How to properly communicate with a man. How to talk to a man. One obvious truth: men are males

Women and men are very different. How to communicate with a man to a woman? After all, our psychology varies so much that it would be easier for a man to find a language with some male gorilla than with a woman. We perceive the world very differently.

And therefore wise woman trying to find a gentle approach to a man. She studies the psychology of a man, learns the secrets of building strong relationship, and works properly.

How to communicate with a man so that he is attached to you, we will talk in this article.

Do you know what secret words will help to fall in love with a man very quickly?

To find out, click on the button below and watch the video until the end.

The main secret of communication with men

Any normal adequate man has one key feature and desire, which is inherent in us by nature. normal man wants to be needed.

A man just needs to be needed for someone, for this we live. And if a man sees that someone needs him, then he instantly turns on and begins to do everything to help this needy. And of course, a man responds very well when he is a weak and unprotected woman. Communication with a woman always betrays this very quickly.

Why do men often fall for beautiful but stupid women? One of the reasons is that a woman acts in such a way that a man immediately has an internal question: “My God, if she does such stupid things, how does she live in general ?? She definitely needs a protector and a helper.” And men are trying to protect women and do everything for her, and strive to communicate with such women more and more.

How does a man feel with a woman who is strong and smart? He thinks: “Why am I here?” “I will leave, and nothing will change. She's so strong and smart that she can handle herself! It is obvious that she is strong and smart enough to get out of any scrape. She doesn't need me

A man likes to feel like a hero next to a woman.

Continuation of the previous paragraph - a man, in addition to wanting to be needed, wants to be a hero for his woman. In fact, one follows from the other.

If a woman is strong-dexterous-skillful, then a man understands that she doesn’t really need him. She herself will pull out and achieve everything herself. And then the next thought: since she is so strong, and she knows everything herself, and everything is possible, then you will never be a hero for her. She will never admire you.

She will always know how and what you are doing, for her it will be familiar and understandable. She may and will see that you are trying, but she will never admire you. And this is the next critical point in the communication of a man and a woman.

How to find the key to a man's heart? Use secret words that will help you conquer it.

If you want to know what to say to a man in order to charm him, click on the button below and watch the video until the end.

Words of admiration for a man are like a sweet song

For any man, words of admiration are as sweet and pleasing to the ear as for a woman - the words of a man that he loves her. This is one of the main components of communication with a woman: we love to be admired!

What will happen if a woman does not admire her man, consider him the very best? What if he doesn't see that feeling in her eyes? Will not give him these impulses during communication with his man?

Most likely a man will find where to satisfy. It is unlikely that he will go to tell his friends about his exploits, and they will look at him with admiring eyes. Can you guess who he will go to talk about his achievements and communicate? :)

Of course, he will find a woman who will admire him, for whom he will be a hero :) And after that, such strong women are surprised, how could he prefer me, so smart, beautiful and wonderful, to some kind of slutty, stupid and not super-beautiful?

Everything is very simple. Just a man found what he needs most: admiring eyes.

A good example of when a man finds admiration on the side

There is one amazing example, which most likely arose precisely from those postulates that I described above.

Maybe you remember the story when Arnold Schwanzenegger cheated on his wife with a maid? Now try to find a photo of this maid on the Internet, and compare it with his wife Maria Shriver. If you haven't seen it, you'll be surprised.

How could the iron Arnie lead on this rather middle-aged, rather plump and not the most beautiful woman in the world, preferring her to his beautiful wife? Most likely, he saw in her eyes something, and in communication with her, that he had not seen in his wife for a long time - admiration. In her eyes, he was a real hero, and men are strictly led to this.

Do not seek to show in communication that you are superior to a man in masculine qualities

This point is also based on the information above. If a man, when communicating, sees that a woman is “cool” in something masculine, she is advanced and pumped, the man begins to feel terribly uncomfortable. You just stop feeling like a man next to a woman, and inside you get the feeling that you are communicating with a man.

And right there, if communication with a woman takes place at such a level, and a man sees female superiority, he begins to communicate with her like a man! Rigid, logical, reasoned. But at the same time, the feeling of tenderness and affection for a woman simply dies. And the person in front of you - dies for a man like a woman.

Nature and instincts work flawlessly. If this woman does not need help, protection, look for another - the one who needs this protection! This is the elementary logic of survival - where protection is not required, there is no need for a man. Go ahead.


In fact, everything that is described in this article, about how to communicate with a man, can be reduced to a fairly simple summary. And this summary is: “A man must be strong, a woman weak, and then they find each other and live happily,” or “A man must be able to give protection and take responsibility, and a woman must take this protection and give responsibility.”

Of course, there are a million nuances in building relationships, which I talk about on the pages of this site, but the key, basic principle is that it is, and has been and will be inviolable, I am sure even after a hundred, and after a thousand years. This is how nature has made us.

There are only a few secret words , upon hearing which a man will begin to fall in love.

Discover a secret that only a few women know. Click the button and watch the video until the end.

Hello dear readers of the blog Samprosvetbulletin!

“... the psychology of communication with men for me comes down to the fact that I stopped bothering. Most men do not know how to communicate with women. My friend sometimes blurts out such things to me ... and this is called, he was joking. Before, I was nervous because of every word, thought it over, scrolled through my head, looked for the meaning, and he forgot the next day, ” writes Love.

“I read a lot of books on the psychology of communication with men, but they didn’t help me in business. Why is it so hard to talk to men? Because they are unable to openly express their true feelings, closed to emotions or afraid of relationships? Sometimes there are situations that you just don’t know anymore, ... " Maria writes.

In fact, men are active emotional life. They just use a different palette of emotional colors, which is associated with their leading needs.

Many men are not ready to easily reveal their emotions, because they do not have it for them. of great importance as problem solving. The leading need of men is to “conquer”, go towards the goal, solve specific problems, while the leading need of women is to establish emotional relationship. Therefore, men are so responsive to recognition of their strength, the ability to keep the situation under control and so vulnerable to criticism of their abilities. Women, in turn, react painfully when a man avoids emotional contact and goes into the cave.

Society evaluates men on their competence and ability to maintain control in any situation. Here I remembered one of my acquaintances, who, by chance, worked for two years in a purely women's team as one of the employees. He was not the boss, he did not have any advantages in position and salary, but no matter what happened, no matter what unforeseen situation happened in the office, all the women immediately turned their heads in his direction and waited for him to solve the problem simply because he's a man.

If you watch how men and women train in gym, you can see differences in behavior. A man, having just studied a new exercise, already wants to add more weight and speed, having done it only twice. A woman will first want to understand how to perform the exercise, will do it slowly and watch to do everything right.

One of unpleasant moments for men to feel powerful emotions and not know what to do with them. Men experience various emotions, but they are often frightened. And the natural transition from fear is anger and a desire to hide from the source of emotions. How often have you sought understanding of your subtle inner experiences from men, and how often have you found it? I'm sure many women are now sighing heavily. Sometimes it seems that men are just selfish and point-blank do not see women's experiences.

The woman who got stuck in the chimney

Once, while traveling in Europe, I accidentally stumbled upon one tragic story in the newspaper. There was a misunderstanding between a man and a woman, they began to quarrel. The woman, trying to prove her case, lost her temper and began to behave emotionally. The man, as often happens, immediately became "closed" and went into himself. He did not answer her phone calls, did not open the door of the house when she appeared to him. The woman, feeling a strong need to be understood, to explain herself and became angry that he did not allow her to speak out and decided to enter his house through the chimney from the fireplace. She climbed the fire escape to the roof of his house, began to go down the pipe and got stuck. Perhaps she called for help, but the house was private and stood aside, and the man, seeing that she was no longer knocking on his door, went out to air out. He returned home late, when the woman had already suffocated. A couple of days later, smelling it, he called the police, who found his girlfriend dead in a chimney opening.

This story teaches us a lot. In life, I observe similar situations, however, not with such tragic end. A woman tries to reach out to a man, he closes and becomes as if deaf. If a woman does not stop and try to find another approach, she risks getting "stuck in the chimney".

There are things that are ours rational thinking cannot change, no matter what pros and cons it finds. It's like going out in the rain in the morning. What do you think will happen then? If you don't have an umbrella, you will get wet. We don't like to walk around in wet clothes, but this is inevitable because rain is water. And if we do not want to get wet, we need to prepare for the rain, that is, take an umbrella with us. The same is true in, if you are not prepared, you will get some frustration. But if you know how to deal with the natural elements of the male essence, you will be protected.

To be prepared, it is already enough to know that a man always wants to be able to keep everything under control. To be a man who is confused and does not understand what is happening means for him to lose part of the male essence. A man doesn't want to feel that way.

To improve communication with a man, show him that you believe in his ability to solve problems. Or at least don't try to shake his faith in his abilities.

Communication with Men - Memo for Women

1. Men want to conquer, women want to take care of.
2. Men want to impress and arouse admiration, women want to be empathized with.
3. Men prioritize achievement, women prioritize relationships.
4. Men focus on the task and are able to ignore irrelevant information. It is easier for a woman to change tasks, giving each a certain amount of time.
5. The purpose of communication for men is to convey information, for women - to establish relationships.
6. A man in his mind can separate emotions, attitudes and information, while a woman tends to connect it all together.

Here a woman meets an interesting man, they begin to meet, chat, spend time, and then, quite unexpectedly, the relationship begins to deteriorate and the man disappears. And this is repeated several times. If this story is familiar to you, let's look together for the answer to the question of why this is happening. The fact is that a man and a woman are different from each other, like summer and winter, like day and night. This means that you need to communicate with them in different ways. The psychology of communication with men is quite peculiar, and requires a scrupulous approach. That is why psychology successful communication with men lies in the concept of "speak their language."

If we, the fair sex, can unravel at least some of the secrets of communicating with men, we can achieve great success in building excellent relationships between a man and a woman. To do this, it is worth studying the male “language of conversation” and the principles of behavior. In addition, men and women perceive information differently too. Therefore, in most cases, a woman speaks to speak out, and a man enters into a dialogue only “on business”.

Rules for communicating with men

Let's look at some basic rules for communicating with men:

  • men perceive everything in terms of solving problems. If a woman just wants to speak out, a girlfriend is more suitable for this. The man will immediately begin to give advice;
  • when talking, men are able to discuss one topic at one time. Women simultaneously lead several topics at once (children, work, mother-in-law, shops). Therefore, discuss one topic with a male interlocutor;
  • men look into the eyes of the interlocutor when talking. This rule must also be observed;
  • men are simple, so they don’t notice the “subtext” in the conversation. If a woman wants something from a man, she should say it directly.

The art of communicating with men also lies in the correspondence of the selected image and the intended topic, because a man’s picture must match one hundred percent. For example, if a woman is going to business meeting, then for a successful transaction good plus will be strict business suit, hairstyle and serious business manners. Then the man clearly understands what they came to him with and tunes in serious conversation. Proper Communication with a man leads to positive results in the intended purpose of communication, whether it be a business transaction or a personal acquaintance with the hope of a long-term relationship.

Mistakes in communicating with men

There are well-known moments that men can not stand in women. To avoid mistakes, consider the most common "female blunders":

  • men are annoyed when a conversation begins with an accusation. If this situation is repeated often, men prefer to step back;
  • men can't stand women's tears. It is better to talk about everything in a businesslike manner - the result will be better;
  • men hate to feel shame. A woman is doomed to loneliness if she fails to learn this rule by heart;
  • you should not climb to a man with questions when he is busy. Here it is worth noting that to interrogate him with the phrase: “what happened, why are you silent?” also not possible.

These rules are very simple, so if you want to achieve the desired goals in communicating with men, they should be learned by heart. The first communication with a man should be interesting, exciting and dynamic. So that there was a desire to meet again. Talk about more masculine topics, that is, those that interest him, but you should not talk about pink ruffles and blonde girlfriends at the first meeting. If the conversation is businesslike, show your best business qualities. Build clear and specific proposals. Feel free to shake hands when meeting and parting.

Now there is a lot of literature that gives a lot of tips and advice, as well as reveals the secrets and features of communication with men. I would especially like to mention such authors as Allan and Barbara Pease, who have published many excellent books on this topic. Almost all answers about how different man and woman can be obtained from Man and Woman, The Language of Relationships by Allan and Barbara Pease.

Absolutely different people hard enough. And no one will argue with the fact that the male and female psyches differ. It is not without reason that today there is such a mass of anecdotes devoted to the mutual understanding of the sexes. Why go far there - take at least phrases about female logic or masculine habits (such as lying on the couch with a beer in hand, while the wife fusses around doing a lot of household chores). In this article, I want to talk about how to communicate with a man correctly: what you need to do to be heard, and what mistakes in communicating with members of the opposite sex should be avoided.

Main Rule

Needless to say, there is a great deal of advice on this topic. Meanwhile, you can not reinvent the wheel, but find out the whole important information so to speak, from the source. Yes, yes, the guy himself can talk about how to properly communicate with a man. You just need to ask him about it. After all, how many people, so many opinions, which means that there is no universal "recipe". But there is one thing: you can do this only if the relationship with this person is already very strong and trusting. At the very first stages of acquaintance, it is not recommended to ask such questions, it is better to observe general rules decency in communication. But when the relationship reaches a certain stage, one should always speak openly and directly with one's lover, so as not to do what he does not like or tuj irritates. By the way, the young man should do the same.

Banal politeness

So, how to communicate with a man? First of all, we note that no one has yet canceled politeness. Guys are the same people and they also demand good relationship to yourself. Do not forget to say “thank you”, “please”, etc. to them. All requests and comments must be correct. A special category of the issue is quarrels. Anything can happen, and the intensity of passions is guaranteed here (why without it?), however, at the moments of a showdown, you don’t need to pour all the dirt on the guy, then you will have to regret it. Remember about mutual respect and the rules of decency (even if it can be quite difficult to do this).


Young ladies who are interested in how to properly communicate with a man will come in handy next recommendation: you need to know how to formulate your requests to him. So, guys do not like arrogant and narcissistic people who believe that the whole world revolves around them. All requests, again, should be based on courtesy. Forget the orderly tone - he is not a servant or an errand boy. Remember about - no one will tolerate being wiped their feet on it. A woman's strongest weapon is her weakness. Helpless look, self-doubt, timid question: "Could you (couldn't you) ...?" - will do their job. And rep strong half humanity already feels like a superhero...

Topics for conversation

Many girls ask themselves: "How to communicate with a man so that he always has an interest?" The answer is obscenely simple: to be interesting to him. To do this, you need to read a lot, develop in different industries. Gone are the days when clever woman was considered a white crow. Today, a lady simply needs to be educated, because modern man in dire need of a highly intelligent life partner. Thus, in order to be able for a long time to keep the attention of the opposite sex, you have to try hard. However, you should not “shine with your mind” at every opportunity, it is best to just be able to competently maintain a conversation. If knowledge in a particular area is very weak, absent or based on rumors, it is better to keep quiet so as not to say outright nonsense and not make yourself look stupid. But there is one but: some guys are just afraid smart girls, because they themselves are not very developed. Therefore, in this way, you can not only tie a young man to yourself, but also scare it off. What to do? Look at the object of your sympathy, listen to his speech, pay attention to manners. All these little things can tell a lot.


Very important advice for those who do not know how to communicate with a man in order to tame a handsome man: do not make scandals and showdowns. Guys don't like this! A sad look and a tear that quietly rolled down will act much stronger than screams and tantrums. In addition, every woman should remember that men cannot stand it when they are brainwashed, especially if the reason is stupidity, not noteworthy. Make a scene because the guy didn't call or chat with another girl in in social networks or live, - a huge stupidity. If a quarrel is ripe, say everything directly, without hinting and without trying to make him think of everything on his own. After all, what seems important to us, men often seem like a trifle. All in all, the best option developments - straight Talk without shouting and moralizing. It's very easy to leave by slamming the door. It is much more difficult to stay, listen, understand and accept.


We go further, figuring out how to communicate with men. You must give them freedom. The guy does not need to be bombarded with SMS every 10 minutes, he also does not need to be called all day long (unless the young man does this himself or he likes it). Understand: people need a little rest from each other. And yes, it should have its own space. And trips with friends to football or to a cafe. Try to turn this minus relationship into a plus: let him miss you! This does not mean that you need to pretend that his adventures are indifferent to you. No, just let him go...


What else can you tell women who want to understand how to communicate with men correctly? Don't control them. Guys do not like it terribly when a woman takes on the role of a mother and wants to know when and where her lover was, what he did and what he ate. This is a kind of continuation of the rule of freedom, but with small reservations. There is even an old joke that a man, like a dog, needs to be kept on a leash. middle length: not too short so he doesn't try to chew it, but not too long so he can't run around the corner.


You can also recommend to girls who want to know how to competently communicate with men, the following: you must always stay in good mood. Of course, sometimes there may be exceptions, but the disgruntled expression on the face of a lady can not only upset a man, but also set him up negatively. Well, think for yourself, who is interested in disturbing Princess Nesmeyana? Another thing is when a girl smiles, laughs, and sometimes even fools around (from time to time you can afford such behavior). All this will cause the guy only pleasant experience and the corresponding positive reaction.

Listen and hear

Who does not know that this truth is as old as the world. How often, pouting, we declare that the guys do not hear us. And what are themselves? And they also want to be heard. And yet they heard. Do not ignore the stories of a loved one about how the day went. It is especially necessary to gather strength and listen to a young man when he talks about his hobby: hunting, fishing, football ... And if a girl makes it clear that she is interested, asks questions or makes a competent remark, the man will generally be completely delighted and look at it in a completely different way.

Zodiac signs

About how women should communicate with men - representatives of different signs of the Zodiac, it is worth talking separately.

  1. Aries. By nature, these men are energetic, restless and always on the move. To arouse interest in your person, you need to be a well-read and highly educated lady.
  2. How to communicate with a Taurus man? This is very interest Ask. So, these people are open, emotional and sincere. They will demand the same from In such a relationship, it is better for a lady to remain herself and remember that Taurus loves honesty and devotion.
  3. Twins. Representatives of this sign are by nature freedom-loving and not too serious. A woman should not expect much from communicating with a Gemini guy. Lack of obligations and minimum requirements - that's the key to a successful relationship.
  4. Crayfish. and great will. To impress a representative of this zodiac sign, you need to be condescending to his weaknesses, as well as be friendly.
  5. How to communicate with a Leo man? Here the name of the character of the zodiac circle speaks for itself. So, these are people who love themselves enough, besides, they are leaders by nature. You need to communicate with such a person as equals as possible and in no case put yourself at least a little higher. Leos are very fond of praise and do not tolerate betrayal. If you follow these simple rules, communication with Leo will be a pleasure.
  6. Virgin. Representatives of this sign are hardworking, have a cold, calculating mind. They will be interested in those ladies who are well educated, have advanced up the career ladder (have reached a certain level in labor activity). Virgos also love praise.
  7. The next sign is Libra. What to remember in this case? How to communicate with a man? Libras are people who often change their minds. However, they are calm, cheerful and attentive. And the lady needs to be the same. In a difficult moment for them, you need to drop everything and be there: these natures, like no other, require attention and support.
  8. Scorpion. The question of how to communicate with a Scorpio man is incredibly relevant, since these are extraordinary personalities. Often these are self-willed arrogant. It is better to communicate with representatives of this sign at ease, without provoking them into quarrels. If you know about weak point such a man, do not try to use this information as a weapon against him - this will not lead to anything good. A scorpion can sting quite painfully, and not only with a word.
  9. Sagittarius. These are very sociable men. Therefore, a lady needs to be ready to communicate with many of their friends and acquaintances. The chosen one will not understand and will not accept prohibitions in this regard. The basic rules for communicating with Sagittarius: do not reveal all the secrets (they do not know how to keep them in themselves) and do not impose themselves.
  10. Capricorn. By nature, they are very patient and restrained individuals. In addition, they are always serious and often do not like excessive gaiety. Communicating with a representative of this sign, all the time you need to prove your reliability and loyalty. And do not forget that Capricorns require understanding and sympathy from their halves.
  11. Aquarius. No less necessary will be a hint on how to communicate with the Aquarius man. These people are not arrogant, sociable. You need to be on equal terms with them, they love it. In addition, you need to remember two important points: you won’t be able to convince Aquarius, you shouldn’t even start; status is not important for representatives of this sign, however great value It has inner world interlocutor.
  12. Fish. By nature, Pisces are very susceptible to everything that surrounds them, they are also very vulnerable. Find mutual language it is not so easy with a representative of this sign, because he does not let everyone near him. Only by showing benevolence, sincerity, and later complete devotion, you can earn the love of a Pisces man.


Now let's talk about what a girl should avoid in dealing with guys.

  1. Don't teach. A woman should not point young man what to do or say is a huge mistake.
  2. Don't interrupt. A man needs to be fully listened to, not trying to insert his "five cents". Only after the end of the monologue can you express your opinion on a particular issue.
  3. Don't criticize. It is strictly forbidden in a conversation to criticize the guy himself or his inner circle, especially parents and friends.
  4. Don't impose. If a man is on this moment cannot or does not want to communicate, no need to insist on it.
  5. Don't exalt yourself. Girls should remember not to advertise themselves too much, even if you are an angel in the flesh. Let the guy learn about everything gradually and preferably from the lips of others. And every time to emphasize how smart and beautiful you are, it's just stupid.

And the last thing I want to say: all the rules and tips are good, but you don’t need to get too hung up on this all. It must be remembered that in communicating with a representative of the opposite sex, you need to be as open and natural as possible, and then everything will turn out by itself, and communication will reach the level that both need.

They say that it is even interesting to be silent with a loved one. It really is. But to reach this stage, you need to communicate with him a lot. This is to understand whether you really form an ideal couple someday.

But how to properly communicate with a man from the day we met - now we will discuss. Everything is important: what you are talking about, your intonation of voice, articulation of speech, and even what psychotype your interlocutor belongs to. Moreover, each man can react differently to the same conversation.

Immediately, to make it clear: audials are people who perceive the world mainly by ear. Each person's representational system is developed in their own way, but most people get information from everything at once:

  • from visual images
  • from various sounds
  • from smell and touch.

There are not so many pure audials, but this does not mean that they somehow stand out externally. For example, with big ears and small eyes. No, quite ordinary people. But they can sometimes be recognized by their behavior.

The auditory person may not visually notice what is going on around him: is there a mess in the room, or what you are wearing and what hairstyle you have. There is even some plus in this: he will not turn his nose if he finds you at home in the morning, where there is a complete hut, and you are not wearing makeup. And he won't even remember it when he leaves.

But he has a feature. He will remember the entire conversation to the slightest intonation. He will hear what you whisper to someone on the phone. He will sense the falseness in your voice. Some auditory people even suffer from this feature - acute hearing sometimes does not allow you to fall asleep because of the slightest rustle.

Recognizing the auditory is not difficult - he perfectly "feels" the music, is able to guess any melody from three notes. Answering the question, he bows his head to his shoulder, as if listening to his thoughts. And during a conversation, they can generally sit with their backs to their interlocutor, without looking into his eyes.

So, be careful with such a man. The excuse "he will not pay attention to this conversation" will not work. He will truncate everything, even if he tactfully keeps silent. But for himself, he will draw conclusions - is it worth continuing to communicate with you further.

You must have noticed how people react to the way you communicate. If not, then be sure to take a look. Here's what reactions are and why they happen.

    Your interlocutor nods his head for a long time, and, occasionally interrupting you, tries to transfer the conversation to another topic. Perhaps you consider yourself the queen of the monologue. You are only interested in you interesting topic, and you try to express yourself on this matter, without listening to your interlocutor. And it works out for you, well, oh, for a very long time!

    Your interlocutor tries to quickly end the conversation and leave. Perhaps you speak boringly with the same intonation. It acts on a person like a mosquito squeak. I want to brush it off, close my ears, kill the irritant or run away from it. Audials especially suffer from this - literally to the point of a headache.

    Your interlocutor is irritated and nervous, even if he smiles wryly. Perhaps you are "bringing a blizzard": blurting out what is not required, turning to personalities and an aggressive tone. This is how they react to evil money in the queue or to inadequate drunks. And to talk to an idiot is to slide down to his level.

Therefore, when talking with a man, control your speech, intonation and voice. And for this you need to look at yourself through his eyes. How to do it:

  • put the camera on record;
  • looking into it, tell some difficult episode from your life;
  • listen and watch the recording carefully.

And now analyze it yourself - would you be interested in a conversation with such a woman? Is it easy for you to perceive it? What was the intonation, whether the voice was pleasant, whether there were boring or shrill notes. Just be honest! If you don't like yourself, then train to a positive result.

Well, it's time to start practicing. Here you are in a new company where there are many interesting men. Have you noticed that usually in companies all the laurels go to the most interesting storyteller? He knows how to listen, insert a phrase on the topic and tell a sparkling joke. And no matter what his appearance is, everyone is in love with him. True, these laurels most often go to men. But why don't you try it too?

What should be avoided?

    Unnatural voice. Well, you know, some women invent the image of a little girl. Dress accordingly. And so, according to their image, they “break” the voice to a child’s, and even with drawling vowels. Is it cute? This is silly.

    Absolute lies. You must have noticed such boasters among women: they begin to compose some beautiful story, and then she herself does not notice that she is lying to fairy tales, passing off everything as the truth. But such women do not cause anything but laughter at her.

    Rough tone with swearing. Even if a mate is normal in a company, it still sounds disgusting from a woman’s lips. And if it’s also mixed with vulgar slang, then in general - “put out the light.” This is excusable only for angular teenage girls, and not for a woman.

In general, the most best feature girls - to be natural and feminine, but this still needs to be learned. If you are only at the origins of this science, then you can find out all the details in the article. From this, and build on - listen to your counterpart more, insert a phrase and smile on the topic.

Take a closer look - if you managed to "hook" at least one attentive male listener then you are going in the right direction. But the point is, look at his face. Is he really interested in listening to you, and does he look into your eyes. If his eyes run somewhere around your neckline, then he is not interested in your story at all.

And now you have fallen in love, the man arouses the keenest interest in you, and he, in turn, invites you on a date. By the way, about the first meeting. It is highly recommended to read the article first, there are also tips on tête-à-tête conversation.

But let's look at how to start communicating and properly conduct a dialogue with a man according to his psychotype:

    Noisy and ambitious choleric loves to draw attention to himself. He gesticulates a lot, interrupts and boasts. You yourself can feel how it brings from own importance but don't knock it down. Listen and admire! He will be happy.

    Cheerful and cheerful sanguine can shower you with compliments and humor all evening. But he, unlike the choleric, expects a response from you - a lively dialogue, and not just silent admiration. Otherwise, he might get lost.

    Balanced and calm phlegmatic not very chatty and rather prefers to listen. But you yourself may become bored, and you will try to talk him. He will gladly support the dialogue, with only one condition - if he is familiar with the topic and it is interesting to him. The phlegmatic is far from being an empty breeze.

    melancholic- again the case with the "one-sided game", he also loves his own monologue. Only he will not orate, brag and gesticulate. On the contrary, he likes to complain. And no matter how much you convince him that everything will be fine, he will still revel in his failures.

Whether you want to have a relationship with this man in the future or not is up to you, but you will already know what to expect from him in a conversation. But if you found common topics and interests, then a little later you will learn how to build a conversation: who needs to remain silent, and who is free to scratch his tongue.

Well, you already know each other enough, so the behavior of each other does not cause a shock state in you anymore. But the first quarrels begin. And what is, in essence, a quarrel? The same dialogue, only different languages”, and even with a raised tone.

How to get around these sharp corners - you can find out in the article. And yet I would like to give a few more recommendations on this topic.

    If initially beautiful communication turned in the wrong direction and leads to a quarrel, then just joke nicely about this topic.

    If you feel that a conversation with a man is still gaining unpleasant momentum, then try to be the first to change the subject of the conversation.

    Remember that in a quarrel, everyone wants to be heard, so the tone rises. Try not to.

It is clear that being in bad mood sometimes it's hard for you to control yourself. But for this there is an old kind way: counter. Breathe in, count slowly in your mind to ten, and breathe out. It really helps a lot.

But what are we all about quarrels? After all, when talking with a man you love, the last thing you want to do is swear. Therefore, if a bitchy hysteria does not live inside you, quarrels can be minimized.

And in peacetime, you also need to be able to conduct a dialogue. You must have heard about magic words? Yes, yes, all these “thank you”, “please”, “hello”, “goodbye”. And there is nice phrases and diminutive names. It is with them that you need to start communicating with your beloved man in order to cheer him up.

Here, imagine. You call him in the morning and gently purr into the phone:

Good morning my sunshine! Wake up buddy, it's time for you to go to work! Have a nice day and see you in the evening! I love you very much!

It's great, right? And he is twice as healthy! And the mood is on top!

A good relationship between a man and a woman directly depends on their ability to communicate. Especially this art should be masterfully mastered by a woman. After all, the changing tonality of her voice can delight the ear in one minute and immediately take out the brain. Therefore, indeed - sometimes you need to be silent together.

Finally, an unusual technique

Let's do a thought experiment.

Imagine that you have the superpower to "read" men. Like Sherlock Holmes: you look at a man - and you immediately know everything about him and understand what is on his mind. You could have any man and have ideal relationship and would hardly be reading this article now in search of a solution to my problem.

Who said it's impossible? Of course, you won’t read other people’s thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Nadezhda Mayer. She is a PhD in Psychology, and her methodology has helped many girls to have perfect relationships and feel loved.

If interested, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked Nadezhda to reserve 100 seats specifically for our website visitors.