What kind of cat is suitable for the zodiac sign twins. Sphinx or lioness? What is your cat on the sign of the zodiac & nbsp. Taurus: Siamese cat

People born under this sign are often cheerful, active, but at times of their reaction to the world They are too aggressive, which is clearly noted by relatives, and relatives. In addition, Aries are not always able to hide their not the most top Qualities - Stubbornness and despotism, and to go about anyone's desires, there can be no speech. therefore this sign The zodiac approaches the same as he himself, militant and loafed breed - Burmese cat. And others are suitable pets with active vital position - Siam or Orientals.

? calf

The most suitable cat for this sign is a rich in a fluffy fur coat Persian. She, like the queen in his expensive robes, impresses the calves that among other advantages and karmic communication with money. In addition, the Persians like no other breed personify the comfort and comfort that so much like this horoscope representatives. However, if there is no desire or time to care for the lush robe of such a pet, you can start the British.

? Twins

Very active - both physically, and intellectually - the twins can not only get a good job anywhere, but also fully adapt to almost any circumstances, so this sign of the zodiac simply needs a companion cat, which is everywhere and everywhere will help his owner. Best twins will stay in thai cats, Abyssinians or Savannes, which, in turn, are quite mobile and developed intellectually. Also, as an option, you can consider the Scottish Fold.

? Cancer

With sensual and wounded cancer, without thinking, you can make cats of such a breed that requires tenderness and tremendous care. Great Siberians, Nevskaya masquerade with an elevant fur coat, short-cut and only unusual Machcin or Devon-Rex - Catics with large ears, close-ups and in general with alien ears, will become an excellent pet. It is worth noting that these breeds of the Murchants are very devoted to their owner and undemanding.

? a lion

Representatives of this sign of the zodiac can like the most different breedsthat B. feline world Often are the complete opposite. Lions as recognized leaders not only among their fellow on the horoscope, but also in the animal world, will be great friends to the British with all the signs of royal beast, such as independence, unobtrusion and negative reaction On too active affection. In addition to this breed, the lions will be demolished with Scottish Fold, as well as with Egyptian Mau.

? Virgo

Intelligent devans, which, among other things, are also constantly striving for perfection, the same graceful and sophisticated cats are suitable. Excellent option - Russian blue, possessing high feeling own dignity and exorbitant charm. But these are not the only representatives of feline, which without conflict will be able to get along with the devies. A good companion for this sign of the zodiac can be dying and obedient American shorthair.

? Libra

This resident of the starry sky is not better suited for balanced Maine Cuns' giants. At first glance, the representatives of this large breed In fact, turn out to be excellent friends, assistants in any case and soulful companions in the quiet evenings. Perhaps the scales will also like American cerles, and if there is time to care for feline wool, then and chinchillas. The main thing is the pet of this zodiac sign must fully comply with the traditional idea of \u200b\u200bcats, exotic breeds Do not fit.

? Scorpions

Strong and ruthless personality with pronounced strong character Next to with you, except that the same "wild" breeds of cats - a Bengal or a representative of the Family Family with a hard-acting name - OTIQUET. Also, a mysterious Siamez can become a scorpion cat, in the essence of which contains not only grace and cynicism, but also a mass of cunning.

? Sagittarius

People who were born under this sign of the zodiac, like no other than one in his life, and restriction of it in any context they are categorically disgusting. This desire to free themselves from the shackles of convention is best combined with the moral of Maine Cunov and the Norwegian Forest Cat. Sagittarius, as big independence lovers, are unlikely to encroach on someone else's freedom, so this breeds will be very comfortable in the society of representatives of this sign of the zodiac.

? Capricorn

Capricorn, as representatives of a rather ambitious zodiac sign, will fall to taste the features of the Siberian cat - it is smart, independent and has a strong character, which is perfect for this duet. She is also very sociable and at the same time undemanding. If there is a desire to take care of your pets hardly, then you can start a rugged exot.

? Aquarius

The original and smart water bodies need a cat is no less unusual than the representatives of this sign of the zodiac. Here there is where the soul is roaring, because now there is a large number of Exotic breeds. However, unique aquaries are important not only unusual appearance Cats, but also its non-standard character. In this case, attention should be paid to the Abyssinians, smooth sphinxes, short-tested Bobtail, Mcchinov, Kerles and Devon Recks.

? Fish

The dual fish with their inconstant nature and a great desire constantly about someone to take care is ideal for a peace-loving Ragdoll or a mysterious Norwegian Forest Cat. It is also believed that this personality fantasies will enjoy the flames of Burma and Chinchillas, while too "talkative" Siams and Orientals are likely to be tired of people born under this sign of the zodiac, and too freedom-loving cats - upset by their removal.

Collected from the Internet.

Character: impulsive, impatient, aggressive.
Element: Fire.
Compatible signs Zodiac: Sagittarius, Lion, Aquarius.

Features of character: Cote-Aries loves himself to show, he always strives to be the center of attention and strives to let dust in the eyes. He loves to admire them, he is in high degree I am self-confident and if I took something to my mind, then it will not refuse it from my idea. This means that such a cat is easily learned by different tricks and will be hard to work, bringing their execution to the brilliance. Even closed doors Not an obstacle for these intelligent cats.

The result of such a rapid activity is the wolf appetite, so it is not surprising that in food it gives preference to quantity before quality. But despite the fact that the cat-Aries is not particularly picky, he demands that his whole food is absolutely fresh. If this is not the case, he expresses his displeasure, angrily waving his tail, and then it can inflate and even look at the neighbors - whether the gams will be offered better.

Character: Persistent, patient, realistic.
Element: Earth.
Compatible zodiac signs: Virgo, Cancer, Capricorn.

Features of character: Cats - Tales are largely different from other cats: they cannot be called playful, capricious; They are infertility, they can not be bribed. They are legend, they do nobility, whatever position in life they occupy. Even ordinary rustic cats carry the seal of personality, individuality.

Cats-Taurus are not involved in any adventures and do not cause any trouble. They will all give for a quiet life! They value with their property and will not share their mask, a basket or their toys. But they respect someone else's property. They will eat from someone else's bowl or sleep on someone else's blanket only in case of extreme need.

They do not like to go out of the house, traveling to the car for them is a ternary torment, and if you stuff such a cat in a portable basket, he will demand it as a betrayal. This is about food, then punctuality is valued higher than a variety. They will be happy to eat the same kind of catfish for many days if you offer it at the same time.

Character: inquisitive, sociable, unpredictable.
Element: Air.
Compatible zodiac signs: Aquarius, scales.

Features of character: then cheerful, playful; Curious is the restrained, hissing, unavigible: here is a typical cat-twin. Nothing cat is alone plus something else. He is full of curious, he should always be aware of events, he everywhere bustles his nose.

This fidget is looking everywhere, there is nothing that he would not try, he constantly makes interesting discoveries. This cat can learn, for example, to open the door with the removal movement of the paws or break boiled eggs, dropping them from the table. These inefficient tricks are done to surprise and stealing you, and the cat is rapidly indignant if you marry it for them. Just try to merch him - and you will regret!

It will become even more mischievous than usual: it will turn with you under your feet so that you are stumbled, or goes on your new black jacket. But if he sees that you were seriously angry, he will let all his charm. These sociable cats are purred more often and louder than other cats.

Character: Delicate, neat, emotional.
Element: Water.
Compatible zodiac signs: Fish, Scorpio, Taurus.

Features of character: Cat-cancer is characterized by appearance and grace of primaudnone and sensitivity of the seismograph. She wants her to cherish and admired her. She is confident that the whole world revolves around her, and any trifle can take it out of equilibrium. She enjoys its delicate constitution to attract special attention to himself.

Indeed, if you do not indulge her and indulge in her weaknesses, she can develop mental disease. Cancer - Watermark, and emotional life Your cat reflects the smooth flow of jets, tides and flow. When she feels like a water flow, she can sit still motionless as Buddha.

Cat-cancer is a brilliant actress. If it seems to her that the game was delayed, she depicts complete exhaustion, but if something new will attract her attention, she instantly resurrect and runs to watch what it was.

These cats accurately make sure the thunderstorm, they are clogged into the corner or are looking for salvation in your hands long before it starts to sparkle a lightning and thunder thunder.

Character: independent, brave, optimistic, gullible.
Element: Fire.
Compatible zodiac signs: Aries, Sagittarius, Capricorn.

Features of character: to be born under the sign of Leo, the "royal sign", as astrologers call it - it's happiness even for a cat. Côte-lion, proud and independent person, is in life with a highly raised head, not noticing other mortals. He is too much valid to his aristocracy to humiliate before the execution of stupid, attracting the attention of the public tricks, - he is confident that he is already always in the center of general attention.

The cat-lion is rarely lying on his side, without doing anything. He loves excitement of hunting, but even urban cats are sufficiently soberly look at things to waste time on hopeless persecution. Let ordinary cats exacerbate themselves because of the trifles - the royal cat-lion will find a more worthy lesson! But sometimes you can see it, the clock of the plum hole in the bath is waiting for the appearance of the mouse from this hole.

Lifestyle: Cote Lion does not doubt that he is the king of animals. He devotes a mass of time to its toilet, loses and worshiped until the fur will be born like a silk. You will not have time to get out of the room, as he already admires himself in the mirror. He likes to be photographed and loves to receive compliments. Truly, his vanity does not know borders. But the care of appearance is forgotten if the adventure looms ahead, "here he does not scream slightly flashed or fight.

As for the diet, his favorite dish - Fresh meat, and he also loves liver. But if you make him wait for lunch too long, you will need to take your guilt by offering him a particularly tagged piece and a lot of caress, otherwise you will be punished with the bad mood of His Royal Majesty.

Character: prudent, sensitive, critical.
Element: Earth.
Compatible zodiac signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Fish.

Features of character: Cat-Virgo - picky critics and a little maximalist. Mind and logic is stronger than natural instinct. It is endowed with acute observation and calculating by nature: for example, she sees in his hands you have knitting, which will prevent you from stroking her, so she does not even try to jump to your knees. Instead, she snacks your yarn thread. She very soon will find out where you keep delicious things, and will show human ingenuity straight, to enjoy when no one sees it.

Climb into the sealed package with milk? There is nothing easier! Pull out a piece of cheese from cellophane wrapper? Kids toys! Of course, she knows perfectly well that these delicious things are not intended for her, but the cat-Virgin has no conscience. If you branched her, she will pretend deaf. She will be so generous that it will not notice your anger until he subsides.

Character: loving, good-natured, indecisive.
Element: Fire.
Compatible zodiac signs: Aquarius, twins.

Features of character: the cat born under the sign of the scales, considers himself a star and presents very large demand for life. It is very important for her. standard of living and elegant environment. Because it is unusually charming and looks charming, the life of the CE is successfully and easy, but even if things do not matter, it rarely loses the presence of the spirit. In this case, she simply transfers his attention to another desired object, which tries to get to get.

This cat loves to be surrounded by fans, be it cats or people, but only until they admire it. She wants to conquer all the hearts, regardless of external view And other advantages of carriers of these hearts. I like this cat everyone.

But her whole balance disappears when she falls in love. She forgets all her goodness. She is lost, it is difficult for her to collect his thoughts, which leads to fierce fights between her fans. It keeps at a distance from the battlefield, but her vain heart gladly makes it a sight. This does not mean that she immediately gives his mercy to the happy winner. No one! At first she learns him a quick inspection. She is too picky to retire with the old kitty, even if he won a brilliant victory.

Character: jealous, stubborn.
Element: Water.
Compatible zodiac signs: Cancer, Fish.

Features of character: cats born under Mars can demonstrate unusual power character. In vain, there would be attempts to impose something second-speed. Scorpio is suitable only the best. Scorpio loves to explore the surroundings and constantly fussing his nose in all corners and gaps of your home. His inventive mind can find a completely new application of your furniture and household items. Many scorpio cats use window curtains as sports shell For climbing, and for afternoon, Scorpio can adapt the drum of the washing machine.

Cote Scorpio loves to command. If you indulge this propensity, invite his friends to the house and set them a rich treat, it will be completely happy.

From patient and too proud to accept help. Choose it - and he inflates. He wants to get his share in all - the defendants on your sandwich to the place on your new chair. What would you think about yourself or your cat knows that in fact you are his slave, and if you don't notice it, it proves only as a smart cat.

Character: optimist, arrogant, tramp.
Element: Fire.
Compatible zodiac signs: Aries, Lion.

Features of character: Adventure seeker The Sagittarius often wakes up the spirit and hovers in the clouds, and as a result of this, often tolerates the collapse.

Incorrigible optimist, he never removes lessons from his mistakes, and painting carelessly in the next failure, immediately climbs a new risky adventure. Nothing can shake his faith in herself and their capabilities.

The cat-Sagittarius is not a household, he does not make conclusions in the four walls. It is not easy to keep this freedom-loving cat in a small urban apartment. Constantly locked in the room, it consumes an excess of energy on leprosy, causing much harm. He will sharpen claws about your curtains, drop flower pots And arrange boxing matches with indoor plants, checking them on strength.

Character: stubborn, intelligent, melancholic.
Element: Earth.
Compatible zodiac signs: Taurus, Virgo, Leo.

Features of character: Kota-Capricorn can be bolded by the sinner: he is a cleft, the master is to leave responsibility and extremely smart. He believes that there is nothing such that it could not be wrap in their favor. Capricorn cats are ambitious. If your cat started some kind of enterprise, he will not be so easy to retreat from him - be it catching the stiletto from the slot behind the plinth or an attempt to make friends with a dog from the next apartment.

Being in a common balanced cat, Capricorn needs constant communication with people and animals, otherwise he falls into depression and melancholy. He is pretty high opinion About me and likes to dominate, but if he feels what they appreciated him to dignity, he will be happy and loving you by the cat.

Character: independent, temperamental, inventive.
Element: Air.
Compatible zodiac signs: Scales, twins, Aries.

Features of character: Cat-Aquarius - False Nature, often happens in a breakdown with himself. On the one hand, he wants to be loving and affectionate, on the other - do not mind to show claws. He will ask for milk, and then sit in indecision before the cup. Such unpredictable behavior, of course, annoying his owner, and the cat is amused, looking like you are angry. How to be interesting to be such a difficult cat, a provocateur who is always in the center of attention.

This is the most entrepreneurial cat that random failures are not stopped: he intends to achieve greatness, and some trivia do not prevent him. Dressing, for which he has already been punished, becomes even more exciting.

His ingenuity pushes him into the most inappropriate places where you least expect to see it, - and he hides there long hours, pleased that he cannot find him. Therefore, look at the wardrobe for the dishes and in the dryer for glasses before getting out of the house.

Aquarius has an extraordinary need for love, and if you donate it and he hid himself, take up his curiosity or appetite - and he will pop up, playful, as always, as if nothing happened.

Character: sensitive, dreamy, obedient instincts.
Element: Water.
Compatible zodiac signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Virgo.

Features of character: still be a kitten, a cat-fish demonstrates you your shameless nature. You will not be able to achieve any gentle persuasion from it, only by force. He produces his own own rules And lives according to them. If he decided to spend the day outside the house, no one and nothing lures it back. If you have come to take a break, he looked at the trash can or take a clay bowl, without worrying about what you say to it.

It happens that he falls asleep in the middle of the game, suddenly loses interest in the ball of wool, followed by a minute ago, falls asleep and sees dreams, in which the game continues, judging by the twitching of his paws. He has a soft character, he will not get angry if you wake it up. However, he studies on his mistakes, and next time she will try to better hide before falling asleep.

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The sign of the Aries is suitable for active cats with a direct or "Roman" profile, such as Siamese, sphinxes or Balinese cats. After all, it is known that the cats of the Siame-oriental breed, like people born under this sign of the zodiac, are very active, sociable and prompt. They meow a lot, have a large number of different intonations, the timbre of the voice in most Siamese cats hoarse and persistent.





This sign corresponds to the cats squat with rounded forms, such as Persians and exotoms. The nature of these cats is calm and balanced. It's believed that persian cats Pretty lazy, almost as well as their owners, who will be happy to sit on a soft cozy sofa with a warm and fluffy lump on his knees.


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Twins can be recommended sophisticated and high cats, such as Russian blue and Nibelung. By nature, these cats are sociable and not very demanding. For people of this sign, American national cat breeds are also suitable, including Maine-kuna, which are very friendly and moving.



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Cancer can start almost any cats, as the people of this sign as no other thanks and appreciate these pets. At the same time, astrologists advise to choose cat breed cancer derived from South Asia: Berman and Burmese Cat, Burmilla, Thai, Ceylon.

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The two most graceful breeds of cats are associated with the Lion's sign - Abyssinian and Somalia. Their gold color reminds Lviv themselves - the most royal predators from the Feline family. In general, this is very independent cat breeds, with self-esteem. At the same time, they are strongly tied to the owner and do not bring loneliness.

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The sign of the Virgin is associated with hybrid cat breeds. For example, a Bengal cat, obtained by crossing the home and Asian leopard rock, has a temperament at the same time a homely beast and wild animal. The Bengal cat is slim and elegant, besides very smart and intelligent.

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For the sign of the scales, Turkish Angoras will fit - elegant and elegant, which for a long time considered cats of aristocrats. Cats of this breed are intellectual and very inquisitive, most of their time spend in motion. Moreover, they move very gracefully and elegantly like ballerinas.





Scorpio sign is associated with hairproch features. Therefore, the field of its activities is cats with unusual wool. Such cats are quite a lot: without wool sphinxes in general (Canadian, Donskoy, Petersburg), Rex with curly wool (Kornish, Devon-, Herman, Oregon, Ural Rex). All these cats are so unusual, which is similar to the aliens from other worlds.


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For the Sagittarius, you can recommend rocks, with an unusual structure of the rear of the body. For example, there is a whole group of cat breeds with a very short and curved tail - Bobtails (Kuril, Japanese, Karelian). These short-eyed cats are very friendly and curious, and usually show dog habits - run after the toy, bring it, love to walk. In addition, they are very devoted to their owners.


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Capricorn sign is associated with the features of the structure of the limbs. Therefore, astrologers recommend such people to choose the cats of the breed of Macchin. These short-legged cats, which resemble a taxis, have a wonderful character - they are peace-loving, sociable and affectionate. Short paws of these pussies do not interfere with them to be shock and agile.





The Russian national cat breeds are associated with the Aquarius sign, and especially siberian cats, European shorthair cats, Siberians, don Sphynxes, Ural Rex, Kuril and Karelian Bobtails.

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Singapore cats can be attributed to the sign of fish. These little I. funny cats colors ivory They carry such a charge of cheerfulness and positive, which is quickly becoming pets and children, and adults. They can be at the same time very energetic, cheerful and unusually modest. Unfortunately, it is pretty rare breed Cats and it is not so easy to find.

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Contrary to the famous song that claims that cats are not like people, on the grounds that they go without clothes, something in common among cats and people are: both are those and others obey astrology laws. And if so - it makes sense, as one or another breed of cats correlates with the signs of the zodiac and that it follows from it.

The fundamental law of astrology - everything in the world is interrelated. There are twelve basic principles, to one of which can include any event, phenomenon, subject, and so on. So, the same principle includes the Sun, zodiacal sign Lion, Heart, Gold, Diamond, Spain, creative professions. It follows from this that a person with a strong sun in Leop has a direct meaning to do creative activity, wearing decorations of gold and diamonds and spend vacation on Costa del Sol - it will give him strength; In the case, if the sun is struck by him (for example, describes death circumstances, and even due to the indicator long journeys), There is a high probability that during the tour in Spain he has a heart attack right on stage.

Cats live with us near. According to statistics, they are in every second apartment. Naturally, they affect us, as they also enter the system of astrological correspondences - signatures.

The most important thing in determining these correspondences - Exterior of the breed. Heavy Type - Rounded Forms, Countrystone, Low Legs, Round Paws, Strong Bony - explicit signs Communication with earthly signs. Water signs are characterized by the average physique. Easy physique is characteristic of air and fiery signs. But that's not all.

There are three ways to form breeds. There are breeds that never existed in the "wild" form, but were derived from certain breeds-progenitor by many years of selection. Thus, British short-haired were derived from European shorthair, and in the formation of the type and colors, artificially derived Persian cats were used. In this case, you need to focus on the history of selection. There are so-called aboriginal rocks when the cat's population is recorded as a breed, characteristic of some terrain - the breeds of Norwegian forest, Maine-kun, Siberian and some others have occurred. We must think, such rocks are managed by the same astrological factors as the terrain that has breeding them. Finally, some breeds were the result of suddenly emerged genetic mutations. Such are American cerles, cats with curly tubes, and Scottish Folds, cats with hanging ears; A whole group of Recks - cats with a curly woman like a doodle and sphinxes - cats without wool; Macchin - a cat with short, like a basset or dachshund, legs; Kuril, Japanese, Thai and Karelian bobtail - cats with shortened and twisted tails and mane - cats without tail or 1-2 tail vertebrae. All of them are "a little of the Virgin", as Genetic mutations are managed by Planet Proserpina, having a monastery in this sign, and, moreover, they belong to the mark in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich mutation appeared on the body.


So, the sign of the Aries should include the cats strong, failed, with a direct or "roman" profile. Siamese and oriental cats are most clearly complied with such a characteristic, as well as their half-hearted varieties - Balinese and Yavalnesses. Siam possess a bothering character (this is a common opinion, a somewhat exaggerated, but some elevated excitability There is a place to be) and a hoarse voice (true truth, a gene that determines their characteristic color affects the timbre of voice). The owners of Siamov - people are usually taut, sports. By the way, and at the exhibitions of Siamov show, stretching the entire length that demonstrate the status. There is another breed, originating from Siamov and repeating their statics - St. Petersburg Sphinx, he is also a peculiar, a furious cat. Like all the furious cats, it is associated with Scorpio sign ( hair Pokrov - His sphere), but her difference from other Sphynxes is that Peterbolda is additionally connected with authentic. The head is connected with the Aries sign, therefore, all the breeds that have something unusual on the head, they are also related to this sign. Naturally, these are those breeds that differ unusual form Ear - American Cerla with as if on the curvatures of Scottish-Folded ears and Fold, which is still a very rare, missing Poodle-Ket breed - here the Wollency Scottish Fold was put on the curly wool of Rex and added long wool, resulting in something , really similar to the poodle). However, these breeds, together with the energies of the Aries, carry the energy of the signs of those breeds, in the type of which they are bred. Kerles are bred in the Type of Turkish Angor, and, therefore, they belong to the scales as well. Scottish Folds are diluted, crossing with Britain, and, therefore, they belong to the sign of the Taurus.


To the sign of the Taurus should belong to the cats heavy, with rounded forms, squat (in American English there is a very capable word "cobby", which describes this type). The most obviously, this type demonstrates the Persians and their short-haired variation - exotoms. For the fact that they are connected with this sign, says that sad fact that the Persians more often than other breeds is observed. urolithiasis disease - from the opposite of the Taurus Scorpio associated with urogenital system. Connected with Taurus and British short-haired cats are heavy, rounded, with a round head, cheeky. No wonder they were obtained with the help of many years of selection of European cats when mixing Persians.


To twins should be attributed light cats Type, on high limbssophisticated. It is very similar to the fact that the Russian blue and their half-legged version - Nibelung correspond to this sign. From the regions to the sign of twins include the United States and, therefore, all national American breeds in one degree or another carry the influence of twins. Of course, this is American shorthair and American rigid cats. Of the villains, this is the pride of the United States - Maine Coon. And, of course, all the results of the experiments of American fellinologists, such as a bombing short-haired cat or Ragdoll, carrying the influence of this sign to one degree or another.


A whole group of breeds originating from South Asia - Buman Cat, Burmilla (Buman Cat Colon Schinchilla), Snow-Shu (Siamese + American Shorthair Cat, resulting in a colorpoint with white legs), Tiffany (Halfood Berman Cat) , thinnez (initially - the grape of the Berman and Siamese cat, is now divorced as an independent breed, has an intermediate color between them), Thai (the fact that in the Soviet Union in the 60s-190s called Siamese cat - in fact, real Siams are completely different), Ceylon. There can also be attributed to the Sacred Burma. All of them, firstly, occur from regions under cancer, and, secondly, differ increased emotionality, sufficiently touchy. It must be said that the biological view of Felis Catus, or a home cat, in general, is associated with the sign of cancer and the moon, and therefore raks can safely start any cats.


Two breeds are associated with a sign of Leo - Abyssinian cat and her half-legged version - Somalia. This is evidenced by their characteristic color - Abyssinian Ticking, characteristic of wildlife It is for the king beasts. These are very independent beasts, with self-esteem. They are pulled out, in general, fairly facilitated, but not to such an extent as Siam. Very similar to the fact that those breeds in which the main thing is color, having rigidly defined colors or only one permissible color, are also associated with the lion. This is the Egyptian Mau, Oliquet, from the newest, recently recognized breeds - Toyer (Toy Tiger, that is, well, I wanted to create a cat, which would have completely repeated the color of the tiger with their color).


The sign of the Virgin is connected with both genetic mutations and interspecific crosses. Until recently, two breeds were recognized, which are such hybrids: Bengal Cat, obtained by crossing a cat with South Asian kamyshny cat Felis Bengalensis and Pixie Bob, obtained by crossing a cat with North American red trot (one more distinctive feature This breed is an excess number of fingers on the paws). But literally a few months ago, the Americans recognized several more such breeds: Howci, obtained by crossing the cat with Asian reed Felis Chaus, Safari - Cat hybrid with South American Cat Joffwru, Savannah - Hybrid with a serv. But the latest fashion squeak is obtained when viscating Pixie Bob with American Kerl with the participation of the Hausi Breed of Highland Links. Polydactic lynx with ears wrapped back. It is clear that the breed is extremely rare. There is in America, whether there is anything else - I do not know. Not so long ago, another natural interspecific hybrid was found in the Far East - cats with a wild Amur cat. These cats are now observed and, we hope, in a few years we will get another full-fledged, registered in the entire rules of the breed - Ussuri.


Turkish Angoras belong to the scales - elegant, elegant, long time considered cats of aristocrats. Imagine a cat-lady, ramp, snow-white (standard allows Angoras any colors, but definitely " business card"Breeds - white cat). The standard of rock requires a "combination of physical proportions with grace and flexibility."



Sign of the Sagittarius is associated with the features of the building of the rear body. There is a whole group of cat breeds with very short and, moreover, repeatedly curved, similar to the pompon's tail - bobtail. Bobtails are common in the east of Asia - on Kurilah (this is another pride of Russia - Kuril Bobtail), in Japan (the National Breed of Cats - Japanese Bobtail), and in East China and Thailand, cats often meet all kinds of hooks and nodes on the tail. Most likely, this is the same genetic mutation manifested in many cats in this region. Interestingly, the cats with such a tail are also found in the north-west of Russia (Karelian Bobtail), and on the small island of Maine, owned by the UK, there is another breed of parserous cats - Mens. The tail in the latter can be both curved and smooth. It consists of several vertebrae, and sometimes absent completely, up to the formation of a notch at the place of the tail.


Capricorn sign is associated with the features of the structure of the limbs. There is a mancin breed with short, like a taxa, legs. Very cute cute pussies, only low - Macchin can pass under the stomach conventional cat. When you see them for the first time, it seems that they do not know how to run at all, but in fact it is not. The beloved Poz Macchin is to stand on the hind paws, like a rabbit, and look into the distance.

Under the sign of Aquarius is Russia. Consequently, all Russian national rocks are associated with this sign. These are European short-haired cats, Siberians, Don Sphynx, Kuril and Karelian Bobtails, Ural Rex. Very interesting is the fact that Felinology is more actively developing in three countries related to the air trigon. It originated at the end of the nineteenth century in the UK, located under the sign of the scales (and in the UK, it is most conservative - the British created a kind of felinological canon and reluctantly go to the registration of new breeds, color, prohibit the breeding of a number of rocks based on mutations). During the entire twentieth century, Felinology has been actively developing in the US under the twins. And the approach to the creation of new breeds in the US is diametrically opposed to English - in the States, experiments are continuously underway to create new breeds and colors. In Russia, Felinology, as well as sex, was not until the mid-80s. Now it develops rapidly and goes along the same way that American Felinology - boldly experimenting with new rocks and colors, often ignoring well-established canons. Thus, a purely Russian, purely aquatic experiment one can consider the resolution of the Siamese color in the aboriginal breeds - Sibiryakov (such Siberians derived in St. Petersburg are called Nevskaya masquerade and are very popular) and Europeans (established felinological canons come from the fact that this color can only be found in the south Asia, and in other regions is a sign of breed mixing).


The sign of fish can be attributed the smallest cats - Singapores. Imagine a kitty weighing no more than two kilograms, with a round head, huge ears and eyes of the colors of the forest walnut, and even an amazing color is Sepia Aguti. The latter looks like this: the hair has an ivory color, but their tips (the most tips) - dark brown, because of what the cat seems to be silver.

Thus, if you want to start a cat, focus on your horoscope too. In this case, the cat will not only be your nearest friend, but also a magical assistant. She will support you, and you are her, and you will live together a long cat life.

In astrology, you can believe or not believe, you can choose a pet based on your experience or signs on your individual features Or a state of health, but you can just pick up a loss on the street and put the soul in it ...

In any case, whatever you are guided in your choice, you can always contact the good advice and qualified help of the Catus club's highly diffused breeders.

Club "Katus" combines lovers porn cats, assists in the acquisition of animals of the right quality, issues the pedigrees and championship certificates, conducts international tribal exhibitions, regularly organizes seminars and courses for breeders. The club's felinologists advise on the selection of a partner for a cat, to grow kittens and the competent content of adult cats and cats, on the exhibition career, are registered with the signnet.

Club "Katus" - We help, consult, learn, bring up, we promote everything that for the blessing of the cat, and therefore us.

Based on materials: http://www.astroguide.ru

Domestic pets always bring positive energy to the house. But how to choose the cat in your zodiac sign? In this you will help our article.


You suitable cat Or a cat with a very active character and, preferably, bright red color. Therefore, a migratory red kitten, especially if it is not long-chest - this is your choice. Redhead color can be one of several colors of the color, and maybe the only one. Red-haired cats, beliefs, attract love, but not only they find themselves happy.


For domestic calves, it is better to suit exactly cats, not cats: they are larger and usually lazy. Look at yourself the fluffy and preferably calm cutie. You can choose even a purebred long-haired Ragamafin, because you can take care of it as necessary. Yes, and in character, they are very peaceful and become literally members of the family.


Even twins who and without a cat will find their deeds, can bring happiness to the house if the four-legged pet is headed. Of course, it is advisable to choose a short-horse cat, because it does not need such careful care. You can go a bombing cat, despite your beautiful lumpy black wool. But keep in mind that it is curious no less than you!


Of course, a cute cancer, so attached to the homely hearth, only the most homely of all cats. therefore persian cats And cats are literally your choice. For a little more lazy and non-loving care for wool, exotes are suitable, just derived from the Persian breed. Color and breed you can have any, because all cats are associated with the house.

a lion

Capricious and seeking uniqueness, such as representatives of the lion sign, are suitable for the most exotic rocks, for example, Canadian Sphynx or fluffy and large Ma-kuns. Both of these breeds will require their owner's attention. You also suitable any Kitten with red or golden sandy color.


Representatives of this sign will suit the Scottish Fold Cats. Something they are similar to the character on the virgins themselves, since they are trouble-free and independent. It is important that they get along well with children, and they are not too long wool. You will also fit an ordinary tricolor cat.


The cat's ideal for weights is a Russian blue. They and aristocratic, and beautiful, and always come to contact with a person, and most importantly - useful affect the atmosphere in the house. The most important thing to choose a cat representatives of this sign of the zodiac is to domestic loves It was the most beautiful and graceful.


Scorpions can have a proud and recurrent Siamese cat. After all, you will understand each other perfectly, and from the most harmful kitten you will get the most cute domestic lovers. In fact, any kitten you chosen adapts to you, and you will definitely love it.


Full suitable breed For representatives of the sign Sagittarius - Munchkin, funny cats with short, like a tax, legs. They have a warm pleasant color and will delight their owners. In the nature you will be suitable for fun and active kittens, which, and already becoming adults, will retain their greeliness.


Egyptian Mau will not just attract your attention to himself - he will pull you out of everyday worries and routines, forcing only them. And it will be devoted only to you. For a variety, representatives of this sign in principle, active and cheerful pets are suitable, looking at which, they will more often think about something removed.


Aquarius is rarely economic and can be lazy to remove even by themselves. But this does not mean that they will not be able to start a fluffy pet. Orbatrous pets are quickly involved and, if desired, it is not bad for training. They will gain the mind of their owner and will help in new discoveries.


In color, the cat is preferably to start the dark, because they are more absorbed by energy. And yes, it is preferably a cat, and not a cat. So your pets will save you from many heavy thoughts and alarms. In general, be sure to listen to your flair - you and a kitten yourself choose each other.

Of course, if you already have a favorite, it is not necessary to refuse it in any way: after all, those whom we have chosen, we are already suitable. But you can more accurate what energy does your fluffy household carries in your house. Love your cats and do not forget to click on the buttons and

03.08.2016 07:05

Women in nature - hunters. They are often compared with cunning predates. And astrologers are not ...