Exercises for older preschoolers:

  1. "Continue the word." The goal is to develop the speed of thinking and consideration. Description - the teacher names the initial syllable, and the child must come up with a word that begins with this syllable. You can complicate the task and offer to come up with several words per syllable.
  2. "Similar - not similar." The goal is to develop logical thinking, the ability to analyze, evaluate objects, phenomena, and argue for your answer. Description - the teacher places it in the room in advance various subjects, the task of the preschooler is to find similar objects, describe what they have in common, prove their point of view.

Development of attention

Didactic games for children (2–3 years old and older) on the development of attention train the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, monitor the situation in the group, which in turn leads to memorization of the necessary information.

Exercises for younger preschoolers:

  1. "Lotto". The goal is training visual attention, thinking, speech development. Additional material- paired cards with pictures, one set of cards remains with the teacher, the second set is distributed to children (each with a card). Description - the teacher shows the card, the child who has the same picture quickly picks up his card and describes it.
  2. "Guess what to do." The goal is to train auditory attention, the ability to correlate one's actions with the actions of the teacher. Additional material - a tambourine, colored flags for each child. Description - the teacher picks up a tambourine, the children pick up the flags. If the tambourine sounds loudly, then the preschoolers wave flags, if it is quiet, they keep their hands on their knees.

Games for the middle group:

  1. "Buttons". The goal is to develop memory and attention, the ability to find ways of memorizing objects. Materials - buttons, chess board. Description - pupils are divided into pairs, each receives his own set of buttons. The first player puts three buttons on his playing field anywhere, the second player remembers the location of the buttons, the objects are covered, and the second player repeats the location of the buttons on the field, then the correctness of the task is checked. Then the players change, the second puts the buttons, and the first remembers. The game can be complicated by: 1) putting not 3, but more buttons, 2) setting the time for memorizing and reproducing the pattern.
  2. "Noisy Pictures". The goal is to develop involuntary attention. Material - cards on which various objects are depicted with lines. Description - children look at pictures with several images and should name the objects that are drawn there. Complicating the task: pupils first memorize objects, and then call them from memory.
  1. "Find differences". The goal is to train the ability to arbitrarily switch and distribute attention. Material - a card with pictures that have differences. Description - the child's task is to find all the differences. You can complicate the exercise by choosing images that differ in some detail.
  2. "Builders". The goal is to train observational abilities, distribution and concentration of attention. Material - cards with 4 drawings, pencil. Description - there are 4 drawings on the card - 1 fully completed, and in the other 3 there are no details, the child's task is to finish the remaining drawings so that he gets 4 identical images.

Development of physical qualities

Didactic games for children (2-3 years old and older) for training physical qualities are essential for overall development preschooler. Physical activity can be formed not only in physical education lessons, but also in a group or at home.

When doing the exercises, children learn to coordinate their movements, become more resilient and healthier.

Games for junior schoolchildren:

  1. Mirrors. The goal is to consolidate the ways of walking, jumping, running and other movements, developing the ability to come up with new movements. Description - children form a circle, they will be "mirrors", the leader stands in the center of the circle and demonstrates the movements, the rest repeat after him. Whoever repeats the best becomes the leader.
  2. "Mischievous ball". The goal is to develop the ability to throw sports equipment with two hands from the chest. Description - children stand at the intended line and perform actions to the accompaniment of a poem pronounced by the teacher:

We hug the ball tenderly

Let's push him off casually.

And now we will catch up together:

We need to take pity on him!

Exercises for the middle group:

  1. "Who quickly". The goal is to develop speed of reaction, the formation of the ability to hear and understand the conditions of activity, to perform all actions correctly. Description - divide the children into groups, put a hoop in front of the groups, the first from each column take the hoop, raise it above their head and lower it over the body to the floor, step over the projectile and go to the end of the column. The teacher carefully observes all groups and awards a flag to the one who performed the exercise correctly. The group with the most flags wins.
  2. "Mousetrap". The goal is to develop speed of reaction, the ability to navigate in new situations. Description - 2 groups are formed from children, 1 group - mice, from 2 groups 3 small circles are created - mousetraps, the task of children is to catch all the mice. The teacher is the host of the game, voices the actions: the mice run through the mousetraps, but as soon as the teacher says “Stop”, the mousetraps are closed, the caught “mice” become in a circle.

Tasks for older preschoolers:

  1. "Owl". The goal is to develop coordination of movement. Description - the group is divided into 2 teams - butterflies and bees, 1 child is chosen by an owl. At the command of the teacher - "day", the teams run around the clearing, "night" - all the children freeze, the owl goes hunting and takes those who have moved. The game ends when the owl catches 2-3 butterflies or bees.
  2. "Zhmurka". The goal is to train the ability to navigate in space. Description - the children form a circle, two players are chosen: one is blindfolded, and the other is given a bell. The task of the first player is to catch the second with closed eyes.

Card file of didactic games for the younger group of kindergarten

"What kind of object?" (playing with toys, objects) - children take out various objects from the bag and name them, describe the characteristics.

"Find the same objects" (board game) - children receive cards with several pictures, among which they need to find the same.

"Olya's assistants" ( word play) - the teacher takes the doll and asks the children, pointing to their hands: "What is this?" (hands), “What are they doing” (take, draw ...). And so about every part of the body.

Didactic games for learning colors for young children

Didactic games help to introduce preschoolers to the primary colors and their shades. Toddlers first learn red, blue and yellow colors, then orange, green and black are added to them.

Basic didactic games with children:

  1. Object games- children need to match the colors of two objects. For example: put colored pencils in jars with the appropriate color; make several colored pockets in a shoe box and put stones in them; plant a butterfly on a flower of the same color, etc.
  2. Board games - children need to pick up desired color to anything. For example: prepare stencils with fruits, trees, flowers and other objects and ask the children to choose the appropriate color from pieces of colored paper (apple - red, ball - yellow, spruce - green); pick up paper clips of the same color as the drawing.
  3. Word games- children need to describe what colors they see. For example: a teacher shows preschoolers a drawing and asks them to name the colors that the artist used. This task can be complicated if you use not just children's drawings, but reproductions of paintings.

After studying the primary colors, they move on to the study of shades, from light to dark tones. Here you can use independently prepared palettes and clothespins with flowers, give an assignment - pick a clothespin for the appropriate color of the palette; or collect a caterpillar from different shades, for example, starting from red to orange and yellow.

Card file of didactic games for middle groups of kindergarten

V middle group games card index can be compiled according to the topics:

  1. "Child and Health". To study the daily routine, children are invited to look at pictures with images of the daily routine and arrange them in order and comment: morning begins with exercise, breakfast, etc. This game introduces children to healthy way life, develops speech, attention and memory.
  2. "Healthy foods". Remember fruits and vegetables will help next games: children take out a dummy of a product from the bag and describe it (“this is an apple, it is round, red and smooth); the teacher names the characteristics of the fruit / vegetable, and the children guess it; children taste foods with their eyes closed and name them, say what the fruit / vegetable tastes like.
  3. "Dangerous Items". The purpose of these games is to introduce children to dangerous items that should not be played or taken without adult permission. For example: the teacher prepares cards with dangerous and safe objects and asks the pupils to put them into two groups, explaining their choice. You can complicate the task by offering to tell the children what kind of injuries dangerous things can lead to (cut, bruise, etc.).

Card file of didactic games for senior kindergarten groups

Didactic games in older groups:

  1. Item Games: description of the properties of objects, finding common and different, comparing objects, posing problematic questions. For example, why does the oval not roll.
  2. Board-print games: math tasks - counting birds, animals, tasks for attentiveness, thinking - pick up objects for something (dress a girl / boy, set a table, put things in closets, etc.), find a pair for something, tasks for development social relations- study of various professions, ways of behaving in public places.
  3. Word games: naming a group of objects, phenomena, animals, plants in one word, a story about the profession of parents, guessing riddles, composing stories ("continue the sentence").

Didactic games for the development of coherent speech in preschoolers

The development of speech is one of the important tasks of pedagogy: the better a coherent speech is developed, the more successful child learns, as he knows how to form and formulate thoughts, knows how to use speech as a tool for communication and influence on other people.

Didactic games to help develop coherent speech:

  1. "Zoo". The goal is to develop coherent speech, the ability to describe a picture, and compose a mini-story. Description - children receive pictures with animals, their task is to carefully consider them, and then, in turn, describe the depicted animal according to the scheme: appearance what it eats.
  2. "Good bad". The goal is to develop coherent speech, logical thinking, the ability to describe the heroes of a fairy tale, and build reasoning. Description - the pupils, together with the teacher, describe the characters of the heroes of fairy tales, find positive and negative character traits, argue for what they can praise this / that hero (for example, what is good about the fact that the Serpent Gorynych has three heads).

DIY didactic game

Didactic games for toddlers:

  1. "Feed the kolobok". The goal is the development of fine motor skills in children. Description - you need two small plastic container one of them should be round. Glue a funny face (kolobok) to the lid, make a hole in place of the mouth, put the beans in the second jar. The child's task is to feed the kolobok, i.e. put the beans in a jar with a mug.
  2. "Carnations and Gum". The goal is to train fine motor skills, visual, color and spatial perception, the study of geometric shapes. Description - cut a square out of plywood the right size, paint it, fix stationery studs at an equal distance throughout the space, the child's task is to create various geometric shapes with the help of bank rubber bands, simple items(for example, spruce).

Classes with children of the middle group:

  1. "A box of sensations." The goal is the development of motor skills, imagination, the ability to identify an object by its shape. Description - take a shoebox, make two holes in the lid and sew fabric sleeves to them, put various items into the box and cover with a lid. The task of the children is to put their hands in their sleeves, find an object, guess and describe it.
  2. "Musical sweets". The goal is to develop auditory attention, memory, thinking. Description - put various objects in the eggs from under the kinder surprise - beads, cereals, paper clips, sheathe the blanks with cloth in the form of sweets (each sound must have a pair). The task of the children is to find pairs of identical candies.

Games for older preschoolers:

  1. "The world of flora and fauna". The goal is to develop the ability to observe, analyze, generalize, instill a love for wildlife, for respect To her. Description - cut out representatives of flora and fauna, glue on cardboard. The task of children is to consider a card with an animal or plant, describe it, highlight the main characteristics, etc.
  2. "Mosaic". The goal is the development of attention, logical thinking, color perception. Description - prepare various geometric shapes from colored paper, except for a circle. The task of the children is to make a mosaic of these figures in such a way that the same colors do not touch each other.

Didactic games allow you to develop everything important processes: speech, attention, thinking, imagination. Such classes are useful not only for children 2–3 years old, but also for the middle and senior groups. The variety of games allows the teacher to choose the one that will be aimed at the development of each child.

Video about which didactic games are necessary and useful for children

Didactic games for the formation of the syllabic structure of the word in children:

Musical and didactic game:

Do-it-yourself games for the development of speech breathing:


Happy child 08.12.2016

Dear readers, today on the blog we will talk to you about how you can spend time interestingly with our children and grandchildren. And this will be a selection of educational games for children 3-4 years old. Find new topics, ideas for yourself. Yulia Verenkina, mother of two, will tell about these games. I give the floor to Julia.

When a child turns three, it begins very difficult period for parents. Indeed, at the age of 3-4 years, the kid wants to try everything and do a lot himself. The child wants to prove to everyone that he is smart enough and should be treated on an equal footing. But at the same time, the baby is still too small and he needs mother's love and care. And it is during this period that you need great attention to devote to the development of the child - exciting and educational games with the use of materials at hand. This will be the focus of this article, which will tell you about what educational games for children 3-4 years old you can play.

Features of children of this age

The peculiarities of babies at 3-4 years old are sociability, curiosity, the desire to be given as much attention as possible. But psychologists also say that from the age of three, a child acquires qualities such as capriciousness, disobedience and stubbornness. Games make these problems easy to solve. By playing, it is easier for a child to establish a connection with the world around him, with adults, and he also develops the ability for internal dialogue, which is required for productive thinking.

But it is important to reiterate the fact that given age- approximate, because one child can cope with a certain task earlier and better, and the other - a little later. All children are different. And among other things, one educational game may not like your child at all, and another will become his favorite. In this case, you cannot do without experiments.

Didactic game for children 3-4 years old "All objects by color"

At the age of 3 years, you should already begin to teach the child colors and the ability to distinguish one shade from another. Playing All Items By Color is an excellent method for accomplishing this task. So, you must have: sheets of blue, red, green and yellow flowers, which will serve as glades, as well as mushrooms cut from paper of the same shades.

The parent should offer the child to place mushrooms of two colors, from all possible, on the meadows. The blue glade should be planted with blue mushrooms, and the green one with green ones. After that, the other two meadows should acquire fungi of their own in color.

  • Sveta, what kind of mushroom did you take?
  • Red.
  • Sveta, in which meadow do you want to plant the red fungus?
  • I want to plant a red mushroom in a red meadow.

This game will help develop fine motor skills of hands and speech of children.

Logic games for children 3-4 years old

Logic is the ability to think sanely. In our life, it is very difficult to do without it. And in order to help the formation of the baby's logic, special logical educational games are needed for 3-4-year-old children.

The game "Little boy"

For example, the game "Little Boy" with the use of improvised items fits just fine. It is necessary to put empty pots in the house on the floor, and spread the lids from them nearby. Little Sherlock needs to find its "hat" from each pan, analyzing their size and color.

Game "Falling Leaves"

The Falling Leaves game requires a little preparation. It is necessary to collect leaves from trees that will simply be guessed along the contour, for example, maple, oak and birch leaves. Next, the parent should outline them on paper, and the baby should determine which contour will fit this or that leaf. Important: it is forbidden to attach a sheet to the drawn image.

Game "Fruit cocktail"

"Fruit cocktail": you need to blindfold the child and let him feel the familiar fruits: banana, tangerine, apple, kiwi, etc. Simple game, and for the child we develop both logic and imagination.

Games for the development of speech for children 3-4 years old

At this age, you need to deal with the formation of a grammatical structure and an increase in vocabulary with the child. It is necessary to select those games that will not only be effective in the development of the baby, but also interest him.

Game "Wreck"

3-4 years old are the most stubborn in children and should definitely be used. A preschooler should already be able to name antonyms for simple words, for example, light - dark, sad - joyful, poor - rich.

Sound trainer game

Excellent developmental speech therapy game, which will allow you to achieve flawless speech. It is necessary to repeat with the child the sounds that animals make. The most accurate imitation should be achieved.

Game "Kid detective"

This game develops both speech and attention. During a walk, you need to ask the child to describe everything that is happening around him. He needs to correctly and competently build his story, say big sentences and pay attention even to the most small nuances that catches his eye.

Such games help to replenish the vocabulary of a 3-4-year-old child and teach him to correctly form sentences, summarizing them into a whole text within the meaning.

These skills of correct speech will be excellent assistants in school. In the exam before entering first grade, a child who has played learning games with their parents can perform well.

But a good result in this case is simply impossible without the development of fine motor skills of the hands, because the correct functioning of the speech apparatus is directly related to such a skill.

Finger games for the development of fine motor skills 3-4 years

With a baby 3-4 years old, you should organize joint games for the development of fine motor skills. Physiologists tend to argue that this is what contributes to normal development speech. Such a moment should not be missed.

Game "Magic Plasticine"

The Magic Plasticine game has already become almost a classic for the development of hand motor skills. The kingdom of plasticine is recommended to be sculpted together with the baby, this contributes good communication and parent-to-child contact. Every day you need to create one character, the dimensions and appearance of which you can come up with yourself. And fingers can be trained not only with the help of plasticine, but also clay and dough.

Picture from puzzles

Puzzle painting is also a very popular and fun way to develop in this area. Puzzles must be connected into one whole picture. With increasing age, puzzle pieces should decrease. At three years old, you can start with 9 puzzles, and at 5 years old, be able to assemble a canvas from 200 pieces.

Memory games

You also need to pay attention to the development of the memory of your 3-4-year-old miracle. In the future, this will have a positive effect on the easy mastering of large school material. And then success in learning is guaranteed.

Supermarket game

The game "Supermarket" implies that the parent gives the child a task, during the implementation of which one should purchase certain goods previously discussed. It's worth expanding your shopping list with each game.

The game "Clean"

"Clean" is a game, the rules of which are as follows: it is necessary to give time for the child to look around the room and remember as much as possible the placement of objects. After that, the baby goes to another room, and the parent makes a change in the arrangement of some things. Going back, the child should guess what has changed in the room.

Live coloring

You can offer kids live coloring pages, the characters of which can be brought to life. How much surprise the children will have! Yes, not only among them, but also among adults! If you are not familiar with live coloring, I invite you to watch a short video.

And you can also download live coloring pages for free here.

Free live coloring

Board educational games

Board games are always very exciting for a child due to their colorfulness and variety. What games can you play?

The game "Scoobydoo" will allow you to develop attentiveness and fine motor skills. In the course of the game, you should make your centipede faster than everyone else.