Congratulations on the year of work. Interesting birthday at work. How to celebrate a birthday at work: a guide for beginners. Happy birthday to a colleague man

Name days on a working day always pleasantly excite and spur on an extraordinary celebration in the company of employees. Having decided to celebrate your birthday with colleagues, you should deal with by their own desires and the opportunities of the invitees. Name days are a holiday of the soul, and it must be held in such a way that this day will be remembered, regardless of whether a person is at work or on vacation.

For women

To understand the strategy of the celebration, you need to know well the contingent that shares with the hero of the occasion.If the team is purely female and consists of employees of the third and most beautiful youth, the holiday should be calm atmosphere, which will surely touch the romantic string of any person. If the team is motley, it will not be so easy to decide with colleagues.

Large organizations enter an unspoken veto on any celebrations in the workplace, so in the daytime, name days are held under the quiet trill of keys or machine tools. The best option for management is a small feast during lunchtime.

Celebrating with employees

With colleagues at work, so that the bosses remain in a good mood, everyone knows. The menu of the festive table must consist of sweet treats (what is the birthday without a cake?) And fruit additions: grapes, oranges and lemon. Tea and champagne are quite a tolerable addition to cooked dishes.

The easiest way to celebrate a birthday with colleagues is in a young, healthy team. Energetic and not yet worn out by everyday life, people are easy-going and are not afraid to take initiative. No one announces a great friendship, but a warm relationship is an excellent ground for fun celebration... How to celebrate a birthday with work colleagues at the highest level? The main rule of the feast is to forget about the ubiquitous politics, good or bad personal life and everyday obsessive problems. The bosses and higher levels of the "working mechanism" also drop out of topics for discussion with guests: a feast is a feast, but the consequences may come.

Mafia style

The young team can be invited to celebrate the name day in the style of the mafia. Modern restaurants perfectly accept active celebration and burning young teams, so there will be no problems with the venue for the name day. Having decided to spend your birthday with colleagues, you should think over the scenario and theme in advance. Mafia - popular in recent times quest, employees should not have problems with knowing the rules of this game, but they still have to play it safe. All rules and signs should be done in large print, so it is more convenient to operate them while driving.

Game option

A game birthday with colleagues will be no less organic. The scenario for this celebration is quite simple. For the active participation of all colleagues, it is worth asking in advance about your favorite games. Variants typed the largest number admirers will become favorites of the evening. Game parties allow you to morally shake up the team, help reduce the level of workload and office stress. Light music, intricate interior and light drinks will perfectly provoke young employees and give more confidence to each of the participants.

Domino festival

The domino festival will be an original idea - everyone knows a similar game from the days of the cozy Soviet childhood, when families played for hours before going to bed. Everyone knows the rules of such a popular collective fun, you can diversify it with the help of prizes or desires - each loser is obliged to fulfill a desire or say unusual toast... You can supplement the game evening with backgammon and gambling competitions, the main thing is that everyone takes an active part and does not just sit with a glass aside.

It is useful to celebrate a birthday with colleagues: each employee reveals himself from a different side, which allows you to reconsider his attitude and neutralize minor irregularities. In order for the team to be open and maximally involved during games or a feast, it is worthwhile to prepare in advance by announcing the intention to celebrate. So, most of the labor associates will calmly write the name day in the article of the waste of the month and will not be embarrassed by the fallen holiday.

Should I call the boss?

When celebrating a birthday with colleagues, many think about the need for the presence of the bosses (group, department or sector). This problem solved in two ways: if the holiday is held in the office, the close management must be aware of (a tactful proposal will be enough). And in the case of only a light lunch followed by a buffet table in another place, the authorities may not be included in the list of invitees. Not everyone accepts Active participation in non-work gatherings - the subordination has been firmly rooted in the masses since Soviet times.

If there is not much money ...

With colleagues, when finances do not allow large-scale expansion, and the employees are just terribly pleasant? In this case, it is worth acting according to the school principle - light snacks, simple sweets and tea will solve the problem. In a close-knit team, communication and atmosphere remain the main ones, and holidays are just a pleasant addition to them.

Entertainment places

You can also celebrate your birthday with colleagues in entertainment venues - billiards, adult bowling and ice skating will be a great addition to the fun. Active friendly rest, pleasant conversations and ease will brighten up any holiday. The main task the birthday person is to create an entourage, so the volume of alcoholic beverages should be reduced - the subsequent exit to work or a weekend in the family should not be overshadowed by the past evening.

Cafes and restaurants

A chic option for celebrating a name day on a working day will be a joint trip to a pizzeria, sushi bar or pastry shop ( female version). Such gatherings perfectly unite the team, because a cozy interior, background light music and warm light dispose to fruitful communication and relaxation. Also, a youth team can safely spend a couple of hours in karaoke, where a vocal skill competition can grow to the scale of an exciting battle, and the winner undertakes to perform a track for the birthday boy and announce a toast from the stage.

How much to celebrate?

The main nuance of birthday fun remains a clear time line - if there are young mothers in the company or married couples, do not drag out the fun until the first roosters, it is better to disperse peacefully at a decent time for everyone, worrying about the comfortable departure of each of the participants in the celebration. Not a single leadership will consider the past name days a good reason for the absence the next day.

Abolishing tradition

In the event that an active birthday at work is not included in the upcoming plans, it is worth considering the option of a heedless escape from the fun. If the team has started an iron tradition of celebrating the holidays together, and a simple day off for this day will cause a crack in a perfectly coordinated " working family", It is worth discussing in advance with colleagues the possibility of verbal congratulations without the accompanying office tinsel.

If employees have started a tradition of presenting birthday people with all kinds of "necessary" gifts, it is also worth informing all activists about their unwillingness to celebrate. So there will be no obvious discomfort and everything will go according to a simplified scenario - lunch with cake and tea. Many people decide to explain their unwillingness to celebrate aging ("one more year in the piggy bank of experience"), others - by their material condition ("I bought a refrigerator - now we don't eat for a month"), but in fact, it is necessary to frankly voice the reason why walking is not included in the nearest plans ... Any corporate gatherings are designed to bring employees closer together, dilute their gray working days bright colors and pleasant memories.

When a person turns fifty, this event is celebrated not only by him, but also by many others: his friends, relatives, neighbors and just acquaintances. After all, fifty years is a milestone, to step over which means to achieve something important in life. New scenario jubilee of 50 years to a woman in a team at work, will help you to celebrate this day at work brightly and beautifully and make the anniversary fun and unusual.

Meeting of the hero of the day.

When the time for the holiday has come, then you need to meet brightly and unusually main star day. For this, the entire work team makes a living corridor. At the end of the corridor there is a person who will play the role of the host at the celebration. And at the beginning of the corridor is the hero of the day.
Once upon a time the great Shakespeare said: our life is a game, and we are all actors in it! It is difficult to disagree with this. And today our colleague ends the fiftieth episode of his life novel, drama, comedy, action movie, cartoon ... yes, yes, it is - our life is a movie from several series where different genres meet. But the most important genre is always at the end - this is a fairy tale where everything always ends well!
We sincerely congratulate our colleague on her anniversary and invite you to walk along a kind of living corridor to the applause of colleagues. And we wish her life to have everything and different things, but that everything always ends well!

The main holiday.

The beginning of the holiday can be absolutely anything. You can start with nice toast, you can from the competition or from the dances. You decide. We will write how we see the holiday, and you yourself will swap what you want or add to the script.

Comic block - admission to the club "who is over fifty."
Matryona and Flower, dressed in disguise, enter the hall.
Is it your anniversary today?
With her, with her! You see how beautifully she is dressed. And these only came running from the shop, did not even have time to change.
And how old are we?
What are you doing !? It's not decent to ask the ladies about their age!
Come on, it's not decent! By the way - age beautifies a woman! For example, I like the age of 51 !!!
Fifty one? Why so?
It is divisible by 17 without remainder!
So what?
Well, you seem to be 17 years old again!
Oh, trouble is with you Matryona, trouble. You keep trying to hide your ninety-seven ...
What are you talking about? What are ninety seven? I just ... I don’t get my pension yet, but you say ...
Don't you get your pension? And what kind of pension do you not get?
Twelve six hundred ...
Twelve six hundred ??? Just like my grandmother at seventy-seven years old ...
Listen, tie me up to shame. I tell you - I'm still young! Let's do what we came here for!
Okay, come on. Ladies and Gentlemen! We came here to accept this amazing woman as an honorary member of the "over fifty" club! We give her a certificate of admission to the club!

The following certificate is handed over:

Now you are an honorary member of the club led by Matryona!
No, are you back for yours? Yes, this is the first time I've heard of such a club ...

Matryona and Flower leave swearing.

You can download this comic ID.
And in the comic ID section you will find free templates to: the right to hunt for men, for happiness, for any whims, for desires, for rest from household chores and much more. Look through the entire section and with the help comic identity make the holiday brighter!

We have a lot of women in our work collective. Each of them has a different hair color. Some are blonde, some are brunette, and some are brown-haired. Usually they tell jokes about blondes and laugh at them. I propose to arrange a match between the team of blondes and the team with a different hair color. And once and for all find out what aykyu the blondes have!

When the teams have gathered, they are asked questions. Each team has 5 inflated balloons... If the team knows the answer, then one balloon should burst. If the answer is correct, then this is a point. If not, then the second team can respond.
Examples of questions:
- what gems are not in the sea? (answer: there are no dry gems in the sea)
- in which month each of us speaks the least? (in February, as it is shorter than the rest of the months)
- if one egg is boiled for 4 minutes, how many 6 eggs will be boiled at the same time? (Answer: also 4 minutes, because all the eggs are boiled at the same time)
- what will happen to a white ball if you dip it into the Black Sea? (it just gets wet)
- what happens to a person when he is fifty years old? (he went fifty-first)

Competition for women.
Since we have a woman's anniversary, the next competition is again for them. All women love flowers. Therefore, we suggest playing a competition with flowers. Or rather, you will have to guess the flowers. To do this, we show a flower petal on a projector screen or in pictures, and the guests guess the name. The one who guessed it gets one such flower.
After all the flowers are guessed, approximately the following speech from the presenter sounds:
See how much there is in the world beautiful flowers... And we women find it difficult to understand what kind of flowers we love. Therefore, we decided not to guess, but to give our hero of the day a bouquet of all these flowers!

Take out gorgeous bouquet from a variety of flowers and present it to the hero of the day.

Selfie Contest.
Everyone knows what a selfie is and everyone does it. We suggest organizing a competition for the best selfies in this competition. To do this, you need to take a camera or phone of the hero of the day. You also need vodka and a glass. Each guest in turn approaches the hero of the day, the hero of the day pours him a glass of vodka, and the guest drinks. And immediately, without a snack or drinking, he takes a phone or a camera and takes a selfie with the hero of the day! And so every guest. Then all the photos are displayed on the monitor and the winner of the competition is selected by the laughter of the guests. And all the photos remain as a keepsake of the anniversaries.

This is how we see the anniversary. Perhaps it lacks songs and dances. But at work, it is unlikely that you will be able to walk strongly and noisy. But if you still intend to sing, then in the song section of the rework for the anniversary there are very good songs for your holiday.

Dear visitor, we recommend that you register on the site in order to be able to download the hidden material for free. Registration is simple and will not take you more than a minute. After registering on the site, all sections will open to you, and you will be able to download material that is not available to unregistered users!

I don’t know how relations develop in other work collectives, but in ours idyll and mutual understanding reign. We consider each other as family members, and various holidays used to celebrate with the whole company. Right at the workplace, of course. Birthday of each of us is a special occasion. Since it turned out that the team is creative, each birthday person, setting the table, seeks to surprise his beloved colleagues. Well, or at least leave them happy and well-fed.

Birthday table at work

Walking through the city's supermarkets, I picked up approximate options and combinations of products that can be used to decorate a festive desktop. There are 30 people in our team, and I think about the same number of people work in your teams. For so many colleagues, a table of snacks and sandwiches is suitable. I offer you several options for not very expensive menus to celebrate your birthday at work.

It is better to mix the styles of different cuisines of the world, since you will hardly be able to guess the gastronomic preferences of each of your colleagues. Bringing only one pizza or sets of rolls will not be very polite. Strive for variety. The cost of ready-made snacks is for 30 people.

  • Tartlets with salad. For this snack, you need to purchase only salted or unleavened tartlets, but not with raisins or icing sugar... 30 baskets with a diameter of about 5 cm will cost 150-200 rubles. Any salad can be prepared, it is better to choose a simpler option. For example, finely chop smoked chicken and Chinese cabbage, season with mayonnaise. Or grated cheese with garlic. The first option is more neutral, because not everyone likes the stable taste of garlic, which will not evaporate in a day. The approximate cost of this option is 300 rubles.
  • Lightly salted salmon sandwiches. As a fish, you can use trout or salmon, it is better to take a crispy wheat baguette from the bread - then the slices of bread will ideally fit the slices of fish. Can add butter, but not necessarily - too much trouble, and the taste of the sandwiches will turn out to be very tender and pleasant anyway. The cost of 30 sandwiches is about 350 - 400 rubles.
  • Ham rolls with filling. It is better to take the ham in the store where the sellers can cut it for free. No matter how sharp your kitchen knife, the machine will do it better than you. As a filling - grated eggs with cheese and garlic, seasoned with mayonnaise, fried mushrooms or finely chopped pineapple slices. Fasten the finished roll with a toothpick for reliability. Estimated price 60 rolls - 300 RUB
  • Any canapes. The beauty of the dish is that it looks festive and is 100% enough for everyone. Options: a slice of cheese and an olive, a slice of white bread and a slice of lightly salted trout or pink salmon, a slice of black bread, a slice of pickled gherkin and a slice of smoked sausage, cherry tomato and mozzarella. Better to make sandwiches with different fillings. This option will have to spend from 200 to 400 rubles.
  • Homemade rolls. The option to cook a Japanese dish at home is suitable for those who have already done this several times, since there are few ingredients for cooking. Additionally, purchase makisu (mat), rice vinegar and the seaweed itself. If everything is available, you can cook rolls. Moreover, this is the most companionable dish. As fillings - salmon, shrimps and crab sticks, optimal office option... Roughly speaking, we will prepare 10 rolls with different fillings for 30 people. If we divide each into 6 pieces, we get 60 miniportions for colleagues. The approximate cost is 400 rubles.

It was these options for treating the office table that seemed to me the most interesting, since they satisfy various tastes and wishes. If you can't stand time, you can order the delivery of pizza or the same rolls, purchase cheese, meat and sausage cuts in the store.

Those who are seriously interested in cooking can prepare their own dish. So, some of my colleagues brought homemade manty or homemade dolma to work. There was a lot of ready-made dish, and the birthday man received a lot of compliments and rave reviews.

Since childhood, some birthday people are accustomed to treating friends to sweets on a holiday. You can do this already in mature age... Sweet tartlets with jam or ice cream, small cakes, sweets, cut fruits will look good as treats.

Cooks can prepare their own treats: bake pies, donuts with powdered sugar, or cookies.

There are not so many options here, because homemade homemade compote is unlikely to be dragged to work. As a rule, they buy tea bags on the table (there is just enough packaging), a couple of boxes of juice or lemonade. Not all collectives drink alcohol. If you decide to stick with just such a drink, check in advance if unspoken rules on this score. Perhaps in some offices they allow you to have a glass during lunchtime or at the end of the working day, somewhere the strictest prohibition works. Otherwise, by your act, you will not only receive the disapproval of colleagues, but also risk tarnishing your reputation in the eyes of your superiors.

By the way, about gifts: each team also has its own rules in this matter. Someone collects money and give a tight envelope, somewhere they are thrown off for a general gift, somewhere everyone gives something special. If your team has special traditions, try to comply with them, even if there is not an extra hundred in your wallet. Remember that on your birthday you will also receive special attention from your colleagues.

We spend a significant part of our lives at work. Colleagues become friends, godfathers, loved ones. Birthday is an opportunity to escape from worries and fuss, to get positive emotions, pleasant words congratulations, toasts and, of course, gifts. Greeting a colleague on his birthday, leaving a warm mark on his memory, is not easy. It is necessary to think over to the smallest detail the words of wishes, the method of their presentation and take care of the gift. Otherwise, what is this holiday?

Where to find words that will touch the soul of the birthday man and coincide with his desires? How to guess with a gift so that it does not fall into dust in the collection of useless things? How to congratulate a colleague on his birthday so that the holiday will be remembered for a long time? If such questions arise periodically, this article is for you.

What influences the choice of congratulations and gifts?

To create a relaxed atmosphere, choose a colleague's birthday greeting and a way to celebrate, you need to consider several factors.

Putting yourself in the place of the birthday boy, it is easier to understand what exactly he secretly expects from the team. It is important to take into account his gender and age, status, position in the team and marital status, life position, principles, character, hobbies.

After all, what will be of interest to young people may be misunderstood by the older generation. And vice versa, what respectable people of the age will gladly accept will be boring and dull for the young.

It's easier for smaller organizations to have a party. When the team is large, employees are united by age, hobbies, distribution of responsibilities. Celebrated by departments, male or female companies.

Tips for colleagues

Congratulations can be traditional, but commonplace. Having handed the coveted envelope with a certain amount and a postcard with words taken from the Internet, colleagues can taste the birthday cake and calmly disperse to their workplaces. Such a holiday will not give warmth and positive emotions to anyone.

To respect, to note the importance of a person for the team, you can come up with interesting congratulations or ask professionals for help. Firms that specialize in holidays will gladly take on a new idea.

If a colleague's birthday falls on a weekend, she or he will be pleased to hear the words of congratulations on the phone or receive an SMS message with wishes. And start working week already with warm words of congratulations.

Personal presence at a colleague's birthday party is justified only in the case of a close relationship with the birthday person. Do not forget about the saying: “ Uninvited guest- worse than a Tatar. " And if they are united by a purely working relationship, going to visit without an invitation will be incorrect.

What makes a holiday unforgettable?

In order for the congratulation to be remembered for a long time, you need to make it original. There are tons of ideas to achieve this goal.

  • Address the birthday boy with a beautiful speech through congratulatory program on television or radio. This is how you can greet your colleague with his birthday, giving him the warmth of wishes.
  • A billboard with the words of congratulations in the place where the birthday person will be held several times a day will remind you of a friendly team.
  • Shoot a film or video about the birthday man, his life, write down warm words about him from the team members.
  • Prepare a wall newspaper with the words of wishes, reviews of the team about the birthday boy, photographs with bright moments from life.
  • To make your birthday special, you can give your colleague a ticket to a concert of your favorite artist. The words spoken by him from the stage and the bouquet will not leave the birthday man indifferent, taking a worthy place in the memory cell.

Congratulatory verses

It is always pleasant to hear warm words of a colleague happy birthday from employees. You can arrange " brainstorm", come up with collective congratulations... The poem written specifically about the birthday man is perceived in an original way, where his achievements at work, character traits and best regards... A huge number of beautiful poetic congratulations, given the name and occupation, can be found on the World Wide Web.

Or order birthday greetings to a colleague in verse or prose on sites from copywriters, providing the necessary information about the person, having received in return beautiful words wishes from the team.

Simple and from the heart

Sometimes simple words spoken from the heart are more pleasant than any poetry. They are perceived as their own, and not banal plagiarism. If women love poetry more, then it is better to pick up birthday greetings to a male colleague in prose.

No holiday is complete without traditional toast... Moreover, a birthday is a great reason to drink to the health of the birthday person. And so that the feast does not turn into a banal booze and the guests do not forget why they came, you need to dilute warm words addressed to the hero of the occasion. Happy birthday, prose to a colleague, coming from the depths of the soul, will surpass any poetry.

Congratulate your boss

Many factors influence the life of the team, its cohesion, traditions. The basis of everything is the personality of the boss. The building of relationships in a team depends on his abilities, character, leadership and human qualities.

Once a year, the question arises of how to congratulate the boss on his birthday so that he remains satisfied. The main thing is originality, novelty and surprise in order to bring a pleasant smile.

It is important to find a line that you should not step over. Congratulations for the boss should not be too formal, formal, cold. To a person, regardless of social status, I want to hear warmth in my wishes. With a sense of proportion and tact tender words from a grateful team will be unforgettable in any form, whether it be funny or beautiful birthday greetings to a colleague solemn words written for the boss personally.

A female colleague is waiting for tenderness

Every woman wants to feel happy, attract looks, hear compliments. If the wish for a happy birthday to a female colleague is original, it does not matter in what form it will be: in poetry, prose or song. There are many ways to highlight her dignity and femininity. The main thing is to congratulate, take into account her age, but in no case mention it.

The degree of closeness of the relationship between the birthday girl and the team plays a role. Even for very close friends on their birthday, it is better to choose beautiful words of wishes, without going beyond the bounds of decency.

Flowers, sweets and a gift, which should be taken care of in advance, will be appropriate for any age. Emotions are not a bad option. Any person is pleased when he is remembered and respected. Having shown a minimum of worries and attention, decorating the office with flowers or a bunch of colorful balloons, it is easy to give a good mood.

Male colleague awaits recognition

When choosing happy birthday wishes for a male colleague, you need to emphasize his masculinity, success, and confidence. It is these features that distinguish real men from the crowd. They look at the world easier than women. Therefore, they will better accept simple words of congratulations in their address than beautiful poems written off from the Internet.

Each person is a person, with their own advantages, disadvantages and expectations. It is important in congratulations to emphasize the merits, to set new goals for which the birthday person will strive.

Eh, youth

What words to put into wishes for a happy birthday to a female colleague so that she feels like a part of the team? Young people are waiting for parting words, career growth, happiness in their personal lives. And she never gets tired of having fun.

If the team is youth, headed by a bright promising boss, you can happily and beautifully congratulate a colleague by organizing a common party. Nothing unites like an informal setting.

When the team includes representatives of different age categories, you need to try so that the birthday girl does not feel like a stranger, to acquaint her with traditions, to breathe confidence into her, to encourage and support. The main thing is that everyone should be fun, comfortable and pleasant.

Cool congratulations

Everyone's life is open to celebration, jokes, humor. If a person is positive, full of energy and light, loves to be naughty, joke, have fun, radiate smiles, giving others positive emotions, cool congratulations to a colleague will be normally perceived on his birthday. Even for the serious respectable people it is recommended to fill life with laughter, because it is believed that it prolongs life.

Alternatively, you can order a rally, which at first will lead the birthday person to a stupor, and only at the end all the cards will be revealed. Everyone will be happy.

Or arrange a collective KVN, a humorous show, present a ticket to the performance of a famous comedian.

Having prepared various posters, collages, cartoons, funny pictures, postcards with congratulations, you can hang them in the office or near the birthday person's workplace.

The choice of congratulations with a joke requires a very serious approach. We need to think carefully about how to congratulate a colleague on his birthday in order to cheer up and not offend anyone.

Gift options

To congratulate your colleague on his birthday, do not forget about the gift. The main thing is the attention and warmth of the relationship, not the price.

  1. Flowers are a must-have for a birthday. If this is a woman, the bouquet can be luxurious and delicate, exquisite and beautiful, like the birthday girl herself. You can come up with a composition with subtext, where each branch will be meaningful and symbolic to whisper happy birthday wishes to a female colleague. Suitable for a man the bouquet is strict, official, emphasizing its status and position. Proud gladioli or dark roses are exactly what you need.
  2. An invitation to a photo session. Such a happy birthday gift to a female colleague will be especially pleasant. Positive emotions will remain forever in the memory of the lens and the birthday girl's album.
  3. There is a proverb with which many agree: "Who gave the right to spend my money?" A certificate for a certain amount allows the birthday person to choose a gift himself.
  4. Joint and pleasant emotions will make a colleague's birthday unforgettable for everyone. Trip, excursion, picnic - great way get to know the team better in an informal setting.
  5. It's nice to receive a copy of yourself, beautiful and happy, as a gift. A portrait painted by an artist or poured out precious stones- a great sign of attention for a woman and a happy birthday option for a male colleague.
  6. The best gift for the birthday person will be an additional day off immediately after the congratulatory ceremony. Happy, showered with warm words and gifts, he can relax by planning his birthday exactly the way he himself wants, and not his colleagues.

Among the daily worries and bustle, the main thing is not to forget to congratulate your colleague on his birthday. To do this, you should insure your memory by putting a reminder on your phone and marking the date on the calendar. After all, everyone is pleased to be respected with warm words, attention, gifts.

Birthday is a great occasion for arranging a party within the walls of your native work. You cannot do without planning this event.

For a better perception of the holiday, it is necessary to accordingly festively decorate the room where the celebration is planned. Butterflies look very cute on the wall. Create a flock of butterflies rising into a cloudless sky in the form of a cone expanding towards the top. Butterflies must be attached in a chaotic manner, as if butterflies fly up different sides... The sizes of the butterflies should vary, but for this composition it is better not to make them too much. big size(no more than 7 cm.). To make butterflies faster, you can print blanks on a computer or make several templates of different sizes and then draw butterflies from them, cut them out. Are quite suitable voluminous butterflies made of paper, you will have to spend a fair amount of time making them. You can cut out patterns on the wings of butterflies (several checkmarks in a row, for example), that is, to get, as it were, a snowflake on the wings. Another option is to glue two butterflies with the abdomens, and bend the wings of the upper butterfly with the help of scissors. And the office of the birthday man, so that he feels a surge of strength before the onset of the evening holiday, should be decorated in the following way. Inflate non-sterile gloves (not to full stop) and paint them. Funny faces, flowers, circles, stars, short wishes... Attach to walls or other fixtures by a string using tape. Such unusual balls will reliably hold festive mood birthday boy.

Lead 1:
In order for the upcoming celebration to pass without unforeseen excesses, I will begin tonight with the announcement of the charter. Will help me in this mission (name of the second presenter).

Lead 2:
Festive program(hereinafter Congratulations) name (Name of the birthday person) developed by local rhyming players in accordance with current legislation and is constituent document (Name of the organization).

Lead 1:
Requirements Congratulations are mandatory for all members of (name of organization) and their guests.

Lead 2:
Congratulations are separate legal entity... Has its own independent festively set table, individually decorated hall, an exclusive audience, a stunning (nuu) personal (nuu) birthday boy (birthday girl), other means of individual identification, sponsorship and money supply for a drink.

Lead 1:
Special attention I ask you to pay attention to the goals and subject of activity of the Pozdravlyalka. Congratulations are an organized meeting (Name of the organization), which has one main goal - to wish you a happy birthday (name of the birthday person).

Lead 2:
Pozdravlyalka also carries out other types of celebrating the birthday of the aforementioned citizen that are not prohibited by the current legislation (ina).

Lead 1:
Basic rights and obligations of members of the Pozdravlyalka. A member of Pozdravlyalka has the right to participate in tasting dishes and drinks at the festive table, with the right to pronounce toasts.

Lead 2:
Be the chosen one to participate fun contests, perform and control the quality of emptying glasses.

Lead 1:
Makes suggestions for improving the fun and fixing the flaws in the congratulatory event. Can gently stroke the neighbors of the opposite sex under the table, allowed body parts - legs, arms, if no one sees, then the chest.

Lead 2:
Go to court for legal protection of your rights on issues of underfilling and lack of sleep, as well as for not providing under-table signs of attention.

Lead 1:
Members of Pozdravlyalka who take part in competitions personally receive payment in the form of thunderous applause and attempts at kissing.

Lead 2:
A member of the Pozdravlyalka must be cheerful and carefree for the next day. Observe the internal order of the celebration. Eligible for tomorrow's hangover.

Lead 1:
Each member of the Congratulations is obliged to kiss three times (name of the birthday person), read in it (his) honor a poem, dance a dance and sing a ditty.

Lead 2:
The property of the Congratulations is publicly available to all its members and is located on festive table, there are no restrictions on the use of property.

Lead 1:
The only profit available from Congratulations are hangovers, joy, laughter and pleasure, which are equally divided among all.

Lead 2:
Households can soberly assess the degree of a successfully conducted Congratulations.

Lead 1:
The complaint book for complaints, suggestions and recommendations received from households will be in a public place for the next day.

Lead 2:
The charter of Pozdravlyalka should be considered read out and taken into account.

Lead 1:
There is an effective sign that if the birthday man wishes his own wishes, then they will certainly come true.

Lead 2:
The only condition for the action of the sign is that the birthday person must wish in writing and in public. For what we call (name of the birthday person) to whatman desires. The number of desires available for fulfillment - (number of guests present in the hall)... And the wording of the desire should not exceed three words.

Whatman desires to attach to the wall with adhesive tape at a convenient height for writing. The hero of the occasion with a marker in a chaotic manner ( required condition, it must be read out to the birthday boy) writes wishes on a piece of paper, leaving enough space between wishes.

Lead 1:
Now, for the correct registration of the signs, I ask all those present in the hall to go out one by one to this magic piece of paper.

They close their eyes and give each employee a signature on whatman paper. After everyone signed, including the presenters. The presenters approach the Whatman paper and draw arrows from desire to the nearest signature.

Lead 2:
Dear (th) (name of the birthday person) you will have time to study of this material, each publicly signed the wish, attesting to the obligation to fulfill it. Discuss the terms and schedules for the fulfillment of desires personally with everyone, maximum term execution does not exceed a month.

At this time, a colleague, depicting Igor Nikolaev, walks into the hall (the main thing is that the one depicting him has a mustache, albeit drawn, preferably in a wig and with a guitar, a drawn one will do just fine). Performs only a verse to the tune of I. Nikolaev's song "Congratulations". Change the name in the verse to the name of the birthday person. It will be such a kind of toast.

I will sing: Congratulations!
And I wish you happiness
Glasses I call
Fill and drain in one gulp
I will sing: Pour!
I don’t recognize those who have not drunk!
How will you - I do not know
You look firm in the eyes (of Natasha or Anton).

In honor of the hero of the occasion, raising of glasses, accompanied by a light snack.

Lead 1:
They ate, drank, a couple to do business. For festive competition are called.

It takes two teams of 3-4 people, toothpicks and the patience of the competitors.

Making paintings with the help of children's equipment "TSARAPKI DAC". To create future exclusive paintings, on one of them depict a collage of the faces of colleagues (in the middle the face of the birthday boy, around the faces of the employees - like a working vignette), in the second picture - the inscription: "Everything for you" and around the inscription there are images of various pictures. For a woman (car, fur coat, sweets, dacha, jewelry, flowers, etc.). For a man (car, dacha, fishing rod, gun, sofa, etc.). Make a vignette and a second painting with computer technology and print as a photo. Further finished photos rub with a wax candle. On top, sketch the whole picture with a layer of black gouache and let the blanks dry well. During the competition, the teams, armed with toothpicks, carefully, without pressing hard, should scratch until the image appears. The first team to complete the work is awarded the right to present paintings to the birthday boy.

Lead 2:
Now just close the hole on the wall
At least invite guests to the general admiration.

Igor Nikolaev (a new disguised colleague, preferably with a different mustache) enters the hall again and sings a verse to the theme of the song "Birthday".

Birthday is a celebration of childhood
And nowhere, nowhere, nowhere from the spacer can not get away
Birthday is a cool holiday
You mark, mark, mark, well, set the table.

Lead 1:
Addressing the singing one.
Oh, something in you seems to have changed. You are not like yourself recently.

A colleague portraying I. Nikolaev:
I don't know what you mean, I always have my documents with me. Here are the mustache, guitar and hair, my documents! Leaves.

Lead 2:
Today the charter is not supposed to think, colleague, stars have their own quirks. Let's talk about the good.

Lead 1:
And you and I will now sing better than any mustachioed.

The presenters perform congratulatory ditties.

Well, anything I care about
In this life on the shoulder
Sing funny ditties
I want a birthday boy.

One hundred girlfriends and one hundred friends
I wish the birthday boy
Pour me some wine
I wish it even better.

We will give you
Quilted blanket
May you dream
The most pleasant ones.

Even if failures
Marching merrily in a row
May all the horoscopes for you
Only joy promises.

In the morning we wish to be everything
Like ghosts
After all, today we are cool
Let's note.

Called the birthday boy
We are all at the feast
We eat, we drink, as much as we can

The sun is shining outside the window
And birds flutter
Per lovely ladies quickly
Pour in a shot glass.

Lead 1:
I want to confess to you that singing is very conducive to the proclamation of a toast.

Lead 2:
Thought, wondered and decided to say
We wish the birthday man happiness
Please pour as much as you can take!

Timeout for raising glasses and forks.

Lead 1:
Answer, dear birthday boy, what is your favorite letter?

The birthday boy answers.

Lead 2:
Fine! How nice it is to often feel what you love. Today we are simply obliged to give you positive emotions.

Multiple people can be called or all guests can participate. We need to come up with words in which the first and last letter was named by the birthday boy. For example, the letter "A" is an arch, an embrasure, etc., "K" is a dagger, a piece, etc.

Lead 1:
I believe that we are fulfilling the requirements of the charter in good faith.

Lead 2:
Yes, on a birthday, childhood, fairy tales are always remembered ...

Lead 1:
That's right, we'll give you a fairy tale. I even know our the best storytellers... Names one woman and 3 men (on the contrary, one man and 3 women).

Composing a fairy tale:
First, one woman and one man come out, they have 5-7 minutes to compose. V in this case, the woman acts as a scribe, and the man is the storyteller, dictates quietly so that the guests do not hear. Then the second man comes out and dictates his story. Then the third and the same thing. The woman after each storyteller closes the previous text. Then a fairy tale is read. Each man chooses a genre at his will, and attributes, city and names are obligatory for everyone. At the beginning of the tale, genres are announced: detective, love story, thriller, comedy, city (where you live), names of heroes (for example, Masha, Petya, Vasya), required attributes(for example, a car, a summer residence, money, a night, a bar, a condom). You can get a fairy tale with the same characters and place of action, but in different genres.

The third Igor Nikolaev enters (third option).

Lead 1:
What now!

Lead 2:
Well, you and sang.

At this time, the rest of the Nikolaevs enter one after the other (with a slight delay).

Lead 1:
Already triplets.

Lead 2:
Yes, but only the mustache is somehow different, a very strange tripling.

We came today for a reason, we are always ready to sing for you (the name of the birthday person).

They sing (the band can sing along) either a potpourri of birthday songs (several verses from famous children's and adult songs) or just Happy Birthday

Lead 1:
If you have already come to us, do not limit yourself to songs.

Lead 2:
Solemnly hand over with stellar hands from the team.

Presenting a gift if official gift by this time it has already been handed over, you can give flowers (each Nikolaev for a flower or a bouquet).

Lead 1:
As is customary, the singing staff is fed at the celebrations.

Lead 2:
And they drink too. Therefore, we ask you, mustachioed singers, to join the festive table.