Affirmations for joy and happiness. Affirmations for everyone. scientific point of view

By using these affirmations, more happiness, abundance, luck and love will surely come into your life. Choose as many affirmations as you like and use them throughout the day. Pronounce them with faith and feeling, and then success is guaranteed to you.

So, 27 positive affirmations:

I am a magnet for money, health and success. Every new day makes me even wiser and happier.

I open myself to the flow of Divine riches. Abundance finds me. I send love to everyone around me.

My life is real holiday. I always move towards success and well-being easily and without extra effort. I am always lucky in everything.

In my life, everything always happens the most the best way. Divine riches flow to me like a river. Health and success constantly surround me. I am filled with joy and endless love.

I solve any tasks that fate puts in front of me. Faith in success is always with me. Strength and the will to win constantly lead me to success and well-being.

I am surrounded by divine light. He protects me from all adversity, so everything always happens in the best and highest way.

Everything is just great. Joy and harmony come to me and I meet them with love in my heart.

All the events of my life develop as I need. The world loves me and takes care of me daily.

The energy of money is constantly available to me. She comes down to me nonstop and I'm grateful for that.

Love has found me. I feel her presence every second. I give joy to others and they always reciprocate me.

Every moment of my life is prosperity, love, wisdom and security. I feel connected to higher powers. Everything makes sense. I know where to go. From now on, the road to abundance and happiness is open to me.

I thank the Universe for the endless stream of joy that every second flows like a light river into my life.

The vector of my thoughts is directed to health. Every cell in my body breathes love. Every atom of my being is charged Divine energy. Youth and good health is an integral part of my life.

I am always lucky in everything. I firmly believe that I will achieve everything that I do not want. The power of love guides me. The power of love is always with me.

All my desires are fulfilled quickly, easily and in accordance with the Divine order.

The light of my heart illuminates my path. I thank the Universe that all roads to joy and wealth are open to me. I open myself to the flow of luck and fortune.

Every moment of my life is a gift. Any situation will certainly lead me to success. Happiness is always there. It is simply inevitable.

I consciously choose success, luxury and well-being. I feel the fullness of life. The world loves me and I love it.

The universe is protecting me. Joyful moments fill my every day. I am a glowing person. People feel sympathy for me.

I receive the blessings of life from everywhere. Miracles happen all the time in my life and I am grateful for them.

Divine light envelops and protects me. I radiate vibrations of well-being and perfection into the world. My soul is open to all the best.

I enjoy my well-being. My thoughts are directed towards health, love, abundance and happiness.

I am free from the past. I live in the here and now. Rays of sincerity, kindness and tenderness emanate from my soul.

Every day, every hour, every minute I become more beautiful and more attractive to others. I bloom and smell like the most beautiful flower in the world.

Every day of my life is filled with vibrations of love. I express myself with ease and all my dreams come true in the most favorable way for me.

I know and believe that great success awaits me. The whole Universe helps me on my way.

I thank the Universe for every breath of air. My life is filled with happiness and every day it becomes more and more.

We hope these affirmations will help you achieve success, good luck, happiness and love. We sincerely wish you happiness and all the very best!

Affirmations for love will help you attract happy and harmonious relationship. They tune the consciousness to a positive wave and send the right requests to the Universe. Let's talk about how to use affirmations so that they work and your desires come true.

It is impossible to attract personal happiness into life if love does not live within you. Remember: love always starts with ourselves. Therefore, affirmations, first of all, will be aimed at increasing your self-esteem.

Everything that happens in your soul is certainly reflected in outside world. You must know and remember the basic principle of the universe: the world is a mirror. Therefore, in order to receive love, you must learn to experience and give it.

Before you start building happy relationship, figure out if you love yourself? And only after that use affirmations to attract love.

8 steps to self love

To start working affirmations to attract a loved one and happy events, learn to love yourself. This mandatory step, without which no request to the Universe will work.

How to proceed:

  1. Recognize your uniqueness. Remember: you are not better or worse than someone else, you are an individual and a unique person. Stop comparing yourself to others, compare only yourself in the past with yourself in the present
  2. Allow yourself to make mistakes and be imperfect. Treat every mistake as an experience life lesson which you need to develop and improve yourself
  3. Radiate only what you would like to attract. Do you want love? Give it to those who need it. Start simple: with parents, children, friends. More " high level"- help those who do not receive love. For example, you can take under the patronage of a lonely old neighbor. It is important to act sincerely and not expect anything in return.
  4. Always start your morning with kind words in relation to itself. A great practice is to wake up and write down 5 compliments to yourself on a recorder or in a notebook. Make it a habit
  5. Make time for yourself. Don't forget to treat yourself delicious food, new clothes, beauty salons or pleasant procedures. If you want men to take care of you, learn how to take care of yourself first.
  6. Praise yourself. This also needs to be done every day. Praise yourself for everything, even the little things
  7. Get rid of the burden of resentment. Negativity from the past kills all attempts to find happiness in personal life, and on early marriage not to be counted. Write letters of grievances, and then burn them, try meditations and various spiritual practices
  8. And finally, work with positive affirmations - affirmations that work to attract happy events, love and prosperity.

This complex work with the subconscious, which will surely bear fruit. Remember: self-dislike leads to health problems, relationship problems, disorder, provokes baseless jealousy.

It doesn't matter if you are alone this moment, or in marriage, but in which there is no love - tune yourself to the line of energy radiation, where you are surrounded by love.

Affirmation examples to get you started

Let's start with general phrases. Repeat them daily for at least 15 minutes a day. Remember: a single thought has no power. Repeatedly repeated is a powerful tool for working with the subconscious.

Examples of positive affirmations to start with:

  • My life is getting better and better every day
  • Every day I get better as a person
  • I love and I am loved
  • Everyone always helps me
  • I am always in harmony with myself
  • I only attract positive people
  • I attract only positive events
  • The world smiles at me
  • The world helps me

It is worth starting with such general phrases, and you will already notice how the surrounding space is gradually beginning to change. And only then you can move on to more specific formulations.

Technique for attracting the ideal partner

Now let's talk about how to work with affirmations that will help attract the ideal chosen one into your life.

The sequence of your actions should be like this:

  1. As clearly as possible, formulate the image of a partner that is close to you
  2. Focus more on qualities than looks
  3. Write down on a piece of paper all the qualities that you would like to see in this person.
  4. Consider others important points(free, leads healthy lifestyle life, have your own housing - if it is important to you)
  5. Do not limit yourself in the appearance of the chosen one
  6. Avoid violating the law of balance (phrases like “only not ..”, “I will never marry ...”)
  7. Do not use negations and descriptions in the wording negative qualities(does not drink, does not beat, does not change). Match opposite descriptions

And then start working with affirmations. Examples of positive statements:

  • I am always surrounded by love and care
  • My relationship is based on love and trust for each other.
  • I love and I am loved
  • I have a happy and harmonious relationship
  • Every day our relationship is getting better and better.
  • I attract love and happiness

Watch a video with examples of affirmations to attract love:

How to make affirmations stronger

There is little trick which will help speed up desired result. Create an environment of love at home:

  1. Free up space from everything old and unnecessary
  2. Remove all paintings that depict loneliness. Instead, place pictures that reflect love.
  3. Get as many paired items as possible (a pair of slippers, a pair of towels, a pair of teaspoons, a pair of toothbrushes, paired candles, and so on)
  4. Find a place for talismans and symbols of love (pictures of peonies, roses, hearts)

You will be surprised how quickly your life will begin to change when you learn how to use positive affirmations and work with them regularly.

  1. Everything is in divine order.
  2. Joy radiates from me and returns to me. I am the center of joy in every aspect of my life! And so it is.
  3. No matter what problems are around me, I am always at peace and calm.
  4. I will not allow darkness to settle in my head, heart and soul, for only light can flourish there.
  5. I have enough time to complete all the tasks that are important.
  6. I just can't afford to worry about anything because I want to enjoy every moment of the life that my creator gave me.
  7. My Heavenly Father is the richest of all. So his son, me, can get any thing.
  8. Universal Love fills me.
  9. I do my best cherished dreams and use happy opportunities

10. I move forward in a calm world.

11. I am a winner.

12. I have to be very careful in choosing my goals, because I know for sure that I am going to achieve them.

13. I love myself unconditionally

14. Today I let go bad thoughts. This is the time for me to feel free and get the good things I deserve easily and without hesitation.

15. Today I find happiness in what I do. I deserve happiness, love, and all the blessings of this abundant world.

16. I let go of the resistance that once occupied me. Today I am free, happy, and in the best place where I want to be. I live and breathe in abundance, peace and happiness on all levels.

17. Everything always works for me.

18. I love my body.

19. I have abundance in all areas of life.

20. I deserve love. I love and I am loved.

21. I forgive myself and others for the harm done. Now I welcome love and respect into my life.

22. positive energy passes through me, I am ready to accept all the great things that the Universe has to offer me...

23. Every moment in my life is precious. Every day I live knowing that all is well in my life and that I only attract the best things in my life.

24. I lovingly attract the kind of love I want.

25. The more I give, the more I have and the more I have, the more I give. This is the law of nature.

26. Love is like a flower, it must receive light, water, air, food and tenderness in order to grow. Today I fill myself with love and grow, today I give and receive love. I allow the warmth of my own sunlight to illuminate my life and the lives of others. I am grateful, I am blessed with health and well-being and happiness.

27. Everything I need comes to me easily. Compassion is the key to love and live happily.

28. I am open and ready to accept abundance in my life.

29. I am that which is beyond name and occupation. I am free! I am what lives inside of me. I am Love. I am peace, I am prosperity. I love myself.

30. I was created to have health, happiness and peace of mind. I become everything I was created to be.

31. I follow mine the true way. My heart led me in the direction of my dreams. When I follow my heart, opportunities provide abundance and wealth in my life.

32. I believe in myself as I believe in God. God is a part of me and I am a part of him.

33. I am happy and loving person. I have the unique essence of God in my soul. Everything I do today leads me to true happiness.

34. The infinite law of abundance flows through me. I am the channel of prosperity and love through which all the good things of this world come.

35. My Higher Self guides me in the right direction.

36. I feel great today. I feel wonderful today. This is the happiest day of my life.

37. I am beautiful, loving, attractive and honest. I attract people with these same qualities in my life. I am a magnet for love and happiness.

38. I am passionate about my life.

39. I forgive everyone who hurt me. The power of love is in me now.

40. I am happy. I am loved. I am healthy. I radiate the light of beauty and joy.

What are Affirmations? How to do Affirmations? Affirmations are positive affirmations that help change the way we think and shape the future we want.

Saying affirmations is effective way achieve your goal, happiness, love, inner harmony, health and well-being.

Affirmations are short positive statement aimed at a specific aspect of your consciousness and laying new program, according to which the subconscious builds its work and creates life situations corresponding to this affirmation in meaning.

You can repeat the affirmations one by one or separately. It is believed that the most harmonious is the repetition of affirmations in multiples of three: 3, 6, 9, 12, etc.

Our thoughts and emotions shape our lives and our environment. It is important to remember the expression "like attracts like". And it is true: negative thoughts attract negative events into our lives, and the fears that we fear will certainly come true, because. we projected them ourselves.

Positive thoughts and emotions of love, happiness and pleasure will be attracted into our lives. happy events and the people we need.

Affirmations are very powerful and effective remedy to change a negative perception of life to a positive one. They can be repeated anywhere, any number of times and any way you like.

If you want - mentally, if you want - out loud, if you want - on a walk, or if you want - at work. First you have to make an effort to remember them, and then it will go to the subconscious level.

Soon you will begin to notice that your desires began to come true, you began to find yourself in right time v right place etc.

And you will change your life! But you just need to want it, to have the desire to work on yourself, not to stop, and even more so not to go back!!! After all, life is so beautiful, how many opportunities it offers.

Several affirmations.

Attractive affirmations.

  • I only focus on the good things and my life improves.
  • All the best for me is just beginning.
  • Everything around me blooms - people, children, relationships.
  • I expand the light of my love and receive it multiplied.
  • I have complete confidence in life and my body.
  • I choose to have a healthy, young, energetic body.
  • Every cell of my mobile body radiates joy.
  • The light of my heart attracts love.
  • I radiate love - power.
  • I deserve happiness.
  • I enjoy life.
  • I discover more and more new qualities for myself: tenderness, gratitude, openness and love.
  • I am a priceless treasure in the eyes of God the Creator. I thank all the light forces for the miracle of life!

Affirmations in difficult situations.

  • I am able to cope with any life situation.
  • My strength and self-confidence are growing every day.
  • I am always surrounded by loving energy both at home and at work.
  • I am always calm and find wise solutions in all situations.

Affirmations for confidence.

  • I'm only changing for the better.
  • I appreciate myself and thank you for every day of my wonderful life.

Affirmations before bed.

  • I joyfully and lovingly thank myself and the World for this wonderful day. Tomorrow will give me even more happiness!
  • I fall asleep easily, calmly and deeply.
  • My sleep is pleasant and fresh.
  • My dreams are bright and joyful.
  • In a dream, I completely restore my strength, I am filled with powerful vital energy.

Affirmations for health promotion.

  • What I choose to think and talk about today creates my future.
  • I choose health!
  • I am free from the burden of the past. From now on, I freely affirm health!
  • I deserve to enjoy health, and I gratefully accept it!
  • Thank you, health! Thank you beauty! Thank you youth!
  • I enjoy my excellent health!
  • Every cell in my beautiful body is healing.
  • Health, strength, light and joy fill me!
  • Health, the norm of my Divine life!
  • All illnesses dissolve in a powerful stream of Divine light and love.
  • I am healthy!
  • Heaven's Gate to Happiness, Health and eternal youth always open to me.
  • Every day my life is getting better and my health is getting stronger!
  • My health is great!
  • Every day my body works more and more energetically for rejuvenation and healing.
  • My body is cleared of all diseases, fatigue and filled with light and health.

Affirmations for family happiness.

  • I create a wonderful happy world for myself and my family!
  • I am calm, happy and live in peace with my family and the entire universe.
  • Joy and happiness reign in my family!
  • All members of my family bring me great joy!
  • I myself and all members of my family are always healthy and happy!

Affirmations to attract harmony.

  • I live in absolute harmony with the world.
  • My life is harmonious, ideal for me and constantly improving.
  • I live in harmony in peace with the entire universe!
  • I am in complete harmony with the world and people.
  • Peace and harmony fill my soul.
  • Everything I do is aimed at achieving harmony and abundance for me and for everyone!

To be truly happy, you must definitely find your one and only love. But what to do when she is all gone, and after an unsuccessful relationship mental wound does not overgrow, provoking the appearance of uncertainty in their own attractiveness? Your desire to create a happy and strong union must be strong, and faith in good luck must be unshakable! And they will help strengthen your inner “I” affirmations for love.

How to write affirmations to attract love

To positive attitudes attracted love into your life, you can use ready-made positive statements, the main thing is not just to read them, but to pass them through the heart. But affirmations can be made independently. The main thing is to follow a few rules.

First of all, make up expressions that will cause you only positive feelings. At the slightest appearance internal resistance cross out the phrase, because your formulas for love and happiness should attract you, motivate you to pleasant changes, and not make you sad. Those who have encountered resistance, but do not want to change the formula, need to do it gradually. Sometimes, if a person is really desperate to meet his love, it is difficult for him to immediately believe in the formula "I am happy." Therefore, you can change it a little to "I become happier every day."

Be sure to use the pronouns “I”, “Me”, “Me” in your affirmations. This is incredibly important as they cement your presence in such cherished formulas. But you can't speak for another person! Never insert the name of your desired or current partner into your affirmations. Not only will this not lead you to harmony and happiness, but it will also harm your energy and repel love. You can speak only by generalizing, for example - “People around me love me. I reciprocate them."

Another of the secrets to the effectiveness of installations is to create new thoughts about love in the present. Never use the future. If you break this rule, affirmations will either not work or work through long term. After all, when you say "I will" the universe does not understand when you want to meet your soulmate - today, in a month or when you will be 65.

Always write short affirmations. Firstly, it is more convenient to repeat them, and secondly, they are easier to remember by your subconscious and gain strength faster. But over time, when your desires begin to come true and life changes, you can apply longer positive attitudes and even whole moods.

Ready installations for love

There are many ready-made affirmations for love. They are versatile and will suit almost anyone. They are best used by newbies in the world positive thinking who do not fully understand how such formulas work.

You can repeat ready-made installations by reading them aloud or to yourself, but it is best to memorize these statements by heart and repeat them periodically throughout the day. Nice results also gives a method when your favorite phrase is printed on a regular piece of paper and attached in a conspicuous place (it is advisable to attach it in your bedroom). Thus, your subconscious mind better absorbs the vibrations of love, which create positive attitudes.

Affirmations can be short:

  • I opened my heart to love.
  • I am a magnet that attracts love.
  • I radiate love, and it triples back to me.
  • Every day I open my life to a happy relationship filled with love.
  • In relationships with my beloved, I always feel harmony and intimacy.
  • I am worthy of all-consuming love.
  • Every second I enjoy intimacy with my loved one.
  • I easily and simply find the person I need. Every day there is passion and love between us.
  • I feel incredibly happy in a relationship.
  • The passion between us lasts forever.
  • I feel tenderness and warmth in communication with my beloved.
  • I love myself so much!
  • I let men into my life.
  • I treat myself as the most valuable thing in my life.
  • I express my feelings freely.
  • I have happy and lasting relationships in my life.
  • I give and receive love effortlessly.
  • I feel like I'm always loved.
  • I allow myself to love, I know that it is safe.
  • My heart is wide open for kind and tender feelings.
  • I love and I am loved! It's very nice!

You can also use longer positive settings, for example:

  • I am the center of gravity of happiness and love! Every second I pay tribute to myself, realizing that I occupy a dominant role in my life! I know how to enjoy the abundance and fullness of a happy world!
  • I live happily. I have ahead happy life with a loved man! I enjoy the harmony that fills my inner world.
  • I thank the universe for this wonderful world filled with happiness and love! I discover myself every day best qualities- tenderness, openness, gratitude.
  • I am open to love and ready to live in a new beautiful world with your loved one!
  • I fill mine daily life love. I thank the universe for every moment in my precious life. I quickly blossom under the rays of love.
  • Love is the norm in life. I enjoy her. Beauty and kindness lives inside me.
  • My desire can work wonders! I live in harmony with the people around me and the world. I firmly and consciously let love into my everyday life.
  • I am the creator of my happy world. I love myself and deserve to be happy.
  • I love my body incredibly. I enjoy sexuality and am ready to give it to my beloved.